tv Washington This Week CSPAN December 29, 2014 2:00am-4:01am EST
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classified information, to the dutch, who are the investigators. and to ikao, and we're working -- >> who? >> the international civil aviation organization. so any efforts to say that we have not are also untrue. there will be, i believe, in the context of the dutch case, when they roll it out, they are likely to ask us to declassify some of that and i think we will be able to help in that regard. but the best declassified set of information from u.s. assets is still contained in what secretary kerry said that day. i believe it was the saturday the 21st, but i don't have the dates exactly in my head. we have also been very clear publicly and privately with the russian federation with regard to what we know. i think the question is whether
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russia has shared all its information with the dutch, and we have encouraged both the dutch and icao to seek information from russia because there's been a lot of funky theories, let's put it that way, coming out of russian propaganda. now, on your second point, i completely reject your assertion that we seek to hurt the russian people, on the contrary, we have fought for 20, 25 years, to see the russian people in a more prosperous, more democratic, more open, more peaceful country. that is what i have personally committed my diplomatic career to over all these years. that's what we have committed some $20 billion in u.s. assistance to the russian federation over these 20 years to. our concern, those, is that it is the choices that the russian leadership that is making, that are now taking russia back to a
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place of isolation, to a place where it is closed off, where its people are closed off, not just from clean democratic, open information by the kremlin's propaganda campaign, but also from their access to europe, their access to the market their access to that opportunity to live in a more open society. so it's the choices that russian leaders have made that are increasing isolation, closing off opportunities. even things like ending our high school exchange, which brought some 200 russian kids to america every year, and you have seen, i hope, on russian social media, both on facebook, all the russian students saying bring it back. we want a chance to go study in the united states. that's the relationship we want. that's the russia that is in our interest, a russia that is
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strong, that is democratic, that lives up to its international obligations, that is a good partner for us. it is not we who have made these choices. it's the leadership in russia. it's extremely regrettable to us that the russian people are now paying the price in their pocketbooks. we want to go back to a place where we can work together, but it's russia's choice. >> it's been extremely useful, i think, for you to have the ability to dispel all sorts of things or misinformation and clarify things. so we're five minutes over. would you like to take another five minutes to answer questions or shall we stop? >> i think i better go back to work, leon. great to be with you all. >> thank you so much. much. [applause]
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>> to the next washington journal, a look at the 2016 presidential race. it in a discussion on the rising cost of higher education -- and a discussion on the rising cost of higher education. we'll take your phone calls and look for your comments on facebook and twitter. >> queuing day is 10 years old and two were a decade of conversations, we are -- q&a is 10 years old and we're celebrating a decade of conversations.
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his movements of the using security camera video and intercepted phone calls from the killers and interviews with survivors on c-span. >> monday night on the communicators, amie mitchell of the pew research center on polarization and where people consider bills. >> you look at facebook because they are the largest in the outlet that has the greatest percentage of the american public using it in terms of special sites. about half said they got political news from facebook in the past week. there was social media about on par with local television and some of the other really talk outlets. it clearly does play a role in people's information environment and how they are learning. and what we found when we broke
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down the differences ideologically is that the consistent conservative was much were likely to have circles of friends and key political polls more in line with their own clinical thinking. more so than those that are mix it does that our more consistent liberals. consistent liberals are much were likely to defend somebody to drop somebody because of their political views. >> monday night on 8:00 eastern on the communicators. >> coming up, the security council meeting of north korea's human rights records. several issues for trade the political cartoons. and later a group of conservatives african-american discussing the loss and race. -- gun laws and race. >> the united nations security council held a meeting to examine north korea's human
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rights records. it was being urged to refer north korea to the international court. this two-hour meeting begins with a vote to put the issue on the agenda. >> called to order. the provisional agenda is the situation in the democratic people's republic. does any member of the council wished to speak on the subject?
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>> mr. president, china is against using the existence of the large scale violence in the dprk to include this in the agenda of the security council. the u.n. charter stimulates explicitly that the primary responsibility of the security council is to maintain international peace and security. various u.n. organs have their respected functions and division of labor. the security council is not the forum to get involved in human rights issues and still less should the human rights issue be politicized. currently, we are faced with numerous forms and challenges. the security council should strictly abide by its responsibilities and concentrate on addressing issues which concern international peace and security. the situation on the korean peninsula remains complex and sensitive. opposing the goal of denuclearization, maintaining peace and stability and
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insisting on dialogue and consultations as a way to solve issues, these are in the interest of all parties concerned and should be direction toward which all parties should work together. the security council should work more to facilitate dialogue and ease tension and refrain from doing anything that might cause the escalation of tension. the inclusion by the security council in this agenda and by which to get involved in the dpr k human rights issue would go against the above goals and can only bring harm instead of benefits. thank you, mr. president. >> i would like to thank the representative of china for his statement. does any other member of the council wish to take the floor?
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i'm going to give the floor to the representative of australia. >> mr. president, thank you and thank you for convening this meeting. i will make only a few brief remarks. i would like to start by reading the letters of the group of 10 councilmembers addressed to you, mr. president, in your capacity as president of the council on five, december, 2014. the letter stated -- "we the undersigned members of the security council, australia, chile, france, jordan, lithuania, luxembourg, republic of korea, rwanda, united kingdom, and the united states are deeply concerned about the situation in the democratic people's republic of korea. we are particularly concerned by the scale and gravity of human
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rights violations detailed in the comprehensive report undertaken by the u.n. human rights council commission of inquiry in the democratic people's republic of korea -- document a contained in document s -- these violations threaten to have a destabilizing impact in the maintenance of international peace and security. therefore, we would like to request the situation in the democratic people's republic of korea be formally placed on the council's agenda without prejudice to the item on nonproliferation in the dprk. we request a meeting of the security council on the situation in democratic people's republic of korea, pursuant tool number two of the council -- the councils provisional rules of procedure and request a senior official from the u.n.
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secretariat and a senior official from the u.n. office of the high commissioner of human rights formally briefed at a meeting of the security council under that agenda item. which would enable councilmembers to receive further information from the secretariat on this station and its implications for international peace and security. that letter was issued as counsel document s. the 10 members of the council which signed the letters are seeking the establishment of a new agenda item, the situation in democratic people's republic of korea, and as necessary consider the deteriorating human rights system in that country. given this systematic violations of human rights taking place in
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the dprk and the threat to the maintenance of international peace and security, we do not consider this can be appropriately considered by the council on an ad hoc or informal basis. second, a formal council meeting under the new agenda item must take place today. rule number two of the perceptional -- provisional rules of procedure provides why the president should call a meeting of the security council on the request of any one member of the council and it has been over two weeks since 10 councilmembers requested such a meeting. we should now proceed to adopt the agenda which has as its subsidy items the situation in the people's democratic republic of korea." thank you, mr. president. >> i would like to thank the representative of australia for his statement. i want to draw members attention
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to the letter dated the december, 2014. s 2014/872 addressed to the president of the security council from the representatives of australia, chile, the united states america, france, jordan lithuania, luxembourg, the republic of korea, the united kingdom, great britain, northern ireland and rwanda. in view of the request that this matter be included in the provisional agenda, in view of the comments made by the representatives of china and australia, i propose to put the provisional agenda to a vote.
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two votes against, and to abstentions. -- two abstentions. the provisional agenda has been adopted. listen to the request of representative of australia, chile, the united states america, france, jordan, lithuania, luxembourg, the republic of korea, the united kingdom, great britain, ireland and rwanda contained in document s/2014/872 that a meeting of the council of the agenda item, the situation in the korea be convened.
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>> mr. president, members of the security council, excellencies ladies and gentlemen, the security council meets at a time when the situation in the democratic people's republic of korea is attracting increasing world attention and concern. the report of the secretary-general to the general assembly on the situation of human rights in the democratic people's republic of korea was issued earlier this month. the general assembly adopted a resolution on the human rights situation in the democratic people's republic of korea on 18 december and on 19, december the federal bureau of investigation of the united
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states issued a report alleging the democratic people's republic of korea was responsible for the recent cyber attack targeting sony pictures entertainment. the secretary-general is aware of the fbi report. he is also aware that the democratic people's republic of korea has denied any involvement. the united nations is not privy to the information on which the fbi's conclusions are made. however, the rise in the incidence and severity of cyberattacks is an increasing concern. mr. president, the commission of inquiry established by the human
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rights council gave voice to the many victims of human rights violations and provided a roadmap for democratic people's republic of korea to adhere to universal standards. the commission concluded that -- and i quote "the gravity, scale and nature of the violations within the state that does not have any -- in the contemporary world." the commission changed the tone of the discussion on the democratic people's republic of korea. it is not just the nuclear issue that deserves international attention and action. a discussion in the security council today allows for a more comprehensive assessment and action in addressing the security and stability concerns and the korean peninsula -- in the korean peninsula. in keeping with its obligations to international law, the democratic people's republic of korea has a responsibility to
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protect its population from the most serious international crimes. the international community also has a collective responsibility to protect the population of the democratic republic of korea and to consider the wider implications of the human rights situation for the stability of the region. mr. president, for the first time in 15 years, the foreign minister of the democratic people's republic of korea attended a general assembly debate in december of this year and met with the secretary-general confirming the commitment of this country to sustaining and continuing the dialogue. the democratic people's republic of korea has also undertaken active diplomatic activities around the world including europe, east africa, and northeast asia and engaged or substantially with the united nations human right system
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including a periodic review. these signals of engagement mode for an important opportunity for the united nations and the wider international community to redouble efforts toward building trust, dialogue, and cooperation on all tracks. it is also an opportunity for the democratic people's republic of korea to work with the international community to improve the human rights situation and the living conditions of the people of the country. mr. president, the democratic people's republic of korea has issued official statements making clear its objection to the general assembly resolution on the human rights situation in the country. and on the ninth of december, a
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spokesperson for the foreign ministry gave a strong reaction to the meeting of the security council today. while the democratic people's republic of korea has raised the possibility of conducting a fourth nuclear test in its statement immediately before and after the third, it's recent statements have the secretary notes that the -- cannot have the status of a nuclear weapons state in accordance with the treaty of nonproliferation of nuclear weapons. there is strong international consensus on the need for the various -- verifiable verification of the korean peninsula. the talks remain a viable mechanism to maintain meing denuclearization of the peninsula.
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while the nonproliferation political, human rights, and security challenges are interrelated and mutually reinforcing, the united nations urges member states to increase humanitarian assistance for those in need in the democratic people's republic of korea. the united nations' response to the country is high-quality and life-saving with a measure eating imparted on the lives of the most vulnerable. the response however is hampered by a funding deficit which has been exasperated by sanctions. mr. president, next year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the second world war, the founding of the united nations
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as well as of the korean peninsula. the korean question has remained unresolved for so long, in the situation on the peninsula remains fragile and volatile. in the korean relations, remained deadlocked, and family members have been separated for too long. a meaningful engagement would be an important step to overcome the current standoff in the korean peninsula and should go hand in hand with efforts to ensure accountability. the united nations will continue its engagement on both fronts and counts on the active support of the international community especially the countries in the region. sustained international efforts will be important in supporting these efforts. all concerned parties should work to make 2015 a pivotal year to improve human rights
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situation in the democratic people's republic of korea and to move forward and denuclearize a peaceful korean peninsula. i thank you, mr. president. >> i would like to thank mr. zerihoun for his briefing. >> the high commissioner is sorry he could not address the council here today. mr. president, distinguished members of the council, earlier this year the representative of the democratic people's republic of korea spoke very vividly to this counsel about "savageness and crimes against humanity committed against korean people
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during the second world war." he listed massacres, abduction forcible recruitment, and sexual slavery were lifted, which was said trembled on the dignity of korean women and the korean nation. this is the kind of compassion that we are seeking for the victims in the korean peninsula today. victims of extermination, of murder, enslavement, and torture, of rape, forced abortions, and other sexual violence.
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victims of persecution of political, religious, and gender crimes, people who have been forcefully transferred, whose loved ones have been abducted or disappeared without trace, people who have been deliberately starved for long periods. according to the human rights council's commission of the car, these cards have been widespread -- these crimes have been widespread, and in many instances they constitute crimes against humanity. before you today is the report of that commission. rarely has such an extensive charge sheet of international crimes been brought to this counsel's -- council's attention. it documents the denial of freedom of thought, conscience and religion, as well as the right to freedom of opinion, expression, information, and
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association. some pacification which calibrates perceived loyalty to this date -- to the state generates discrimination throughout the country. where it intersects with gender-based discrimination nation, it increases the vulnerability of women and limits their opportunities. the dprk has also used the doubt -- denial of food to control its people. actions by officials have caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, according to the commission, articulately during the famine of the 1990's and has inflicted permanent and psychological injuries on survivors. in november 2013, the u.n. food and agricultural organization under the world food program found that 84% of households, 8 to 9 families out
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of 10, were not consuming enough food. according to the latest national nutrition survey, in 2012, 28% of children under 5 suffered stunting from malnutrition and almost one woman in four had been so starved that she risked to giving birth to premature or underweight children. dprk nationals who managed to flee the country may fall the two trafficking networks and women often face prostitution. if forcibly returned, they face prostitution, and even summary execution. the commission expressed its deepest horror at the dprk's
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political prison camp system whose inmates suffered deliberate starvation, forced labor, executions, torture rape, forced abortion, and ifanticide. the commission estimated that hundreds of thousands of prisoners have perished in these camps over the past 50 years and that they currently hold 80,000 to 120,000 people. dprk representatives have acknowledged the existence of what they term reformatories. i firmly believe that with honesty, transparency, and international assistance we can find a way to dismantle the camp system and release and rehabilitate prisoners. other countries in the region have shown it is possible to release thousands of political prisoners and role back systems
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of administerrative detention. the commission of inquiry has highlighted the connection between the human right system in the dprk and security in the region overall. the sustained military focus and nuclear priority of the government have been pursued at the expense of the economic and social rights, as well as the rights and well-being of its people. human rights violations by the dprk have had significant impact on the regional peace and security, from international abductions and enforced disappearances to trafficking and the outflow of desperate refugees.
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if we are to reduce tensions in the region, there must a movement towards real respect of human rights in the dprk. this is deserving of the security council's posted tension and action. excellencies, since the commission of inquiry report was published in march with the prospect of action right this council, the dprk authorities have shown promising new signs of engagement with international human rights mechanisms. they engaged productively in its second universal periodic review in the human rights council and accepted numerous recommendations addressing humanitarian assistance, women and children's rights, health and education. dprk representatives also held an unprecedented meeting with a
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special representative. the dprk also indicated for the first time its willingness to accept technical assistance from -- more bilateral negotiations between the dprk and japan have reopened the investigations into alleged actions of japanese nationals. i hope this process will be conducted in transparency and good faith, leading to truth and redress for the families. will also be important to bring clarity to reported abductions from the republic of korea and elsewhere. all these developments may present an opportunity for real change. other countries in the region have shown in the recent past that it is possible to dismantle deep-seated structural oppression and receive assistance in reform, leading to new recognition and standing in international communities. my office will naturally give all possible support to such progress, together with the international human rights mechanisms, and here i note that the special representative should be invited to visit dprk
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without preconditions. in march 2015, ohchr well established a field-based structure in seoul, as demanded by a council resolution. this will follow up the commission of inquiry, boost support to the special representative, and serve as a hub for documentation and advocacy to advance accountability and improved human right in dprk. excellencies, the real change in the human rights situation in a democratic republic of korea will require not only reform. it demands justice. for the first time, a u.n. mandated body has qualified human rights violations in the dprk in terms of international criminal law.
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this is significant in establishing individual and institutional accountability but also invokes the international community's responsibility to take action to prevent and punish such crimes. an overwhelming majority of member states in the human rights council as well as general assembly, as well as victims, survivors, and civil society organizations around the world, have asked that you, the security council of the united nations, take action on this report, including by referral to the international criminal court and by adopting targeted sanctions. as we have seen this year concerted actions by the international community can have a powerful deterrent effect and may begin to change the policy of dprk.
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i believe that the security council can advance two crucial goals -- accountability and engagement for reform. today's discussion has placed the dprk on the notice. the council should carefully monitored and elements in the coming months to see whether engagement leads to real change or should take further action. distinguished members of the council, the people of dprk have endured decades of suffering and cruelty. they need your protection. and the cause of justice, peace, and security in the region requires your leadership. thank you. >> i thank mr. simonovic for his briefing. i now give the floor to the members of the council who wish
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to make statements. i give the floor to the representative of australia. >> thank you, mr. president, and thank you to assistant secretary general zerihoun. today's meeting is an historic step for the international community's efforts to consider the situation in the dprk and its broader implications. it also sends a vital message to the people of north korea that the international community is aware of their suffering and stand in solidarity with them. i'm meeting, the council recognizes that the dangerous threat to international peace and security posed by the dprk regime is not limited to its weapons program and proliferation activities, but that this threat also flows from the atrocious treatment of its
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people and its determination to use every means possible to resist action it perceives as a challenge to its authority. the dprk is in effect a totalitarian state which uses violence and repression against its own citizens to maintain itself and its military apparatus in power. this has created an inherently unstable state. the regime's system of repression enables its proliferation policies and its deprivations of its people from those policies. some of the council say it has no business considering this
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issue, but australia disagrees. history shows that human rights violations of the type and scale we are seeing in north korea have reverberations well beyond the country in which they are committed. they mount to a rejection of international norms which -- stable societies. as we have seen time and again serious violations of human rights service as a warning sign of instability and conflict, especially in the absence of accountabilities for such by a laois's. with the publication of the seminal report of the commission of inquiry on human rights in the dprk, the international community now has a comprehensive, evidence-based assessment of a systematic and white sprayed human rights violations being committed by the north korean regime.
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the report is deeply disturbing and compels a response. the commission's findings on the extent of the dprl' k's program highlight the hold on power. the program seeks to instill national hatred, constituting incitement to violence and propaganda for war. the commission's report lays bare the depraved nature of the dprk regime's tools of control including the denial of access to basic human needs -- food water, heating, shelter, work. the massive humanitarian catastrophe that has resulted from the scale of the dprk's reign of terror has affected all the dprk's neighbors and threatens regional stability. there is a legal restriction on the freedom of expression. one witness told the commission that no one would their object to the harsh living conditions in the dprk, and, "" protest is equivalent to death." citizens are forced to denounce conduct that is perceived by the regime as a threat to it.
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family members must report on each other. surveillance apparatus interest harsh punishment for those who do not comply. the extreme militarization of the dprk has come at a devastating cost. the north korean people have paid for the world's fourth largest army and the development of nuclear weapons at it and increasingly sophisticated missile system to deliver them with mass starvation and deprivation. the commission estimates that the dprk devote up to 25% of its gross national product to defense expenditure, and yet the commission also finds malnutrition and starvation in the dprk could have been avoided through even a marginal redistribution of state military spending. the commission also found that entrenched patterns of discrimination based on uniquely harsh class system which is systematically applied to maintain control against perceived threats, external and in rural, and likewise the extreme restrictions on the freedom of movement within north korea and across its borders are designed to maximize state control.
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punishment are severe, often vicious and inhumane. women who are subjected to horrific discrimination resort international traffickers to escape. the torturer they endure if they return cannot be regarded as a solely domestic concern. one of the cruelest policies of the regime is the system of political prison camps. an estimated 80,00-120,000 are imprisoned about trial in four political prison camps, and commission found that a majority, including children had no prospect of ever being release. summary executions another cruel after judicial punishments lead to violations of cap roles, and torture is routine. the limited information that
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seeps up from the secret camps creates a specter of fear among the general population, creating a powerful deterrent against any future challenges to the political system. the commission found the information it received established that crimes against humanity have been committed in the dprk pursuant to policies established at the highest level of the state. we strongly support the commission's conclusion that the international community must accept its responsibility to protect the people of north korea from crimes against humanity because the dprk government has manifestly failed to do so. the gravity, the scale, and the nature of these human rights violations distinguishes north korea as a state that in the commission's words has no parallel in the contemporary world. the need for international response could not be more obvious. this view is clearly shared by a majority of u.n. member states who last thursday adopted resolution 69-188 in the general assembly, which cemented the commission's report to this council for consideration and action. this is brought recognition by
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the u.n. membership that this council has a responsibility on this issue, including to assure accountability for the crimes being committed. these crimes are integral components of the dprk political system. we must assume that crimes against humanity will continue if there is no international response. a core element of the commission's mandate is to ensure accountability for human rights violations, in particular with such -- when such violenceation are -- the general assembly has called on the council to consider this recommendation. australia believes that crimes against humanity documented in the commission's report warrant the intention of the international criminal court. in the absence of any move by
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the north korean regime to ensure accountability, the council should seriously consider this recommendation. mr. president, the north korean regime does have the power to change its behavior. most of the commission's recommendations are directed towards the dprk itself. the dprk's recent indications of a purported willingness to increase its cooperation with the international community on human rights will welcome -- are welcome, but those offers have since been withdrawn and there has been no sign of any internal reform. instead, the dprk has responded to the general assembly's call for it to engage on human rights issues by denouncing that call and indicating that it would engage in further hostile acts.
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when the dprk response human rights criticisms, threats to use nuclear weapons, it only strengthens the link between the dprk's human rights policies and international peace and security. recent cyber attacks against international committees have been treated to the dprk. this is another example of the extraterritorial reach of their crimes, along with abductions of foreign nationals and demonstrates the extent to which it is prepared to defy international norms and aggressively seek to destabilize other countries and international commerce. the international community's message to the dprk regime is direct. it must change course. it can take steps immediately to put an end to put human rights violations in its country, which only further weakened the north korean people and the stability of the state itself. it can commit to cooperate with the international community by extending full cooperation to the special representative on the situation of human rights in the dprk, including by granting in full, free, and unimpeded access to the dprk and by providing unfettered access to humanitarian agencies. there are options for the dprk regime, humane options, and we will continue to press its
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leadership to embrace them. the assistant secretary general has alluded to some of them a moment ago. we are realistic about the brutal prospects for the north korean people and what needs to be done to provide them a measure of protection. look to those countries that have most influence on north korea, including those in the north asian region and other partners to continue to press the case for fundamental change to the dprk state apparatus. we know that this will not be easy. to conclude, the security council must also live up to its responsibilities in the accents of actions by the regime particularly in relation to accountability for crimes against humanity. given the scale of the human rights violations and their links to international peace and security, it is essential that the council remains apprised of the situation. the council must regularly assess it situation and give it serious consideration to further action might take. in the interests of the north korean people themselves and in support of peace and security in
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their region and globally. thank you. >> i thank the representative of the australia for his statement. i now give the floor to the representative of the united states. >> thank you, mr. president, and thank you for your informative and appropriately bleak briefings and for the ongoing attention your respective teams give to the situation in the dprk in spite of persistent obstacles put up the north korean government. today's meeting reflect the growing consensus among councilmembers and u.n. member states that the widespread and systematic human rights violations been committed by the north korean government are not only deplorable in their own right, but also pose a threat to international peace and security.
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a major impetus for the security council taking up this issue was the comprehensive report issued in february 2014 by the u.n. human rights council commission of inquiry. it conducted more than 200 confidential interviews with eyewitnesses, and former officials and held public hearings in which more than 80 witnesses gave testimony. accounts were corroborated by other evidence, such as satellite imagery confirming the location of prison camps. north korea denied the commission access to the country, consistent with its policy of routinely denied access to independent human rights and humanitarian groups including the red cross and u.n. special representatives. despite requests, the dprk refused to cooperate. the main finding of commission's thorough and objective report is that "systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations have been and are being committed by the democratic people's republic of
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korea." the commission found that the evidence it gathered provided reasonable grounds to determine that crimes against humanity have been committed in the democratic people's republic of korea, resort to policies established at the highest level of the estate. if you have not watched any of the hours of victims' testimony or read from hundreds of pages of transcript from the public hearings, i urge you to do so. they show north korea for what it is, a living nightmare. a former prisoner of prison camp 15 said she and other prisoners were so famished that they picked kernels of corn from the dung of cattle to eat. she said if there was a day that we were able to have mouse, that was a special diet for us. we had to eat everything alive every type of meat we could find, everything that flew, that crawled on the ground, any grass
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that grew in the field. a former guard at prison camp 22 spoke of guards routinely raping prisoners. in one case in which a victim became pregnant and gave birth the former guard reported that prison officials cooked her baby and fed it to their dogs. this sounds unbelievable and unthinkable. this is what a former guard told the commission of inquiry at a public hearing. his account fits and pattern across testimonies of sadistic punishment meted out to prisoners whose crime was being raped by officials. the commission estimates between 80000 and 120,000 people are being held in prison caps on like the ones where so many of these crimes occurred. many who testified before the commission were tortured as punishment for trying to flee north korea.
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one man who was sent back to the dprk from china described being held in a prison cell that were only around 50 centimeters high, just over a foot and a half. he said the guards told him because the prisoners were animals they would have to crawl like animals. a woman in the city of -- told how her brother tried to flee. when he returned officials found his hands and chained into the back of a truck before dragging him 45 kilometers, driving three loops around the city so everyone could see. his sister testified. when he fell down, they kept on driving. nor are the horriors limited to prison capmps. on december 18, the general assembly passed a resolution expressing grave concern at the commission's finding and condemning the violations of human rights. 116 member states voted in
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favor, 20 against, and 53 abstain. the resolution also encouraged the security council to take appropriate action to ensure accountability, including through consideration of referral of the situation in the democratic people's republic of korea to the international criminal court and consideration of the scope for targeted sanctions against those who appear to be most responsible. the security council should demand the dprk change its atrocious practices, which demonstrate a fundamental disregard for human rights and constitute a threat to international peace and security. we should take this on for three reasons. first, the dprk's response to the commission of inquiry report and to the prospect of today's session showed that it is
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sensitive to criticism of its human rights record. just look at all the different strategies north korea has tried in the past several months to distract attention from the report to delegitimize its findings, and to avoid scrutiny of its human rights record. dprk the ramped up its propaganda machine, publishing its own report and claimingthe world's most advantageous human rights system. the dprk tried to smear the repetition of hundreds of people who were brave enough to speak out about the heinous abuses they suffered, calling them human scum, bereft of even an iota of conscience. this was in a statement north korea sent to the security council today. and north korea launched slurs against the commission's distinguished chairman, justice kirby.
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the dprk deployed threat saying any effort to hold it more accountable for its trustees would be met with catastrophic consequences. all of north korea's responses to threats, the smears, the cynical diversions show that the government feels the need to defend its abysmal human rights record and that is precisely why our attention is so important. the second argument for inserting additional pressure is that when regimes warn of deadly reprisals against countries that condemn their atrocities, as the north koreans have done, that is precisely the moment when we need to stand up and not back down. dictators who see threats are effective tools for silencing the international community tend to be emboldened and not placate , and it holds true not only for the north korean regime, but for human rights violators around the world who are watching how the security council response to the dprk's threats.
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the dprk is already shockingly cavalier about dishing out threats of staging nuclear attacks and has routinely flouted the prohibitions on proliferation imposed by the security council. in july, north korea's military threatened to launch nuclear threats to the pentagon and the white house, and it threatened to launch a preemptive strike on the united states saying everything will be reduced to ashes and flames. in the most recent example of its recklessness, the dprk carried out a significant cyber attack on the united states in response to a hollywood comedy portraying a farcical assassination plots. the attack destroyed systems and stole massive quantities of personal and commercial ada from sony pictures entertainment, not only damaging a private sector entity, but affecting countless entities who work for the company. the attackers also threatened sony's employers, actors, theaters, and people who dared to go to the theater showing the movie, warning them to remember the 11th of september.
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not content with denying freedom of expression to its own people, the north korean regime now seems intent on suppressing the exercise of this fundamental freedom in our nation. north korea also threatened the united states with serious consequences if our country did not conduct a joint investigation with the dprk into an attack that they carried out. this is absurd. it is exactly the kind of behavior we have come to expect from a regime that threatened to take merciless countermeasures against the u.s. over a hollywood comedy and has no qualms about holding tens of thousands of people in kulaks. we cannot get into threats or intimidation of any kind. third, the international community does not need to choose between focusing on north korea's proliferation of nuclear weapons and focusing on its abuses against its own people. that is a false choice. we must do both, as we have seen
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throughout history. the way countries treat their own citizens, particularly those systems who commit atrocities against their people, and to align closely with the way they treat other countries and the norms of our shared international system. on november 23, a week after the u.n. adopted a resolution, north korea said all involved in its adoption deserve a severe punishment and warned again of catastrophic consequences. there presumably all would imply more than 100 member states who voted for the resolution. the military also said if japan continued behaving as now, it will disappear from the world map. when a country threatens nuclear annihilation because it receives the military said that if japan kept behaving like it is, you the world map.
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when a country receives criticism, can there be any doubt between the connection of the human rights record and international peace and security? north korea did not want us to meet today and opposed this being added. if they want to be taken seriously, they can start by following the inquiry to a knowledge the systematic violations and dismantle the political prison camps to release all political prisoners. allow free access and hold those accountable all of those responsible for the violations. knowing the unlikely nests -- the unlikely nature, we recommend that the situation in north korea be referred to the international criminal court and to consider other appropriate
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actions on accountability as member states have urged the council to do. in the meantime, the united states will support establishing an office to document the human rights violations as mandated by the human rights council and both should brief the council the secretary notes that the on new developments in future sessions that all of the people observe this. and, provide unfettered access in the countries. united states will continue to welcome refugees to our country and provide assistance to asylum-seekers. it is reasonable to debate what the most effective strategy is unconscionable, that the
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situation in the dprk poses to international peace and security, is to stay silent. silence will not make the north korean government end its abuses. silence will not make the international community safer. today we have broken the council's silence. we have begun to shine a light and what it has revealed is terrifying. we must continue to shine that flight for as long as these abuses persist. today's session is another important step and far from the last, for accountability for the crimes being perpetrated against the people of north korea. the council must come back to speak regularly about the dprk's human rights situation and what we can do to change it for as long as the crimes that brought us here today persist.
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that is the absolute minimum we can and must do. thank you, mr. president. >> i thank the representative of the united states. i now give the floor to the representative of france. >> mr. president, i would like to thank others for their briefings. what they have described for us today is the work carried out is outstanding in terms of its quality, and it is most welcome. it has provided us with a comprehensive overview on the violations committed by the north korean authorities in the 50 years, committed within the framework of policies decided on the highest levels of the state, as stated in the report, and has shed light on the horrifying activism that of the regime of pyongyang used to subjugate its people.
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it will not be possible today to list a complete litany of these crimes murders, arrests, arbitrary detentions kidnappings, rape, and forced disappearances, slavery, impeding humanitarian access and the use of famine, and the list remains lengthy. hundreds of thousands of political prisoners have died in the camps of the past 50 years. these violations affect women, and they do not spare children. the regime seems to know no limits. the council has finally convened and gathered to hear the cries of distress of the victims. for the more these crimes are carried out and committed in the of security of absolute censorship, north korea has
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close off international media to human rights defense organizations as well as to the high commissioner on human rights. the commissioner of inquiry did not have access. mr. president, we cannot remain silent in the face of this nightmare. those responsible for this terror should be held to account for their crimes. the crimes committed will not go unpunished. it is a moral obligation for the international community as a underscored by mr. simonovic. there is no doubt that these crimes are all crimes against humanity. the recommendation of the commission of inquiry that the situation be referred to the icc is one which should therefore be considered carefully by this council. the court is a very guaranty of
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equitable and effective justice. the fight against impunity both today and tomorrow of justice for the victims and future reconciliation are at stake. the high commissioner of the human rights also has a role to play. his office on the ground, being set up in field, should monitor the regulations of the report and develop the situation, to gather information on violations committed, and we would like to have the council be briefed regularly. mr. president, violations committed by the regime are a threat to international peace and security. they are part, an essential component, of a dangerous -- political system destabilizing the whole of the region. according to the words used by the commission of inquiry, the severity scale, nature of these violations reveal what is a unique state in today's world, a state unique in terms of terror, a pariah state for the international nonproliferation regime of nuclear and
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ballistics, a state which exports in breach of this council's resolution sensitive goods and technologies which can finance indecent lifestyles of their leaders and the repression of their population regularly struck by famine. the council can no longer tolerate these crimes. by holding these meetings today, the council sends a message to pyongyang. the lead weight too long held must be lifted. north korea's reality is obvious to all. the security council -- nothing, not even the nuclear blackmail of the regime, used to dissuade us from this meeting will now keep us from considering the situation. regime must take its responsibility for history and the combination of the international community. violations must now come to an end.
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prisoners must be released. the country must be opened up to the united nations. instead, launching into a new cycle of provocation and repression, the north korean regime will hear our message and finally choose the path of openness, of reconciliation and peace. thank you. >> i would like to thank the representative of france for his statement. i now give the floor to the representative of nigeria. >> thank you very much, mr. president. my delegation thanks others for their briefings. [indiscernible] insuring that all human beings live in dignity. we also believe all states have an obligation to promote and protect the rights of their citizens. as one of the three principles
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of united nations, the organization has appropriate mechanisms for promoting and protecting human rights across the globe. this mechanism includes special procedures, the review. nigeria knows that the dprk participated in the first and second circles of the -- we also note that the ambassador of the dprk met with this special representative on the situation of human rights in the dprk in october. nigeria encourages the dprk to maintain and indeed strengthen its engagement with the human rights council and -- with a view to promoting and protecting the rights of its citizens. i thank you. >> i thank the representative from nigeria for his statement and i now give the floor to the representative of luxembourg. >> thank you, president. i would like to give my remarks thanking you for you having been willing to take the steps necessary for the situation in the dprk to be formally concluded in the council's agenda and for this public briefing to be held for 10 member states and members of the council, including my country,
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luxembourg. i thank representatives for their briefings on the situation on the dprk and the consequences thereof on international peace and security. over the last decade, the dprk has methodically flouted international law, undermining the nuclear nonproliferation regime and defying this decisions of the security council. ignoring its international obligations, the dprk has proceeded since 2006 with numerous illicit and nuclear tests. the country has refused to engage with a dialogue with the international community and continues to offer regular threats of nuclear strikes. this exacerbates the risk of conflict and constitute a threat
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to international peace and security. no one can deny this. but there is more, and the dprk -- on an unrivaled scale, the most elemental rights of its people. this is documented methodically with rigor and transparency in the damning report published on 7 february to look into the dprk. i will not run to the macabre list of atrocities committed by the north koreans. this would make us all nauseated.
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the icc has chosen the existence of crimes against humanity. the office of these crimes benefits from full impunity as these actions are taken within the framework of policies ordered by the highest level of the state. third, these violations target without distinction the most vulnerable sectors of the population, women, first who are subjected to systematic discrimination and intolerable abuse, often sexual abuse, children, secondly, who are the first victims of famine, and they are not spared by the political camps. i would like on these lines denote the testimony of a man who escaped one of these camps. his testimony describes a small
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girl who had the audacity to pick up grains of cereal to quash her hunger, and i will quote from paragraph 7 of the report. two times a week a guard would choose a child and subject that child to inspection to ensure that child had not stolen or hidden anything. a child of 7 years had the bad luck to be chosen. in her pocket were grains of cereal. the girl responded she had picked them up in the street. the guard said she did not respect my teachings. the girl was beaten with a level of violence that led to her falling unconscious. we had to carry her home to her mother. the next day, when she did not show up at school, we found out that she had died. president, we cannot separate the bellicose posture of the dprk on the international front of the revolting human rights situation that reins domestically or from the instigation, that comes at the instigation of the leaders of
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the north korean regime. respect for human rights is a hallmark of a stable society willing to live in peace with its neighbors. these conditions are not present -- in the entire region. it is essential to security council consider the regulations considered in the report. one of these recommendations mentioned explicitly in the resolution on the situation, on human rights situation in the dprk, about the by a large majority of the -- on 18 december calls for the icc to be apprised of this. luxembourg fully supports this recommendation, as it is absolutely essential that those responsible for these atrocities, unequaled in our contemporary times, committed by the dprk, to use the language of
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the commission of inquiry, be held to account for their acts. we believe that the security council should consider the adoption of targeted sanctions against those who are most responsible for these crimes against humanity committed in the dprk. we also invite the north korean authorities to authorize the visit of the special representative for the human rights situation in the dprk and with respect to the modalities of the united nations, applicable to fact-finding missions.
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this would be the sign that the dprk authorities are sincere in their willingness to cooperate with the special procedures of the human rights council, the hrc. further, given the scale of the discrimination suffered by women given the scale of the violation and abuse that they are victims of, we believe women should be officially apprised of this manner and be apprised of the scope of their competencies. president, today's meeting, a first of its kind, should not be without a follow-up. now that this item is on the security council's agenda, we encourage the council to regularly be briefed future on the situation in the dprk. the briefings we've heard today have strengthened our conviction that it is the duty of the council to closely follow the changing situation, which has an intrinsic link to peace and security, develop and respect for human rights, to paraphrase kofi annan. i would like to hail the work of the commission of inquiry, justice kirby and others. they have been able to have us
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look at the reality of north korea, the land of the mistreated, powerless, and voices, and those excluded by the regime. the work of the human rights council and the general assembly, today in the council have allowed for a voice to be given to those without voice in the dprk. the international community is not deaf to the suffering of these people. we will not abandon them to their sad fate. they are worthy of our attention and our support on an ongoing
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basis until they are allowed to leave. >> i thank the representative of luxembourg for that statement. i now give the floor to the representative of jordan. >> thank you, sir, for organizing this important meeting. [indiscernible] assistant secretary-general for human rights on their briefings on the situation in the dprk although most of those who have spoken on the floor defend a limited source of information, due to the possibility of investigation and inquiry at the dprk, in order to find a third hand of the attacks and that country. however, we find that the picture is very great
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regarding the situation in the dprk. the situation there constitutes a menace to the international peace and security. this is abundant clear by the threat to carry out a new nuclear experimental or develop new ballistic missiles or two test their launch. all those constitute a grave violation of our security council resolution and the u.n.'s charter, or through the commission of grave and systematic violations of international humanitarian law as human rights, nearly every day. all this also includes the violation of the -- to food, to movement, and expression, in addition to the forced disappearances and in human
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treatment in the political detention camps. the security council should not ignore the situation in the dprk. it should make every effort in order to put an end to the serious violation of human rights and international humanitarian law in that country, to put an end also to the use of nuclear weapons and the threat of such weapons. in concluding, we call on the dprk to take speedy action to meet the concerns of the international community by allowing the official representative on human rights to visit dprk and to permit as the humanitarian agencies to work inside the country.
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i thank you, sir. >> i thank the representative of jordan for her statement. i now give the floor to the representative of the u.k. >> thank you, mr. president. i would like to thank the assistant secretary-general for their appropriately bleak briefings. in february of this year the international community seek a wake-up call to the truly shocking violations of human rights in the dprk. in a 400-page report from the u.n. commissioner of inquiry provided an unprecedentedly detailed insight into the appalling situation in the dprk. due to the dprk's refusal to cooperate or allow access to the country, the commission gathered extensive testimony from witnesses and victims now living outside the dprk.
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what they heard painted a picture of authorities who are so frightened of losing control that indoctrination begins in kindergarten so scared of what will happen if ordinary people get a glimpse of the outside world that just owning a tunable radio is a criminal offense so insecure that religion is seen as divided loyalty and an act of treachery. the commission report describes the regime is so paranoid that punishments are extended to all families. so cruel that those fleeing for a better life are imprisoned tortured and sexually violated. so callous that it's goodbye and let hundreds of thousands die from starvation rather than ask the international assistance. the commission concluded that the systematic widespread and gross human rights violations being committed in the dprk are components of a totalitarian state without parallel in the contemporary world.
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they call on the international community to protect the people of the dprk. the international community cannot ignore such detailed and grave findings. we alongside international partners have worked to ensure the commission's report is a beginning and not an end. the setting up of a presence is a practical demonstration of the international communities determination not to forget the people of the dprk. this field office will continue the commission's work of evidence collection as an important step to accountability. it is a reminder to those that any level of the regime operators who are responsible for these awful human rights violations that the world is watching and they should consider themselves put on notice. if the dprk fails to hold violators to account, the international community must be ready to do so.
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both the u.n. human rights council and the general assembly have condemned in the strongest terms the findings documented in the commission of inquiry report. and have demonstrated the widespread concern across the globe of the enduring misery of the north korean people. both bodies by overwhelming majority at encourage the security council to consider the human rights situation in the dprk. the united kingdom supports the call for the security council to consider appropriate action to ensure accountability, including through consideration of referral of the situation in dprk to the international criminal court. mr. president, despite these calls from the u.n. membership they were those who opposed the discussion in the security council today.
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the failure of states to abide by the universal principles of respect for human rights and financial freedoms has set out in the u.n. charter and the u.n. universal declaration of human rights is a legitimate concern. human rights, democracy and strong institutions founded on the rule of law are essential. without these key foundations in place, peace and security are at risk both in individual states and in the wider international community. that is why the united kingdom is pleased at the situation in the dprk has been added to the agenda of the council. we have been able to have this long overdue discussion. it is a signal to the dprk authorities of the international community's focus on the issues highlighted in the report. our message the authorities and pyongyang is listen and engage with these concerns. the majority of the recommendations in the commission's report i directed towards the dprk government. it is the dprk government that holds the power to transform the
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lives of its people for the better. rather than continuing to deny the existence of human rights violations and refusing to engage with the international concerns, we urge them to accept and address them seriously. we are disappointed the dprk responded to the resolution by withdrawing the previous offers of dialogue and their invitation to the u.n. special commission on the dprk to visit the country for the first time. we urge them to reconsider. if done fully and without preconditions, these will be first positive moves towards taking the bold step of admitting there are problems and making a genuine effort to improve the human rights situation on the ground. the dprk has an opportunity. the united kingdom, like so many in the international community stand ready to adjust our position in response to any
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concrete steps that the dprk takes to improve human rights in the country. if the dprk continues to flout the obligations they owed to their people, the us and ash in a community should be ready to address the situation. we urge the council to remain seized of this matter. i thank you. >> i think the representative of the united kingdom for his statement. i now give the floor to the representative of china. >> mr. president, china has stated its position against the involvement of the human rights issues in the dprk. china has been consistently against the politicization with the pretext of human rights issues.
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the security council -- we oppose adoption of any outside document by the council on the human rights situation in the dprk. china is a close neighbor. we will never allow a war to take place in the peninsula. the situation in the korean peninsula remain sensitive. we hope that members of the council and parties place in interest into the maintenance of peace and stability as a priority. exercise restraint and to do easing of tension otherwise major provocation and refrain
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from any rhetoric and actions that may lead to escalation. china will continue to work for the realization of the denuclearization and have dialogue. this petition is clear and firm. china hopes that the relevant parties will make a concerted effort to make real actions to create conditions for the talks with a view to maintain a the overall situation of peace in the peninsula. thank you, mr. president. >> i thank the representative of china for his statement. i now give the floor to the representative of chile. >> we thank the political
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they point to the same conclusion. it is a critical situation of human rights in the dprk. how does pyongyang react to the debate? dismissing it. alleging it is a political conspiracy and international smear campaign that governments also affirmed in written firm in a letter written to the secretary-general that they would undertake a new nuclear test. this is a clear threat to international peace and security.
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mr. president, it is of grave concern that the dprk continues to develop its nuclear program as well as its delivery systems at a great cost of the humanitarian situation for its people despite the sanctions the regime established. this strengthens our conviction that we must adopt a broader focus that allows for us to prevent a conflict and the korean peninsula which would have regional and global consequences. it is clear that the approach under which we have worked so far is not enough collectively. we must bring greater pressure to bear. mr. president, it is essential that the appropriate measures be
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adopted to put in end to the human rights violations included in the reports of the secretary-general and the commission of inquiry. these measures must put an end to the impunity of the dprk. we urge the dprk to offer access to their country for these special procedures. freedom of movement and interviews with security arrangements made for the special reporter and those he interviews. given the gravity of the situation and the dprk, we believe this first meeting under a new agenda item is a measure that is headed in the right direction. this is an initiative we support and that we supported in the
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meeting of the security council under the area formula last april. we hope this can be repeated regularly. thank you very much. >> i thank the representative of chile for his statement. i now give the floor to the representative of rwanda. >> mr. president, let me thank you. we request the situation in the dprk be formally placed on the agenda of the security council. want to thank the secretary general's group for the respective briefings. it is the worst violations in 1994 which were perpetrated by the regime invited meetings like this which is to examine situations of gross violations of human rights. the early 1990's, the u.n. secretary did not pay much attention to the 1994 genocide in rwanda.
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20 years later, rwanda is a member. we are ensured the international community is acting to protect and committed to hold people in account. it is stipulated in paragraph 138 -- 139 of the document of the 2005 summit. it provides of the state carries the responsibility from protecting populations from genocide, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. we need to fill this responsibility as well as the response ability to use other means to protect people from these crimes. failing to protect the population, the international community must be prepared to take collective action in accordance with the u.n. charter. we believe the circular to counsel should engage the dprk on the basis of these.
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mr. president, we take great concern of the report of the commission of inquiry which was the human rights council in 2013. we need to investigate the important human rights violations in the dprk. we were alarmed by the findings of the commission which documented several crimes like extermination, murder, torture imprisonment, forced abortions and other sexual violence,
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prostitution and the possible transfer of populations, disappearance of persons, and acts of knowingly causing prolonged starvation. also, the abduction of chinese citizens. the commission concluded these crimes and mounted to crimes against humanity. it does not have any part of the contemporary world. the authorities did not comment on the report of the commission of inquiry. however, we are encouraged to hear there is a willingness to allow access to the dprk's territories and except technical assistance of the office of human rights. we hope this opportunity will be pursued. given the situation, rwanda voted in favor of the resolution of the general assembly
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concerning the human rights situation in the dprk. it was important that this council receives further information from the secretary of the situation as well as the implications of international peace and security. during our sessions, the dprk will be invited to discuss its views and have a general dialogue with the wider international community which could lead to a better understanding and improvement of the human rights situations in the dprk. mr. president, rwanda supports the commission of inquiry's recommendations for korean dialogue. we believe peace and stability in the peninsula and the resolution of disputes through dialogue are in the common interests of all parties.
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we heard all actors and the korean peninsula, particularly the dprk, to engage in good faith in an effort to create favorable conditions for talks and achieving the d nuclear reservation of the peninsula. we hope -- we would like to encourage the u.n. secretary and concerned u.n. agencies in order to address issues of great concern contained in the report under the commission of inquiry. i thank you. >> i would like to thank the representative of rwanda for his statement. i will now give the floor to the representative of lithuania. >> mr. president, i thank you for convening this open meeting. i thank the secretaries for their briefings. with the winnie welcomes this public briefing in the situation in the dprk. we believe the gravity of the human rights violations in the dprk as highlighted in the commission of inquiry threatens to have destabilizing impact on the region and on peace and security. the report based on extensive research and testimony is a profoundly disturbing read as we have heard some of the quotes earlier. hundreds of thousands perished a
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great deal more physically and psychologically maimed by the regime that seeks to dominate every aspect of the citizens lives and terrorizes them within. the idea of a social contract between the state and its citizens are reduced with those responsible to protect the rights of north koreans and enforcing almost complete denial of their freedom, religion and expression. extermination, enslavement torture, forced abortions, prolonged starvation -- the list seems endless and no abuse is just too harsh or inhuman for the regime. for decades and even when mass starvation was claiming thousands of lives, the state gave presidents to military spending engaging in clandestine
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nuclear weapon programs, buying and producing hardware. nuclear weapon states in 2006, 2009 and 2013 as well as rovocative rocket launches have been condemned by the security council and recognized as a clear threat to the international peace and security. as the commission of inquiry notes, the nuclear state has had profound consequences on parts of the population where food is scarce. crimes against humanity are being supported by the highest level of the dprk government. political prisoners and their
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families perish. a deprivation of food is used to control the population. children are stunted by malnutrition. those who managed to escape are often forcibly returned in face persecution, torture and other detention. we took note of the indications of the dprk ready to engage in dialogues with international communities with the office of high commission of human rights and a country visit. the dprk is now detracting that. we are sent to engage with the international community and allow unimpeded access and to start implementation and recommendations by the commission of inquiry. as long as the human rights
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situation in the dprk continues to deteriorate, it is important to make sure the international community is mindful of his responsibility to protect the population of the dprk. in this regard, lithuania welcomes the resolution on the situation of human rights in the dprk. it submits the report of the commission of inquiry to the security council. we encourage the council to follow the general assembly's recommendation and take appropriate action to ensure accountability, including consideration of referral to the obvious situation in the dprk to the international criminal court and consideration of the scope for effective targeted sanctions against those most responsible that may constitute crimes of humanity.
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levy reach a conclusion by the commission of inquiry that crimes against humanity will continue unless the policies institutions and practices of impunity remained in place. the security council should be remain engaged in allowing changes through implementation of the recommendations by the commission of inquiry without delay. the council should track progress of implementation by holding regular briefings of the u.n. high commission of human rights. i thank you. >> i think the representative of lithuania for her statement. i now give the floor to the representative of argentina. >> thank you very much, mr. president. we thank the sg for political affairs and the asg for human rights. for the respective briefings.
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i am not going to repeat what is already described in the report. however, i will make more explicit the position of argentina on this point. argentina is following with grave concern that the situation in the dprk. argentina has voted in favor of each the resolutions adopted in the competent bodies, the human rights council and also in the committee of the ungm. among the most recent resolution of the human rights council and resolution of the general assembly. both condemn in the strongest terms the gross, widespread and
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systematic violations of human rights committed in this country, in the dprk. however, we would also make clear we believe that the inclusion of this item in the agenda is an exception. argentina reaffirms the council should be focused on the specific mandate that is given by the u.n. charter which has strategic vision that establishes the different bodies of the u.n. it is indicated and stipulated in the security council that has the responsibility to hear matters of international peace and security. it would not contribute to the proper functioning of the u.n. system for the security council to extend its work and its range of action. this exception, this decision which is an exception, should not be a precedent.
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however, argentina wishes to express its concern over the conclusion of the commission of inquiry that there are and have been systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations. we deplore this. we are also concerned regarding the conclusion of the commission of inquiry of the existence of crimes against humanity. argentina has been maintaining this council and in other forms the concern of nuclear and ballistic missile programs in the dprk. and the risk these bring to the stability of the peninsula and the region as well as its applications on international peace and security. situations such as this recall to us of the importance of diplomatic means, negotiations political negotiations for which reason all parties and his counsel should redouble efforts to relaunch dialogue with the name of bringing out a definitive resolution and a clear priority of declaring the peninsula free of nuclear weapons.
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as we see it, the government of the dprk must protect and ensure the human rights of their population. thank you very much. >> i think the representative of argentina for that statement. i give the floor to the representative of the russian federation. >> thank you, mr. president. we were against the initiative of convening today's meeting. we consider that it could lead to negative consequences from the point of view of the effectiveness of the security council and other u.n. system
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bodies. the council is often criticized that it is increasingly spending its time on matters. we provided more grounds for this criticism. issues of respect for human rights should be considered not here but at the human rights council. the body which has the active participation was created to discuss this issue and has been granted expertise to do just this. today's discussion is unlikely to promote international dialogue with the dprk participation in this issue. the authorities of this country stated they are ready for this. thank you. >> [laughter] i thank you for your statement.
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i now give the floor to the representative of the republic of korea. >> mr. president, i would like to express appreciation to the chad presidency for convening this meeting and the situation of the dprk. we also thank the secretaries for their briefings on the human rights situation in the dprk. it is unfortunate that this bite the international community's efforts to address the human rights issues of the dprk over several years, the situation has continued to worsen. it is warranting the security council's attention. earlier this year, the commission of inquiry issued its landmark report that raised international awareness on the gravity of the human rights situation in the dprk. following the report's release, we at the united nations have dealt with the issue in the human rights council and in the general assembly. why the general assembly has adopted multiple resolutions since 2005 on the human rights
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situation in the dprk, this year's resolution was unique in that it contained recommendations on the council's efforts. therefore, the councils decision to put this situation that in the dprk on its agenda is a necessary starting point for engagement. such engagement is crucial as we now understand the human rights violation in the dprk to be so systematic and widespread that they not only cause -- also pose a threat to regional and international peace and
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security. the council has taken necessary measures in other cases in the past where human rights violations were committed on a larger scale to constitute a threat to peace and security. likewise, the council needs to pay attention to the grave situation in the dprk. in this regard, we would like to express the conclusion that many of the violations found in the dprk amounted to crimes against humanity. it also recommended that the council play a crucial role in ensuring accountability, including through considering referral of the dprk situation to the international criminal court. in addition, my government takes serious note of the announcement of the u.s. government on december 19 that north korea carried out the cyber act on sony pictures entertainment and posed threats to movie theaters
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which were also mentioned in the briefing earlier. in this regard, we would like to express a deep concern over such acts which seriously undermine the openness and security of cyberspace and escalate international attention. mr. president, we believe that addressing the north korean human rights issue, not only promoting human rights as a universal value, but also maintaining peace and stability in the korean peninsula and in the region. in this context, the republic of korea hasn't working together with the international -- has been working together with the international community to improve the human rights situation in the dprk and provide assistance to the north korean people. we will redouble these efforts
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in the coming years. we urge the authorities of the dprk to take steps to improve their human rights situation. as the dprk previously expressed its willingness to do so, we hope that pyongyang will begin engaging with the international community through human rights dialogues, including with the special reporter on the situation of the human rights and the dprk and through technical corporation with the ohchr. in closing, the republic of korea hopes that this council will continue to play a vital role in in ensuring the north korean people will eventually be able to enjoy their inalienable human rights and fundamental freedoms. mr. president, speaking at this meeting is probably my last duty
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in the security council. when we first came to the council two years ago, one of the first issues we tackled was the dprk's missile and nuclear issues. in the council, my country has dealt with many issues we are not party to with a view to contribute to the work of the council. somehow, it is starting and ending with a north korean issue. this must be just a coincidence. i am saying this with a heavy heart because for south koreans, people in north korea are not just anybody. millions of south koreans still have family members and relatives living in the north even though we never hear from
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them, even though by now the separation has become a fact of life. we know they are there. just a few hundred kilometers away from where we live. we cannot read what is described in the report without it breaking our hearts. we cannot watch video clips from north korea without flinching on every scene. we cannot listen to stories of north korean defectors without sharing in their tears, without feeling as if we are there with them to experience the prejudice. therefore, mr. president, as we leave the council with the debate of the dprk's human
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rights, we have an ardent wish. a wish for people in north korea. our innocent sisters and brothers on the streets, in the countryside, in the prisoners camp who are suffering for no reason. we only hope that one day in the future when you look back on what you did today, we will be able to say that we did the right thing for the people of north korea, for the lives of every man and woman, boy and girl to have the same human rights as the rest of us. thank you. >> i think the representative of the republic of korea for his statements. i will now make a statement in
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my national capacity as representative of chad. i also thank the a.s.g. for political affairs and the a.s.g. for human rights. i thank them for their briefings. the report from the c.o.i. on the human rights as a great many of us have just said has brought to the fore, a situation marked by massive violations in the dprk. flagrant human rights violations that have been and are being committed by the dprk
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