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tv   2014 Election Night Coverage  CSPAN  November 4, 2014 8:00pm-2:01am EST

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202-626-3400. email us @comments or send us a tweet @c-span #comments. like us on facebook and follow us on twitter. >> good evening and welcome to c-span's election night coverage. with the balance of power in congress at stake, c-span begins our evening of the election night coverage of the key house, national and governor's races. along with the results on this network, you'll see candidates victory and concession speeches in some of the nation's closely watched senate races. this being c-span, throughout the night we'll be looking for your comments and feedback as the results come in across the nation. can you do that three ways, by phone and give you the phone numbers later on by our facebook page or tweet us at c-span. we look forward to hearing from you tonight as the results unfold. it is 8:00 on the east coast and already polls have closed
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in about 1/4 of the states. you can see that on the map, all the states in pink, red orange and purple have closed and results are beginning to come in. in fact, the associated press has called races in kentucky where mitch mcconnell is declared the victor and the two south carolina senate races, and in west virginia all going to the g.o.p.. we have cameras at the headquarters for mitch mcconnell and allison grimes and you see rand paul talking to supporters at the mcconnell headquarters and what it looks like over at the allison grimes headquarters in kentucky. later on tonight as their speeches get underway, we'll certainly be there so you can hear what they have to say. our colleague, steve scully, will be out all night at the desk looking at the details of the votes as they come in. let's see what he has for us. >> susan, you mentioned west virginia. that's a pickup for the democrats where senator jay rockefeller is retiring, first time since 1942 a republican
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has won in the senate race in the senate race, shelley moore capito. there was a photograph tweeted out a short time ago from the mitch mcconnell campaign, it's senator mitch mcconnell on the phone as allison grimes conceded the election and tweeted out a short moment ago, and the networks declaring mitch mcconnell the winner. let's go through the numbers beginning with kentucky where senator mcconnell is heading back to the u.s. senate and if all goes as the republicans expect he will be the next majority leader with about half the vote reporting in kentucky, senator mcconnell is 54% in terms of raw numbers and about 364,000 votes compared to alison lundergan grimes, seven campaign appearances by the clintons getting 43% of the vote 290,000 votes in terms of raw numbers. in georgia, important to keep in mind if a candidate does not get 50% of the vote, they face a runoff with the top two
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contenders in early january. right now david perdue is above that number at 59% compared to 40% for michelle nunn. these are early numbers and only 1% reporting in georgia. in north carolina, this is one of those states where the democrats must hold on to if they have any hope of maintaining majority in the u.s. senate. right now the speaker of the house in the state of number tom till us, the republican, with 63,000 votes, 1% reporting, compared to 52,000 votes to kay hagan trying to seek a second term. in new hampshire where senator jeanne shaheen is facing another term facing a tough challenge with scott brown with 80% reporting in new hampshire and she has about 57% of the vote share compared to 43% for republican scott brown, the former senator from neighboring massachusetts. in virginia, this has the potential of being the surprise pick of the night with ed gillespie, 24% now reporting,
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54% of the vote. 248,000 compared to just over 200,000 for incumbent senator mark warner. in west virginia, where you indicated shelley moore capito is the winner and 38% of the vote for natalie tennant. the numbers will continually be on the bottom of the screen and check out the results in the house, senate and governor races any time on >> christina ballantoni is the editor and chief of "roll call." and she and her team is one of the publications focusing deeply on capitol hill and have been following these races and the ramifications of the results for quite some time and joins us from "the roll call" newsroom. let's start with mitch mcconnell. i'm looking at your newspaper from this morning, election day, with the headline, mcconnell's eyes on the prize." birs he had to win his re-election bid. in the final rankings you still
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had senator mitch mcconnell among the top 10 most vulnerable senators and yet that race called early. what was the trajectory in that race that turned it around for the leader. >> i'm interested to see what the final returns ended up being. i've been talking to democrats in kentucky the last several days and they were feeling confident and felt like they had momentum for grimes and felt like they had a strong message and the clinton family is very powerful and invested in grimes early. i figured it would be close but my money was on mcconnell winning re-election regardless whether republicans win back the volume of -- control of the senate but the fact they called this race immediately once the polls closed suggests a large win. kentucky is a pretty republican state but it's really an extraordinary turnaround. this is a man who was incredibly unpopular back home very low approval ratings as low as barack obama's in
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kentucky and also someone who faced a primary challenge and we talked about matt behalfen and mitch mcconnell fended that off and alison grimes had the state to herself to define her own message but she had some stumbles and didn't help her when she refused to say whether she voted for the president and got a lot of attention from the democrats who were irritated with her and throw that in the fact that mitch mcconnell is an able campaigner and knows his state well and has been serving since 1984 and someone who was really primed and now appears ready to take a new job if the republicans are able to net those six senate seats. you mentioned west virginia, they're already won on their way and is an expected flip to capito adding to more women in the senate. it's early but the republicans are feeling good. >> christina ballntoni will continue with us and we begin
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with your interactions, the hallmark of the c-span coverage is having you be a part of the process. here are the phone lines if you'd like to be involved. 202-5853800. our line for independents, 202-585-3882. facebook, find the c-span site and there's already a vibrant conversation going on there and finally our twitter page, post a comment there and we'll mix all that in as the night progresses. well, you suggest, also, the senate control may not be known known wednesday. what are some of the areas that are really very contentious that might stand in the way of having an absolute set of results tonight? >> well, there's a whole bunch of them, actually. some of the reasons we expected to be called early new hampshire, virginia and new jersey. the polls have closed. but in north carolina, the polls closed at 7:30.
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and this was a ray senator kay hagan, in a good year for the democrats and barack obama won north carolina for the first time since 1964, i believe, or 1968 for the democratic party and she barely won that year. then in 2012, barack obama barely lost to mitt romney and this always will be a close race and the operatives we've been talking to on the ground, they say they're prepared for recounts and for a razor thin margin there. don't forget, it takes a very long time to count votes in alaska and won't hear results until after midnight. and some of these ballots have to be transported by plane, in some cases sled dogs. this is a state we may not know for several days if it's close between the senator, a democrat and dan sullivan, who the republicans are excited about. that's not to mention the two
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states where you need a majority of the vote to win and if you don't have the majority of the vote and there's more than two candidates on the ballot because they do these jungle primaries or there's a third party candidate clearing a certain amount of the ballot, that goes to a runoff. in louisiana we're talking about a runoff if senator mary landrieu who is not able to cross the 50% threshold, we don't know what happen there is. and in georgia, michelle nunn, an open seat, she is running strong but if she's not able to clear that 50% she's likely to head to a runoff with businessman david perdue and that's not until january 6. this is an absolute organizational nightmare. let's say you don't know until january 6 after all the new members get sworn in, it's going to be a mess and of course it's a great story and fun for us to cover. >> as reported the last couple days, the parties have chartered jets waiting outside
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of washington, d.c. and teams of people ready to go into states where there might be a contest of the results. >> yeah, and you know -- >> go ahead. >> think about minnesota and how long it took for senator al franken after a recount and legal battle. it's months and months and months until we had him actually take the oath of office as a senator. things can be tied up for a long time and the question calls for how close is it, does it put pressure on independents in the senate to caucus one way or another and we haven't mentioned even kansas where a possible republican senator pat roberts could lose and independent greg orman who joe biden said he's confident he would be with the democrats. there's just a lot of complicating factors here which is one reason why politick is so fun. >> we'll come back and talk more about the legislator. but steve scully has been looking at governor races and has results. >> speaking of close a close one in florida. here's the latest numbers from the associated press.
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we should caution you as well, some of these early numbers coming from the rural areas and a lot could change as the evening progresses but in florida where it's statistically a dead heat between charlie crist, the democrat and republican rick scott seeking another term. also in georgia, keeping a close eye on the results in that race because jason carter, the grandson of former president jimmy carter right now behind incumbent nathan deal with 60% for governor deal. the same situation in georgia where you must receive 50% of the vote. in ohio, not much of a contest governor kasich easily seeking re-election from fitzgerald. 61% for the governor and for the democrat, edward fitzgerald 36% and in south carolina governor haley winning against her opponent vincent sheheen. every election night there's always a surprise and this potentially has the surprise of
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the night now where ed gillespie with 52% of the vote compared to 56% for senator -- 46% for senator mark warner. we should point out much of virginia has yet to report and could make a difference in the senate race. >> in kentucky we're keeping our eye on mitch mcconnell's headquarters and as soon as he comes out you'll hear what he has to say about his own victory but what he sees as prospects for republican control of the senate. we'll begin with phone calls. our first one up is matt calling us from harrisburg pennsylvania. matt, you're on, and intent. matt, are you there? caller: yeah, i'm here. i noticed there was a race where voters are voting against somebody because that candidate refused to reveal whether she voted for obama. host: that's the kentucky race
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we talked with alison grimes and in the debate she was pressed on it and wouldn't say who she voted for. caller: that's the reason i'm voting against her and the right to private voting. host: christina, that's the argument in fact she made in her reply. >> yeah, and this really gets a lot of the fundamental tension between the democratic party and the obama administration right now and democrats in congress. you know democrats are pretty frustrated, they wanted to see more change or bigger change and wanted certain things out of the president he didn't deliver or they don't like the fact that we're engaging in more war or things like that and so it puts them in this box where they're unhappy with him but doesn't necessarily make them excited about the democratic party even if the democratic party is distancing itself from him. so it's a really difficult situation. and you know, people keep saying the president wasn't out there campaigning. well, he campaigned for a number of these democratic
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gubernatorial candidates. he pretty much went in person for all the competitive races except for charlie crist in florida, conversely michelle obama went to florida. the president did some roll calls for a lot of these candidates. the only senate candidate he campaigned for is gary peters in michigan who looks pretty likely to win the open senate seat retiring senator karl levin there over the republican terry land. so it's a tough position for the president to be in and these democratic candidates. they all voted for the affordable care act but certainly don't agree with his policies. host: while we're talking about the president, if the republicans are successful in recapturing the majority, what do the next two years look like for him in the senate? guest: so you know, i'm an optimist. people ask this question all the time and i like to think it is possible that washington can break gridlock. i think that republicans understand that the message voters are sending regardless of how the actual numbers play out in the senate, at the end
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of all these senate contests, voters are saying they're tired of nothing happening. they're tired of the fighting. they would like to see something accomplished. so republicans are already laying the groundwork for things where they can see compromise. tax reform is probably the largest thing that you hear about. but there's no guarantees. and john boehner has a very different and difficult caucus to deal with that is now growing bigger and possibly more difficult. mitch mcconnell has his own issues, you know, ted cruz is going to continue to push that caucus to the right if they are in power and it will be a challenge. but the president also doesn't want to have his last two years be nothing on the board. so this is a sense where they're looking for areas that they can come together and spending might be the most likely of those scenarios. i would not expect a big compromise on immigration reform. i know a lot of immigration advocates are disappointed to hear that but that's not in the cards. host: irwin is watching us in georgia and hear senator
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mcconnell is coming up soon but what is your comment or question. caller: i'm calling from georgia. barrow was not on the ballot. host: i wanted to ask a question about spending because the north carolina race which you earlier referenced is on track to be the most expensive senate race of this cycle and probably history. and i'm wondering about when the story is rin of this year's campaigns, what will the headline be about money? guest: my gosh, you know, it's only going to get more and more. it's always fascinating to me when you hear these car dealerships in arkansas or even south dakota saying i can't get an ad on the air from mid september all the way through until the election because all of the air time is purchased. there is a saturation point. and so many times you talk to voters at the polls who say they're voting just to make the ad stop or the robocalls stop.
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spending will continue to increase. the supreme court opens up sort of a bit of a flood and allowed for a lot of legal spending in a way that people are going to continue doing it. i mean a lot of people assume the republicans are outspending the democrats. it's actually the other way around. democratically aligned super pacs have overspent. host: we'll interrupt you to go to alison grimes in kentucky. let's listen. >> thank you very much. well good evening. good evening. 16 months ago, we began a journey, a journey to send a message that washington just isn't working for kentucky, that we want to actually put the people of this state first instead of partisan politics. along that journey, we showed this nation what the commonwealth is truly capable of, breaking records here in this state with our fundraising
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leading the nation with our work leading the nation with our work to build a grass roads organization unlike any the commonwealth has ever seen with over 50 offices and 6,000 volunteers and momentum from pikeville to paducah to northern kentucky. [cheers and applause] >> this was made possible. this was made possible. because of an amazing husband, an amazing family my fellow constitutional officers, governor bashir, governor collins, governor brown, governor jones, governor patton, and importantly, a dedicated staff and each and every one of you. well, tonight didn't bring us the result that we had hoped for, this journey, the fight
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for you, it was worth it. i will continue to fight for the commonwealth of kentucky each and every day. my hope is the message has been sent to congress that we need to work to increase the minimum wage, to close the gender pay gap, and to bring good paying jobs back to the commonwealth of kentucky. this journey this fight was for each and every one of you and i will work my hardest to keep this amazing organization that we have built together intact to fight for a brighter and better future. we deserve that. i want to thank the hundreds of thousands of kentuckians that
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made it out to vote today. you had your voice heard. that is what democracy is all about, to each and every one of you that cast a ballot in this election. i will continue to work for you and together we will rebuild a brighter future for the commonwealth of kentucky and thank you all very, very much. [applause] est: alison grimes thanking her supporters after her failed senate bit. she's in lexing tonightton. we'll go to senate mcconnell's
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headquarters. >> it's about unemployment and dead end jobs and about the future of our coal communities. the people of kentucky spoke to us about an economy that's not working for them, and they described a government that keeps piling on instead of listening. and they shared their fears about the kind of country that we will leave to the next generation. in times like these, we never needed a leader more like mitch mcconnell. [applause] >> mitch is committed to restoring americans' faith in their government. he's passionate about expanding
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opportunities for all kentuckians. and he will never back down from defending what is right. he's incredibly dedicated to the people of this commonwealth. he's never forgotten his roots. that's one of the many reasons i've always, always admired a lot about him. almost every weekend you'll find mitch home in kentucky, whether he's meeting his constituents or grabbing a sandwich at morris deli, mitch always wants to be back in the commonwealth he calls home. and it's not hard to see why. the outpouring of enthusiasm and support for my husband has been simply overwhelming, and it's truly touched our hearts.
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kentucky has given my husband mitch mcconnell, so much and kentucky has placed its trust in him for so many years. and mitch feels the weight of that responsibility every single day. your trust humbles him. take it from the kentucky women who knows mitch mcconnell the best, it motivates him, and he's going to make you so proud over the next six years. [cheers and applause] >> and if mitch is given the chance to lead the united states senate, he is going to make our country proud as well.
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and now, i hope that you'll enjoy this video about mitch. thanks so much again. ♪ >> we know a few things about horseracing. >> at churchill downs. >> endurance, tradition. commitment. >> as the mcconnell campaign looks at that video, we expect to hear from mitch mcconnell shortly. here's some of the results called shortly after 7:00 eastern time where senator mitch mcconnell easily defeating alison grimes with 56% of the vote compared to 41% for the democratic secretary of state. in michigan, keeping an eye on the race where the democrats hope to hold on, right now gary peters the democrat, 54 exercises compared to 43% only
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1% reporting from michigan. in new hampshire the senate seat, one of the most expensive senate races in that history, senator jeanne shaheen is 57% in terms of raw numbers, that's about 36,000 votes compared to scott brown, republican candidate, at 43% or about 27,000 votes. and finally in the commonwealth of virginia where at the moment ed gillespie is ahead, 46% reporting, he has 457,000 votes compared to just over 400,000 for democrat mark warner. all the results available on our website at host: and we are back with christina ballantoni joining us from the news desk at "roll call" in washington, d.c. i wanted to pick up on a few themes we heard from the speeches. alison grimes talked about keeping her coalition together. does that suggest to you her political career is not over tonight? >> absolutely. that's what i was thinking. she's quite young and obviously has a good taste for being on
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the campaign. and she also is somebody considered an attractive person on the democratic bench. i mean that from a biographical standpoint, you know. she's been elected statewide in a red state. she was able to talk about issues like guns and coal and things that democrats aren't always as able to communicate with republicans on. so sure, her future is not over. and once we see the final returns, i imagine she kept it respectable, didn't have a total blowout, so her future could be bright there. host: christina, i know you have other obligations tonight and we're now watching senator mcconnell come out on the scene so we'll say thank so you much for starting off our election coverage with you and we'll be with you in the weeks ahead as we help to understand what happened tonight as the voters made their choices. thanks for your time. guest: have a good night. we love what you do. host: now to senator mitch mcconnell. >> having a good time? >> whoo! >> on a night like tonight,
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we're grateful, above all else, and for me that gratitude starts with the people of kentucky. they've put their trust in -- and confidence in me for a long time. and i want to thank them tonight. i work hard to bring their concerns to washington and i will not let up. you know every election is a job interview. and in this case a very long one. i shared my vision with you. you shared your stories and your concerns with me. and yet one complaint has stood out above all the rest, especially in recent weeks. so i'd like to make an announcement i think will be very welcomed news to many of
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you. no more campaign commercials. the tv executives may not like it, but enough is enough, right? a little while ago, i spoke with my opponent, secretary grimes ran a spirited campaign. she earned a lot of votes, and she earned my respect. it took a lot of guts to take on a race like this because of the business we're in, it also meant she'd take some heat. i admire her willingness to step into the arena and fight as hard as she did. we need more people who are willing to do that not fewer. she deserves a lot of credit for it. this was certainly a hard-fought contest. [cheers and applause]
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>> and i've been so proud, so proud to have my wife beside me every step of the way. [cheers and applause] >> you know, elaine told me early on, she wasn't ready to have me sitting around the house working on my resume. and she's gone above and beyond to prevent that. she's been the most valuable player on our team, and i'm so blessed to have her in my life and by my side.
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>> to my campaign manager josh holmes -- [cheers and applause] my friends, he pitched a perfect game. thank you, john. there are so many others i could thank. thank you every one of you. i want to thank them all. my thoughts also turn back tonight to two other people who are not here but to whom i owe a great deal. my parents. i learned a lot from them both. from my dad a combat veteran of world war two i learned an abiding love of this country and
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all that it represents. not only to those of us who were fortunate enough to be born here, but to so many others around the world. for my mom. i learned the value of perseverance and got an enduring lesson as she helped me overcome a frightening bout with polio as a child. in many ways my folks were just like any other parents of their generation generation. they were optimists. they believed in america. without a trace of cynicism they transmitted the central promise of this country on to me, the promise that every generation will leave the next one a little better off than the one before. this is the compact that every generation of americans has made with the one that followed it. and through civil war and depressions and world wars and strife we have always made good
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on it. but as i have traveled through kentucky the past year i have sensed new doubts. suddenly folks are not so sure that that compact will survive if we continue down the road we have been on. they are hungry for new leadership. they want a reason to be hopeful. they want reassurance that people who run the government are actually on their side. [cheers and applause] >> so, tonight i pledge you this this. whether you are a coal minor in eastern kentucky who can't find work, or a mom in paducah do not understand why the government just took your family insurance i heard your concerns and i made them my own and you will be heard in washington. cheers [cheers and applause]
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>> and look, when you get down to it, that's what this campaign was all about. it wasn't about me or my opponent. it was about a government that people no longer trust to carry out its most basic duties, to keep them safe to protect the border, to provide dignified and quality care for our veterans. a government that cannot be trusted to do the basic things because it is too busy focusing on things that shouldn't be focused on at all. [cheers and applause] >> a government that is too busy imposing its view of the world on people that don't share that view. too many in washington have forgotten their job is to serve. so, tomorrow the papers will say i won this race. [cheers and applause]
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>> but the truth is tonight we begin another one one that is far more important than mine. that is a race to turn this country around. [cheers and applause] >> to restore hope and confidence and optimism to this commonwealth and across this nation of ours. some things don't change after tonight. i don't expect the president to wake up tomorrow and view the world any differently than he did when he woke up this morning. he knows i won't either. [cheers and applause] >> but we have an obligation to work together on issues where we can agree. i think that we have a duty to
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tkodo that. just because we have a two-party system doesn't mean we have to be in perpetual conflict. i think i have shown that to be true at critical times in the past past. i hope the president gives me the chance to show it again. there sis so much we can and should do for the good of all americans. kentuckians are tired of a government that only seems to work when it is working against them and they are tired of those who us who fight for them in washington are the problem. i'm honored to have dr. noel hunter with me tonight. you have gotten an opportunity to get to know her. what an extraordinary woman. dr. hunter was determined to get her daughter back against all odds she did it. she did it. when all was said and done she
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achieved something else a lot of people said was even more remarkable. she made me stay all warm and cuddly. the past year a lot of people from outside the state tried to tell kentuckians what motivates me to do what i do. i let them have their say. but here is the truth. to anyone who says nothing ever gets done in washington here is my five worried answer. tell that to noelle hunter. this woman is the reason i run. she's the reason i do what i do in washington. we can make a difference and we do every single day.
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we are proud of that in my office. yet, as i travel across the state i have become acutely something else the government can do. it can do terrible damage to families and communities. i have seen the hurt in peoples eyes in the mountains. it breaks your heart to see the pain that distant planers in federal agencies are causing to so many in our state. if you are an elected official like me it hardens your resolve to do something about it? . [cheers and applause]. . [cheers and applause] >> for too long this administration tried to tell the american people what's good for them and blame somebody else when their policies didn't work out. tonight kentucky rejected that approach. [cheers and applause]
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tonight kentuckians said we can do better as a nation. tonight they said we can have real change in washington, real change. [cheers and applause] >> and that's just what i intend to deliver. so friends, tonight turns a corner and the future i see is a bright one. americans have seen that what the current crowd in washington is offering is making us weaker both at home and abroad. they have had enough. you know there's an old saying
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that is often attributed to winston churchill that i'm reminded of. here is what he said about us, about americans. he said you know the americans, they always do the right thing. after they have tried everything else first. friends, this experiment in big government has last the long enough. [cheers and applause] >> it is time to go in a new direction! [cheers and applause] it is time to turn this country around. [cheers and applause] >> and i will not let you down.
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thank you so much. ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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>> first elected in 1984 senator mitch mcconnell re-elected to t the u.s. senate from kentucky and poised to be the next majority leader. we will look at the latest numbers. shortly after 7:00 eastern he was declared the winner as he defeat ed defeated defeatedalson defeated alison grimes. this tweet from david drucker of the washington examiner. the senate g.o.p. gets one of the other three to win senate control. that is in arkansas. we have a live camera inside
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tomcattom tomcat tomcattom tomcattom cotton cotton's headquarters. we will look at gwen graham is ahead of steve south ererland. and carlos curbelo is ahead of joe garcia. two key house races in new hampshire in the first congressional district two seats the democrats hope to hold. carroll shay porter with 21% at 51% vote compared to frank guinta 49%. second district where representative ann custer is 60% and marilinda garcia is 40%.
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and david michael wagner wanted to put on a better fight but david joyce winning with 62%, that declared a winner for representative joyce. these are all at host: let's look at the balance of power. we have gotten the result from arkansas which is a new pickup for republicans and that may not be included in this total. 34 for the democrats and 40 for the republicans, two for independents and everybody looking for the 51 for the majority and senator mcconnell off the teenagestage to watch the other results. we have our phone lines open and we would like to hear from you about how you voted, what your concerns are and what you think of the results as we are hearing
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them. let's talk next to chris who is in spring hill, florida, independent. hi, chris. caller: god bless you at c-span. it is a wonderful thing. i want to first say congratulations to mitch. that was great. in florida here it kind of restored my faith. i thought crist was going to walk away with it. not that he should but nevertheless i have seen more ridiculous things. our governor has done just nothing short of amazing accomplishments since he's been in. he took over in a terrible economy and he took the state that has the highest unemployment rate to the lowest and didn't happen by accident. he didn't add anything to the debt and had a lower tax base because of the bad economy. he even gave tax incentives to
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businesses and came up with the money to get businesses here to have jobs. and crist, by contrast, the things that were the top legislation that needed to be passed he kept putting off because he knew he would be the bad guy as soon as the current governor got it he signed them and he took a lot of heat for it but he's an adult in charge and he does what is right for us even if he takes the heat. that's what a man does. whether he wins or loses i can't believe it is this close because they did a hatchet job on him. most of the stuff they said about him was ridiculous or highly exaggerated. host: you sound like an independent that leans republican most of the time. caller: i'm republican mainly but i see both sides. i look at things objectively because if i don't i won't learn anything. my feeling is if you only listen
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to the things you already believe and only look for facts that will support that you are not going to learn anything new so i do listen to everything. host: overall how is the economy doing it florida? caller: it is better than it was. we had the highest unemployment in the country when our current governor took off. i agree, it was not crist's fault as president clinton said. but he got us into huge debt. we have a $26 billion debt most of it accrued by him. our current governor in the worst economy with the lowest money coming in you could ever deal with, he didn't raise the debt. he told us that in the beginning. he said he pledged not to raise it but he couldn't promise he would pay it off. but he's been trying to pay it down, too. host: thank you. we have another republican this time from orlando, florida,
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standing by. let's give him time to express his comments about what is happening. john, you are on the air. caller: thanks for taking my call. i like your show and i want to reiterate what chris just said. i think we've got a good governor who did exactly what he has said. my question is more about virginia. i have been watching -- i'm late to the show and voted and i'm late. i know that virginia is like a really key state. as this plays out through the night what states are you looking at that are kind of iffy one way or the other in the midwest and out west? host: steve scully, are you available to talk about the races we are watching overall? host: im. we will share a 2008 from jonathan martin who said kentucky west virginia and arkansas hard for the democrats to compete in federal races in states they dominated for decades. let's go through some of the
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other races as you indicated in arkansas tom cotton declared the winner. this is one where the democrats hoped to hold on to. mark pryor a long legacy in arkansas his father a former senator and governor and big efforts by the clintons but cotton declared the winner with 50% compared to 48%. in georgia another effort the democrats put in impressive effort but david perdue at 60% compared to 38% for michelle nunn, the daughter of sam nunn. in kansas, one of the surprise races of the campaign cycle in which the independent candidate really following what the polls have been showing a dead heat against republican senator pat roberts. orman has not indicated if he
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would caucus with the democrats or republicans. only 1% and the numbers are very close close. 36,300 for or man and 36, 236 for pat roberts. if north carolina where senator can i hagan is in a -- kay hagan is in a tough ballot she has 52% compared to 45% for tom tillis. and in the commonwealth of virginia mark warner is in a tough re-election battle ed gillispie former clairehair with 74% reporting in virginia holding his lead at 51% compared to 46% for warner. host: it is still the situation many precincts in northern virginia haven't reported.
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host: this is something many didn't predict until a few days ago. host: thraeufrplgs for being with us -- thanks for being with us. the hallmark here is to give you access to the candidates' speeches and let you see them in long form and in addition to results we like to hear from you. next is david who is watching us in detroit who is a democrat. you are on, david. caller: thanks for taking my phone call. a majority of the debates that i was able to access came via c-span. i have to say that i have never been more disappointed with the democratic party before. the media seemed like they were backpedaling, making excuses and apologizing. and one of the things maybe you can help me or somebody, other callers can help me out. i don't understand how we could
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have an economy that our market is at 16,000 on the dow, inflation in check, people do have health insurance >> gas prices are down, housing is coming back, yet we have individuals who -- candidates -- that were more apologetic and trying to keep their distance from president obama and that is why i believe that they lost. and they lost in good fashion because they should have lost because it is almost as though they had nothing but apologies and the republicans trained them and they defined who these people were. thank you. host: thanks for the call, david from detroit. next up is omar who is watching in atlanta. he's an independent. you are on. caller: yes. according to glenn beck's website the top 10 poor states
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in the union, out of 50 states, listen to this. mississippi number one, arkansas number two. three three, tennessee. four, west virginia. five louisiana. six, month. seven, south carolina. eight kentucky. and nine alabama and 10 north carolina. the top 10 poorest states in the union are run by republicans. how in the world with the republican house and senate totaling in the teens and single digits versus obama who polls at 42% and 43% with wall street at all-time highs. how in the world -- this is a topsy-turvy world. how in the world did the democrats fail so miserably? host: that is a similar thraoepl to what our michigan caller
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sucked. -- suggested. what is your sense why democratic candidates were not better putting forward their economic successes? caller: here is my analysis. like the previous caller, it turned off the democrat voters and independent voters and moderate voters and the nonaffiliate voters who don't cling to a party. i'm an independent moderate and proud of it. i have voted for some republicans and i have voted for democrats. by the same token, they were turned off by mrs. grimes and mrs. nunn because of them running and running to the clintons. there is also a bad, bad omen for the clintons. the clintons campaigned hard for a lot of candidates and those candidates are losing. it tells me the democrats do not want a clinton 1990's
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resurgence. they want somebody like what is the governor from massachusetts? >> duval patrick. caller: and elizabeth warren. they want new, fresh blood, not corporate democrats, not a corporate democrat, not a wall street democrat, not a big law democrat but a people's person democrat who is not going to -- look 98% of all our legislation favors wall street, it favors, big oil, it favors big business. it doesn't favor the average american. so, you are going to see that the clinton machine is being rejected and hillary clinton who is a terrible campaign erer they don't want to relive the clinton era.
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host: we have so many people wanting to talk thank you and your analysis of what is happening. steve scully is ready with more results. host: you indicated $100 million spent in north carolina. i want to go through other expensive senate races. colorado well over $63 million spent. iowa about $60 million spent. close to $45 million in the kentucky about $3.7 billion spent. we look to west virginia that is a seat republicans hopes to pick up on. nick rahal a veteran of the house losing to evan jenkins a former democrat and now republican. 19% reporting in the third congress shallow district and he has 18,000 or about 55% compared to 15,000 for nick rahal. >> just outside of washington this is frank wolf, robert come stack a former aide and former
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senior advisor to mitt romney's 2012 campaign at 58% compared to john foust at 38%. half of the vote reported in virginia's 10th congressional district. in illinois 17th congressional district representative sherry bustos 70% compared to bobby schilling at 30%. early numbers in illinois's 17th congressional district. earlier you had a call from florida. let's look at the numbers in the florida governor's race. there is a rematch with governor rick scott -- not a rematch but charlie crist and current governor with 72% reporting governor scott at about 2.5 million compared to just over 2.4 million for charlie crist. and we have there tweet that
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mitch mcconnell telling abc news the republicans would lead responsibly governing with the majority wondering if that will come up friday when the president has the top four leaders at the white house. the white house announcing a while ago that there will be a bipartisan meeting at the white house house. more numbers on line at host: on the bottom of the screen some numbers were coming in from arkansas governor and looks like asa hutchinson former official in past administrations has managed to win over mike ross the democrat there. so a good night for republicans in arkansas. host: absolutely. host: we will continue taking calls calls. in two or three minutes reed wilson will be with us and has a special focus on states. we will talk to him about the governor races and the implications for the gives on things such as the healthcare law as we watch the returns come
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in for those races. back to phone calls. next is rusty watching us in houston, texas, republican. you are on. caller: actually i'm on the iphone app. the reason i'm calling i think the republicans will get the majority tonight. i hope that they follow up with what they are preaching. i'm a young guy just married and it would be nice if social security was around when i reach that age. host: let me ask you a question. we heard mitch mcconnell say he's going to be looking for governing consensus and that people. more out of washington than the two parties constantly squaring off. is that what you want as well? caller: it would be great for them to work together to restore some civil liberties we have lost under republicans and
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democrats. i'm kind of a liberty republic guy and i side with libertarians but we vote republican and support candidates who are liberty leaning in primaries. it would be great if my kids degree up and don't have to worry about the government spying on their e-mails or phone calls. that would be a great thing to have that restored. i hope the republicans actually act on this and shrink the size of the government and restore some of these freedoms that have been lost since 9/11 and patriot act and n.s.a. spying on us. it could be bipartisan, what rapbtd rand paul tried reaching out to democrats on some issues that effect all americans. if they can do that they will win us and continue to win elections. if not people will become
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disenfranchised and become independence. host: randy is using the i-phone app and that is a great way to access c-span when you are mobile and on the road. let me show you what the u.s. senate we are focusing on that this evening the balance of power situation, what it looks like. 21 undecided races. democrats with 36 seats to the republicans' 41 and two independents. as promised, let me introduce you to reed wilson from the "washington post" newsroom. nice to see you. thanks for being with us. guest: thanks for having me. host: i will start with the governors' races. we've been talking about the senate but how -- what is the mood of the electorate as they make their gubernatorial decisions? guest: i think the governors races show what the broader election is.
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at federal level voter anger with those in power is manifesting itself as votes against democrats and in protest of president obama. on the state level though that voter anger still exists but not just directed at democrats but those in charge. there are a number of gives up for re-election tonight in deep red states who are republicans deep blue states who are democrats fighting for their political lives. that is largely balls -because the voters are angry with the way the states are going and country and taking it out on people in power. at federal level that is democrats and states republicans. host: one story you concluded by making point that these elections, these gubernatorial elections, have consequences. let me start specifically with the health care law. what are some of the likelihoods to lap happen -- happen if some
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kaepbg hands. >> in virginia and pennsylvania tom corbett lost to a former secretary tom wolf. corbett and the republican legislature will not moved forward on medicaid expansion. you can expect wolf to push for that and push pennsylvania into accepting the billions of dollars that would come from the federal government if they expand medicaid to cover more lower insurance pennsylvanians. but in arkansas asa hutchinson is going to take over for a pop governor who is retiring after two terms because of term limits and republicans control the state legislature there. in that case bebe and the republican legislature pushed through a modified version of plead candidate expansion. i think you can expect hutcheon hutchinson and the legislature to go the opposite way.
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a number of other states like florida where it is within a couple thousand votes out of a couple million has implications for medicaid expansion in a lot of states. because we are seeing the republican class of 2010 come up for re-election this year democrats are going to be able to gain a few new footholds and expand medicateidmedicaid. host: besides medicaid and healthcare law what are some other important national issues the governors are likely to have an impact on. guest: one that is interesting not a governor but state legislature kentucky, in kentucky the state house and senate are up for re-election tonight. if republicans are able to take back the state house which democrats control right now they will be able to pass a law that would allow a candidate to run both for president of the united states and u.s. senate. that matters because rand paul, the junior senator is up for
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re-election in 2016 and if he wants to run to keep his senate seat and president he would need a republican legislature to do that. around the country the other big issues of the day are not being decided here in washington, d.c. where there is partisan gridlock jamming capitol hill. they are being decided in states whether minimum wage or abortion rights or voting rights. all of these issues are being played out in state legislatures. the person who signs or vetoes those bills is not president obama, it is give so and so in whatever state. host: one other aspect of this state election is ballot tphrbt activist. what are the most interesting? guest: they are fascinating all over the country. we have minimum wage increases in a number of states, the democrats will hoped would be an impetus for voters to turn out not just to vote for their candidate but they want to raise the minimum wage in their state.
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states like arkansas and alaska and south dakota two of which had competitive senate races. south dakota didn't turn out to be so competitive. you have initiatives that would legalize marijuana here in washington, d.c., oregon and alaska. for recreational purposes. then there is a measure that with legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes in florida. a lot of democrats thought that with bring out younger voters but when they come out to vote for medical marijuana they would stick around and vote for the rest of the democratic ticket. remains to be seen how successful they will be at that. there are a number of issues, for example two states of oregon and colorado voters are voting on whether or not to require labels on genetically modified food. that is a huge issue that has attracted millions of dollars from some of the biggest ing a biggesting a agribusinesses so in 41 states
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there are 147 ballot measures, questions, propositions, referendums being decided today. some of them i mentioned. there are some obscure ones. mane -- mane is going to vote on whether to allow traps we hunting bears. so are a little in the weeds but others have national ramifications. host: reed wilson will be with us until the bottom of the hour. he's been focussing on the intersection between the state and federal government. we welcome your comments and questions about that. host: i will share this tweet, tom cotton the winner in arkansas was 7 years old when mitch mcconnell was first elected to the senate and we are keeping track on the balance of power. we will look at some governor races that you and reed have been talking about. potential of a republican pickup
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in illinois where governor pat quinn face as tough challenge from bruce rauner. early numbers about 8% reporting the republican candidate is 53% and democratic candidate governor quinn 45%. in kansas this has the potential of being a democratic pickup paul davis is slightly lady over the incumbent republican governor sam brownback. only 2% reporting. davis at 49% and brownback 47%. in maryland a state many thought was going to be very close only 2% reporting but right now the lieutenant governor anthony brown is ahead over businessman larry logan. 61% to 38%. oklahoma, no big surprise mary fallon easily winning with 55%. over joe dorman. in connecticut dan malloy at 56%
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compared to 43% for republican tom foley. pennsylvania history being made for the first time since 1968 an incumbent governor forth re-elected. tom wolf at 66% of the vote and 16% reporting there and governor corbett seeking a second term at 34%. host: thank you, steve. reed wilson our guest as election coverage continues. we will take the next telephone call from lexington, kentucky keaton who is a democrat. how do you handicap what happened in your state tonight? caller: i don't know what to make of it. thank you for having me on. i'm a little disappointed by the way it turned out but to tell you the truth i'm not entirely surprised because i felt like the democrats ran a candidate that just couldn't get the base
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fired up. she sort of alienated most of us by turning her nose up at the president and at the electorate by default. we voted for him and we would have voted for her with a lot more excitement if we felt like sleeves in it for us. it was sort of a letdown all around. host: do you think she will have a future in politics in your state? caller: knowing the way things work here, absolutely. i can't get too excited about that, either but that is the way it is. host: did you listen to senator mcconnell's comments tonight? caller: i watched the speech on c-span. host: did you have any reaction to his conciliatory messages? caller: truth be told, i think he's going to have a lot of trouble within his caucus because he's going to face a lot of pressure from the far right and it will be interesting to see if he can bring some of his
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clout to bear and keep them back. he might be willing to reach across the aisle in some cases, but at best i hope for a lukewarm immigration reform and maybe some, like we have been talking about, concessions on spending from the democrats. but that is about as much as i can hopes for. host: thank you for the call. when you look at allison grimes what do you this? guest: she got it early and had to raise tens of millions of dollars to take on mitch mcconnell which she did to her credit. she raised more money than i think any other democratic challenger out there. on the other hand, staying in for so long means that you have to fight with the incumbent for a long time and mitch mcconnell is good at defining his opponents. he defined her as an obama democrator a long time and i do think that her decision not to
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admit that she voted for president obama hurt her. i don't know if it fswas was disqualifying or no. but it tested voters' intelligence and that sleeveshe was not throwing straight and she gave them a reason to think she was another politician. i think that hurt her although that being said let's give credit where due. mitch mcconnell ran a great race. he threaded the needle between managing his conservative base and getting through a republican primary without alienating too many moderate voters in the louisville and lexington area and prosecuted what i think is a smart case for republicans in that region which is cuzzing the white house of running a war on coal. that is a potent message for a lot of people who live in the coal country of kentucky where
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coal is still king and who were yellow dog democrats for a long taoeuplime and are starting to vote republican because of their more socially conservative leadings. host: we have hurt the president has vetoed congressional leaders to the white house on friday. i would like you to comment on callers's concerns that if mcconnell is successful in getting the majority will have a tough time finding consensus. guest: i think that is an interesting and fare point and something -- fair point. mitch mcconnell wants as big a republican majority as possible not just because he likes big and majority but he's got to deal with a couple of people on the right flank senator ted cruz of texas and mike lee of utah to a lesser extent rand paul of kentucky who will push for the most conservative possible option. that isn't going to have a great
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chance of winning 60 votes in the senate enough to cut off a filibuster and won't win a veto-proof majority if some of that legislation gets through and president obama vetoes it. i think the dynamics of the republican conference both in the house and senate are going to be fascinating to watch. we will see how mitch mcconnell handles that. that said he engenders a lot of respect and loyalty among republican senators and he manages to keep together folks as diverse as susan collins from maine and rand paul his fellow republican from kentucky. host: at this point i want to welcome our viewers in canada who are joining us via c-pac the parliament channel and they will be with us throughout the rest of the night as the race for control in the united states senate continues. glad to have you aboard. we are going to take a look
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again at the balance of power in the senate. let's see what the numbers are as they stand right now. with 17 undecided democrats 38, republicans 43 and independents two. steve scully has more details. host: let's talk about some of the races we have been getting. south dakota a four-way race in which larry pressler and independent and former senator trying to recapture his seat in the senate but the former governor of south dakota is currently ahead in that race. also in massachusetts where ed markey has been declared the winner according to networks and we are watching louisiana. keep in mind both louisiana and georgia if no candidate gets 350% plus one -- 50% plus one they face a run off. host: back to telephone calls. next is haley in brookeville,
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kentucky, republican. you are on. caller: hi, thanks for taking my call. i was calling to comment about the senate race in kentucky. i feel like that alison grimes falsified a lot of her information during the race around here especially in this local area. a lot of people were misinformed about her position on coal and her voting for obama. i feel like if she had just came forward more with honest answers to the questions that sleeves asked, i feel like even throw i'm a republican i feel like she would have had a better chance of winning over kentucky in the race. i also feel like if the republicans take house majority that mitch mcconnell will have a hard time rally being the republicans because around here especially he doesn't have a
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good following. a lot of people disagree with a lot of what he's done. even though i'm a republican i feel like a lot of what he's done has not been what i expect from my party. that is pretty much all i have to say. host: the caller makes the point about mitch mcconnell's own approval ratings in his state. guest: they have been very low for a long time. he's not beloved by kentucky republicans or moderates or anybody like that. it is still though this is sort of became a national race, became a race about alison lundgren grimes being tied to president obama and that's not where you want to be in a state where became won something like 38% or 39% of the vote in 2012. a big reason mcconnell won is not because of mitch mcconnell but the other guys. host: our next call is from michigan dave watching who sis a republican. what did you think of the
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outcome in your state? caller: i'm very happy with what is happening and i'm glad people are waking up. it is a good seen for our nation. i believe that the republican party has become what the democrats used to be and the democratic party has adopted the socialist platform. so now we've a fight going on in michigan between what we call conservative republicans and more liberal republicans and it has gotten to the point where it is almost a two-party on our side. we banded together to get things done. i'm hoping that democrats will realize that their party has gone socialist, come to the republican side and then we can get more done in our state that is good for the people instead of good for big government. i'm not for big government. host: thanks for your call. in michigan which feels -- was
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reporter of senator levin gary peters the democratic candidate 53% and the republican at 44%. would you talk a little bit about the open seats and what the senate looks like with some of the long-term senators who had decided to retire this time? guest: we have seen this the last couple of cycles sort of an infusion of new blood not just because republicans will such a good year in 2010 but because there are a lot of new democrat senators two. whether jeff murkily who is likely to win in oregon or gary peters who is favored to be the new senator from michigan, there are a lot of new faces around. michael bennett from colorado. brian shaft from hawaii people who are going to infuels -- infuse new blood in a caucus that has gotten older.
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the republican caucus has gotten new blood. mike lee tom cotton only 367 37. this is a new generation and bringing the average age down significantly. steve said or you tom cotton was only 7 years old when mitch mccongress was first elected to the senate. tom cotton feels tom cotton -- when tom cotton was born the oldest couple of senators diane feinstein and richard shelby much more than 30 years old. so, that gives you a sense of a generational change in the senate. let me mention in michigan this is another good raeulgs race between an incumbent governor who faced a rocky first term rick schneider and mark shower. snyder looked like he was lady for a while. late polls show it closing quickly. shower has a slot at what would
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qualify as one of the upsets if he knocks off snyder. but in michigan like a number of other states snyder has been pulled to the right a little bit by his republican led legislature and the caller mentioned the schism in the state relying party and that is playing out in a lot of states and has forced some republican governors to the right, in other cases we talked about the kansas governor's race where sam brokenback face as difficult re-election. the governor has pulled the legislature to the right. but there is a war going on within the republican party over a lot of issues, whether it is medicaid expansion in some states, or taxes cutting taxes to the bare minimum. michigan is a tkpd example of one -- good example where the party is divided. host: the michigan governor early 12% of the results corresponding to the a.p.
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counting rick snyder the incumbent 55% at 299,000 votes and shower at 42% with 229,000 but only 12%. guest: that is surprising given that peters is winning by such a big margin in the senate race and snyder is up. that is good for snyder. based on that he may pull that out. host: before we leave the thought of changing senate and generational shift to show the familiar names of the senators who decided to retire it time, five democrats including hearken in iowa, johnson in south dakota levin in michigan rockefeller in west virginia and walsh in montana. republicans chambliss in khrafplt. coburn oklahoma and joe lands it
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nebraska. host: it appears there will be a runoff in louisiana where bill cassidy the republican candidate at 43% and senator mary landreaux 42. new hampshire debby establish as we look at the new hampshire senate race that is a tough battle with scott brown with about a third of the vote now reporting in new hampshire shaheen has 81,000 compared to just over 74,000 for scott brown. let's take a closer look at virginia. one of the big surprises because many expected mark warner to win re-election re-election. with 85% voted ed gillispie former clairehair of the republican national committee at 50% of the vote in terms of raw numbers,
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844,000 for gillispie and warn at 791,000. we were talking about fairfax county about 38% of the vote reporting and that is significant because it is a strong democratic area for the state and mark warner won fairfax county with 53,000 but gillispie coming in strong with about 38,000 votes in fairfax county or 40% of the vote. that is significant because mark warner easily won a plurality in fairfax county but much closer. finally, in kansas greg orman is challenging pat roberts. roberts at 49%, orman at 48%. 3% reporting in that race. host: while you were talking the a.p. did call new hampshire for jean shaheen. reed, that was one of the early bellwethers but they have been
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mixed. guest: the fact that new hampshire is even in the conversation is a terrible thing for democrats. at the beginning of this race jean shaheen was leading brown by a significant margin even into september. even after labor day. and by the way, if you dug deeper in those polls you saw that shaheen had a net favorable rating. more liked her. but scott brown's approval or favorability rating was reverse, more had an unfavorable opinion. the fact that it got so close even with those numbers underlying it sungs to me that -- suggests that new hampshire cover gone republican tonight if it did that would have been an absolute disaster for democrats. we would be talking about a 54 or maybe 55 seat majority for republicans because new hampshire was not on anybody's radar as a potentially close race six or eight months ago. it was only really, got close
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the last couple of weeks and around the staeutte we've seen sort of a mini republican wave. there is a tight congressional race in the first district where a congress weapon of mass destruction is fighting gosh congress weapon of mass destruction is fighting against the guy she beat two years ago and state house, this is a little nuts but there are 400 members of the new hampshire state house which works out to about one in every 3,000 residents in new hampshire. part-time and they only get paid $100 a year. but that chamber, which has a majority of democrats is likely to flip because new hampshire is so susceptible to these partisan waves. there is a state a swing state proposal won twice and the republican senator won with something like 61% of the vote in an open seat against a sitting u.s. congressman for years ago in 2010. that tells you that new hampshire is a state that is
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very susceptible to swings and could have been the early bellwether that showed we would have a massive republican wave now i suppose we know we won't have a massive republican wave doesn't mean the democrats will keep the senate but their senate won't get that much worse. host: if you look further in new hampshire history 20 years ago it was a pretty reliable republican state and influx of people flat southern tier and a lot of liehigh tech jobs that started to swing it more to the democratic column. next another florida caller sonia in the capital of tallahassee, a democrat. >> thank you for having me on. i was calling to express my concerns because i'm an educator in tallahassee and the kids are having a major time dealing with the budget cuts and we are dealing with pay tied to how the
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kids progress. you can't progress if there is no money to put in place the programs that we need. since our governor came, he's spent so much that he made educators just walk off the job because he put so many mandates in place. for florida as a state where do away we go? host: we lost sonia but she brings up the whole debate over education education, both a state and federal issue and teacher standards and money tied to it. if you look across the governors' races this year, how often was education a subject that was tops on the list? guest: education cuts specifically were a major democratic talking point in some key states where they hope to knock off republican governors this year not only in florida
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but wisconsin and ohio which turned out not to be as close as people thought. and cuts to the budget are essentially the reason that sam brokenback is having a -- broken brownback is having a tough time in kansas. education changes are a potent issue. interestingly enough, in north carolina where senator kay hagan was lady by a few i want -- was ahead by a few points has made cuts to the education budget a cornerstone of her campaign. of course that is not something the u.s. stat deals with but the north carolina state legislature deals with. but they cut budgets and teacher pay for education the last couple of years under state louse speaker tom tillis her republican opponent. she's so successful funnelly made the discussion about education in north carolina in one that dent revolume around that or have much impact on
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education spending a significant plurality of voters, 30% to 35% said that was their most important issue. she totally changed totally changed the direction in that case. education cuts have been a big opportunity for democrats. education policy is becoming an increasingly potent issue in the republican party most specifically common core. the republican base, the activist class outside the beltway hates common core with the passion of a thousand burning suns and they're going to punish any incumbent office holder who bothers to stand up for it. that's been a tricky debate that even some otherwise safe republican incumbents have had to backtrack on, i'm thinking bill haslem who was a big supporter has backed off and said he's going review the legislation.
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bobby jindal, the governor of louisiana had to back off when the activist class was lashing back. >> you've written about this. there are a number of them who have their eye on higher office. this becomes an important part in their resume building as they look at what's next for them. >> yeah, and bobby jindal in louisiana is one of those. i think you can expect that he'll run for president. john kase kwon an easy re-election. he is in a position to think about running for president if he wants to. he's not open about it as they circle 2016. but some of the di visors have told ne that he'll have the foundation to run if he decides to go for i. governor scott walker has to be considered near the top of the white house 2016 list for republicans. if he wins re-election tonight,
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of course, if he doesn't well, i think his hopes are probably sidelined. the last poll we saw had him moving ahead of him. governor perry in texas is seriously looking at making another run for president. and the chairman of the republican governor's association chris christie is all but certain to get in as well. one more name i'll throw out there, mike pence the governor of indiana he's up for re-election. so he'll have to decide if he's running for re-election or running for president. he likes to make a lot of noise of some people wanting him to run. >> we're watching for mark pryor to come out with his concession speech and when that happens we'll say goodbye to you. we always appreciate the time you have with us. let's go back to scully. >> in new york's 11th congressional district michael
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grimm winning against domenic recchia. in massachusetts' sixth congressional district with mowlton at 52% and tisei 42%. this is one of the races where democrats hoping for a pickup. we carried a rather contentious debate but literry 52%. in terms of raw numbers that's under 28,000 votes compared to brad ashford who has about 43% of the vote or about 23,000 of the votes. another race we were watching bill schuster winning re-election in his race with about 40% of the vote now reporting. we're keeping an eye on that virginia senate race looking a map of the state. we're looking for a lot of the results to come from northern virginia which will be key to
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whether or not ed gilepsie is able to hold on to his seat. and i know reid wilson and others will be writing a lot tomorrow morning. >> as you were talking we saw the results on the ticker on the bottom and it is neck-and-neck 48 with pat roberts race for re-election. what you do think? >> na is a race that's real tough. pat roberts ran the worst campaign of any incumbent seeking re-election after he won a really competitive primary republican primary. his campaign manager said he was going to go home for a few days and by home he meant alexandria, virginia, somewhere around here rather than back home to kansas. not a great thing to do if you want to appeal to a broad middle here. kansas is a fascinating state though because, you know we talked earlier about michigan and the schism with the republican party. the same thing is happening in kansas. a couple of years ago after sam
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brownback won the governorship, he tried to cut taxes to an extent that was so deep that even republicans in his state senate which was sort of a modern caucus rebelled. so he ran a bunch of primary campaigns against those republican senators. he was able to beat a lot of them and pass his tax reform bill. now the state has suffered dramatically because of that. it's budgets are deep in the red, running deficits and there are a number of republicans moderate republicans who are angry at sam brownback. they came back to endorse paul davis, the democrat running for governor and sort of as fallout for that pat roberts got swept up in it too. the entire republican brand this is one of the examples of voters taking out their angle on the people who lead them back home not just the folks who are leading at the national level tosm republicans came under fire in kansas. that put brownback in a bad spot
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and roberts in a spot that's not much better. the national republican cavalry replaced his campaign manager. they brought in some high level consultants. the campaign was so bad by the way that when those new guys showed up, they realized the old guys hadn't ordered any yard science or bumper sticker first the campaign both are the things you do on day one. so roberts was facing this really difficult challenge. national republicans came in. everybody from ted cruz to bob dole there you go talk about the two ends of the republican spectrum came in to campaign for roberts. my gut tells me the cavalry arrive at the right time enough to save him but greg orman the independent candidate sure is sticking around. >> while we talk about national surrogates we had a caller earlier that was looking at the clinton's record for the number of races they were involved in. how carefully will people like
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you be watch their win and loss record for the people they were supporting? >> that matters not terribly much. it doesn't matter. it matters that they showed up. the republicans who were planning to run for president in 2016 spread a lot of money around. state race, state legislative races, even county races in states like iowa and new hampshire, you know, the clintons were showed for a number of candidates, they did. at the end of the day that matters more than whether or not the candidates won. i'll point out that pretty much who is in the conversation for the white house in 2016 has visited the same campaigns. you know, martin o'malley was campaigning for the democrat running for governor in iowa who is going to lose by 20 points or so. and the democratic governor of new hampshire who is going to win has been -- that race has already been called. on the other hand, you know,
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elizabeth warren was in kentucky in west virginia two states where democrats lost as well. it doesn't -- i don't think it reflects at all on the candidates, the sort of the higher level folks, elizabeth warren, hillary clinton, martin o'malley. they're willing to help the party even in states where they've got a tough time. i think that, you know, it's a positive for everybody when a big name shows up for one of your candidates. >> we're going the say thanks to you. if people want to follow your twitter feed for the rest of the evening and for reporting on the outcome what is it? >> it's@postreed. >> thanks for your time. >> thanks a lot. >> we'll return to stee scully for more results. >> this is tweet from carl hooves saying that voters are still in line in colorado predicting a long line of vote counting saying it remains confident. >> let's go to a couple of races that are not much of a surprise.
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dick durbin easily winning re-election. carried a number of debates between durbin and jim oberweis with 36% reporting in illinois. durbin with 61% compared to 36% for jim oberweis. in texas another easy win for another member of the senate leadership. john cornyn of texas declaring the winner with 61% of the vote compared to david alameel with 36% of the vote. and two governor races another one that we're keeping a close eye where martha copely is in a tough battle against charlie baker. you can see that race with about 43% of the vote reporting. it is a dead heat. baker at 48%. cokely at 47%. and finally in the arkansas' governor's race this is a republican pickup in the state house, asa hutchinson declared
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the winner with 55% of the vote compared to 42% for mike ross. >> can you check in on the senate race in virginia? because it looks like to me that it's been tightening. >> it has been tightening. i've been looking at some of the maps from northern virginia. the results are not in for louden county and fairfax. most of it is red but in the urban areas the democratic strong hold those results typically come in later and we should know more in the next half hour. i'll get some more information in the next moment. >> so for the rest of the night we are going to be watching results an reporting them to you. we also will be taking your telephone calls and your tweets and you can send them into us using our twitter handle @c-span. and also being on the lookout for these major speeches in the senate races, victory and conception speeches. we're waiting next for arkansas.
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let me show you the scene there in mark pryor's headquarters waiting for the senator to come out and concede his defeat in his bid for re-election. and as soon as he does that, we will bring that to you. and his challenger successful challenger tom cotton also scheduled to speak and you'll see that on this network as well. in the interim we're going to continue taking your telephone calls, next up is bo in ohio, an independent. caller: hello. >> you're on the air. thank you. kearl: -- caler: first of all my personal opinion doesn't really matter who controls the power in our government until the following issues i'd like to present are fully resolved and transformed. if i may share this with you, the powers that be or will be in american people at large i'd like to do that if that's ok. >> bo, if you can make it
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concise because lots of callers on the line. caller: ok. when my questions are when will the powers that be stop selling justice and our government to the highest bidder by way of special interest groups and lobbyist when judges are not to be for sale? when our justice systems for sale to the highest bidder it always benefits the rich and the powerful that be it's an injustice to those of us who are not rich nor in power. and my other questions are when will the government and powers that be do what is best not for themselves or the rich tor powerful friend but what is best for the majority of the people who voted them into office? it is time to make lobbying and special interest groups illegal and a federal offense as a threat to the national security of the commonwealth of the majority. our government is to do what's best for us and not for
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themselves. and my final thing is -- is whatever happened to doing unto others as you would have others do unto you. we know that the love of money is the root of all evil which produces the fruit of evil that we are now all reaping? i would like to know when the corruption and the greed is going to stop by all persons in power? >> thank you for your call. bo is watching us in ohio. next, is another call from kentucky. this is victor, a republican there. and victor, what did you think of the outcome in the senate race in your state? >> yes, i'm just excited that mitch mcconnell won the race and the republicans were able to attain another position in congress to, you know, oppose some of these dynamic ideas that the administration is having such as, you know, increasing minimum wage and whatnot and, you know, is able to do that. but i'm just excited that he won
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and i hope more people get involved into politics. >> thanks for your call, victor. next calling us from georgia from the town of marietta. a democrat. you're on the air. caller: hi. what i'm most concerned that it seems that most americans pay absolutely no attention and don't bother to vote and those who vote don't have a clue what they're voting on. i spoke to several people trying to get them to vote and found out they knew nothing about what was going on. i had a girl tell me well she didn't like obama because she was a cashier at a grocery store. she said obama the insurance cost too much. and i explained to her that she would qualify for medicaid and she wouldn't pay anything except georgia because they're controlled by republicans don't allow medicaid. so we have hundreds of thousands of people who can only go to emergency rooms. she had no clue. and what i would like to say is
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would c-span next election you should take every candidate and give them a list of 20 questions on the exact issues and put that on your website so that people can look up the candidates and find out because you have absolutely no clue what anybody stands for in --? it's all just a part of smoking mirrors and the american people don't seem to be sophisticated to do that. they vote on one issue. if they like guns they'll vote for whoever that is. if they're against abortion, they will vote on just that. they don't care that people earn minimum wage. they are fooled all the time. and i think c-span could do something really big by really letting us know what each candidate stands for. >> the predictions are that your senate race is going to go for a
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run-off. i'm wondering what you think of that process overall if people aren't engaged for a major election how much are they going to be paying attention to a run-off? >> i hope there's not a run-off but i'm sure they probably will be. louisiana and georgia seem to be stupid with this idea that you to have 51% to win. but if there is a run-off i believe that georgia may be able to really mount a get-out-the-vote campaign for michelle nunn because i don't think we need another hedge fund guy in the senate. we've got enough of those people. >> thank you for your call. back to steve scully for more results. >> a confirmation is there will be a run nauf the louisiana senate race. that run-off between republican cram cass di and -- congressman
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cassidy and landreaux. and now ed gilepsie with 49% of the vote totals. these are areas that traditionally are stronger for the democrats so that early lead that ed gillespie had is now evaporating. 94% reporting in virginia. gillespie with 981,000 comparing to 970,000 for mark warner. colorado could be a republican pickup. corey gardner with 53% of the vote now reporting. 50% of the vote compared to 44% to senator mark, -- mash udall. in georgia the senate race with michelle nunn, the daughter of sam nunn and david purdue.
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compared to 39% of michelle nunn. in georgia, the atlanta area has yet to report. that could change the numbers slightly. finally in kansas, greg orman is challenging pat roberts a very close race but right now with 10% reporting in that race. pat roberts at 49%. greg orman at 47%. >> some of our viewers are using twitter to tell us about races not at the national level that are important to them. here's one example. patricia gad lupe reports that nelly gorbea becomes the first hispanic elected to statewide office in new england becomes rhode island's secretary of state. thanks for reporting. connie, you're on the air. caller: thank you. i would just like to say i'm watching. there have been several people who expressed supreme surprise at how poorly democrats have to be doing. all they have to do
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look at the state our country's in. look at the scandals that the democrats have been involved in. but how can they be surprised by the results? the obama administration has been and is a total failure. thank you. >> that's connie from tennessee. next up is a call from russell. and russell in in milford, pennsylvania. you are on, russell. go ahead, please. caller: i just wanted to say although i'm a republican i voted for wolf against korbitt. >> and why is that? >> he was very -- korbitt all he did was try to tie wolf to obama. and although i believe obama to be a horrible president, wolf is not obama. and korbitt had very little of a run-on. our jobs record here in the state of pennsylvania has just plummeted to one of the worse in the nation. our freedoms have been curtailed
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especially with all this nonsense chasing eric freen. his chase might have been widely publicized but the loss of freedom through that chase was not. i know that there was quite a few areas that were locked down with little explanation and quite a few civil liberties were taken during that. it is some what of a nationwide trend losing our civil liberties but under a republican governor it's not something i could vote for again. >> thank you for your call. milford, pennsylvania, the idea of tiing the record of the incumbent candidate to the president didn't work. next rachel from kansas. you're on the air. caller: hi, thank you. so i wanted to talk about sam brownback's verbal behavior. it does not have point to point correspondence with the verbal
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stimulus. the verbal stimulus and the verbal response do not match each other. so like all verbal operants produces reinforcement for example until the education reinforcement the correct answer involves some kind of general reinforcement such as rights that we see in the votes or the ton to move in the race such as paul davis an going up to become a governor. >> you're using language that are not familiar for people who have not studied communication theory. >> what is sam brownback getting at? >> what are the issues most important to you? caller: i mean what is not important? i think that's the issue.
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>> ok. and may i ask how old you are? >> 27. >> so for you how involved have you been in politics? how many years have you been following? >> six. since i turned 21. >> thank you very much for coming in. commenting on the theories used by the governor in the state of kansas. next we're going to return to steve scully. >> in virginia's 10th congressional district a tweet from john boehner said great to see barbara comstock pull out a win. let's go through the 10th congressional district of illinois. we look at robert dold trying to capture his old seat. brad schneider at 47%. in illinois' 17th congressional
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district, another member former member rematch cheri bustos with 59% and bobby schilling with 41%. one of the rematches that we've been following frank inta and carol shea porter with 48%. republican frank guinta could recapture his seat and in new york's 18th congressional district where nan hayworth is at 57%. and sean maloney with 42%. >> so steve we're going to show the house overall numbers. but it's -- 198 undecided but the reality is the number of competitive seats in the house
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of representatives is somewhere in the 22 range. is that correct? >> it is. there's no doubt that the republicans will gain zpwhrort the house. would that pick it up in the single digits or double digits. republicans at 145 and democrats at 91. let's go back to telephone calls. this is madry. and you are watching us from kentucky. hi. caller: i am a recent citizen. i became a citizen in may. i'm originally from south africa. i'm just incredibly disappointed in how uninformed the voters seem to be. it seems that people in kentucky seem to be voting against self-interest. if you look at the minimum wage votes in arkansas and i think nevada too that have passed and what i think was a generally
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republican state it just seemed that if people were more informed about what they were voting for maybe they would vote more democratic. >> how long has it been since you lived in south africa? >> we moved here in november of 2000. so i've been in the united states for 13 years, 14 years. >> can you compare with the level of knowledge that voters in your home country have? >> well, i grew up right after apartheid ended. so people were pretty informed about what they were voting for because it was new. they weren't always able to vote the majority of the country weren't. and so they were pretty informed about what they were voting for i would say. >> thank you very much for your call. good to hear from a first-time voter and a new citizen. let's look at the senate results once more and see where the balance of power stands with 13 races yet undecided. the democrats at 40.
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republicans at 45. and independents at two. we're waiting for senator mark pryor to come out and steve, i'm going to have you fill in briefly until the senator comes out so we don't interrupt a caller if they come onboard. can you tell us a little bit more? >> sure. let me share this tweet from jonathan martin in the "new york times." you can see from the map there are still some urban areas to be reported. hampton and nf north virginia still have some votes. louisiana will be facing a run-off. and that is confirmed by ed o'keefe by "the washington post." that run-off is for early december because no candidate winning with 50% of the vote. and then in michigan gary peter is the democratic candidate is easily winning that seat. this is an open seat as you pointed out. senator levin is retiring very
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close race in north carolina. let me pull it up here with kay hay began is at 48%. and tom tilis is at 48%. this is one of those seats if the democrats hope to hold the majority of the seats they should hold on to this seat. we're live in arkansas as well where tom cotton was declared the winner over mark pryor. that was a race that was an expensive race and one in which bill clinton spent a considerable amount of time in that state. and i think we can now go to campaign headquarters for marc pryor who about to concede the race in arkansas. ♪ [cheers and applause]
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>> i love you. thank you. thank you. golly, i have a lot of great friends. thank you. thank you so much. thank you. well let me start by just saying to god be the glory. and i believe that. i believe that you know, god has his hand in everything that happens. 12 years ago the people of arkansas gave me the greatest privilege of my life to represent them in the united states senate. those years were filled with some hardships and hard decisions. two wars and exploding national debt just to name a few. but also those years included a lot of good things. bringing our men and women home from distant lands and even though it has been slower than i would have wish and a lot of us
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would have liked, an american economy that is now poised to grow and be even stronger than ever. i believe in arkansas and i believe in america. the biggest and most serious problem we're facing in our nation today is the dysfunction of our political system in washington. [applause] we have incredible potential but we won't reach it unless washington starts to work again for all of us. [applause] if we're going to continue to be the greatest nation on earth we must work together, a future united is much brighter than a future divided. tonight, the people have spoken. i've just called tom cotton to congratulate him on his victory. i wish him the very best as he takes his seat on the senate floor. and i want you to know that he will be in my prayers.
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that's part taking off the red jersey and taking off the blue jersey, right? we all need to help him do his job. [applause] > i must confess -- thank you. i must confess i have some sadness tonight. i am happy to go to work for the people of arkansas. it's uncertain, but it's exciting. i know god will direct my steps for whatever he has for me. i would like to think joy, who has been with me every step of
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the way. and of course my wonderful parents. and my two brothers. but also a great campaign team and my incredible official staff , past and present. thank you. and all of my many supporters across this state who believed in me and who have carried me through this campaign. thank you, and god bless you and god bless arkansas, and god bless the united states.
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[applause] ♪ >> ♪ we meet in the middle ♪ ♪ it's been seven years tomorrow since we've said our vows under that old pine tree standing in the backyard if we don't see eye to eye there's nothing we can do i'll start walking my way and you'll start walking mine we meet in the middle ♪
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>> an emotional scene in little rock, arkansas with senator mark pryor, his father, former governor david pryor, the clintons spending a considerable amount of time and energy trying to put mark pryor over-the-top. let's go through the numbers. we expect to hear from him in just a moment. let's listen into what is happening at headquarters. all the results on the bottom of the screen. you can check it out online at live coverage here on c-span.
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as we wait for freshman representative tom cotton to come to the podium, let's look at the numbers. in arkansas, tom cotton declared the winner over mark pryor. also in virginia, where the race is considerably closer with mark warner seeking a second term versus ed gillespie, and i think we will have the numbers on those as well. mark pryor at 40%. moving onto kansas, where greg orman is challenging have robert. as we said in louisiana where there is going to be a runoff in early december, mary landrieu at 41%. i just want to share one tweet.
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a milestone tonight. congress reaches 100 women for the first time in history. >> it is a few minutes past the hour of 10:00 on the east coast. in four states out west the polls are close a. the iowa senate race is one we have been watching around the country. we will be watching the results as they begin to come in as the polls close. we are waiting for tom cotton. let's listen again. >> the senate, including someone you have probably seen on your tv set, drill sergeant norton. [applause] we also have two other folks who have become celebrities in their own right during this campaign. tom's parents. lynn and davis.
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[applause] without any further ado, please join me in welcoming with our cheers, the new united states senator of arkansas, tom cotton. [applause] >> let's go, tom! let's go, tom!
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let's go, thomas commission mark -- let's go, tom! let's go tom!
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>> that was just a warm-up. are you excited? that didn't sound excited. that sounded somewhat enthused. let's go tom. >> let's go tom! [applause]
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>> thank you. thank you, everyone. how about that win? i think it was the win we all hoped for and may be expected but perhaps bigger than we would have expected.
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i want to thank all of you for being here and for your support. i want to thank you, the people of arkansas. i am humbled by your trust and confidence. every election is about a choice. in this election the people had a choice between two ways of governing and two ways of winning, a choices about equal rights. granted us. a choice to live as a free people and to govern ourselves freely under the greatest constitution and history. the people of arkansas have made
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their choice. we have chosen constitutional self-government, which allows each of us to flourish. to live with the blessings of liberty, and to control our government, rather than be controlled by it. throughout this campaign, parkinson's -- parkinson's -- arkansans have told me they want to be a strong country. we reject the rule of presumed elites.
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regulating now consumes nearly half the fruits of our savings. it intrudes on private life. every community, every business, every school, every person gets unwanted instructions from on high from unaccountable elites. this form of government wants to help but is always hindering. constantly seeks to aid but constantly and up constraining. we may gain material security by choosing this form of government, but under it there is no true security for anyone. a government big enough to grant anything is big enough to take away anything. in this campaign, if we choose
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this form of government, we will spend so much trying to make it the same we will all be impoverished and elevate the elites further still. our country will be too poor. and too sluggish to care for the needy and provide work for the able, but arkansans knows the client is a choice, and we have rejected it. arkansans are a free people and we have chosen a government that is limited in scope. we have chosen a government that aid our citizens without
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overwhelming them or taking away their freedom. we have chosen a government that protects all the things we hold dear. our natural rights, national defense. a system of free enterprise built on private property rights, not special privileges, and the right to think our thoughts and speak our mind and pray our prayers and raise our kids according to our faith and conscience. [applause] to do these things does not require a centralizing bureaucratic administration of suppose it elites. it requires the exact opposite. constitutional stuff -- self-government. that is the choice we have faced. this election was not about mark pryor or me, but about you and
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how we choose to govern and lives as a people. earlier tonight i received a gracious call from senator pryor. i commend him for a spirited campaign, and i thank him and his family for their years of service to our state. senator pryor and his family will be in my prayers as i know they will be in your family's prayers. i want to thank everyone who made this night possible. my whole team, for whom the hours were very long but the pay was very low. these great young people did not work for me. they work for you and the people of arkansas.
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[applause] to all our wonderful volunteers all around the state who worked in these last hours, days, weekends months, wonderful women like betty and so many others who gave of themselves, worked so hard for our campaign, and to the people who supported me not just in this campaign but over the course of my entire life. i think you, the people of arkansas, for bestowing upon me the privilege to serve you. i recognize that not everyone voted for me tonight, but the season for campaigning has ended. now we begin the serious work of
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governing, to improve the lives of all people. i will serve every arkansan. democrat, republican, and everyone else. while i am a proud republican you have selected me to represent arkansas in the state senate, and it is arkansas i will represent. tonight this victory belongs to you, the citizens of arkansas, to all the families struggling to make ends meet, to the businesses who are barely holding on, to the young and old, who dream and still believe america is the greatest country on earth, where all things are
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possible. i will work to make that dream a reality again for each of you. i will not forget it was you who elected me to the senate and it is you to whom i will listen every day. [applause] of course none of you will agree with every vote i cast our every word i speak but as i have for the last two years, i will act upon my conscience, my judgment, my unbiased opinion, and explain my reasoning forthrightly and frankly. while we may disagree, i firmly hope i will never disappoint. i know many of you are cynical about our politics today -- sadly with much good cause. i won't promise to heal the planet and repair every broken institution, but i will promise
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to act with principal and use politics as an instrument to unite us, not a weapon to divide us. [applause] together i hope we can turn that cynicism into a traditional and healthy skepticism that recognizes men are not angels yet also appeals to the better angels of our nature. i have served you before. were troops tonight bravely defend this government of ours. my heart is filled with gratitude for them. for my parents and my sister who have loved and supported me for my wife anna whose love
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sustains me and completes me, and for our beloved country whose comments i will always cherish, whose blessings i will never forget, and whose call i will always heed, and especially tonight my heart is filled with gratitude to you for allowing me to answer that call again. thank you. god bless you. [applause]
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>> let's go, tom! >> after two years in the house of representatives, tom cotton now the new republican senator from arkansas. if you look at the scene from his headquarters in little rock. this was a race many people thought was going to be much closer. the senator elect even made reference to that. let's look at the numbers in the senate race in which tom cotton is easily winning with 56% of the vote compared to 41% for senator mark pryor and the ap declaring the race over. also the associated rest the clarington cory gardner the winner, keeping and i on virginia as well. let's look at the colorado governor's race.
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this is with 65% reporting. john hickenlooper, who is the former mayor of denver now down by two percentage points. moving onto connecticut, where the president campaigned over the weekend. this is a fairly solid democratic state. republican tom foley is 50% compared to 49% for the democrat dan malloy. in florida the race between charlie crist and governor rick scott. right now governor scott at 48% of the vote compared to 47% for the former republican now democrat charlie crist with 99% reporting. the race has not yet been called. in illinois pat quinn is behind bruce rauner. two thirds of the vote in that state. in wisconsin, that's the state where scott walker could use as
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a springboard to a potential presidential bid. the polls show the race much closer with governor walker with 61% of the vote, and finally in maryland, this is one of those surprise races which has been much closer than people initially thought. maryland is traditionally a democratic state. the lieutenant governor anthony brown with 50% compared to 49%. that is with 40% of the vote reporting. the polls are closing just a short while ago in iowa. we will have numbers coming up momentarily. >> as close as that was, the associated press has just called florida for rick scott. >> we should point out rick scott loaned his campaign several million dollars for a new advised. who can forget that first debate
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with charlie crist. >> over the use of an electric fan. one of our viewers watched the arkansas speeches. clay vasquez has this to say. senator mark meyer gave a wonderful concession speech. -- mark pryor gave a wonderful concession speech. he has many good years ahead. >> salutations. i would love to say what i have to say. first of all, they say doing the same thing over and over again is insanity. we have been doing this since i was born, having a republican government. it is sad we will be the divided states and not the united states because if you look at people,
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it is their way or no way. to all the republicans who keep disrespecting our president, i would like to tell you this. it's sad to see how you disrespect him before he even got into office and keep telling him how he is so weak, yet he cleaned up everything george bush left behind. all i can say is this. to all the people who tell us to stop talking about race, the indians got reparations. people from the holocaust got reparations. since we never got our 40 acres and a mule, there is one thing we have, and that is seeing everything through race. barack obama has 80% of african-americans. no matter what, he cleaned up a lot of garbage the republican left the hind. it's sad to see insanity once again in america.
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>> thank you. next is a call from san antonio, texas. this is an independent. are you there? you are on the air. welcome to the program. >> i have 24 years in the military service. i am a proud american. what i don't understand is how can someone living in the middle class at or below the root -- the poverty line vote republican? i don't know what they have done for the middle class or below in the last 10 or 15 years. it just goes to show you it really does work. if you hear it enough or say it enough it is going to come true. it just doesn't make sense to me. the last thing i want to say is to be careful what you ask for
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because you just might get it. i am praying because god don't bless no mess. that is what is going on right now. i think god for america. i pray god bless america. god bless the united states of america. >> thank you. let's take a look at the senate balance of power right now. democrats at 40 with 11 undecided. republicans at 47. independents remain at two. the republicans get closer to the total. we are watching as results come in from iowa, nevada, montana and utah. next is cindy. you are on. >> i am a republican. in a very democratic state. i want to comment on the governor's race. it is very close.
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martin o'malley, someone referred to as front-runner for president perhaps in 2016, has really taxed those of us who live in maryland. the middle-class is in a lot of trouble. he was the first governor to sign onto common core when the race for the top first went in. as a retired teacher i can tell you that whole concept has not been good for our system. i am worried when he is called a top runner for someone in the 2016 presidential race. >> i don't think our guest called him a forerunner, but he listed him as governors interested in higher office. you have more? >> let's talk about virginia because mark warner pulling ahead with a 2400 vote lead against ed gillespie.
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this has been a close race much closer than many people expected. we want to talk about some of the house races, including the third congressional district. he has lost his race to evan jenkins. jenkins with 55% compared to 45% for nick rahall. moving onto the sixth district, an interesting race because romanov was a candidate for the senate seat. the republican candidate winning with 54% of the vote. in florida's 26 congressional district, this is another one where the democrat has won. in georgia's 12 -- congressional district, rick allen defeating
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congressman john barrow in that seat. finally, in the iowa senate race these are early numbers but right now bruce braley is ahead. finally susan, i want to share this tweet from amy clobashar. nbc has called minnesota's senate race for my friend al franken. congratulations to al and franni his wife. >> you've probably heard medical marijuana is on the ballot in several states. we got the results from florida's governor. florida is one of the states with medical marijuana. looks as though the ballot measure has passed pretty handily with the "associated press" reporting right now 3.2 million in favor to 2.4 million
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against it. this is katy texas and our caller is louie, a republican. you're on the air. go ahead, please. caller: it's willie. actually, hi. >> sorry about that. caller: wow this is a great night. i only say to my friends on the first two calls in this segment a guy from las vegas and the one in san antonio listening to tom cotton speech and learn. ok. and i am elated for what happened in arkansas. i'm nonan ar can san. greg davis made quick work of his opponent. now we can get to work on the border. scott walker -- i'm really kind of interested in that because of his presidential aspirations but he has you know, born -- he has
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suffered greatly at the hands of the democrats all kinds of injustices and i'm really glad for him up there in wisconsin and i think, you know, he should do a big victory dance when he accepts, you know, his victory for this election. >> thank you. for the call. karen's up next. woodstock, georgia. hi karen, you're on. caller: hey, i'm calling because i have been listening to what some of the callers have been saying and about my vote. we had a per due-nunn race. nunn was the democrat and per due was the republican. we have not been given an separation of the entero virus even to that it's unprecedented that it's in 44 states. i'm sure this has been because
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of the illegal aliens that have been coming across. i believe that per due and the republicans are more likely than the democrats to secure our border. the other thing, i was very disturbed one caller from michigan say about the obamacare that people have coverage. well, i don't have coverage and i'm a veteran. if i go to the v.a. i wait forever to get care. so this idea that obamacare is some great thing is -- and people get coverage, i voted for per due because i'm hoping the republicans -- again i'm not sure that they will but they're more likely to do something about obamacare to repeal it and replace it. we need lower premiums and an option on deductibles. apparently these obamacare plans have really high deductibles. so people are getting stuck with that where as the illegal aliens they just go to the emergency room and they don't pay. and so i'm paying for their bill when i go to the emergency room
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which i just pay out of my pocket. so those are some of the reasons that i voted for the none in this race. i just feel obama is letting the country down and making sure that everybody's wages are going to be depressed by the illegal aliens and if our wages aren't depressed we're going to end up in the hospital with that entero rye russ. >> thanks, karen. wood stock georgia. let's begin with the united states senate. 12 undecided races. 39 seats for the democrats currently decided republicans 47. independents, two. and in the united states house of representatives. let's take a look at the balance of power there. republicans stand at 177 and the democrats at 104. let's go back to telephone calls. we're going to take a call next from dustin in gilbert arizona. dustin is an independent there.
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dustin, you're on the air. caller: hi. first-off, i'd like to say i am an independent formerly of kentucky just relocated to arizona, two very highly republican states. but first-off, what i'd really like to say regardless of who wins, loses republican, democrat whatever, washington is like what former senator -- now former senator pryor said is -- that washington needs to get backing for the people instead of working for large corporations and not in the public interest as well as agreeing with landry from crestwood, kentucky saying that people need to be more educated when they're going to the polls
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and researching the candidates, know who you're voting for. don't just vote for whoever is against obama. this isn't a race -- i mean, obama has really nothing to do with this race. this is for the congress not president -- i mean, given more democrats in congress. but this race is not about obama. this race is for the people who represent the majority of americans and which is the united states congress. >> thanks very much. in a rebuttal to our last caller, someone tweeted, someone just blamed the entero virus on illegal immigrants on c-span tonight. enjoying your reaction your discussion about issues here you can tweet us @c-span. we'll put the numbers on the screen in between results here. let else return to steve scully and some of these races that are
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just finishing up. >> susan, an interesting night as you're keeping track of the most expensive senate races, north carolina leads the list about $100 million spent on that race, followed by ohio, yearg, and alaska almost $30 million spent in the alaska race. that's not an expensive media market. so you can get a sense of how many ads have been in that state. i want to share a tweet. john vero losing his own re-election battle. still can't believe he lost tonight. the blue dog who was supposed to hang on by the thread. speak of hanging on by a threat, the virginia senate race has been much, much closer than people expected. mark warner is ahead but only slightly. 49% of the vote for mark warner, the democrat and gillespie at 49%. this is with 99% reporting. look at these numbers 1,036,000 and 1,033,00 for ed gillespie.
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tom tellis is ahead slightly over senator kay hayhagan. 82% of the vote reporting in north carolina. tom tillis with 1 one onvotes. pat roberts appears to be ahead with 33% reporting. has 51% of the vote compared to independent 45% for greg orman. two key numbers to keep in mind who has the majority and the majority above 50% has been david per due is holding on to his led with 57% of the vote which means that if this holds true there would not be a run-off. michelle nunn the daughter of sam nunn at 41%.
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>> thanks very much, speed. how many of these races are going to be lawsuits in the courts with less than 1% differences in the count? election night coverage here on c-span. next up is steve watching us in columbus georgia. steve, you are on the air. welcome, republican. >> yes, i am. as a matter of fact, i wanted to thank you very much for taking my call. a couple things i wanted to talk about. 200 years ago when people would vote for a candidate, they would -- the candidate would get the wishes from all of their constituents and they would ride a horse or a buggy to washington and put those wishes forth when they came together to talk about the issues. now a days they don't do that anymore. the people vote for people to think for them. and i disagree with that. i don't need anybody to think for me. i'm grateful for what they do believe. but when we elect someone
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they're supposed to vote our wishes. they work for us. and in this vein i believe the congress and the presidency are letting us down. they think for us and they think we can't think for ours. i just want the people elected to vote as we the constituents of each state wish. another thing that i wanted to thank america for is for their ability in this election from stop obama from seizing more power from america and taking away our personal freedoms. also i believe that the republicans will see what they can do about securing our borders, stopping the onslaught of the illegals that are coming in and taking our jobs away from us. i am a contractor. before obama took office, i was making over $200,000 a year. i have since been replaced by
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illegals that come in and work as illegals and even though they're known as illegals. i know -- well, this past year, i filed income taxes on $9,000 earned. and that's just because i can't find work even after having been in my field for 38 years and having the best name for my product in 100 square miles, i can't find work and it's all because of till legals that have come in and displaced me. i do believe the republicans that are coming in will do what they can to secure our borders to kill the amnesty that obama wants to grant and this will help to put people like myself back to work and not replace taxpayers with tax liabilities. >> thanks from columbus, georgia. mitch mcconnell with an early victory with kentucky polls closing early in the country
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tonight. we're going the listen next to his victory speech where he talks a little bit about governing style. [cheers and applause] >> are you having a good time? on a night like tonight we're grateful above all else and for me that gratitude starts with the people of kentucky. [cheers and applause] they've put their trust and confidence in me for a long time and i want to thank them tonight. i work hard to bring your concerns to washington and i will not let up.
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[applause] you know, every election is a job interview in this case a very long one. [laughter] i shared my vision with you. you shared your stories and your concerns with me. and yet one complaint has stood out above all the rest especially in recent weeks. so i'd like to make an announcement that i think will be very welcome news to many of you, no more campaign commercials. [applause] the tv executives may not like it but enough is enough, right? a little while ago i spoke with my opponent, secretary grimes earned a lot of votes an she earned my respect. it took a lot of guts to take on
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a race like this because of the business we're in it also meant she'd take some heat. i admire her to step in the arena and fight like she did. she deserve as lot of credit for it. this was certainly a hard-fought contest. [applause] and i've been so proud, so proud to have my wife beside me every step of the way. [cheers and applause] you know, elaine told me early on she wasn't ready for me sitting around the houseworking on my resume. and she's gone above and beyond to prevent that. [laughter] she's been the most valuable
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player on our team and i'm so blessed to have her in my life and by my side. [cheers and applause] and to my campaign manager josh holmes -- [cheers and applause] my friend, he pitched a perfect game. thank you, josh. of course, there are so many others i could thank. they know who they are. thank you everyone of you for giving so much of yourselves to
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this race. nobody's been blessed with a better team than i have had over the years. and i want to thank them all. my thoughts also turn back tonight to two other people who aren't here but to whom i owe a great deal, my parents. i learned a lot from them both. from my dad a combat veteran of world war ii. i learned an abiding love of this country and all that it represents not only those who were fortunate to be born here but to so many others around the world. for my mom, i learned the value of perseverance and got an enduring lesson as she helped me overcome a frightening bout with polio as a child. in many ways my folks were just like any other parents of their generation. they were optimisms.
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they believed in america. without a trace of cynicism, they transmitted the central promise of this country on to me, the promise that every generation will lead the next one a little better off than the one before. this is the compact that every generation of americans has made with the one that followed it. and through civil war an depressions and world wars and strife we've always made good on it. but as i traveled through kentucky over the past years, i past new doubts. suddenly folks aren't so sure that that compact will survive if we continue down the road that we've been on. they're hungry for new leadership. they want a reason to be hopeful. above all, they want some reassurance that people who run the government are actually on their side. [applause]
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so tonight i pledge you this -- whether you're a coal miner in eastern kentucky or a mom in pa ducka who the government just took away their health insurance, i've heard your concerns i've made them my own. you will be heard in washington. [cheers and applause] and look, when you get right down to it, that's what this campaign was really all about. it wasn't about me or my opponent. it was about a government that people no longer trust to carry out its most basic duties to keep them safe, to protect the border, to provide dignified and quality care for our veterans, a government that can't be trusted to do the basic things because it's too busy focusing on it
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shouldn't be focused on at all. [cheers and applause] a government that's too busy imposing its view of the world on people who don't share that view. too many in washington have forgotten that their job is to serve. so tomorrow, the papers will say i won this race. [cheers and applause] but the truth is -- the truth is tonight we begin another one. one that's far more important than mine. and that's a race to turn this country around. [cheers and applause] to restore hope and confidence and optimism to this
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commonwealth and across the names of our ours. i don't expect the president to wake-up tomorrow and view the world any differently than he did than he woke up this morning. he knows i won't either. [cheers and applause] but look, we do have an obligation to work on issues where we can agree. i think we have a duty to do that. just because we have a two-party system doesn't mean we have to mean we have to be in perpetual conflict. i think i've shown that to be true at critical times in the past. i hope the president gives me the chance to show it again. there's so much that we can and should do for the good of all americans. kentuckians are tires of a government that only seems to work when it is working against
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them. and they're also tired of hearing that those of us who fight for them in washington are somehow the problem. i'm so honored to have dr. noel hunter with me tonight. [applause] we've all gotten an opportunity to get to know her. what an extraordinary woman. dr. hunter was determined to get her daughter back against all odds she did it. she did it. and when all was said and done she achieved something else that a lot of people said was even more remarkable, she made me seem more warm and cuddly. [cheers and applause] you know over the past year, a lot of people from outside the state have tried to tell kentuckians what motivates me to do what i do. i let them have their say.
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but here's the truth. to any who says nothing ever gets done in washington, here's my five-word answer, tell that to noelle hunter. [applause] this woman is the reason i run. she's the reason i do what i do in washington. we can make a difference and we do every single day [applause] we're proud of that in my office and yet as i have traveled across state, i've becomed acutely reminded of something else the government can do. it can do terrible damage to families and communities. i've seen the hurt in people's eyes in the mountains. it breaks your heart to see the pain the distant planners in federal agencies are causing to so many in our state.
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and if you're an elected official like me it hardens your resolve to do something about it. [cheers and applause] for too long -- for too long this administration has tried to tell the american people what's good for them. and then blame somebody else when their policies didn't work out. tonight, keblingt rejected that approach. [cheers and applause] >> tonight -- tonight kentuckians said we can do better as a nation. tonight, they said we can have real change in washington. real change. [cheers and applause] and that's just what i intend to deliver.
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[cheers and applause] so friends, tonight, turns a corner and the future i see is a bright one. americans are seeing that what the current deal that washington is offering us is making us weaker at home and abroad. they have had enough. you know there's an old saying that's often attributed to winston churchhill that i'm reminded of. here's what he said about us, about americans. he said you know the americans, they always do the right thing after they've tried everything else first. friends, this experiment in big government has lasted long enough. [cheers and applause]
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it's time to go in a new direction. [cheers and applause] it's time to turn this country around! [cheers and applause] and i will not let you down. thank you so much [cheers and applause] >> that's senator mitch mcconnell celebrating one of the early victories of the evening
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there with the junior senator raund paul of the state of kentucky. you're watching c-span's election coverage 2014. let me show you the scene in california where supporters are awaiting corey gardner colorado's new senator elect a republican who has defeated senator udall and we are waiting for him to come out and talk to his reporters about that victory. you'll see it live when it happens. let's return to steve scully. >> in some of the headlines in maryland this could be an upset where the republican candidate is ahead of the will the governor anthony brown. the other state is that there be a run-off. no county getting the 50% majority so bill cassidy and mary landrieux will face each other in early december. there will not be a run off where david per due is well above 50% and nathan gill has
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been declared the governor the grandson of former president jimmy carter. let 34e share this tweet from chad a staffer now at fox news saying the new hampshire scott brown not ready to concede saying bedford a big g.o.p. area just outside of manchester has not come back. even though the "associated press" have declared a winner the new hampshire senate race question look at the numbers and it has tightened. we have not heard from the senator or scott brown. if you look at the numbers 192 votes for the incumbent democrat senator, 190,000 votes for scott brown. just over 1,000 votes reporting. in south dakota former republican governor mike brown winning that seat with 51% of the vote. rick weiland at 29%. and there are two including matt
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wes >> he. 19% reporting in that race. 212,000 votes for bruce braley. 196,000 for joni erns. and in the kansas city race in which pat roberts had 52%. greg orman at 44%. cnn declaring pat roberts the winner that race. in louisiana's fifth congressional district that race showing that jamie nayo and ralph abraham at 23%. significant because mechanical lester is not in -- mcaless tor is not in. in new york's 11th congressional district, mike grimm the republican candidate is at 55%.
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domenic recchia and mike grimm is facing a 20-count indictment. but tonight he's ahead of the polls with 67% of the polls reporting. >> that debate was -- >> one of the most memorable if not the most memorable. absolutely. >> we're taking your tweets and your calls in reaction to tonight's election results. martin brady says this. the virginia senate race results say a lot. warner was supposed to win in a walk. that race not called yet. but it is much closer as martin brady suggests than had been anticipated. rita is our next caller tonight. and rita is in pennsylvania. a republican. you're on the air. caller: hi. >> hi, rita, goes, please. caller: all right. thank you for taking my call. i am very disappointed that we lost our governor korbitt to
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democrat wolf. wolf has a business. he took it out of pennsylvania and took his business into delaware so he doesn't have to pay taxes. now he says he wants to help the people in pennsylvania. well, if you wanted to help the people in pennsylvania, why department he keep his big business in pennsylvania and have it go to delaware and not pay taxes? and he can't pay because of the schools that philadelphia has been democrat for 60 years. and they've been broke. they can't afford their schools. they have no money. and they keep on complaining to the governor, they want more money. well, before the governor gave them more money, they would blow it like the four winds like they've been in the last 60 years. but the people toll us keep on voting and the same people. and then they'd complain. i am disgusted with philadelphia. why don't they get their act together and try to get a republican in and straighten
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out? i think this new governor wolf should come into philadelphia and look at their book just like korbitt went to chester. they were against the governor in chester because they had no money for the chester schools. but he sent people from harrisburg into chester. and straightened them out to show where they were broke and why they were broke. he should have did it in philadelphia rather than just chester. so -- >> i'm going to interrupt. michelle nunn is speaking at the podium live. let's listen. i'm going to move on as we're getting that settled to sid who is in college station texas a democrat. you're on. caller: hello. yeah i go to texas a&m
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university. and i'll just amazed by the dissolution i see in, you know, around young people in a class of around 60 today only three of us had actually voted. you know, i just really want to see less objectionism in congress, people actually coming together and doing what they're saying in their speeches. everyone talks about how they're going to go to washington and take some action and fix the country but, you no, you need to actually do something. we've been saying the same thing now for the past six years. it's -- you can't say something like we will support the troops and not want to do any action to help support them. you can't have bipartisan committees who come back with comments and solutions and then completely ignore them like the simpson-bowles commission. >> thank you. i'm going to jump in. that's college station, texas there. a student there.
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we have resolved our sound issues. let's listen. >> and you could not have worked harder. you know, we have exceeded every expectation of what's possible in this race. i just want to remind you that just about 15 "mlb tonight"s ago all the political pundits said that georgia was not in play. and we put georgia in play. but we built a foundation now that needs to be cultivated and it needs be built upon and we need to work on it to broaden our reach with the message. we want to remind people y'all that elections make a difference in people's lives. we change people's lives, we change community, our nation, our world when we vote. and we reminded people of that and we want to keep reminding people of that. we made choice about how we're going care for our sick. we made choices about how we care for our environment how we care for our elderly. and these are the choices that we want to continue to lift up in the future as we go forward.
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so i hope that we've reminded georgia also that we can and should have leadership that represents and looks like our state. [applause] you know, during the course of the campaign, i met with a wonderful group of pakistani and indian doctors and they told me it was the first time that anybody had reach out to them to engage them in this process. and when i left they said you've given us hope and inspiration. you all did that. [applause] so i started out this election saying that i'm optimistic about america and i've never been more optimistic after 15 months of seeing the extraordinary idealism and passion of georgians. i wasry minded of our georgia state motto. y'all have heard me say it right? but i have seen it imbodied in
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our georgia citizenry wisdom and justice and moderation. so tonight more than anything, i want to thank you all to the staff and to the thousands of people who work sod hard of our campaign, for the future of our state, of our country, for your commitment and for your dedication. each one of you here have given so much, your talent, your resources, a lot of sleepless nights and an unrelenting commitment. so i'm grateful to have walked this path for you to be fighting something that transcends us all that we'll continue to work towards. i want to say a few things to only my family because otherwise it would be out of control the number of people that i would have to thank. but i want to thank -- i want to thank my parent who are here. [applause] they taught me the importance of public service and have been my father every single day of the campaign trail, i hear a story
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of someone who he made a difference for. and he's a great exemplar of what matters in public service. [applause] and he's been a role model and a great advisor throughout my life. and my mother whose fierce determination who's tireless work ethic and unyielding support has sustained me throughout this race. ron who as he says -- [cheers and applause] my very wonderful and long suffering husband. [laughter] and i want to thank elizabeth and vincent who are here from where? [cheers and applause] they've traveled to stay with me. they have seen the extraordinary goodness of georgians and the beauty of this state. i think that in about 20 years they're going to thank me for this campaign experience. [laughter] you know, also in 20 years, i think there will be young women
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like elizabeth who will take for granted that we have equal representation of women in congress. [cheers and applause] and equal pay as well. [cheers and applause] so y'all even though this election did not -- >> i want to congratulate all the people in the state of georgia especially those of you who helped us and worked so hard. you just elected the best first lady of this state once again. [cheers and applause] >> say that one more time. >> we have people all over this state who have helped us.
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and -- >> ok. >> i apologize for that. we lost michelle nunn and what you're looking at now is nathan deal who has won his re-election bid for governor of the state of georgia. that was unexpected switch on our part. we're now waiting for mr. per due, the victor in the senate race of georgia to come out. c-span coverage is eight minutes past 11:00. and we have polls closing in five states now. california hie hie, idaho and -- hawaii, idaho and in oregon senator jim rish is watching for his re-election. let's go back to call -- we see mary landrieux. >> they shall run and not be
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weary. they shall walk and not faint. we have the race that we want and bill cassidy, you cannot run. you cannot hide anymore. this race is starting tonight. [cheers and applause] this race -- this race is not about who the president is, who the president was or who the president will be or which party controls congress. this race is about the future of louisiana, the bright and strong future that louisiana deserves, our children, our families, and our parents. the question facing us tonight, the voters of louisiana will be a very simple one. which candidate has the proven record of standing up, fighting and delivering for our state and
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which candidate has a record of running scared and trying to hide his record from the voters. [cheers and applause] i want -- i want to thank my family -- my extraordinary husband, my wonderful son, daughter and daughter-in-law and the newest member of our family maddox parker snelling. [applause] and to my extraordinary mother and father, a plethora of brothers and sisters piece? s, nephews cousins etc. to my extraordinary staff who has put in 24/7 and to all of you who have been with me for 18 years as we have done some extraordinary things for louisiana and our country. let me say a word of thanks to
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colonel bob manus. his wife candy and his five children for pit putting themselves out there for them for showing up for the voters. he drove his pickup truck more than 35,000 miles and especially more his 32 years in the air force. thank you, colonel manus. and i know that you and i don't agree on every issue but at least we have one value in common, at least one. we know how to show up and fight and we know that louisiana is worth fighting for. [cheers and applause] . so tonight, i issue a challenge to cram -- congressman cassidy six debates, six hours. [applause] six debates six hours one hour
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for each year of a senate term. i don't think that is too much to ask a guy that wants to represent 4.5 million people in the united states senate. and i suggest -- i suggest that some of these issues be education, number one. jobs and growing our economy social security and medicare, health care, energy and the environment. and yes, international affairs and trade. these are critical issues for our state and you're going to have to say, mr. cassidy, more than president obama's name in these debates. [cheers and applause] president obama is already the president. this race is about who is going to represent louisiana in the
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united states senate for the next six years. in the next four weeks, the landrieu campaign for louisiana's future will ask some important questions. when louisiana needed someone to stand up and fight both the democrats at times and the republicans to get our fair share of off-shore oil and gas revenues to restore our ghost coast, we stood up and delivered billions. but let me ask all of you, where was bill? [applause] when we fought for troops for our -- when our troops came home after fighting for our freedom and they needed quality health care and a living wage, we stood up and delivered two new veterans clinics one in lake charles an one in lafayette and we're building a state of the art veterans hospital not too far from this hotel. when louisiana needed leadership to save thousands of jobs,
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together we stood up and delivered. we know where we were. but where was bill? in 2012 when hurricane isaac destroyed 59,000 louisiana homes and the people in the river parrishes looking if their own congressman couldn't find him but we delivered. so let me ask you, where was bill? when louisiana women needed a fighter for equal pay and against domestic violence, where was bill? when louisiana needed students to help student loans face a 50% tuition hike because governor jindal slashed higher education by $700 million in this state, the largest cut in the nation, we went looking for our congressman to join our efforts to make college more affordable.
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and here we go again. where was bill? the crawfish farmers came to me in 2000 and said, mary, the chinese are dumping an inferior product in our market. it's costing our jobs and our livelihood. we took on the chinese and the president of both political parties and just last week, mark henson we delivered $20 million to our crawfish producers. where was bill? so louisiana voters know they can count on me when our seniors deserve respect for a life of hard work and needed someone to protect the best parts of medicare and social security. we stood up for our seniors and said no, we will not raise retirement age to 70. but where was bill? whether it's for louisiana veterans or women workers our
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middle-class families or our students, to be a senator you need to know how to put coalitions together, be willing to stand up even to your own leadership at times and to your own party to get the job done. for instance, when president obama shut down, i put a hold on one of his top opponents. and that moratorium has been lift and now we have more than 50 wells drilling in the deep gulf of mexico. [applause] and as a chair of the energy committee or perhaps as ranking member, we don't yet know, i promise youly continue to fight for drilling and for oil and gas jobs and for the energy we need to move this country forward. and then when president bush said no to the gulf, you know that, you live there. many of you know are the homa
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area one of the fastest growing cities in america and president bush vetoed that, i stood up and led our coalition to override the veto because we need levees from rising tides. when we were fighting for these things, where was bill? . thank you. david. we need seniority in the senate. we need muscle. we need experience to deliver and continue to deliver for people of our state. it has been a joy and a privilege to represent you. i've now worked with three presidents four majority leaders an six governors from both political parties and i've proven that we can work together to get the job done. i'm not afraid to oppose them when i think they're wrong and i'm not afraid to stand with them when i think they're right.
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louisiana -- [applause] louisiana does not need a senator that just mails it in. we need somebody who will stand up. we need a fighter. we know that voters want and know what we can do. so i asked the voters, look at what we have done. the record is clear. one candidate has a strong record of fighting and delivering for our state and the other where was bill? so congressman cassidy, i look forward to this race. i've wanted to run it my whole life. so let's get on with it. one hour for every year that you are asking to serve in the united states senate i really don't think that is too much to ask. thank you. louisiana voters all across the state deserve to hear directly from both of us on the issues that matter most. they should have their questions
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and concerns answered. this campaign for louisiana's future begins tonight from bow sher to east carroll to kameron to plackman to grand isle, louisiana's worth fighting for. join me. let's get some rest tonight and hit the campaign trail in the morning. god bless you all! thank you! [cheers and applause] thank you! >> well, a story there as the run-off is in the offering. and bill cassidy talking at the same time. we're going to go right to him right now. >> 100% of the time. [applause] it's going to come down to one fundamental issue. do you want a senator who represents barack obama? >> no! or a senator that represents you? [cheers and applause] >> i tell you, i am with you. now for all those other who is
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voted for change but did not vote for cassidy tonight, if you want a senator who again will vote to repeal and replace obamacare, who will work to get our economy going again by using america's natural resources who will respect and protect your second amendment rights and also appreciate the culture of life, if you want a senator that represents you, not barack obama, i look forward to getting your vote on december the 6th. [cheers and applause] we have 32 more days. this is not over yet. if have stock in the tv station you're going to make a lot of money over the next month. [laughter] we need you. we win if we win. now, as we leave tonight we
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will celebrate. but this is just the beginning of the next month. so for the next month and i'm just looking around seeing friend after friend after friend. so many folks from my childhood to folks who are just joined this campaign, oh, yes. i am moved. and i am moved because each of you cares about our country. you care about our country so much that you are willing to step forward, take on the most powerful man in the world and the senator that supports them 97% of the time. you do it not for yourself. you do it for those who suffer in this economy who are poor because of this job, whose lost their insurance, their doctors who are tired of being told things that are not true by both the senator and the president. this is how democracy is supposed to work if we're upset we vote for change.
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i will finish where i started. tonight, 60% of people in louisiana are going to vote for change. we have got 32 more days to make sure that change is completed. thank you for being here. i look forward to being your next? united states senator. [cheers and applause] thank you. >> from the bill cassidy campaign headquarters in louisiana. and again the challenge earlier from senator mary landrieu. as you heard from congressman cassidy if a lot more this the next few weeks. here are the numbers, 93% reportingful bill cassidy ahead with 42 president of the vote compared to 40% for mary
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landrieu. nine candidates on the ballot. if no candidate receives 50% plus one fls the run-off. rob manus who is the other republican candidate getting about 192,000 votes and that the reference that bill cassidy was making. it will be interesting to see what happens in louisiana over the next few weeks. if there are six debates we'll be covering that debate. some races that we want to bring to your attention outside of rochester. louise slaughter, you can see the number down to a .10. and slaughter 550.2%. and a very close race to under 92,000 votes for mark assini at 49.8%. but 100% reporting in new york's 25th congressional district that includes the area surrounding rochester. and in the texas race, the texas
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23rd congressional district, this is another member of congress who may go down in defeat representative pete gallego, the democrat against republican will hurd. you can see that race with 60% reporting. both at 49%. in nebraska's second congressional district where representative literry could potential be a republican go down in defeat, brad ashford the democratic candidate right now at 49% compared to 46% for representative terry. and finally in new hampshire's first congressional district, this seat has been going back and forth over the last couple of campaign cycles and with 72% reporting former congressman frank guinta could be representative elect. 52% to 48%. all of the results available on our website at >> could you show people all of the detail that we have on our
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website hoping many people are using it as a second screen tonight while we're watching the result tonight and listening to those speeches there's much more detail on our website about these races. and maybe you can give us a quick little tour of how this works because this night is still young? >> this is a map from virginia. mark warner is now ahead but only by a few tern virginia and in the central part of the state, those have not come in. and that will determine if this is an upset for mike gillespie. the democrats have lost five seats in total and in iowa, joni hurns is ahead. voters in the district of columbia were asked to approve marijuana for recreational use not for medical marijuana and it seems have passed overwhelmingly. one of our viewers, brian has this to say. voters in the nation's capital
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this is on twitter just legalized weed which means floor speeches on c-span just got a lot more interesting. you're watching election night here on c-span and it is just about half passed the hour of 11:00 here on the east coast. and half an hour from now one other conteststcontested senate race that's the alaska race where senator begich is defending his seat. some of the travel and other considerations there more of a challenge than other parts of the country. i'm going to go back to your telephone calls. adam is on the line. go ahead please. caller: god bless you. how are you doing? >> just fine. what about your governor's race in pennsylvania? >> oh, i love it. i love it.
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i love it. tom wolf won in a landslide. >> why do you think he won? what was the winning argument for the voters? caller: a lot of people around here were for education. tom korbitt cut a lot of educational funds and he wasn't charging the gas campaigns, the taxes to make any money for our state. i think that's the main reason. >> an how'sd how's the economy doing in pennsylvania? caller: i'm 36 years old and you just mentioned the medical marijuana. that's amazing. that's another step for the green rush. but i'm 36 years old. and i'm watching c-span tonight and watching these politicians. and they argue about the same things constantly. and i think they're all deep down good people and want to do good for the people. but one of the main things that
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i'm worried about now and i'm not a drug user. i mean marijuana is something i've used from time to time but i truly believe it is a medicine. and if our country would just legalize it as a whole, it could be to a $50 billion industry that could get us out of debt, raise money for education, release prisoners, have less police officers and our country as a whole would be a whole lot better instead of arguing about the silly sufficient they've been arguing for years. every 75 years we had the industrial revolution and then 75 years later, we had world war ii which made our country a super power. and now it's been 75 years and i think the green rush will bring america back to where we need to be. >> ok. thank you. adam. i appreciate the call from halifax, pennsylvania. the "associated press" has just declared a republican majority in the united states senate. we'll have more details about
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which race put it over the top. but we thought you'd want to know that news that the republicans have taken control of the united states senate which will mean an interesting coupling of years for the president -- couple of yeerts for republican majority in congress. you're on the air. caller: i feel really bad that my democratic party let me down. i feel that the democrats represent the views of the president an not of the private sector. i'm disappointed that they're against voter i.d. because anybody can go and vote whether they're a citizen or not. i'm very dispinted with obamacare. i didn't realize that people would be punished if they didn't purchase insurance. nobody should be punished or forced to purchase insurance. i'm disappointed that -- that
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benghazi has never been resolved, that nobody's been held accountable for the deaths of the people over there. i am upset that a president, any president has the power to write an executive order whenever they want. that's why we have senators, you no, it shouldn't be up to one person to say hey, if i don't get my way, i'm going to write an executive order. they need to bring our jobs back to america. they need to bring back manufacturing. everything seems to be coming from china. and that really upsets me. >> thank you very much for your list of concerns about the country. let us return to more results. >> and incumbent governor did not win reelection else that
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let's look at the numbers. how more easily defeating tom corbett. 55%-40 5%. one of the great tools of the website is the breakdown county by county. you can see in western pennsylvania were tom wolfe was able to win essential part of the state. i think we can go to the website here. if you go to oncoming county in the philadelphia area, tom wolfe getting 60% of the vote compared to tom corbett. this is the area corbett needed to offset what would happen in the eastern and western parts of the state that is traditionally a democratic stronghold. is take a look at another upset in maryland. larry hogan is rhino ahead of anthony brown. you can see him at 54%.
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anthony brown and 45%. you can see the county by county break down. the airy and red is the area larry has been able to pull off with maybe a big upset in the maryland governor race. larry hogan was able to upset that. that race is yet to be called. larry hogan is ahead according to the associated press. county by county, district the district at >> anthony brown spending a lot of money on washington, d.c. television. >> absolutely. we will take a look at the breakdown county by county in virginia. >> sure thing. let's listen in to jeff who is in north fort myers, florida. you are on the air. >> high.
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-- hi. my name is jeffrey george virgil. i think this whole race, this whole race is about barack obama. everyone wants to vote against a black man. it is crazy. i was in the military. there are back people -- black people that are decent people. the whole thing is about a black president. they cannot stand it. number one, they block the vote for hundreds of thousands of people trying to block -- then they lie and they treat. they lost the presidency and they still cannot win against them? it is wrong. it's really wrong. just enjoy your life and go on
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and stop helping this -- start helping this country stood a driving it into the ground and try to blame it on the black president. you know what i mean? >> thank you. austin, texas. democrat. you are on. >> good evening. i'm from texas. i want to say that i highly support the president and the first lady michelle obama. i'm a little sad and that fellow democrats -- sat in that fellow democrats didn't support the president -- saddened that fellow democrats didn't support the president. >> you mean the candidates themselves? >> the candidates themselves. you're right. they distanced themselves. they could've looked up what the successes were. go back to the great recession
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in 2008. the barack obama administration taking us out of that situation. saving a lot of homeowners from losing their homes. those were big accomplishments. i don't know if the gas prices will lower than. you could always lose those lower prices. i think from my perspective, there is a great divide. as a great divide in this country is resonates as i was back in 1861. i just hope it won't pay cash --
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i just hope it won't be -- >> thank you. this take a look at the results. u.s. stennett -- u.s. senate. in the u.s. house of representatives, let's see how that stance. 217. the democrats at 128. we will continue to watch those results. you were going to show us more about virginia and how the precincts are breaking down. >> you want to know why it is close? go to prince william county. it is outside of washington, d.c. this is from the c-span website.
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you can check online. you can see the mark warner getting 50% of the vote compared to 48% for republican ed gillespie. it is a moment -- mark warner is ahead. also, the senate races, the republicans now have a majority in the u.s. senate. they could add to that majority if these numbers continue to hold true. let's listen in. >> i don't think there is any question that the eyes of the nation were on kansas and hopefully still are on kansas today. the country was counting on us to help deliver a republican majority to the senate and we delivered. [cheers and applause] thank you for your vote. thank you for your work. i thank you for your support.
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and your friendship and your kindness. you are all family. i would like to now introduce my very special family. mrs. your family and mine. my wife was on the campaign trail. [cheers] my son david. my daughter ashley also on the campaign trail. where did you go? my other daughter. and grandchildren. lorena hatcher, lillian, charlie there -- patrick lillian, charlie bear. and miles who yes, does look like me some years ago. at any rate, thank you kansas.
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it has been a privilege and an honor to serve our great state. i am deeply humbled to continue that service. tonight kansas stood up and said enough. enough of the gridlock enough of the failed leadership under president obama and yes, harry reid. enough of the constitutional -- unconstitutional government. [cheers] tonight we stood together. we made a stand for kansas. we made a stand for america values families, children, and their future. we made a stand for the republican values of limited government fiscal discipline and free enterprise. you've made a stand. i stood with you. now it is time for action.
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this marine is ready to lead that charge. [cheers and applause] this was a tough election. i have heard my marching orders loud and clear. i will be bold. i will be conservative. i promise you this, we will get things done. [cheers and applause] we will do great things for our nation. we will do great things for kansas. we begin violation the power of the american economy. business is a partner of good governments and not an adversary. we will free our job creators from the cycling legislation of the administration. we will reform the tax code and we will level the playing field so businesses all up and down main street of kansas can grow and hire and thrive again. i'm next in line to be the next
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chairman of the agriculture committee. once again, once again, i will have the opportunity to be a champion for our farmers and ranchers. nobody has felt the burden of the obama agenda quite like our farmers and ranchers. they feed a troubled and hungry world. they deserve to betray to with dignity and respect. cap -- to be treated with dignity and respect. [cheers and applause] our men and women in uniform risk their lives to secure and protect our freedoms. they deserve nothing less than our full faith and backing. we will renew the bond between those elected and those who serve. i am an o's will be a marine.
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i will never stop fighting for our military -- i am and always will be a marine. i will never stop fighting for our military. i will fight to keep our candace military bases at the ready. you make us proud and safe. i have got your back. [cheers and applause] finally, our families deserve better. our senior citizens deserve better. our moms deserve better. our children and our unborn deserve better. [applause] you know the greatest nation on earth can provide for those in need. we can provide a safety net. we should. we must reject an ever-growing system of entitlements. greatness is born from freedom
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and opportunity and not from dependency and entitlement. if we are, if we are to remain the land of the free and the home of the brave, we must not fall to the temptation of more regulations, more benefits, and more government. we can't afford it. our children should not have to pay for it. [applause] i believe the greatest thing we had to fear is the inability to restrain the growth of government. americans are losing faith in their government. they feel powerless to change anything. the ms bickering confirms the worst fears. even their elected leaders are powerless -- the endless bickering confirms the worst fears. even the elected leaders are powerless. i reject that notion.
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[cheers] that begins by returning to the founding principles of our constitution. so much was at stake -- values, asperity future, and faith in government. thanks to you, your vote and hard work will now see the light of day. it will be put before the american people. we will do great things. [cheers and applause] tonight, it will be the start of a new day. >> the tide has turned. the obama of the obama gridlock is over -- the obama gridlock is over. [applause] with your help, with your help,
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each and every one of you with your help and god's grace, we were not dragged across the finish line, we crossed the finish line. we took the hill. [cheers and applause] my heartfelt thanks for your vote and support. let's get to work. let's get our country back. thank you. [crowd chanting "let's go pat!"] >> a race that got a lot of attention as pat roberts winning the election. he had that seat previews the held by senator bob dole. let's look at the latest numbers
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according to the associated press in the kansas senate race. if you go to the c-span website you will see the right downstate i state. it looks in virginia as if mark warner will eat out a victory -- eek out a victory. tom udall winning in new mexico. mark udall losing in the colorado senate race. all of this available online at let's go to other senate races. the iowa senate race, the networks declared a winner via 6% margin. the republican state senator to bruce braley at 45%. we will show you that speech in
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its entirety in a little bit. the race has been declared a winner. another republican pickup and 49%. defeating kay hagan at 47%. >> a lot of close races tonight. on our facebook page, we have posted the change of power and asked people to comment. sylvia says -- happy. michelle says -- and you'll see your social security check evaporate before your very eyes. james taylor -- the death of democracy and america. another says -- nothing will change. more fighting and nothing getting done. you can join the conversation on c-span's facebook page. this is what it looks like now. democrats, 43. republicans at 51.
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still for senate races undecided. we will continue to take your calls and your tweets and facebook comments. on twitter -- the sad part is that this election was bought and paid for by dark money and horrible, unprofessional fear ads. let's listen to jerry in alberta. you are on the air. are you in all burda canada? >> yes. -- alberta, canada? >> yes. we watch elections quite closely. >> what is your reaction? >> very disappointed. a senate will control the government. >> what are your own politics? >> my own politics is that
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president obama is probably one of the best presidents you guys had. i would put him in the category as john f. kennedy and bill clinton. the rest of them, i do not know. as far as obamacare, it in canada we do not pay one cent for medical insurance. it is included in our tax system. if you need health care immediately for anything, you are tended to write a weight. i'm so sorry for the american people with commercials on their tv and some of their news channels, the propaganda by big business insurance companies drug companies, they are all getting fooled. americans, wake up. get more educated. >> thanks you -- thank you for your call from alberta. scott brown is speaking let's
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listen in. >> wonderful efforts. [applause] thank you. you and i have waged a great campaign. i couldn't have asked for better allies. we stood strong. we fought, even in defeat. you have got no business and politics unless you respect the judgment of the people. you have got to be able to take it either way. i have offered my sincerest congratulations and good wishes to senator shaheen. from the outset of this campaign, i decided to run a race that we all could be proud of. that has always been my standard . i want to walk away with no regrets. that is how it is this time. i have kept my word. i wouldn't say that for
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anything. [applause] i cannot pretend that feeling of gratitude is not easy at a moment like this and i know how much i needed |. as a very thankful to the people who are willing to come out and help shot and give us opportunity to make a better state. that is the spirit of new hampshire. i feel lucky. i feel like a lucky man to live in this great state and call home. i'm indebted to many people who are here.
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as soon as account is final, we will know the exact numbers. it was up, he was down. it is clear that the area itself will probably not make the the votes that we need. it is always an honor, always an honor to check your name at the outlet box. an honor to try to serve. made my efforts to move our state forward. try to make it a better state to live in. there is an uphill campaign whether it is volunteering. how could i not give my best in my campaign of her.
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-- how could i not give my best campaign? i want to give you round of applause, everyone. thank you. [applause] i will be looking for you this summer. i want to give a shout out to area on a who is studying for finals. let me say that every journey wherever it leads is better. i can sure those wonderful experiences with the people behind me. my friends looks like it is a good night for america.
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>> regardless of what happened to her tonight, one thing has country. thank you very much was an honor to carry the flag. i thank you for the privilege of being the nominee. on to say that we have had better days. i'm hopeful that the president will come back and try to put
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our countries interest first. be a uniter instead of a divider. god bless. have a wonderful fall. you get it. thank you very much. [applause] >> from manchester, new hampshire, republican scott brown who was the former senator from neighboring massachusetts losing in his bid to oust senator shaheen. otherwise, a good evening for republicans.
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senator reid went on to say i stand ready to do that. the results of the new hampshire senate race with jeanne shaheen winning reelection. jeanne shaheen holding on to her lead with 51% of the vote. i want to go through some of the governor's races yet to be determined. getting in colorado. a tough reelection battle against the former congressman. in connecticut, the comment democratic governor is in a reelection battle with tom foley . tom fully at 51%.
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in neighboring maine, another state where there is a multiple candidate race. still half vote yet to come in in the state of maine. out in kansas, sam brownback is that 49%. he has inched up slightly. we will go to jeanne shaheen's campaign headquarters as she declares of the three tonight in her reelection effort. [crowd chanting "jeanne shaheen"]
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[cheers and applause] >> thank you, new hampshire. tonight the people of new hampshire chose to new hampshire
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first. [no audio] >> as you can see, we lost the audio for that. we will come back and show you to you in its entirety women have the audio established. -- when we how the audio established. four races undecided. 43 for the democrats. republicans at 51. i'm going to take you back. the audio is back. [applause]
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[crowd chanting "jeanne shaheen"] >> thank you. i promise you i will work with anyone in the senate democrat, republican independent to get things done to help new hampshire is working families and our small businesses. [cheers] with the new term you have given me, i will fight to make sure that students could refinance their student loans. i will fight for a smart energy policy that focuses on efficiency and new energy
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technology. end our reliance on oil and coal and fossil fuel. i will fight for minimum wage. that ensures that no one working 40 hours a week is stuck living in poverty. i will fight for equal pay for equal work for women.
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i will fight for smart, serious, national security policies that keep us safe. and i will always fight for a woman's right to make her own health care decisions. as i have said many times in the last weeks and months, i will never stop fighting to make sure everyone in hampshire has access to quality affordable health care.
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[cheers and applause] i have a lot of thank you's tonight. i want to start with thinking my family. my husband billy. [crowd chanting "billy"] my daughter stephanie and her husband greg. [cheers] stacy and her husband ryan. molly and hugh.
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and all my seven grandchildren. so have alley, anna, and aj. this campaign truly was a family affair. when the going got tough, the cap my spirits up.
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who got the most votes at the end of the day? thank you to all of you. i love you all. i would also like to thank my manager.
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does he run a great operation or what? thank you for leading such a great campaign staff. thank you to my senate chief of staff. [applause] to all my senate staff, through all of the coordinated campaign, to all of you who were so hard, thank you. thank you.
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and to all of you volunteers here and watching at home tonight, inc. you for sacrificing your time for all of the hours and days and weeks and four many of you, months, that you were, sacrificing your time to help keepep new hampshire moving forward. that you stood by me througugh thick and thin means more than you will ever know. i am so grateful. congratulations to our wonderful
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governor, maggie hassan. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting "maggie"] and thank you to all of the candidates up and down the ticket to the winners and losers tonight for everything you have done to make our democracy stronger. tomorrow, tomorrow we get back to work, back to our regular lives. tonight, let's celebrate. thank you. thank you all. thank you to the wonderful people of new hampshire.
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[crowd chanting "i believe in jeanne shaheen"] >> that is jeanne shaheen from new hampshire, successful in her bid for reelection. we will take a cup of calls. -- couple of calls. staten island, new york. >> hey how's going? >> what's your thoughts on tonight's results. >> thank you for listening to everyone and taking our calls. i can this -- almost represent the younger class.
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>> how old are you? >> 24. my father is big and policy -- in politics. he's a republican yet i registered as independent. the president is just a puppet.
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>> i do respect the will of the voters in the state of colorado. in that spirit, i want to thank the people of colorado to serve as a senator for colorado for the last six years. in that same spirit, i do wish them the best. we live in the greatest state in the nation.
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it means so much to me to enable the determination in the senate. the guiding light in my life has always been my family. our wonderful children. they are the reason i chose the public service and their love and inspiration has always supported me during the good times and the bad times. many of you know that we lost our brother, randy, lasser.
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randy was owes the -- last appeared randy was always a conscious -- conscience of our family. the strongest, most person -- prince will person i know. i also want to thank my incredible staff. i want to single my chief of staff.
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i also want to pay special thanks to my campaign manager. they built this campaign from the ground up. >> at this point we will say goodbye to senator udall who lost his reelection bid.
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[cheers and applause] i want to make certain that every single one of you -- this victory isn't my victory. this victory is our big three -- our if you take a look at all the negative ads -- more negative ads than against any candidate in the country. we won.
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i'm sure you have been watching the ads. we have swept the nation with a compelling message. [applause] somehow i think senator reid will have a different office assignment come saturday. you all refuse to lose. [applause] i will tell you i received a
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and that is to make sure there is a smooth transition of power. taking that phone call is very difficult. i appreciate senator hagan statesmanship. recognizing this is not about me. this is your seat. the seat that i'm going to take to washington.
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with all these attacks and things they said you seem to get more annoyed -- that is because i knew. i knew we were right. i knew you all and north carolinians want elected officials that are going to go to washington and gets a be done. fulfill your promises. no you are going to continue the tradition -- know you are going to continue the tradition. make this country great again. >> usa. usa. usa. usa. >> i see a few people around the
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room. when i think about transitions and elections, i see one gentleman who was in the primary with us. i am not sure but i want to thank heather grant. helping us. we overcame a lot of adverse or he. -- anniversary --?we are here with an opportunity to make america great again. we'll have leaders who know america can be great. when we let americans make america great, not government. when we stopped accepting this idea that people want to be provided for by government to
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read the problem with that is the only government can provide you with something is to take it away from some thing else. there was only one thing that government can give you. that is freedom. [applause] we need to free the american people up to make america great again. we need to free the american people to make it an economic superpower and military superpower. these are the things we are going to go to washington and do. i know mike medication's people are saying, tom tillis is completely out -- i know my communication's people are saying, tom tillis is completely off script. what i'm going to do, what i'm going to do is listen to you. i'm going to go to washington.
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next year, i am going to go back. thanks all of who have voted for me. i'm going to convince them that maybe they should give us a chance to make this nation great . get back on track. ladies and gentlemen, i cannot thank you enough. there are many of you, if i made eye contact with, i would get teary-eyed. what i do have to do is think my wife susan. [applause] i also have to thank my son and a daughter. there are two people i can always take a look at the
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negative attack ads. we just laughed at them. lindsay and ryan. [applause] i have two brothers and two of my sisters here. i also have a sister who was not able to make it. it was wonderful to have them volunteer. i also have the most wonderful mother. [applause] that is typical mom. if you are on facebook, go out and do a friend request for margie tillis. you will not be disappointed.
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my mom has been taking care of this family forever. ladies and gentlemen i want to tell you all you are an extension of our family. they have been a part of my campaign since i ran for town commissioner. we came back together. there were people today, i went around the polls. you could see they were so emotionally invested in. wondering, will we pull it off? we pulled it off because of you. [applause] from the bottom of my heart i want to tell you how much susan and i and my entire family have done. i really do believe that through your efforts, through your prayers, through your financial support.
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through doorknocking, you are part of a historic moment in the nation's history. i want to thank you. i'm not can speak much longer. i'm going to get around and shake a few hands. i can't do selfies with everybody today. we will be back. again, thank you all. god bless you. god bless this great nation. thank you. >> from north carolina to denver, we will introduce you to representative and senator elect cory gardner. >> a future that is brighter than our present. ours is a forever young state. all of us are here because we believe there is something exceptional about our state and nation. we believe in courageous ideas. we believe in the power of
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optimism of the american story. i believe that is not electioneering -- a belief that is not electioneering. a commitment to be better than we are. to give our children and grand children a better starting point. i say we can fix the nation's problems together. we can build a stronger economy together. we can achieve energy independence together. we can improve education together. we can protect the environment together. because the people of colorado sent a message, a message that what is happening is not working. that leaders should not stop at the status quo. and think they need a pet on the back. -- it was a pat on the back. it was a warning or warning to
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all who failed to courageously act. over 200 years ago people came to this great nation wondering how we became who we are. how did this ragtag nation of farmers, planters, mercantilists defeat the greatest nation on this earth? it was because each and everyone one of us has a passion in our hearts to rise. to rise and be better. to imagine a great nation. a great economy. to imagine together a nation that rises. thanks to all of. you who made this night possible. thank you to my family. [applause] it is time for a new direction. we did the job tonight. let's make sure we lead the country forward. god bless you.
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god bless this country. god rests -- less the great state of colorado. [applause] ♪ >> a republican pickup in the state of colorado. cory gardner conceding -- defeating senator udall. this is a tweet from senator tim kaine. we have been keeping a close eye on the virginia senate race.
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he said, congratulations to mark warner. proud to call him my senior senator. let's look at the colorado senate results against. where cory gardner defeated mark udall. and some governors races. one of the surprises in maryland. republican larry hogan is the winner over anthony brown. 759,000 votes compared to 670,000 votes for the democratic lieutenant governor. martin o'malley is term limited to read many saying the issue of taxation was a big factor in the when. -- win. in florida, charlie crist who ran as a republican and one. -- won.
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he lost his bid to go back to the governorship. charlie crist at 47%. let's look at the house leadership. speaker boehner is returning. winning with 68% of the vote. in california, this is a seat held by the republican leader. easily winning 75%. also in california, the 12th congressional district. nancy pelosi getting 79% of the vote. and finally, in the fifth congressional district, -- one of race, the fourth congressional district. a close battle.
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only about a quarter of the vote. many expecting the republican candidate to win the race. doug owens is ahead 50%. all of the results available on our website. a breakdown county by county for >> telephone calls and next you will see the iowa senator-elect. we had live coverage of another candidate and we would like to hear what you have to say about tonight's election results. mike is in madison lake, minnesota. you are on the air. >> welcome you're on. i wanted to say they are shutting down obama when he has
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date of birth done a lot in this country. and we are going further in debt. obama could have got the obamacare sooner -- i don't think my brother would have suffered as bad. he worked for 25 years, they cut him on his medical and had no medical to help him with his chemo and stuff. so he suffered for quite a long time before he died. >> mike, thank you for your call. maine, independent, you are on the air. >> i just got to say there are a lot of people that don't realize you got problems in this country ap voting for democrats does not help that.
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everybody wants to have government funding to support themselves. government doesn't support people. people suppo to fight and work for our privileges. you just don't get a happenedout. that's not how it works. >> tries tennis up next, eugene, oregon what is your reaction? >> we will move on to greg in louisville kentucky. >> greetings my sister. i think it's congratulations to all the winners in the united states. the problem i have is this country, right before our eyes is being turned into a sole
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o'mon and the president is the worst president we ever had ap get back to the way this country was founded on god and address issues with lack-on-black crime ap alcohol and drugs, getting jobs maybe doing the minimum wage and take it $10 without waiting two, three years and do it within a couple of months. i am hurt by the actions of the administration. and the administration is a failure. there's no other way around it. >> that is greg from louisville, kentucky a republican. the senate balance of power. we are three undivided. and the other two, alaska and
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runoff in louisiana. so with that in mind, it is 45 with the two independents for the democrats and 5 for the -- let's listen in. >> thank you. thank you. thank you, iowa. oh, my. thanks so much for being here on this special evening. just a few minutes ago i got off the phone with bruce braley. and i congratulated on him running a phenomenal campaign. he was a worthy opponent. and he was willing to sacrifice to fight for what he thought was
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right. we didn't agree on much. but i admire, i do admire anyone who is willing to stand up and fight for what they believe in. well iowa. we did it! we did it. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. it's a long way from red oak to washington. from the biscuit line at hard ee's to the united states senate but thanks to all of you, we are heading to washington and we are going to
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make them squeal. >> this is about as different as you can get from washington d.c. in washington, politicians are more interested in talking than doing. they have no prosh hoping they'll go away. you know what isis isn't going to go away. the almost 18 trillion of national debt isn't going to go away. our economic struggles aren't just going to go away and our
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problems aren't going to go away on their own but we can overcome them, because this is the greatest nation in the history of mankind and there is nothing we can't achieve. we are going to do this. but to get there it starts with new leadership. [cheers and applause] and that is what iowa has voted for today, yes. we've talked a lot in this campaign about iowa values, honesty, service and hard work. knowing the value of a dollar and not what it's waste it. these are the values that our
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parents and grandparents have taught us. these are the values that my mother -- that my mother taught me on rainy mornings, not with a lecture or a book but with classic i had a gr pair of shoes. on those rainy school days, my mom would slip plastic red bags over my shoes to keep them clean and dry. you know what i'm talking about. and you know, it wasn't high fashion, but i was never embarrassed, and it worked, and it worked. i wasn't embarrassed because every day when it rained and i
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got on the school bus, there were rows and rows and rows of other kids just like me with plastic red bags tied to their feet. these were the sons and daughters of hard-working people of i what, and our parents didn't have much. they taught to us to live simply not to waste, and to help our neighbors and they taught us to thank god every day that we live in this special place that we call iowa. thank you. people ask me all the time what my favorite part of the campaign has been.
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well, i think tonight, nothing, nothing is going to be tonight. but before tonight, my favorite part of the campaign was going through the iowa state fair and believe me, i hugged my way through the iowa state fair and if you got will be within five feet of me it was solely because i was trying to hug. i love the state fair because it is a celebration about what is best about iowa. our agriculture, our manufacturing, our technology, our community and our family. that's who we are and that's the iowa way.
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and our iowa way is working and it's not luck or an accident. it's because we have the greatest people. and we have the greatest governor and lieutenant governor of any state in the nation.
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>> now let's look what they are doing in washington. higher taxes more spending, more debt. and the slowest economic recovery since the great depression. but tonight, we're taking the iowa way all the way to washington. thank you. thank you. and let me tell you what that
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means to me. it means that i trust the people of iowa know what is best for iowa more than bureaucrats in washington, d.c.,. it means getting spending under drol keeping taxes low and cutting red tape so businesses can grow and progress. it means protecting social security and medicare, not just for today's seniors and it means keeping america strong because the world is a safer place when america is the strongest nation in it. [cheers and applause] >> and it means fighting. it means fighting every day for the men and women who wear our
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nation's uniform and the veterans who have worn it in the past. [cheers and applause] >> they have sacrificed so much and with everything to protect our freedom. they deserve better than what they are geticing from washington today. when i go to the united states senate, i'm going to make sure they get what they earned and they deserved. [cheers and applause] >> there are so many people that i want to thank tont. and first, i need to start with my family. they have been there and sacrificed so much during this campaign cycle. and family -- family, i love you all so very much.
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thank you for being there for me. i also want to thank of my many supporters who were willing to leaped a helping happened and my family. and so many of you are here and known me for my entire life and again, i want to thank you for always being there and always being supportive on helping me on this incredible journey. thank you so much. and lastly, i do want to thank the people of iowa who voted today for my opponent.
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i plan to work day and night to earn your trust and confidence in the years to come. so thank you. thank you. so, in closing i want to say something about this incredible country that all of us call home. as they say, only in america. here in the fields of iowa, our grandparents worked and dreamed for a better life for their children. many like mine had very little to call their own, but they were determined to give their children a chance to succeed and so they did. and because they did, they gave us extraordinary opportunities opportunities that they could
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only dream of. and in the senate, that's the kind of america that i'm going to fight for every single day, every single day. thank you. thank you very much. appear america that no matter who your parents are or what neighborhood you grew up in you have the chance to succeed and an america, it doesn't matter who you know, but how hard you work and what you can do and working together, that's the america that we are going to build, that we are going to build. [cheers and applause] and with your help and with your
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help, we can change direction and take the iowa way all the way to washington, d.c. god bless all of you. god bless the state of iowa. and god bless these great united states of america. thank you so much. [cheers and applause] >> iowa senator-elect joni earn of the. here's the story republicans take control of the senate. 2-43 and alaska we are waiting for results. steve, what do you have for us? >> you were hearing "roar" that
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is hurd at hillary clinton events. and another song from taylor swift. referring to them the republican candidate winning defeating bruce braley. that is the first time that they have elected a state-wide woman newspaper. the president on the campaign trail and larry hogan defeating brown in a very close race in connecticut, pointing out a bad night for the white house when governor candidates fell to their republican challengesers. let's look out in com where the
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president campaigned to the governor. and the republican candidate has 48% to the incumbent. and in connecticut, seven votes made a difference between dan foley and dan malloy. see how close this race us between the republican and democrat. we want to show you some of the ballot initiatives that are going on in d.c. would legalize the possession of marijuana and the residents votings 69. amming in of acknowledge in oregon and florida and 46% saying no.
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and in florida, the similar vote. the race hasn't been fully declared. and again, a reminder, all of these results available on our web sites at >> iowa that is bruce braley and it's going to begin with the gentleman who gave up his senate seat. let's watch. >> well, my friends, my friends i know we have heavy hearts tonight, but our heads are held high because we felt a clean,
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honorable clean campaign, with bruce as our great standard bearer we stood tall behind him behind iowa. we fought the good fight and we should all be very proud of that. [cheers and applause] >> when i was campaigning for him the first time sips his first race in 2006, i knew he was the real thing. a passionate progressive a natural-born leader, someone who would fight for working families and he has never ever let us down and he did not let us down in this race. he stood for everything we believe in. [cheers and applause] and so, my friends, i want you
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to know how proud i am of bruce and carolyn and his family, how much we owe him to his service in the united states congress. mark my word, you haven't heard the last of browse braley. so -- bruce brailly. so let's show him how much we appreciate all he did for us, congressman bruce braley! [cheers and applause] >> thank you. thank you. thank you all so much. and thank you tom harkin for always being by my side but the most important i have to thank are the people standing behind
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me ap the standing in front of me and the people who walked be sides me. my wife carolyn who has been such a rock. [cheers and applause] my mom who may be the most famous mom in iowa right now. and for good reason my three wonderful children, lisa, david and paul. my son-in-law brite and melissa who has been with us on this journey, my brothers my sister, my brother's wife and daughter who are here with us tonight,
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and all of the people who got up every day and volunteered because they believed in what this race was all about and that was a better future for the people of iowa. [cheers and applause] >> i'm amazed by my campaign staff ap all the great campaign staff. all of the amazing staff on our coordinated campaign who worked tirelessly to turn out voters across the state, i can't thank you enough what you have done for me and our party ap all the volunteers who tried to elect democrats and make this a night that we would awe be proud of no matter what the outcomes of
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these races and they were ex apply fide by one and told me she got a woman who was 70 years old to vote for the first time in her life. i want to thank my good friend, jeff, one of the first person i talked about running for public office and proves you can be voflede in politics and be a great friend first and i thank you, jeff, for making me a better person. [applause] >> you know, there are a lot of disappointed people tonight including me, but we are lucky to live in a country where we are disappointed in the outcome
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of an election. some people don't get to vote on the impact. we get that right here in the united states. and tonight, thousands of you had the opportunity to vote for their elected representatives and we should be thankful this that we live in a country that gives us that opportunity. we have the freedom to be disappointed in america. but i got to tell you. this is not a bad day for bruce braley. a bad day is when you are 23 years old and lieu your father. a bad day is when your knicks doosh neighbor dice of coal own cancer at 39 and leevens two children behind.
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and bad day is a neice that you love takes your life. this is a day to celebrate what people can do together when they put their mind to it they work hard and try to change the way people think about their relationship to their government and to their future. so my biggest fear is that all of the great young democratic activists that i have meant on this campaign are going to be frustrated tonight. that would be the worst outcome of this disappointment. you have the pour to change lives and the future of this country. tonight is the starting point and the opportunity to make your mark on this state and this
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country. i'm going to be there for you cheering you on, supporting you and making this a better place. i'm here tonight to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. i will never forget the confidence you placed in me and the energy i drew from each of you and i leave tonight filled with hope and optimism and i called joni to con great her because the only way forward is by having optimism in the future. thank you all for being here tonight and thank you ♪
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>> the scene in des moines, iowa, as congressman bruce braley losing to joni ernst. this was a senate seat that harry reid all along said that the democrats needed to hold on to if they had any chance of maintaining a majority in the u.s. senate. but republican state senator joni ernst who surprised a lot of people by wibr winning the primary by that ad she made reference to about her years growing up on an iowa farm. winning with 52% of the vote. compared to 44% for democrat bruce braley. let's go through some of the other races across the senate in this country. beginning with new hampshire. where jeanne shaheen, the democrat, winning in a tough re-election battle against republican scott brown. the former senator from neighboring massachusetts. in the georgia senate race, a lot of speculation this might face a runoff. that's not the case. en david perdue with 98% of the
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vote at 53% to michelle nun at 45%. in arkansas, where the pryor name has carried the father and the son to the u.s. senate, but tom cotton, the freshman republican, winning with 56% of the vote. compared to 40% for mark pryor. the polls up until today had this race much closer. but tom cotton easily winning against the incumbent democratic senator. in kansas, where greg orman was tight in the polls against senator pat roberts. but as you can see a 10-point difference. the republican senator first elected in 1996 in the seat that was previously held by bob dole winning with 93% reporting in kansas city. three other states to share with you. first in colorado, where another republican pickup, cory gardner, the congressman defeating incumbent senator mark udall. 51%-44%. and in north carolina, where thom tillis defeating freshman senator kay hagen. 49% to 47% and the story we
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will be talking about the next four weeks the runoff in louisiana, under what is often called the jungle primary in louisiana. nine candidates on the ballot. mary landrieu with 42% of the vote. bill cassidy with 40% of the vote. and that runoff is slated for december 6. we're going to continue with a few more phone calls. our lines are open. and then we'll share with you the thoughts of david perdue who won the georgia senate race but first craig is joining us from cedar rapids, iowa. republican line. tell us what the turnout was like where you voted today, craig. >> i voted republican and -- but i'm -- i'm fearful that the republicans will fall into just what the democrats did and that is tunnel vision. we need a whole new approach. whenever there is a political event, we need all parties to participate. and right from the get-go start
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reasoning together on the issues, trying to get the best decisions for the american people. and that will determine how we vote instead of doing it the way we've done it this time as usual, with $3.7 billion, just for the congressional race, and so many entities giving money and we don't even know who they are. secret donors. and we just got to quit functioning this way. we got to start working together as fellow americans, reasoning together. and -- >> can i jump in because we don't have time but i want to ask you a real question. why did joni ernst win in the state today? >> because people are sick and tired of what the democrats are doing. and they're tired of all their money being taken away from them. and -- but the problem is we
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need each other. >> ok. going to move on to delores joining us from hollytown, alabama. democrats line. good evening. or good morning now. go ahead please. >> yes. i would just like to say on our elections that we need more debates. that needs to be one of the criteria whatever -- whatever -- it's such an important election that they agree that at least one debate. because right now, we're just solely electing somebody off who has the most negative ads. and whether you're democrat or republican, or an independent, you really in my case, i really don't know what the candidate truly stands for. i want somebody that's going to go up there and work together just not get elected because we're dissatisfied with our president. because he had some good things and some bad things. i think the health care issue hurt because i don't think it's really what people expected it to be. but another thing that i would
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like to say to the american people, we can make a difference regardless of how this election goes. we can make our country better just by reading the label and buy american. that would send a message to the companies that sending our jobs overseas and we will have more people working. >> ok. thanks very much for the call. all of the results are available on the bottom of our website. or on the bottom of the screen and also on our website at and one of the races we were following and the debate in the massachusetts governor's race where charlie baker ahead over martha coakley. and this would be a republican pickup in the statehouse. duval patrick unable to seek another term. let's go to ken joining us from clofter, new jersey. independent line. >> good evening, how are you? >> fine. thank you. >> i was curious, it was interesting tonight for me to see that governors in pennsylvania went from republican to democrat. >> uh-huh. >> the whole trend has been the other way.
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in all the different races. it seems to me. as an independent. and i'm wondering if that's a state that's going to be interesting for the next two years to see how the democrat does. and if he does better in that state alone will it show in the 2016 elections themselves? in other words maybe the republicans bought off more than they can chew in the next two years. i don't know. >> the president was in philadelphia, his final campaign appearance on sunday. to campaign for tom wolf. he also campaigned in connecticut where governor malloy is now behind in that race. and he was on the campaign trail in wisconsin. where mary burke lost to scott walker. so one of the headlines we shared with you earlier, not a good night for the president in terms of the senate. but also for the races that he campaigned for in the governors' races over the weekend of the election. only one tom wolf, winning in pennsylvania. >> and just one other point i wanted to make regarding the initiatives. in florida, my friend lives in
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florida. and she has told me that the marijuana initiative for medical use meets -- needs a 60% threshold to pass. >> you're absolutely right. >> so that actually, even though it looks like it's a big lead really is not. >> right. very important point. 52% but you do need 60% to pass. >> yes. so i don't know if that's going to make it or not. >> but it did pass and the initiative in d.c. passed. and the other initiative -- >> and it's interesting that in florida, that it wouldn't pass. to me at least. >> uh-huh. let's take a look at the balance of power where the democrats losing a number of senate seats. and now the republicans in control of the u.s. senate for the next congress. as you look at these numbers 52 republicans now in control, three races still to be decided. one in louisiana, that won't be decided until early december. we're still waiting for the results of course in alaska. the democrats will lose from the 53 seats to the 43 in the next congress. and two of those independents
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also caucus with the democrats. and still some races to be determined. let's go to ken in -- we'll go to jeremy next in seattle, washington. go ahead, jeremy. you're on the air. >> all right. thank you very much for having me. i just wanted to say it's great to see such a big turnout at the election right now considering it's a midterm. and i know i'm in washington. but i really quickly wanted to congratulate my older brother who ran george land's campaign in colorado district two and didn't win that race but wanted to say congratulations for a great campaign. >> debbie our last call mesa, arizona, republican line what's your take on the returns thus far tonight debbie? >> you know, i'm very happy. and first of all, i would like to share a congratulations to all the winners. but let's look at -- let's hope that the american people won
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tonight. not the candidates. not the president. not the congress. the american people needed to win tonight. and it was time for a change. and i think this is positive. i think people need to start realizing that we're in a world economy today. and that we need to start addressing our taxes differently on our corporations so we can compete like mr. herman cain shared his 9-9-9 plan. and isn't that what americans are about? free markets? >> ok. debbie, thanks for the call from mesa, arizona. over the weekend jonathan martin of "the new york times" reporting that the polling in georgia show that it was beginning to slip away for michelle nunn. although a lot of people had expected that the possibility, the strong possibility of a runoff. that was not the case. she loses. the daughter of former senator sam nunn to businessman david perdue. both relative political newcomers to the senate seat. we covered the final debate in our campaign over the weekend.
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sunday. courtesy of wsb-tv. and tonight republican david perdue in atlanta declaring victory. >> loud and clear in this state. and bonnie and i are committed to go to washington and fight for and you not the special interests and not the insiders in washington. but you. the georgia that we love. we heard loud and clear georgia has wanted us to fight for their constitutional right. they want us to fight for the right to life. the value of life. the senator who won't bend to special interests. but listen to the people here at home. and act accordingly. and bring a sense of urgency to washington. the thing we heard more than anything else is that washington's broken. and it's affecting our lives. and we don't want to leave this world to our kids without trying to make it better. most importantly georgians want good-paying jobs. and to do that we got to get this economy going. we have to finally resolve our tax problems and right now
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sacks by combliss -- saxby combliss is handing the baton to me and i will fight for the fair tax. i never imagined that bonnie and i would be standing here. we are the most unlikely people to be doing this. but we felt led that this was something we could do to make a difference. but tonight, we start a new journey. this has been an extraordinary 18 months. when i call my cousin, the ex-governor, and said you need to run, he said no, i've been paroled. but he said you need to think about it. and we thought about it. and prayed about it. and we started a journey with your help. and some great, great professional help here. and we took our message around the state. and it resonated. and it worked. because it was sincere. it was from our heart. more importantly, it was from your heart.
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and that's what people of this country and this state, that's what they're hearing tonight. but i want to remind you, tonight we start a new journey to set a new course for america. not just georgia. this race was always bigger than me. it was always bigger than georgia. we have to do this. for our kids and grandkids. i do not want to be a member of the first generation in the history of our great country that has to tell my kids and my grandkids that i'm leaving you a world worse off. and you know what? starting tonight, we're going to change that with your help. [cheers and applause] thank you. tomorrow morning, my commitment to you at about 5:00 and i understand my first day starts as a senator elect. and i'm very proud to be up
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tomorrow morning. i'm going to roll my sleeves up and get to work like i've done all my life. my entire career, that's all i've ever done. we've always worked as an underdog. just like in this campaign. but i need each of you to help me do it. just because we had an election -- [cheers and applause] >> u.s.a.! u.s.a.! u.s.a.! u.s.a.! u.s.a.! u.s.a.! >> i thought it was something i was saying! what a great night. i'm telling you, i have -- we
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have got to work hard. part of my speech right here, you just can't believe what i'm about to tell you. just because we had an election, seriously, this journey is just starting. and now we know we have a marnlt in the u.s. senate where we'll move those 300 bills off harry reid's desk finally and get a vote. [cheers] from the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of bonnie's heart, i want to thank georgia for trusting me with this unbelievable responsibility. i take it very seriously. johnny isaac son, saxby chambliss are great heroes of georgia. i will work hard to earn your trust over the next six years to be like them. i'll work every day to turn your trust into results. i want to thank each and every candidate in this long road to get here and we've had a few in the primary. i want to thank michelle nunn
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most of all for running a strong campaign. and she should be proud of their effort. and to her supporters, i mentioned to her tonight, i wanted her to convey my congratulations because they fought hard. and they believed in what they believed. and they worked that way. that's our system, guys. we have to engage -- i will not give up my values. but i'm going to washington to get something done. i want to thank -- for those who voted for her and amanda swofford, i want you to know that i welcome you to join us in trying to make america a better place for our kids and grandkids. and the last thing i want every person in the state of georgia, plus 10 million people, my commitment to every one of you is that bonnie and i will give you everything we have to represent every single individual in this state. because this is the greatest
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state in the country. we can lead this country out of the doomsday that it's headed toward right now and back in the direction it ought to be headed. [cheers] very quickly, i would be remiss without thanking congressman jack kingston. he epitomizes -- please. [applause] after 30 years of public service in the state of georgia, he backed me in this general election from the first day after the runoff. and he has worked -- and worked very hard to get us to this point. and i want to personally, jack, wherever you are, i want to say thank you to you and libby. god bless you. congressman phil gingrey, paul brown, karen handel, derrick grayson and art gardner, in our primary, we had a ball, didn't we? a hard-fought battle and great republicans and great georgians and great americans and i want to thank them all for they did
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in this process. but guys, i want to thank the thousands of volunteers. you just can't imagine. i've never been through this and seeing the faces out here. we couldn't do it without the volunteers, donors. some of you got the calls last year and the first words out of your mouth is david, what are you thinking? [laughter] but you hung in there. and you stepped up for us. and our staff, and the yeoman job that you guys have done over the last year and a half is just beyond belief. thank you. god bless you. [applause] and last -- lastly to my bonnie she is a rock. [cheers] truth be told, she's better at this than i am. and i want to thank my sons and their wives and our grandsons for putting up with this. i've been an absent father and
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absent grandfather and absent husband over last year and a half. because we were on a mission. and with your help, we did it. i just want to thank you finally for all your confidence. you know this is not about me. i don't even think it's about georgia. i think it's about our country. and we have an opportunity, and you've got to stay involved. you've got to hold me accountable. you've got to hold our elected officials accountable. all of them. i want to tell you right now that with your help and god's will, we will change the direction of our country. we will be able to tell our kids we're leaving you a world better off than our parents left us. and i'll tell you this. i am so proud to be an american. i love my country. i love you. i love my state and together we will make georgia and america the best place on earth for our kids and grandkids. thank you all. god bless. [cheers and applause]
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>> from atlanta senator-elect david perdue the republican winning that senate seat. keeping it in republican hands. and we want to thank wsb and wral for allowing us to bring some of the speeches during the course of the evening. more of a chance to phone in and share your comments about this election and what it all means. let's go through some of the governors' races in which the president campaigned over the last week and a half to two weeks. we want to begin with wisconsin. where mary burke in the polls showing it a much closer race than the final results. governor scott walker who is a potential 2016 presidential bid. 91% reporting in wisconsin. and scott walker with 53% democrat mary burke at 45%. in pennsylvania, the final campaign appearance by the president. over the weekend. tom wolf. the democrat. winning with 5% of the vote. defeating incumbent republican governor tom corbett. in connecticut it is a race that is still too close to
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call. governor dan malloy is ahead slightly. with just over 50% of the vote. compared to 48.5% for republican tom foley. that race at one point only seven votes separated dan malloy and tom foley. in maine, a four-way race but looking at the top two contenders. governor paul lepage is currently ahead at 48%. congressman mike michaud at 44%. and finally in illinois, where governor pat quinn is seeking a second full term. but that race has gone to the republican, bruce rauner. with 51% of the vote. governor quinn losing with 46% of the vote. and this tweet from senator rand paul. he's been sharing a lot of thoughts tonight about this election. today, he says, voters sent a message to president obama and hillary clinton. rejecting their policies and their candidates. and you can see the photograph in here of michelle nunn with hillary clinton on the campaign trail.
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let's go to all of -- from punta gorda florida. good morning to you. you're on the air. >> hello. >> yes. good evening. >> yes. good evening. i'm a democrat. and i've been listening. i think a lot of the people showed up to vote which i really was surprised. because this is a midterm election. but basically i think it was just the money the money the money. and they just bombarded us. i couldn't watch my tv without seeing 1,500 advertisements and talking. and really we don't know what they're going to do. because, you know, it's left to be seen. >> 3.7 -- >> and you can afford to spend millions. then whatever. >> $3.7 billion spent in this midterm election. and the most expensive senate race in north carolina, also of course no surprise in arkansas. louisiana, alaska.
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where the polls are now closed. among the most expensive in this midterm election. let's look at where the statehouses fall. the governors' race this is year compared to what we saw before. right now, there are 29 republican governors. and a pickup right now of one with 21 democratic governors and they now hold 14. six have yet to be decided. but again, early numbers from alaska. we could see dan sullivan is ahead over senator mark begive. that is one of those race that is could further add if the republicans pick up alaska to the g.o.p. control of the u.s. senate in alaska. carrie. >> thank you for taking my call. i'm an american of mexican descent and a lot of this election is giving me a lot of hope. i just think that it's really time to close the borders. i think it's time to get back to the privilege of being an
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american instead of the i of a handout. brown paper bags that everyone grabbing for. it's just time to get back to work. it's time to go back to those things. and we can avoid ebola crisis. if people were brought into the state like -- into the country like they used to be. and people worked. and it's time to get back to that work ethic. and as an american of mexican descent i encourage other americans of mexican descent to do the same. >> carrie, thank you for the call a tweet from senator tim cain who wants to welcome don beyer, former lieutenant governor who -- who won an open seat in virginia. northern virginia. excited to welcome don beyer to the virginia delegation. we need more can-do optimists like him in congress. and the seat previously held by frank wolf in a neighbor district is staying in republican hands. barbara kamstack winning in
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that racial. good evening. >> good morning, actually. >> yes. >> i'm an independent voter. and i have gone online to research all the candidates from my state. before i finally made the decision to vote for joni ernst based on her iowa family values. and her christian values. including the -- her stance on abortion. i think that's very important. and since she is a mother, and she is a veteran, i think that her values fit right into iowa values completely. >> denise, can i ask you another question? because one of the issues that came up early on in the iowa senate race, that tha comment made by bruce braley that referred to senator chuck grassley as just a farmer from iowa. from your standpoint, how damaging was that to him in -- among the rural voters? >> i don't think it was
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damaging. i happen to have some insight on that. because i know chuck grassley and tom harkin personally. i grew up as one of their neighbors. but chuck grassley has a record that speaks for itself. so i don't think that any of the comments that have been made about him by bruce braley or anyone else is going to make any difference at all. >> but did it hurt bruce braley? that's what i'm asking you. >> i'm sorry. i misunderstood the question. probably. i would have to say in some people's minds yes. in mine, no. i -- as an independent registered voter, i vote for the person, not the party. i ruled him out for other reasons. >> denise, thank you very much for the call. we'll go next to charles joining us from eugene, oregon.
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go ahead please, jeff merkley winning in your home state, charles. >> yes, that's correct. basically i'm just -- wanted to make about the comment about the media coverage of the elections. >> go ahead. >> yeah. i just think that it's kind of ridiculous all the fanfare that goes into it. i believe that this -- for public service it shouldn't be a job where people get rewarded with fame and fortune. you know? >> ok. charles. thanks for the call. in tennessee, where senator lamar alexander easily winning his own election battle. monique is joining us from cordova, tennessee, on the democrats line. good evening. >> good evening. i'm just really disappointed in just everyone's state that didn't vote for initiative one to be brought down. because it was against
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abortion. and i understand christian values they know we shouldn't be -- shouldn't be for abortion. but amendment one didn't give insight that if a woman has m.s. or has cancer or has been raped, that she -- she should be able to choose. with my daughter, i had in this, and my doctors didn't want me to go ahead and have my pregnancy. now, for myself, i chose to have her. but for another woman, that should be her choice. not a choice that someone is forcing you -- the government shouldn't force you to have a child if you're going to make you die. >> ok. monique from cordova, tennessee. we've been sharing the victory and concession speeches of the candidates in those senate races that now determining who is going to control the senate. it will be the republicans. all of the results available on our website. and a county by county breakdown at greg orman the independent candidate who lost to senator pat roberts, here's what he had
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to say earlier in the evening in oberlin park, kansas, outside of kansas city. [cheers and applause] >> thank you very much. >> orman! orman! orman! orman orman! orman! >> thank you very much. thank you all very much. i couldn't have expected a warmer welcome. and cybill and i are so grateful that you're all here today. 10 minutes ago i called senator
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roberts and consolidated him on -- congratulated him on his victory. we had a very cordial conversation. and the senator knows very, very clearly that kansas is deeply a part of my future and his future. and to actually work together and i told him i would enjoy that opportunity. and he couldn't have been more gracious. so congratulations to senator roberts. [applause] i have to say when cybill and i started this process, we knew that it was going to be difficult. we knew that we were going to face tough competition. what has been for us the greatest of surprises is how wonderful our friends and people we've never met before and volunteers have been.
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they've given of themselves. they've told us we realize you're out here on a limb. we want to crawl out on the limb with you. it is something that i will be eternally grateful for. and i have to say to all of you who are here tonight and those people who couldn't be here, there's too many people to name them individually. but i couldn't be more grateful than i am right now for all the help the effort, just the sheer caring love and passion that cybill and i were shown by so many of you. so thank you all so very much for that. [applause] it has -- it has been the greatest privilege of my life
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to be able to travel the state of kansas, to talk to kansans about issues that matter to them and to have them be so gracious, warm and welcoming as we traveled the state. and again, i can't say enough about the voters of kansas and the people of kansas and how genuinely privileged i've been to be able to be a part of this process. [applause] i have to also say while senator roberts won tonight, we didn't lose. [cheers] we not only ran against senator roberts, we ran against the whole washington establishment.
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[applause] and kansans and all of in you this room sent them a very strong message. and that message couldn't have been clearer. you can't go to washington and hide behind your party label. you've got to go there and get stuff done. that's the message that you helped me send today. that's the message that voters of kansas sent. and if you think about where we came from, and where we are today, it's absolutely amazing that with everything aligned against us, until 30 minutes ago, we believe that there was a chance that we would fundamentally change washington. and i believe we did.
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[applause] my firm hope and belief is also that we sent a message to other aspiring independents out there. that this can be done. that voters are with you. while we didn't get it done today, i believe that what we did was spark a fuse. that will allow other independents and other states to step forward and say enough with the partisanship. enough with the fighting. enough with the gridlock. we need to go there and represent americans. not one party or the other. [applause] as i look around this room, i
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realize how genuinely blessed cybill and i are. not only do we have many wonderful life-long friends here but i see so many faces of people that we've met over the past several months who i now think are going to be lifelong friends. and i couldn't be more grateful for that. [applause] if someone asks me if you could do it all over again, would you decide not to? i would say absolutely not. this has been the greatest thrill of my life. i am so excited to be standing here today. and again, this is not the end of anything. this is the beginning. [applause]
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so thank you all for being here tonight. thank you for being with us over the past five months as we've -- as we ventured on this journey together. again, i can't thank you all for everything that you've done to help us send a message to washington. and i am firmly convinced that what we have done here in kansas and what we are doing tonight is the start of something great for this country. it's the start of the renewal of america. and i thank you for that. [applause] >> greg orman who many suspected had he won, he might have caucused with the democrats. he never indicated during the campaign which party he would caucus with. but he lost by a rather substantial margin by a 10%
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margin over senator pat roberts. who is going to come back and likely be chair of the senate judiciary committee with the republicans now in control of the u.s. senate. a tweet sent out earlier today from the current senate majority leader, harry reid, saying that he hopes to work with mitch mcconnell and compromise on some of the issues. let's take a look at some of the house races still to be decided including some members who could go down in defeat. we want to begin with california's 26th congressional district. and you can see representative julia brownly, a democrat, with about half of the vote now reporting holding on to a very narrow lead. 50.3%. jeff gorell at 49.7% of the vote. also in california in the 52nd congressional district. this is a race that we covered a number of debates in. congressman scott peters right now is behind. he is a democrat over republican carl demaio. 51%-49% respectively. in nebraska, the second congressional district. the race where representative leitery, a republican, this
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could be a democratic pickup for brad ashford. right now with about 70% of the vote reported. brad ashford at 49%. congressman leitery, republican, at 46%. another potential democratic hold would be in utah's fourth congressional district. mia love is the republican candidate. actually now that's just been changed. the winner with a new set of numbers. 99% reporting so mia love the republican winning with 50% of the vote. doug owens who was ahead earlier in the evening getting 47% of the vote. and in louisiana's sixth congressional district, we'll look at the numbers in that race as well, edward edwards at 30% of the vote. and garrett graves at 27%. so if those numbers hold true, louisiana could be heading to a runoff in that race. edwin edwards who went to jail and the former governor of louisiana, an interesting race to watch in that part of the state. and finally, in arizona's second congressional district,
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the seat previously held by gaby giffords, her long-time staffer, congressman ron barber in a tough re-election battle in that district holding on slightly. 50.5% of the vote, martha mcsally the republican nominee at 49.5% of the vote. let's go to childress, texas. good evening, republican line. your take on all of these results tonight. >> back in 1972, i went to college. i was -- i went through high school. and i went through school. and at school, i was -- in 1965 1972, when the democrats said no prayers in school. and they tried to vote out the prayers in school. the democrats did this. well this is when all -- jimmy carter tried to pass it. no prayers in school. it didn't pass. because the republicans says
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no. we're not going to step in and we're not going to take god out of america. well, here comes -- they started right back up again. taking prayers out of school. and they got that passed. and take god out of the pledge of allegiance and take god out of america. >> we'll go to cindy in fort lauderdale. independent line. your take on the results in your state. governor scott. winning. a close re-election battle over former governor charlie crist. >> i just think they both said what people wanted to hear. and when they get in there they're not going to do anything. >> uh-huh. >> that's how it's always been. and the things that should have passed didn't pass and the ones that should have -- i don't think any of them needs to be there. because they're only telling us what they want us -- what we want to hear. and when we -- when they get in there, they do none of what they said they were going to do. >> ok. thanks for the call.
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it is official. where governor rick scott winning a second term. he loaned his campaign several million dollars in the last 10 days of the race. charlie crist, who stepped down from the governorship four years ago, and lost to marco rubio in the republican primary, now losing in his bid for a second term as florida's governor. we'll go to erin next from groveport, ohio. good evening to you, aaron. >> good evening. i just got some things i would like to say. about three things. that i would like to point out to the people who got elected tonight. or today. and the people who were elected before. one, stop foreign aid. you take the billions and hundreds of billions of dollars that's being sent overseas. and pour it back into this country. to help the poor people who are out of food, out of jobs and out of homes. second immigration. everybody's wanting to stop immigration. there's a right toeu way to get immigration in this country and
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the people who come in this country. and immigrants coming into this country, what are we doing? we're feeding them and we're housing them. and then adding more to people who don't have it. third, the people who have got elected today and who were elected before, when you walked into the house, wherever you were at in washington, d.c., hang up your political affiliation on the door before you go in to that office. and remember, you're there to represent the people of the united states of america. >> ok. aaron, we're short on time so let's move on to another caller. one other note by the way the president will sit down with the congressional leadership, the speaker of the house, the democratic leader nancy pelosi, the republican leader and soon to be majority leader senator mitch mcconnell who won re-election tonight. and senator harry reid, the outgoing majority leader. they will all sit down at the white house on friday. the president then traveling to asia for a trip to burma, china and australia next week for the apec summit.
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joining us from walla walla, washington, the republican line. >> i was just calling to ask a question. and i'm very glad for the republicans that they took the senate. it's about time. but i was calling to see what you think about whether the -- what the republicans will do now, what their priority may be as far as immigration or -- what your take on it is and what you think that they will prioritize to start out with. >> ok. well, the good part about this program is that you get to express your opinion. we're here to facilitate the conversation. we do know that there will be a lame duck session and immigration potentially could be an issue. it depends on whether the president issues executive orders. and certainly a series of topics that will be covering a lot in the days ahead here on the c-span network. so thank you very much for the call. dean is joining us. stuart, florida, what a senate race. that was a lot closer than many
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people expected in virginia. >> yeah. very much so. i'm a libertarian. one thing i want to see or actually happen is whoever -- the libertarian party for taking -- what happened last year in the governor's race and it will happen again. and i would also like to say that in the sixth district, the house race will hammer, he got 12%, which is very good for a libertarian candidate. versus a republican. >> dean, thank you for the call. a breakdown of all of these races and the county by county look at the results available on our website at kay hagen, hoping to hold on for her re-election, she spoke to supporters conceding the race in greensboro, north carolina. and she lost to the republican state speaker of the house, thom tillis in the north carolina senate race. let's watch. [cheers and applause]
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>> hello. hello, everybody. it is so good to see you. thank you so much for being here. thank you. [cheers] thank you so much for your friendship. thank you for being here tonight. i've just called speaker tillis to congratulate him and to tell him we will work with him during this transition period. and i really first want to thank my fabulous husband, chip. [applause] you know, it's been one of the greatest blessings in my life. to have chip with me by my side standing with me, as we really worked for the values we hold dear in north carolina. chip, thanks for your unending
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support. [applause] also i want to thank my kids. you know, the best absolutely the best. and my baby grandson, harrison. and another one that's on the way. you know, these kids are going to hear some great stories. fun, fun stories. and i want to thank each and every one of you, all of you here tonight. so many people all across north carolina, our supporters, our volunteers and our incredible staff. you know, please know i consider each of you a friend. thank you for standing with me during this campaign. it's been a long couple of years. but none of it would have been possible without the long hours
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so many of you logged. knocking on doors. making all of those phone calls. making sure that people all across our state could have their voice heard. you weren't just standing with me, though. you were standing with working families. all across north carolina. those are the families that i have worked to represent. my six years in the u.s. senate. and those are the families that still need a voice. [applause] this campaign has ended. but our work to improve the lives of north carolinaians and to build an economy that works for everyone isn't over. in north carolina, i know everybody in this room knows we have a state toast. the land of the long leaf pine. and in that state toast, we
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say, and if you know it you can say it with me. here's to the land of the long leafed pine. the summer land. where the sun doth shine. where the wheat grows strong and the strong grow great. here's to down home, the old north state. you know i have done my very best to give north carolina the opportunity for every north carolinaian to grow both strong and great. because that's what our state -- [applause] that's what our state is really all about. it has been such an honor to hear your stories, your dreams, and your hopes. i will always be grateful for the trust that you placed in me, and for the chance to serve our great state. y'all, it has been fabulous. and what an incredible family
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state, staff supporters we have all across this great great state. and all of our volunteers. so many of you out there, and every one of you should be right up here on stage with me tonight. so god bless you. we're going to continue to make north carolina have everybody have an opportunity to grow both strong and great. god bless and you god bless the state of north carolina. thank you! very much! ♪ >> our thanks to wral in raleigh, north carolina, allowing us to share with you the results from the north carolina senate race and the speech by senator kay hagan who lost her re-election battle to the republican state speaker of the house thom tillis. we want to show you the headline from "the washington post" calling it a republican wave. as the g.o.p. dominates the midterms and takes control of the u.s. senate. and "the washington post" also
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declaring in virginia, that mark warner in a tight race was re-elected against ed gillespie. also this is what the map looks like. courtesy of "the washington post." looking at a state by state breakdown. in the district of columbia to become d.c.'s next mayor, and the maryland governor's race. this is one of the surprising stories of the night where larry hogan who is a relative newcomer to maryland politics, he did lose his bid for a house seat and his father served in congress. he won the seat against anthony brown, the state lieutenant governor. 52% to 47%. and martha coakley, who lost another statewide bid in her race to become the next governor of massachusetts, charlie baker works lost to duval patrick four years ago, eking out a win, 48% to the state attorney general martha coakley at 47%. you may remember that martha
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coakley lost to scott brown who lost his own senate seat in neighboring new hampshire tonight. rhode island governor has its first female governor as jena raimondo won 40% to 36%. and dan malloy the incumbent democratic governor is ahead 50.3% to tom foley's 48.7%. and in colorado, the race still to be decided where bob beauprez is now moving ahead 48% to governor john hickenlooper at 47.6%. all of the results on our website at and earlier in the evening, rince priebus the chair of the republican national committee spoke on capitol hill. >> well, good evening, everybody. obviously we're all here to talk about the midterm election
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and where we're at so far. this evening. i'm joined by senator moran and congressman walden from the nrsc and nrcc. we feel pretty good right now. it's been a good night so far. we are excited about cory gardner coming in and a lot of house races coming in. we feel like getting to six tonight is clearly -- clearly in the view. and we couldn't be happier with what's been happening around the country. we feel good about where our candidates were at. recruited i think stellar candidates across the country. our governors are winning and scott walker is up, rick scott is up. and a lot of other governors are yet to come in. it's early. we understand that and a lot of our most important races are out west. in iowa, colorado, alaska, and louisiana looks like it's going to a runoff. so we're happy with where we're at. and we're excited about what
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tonight is going to bring for the republican party. with that, i want to turn things over to congressman gleg walden. -- greg walden. >> thank you rince for the republican national committee and the ground game and we learned lessons in 2012 about how to get data better and ground game better and how to turn out our voters. that's playing out on the ground in niece races. i'm excited about where we are at in the house. we're seeing results all across the map. in new hampshire, we're ahead there. with frank ginta 52-47. virginia northern virginia seat that started out to be a real problem, in terms of frank wolf's retirement. and we ended up with barbara comstock winning with 54% and that's a huge victory in a northern virginia seat. we are beating nick-jo ray rahall. and they withstood every wave for 352 years and evan jenkins
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is up in double digits right now over nick rahall. in georgia, rick allen is up over barrow, double digits in georgia. and so we think while it's early, we're really excited about the results we're seeing. we've had a terrific group of candidates. they've done their job. we've been there to help them. and i think american people are speaking the president was rate. this is a referendum year on his policies. you're seeing that play out in ballot box after balance pot box all -- ballot box after ballot box across america. >> the r.n.c. crew have been so helpful to the cause at nrsc and i congratulate greg walden for the success that the house campaign committee is having in elections across the country. the r.n.c. has been particularly helpful to us in the ground game, in voter turnout. in making certain that we had the resources necessary to win in states that are very challenging to republicans. this is a wonderful night to
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date. to this moment in time. what we're seeing is very, very pleasing to us. it means victory for republicans but more importantly it means good things for america. first of all, i would say that we are so excited as you know, colorado has been called for cory gardner. he exemplifies something that we really have worked hard at in my view, what the nrsc has done is recruit and encourage great candidates. we have trained them. and they are why we have the ability to deliver a majority this evening of republicans to the united states senate. and so to tonight we have a few results in. all of which are things that we were hoping would happen. and clearly the victories n. west virginia, suggesting that those states that have been represented by democrats in the united states senate now for quite a long time west virginia south dakota, and we
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have great faith in montana. are going to become republican pickups this evening. and then we've had arkansas called in fact senator pryor is on television conceding. and now we await additional results. but the idea that we are doing so well in places like colorado that ed gillespie is doing so well in virginia. this is a great moment for us as republicans. the ability to win and carry states that are purple and often lean very blue. we're pleased about what we expect to have happen tonight in iowa. and it is a night that will last for a while longer. my guess is that north carolina is very, very tight. and we will be watching that late into the evening. and alaska, is place in which voting will occur for a long time because of the mail-in process. so we have a lot yet to learn. but you look at where the nrsc
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began two years ago, in which we were told how can you get candidates to run? how can you raise the resources to help them and how can you put the team in place to see that they are successful? and i think you look at this evening and can easily say the nrsc has had significant success over the last two years in large part because of the quality of candidates who chose to run, to help change the country, in states across our nation. thank you all very much and thank you to rince and congratulations to gray. >> we'll take questions. questions? >> yes. you said earlier that this vote today was a referendum on obama's policies. so do you think tonight is a real throwback for president obama? >> it's a call to president obama that he's going to have to start working with republicans to get things done. and i think obviously with a republican majority in the senate, he's going to have no other option than to work with republicans to get things done. he should have been doing that
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for the past five years. and he hasn't been. and i think the american people are sick and tired of it. and what you're seeing tonight is the accumulation of that. plus democrat lieutenant candidates that supported him every step of the way and the american people said no way. start working together. and start getting things done in this country. >> yes. >> what do you expect president obama to say or discuss with leaders on friday when there's the congressional meeting, bipartisan, what do you think he's going to say? >> i'll let you take that. >> i hope he says let's get together. let's put our differences aside. and let's get america working again. i hope he says i got the message. i've learned. it's a new day. let's go solve these problems. that is what americans expect us to do and that's what they pay us all to do. so we're open to working with the president. there's majority in the senate. which it appears there will be. we grow our majority in the house. and he'll make that choice. and i hope he makes the right choice for america. and america's future. and that is to say ok, let's see what we can get done. these are big problems. they need solutions. i'll work with you.
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>> how would you think this opens the road to next presidential elections? >> well, obviously, i think something that senator said about winning purple states. it's important. we got a good environment. great can -- candidates. we built a ground game up that's competent. as a national party. and we're getting our act together when it comes to digital and data operations as a national party. which is the first step. but what it means is that we're winning the races that we need to win and we're going to win tough races we need to win as well. and that bodes well for the map in 2016. you have to be able to make the sale. that you can get to 270 in the electoral college. well, that means winning a purple state or two. in a good environment. >> are you guys kicking yourself that you didn't put more resources into virginia given how close that race is? >> we've been in virginia for a year and a half. so we've been -- we've been transferring in on the ground in virginia for a year and a
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half. and then we also put a few million dollars right off the bat in 2013 on a ground operation that we didn't take off the map. so i actually think the way ed gillespie has played it is perfect. because i think sometimes you come in with $20 million, the other side will put $40 million and things can be different. so not very easy to analyze what would happen if you would have done $30 million, $40 million, $10 million. you know, things change. in many ways, i think flying under the radar and having a good competent ground operation that the r.n.c. has been involved with in the gillespie campaign from the beginning. i think has been very effective. >> yeah. >> resources are not unlimited. but i would tell that you we have put more than $600,000 into virginia as the nrsc, including an additional influgs -- influx of money over the weekend. we saw potential and mostly we saw potential because ed gillespie is such a great candidate. >> the other piece is from the house's perspective.
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we stayed in. we stayed in working. that helped them out among republicans. >> jennifer kearns "washington times"." they're saying it's all about 2016. what are the things that come out of the gate preparing for 2016 top priorities. >> for one thing we have to make sure that we take care of business in alaska and we're going to have a run-off in indiana.


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