tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN December 3, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EST
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. released by s were not my preference. they were released by the uphill and they fled to canada and they seeking asylum in canada. >> so, you told the world that deport these to four people with ties to a terrorist organization. that is not what happened. of them were released -- > they are in deportation proceedings and an immigration judge released two of the four. fled to canada. my intent is that they be deported. of them are in canada seeking asylum. >> where were they anticipating going and where did they actually go? exact not sure of their whereabouts, sir. >> but they are being held in canada? understanding. >> are you going to ask that they be brought back to the states? >> i don't generally get involved in individual
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immigration cases. ties to a terrorist organization. talked about we this last time, there is some about whether their affiliation is with what one hould consider a terrorist organization. >> it is a terrorist organization designated by the correct?artment, >> they are or a member of the kurdish workers party. designated by the state department as a terrorist organization, correct? the state you to department. >> that is the accurate statement. this is the problem. say, you tell the world that you are going to tied tohese four people terrorist -- these are terrorists -- and you don't. get released. my understanding is they go to arizona, they go to the state of washington. illegally into canada. each puts up $25,000 bonds. a lot of questions about what you are doing is
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criminals? they have terrorist ties. i'm getting tired of the righteous ith this indig nation saying we -- saying we can't find a congress we can work with. the first two years the democrats had the house, senate presidency and they did nothing on immigration. i sat on the subcommittee. steven colbert in to testify. that is how bad it was. a change.y made we passed an immigration bill it was my bill. we worked on high skill immigrants. per country cap from 7% to 15%. it went to the united states reed and it harry had nothing happen to it. i want to continue to work with this administration. common ground that could be had but when they had the chance with the house, presidency they didn't even introduce a bill in
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the committee let alone bring it the process. i appreciate the time. i yield back. -- he chair recognizes >> mr. chairman may i offer something into the record? >> yes. gentlelady is recognized. >> there are three articles or statements emphasize ing the approach of the depaorting felons immigrant national justice center december 2, 2014, rom the american immigration lawyers association dated ecember 2, 2014, and from the southern border communities dated december 2, 2014. i ask unanimous consent to submit them. objection. i want to remind the members of this committee the secretary has 30 minutes left. if you can keep your remarks as short as possible. that.
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>> if i none we could have reminded of a s and chong withch rown music coming to america but i too want to thank you for your accessibility since having office and i want to say ince we have been dealing with you and your staff we have seen marked changes in progress communications between this committee and yours. i think with respect to the idea security the fact that you were asked about metrics, a fact is this committee in fully bipartisan fashion almost a year ago passed a border ecurity bill that would have established those metrics and we house t to see it on the floor. we have two weeks left before the end of the year. f that bill was brought to the house floor you would have a border security bill by the end of the year. with respect to the issue of a
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and the solution, context of immigration, the fact of the matter is that our choices are very stark, in my view. are those who believe that of the millions of people love been working here in our sites, hotels, restaurants and all across this country what we ought to do is up and send them back. there are those who believe that pathway to develop a citizenship and legalization process. and i strongly object to remember that i agree we need border security, that is why i passed the bill that this committee, what i strongly bject to is the idea that the legalization process ought to be conditioned on border security if you define border security as making sure that we prevent people from future, i in the don't see what that has to do with the people that are already here. i also cringe when i hear the
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because in myisis view what we are talking about crises int rate interrelat interrelated. drug smuggling, human smuggling illegal phraoeug -- migration. they begin with economic conditions in mexico and central merica and issues of cartel violence in central america and end with our demand for drugs on this side of the fact when ell as the you consider the fact that over countryties across this f.b.i. statistics shows there is presence.l so i -- cartel presence. so if we are going to address causes of the three issues we have to start talking about issues of economic and opment in mexico entral america and addressing cartel violence. n that -- with that in mind,
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what i would ask -- and this may be coming from left field of ase i know this is more department of justice matter -- in the last year the former of mexico was indicted of he southern district texas and an extradition order been issued by the federal uphill in brownsville and -- i would brownsville and ask you do what you can with respect to the other department bringto see if we can not there gentleman to justice. hen we talk about drug smuggling and human smuggling it is not that he is making the people at the top. >> congress plan, may i respond congressman, may i respond? >> yes. >> i have this thought listening congressman. negotiating and arriving at an legislation ece of that addresses our immigration
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intem in a comprehensive way my judgment should not be that hard. i have in my private law negotiated the most complex civil settlements ever wall street. i believe that if we could strip way the emotion and the politics on this issue and you group of the raoeight members of the house of representatives, i could bill with you. and i'm issuing that invitation agai again. i believe we could do it. it is really -- it shouldn't be that difficult. > the chair recognize the gentlem gentleman. >> mr. secretary, some say our is national rity security. wokey 20 million americans up this morning either unemployed or underemployed. president didn't mention
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these americans when he grant de the plan to permits esty and work to illegal americans or the on their would have pocketbooks. memoranda ious of outlining this policy for him didn't mention them either. address this problem and protect the american worker i introduced legislation prior to announcement s that would make clear that illegal immigrants benefiting amnesty are utive not authorized to work in the united states. illegal omes to immigration the conversation is illegal out the immigrant. forth about the people it will affect. don't , mr. secretary, i think it is fair, especially round the holidays to put illegal immigrants ahead of the american worker. secretary johnson, the president
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keeps saying his executive .ction will boost the economy so, tell me, how will adding at million new competitors to the workforce make it easier for the americans to find a job? >> congressman, the fact is, as i'm sure you know, we have lots undocumented in this country working off the books. not apparent i suggest you spend time in a restaurant here in the hear re to see for yourself. e want to encourage those people to get on the books and i will provide them a work uthorization so that they may legally continue in -- >> how does it make it easier for the american worker? here we go talking about the illegal immigrant and make it easier. how does there help the american orker who can't provide work and provide money for has
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family? why don't we talk to the worker and what it will do for them. >> the economy is getting better and the re you know uestion of u.s. jobs, american jobs is in my view a separate issue. adding five million more competitors will make it easier? sentence.y finish my the estimate is the potential class is up to four million, not all of them will apply. the goal is to encourage these off e who are now working the books and we do have undocumented immigrants in this working off the books. to get on the books, pay taxes the tpfedera federal treasury pursuant to a work authorization. not ssessment is that will impinge upon american jobs with american works. it true cretary, is that the illegal immigrants who are grant the amnesty will not comply with the affordable care act?
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candidates for and are accepted into the tkaoefrtd action program -- action program will not be eligible -- employer may have a ecision to make though i keep the american worker and pay health insurance and pay a $3,000 fine or get rid of the american worker and hire to providedon't have health insurance and don't get it find. it that >> you don't think employers will see it that way. see it that hink i way. >> following the 9/11 commission report the staff issued a report terrorist travel that made connections between enforcement of our immigration laws and national security. page 98 of that report it describes how terrorists would a.m. t from any form of themselvesity recognizing that terrorists in the 1990's as well september 11 hijackers had to
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find a way to embed themselves .n the united states this tells us what we all know that terrorists want two things. they want to get into this country and stay here. president's executive action facilitate that by not heeding the advice of the 9/11 and its staff and how can this administration justify on executive actions immigration when it directly contradicts their findings? that we have y is an estimated 11.3 millionen country.d in this from my homeland security specter. specter -- perspective i the to see them come out of shadows and encourage people. >> you did testify in the -- if i may finish my sentence. i want to people to submit to and nal background checks come out of the shadows. the problem we have right now is 11 million policemeople in
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we do not know who they are. from the perspective of what you read from that 9/11 commission i want people to come out -- >> you testified at the last with me round agreed and your words were those criminals do not subject hemselves to criminal background checks. >> i want as many as possible to to criminal background collection. >> thank you mr. chairman. remaining say to the members we will limit minut-- three lee consent.ith unanimous we recognize the gentleman from california. 2,577,516 e number mean anything to you? familiar. not sure why it sound familiar. to ould it surprise you learn according to the american immigration council there is the immigrants grant the temporary relief by republican
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presidents over the last 50 years? >> that is news to me. >> would it surprise you not a single person who has sat on dais with me particularly among my g.o.p. colleagues made statement blic criticizing any executive action taken by any republican resident with respect to immigration? >> i'm not sure what to say. >> our chair has brought up a a ber of times that we have bipartisan bill something i dmire he was able to shepherd through but it has not come to the floor for a vote and it is we are ing to me that bringing you here to criticize actions, yet 's speaker boehner has a bill that ddresses border security that has not been brought to the floor and i believe that in many ways by silencing both sides of
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this issue by not allowing the the speaker in many ways has taken his own executive that refuses to allow people who oppose immigration reform and those who support it a voice of their district and take a vote. with that in mind i want to now, among the 11 by 3 million undocumented immigrants do you tphkno secretary, how prioritize i prioritizing felons over deportation will do to make us safer as opposed to what we have been doing prior? >> the tkpwaoepguidance i issue in clearer terms that the types of ctly offenses that are priority ones, twos.ty when we did our review we found fair amount of ambiguity in the existing gains
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that needed to be cleaned up there was a lot of misunderstanding in the field oft led to some of the cases heartache that we all hear about. so the guidance is clearer. with that is a restart of the secured community program. intended to get at criminals who are undocumented n jail but in is a lot of resistance to secure communities. o, an integral part of this promoting public safety is a fresh start on the secure communities program. the last thing i will say when we talk about a bill, i believe speaker's desire for comprehensive immigration reform is genuine. and i will say again that i am nterested in working with members of this committee and house of representatives on a pieces legislation or of legislation that addresses our system in a comprehensive wa way, in a way that our executive
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actions cannot reach. has >> thank you for coming today, mr. secretary. to harangue you or toger you and i will ask you be quick with me so we can get to what i want to know in all sincerity. in previous meetings i have been here i have been told a little that what you said today we need more resources. backlog of caphe spend $800 million on new ports the next five years some of your border folks have told us. but when we ask for operational data to know what the bang for buck is for the taxpayer we get very little data. i was a board member and we were in our previous lives i ok to ay how can i say
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support resources and more pa taxpayer tax nvolvement we i don't know the return on the cap ex and what the operational effectiveness is macro data.eally can you shed any light on that? missing the boat here? >> i will shed light on my transparency.more i think part of the problem we data.s lack of coherent so, one of the things i directed in the executive actions that we a week before last i directed the office of immigration statistics to create the capacity to collect, maintain and report to the ecretary data reflecting toes apprehended, returned or repatriated by any component of d.h.s. intend that this data be part of a package of data released to the public annually. so, i'm sympathetic to whether you are saying. i would like to see us, in
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addition to this, develop define borderw we security so that the congress nd the public understands what we are driving for. >> but i just don't know how much bang for the buck we are for the taxpayer dollar. in addition to how many people capturing and how many are getting through what is the return on investment for the spending?e is there a way -- it is hard to no if i don't know how well we are spending the current money and money -- encourage you if you have not to look at the speech i in on border security october to a think tank called a lot of laid out investment and data concerning illegal illegal, apprehension of illegal clearer s to get at a icture of what you are getting on the return on your investment.
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>> and any data that with help the derstand how well department is working will make it easier for us to be open minded to working together as you say. >> in is a misapprehension that things are as worse as they have been. illeg illegal, apprehension of illegal immigrants is a fraction of what it used to be in large part because of the investment this in border s made security. we are seeing a return on investment. i thi but we we can do better have invested a lot in surveillance, personnel. as the chairman knows and others years and we 15 have seen a return on investment. 1.6 hensions used to be million. they are down to 400,000 to 00,000 >> the gentlelady from california is recognized. >> thank you, mr. chairman and you, mr. secretary for being before us. of working easure with you at the defense department and i'm glad you are on at homeland because
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there is a very critical time. being double fence an n the homeland security i worry of terroristsm isis and and coming fa the country or being -- coming into the country embedded but here we are. we are here to protect america and to protect americans. for the work that you and all the people who work n your department do on our behalf. i want to go back to something issue ofsaid the whole broken collection on people. i live in california. e have a lot of people there who for whatever reason don't have the right documents to be in our country. some actually would qualify and have qualified under our programs, under the legal. but if they have to wait 10 years away from a loved one because they have to wait country they probably have broken that and
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have decided to stay and live years with their loved one or child rather than do what to push them which is them out for 10 years. it has e people who taken too long. the backlog is so long for some get through le to the process even though they qualify. we are thrilled that going to get good people who are in our churches, p.t.a. moms, to come forward and to data, to give us their fingerprints and pay a ine and say let us work, lets go on with our lives, especially born y have u.s.a. children or legal residence. 'm thrilled that the president understands that. but i'm even more thrilled about allows these t limited resources that we have the people i on really want to go after and that
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is these terrorists an threats -- and threats to our country. a lot of people say you are you care about the latino community. asian one fof the neighborhoods and romanians and them working, some of them paying taxes but wantingthem working and to get on an even footing here in the united states. just want to thank you, because i know that you sat down and you took a look and you used your lawyer and everybody else's skills to sit down and figure we make sure that the limited resources we have are bad guys, not on the people who are really part family.merican i want to thank you. south gentleman from carolina.
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>> thank you, mr. chairman. secretary, a delight to be with you again. i have three minutes so i will ask three quick questions and i would ask for your brevity if possible. is, first question undamentally a question about fairness. one thing a lot of people struggle with on the notion of t executive and unilateral action is that it ill put a lot of families from around the world in essence in a second class bus. is it fair to those families in terms ofhe queue immigration to go behind a bunch of folks who will get favorable based on an executive action? done,at's not what we have sir. through executive action we cannot grant citizenship, we in the head mebody of the line for citizenship and we are not granting lawful residence.
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deferred action is just for a eriod of time a determination that someone should be lawfully present in the country. a significantly lower form -- >> fair enough t. is the fact live here, work and raise families. i will move to the second question. in fact they already are. >> what is that? already are. >> they are but they don't have the legal claim to our entitlement system that they will. if you look at it, it is $18 trillion in the hole and most of based on being lawfully present in there country to be eligible for entitlements. so, how do you say to that mississippi struggling to make it our entitlement system is based in paying for life and you our get to retirement and begin to collect what do you say to the your retirement system, your health care system as it is provided by government will be solvent than it
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would have been based on this unilateral action? terms of you say in fairness there? >> i would say that the people we are talking about are already for and have been here years and become integrated members of society and i want -- to come forward >> they are not -- >> it could be to the tax base. won't collect the way they will and do you get more than you give. the "wall street journal" will an editorial on that point. seconds. down to 34 the last question in the opening statements a lot of attributes handled ed could be perfectly by work permits. why not do work permits rather de facto quas quasi-citizenship that comes with this executive action? > work authorization is something the secretary of homeland security has the authority to give by statute to been granted s deferred action. that is what we did. second, mr. hree chairman. i would go for a second question
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but i don't have it. you speak more slowly than away do. the gentlelady from new york. >> thank you, mr. chairman. there was a statement made arlier by the gentleman from south carolina, mr. duncan, that i know was a gross generalization about the people as it relates to the executive order issued by president obama. for the record overwhelmingly the americans in my district support what president obama has done and they have your back. ask, secretary johnson, the president's feels certainly a step in the right direction for many it speaks to the social and familiar a ated reasons that have positive effect on our civil society. get to the ant to economics of this because it has
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been raised by a number of particularly mr. barleta it was estimated center nor the american progress that this executive action will raise an $3 billion in payroll taxes in the first year alone. over five illion years as workers and employers get on the books and begin first time. for the even individual states will gain from this. do you believe the economic factors like these should play a role in determining our policy?ion secondly, the issue of securing cities. the program fingerprints in state and local a-- james and allows ice to removable tentially individuals. the question is the program has een controversial both legally and politically as you know.
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it is my understanding that the enforcement program the will replace skaourpecuring cities will rely on the same technology securing the cities individuals us on in state and local custody onvicted of felonies and significant misdemeanors. -- p.n how p.e.l. p. will plain those and address raised by theerns ourts, advocates and local communities about securing the cities? >> you characterized it accurately. the hraolegal concerns that are arising in litigation we are no longer be putting detainers on people. we will have requests for notification. a detainer in litigation has meant the court determines that state and local law enforcement didn't have the that authority to hold person simply because of the
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detainer when they would have them.wise released in place of that we are going to have requests for notification before the tified individual is released unless we to tell the cause nypd, for example, that the person is undocumented and will removed. i agree with your question about play a role in immigration policy. i'm not an economist. the l refer you to president's council of economic advisors analysis which was last on thek before impact of our executive action on the economy. time of the gentlelady has expired. myself.nize it is good to see you. let me begin on a positive note a meeting the other night with a number of republicans from new york and lly opposed the order but with you as lawyer for ad the highest regard
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you. >> it goes downhill from here. thank you. >> downhill. i'm opposed to the executive order for a number of reasons. a caseluenced greatly by where justice jackson where the court struck down executive ction by president truman and he executive action must scrutinized with caution because he said what is at stake is the established by the constitution system. that is apart from the fact that the he american people have faith in the government they should not that there is good they should feel there is good faith and the sides president said he didn't have the power and the fact that any time over the last six years the issued t could have there executive order and the fact that he did not issue the until after the
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elections were over. if he felt there was a consensus among the american people this part of the een campaign debate. that is how in a democracy express their views. the fact is they were virtually silent during the campaign. and republicans win both house and the president issues the order. president is the sincere about wanting legislation and believes he has the right to issue there order didn't he say that he realized things had changed in and disagrees with the house did or didn't act and set as of ine of july 1 and july 1 he could issue the executive order and we could want againstion we it will legislative or appropriations-wise. months the hat six president would have an opportunity to frame the debate in trying to come to an bill.ation he could focus attention and you would have seen republicans in opinion a nd senate position to deal with the president. comes and that is
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an arbitrary date and he could an executive order and american people could decide who is right and wrong and congress had toake what action it and president through you could implement the order. use the words i dvisedly there was bad faith issuing the order and if we are trying to get the confidence of the american people there is not it.way to do caroli ss in response, chairman, i would say we did exactly that. insaid we were going do this the spring and the president decided to wait over the summer to see whether the congress act. desire for who has immigration reform is genuine hoped he could get immigration through the who is of reference. that didn't happen. the president said he would wait. he speaker said we are not going to get a bill. we decided to wait until after we mid terms and further and have waited several years.
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>> i think the president's is trying to r undo the impact of the election. he should have entered it before the campaign. my time is expired. and my friend you from new jersey. >> thank you, mr. chairman. mr. secretary, always a pleasure here. you want to say that i'm also delighted that you will be staying on at homeland security. you have brought that organization together, and more efficient. for that i thank you. understanding that this executive order, this executive action, will only last for two under the obama administration and it is not to those will happen
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who are affected under daca when the administration is over. creates uncertainty and underscores the need for congressional action to clear up this broken immigration system. n your opinion, what will happen to the children an parents who are being encouraged ow to come out of the shadows in two years if nothing happens? >> the nature of executive action is the next executive can undo it. that will not happen here. administration to administration, we do not ypically un do administrative actions, executive orders, articularly where you are affecting in what i think would the rather harsh manner lives of people who are here in this country. my hope is, first, over the there is ears
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legislation that in effect addresses the same phenomenon in the same way but in the absence these my hope is that executive actions are sustained policy.government going forward i want to forward those g apprehended who came here illegally january 1, 2014, under existing policy are priority for removal and will not be for deferred action. so there is clear demarre case demarcation of those who have been hraor for who would try to come illegally. >> how can congress help ensure these millions are not encouraged to go back into the shadows in two years? > support us through legislati legislation. really time congress stood up and helped
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this problem rather than throwing darts at the administrati administration. my and i believe that it is a problem hrpblg egislatively and if we can remove the emotion and politics we can achieve it. members of veral this committee who i believe i could work with on a --rehensive solution ledge hraeufdark ledggislativellegis. a great deal of respect for you. you are an attorney but i have some fundamental disagreements with a couple of the points paid and i just need your articulation on this. you are the one who said somehow somebody may be what they are doing is creating an opportunity for them to lawfully be here in country. i think it is an unquestioned point that as the law stand anybody who illegally
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nters the united states is a deportable ail i don't know. that is the -- alien. happened with this directive is the president has stepped into the authority of congress congress, constitutional authority, to determine it. the existing law you have identified somebody will long as theyere so use prosecutorial discretion won't be deport the if they are not a -- won't be deported a threat to ot border security. how can you create a class of beyond ho are prosecution and not be violating the constitutional separation in which congress its learly articulated intent? >> during the period of deferred action, that is what it is, action, you can lose embership in that program if you commit a crime.
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>> but you can have a hraufplly rticulated -- lawfully articulated ability under the president's directive to be here f you don't and that is an expression of a constitutional protection that does not exist the president's overreach of prosecutorial discretion. congressman, this type of action has existed in one form or another going back decades. exercised in the reagan administrations. >> no, i will not allow it was xercised after authorized activity by the congress -- >> to protect the class of people -- the congress already clearly articulated an intent to include hose and there was the fulfilling of congressional intent. here you have created a class of contravention of congressional intent. offirst of all an assessment deferred action will be made on a case-by-case basis. look at, sir, the way i it is this.
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i know you will appreciate this. when i was an assistant united attorney, we used to -- 'm sure this was sure in your office when were u.s. attorney -- when we used to enter in agreements secution with individual you committed a committee or you may have committed a crime, you have been dark-charged but if you behave the next six years, defer hs we will prosecution. >> i understand that. prosecutorial nd discretion. this changes that which creates despite f people prosecutorial discretion who may e here because the president created that category, not congress. of the a clear violation constitutional principles apart from our desire to work together acting in a capacity beyond where he has the ability to do so. disagree.ctfully >> on what basis?
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>> they are present, they are in -- y present >> how are they lawfully here when the intention of congress clear, they can be deportable. it doesn't mean they were -- congress has not given me the resources to deport 11 million people. doesn't exist. they are here. >> that is prosecutor concession. lawfully here. every speeder on 95 could be but we can't stop them but that doesn't mean they are not going over the speed limit. your level says there is no speed limit. finish my sentence they are here and i want them to come forward and get on the and receive a work -- >> they are here but you said here and lawfully under congressional intent they are not lawfully here. president has created that category out of whole cloth. of executive rm action that was not invented in
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this administration. it goes back decades. secretary, it was feel expired.time has mr. perry from pennsylvania. mr. chairman.rb, is there a document system been operating to allow illegal immigrants to avoid is the law? a forged document system in some form around the border where eople that with come here illegally obtain social security numbers and other documents that to america? access criminal r words a network? >> whatever you want to call it. is there one present? is. i would imagine there >> is using forge the documents o gain access to the social services lawful? >> i do not believe so. would agree. what is the d.h.s. estimate for here illegally including
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those with terrorist affiliations who have used documentation to gain access to our nation and other things i described? don't have that number indiana -- offhand. there is an estimate i will undertake to get it to you. an estimate.e is i'm sure it is just an estimate are unlawful but we have written your office an haven't gotten answers so i'm or erned about the ability your willingness to give us those answers. a couple of answers. with major league baseball layers who are m.v.p.'s made millions and after the fact we found out that they were not and used forged documents and these are high profile people. california l in deported three times came back a fourth time an shot a police dead.r an 1reud in north carolina came
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to baltimore kidnapped a girl that person e and was here illegally and deport he and used falsified documents. all used falsified documents to that end. will your is how department screen these folks checks to ensure the security of citizen of merica when people that don't -- that don't recognize or terrorists, aw people with terrorist ties and affiliations or motives that documentation r and won't come forward. how can we as the american confident this plan to screen up to five million knowingly came to nlawfully >> how can we be sure this will work.
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>> based on the experience we had with the program two years ago ago, i believe that we will be looking forterms of fraud in the application proc s process. to other part of my answer your question, sir, is through i want to itization get at the criminals. i want clearer guidance so that e.r.o. enforcement workforce capability lity and and resources and time to go after the type of individuals cite.ou >> we want that, too but with all due respect i have no and i don't think the american people have any confidence that will work. appreciate your hope, we with the that resources targeted to those individuals maybe it could be i see no plan and you have given me no plan at this point with any specific metrics or anything like that. we have been working on this for
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years and none of us want these community.our i have two daughters and heaven forbid one falls prey to omething like that and i come to you and say what do you do about it and we hoper better. an adequate answer. >> that would not be an accurate characterization of my answer. i'm happy to brief you and other members of this committee on the that c.i.s. n plan has put together. considerable time on it and if you will let me you sent an time answer that was unanswered and date i will be sure that it was answered. >> thank you, mr. secretary. let me just say that i don't right now buttion it has been a productive hearing nd i think that you have been forthright in your answers and divisive ry emotional issue that i hope we can resolve in the congress. committee i u this
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think the ranking member was the ame way we are committed to passing in the next congress a border security bill and we look on ard to working with you that. >> thank you. stand adjourned. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014]
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>> we watched and listened with graders go econd hrough the bill and a person interrupted the president 9:07 as nobody interrupt president in front of second graders. the president stood and said will to go and that he heard, we e discovered it was two planes two plane crashes in new york. they came out to the parking lot saying the president will come talk to the pool. are live there cameras in the cafeteria and he there. speak he did go into the cafeteria he aid it an apparent terrorist attack and i must return to washington. theetailed to the plane and pentagon was hit. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern "q&a."ific on
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us a hard ruben joins news er with bloomberg talking abo alking about legislation that apply to tax extenders that could be renewed for the under of 2014. this in about bloomberg. how much does this cost? extension and what are some of the tax breaks involved? >> the bill the house will be week is what is known as a one-year extension. they revive a bunch of tax breaks that lapse 2013 and extend them through 2014. 31 -- ough december 13 31 of this year. billion.ut $45 it includes production tax reditor weekend insurance, research tax credit for businesses, ability for individuals to deduct state provision that ens -- helps multinational
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companies defer tax. t is a hodgepodge and mishmash of tax brooks for individuals and -- breaks for individual and enough es and it has support usually to carry everybo everybody, to carry enough to support it even though there are a lot of provisions that individual members would pick on and about.n >> why do they need to be revived? coming up now? >> the end of the congressional year so congress is trying to of here by the end of next week and second is the tax filing season that starts in january. the i.r.s. needs congress to possible to on as decide what the tax system looks to finish forms and get instructions ready and be ready with their computers to accept returns. if you don't know whether you can deduct state sales tax and nevada or texas or
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florida that doesn't have income tax you don't know what to do i.r.s. says they need to move now for the filing season little on time or even a bit late in mid to late january. >> how is congress proposing to for these tax extensions? >> they are not. afterill doesn't have any you sets or significant offsets with add to the federal deficit the next decade. they reached ing that they much in policy and in and they all 013 should continue going forward and should not have to pay for that. tweet sent out a involving two lawmakers the one that is heading this up in the of the ways an means and the chair of the and it inance committee stand almost every last tax is the pet ception project of ron widen and you say ouch. on and what are
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their roles? there are about 55 tax breaks hat were expired and only a handful that didn't get extended in the house bill. credit for plug in vehicles ree wheeled electric motorcycles basically. home ker is in oregon the state of ron widen and he's been that.advocate of dick camp left it out. a relationship senator reed were getting close to make them them ent and extend through 2015. that fell apart last week and animosity since then. >> ron widen won't be the head f that finance committee much longer.
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you tweeted about the future chair chair, hatch. the president and his liberal a ies are unlikely to get better deal next time. what is the likelihood of this oving forward whether with the white house house democrats or >> it seems likely something will happen before the end of the year. looks the most likely to become law. you have house democrats fine with it. the white house saying basically they are ok with the general a short-term extension but haven't endorsed the bill yet. what happens when it gets to the senate whether they try to make minor or major accept it as is. when you have a bill that congress end of 2014 has to deal with it again next year so you have orrin hatch the chairman and camp is retiring at the end of this coming so paul ryan is in and you have a new team with
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the same issue coming back with same problem in 2015. >> you can follow richard ruben and follow his at bloomberg news. thanks for joining us. >> thanks. hearing on the recall of defective car air bags the takata. by of cials will join the head the national hoighway traffic safety administration before the house energy and commerce committee. that is live at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span 3. today republican leader on oreign policy louisiana bobby indianle ted cruz and john mccain and bob corker the cares of the senate armed services and foreign realizes committees discuss u.s. engagement in the middle east
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and national security issues. foreignbe live from the policy initiative 1:00 p.m. 3.tern on c-span takes pan cities tour back tv and american history on the road traveling to u.s. their to learn about history and literary life. this weekend we partnered with to invitation le waco. > as we began it receive the we rmation to be damaigitized began it return over the 45's. -- not sic was forth heard in the white community but side would be heard less. when we discovered quickly how songs were b side directly related to civil rights movement. ll gospel music didn't know that. we didn't know the number of
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there hat -- songs like ain't no segregation in heaven type songs. addressing one of those was a dangerous thing in south.p you could do a lot of things but that is a ut loud risk. >> the texas ranger hall of fame 1976 for the 175ed rangers and f the at this point 30 rangers who major contributions or gave their lives under heroic circumstances. paintings and portraits of all of them. hey began with stephen a. austin. he was very successful with his rangers and they fought not only managed to make the area reasonably safe for settlement indian raids but when the texas war for independence broke the rangers played a
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a host: > the work left for congress before the economies break. host: good morning. welcome to the "washington journal." after huddling with rank and file yesterday, house republican leaders announced they would avoid a government shutdown over president obama's executive action on immigration. we begin with your thoughts, republicans 202-7418-8001. democrats 202-7 now, 8-8000. independent, 202-7418-8002. send us a tweet@c-span or go to facebook.c
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