tv Washington This Week CSPAN November 3, 2014 2:35am-4:01am EST
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to see whether the doors have been knocked on, the goals have been met. to look at the flake rate of volunteers. >> what is the flake rate? >> that would be the number of volunteers who sign up but do not show up. that allows us to adjust the total number we need. also on the early vote piece. i think maybe four or five days ago, the rnc put out a huge press release the first time in history that republicans have passed democrats for early voting in iowa. they have been silenced since then. since then, everyone of those days we have outpaced them in both requests and returns. we have about a 35,000 vote lead. we are looking at unaffiliated voters. which are most likely to vote for different candidates. the real-time application of the data, the ability of us and
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campaigns to share facts, is something that has moved leaps and bounds. >> what have you learned about technology that will help your presidential candidate in 2016? >> the further application. >> what is the next frontier? what are you hoping to do? >> the better the data is, the more robust the data is, the better the application is going to be. the actual ability to not only target your mail to a household but target your individual television ad to a particular household is a huge next step. it could certainly happen within the next four years to six years. >> what have you learned about your electorate? your voters? that will help your presidential candidate in 2016 -- that will shape how the 2016 primaries run?
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>> all the talk about the republicans being a regional party and having demographics against us is a talking point. >> wait a minute. you think the demographics are working for you? >> i think what we have learned is that if we engage these audiences, if you talk broadly but also specifically, almost to the household level -- there are predictive analytics that say they can predict how the kids will start voting. that is how in-depth you can get. you can do well and do better. we spoke about the gender gap. also, if you look at millennials. 2010, -12. right now, we are plus four. >> what did you make of that?
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>> the same of what i make of most public polls. >> now you are going negative on harvard? >> this is not a nationalized election. this is not about the president. we are operating in an election -- in some cases the elections are going on three weeks. whenever you have midterm elections where the environment is difficult, the map is difficult, the coverage is difficult, or a president who like every president that is at 40%, you are going to see these types of changes. not just among millennials but all voters. the reality is that republicans find new ways to alienate the emerging coalitions. that happens to be the emerging american coalition. you can't expect to welcome latinos when they are running
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ads attacking democrats for supporting a bill that was originally authored by marco rubio. that is not the way you expand your election. they are basically picking up the shovel and digging their graves for the 2016 and 2018 elections by alienating young people, unmarried women, african-americans, latinos. ultimately, that is a failing philosophy of politics but of government. >> i think you heard you say, when you get away from generalities and look at specific audiences, you are more optimistic. what is the most encouraging demographic trend for republicans? >> listen, long-term demographics are something for other people to worry about. our job is 22 months. >> you saw clues.
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>> it is hard for me to make broad generalizations looking out 10 years. we don't study that. i would be honest and say, outreach to younger voters and single women has shown in impact. we can move votes if we talk to them. if we invest the time, talent, and resources of our people. we have seen that movement. it implies a status model. the democratic and republican parties will be on these paths and america is going to change. tremendous changes going on within the republican party. if you look at our leaders, and who is going to run for president, who was going to do things in the future, we have diversity on our side. if hillary clinton does not run, they have none.
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they have a bunch of blues states governors. >> what is the diversity on your side? >> look at our candidates. >> rand paul, ted cruz, brian sandoval. >> a lot of people running for president. >> it is a better bench than yours. >> who has been your most effective surrogate? >> over the course of the last couple of weeks, president clinton and secretary clinton have been remarkably effective. in particular, there is not a better communicator to women who are going to decide the election than secretary clinton. the other great surrogate for us in terms of motivating our base and getting volunteers excited has been senator warren, who has traveled around the country. we have been the beneficiary of
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a handful of surrogates. president clinton and secretary clinton bring a lot to the table. >> who's your most eager surrogate? >> you change the question. my answer would have been barack obama. he was always able to say, my policies are on the ballot. that was helpful. we don't have the president or first lady. a former resident or first lady on the stump. we have had john mccain. mitt romney. rand paul, jeb bush, marco rubio. they have been engaging. they are not only going out but they are bringing them in. saying, come to my state. i want to help you out. it has been a great effort. i'm sure i forgot somebody. what has been gratifying is how
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many people have said the senate thing, even though i may not be in the senate or have visions outside this one race, everyone gets how important this is. they are working hard. we are going to see that continue through the election. >> a question from the playbook reader. with the map and environment you have, how could you possibly let guy out raise you? >> the nrc has been a small committee. they are in the majority. obviously to the victor goes the spoils. they got the spoils. i would say this. they raised $30 million more than we have. however, if you look at spending and our cost of fundraising, we have been able not only to the -- be competitive over the summer, when they had a spending
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advantage between their party and outside groups, but also two things have been important factors. last month, we have been competitive. we had a great september. we were able to keep cost down. two, we have had a partner. we've had a partner that has $100 million that they have invested in races. governor, house, senate, dogcatcher. the focus on the senate, we have focused energy to build a world-class ground game. while we got outspent on tv and it has been a challenge, we have been competitive. they will outspend us. we knew that going in. february, 2013, nothing would have changed to change that fact. the important fact is we have enough resources that people get there is a choice.
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based on the incumbents. it is not just one-sided. >> how helpful has mayor bloomberg been? >> i don't think he has done any fundraising for us. he has been engaged in some races. it is less about the raising that is important, even though we have raised more. it is more about the spending. >> who has been the most helpful outside force? >> the senate majority pac has been more engaged and involved. i would expect by the end of this, there will be over $80 million. they were able to combat what was a significantly more aggressive, earlier operation on television than our side had. the other key is most of the television coverage is about how much money is spent. in many
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cases, we are being outspent. we have significantly more points on television because we reserve time earlier, more efficiently, and that has made a huge difference in not just the amount of money spent on television but how many points it is actually buy, how many ads it is actually buying. >> do you worry about the power of a tom sire who can come in and play big? >> broadly, it's no secret that most democrats believe that we have a campaign finance system that rewards outside donors. what i am concerned about is not that it is tom sire or michael
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bloomberg or david koch. i am worried that candidates have less and less of a say in what is happening in their races. when you look across the board, it is not uncommon for a senate candidate to have 20% of the voice on television. everything else -- by the way, not just what is on the other side but also on their side. 70% of the advertising is something that is completely out of your control on both sides. i am not sure that is the way that we want to run campaigns. ultimately, long-term, it is not the way you want to govern. >> i agree. [laughter] and the gators. >> you have agreed to have lunch together. >> after, yes. >> every cycle, two ed's get together and have lunch. we are going to do that on roll call. [laughter]
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>> how did your researchers miss the john walsh plagiarism incident? in october, you said john walsh was the right candidate with the right time in the right time in place to win for 2014. >> probably in the same way that republicans missed the plagiarism charges. you will have situations like this. on both sides, both sides have struggles with dealing with it. in john's case it is regretful only in that john is a remarkably kind person who has spent his entire career in service to this country and put his life on the line repeatedly and led one of the largest national guard battalions in iraq. my only regret is that it happened to him. but this is something that
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happens, as we get more and more into research and that runs on two years, it happens on both sides. >> we made a strategic investment early on. we were going to internally and with outside groups research demography. we keep investing millions of dollars in things that we don't understand. and they find these little things that blow up our campaign. we put $3 million into research in the off year. we are going to bite the bullet and we will continue to do that. the researcher who discovered elizabeth warren's native american claims is a fabulous researcher. he was going through the paperwork. what caught his attention was there was a very pro-bush neocon thesis. he was investigating it and he
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put it through a translator that checks for plagiarism. the entire last five pages turned bright red. subsequently, the name on the wall at the university has been pulled off. it was pretty dead to rights plagiarism. >> how did your side come across michelle nunn's campaign plan? >> it is the secret sauce as to who found it. but the research team through america rising and our team -- you know, i don't know much about the research techniques and i asked the same questions. what kind of insane under web, dark web, or silk road? we basically googled michelle nunn and there was a link right to it.
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so they downloaded it and no one wants to go there because they were afraid to see a bunch of outside things. but it was an unsecured google document. so we pulled it down. we thought it might be a ruse or a trick so we watched it all the way through. our goal was to actually campaign to make sure that she did not go up on tv -- she is sitting on a huge pile of money. david purdue was coming out of a rough runoff. they should have gone in and knocked him down. we ran a memo to try to distract him for a couple of days. we distracted him for three or four weeks. we were able to get him some money and prepare him for the general election. >> is there something unique to the cycle or has something changed in our politics that the research hits drive so much of the conversation?
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>> i think it has gotten more prevalent in part because there are more avenues to deliver the hits. 10 years ago, we talked about an apo hit, you would go to a local reporter and talk to them. now, the reality is that so many local newsrooms are depleted. most of washington drives a lot of this conversation. there are still very active news bureaus in des moines to cover politics and in some cases in big cities. i think it is the function of the expansion of the d.c. cases races that of the has driven a lot the expansion on the research side of things. we already have research operations like american rising and american bridge whose express purpose is research for an election that will not be happening for another 2.5 years. i think this is what we are -- and i use this word
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intentionally -- stuck with unless something fundamentally changes about the way we run the race. >> what is the biggest story about the cycle that was either overlooked or underplayed by the press? something you felt would be a big deal or that you thought should be a big deal that went under the radar? >> kay hagan is worth $50 million. she got her husband and her son stimulus funds for a job that they had never done before. i could not believe that the north carolina press took a pass on it. >> you have a better answer. [laughter] >> that was unbelievable. i don't even remember the question. i am processing all the -- >> the question is -- i am talking about a bigger picture, something about the landscape. what is it about this cycle that you thought would be a bigger deal and it has been under looked? >> when you are in the middle of
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challenges, when you are in the middle of the website rollout, which obviously was not helpful, it feels like the worst thing that could possibly happen. then you get two months away from it and the reality was all of our incumbents recovered their favorable rating and we were restarting the race. i think it is just a reminder for us that, in the moment, things that feel very big will have an enormous influence on the election because it receives 145 blog posts and was on the nightly news for two nights. i think that perspective is something that all of our campaigns tried to work their way through. i don't know that there is one story that is fundamentally -- >> how has the game changed? >> the focus on technology, the real investments, not just the thought of, well, i've got a college kid who wants to do some
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kind of website so give him a few pizzas and he will do it to the actual professionalization of investment in technology, investment in digital and data, but also investment in grounding. i was on 13 campaigns and it was always a point of pride that they paid their volunteers and we had better volunteers. they showed up for love and not for money. but in 2012, we learned that there is a hole in our logic which is to professionalize the whole operation. and now you have seen a much more professionalized ground game, and the proof is in the pudding. we are hanging tight against the democrats. >> i think we have learned a new phrase here -- paid volunteers. >> yeah. >> we don't have paid volunteers, but i think the
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reverse is actually true of us. we do have about 4000 staff around the country. we have invested about $60 million in the ground operation that is about four times as big as 2010. actually, our staff, we prohibit them from doing the voter contact. we want them out there extending the volunteer base, managing the volunteer infrastructure, keeping it local, making sure they are talking to their folks in their precinct, on their block. i'll give you one example. the difference between a paid ground game and a volunteer ground game, americans for prosperity put out a press release a week or two ago that they had knocked on 140,000 doors since june in colorado. we are on the path for 225,000 doors this week and 4000 calls a night. that is not from paid volunteers. that is from doing everything
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you can to get people motivated and excited about the race and it is why in colorado it makes what we did frankly in 2010 look pretty junior varsity just in terms of size, scope, technology and we hope that it pays off. >> we appreciate the numbers guys put out. a lot of smiles in colorado. >> i will ask you all -- people in this room and people on live stream, we have a lot of young people who watch and they want to be you. [laughter] what is your advice to a young person watching? >> run. >> america needs more lawyers. go to law school. [laughter] >> serious, specific advice for getting ahead in washington. >> the most common question i get is why i decided to come back after last cycle. >> you are a former southern baptist minister. >> i am.
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>> explain. >> explain? [laughter] i do this job because i care about it. i took the job because i believe in what our party stands for and i took the job because i wanted to have an impact on the election. if the source of your motivation is that and not am i going to get promoted? when will i become the field director? at what point will i get to manage a campaign? you will do remarkably well. the two pieces of advice i give to anyone who asks is work hard and be nice. the combination of those two things, actually despite all of the back and forth between the two of us and what you see is the most important thing you can do in order to be successful. don't always live up to those two at the same time, but try my best to do it. >> i would echo what guy said.
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the people who make it long-term in this town are easy to deal with and they have passion. if you are doing it and just because you want to get some title on a business card, you won't be happy. if you have passion for what you do and you walk in every day and say i am going to make a difference, d.c. is a great place. i remember i was 27 and i was on a $10 million governors race. where do you see in corporate america where they would entrust so much responsibility on someone so young. you've got to work hard. >> guy young is said of the board of el james charter school.
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be kind, work hard, get spark -- get smart. what are you going to do next? >> last night, i was talking to my wife and we are going to disneyland. >> last night, i was talking to my wife and we are going to disneyland. [laughter] >> january 6? >> you have two book in advance if you want to have breakfast with the princess. i have four kids. it is not just my wife and i going to disneyland. as exciting as that would be, we would probably go somewhere else. >> i've got to get through this election. i used to work at a really great place. corporate strategy. we will see how that goes. >> what is next for you? >> i got married last year so the honeymoon is going to get scheduled. we will not be going to
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disneyland. [laughter] >> group rate? >> we are going to take a honeymoon. that is the plan. >> you are often mentioned as a potential campaign manager for hillary clinton. is that a cup that you would drink eagerly? >> it is not any surprise that i hope secretary clinton runs. i think that she would make a remarkable president. but i am going to focus on winning one election at a time. if the opportunity presented itself, i will deal with it then. >> you are a fleetwood mac guy. you are a grateful dead guy. why? >> it's a long story that could be summed up that my older brother handed me a tape.
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he was getting rid of a bunch of tapes and he gave me a cassette tape. cutting grass was my job when i was 12 years old for the neighbors. i put it in my walkman. as they say in grateful dead world, the bus came by and i came on. >> you've got fleetwood mac. tell us why? >> that was the best wedding gift that we received that my husband could care less about. it was a first edition, never-opened fleetwood mac album. they are a little before my time. i just want to stipulate. i did not grow up with them, but i am a big stevie next fan. and fleetwood mac will be here
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halloween. so i will be there. >> as we say goodbye, we want to thank a member of the politico family who is going to a great job in new york who helped us putting on many events over the years. we want to thank sophie for hard work and -- [applause] we appreciate all of you in live stream land for watching. we thank bank of america for making these conversations possible. thank you for coming out in the middle of the day. thank you. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] in 2014, c-span has brought you more than 130 candidate debates from across the country in races that will determine control of the next congress.
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this tuesday night, watch c-span fossilized election night coverage to see who wins -- c-span's election night coverage to see who wins. coverage begins at 8:30 p.m. eastern. you will see victory and concession speeches in some of the most closely watched races across the country. we want to hear from you with your calls, facebook comments, and tweets. campaign 2014 election night coverage on c-span. a discussion about how candidates get information about voters in their area and use that information to turn out the vote. from "washington journal," this is about 45 minutes. host: michael beach is the cofounder of the republican technology company, targeted victory. jim walsh is ceo of a digital firm that works with democrats. we are now in what used to be called the 72-our phase, --
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phase, where candidates focus on getting out the vote. how has the technology changed how that effort goes in this day and age? you'll suddenly see guest: well, the reality is in the last 48 hours, 72 hours as you said, the key right now is reaching voters by any means necessary. whether that means knocking on doors, by making phone calls. well, this year and 2012 as a matter of fact the ability of matching a voter file with an online cookie pole allows to target voters using digital advertising to turn those voters out too. and we can get those out in an hour. host: help with that. guest: so when you browse the internet oftentimes you're shopping for shoes or cars. you'll suddenly see ads for shoes or cars anywhere you go. if you go to barack obama's website you'll also see ads for the democratic party for barack obama. that's because cookies exist in your browser.
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web sites can place a pixle on your browser and as a result we can serve ads almost anywhere you go nfment this case gotv -- you go, and in this case, gotv ads. host: mr. beach, this headline from the las vegas sun this cycle. it's amazing what political candidates know about you. what is the information that candidates are looking for from voters? guest: a lot of it is public information. it's been around for a long time. so if you register to vote or not, if you live in a state that has party registration whether you register republican or democrat. what elections you vote in. really that information is compiled into a profile of one, what's the likely amount of turnout in elections? and then from there you can bill -- go back and develop a vote or really figure out how many votes will it take to win this election and how many people do i have to talk to? host: when a voter has somebody to knock on the door with an ipad in their hand what is the information that the campaigns are using to knock on your door? guest: really, any publicly available information. voter registration status. in terms of an offline contact
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like that where you go into a voter's household a lot of times compiled with consumer data and predictive aplitics that has grown in taking that information to predict who your target audience is whether it's for persuasion or turnout. and really how do you know the right target. host: how do you predict voter behavior? what are the metrics? guest: well, it's a very tough question to answer. there are hundreds of rows of information about every single voter that lots of firms in washington, throughout the country use to figure that out. one firm call catalyst will -- one firm called catalyst will actually gather not just voter data. so there's a registered voters in individual states, but magazine subscriptions, previous voting behavior. all that in one place. and then create predictive models from those. host: we're talking with michael beach of targeted victory. and jim walsh another consultant that works in the technology field.
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we're talking about voter turnout. i want to get your questions and comments in these last couple of days of the 2014 cycle to talk about voter turpout. -- turnout. how it happens and how technology plays a role. our guests are here to answer your questions and comments. mr. walsh, how much should voters assume that campaigns are monitoring their social media pages, facebook page, twitters pages? guest: it's a very difficult job but campaigns have stepped up to the challenge. there are all sorts of tools available in the private space also in the political space allow you to track trends at the very least. and certainly almost every campaign now has someone who is monitoring their twitter feed, monitoring facebook feed every minute. host: and mr. beach on monitoring not only their own twitter and facebook feed but also potential voters' twitter and facebook feeds. guest: social media is really a leading indicator of where the
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conversation is going. i think a lot of campaigns have been monitoring the aggregate level for years now how that conversation is shaping up. really now they're also figuring out who is talking about them or the right issues because those are really good voters to reach out to to build your coalition. host: here's a story in today's "washington post" by george will. "mobilization measures became more important than ads. future campaign money may be on theingly spent expensive business of identifying and prodding to the polls likely supporters. hal didl this 150 years ago, although its infantry did not carry smartphones." i assume you don't appreciate the comparison to tammany hall. guest: no. every election is determined by a few points.
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incredibly close elections all over the country especially this year the reality is being able to taylor your messages to a specific audience takes a lot of work and technology helps us do that. i wouldn't say that that process necessarily relates to tamni hall in any real way, i believe, i would say that having the ability of targeting voters that are potentially swing voters or folks actually your group of voters that you want to turn out makes it better for a democracy for people to participate. again, campaigns all they want people to do is go to the polls and vote for who they believe in. host: how much of a campaign budget is directed specifically for these get out the vote, the last 72 hours or some have said it should be 720 hours? guest: i would say that the last three months of a campaign are devoted as george mentioned to either persuasion or gotv. in the last 72 hours i would say at least 30% of that is devoted to gotv. and it's not the last 72 hours. it's the last week and sometimes
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a mix of persuasion and gotv. but right now you're seeing people knocking on doors, making phone calls 679 hundreds of thousands, millions of phone calls. and serving millions of ads. host: who does it better get out the vote, republicans or democrats? guest: i think it's a little different for both. i think there's probably parity in the turnout, i think that if anything the kind of democrat operation has been modeled off what we did in 2004 and 2006. i think the one advantage you look at turnout like a 38 priority just because of early vote, at this point 16 million people have already cast their ballot nationwide. really also voter registration kind of building the pool of eligible voters and voter identification, which is going to people you don't know enough information about to turn out and figure if you can move them into your column or not. that actually could be a one-or two-year process. host: we would be interestd in hearing our viewers' stories about voter contact, people coming by your house with these
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ipads and cell phones and what they say to you and your experience. our phone lines are open. the numbers are on the bottom of your screen. mr. walsh, i want to give you a chance to answer that question of which party does it better. guest: i tend to believe the democrats do a much better job. there are a number of reasons. our technology is centralized. there's firms out there like ngp van makes sure every campaign will have its voter file in one data base as well as tools that enable them to do door knocking to make phone calls to do digital advertising. having that centralized database, not just of the technology, but also the data base itself with all the previous voting behavior allows
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it to be a lot more efficient 6789 and then with mobile avepes now allows it to beam information directly back to the same data base and have in realtime updates of which way votors is going to go. host: unless you want to jump in. guest: i would say turnout plays a really big role in mid term because we have millions of voters that we have confident, supported. one of our candidates in 2012 information directly back to the same data base and have in that won't cast a ballot this year they create an audience that geotv has an impact on. host: let's talk to some of that audience. caller: i have a question for the panel and eight it concerns the use of directed ads. i read that directv and dish network were basically injecting ads based upon people's profiles. they have available to them all of the person's browsing history . cable companies are doing this as well. they have the added advantage that they happy those browser the added advantage
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that they have people's browser history. i don't think this helps democracy. doesn't this lead to two-faced politicians, who will say anything to anyone to get their vote? isn't that what we want to avoid? host: is this technology hurting democracy. guest: i think very much the opposite. until very recently, we have been unable to get past the broadcast nature of television to reach -- have a message tailored to specific motors. that's not a bad thing. we want to make sure our candidates are able to engage the public where they are interested. if it's a specific issue that they want to talk about or if there is something that is a there is nothing wrong with tailored messages, especially when you're talking about a media environment where
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you are getting bombarded with messages all the time. being able to match the exact right message to the exact right voter is better for voter engagement and eventually better for democracy. host: how does targeted victory do that? give us an example of matching a message to a specific motor. guest: addressable advertising is taking a group of targets, anonymizing the information in a privacy-compliant way and matching it to online profiles, in this case television set-top box data, then directing the at at a block of voters, republicans or independents who live in a given district. you look at television advertising. right now, 80% of the broadcast advertising since labor day has gone into the wrong congressional district because media markets are not matched up with political districts. geographical waste alone, congressional -- addressable advertising means that voters who don't even have the legal ability to vote aren't
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seeing those campaigns. host: does that mean campaign ads will go the way of the dinosaur? guest: i think adjustable advertising is probably a long-term end point for that but optimized linear buying is the phase we are in next. host: margaret is up next, ardmore, oklahoma on our line for republicans. good morning, margaret. caller: good morning. i can't believe that we hear about this so-called war on women when there is a war on warriors. our military, first benghazi. tamarisi left to rot. left to rot in a mexican jail all that time. they are sent to africa where ebola could kill them all. then they are fired. i don't know if most people know this. fox tells it, fired in the field in afghanistan. how would you like to get a pink slip while you are fighting the enemy? host: we are talking about get out the vote efforts and the final 72 hours of the campaign. we will open up our phones at about 9:30 or so to talk about
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any campaign issues that you want to talk about. so maybe a good time then to talk about and bring out some of those issues. but we have two experts in the technology field to talk about get out the vote. we will go to kevin in philadelphia, pennsylvania on our line for democrats. kevin, good morning. caller: montgomery. host: turn down your t.v. and go ahead with your question or comment. caller: i just wanted to talk a little bit about the voter turnout. i thought that the -- i just thought that the method that president obama used in his voting tactic in terms of getting all of his people together on the computer -- in a computerized system really worked well for the democrats over the last voting trimester. host: mr. walsh, can you talk about history of this effort to bring technology to this stage of the campaign game? guest: absolutely. mike will tell you this as well.
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the reality is that some of the technologies that allow you to match a voter to an online profile really were so expensive in 2008 and 2012 that local candidates really didn't have the opportunity of being able to use them. unfortunately, because of firms like my own, we have been is -- we have been able to commoditize that technology for local candidates in a way that allows us to provide that level of granularity from local races up to u.s. senate campaigns. host: does your firm and ds political do this different, or are you both doing the same thing when it comes to these efforts? guest: i agree with jim. firms take it down the ballot. our firm has city council races, county recorder races, elections
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-- state house races, elections that could not afford to really individually by that technology before really aggregated as software and can utilize it today. that will really drive more efficiency and hopefully more people to run for office. host: are we talking hundreds or thousands of dollars for a statehouse or state senate campaign? guest: i think $500 is the entry point. guest: we are $500 also. it is amazing to think of this technology from an efficiency standpoint. the campaign's have so little money to reach voters with. they don't get the millions of dollars to be able to run a t.v. campaign. sometimes they can't even do a direct mail campaign. it's just too expensive. being able to reach voters with online media that's so much less expensive is a real boon. host: some numbers on campaign spending on digital advertising by cycle, in 2012, $159 million spent on digital advertising. this according to a recent article in the la time project
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they could year, 271 million spent on digital advertising and for 2016, the expectation is nearly a billion dollars spint on digital advertising. we are talking about that field and get out the vote efforts. i want to hear your stories in our last half hour of this segment. julie is up next, land o'lakes, wisconsin, on our line for independents. good morning, jill. caller: hi. i have a question. your guest indicated and from phone calls my family has received, that somehow people know who people are voting for. i would like to know how they know people -- what people are voting for. aren't ballots supposed to be secret? and isn't that illegal? guest: at the end of the day, no one knows who you are going to vote for. the way the campaigns are able to typically identify who a voter is, if a voter is republican or democrat in a race, they will make a phone
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call to a house. they will knock on the door and ask -- a volunteer will ask who your voter preferences. but then there are also predictive models where if, you know, perhaps you have received a phone call from a campaign asking what your opinion on an issue is, because your opinion on a specific issue, there can be some predictive value to that information that allows you to decide which way a person is going to vote. >> mr. beach guest: yeah. it's really likelihood. what campaign feels your likelihood to support the cancandidate is. resources are so limited, you want to spend them on who they are persuadable. at the ends of the day, you have no idea. host >> the favorite distinction of the political hack is between the privacy of your vote and the privacy that you vote. modern politics is heavily dependent on knowing how often you make it to the polls, driving pulling an ad targeting increasingly direct ways in efforts to get you to the polls. the difference between that you
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vote and who you vote for, the distinction there. sean is up next in monmouth, illinois, on our line for republicans. sean, good morning. caller: good morning. companies like you guys, they seem to know so much about each voter down to very, you know, intricate parts of their lives and so forth. why can't you guys and firms like you figure out who has already voted so, therefore, that individual does not have to be barraged 24/7 ads whether it be through mail or so forth. if you could do that, you could save your clients are fortune. thank you very much. host: mr. walsh? guest: i agree with you. campaigns should be identifying who is voting early. they do have the ability typically, depends upon your state and your locality. but they usually do make those public records available to cross you off of the list so to speak. unfortunately, if you are experiencing an inundation and being inundated with telephone calls and whatnot, it's probably
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because whatever campaign is not doing its job to be as efficient as possible. host: how does ds political do it? guest: we match posed -- voter files with browser cookies. we do a match just before the election that takes out all the early voters. host: is that similar to how you do it at targeted victory? guest: yes. we work with the data trust on the republican side. host: explain data trust. organization on the republican side that houses the party's voter information. collecting the information by state is one of their responsibilities. those who have voted we have in our system and are taking out. host: shirley is on the line. caller: i watched c-span for over 25 years, but now c-span has dropped any pretense of being impartial.
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you have become a republican. you have two republicans on this morning. now, you have two republicans right now. host: i think you missed our introduction. mr. walsh works for a democratic firm, democratic technology firm and our previous panel were two journalists who cover politics. but i promise you, if you go to our website and look through our segments on c-span on the "washington journal," we try to be balanced. do you have a question? caller: iwatch every day. i don't need to go back and look. my question is who supports these people? where did they get their funds from? the koch brothers? that person that is supposed to be a democratic person? no. host: how do your organizations get money? is it mostly from individual campaigns?
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guest: i've worked in democratic politics for almost 20 years at this point. and our firm, ds political only works with progressive candidates and democratic candidates. so, i assure you if they are ads from our firm, it's for a democrat. we are a private company. we actually bootstrapped ours. -- ourselves. our entire staff worked in democratic politics for a combined 40 years. you know, we all used to do door knocks, recruit volunteers for campaigns. and i think it actually takes a sensitivity to democratic campaigns and democratic candidates and the democratic constituency to be able to serve candidates the proper ways even with new technologies. host: what's the ballpark budget to do what you guys do each cycle? guest: well, i mean this is expensive stuff. so being able to have the right partnerships means that, you know, it's in the millions. host: mr. beach as well? guest: we are a partisan company
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on the right side, similar to jim's company on the left, that only serves candidates on the right. again, it's taking millions of dollars of technology development and getting it down to ballots where thousands of campaigns can use it. host: jason in arlington, virginia, just across the potomac river from us. jason is on outline for independents. caller: i am not an independent. i'm a libertarian. i recommend that c-span change one of their phone numbers to libertarian because as long as they keep putting out the republican/democrat choice of lesser of two evils thing, the democratic process so to speak is going to be retarded by the ability of the voter not to understand what's going on. my best example of this is in all of the debates pretty much across the entire country, the hurdles for what it would take a candidate to be in a debate -- adrian riley, in 2006, to be in the debates, he would have had to poll 7%. this time, it's 15.
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rob running in virginia, it was 10% a year ago. this year, it is uh-oh, 15. so what's going on across is both republicans and democrats can agree on one thing, in a pro-choice democrat and a free-market republican, the one thing they always agree on is nobody gets on the debate stage but then and you will have the same interventionist foreign policy and drug criminalization stuff kept off of the discussion. host: jason, in arlington virginia, where does a third-party candidate go if they are looking for these digital tools that you two do for the democratic side and the republican side? guest: our opinion at ds political is that it's important to have a partisan bent because, you know, again, when we are placing the buy, we need to be able to trust that we are not telling some other candidate running against you or that, you know, exactly where we are doing that media buying because that's a tactical decision we are helping our clients make.
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to be honest with you, i don't know the answer to that question. host: any thoughts? guest: yeah, or firms are -- our films are built into party infrastructure, whether it is data or modeling or absence ballot -- return data that, you know, working for one side or the other makes much sense. host: talking new technology, twitter from michael, which of the new media do you see as coming of age going forward to the 2016 election? guest: mobile. mobile advertising is the order of the day, both in 2014 an especially in 2016. the ability of -- let's think about it. when you walk into the booth, what's the one thing you are carrying with you? you get past the voting booth. the reality is, it's going to be your mobile device. even if you are standing in line this coming tuesday waiting to ,ote, you are scrolling through you know, facebook or what not, hopefully, a campaign is going to have the ability of serving
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you and add -- serving you an ad at that time. i think in 2016, with the explosion of mobile devices, which pretty much everybody has at this point, that's going to be critical to identifying -- i'm sorry. reaching out to voters in a granular way at the last minute and throughout the year during persuasion. host: mr. beach, what's coming down the pike? guest: yeah. percentage terms, mobile will grow the most. of impact on campaign, it's going to be television. television is 80% of the campaign budget in most cases. arguably spent the most efficiently of anything. host: let's go to reggie on the line for republicans. good morning. caller: good morning. i was wondering what you gentlemen thought about the last minute ads and flyers, and i believe at least in north carolina and georgia where there has just been some major release where they are talking about trayvon martin and another ferguson if you don't vote.
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and then also in florida, the realtors association has put out an ad saying we know whether or not you are voting. >> unfortunately sometimes efforts for the gop turned to vote or suppression efforts, especially where there is a racial and to the campaign. hopefully, most campaigns are spending the majority of their budgets in a positive way to get their voters out. advertising right now is going to strong democrats , and we will serve them ads as much as we possibly can. host: it is sometimes called "vote shaming." democratic hardy of new york reading, will be reviewing the official records after the
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upcoming election to determine whether you joined your neighbors who voted in two dozen 14, if you did not vote we will be interested to hear why not. what you think of those campaigns? guest: i will leave them up to areacademics, a lot of them university studies hoping to publish results when they are done. those studies have millions of voters in it who voted in 2000 12 am a we are focused on 2014. one -- juan, good morning. turn down your tv and go ahead with your question. caller: why the spanish from south america are getting ,iscriminated -- where chicanos mexicans, hispanics and latinos, four races of the americas.
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who to votew because there are too many people coming to the country. should make a new law for three ids. a birth certificate, a picture id -- >> your to talk about about how you go about tracking voters in the digital age along racial or ethnic lines. caller: the hispanic vote is it isibly important, incredibly important to get out hispanic voters in places like that. data, likeine sending a piece of mail to a hispanic household it is possible to use the same data to tontify hispanics online and
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observe where they are probably browsing. if makes ito do easier to identify online. guest: you're one of the biggest efforts, on both sides. they're taking data to reach voters in the language they are most accustomed to using, or what your other targeting says is an important thing because you have mobile blocks of voters and you cannot put together a winning coalition without. same --o topics on the to give you a chance to respond, i get calls about being enraged at being invaded and hold against a candidate and the more e-mails i get asked for repeating donations the more determined i am not to do it. does that go into your algorithm? guest: there is something known as frequency and the idea of inundating you with political messages is something that
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neither i nor mark will be able to control, it is going to happen but i understand it is very annoying to receive 100 phone calls in a day. targetingld say is, those specific messages to the right voters will help a little bit. we can track except for how much frequency you received overtime, so you are only receiving the information relevant to you. receiving a phone call about gun rights, marriage rights or environmental rights, these are things because you care about them receiving a phone call to vote on tuesday might not be bad. host: middle river, maryland is next on the line for independent s. are you with us? indiana onisa from
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the line for republicans. from louisiana and i don't appreciate the way the democrats have played up the racism. i wanted to become independent because i don't trust either party however this is infuriating me and i will vote republican now. what they have done is a hateful thing in louisiana am a we are not this way down here -- louisiana, we are not this way down here. call, thank you for your in louisiana being a targeted state for the first time in several years, there is probably a different strategy for each topaign, i could not speak why the democrats are using the messages they are. host: do you want to jump in
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gecko -- jump in? guest: a month earlier with the messaging in louisiana right now but my personal and professional belief is that it is better for --ocracy and elections especially a year like this a non-residential year we are likely to have a lower number of people voting so anything that encourages people to vote is important for campaigns. host: on our line for democrats, prudence is waiting period -- waiting. caller: i have been calling for a couple of weeks and stopped at the end of last week because almost everybody had already voted and this we know that and to take them off the list but i
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don't think that is the case. i have made almost 800 calls for democrats and one of the things that bothers me is that they say everybody lies and that is upsetting. i think mark twain said something about politicians saying the truth, but as i i got tired of people telling me they had already voted and then i have to ask them who they voted for and a lot of them say is none of your business, which --nderstand and i think them thank them for being a voter and --ething they will not vote, anyhow i have had interesting conversations but most of the time they just hang up or you get an answering machine. host: will you continue to make calls for the next two days? guest: the only thing i will do
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today is try to get rid of mitch mcconnell. for: she said she worked, can you talk about how they changed the fundraising game? off of president impeachmentiginal during 1998, the organization decided, never again. we will never again be caught with our pants down when it comes to mobilizing the grassroots. that means mobilizing volunteers , it meansone calls organizing organizers to knock on doors, it means raising money online. they have been very successful at writing those e-mails. on our twitter page, i had
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72 political ads in my e-mail yesterday. guest: it is a fever pace right now. is one of organizations that has been able to raise a war chest. let me say, prudence, thank you very much for your dissipation, 800 phone calls is nothing to sniff that. try to stay involved, i know it can be frustrating when you call those people, but this is good for democracy and you should be thanked. happening at this and in terms of republicans online fundraising and using technology to leverage interested folks. fundraising is definitely something we fell behind and through the 2008
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cycle but in 2012, a full commitment from all of our committees and national campaigns to make this a top priority and you're starting to see the numbers. with thenot at parity democrats but we are gaining ground. host: dave is calling on the line from independents. caller: i would like to make a comment about the data mining these two gentleman use. the digging for background, and they my privacy and do this without compensating me and then they use that data to call me at inconvenient times -- for me -- and i do vote early so the calls are a waste of my time. i do track who calls me the most and i vote for the person who calls middle east so they are diff -- who calls me the least, so they are defeating the
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purpose. guest: i completely understand and that's one of the reasons i don't do phone calls. i do digital advertising that targets people while they are browsing. for instance, if you are online or just reading the news, chances are if you are a target voter we would be serving you and add. the experience is not quite as , and it is- we hope something that allows you to have that message tailored to the issue you care about. if you like dave and others like dave deservedly compensated for the information your groups are finding out about them. guest: i don't know about compensation but it is in both campaigns interests to be as efficient as possible. we don't want to call people at inefficient times, we want every
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door knock or add to be as effective as possible. as efficient as possible. to fill in go maryland on the line for republicans. in maryland on the line for republicans. caller: my issue is voter fraud, what will ensure that that doesn't happen, in the philadelphia-area 112% of democrats voted democrat. i don't know how that can happen. also reports of machines automatically converting republican votes to democratic votes with those machines, what is going to be done about that and how can we make sure the votes are on us. guest: is this your aerial of expertise?
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is this your area of expertise? guest: anyone who comments on the idea to stop voter prod is usually a masking interest about limiting who can vote. talk to anyone in florida in 2000 and ask if they didn't think republicans should be accused of voter fraud , is something that plagues our entire system but needs to be viewed through a prism of making sure that eligible voters, no matter what can vote as easily as possible. frank, will give you waiting in new york. on the line for democrats. can we hear his response
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to the previous question first? area oft is out of my expertise. i would call the secretary of state and ask whether laws are at. do they expect a repeat of the 1.5 million votes greater for the house and democrats but still the republicans control the house. host: how are the districts drawn. i'm definitely not an expert in how the districts are drawn. host: does it impact your work? guest: you definitely and up with competitive districts across the country and airy us like california where the ballots of democratic districts are out of whack with the public -- with a portion of republican voters. see resources going to
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resources where there are 10 or 20 point the trees for one side or the other. host: go ahead sir. caller: i would like to know how we as voters can reverse the concept of these koch brothers financing our republican partners so they can have money to give their perspective without us or the democrats having an equal amount of money to finance our perceptions because perception is reality and we are getting all these false perceptions. on the money battle mr. walsh. was a washington post article a couple of days ago that mentioned that the koch brothers had been abrogating this voter data and making it
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available to third-party groups as well. that the influx of money from the koch brothers and their ilk has been crude -- incredibly disturbing this election cycle and makes it difficult for the average citizen to run for office and avoid that kind of influence from outside. i do hope that firms like ds is to makere doing it possible for joe citizen to run for office without the impact of the outside money coming in and to connect with voters in a way that makes it relevant to them in a way they can come out to the polls regardless of the amount of money. host: i want to get you both to respond, is the new medium to communicate changing the message
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that candidates would otherwise send? much: i think it makes it easier to figure out what message you should be using. the great thing about online generally is that you can message. the interactions are interactive cells and video completion rates we can grind down to what message each voter will be interested in hearing. inst: there was an article "new york times" about big data and small content. really the way to slice your audience up into pieces has outpaced the ability to deliver content. we still delivering a broadcast message to smaller chunks of producingt we aren't dozens of pieces of content at a time. jim walsh is with ds
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political. we appreciate your time this morning. >> coming up on the next newsington journal" przybyla talks about the midterm elections and volpe talksella about young voters, for future goals -- calls you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. >> throughout campaign 2014 c-span has brought you more than 130 candidate debates from across the country. this tuesday night watch
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c-span's live election night coverage to see who wins, who loses and which party will control the house and senate. you will see candidate victory and concession speeches and some of the most closely watched senate races across the country. throughout the night and into the morning we want to hear from you. election night coverage on c-span. the 2015 student c-span student cam competition is underway. videos about the how theanches showing branches have affected you and your community. there are 200 cash prizes totaling $100,000. for the list of rules and how to get started go to student >> next, discussion on the
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impact that latino voters can have on the election. coverage continues with the debate on the georgia senate race and after that q&a with harold holzer. national presse club discuss the midterm elections and the affect of the latino vote. latinos make up for 11% of the electorate and 17% of the u.s. population. panelists include the president of the institute and the director of hispanic media. this is over an hour. we like to come all of you to the national press club with this very important newsmaker on the latino vote. four very distinguished
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speakers. but he introduced them to park z, director ofpe the spanish institute. ruth the director of you national committee and served as a communications director, llera is president assists hispanic students and she was formerly executive director of the spanish caucus and holds a degree from occidental college and is a native of mexico. is a orkowski correspondent for hispanic outlook for higher education magazine in washington and holds
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a phd from the university of california at santa barbara. with that the program begins. welcome everyone and bienvenidos. pleasures ireatest get an covering hispanics is discovering and writing about ther great diversity, diversity of background in terms of multiracial background, multinational, multigenerational and in some cases multilingual. latinos are as diverse as americans. newsmaker, four days before the midterm elections where there is the possibility of the senate switching from a dominant -- dominant democratic leadership to republicans, we will focus on the hispanic latino electorate.
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that is those of a hispanic heritage who are eligible to vote because they are over the age of 18 and they are citizens of the united states. and hopefullyper more clearly into information about the electorate than most journals do. when most people talk about the latino vote including members of the press, they tend to equate the hispanic population with the electorate and with those who actually vote. mark lopez who is the director of research at the pew hispanic center and is a recognized expert on hispanic demographics will parse down those numbers for us and the latino vote which should be clearly distinguished. that is the population, the electorate -- those eligible to vote, the registration -- those
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who registered to vote, the turnout -- that is those who regularly vote and to go deeper into how those are split by party. we can talk about issues and i would also like to talk about the percentage of hispanic dominant. are spanish that request ballots in spanish. about what his research has found and some of the most important issues to the spanish electorate. particularly immigration reform. int is the change immigration law. then we will hear from two directors of organizations that are heavily involved in the hispanic electorate. that is the director of the hispanic institute and the director of hispanic outreach.
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they will address how their initiatives to expand the electorate and voter turnout are being shaped. we are also interested in what issues they feel are important to turnout hispanic heritage voters. i want to thank all the panelists for coming and being flexible with the date changes and i want to tank -- thank susan who helped me with contacts for this event. have an official translator and in the interest of time that questions and interviews in spanish will be made after the event. [speaking spanish] >> with that let's start with
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mark. thank you for that introduction peggy, it is a pleasure. i want to talk about what has been happening with the hispanic vote. there are more than 25 million latinos at least 18 years of age. we define them as eligible to ine, but among americans this age group and who are u.s. citizens hispanics make up 11% of that population. compare that to the general share of the u.s. population, they make up 17% of all americans only 11% of those eligible to vote. when you break it down by registered voter and down to in recent election cycles hispanic start to make up butly 10% of voters overall you can see as one of my colleagues likes to say, they have been punching under their
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weight given their presence in the general population. there are plenty of reasons, many latinos, 18 million are under the age of 18. why youond big reason see many on eligible to vote is they may be adults and maybe in the country legally but they are not u.s. citizens or they may be in the citizen -- maybe in the country illegally and therefore are not u.s. citizens. they make up a significant portion of the adult population and that is part of reason why we say they tend to punch below their weight. , 25 million vote potential voters, they reside all around the country and the population has been growing in virtually every part of the half of hispanic voters are in two states. california and texas.
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if you include florida, new york, new jersey and illinois that is two thirds of the hispanic electorate. of all of those states, florida is really the only one where have a close governor's race where latinos are likely to play an important role in shaping the outcome. year, for theis senate is one that emphasizes states like alaska, georgia, north carolina. states like colorado. where in some cases, latinos over,p nearly 15% if not of eligible voters in the state of colorado. that is a big share in colorado and one of the bigger hispanic voter states. however in states like alaska a makeup more like 5% and in a state like georgia where latinos make up nearly 10% of the state
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's population among registered voters in georgia they only make up 2% of registered voters. same story for north carolina. it is interesting that the weight of the latino vote is not quite where you would expect it to be given the relative population size. who are latino voters? we recently did a survey and we asked questions about the demographics. you look at latino registered voters you find that 70%, almost three quarters are u.s. born. they make up the bulk of hispanic voters, though among hispanic adults overall, only half are us-born. it is an important distinction to note that the voter tends more likely to be a native born. the second thing to note is about a second thing to note is is that language to peggy asked
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them to talk about language but i do have any hard data to point to, i'll took was in spanish. my colleagues on the panel may have some data on that but if you take a look at our data you will find that they should latinos who are spanish dominant, that is the conduct most of their daily business in spanish, that sure is about 17%. about 48% are bilingual, and more than a third our english am. in other words, they conduct most of the bases in their daily lives in english. i think those are some important numbers to point to the tick because a lot of connected with what of advertisement is folks on the hispanic committee goes, a lot of it does go to spanish me and that is poor but many spanish voters don't necessarily watch spanish media. especially those who are -- a few other things worth noting what is the vehicle in terms of -- where is the latino vote in terms of its partisanship? our most recent survey shows
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