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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  November 22, 2014 4:09pm-4:21pm EST

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at the effective tax burden over an individual's lifetime. it's an effective approach. dr. look hot took families -- the doctor looked at these gave them a real the world history with expenses going up and down, higher when you have kids, higher when they go to college and all of that. incomered out what the taxes would be for somebody with that income history and spending history, and then he figured out what the fair tax would be. the current system is the red
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bars. ,ou can see from every group the current system effective tax .urden is higher do need to point out is this is a good approach at looking at the distribution of the tax burden because it takes taxes minus social security benefits received. you are paying your taxes and you get something back. that is very good at showing the true burden of the tax system. , they charitable giving say charitable deductions will go away. here ist i want to make that economic growth drives the deductions.
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about 2% of gdp for the last 50 years, so the best thing that can happen for charitable deductions is for the economy to grow. i am going to skip the housing part because that's kind of complicated to explain in a short amount of time. up with why irap think the fair tax is the best. it promotes economic growth wages.esults in higher it puts workers in u.s. businesses unequal footing with the competition. it's fair and simple, transparent and understandable, and uniquely, everybody pays the tax. even though we say the poor pay no tax, it gets rebated back thehem, but when they go to
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store to buy something, they pay. they see the cost of government. thank you. >> we have for any questions. we have a question i came across the internet. it says, if i understand it correctly, social security payouts are based on what is paid in. taxdoes this play out, fair -- on the fair tax. if you want to answer, go ahead. i also know the answer. >> go ahead. >> the fair tax bill is written so that an amount goes into the social security trust fund that is equivalent to the amount that would have gone in if the
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payroll tax had remained in place, and the benefit would be .recisely the same employers would report the wages just as they do today. the benefits would be precisely the same as they are today. in terms of the basic benefit structure, nothing would change. sales taximply be revenue instead of payroll tax revenue. well, thank you very much for coming and we will conclude this event in the next two nights. the 10th of december, the executive director and the president of the tax foundation will speak here on how we can
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improve the tax policy process. that really means and transitions analysis. thanks again. have a good day. >> on the next "washington journal" christian science monitor correspondent and the wall street journal editor examine the political and legislative future of president obama's immigration proposals. washington from the institute for near east policy has the -- you guessed from the washington institute for near
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east policy has the latest on nuclear negotiations. "washington journal" live at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] was no.nswer >> thank you, mr. speaker. from wisconsin, that was good part of the story. >> my good friend from california. >> sponsored by my good friend from colorado. british lineage. it comes from parliament, hundreds of years ago. if you have ever seen the proceedings of the house of commons, they say the right honorable gentleman. it has a similar meaning, a thinly veiled approach to try to be polite to someone you don't really care for. in the house of representatives, where there are 435 members, they don't even know who each other are and they are saying my
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good friend. it's kind of disingenuous. are onlynate, there 100 people. they know ethey might not like , but at least there is a better chance of them being acquaintances, if not good friends. >> the world of political terminology, sunday night at 8:00 a.m. eastern on c-span's q&a. joseph clancy appeared before the house judiciary committee this week to provide an update on secret service operations. directory's former resigned last month shortly after a man jumped the white house fence and entered the building before being detained. this hearing is an hour and 45 minutes. good morning.
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the judiciary committee will come to order and without objection the chair is authorized to declare recess of the committee at any time. we welcome everyone to this morning's hearing on oversight of the united states secret service. before we begin, i want to make members aware that the first portion of our hearing is open to the public. there may be items which we cannot discuss in an open setting because they fall into the category of being law enforcement sensitive information. thereafter, after the director has testified and we have concluded one round of questions we will recess briefly to clear the hearing room. after that, members and staff will be permitted to re-enter the room and we will convene the law enforcement sensitive portion of the hearing. today we welcome acting director clancy to a hearing to conduct oversight of the united states secret service. we very much appreciate you being here today, particularly given that you have only been on the job for a little over a month. you had an exemplary record of service as the head of the
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presidential protective division, and we're grateful that you agreed to take the reins of the secret service at this critical juncture. the secret service created by president lincoln in 1865, has a long and distinguished history. the agency has two primary missions. criminal investigations, and protection of the president, vice president, and other dignitaries. while protection is clearly the most visible of its two missions, i would be remiss not to mention that the secret service has recently had a number of significant investigative accomplishments. including approximately 6,700 arrests for financial and cyber crimes in fiscal year 2014 alone. which prevented more than $3 billion in losses. it is important to note that the service has also had many successes, implementing its protective mission. in fiscal year 2014, the service provided protection for 6,000 travel stops, including more than 2500 visits by foreign
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dignitaries, and two national special security events. secret service is entrusted with protecting some of our most valuable assets, including the president, the first family, and the white house. this is an extremely difficult, high-profile mission where which there is no margin for error. recent incidents give me great concern that the policies, procedures, and training at the secret service are not entirely up to the task. just after 7:15 p.m. on september 19th, 2014, omar gonzalez was able to scale the white house fence, evade numerous secret service officers outside the white house, and force his way through the unlocked front door, armed with a knife. although it was initially reported to the public, and congress, that gonzalez was apprehended just inside the north portico doors, we have since learned that he actually made it all the way to the east room of the white house before being tackled by secret service officers.
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the department of homeland security's review of this event uncovered a laundry list of errors that evening. including, communication systems that didn't work, and that officers were not trained to use properly. a construction project along the white house fence that obscured officers' sight lines. unlocked front doors to the white house late on a friday evening. and a k-9 officer who was on a personal cell call without his radio earpiece in his ear, or his tactical radio at the time gonzalez scaled the fence. this delayed the officers response, meaning that the k-9 was not able to identify gonzalez as the target. the report also discusses a number of training and staff issues, as well as potential missed opportunities to stop gonzalez in the months leading up to september 19th. today's hearing will take place in two parts. a public portion and a closed portion, from which we


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