tv Washington This Week CSPAN October 25, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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arizona, you could follow those teams for four years. >> olson, every four years he was in the final four. record.n amazing 26 straight years of going to the tournament. we are in the modern west conference, and all the sudden we go to the big 12. we are building a brand-new basketball arena. why? because our brand as basketball was nonexistent. if we are going to make any dent outside of exposure, we will have to hide this -- to have a facility to recruit the finest student athletes to compete at the highest level because we do not have a long history of ask a ball tradition, but if you have the shiny new penny, and hire the right coach, they do care. it is like bringing a student -- they built a brand-new physics building, they will be great in physics because they have the nobel peace prize winner. same concept in basketball.
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the saturation. when i was running a business in arizona, if we play a cbs game against kansas, they were not revenue-sharing. we must be big money. $25,000 for a sunday cbs game. but a game against washington $500,000.bc paid now we have focused so much on the tournament that in college football for moment, every game is critical. >> a cautionary tale. >> you have got 12 games. you're now watching the media going crazy from ok, wh'so's in, who's out. it is a six-month juggernaut of your stomach being tied. i bought a case of pepto-bismol. because you are drinking constantly going, what is going to happen this week? in college basketball you can run the league and win your tournament and get in.
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you can have a magical run and next thing you know you have a kosher got up a because everything is great. >> from a fans'perspective, i have interest as a fan in teams because i hear their storyline. ites about them over three seasons. it is not one and done johnny for all. so many people around america never knew that kevin durant played basketball at texas. people learned about kevin durand when he got into the nba. one of kevin durand had been there for four years? that product would've been interesting to watch as a casual fan versus just watching the tournament. >> the quality of basketball would have been better. >> no, right. productquality of the you're watching -- no offense, why would i watch task as --ketball -- texas? festival texas basketball? >> the one and one. -- the one and done. this has not been a phenomenon that is recent.
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andre iguodala. >> but it is getting worse. it is getting more pronounced in certain schools. 12 bestoing to pac football media day tomorrow, and i'm would have to buy it at the airport. if you go through the whole league, i can tell you who is coming back in washington state, not arizona, ucla, may be at usc, but this is my job. and i do not know. so the casual fans who has nine games to watch sure as heck is not going to know. by the time he does know, the guys gone. >> how many players have won the kentucky jersey -- have worn a kentucky jersey over the last five years? >> it is a different model for kentucky basketball just like it is for texas football. we are going to have to wrap this up. i want to close with a question to each of you. if you had to fix one thing aspect ofthe money
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or onee are heading thing that concerns you the most of the road where heading down, what is it? pete? >> i think one of the places where we are headed right now that's scary to me is that, and especially at the lower tier schools in the big five, as they struggle to build buildings, i think we could see a purge of nonrevenue sports in order to focus more money on the sports that matter financially most. i think that is a trend we are going to see in five years and i do not think that is good. >> i think if we go down the road of paying football and men's basketball players as the thets and their agents, trial lawyers would like us to do, and i have got plenty of friends that are trial lawyers, including my little brother. >> we are going to be put in a ofuation as a series
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enterprises that we're going to be forced to make that decision. goingnrevenue sports are to get illuminated. you are going to see schools asked go from 16 sports to the minimum to compete down to 12. i have sat in meetings for those kinds of conversations. and that's bad for the country, bad for a look at sports, bad for opportunities for people to get out of less requirements -- ympic sports. >> we cannot lose our voice. we have lost the opportunity for young people. focusing on finance today of two. if you think of college athletics, it's a failed business model in the way it is being interpreted in the courts. we have two revenue streams. and we are the largest feeder of athletes for the olympics. not only our own country but around the world. opportunities for students enross the spectrum have be
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phenomenal, but because america has an appetite for college allball, -- for basketball, of a sudden we're running a program to fund our entire athletic program. thank god we have that ability to provide opportunities for a lot of people. yet our voice is being lost by dia,l lawyers, in the me that says everyone deserves a piece of the pie when we are providing unbelievable opportunities for young people. ain has not left the station where we can at least regain some sanity in the amateurism model. >> patrick? >> as someone who played the sport, football has become too big in america, too overbearing, and it is dominated so much that i fear we are losing sight of some of the things that make our universities great, the broader sports programs, the opportunities for women. i do not just say that because i work at the olympic committee and we benefit from having robust programs that bring
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athletes to us, but we have athletes that come from sports that are not part of the university. it is an essential part of university life to have that sports program. what i hope to see is that, as more revenue comes into collegiate sports through football and basketball, hopefully some of that money will continue to filter into the world of olympic sport and women's sport to help promote that on campus. >> last word belongs to. >> i'm glad i'm going last. i agree with pete in that the notion of a broad-based athletic in some, it's becoming places already an endangered species. and i think you are seeing some of that kind of -- the whole disconnect of who the programs are for and what's the purpose are going onnts in students on turning away from going to football games. is it about entertainment and bread and services? or is it part of what college
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is, and whether or not that is going to happen or if it is just going to become heavily professionalized? , chris,, patricks steve, and pete, thanks for taking the time to join us today. we have another form coming up shortly. thanks for coming. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] >> tomorrow c-span's coverage of campaign 2014 continues with a live debate in the georgia governor race between incumbent republican governor nathan deal, democrat jason carter, the grandson of jimmy carter, and independent andrew hunt. 6:30 p.m.nning at six: p
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on c-span. >> a nurse who contracted ebola is back home in texas. treated at the nih clinical center in bethesda, maryland. she spoke briefly through orders about her experience. dr. anthony found she then took questions about her treatment and release. >> i will come and answer a few questions for you and then we'll get nina to go back home to texas to resume a normal, healthy, and happy life. nina? [applause] >> good afternoon. i feel fortunate and blessed to be standing here today. i'd first and foremost like to thank god, my family, and friends.
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throughout this ordeal i have put my trust in god and my medical team. i am on my way back to recovery even as i reflect on how many others have not been so fortunate. of course i am so incredibly thankful for everyone involved in my care from the moment i became ill and was admitted to texas health presbyterian hospital dallas. up to today my discharge from the pinnacle research center of n.i.h. i would especially like to thank dr. kent brantley for his selfless acts of donating plasma to me. as a nurse, i have a special appreciation for the care i've received from so many people. not just doctors and nurses, but the entire support team. i believe in the power of prayer because i know so many people all over the world have been praying for me. i do not know how i can ever thank you everyone enough for
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their prayers and their expressions of concern, hope, and love. i join you in prayer now for the recovery of others, including my colleague and friend amber vinson and dr. craig spencer. i hope that people understand that this illness and this whole experience has been very stressful and challenging for me and for my family. although i no longer have ebola, i know that it may be a while before i have my strength back. so with gratitude and respect for everyone's concerns i ask for my privacy and my family's privacy to be respected as i return to texas and try to get back to a normal life and reunite with my dog, bentley. thank you, everyone. [applause] >> thank you very much. before i open up for questions, i want to recognize two people who really helped us in linking
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with nina and getting to know her as essentially a member of our family here at n.i.h. that is nina's mother diana and her sister kathy. >> questions? >> how do you know she is virus free? what did you do for her while she was here at n.i.h.? >> well, we know she is virus free because we now have five negative, consecutive negative p.c.r.'s on her. i don't want anyone to take from that that is the norm and the standard that you could only guarantee someone's virus free if you do five. we did five because this is the research institution. that is not the norm. we provided her supportive care and that is something i've been saying all along that one of the most important things in
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bringing back an ebola patient to health is give them the kind of general medical support to allow their own body to fight off the virus and essentially get rid of the virus. >> [question inaudible] >> i would leave that up to her but it's not for me to answer right now. >> should americans or others returning from the ebola zone be forced into a more strict or mandatory quarantine? >> that is something that is right now under very active discussion and you'll be hearing shortly about it. about what the guidelines will be. i want to point out it isn't just the c.d.c. and the federal government but the states have an awful lot to say about what happens when people come in. you'll be hearing more about that. >> [question inaudible]
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>> i think i can repeat what we've been saying all the time. the way you get ebola is by direct contact with the body fluid of an ill individual. and if you don't have that, you do not have to worry about ebola. i think that's important to point out that you must separate the issue of the risk to a general public with the risk with brave people like nina and her colleagues. they're two different things. nina put herself in a situation where she knew it was a risk but because of her character and her bravery and that of her colleagues in the field, she happened to, unfortunately, get infected. that is a different story from the general public. she was with a very sick person. >> what have you learned by treating nina pham? what have you learned? what experimental drugs if any did you use and what can you teach other doctors such as dr. spencer in helping him recover?
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>> well, first of all, we did not administer to nina any experimental drugs while she was here under our care. we followed her. we have a considerable amount of laboratory data. remember this is only one patient. we are in contact and discussion with our colleagues at emory and at nebraska. we continually compare notes back and forth. and i think it's important for people to understand that there is a public health issue and there is the scientific issue of ,understanding what's going on that is essentially what we do here. primarily it's the care of the patient, first. but together with that is to learn information that might help others. now, that's easy to do when you have a whole bunch of people that you could collect data on. but what you have -- when you have one or two or three you have
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to focus very much and try to get enough information where gradually we'll be able to say things that will help others who are taking care of patients. that's the reason why we may have done different kinds of lab tests or more of them. that doesn't mean that everybody has to do that but we're trying to learn from that. >> why has it taken so long to get an ebola vaccine? there are reports today there was one ready for human testing a decade ago. >> there's a lot of reasons why when you say to get a vaccine you have to make sure you separate that from the vaccine candidate. because if you're saying the vaccine is something you could distribute, first of all, since ebola is a disease, that has outbreaks and then disappears, it is very difficult to be able to prove something except in the setting of disease, which we are actually trying very hard to do right now when we go from the phase one study when we show it's safe and that it induces a response you could predict
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would be protected. we are planning a larger efficacy trial that is ra randomized controlled trial to be able to do that as well as some other design. now in direct answer to your question, you might recall that we started on this ten years ago and we've done different iterations of improvements. one must appreciate that the incentive for a pharmaceutical company to get involved in putting a major investment to develop a vaccine for a disease that up until this outbreak has less than 2500 people infected, we did not have the kind of incentivization on the part of industry. we certainly have that now. so it was not essentially a scientific obstacle and it was not an obstacle of wanting to have one. it was the ability to actually bring all the cards together to get that. i don't, first of all, the funding is a very complicated issue. i think we should put it off the table because we are talking about what we're doing right now and we are on the way in the sense of we have the capability and the resources to do the trial that hopefully will start in the beginning of 2015.
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>> did anything point -- [question inaudible] >> you know, i don't want to make an absolute statement on that because remember she was taken care of by very good people in two separate hospitals. when she was in texas presbyterian she was in the process of doing better. she came to us and did better and better. we both supported her. i can't pinpoint in one patient what was the turning point. the one thing we're happy about is the turning point occurred. that is conceivable but you can't heard that. the question was if the plasma transfusion from dr. kent bradley -- certainly that could be the case but remember when you have so many separate factors, at the same time, going into
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the care of a patient, and the -- it is virtually impossible to say this is the thing that did it and this is the thing that didn't do it. it goes impossible to do. i'm not trying to evade it. that's the reason why you want to do clinical studies where you can actually get that information so that the next time we have an outbreak or maybe even during this outbreak we can say, this is the recommendation because we know it works. at this point, everything is experimental. that's what we're trying to do is take the experimental and make it evidence. >> nina, we are so happy you're well. congratulations. i want to ask specifically about the w.h.o. reports about 70% of those with ebola in west africa die because of the virus. what explains the speedy recovery of someone like nina pham and amber vinson the other nurse? >> again, i wish i could give you the answer to that question. but we don't know.
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i can tell you the things as a physician, what goes into a patient getting better. it is anything from she's young and very healthy, number one, number two, she got into a health care system that was able to give her intensive care early. number two, she was then transferred to another health care system which was able to give her everything that she needed. that's the one of the reasons that almost common sense tells you that that contributed. how can you relate that to 70% versus this percent? it's impossible. >> dr. fauci, what is nina's prognosis, a hundred percent she is cured? any long lasting effects? >> well, first of all, when, she is cured of ebola. let's get that clear. okay? that's for sure. now, long lasting effects? when you have -- i'll give you an example. a few years ago i had bad influenza. and influenza is trivial
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compared to ebola. even though i got back up and went to work, i was feeling tired and worn down so i wouldn't be surprised if over a period of time anyone who has had the experience of recovering from ebola would take time to get their full strength back. she will. whether she gets it back next week or two weeks i don't know. that's her. and she's such an incredible lady she is going to do it quickly. >> along those lines, are there any restrictions right now on nina's travel, where she can go, who she can talk to, who she can see? and how does she travel back to dallas? will this be a private charter? >> i would have to leave that confidential right now. because that is something personal and private. i don't want to have hordes on her. she asked for her privacy. we'll give her her privacy. >> can you talk a little about the communication with nina's family throughout this process? was she allowed to talk to them
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and how closely did you relate information about her condition to them as this unfolded? >> we have a system in there that is easy to communicate. you know, we, the family talked by phone, by face time, and things like that. so when i'm not going in the room, i'm just coming by to say hello she taught me how to use face time. one more and then we have to get her off and home >> as a public health care professional how confident you that hospitals are getting the procedure so other health care workers won't end up like nina? >> as you probably have noticed there is a very strong, aggressive, educational effort going on that is led by the federal government, the c.d.c. playing a major role in that. we're doing telecoms, a variety of things trying to educate
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more people and also make sure we have people trained, retrained, practiced, people who have the capability of recognizing, identifying, and isolating. all of that is really getting scaled up. thank you all very much. we appreciate you being here. >> are you going to miss nina? >> i'm going to miss nina a lot. i gave her my cell phone number just in case i get lonely. >> we love you, nina. [applause] [cheering] >> in his weekly address, president obama explains the administration's response to ebola, and u.s. house candidate in the texas 23rd district will hurd delivers the republican
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address. >> hi, everybody. this week, we remained focused on our fight against ebola. in dallas, dozens of family, friends and others who had been in close contact with the first patient, mr. duncan, were declared free of ebola -- a reminder that this disease is actually very hard to catch. across dallas, others being monitored -- including health care workers who were most at risk -- were also declared ebola-free. two americans -- patients in georgia and nebraska who contracted the disease in west africa -- recovered and were released from the hospital. the first of the two dallas nurses who were diagnosed -- nina pham -- was declared ebola free, and yesterday i was proud to welcome her to the oval office and give her a big hug. the other nurse -- amber vinson -- continues to improve as well. and in africa, the countries of senegal and nigeria were declared free of ebola -- a reminder that this disease can be contained and defeated. in new york city, medical personnel moved quickly to
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isolate and care for the patient there -- a doctor who recently returned from west africa. the city and state of new york have strong public health systems, and they've been preparing for this possibility. because of the steps we've taken in recent weeks, our cdc experts were already at the hospital, helping staff prepare for this kind of situation. before the patient was even diagnosed, we deployed one of our new cdc rapid response teams. and i've assured governor cuomo and mayor de blasio that they'll have all the federal support they need as they go forward. more broadly, this week we continued to step up our efforts across the country. new cdc guidelines and outreach is helping hospitals improve training and protect their health care workers. the defense department's new team of doctors, nurses and trainers will respond quickly if called upon to help. new travel measures are now directing all travelers from the
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three affected countries in west africa into five u.s. airports where we're conducting additional screening. starting this week, these travelers will be required to report their temperatures and any symptoms on a daily basis -- for 21 days until we're confident they don't have ebola. here at the white house, my new ebola response coordinator is working to ensure a seamless response across the federal government. and we have been examining the protocols for protecting our brave health care workers, and, guided by the science, we'll continue to work with state and local officials to take the necessary steps to ensure the safety and health of the american people. in closing, i want to leave you with some basic facts. first, you cannot get ebola easily. you can't get it through casual contact with someone. remember, down in dallas, even mr. duncan's family -- who lived with him and helped care for him -- even they did not get ebola. the only way you can get this disease is by coming into direct contact with the bodily fluids of someone with symptoms. that's the science. those are the facts. sadly, mr. duncan did not survive, and we continue to keep his family in our prayers.
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at the same time, it's important to remember that of the seven americans treated so far for ebola -- the five who contracted it in west africa, plus the two nurses from dallas -- all seven have survived. let me say that again -- seven americans treated; all seven survived. i've had two of them in the oval office. and now we're focused on making sure the patient in new york receives the best care as well. here's the bottom line. patients can beat this disease. and we can beat this disease. but we have to stay vigilant. we have to work together at every level -- federal, state and local. and we have to keep leading the global response, because the best way to stop this disease, the best way to keep americans safe, is to stop it at its source -- in west africa. and we have to be guided by the science -- we have to be guided by the facts, not fear. yesterday, new yorkers showed us the way.
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hey did what they do every day -- jumping on buses, riding the subway, crowding into elevators, heading into work, gathering in parks. that spirit -- that determination to carry on -- is part of what makes new york one of the great cities in the world. and that's the spirit all of us can draw upon, as americans, as we meet this challenge together. >> good morning. my name is>> will hurd and my hope is to be named the next representative of the 23rd congressional district of texas. like you, i want to get this mess in washington cleaned up once and for all. for too long, we have had in administration that spends too much, listens too little, and thinks the answer to every question is more government. but when we cannot trust the government to protect our economy, secure our borders, or provide basic services to our veterans, we know something has to change. the president expects you to go to the polls and sit the people who stuck with him. the politicians
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who helps keep obamacare, he wants you to stick with politicians that would help you block solutions that would create jobs. he said it -- these are folks who vote with me. don't we want representative who vote with us? don't we want to center washington leaders who can focus on getting things done? have been overseas as an undercover officer with the cia, eyewitness folks struggling for freedom and stare down those trying to end our way of life. working in the private sector, helping companies to compete globally, i see how our government is threatening our economic security. we need to clean up the mess created by debt and waste by balancing our budget and simplifying the tax code. i need to reduce the burdens of middle-class families and small business owners who are trying to achieve the american dream. we will ensure our ability to be energy independent and we will make border security, countering drug traffickers and fighting cyber criminals a national intelligence priority. it's time we came together to do
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these things. america does not need more politicians who vote in lockstep with the president. we need new energy and a new vision to keep our country strong at home -- and a board. this is the opportunity face and 10 days time. this is our moment. let stand together and take our government back from the bureaucrats and put the power where it belongs -- in the hands of the people. thank you for listening. c-span, created by america's cable companies 35 years ago and brought to you as a public service by your local cable or satellite provider. joining us this week is the former fcc commissioner meredtih atwell baker, the new president and cto of ctia, the wireless association. commissioner, tell us about your association. who do you represent, what du
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