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tv   British House of Commons  CSPAN  December 14, 2014 9:33pm-10:01pm EST

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deliver, healthy, free school meals at lunchtime to hundreds of thousands, in fact, 1.5 million more children. the benefits are doing so, the educational benefits are very consideredable and i'm delighted we're doing this across the country. with crude speaker, over at below $70 and that's not reflect at the pumps. >> mr. speaker, i know that my old friend the chancellor and the treasury have raised this - we all want to see lower prices . and that is something that we must continue to focus on in our dealings with all of the oil companies. >> peter bone. >> mr. speaker, we should be clear there's not wrong to express concern about the scale of people coming into this country. supreme understandably become frustrated. it boils down to one word
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"control." >> does the prime minister -- does the standing prime minister agree with the prime minister because those were his words? >> i think there are some important controls that we do need improve and strengthen. so that is why, for instance i believe it is essential that we will produce the proper border controls, the exit checks that were premoved by the previous government. it's something that i insisted on myself. in, we we tell people count them out as well. those are so important because we can discover who are overstaying their visa which is one of the biggest problems of people overstaying their presence near the united kingdom illegal. >> order. >> you've been watching prime minister questions from the british house of commons. question time airs live every wednesday at 7:00 a.m. eastern and again on sunday night at 9:00 p.m. eastern and specific
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on c-span. watch any time at where you can find video of past prime minister questions and other british public ffairs programs. >> next, house tributes for congressman george miller and henry waxman and representative michele bachmann's farewell speech. nd at 11:00 p.m. on q. & a journalist profile senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. two california congressmen are leaving at the end of this situation. george mirl and henry waxman. both finished their 20th term. congressman miller is a foreman chair to feel education and labor chill in. congressman waxman served as change of the energy committee. on wednesday the house paid
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tribute to both of them. this is just over an hour. henry waxman and congressman george miller. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. lofgren: i am the chair of the california democratic delegation and we are losing from our membership two spectacular members who have served with tremendous distinction for 40 years each, representative miller and representative waxman werele final two remaining member -- were the final two remaining members of the house selected as part of the historic watergate class of 1974. both were instrumental in passing the affordable care act of 2010, which is the culmination of a nearly surgery-long struggle to guarantee that -- century-long struggle to guarantee that every american have access to quality and affordable health are. representative waxman was one of the most prolific lawmakers in american history. he has a long record of not only
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legislative but oversight achievements. he was elected in 1974, re-elected 17 times. he chaired the energy and commerce subcommittee on health and the environment, the energy and commerce committee from 2009 to 2011, the house oversight and government reform committee from 2007 to 2009. this his mark all over body but his his five areas that he will be remembered most about is health care, consumer protection, environmental protection, telecommunications policy and just plain good government laws. some of the most -- some of the most important bill he is either wrote or do authored was the 1990 clean air act amendment. we can recall when he you couldn't breathe in los angeles. that's no longer the case because of henry's leadership and work, preventing smog, air
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pollution, acid rain and the depletion of the ozone layer. the medicaid and chip expansion gave coverage and access to health care for children and working families and his nursing home reforms help protect the most vulnerable people in america. the waxman-match generic drug act gave rise to the generic drug industry and the orphan drug act gave hope to families across the country whose family members had diseases not lucrative prior to the act. from the ryan-white care act to the nutrition labeling act to the cigarette and smokeless tobacco health warning laws, henry has been recognized as a leader here. his oversight efforts were simply marvelous. looking at waste, fraud, and abuse he, identitied over $1 trillion in wasteful and mismanaged federal contacts
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including wasteful spending in iraq and in response to hurricane katrina. his oversight of the tobacco industry and the wall street collapse are known throughout the country. he has over his 40 years here provided tremendous service to our country. our colleague, representative george miller has similarly left his mark not only his th body but on this country and indeed on this world. our friend george is an aggressive, unapologetic investigator on behalf of taxpayers and for the health and safety of children and workers. he took on asbestos executives, for-profit colleges, subsidized agribusiness, mining corporations, oil companies and administration officials of both parties, and why? to stand up for the little guy who didn't have a voice he
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chaired three committees in the past o40 years, the committee on children and family the committee on natural resources from 1992 to 1994 and the committee on education and labor from 2007 to 2010. he's a longtime co-chair of the democratic steering and policy committee. he's among the 50th as is henry consecutive longest serving members of congress in history out of more than 10,000 members. his list of accomplishments is too long to read but certainly fair pay for women, investigating sweat shops, not only here but around the world, fighting for pension reform, standing up for occupational safety and occupational disease compensation, international labor standards, the minimum wage, and i -- anti-discrimination laws and defense of the right to organize and collectively bargain. the notable legislation written or co-written by george miller, the fair minimum wage act of
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2007, the student loan reforms of 2007 and 2010 the no child left behind act of 2002. the california desert protection act of 1994. the education for all handcapped children of 1975, now known as the individuals with disabilities act and the pay as you go act, pay-go, passed in 1982 to reduce the deficit and instill greater discipline in the budget process and to ensure that military and nonmilitary spending were treated under the same rules he played a key role in shaping the american recovery and reinvestment act in response to the worst american recession since the great depression. california is proud of our two colleagues and many californians and indeed some honorary californians are here tonight who would like to say a few rds to honor these two
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outstanding men. first i would like to yield to mr. alan lowenthal, who represents a district in southern california, three inutes for his contribute. mr. loewen that'll: thank you and thank you for yielding -- mr. loewen that'll: thank you and -- mr. lowenthal: thank you and thank you for yielding to me. i'm thrill to have had a chance to say a few words about representatives miller and waxman. i had the wonderful experience of spending my first two years as mr. waxman and mr. miller conclude a great career. a little bit first about george miller, as has been pointed out, he's a progressive he, has fought for the environment. he's been the leader in the natural resources committee, he's fought to protect public
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lands such as in the 1994 california desert protection act and created death valley national park and joshua tree. he was chief sponsor of the central valley improvement act of 1992 also to protect the fish and wildlife. i came also to the legislature, to the congress after chairing education in california and george miller was a champion and a leader here. we all looked up to him as was pointed out already. his great work on helping to draft no child left behind, great supporter of school modernization and community college. finally about george, passion, umor, respected by all, a zest for political combat. on the other hand, we can say, let's say what people say about my good friend henry waxman. henry, like myself, had
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grandparents who were jewish immigrants. we both served in the legislature. "the washington post" said henry waxman is to congress what ted williams was to baseball, a natural. ralph nader once said, henry waxman is the only argument against term limits. senator allan simpson once said henry waxman is tougher than a boiled owl and "the los angeles times" describes representative henry waxman's tenacity as legendary. you all know his work on the environment, i'm just going to point that out, it's legendary. not only in terms of the clean air act, the amendment, he's also known for the safe drinking water act amendments, laws educing childhood lead exposure, formaldehyde standards act, reducks of greenhouse gases and taking on the tobacco industry. in keeping with his role as defender of the environment, mr. waxman has served as chair of the house's safe climate caucus. it was a distinct honor for this
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new member to serve with henry waxman and a greater honor to be selected as the next chairperson of the safe climate caucus. i only hope that i and every member of the caucus can live up to the amazing legacy of public service that george miller and henry waxman have left this congress. i yield back. thank you. ms. lofgren: mr. speaker, i'm honored now to yield one minute to the democratic leader, nancy elosi. ms. pelosi: thank you to the leader of our california democratic delegation, zoe lofgren, thank you for bringing us together for a very bittersweet circumstance. that is to say how proud we are to honor the leadership of two great giants of the congress, henry waxman and george miller,
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how sad we are that they are leaving us. i come to the floor, mr. speaker today to join in celebrating two of the most accomplished members of this great body. when i say most accomplished, i'm not just speaking in the context of the present congress. i'm talking about two of the most accomplished members of this great body of all time. a pair of californians with 80 years between them, 80 years of service in the house, retiring with an unparalleled record, certainly an unsurpassed record of legislative achievements to their name, congressman henry waxman and congressman george miller. i'm proud to do that as a californian and thank our chairwoman zoe lofgren again for this opportunity. as they depart for new endeavors at the end of this session, which is in about 48 hours, each of them leaves a legacy of leadership that is felt in the
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lives of everyday americans. and that's so important. in doing so, they're both pioneers. for four decades, henry waxman's name has been synonymous with responsive action, responsible action, extraordinary legislative skill, passionate public service, and bold leadership on behalf of the people of los angeles who he represents and the american people. time and again, henry has been the first to appreciate the seriousness of challenges before us. and the first to bring forward solutions to solve them. time does not allow and other members will mention so many accomplishments but i want to focus on from the start, this is what i saw up close and early. from the start, in the early ark days of the hiv-aids epidemic, henry waxman fought to invest in aids research, support
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treatment and care and prevention and pass the landmark ryan white care act. long before the rest of our nation awakened to the gathering storm of climate change, early on, congressman waxman worked to create bold new protections for the air we breathe, the water we drink, the earth we call home. from the first days of his long career he, recognized the urgency of delivering quality, affordable health care to all and together with his -- with some of our other colleagues, it was his leadership as chair of the energy and commerce committee, we honored that commitment with the affordable care act. also working on the affordable care act, from his committee, the education and labor committee, chairman jorbling miller has left an indelible mark on the laws and the members of this august body. george has been the model of a serious and substantive
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legislator. a champion for working people who has had his hand in some of the most innovative and important legislation of our time. members over and over, some already have, others will, talk about his legislative accomplishment, i just will name some. i mentioned the affordable care act, lily led better, the first bill sign -- lily ledbetter, the first bill signed by president obama, to reverse discrimination in the workplace. don't ask, don't tell, the last bill passed by a democratic majority, ending discrimination. for women in the workplace and men and women in the military. earned income -- one thing i want to mention and this is pay-go. because again this is something i saw firsthand. george miller put together the initiative for pay as you go. so that we were not increasing the deficit as we made investments for our future. it was 1982. we were at a mid-term convention
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of the democrats in philadelphia. george miller had the resolution to pass pay-go. very fiscally sound. and responsible. it passed. the resolution passed. it was so revolutionary that they never had a mid-term convention again because it was really there not to make speeches but to make change. but in any event he made that change. it didn't become effective, really, until several years later when president clinton became president of the united states. and we went on a pay as you go basis. so whatever we were doing, we were not increasing the deficit. he's been a deficit hawk. hawk. progressive deficit in the lead on that. so when he was doing the earned income tax cut, healthy, hungry -- hunger-free kids, we haven't
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passed it yet but george advanced it in the house any number of times. education, lifetime learn, i keep coming back to the children. i have said that then people ask me what are the three most important issues facing the congress, i say the same thing, our children, our children, our children. their health, their education, the economic security of their families, the air they breathe, environment which they live a world of peace in which they can reach their fulfillment. no one in the congress has done more for our children, our children, our children. then george miller, george miller, george miller. only focuses on the children but live in a world that takes them outside our country. so forceful was he for advocacy for children in other countries, for fairness and social justice, that he became a subject of the
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salvadoran death squads. they tried to search him down in the united states because he was such a fierce champion for fairness in their country as ell. and so here we are. two committed people. if you ask them what the secret of their success would be and , w they've achieved so much they will be modest. well, sometimes. but what they will both tell you separately is that, and what -- the guidance they give the rest of us, just stick with it. just keep on working. just make sure that the other side, whoever that might be, knows you're not going to go away, because you have a goal that is responsible, you have an urgency for the people and you will make sure that you make the difference. and in many ways we all live in a nation shaped, defined and strengthened by george miller and henry waxman. their keen vision, abiding
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determination, courageous leadership have put them in the ranks of the greatest legislators in our history. when they leave this house, we can be certain that they will continue their extraordinary -- use their extraordinary knowledge and talent in new venues and new ways to serve america's children and families. as we acknowledge them and express our appreciation to them, we also have to acknowledge their spouses. janet waxman and cynthia miller have contributed 80 years of being spouses to members of congress. that's really almost like 80 years each. that's like twice as long as rving as to be a congressional spouse, all the sacrifices that involved. tonight we say a heartfelt thank you to not only george and henry and voice our gratitude to them, but to the waxman and miller families for sharing these great men with our great nation. with that i yield back to the
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distinguished leader of our delegation. thank you. ms. lofgren: thank you. mr. speaker, i would now yield 2 1/2 minutes to our colleague from california, mr. takano. mr. takano: i thank the gentlelady, the dean of our delegation in california. i come to the floor with tremendous pride and a heavy heart as we say good-bye to two of the greatest liberal legislatorses california has ever known -- legislators california has ever known. henry waxman and george miller. i had the honor of receiving henry waxman's endorsement for my very first congressional bid in 1992 but i'd been an admirer of his long before. that i believe henry's career will be judged favorably by history. and going back to his co-founding of the los angeles county of democrats with congressman howard berman back in 1973, his passion for social justice is long and storied. and i have to say, as a member from the inland empire where we
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suffer from some of the worst air quality in the nation, i am grateful for henry's commitment to clean air. he's been a sfal water of progressive value -- stalwart of progressive values, conducting powerful investigations on water pollution, aids, tobacco, to . me a few and who else could have cajoled executives of tobacco companies to coin that nicotine was not addictive under oath? only harry. let me turn to the other liberal titan, george miller. george's work on education and labor issues are unparalleled, from leading the effort that raised the minimum wage in 2007 to his commitment to protecting pell grants and expanding college accessibility for all students. his support of my bid to the education and the work force committee made one of this teacher's life long aspirations a reality. to honor george, i plan on
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renaming the committee education and labor when we retake the majority. george's passion and presence on the house floor and in committee was powerful and will be missed. the commitment of both these men, the commiltment that both these men had to the -- commitment that both these men had to the right issues, not necessarily the popular issues, made them true public servants and an example for the rest of us to follow. while there's no question that both henry and george have earned their retirement, the house is losing two of its fiercest liberal voices. i'm humbled to have served one term alongside these gentlemen, but selfishly wish i could work with them for many more years. in departing, they leave -- they are leaving big shoes for the rest of us to fill, but i can safely speak for alls of us when i say to henry -- for all of us when i speak to henry and george, it has been an honor. thank you and i yield back. ms. lofgren: mr. chairman, i now yield three minutes to my neighbor in the san francisco bay area, congresswoman jackie
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speier. ms. speier: i thank the california democratic leader and want to say very simply that members come and go on the hill. but some you can't imagine leaving. tonight i rise to honor two public servants whose departure will leave an extraordinary void for years to come. like the giant redwoods of california, these men are giants of the congress. representatives henry waxman and george miller have honorably served the state of california in this chamber for a combined 80 years. we've heard that earlier. exactly 40 each. both arrived in the shadow of watergate, ushering in gnaw era of strong congress -- ushering in a new era of strong congressional oversight. they led some of the most significant legislative achievements in our history and set the gold standard for active oversight for all who follow. representative waxman, the mustache of justice, never
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backed down. his book "chronicle"ing his congressional investigating is the bible for conducting effective oversight and holding industry and government officials accountable. his work combating the tobacco industry is one of the greatest public health achievements of the last century. but it's only one of many accomplishments, including the clean air act, the safe drinking water act, the affordable care act and holding the bush administration accountable throughout the iraq war. s truth sir uminquiries cost -- caused plenty of c.e.o.'s to squirm and brought americans better quality of life. his statue in -- his stature in this congress is iconic and his oversight techniques are legendary. he will always be remembered as the grand inquizer to. representative miller was mentored by phillip burt whon famously said, people sent me
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to congress to kick a and take names. well, george miller took that to heart, making his presence felt on the house floor through passionate speeches and actions to match. he didn't mince words or volume. george looks like a warm teddy bear. but much like a teddy bear, he is ferocious in protecting his children. all the children in this country. he worked to protect educational opportunity for low income students and children with disabilities from preschool to graduation. even in his final days of service, he has worked to expand access to early childhood education through a new white house initiative. he's also been an unwavering champion for working families and our environment. he fought pay discrimination, has worked to keep college accessible for all and conserved the california landscape through his tireless efforts to preserve san francisco bay. as chairman of the house natural resources committee,
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mr. miller helped pass the central valley project improvement act of 1992, which increased water allocations for n francisco bay, and the sacramento-san joaquin river delta and he spent the last 20 years defending those special gains which benefit the bay area's wildlife, endangered species and commercially critical salmon runs. when george miller arrived in d.c., he was intent on extending affordable health care to all and thanks to his leadership on the education and work force committee nearly 11 million people are newly insured under the affordable care act. it's not often that members achieve such lofty goals in congress. but his masterful work has led to a law for the history books. henry waxman and george miller have represented the great heights in this chamber and what can be achieved. i hope that we can all learn from their example and emulate their legacies. i


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