tv Washington Journal CSPAN November 9, 2014 7:00am-7:46am EST
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james thurber examines how divided government can work. we will mark the 25th anniversary of the fall of the at u.s. andand look german relations and the impact of unified germany. we will take your calls and you can join of the conversation on facebook and twitter. ♪ >> a live view of the u.s. capital -- capital. renovation is underway at the capitol dome. the president is in route to beijing for the start of a weeklong trip that includes the apex summit then on to burma and finally australia. a weekp comes less than after his party saw significant losses in the midterm elections. it is sunday morning, november the ninth. carrying aers, common theme. what the result means for republicans as the party prepares to take control of the
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house and senate. it is our focus. our republicans ready to lead? .or democrats, (202) 737-0001 .or republicans, (202) 737-0002 and for independence, (202) 628-0205. this is the headline that caught our attention from politico. there is also this from paul waldman of the washington post. actuallylicans do not need to show that they govern. nottor mitch mcconnell is hoping to create a sparkling new era of bipartisan cooperation. he knows that the things that he and his colleagues would like to do are impossible as long as there is a democratic president
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with a veto pen. what he does in the two years is about making it more likely the 2016 gop holds on to the majority of the senate. and him republican wins the white house. another headline, this is from the hill newspaper. the gop preps for power. a piece this morning from thomas massie -- thomas massie. the paraphrase the party of no to the party of now what. the scholars make this point. what happens when a party who identifies itself as an outlier and dismissive of the legitimacy of his office actually takes charge in washington? the book is now controlled the senate and the house. the people have spoken and loudly.
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mitch mcconnell, finally achieving his lifelong goal, the new majority leader will get a wonderful office with a better view of the mall and the ability to control the agenda on the senate floor. he will also get a deeply divided party and a constant headache trying to keep his colleagues in town to vote, especially with several of them on the presidential campaign trail area a number of news conferences that took lacks week included senator mitch mcconnell. this from the speaker of the house as he talked about the affordable care act. obamacare is hurting our economy and is hurting the ability for employers to create more jobs. sure, will move to repeal obamacare because it should be repealed and replaced with commonsense reforms that respect the doctor-patient relationship.
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theher that can pass senate, i do not know. i know that in the past -- in the house it will pass. not does not mean we should do other things. there are bipartisan bills sitting in the senate that would make changes to obamacare. now that there is a bipartisan majority for repealing the medical device tax. i think there is a majority for getting rid of the independent payment advisory board. the rationing board in obamacare. how about the individual mandate? that would help democrats and republicans who believe this is unfair. just because we may not be able to get everything we want does not mean that we shouldn't try to get what we can. john weiner as he met with reporters last week. -- john boehner as he met with
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reporters last week. callow bongo is the cover story of the weekly standard, out today. is your party ready to lead? caller: i sincerely hope so. i'm a retired navy veteran. i parents were both world war ii veterans. this is not the country that the greatest generation fought for. i hope that mitch mcconnell and john boehner can really understand that we put them in power to overrule some of the things that mr. obama has done. i am definitely against mr. obama and his executive power and his 10. host: thank you for the call. post has on the op-ed page, which republican party won the midterms? how does a two term president
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deal with this polarized, even tribal lies environment? obama faces not only a fully republican congress that a rested democratic base already angry about the issues from drone strikes to the failure to move on immigration reform and now fearful that their leader will cut deals with the enemy. our life for independence. good morning. today? you caller: fine thanks. i do not think anything is going to get done a cousin you are not going to get it to the president tossed thick skull that he is
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going to move more to the center. he is so far left, he is going to fall off the earth. he is ruining this country. host: thank you for the call loretta. journey peters in the "new york times s." the gop is fighting itself. germany peters makes the following point, as most republicans are taking a victory lap, a group of conservatives huddled anxiously in a conference room not far from capitol hill and agreed that now is the time for confrontation, not compromise or conciliation.
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kathy is next, joining us from amarillo, texas. good morning. caller: good morning, how are you? fine. caller: i am not worried about pretty much nothing. obama is out of the country. we do not have to watch or worry about what he thinks. this is not about politics, any of this that we are going to discuss. in order to form a new republic, independent, democratic, liberated country, we have to abolish the whole government system as it stands in certain beginning. obamacare is trash. we do not want another alamo. i can give a list of about 5000 things quickly.
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this morning from politico, a piece late last week. it is also online at pete, good morning. caller: hi. the reason i'm calling is that the republicans have not been willing to compromise previously. i think this could be more of structuralism. -- more obstructionism. look at the stock market, it is 10,000 points higher than it was when obama was inaugurated. our unemployment rate is going down. problems, but,of
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like obamacare. it gives lots of people the opportunity for insurance now. it.just look at 18% of our gdp on health care. care system is broken. republicans just want it to go back to where it was. host: thank you for the call. one of our viewers with the handle sea of tranquility has this on our twitter page. there is a buzz that the president have become the party of one and the dems are in trouble. from the outlook section of today's "washington post. "
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the battles within the gop will be almost as bad as fights with the president three of the question we are asking, is the gop ready to lead? james, good morning. caller: good morning. hold on just a second. i have you on speaker. ,y comment was that, basically i'm hoping they do not get the wrong message out of this election and think that it gives orm some sort of authority majority to lead the nation. what we really need our legislators who will go by the rule of law, not the rule of bylaw. we have enough rule of bylaw, where we have privilege and privilege for those who can pay for it. those were not able to plate -- paper for which get different treatment. this is what a lot of people are upset with. those who have the money have
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the privilege. that is what we need to end. that is what people are upset about. that is why congress has such a low approval rating. why the president has such a low approval rating. we are looking for some buddy to stand up for the rule of law, not rule by law. thank you. host: thank you for the call. marie has this point. the president of no and no way. sound familiar? the question we are asking to all of you, republicans ready to lead? michael says, ready to set us back a decade. reich says ready to redistribute wealth. carl is joining us next for bill rico florida. caller: how are you doing? i understand that the republicans are happy with the
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results that they got. in 2010, they basically one with a heavy voter turnout that still lost in 2012 by a large margin. the loss was bad enough to spur and autopsy report. was in 2010, 2014 accomplished by a lack of turnout. will be making a mistake if they think the entire country has rubberstamped their agenda. host: karl, thank you for the call. the lowest voter turnouts of the 1940's, a proximally one third .f all eligible how's that a mandate for anything or any party? shortly before air force one departed in suburban -- from suburban maryland, reporters received word that americans being held in north korea are free.
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greg miller writes this morning for "the washington post." pat is joining us from upstate new york. our line for independence and welcome to the program. caller: good morning. that thented to say people of this country are getting wiser. they're starting to understand that old parties do not deliver. my idea is that it is time to come up with a new idea of how to place our leaders in office, since we pride ourselves on being a capitalistic country. rather than just elect somebody into congress or into the office , maybeong period of time
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from cedar rapids, iowa. ralph on the phone. good morning. i' wanted to bring up the --t that amazon just moved up. the big tax thing is working so well in illinois, why are these big companies relocating up to wisconsin, where we have lowered corporate taxes and the taxes are so much lower that people can actually live? host: we will go to mark in philadelphia. republicans ready to lead, lead where is the question? go with theng to usual thing, try to repeal obama care. i want to say one thing steve. i think the winner here has been
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ted cruz. he kept saying, let's be confrontational,'s shut down the government. let's just do it. boehner and mcconnell kept saying, if you down the government, we are going to lose in 2014. it is just the opposite. think ted cruz is going to be a burden mitch mcconnell's side. the editorial by bill kristol and related stories from fred barnes and stephen hayes. from catching the way there is this. before new house members, a least a phonic and me a love were gleam in their parent's its, the beach boys said best, catch a wave and you are sitting on top of the world.
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next is james -- actually we will go to mark -- we will go to james in pennsylvania. caller: hello. good morning. does not continue mistakes and foreign policy. instead of spending money in a needless war, think about economic problem's of american people. people do not agree with both justes since they both are having one straight way. americans show their hatred toward them by their low turnout
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in the previous election. turnouts you know, the was 36%, which was the lowest turnout in any election since 1940's. host: thanks for the call. bloomberg politics writing, four for republicans to consider if obamacare subside -- subsidies and. -- and. 16, -- thoughs subsidies could be considered illegal. for details and the scenarios outlined at blue part -- bloomberg mark is joining us on the republican line. caller: good morning. host: good morning. caller: in 1986, they talked
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reagan into, we will make these legal -- millions of people legal and the problem will be solved. it ended up being 4 million. the did not close the border and now we have a bigger problem. they like to pass these thousand page bills that nobody reads and you never find out what's in them until it is too late. they just want to make a permanent democratic voting block. the first thing we need to do is close the border so that you , youthe flow, and then work on each problem a piece at a time. not these 3000 page bills that nobody knows what's in them. you find out all the bad stuff. they fill it with these little packages and it is just a mess and it will not solve the problem.
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they will not close the border, they will make these 12 million legal and they will leave the border open and they will keep coming. host: thank you for the call. we're hearing from white house officials, if he does move ahead on executive orders he could make that decision before thank's giving. it could come in early december. washington post has another story. baghdad.ine is u.s. warplanes plunging airstrikes on what official said was a gathering of islamic state commanders near the militant headquarters -- held city of also -- most will. ricky is joining us from indianapolis. us?y, are you with caller: good morning, how are
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you today? [indiscernible] i was looking at republicans ready to lead. i think the party has shown over the last six years of the presidency that they are not capable within their own party. the infighting has gotten to be disgusting, from someone who is troubling -- struggling with trying to survive. the skyrocketing food costs. i work in human services, in an impoverished area. i hear somebody people that are grateful for having obamacare, because they were never able to have medical assistance when they needed it. government from the about the $15 food stamp didn't -- and did. $15 for an amount that is ridiculous.
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the republicans are so out of touch with what americans are theyng with, they believe had a landslide victory. i think it was a deplorable showing of the american people. when you have two thirds of the country that do not vote, i think that says more about you than any victory you might have gotten in the current election. host: ricky, we're going to break through some of those numbers. let me go to charlie cook's piece from national a wave, but not assume not me. he says the president was his own -- toxic to party. he does not connect with rural and small-town america.
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republicans have closed the -- have begun to close the gap. democrats were better playing the game of politics for some time. republicans have now officially caught up. albany, georgia, donna is on the phone. caller: good morning. i would like to say that i'm glad the republicans are taking over the house and senate, because i'm glad harry reid is out of there. he stalled everything so the democrats would not have to take -- there is just so many more important things going on in this world right now. of all these hyphenated americans. we all just need to be americans and quit dividing ourselves that way. host: thank you for the call.
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america, we need to focus on the problems that are occurring in our country. we spend too much time and money and effort on combating on other people -- other country's problems. if weld be more efficient invest back in our people, technology, believes, instead of sticking our noses in other people's problems or warfare. host: thank you for the call. ,he fight republicans need now with a look at two leading republican senators. pointing out that the 2016 primaries might feature a transformative debate. that hope seems most likely to be realized if the field is when
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a early and we end up with a that contest that gives special prominence to marco rubio and rand paul. william is joining us from riverdale, georgia. to the program. caller: good morning. .'m going to make it real clear right now, the leadership of the , they've put all the poor white folks to sleep. they are boiling all the good things that this president has
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done so people who do not have anything, they do not see it. they can only see the color of his skin. as long as you have a black man in, when he first came into office they said there were going to do everything to stop him. paidas prices are low, i $2.67 for gas yesterday. you do not hear anything about that. jobs are available now. over 200 jobs every month. consistently, nothing is said. they keep saying the same old songs that people are not working and poor white folks eat it up, because they are still in the civil war, waving the confederate flag. host: did you vote in the georgia election on tuesday? caller: yes i did vote. i'm 73 years old. i know what i'm talking about. host: thank you for the call.
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dispatch thetimes close race between ed gillespie and senator mark warner, who won by under 17,000 votes. how the warner gillespie contest could influence upcoming virginia and national campaigns. from the miami herald, more on a rod. the wiretap transcripts offering a glimpse of the skulduggery behind baseball's biogenesis scandal. it is called, the field of schemes. a rod's steroid scandal. nasa forced the fourth -- put faith in a former rival. launch.potential moon thefrom "the l.a. times," aftereffects of the cold war. isething that gorbachev said
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now back on the front pages as we look back at the 25th anniversary of the early -- fall of the berlin wall. amy is joining us. is your party ready to lead? caller: yes. when obama ran into thousand eight, he called bush unpatriotic for having a $5 trillion deficit. he has it up to 17 trillion. what would you call him? host: we will go to bill. good morning, will come to the conversation. i want to make a couple of comments. there are two areas that i think -- i just one area that might be interesting. i believe both democrats and republicans can agree on this.
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commerce itself is subject to the old laws that they create. i will you two points that i found in the past. in obamacare, harry reid exempted his staff members from following that law. also, in insider trading law, that was also abandoned where congress itself was exempt. i think the whole area of congress being held by their own laws with send a good message to the rest of the people that have lost faith. i mean on a government -- on a democrat or republican side. i think you will get a good view of what the tea party is talking about, as opposed to the media's filter of this -- these extreme labels. host: in the opinion page of the
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washington post, it is time to work on america's agenda. senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts, offering her agenda for what is important to america. another aftereffect of the election is a look at white house staff. lit ago saying it is time to fire valerie jarrett, pointing out for starters, no one precisely knows which he does in the white house. mean?o her titles jared has often used the aura of tohority of these titles make sure that she is standing in the way of talented staffers and a smooth running administration. there was an exchange with rahm emanuel who tried to sideline jarrett.
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now the mayor of chicago. x is william joining us from william city, north carolina . caller: they talk about the election. all of these voting machines were rigged. every time you push one button for democrat, republican senator comes up. how in the world can you compete when you have rigged machines? you have people that are voting against obama who do not have health care at all. you know they would not do that. people have more sense than that. -- we are still
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fighting a civil war. and theypush a button tell you that you did not push it, what do you think they have done? host: i think you have answered your own question william. we will move on. charles krauthammer, from national review. you exercised adult supervision over the choice of candidates. you do not allow yourself to go down the byways of gender and other identity politics. the goes on to point out that it needs to be urgent, determined, and relentless when it comes to what the republicans are doing in governing. i suggest initiatives that would be like the contract with
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america in 1994. it is not rocket science. boehnerconnell and john are already at work producing such an agenda. up on newsmakers, our guest is bernie sanders of vermont, who reflected on the midterm elections, what it means for republicans and democrats. i think many of the democratic candidates did not run on an agenda which resonated with working people which said to people, it is worthwhile for me to come out and vote. , and i hold that people regard as of political views appreciate this. we have a situation where i believe 60% of american people did not vote and about 80% of young people and low income people did not vote. i would hope that garth as a
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political views, people would see that as a problem to say the least. to answer your question, this is what i think. i think where the democrats have really comingot up to the plate and saying, we are going to have to take on the billionaire class. right now, especially with the citizens united supreme court decision, billionaires are able to spend unlimited amounts of money. what congress is doing, especially the republicans, and some democrats, is working to advance the interests of the 1% and not the 99%. look at the polls and what is say?ng, what do people they want to raise the minimum wage area have the democrats taken on the republican strongly on that issue? host: our conversation with bernie sanders airs on c-span's
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newsmakers program at 10:00 eastern time. 3:00 for those of you on the west coast. peter baker and the new york times, a pivot to asia. prudence shows that two can play that game. he says the president is returning to asia. the president is in route to beijing. he will be there for a week long visit. isning us on the phone angela riley king. thank you for being with us. beijing -- what is on the
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agenda? guest: president obama arrives today. the first stop on the agenda is the cooperation summit. the summit has been going on. a have their ceos speak already. the chinese president talked about the economy which has been slowing. president obama arrives there for that summit today. he will also meet one-on-one with president xi jinping. i will be a meeting that will be closely watched. it will be the first time that president obama has been in china in five years. his wife and kids were there on a more friendly trip last spring. host: how to the chinese government prepare for the senate -- summit? guest: they want to present a good picture of china. country that is growing
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rapidly as a superpower. it is also a country where there are not many freedoms. the u.s. will do some pushing, but it is delicate pushing when it comes to things like the right to free speech, curbs on cyber spying and inter-national -- into literal property issues. host: the official schedule says the president is also traveling to burma, also called miramar. what is the purpose of that trip? the u.s. calls the country burma. the country itself calls it myanmar -- myanmar. what he is doing there is attending the east asian summits and the annual ozzie on summit. it will focus on maritime issues and talk about big picture
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issues. things like ebola, climate change. certain things that the u.s. and other countries care about. this will be away for the u.s. to cooperate with our asian partners on things like fighting ebola. while he is in myanmar, the president will likely push for reforms there. it is a country that has opened up exponentially in the last six to eight years. he will meet with the president, as well as the opposition leader while he is in myanmar. host: when the president forced took office, humor -- first took -- he spent part of his youth living in asia. how is that working out for the administration? what competitions as the white house and state department faced in dealing with that and other issues? asia hase pivot to
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happened it mainly in words only. it is something hillary clinton talked about what she was secretary of state. it is something that -- in manyty, there been so other world events that have consumed attention. , inite the stated goal reality, obama is being forced to deal with ebola, iso, ukraine , other things are taken attention away from asia. what he is trying to do is put the attention back on transpacific relations. there will be a chance to talk with the leaders of those countries that are very important to u.s. relations. we would like to see more of our products going over the pacific to asia, in addition to the large volumes that we are buying
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, especially from china. , evenwill focus on trade though transpacific partnership agreements appears to be a long way off, he will try to make progress on those agreements. a state visit to australia next weekend before returning through hawaii to the u.s. what is the purpose of that visit? guest: in australia, the president will attend the g 20 meeting in brisbane. you'll meet with leaders from the 20 largest countries and give a speech there -- he will meet with the leaders of the 20 largest countries and give a speech there. angela trialing cane joining us. this photo, we want to share with you. while of the most iconic locations in our nation's
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capital, arlington national cemetery. those who sacrificed all. tuesday is veterans day and we will have live coverage of the ceremony, including at the tomb of the unknown and national arlington arlington national cemetery. elsie is joining us on the democrats line. all these poor people from the south, such as west virginia, south carolina, one in, mississippi, three is on some kind of assistance from the government, and they all voted republican. what i would do, if i was the president, when they pass that health care law, to repeal it, i would sign it. take it away from these people. a do not appreciate nothing. they vote for republicans.
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all of those people in those poor states, cut it away from them. they do not appreciate nothing. point percent could not pass the drug test, 20% held a background check. show back upven for the interview. these people do not want anything. these reports want to go to war. want to start a war. send them all over there. that is willing to go. for the call.u richard or smith is out with a biography on former governor nelson rockefeller. this
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