tv Question Time CSPAN January 26, 2015 12:00am-12:38am EST
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q&a interviews are available online. you can watch them all at here are a few of the comments we've recently received on the state of the union address. >> i heard a lot of great things about -- talking about science and nasa. i can really appreciate the president's position on expanding nasa's role. i know there's a lot of great people there that do very good science. we look forward to the future instead of the past. >> a couple of points i wanted to raise of the speech, i
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thought the remark he gave to the republicans off-the-cuff was spectacular. i've never seen such a state of the union so improvised. after something doing the wrong way we're finally getting our act together in our nation that's been very important. but we've been doing the same thing you know, in afghanistan and iraq and just basically the middle east as a whole. we begin to get the same results. every year we go into a country. there's a repercussion, some kind of blowback. he even mentioned how he was using drones responsibly and the idea that he was killed maybe hundreds if not thousands of people without congressional authority. >> i've seen a few things about the president's state of the union address. you know, some of the stuff that's been leading up to it,
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ave got -- i've got to argue that -- they said that the economy is improving. i don't think that's the case. with unbloiment you can only have your extension for so long and then you don't qualify for unemployment benefits. when those people get dropped from unemployment then they're no longer counted as unemployed. that's not really an indicator of the economy going up. that's just people falling through the cracks and being forgot about. if you look at it from that perspective, the rate of unemployment is higher than the ones that are being estimated as as far as the figures of what they're showing. >> and continue to let us know what you think about the programs you're watching. call us at 202-626-3400. e-mail us at follow us on twitter.
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join us on facebook. >> senate minority leader harry reid outlines the agenda. for a discussion on the white house communication strategy and relations with the news media. during wednesday's prime minister questions david kameron discussed the british economy and the publication of an independent iraq war report. other changes include new unemployment figures. this is 45 minutes. question to the prime minister. >> question number one, mr. speaker. >> thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, this morning i had meetings with my colleagues and i will have further such meetings today. >> paul mcdonagh. >> he has autism. he desperately needs cue shd
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routine. but he and his devoted family have moved four times. as a result he's been -- he's had a breakdown and admitted to hospital. can i ask the prime minister that insecure prime tenancy are no place for children. >> people do have security particularly when you're looking after disabled children and you need that help. that's why we're encouraging longer tenancies an we want to see those developed in the market. >> brock jenric. >> at first they sold our gold reserves at a record low. and then they freeze our prices
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at a record high. doesn't it show that only this government can prevent -- to be blunt -- returning back. >> yay. >> i think i caught some of that. i may need to buy the album to get the rest of it. but the point is a good one. the opposition policy of freezing energy prices at the top of the market will be denying the price cuts that are now coming through around this country. but the key to all of this is to stick to our long-term economic plan which again today is seeing unemployment fall, the number of people at work rise to record levels something that i'm sure we'll get a welcome right across the house of commons.
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>> mr. speaker -- mr. speaker, let me start by saying first of all in the iraq inquiry that it was setup six years ago. and i agree with the prime minister that it should be publiced as soon as possible. now on the economy as the election approaches, can the prime minister confirm that we now know this will be the first government since the 1920's to leave office with living standards than they were at the beginning? >> first of all, let me agree with the leader of the opposition that we want to see this iraq inquiry public. but let me make this point, if everyone in the house including members of the opposite have voted to set up the iraq inquiry when we proposed it would have been publiced years -- published years ago. perhaps he can recognize his
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own regret at establishing this inquiry. >> mr. speaker the inquiry was established six years ago after our combat operations had ended. and frankly my views on the iraq war are well known and i want this inquiry published. >> but i noticed you didn't answer on the economy. he didn't ants on the economy. families are $1600 pounds a year worse off. he said in his 2010 manifesto living standards would rise. we agree that the manifesto promises our living standards -- first of all, let me clear he voted again and again and again against establishing the inquiry. but absolutely no apologies. let me deal very directly with living standards and what is happening in the economy. the news today show as record
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number of people in work. a record number of women in work. we are seeing wages ahead of inflation and we're also seeing disposable income higher than any year than under the last labor government and it doesn't include any of the tax reductions that we have put in place again and again under this government. that is the truth. and the fact of the matter is, mr. speaker, he told us there would be no growth. we've had growth. he told us there would be no jobs, there have been jobs. he toll us we would not have inflation. he's wrong about everything. >> he's raised taxes on ordinary families. he's hiked the tax credit. the reality is some people are worse on wages and on taxes under this prime minister. now -- now he thinks everything is honky dory. did he even notice this week
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the report that said half of all families where one person is in full-time work can't make ends meet at the end of the month. you can work hard and play by the rules but in kameron's britain you still can't pay the bills. that's a reality. >> i studied every report that came out. he's referring to the rand tree report. the risk of falling below the socially decreases as the amount of work in the household increases and over this government we've got 30 million people in work. we've got the lowest rates claiming unemployment benefits. long-term employment is down. women's unemployment is down. we're getting the country back to work. and in terms of living standards we've raised the 10 times the amount of money people can earn before they start paying taxes and people who are in work it would go up
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by 10%. but if we listened to them none of this would have happened, all the things that got us in a mess in the first place. >> he is the person that failed on the deficit. and this prime minister -- and this prime minister says -- this prime minister -- never had it so good and he's totally wrong. he doesn't notice -- he doesn't notice what's going on because it's not good for those of all. can he confirm that executive earnings have gone up 21% in the last year alone. >> he criticizes me on the deficit. he's the man who couldn't even remember the deficit. and also he now has four questions and not a single word of welcome for the unemployment figures today. behind every single one of
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those statistics is a family or someone who can go out to work, who with can earn a wage works can help have family security. we are the party that is putting the party back to work. the labor party would put it all at risk. total complacency when he's had five years of failure under this government. >> under him we're a country of food banks and bank bonuses while millions are paying for. it's the biggest broken promise of all that we're all in it together. >> you can see the prom that labor has got. they can't organize the deficit because it's coming down. they can't talk about employment because it's going up. they can't talk about the economy because the i.m.f., the president of the united states all say the british economy is performing well. so what are they left with? i'll tell you, mr. speaker, they've got an energy policy to
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keep prices high. they've got a minimum wage policy that would cut the minimum wage. they've got a home fact that has done the impossible and unite him with peter mandleson. to be fair -- to be fair to the honorable gentleman. we learn for the weekend what he can achieve in one week where he couldn't open the door. he was bullied by small children and he set the carpet on fire. just imagine what a shamble he would be at running the country. >> mr. speaker -- mr. speaker -- mr. speaker, this is a prime minister -- this is a prime minister -- >> it may be a question that the session may take a bit longer but -- >> however long it takes. questions and the answers will
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be heard. >> if he's so confident about leadership, why is he chickening out of the election event? this is the prime minister who will go down in history as the worst living status for working people. he tells them they he knows they're worse off. they cannot afford another five years of this government. why don't we, mr. speaker, leave the last word to the head of the i.m.f. who often voted by the chancellor and today seems to be having a quiet day because our economy is growing. people are getting back to work. she said yes, this u.k. where the deficit has been introduced where unemployment is going down. this is exactly the sort of result we'd like to see, more growth, less unemployment, a gross that is more inclusive, better shared. a gross that is sustainable and
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balanced. >> that's is truth. every day this country is getting stronger and more secure. and every day we see a labor party weeker an more divided and more unfit for office. >> to answer my right honorable friends, fully recognize the contrast in efficiency between the inquiries into the cry meian -- cremean war. [laughter] and the campaign. but when woman paired with the -- his disgraceful incompetence into why they held suspicions.
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mr. blair conspired and where is president george w. bush. several months before, march of 20803 and then systematically -- systematically -- the evidence on which that action was taken. i obviously band to them about these previous inquiries. >> one thing all three have in common is i'm not responsible for the timing of any of them. it is extremely frustrating that the report cannot come out more quickly. but where's the inquiry team. it would not be right for the
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prime minister to interfere. when the inquiry does come out. it will be the comprehensive. >> if the labor pear has vote for this inquiry, the inquiry would be out right now. >> reckless. >> it is very clear if we're going to have one minor party. but when this happens one point i will be making is what he said in 2012 to back the n.h.s. and the honorable gentleman
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comes week after week to talk about the n.h.s. he said we're going to have to move to an insured base system. that i say never. >> thank you very much, spl speaker. those who are currently available to vote they are not registered at all on the individual electoral system. will the prime minister insure that the government fully supports the national voter demonstration day on the 6th of february. so just taking part in the balance. leadership lies -- and it may help his decision -- i've agreed to take part today. >> i think it is important the
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people register to vote. she would help in that process. but i do think the voter registration will cut the and some of the systems that we've used in several democrats. >> this week they did an excellent job in exporting the reality of life. can he see that the failure to get a decent job with decent pay is set up. say to 2 honorable lady, if he she works a figure you will see 8-10 jobs created are full time jobs. now, i know the labor party comes here trying to make a case. but i'm afraid all the evidence has moved away from you. originally it was said no jobs will be creative. we now see more in our history.
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we were told all the jobbings were the part-time. then werm toll the jobs wouldn't pay for for inflation. and of course helping that is the -- the income tax that we've made to help people who are low pay. . that is the program. there's not an answer complacency. we are but we are on the right track. >> jessica lee. >> thank you, mr. speaker. tomorrow marks 2800-year anniversary to the magna carta trip. would you support it to make all people aware of this important document. and the right from freedoms that we hold so dear.
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and also that we make sure we teach in school that how our constitution has involved the rights that we have because pride in those things is >> important for understanding the precious jewel that we have in having a functioning democracy under the rule of law. it was the target of a maximum two-month wait for urgent referral for suspected cancer. is there any bigger sign of his government's failure than his inability to uphold cancer patients. absolutely vital important that cancer patience get urgent treatment. what we were saying under this government is that half a million more people getting referred for cancer treatment and that is why cancer survival
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rates are going up. let me give him the figures for his own hospital area where you've got 96.8 patients with suspected cancer. that's an improvement since 20 10. beginning treatments within 31 dayings. that's an improvement on 2010. you've also got 94.8%. that again is an improvement on 2010. the reason we're able to make these improvements is we put the resources in the n.h.s. when the labor party told us that was irsponnable. and we got rid of the the rock si. which is way the n.h.s. in england is performing better than the one in jeals. particularly when you recall that the issue was 29 because
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whether it will be the published by the 2010 election, will the prime minister agree that the invitation at two not to point this but to give him a chance to explain the reasons for the delay to insure that the situation never happens again. >> obviously my view is when people are electing in their public service station it's obviously a matter of poll. it's the select commg and right now for a chill thought is to get report ready and to make sure it can be published an sooze as possible. -- as soon as possible. >> my constituents, so it's the
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ambulance service took an hour and four minutes to get to him. this is one example of a crime that's not nationwide. so come on out. what is the prime minister going to do about this situation? >> well, what we're doing in terms of the service is making sure that there are 1,700 paramedics. we put more over the winter. it would be completely wrong for the ambulance strike that is proposed to go ahead next week. now, i condemn any events to strike or to threaten our services. particularly this time of heightened national concern and i hope members of the labor party are respectful. so i will do the same thing. >> thank you, mr. speaker. well the leader of the op silt -- will the prime minister
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welcome the i.m.f. that britain has the fastest growing economy in the world. and deal with it. we must be doing something right. i thought it was very kind for the president of the united states to make that point about doing something right. and the i.m.f. are clear. the u.k.'s leading in a very eloquent and convincing way in the european union, a few countries but only a few are driving. that's what they think about the british economy and about the american economy. obviously it's helping in dover where it's down to 28%. but frankly we shouldn't be satisfied until everyone who wants a job in our country is able to get a job in our country and until our unemployment rate is the best in the g-7 that is what i would decide what we want.
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>> ok, mr. speaker, the prime minister's crisis in national health service has its roots in general practice. the change this government made to g.p. pensions. in my area 40% -- future recruit them. how can we expect ha this country will be able to increase the g.p.'s. >> he's rinning up a national tennis service. >> there are thousands more g.p.'s today than when imbecame a prime minister. there are 25 more g.b.'s than in 2010. but i agree with them that we need farther so they work really well. we've seen four million onpeople having access of the seven-day opening of cedric. i want to see it expanded.
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now this is a step forward. the gets of england helped boost the commission's economy. we could even more. so when they encourage them to fold. there's a greater angle in the main line. through essex. would want to see. he's right about the economy in the eastern region of our country. 2,571 people at work compared to. but we would provide the funding for the employment. we want to achieve as well as improvement. and we also want to see our service one. it switched. >> we would say why he turned
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around. >> today in the publication of the chillc of course t report it's wildly considered to be a scandal. does the prime minister that he's been directed to find out exactly what we gone wrong. we have a major child. and the public will not understand if powerful people would be able to delay publication year after year. >> i agree with the honorable lady that it's important that these inquiries are done thorough lip and rapid lee. >> it is a very thorough report. and you have to give the people
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who are criticized the opportunity to respond to all those criticisms. that is what is happening at the moment. i don't believe from what i understand anyone who is trying to dodge this report or put off this report, we all want to see it. but you do have to go through the proper pro-ses. there's no question this report being delivered to me and me deciding -- deciding we should not public it in terms of the election. the whole report is not going to reach the prime minister's decks whoever that is until after the election. >> would the prime minister join me in congratulating the chamber of commerce and in the streets and the having blocks with mine who will come back tomorrow evening. and they saw this opportunity. i will certainly do that. but mental health is getting a much higher political profile
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today than it has in the past. >>. in the n.h.s. constitution. but my only rabble president you're absolutely right with one of the key challenges. it's helping people get into work and there's a lot more work. i'm gauging with the characters to help with that situation. . and this is not important but when you have issues like the ones that aroad, we will continue to so. that should be no excuse. which toughed the line lives >> i agree 100% with the honorable gentleman in everything he says. anyone who has been to auschwitz -- i went recently -- cannot
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help but be struck by the appalling end that came of the hatred and prejudice fostered across europe. the sight of all those children's clothes, toys and bags, and human hair, stays with people for a very long time after they have seen them. we make sure the holocaust commission that we have established reports soon has all-party support. we will take that work forward and continue to ensure that young people in our schools can make the harrowing but very powerful trip to see auschwitz for themselves. >> as someone who voted with his colleagues against the iraq war, i have sought to follow the chilcot inquiry very closely. may i tell my right honorable friend that i am aware of no evidence that any witness has sought to alter the progress of the inquiry by delay? i am aware of reports of
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instances of illness, including in one case a severe illness among members of the inquiry. after the experience of the saville and chilcot inquiries, is not the lesson that the proper template for future inquiries should be leveson, judge-led, but with a strict timetable? >> my right honorable and learned friend makes a strong point in the stance he takes. i agree with him. i have not heard anything to say that anyone is trying artificially to delay the report. he is absolutely right about some of the things that have happened to the inquiry panel members, most notably to the most brilliant biographer of churchill, martin gilbert. i am sure the best wishes of everyone in the house go to him. he makes the fair point that, as inquiries are set up, we should give more thought to trying to ensure they are completed in very good time.
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>> the prime minister said that his policies would eradicate the deficit in this parliament. unfortunately, he was mistaken. a very large deficit remains. what is the reason, in his view, why his economic plan has fallen so far short? >> we inherited from treasury ministers, including the right honorable gentleman, the biggest deficit of any country in the western world. as a share of gdp, we have cut that in half. we have done that through a combination of reducing public spending, making sure we have responsible tax policies and strong economic growth. that is what we have delivered. all the way through, the labour party's proposals have been for more spending, more borrowing and more debt. they have not even got to base camp of working out why the deficit matters. >> as the member privileged to represent the home of the british army in aldershot, which i can tell the father of the house was established as a
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direct result of the inquiry into the crimean war and the failures thereof, may i ask my right honorable friend the prime minister to reassure me that press reports this morning about discussions on reducing the regular army from the already low level of 82,000 to 60,000, are wholly unfounded and that, so long as he remains prime minister, no such cuts will be contemplated? >> i can absolutely give my honorable friend that assurance. those ideas are absolutely not on the table. as long as i am prime minister the regular army will stay at its current size. >> i very much welcome the reduction in uk unemployment announced this morning. i have to add, however, that that is not the case in my constituency, where unemployment has actually risen very slightly. i am sure the prime minister has that in his notes in front of him. for those who are in work, the value of their wages has dropped
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in the past year by 1.5%, while the wages of the prime minister's constituents continue to rise above inflation. is the prime minister proud that under his watch the poor continue to be poorer and the rich keep getting richer? >> if we look at scotland as whole, on the year unemployment is down by 20,000 and the rate of unemployment in scotland is also down. the rate of unemployment in scotland is lower than the rate of unemployment in, for instance, london, so the idea that this recovery is being felt only in the south of our country is simply nonsense. she mentions wages. obviously, one of the most powerful things we can do to help people with the cost of living is to take them out of income tax. in scotland, we have taken 23,000 people out of income tax altogether, and over 2 million people are benefiting from the personal allowance changes that
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have already helped people to the tune of more than £700 a year. >> the dairy industry underpins the economy of rural britain including that of my constituency of montgomeryshire. the dairy industry is currently in difficulty. does the prime minister accept that the government must consider all ways to bring stability to this important sector, including whether the powers of the groceries code adjudicator should be extended and strengthened? >> i very much agree with my honorable friend. it is important that we look at how we can support britain's dairy farmers at a time of very low milk prices. this is an important industry for our country and i think there are a number of things we can do. there is more we can do in terms of leading exports for british food producers. i know the secretary of state is very keen on that. specifically on the groceries code adjudicator, something we have
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established, it is time to make sure that that organization has the power, if necessary, to levy fines so that it can get its will obeyed. i also think it is time to look at whether there are ways in which its remit can be extended to make sure it looks at more of this vital industry. >> west dunbartonshire desperately needs a pay rise. a quarter of our children are living in poverty, and this prime minister's policies are failing them and their families. a year ago, the chancellor suggested that he wanted to see a £7 national minimum wage from this october. will the prime minister tell me why his government's evidence to the low pay commission makes no mention of this at all? >> our evidence to the low pay commission says we need another increase in the minimum wage. it is only under this government that we have seen a minimum wage increase ahead of inflation, which never happened while labour was presiding over economic chaos. that is the truth. let me
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explain to the honorable lady. she will have to explain to her constituents why labour's minimum wage policy would actually cut the minimum wage in the next parliament. that is how incompetent and useless those on the opposition front bench are. the best thing we can do is to keep growing the economy, keep creating jobs and keep cutting taxes, because we are on track and the plan is working. >> there has been a spate of dog thefts across the bradford district, where a rally has been held to bring people's attention to the plight of murphy, a husky stolen recently. it is very distressing for the owners and dogs concerned, who are devoted to each other. some of these dogs are used in practice for dog fighting, and who knows what fate awaits some of the other stolen dogs? will the prime minister use his good offices to draw attention to this problem and ensure that the authorities investigat
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