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tv   Washington Journal  CSPAN  November 28, 2014 7:00am-7:46am EST

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the justice department's civil rights division in the ferguson, missouri case following this week's grand jury decision. you can you can join with your calls and facebook and the atwitter. host: u.s. officials have plans to train an elite iraqi force. they will be within the larger force with a number of up to 45,000 light infantry forces. opec nations have decided not to cut world production. that is leading to expected drops in prices. winters could be -- winters consumers.s. computer many of you may be in cars right now headed to or coming back
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from black friday sales. u.s. adults are expected to increase spending this holiday weekend. what about you? do you plan to spend more or less or about the same? will you call us and tell takes aprilpoll every year of what consumers might spent for the holiday season. this year, 2014, when talking to a little over a thousand adults, the estimated amount expected to be spent, $720.
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that is up from $704 in 2013. if you go back to 2012, the estimated spending amount was $770. 2007, the hide before the financial crisis and the related things attached to that, 806 $26. -- $866. for those being asked if they will spend a thousand dollars or more, 25% said they would do that. 21% said they would spend about 500 to -- $500 to $999. spend50% said they would $250 to $490. those saying they will spend less than $100 this holiday season, 5%.
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celebrate,on't numeral 9%. and 6% saying they are not sure. things may have changed from last year. may have gotten or lost a job, those also factor into your spending habits. you can also make comments on twitter and facebook as well. we have about 30 respondents. that may be you. you may have a different experience as well. again, give us a call and tell us why they the idea behind consumer confidence plays a
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factor as well. routers takes a look, saying it has fallen to its lowest level since june of this year. this is the reuters story saying that the confidence fell to its lowest level. it weighed in the short-term level. the director of economic indicator said "consumers were less positive about current business conditions and the current state of the job market. moreover, their outlook in the short-term is waning and shows an attachment to jobs and people who have jobs and don't have jobs and relates to their spending as well."
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again -- a lot of stories related to holiday spending, and of information. first, we will hear from mike in massachusetts. he says he is planning to spend about the same. tell us a little bit more about why. news,: i am watching the watching all the nuts running into the stores this morning. gasoline has come down quite a bit. , that is goes back up more disposable income that they have right now.
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are saving on the gas. by january 1, my electric ill will go up 30%. i'm sure a lot of people across he country, they are not aware of that. massachusetts, it is going up more than that. rates are about to go up on the electric. host: is that rides in your electrical rates normal year to year or is this a definite increase from years past? caller: no, that was one utility that i felt i was getting my money's worth. the same forstay years. holiday setting, they will be closing these coal plants and my electric is going up 30%. my father in rhode island, it's going up 24%. it is going to go across the country. we will all be paying a lot more for our electric bill.
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host: your spending habits, how many people do you have to buy for generally at christmas time? caller: maybe 11. to be honest, i could give gift certificates or cash. i don't go to the stores on friday. or that is mike in massachusetts talking about his experience, utility bills factory and. jim in texas says he plans to spend more. caller: am i on? host: yes. caller: i went out on black friday or early. -- black friday early. everything is so low i can hardly believe it. it was like half the price of what it normally sells for. on thison't want to get bargain, that's fine. that leaves more for me. host: how much more do you think
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you are going to spend? caller: a couple hundred dollars easy. host: how many do you have to buy for? caller: about five. host: how has your spending been during the holidays and how does the economy factory and how much you will spend at question? -- at christmas time? caller: the economy definitely -- spend at christmas time? the economy has been tough. but things are good. i will buy more. host: we go out today? caller: not today, no. i will wait until the sun comes up. host: what is your best deal so far? caller: we bought a new bed. host: you can share your experience as well.
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usa today takes april of people taking a look at some of the things that factor into their black friday shopping season. they asked the question, people saying they are likely to shop 62% ofliday weekend, respondents of men say they will do that. 60% of women. 80%, most of those planning to head out are between the ages of 18 and 24. and 76% between the ages of 25 and 34. it says, when it takes a look at the expected shoppers out there, in 2014, the expected number of thanksgiving weekend shoppers, about 140 million. that is about the same in 2013. slightly higher in 2012. that was 147 million.
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we asked the same question as you're going to spend. according to usa today pulling, here is -- polling, here's what people say. 2014, the expected spending, they estimate $804 and some change. in 2013, it was $767. that may be your experience as far as spending is concerned. you may be planning to spend more or less. tanya is.xas is where how are you? caller: i am doing great. host: you say you are going to spend more. tell us why. caller: i guess because the extra income with the prices on gas went down. i guess we will be spending more than we would have spent than last year. host: you are the second person who mentioned gas prices. is that a big factor where you live? caller: pretty much.
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it seems like they just started dropping everywhere. host: how much more do you think you will spend this year than years past? from what iink, spent from last year to this year, probably about 20% more. therobably somewhere in $700 to $800. host: a previous collar talked about going out to previous black friday sales. how do you do your shopping when it comes to the holidays? basically, i started actually yesterday at the 6:00 p.m. thing at walmart. up intoy, i divided it groups. i did what i could yesterday. and then of course, the rest comes on cyber monday. host: when you what to walmart, what were the crowds like? caller: oh my. they had us lineup.
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if you wanted a sale on tvs, you get in this line. if you wanted the sale on other stuff, like xbox and stuff, you had another line. they had us zigzagging like a little snake around the store. then when you get the little coupon thing, you go up to the cash register and sign up. bring the car because i got a television set. host: how big? 50-inch flatt a for $218. that was worth of the deal. couple talked about concerns about expected higher prices as winter goes on into january. gas prices could possibly go up. if those kinds of things hit you, would that affect how you spend this year? how well said are you is far as spending year-to-year? caller: basically, actually, it
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is pretty good because of the extra income. we have three income earners in the house. i don't think it would really "affect" me as much. but i can see that affecting others. spend as is not to much as they normally would. host: three income earners in your house? caller: host: yes. host:that is caller: -- yes. the: the numbers are on screen if you want to share your experiences as well. thetoday, we should do picture out of thursday. this is at a kmart in new york city. some of those stores opening early, even before black friday.
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you may have been one of those shoppers who stayed home while others did the shopping for you. if you wanted to share those experience with us -- black friday also, a couple of stories in the paper. this is usa today as well. they took balls of holiday shoppers -- they took polls of holiday shoppers.
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the research director says -- you go to the last column of the usa today story, it says that when it comes to black friday respondents, the vast majority of survey respondents shop black friday --
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why do you call us and give us your thoughts on the black friday spending. a couple of stories to share with you. 100 43 detainees at guantanamo which at one time held 800 terrorist suspects in the wake of the september 11, 2001 attacks. chuck hagel must certify that any transfer detainees out of guantanamo would not pose a significant danger to u.s.
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national . we have had one person say the same and another say they will spend more. the lines for you. vanessa in pennsylvania says she plans to spend more. how are you? tell us what you plan to spend more. caller: i just have it in my funds. have you spent -- as far as this year, how does that compare to what you spent last year? i have a lot more to be able to work with. host: why is that? vanessa?
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caller: i just budgeted better. as far as things -- since you say you are planning to spend more, what are you planning to spend more on? more people or higher in gifts? caller: probably just more gaffes. host: how many are you buying for? caller: i usually buy for about 12. host: these are children, grandchildren? caller: there is three children and then mostly adults. host: gotcha. years, how is your personal economic situation? do you live in a house where people work full-time? caller: yes, full-time. host: gotcha. as far as the sales are concerned, do you plan to go out today or will you wait until everybody else goes out today? caller: we were out yesterday
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until about 9:00. and then we are going out today in about two minutes. host: so we caught you just before you head out. you went out yesterday. tell us a little bit about the experience. what were the crowds like? what is there to see? caller: walmart was really bad. the lines were all the way back to the back of the store and people were shoving. it was bad there. when we left the there, we went to target and then we went to the mall and there were barely any lines in either place. yesterday, your are going out today. what are you hoping to find today that you didn't find yesterday? caller: mostly dvds. and then there is a few things at the mall that we need to get but the stores were closed yesterday. host: that is vanessa in
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she willnia who says be spending more this year. carol off of twitter ads -- that may be your experience. you may decide to tackle a sale. you may be like some of our viewers who have already been out today. the lines will be on the screen if you want to share your experiences as far as your spending is concerned this holiday season. spend more, spend less, spend the same. articles, the folks at fortune magazine say that big trend,will be a especially on the monday after thanksgiving, which is typically known a cyber monday.
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you may be one of those people, perhaps doing your shopping today, perhaps online. do us a call and talk to those experiences.
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the folks at usa today asked people how they would spend pin 66% said that online is where they will spend their holiday money this year. 62% saying they will go to discounters. 60% to department stores. places being shopped this year -- grocery stores. 51%. clothing and accessories stores 37%. and electronic stores only rating 31% in the survey. 19% is a tie between drugstores and craft and fabric stores. you heard one of our viewers mention the fact that gasoline prices were one factor in why people are putting on spending more this year. drop -- aid that
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when it comes to gas prices, opec, the countries that produce oil, they say they have no plans to cut production. it also relates to how eight could affect the u.s. consumer we will read that in a little bit. ernest, hollywood, south carolina, you are planning to spend less. you may be the first one this morning. good morning. caller: good morning. host: why are you planning on spending less? caller: this is the best time to spend less, when everything is going so good.
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noticed about the sketch you have on tv is that you did not separate them this time. you did not separate republican, independent -- you didn't put democrat. i would like to see the difference between republican in democrat and independent spending. this is the first time i have seen you do that. host: we have done it before with economic categories. why do you think there would be a difference by political view? the people know that the economy is improving. it.le react to when you don't put something like that up -- i know people is used to it, dividing of the different political view.
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because everything is political now and you have 24 hour news. you have these people who have different news outlets. host: you say you will spend less this holiday season. how much less? caller: last year, i think i spent about a thousand dollars. i will probably be spending only for five people, my grandchildren. give them a hundred dollars apiece to get a game or something. host: what made you decide to spend less this year? caller: is because everything is going so great. so i decided to save the money for the first of the year to buy my grandkids stuff that they really need. is up next, also says he is willing to spend the same. he is from bellevue, florida. go ahead. caller: good morning, pedro.
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your receptionist, your screener, the lady who took my call -- anyway, so i am going to spend about the same which incidentally is not very much. i really haven't any family to speak of. money towardsnd americans, veterans. again, it's just a nominal amount. for myself, this is a time of remembrance for our veterans, disabled or otherwise, combat or otherwise. also, i contribute to anonymous not orphanage children so much but disadvantaged children. i don't know, i just like the idea of some child come christmas, they open a present. host: so when you come to the
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holiday season, does your charitable spending go up? caller: well, we are in the holiday season, for heaven sakes . it remains the same. it remains nominal. but anyway, it is about the same. god bless america. and god bless america's veterans. host: dexter from washington, d.c., says he is spending less. go ahead. caller: i am spending less because i am using it as a boycott for the shooting of michael brown in ferguson, missouri. have three kids, two grandkids -- we were youking about basically know spending as much as we possibly can on the kids. but because of what happened in ferguson and all over the country, we basically are not going to do anything these holidays. host: what do you think the
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message will be that you are sending by not spending anything or at least spending less this holiday season as it relates to what happened in ferguson, missouri? caller: i think it will be my own private boycott of corporate companies to basically show inidarity for protesters america who are outraged and upset about the treatment of african-american youth. host: talk a little bit about -- are you the only one doing this that you know of? are there others? caller: i have five brothers and five sisters. as far as i know, none of them are going to do any shopping either. maybe 14 nieces and nephews. they will have a rough christmas, but they all understand why we are doing it. host: so it's not just black friday. you are not planning to spent totally this holiday season because of that. caller: nothing at all. >> your 14 nephews and that kind
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of thing, what about your own children and how do they react? ,aller: they understand, too because i have two sons. them --xplaining to having to expend to them how dangerous it is to go out on the streets, they understand because my oldest son has been harassed so many times by police officers. he is literally afraid of them. a lot of police officers want to know why he would run away from them. because he is afraid of them. host: that is dexter, as far as one of the reasons why he will spend less considerably's because of what happened in ferguson, missouri. there is a picture that accompanies that there.
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john in spring, pennsylvania, says he will spend more. how are you? caller: i'm fine, how are you today? host: tell us why you want to spend more. more i was going to spend more. i was listening to the previous caller. he convinced me about that. i will boycott like friday. the economy is doing much better. the previous gentleman said that it was not democrats spending more. they play down the economy for the last nine months. it was doing much better but nobody gave obama credit. i wanted to see that breakdown also. but i think the ferguson thing is more important, so i will
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boycott black friday. i just made my mind up. said thatvious caller he would not be doing any shopping the holiday season. does it extend for you? caller: right now i will deal a black friday and then christmas as it gets closer. host: you made the point that the economy has gotten better. how has your personal economy changed? guest: i got a raise. -- caller: i got a raise. host: what kind of work do you do? caller: i am a carpenter. i was laid up for a little while but i have been working steady lately. as far as how many people you are buying for, what would you estimate that number to be? caller: if i would have spent,
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it would have been at least three people. host: that is john from pittsburgh, pennsylvania. not only back to work but he got a raise. planning to spend more eventually, but not today because of the events in ferguson, missouri. , if you plan to spend more. (202) 585-3881 if you plan to spend less. if you're spending will be just about the same, (202) 585-3882. when it comes to breakdowns of what will be bought, the folks 68% of those" say things but today and through the holiday will be clothing. 60% going to gift cards. books, dvds, video games, 46%.
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how will you pay for these purchases? also a question asked by "usa today." and credit card, exactly the same, 38%. 22% say they will pay in cash. bob. good morning from philadelphia, pennsylvania. how are you? caller: i'm fine. all those people calling in to say that they are boycotting because of ferguson, why don't they help to rebuild the businesses that were built -- burned and robbed? the employees who lost their job will not have a thanksgiving or christmas. they are depriving their kids of this? if you have any kind of a moral compass, help to rebuild the city that was burned and trashed. what is going on with this country is very sad.
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i spend my money, i will send it to ferguson, that i had nothing to do with, but i will put people back on their feet. there are people complaining that they have to drive 10 miles for milk and bread. wake up, people. before we let you go, talk about your own personal spending. you said about the same from last year. what does that look in terms of dollars and people you have to buy for? caller: i have six brothers and one sister. plus there are grandchildren now, too. toys, than buy them especially the newborns, i buy them stocks and shares of a utility company that pays great dividends. i did that when i was a godfather 50 years ago. these two young girls used it to
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buy a house. i look at it this way. knew my god. i never knew who they were, so i bought something that will be there for them as they get older , so they know i was the godfather. i did something of value. every time they see me, they say, there is the godfather. they did not get toys during christmas, but i gave them money to put into the stocks i bought. you should try doing that for your kids. buy a good utility stock that has a great dividend, have it reinvested. both of them had have a down payment when they were married. >> what is the reaction when you give them stocks? caller: the kids are infants.
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the parents love it. what a great idea. that is bob in philadelphia, pennsylvania. buffalo, new york is next. clara says she will stay the same. tell us about your spending this holiday season? caller: i have a lot of grandchildren. black friday to me is for children, a time when you can go out economically and tried to collect tips for loved ones in your life and maybe spend a little less money than you would at christmas time. host: you said you were going to stay the same. do you mind telling us how much you are going to spend? caller: not more than $200. host: that stays year after year? caller: it varies as the kids
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ages and economy changes, and my spending habits change from time to time. i still care for my loved ones, and i want the young ones to be happy. i used to be young. host: when the economy was going through a rough time, did the spendings at holidays change for you, hasn't increased since the economy has gotten better? caller: no, it is the same. i tried to buy practical gifts. i cannot afford stocks. i tried to buy things that will give them knowledge, like books, art supplies, or things like that. host: are you full-time employed, in a family, household look full-time employed? caller: i am retired. again, you have heard several people say why they will spend more, less, or the same.
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and you heard a variety of reasons why. we invite you to call and give us your input as well. (202) 585-3880 four those spending more. (202) 585-3881 four those spending less. (202) 585-3882 for spending the same. opec nations saying they will cut production, a little bit about who will be winners and losers as they break it down, saying when it comes to shale oil producers in the u.s. and canada, that could be hurt by reducing crude rises. the big winners in opec are the arab gulf states, led by saudi arabia.
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max lives in taylorville, illinois. how are you? caller: a little tired. host: thanks for calling us. what will your holiday spending be like this year? caller: it will be less. i am on a fixed income and it's impossible to shop with any real
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consistency. is just robbing people a lot of things, jobs, what happened in ferguson is said, too. my heart goes out to those people. host: are you retired? caller: yes, retired and on disability. host: you say you are going to spend less. do you buy primarily for children, who do you spend on this season? my family, sister, great-nephew. i do not have anyone else to spend four. i will not even being to buy for them this year because i got hit so hard, the rent is going up next year. the rent is going up thanks to the republicans. host: that is max in
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taylorville, illinois. before you leave, tell us a little bit about other people in your family. do you have a sense of how their spending habits may change this season as far as the ability to spend more, less, or the same? caller: my brother-in-law works, but they have bills. they won't be able to spend like they want to either because they don't have it. people just do not have the money to go out and shop at a decent rate because the way the system is operating. obama is doing a good job but he does not have the support of the congress. host: that is max in taylorville, illinois. let's move on to britney in west virginia. good morning, how are you? one more time.
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what are your spending habits going to be this holiday season? caller: i think it will be lower. host: why so? believe the situation, the economy, socioeconomic factors, people spend way too much money on christmas. do you agree? we need to go back -- we have gone way over spending on christmas. host: have you always thought that, were there things that changed your mind about spending habits at christmas? edged up overt the years.
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and now it has gotten to where it is extravagant and we do not know how to come back down. far as your specific spending, do you spend at christmas time, and if you do, who do you spend it on? things, iusually make craft things, cross stitch. i work all year to make things for people. i let my kids pick out little things for the other kids. what they like. what do you make for folks, i'm curious? stitch pictures that say their names, footprints . their weight or their birth date. far as your household, do you have full-time employed
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in your household, how has your economic situation change from this year to the last? caller: it is the same. in westat is britney virginia talking about her spending habits this season. a "the washington post," story about iraq, plans by the administration to put troops in more of a front-line position.
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that whole story you can find on the new york times website -- i'm sorry, "the washington post" website. are going to continue on in our discussion on the economy, turning on black friday, to those that they have to work today, but also the have to work for minimum wage. workingtalk about those