tv Washington Journal CSPAN November 4, 2014 7:00am-10:01am EST
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taylor from "the hill" newspaper, arun blake of "the washington post," and mary sabato from the university of virginia. today, decisions will be made on all 435 house seats. an estimated $4 billion spent on this campaign. much of that tilted toward senate races. republicans need succeeds to gain control of the senate. -- need six seats. website for more information. our first 45 minutes this morning, as we talk to you about elections on this election day, we want to hear from you about
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why you vote or why you don't vote. here's how you can let us know. if you want to tell us on social media about why you vote or our twitter page, facebook or send us an e-mail. we have front pages from some of these key senate races that many are watching. the lexington herald leader out of kentucky highlighting the race between mitch mcconnell and alison lundergan grimes. it highlights the $4 billion price tag.
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turning to the pages of louisiana's paper, highlighting mary landrieu and bill cassidy expected to go to a runoff. that race is the states most expensive ever. none of the three front runners likely to draw 50%. for sets up a runoff december 6. , the morningo iowa register talking about the race in general taking a look at the governor race between joni ernst and bruce braley. if you turn to the pages of the new york times, and op ed by two .entlemen your predictable vote.
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vote. r democrats. four democrat on ourtart with patrick line for democrats. tell us about your plans on this day. caller: good morning. booth go to the voting and cast my vote for the democratic tickets. me, the reason i vote is because it's the only way anybody can actually move anything or make a difference. the reason i vote democratic is republicansink the pulled back on a lot of programs. they want to repeal the affordable care act and things
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like that. that is part much it. host: the wall street journal highlights the senate race in your state. scott brown and jeanne shaheen. you will vote for senator shaheen? caller: yes, i am. i don't want scott brown and there.- scott brown in host: why? caller: jeanne shaheen is more trustworthy. if she has been in that position. -- i don't necessarily trust his ideals or what he says that he wants to do. he is with the republicans, -- theirend to feel
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ideas pull everything back. host: mel from new york. independent line. caller: good morning, pedro. i vote because i want to preserve this republic. when ben franklin was asked what we have, he said we have given you a republic. if you can keep it. we have to be engaged and informed. here in new york, we have somebody to vote for -- our current governor, andrew is a progressive. if you look at her economic business climate, you see what progressivism is doing to ruin a state's economy and limit the freedom of the people. in new york, there are conservatives. i'm one of them.
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i want to preserve what we were given when our country was conceived. that is liberty. host: have you voted already? caller: i already voted. i was there at 6:15. host: what was the turn out like? caller: there were a few already there. just behind my apartment. it was a short distance to walk. you see cars lined up. todd during to kentucky, from shelbyville. republican line. caller: good morning. beautiful morning. to the previous colors comment -- caller's comment, we can't have our government operate well if we don't actively engaged our government selection.
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if we don't get out there and make our opinions and voices known, we can have a representative government -- can't have a representative government. i already cast my vote for mr. mcconnell to continue his leadership. hopefully majority leadership after today. the collection of real clear politics polls shows he has a 49% favorable chance to win the contest against miss grimes. what most determines -- what goes into your vote? how do you gauge who you are going to vote for? i look at thecaller: records of the candidates. the experience of the candidates. package. the whole
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for me come outside polling is great, but i try not to let my -- be gauged aged or colored by the overall idea or perspective of someone. i like to make my own decisions. host: a handful of states being determined. the wall street journal has pictures of four of the races. arkansas, tom cotton against mark pryor. joni ernst and bruce braley. scott brown facing off against jeanne shaheen. experimentingi
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with mail-in voting today. i'm not able to vote because of the fact that they took my rights away because i'm a convicted felon. i don't think that's completely right. i wish they would give us our rights back. we already paid our debts to society. host: how long have you been not able to vote? caller: since 2007. host: have you try to appeal? is there a process like that in connecticut? caller: not that i know of. this all happened in florida. i put in for the voter registration card but they never mailed me back anything. i'm stuck waiting to vote eventually. kai in washington, d.c. on
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her independent line. good morning. reason why i vote is because it's all we have, man. this country is so incredibly corrupt. , but ito be a democrat switched to independent because the democrats don't seem to be able to compete with the nasty.cans were soho are so when you listen to c-span, you get so disenfranchised and careful when you listen to the republicans. they can't convey anything to -- it is so scary. i lean towards democrats when theyoting because at least
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sound like they care about poor people in the middle class people. to them, theyn want the country to be like it was back in the civil war era. understand, this taking back our country. vote?how do you plan to caller: i'm voting today for brown for governor. i actually live in maryland. can't bring myself to vote republican. they have not yet shown me they care about everyone in this country. -- if theypublicans would just listen to their
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candidates and put them in our shoes, they would understand this better. if you are just joining us, if you plan to vote, why. if not, why. many polls opening early this morning to our coverage of election day 2014 will start at 8:00 p.m. tonight. you can comment on the phones come on twitter, on facebook. campaign 2014, election coverage. over 130 debates being covered. if you want to see those and see information from that, go to our c-span website. they feelhouse saying confident that the senate will stay democratic. including the white house press
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secretary. ifwering a reporter question the president himself agrees with the vice president. [video clip] idea thated in this as voters hone in on the central question of this campaign, are you going to be supportive of the candidate fighting for middle-class families. that is a strong argument. they are also backed by a tried and ground strategy -- tried and true ground strategy. in strategies that were successfully led by the president's team. that is the way the president has made a tangible contribution to benefit democrats on the ballot tomorrow. the white house press
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secretary talking about that. why you vote or plan not to vote. john from texas, republican line. good morning. caller: good morning and thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts this morning. i feel it's absolute crucial we restore the three equal branches of government. havee never in my 51 years ever seen a president acting more like an emperor by executive decree. i appoint a czar -- it's wrong. are being denied the sensibilities of individualism. it is up to a person to seek out and be the best person they can and stop looking for the government to help you. the previous caller said the
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republicans are mean-spirited and ugly. it's not that, sir. we believe in the spirit of an individual and of the god-given tiest and the liber afforded to us in the constitution. vote for parity. thank you so much for allowing me to share my thoughts. host: joe from iowa on our independent line. caller: i have already voted. it is my only expression of freedom that we as americans have. if you try to take away a free man's freedom, that is the worst thing in the world that you come up against. host: who did you vote for? caller: bruce braley. host: why did you choose him? caller: he's the better of the two candidates. koch not paid for by the
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brothers like joni ernst is. have you voted for: both democrats and republicans in years past? ballot.we have a secret is the same question they asked the lady running against mitch mcconnell. host: joe from iowa talking about the senate race. if you go to real clear politics, they take a sampling of polls across the united states and combine them into tossups and likely races. tossups in alaska, colorado, georgia, iowa, kansas, louisiana, new hampshire and north carolina. people will be looking
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to as polls continue throughout the day. you can see the wrap up of what happened tonight at 8:00 on c-span. arizona, democrats line. caller: good morning. it is my right to vote. i'm female. it took us until 1920 to get the boat. during the civil rights era, a lot of people thought and died for that right. i'm democrat. i take offense to people who have down our president. he is our president. i voted because it's my right to vote. host: susan from georgia. democrats line. caller: thank you so much for c-span. i'm not going to vote today because i'm in the middle of
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moving and i did not get my voter registration sent over. if i were voting, i would vote for michelle nunn. i'm a democrat because i love the republicans. as i was divorcing a republican pilot, my attorney had me interview my replacement. divorced me the day my was final. i have taken zero for child intimidation from a republican county. georgia is corrupt and it is red. -- republicans are drooling i don't respect them. host: real clear politics
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looking at their combined poll average and taking a look at georgia. as a result of those combined edge. purdue with the 47.4% over michelle nunn. you talk specifically about a race you are watching. why you vote or don't look. numbers will be on the screen. west virginia, talking to frank on the republican line. caller: i hope joe from iowa does not think he is fully anybody. -- fooling anybody. has brought party us legalized government paid for abortions, homosexual marriage and $17.5 trillion in debt. god will not bless a country babiesgally kills unborn
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. we cannot spend our way into prosperity. vote republican. host: this is charles from ohio. caller: i am independent because i believe the democrats are spineless and the republicans are totally corrupt. they are voting to send jobs out the country. i don't understand that. if you look at the proper candidate, what are the qualifications? most of these republicans send jobs out the country. the democrats allowed it. host: you are planning on voting today? caller: i am. host: any indications of which raises you will be most interested? caller: he tried to stop other things, so i am going to try to
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vote him out. i have to vote for somebody for governor. races, i'm going to see what the qualifications are. that is charles from cleveland, ohio. mitch mcconnell is not only the senate minority leader, but he gave the address this past weekend. he talked about what would happen if the senate does go to republican hands and talks about the idea of ending gridlock in washington. [video clip] >> the american people choose to send a republican majority to congress the selection, we can finally help ensure -- a new republican majority would mean we would get everything you want from washington. we would be able to bring the current legislative gridlock to a merciful and. be able to start
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sending bills to the president desk again. under a new majority, our focus would be on h passing legislation that improved the economy. that helps restore americans confidence in their country and their government. we want to ease the squeeze on working families and improve economic opportunity. we want to make it easier for families to join the middle class. we want to increase career prospects for college graduates. a new republican majority would look towards ensuring those of policies instead of succumbing to the current gridlock. host: robert from pittsburgh, pennsylvania. good morning. old and im 78 years black folksime when could not vote in certain states.
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it is a disgrace -- if people -- iat home and not vote keep hearing republicans talk about what they want to do. realize the stock markets are up and people have health care they have never had before? i don't know what people really want. has attacked obama so much that people don't even know and take what they hear on these cable stations, all the negative things about obama. hope is that people get out of bed and get outside and vote. i don't care how you vote, but vote. host: you talked about the messages that come out. how do you think democrats have done in talking about health care and the economy?
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media keeps saying obamacare instead of aca. it scares people. they listen to all these people on cable. --ple are impressing them pressing them to vote for what they think the people want. want goodcans really health care. negativenessuch that comes out of people's mouths on these cable stations. that's why these politicians go one way. host: paul from texas on the republican line. caller: good morning. i would like to remind everyone in america, there are three god,s we could turn to
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pray and vote. i have already voted republican. the democratic convention voted god out of their platform. i have to turn to god. what determines who you will vote for? what are you looking for? christians. conscience.te their we have people voting for parties instead of voting -- i do not want my four-year-old -- i cannot do that anymore. we have to turn back to god in this nation.
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ronald from philadelphia, pennsylvania. independent line. caller: i'm definitely going to vote today. they are talking about taking back the country. who are they going to take it from? women or minorities? they want to take it back from everybody. undecided voters are the topic of a piece in the washington times.
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because that is what we have to do. we don't have a voice. host: turnout is going to be crucial in your governor's race in maryland. caller: yes. i'm getting up right now and ready to go. host: who are you supporting? caller: brown. host: tell us why. caller: i have voted in the past republican. it took me a while to do that. with brown, i think he is the way to go. on ourrom louisiana independent line, here is glenda. caller: i'm really an independent but i will vote democrat because if you vote independent, your vote is going to go to waste. mitch mcconnell saying he's
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going to help the working class. they don't say anything about raising the minimum wage. the republicans want to get rid of obamacare. they do not have an alternative. they keep saying they're going to do this and that but they don't have anything behind it. a lot of these people who are going to vote today are so uneducated about what is going on. it is scary. host: tell us about who you are going to support in the senate race. caller: mary landrieu. host: why her? caller: i'm against bill cassidy. he wants to change the retirement age to 70 and prioritize medicare. -- it wasexisting going way up because of pre-existing. it was not for the
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affordable care act, i cannot get insurance. if they bring back pre-existing and give all people a $400 check a month to go by private insurance, they are not going to be able to get it. it would take their entire social security check to buy insurance. there is no way i could support bill cassidy. he is for the wealthy, not the working class. francis in hear from tennessee. republican line. caller: good morning. i would like to say that i wish you all could come up with a better system to give more equal democrats and republicans. democratsent and the say all is well. the number that is unemployed, it is greater than it has been in a long time.
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nobody talks about the debt. people cannot even write trillion. it has 12 zeros and it. in a matter of six years, we have increased that debt by a trillion dollars. -- $8 trillion. the federal reserve has gone into debt buying bonds to keep the stock market up. i wish things were better, but we have to be honest and know that the economy is drowning and people are in trouble. think when you vote and please vote republican. host: who do you support on this day? francis? if you go to the pages of the new york times, plenty of stories about election day today. also a story taking a look at a position by the justice
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department centering on automakers. hyundai and kia for misstating mileage. carl davenport 20 us on the phone to talk about the story. to us on the caller: the justice department yesterday handed down a settlement that totaled $300 .illion in penalties overstating their mileage on their stickers. ed them for violating the clean air act. one of the largest settlements ever by the federal government. -- of the most committed
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punitive actions ever taken against the auto industry. the point they wanted to make was, by overstating their mileage, they sold vehicles to consumers who then spent more money and did not get the mileage they were promised and put more carbon dioxide into the air. the administration wanted to make the point that clean air act regulations, they are going to enforce those regulations and provisions aggressively. host: we want to hear directly from eric holder himself who made a statement about the settlement. [video clip] >> under the historic settlement we announced today the hyundai and kia will remedy themselves by doing three things.
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they will pay a civil penalty of $100 million. the largest civil penalty ever secured under the clean air act. this will send a strong message that cheating is not profitable and any company that violates the law will be held accountable. forfeit thekia will gas credits the company wrongly claimed. requiretlement will them to relinquish 4.7 5 million metric tons worth of credits. which could be valued at hundreds of millions of dollars. hyundai and kia will be required to implement rigorous new procedures, including training and enhanced auto testing of their vehicles to prevent this kind of violation from ever happening again. coral davenport, laying out the specifics of what that's what does it mean for the companies themselves? caller: the companies are going
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to lose a lot of money in the form of the direct payment they have to make. the attorney general talked about 100 million in direct 4.75nts and forfeiting million greenhouse gas emissions credits. those are credits they get for making vehicles that are more fuel-efficient than required. they were mislabeling this vehicles and really quitting this credits -- they will lose the equivalent of about another $200 million. both of those companies are korean. to build aave to pay separate fuel economy testing facility in the u.s. that will be independent from their korean labs and testing facilities. higher protocol to test
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their vehicles. it will be a big hit to their company and they hit to the whom had aboth of reputation for fuel-efficient and eco-friendly vehicles. the company said that this was an honest mistake and they were not intentionally cheating the public. the way they did their tests, they believed the vehicles were fuel economy standards. either way, it's going to cost them a lot of money to fix these mistakes. they have put in place a voluntary program where they have offered to pay consumers over 100 million vehicles, a the sum to make up for mileage they lost. that will be another hit. host: is there a sense this has
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a ripple effect on other auto companies? intention of keeping elements of the clean air act. caller: it does. this was very much a message not , but alluto companies elements of industry that are regulated by the clean air act. watchher industries that plantlosely are the power , electric industries. president obama proposed aggressive new regulations on greenhouse gases for power plants. there's are going to go into effect over the next couple of years. they are very controversial. the coal industry is very unhappy about them. they require big changes in the u.s. utility industry. enforcementfirst
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settlement we have seen on climate change regulations under the clean air act. we have a lot more regulations coming down the pipe. the signal this settlement clearly was intended to send is as these other regulations get put in place, this administration is when to be watching,us about auditing and enforcing any kind of regulations that had to do with climate change and the clean air act. coral davenport with the new york times talking about this $100 million clean air penalty against hyundai and kia. thank you. caller: great to be with you. thanks. host: ballot initiatives being one of the things we're looking at today. there are 147 initiatives on today possible state ballot -- 's state ballot.
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we are asking you about election day and whether you plan to vote or not vote today. here's houston, texas. caller: i am a democrat. we put god first and everything will be all right. you have to put god first. host: ann from rhode island is up next. independent line. caller: hello. , in rhodet to say is
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anand, i am able to be unaffiliated voter. that, except in primaries, i can vote whatever candidaten individual or third-party candidate. not only do we have that advantage, but we also have an extremely easy, narrow, connected ballot. peopley serious about absolutely exercising their right to vote. whether you are voting for oreone, against someone giving the ability for a third-party candidate to have some opportunity. we don't always have to be a
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if you want to start watching coverage tonight, do so at 8:00. not only can you call and talk about what you are seeing out there, but also in direct on social media via twitter and facebook. that coverage will start at 8:00 this evening. one more call on why you plan to vote or not vote. martinsville, ohio. republican line. caller: i plan on voting -- i am 76 and i have never missed an election. host: tell us why you vote.
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caller: i feel voting is a privilege. i have always felt that way. i vote because i think people should be involved. as preparing for election day, how you educate yourself about the candidates you are going to choose? caller: i watch c-span a lot. i watch most of the others. cnn., fox, host: as far as the races in ohio, what are you paying attention to the most? caller: the governor. klan on voting for assick. a lot of attention being paid to the senate.
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our nexting to spend segment talking about the specific races and the condition they are in. especially as polls are open in most states right now. joining us for that discussion to talk about those races is nathan gonzales with the rothenberg political report. he will give his analysis as far as what he plans to do. we will continue that and you can continue calling in. ♪ >> throughout campaign 2014, c-span has brought you more than 130 candidate debates from across the country in races that will determine control of the next congress. live next night coverage to see who wins, who loses and which party will control the house and senate.
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our coverage begins at 8:00 p.m. eastern with the results and analysis. you will see candidate big three and concession speeches. throughout the night and into the morning, we want to hear from you. your calls, facebook comments and tweets. campaign 2014 election night coverage on c-span. c-span2015 season' student cam competition is underway. create a 5-7 minute documentary on the three branches and you. showing high policy, law or action by the executive, legislative or judicial branch has affected you or your community. there are 200 cash prizes for student's and teachers totaling $100,000. for list of rules and how to get started, go to student >> "washington journal" continues. host: joining us to continue our conversation on this election day, nathan gonzales from the
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rothenberg political report. let's start with the senate. what do you expect to happen tonight as far as staying in democratic hands are not? guest: we believe republicans will gain between 5-8 seats. we have been there for a few months. when you narrow that range even further, republicans will gain between 6-8 seats. the precise path of what states and if we have to go to january or not is still in play, still up in the air. i think republicans will get them when the dust settles. host: tell us what is happening is for his numbers -- as far as numbers. guest: what you just talked early warning signs
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on the east coast, if republicans are doing better than expected in new hampshire and scott brown wins, the race against jeanne shaheen in new hampshire, shaheen is coming into election day with a point or two advantage. the republicans have won control. we talking about a 9-10 to gain. in north carolina, another key race between kay hagan coming into election day with maybe a point advantage over thom tillis. if republicans and appointing that race, i think they are in control. georgia again, the expectation georgia is going to go to a january runoff because there is a libertarian candidate. david purdue or michelle nunn from winning that majority. if they can hold their own seat, the seats they gain off the
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democratic side are just a gain of seats. using those three states as an example, what is your polling and analysis suggesting as far as how these races have tightened? we don't connect our own polling, but we digest as much polling as possible. there are a remarkable number of close races. colorado, iowa, north carolina and georgia. kansas being a tight race. that is why there is a much uncertainty. if kansas and georgia come if republicans have been able to lock down those states before we got this far, we would be talking about the size of the republican majority. it would not be a doubt at all. pause at one of the key factors we have to looking at for most of election cycle is
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the democratic get out the vote operation. how much that will matter in these races. factor in that republicans are confident in their get out the vote operations. particularly in a state like colorado. the closeness and the get out throws a dynamic into this that we could be uncertain for a wild tonight. host: if you have questions about tonight's race, give us a call and you can ask mr. gonzales. has this senate race -- is this senate race about issues or president obama? his job approval rating is casting a shadow over these races. it is fortunate for republicans
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that the class of senators at 2008, nowelected in that they're up in 2014, you red stateber of democratic senators running for reelection in hostile territory. the president's job approval rating is about 41-42% nationally. you could knock 5-10 points out .hat job approval rating in key states such as alaska, kentucky, arkansas, louisiana where incumbents are trying to survive, they have been trying to find that line between distancing themselves from looking atbama and their personal connection to their states. it has i don't think worked enough in the ski races for them to hold on. host: their opponents would then try to find lines to president obama?
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caller: one of the typical campaign ads is mark pryor voted with president obama 90% of the time. that is something we see in a number of races. republicans have also done a better job of localizing some of these races. hagan'to hold it senator to the fire on committee hearing meetings. salient points republicans use are the number of veterans affairs committee meetings he messed at a time when the v.a. was undergoing all sorts of negative headlines. this is not just a national quickie race. republicans have made some adjustments from last cycle. it has worked pretty effectively. host: there is a headline in the "washington post" talking about turnout.
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talk about that as a factor tonight. is another factor that plays into the republicans favor. not just those states i talked about, but also midterm electorates in general are for republicans. younger voters and minority voters. another way the republicans have the advantage. democrats are trying to change that equation from a typical midterm. they are focusing their get out the vote operation on minority turnout. whether it's african-american voters in little rock or inspanic voters an colorado. they are try to change that dynamic. it's a difficult thing to do and very difficult to make a big difference in the race. puts aterm electorate
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pinky on the scale for the republicans in key races. host: nathan gonzales from the rothenberg political report joining us to talk about election day. you may have questions for him. the lights are on our screen. julia in dayton, ohio. democrats line. caller: good morning. thank you so much for taking my call. i am a political junkie. i have watched a lot of news. i try to stay informed. a seems to me the country has bad case of all timers -- alzheimer's. it has not been democrats or president obama that has been holding this country back. declareseen republicans their not going to do anything for the president to get anything through. they stopped the government with a shutdown down the cost this country millions of dollars. they did not impact anything that was going on in the immigration atof
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the border or for the interest in ukraine in iraq. iraq.aine and with that irresponsible level of leadership, i don't understand how anybody can go to the polls and vote republican. the only thing they have gotten moved this country forward has been democrats and president obama with the republicans trying their darndest to hold everything back. guest: julia brought up one of the chief frustrations the democrats have with republicans. the challenge for the democratic , aty is that president obama majority of the country disapproves of the job president obama is doing. when you have republicans running around the country saying we are going to stop what
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president obama is doing, people think that might be a good idea because i don't agree with the direction he is taking the country. it is going to be up to republicans in the next congress to put forth some positive legislative agenda. i don't know how much more mileage they are going to get out of the opposition to obama message. it is very effective right now in these key states at a time when voters don't approve of and are disaffected site -- and are dissatisfied. host: joe in maryland on our republican line. to call as at want citizen of the united states. i don't know if you've ever considered the fact that we are all in this together. i have never seen such they always seem
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to put it on the current president. that is not fair. we are here to work together. how do you sleep at night and tell constituents that you operate with a pure heart? we are a country of voters and people who make this thing work. you are all deliberately working against the president. you think god is going to bless the country because you have lied and perpetuated the harm that is already done? if you are a citizen of the united states and of the world -- host: mr. gonzales? guest: i think joe brings up a couple of points. the president of the united
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states, even though we have three branches of government, the president of the united states is viewed as the head of the government and the head of the country. when things are going well, the president gets a disproportionate amount of credit for what's going on. when things are going poorly, he gets a disproportionate amount of blame. that is where we are right now. there are some things he has more control over than others. and thehis credibility optimism he had early in this administration has faded away, ands being saddled with blamed for things that are not under his control. that goes with the territory. it might feel like everyone is piling on president obama. it is a republican versus democratic thing. back during the bush administration, president bush was getting blamed for
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everything. people were getting parking tickets and saying bush is keeping me down again. that is cyclical and that goes back and forth. in "theere is a piece washington post." 's agendadent obama faltered. it was the executive action that put senator mark udall on the defensive with the key constituency in a state whose population is 28% hispanic . is there any take away from that decision or other decisions the president has made? guest: while the executive action before now might have or mightnator udall have had a negative impact on senators running in states that are less democratic, arkansas, alaska, louisiana, they might
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not have been in the game at all if there was backlash against executive action. the white house has said they would potentially do an exact of action after the election. election, but it is unclear whether that means after the elections today, if it means after the louisiana runoff in december, maybe after a georgia runoff. there is still the potential that that action has an impact on these midterm elections. i think one of the major legislative agenda items that parttill -- that is still of the conversation is the affordable care act. republicans have used it in ads. the nrc see, the national republican campaign committee, ads havet of their been about the affordable care act. how the president handled it in the first year and a half of his administration, kind of playing a hands-off approach, it got
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very partisan and political, that set the tone for a lot of his legislative -- domestic legislative agenda for the rest of his term. line.independent richard from warren, ohio. hi. > caller: why don't we have any libertarians on the ballot? guest: there are libertarians on the ballot. races, thekey georgia race, there is a libertarian on the ballot, amanda swafford. there are third party candidates, but it is difficult for them to raise the money necessary, to raise their name identification, raise their awareness and kind of get their profile and their message out. that is a structural problem that third party candidates generally have because it is easier for the republicans and
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the democrats. they had voter lists and donor lists that have been cultivated over decades that they can go to , and libertarian or green party , working family, all these parties have their lists, their followers, but it is not up to the same size as the two major parties. host: nathan gonzales, talk about the rise of greg norman. -- of greg orman. he had run briefly as a democrat in the past, has given to president obama in the past, has also given to scott brown in the past. fascinating dynamic. democrats got their own nominee to drop out of the race, so greg orman is getting independent voters and republican voters who are the satisfied with pat roberts. they may not like that he has not spend a lot of time that she
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has not spent a lot of time in kansas. it looks like it could be a perfect storm for an independent candidate to win. one of the advantages he has is that he is independently wealthy. he has not suffered from the structural fundraising deficit i was talking about. he can write a check and has been able to boost his campaign on his own. if he did not have that ability, i am not sure he would be in the same position he is right now. what about when he says things like, "i am going to caucus with whatever party wins"? also: i believe he has told chuck todd of nbc that he has said he would not caucus --h a party that has either
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the senate majority hinges on it. it is also a long-term decision because if republicans win the majority, he caucuses with them. i think that he would be in grave danger of losing reelection the next time around because i do not think he can get out of a primary based on his profile and based on his background in some democratic politics. it is a big decision that goes beyond 2015. it has ramifications for his reelection. this is portland park, illinois. democrats line. hi. caller: if the democrats lose the senate, what are their chances of regaining it in 2016? guest: that is a great question. the map that we have been talking about -- democratic senators running in red states this cycle, it is almost the reverse in 2016. of6 is a glass -- is a class
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2010, a great republican year. so you have seven republican senators running for reelection in obama states. pennsylvania,y of rob portman of ohio, kelly a yotte of new hampshire, ron johnson of wisconsin -- republicans are going to immediately be on the defensive in the senate the next cycle, and if they only win the senate by aceto two, it is not difficult -- by a seat or two, it is not difficult to see the democrats getting back to the majority two years later. mark from north carolina, republican line. caller: i think anybody who wants to take a look at what is happening, congress should have to look at the dysfunctional senate. there has been legislation ,assed by the house republicans over 500 pieces of legislation, as i understand it, that was
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sent over to the senate. the senate's responsibility as far as the constitution is concerned, is to be a deliberative debating body. harry reid does not allow debate. he does not allow any sort of discourse to move forward. if people want obstructionism, that is what we have got. where want something something could land on the president's desk where there is a public debate about things, it would be much better. the problem with obamacare is debates, when both houses were controlled by the democrats, it was ludicrous. when nancy pelosi says, "we will have to find out what is in it when we pass it," frankly, a doctor was quoted as saying that the only thing he could relate that to was a stool sample. that is one of the main reasons why republicans want to
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get the senate because then the legislation passed by the house can move forward in the senate. the question will be if republicans control both if thes of congress -- republicans can agree with each other on what legislation can be passed, can they get it through both chambers and get into the president's desk? that is a big question mark still. they will not have a majority leader, harry reid, to blame anymore. right now he is kind of the bogeyman, saying we cannot get anything done because he is blocking. if mitch mcconnell is the majority leader, that excuse evaporates and republicans will have to deal with a new reality. has note president appeared with kay hagan specifically but got a radio ad cut for her. what does that mean to you? is that a good thing or a bad thing? what do you think? guest: we will see if it ends up
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being a net positive or not. it is a calculated decision by the campaign that the president can do some good, maybe boost democratic base turnout. there are probably not a lot of persuadable voters. it might even be $100 million when you add the outside spending. people have probably made up their minds. it is about going out and getting base democratic voters, and that is one area where the president could make a difference. it is also calculated that there is a potential for backlash, because the president could energize republicans and getting out the vote to get someone else in washington in that senate seat that is a republican. host: sebring, florida. good morning, laura, on our independent line. caller: i just wanted to make a point. i am independent. i do not vote for a democrat or republican. i vote for the man, the person, because i watch c-span a lot.
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notice that the republicans, 22 republican senators voted against the violence against women act. i was appalled by that. that made me sick to my stomach. then they shut down the government and screamed because nobody was guarding the monuments. but not one of them would stop their pay. they said, oh, no, we need our pay. what my question is -- you have to be a lobbyist or a big bank or anything else that has money to get anywhere in this country with the senators. before you go, tell us your thoughts on the governor's race there? who do you plan to support? caller: charlie crist. because -- i mean, why would they vote for scott gecko he ripped off -- why would they
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vote for scott? he ripped off medicare. then they turn around and vote for him. are you people ridiculous? there are people who retire in florida. they have already made their money. they are retired, they have made their money. but my husband works. for ass what, your vote billionaire is not cutting it for us. we need our obamacare. host: mr. gonzales, go ahead. laura brings up a frustration a lot of people have. that is one of the reason congressional job approval is low. that the system is rigged toward -- against the average person. there is a disconnect between what members are doing in washington, that it does not line up with what people should be doing. is a message democrats are using against republicans. one of the key things in nebraska's second district, with
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republican lee terry, he made a comment during the government shutdown that there was no way he was going to give up his paycheck because he had a house, a mortgage. there is a disconnect there. that is one of the frustrations playing out in this election, that president obama and that job approval rating is also a factor. that is making it difficult for democratic candidates. host: how do you view what is going to happen in the florida governor's race? it as ae have had tossup for virtually the entire cycle. both men are unpopular. more people disapprove of governor rick scott than approve of the job he is doing. charlie crist, republican turned independent, turned democrat, his unfavorable ratings are higher than his favorable ratings. it has been locked in the low 40's for most of the election. there is a third-party
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candidate, and i think it will good -- i think it will go down to the wire. what do you think is going to happen in these 36 races when it comes to republican and democratic favoring's? are there any that you are closely watching? is an extraordinary number of close gubernatorial elections. it could swing anywhere from up to 10 governor's losing reelection or maybe just one governor losing reelection. open,hough the polls are about the only governor that is sure to lose reelection is pennsylvania's governor tom corbett, which will bring -- which will break a string of lieutenant governor's becoming governors going back to world war ii. democrat could win the gubernatorial election in kansas, where senator brownback might lose to paul davis. you also will have republicans
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winning in massachusetts, where charlie baker is favored against martha coakley. connecticut -- tom foley against malloy. we could spend a whole hour on this. number that are extraordinarily close, and we will have to see how they break tonight. from montrose, virginia, democrats line. caller: good morning. there is so much to talk about. my main thing is the political pundits that sit around on tv and badmouth the president, and then they have the radio talkshow hosts like rush limbaugh, mark live-in -- mark levine, that man savage. they still hate him, and they make profits.
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if you look at everything bad that ever happened to this country, it happened on the republicans' watch. think about it -- everything. assassinations. make aublicans try to big deal out of the four people that got killed in benghazi. -- 4000 people got killed right here in the united states. it is ridiculous. you have to be mentally challenged to vote republican. host: mr. gonzales, any take away from that? guest: i think partisanship in the media is a key point. it can be easy to blame the partisan media -- obviously not c-span -- but i think it is a vicious cycle. many voters say they do not want biased media, they do not like the fox news bias, they do not like the msnbc bias.
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those channels are using their businesses, and the reason why they have been as successful as they are is that people are watching. people are voting with their eyeballs. even though people say they want independent media, and there is a loyal c-span viewership, there are also viewers going to these other outlets, and i think those outlets are giving some people what they want. it feeds on itself, and i am not sure that it is healthy. the political report shows certain races and how you view them. , the rothenberg political report. and northou kansas carolina and goes on from there. things have not changed drastically since november 1 when it comes to those races. the last one we changed on november 1 was the kentucky race. we have never had it as a tossup
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even though some of the polls had it very close for many months. we had it from lean republican backed republican favored. i think senator mcconnell is going to win. it looks like the known universe of races has been static for a while, and now we have to let the voters vote. do you think about the race that alison lundergan grimes ran? think she has gotten a lot of criticism in the last couple of weeks. during an editorial board , she was asked if she voted for president obama to achieve did not answer. her lookt make particularly good. it is on video. i think when we look back, that will probably get more of a disproportionate amount of attention than it deserved. structurally, she has difficulty running as a democrat in a
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federal election in a red state. mitch mcconnell's polling numbers have never been good. he is not popular in kentucky, so she had an opportunity, but she was still a democrat and republicans did an effective job of making it a partisan race. if the race was just a referendum on senator mcconnell -- do you like him or not, do you think he is doing a good job or not -- i think he would have lost that race. but they made it into a republican versus democrat race, presidentlican versus obama race. host: republican line, from virginia. good morning. caller: good morning. i am excited about going against obama -- going and voting against obama and his policies today. this man is an imbecile. how many people are not working in the workforce? there are no jobs.
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i am fortunate enough to have a job right now. stage, i recently saw where obama is threatening a counterattack against the republicans. really tough to people in the united states, doesn't he? if we had a ronald reagan in office or a bush, the ukraine would not be threatening, the middle east would not be in meltdown. this guy is a raving idiot. joseph, are you going to be supporting -- in the senate race? caller: of course. we are one to two days away from browning out. if i could get my hands on that man, i would rip his -- host: what are your thoughts? guest: i think joseph feels pretty passionate. race, we do not
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consider the virginia senate race to be even in the second tier. i think it would be a third tier opportunity for republicans, gillespie against mark warner. mark warner is proliferating -- he has been consistently high. he is running an impressive campaign. he has had john warner in television ads. he has been having john warner foster a bipartisan appeal that john warner has had since -- that mark warner has had since he was governor. if we talk about races like virginia being extremely close like minnesota or oregon, is a huge republican base. i think even though republicans have a good night, we will not creep into that tier of states. host: washington, d.c., here's anthony on the independent line. caller: good morning, pedro. one of the problems we have in this country is we have low information voters and we have people who have no sense of
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history. i am sure you remember, mr. gonzales, one of the last times held votes, what the house and the senate were doing in the last four years of the bush administration -- we with thisoblems economy going down the rabbit hole. both of those were forced toward the republicans. holding both sides of congress. host: thank you, anthony. mr. gonzales? -- if ine republicans the republicans get the senate this time, they will have to figure out where they are going to spend their time and attention. there will be a temptation for theblicans to try to repeal
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affordable care act. there will be the presentation to try to have more and more hearings on benghazi or other issues that they feel the administration has gone off the rails. so there is going to be that temptation, that cold, but they will have -- that pull. but i think the american people are going to start to wonder, what are they for? that will be an important message going into the 2016 presidential election, because if republicans just look like they are obstructionists, that is going to be very easy for the democratic presidential nominee the republicans, they are obstructing, obstructing. if you want to get something done, elect me, elect democrats for the house and senate. it will be a fascinating dynamic to watch next year. spent virtually all of our time talking about the senate. we have not talked about the house races. of the houseion
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stands, how much does that change after tonight? guest: republicans will gain seats and the house. we are just not quite sure how many. we believe republicans will gain between five and 12 house seats. it could exceed that if it ends up being a better night than we expect, but i do not think -- i think the dynamic is going to be similar. that dynamic is, there is a portion of the republican caucus -- antiestablishment or you can call it a tea party caucus if you want -- that will be a thorn in john boehner's side. they are the ones who do kind of want to obstruct. they call themselves constitutional conservatives, and they make it difficult to pass legislation that really has any sort of moderate or compromise tint to it. that dynamic is something this bigger will have to deal with, even though some of that crowd is not running for reelection or lost in senate primaries this cycle.
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there are going to be some characters that i think will take their place, and speaker boehner will have a difficult job once again for the next couple of years. host: characters like who? when you look at who could be the thorn in speaker john boehner's side, you could look at some new republican members like jody hice of georgia. i kind ofthat hesitated -- how many tea party members are coming into congress? i think it is difficult because the definition of tea party has become alert. .t it -- has become blurred it is one of the catchall for a lot of things. once members get here, sometimes they change. sometimes their outlooks change. sometimes they have expectations and then their outlook changes as they see how things work. elmer's of north carolina
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was elected in 2010, there was the expectation she would be one of these tea party republicans. as she has gotten to washington, she has figured out how things sheate, and i do not think has been that thorn in the side that many people expected her to be. gonzales of the rothenberg political report. mr. gonzales, good morning to you. here in north carolina, we had early voting, which was cut back seven days. here in north carolina, after last saturday, the tabulation came up that there were more democrats voting in the earlier voting than there was republicans. early voting exceeded the numbers of the 2010 election. so i do not think it will be that big of a knocked down here. thom tillis will not win in south carolina. pollution also an anti-
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from duke energy that has polluted all these waterways down here. so move the draconian legislation that thom tillis has led as the speaker down here, there are a lot of things. people are coming in droves, black and white. events, and there were more white people there than there were black people. bigtelling you, it is a turnover against thom tillis. i am sorry i cut you off too early. mr. gonzales? on onei will focus thing. early voting -- i think the media has done a better job of kind of taking in early vote totals from all different states to try to figure out what that
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means for this election. the key question we do not know about early voting, and he talked about how democrats are winning in early voting in north carolina -- we do not know whether democrats are changing the makeup of the electorate this cycle or if they are simply doing a better job of getting people who would have voted on election day, getting them to vote early. that is just what we are going to have to wait and figure out to get the final results. host: nathan gonzales is joining us. id from washington, good morning. our republican line. caller: i wanted to quickly digress and say that i wash -- i watch the show every morning. what is the percentage of people or do not use lights slavery?
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or never hear asians hispanic go down that road. i watch the show every day, and it is like a freak show, that so many blacks have to engine race through that. -- have to mention race through that. i really wish that a politician would be held, have his feet to the fire and define what is radical? what is radical? when all the republicans want to get it in balance, that is radical. 70% of the media in this country , they even pole left. they cast republicans as radicals, and i am sick of hearing so many people call of and be disingenuous about that. guess, like to ask your -- i would like to ask your guests, what is radical about the republican agenda? i am 99 percent sure that
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radical was not an adjective that i used. but there are republican members that, in order to achieve the goals that the caller was talking about, are willing to block everything else. i think that is the tension we are seeing. that is part of the tension we were seeing last year during the government shutdown, that there were republicans who feel like -- they feel like the debt and deficit are moral issues, but they were willing to take it to a new level by blocking other things in order to make their point. they have the right. they were elected to do what they think is right, but there can also be political ramifications for making that decision. areur standpoint, where we as handicappers and analysts, we are not making judgments on specific ideologies and who is right or wrong, but there is political fallout from some of those ideologies, and that is
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what we are taking under consideration. host: the last call of this segment will be from georgia, independent line. caller: i wanted to address on the answer that mr. gonzales earlierlier to a caller about libertarians on the ballot. the united states is unique in that it is a federal election, but all the states control the election process. there are ballot access laws. each one of these states created by the legislatures in those states that are controlled by republicans and democrats, they make it very difficult for libertarians or green party or anybody else to get on the ballot. another reason, the tea party has taken some of the wind out of the libertarians' sales like ron paul or ted cruz or others -- i do not consider him a libertarian by any stretch.
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with thecomfortable libertarian party. i think there is a racial component that bothers me. races brought up at every juncture regarding this president. i think the caller -- i mentioned the fundraising component. ballot access is absolutely another challenge for third-party candidates. that was one of the interesting things, in the 2012 presidential election, it was not specifically libertarian, but there was an organization called american elect. the process then kind of fell apart, with who they would nominate or put forward. they wanted a forced bipartisan ticket between a democrat and a republican, and things fell apart. ballot access, you have republican and democratic
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lawmakers making the laws and being in those decision-making roles, and there is not the incentive to help third-party candidates get that access. gonzales, will we know by tonight about the condition of the senate? guest: that is a great question. the easy answer, and the answer i have been giving for a number of weeks is no, that this is going to go to january with the georgia runoff. there will be a runoff in december in louisiana. but the way with the momentum, the way things are, there is a chance that late tonight, more like early tomorrow morning, we could have an indication of where the senate is headed. that being said, louisiana will still go to a runoff. the question is whether louisiana ends up being the deciding seat or not. host: that depends on louisiana being a key component. guest: if republicans can sweep
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most of the other competitive states, hold down their losses, and if pat roberts can squeak by in kansas, which is a big .uestion mark we have to remember that paul closing times -- we have to remember that poll closing times -- there is a difference between a closing time and how quickly the votes get tabulated. it can be hours after the polls close in some states, that we have a better idea of what is happening in that state. my advice is to go out and have a nice dinner and then you can settle in for a long night. host: anthony gonzalez with the rothenberg political report, their deputy editor. other racesg about as well. thank you. guest: thank you. you could have your dinner at home, and starting at 8:00
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you could watch c-span. all of that coverage will be starting tonight. we will be there for many hours, taking a look at things. you can direct on facebook or via twitter. our election night coverage will begin at 8:00 tonight on c-span. for the remainder of our show, we will continue on your calls on this election day, plus talk to experts on their predictions about what will happen after tonight. here is how you can participate for the next hour and a half. for democrats. 202-5 85-3881 for republicans. 202-5 85-3882 for independents. >> the new head of britain cost electronic eavesdropping policy the the media has become command-and-control network of choice for terrorists.
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robert hennigan writes in "financial times" that british intelligence agencies know that the islamic state or isis group -- isatches in -- using using messaging service to reach peers with ease. it was 35 million -- it was 35 years ago today that militant iranian students took 52 americans hostage and help them for 40 -- held them for 244 days. today thousands of iranians are marking the university with a rally in terror on -- with a rally in tehran. it was organized by hard-liners and demonstrators. an update on the nation's nuclear force from associated ' robert burns. he writes that the air force has fired two commanders and
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disciplined a third in response to internal investigations of leadership lapses and misbehavior at two of its three intercontinental ballistic missile basis. the most senior officer to be .elieved was colonel carl jones he was dismissed for "loss of trust and confidence in his leadership abilities." he has been reassigned. the actions were confirmed to the associated press yesterday. those are some of the latest headlines on c-span radio. throughout campaign 2014, c-span has brought you more than 130 candidate debates from across the country in races that will determine control of the next congress. tonight, watch c-span's live election night coverage to see who wins, who loses, and which party will control the house and senate. our coverage begins at 8:00 p.m. eastern with results and analysis. you will also see candidate victory and concession speeches.
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starting off, we will talk with jessica taylor. she is with "the hill," and she is their campaign editor, to talk about midterm elections. good morning. guest: good morning, pedro. host: tell us what factors into your thinking. guest: i think republicans started out with the better edge. democrats were defending double the number of seats republicans were. and republicans have exceeded -- republicans have succeeded -- two of the closest races tonight are going to be in iowa and colorado. these are democratic held seats that they have successfully made competitive. we see joni ernst in iowa, cory gardner leading senator mark
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udall and colorado. those are the early ones i am watching to see whether it does tip to republicans. we are also watching to see how to see how north carolina and new hampshire go, whether it is close. that will tell whether it is a good night for republicans, a great night for them, or whether democrats hold on. right now republicans are favored to pick up the seats that they need tonight. wait is nothing for us to -- there is nothing for us to do but wait for the returns to come in. goes say north carolina towards kay hagan. where do you go from there? guest: democrats have a really good ground in north carolina that they have talked about. democraticof all incumbents, has been the one who has been able to hold on. she has held her own and she has icceeded in making this --
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think it is because she is running against state house speaker thom tillis, who is head of a very unpopulated -- who is head of the very unpopular state legislature there. it may be what saves her. if she hangs on, there is still a chance for democrats to minimize the losses, or if they -- it isto do well still very close. the fact that we are still talking about democrats still having a path to majority on with the fact, that they have run smart races across the country, people like hagan and mark pryor in arkansas, they have held on. on,ink if kay hagan holds it will not be a bloodbath for democrats. they are certainly not out of the woods yet. that theheard earlier
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president cut a radio ad for senator hagan. talk about that. president who gets the vote or not as far as people heading to the polls today? like: for some incumbents hagan, they have had to do this delicate dance. they need the president to help them. this is the african-american vote. they need their base voters to turn out if they win. that is why there are calls for hagan targeted at specific voters. and then you see the same thing in georgia where michelle nunn is in a close race with republican david perdue. she must have the african-american voters turn out for her to win. i think it is telling that the day before the election -- there were questions even earlier whether she would appear alongside him. too closet be seen as
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to the president, criticizing where she has to. there are still slices of the bays where he is still popular, and that is core democratic voters, especially african-american voters. host: new hampshire -- where does it currently stand? what are your thoughts about what might happen in that senate race? guest: this is an early one that will tell us whether the polls have been accurate or not. the republicans expect a late surprise. new hampshire is a state that whetheritionally gone there is a wave or not. this one is much closer than democrats like. former senator scott brown from massachusetts, they tried to paint him as a carpetbagger or a political opportunist. i am not sure that will work.
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he has a shot tonight, certainly . i still give shaheen the edge, but if polling is really close, this is one we have to watch for a couple of hours. it is a good night for republicans, but if shaheen puts it away early, that is a good night for democrats. is theessica taylor campaign editor for "the hill." thank you. to your calls. this is kathleen, dayton, ohio, democrats line. i think the democrats are going to hold the senate. voters realize that republicans --i look at mitch mcconnell mitch mcconnell is like the eddie haskell. here's the whole crew of verse -- he is part of the whole crew of risk -- he is part of the whole crew of republicans who obstructed. to look at that record, i think
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the democrats and the republicans are getting out the vote, but i think, again, are we going to let eddie haskell walked out the back door and allow that obstructionist behavior the last six years to be settled onto the democrats? that is what they have been trying to do. i think voters are looking at people's records, and i hope both parties and independents get out to vote. i have collected over 5000 registrations for voters, and i did not care whether people were republicans or democrats. get out and vote. people are not buying the republicans' agenda, which was laying there obstructionist behavior onto obama and onto the democrats. i think voters will call them out tonight and say, hey, you guys did not cooperate. you did not work for the greater good. and i hope voters get out there and hold them accountable. host: pete from georgia,
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independent line. caller: you always have a nice suit on. what i wanted to say, in georgia, the black churches and that are disagreeing with arenone -- with ms. nunn receiving death threats. they just work against the blacks. they say they are for them, but they beat them up, they make death threats. all blacks who disagree with ms. -- i just cannot go with her. thank you, pedro. host: this is robert, republican line, from fayetteville, tennessee. hello? in robert democrats line. high. caller: my question is, when do we finally get fair voting in this country? -- when do wee it
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make the candidates legally reliable? host: why pose that question? what brings you to that? because they need that type of mentality. they feed off ignorance, off educated people. most people truly do not care about politics. what they see on tv. or if as negative ads they vote simply what their preachers tell them to vote or what their families feel. host: "the washington post" has a graphic looking at super pacs, as they are known. boom onas been a
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boosting a single congressional candidate. 42 resisted. they spend $30 billion. in this cycle, 2014, 92 spending . total of $51.1 million randy from massachusetts, go ahead, please. please let me talk. i notice you hang up on people when you don't know what you are talking about. the problem is, rich people who run the country, if they think people are only going to vote for democrats, they will put a republican guy who thinks like a republican running for democrat -- running as a democrat. the problem is with this country, the middle class and the poor need to start their own media stations. all the media stations are for the rich. and i was oning
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one of them campaigns, i guarantee i would be elected. i sale -- i say repeal all the tax breaks, repeal all the loopholes, throw out all the repeal all the trade deals. they are holding jobs back, and letting people in this country -- let people make $28 an hour at least. "wall street bullish for republican congress." "wall street will get the most bullish competition in an era -- in the era. is quoted as saying, "the combination of the democratic president and the
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unified republican congress has been accompanied by the best average performance for the s&p 500 since 1945." the theory is that it is less likely for major game changing bills to be passed when neither party has unfettered power in both legislative and executive ranch of government." we will hear from bud from florida. republican line. hi. caller: good morning. i see this whole election thing different than most folks. it is kind of like when you want to hire a doctor, a surgeon or someone to do the job for you, you look for the best surgeon you can find. based on his experience, education, past the compliments. nowadays it seems like most of these people running for office, it is a popularity contest. how much money you have got. money, you a lot of can do a lot of advertising. if we do not stop the petty, one candidate beating up on the other one, and the other one
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beating up on that one, we need to focus on what is needed in this country and how can we get it done. appointees -- you take the president appointing people. the experience level of most of these folks is amazing. experience, even education -- education is good and you need it. harrisburg, pennsylvania. tom, democrats line, good morning. caller: with the technology we have nowadays -- microsoft, apple computer -- it should be so easy to vote. we should be getting 80% or 90% voter turnout. but we don't the cousin republicans in some states have made it easier to -- but we do not because in some states republicans have made it easier to get a gun than it is to vote.
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they do not want the full participation of our democracy. to vote, do not want go to arlington. i am voting democrat. i think the president has done a -- has done a great job. today" headline, --ting via the internet ron voting via the internet not ready for prime time." "3 million americans will be .ble to vote online most of those are members of the armed forces deployed overseas. officials have always struggled with ballot box stuffing. the number of points that can be exploited increases exponentially. perhaps in regulation of that, some of the 30 or so states that
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allow internet voting for service members require them to sign a form saying they understand that by using the system, their ballot may not be secret." also taking a look at colorado's experience with mail-in voting. using allction system is being closely watched. colorado voters can still drop off ballots at designated voting centers. they can also fill out a ballot at the centers and even register their -- and even register there on election day. florida, we hear from doc on our independent line. caller: i really like the article about the computer voting. computers upget and working worth a damn for
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health care, so now we are going to vote on a computer, too? i really have a problem with that. i have listened to your program off and on. the plan to dumb down america has been successful, as witnessed by the last two presidential votes and by listening to your listeners. everybody is blaming republicans. never have been one or never will be one, but i am so tired of the argument that republicans are obstructionist, and harry reid is sending all -- is sending so many bipartisan bills -- when are people going to wake up and start -- and stop being short bus window liquors? what bills will go through the republican controlled house and senate with obama in office?
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because a lot of the western are more libertarian in .heir views we might see more rand paul initiatives, more bipartisan initiatives in the past. but i cannot say that the economy will be helped much, in terms of surveillance and wiretapping and all these general eavesdropping issues that could be resolved a little bit easier now. because the democrats have been -- the one thing for the most they are looking to be going the institutional route. host: during the course of the morning we not only hear from you, but we hear from political experts who will be watching what happens today. joining us via skype with "the washington post," is aron blake.
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good morning. your sense about whether the senate will be in republican-controlled? the big ones are three democrat states in particular. republicans win one of those, they are likely to gain the senate majority. the one republican seat that i think where all watching his kansas. thatpublicans were to lose , wedependent greg orman would not be sure what the majority is because he has not said which party he would caucus with if he joined the senate. where does that race stand, particularly with pat roberts? polling has been very close. i do not think either side believes that race is a done deal at this point. the question is whether the
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campaign has the kind of organization that can get voters to the polls. they obviously have no party organization behind them. the party generally handles that kind of thing. certainly people who are unhappy with senator roberts and the way he has been running his campaign , the question is whether that is enough to overcome a republican organization that has really rallied in the last few weeks here. in an overall sense, tell us about the ground gains for both sides. what are you seeing out there you go -- what are you seeing out there? guest: the democratic voters are less likely to turn out. the obama coalition, african-americans, hispanics, young people, unmarried women -- these are all voting groups that are less likely to turn out in midterm elections then competing demographics.
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you never know whether or not it will work until actually it happens on election day. so democrats have been talking a big game about how their ground game is good, but it is a very difficult proposition right now given the amount of enthusiasm that is on the republicans' side versus the little enthusiasm that is on the democratic side. host: historically, what do midterm elections mean when it comes to turn out, and are those trends staying the same this time around? guest: it is pretty consistent. generally we will see a significant drop-off in midterms. it is pretty consistent when you look at each individual demographic. instance, willor drop by a few points between the presidential election and the midterm, while some demographics, including young black women, for instance, will vote in 60% in recent presidential elections but only 30% in midterm elections.
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there could be very significant drop-off between presidential elections in midterms. that is why the so-called obama coalition, which i mentioned earlier, it is great for winning presidential elections, but a lot of the voters better replies upon are among the drop-off voters when it comes to midterm elections, which is why the democrats struggled so much in 2010 and why a look so difficult for them in 2014. host: tell us about the race that has surprised you the most so far. guest: definitely the kansas race. pat roberts was not supposed to be close to vulnerable this year. there was some question whether he would have a difficult time mary. that never turned into -- whether he would have a difficult primary. when he won the race and came into the general election and these polls showed him in a tight race with this guy who nobody was paying attention to, greg orman, it was a shock to
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all of us. the fact that that has remained a close race over the last few months here definitely has to be the biggest surprise in the election cycle so far. host: a lot of attention is placed on iowa. do you see a small advantage, and what do you see occurring in that race? guest: that is the general conventional wisdom there, that early voting has been pretty good to republicans. polling has joni ernst with a small edge. there was a poll over the weekend that showed her up over seven points. at the same time, we saw another pollster, quinnipiac university, which has traditionally been a pollster for republicans, and their latest poll has her up by only two points. the polling has been consistently showing her ahead, but anytime you are within the margin of error, there is nobody celebrating right now. it is not a done deal. there's certainly been a situation were democrats have
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not run the kind of campaign that they want. the candidates did not turn out to be the kind of candidate that they wanted. the comment that harkin made about joni ernst's attractiveness, which did not go over very well. i think republicans are other them stick -- i think republicans are optimistic about this, but it is not a done deal. what will we know tonight the condition of the senate is? guest: i think it is doubtful. and georgia, there will be a runoff if neither candidate gets to 50%. surety in louisiana. in georgia, there is a 50/50 chance we will get to that point. then alaska is also a key race. polls do not close until theight, 1:00 in parts of state. that state also allows you to basically vote as long as your
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ballot is postmarked by today. they will count those. the problem is they do not count all of those votes until next week. those are three races that are unlikely to be decided even by tomorrow the idea that we're going to know whether the republicans have the majority is a little bit difficult to say >> aaron blake with the washington post. he is joining us on skype to talk about election 2014. mr. blake, thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> back to your calls. here is mark on the republican line. mark, are you there? -- hi, yes, i was wondering you know -- what are you guys doing about -- you guys talk stuff that really matters.
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all right and everything, but there is a lot and ther stuff -- isis everything else -- that you guys do not talk about. mention the not to fact that we have, you know, russian planes flying into the atlantic. you all don't ever mention anything about that that i know of. i think it was just disproved by the russians. it was anything there -- there was anything there, but you guys could do better. i think. >> we talked extensively about both, but this is election day. on the independent line, harold, high. >> good morning. yes, i am talking about the senate. obstructionist perry reed is puppet -- t obama's
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harry reid is nothing but obama's puppet. they are e saying really watchers and the node information about everything -- do they ever watch the senate? the amendments? i am an independent. i never, ever voted a straight ticket in my life. i listen to things and i will tell you another thing, i would rather have a hassell -- i'm going to turn to the name of doody president we have. >> what are your thoughts on race there in wisconsin? >> boy, he is great. he has done more for wisconsin than tommy thompson. and tommy thompson is a dear
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friend of mine. he has served three terms -- >> so you think scott walker wins reelection in? i'm saying by 5% more than his competitor. >> let's hear from anne. >> yes, i just want to say that the republicans have been obstructing for six years. for people who think that they are not obstructing, i would one law or bill that they are interested in passing for the poor or middle class. republicans have obstructed. the only thing they want to do cuts for the x wealthy and tax breaks for corporations. the democrats are very, very excited and optimistic -- the press says -- they are very concerned about the fact that the republicans tried to suppress votes;
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therefore, that has made them very, very excited about getting out and making sure that they do vote because they can see what is happening. there is no need to change all that the ting policies republicans did because most were e understand why they trying to change. even though there thought may been to affect minorities by changing the voting policies, it is affecting everyone. in ple may have to stand long lines today -- they are affected, as well. cutting back e, the days. all of that has an effect on everyone. so democrats, i think, will be in for a surprise today. >> looking at the house races washington post this morning. election section
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1973, that in 31-year-old elizabeth holtzman became the youngest woman to be elected to the us house. candidate at elise stefanek has a lead. texas, the republican line. >> hi, good morning. we are super excited from down here in texas. from my ap government classroom. >> do have students with you there now? randy, are you there? i think randy has broken up a little bit. mike from rio rancho, new mexico. >> hello, how are you today? >> well, thank you. >> i just want to make a prediction that i think republicans are going to take
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the senate. i am not voting here in new mexico for our senate. the republican and the democrats seem like they do not have their senses together. ellen being 71 running against tom udall, a career politician. politics are o very corrupt. republican at the back -- there is some corruption. >> jummy, in washington dc. >> good morning. what i cannot understand is makes me feel sad that uneducated people don't have a high school education. i blame the republicans, not this president.
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my father grew up and i think people should get out and vote. >> jimmy, do you live in washington dc? >> about six months in the capital. >> are you going to be in the election today? >> i was an early voter. i couldn't see anybody that i wanted to vote for. i voted for the democrats. and some independents. >> that is jimmy from washington dc. highlights ton post -- michelle obama, this is being her last campaign, supposedly. saying that ms. obama has appeared in more than 40 of antenna behalf of democrats
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this year. made 15 th, she campaign stops and travel to places as far-flung as miami, city, and bangor, maine. like most presidents in the six-year, president obama has his considered a drag on party's electoral chances. americans view her favorably, down a mere six-point since her husband took office. >> from tennessee, this is a republican line. >> thank you for letting me speak today. say that the o democrats are waking all the people. if they really wanted to say all the things that they are that the republicans -- they had the chance back in 2008 when they had the presidency and both houses of congress.
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the -- the ve passed -- the minimum wage. they could've passed everything that they are saying they want castrate now. back in ld've done that 2008 -- they want to castrate now. they could have done that back in 2008. that is all i have to say. >> the "washington journal" takes a look at the races they once to watch -- arkansas, georgia, iowa, louisiana, new hampshire, and north carolina. those are some of the closely watched races by many. we will be talking to some of those people who watch, especially today. we are hearing from you, right now, as far as your election day thoughts.
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guy from maryland, the democrats line. >> my concern is that it seems to me that every republican who is running for office seems to democratic person to obama and to obama care and all the negative things, but it doesn't seem like none of the democrats are connecting the republicans that are running to the comments that mitt romney mentioned. democrat running for office, i would know that home. you think the democrats have done a good job in talking the affordable care act and talking about the state of the economy? no i do not. it seems like when the are running, they run for a fight, they run to win. expecting to win -- if they are expecting to win, they have to get in the mud and like the just republicans to.
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at this point, all they do is speak about what the other person didn't do. >> from virginia, this is william. is from urbana, virginia. the independent line. want to mment is -- i know why -- who authorized the collect dna from veterans them over to the are they call that -- the people so they can do to do er they are going with it. that is the privacy act. >> and tell us why you're asking this question? because the fact that it is we are american citizens and we should be informed about when they are taking your dna. you know?
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texas, the m republican line. >> hello. mine is on minimum wage. the democrats seem to be counting this as a grave issue. i just want the american people that minimum wages increased, then everybody's to modity prices are going be passed on and we are going to be paying more. not minimum wage people, then you will see your buying power decrease. it is not the idea that people should not have a livable wage, the minimum hat wage increase will not increase the buying power of the people. will actually decrease it. thank you. states have minimum wage issues on the ballot. it on nderstand they have the ballot and if it is passed, it is fast. i am just saying, it will be on to the people that
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are buying. and i need company to increase the wages, then i on going to pass that cost to the people that are buying my commodities. so essentially, your wages are going to go down. people that are getting the minimum wage increase are not their buying power increase. they are only going to see the same thing they have now. you know, it has to be passed on to somebody. weekly standard's fred barnes as an op-ed. the most typical election is -- the most pivotal election is the title. candidates give it to another issue, we saw this strategy at work in the louisiana senate race last week. senator mary landrieu trailing
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republican representative bill cassidy in most polls, suddenly raise the explosive issues of racism and sexism. pivoting can be a clever strategy when it works. and no democrat has been more it think l at adopting a hagan of north carolina. not only has he voted for the president's health care law, -- she also voted publicly she hid from reporters to avoid talking about the issue. to make a like statement and i would like to have this heard all across the country. obama was first elected, there was a meeting held at a restaurant by the 16 congressman and senators were trying to see how they could sabotage the economy it on president obama.
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mitch mcconnell said -- i will make sure he is a one term president. and i am ashamed that c-span has never brought this up. and i am ashamed that these people in america cannot figure out that the republicans have brought on this economy. we have created 10 million jobs. the unemployment rate has never been lower in the past six years. the stock market is going up. gas prices are down, but when was the es were up, it president's fault. when gas prices go down, does he get any credit? no. lied to our bush country that he was going to go weapons of mass destruction and killed over 4000 us troops -- working back wounded and maimed -- how could you possibly put these people back in office again? >> that is michael from illinois.
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again, we're talking to people who study elections. josh kraushaar joins us. how are you? what do you icture, think? like a seven to nine pickup. question marks are the north carolina race -- it looks like republicans are heavily favored to win back the senate. the only question is helping their majorities will be and will it be a wave election or will it be a pretty normal night. with that matter then if louisiana went to a runoff? >> that would almost be an afterthought.
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it would be a huge wave if republicans won all three of those states. but democrats are currently up in new hampshire and north carolina. and kansas, it is so close with the independent candidate -- perhaps by a tiny, less than one point margin. have said this morning about the louisiana and georgia race is that run us are going to be the end result. >> certainly. almost with louisiana, it is certain that louisiana is going to add into a runoff. look important number to at is the percentage or that mary landrieu gets. if she gets 41% to 42% of the of the 50% rt necessary -- it is not going to be very encouraging for her heading into that runoff. if she is that far away and get almost the majority, the two republican to be ates -- it is going
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a real challenge for senator landrieu to prevail. 50 and it s close to is almost at that point, then i think she has a real shot at winning in the runoff, but it will be a steep climb for her, regardless. george is the bigger question mark. republicans think he has an outside chance to get that 50% mark on election night. it might be a long night to how close perdue is and how close the margins are, but i think it is likely that heads into a runoff. in you mentioned greg gorman the kansas race -- greg orman in the kansas race. what determines whether he or roberts gets a victor? independent, greg
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orman cannot rely the same way as other candidates can when it comes to the ground game. is that a couple months ago that he was going to win and he very shoestring campaign operation in kansas. in fact, one of our reporters in national iece journal today about how both with a ns are operating ground game and it makes that raise extremely unpredictable. the biggest trend in that race is that more and more voters are becoming undecided in the final couple weeks. is still struggling to consolidate the republican vote on his half. even some republicans are still shaky about greg orman. they do not know where he stands on all the issues. so that race is going to come down to the wire and it is one that is extremely hard to predict. in what do you see happening
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his key races, particularly as wins most ocrats, who after tonight? pretty ink it is a overall stable environment, but i do not think either party is going to net a huge amount of governor seats. republicans are going to pick some democrats house seats, and democrats are going to pick up some republican house seats. both were parties, alike, are could lose some the massachusetts governor race, rhode island is race, and in maine, paige looks like you is toast at the very beginning of the year, but it is a very close race. then you have republican in the midwest -- walker, rick snyder -- who looks like they may be
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slight favorites, but they are running very close races against their democratic counterparts. and in pennsylvania, he is all but assured of a loss. it looks like a democratic victory in that race. in the illinois race, that is how emely fascinating given much money has been poured into that race. lose the sn't want to governorship in his home state, but that raises extremely close could go either way. to say d you be willing who is going to in the florida race? i think charlie crist has a just because age, poor scott has very favorability ratings throughout his tenure. one thing about florida
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like either n't candidate -- it is one of those races like in kansas where more voters are becoming undecided. >> back to congressional -- the house -- how many seat pickups do think will happen? >> it will be a pretty good republican night. is a wave election -- if this was a nationalized election, there would only be picking up 20 seats. the good thing is that is not to be like 2010 when republicans won 63. be must ing to different -- much different. an eight to twelve republican seat pickup. 13 seats or more, that would give them their
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biggest house majority since the hoover administration in the 1920's. so republicans are going to have a good night and the big what is the level of the house republican caucus. if -- >> josh kraushaar, thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> to your calls. on the n illinois independent line. just want to ing i say is that it is quite clear that all sides disagree on a number of issues. we can agree that -- simply put are -- we are not moving in the right direction. began to entrench ourselves in ideas and fill to
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you the other side, i think that is dangerous. to move want a country forward, but if the leadership is not there, i think we should step back for a moment and see whether has been success. if we look at, for example, see a strong we leader who, for crying out loud, a balanced budget. we have only had six in the last 60 years. and he was responsible for three of them. now are spending is out of control. we are in debt to other countries who can essentially control us. and not to mention things like infrastructure and having strong foreign policy. why are these not focused on instead of focusing on the that further divide us? that is all i have to say and thanks again for listening. >> cutler is in hooksett, new hampshire. the democrat line. >> hi, how are you doing?
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we do look nice every morning i see you -- you do look nice every morning that i see you. just voted this morning, but my concern is with the system. it seems it is money driven. candidates have to have a substantial amount of money. don't have that on ey, they rely contributions from others and, therefore, they owe favors. so it is the system that more than, you know -- is the process that we have evolved into that bothers me more than anything else. >> so did you vote for jeanne shaheen, the senator there? >> yes, i did. give her the u vote? >> because of what she has accomplished. the president -- now i feel he
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has accomplished many things. my daughter was not able to get health insurance. she now has health insurance. my wife had cancer and now she restrictions the that would normally be placed on her. she has supported these things. i'm glad i voted and, you know, i hope we have a sweep in new hampshire, but don't know. >> this is peter in portland, maine. the republican line. >> yes, i have one comment to make. to see every republican, democrat, an independent go out and vote today because it is very important. i would like to see some of the back that have been held in the senate go through, finally, to create jobs.
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but i also think that it is maybe time for maybe a new party. maybe something unified -- a unified party. >> how would that work, do you think? >> i think it would be very interesting because maybe you three parties together -- pull all three parties together and make something new. to our independent line. >> my question is about the voter fraud. is there anybody going to be prosecuted for that? i would like to know that. >> which voter fraud are you specifically referring to? that y fraud -- any fraud is out there. >> do you know, specifically, of that happening in san bernardino there? >> frankly, i do not know, but i'm sure does and i'm sure it happens everywhere else.
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i have heard about voter fraud want to know if it is anything important to is out there -- that they are worried about voter fraud. >> a poll from nbc news on wall question -- the responded saying do you prefer candidates for congress to stick to their positions. compare that to 24% in 2010. 34% said they would like to see that in 2014. virginia, the m democrat line. just want to remind the republicans who keep saying how the -- when the democrats had both houses, how they didn't do anything.
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there re forgetting that has never been a filibuster-proof majority for democrats in the senate. and, consequently, whatever house -- if the out of g important comes the house -- harry reid is that it to the floor because mitch mcconnell just threatens filibuster. big waste of a time. i think you can only look at that republican majority we have had and this filibuster senate as a -- that party, they are not the loyal opposition that we used to have in this country. they are just completely see ructionist and i cannot any other way of looking at the
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republican party. at least, right now. i wish they would just go back being the conservative and statesmen who want to accomplish something before the country -- >> in the front page of the denver post, there is a photograph that is provided by lindsay pierce. shows connie rolen, 96, election judge -- she's visiting there with someone. that is doing work on monday. is quoted as saying that she thought it would be a good experience for studying political science in college. she is one of the people you may see out and about to the polls today. are s election day and we getting your thoughts -- especially with a closely watched senate race -- with the remaining time.
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all ou want to give us it's about the races -- if you want to give us a call about the races. have something to say, virginia -- what mitch mcconnell actually said was president obama could work with republicans as president clinton did. when president clinton did and hooray for y him, this country was going great under the president clinton administration. mitch mcconnell did say
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president obama could work with republicans as president clinton did. refuses to nt obama work with congress the way then and clinton did, only then, president obama should be a one-time president. i pray for our president of our country every day. right now, and for the next two obama can do ent -- and i hope he does do - president clinton intelligently dead and work with the republicans -- did and work with the republicans. president went to estonia and he said that election should be fair and free. our last presidential election, was anything but fair and free. the full force of government was used to crush opposition. crust, crushed, crush. that is harold in new jersey.
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do not forget as part of our coverage that you have seen up to election day -- the recording of 130 debates programs as well -- on a f which is available website -- you can tune in for our election night coverage tonight. begins at 8:00 pm on c-span. you can find out more about our linda is in arizona. good morning, thank you for holding on. >> yes, can you hear me all right? >> i can hear you, go ahead. >> i have five short comments. i found out this morning that i cannot vote. thought i was registered. calls to l be making start mcconnell. is old and outdated and does nothing but obstruct everything that comes along. also, i wanted to talk about internet voting.
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it is ridiculous that we trust our money to the internet. i, personally, back in about 1999 or 2000, voted in arizona in internet voting. and i think it is time to stop spending all this money on calling places and volunteers and so forth. let's go to internet voting, to use a ou have thumbprint or your iris or whatever you have to do to identify yourself. >> give me points three, four, and five because we have to move on. >> the only thing republicans have gone right is that they are antiabortion. am an at is the reason i interdependent -- independent. to see becomes governor -- if jack becomes governor of of arizona, i will
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start a recall election. of has cheated people out millions of dollars. please know that. >> beverly in columbia, missouri. the democrats line. >> good morning. i am a democrat, but i am predicting that the republicans are going to win. remember the statements that aabout the 47%?e well, that is how they are getting rid of the 47%. this is america. be able to hould vote, regardless of whether you are a democrat, your republican, you are a witch, whatever. this country is being taken and by the rich republicans and if you think wait life is bad now, just until they take the senate over.
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on with the ue calls talking about election day. there's a map in the wall street journal this morning. 45 seats favored to be held by democrats. 45 seats are favored to win by the republicans. and 10 tossup seats, as well. joining us on skype, larry is with the university of virginia. how do you take tonight activities on this election day? >> well, i think the republicans are going to have a good night for a great night. we do not know whether it is good or great because there are some very close races. at the crystal ball operation the university of virginia, we go ahead and allocate all the seats. and we have the republicans
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likely to win 53 senate seats recounts have gone off. and democrats holding 47, as the current line. we think republicans are going to do quite well, but there are some very close seats. whether this kansas, where i alaska -- or iowa or alaska. >> we hear a lot about paths during this process. do you see anything trending? looked ntially, we have at the polling and all the background information we can data we can ll the gather. that ve a set model presents us with the general outlines of what is likely to
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happen and real events. i would simply say that if you are watching the senate you obviously t, start by looking at new hampshire and north carolina. held by tes are democratic incumbents -- and tor jeanne shaheen senator kay hagan -- they are kind of the democratic firewall. been a bit ahead -- they were once well ahead, now just a bit ahead of their republican opponents. they end up falling, then indicates that there is a more republican surge than expected. and that will mean a number of senators will grow -- even beyond the 53 we have outlined. if, however, they are able to hold down the fort and able to think election, then i you're talking about more modest totals for the republicans.
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if the democrats are able to mobilize the vote today to a much greater extent than expected, i think the first it will really be in georgia, for example, where you race for senate -- the republicans a bit ahead, but the possibility of a runoff. i think it might also show up in the state of kentucky where is running for reelection. i expect them to win, but you have to look at the margins. be some are going to early signs and we will all be following them together as we move across the country. >> a lot of people are looking at alaska. why is that? >> alaska is an interesting case. one term democratic senator who won by just a few thousand votes six years ago against a crippled republican opponent. it is a republican state. it is a solid republican state. they will occasionally elect a
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democrat. he has run a textbook campaign with only a few errors. has organized like mad -- the outlying villages -- it is a tremendous organization. he has done everything you can do as an incumbent if he doesn't win -- it is more of a case of which direction this particular election is moving in. it is rather the general atmospherics of 2014. >> when it comes to other such as iowa -- a lot of people saying it is close -- do you see the same factors will t favor into it? >> starting out a year ago, i think that most people expected i want to stay democratic.
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and i what has clearly been leaning democratic, looking at the past election returns. so bruce braley was thought to have an excellent chance to win. a number of errors on the campaign trail and i think it has cost him dearly. and the republican nominee has run a good campaign. she has projected a solid image. sides as camped on both of her self. i think she is likely to win, but it is close. the last call out of their up by polls showed her seven points. i think it is closer than that. >> and midterm level, it is rare that we have so many races that are so close? >> this is a larger than usual number of close races. i actually counts nine on the
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senate, 11 gubernatorial contests that are close. it is not enormously greater, though. normally in a midterm year, you have 36 gubernatorial races and easily one third will be highly competitive. that is about what we have. senate contests -- it can be as as five and six at this stage in the campaign, but i would not call this -- i would call this more competitive than usual. you have mentioned it -- as far as gubernatorial races are concerned -- wwhat the ones to watch? other others to watch? >> i think everyone is watching florida. republican governor scott and his predecessor
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who became an independent, now a democrat -- that is very, very close. the latest polls given eyelash lead to charlie crist, but it is so close that i do not think the polls can point to the winner. that one would be read at the top of my list, but even of the small states have fascinating contest. you look at maine, for instance. just like four years ago with a conservative the tea party republican -- who won four years ago aagainst two liberal opponents. well, he has to liberal opponent again. now, the structure of the race is a little bit different and to have crats seem better chances, but it is a close contest between the democrat and the incumbent. couple of other things. i know it is not a closely was hed race, but it mentioned a couple times today.
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they're in virginia, the senate race between mark warner and gillespie. your thoughts on that? >> we rate every senate race all through the year. we never had that as anything other than democratic. you the margin -- maybe it is just a few points. this is a competitive year and a purple is still competitive state, but i can tell you most of the republicans at the highest level will be shocked if gillespie beats warner. i think warner will end up winning. as the crystal ball is concerned, what is your history in terms of midterm elections? >> i'm delighted to say our accuracy rate is higher than 90%. we call every race -- 98%. we call every race.
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we call every gubernatorial, senate, and house races. obviously, when you call all 507, you are going to be wrong sometimes. but we do it because it is fun and we think that is the fun of the process. our leadership certainly agrees with us. >> that is larry, the director for politics at the university of virginia. also mentioning the crystal ball that takes a look at things. if people want to find out information about the crystal ball, where can they go. >> google it, that will do it as well. >> thank you for your time. >> think you so much. >> this is anne in new york, the republican line. >> yes, my name is anne and i democrats many of the lambaste the republicans. it is very s, i feel
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erotic because if you look at example, of e, for nancy pelosi, harry reid, bill clinton, hillary clinton, obama, barack obama -- like the 1%. i'm also so tired of hearing that when the republicans win they had to compromise their beliefs, but the republicans have to do neither. i think it is unfair as far as the democrats saying, you know what, we have to compromise ourselves and reach out. the first thing that i would do would ere a republican, i freeze all mandates as far as premiums rices of the of obama care. that obama care really has turned me to be pro republican, pro-libertarian. not mind to i do one because we had eight years
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of ronald reagan, eight years of bill clinton. i always felt that the system balanced itself out. obama and that with much to cies are too the left and i would really like to see him out in his policy stopped. thank you for taking my phone call. >> alfred is from washington on our democrats line. >> hello, thank you so much for c-span. we watch every day i could every since i retired from 30 years of military service. you are on, go ahead. the third in congressional district and my been sentative has entirely on board in the republican party for the past four years.
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there has never been a vote one has not has taken that been there -- the ability to get obama's programs forward. cannot understand the lady crying over all the obama policies. they have not been effectuated. we live in a democratic -- a democracy within a republic, which was what we were given. federalist wn in the papers all those years ago. we keep fighting the same things. now instead of making a country as though the ms idea is to stop and keep things as they were. >> the washington times takes a look at the kansas senate race. picking up support from former gop rivals.
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the story this morning saying that mr. roberts is the most endangered gop incumbent. is a surprise for conservative candidates. but he is still suffering the effect of a bruising primary. mr. wolf recorded the phone call message that the tea party was trying to use to heal the wounds. two politicians deserve your vote? you deserve to see president obama cry when we work together. latest polls show mr. robert's neck and neck. diane from belleville, michigan. good morning, on the independents line. >> i would just like to bring attention, in regards to keeping people away from the polls. to two week and a half media -- , our local
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and i'm talking about the three major affiliates -- they said to go after arting called for jury duty and find them. don't pay the fine, they, of course, go to jail. now i am neither republican or democrat. i vote both sides of the ticket. think our news media should go further into finding what we started and why. this is just the wayne county the detroit metropolitan area. since they can't keep people with a poll e polls tax or you do not have the correct id -- because we're the area for n that -- they went to another method. someone other things that they're going to keep people away from voting. to give you an idea of the
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percentage, i think it was about 40% of people do not even show up were called for jury duty. which is a fine and they could go to jail. >> so dealing with a lot of data. david brooks from the new york morning has a piece where he takes a look at the topics. german that data presume that demographic -- demography is a the electric is not the scene as a group of freedom -- freethinking citizens. spotlight d puts the on voting blocs and takes the spotlight off the individual qualities of the candidates.
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you can read more in the new york times this morning. this is ron. ron is from illinois. >> yes, good morning. caller at about 8:30 am was wondering about voter fraud. i'm not really clear on how the specifics are done, but apparently there are times when the voter can just and when that happens -- canvassed and when that happens, 80% vote for democrats. so there's a more likelihood of fraud on that side of the aisle. specifically, the 2008 senate race, minnesota's al franken -- were doing the recounts, they were precincts 101% voting for him.
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which is highly suspicious. an o, nationally, there is organization called acorn. there are numerous court cases that have happened -- and i do know the legal term, but now an illegal organization because of the voter fraud they were involved with. we s year, in this election, have older machines that when you are pressing the -- the screen for the republican candidates, the vote is being switched to the democrat. former k in 2000 when fbi dir. mueller was running the senate seat -- there judges in st. louis who kept polls open so that -- the official closing --
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so that they could get more democratic votes. are just some examples of fraudulent voting. thank you. point, the justice department announcing yesterday that they would send people out across states. 18 targeted stations. will be checking for whether voters are subjected to different qualifications or procedure. whether minority language being complied with -- provisions are being complied with. richard from missouri, the democrats line. >> good morning. these democrats have been running away from obama's policy and obama, they should lose. obama has done a good job and the best he can with what he has to work with. people are not living out in their cars like they did when he first took over.
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i mean, i just can't see -- you republicans get in of re -- what is the chance getting minimum wage a raise. zero. the democrats are up and running away from obama, i mean, they ought to be ashamed of themselves. >> jonathan and the front page of the new york times natalie talks about elections, but voter mood. the uncertainty about the elections reflect the mood of the nation. -- has not translated into broader optimism. voters are more inclined toward claiming credit. instead, they are seemingly worn down the economic struggles in late waves of panic.
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polls show voter interest in the election substantially lower than four years ago. the real intensity has been of erated by the number spending outside groups who have aired more than 1.5 million televised campaign ads. new york is next and this is dominic. >> good morning. on the republican line to ask people to vote republican. we have to change the senate. we have no work. i have no disrespect for the democrats, they are hard-working for votes. but there has to be a limit. i have been working construction my whole life. i have seen guys working my but they cannot against somebody who make half the price. i'm not talking bad about the people, but we have to stop it. the keystone pipeline, we were holding our breath. and harry reid stopped at. we need to get back to work. vote republican.
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>> denver, colorado. the democrats line. >> hello. can you hear me? yes, go ahead. longer democracy is no for the people or by the people. to get that we began into trouble when 85% of the people wanted gun control and couldn't get it. a precedence in america that we do not matter and our voices do not matter. now, voters seem to have amnesia. do not get -- they do not take the next up and check out how the republicans vote. far, in my o opinion, have not voted in the best interest of the people -- darleen, what you think
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about the senate race than colorado? >> it is close. we have been working here. >> were you going to support? going to support udall because he has done a decent job. i think that cory gardner has a appeals to the people, and this is what will gets over.over if he >> ron from deer lodge, montana on the independents line. >> i'm just calling to say that i do not understand the republican party. they are not even for their own people. i mean, why would they sit there and vote -- they don't to get food stamps, extended unemployment benefits, healthcare, women's equal and equal pay -- not to
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they filibustered, they sequestered, they shut the government down, everything they have done. i look at the number of people that i know of where they do not and care -- who are republicans and they do not care. >> that is run. our last call, but don't forget to tune in tomorrow morning. can see that program starting at 7:00 am tomorrow. thank you for watching today, this election day. see you tomorrow. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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>> the strident -- center for strategic and international studies discussing creating an -- jhhiv live coverage of that starting at 2:00 eastern here on c-span. throughout campaign 2014 c-span has brought you more than 130 candidate debates from across the country increases that will determine control of the next congress. tonight watch c-span's next election coverage to see who wins and loses in which will get control of the house and senate. canada victory and concession speeches and some of the most closely watch r
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