tv Georgia Senate Debate CSPAN October 27, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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wall street and big banks have ever seen. now martha coakley has a plan to build an economy that works for everyone. so people get the skills they need to succeed, invest and in roads and bridges and mass transit and creating regional economy so every area of the state can thrive. she is not the insiders choice. she is hours. >> governor, dad? that is optimistic. numberade massachusetts one in job creation. made it the best health care company. >> you are pro-choice and bipartisan. >> bipartisan is what we need. we can make massachusetts great and create jobs by controlling spending and requiring work for welfare. >> more jobs? confident. >> no problem. i have done it before. >> c-span has more than 100
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debate for the control of congress. follow us on twitter and like us on facebook. on the next washington journal, mike duggan of the american coalition for clean coal energy discusses weikel and the obama administration's climate action coal and theool -- obama administration's climate action plan. she looks at a plan to spend $40 million on the midterm elections. plus your phone calls, facebook post, and tweets. every morning at 7 a.m. on c-span. tuesday a discussion on infrastructure investments with the army corps of engineers commanding general. live coverage from the north
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american strategic infrastructure leadership for him. -- forum. c-span student cam video competition is underway, open to all middle and high school students to create a documentary on the theme, the three branches and you, showing how a policy, law, or action by the legislative or judicial branch of government has affected your community. there are 200 cash prices -- prizes totaling $100,000. for a list of rules and how to get started go to student the senate race in georgia. runner is to replace the retiring senator. the political reports list the race as a tossup.
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this debate is an hour. the 2014 atlanta press club young debate series, brought to you live from georgia public broadcasting. the race for united states senate. >> we would like to welcome you to thisstudio audience series. this is the debate between the seven. let'sr u.s. beat the candidates. ceo ofe the former dollar general and reebok. amanda swafford is an attorney and former councilwoman. let's meet our panelists. the statehouse correspondent for the social is -- for the
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associated press. and danielards malloy is the washington, d.c., correspondent for the atlanta journal-constitution. this debate will consist of three rounds. for more on the rules visit daniel malloy you get the first question for mr. purdue. >> two of the biggest drivers are medicare and social security. what would you do about these programs if elected? would you raise the retirement age, or should we get the private sector more involved? >> it is why i get involved. this is unconscionable. debt.e almost doubled the in the last two years we will do that. those unemployment liabilities combined with our current debt
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is over $1 million per household. a long timeto take to solve this. the other thing is the interest on this debt. we have to do a couple things with social security and medicare. alreadyto protect those drawing benefits. we then have to look to the beginnings of those programs where people are entering the workforce and how the formula that will sustain itself over their lifetime will work so that they get in the point when they need those benefits they will be able to work themselves. >> thank you. >> your turn to ask a question of amanda swafford. >> you are arguably the most important person in this race right now. a lot of people have focused on david perdue and michelle nunn, but if the race is as close as it is and will likely go to a runoff, what would you tell
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undecided voters about how to evaluating david perdue and michelle nunn? you run to win, but if there is a runoff, what do you tell voters about how to evaluate the two? >> i am going to be looking at the candidates during the runoff and at their prospective hearties, and i am going to be looking at their private sector theyience and the things have done while serving in the private sector and looking at those concerns during the runoff. faxed to listen to your answer it sounds like you think there is definitely going to be a runoff. >> i believe that is what polling is telling us. i remain optimistic georgia will take a stance to understand the power and responsibility to change the way we have been doing government lies in their hand. >> your time to ask a question. >> you played an integral role
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in the merger that resulted in at least 90 people losing their jobs, saying in an interview the losses were necessary to have the strength and successes of today. one of your major attacks has been loss of jobs. what obligation does corporate america have to its workers? ask a queue. >> thank you. mrs. grey to be here. i believe we have a responsibility to try to be the steward of the organizations we run. every organization i have run i have made stronger than when i took over. you try to be the best steward of that organization and the employees who work there. i was fortunate enough to be at the helm of points of light, and we were able to ensure we the largest was now
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volunteer organization dedicated to service in the world, and i am very proud of that record. i compare it to david perdue's record. he spent the majority of his career outsourcing jobs. i question whether that is the criteria we want in a person he was for senate. when the head of dollar general there were 2000 women not paid equitably. >> you have 30 seconds. is a desperate attempt to distract people away from the truth. atm proud of my record dollar general. we created tens of thousands of jobs. we created 2500 stores. i work very hard to help people from payday to payday.
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this government is still causing us to lose jobs. that is why i want to go to the senate. i want to be a champion for jobs, not a rubber stamp for barack obama. >> that seemed to be directed at you. would you like a triad that? that has been said over and over again in ads that you would he a rubber stamp for president obama. >> i don't believe that is the first time you will hear that or the last time. this is moving from the actual shipping jobs overseas, so when i think about a realase i think about contrast we have, and it is between someone who spent their life right here in georgia building communities and someone who has spent the majority of their career outsourcing jobs. >> i will give you one last chance. >> these are not based on facts.
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i have created and saved tens of thousands of jobs. a lot of people who have their jobs are having trouble finding the jobs. to get that government policies out of the way. releasedt the energy to get this economy going. >> that concludes the first round. the candidates will have an opportunity to ask questions to both opponents. each will have 60 seconds to respond and 30 seconds for a rebuttal if necessary. you go first. your question to michelle nunn. >> last week the democratic hearty -- party release fires that highlighted the ferguson encouraged black individuals to go out and vote, and you said, we needed to have
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a conversation about that. i would like to know whether you support or condone the use of those flyers to encourage blacks to go out and vote in this race. >> i said we do need a conversation. ferguson, ict upon think about it from the mother's perspective. michael brown, someone who is just a few days away from going to college, and you think about what is our responsibility as a democracy to make sure all of our young people are cultivated and supported and treated equally under the law, so i think it merits a conversation. gives anink it opportunity to talk about the kind of society we want, where everybody has a voice, where everybody lifts up that voice and makes it known in the voting booth. i think it is important that we and inspireage,
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people. i have spent a good deal of the last months trying to figure out how we make sure their vote matters. >> your question for david her do? >> can i get a rebuttal? sure that answers my question. >> yes, and then we will move on. >> i am not sure whether you are supporting or opposing? are you supporting or disapproving the use of those flyers to encourage black individuals to vote for the democratic candidate? >> i am focused on getting as many people out as possible to vote. i spent time with john lewis. fact we wantut the to make sure we are urging everyone to use this right that is so precious and we need to be responsible to those who have come before us and we need to recognize all of us have an opportunity to make a difference through our vote. >> we will
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leave it there. your question to david perdue. >> my question deals with the first amendment right and the internet and citizen journalism. we have diane find than looking andegulate internet loggers license them. we had a situation where we had an individual blogger who was removed from that political event, and we haven't really heard anything from you in terms of how you handled that situation. if we send you to washington as a senator, how are you going to handle first amendment issues as it relates to citizen -- nalists >> that's it for the question. we have such great rights and privileges in this country. the first amendment, the second amendment, but the bill of rights, the constitution.
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i am absolutely going to stand up for our constitution. i believe the president is a bashing it. i believe the first amendment is under threat. you saw the democrats planning to pass a law about that a few weeks ago. in my opinion are great liberties are in jeopardy. if you look at what the republican party stands for, i think american economic opportunity, limited government, individual liberty. to values i got i will take washington to defend those values and fight for our first amendment. >> you have 30 seconds to rebut. you have 30 seconds to respond. >> in terms of our first amendment, the fcc is trying to
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standte. are you going to up to the first amendment in a more substantial way then we saw you stand up to them in north georgia? hewe're going to stop it. gets one question. it is your chance to ask a uestion. >> michelle, glad to be with you again. president obama said he is not on the ballot but his policies are. as you support obama care, amnesty, and economic policies that have failed and actually generated more people out of work in any time since jimmy carter was president, is in a vote for you just like a vote for barack obama? ask i was with a farmer and he said, you need to tell david or do if he wanted to run against harry reid he should have moved to nevada.
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against the to run president, he should have run for president. i have said there are lots of things i agree with the president on and lots of things i disagree on. that me tell you a few of those things. i believe it should have moved forward with the keystone pipeline. i believe his administration has to ourresponsible cuts military. i believe the president should have done more to address our long-term debt. i think we should move forward with minimum wage and bipartisan immigration reform. i do not agree with the president as some sort of rubberstamp. i have said clearly i'm going to be an independent voice for georgia, and we will work with whoever the president is to do what is best for georgia. >> it is interesting. that is not what the president
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was saying. he was on the radio saying he to geteople of georgia you elected so he could continue his good works. it seems if you want to help the military you would stand up for our veterans instead of saying he would defer to the president after the failure of the veterans administration. to talk about farmers after you rated it number 18 is hypocrisy. >> you have a chance to ask a question. >> led to be here with you. big government policies are decimating entire industries. obama care is keep thirds of small businesses from hiring people. do you agree more governmental less opportunity? >> the more government we have the less opportunity we have for individuals to engage and enter into our free market enterprise system.
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the less opportunity we have for individuals to become engaged, the less opportunity we have for everyone to get involved in, so absolutely big government is not the solution. governmentd in local voting against big government solutions. i have a record of doing that. i don't want to rearrange big government. think bige, i don't government works. everything big government tries to do, it never does well at all. that is all we have gotten out of the leadership that congress. they never give us anything that gives back more of our freedoms we deserve in this country. that is the right of the federal government, to give the rights we deserve. >> you have 30 seconds to rebut. >> big government is stifling entrepreneurism and growth. regardless of your party, if you
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believe in economic opportunity, individual liberty, economic freedom, and limited government, i hope you will stand with me and help us take our country back. >> your turn to ask a question. >> in 1992, he moved to asia to head up operations. you said you built it from the ground up. shortly after 500 people lost their jobs. you said people who question the outsourcing career you have don't understand business. could you tell us and the people just at their jobs little more about business? >> first of all, here we go again. misstating the facts. i went to asia to open asia to all of the divisions to help sell products over there. it was a global organization in
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most countries. there was no connection to any jobs. that was an entirely different division. it had nothing to do with what we were doing. my opponent knows that, but here is the problem. this is a distraction. this is what is wrong with politics. we get this every time we have a race. here is the truth. this president's failed policies are hurting men and women in georgia, and you know that. you haven't said one thing you would do to create jobs. let me ask you a question. do you own an iphone? do you outsource jobs? computer? an apple do you outsource jobs? i went to be a champion for the working people of this state. to respond.s >> the facts are very clear. they are in a deposition under oath that you said you spent the majority of your career outsourcing.
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there were 16 different countries listed when you created jobs, india, pakistan, china, and whether it is sara lee -- you have a pattern here of outsourcing jobs. i think that is a question of you run on a business career, some people deserve to know what that involves. i haven't eight point plan around job creation, and i am the only one who does. >> let me just say this. we created almost 20,000 jobs in about four years, yet we outsourced every single product we sold in our stores, almost all in the united states. i am proud that we helped our customers get from payday to payday and provided great opportunities to provide for families every day. >> let's move on. because into this race
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i believe we need to change and fight the gridlock and dysfunction in washington. ofave talked about a variety ways of doing that, including mandating congresspeople don't get paid unless they pass an annual budget or that congressmen are precluded from going on to become lobbyists. can you share some of your ideas for what we need to do to fight gridlock in washington? >> one thing we can start doing is fighting individuals and not into the party system. another important thing we can do is understanding government is not always the answer to the problems we have, and it's to become more self-reliant and to get back to what can we do through the private sector as individuals and not always looking to government to solve every problem we have. i think that is a paramount difference we need to get back
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to and bring back more of the responsibility individuals have had for so long. the is the original part founding fathers always believed in the individual. >> you have 30 seconds to respond. >> i believe the way we fought gridlock is to believe there can be good ideas on both sides of the aisle. david has talked about the fact he actually said he was bored by my bipartisan conversation, and he said he couldn't think of a single democratic idea he could work together on, and i think ultimately we have someone here who has said he wants to perpetuate the gridlock that already exist. >> what do you have to say? >> hypocrisy abounds. the source of gridlock is not republicans in congress. it is harry reid. there are 300 bills waiting for
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his approval. when i look at the direction of this country i am very concerned because political doubles big doesn't create one single job. it doesn't answer one question the people are asking, and that is when are we going to get government working again. >> i will give you a shot at that. >> i believe until you send people -- republicans who are going to work together, or democrats, that we are going to have the continued gridlock. i don't believe it's one party or the other. i believe it has to be both sides coming together. i believe we have a contrast. i don't take it is about prosecutors the other party. i think it is about problem solving. >> i disagree. when you have a failed presidency you have to prosecute it because we deserve better than we are getting right now. when we look at the direction of this country we have to make a
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right-hand turn. the direction of this country is turning. i want something that will get our people working again and secure national security around the world and have consistent foreign policy. i will work with anyone who will help me do that. >> if you are just joining us, this is the debate between the candidates for u.s. senate. i am going to ask a question submitted by the public and turn for thee panelists question. our first constituent question comes from kathleen martin. she is a great-grandmother from covington, and she would like to know, can they say something good about their opponent. you start. >> amanda, i am grateful for your courage and joining the race and for standing by your ideals and values, and i have a
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lot of admiration for that. i know you are doing that while continuing to work and how much hard work that is. david also for your commitment to public service. i think we all owe a debt of gratitude to those willing to be in the arena. ofalso share a variety different family relationships. i know you are as proud of your family as i am of mine, and someone recently told me something i didn't know about you, which is that you have a very good golf game. >> her dad is flying again. again.g amanda, i respect you so much. standing up for liberty and the individual. i respect that, and we need more of that in america. i think both parties have to pay attention to that right now. eyes -- i respect you are working while you are trying to do that. this is a hard game. michelle, i respect you are a working mother. you have a great family anybody would pray for.
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i love your heart. i love your brain. i love your family. we just disagree on the policies, that i like what you have done in your career, and i respect you for that. >> you have a wonderful team working for you. a very solid team, and i respect a lot of the individuals working for you. you have organized a great team. nunn, it is wonderful to share the state with a woman running for senate. it's great to share the stage as one of only three women ever state of in the georgia. >> charles edwards, your turn to ask a question. but my question is for mr. perdue and for ms. nunn. time on a lot of
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outsourcing and jobs and the economy. if i am at home watching this don't have a job, what realistically, given the next soate term can be done businesses can do what they need to do to thrive and people can get jobs so the unemployment rate goes down? what should be done? the seminalhat is question of this election. along, longall before she had an opponent last year, we were talking about how to get the economy going. do,e are many things we can but there are three priorities. you have to cut spending, and you have to solve the tax problem. we are the only country with a repatriation tax. it is not a partisan issue.
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i really believe we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. the second thing is we are overregulated and overtaxed. if we pull back these regulators small businesses will take off. we have to unlock our energy resources to fulfill our mission to provide a better life for our kids and grandkids. >> we actually-- agree on some of those things. i think we need to make sure we are alleviating regulatory burden on small businesses. i think we need to make sure we are reforming our tax code. righttion and investment you're at home. i think we need to continue to invest in infrastructure, which we know is an important part of economic development. i also think we need to raise the minimum wage. are looking at what we can do in congress to make sure everybody working has the
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capacity to be self-sufficient. i think this is a place where we disagree. i asked whether or not he believes we should raise >> mr. perdue, go ahead. >> a perfect example of what happens when someone who has not been in business answering questions about how you feel jobs. she went right away to the minimum wage. it comes around every four years. right now, i want her to answer the question, if you raise the minimum wage 40%, which person would you tell is going to lose a job? that's the last think we need to do when we are trying to get the economy going. >> we disagree with the economics and it does not mean i do not understand business. you tell the people of georgia
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that if they do not understand business, but we do. i understand what it means to raise the minimum wage. in states where they're raised the minimum wage, they have greater growth. as you has right now, know, the highest unemployment rate in the nation. or two, thosehing of us who disagree, about business. >> christina cassidy, your turn. >> on the topic of the corporate tax rate, you have both said a lower tax rate is needed to make companies more competitive with the rest of the world and mrs. swafford you called to eliminate it and it would result in less revenue. what would you cut in order to make a lower corporate tax rate possible? for all of you. >> you go first. >> for all of the candidates.
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cut to makewould i the corporate income tax down to zero work? i do not think we actually have to -- to make that corporate income tax work, that is part of the fair tax which is a program that has a lot of widespread support and a lot of research behind it. it is a program that shifts the taxation down to a consumption-based tax. with that, it eliminates the corporate income tax. tax of national sales sorts and that's a strong program i have been involved for a very long time, working to go in that direction. i believe certainly we can go even stronger with that and do away with all federal income taxes and give back to a system that our founding fathers ofisioned to have the states
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the tax system so that taxes are apportioned based on population according to the state. in repealing the 17th amendment and getting back to more representation for taxation. >> it is a great question. it is one of the ways we have gridlock in washington and every time we talk about reducing or increasing taxes, one side once spending cuts. and i a unilateral debate do not think it is the real one. the corporate tax rate creates an unlevel playing field for the rest of the world as does the root appreciation -- repatriation tax. ,f you change the refrigeration it will go back into the economy and create jobs. if you take it to zero or a nominal number, there are states that say because of the economic growth, it offsets is self. we generate 21 days of expenditures.
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i really believe that economic growth is the way out of the problem to create a level playing field around the world to create more jobs at home. >> mrs. nunn? wouldgree by cutting we create economic growth and opportunity and our own country and it is the right thing to do. i think it is an example of where democrats and republicans could work together. i differ about the fair tax. it would mean 30% plus tax on things like your groceries, milk , everything. it will mean more than 50% of georgians would end up paying $4000 more in taxes. people enter the very top, the top 1%, would be paying less. -- we need mutual reform. is notcalled fair tax
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fair to the majority of georgians. >> daniel, your turn. >> one of the first decision you have to make is who will be your party's leader. would you vote for harry reid? would you vote for mitch mcconnell? and when you vote for? democratd vote for the that would get things done and in the best interest of georgia. i really do believe that we needed to hold leadership accountable and washington has been dysfunctional and the leadership there needs to continue to change if we are going to get something done. nothing willt really get done and the senate until we have people on both sides working together. neither party is going to approach a 60 votes no matter who controls the senate, whether mitch mcconnell or harry reid. until we have a center in the senate and enough people that
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say they are going to work with the spirit of moderation, pragmatism, common sense and for the georgia first above party, we'll continue to have the same gridlock we have today. >> mr. perdue? resolved insame we two thousand eight at 2012 by president obama when he said i will bring all of you together and i will work with the other party in a bipartisan way and cut the debt in half. he has not done anything on all of those. my point is the democrats are blaming republicans in the house and they talking about bringing civility to washington. not one democratic wooded accounts obamas -- voted against obamacare. over 300 bills on his desk and he will not let them go to debate. it is a single source of gridlock in washington. why is he doing it? it allows the president to run
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this country without congress with executive orders. the best example is the epa. the epa is killing jobs and needs to be pulled back. >> i am now voting for any of the existing leadership a cause they're all doing a dismal job. absolutely dismal. i am not hanging out and visiting with any of the leadership in congress. i have not talked to any of them and i am not friends of any of them. i am not supporting any of them right now. i will be supporting or not voting for any of them. a lot can happen between now and when the senate begins in session. we have to see quiz going to be controlling the senate. it really makes no difference. all we know is that both parties have trolled us for decades. ultimately, that is what your vote comes down to. -- both parties have controlled us for decades.
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do you want to turn to big cover met every time there's a crisis that big government every time want is a crisis -- do you to turn to big government every time there's a crisis or should it lay with you, the individual? the solicited input from public and all i heard it how disappointed people is with the tone and content of the advertising. if you look at yours, mr. sheuce -- mr. perdue's, cannot wait to rubberstamp for president obama. people wonder if you are disappointed and maybe a little embarrassed by the half-truths part of this process? >> absolutely. i have been a business guy all of my life and it is a terrible process. i do not think it generates the best outcome. big money, the drive to get reelected is one of the problems in washington. i have fought over the past year to bring term limits to the
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discussion and i am dedicated to do that. if i go to washington, i will fight for term limits. i believe we have a broken system. people are very disappointed with the divisive and just divisive and -- arrogant nature of some of these ads. it is now moving to the dialogue of how do we move forward. real, hardng solutions like creating jobs and ouring our economy, cutting expenses. we have $480 billion that we need to get after and cut. the process is a lousy process. suggestionly had a to change the process. theallenged david to keep outside money from georgia. let's do something different. within a few hours, you said no, we are not going to do that.
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millions and millions of dollars coming in for negative advertising. i said we need campaign reform especially groups clement in and spend millions of dollars without us knowing who they are. i do want to point out that to the winner of the most egregious ad of the campaign, not just in georgia but in the entire united states of america has been given to you, david, for saying president george h w but -- bush's group gave money to a terrorist group. in the actual hall of fame of pants on fire. >> this is what people have seen at home. she is correct in the sense that people who have judge in this is not part of the campaign said it was misleading and what was in her campaign memo is presented
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in the advertisement. >> it is right in the memo. it was in the memo. here's the other part of what you are not getting straight. michael bloomberg put $350,000 fight againstto our second amendment rights. you have millions of dollars given to you outside liberal parties who want to come and steal the selection. the i look at the race, outcome is too important for our country and direction for us to bigger about ad -- bicker about ads. i want to talk about how to get our veterans treated right. and whether president who is leading us from the front with the direction that we all believe in. congress is totally dysfunctional and i agree. i think i can make a difference.
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with only 10 people without -- with this experience, i can add to the dialogue about creating jobs. who do you want, somebody was been there and done it as someone who talks about it theoretically? bedavid, your expense would unique. you would be the only person who said they spent the majority of their career outsourcing jobs. running no excuse for an ad that has been called shameful and despicable. no matter what the rationale is, you really cannot justify that. let's talk about veterans and farmers. i have spent much of my career supporting veterans and a good part of this campaign talk about farmers. you're missed represent that your misrepresentation -- your misrepresentation, i have a set of issues that talk about farmers and veterans. there is nowhere on your website where you address farmers or veterans. let's do have a dialogue, but be
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clear about who has won the hall negativity.n chance to have a respond. charles, you can ask a question. >> i wanted to piggyback and. and howd about pacs people -- ads and how people are frustrated. david perdue, you said we should not focus on the ads. went out about it how you do michelle nunn is a rubber stamp and that is something you talked about in the debate. in her answer, she talked about things she agrees with the president on and disagrees with the president. i want to see how you can continue to call her a rubber stamp if she tells you about both things. daniel asked you about would you support harry reid and you talked about what you want to
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leadera senate majority or someone leading the democrats and it is good to hear you talk about the characteristics. right now, it is harry reid and that is who people see in terms of agenda. do you see harry reid asked someone who has the characteristics and so what you would vote for? >> thank you, charles. barack obama hand-picked michelle and he recruited her and he has funded her. do you think she will bite the hand that feeds her? she raised millions through his network and brought advisers a he hired one for political r for ebola. the cza obama inad michelle town and a hillary and bill clinton has been in town. it seems to me that we need an outsider to affect change. we keep talking about gridlock but we do not look at the cause,
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it is harry reid blocking the bills that allows the president to do it measurable damage to our economy. and in the next two years, who knows how many federal judges will be nominated. i think the people of georgia leads to be serious about naming the next u.s. senator from all of those perspectives. >> can you give us a yes or no about harry reid? >> cannot answer this? -- can i answer this? no one has been feeding me by hand. i have spent maybe 45 minutes of my league -- life with president obama. bush's point of light program. and i spent time with my father as an advisor who understands bipartisanship and working together across party lines is part of getting something done. again, the accusations of rubberstamp are just completely
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distortion. happy to go to the question. so, you all know that we cast your vote in the senate, you have to figure out who actually is going to be represented. right now, i think there are real reasons to say to have reread and mitch mcconnell that we needed to do something different. reason to say to harry reid and mitch mcconnell that we need to do something different and i would say that. i have told harry reid no stop when i started the race, harry reid asked me not to run. i said it was all due respect, i will make the decision along with the people of georgia. i know how to say no to senator reed and will work together with those when possible. that contract to david who said he was not a vote for mitch mcconnell what he went right up
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there when he got the nomination and said he would be a team player for senator mcconnell and the republican party. i will be a team player for georgia. >> i want to go back to one thing that is a misquote and i want to get the record cleared up. in that deposition, if you go nevert, michelle am a it said i outsourced jobs. not one time. it never said i outsourced jobs. that is what we got from obama in 2008 and 2012. i want to clean it out. >> the distinction is you are not moving jobs out -- but sourcing overseas? >> into the dollar general, printed 20,000 jobs in 40 years -- we created 20,000 jobs in 4 years. par of the conversation that i outsourced jobs and they know it
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is not right. the second thing is where george w. bush, he is the endorser and he endorsed us acted after her to take his image down and stop using his name. she does not do this. is it not a little unfair that most corporations outsourced including the one that you chose to criticize him and one of your at? -- ads? have is clear, david, you spent a career and you have lived in eight different countries and europe lived in 16 different countries were ukraine did jobs. countries and you have lived in 16 different countries aware ukraine did jobs. i do not think it is the criteria that people are looking for when they are electing their senator to washington. >> mr. perdue just a moment ago
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product former new york city manager -- mayor, michael bloomberg, who has given. do you support his efforts at would you support senator feinstein's version of assault weapons ban? >> i've talked about this. i believe that every law-abiding citizen should have access to guns and i have parents and grandparents and now a son who are hunters and gun owners. but i do believe in comments is measures put forward by folks like senator manchin and bipartisan legislation that would put forward a universal thatround check to ensure criminals, terrorists, and those mentally unstable do not have access to guns. i jim nussle port any other form of legislation around guns right
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now. any othert support form a legislation around guns right now. >> the notion that you want to get rid of the department of education, do you? >> my mother gets a laugh out of stock she is a -- get a laugh out of it. she's a retired teacher. my first jobs was in a head start program. the problem is we have had is what was billions of dollars and the results have gotten much worse. one out of three kids are not getting out of high school and our 14 euros are in that 14 year olds are in the middle of math and science. our system is not serving our children. it is gaining in the way of our good teachers. for educationion made at the local level between andparent, the teacher,
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local administration. my mother has talked to me since i was six years old that the best -- >> get rid of the department? get rid ofver said the department. you would look at the results and say we are not getting results of the expenditures. and i would look that said, what are we not getting in terms a result and where with the money be better spent? cr giving people choice and control over children's education. polls are suggested that women are heading in mrs. nunn's direction. there is an advertisement where a dollar general manager said she was not treated fairly because she was a woman. talk to those women, mr. perdue. i will say the same thing i
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said then, it is a tragedy of national proportion and it was cratered by our government. it is a tragedy. those are the best workers i have ever worked with. because of bad government policy, and tired industries -- entire industries have been decimated by bees that government policies. that is what i've been trying to bring. is to getthe way out our economy growing again. it seems to me if you look at dollar general, there was no wrongdoing. was lawsuit or complaint settled five years after i was there and she knew that. we had upwards of 70,000 employees. ask her about her to complaints -- 2 complaints and she will not disclose to the public. all of mine is public issue when i disclose.
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>> you said women cannot trust david perdue, is that how you feel? >> i want her to answer my question. >> we can do both. inse women that are featured the ads our employees that work for you and they are telling their own experience in their own words. that actually seems quite a lot to me who say that they were discriminated against and federal investigators, public knowledge, found it was true. it was during your tenure and settled afterwards but the suit was during your tenure. that is very, very clear. i am happy to talk about you trying to create an equivalency. there has never been and you know, there's never been any eeoc findings about any organization i have ever run. it is very different from your record. at dollar general and looking at
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pillowtex, you said it was governmental policies and that was during george w. bush's presidency. are you saying he was responsible for your presided over pillowtex? >> i need a response on that. >> we have time for one last question. case, why whathe she disclose the details of those complaints? >> there is nothing to disclose as i said. the eoc and federal investigators found nothing ever with points of light and you know that and you put in a public information request. >> it is not public. public.ils are not it is the second time you tell voters it is public and it is not. >> it can be accessed publicly if there were any findings and he know there were is not. theou are not telling us details of those complaints.
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those two people deserve to have it is. >> trying to create equivalency here is really a stretch. >> we will leave her right there. that is all of the time we have will have four questions. will -- and that all the time we have four questions. >> thank you very much for brave for moderating and panelists' questions as he atlanta press club for this great service you provided and amanda and david, thank you to be together to look forward to one more time. i got into this race to continue what i have tried to do for 26 years, to make a difference in peoples lives by working together and solving problems. needieve that is what we more in washington. a collaborative spirit looking for common ground and bipartisanship. i think we can raise the minimum
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wage for individuals and families and create an affordable pathway to college for students and tackle our long term debt if we work together. i bring a spirit of service to all georgians and i hope you will join with me to live out mottoorgia state morro -- -- wisdom and justice and moderation. campaign, i have traveled all over our great state talking to hard-working georgians and listen to their concerns. one message is very clear -- washington is broken and it is affecting your lives and your families' lives. i believe our country is headed in the wrong direction and we have to turn around. enough with the dysfunction and lack of accountability. i am tired of going for what price to another and a lack of leadership. i want to be your voice in the
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senate to get washington working. president obama once michelle nunn to fight for her. i want to go to the senate to fight for you. i am asking for your vote and trust to be your next united states senator. thank you. >> amanda swafford. every bodyu to taking the opportunity and time to listen to these debates. i know politics is not the most enjoyable thing to listen to, but it is so important to get involved and be engaged. i've been called selfish for being in this race. personalng responsibility. i could be doing different things instead of going across the street -- in state and change the true liberty ideals. it is so important that we stay engaged in this rates a really look to individuals and the power and responsibility but
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cause that's where it lies. if you are not connected to the right people, if your industry does not have the right lobbyists, you're at a disadvantage. that's what i am standing up for. i am standing up for you being able to make your own decisions. i encourage you to please understand that the power and responsibility is where it lies. >> thank you very much. and thanks to all three of you for being here. i speak for everybody that we appreciate your willingness to serve our country. that concludes our debate. will like to remind all voters affecting the general election will be held tuesday, november fourth and early voting is underway. thank theike to atlanta press club for arranging this debate. for more information, and all of the debates in their hosted, visit atlanta press club. work. it will be archived there.
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-- loudermilk-young debate series is made possible by a generous donation. these stay with us tonight or the -- for the paradise. thank you for joining us and be sure to vote. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> this is a gpb original production. thanspan is airing more 100 debates. stay in touch with our coverage by following us on twitter into my cousin at facebook.
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-- and unlike us at facebook. senate debate is available any time at for races around the country. georgia ads in the senate race. >> he came into office with millions of dollars in personal date and now his work millions. out to get rich? -- how did he get rich? he sold his salvage yard. made $3 million. the middle-class has fallen further behind. nathan deal, putting money in his pocket, not ours. >> jason carter has big ambitions by his big promises fall short of the truth.
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