tv Washington Journal CSPAN December 7, 2014 7:10am-7:46am EST
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certainly that it doesn't help when his appointed leaders are playing the game as well. jackie says, no, the country is more divided than before. scott is saying it is like the 1960's all over again. and then he says, oh, hell no. not even close. the blacks are beating our children to death now. poll based on african-americans, who think that race relations have gotten worse since 2009. piece is available online at fewer saying that blacks and whites get along better today than they did in 2009. new according to a research ctr., poll. the number of respondents who and whites get s along pretty well increased seven percentage points.
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but in 2009, the share of black had a positive view of race relations dropped 12.264%. on the t call is independent line from richmond, virginia. good morning. caller: good morning. i would just like to say, it has not approved. and it is not going to improve. host: why is that? caller: because they hated is in the heart. host: we will go to brian in salt lake city. when you get through, please turn the volume down. that would get rid of the echo we just heard. brian, you're on the air. caller: hey. i don't see much racism. most of the white people voted for obama. i just don't see it. michael brown and ferguson, the
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guy was robbing a store. then he tried taking the cops gun. nobody talks about that. he didn't hold his hands up. those are the facts that have come out. now the one in new york city, that one there looks fishy. because i know, you know, i have known people who have been arrested. lean on your head and you are not resisting, and they just abuse you. go to ruth who also writes about this. a new riding in part on book by brian stevenson. i happen point -- to believe this is probably the correct call.
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dd is joining us from hermitage, tennessee. the republican line, good morning. yes, how are you? host: fine, thank you. caller: i do not feel that race relations have improved under this president. there is an undercurrent of rage and resentment ffrom the first day he was elected. it is apparent on the interstates -- people look at you -- i am a black american. they will look at you and come over and cut you off for no reason. it has been really difficult. see in washington with in a shut down -- trying to make this president look inefficient and ineffective. everything else in the country has followed the example.
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even the most recent election, what e don't agree with republican's stance is -- host: thank you very much for the call. by the way, professor laura the next join us in half hour to continue the discussion. we go to maryland. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i think the underlying problem is not obama himself, it is his policies. just like george bush. people hate george bush, as well as obama, because of his policies. i think s racism goes, the stories that have been picked up by the media -- a white ally because
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black, officer mmurdered unarmed men -- the problem is, is militarized police force killing everybody nowadays. not just unarmed black people. they are killing white people. there killing everybody. problem is that racism, it is fascism. host: cnn reporting on the comments of ben carson. it is available conservative advocate says that race relations have gotten worse because the president puts too much attention on race. he believes it is a thing of the largely yesterday, and obama absolutely plays the race card. he made his comments on the program while discussing a decision to not indict the police officer.
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he says, for the most part, that is the thing largely of yesterday. carson pointed to the present decision to address several racially charged issues. this comment on our twitter page, saying that we have always had race problems. it is just more apparent at times. our first black president is brought it to the surface. henderson kentucky. robert is next in line. good morning. caller: good morning, steve. i am 52 and have lived in kentucky for years. race relations under president obama has gotten worse. in -- what has t to the surface is white peoples absolute hate for black people. carson should be ashamed of himself. people who ust ask are learned, educated, and articulated. a professor at harvard was mistreated by police.
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dr. carson should be ashamed of himself. they say these things in the front of their n faces to get friendship into the white world. now, america had hugo black -- a ku klux klan that was a supreme court member. seven presidents own slaved. several presidents were members the ku klux klan. fabric rica has -- as a of society -- sewn into its racism, anti-blackism. people, jews, ean other people that have been discriminated against. specifically, black people have been discriminated against. obama has received more death threats than any other president. racism is alive and well in america.
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host: robert from henderson, kentucky. times" this wyork morning -- mary landrieu was defeated in the runoff. report heck in with a later this program. the dems headline -- insult, landrieu crushed. good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. last color h the from tennessee. first caller from tennessee, listen, man. my children, my grandchildren they are seeing firsthand --
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like hand -- it is almost this is a history lesson from the jim crow era. since president obama has been president, it is almost like we have gone backwards. c-span pretty much everyday -- the days that i can turn generally when you have conservatives on the show that spew right-wing propaganda. i generally turn, but, the bottom line is this. since president obama has been it is almost like we are going backwards in time. it is -- it is wow. we are experiencing some of the that this country has offered over the years. host: have you felt that cynicism, that racism in your personal life?
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well, i'm retired now, in the past -- aas an executive and a small business owner -- i have experienced some things. i thought it was going to get it better it did to a point -- uuntil president obama became president. left an executive position, being the only black executive at the time, and i saw things go backwards. host: okay, the republican line. what is your take on this? caller: good morning. my own ell you from perspective -- both over there and here -- that race relations have improved phenomenally. phenomenally.
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people don't remember what it used to be like. and i remember during the there were when issues -- blocking of route 1 university of maryland -- state police printed bumper stickers that said, need help? call a hippie. host: tthank you very much for the call. from the "washington post" -- how do you explain to a four-year-old. you can read it online. our next, is sandra on the independent line. caller: hi. i want to wish president obama well. he was rushed to the hospital last night. are they concerned? two, our governor is patrick --
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who is black. what is the difference between him and obama? tthe congress, maybe. three, i know of a woman who is years ago, riding along, and was stopped. the police opened fired on her because she was in the wrong area at the wrong time. with children. they sued and they won. man in ave also seen a our store that did absolutely nothing but when is a guy in the store steel. they called the police on the the guy they took in that called -- who was white. this is called impulse. people act on impulse. host: sandra, thank you for the
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call. you mentioned the situation in ferguson, missouri. some photographs being published again this morning. a tussle, a fatal shoeing, and few answers. live of the last moment to of michael brown, and a makeshift memorial in the middle of the street where he died back in july. reference to e president obama, who did face medical attention yesterday. of a resident complaining store throat was diagnosed with acid reflux. the president had medical test yesterday. reflux is a condition in which the stomach contents stomach ackup from the into the esophagus, causing such symptoms as heartburn and sore throat. the president, 53, went to walter reed medical hospital. his physician saying that he did not give any cause.
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there are many risk factors for smoking, ux, including use of alcohol, as well as a hernia. the president did have his physical back in june and was given a clean bill of health. the president is now battling a case of acid reflux. michael has this point on her twitter page. relations on of race in america -- to have abused it as a wedge issue, he says. from daytona beach, florida. the democrats line, clarissa is next. good morning. caller: good morning. yes, the center has tracked on the hate groups and white -- itias have increased something like 280% -- since president obama took office. i believe president obama the me the scapegoat for eight, do nothing, disastrous years of president bush. they will never admit that president obama did a great job
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of bringing our country back from the economic left that george bush put us over. of mine said -- well, really a friend -- she said that if michael brown was killed by a black policeman not ferguson, there were been -- in ferguson, there would not have been an uproar. but my comment is -- the stanford police would have not of waited 45 days to arrest zimmerman. that says it all. give very -- ey host: okay, thank you very much for the call. republicans headed the congress -- winning the two congressional seats. graves easily defeating the former louisiana governor, edwards. who, by the way, is 87 years old.
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to "the hill" abraham -- dr. ralph republican candidate -- be the longtime mayor of monroe, louisiana. makes this point -- unrelated to everything else we talked about, but certainly an important day. can we pause for just one moment to remember the brave men and women who died today at pearl harbor. a day that lived in infamy. a sunday, o on december 7. thank you for your tweet. tulsa, oklahoma, the republican line. good morning. caller: yes. in this conflict that has now over michael brown and the new york heroes are charles barkley and dr. carson for the levelheadedness.
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saying that al sharpton has aligned himself very well in backs ng violence somewhat by obama as best he can. the obama administration promotes this type of conflict -- to divide and conquer and stir up. we have had people who are that are calling in, you know, and playing playing the card of agitating on race. is not an issue, unless someone wants to make it an issue. ben carson t dr. says -- hhe says the right things and does the right things -- that this is no the usa a conflict.
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conflict is the political ccoming from the anarchists, taking advantage of a message of attacking the systems promoting socialism. host: okay. thank you very much for the call. well, "the huffington post" is also writing about race relations. does not hat he believe the issue played a role. he disagreed with the majority to hear an-american spoken with who believe that was not secret service adequately protecting the president because of his race. he says that 85% of the spoke to merican he saying that obama would be
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better protected if the issue was about race -- he does not agree. a book review of george w. bush's new book "41". look at the rest of the top 10 as we listen to steve from mississippi. good morning. caller: good morning. you are on air, go ahead. caller: i have trouble most of i am not s, and the big ated by most of neighborhoods -- chicago -- but i don't go there in the nighttime. father had a job in a 90% black community. never had any problem. people like al sharpton
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rile up all that this. like professional go eball, football -- if you to bigger cities, yes, i'm going to get intimidated. the stuff in ferguson and account i have been pulled over, i would say, yes, sir. or no, sir. if you comply, there are no problems. host: we go next to south carolina. good morning. like to ask -- president, a became harmed by eople were the police -- unarmed. and your point is -- my point is -- there is a white backlash on the black
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president. this from david -- i am never shocked, but truly dismayed by any intolerance. if you harbor hatred, please give it to yourself. there is an extensive story, online at -- many hoped his election would mark a new day in the country and race. many thinking that the president should speak out more on behalf of the african americans, others saying he is speaking out too much. ben carson saying that race relations have gotten worse because of the attention on race. john from tennessee, the republican line. good morning. caller: i would like to comment on the police department. they are a little less than desirable.
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chip, re on an authority it seems like. the amount of authority we have given our placement is a little bit too much. for example, the guy in new york city. mashing on his head. they had him down, they didn't need to beat on him. they are on an authority trip. just to whip up on somebody. i have with problem our police department. host: okay, thank you for the call. speculation on jeb bush -- the former governor of florida. turned a new course for an uncommon campaign. the d on an interview for "wall street journal", he makes point in the interview -- anyone h said that running for president should be prepared to lose the primary
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the general election without violating your principles. what bush said is that the opposite of the art stated idea that the presidential candidate the left or right to party's presidential nomination -- that prescription can easily contribute to cynicism among the voters. from wichita kansas, good morning. caller: yes. my name is calvin. i'm calling from wichita, kansas. i would like you to know that 1960' rights movement was at that time, the democrats were the ku klux klan. were the racist self.
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the lgbt movements changed everything. it switched and the racist when the republican party -- which is the clan and racist party of our country right now. all of our re problem is. we switch from one group to another. and i think it shows in our politics. it shows in how our kids are taught. separation in h our country -- through separation in our country. if the democrats would have way they were -- we -- but when ocrats they get back race, they decided to be republicans. host: okay, thank you for the call. the republicans in control of
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both chambers in 2015. critics will have more leverage on relations with iran -- the with the p5 +1 foreign-policy issues, in general. challenges nd the for bob menendez, who is moving to the minority in january. next we go to henry in las vegas. good morning. caller: good morning. i would like to make a comment that dr. ben icle carson wrote that you addressed earlier in the program. anybody that associates with lee and s of jesse of ry elder, which are two ben carson's cohorts -- anybody
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that associates with these people have to be fooling themselves. as they are concerned, i the d take my chances with ku klux klan and follow them before i would follow these guys. am a black american, as you probably already know. ben carson could not get any lower, as far as i'm concerned. that ny black person accepts his concept has got to be getting themselves. they give a call. another viewer saying that no president can magically fixed racism. citizens make a concerted effort to improve relations and change our thinking. headline from new orleans
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as cassidy wins in landslide loss for mary landrieu. is more from cassidy, as he declared victory last night. [video clip] >> we have a lot of challenges, if anybody hasn't noticed. my commitment to you is to listen and learn from you. so that we, together, can address those challenges for our state and for our country. because, again, as colonel said -- it is not about us. it is about the united states of america. each of you, in this room, cares about our country deeply. the so honored to be person you elected to express those concerned. now, we have lots of work to do in the future, but tonight is a night to celebrate. so, god bless you. i'm sorry?
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by the way -- the probably cost me vote. so it's my grandma's fault if it didn't turn out. but god bless you. god bless louisiana. god bless the united states of america. host: congressman bill cassidy winning in that runoff. bruce albert is joining us live on the phone. he is covering the story in louisiana. thank you very much for being with us. this race was not even close, but what about turnout? was not very ut high -- i think it was 35%. we are still waiting for the final numbers. the : any surprises in margin of victory? there were some polls
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be t said it would actually significantly larger margin for representative cassidy than it was. a very tough climate for any a ndidate, particularly for three term incumbent who the republicans successfully tied to president obama. host: let me ask you about that strategy by mary landrieu in the general election to promote the fact that she would be the next chair of the energy committee. of course, that fell through when the republicans won majority in the november election. your state has what many call the jungle primary -- so you or nine candidates running, and the ultimate runoff and republicans what has to the other candidates have moved to build cassidy. guest: yes. i mean, the numbers were stacked against her. she got 42% of the primary. candidates got about 58%.
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of those republican voters were unlikely to go to the democrat. landrieu axa got a percentage did in higher than she the primary -- actually got a percentage or two higher than did in the primary -- mmany thought they were not turnout, in the same ned out numbers tthat they did in the primary. host: the hail mary of the xl being defeated by a single vote. how significant was that for her? guest: you know, had she won that fight, i don't think it would have made a significant difference. i mean, i think that landrieu willing to fight for the project. had the know, even
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bill passed, it would have vetoed by the president and not become law. at least, this year. so, i don't think it made a huge difference. would be the she -- returning to washington had that vote been successful. let's listen to what she said issues with her family and supporters last night conceding the race. [video clip] >> ttonight, we have so much to be proud of. delivering for the state iin darkest hours after katrina -- [applause] the joy has been in the fight. it is a blessing and a fight with waging. be worth will always fighting for. god bless us and our nation.
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we think god in the democracy and i e, for the honor accept the decision. we make a big difference everyday. and will continue to do so. thank you so much. [applause] host: mary landrieu hugging her husband after she conceded the race last night. there is already speculation about a political future here. any chance that she would run for governor next year? guest: i would guess not, bbut some of her supporters think it would -- it -- she ought to at least consider it. my guess is that she would not.
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host: why? guest: it would perhaps even be a tough race for her. he is beating all democrats, her brother, mitch landrieu, the mayor of new orleans. so, again, my guess is that she does not do it. story is available online, as congressman bill cassidy defeats mary landrieu in louisiana's runoff. become the next senator. and adding to the republicans, 54 members of the gop. thank you very much for being with us. guest: my pleasure. host: back to your calls on race relations. also an editorial we want to share with you. ashton carter's big job. saying, president obama former secretaries have been caught in
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the middle. as mr. gates has put it, they been given the missions denied the authorities required tto complete the objective. mr. carter saying i pledge to you my most candid strategic advice. frank, you are on the air. caller: yes, thank you. to the comments earlier about the president. have had acid reflux -- mmy vocal cords were burnt years ago from acid reflux. i wanted to make was that we make excuses for the differences or reasons
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as to racism, but we are not taking responsibility for it. how ignorant our children have become. the things we see -- these are things that parents and community should take more control of. children just reverse this. we apply our efforts to help the children more towards the thoughts -- i mean, right now, police ident between the that lot of the things have been happening is that you have to recognize that policeman are trying to get home every evening to their family, also.
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