tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN December 19, 2014 10:00am-12:01pm EST
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♪ [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] at 1:30, the year and news conference from president obama just before the president departs with his family for hawaii. we will have live coverage of the briefing. ahead to today posner's conference, wondering about questions. why didn't the president and that going to ferguson? what is the president's biggest accomplishment in 2014? how will the navigate the relationship on capitol hill now that republicans have taken control? they ask about the new cuba policy.
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about north korea, was north korea responsible for the cyber attack against sony pictures and should the studio have pulled "the interview" from theater? ontalk more about that washington journal. -authors of this story is devlin barrett of the "wall street journal". mister barrett, how close is the u.s. white house to naming korea government is responsible? guest: they are pretty close. i think it will name her later today, and it would be pretty awkward if you didn't answer that question today -- he ddidn't answer that question today. so much of this has happened so fast. much evidence is there? how much evidence -- have you seen any? guest: well, i am not an
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investigator. i just talked to people who do that kind of work. what i have been told is that is an increasing number of evidence that points to north korea. of that is similarities hacks on his hacking south korean institutions that have happened before. there is also really where, at one t point, we were told that one of computers actually pinged back directly to a north korean computer. they're still trying to figure out exactly what that means. that is not normally how hacking would work. part, you would essentially proxy servers -- servers and other places to discuss the trail -- but they incident where a to y computer talk to agree a north korean computer at that
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point. this essentially tells them korea was behind this. host: in your story this mister barrett, general dempsey is quoted. could there potentially be a military response? guest: i think that is really unlikely. one thing that is really sony nating about the fact, in particular, is that the government has drilled and exercise all sorts of hacking that word response -- require some sort of world response. this is an entertainment company being embarrassed and pulling a movie. they are trying -- part of the discussions in government is is the appropriate response of that kind of action. they will take it seriously, pretty unhappy about it, and they want to discourage anybody else from doing it in the future. they t the same time,
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don't have some off-the-shelf plan. about the justice department? guest: well, the justice department is investigating, principally through the fbi. they have an interesting to because many times these international hacking investigations will take months, if not years, to piece together. they are basically putting what they have so far together in a you know, days -- maybe weeks, sort of. that creates its own challenges for them, in terms of how solid is the evidence. how sure they're not misunderstanding what they're saying. and they, too, a left for some interesting decisions. host: and finally, does this raise the profile of the cyber security command? guest: i think it does, but it
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also points towards the limitations of potential problems. i think this hack, in a weird puts hacking in general higher in the public consciousness. of, you s also kind know -- it is just such an odd heck. writes about ho hacking frequently, this is such an unusual set of facts that it is hard to know yet what sort of facts should be drawn from it. iscertainly, north korea expected to be a major topic at the year and the news conference with president obama followed by your phone calls, facebook comments, and eats. tonight, our final two interviews with retiree members of congress. their personal stories, legislative achievements, and thoughts about the future of
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congress. in this preview, congressman can't recalls congressman -- calling gerald ford and getting him a seat on the ways and means committee. >> i knew i wanted to get on the ways and means committee. i worked hard and welfare reform and adoption issues and trade issues. at that time, the steering committee was called the committee on committees. you knew you were kind of in the government process. it really is a campaign and it is about the votes. on that committee. ford'sd president office. i had met him several times. i was not sure he knew me. i certainly knew him. the secretary said, congressman can't, hold. he got on the phone and said, dave, how are you?
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he said, somebody owes me a favor and i will make a call. that person came to me on the canr and said, anybody who get on the phone with the president of the united states can call me, i am four. i did get on ways and means. it was really a changing moment and he was very gracious and the fact that he was in his office and took the call when i had not scheduled the call. i literally called out of the blue. it was very much a hail mary pass. >> the entire interview airs at 8:00 p.m. eastern followed by our conversation without going armed services committee chair buck mckeon. here onthose tonight c-span. on wednesday, members of the european parliament debated the release of the senate report on cia interrogation and the future of europe us relations with the u.s..
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several members welcomed the release of the report but condemned the various forms of enhanced interrogation techniques. is as argue that torture criminal act and the eu should take further action and pressed charges against those involved. here is a one-hour portion of that debate. >> certain serious concerns and differences have happened in the united states counterterrorism policy. ae european union started dialogue on these issues quite some time ago and today, we are debating a senate report on a u.s. program which was concluded almost six years ago. expressed byview
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president obama according to which the techniques run counter to our values and are not helpful in combating terrorism. it is important that we guarantee that this does not happen again. we favor the publication of the report and the following public debate. it shows transparency and lessons and learning from the committees in the past. theeveral occasions, council stated that the struggle against terrorism has to happen in full respect of international law, including the question of human rights and the rights of refugees. in the respective international law, it is a crucial aspect followed by the european union.
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when the need for the existence of the secrecy area centers was addressed, the european union was heavily committed to fully banning torture. and also cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. in the senate report, it says reasons helped authorize the various techniques that are mentioned therein. from 2006 onwards, the european union has been in a constant dialogue on the legal aspects with representatives of the united states. that dialogue has allowed us to put questions and concerns to the united states. it gave us the opportunity to stress how important it was to respect human life and international law. it is important to stress that president obama formally concluded that the cia program just a few days into his mandate.
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the also banned any -- he also banned any form of torture and mistreatment and the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques and secret detention. he asked that the cia no longer run these secret centers and banned the use of the interrogation techniques. later, in a joint statement made in 2009 the eu, he said "the examination of u.s. policy on detention, transfer, and interrogation in combating terrorism and greater transparency on the practices in the past on this policy, as well as the elimination of the secret detention centers.
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terrorism can only be combated if we have the in our own continental values. violations of human rights and the rights of law can in themselves force people, maybe, to have recourse to terrorism. there can be no justification, however, for that kind of behavior. these policies are intended to combat terrorism but nonetheless can create threats through diffusion. over the years, the european union has not simply have dialogue with the united states but has taken specific steps in order to promote changes to u.s. policies. in 2006, the u.s. and the european union created a framework to bring in european union members to guantánamo in support of president obama's attempts to close.
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in review, steps have been taken in awaiting political problems being solved. in iraq, afghanistan, in syria, the eu has adopted an approach based on the terrorism being prosecuted according to the rule of law. normal courts have long experience in dealing with places connected to terrorism. it is crucial to carry out an inquiry in order to get information about terrorist networks and protect that the plans are correct. and also, for the ordinary courts, they are hundreds of terrorists behind bars.
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the treaty of the european union says that the security of each member state forms to each member states. that means that intelligence agencies in member states is outside the scope of the eu and its institutions and inquiries into involvement in the cia policy is a of the member states are not the european union. in conclusion, member states are bound by the convention on human rights and fundamental rights. that's taken to combat terrorism -- steps taken to, terrorism are monitored by the courts. the european courts are confident to re-examine eu legislation on internal security matters.
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that provides a robust legislative context with provides guarantees within the framework of which we can and should combat the scourge of terrorism. thank you for your attention. >> thank you very much for your statement. on behalf of the european commissioner. >> thank you. president of the council, honorable members of the european parliament. the commission which i represent here today for this matter is, like you, appalled by the findings of the united states select committee on the cia's detention and interrogation program. part of which was released on
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the ninth of december. as you know, most of the inquiry remains classified. this report raises important questions in regards to serious violation of fundamental rights by u.s. authorities and by other persons in the service of the cia between late 2001 to january 2009. as president obama, rightly, said this week, the actions taken under the cia program were contrary to the u.s. values. recognizing that one of the most effective tools to fight terrorism is to stay true to the values and ideals the united states stands for. this is what led him, in the year 2009, 2 unequivocally -- to unequivocally banned torture, and that we applauded.
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this is the real point about culture. it is just wrong -- torture. it is just wrong. it is a crime. it is a criminal act. it should never be used. while shocking, the select committee findings are not a complete surprise. the existence of secret detention facilities, rendition flights, and the allegations of torture and ill-treatment of prisoners under cia custody in the context of the fight against terrorism by the united states has been a concern since they became public some 20 years ago -- some years ago.
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since then, human rights bodies as well as the council of europe and the european court of human rights has been unequivocal in condemning the practices in the study. this house has been engaging on this case since the start come up with the decision to set up -- start, with the decision to set of the committee in the year 2007 and the year 2012, condemning the practices in question and enforcing the need to promote and protect fundamental rights. and as the united states and the european union, we can raise these issues with the united states on several occasions. including in lessons by the presidency of the council and regular dialogue on counterterrorism and on human rights.
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the select committee study is a positive step in confronting publicly and critically the way in which the cia's responsibilities were discharged in relations to the allegations of torture and ill-treatment. the commission believes that full clarity should be brought to bear on those practices in accordance with international standards, including as regards the individual responsibilities for those practices. the eu condemns all forms of torture and ill-treatment under any circumstances, and works towards the prevention and the eradication of all forms of torture and ill-treatment within the european union and worldwide, as a priority of its
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human rights policy. as the commission has repeatedly underlined, efforts to combat terrorism should be conducted in a manner that complies with the root of law -- rule of law and respect our common values and complies -- respects our common values and complies with our obligations under international law, in particular human rights law, refugee law, and -- the commission has stressed from the beginning that all concerned member states should conduct in-depth, independent, and impartial investigations to establish the facts with regard to cia activities. they should have established as
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possibilities which enables victims to obtain compensation for damages. this was recalled in a joint members and to all member states in 2013 -- letter sent to all member states in 2013 by the vice commissioner. we know that the authorities of several member states have, in the past, undertaken investigations into cia agents involved in the abduction, rendition, illegal detention, torture, and ill-treatment of suspects under the cia detention and interrogation program. on the same day that the senate committee study was released, we learned, in the press, that the u.s. military center in afghanistan have been closed. two of the prisoners who have been turned over to authorities were under u.s. custody since
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2002, including 70 years under cia detention, without a trial -- seven years under cia detention, without a trial. over 100 detainees remain in the guantánamo facility, including people that will not be brought to trial or be cleared for release. the european union will keep monitoring the situation and keep raising the human rights-related aspect of the fight against terrorism with the united states. thank you. >> commissioner, thank you very much. we will now hear from the speakers on behalf of political groups. but first i want take the floor for two minutes, monica -- but first, to take the form for two minutes, monica. >> president, commissioner. i will like to welcome the council presidency and colleagues.
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this report, which was published by the senate committee from the united states, is a terribly shocking report. the u.s. president said that it showed shocking behavior from the cia, and the images of the u.s. worldwide was tarnished, and i can only agree with that statement. the core issue here is how can we support ideals if we come on them at the same time -- apple on them at the same time -- trample on them at the same time. from my viewpoint, i can only say that no, we cannot trample on these core beliefs and ideals. the fundamental rights of people are sacred and cannot be violated. security is one of those rights.
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to use all methods, including torture and brutal interrogation techniques, in order to guarantee security, is not something that can be defended. waterboarding -- well, john mccain said publicly that he felt that u.s. citizens walked away -- locked away criminals for waterboarding people. when it comes to these crimes, which can be condemned, also applied to the cia when they use the same techniques. we welcome the fact that the report was made public at all. i am sure that, as the minister said, this would not have been possible and noah holdings would have exposed themselves to this level of criticism and scrutiny -- not all would have exposed themselves to this level of criticism and scrutiny. i hope the united states will be strong and democratic enough to
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see this process through to the conclusion. thank you very much. >> thank you, president. i hope that the stage that we are going to have will serve its purpose. i beg your pardon for being very direct, i believe it is necessary. what do these cases remind you of? a detainee was placed in a tiny cage which was left hanging there in the detainee died because of cold. another detainee was hung up and released over a poll which penetrated his aim is or her vagina. -- anus or her vagina. if this remind you of the middle ages, you are right. but what do the other cases remind you of? during torture, the detainee died because of hypothermia because he was chained naked to a concrete floor.
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>> slow down a little bit for your colleagues and your interpreters. >> if this also reminds you of the middle ages, you are wrong. these are the enhanced interrogation methods used by the cia. there is another difference. in the last century, many conventions were written down and signed in addition to conventions and charters, the legal basis on constitutions on human rights in practically all countries around the world. the united states has signed a convention against order which -- torture which exquisitely prohibits torture -- explicitly prohibits torture. we are also to blame.
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since the european parliament adopted a report on cia activities in europe, more than seven years have gone by. still the european union countries are hiding the. frankly, -- the. frankly, nothing has happened. the war against terrorism and a respect for human rights are not mutually excluding notions. victims of the war against terror also deserve justice. torture is illegal and immoral and unacceptable, and participation of europe in any illegal activities used by the cia is shameful and unworthy of democracy. it is unworthy of the values on which the european union was built. we demand that a full investigation take place and demand clear replies from the member states. it is unacceptable to pretend that nothing has happened and we are not involved.
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we demand that measures are adopted to provide supervision. we demand that protective measures are taken to ensure that nothing like this happens in europe ever again. your colleagues -- dear colleagues, sometimes it is difficult to accept the truth but we deserve to know what. and we are obliged to make a note for citizens. we have -- make it known to our citizens. we have to face it, because we may be the ones on torture devices tomorrow. thank you very much. thank you very much. -- >> thank you very much. >> president, colleagues, as you will be aware, the parliament has always been a place of great importance into looking into questions of the cia policies and also the transport by the cia of prisoners.
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under the last legislative period, we had six measures voted on. the american congress has also said that certain eu member states were involved as well. -- the american congress has also said that certain member states were involved, as well. poland, for example. and the americans and the practices have been questioned. now, clearly, i think that we a look at what the european union has been doing. eu says it depends the honors, values, and respect human rights. should also be defended in foreign countries, as well. we mentioned our history on several occasions, but i think are these principles important to us into our lives, as well.
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clearly, we need to strike a balance between protecting society and limiting personal freedoms. we have sstrike the correct as we combat terrorism in pakistan, iraq, syria, and afghanistan -- terrace have come together and are becoming more powerful. and conduct increasingly bloody acts. therefore, the influence of europe being affected his huge. but we must respect human we can retain our respect of the eu citizens. the eu has lost much of that confidence, however, because of uncritical involvement in cooperation with the cia program. we clearly have to put an end which se practices, violates the values. >> on behalf of the liberals.
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>> first of all, i would like this opportunity to thank senator feinstein for her perseverance, and to see this report through. because i think that this reminds us -- and i think mrs. ohlmeyer said very quickly-- that what sense a democracy a dictatorship is accountability and moral authority. the world, around are immune to these tendencies. we all have these kind of violence in us, but what makes us different is that we have accountability. and there is no impunity in a democracy. this, i'm very pleased to hear our colleagues in all political accountability n and the need for europe to comply with its role with this whole cia program. because we can find that the americans -- that europe has the cia d counterterrorism program. all aspects of it.
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i am glad that poland finally admitted, but there are many other countries. there are number of member states who are close allies of the u.s. and i think this argument has expressed itself several times; actually shocked to hear the commonplaces uttered by the italian presidency. italy is the one country that has actually prosecuted cia agents. convicted twenty-four cia agent. the italian will presidency insist on extradition bby the united states and bring those people the trial? like everybody else was responsible for torture should be brought to trial? obama, we cannot throw a line on this until those responsible have been brought to justice. that is why we are a democracy and others are not. have another question i
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here is -- i read a statement by the head of the a telligence center, which is kind of vague, unclear kind of embryonic european union secret service. he said -- there is no way of knowing whether intelligence was obtained through torture. excuse me? this is an eu bought and paid for by you money? processing information that may have came from third countries? processing information that may have come from torture? we should know. should finally get answers on the nature and activities. answers we have asked for many times. thank you, chair. thank you very much. [applause] do you accept a blue card?
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>> mister president, thank you. and i am obliged to my college for accepting my question. would you agree with me that heard rd that we have it m counsel today, while sounds very sweet, are in fact too little, too late? back in 2005, i stood in the spirit chamber. and i raised with council presidency on a day the fact that illegal detention centers were operating in europe. we do not receive any word at that time that they would be investigated. amir sidestepped by the minister of the british government. would you, therefore, agree that further inquiries today should be conducted as to whether it is appropriate if any government a minister who has knowledge to simply hide behind -- >> thank you -- under the session to come to an end.
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>> yes, i very much agree with you. enough for the council -- and that is, not the italian minister. that is all the member state governments. to make statements about the rule of law and human rights in all the conventions that we are bound to. we had lost back then, but they were not respected. it is not good enough. those who break the law, even if they are governments, should be brought to justice. so, yes, i very much agree with you. >> thank you very much. on behalf of -- for one minute until the end. thank you very much. 600 pages of terrible
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described ffaked executions, faked death, waterboarding, forced rectal feeding, among other horrible techniques. truly, this evokes the practices of terrible dictatorial regimes. now we see this picture released an official report. i welcome this, but let's there is a united nation's convection against -- convention against torture that the u.s. has signed up to. if they violate the convention, then what we're talking about aa terrible crisis situation oon whether or not public morals and united states. be consequences of torture, of denying human dignity. this criticism is not enough. there needs to be a legal ban on torture worldwide.
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that come the facts -- have made official accusations against the united states. want there to be full condemnation aand convictions oof these acts of torture. guantánamo needs to be closed, once and for all. it is enough now. the crucial factors need to come to an end. thank you. now, for two and half minutes. >> thank you, president. mister secretary of state, commissioner, and your colleagues. commissioner, when you attended hearing before the parliament, i was very surprised to hear that you said you really do know the subject. and now i see that the situation is quite different.
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is nothing really new in the 600 pay senate report, but just confirmation. confirmation on collaboration on part of your government and the existence of prisoners on european soil. confirmation of the uselessness of torture. confirmation that the action of to be cret services has scrupulously controlled and prosecuted. confirmation that rights as must not be sacrificed in the fight against terrorism. this report ion of new stage in mobilization tto establish real international justice. scope of these crimes -- to be judiciously
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corrected. now, in the european union, certainly does have directed -- collaborated with these programs. let's promote transparency and action. so the your opinion and its assume states have to the response abilities, and facilitate prosecution. the european parliament has to iits work of investigation so that the whole truth will be known. organizing hearings, delegations of the legal committee to these secret detention centers. we have confirmed the facts that some of the rights of the european union have been infringed. do not think that article 6 and seven of the european union are to be applied? and let's recall tthat want one thing
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-- the destruction of systems of values represented in our democracies. combating them. if we accept this, we'll be complacent with this terse logic. so shedding light on all of these programs, we really need to render justice. on the contrary, this is a battle for our values. thank you. >> thank you. on behalf of the european union democracy group. for one and a half minutes. >> thank you, president. there are two aspects linked to on the cia torture which we have to think about. a major point is self-criticism and severe the u.s. democratic
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institute. speaking on sensitive issues could be seen as matters of national security. typical of the usa and its citizens, but they cannot allow us to ignore and stop a any king out in condemning form of violation of human rights. so, they are totally unacceptable. that is the second point i would like to put to you. the words of those who try to torture against presumed terrorists -- the president interrupts. in peacetime ing, or wartime, that can justify torture. it doesn't only violate the invariable right to nor can it be ut seen in any case an instrument in search of truth.
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senate ort from the u.s. races aa series-- raises a series of lines and abuses. and there is a sort of ambiguity now in the society of because, in the we have detailed descriptions, there are more initiatives or recommendations for incriminating those people whose names onsible we know. little eu has said about the involvement of its member states and cia activities. the president interrupts, again. each member state sshould -- state should have contact in the investigation. >> i am really sorry, but you had one and a half minute speaking time. have far overshot that. now, on behalf of been unattached.
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1 1/2 minutes. >> thank you, chairman. colleagues, i'm very happy that this european parliament so taken aback by tthe breach of human rights by the united states. and time, it is a torture tthe arbitrary detention without trial. months ago, it was edward snowden and the secret service. this is what has caused problems for you. then there were killings by drones. we were also angry about that. civilians were killed in wars. if l me one thing, please, you are so angry at the united states, why do you want to be friends with this country so badly?
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because the european union is with the and-in-hand united states, both economically and we are trying a free trade agreement -- by the way, it happens behind closed doors. also, politically. union is reacting to the offer. into a cold urope war and, potentially, mi, and it into a real war with russia. you do not like the breaches of human rights, and i'm glad don't like them, but shouldn't we think of a better friend instead of the united for es and protect, example, hungry -- my country -- my country -- and the whole of europe. thank you. >> thank you. we now come to the individual speakers.
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i am going to be stricter on time. two minutes. cia as a rture by the subject which is of public interest for many years. this report last week confirmed the split that exists in the political class in the united states. the democrats and the republicans aare deeply divided, concerning various questions. for example, does the report really reflect what happened? secondly, the procedure -- was a correct? report en, should the have been published given the implications and terms of security? these problems have been
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not yet and there is any clear answer in the united states. there is no single approach. to emphasize like close to i feel very the position expressed by john mccain, who asked for the publication of the report. he thinks that the cia have damaged american interests. i think that his declaration was very wise. he said we have committed errors. we have to repay those errors. and we have to undertake reconciliation. is saying that these practices should continue. president obama put an end to
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the special interrogation 2009, aand there is a desire in the united states to shed light on the situation. i think that is the main lesson that we have to draw from this. a political y when entity analyzes its own doings. for three minutes now. >> if you listen to the words of the council, you can easily get the impression that everything is fine here at home. but i think that is far off the truth. the torture that was carried a terrible, shameful practice that the eu is partly responsible for. international of law against, the cia used torture. of s wwas all in the name
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obtaining vital information and to continue the fight against terrorism, but again, this is far off the truth. a way to fight ccriminal acts. it is a criminal act. it undermines our values. it is our human dignity which hangs in the balance. when it comes to prevention and -- and coming to with what took place, find a different discourse, a different type of language. otherwise, we will find nothing but hatred and violence in reacting. this is a matter of international humanitarian law. torture can never be allowed to happen and must be prosecuted. on europe that we
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illegal ur eyes to rendition of business or a or of a of prisoners, legal prisons -- illegal prisons being operated. who authorized people bbeing and transferred to facilities in secret to be tortured elsewhere. is something that only public knowledge last week, when we had representatives from poland and romania on the subject. there is no real ability to face up to what happened because we were so deeply involved. it comes nk that when
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to these striking and blatant violations of human -- european needs to be thing done. we can see what happens when these values are not guaranteed. we are not protecting anyone's interest. it is democracy itself that is being threatened by this. our duty is to stand up to this. and i can only hope that the commissioner is on our side it comes to this. thank you. >> thank you very much, indeed. and thank you for respecting your time so precisely. for one minute now. >> thank you very much, chair. the very fact that torture have been conducted -- even though some are trying to justify those practices, and
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even though people had detention centers. will be letter published today, signed by hundreds of very important figures, ccondemning those practices; however, i would attention to your double standards and the question of mutual trust of our allies. cia did not conduct such territory ions on the of united states because it was respected below the u.s.. however, it did not have such respect for the polish law. and those in power in poland i really respect polish values. unfortunately, our track has been abused. and the image of the u.s. is no longer positive. >> thank you, colic. one and a half minutes now.
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>> thank you. well, the word is appalling to describe these inhuman torture used by the were cia. disgusting is a word that best describes the cia leaders way of sweeping away the accusations. discovered as been is the reminder of the existing impunity for the many terrible crimes against human rights, which the u.s. is justifying in the name of the internal security. but just like so many times before, when the banks of the torture have been investigated, it shows that the methods are useless. but whatever their security -- whatever the results, we have say it once again -- torture, under no circumstances, is acceptable.
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an international ban on torture is absolute. it covers everyone, everywhere. in the report it says that eu sweden, uk, and with ia have cooperated the cia by -- to rendition prisoners to the usa without any guarantees. sweden, they have allowed the cia to fly them out under inhumane conditions. the truth can make us free. we have to find the truth. there has to be an end to impunity. the perpetrators have to be judged. and accountability has to be demanded. thank you. >> thank you very much. do accept a blue card? >> yes. >> i know you agree with me that torture is immoral, illegal, and must always be condemned.
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i refer to the words of colonel tim collins -- since i was serving, the rules and interrogations have been tied into because of lawyers. we're not able to carry out tactical questioning. got to the point -- we have lost our operational capacities. >> you have thirty seconds. it doesn't help if you speak so the translators cannot translate. please, colleagues, senators -- please speak at a speed that makes it intelligible to everybody else. did you get the question? you didn't get it. so, we move on. you have the opportunity to answer. >> i will be happy to answer. brutality of the methods
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used and how they have been justified is simply unacceptable. the european union member states must all come together to disclose the truth. what happened in your country, as well as in my country? this is the truth and we needed to it now. it is time for impunity to come to an end, even in europe. [applause] >> thank you very much. for a minute and a half. >> thank you. into ecent senate report cia interrogation techniques eexposes american administration sanctioned torture. this is not -- the five techniques were used by the british government to torture fourteen i was meant, and -- irish men. -- which was the first time in member state took another tto that court.
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ireland versus uk case; however, the court ruled that the five techniques amounted to inhumane and degrading treatment, not torture. first administration justify the use of these techniques in iraq, afghanistan, and guantánamo bay by quoting the eu report. however, information recently that the d show british government lied to the european court of human rights on the effect of these techniques. and that the fourteen men were, indeed, tortured. these torture techniques were sanctioned at the highest level of government by the then british minister of defense, lord carrington. the irish week, refer ment confirmed it the case back to the court of human rights.
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by its own judgment, the british are guilty of torture. >> thank you very much. >> americans must also do likewise. thank you. >> can i remind colleagues that agenda, a topic on the and that colleagues who are speaking should speak to the agenda, please. one minute. >> thank you, president. i suspect to the topic. the cia torture. the feinstein report -- wwell, this is a wake-up call for the european union. and i'm very happy about that because the green group has tried repeatedly come over the to t few months, to to try bring this to some kind of public discussion.
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there were member states that to e involved when it came the transfer of detainees. on s was, of course, not u.s. sovereign territory, but for some reason or another, it would sort of swept under the carpet. but i think that when it comes to this debate, i really see as a new beginning. as a new opportunity to have an investigative committee to an extent the eu was involved. >> the next speaker. one minute. >> the cia torture is unacceptable. the secret services in the united states, i think, have a long history of violent torture and cold-blooded murder. defender ms up as the
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of human rights. and all of these law matters of the eu and nato were allies of the united states. the eu are states of in many sectors -- as i say, with the united tapping telephones, networks, and surveilling and, also, they are conducting these inhuman tortures. line with the claims, but affects its to face. that is a dictatorship of a people cannot take their things into their own hands. >> now, for two minutes.
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>> president, commissioners, i think the u.s. has done a remarkable thing by releasing the feinstein report publication. it is really remarkable and it shows that, unlike china, when there are mistakes made, there is a process that they put to action when it comes to fixing things. i think that is what defines -- differentiates a dictatorship from a democracy. let us not forget that this procedure is not legally acceptable and the practices are inhumane and must be criticized. that is absolutely clear. i myself visited guantanamo and i said very clearly that the
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practices used were not acceptable and not in line with international humanitarian law. but let's not let this blow out of proportion as if the u.s. was the largest country breaching human rights. these were response to terrible acts of terrorism carried out in the united states. let's not forget that. it has to be said as well. we must not allow this balance between freedom and security to be skewed to such an extent that human rights can be damaged and i think this balance is now being reestablished in the united states. but let us keep things in proportion. once again, i would like to congratulate dianne feinstein
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for having had the courage to make this report public. i think this really distinguishes united states of america from many other dictatorships around the world. i think they should take a leaf out of the book of the united states and follow their example. >> will you accept a blue card? >> you have the floor. >> thank you. i share the views of mr. brock. i have a question. what does mr. brock see as the risks in the fight against terror? can you see any negative consequences to the fight against terrorism from this report? for example, yesterday, we saw horrific events in pakistan. what do you think?
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>> what i was saying, we must also see to fight against terror and that human rights cannot be violated by invoking the fight on terrorism. we condemn the practices, but we have to see everything in context. >> mr. brock, your speech has triggered something. i have got two more blue cards. can you accept them as well, and let's take them one after the other? you can answer both questions within one minute. >> i am glad that colleague brock condemns the use of terror under any circumstance. in a way, you said it was understandable, the circumstances, etc. isn't it true that even if that were understandable, that so many years have passed where people should have been brought
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to justice, where there should have been accountability, and every single opportunity was missed. when it comes to justice, the americans did manage to lock up the people who actually disclosed the scandals. like the former cia staff spent time in prison rather than the people responsible for terror. don't you agree that there was plenty of time to repair the mistakes that were made? >> mr. brock, thank you for your contribution. as a close friend of the u.s., should we now not be asking them to close guantanamo bay? >> thank you very much, indeed. >> let's take an extra question. >> i fully agree with you on certain points, mr. brock.
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but don't you think we also need legal measures? we have to draw legal conclusions so people who are responsible for these infringements of human rights can be brought to justice? >> thank you very much. one minute, mr. brock. >> yes, these were mistakes that were made in the past and something needs to be done about it. yes, legal measures need to be taken if there can be verifiable cases. this does not change anything i said earlier, the fact that legal measures must be taken and that guantanamo should be closed down i said more than eight years ago. but let's not ignore the conflict. which countries were willing to
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take onboard, welcome detainees from guantanamo? just a handful of countries were willing to would allow these people to come to their countries. so, yes, absolutely, there needs to be legal action. but we cannot simply allow this to linger on. there needs to be political and legal consequences. >> two minutes, claude. >> thank you. one thing mr. brock says accurately is we met dianne feinstein and she was brave on this subject. she faced huge pressure on the question of making this report happen and we should be very aware that we are now vindicated
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on our 2006 cia inquiry and their report happening in a very different context, in a very different time. in 2006, when we investigated the secondary sources, not the primary sources that the u.s. senate had, but the secondary sources, all of the horrific, brutal torture methods in this parliament, it was under severe pressure. but we were vindicated because many of the same conclusions happened in this parliament. that was a very difficult thing for us to do. what conclusions did we come up with?
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we came up with what john mccain said, a republican, a man who had been tortured. we noted the difference between interrogation and brutal torture. what he said is it is legal and morally wrong. he also said that it brought no new information in the fight against terrorism. these are people who are not soft on terrorism. these are people who understand the difference between interrogation, having no information, and having that information. so let's understand that we were vindicated in our inquiry. this is not the end of the road. we have people languishing in guantanamo bay today who should be free, people whose governments are requesting they be freed, who have been tortured, who have families, who are actually languishing in prison. this story has not finished. it has only begun. these are eu citizens who have been languishing in prison. they have been tortured repeatedly. we want them back and we should be representing them. [applause]
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>> thank you. >> thank you. will you accept a blue card? you have the floor. >> michael. >> thank you. if i could ask all the members who were not here in 2006, you mentioned two things. you said that we were vindicated and that it was difficult. why do you say that? >> thank you for the brevity of the question and thank you for that. let me just say to the house and the chair of the committee of the inquiry, the italian member of the italian parliament, these were members who were put to a very difficult task.
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my assessment is that the inquiries into mass surveillance and now the inquiry into cia renditions all said the same thing, which is that we have very inadequate parliamentary strategy of these kind of actions. these inadequate parliamentary scrutinies allow inadequate scrutiny of the kind of actions we now see which allow these extreme kinds of torture and ends up with the kind of senate report we saw today. we must correct this and that is why the new members of this parliament should take an interest in what is happening today. >> thank you very much. we have another blue card. >> mr. president, thank you. may i think him for the work he has done on this issue for a
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number of years. i ask you -- one of the biggest challenges we have is getting information from our own governments. do you feel satisfied that we have full disclosure from our member state governments, and if not, how can any of us be satisfied that any of our citizens cannot face such a thing ever again? >> of course we do not have full disclosure. omar brock and i met her and we were aware that we were in front of a brave senator. we are parliamentarians. when we were doing the cia inquiry in the european parliament and people were denigrating that inquiry, we were aware that we were dealing with our own governments. sometimes we were members of parliament with our own government in office, investigating them. of course there is not full disclosure. we have to be brave in those
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situations and try and get as much information as possible. sometimes that will be secondhand, but we have to do it. without that accountability, we cannot get the truth. finally, we still have european prisoners in prison today who are innocent and should be free. that is why this is such a vital and important issue and all parliamentarians should be representing them if nothing else. >> thank you. >> one minute. >> as a long-standing member, like all of us here, i am appalled and disgusted about what has happened -- what has been admitted by the united states. i would like to remind you that it was the americans themselves who actually brought this to light, the senate.
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and there, as here, there are critical discussions of what was done by previous u.s. governments. now, we are taking this up with the americans once again, and i would be delighted to be able to discuss what the russian secret services are up to. that has been lacking. as co-author of the report on the human rights situation over the last year, it struck me that we do not look at these kinds of things, most of which tend to be done by the americans. i think it would be very good if we looked at the infringements of human rights just as intensively in other countries as well. >> thank you. >> thank you, mr. president.
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we are not talking about something new. the cia started torturing people in 2001, and in 2006, we discovered that the agency was also responsible for the illegal detention and transfer of prisoners in europe. besides being terrible human rights violations, this created a vicious circle, giving the terrorists one more reason to continue to fight and their propaganda. now that the u.s. senate has come out with a report, it is time that we put the spotlight and discuss things that happened in the european union. european union member states are not innocent. many eu member states were aware of the cia practices. some tolerated, if not supported, them. poland has still admitted it and
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others are denying the claims. i think the eu should investigate the level of participation. practices like the ones we just heard of, i call on the member states to set up parliamentary inquiries to establish the extent of their involvement or knowledge of cia torture. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. you have one minute. >> the inhuman practices used by the cia under the bush administration to interrogate the detainees is proof of lack of respect for human rights, which we see employed by most of
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the political powers in the united states. every year, they ask for reports on questions of human rights situations in third countries, while they, at the same time, are infringing the convention against torture. apparently, we are not particularly interested in this in the european union. we stand up to protect fundamental rights. in practice, we have been systematically trampling them underfoot, specifically to austerity problems. long-term unemployment, the long-term pharmaceutical support, the lack of heating in housing in winter, this is economic torture. eu governments have promised paradise, and they have served up hell, destroying europe. >> one minute.
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>> thank you. like others, i welcome the senate report, but regret that oath of the main political parties did not participate in the full process. we know the mental and physical scars that are left. we know that from members of parliament who suffered torture in their lives and can testify to the effects. i would also raise in this house the case of those still in guantanamo. held prisoner, tortured in bagra cleared for transferm, in 2007. the british government have said they will have him back to rejoin his british wife and children. i think we fail to understand how he can still be in
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guantanamo when two democratic governments have agreed he should be returned. i think that the use of torture demeans our demands regarding human rights from others elsewhere in the world. our reputation can only be rescued when those perpetrators are brought to justice. >> now, gianluca for one minute. >> thank you, president. i would say that the cia was right in doing what it did because we have to remember the night of september 11, 2001. there is too much hypocrisy here. terrorists recently decapitating people, just the other day in
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pakistan as they did in australia. we need to ensure that people can be calm in europe as well. they are beasts, terrorists, terrorists who commit such acts are beasts. we have to combat them. if they were to decapitate one of your children, your relations, would you still say the same thing? islamic law it is an eye for an eye, a two for a tooth. the islamic religion is riled. europe is hypocritical on certain things. 6 million dead in europe and we are talking about palestine? >> on the wednesday meeting,
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european parliament voted overwhelmingly for the coal-fired recognition of the house is in state. that came on the same day that signatories to the geneva convention warned israel. they write the rare international meeting of switzerland of parties to the geneva conventions was boycotted by israel, the u.s., canada, and australia. israel says this was an example of staggering hypocrisy. coming up tonight on c-span, our two day final interviews with retiring members of congress. their personal stories, achievements, and thoughts about the future of congress. president ford, is recalled asking him for help
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on the ways and means committee. wanted to get on the ways and means committee, and worked hard on welfare reform and discrete issues. the steeringime, committee was called committee on committees. you knew you were in a government process. it really is a campaign, about the votes on the committee who determines who gets a seat on the committee. so you are talking to every member on that committee, and there was a particular member i was -- who was not for me, and i did not know what to do. at the blue, i dialed president ford's office. i was not sure he knew me. i knew him. at his secretary into the phone p,d said, congressman cam hold. he said, i used to be a leader.
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that person came to me, and can get aody who former president to call me, i am for. he changed his vote was for me, and i did get on ways and means. i told susan for that story what's. i am not sure she cared. ing moment.ang the fact that he was in his office and took the call. i have not scheduled to call, called out of the blue. it was very much a heels very pass. >> we need to go back and make things a little bit simpler. when my dad's first went in to is this, he has been working for a company selling off of a truck meat. he finally saved enough money and bought a used fish truck, and he and my mom worked all weekend to try to get the smell of that truck. early monday morning, the war had already started, and meat
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was being rationed. she has friends come to buy enough meat to fill up his stroke, and that he was trying to sell it. one weekend -- and he was in business -- one day he driven out of business, but at the end of the day event somebody who bought everything he had some and that got him started down to go into business you have got to get different licenses and this, that hit organization. everything is tougher. that taxes that come with all these things while this is the greatest country in the world, we got lots of challenges. >> the entire interviews get and buck mckeon gets underway at 8:00 eastern. coming up just over two hours, at 1:30, president obama will be holding a news conference at the white house before departing with his family for hawaii.
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we will have live coverage of that, we will follow that with your comments on the phone, peaceful, and twitter. we are hearing today the john boehner has officially invited president to deliver his state of the union address. mr.eads commander president, the new year will bring a new american congress, and with the opportunity to continue our work to build a stronger economy and security better future or country. in that spirit, it is my honor to you to address a joint session of congress on tuesday, january 20, 2015, so you may fulfill your duty to report on the state of the union. i understand that is at 9:00 p.m. january 20. for life coverage on c-span. nobel's peace prize was awarded to kailash .atyarthi and malala yousafsai
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ms. yosafsai is the youngest recipient. [bells ring] >> the annual peace prize ceremony in the oslo city hall. this date september 10 is the date on which alfred nobel died and it is also the national human rights day. december 10, this year is quite special. this year the focus is on the rights of the young people among us, thanks to the two prize winners. they have already met several thousand norwegian children
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outside the city hall this morning, for children and young people are very important in the celebration of this year's nobel peace prize. every year since 1919, a nobel peace prize ceremony has taken place in the oslo city hall, and today as always, the main hall is festive and ready to welcome international and national guests. the two nobel laureates, malala yousafsai and kailash satyarthi, will receive their prizes for the right to education for every child in the world. 17-year-old malala yousafsai is the youngest recipient of the recipient of the peace prize
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ever. she has already made an impression all over the world in her fight for the right of education for girls. she was shot, but not even this murderous attempt could stop her work for educating young people. kailash satyarthi is a children's rights activist who has won many prizes for his work. in 1987, he founded an organization against child slavery. several thousand child workers have been set free thanks to the work of satyarthi. the oslo city hall as usual makes a beautiful setting for the traditional ceremony. the flowers decorating the halls today are carnations, orchids, and many others.
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every year a norwegian artist is given the honor of signing the nobel diploma which accompanies the prize. the artist this year is among the invited guests today, naturally. and now, outside the courtyard, the two laureates are arriving. they are welcomed as usual by the head of the nobel committee.
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and then now, the nobel laureates have some moments before entering the hall, leaving their coats, and getting ready for the important ceremony. there's already a close connection between the two recipients. they call each other spiritual father and daughter. and now they are signing the guest book of the city hall of oslo. now ready to welcome the prize winners into the hall are four trumpeters from the royal navy band.
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the first guests started to arrive about an hour ago and have had time to admire the norwegian art in the hall. here is the official norway on the left in the hall, prime minister, and several other members of the norwegian cabinet and many parliament members. here are some of the artists to be presented tomorrow at the traditional nobel concert.
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now the norwegian royal family are arriving at the city hall. it is an old tradition that the royal family's presence at this ceremony, again being welcomed by the leader and the secretary of the nobel committee. his majesty, the king, her majesty, the queen, and crown prince and princess are arriving. [bells ring] we hear the 49 bells of the city hall towers. they play an important role in today's ceremony as they do in the daily life of the city of oslo.
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>> your majesties, your royal highnesses, excellencies, excellencies, excellencies, a conscience exists in the world that extends beyond all boundaries which is independent of religion, culture and social adherence. it says that children have a right to childhood, that children should go to school and not be forced to work.
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appeal for fraternity between nations would be difficult to find except through you two. we are honored to have you here. congratulations. the road to democracy and freedom is paved with knowledge. taliban and isil dislike knowledge because they know it's an important condition for freedom. attendance at school, especially attendance at school, especially by girls, deprives such forces. but nothing should be further from islam than using suicide bombs against their co-religionists or shooting at a young girl whose only demands was to be allowed to go to school.
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violence and repression cannot be justified in any region. islam, christianity, judaisim, hinduism, protect life and cannot be used to take lives. the two whom we honor here today stand very firm on this point. they live according to what mahatma ghandi said. there are purposes i would have died for. there are no purposes i would have killed for. kailash satyarthi and malala yousafsai are not only behind the desk, but in practice. your majesties, your highnesses, ladies and gentlemen, kailash
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satyarthi's vision is quite simple, to put an end to child slavery. since he abandoned a career in 1980, this has been satyarthi's overriding aim. he has worked at several different levels to achieve it. at the grass roots level, he has achieved the release of some 80,000 children, sometimes in very dynamic circumstances. he has often been brutally attacked, it takes little fantasy to imagine the reaction when he and his co-workers go into worn-down factories in india to set the children free. powerful interests have profited from child labor that do not
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give up without a struggle. satyarthi himself has adhered to nonviolence. the child laborers are not infrequently recruited by kidnapping, but are often also hired out by parent who is cannot manage their debts. enslavement through debts remains very widespread, not only in india, but also in many other countries. satyarthi insists that it is not poverty that leads to child labor, child labor maintains poverty, carrying it from generation to generation. school attendance releases people and young politics. satyarthi has developed a model for hard labor used children can be rehabilitated and educated. they must be provided with basic
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knowledge to enable them to function as normal citizens rather than slaves. he has set up a number of different organizations with work both in india and internationally to fulfill children's rights. it is perhaps the most important instrument taken -- taking direct action to set children free. satyarthi's struggle is marked by inventiveness, established in 1994, now it is a striking example. it is an international consortium that exports rugs. by simple means it checks that
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the rug has not been made by child laborers, a network of inspectors have been set up to ensure that the system works. the children get to go to school and the adult workers earn a fair wage. exporters and importers pay a small fee to keep up this system of inspections and controls. efforts are on hand to spread the scheme. on the 17th of january, 1998, satyarthi embarked on his biggest project, the global march against child labor. 7 million children and adults took part in this march which expanded many different countries and regions. the march ended up in front of the ilo headquarters in geneva. the following year, the
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convention was adopted and has currently been modified by 172 countries. no ilo convention has been ratified more quickly. ilo conventions, 138 and 182 and the u.n. convention on the rights of the child now form the basis of the worldwide struggle against child labor and for education. but nevertheless much remains to be done. there are roughly at least 60 million child laborers in india alone. most of them in farming. so if the countries ratified the two ilo conventions, that would be a big step in the right direction. there are currently more than 68 million child laborers worldwide.
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in the year 2000, the figure was 78 million. in this as in so many other areas, things are thus moving in the right direction. and often much faster than we think. satyarthi indeed believes that child labor can be more or less eliminated in his own lifetime. everyone here shares this hope. your majesties, royal highnesses, and ladies and gentlemen, malala yousafsai is the youngest peace prize laureate of all time.
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her story has become known all over the world. when she was 11 or 12, she began to write a blog for the bbc about what it was like to live in the swat valley in northwest pakistan, under heavy pressure from the taliban and with only ambivalent support from the pakistani authorities. the schools periodically had to close, especially girls' schools. her vision was from the start, girls have a self-evident right of education.
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her courage is almost indescribable. we all know what happened on the 9th of october, 2012, when she was 15, a man climbed into the school bus and asked for malala. he fired shots at her, injuring her most severely. her life was saved and she decided to continue her struggle for girls' education, although the taliban made no secret of her intention to try again. pakistan's population numbers nearly 200 million. 1/4 are between 5 and 16 years old. the constitution and he's all children free and compulsory education. but nearly half of the 52 million do not go to school.
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a large majority of them are girls. it's not just taliban that seeks to keep girls away from school, because schools have been built without walls, without running water, and without toilets. and at least as important indoctrination is important of the skills and knowledge needed in order to cope in a modern world. the teachers too often only the minimum qualification needed. we appreciate very much that pakistani authorities have awarded the peace prize to malala yousafsai. the best gift they could give her would be dramatic improvements in the country's education system.
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that would benefit the whole of pakistan, and, ladies and gentlemen, few things provide a large economic and social -- than investments in girls' education. this lodgics applies all over the world. but they seem to be the individual person at the center of all polliticpolitics, the one that girls are excluded, are not a burden and not a threat to society. they present an enormous unused resource. here in europe, too, such lodger is important. the problem is not that children or youth do not receive education or are obliged to work. far too many find nonuseful education or find no
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opportunities for work. we need to leave this negative situation and instead give the younger generation the hope, which is probably the strongest defense against extremism. young people must be able to see into the future instead of being kept by dark forces and dark sorts. ladies and gentlemen, while it is in the nature of extremism to and to divide the the into us and them, laureates show us something else. a young girl and a somewhat older man, one from pakistan and one from india, one muslim, the other hindu, both symbols of what the world needs, mainly
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more unity, fraternity between the nations that alfred nobel spoke about. the laureates have underlined that if the prize can bring -- so near and yet so distant, closer to another, this would add an extra dimension to the prize and we all share this hope. ladies and gentlemen, we need people like satyarthi and
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yousafsai to show that it helps to fight. few have the courage to live according to mahatma ghandi's principles who say i accept only one tyrant in the world, and that is still the small voice within me. we others have perhaps become too accustomed of hearing the voices of others, through social media or looking over economic interests or political interests. we often forget to listen to the voice that talks to us about justice. but we should bear in mind, freedom and justice have never been ceremonial.
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so your majesties, royal highnesses, ladies and gentlemen, believe fortunately in a world that avoids all the violence and extremism we see around us. it is marked by an increasing humanity. james baldwin put it like this -- the people who once walked in darkness, are no longer prepared to do so. this has become an irrevocable part of our awareness, and people like malala yousafsai and kailash satyarthi are among those people. so dear nobel peace laureates, i
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cannot explain how much i have struggled to find the right and the best words to say how much the norwegian nobel committee admire you. end.l only say this at the be will for all the future two new jewels in the history of the nobel peace prize, the role of campaigning and struggling people, people that had created the global conscience of which we can all be bearers. the call for freedom and justice, and the most important children andet young people free. thank you for your attention.
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