tv Washington This Week CSPAN February 21, 2015 4:30pm-6:31pm EST
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her you are pennsylvania or arkansas. the manufacturers, the distributors, they take it manage of not just a global economy with the fact that we have one of the biggest and richest domestic markets in the world. that takes federal regulation and some federal cooperation. we can't lose sight of the idea that states can do everything. >> i agree totally. immigration, we need to have the federal government engaged in that, and trade policy. the federal government needs to do trade policies. but whenever it comes to our job creation, when it comes to our infrastructure, we have been dependent upon the federal highway dollars. let's read figure that. there are a ways to do things differently. i don't think it is inconsistency. i think we are in agreement with that. we need to make sure that there is a clarity in the difference
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and responsibilities. >> governor? >> north dakota, our gdp growth over the last 10 years has been 10.4% more than three times the national average. >> is that because of energy? >> about three or four points of that 10% has been attributable to the energy sector. the rest is other industries, agricultural technology, manufacturing. our greatest challenge is managing the rapid growth of our state. one of the fastest growing economies in the world. if it were not for north dakota, gary herbert would have achieved his goal of being the fastest growing economy in the country. we just keep chasing it and
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working hard to do the things that everybody has talked about. and the national media does call me and ask me why is north dakota so different from the rest of the nation over the last 10 years, and i think it is not that complicated. we have low taxes. we have a reasonable regulatory climate. we have a terrific workforce. we have a state government that we think is the most accessible government in the country. companies come to our state for that reason. ucd are -- you see deeere\\\re building, microsoft is expanding. there is economic activity that is a long ways away from the oil fields. it is working well for us but at that pace, 10.4%, we have to go
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to stay on top of that. and keep everything going forward. i was getting built. buildings getting built. law enforcement expanding. all the social services you have to bring to bear. all that has to keep up. that is without a doubt our biggest challenge. >> what has been the impact of the seller and the price of oil? >> so far we are almost surprised at how little we are noticing it. in northwestern north dakota, it is one of the most productive in the world. we think our costs producing a barrel of oil is in some counties as low as 30 hours a barrel. the drilling pace is not dropped off that much. plus the fact that we had a shortage of workforce going in. we are finding that if anybody
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has been laid off, they have had no problem whatsoever finding another job. >> my biggest challenge is probably the governor will not agree to a border realignment. we permit faster and lower taxes on our oil and gas than most in north dakota. in addition to that, i like to look at it more of post economic challenges as real opportunities. at the state government level, the opportunities, i need to maintain fiscal discipline. a reporter at j.p. morgan say we are the most fiscal stay in the country. that allows us to do things to give folks looking forward that much more excitement. it allows us the ability to -- it may not be sexy, but reduce interest rates that we provide local governments on wastewater and sewer water.
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saving $40 million for ratepayers across the state. we need to continue to build on a business friendly environment. like many others said, at the end of the day the private sector does this. we have the private sector to identify the opportunities and obstacles for growth. we have either repealed or streamlined 714 regulations that rather unnecessary, unwarranted, stand in the way of further economic development. we are asking them to say help deal -- help build the business plan for the future. that is where we get into these issues of we do have a skills gap. we had to do things like fund early childhood education because we know the difference that will make long-term. the investments all throughout, if business is at the table saying where can we grow, and what are the opportunities to
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look long-term because in government with political cycles it doesn't always look long-term, but partnering with them in looking forward it is just going to create that many more economic opportunities for the state. >> governor walker. >> the good news in alaska, we are closest to the market. we are close. the bad news is we can't get access to our resources. the basin has 475. we will drill 63 wells. we just can't get access to our resources. we have the highest cost of energy. >> the federal land. >> it is limiting our ability to get there. they have drilled 19,000 wells. we have drilled about 6000 wells. we just can't get access to our resources. we have the highest cost of energy.
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diesel fuel is the equivalent of $30. we are paying two dollars down here. we have the coldest temperature days. we don't have cold snaps. we have cold seasons. so it is very frustrating that we have trillions of dollars of value in the ground and when we became a state we would be returned to live off the resources. that was the mandate. we have held at our end of the deal. the administration is not. our biggest challenge is getting access to our resources for our economy and our own people so people can afford to live in the villages some of the highest i've heard is 15 people live in one house. that is ridiculous based on the energy. we inject more energy into the ground than they consume in gas
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in california, and washington combined. it is all about distribution. we have plenty of resources. we just have to be able to get to our resources. >> governor. >> thank you. sitting here listening to the discussion, i feel lost. we are experiencing a very difficult time in our economy. the only that we have been associated with united states for the last 120 years, we haven't really developed any economy that would coast into some direction. are you are discussing which way to go as far as direction of our economy. here we are struggling to find if we do have an economy or not. we lived under the mercy and survived under the mercy of the federal government. we don't really have a strong economy. we do have a couple of galleries
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which rely solely on the availability of fish and the fishing industries. it is getting tough. it is getting to be a national issue with the chinese and other foreign countries who are trying to take advantage of the fishing industry. we are the victim of such impact on our economy. what we have been discussing this morning, as insular territories and commonwealth, we need to come together to find some ground within the relationship between the federal government and the territories of the commonwealth. we feel we have been left out many times, especially in our location, where it is 18,000 miles from washington. we are the furthest of american
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soil in your been there since the beginning. we feel like many times we have been left out, and the only time we can feel the impact of the american dollar is when there and national disaster or something happens to our territory. otherwise we feel lonely down there. we have been discussing the prospect of insular territories and commonwealth to come together and ask our organization to find a place for the insular territories and commonwealth in international associations. we also need to see that the federal government delivers more attention to us. i can say it without reservations, so seeing with the united states of america, we feel like we're headed nowhere. the closest people to us are the chinese who come around in our
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shores with change in pockets trying to set up some business with our local people. they have restricted us from fishing in our waters. they have restricted us from other areas. we are victims of all this federal mandate and regulation. we cannot even protect our shorelines. you need to call the army corps to get a permit. we can't even deal with something unless the federal government knows that we do not have the resources to accommodate the lives of our people. we have been americanized by the the americans they convinced discussed america is the best nation in the world. we agree. after so many years we feel like we have been left out. for the first time, the assistant secretary of the interior visited our shores.
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for the first time somebody visited [inaudible] and i tip my headat for paying attention and witness firsthand how the american people down there live and survive in that part of the world. >> very important. >> i hope to take time to voice. >> thank you. >> thank you and good afternoon. first, the greatest challenge of the economy of the virgin islands is to convince my colleagues here in the national governors association that their winter meetings of the association should take place in the virgin islands. [laughter] [applause] 78 degrees. we are hopeful that the next 2 winters i don't have to get off
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of my sailboat to come into the snow. >> that should've been obvious. >> much of the conversation i was privy to today, we understand a lot. we also have that challenge of aligning our workforce development, our education, our universities with the changes in the economy for preparing our workforce for the new jobs. i think we are on the same model of going through schools graduating through high school getting to a degree and getting out the world, and being competitive and productive. the changes in the economy happen so rapidly and the infusion of technology in much of what we are doing in the economy, we have to shift that model to prepare our people to be able to take this on. most know that the main source of the economy is tourism.
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we have great opportunities and technology. we have to shift for that. that is going to require a great investment in the infrastructure, to be a competitive location for business globally, and be able to cycle back our workforce to leave and come to the u.s. mainland for the opportunity to come back into the virgin islands and work and raise their families, and be productive. we find ourselves, we produce for many of your cities and states, many people work there. like the governor said, one of the biggest challenges to the territory is federal bureaucracy . and a lot of rules and regulations made in washington and the other states or the federal offices are located. there is not an understanding how fragile the territory economies are. when they make these rules and regulations they are just destructive to our fragile economy. we lose jobs by the hundreds or
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thousands because of them. we don't have reasonable rapid response on the federal government to deal with these issues. we have to go through the congress and a lot of bureaucracy. of atomic at the end of it, that segment in the trade is no longer relevant for us. we are going to be looking to the nga and are calling to assist us in getting that point across. he understand where we are at scale. in the winter meeting, u.s. virgin islands. it is a lot warmer and more fun. thank you. >> you make great points. the attitude is not the way to go when you know your state best and better than anyone in washington. a final word from you. >> this is a great chance. i appreciate it. puerto rico has great challenges. we have been dealing -- we have
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a huge deficit of 24%. in 18 months we reduce that to zero. it is between zero and 2%. unemployment rate lasts 16.5%. it is now 13.7%. it is on the way down. the crime rate was the highest in our history, now the lowest in the last 22 years. we are moving the lines. the on the positive line. we are breaking records. it is only 7% of our economy. our main part of the economic is -- [inaudible] and, for the first time since 2008, for the first time since 2006, the department of labor
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statistics states that our private sector is growing in the public sector is shrinking. without firing people. 16,000 [indiscernible] that is why we are able to budget. right now we are focused on a new tax structure. we are moving puerto rico to a value tax. he will be able to take the population and income tax to pay zero income tax. and that has been able to work in improving the economy in 160 countries already in the world. we are moving in that direction we will continue with that. >> thank you.
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it is extraordinary to me that the skills gap has been an across-the-board issue for all of you. despite the fact that each state has its own mentality and its own strength, and opportunities in terms of resources, manufacturing. you all agree on so much, and clearly the issues are around the federal government and its impact in terms of broad strokes in the face of your own very different economies. it feels like the opportunities do surround manufacturing, as well as some of those science and health care jobs. i want to thank all of you for having me today. i wish you success for the rest of your meeting. [applause] >> thank you for helping with this valuable discussion. i think we learned a lot from everyone at the table. this concludes our special session. please join us at a reception.
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>> the national governors association winter meeting. the latest session on jobs in the economy wrapping up. maria von romolo moderating. the nation's governors in washington dc for the winter meeting today and tomorrow. a rather wintry day here the nations capital. you heard the governor of being virgin islands inviting the governors to the virgin islands for the winter meetings next year. we would like to hear your thoughts on what you have been watching. the question we are asking, how is the economy in your state? we have been watching the national governors association meeting. republicans, you can call us. democrats --
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all others -- you can join us on twitter. use @cspan or join us at live coverage will continue of the governors association meeting tomorrow on c-span. 11:00 eastern time the homeland security secretary jeh johnson will be participating in a session on cyber security. epa administrator jim mccarthy will participate tomorrow afternoon on the federal and state collaboration on energy and water issues. our live coverage tomorrow on c-span as the national governors association meeting continues. let's go to calls now. first to livingston, new jersey. diana, you are on the line. >> good afternoon.
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our economy isn't doing too good at all. i noticed that the most common response was the workforce skills gap. i would like to comment that during the american recovery act there were workforce programs put in place. i attended one through the department of health and human services which trained us to be the future workforce for physicians to implement. when you to build on prior skills. we had background of health care and technology. i graduated, i changed to a certification. i haven't and a lot of my fellow classmates across the country have not obtained jobs because the employers demanded experience besides the education and the requirements, the
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acquisition of the certificates. it was a six-month program. we were supposed to be trained fast. and yet it didn't result in any of us getting jobs. they need to do more than just tell people education. they need to have internships or employers ready to hire graduates at the moment of graduation. that is my comment. and the companies have a duty don't they have any patriotic duty to their country to train their own workforce as well and not let the government pay for the training and then not higher people? that is my comment. >> keith on the independent line. you are on the air. >> hello. i am having problems. [indiscernible] i have two degrees and cannot find a job. i think that is strange. i know a lot of veterans in the same situation. i didn't hear anyone talk about veterans.
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it is strange. >> james, how is the economy in your neck of the woods? >> well, it is a national thing. i think what it is, we the people, or them the government. i think if you look at the basel accords, their innerre is too much central banking intervention with the world governments. we need to localize this to the united states of america, and american people, and the united states of america in general need to be the world power that it is. >> thank you for the call. jack markell of delaware
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tweeting during the last session the national governors association meeting on the economy cannot just blame dcn action. states must better connect training with skills employers need. you heard that from our first caller as well. the issue coming up at today's session, training workforce skills, and so forth. back to calls. you are on with us. >> actually, how it is in my neck of the woods, it feels like we don't get enough support rum the community and locally to be an entrepreneur. >> what kind of support are you looking for? >> as far as community. even if it is more workshops training, things that are available for entrepreneurs were innovators to pursue their
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passion or dream. something like that. that is more what i mean by locally. i don't believe that we have support that is needed to encourage economic growth. >> william in tampa, florida. go ahead. >> i was republican all of my life. i organized the democrats for us in our 1952 on the campus of mississippi state. i am not a republican anymore. i live in florida, the most corrupt stay in the united states of america. the governor bought two elections down here in our legislature is bought and sold by big business. all we get is business tax cut. the infrastructure is terrible. our tourism is up because of weather. that is nothing our governor has done. i didn't even see him at this conference. but i believe the federal
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government needs to be supported tax wise and otherwise to correct the infrastructure in this nation. our bridges are falling apart. our highways are falling apart. we need high-speed rail here, and local mass transportation. our highways are clogged. nobody seems to be paying any attention. >> the president and first lady will be welcoming the governors to the white house. the nga members going to the white house for the 2015 governors dinner tomorrow night. as i mentioned, our live coverage here on c-span continues on sunday. 11:00 a.m. eastern, with jeh johnson. and the epa secretary administrator, gina mccarthy. she will appear for a panel. that is saturday, live coverage
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of the meetings here on c-span. we go to houston, texas. >> i just want to reinforce what the lady said it first. about four years ago i was unemployed. they have this program in workforce development. we took the whole standard test faq all over the nation. we got certifications. for two years i put in for every oracle database job that was on the internet. there were 30 a day. all of them required you to have at least 2-5 years experience. it is not so much a skills gap as a opportunity gap. we have to take a chance on people and train people. they used to do that for jobs.
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caller: it is pretty good in indiana. i think, there are a lot of programs out there, for small businesses. i do own a small business. i know that the governors have been working on new legislation, but indiana has taken a position on not waiting on washington. they are trying to do things for themselves. there are programs they have for mentorship. another program, that has helped -- host: mike pence is the governor of indiana, one of the folks that was mentioned in the presidential primary run-up. an article from the international business times talking about the national governor's association meeting.
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for a handful of governors gathering this weekend in washington, they will be doing the governors association, being a contender is a top priority. they are using the meeting to break from the crowd. they want to establish credentials for state executives. some of the names mentioned in the article governor scott walker, he is on your screen. chris christie, bobby jindal and mike pence. they were all mentioned in the article. back to the calls. a few more minutes. we will get a look at how the economy is doing in your part of the country. this is from clearwater, florida. this is the democratic line. caller: i don't see florida doing any better.
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i have been unemployed since 2013. i am working temporarily. jobs do not want to hire. i have a bachelors degree and i come from illinois. i do not even understand where he says the governor says there are jobs. i see that -- i hear that people are getting certificates and programs and are not being able to get hired. i mean, my degree is in applied behavior of sciences. you cannot even get a job here unless you are a nurse. or maybe if you have a license. it is ridiculous. you are trying to survive and you are a graduate and you still cannot get you job. this is supposed to be the united states of america. this is where you are guaranteed , with education, with skill set, it doesn't make a difference if you go to school. they still won't hire you. and i think it has a lot to do
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with health care. people are afraid to pay extra on a person because of the health care cost. ask -- host: thank you for the call. you can see the governor from colorado on the left and the governor of utah on the right. gary herbert will be our guest on newsmakers this week. that is on sunday. he is the nda vice care -- vice chair. again, that will be tomorrow at 10:00 in the morning. and we have a robber on the line. this is a republican color. how is the economy there robert? caller:
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few doctors are taking payments. they cannot get the care because they just are doctors. governor brown is worried about increasing it, because of the budget. with things like the repair of roads and other things, we have to increase the medical reimbursement levels so that doctors can treat the number of people who need to care. thank you. host: that will do it for calls. our coverage will continue. i want to mention that you can watch any of our coverage, if you missed any today, it will be available on our website. just go to
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internment camp in crystal city texas. the government comes to the fathers and say, we have a deal for you. we will reunite you with your families in the crystal city internment camp, if you will agree to go voluntarily. and then i discovered what the secret was, if you -- they also had to agree to voluntarily repatriate to germany and japan. that is if the government decided they needed to be repatriated. the truth is, the crystal city camp was humanely administered by the ins, but the special war divisions used as roosevelt's prisoner exchange. it was the center of the prisoner exchange program. sunday night 8:00 p.m.
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>> thank you everyone. thank you for coming to our series. i run the national security program here. we are here on ash wednesday so i haven't applied my makeup. thank you for that in advance. thank you also for braving the cold weather we have had here. more cold will come, but i hope you will be warmed by the great conversation we have put together tonight. i want to think in particular -- thank our sponsorship. we have put up for you, our twitter handle, at smart women and we are broadcasting this live. it is my pleasure to introduce
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our two speakers. most importantly, the first lady of afghanistan, rula ghani, here for the first time. she is from lebanon. she met her husband at the american university in beirut she is quite accomplished as having earned her master's degree from columbia university and of course she is worked extensively on women's and children's issues in afghanistan. i'm sure she will be sharing those experiences with us here tonight. providing the moderation is as always, nina easton, a senior associate here at the sis and also a columnist and share of -- chair of fortune's most powerful women international summit. please welcome me -- welcome
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with me the speakers. [applause] >> thank you all for coming. thank you for that terrific introduction. i wanted to get one shout out to one other person. -- one other piece that we do. a weekly podcast. you can find it on your smartphone and it is a great way to hear women talk about pressing foreign-policy matters. thank you so much for being here. it is just truly an honor. it was delightful to get to know you over the course of these last couple of days. it is interesting because your predecessor was a doctor. a professional woman but never seen in public. you have come in and become quite visible. and have been accused of making waves. which we like here. -- which we like to hear. let's start with that. what is your vision how you want -- for how you want to be first
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lady? >> first i would like to say that i'm very glad to be with all of you. i hope that i will not disappoint. i would like to say a word about mrs. karzai. she is indeed a doctor and an accomplished person. she happened to be in her child rearing years when her husband was president. i remember when i was in my child bearing years, i did not have time for anything else. if she chose not to have a public life, i think it was her choice. i don't think she should be blamed for that. anyway, coming back to me. once i moved to the palace, i found that if i stayed at home i would be just waiting for my husband to come back. you may know that my husband is
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a workaholic and he will not come back until maybe quite late. i very quickly got bored. so with his encouragement, i decided to have an office. slowly this office has grown. we now are seven women, young and old, i am the old one. [laughter] we decided to have an open door policy. basically, i see my role as a listener and facilitator. i don't have a budget. people don't come to me to get money. but they come to me to talk and share concerns. to sometimes voice complaints. sometimes just to let me know if
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-- let me know what they are doing. it is really wonderful, because i have had women and men, mostly women, and a lot of young people, and see me. maybe it was a novelty. they wanted to see who is that person who had become the first lady. that might be the reason why there are so many of you here tonight. but also to have a chance to talk about what is worrying them or what is interesting them. their hopes, misgivings. this is what my office does, welcome people. we listen to them. in the cases where we can help for example, picking up the phone and obtaining an appointment for them in some
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government agency. we do it and we have helped quite a few people. not too many, but we have made some leeway. >> what have you learned about the country and the state of the country, in the listening tour that you are doing? >> the first thing i discovered is that there are a lot of very strong women who are determined to better their lives. that is something that does not come into the press. for some reason, it is like a broken record that keeps saying poor afghan women. it is true they are facing very difficult situations. but they are facing them with a lot of resilience.
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with a lot of strength. and with a lot of resourcefulness. through their talks as you mentioned, i realized there is a widening gap between the urban areas and the provinces. women come to me and say you have forgotten us. nobody comes to help us. we don't have access to medical services. we don't have access to education. let alone legal services. you see, a lot of the teachers in the provinces are men. and in many of these provinces many people will not send their children to a classroom led by a
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man. the solution is easy. train local women to become teachers. first, elementary teachers and then middle, then upper. high school. we don't need to think about university yet. but there is a need to concentrate on these women. and i worry because if the gap increases, we will be two countries. >> you found some incredibly -- incredible stories of resilience among some of those women in the provinces where security is an issue. where the taliban is an issue. can you tell the tea party story? >> this is very inspiring. it was reported to me by a woman who came to see me, i don't know exactly where it took place, but she told me the story of a widow
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who had to leave her village and go to cobble to be able to make a living for herself and her children. she went to visit a cousin who is also a widow and finds out that the cousin had been this launched -- dislodged from her home. a very modest home. she and her cousin are illiterate. she finds out that she is being dislodged by the taliban. so she says, ok, i'm going to deal with it. she takes three glasses -- we drink tea glasses. she took a teapot with hot tea and goes there. and greets people with the three
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glasses in front of three people. and starts pouring tea for them. then she sits down and starts talking with them. first it's just, you know, the usual talk of how are you, are you fine. how are your children. then she starts telling them very nicely that this is the house of my cousin. she is a widow and has seven children, and her husband has died. she really relies on this piece of land around the house for having food. she plants and cultivates.
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and it went on for an hour, two hours. the third hour, she kept repeating the same thing. the commander of the taliban takes the gun he had between his knees and said let's go, we will go to another house. so very calmly and quietly, she negotiated the taliban from getting out of her house and had her cousin reinstated in her house. that shows you, women are strong. they have their own way of doing things. they don't come barging in. they don't say, who do you think you are and where did you come from. they are persistent. and they keep pushing and pushing until their voices are heard. >> i love that story.
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what about a more formal role for women in peace negotiations? when the taliban came in and forced women to wear burqas, and banned girls from schools, now you have 40% of students in afghanistan are girls. there has been tremendous progress. and there is pressure from a lot of organizations and afghan women's networks to aid women at that peace table and talk about women's issues. what is your perspective on that? >> i think it is not yet the time for it. i think we don't really have negotiations yet. whether or not there are women in the negotiation team, it is a mood question. yes, there have been a lot of
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meetings and back and forth, going to qatar and saudi arabia. but all of this has resulted in nothing. i think women have their roles where they are living. if you have taliban families there too, interact with their families. often they do, because when you coexist with other people, you have to stick together. maybe there is a question of school that needs a teacher or a question, i don't know, common things when people live together, they share concerns and problems. i don't think it is time for women to sit at the table because there is no table yet. >> ok. the status of women.
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you talked about the entrepreneurial spirit you are seeing. there is a perception about -- misperception about women in afghanistan. we talked about your beautiful coat that was designed. can you talk about work -- what types of companies women are involved in? >> i have had delegations of business women coming to me. these are not small businesses. i have had factory owners, women who actually lease a big tract of land and tried to cultivate vegetables. i have had women who trade carpets. of course, there also women who trade embroidery things. women are very savvy.
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they just need a little bit of push. they need support and encouragement. once they are given that, they perform. they get things done. i see there is maybe half of the audience is women tonight. and women know that when they put their mind to it, he can get -- they really get it done, no matter what it is. whether it is at home or work. when they put their mind to it , they get it done. i think we have been surprised to see what they would ask. for example, they would say as women we are not getting good deals at the banks when we go for a loan. the banks will not give us loans without putting our whole house as collateral.
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we ask for a small loan and they want the whole house. why don't they take the car? the car is still valuable. it is a reasonable thing. so, they will usually talk to me about their problems and tell me what the solution is. i find it so much easier to help them because when talking to a certain agency, and we have had a couple of women like that. it is also very encouraging to see how determined they are to make it and make it for their daughters and children. and for the country. >> you gave a speech in oslo not long ago, said that afghan women
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need to reclaim their past in an islamic tradition. he cited a number of powerful women. -- you cited a number of powerful women. can you talk about that? >> yes. it is the luck of the fact that i left afghanistan just before the war. i left during its heyday. i lived for years there. i lived within the family of my husband. i lived with my in-laws and extended family. i saw that the situation was and what the culture really was. it is a culture that is very harmonious. of course there were problems, like any society. people lived in harmony with each other and knew what their faith was. they knew what was expected from them. there was no gap, for example it
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-- between city and province. members of the family that lived in a province would come and stay for an extended time, sometimes two or three weeks. with us, we would go back and stay with them. there was a back and forth all the time. we spent weekends in the closest province. this is what i call our culture, in which women were respected. my mother-in-law, my husband's grandmother, where powerful women. and yet there were women that state at home. there were other members of the family that worked outside. and they were also quite respected. i never heard somebody say, she is working outside, who is she?
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on the contrary, we had one with a phd in history and another one was, when the hospital was opened, she got the job of managing the hospital. from my microcosm of the family, i could tell that there was a society that was respected and appreciated. this is something i would like to rely on culture. i also say we would like to go to our islamic roots because women were very important in islam.
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especially in the first few decades. >> in the 20th -- 20th? >> no no, i am talking about the profits. -- prophets. the most important traders saudi arabia was a woman. she had caravans going to the east persian gulf. his daughter married for love. she had lots of suitors. that was in -- an interesting notion, a marriage for love.
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the sister, they were the ones who did fighting. they were warriors. in islam, women are important. the kind of islam that is now taking place is being presented to the young generation, it is no longer that. it is not actually not -- it is not actually islam. i would not say it is a variation. it is something else. i was making a speech one day for an event about midwives and ob/gyn doctors. in islam, in the holy koran, it says they should be 30 months -- there should be 30 months
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between the birth of tilden. -- children. it says this clearly. for the health of the child and the mother. the distortion of islam, we should not accept it. we should get back to the basics and go back to the text. you mentioned queen zoraya. she was at the beginning of the 20th century. she was an educated woman. she became the minister of education. she really is a person who built
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the foundation for educational existence that existed in afghanistan before the civil war. the education system that gave birth -- which allow people for my husband to allow university -- to arrive for university studies, when they came to the -- american, they had no problem adjusting. they knew as much as the others. they had subjects they are being told to freshman. we had a wonderful education system. queen soraya insisted that people had to have education. they had masters, they were
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professionals, and they did a great job educating generations of afghans. this is why it are very well read and educated. they know their history and geography and science. thanks to this one woman. i think afghan women are -- when they put their minds to it capable of great things. >> let's talk about you, a role model. you are a lebanese christian in a pretty illustrious family. talk about what your father did. >> my father came from another background that came to study in lebanon -- in france.
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i am french educated, by the way. but when he came back, he wanted to put together the agriculture of the country. different varieties of food, new varieties of vegetables. he introduced fertilizers, insecticides, eventually he got into water treatment. he was quite a pioneer. he was opposed to become the head of the fao. >> you studied in paris, and you talked about the uprising in
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and in the lecture, would be the teacher, but you pretty much had to study on your own. i think they changed the system, something stuck. >> and then you worked as a journalist, you studied at columbia, journalism at columbia , how did that affect your thinking? >> i love gathering information. i'm eager to understand the environment in which i am. >> it sounds like how you are approaching your situation now. >> yes, this is the way i function.
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i like to know who are the people around me, what are the problems. it happened in all places where i have lived. when i was here in washington, my husband was at the world and and i joined the world bank family network, which welcomes new families, and helps them adapt to washington, d.c. we would see what their needs for. at one point they needed english classes. some other points, they needed financial education. some of those coming did not know how to do a budget. we had financial classes with budget first. it ran all the gamut until we
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had an investment club too. i do like to solve problems. maybe it's a combination of trying to get the information and following the problems. >> being raised a lebanese christian, you started down a professional path that you had small children and ended up in afghanistan with your husband. were there cultural barriers to you there, or did you fit right in? you did not convert to islam. >> i did not. i spent four years in afghanistan as a young girl, then we went to the states. we came here for my husband's phd and ended up staying 30 years because of the civil war. my husband was advised not to go
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there was a couple that came and they were young, maybe two or three years had been married. she was surprised i was so relaxed. she was with her mother in law. her mother-in-law was from edible. -- formidable. she said, when my mother-in-law is sitting at the table, she saying, why don't you eat from that, why don't you take that? i said, she is taking care of you, showing respect. she likes you. oh, she said, i thought i told her no. no, she should not insist. for her it was a clash of
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culture. for me i knew my mother would have done the same thing back home. >> or any italian. >> you are an afghan citizen. you were criticized by some for not being islamic during the campaign, not eating -- being in your lebanese roots. some people say the country should not have u.s. first lady. how did you deal with that? >> i was born in a christian family. we prayed in arabic. when you pray to god, it was pretty much the same. for me, it's not a difference whether i am muslim or
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christian. for all the indications that come to see me, it has never been an issue. they are happy that i am there that i'm opening my doors to them, listening to what they have to say. >> it seems like that works well. you have a caretaker gene. when you came back to afghanistan, you got involved in [indiscernible] can you describe that? >> it takes care of the children who work on the streets. i have always liked that organization.
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the children are the ones that pay the price of civil war. they find themselves either with no parents or parents that have been debilitated or are not able to work, and they are the ones who have to earn a living for the family. i have tried to help us much as i could. basically, whenever we had the dinner at home and there were some foreigners, i would tell them about it. often some of them would come and visit and make a donation. american supporters could benefit from the 501(c) tax deduction, and get help an institution that they really liked. this is what the organization is. >> i have heard about it for years from trish silverman, who is here, and partly responsible
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for you being here. >> mary jo meyer, the head of the foundation, is sitting right there too. >> welcome. >> i love how you are very outspoken about a lot of things. in your speech you made the point that international aid has graded a culture of dependency in the country -- created a culture of dependency in the country.
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how would you go about tackling that? >> what i mean by that is that humanitarian assistance is wonderful, but it is short-lived. it does not change the situation. bringing food, blankets, tents floor covers -- all of that is wonderful for people who really need it, but you come back the next year and there are even where people there. i don't think humanitarian assistance is the answer. and especially, don't send clothes. kabul as a whole market of secondhand clothes. -- has a whole market of secondhand clothes. why are these people in camps? the are usually internally displaced people, displaced may be because of the civil war where they are. they may have been displaced because some warlord decided to take away their land. they may have been displaced because there is a flood or a landslide.
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the solution to this problem is not to bring them every year well-known russian of fries -- ration of fries, flour, sugar, cooking oil, two blankets, and one tarp. it does not solve the problem. what i would like from the agencies, the international aid -- people, stop thinking in terms of humanitarian assistance and start thinking in terms of development. developing institutions means training people. it's very easy to come and help and say, i'm going to show you how it's done. no, it's like -- i was at a dinner recently and they were
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talking about how they are having their hands on the wheel also. i said, no, take off your hands from the wheel. let them drive as if it were a driving school car, and you have the emergency brake next you. but let them drive. let them learn to drive. as long as you have the hands of the wheel, they will not learn how to drive. you believe and everything will fall apart. -- will leave and everything will fall apart. train people to be in charge. let them make mistakes. people learn from their mistakes. they are not going to learn by seeing you do things. this is how i'm trying to tackle it. i'm not quite sure how i'm going to do it, though. >> are there models you would cite as that is the way to do it? >> not that i know of. i'm sure there are.
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i'm sure my husband knows, and i rely on him. >> one of your other frustrations is that afghans who go to the west to become educated, go to university, and then don't want to come back. you want to talk about that more, you told me. >> yes. there has been quite a few young people who have had scholarships to comment study. -- come and study. in the united states there are 300 of them this year, altogether. it has started several years back. there is a tendency for them not to want to come back to afghanistan. and here i would like to say, i don't know if there are some here in the audience, but please, remember, this money was
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given to you not because of your beautiful eyes. it was given to you because you are going to go back to your country and help rebuild your country. so, at least you spent two years here, go spend two years in kabul. then you want to come back to the states, well and good, but you have at least to repay all this money that has been spent on you. somebody mentioned that i should say, the amount that was spent on you, this is the amount you should repay if you want to stay in the states. this might be too harsh, but ever it comes to that, that is what i will advise to do. people should feel that they have to come back and help the country. how is a country going to grow
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if the people that retrain and sent to the best universities here decide, i would rather stay here? >> we are going to open this up to audience questions. it needs to be a short question. it has to end with a question mark and not be getting on a soap walks -- box. i have heard you say in number of times that you are frustrated with the coverage of afghanistan and the image portray in the western media. what is the real afghanistan we are missing? >> foreign ngo's and agencies need to justify why they are working in afghanistan.
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they need to say that the sky is falling. they need to say, the situation is terrible. otherwise, they will not be able to raise the funds they need to function there. somehow, this has gotten to the journalists. it's laziness on the part of the journalists. they need to go around and see for themselves. i've read somewhere that afghanistan is the worst country for a girl to be born in. hogwash. it's not true. there are difficult situations there are difficult challenges but still, you can have a good life in afghanistan. there is a lot of room for improvement, but it's a beautiful country and a
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beautiful people. what i resist is when i see an article that tries to say everything is going wrong in afghanistan, the economy is falling apart, security, there is no security in afghanistan. 34 million people live in afghanistan. maybe i don't know the number of people being killed and it's too much, every life counts, but it's probably less than the number of people who get killed on the roads here in the united states. let's be a little more optimistic about the country. it is a new administration. there are real hopes. maybe these things are going to be tackled little better.
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let's be hopeful, let's be positive. i think afghanistan is going to be a beautiful country, and i hope all of you will be able to one day come and visit it. [applause] >> where are the mics? right here in the front. >> good evening. i came to the united states through the initiate teach afghan women program. i'm very happy.
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it is a wonderful time for me to be here today. i will never forget today. the first thing i would like to say -- >> we will ask a question. we have a short period of time. >> students who don't go to afghanistan, they are working here. they are working for the country, for their women. we would love to go back and will go back, but we want the security to protect us trade we need protection and security. >> do you want to respond to that? >> yes. i know situation is probably not ideal for girls who want to work in afghanistan, but it's getting much better. if you want to change the situation, you have to be part
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of it, right, that's how i think. but thank you for trying to do something from here anyway. i have been talking to people at the embassy, and maybe by the end of the academic year, we try to have like a job fair for you to know what jobs are available in afghanistan, and connect people with qualifications with jobs that would be appropriate. >> other questions? >> my name is margaret rogers. i'm proud to be on the board of the foundation. i have also worked in afghanistan. my question is about the taliban. you started out saying there was not much progress with regard to
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the peace talks. as somebody who has lived there in a taliban dominated robbins -- province, are their prospects for a more peaceful country given the strength of the taliban? >> i don't think i say something that you don't know, but the first priority of my husband is to bring security to afghanistan. i have a lot of confidence in him. i think he knows how to think outside the box and how to figure out how to solve problems. he is a problem solver. i hope that eventually the situation will get much better. >> any specifics moving forward? >> no. we don't have each other in each other's pockets. >> back here. >> thank you.
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what is your opinion of kurdish female freedom fighters? >> i'm proud of them. [applause] they are taking part in defending their country, and i think they're doing very well. we do have females in the afghan army. i met the ones in the academy 36 of them. they made me feel great proud to have them with me. i hope they will be able to one day defend their country too. >> where are the mics? right here. >> my name is elise hampton. i want to thank you for taking the time to come out this evening.
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my question is very simple. >> can you speak louder? >> sure. if you could prioritize three things in order that afghanistan needs, what would they be? >> the first thing is security. the second thing is greater order and the way the country is being managed. better management of the country. third thing, i don't know. i feel once there would be security and once the country -- the mechanisms of governing the
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country are in place, people will find it -- each person will find what do they want to do and they will take part in building their own country. i don't think afghans need to be told that they should be proud of their country, that they should serve their country. they have it. the circumstances were not provided. >> thank you. i'm with the u.s. army. i will be deployed to afghanistan in june for a program. what advice would you give to me? [laughter] i will be working with the ministry of interior or ministry of defense. what kind of advice would you give me when i am advising an afghan? thank you, ma'am.
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>> thank you for your service. either in the ministry of interior or the ministry of defense? is that what you are saying? ok. try to have order and both ministries. and if you see corruption, do not look the other way. i think often foreign advisers see corruption and are worried to step on people's toes. and particularly in the two ministries if you can enforce the respective women because unfortunately, it does not exist. >> we did not touch on that much corruption. do you see that getting better? >> yes. i think people are more wary of
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engaging in corruption. i'll tell you, in anecdote, i do not know whether it is true or not but i heard it when my husband became president. there was a whole list of people, maybe 60 names of people who wished to become ministers. the minute they found out my husband was going to be president, they withdrew. [laughter] so, i think, it does not mean there is no corruption anymore. no it's systemic. what my husband is planning to do is to deal with it by building systems that will make it less possible for people to be corrupt. >> we have time for one more. right here? >> i just wanted to assess
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question on behalf of all of the -- >> can you talk slower and louder? >> i wanted to ask this question on behalf of all the afghans in the west, the youth. what can we do to help rebuild afghanistan? what do you personally believe what areas should we focus on? >> she wants to come back. tell her where to go. >> i think it would be good at first it come for sa short trip. then you can see. we have talked about organizing activities in the summer for young people who want to come back and try and have -- because, you know, i do not know how much. it is a personal choice. i don't want to impose on anyone to decide to stay here or to decide for them to go to
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afghanistan. come and see. this is something we have been thinking. i'm looking at my chief of staff here. we've been talking about creating programs for young people in the summer. so they would come and get reacquainted with what, i tell y ou from the same family, you have one child who falls in love with kumble and the other one says, i cannot wait to go back. it will not reflect badly on anyone if ever they do not want to stay. if you come and love it, then you will find -- >> are their sectors that need young talent like teaching or engineering? are there things that stand out in your mind? >> there certainly must be. i do not know. myself. but because my children are older.
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so i don't move in circles of very young people. but i think there might be things they can do -- or with organizations that take care of young children. or even if ever they have a specific thing that they like, for example, they like art. we can get them with artists. or they like photography. we have photographers association's. or if they want to go in the provinces, we can find maybe some midwife to shadow. [laughter] or something -- i mean i think possibilities are immense. at this point, i don't know. bear with me. >> you have your work cut out for you. i want to thank you for being not so insightful but so inspiration for a lot of people in this room. thank you.
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[applause] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> on the next "washington journal" daniel helper discusses how foreign policy issues are impacting 2016 presidential candidates. then adam green looks at the political and legislative agenda for progressives in the 114th
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congress. after that, william braniff talks about this past week's white house someummit. plus, your phone calls, facebook comments, and tweak. " washington journal" live at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. >> the academy awards are sunday and here on c-span we are taking a look at some of the real-life stories about people featured in this year's nominated films. first, remarks from georgia congressman john lewis on his involvement with the civil rights movement, something for trade in the film "selma." then chris kyle discusses his autobiography "american sniper," which was turned into a film. after that, a discussion with stephen hawking whose early adult life is but trade in the film "the theory of everything." see all those events tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. eastern on c-span.
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>> the c-span cities tour takes book tv and american history tv on the road. traveling to u.s. cities to learn about their history and literary life. this weekend, we partnered with time warner cable for a visit to greensboro, north carolina. >> most of the seats were empty. i remember when i got there except for college students, except for bennett college, most everybody else was like i'm not going down there because anything might happen. so, there are these empty seats. and it is quiet. and we go and sit down. and wait. to see what's going to happen. a waitress came by with a tray of knives. she was so nervous that the knives were readily. i was so nervous that i did not know what she might be doing with those knives.
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i could tell she was as scared as i was. we sat there with our textbooks trying to study. i remember her saying, we can't serve, y'all. we do not serve colored. i'm going to have to ask you to leave. so, we had just -- this instruction that just don't say anything. just keep sitting. do not say anything. and if they ask you what you may like and you ask for a cup of coffee, but they never asked us what we wanted. because they knew they were not going to serve us. >> watch all our events throughout the day on c-span2's book tv, and sunday afternoon at 2:00 on american history tv on c-span 3. congress returns from its weeklong recess next week. the senate gavels and monday at 3:00 p.m. eastern when north
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dakota republican senator john hoeven will be recognized to deliver the annual reading of president george washington's farewell address. at 4:30, the senate will continue debate on the house passed homeland security spending bill which includes provisions to block the president's executive order on immigration. at 5:30 p.m., senators will vote to limit debate on proceedings of the bill. 60 votes required for the bill to advance. house returns on tuesday at 10:00 a.m. eastern. later in the week, members are expected to debate a bill to expand 529 college savings programs and a bill to reform the no child left behind education law. for more, we talked to a congressional reporter.
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>> what is the latest as the senate comes back? >> so they have vetted and him has for weeks. they are still at an impasse in congress over the spending bill. basically, the problem is that republicans say they will not support funding the department of homeland security unless there is a component to, the executive actions taken by the president that would get work permits and the ability to stay to undocumented immigrants. republicans say they cannot support anything that does not block those. democrats say they not support anything that does include measures to block these actions. both sides have dug in their heels. it is tough to say how it is going to work out. i think the likeliest thing perhaps at this point is that they kick it down the road doing another continuing resolution and we have this fight again later this year. host: the federal judge in texas haltingly -- at least temporarily -- the
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implementation of some of those executive orders here late this week, the white house saying that they will seek to stay event. the department of justice. how does the texas order complicate the debate in the senate? reporter: i think there is some potential that that could be used to break the stalemate. if republicans were to say, ok, these things are not going forward anyway. maybe we can support some sort of bill that would fund the department in the meantime while these orders are not taking place. the fact that the obama administration is seeking a stay that would allow them to continue these programs while this whole issue of the constitutionality gets sorted out sort of complicates things because it would make it so that if they succeeded the programs would continue to go into effect. exactly what republicans do not want. at the moment, it appears it appears that is not necessarily going to help matters, this injunction is not going to change much about the fight. host: remind us of the deadline
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congress faces and what is ahead on monday when the senate returns. reporter: so, the deadline is february 27. they need to do something by them or else -- by then or they will face a shutdown. by monday, the senate will vote again on this bill that passed the house to fund dhs. it failed multiple times because democrats have blocked it. democrats are expected to block it again. i do not think anything has changed since they voted on it last. but sort of the idea is to continue showing the house that, hey, the senate cannot pass the house's bill. they are going to have to come up with some type of plan b if they want to pass funding for dhs. host: let's take a look at another priority for the administration -- the nomination of loretto lynch to be the attorney general pitch he has had her hearing before the judiciary committee. and we understand a vote is likely in the committee next
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week. how many republicans will it take to pass and what is that look like in terms of passage in the senate? reporter: there are several republicans who have indicated support for lynch. orrin hatch, jeff flake. a few others. it looks like she might be able to get out of committee. the problem is whether republicans would try to block her on the floor. people like ted cruz and jeff sessions who for the same reason that we were talking about before with the issue of executive actions on immigration are saying that they will not allow the loretto lynch nomination to move forward. so there is potential that if they wanted to pass her and confirm her in the full senate it would have to do that -- mcconnell would have to do that by relying on mostly democrats rather than mostly republicans. and that would be certainly something awkward, but right now it is looking like there are a decent number of republicans not willing to support her for that reason because she supports those executive actions. host: reporter:a a look at what is
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ahead in congress. you can read more at "huffington post." follow her reporting on twitter. reporter: thank you. >> the political landscape has changed with the 114th congress. not only are there 43 new republicans and 15 you democrats in the house and 12 new republicans and one new democrat in the senate, there is also 108 women in congress, including the first african-american republican in the house and the first woman veteran in the senate. keep track of the members of congress using congressional chronicle on the page has lots of useful information there including voting results and statistics about each session of congress. new congress, best access on c-span, c-span 2, c-span radio and the national governors
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association continues its annual winter meeting and washington, d.c., tomorrow. the event will include a session on cyber security with homeland security secretary jeh johnson. that is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. eastern and we will have it live on c-span. later in the day, the governors will hear from the epa administrator p she will be part of a session that looks at ways to increase energy and water security. that is live at 3:00 here on c-span. >> the barbed wire and guard towers are gone, but the memories come flooding back for so many people who until today had lost such a big part of their childhood. fort minney released after the war. some very the memories and with it the history of this camp. now more than 60 years later -- >> this sunday on q&a, on the only family internment camp during world war ii at crystal
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city, texas, and what she says is the real reason for this camp. >> so the government comes to the fathers and says we have a deal for you. we will review and it you -- we will reunite you with your family and the crystal city internment camp if you will agree to go voluntarily. and then i discovered what the real secret of the camp was. they also had to agree to voluntarily repatriate to germany and to japan if the government decided they needed to be repatriated. so the truth of the matter is that the crystal city camp was humanely administered by the ins. but the special war divisions of the department of state used it as roosevelt's primary prisoner exchange in the center of roosevelt's prisoner exchange program. >> sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern and pacific -- on
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c-span'. in his weekly address, president obama discusses his priority for economic growth and global competitiveness. senator ron johnson of wisconsin delivers the republican response, highlighting the importance of cyber security. president obama: hi, everybody. at a moment when our businesses are creating jobs at the fastest pace since the 1990's, we have still got to do everything we can do help workers and businesses succeed in a new economy -- one that's competitive, connected, and changing every day. one thing we know for certain about businesses in the 21st century is that they will need to sell more goods and services made in america to the rest of the world. now, our businesses already sell goods and services in other countries at record levels. our farmers, our factory workers, and our small businesses are exporting more than ever before. and exporters tend to pay their workers higher wages. more small businesses are using the internet to grow their business by reaching new
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customers they could not reach before, too. as an example, nine in ten american small businesses that use e-bay as a platform to sell their products are exporters with customers in more than 30 different countries on average. but there is a lot of room for growth. after all, 95% of the world's potential customers live outside our borders. many of them live in the asia-pacific, the world's fastest growing region. and, as we speak, china is trying to write the rules for trade in the 21st century. that would put our workers and our businesses at a massive disadvantage. we cannot let that happen. we should write those rules. that's why congress should act on something called trade promotion authority. this is bipartisan legislation that would protect american workers and promote american businesses with strong, new trade deals from asia to europe that are not just free, but are fair.
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it would level the playing field for american workers. it would hold all countries to the same high labor and environmental standards to which we hold ourselves. now, i am the first to admit that past trade deals have not always lived up to the hype. and that's why we have successfully gone after countries that break the rules at our workers' expense. but that does not mean we should close ourselves off from new opportunities and sit on the sidelines while other countries write our future for us. we should seize those opportunities. we should make sure the future is written by us. and, if we do, we will not just keep creating good, new jobs for decades to come. we will make sure that this century is another all-american century. thanks. and have a great weekend. senator johnson: hi. i'm senator ron johnson from the great state of wisconsin. coming from a manufacturing background in the private sector, i have done a lot of relationship building and negotiating. i would not start those negotiations or relationships
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with an argument. instead, i would spend a fair amount of time trying to discover all the areas of agreement. that approach produced a level of trust so that when areas of disagreement arose it was far easier finding common ground. so, let me start today by talking about something we all agree on. we share the same goal. we all want a prosperous, safe and secure america. we care about each other and want every american to have the opportunity to build a good life for themselves and their family. if we concentrate on that shared goal, it should be a whole lot easier finding solutions for the many challenges facing our great nation. in such uncertain times, americans are hungering for leadership. most americans would agree that we need to enhance the economic and national security of our country. in fact, as chairman of the senate committee on homeland security and governmental affairs, i made that our committee's mission.
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majority leader mcconnell, speaker boehner, and the republicans in congress want to work with our democrat colleagues and the obama administration to provide that leadership. our economy is not as strong as it should be. middle class income is down. and the threat of terrorism is growing, and our borders are not secure. all of these problems deserve immediate attention. but today, i would like to address another important threat. a present-day threat to our economic stability and national security. that threat is the growing number of attacks against america's cyber networks. recent cyber attacks against anthem healthcare, sony pictures, target, the department of defense twitter account, and jp morgan chase have raised public awareness of the threat we face. two years ago, former nsa director general keith alexander described cyber crime against public and private organizations
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as the greatest transfer of wealth in human history. it is estimated that cyber attacks cost u.s. businesses approximately $100 billion per year. and a successful attack against our electrical grid or industrial control systems that operate other critical infrastructure could put american lives and our very way of life at risk. as a result, i was glad to hear the president express his willingness to work with congress to pass legislation to address the problem. enhancing american cyber security is a priority of my committee and was the subject of my first hearing as chairman. it is the focus of other committees in congress, and we are working with them to craft a legislative solution that takes important first steps in mitigating the threat. cyber experts generally agree that in order to improve cyber security it is critical to facilitate the sharing of cyber attack information.
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by sharing threat signatures vulnerabilities, and other indicators of network compromise within and between the private sector and government, many cyber attacks can be prevented. in addition to coordinating our defense against cyber attacks, government is also responsible for finding the attackers and shutting them down. the only way private sector organizations will share this critical information is if they are protected against lawsuits filed against them as a result of their sharing information. in the past, special interests in washington have blocked the necessary liability protection. hopefully, now that the president has acknowledged cyber security is a priority, all interested parties will realize that the greater threats to america's privacy and liberty really are the cyber attacks themselves. cyber attacks may not dominate the headlines every day, but they present a crucial challenge to the safety and security of this nation. reducing this threat would benefit every american.
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ignoring it will guarantee that future attacks will product headlines describing lasting harm to america. we need to get this done. i look forward to working with my colleagues in congress and the obama administration to resolve this issue this year. thank you for listening and have a great day. >> on the next "washington journal" daniel helped her discusses how foreign policy is impacting 2016 presidential candidates. then adam green looks at the political and legislative agenda for progressives. after that, william braniff of the national consortium for the study of terrorismtalks about this past week's white house summit. plus your phone calls, facebook comments and tweets. "washington journal" is live at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span.
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>> the c-span cities tour takes book tv and american history tv on the road. traveling to u.s. cities to learn about their history and literary life. this weekend we partnered with time warner cable for a visit to greensboro, north carolina. >> most of the seats were empty. i remember when i got there except for college students. most everybody else was like, i am not going down there because anything might happen. so there are these empty seats. and it is quiet. then we go and sit down. and wait. to see what's going to happen.
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a waitress came by with a tray of knives. she was so nervous that the knives were readily. i was so nervous that i did not know what she might be doing with those knives. i could tell she was as scared as i was. we sat there with our textbooks, trying to study. i remember her saying, we can't serve, y'all. we do not serve colored. i'm going to have to ask you to leave. so, we had just -- this instruction that just don't say anything. just keep sitting. do not say anything. and if they ask you what you may like and you ask for a cup of coffee, but they never asked us what we wanted. because they knew they were not going to serve us. >> watch all our events throughout the day on c-span2's book tv, and sunday afternoon at 2:00 on american history tv on c-span 3.
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"the communicators "the communicators "the communicators and it- :00, especially from the national governor's association's governors intermediate washington, d.c., looking at economic issues that governors are dealing with in their state. c-span created by america's cable companies 35 years ago and brought to you as a public service by your local cable or satellite provider. host: now on your screen, the entrance hall to the las vegas convention center, home of c.e.s. international, the annual trade show for consumer technology. this is the largest trade show in the world and "the communicators" is on location. this week, we look at some of the new technologies coming out from c.e.s. international and
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talk to policymakers as well. this is "the communicators" on c-span from las vegas. we want to introduce you to ulf ewaldsson with the ericsson corporation, group chief technology officer. before we get into what you do, i just want to make the statement that ericsson is not the consumer products corporation that it was a few years ago. is that a fair statement? ewaldsson: absolutely. we are not consumer products at all. but being here at the consumer electronics show in las vegas you can see how relevant that works, which we are doing, are becoming too just basically every consumer product being shown out here that wants to be connected to host: for a while a lot of people owned ericsson phones. do you even manufacture phones anymore? ewaldsson: no. host: so, more to a business
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business type? p---business to business type? ewaldsson: we provide telecom structure. that is the business we are in. host: what is ericsson demonstrated here at c.e.s.? ewaldsson: first of all, i think the main message for us here is to make sure that everyone who is out here really showing their different products, their consumer devices the things they have felt that wants to be connected can benefit from being connected over very good networks. of course, we are showing lte products, the latest and greatest within wireless systems. there -- it is also to make sure we can be relevant in terms of providing and talking about where these network technologies will go for the future. i think it is very relevant that one of the key topics is going to be 5g. it is something the whole industry is talking about. and we just concluded a panel here on 5g where there was great
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interest. particularly from many aspects of government, which we are very excited about. host: why is government interested? ewaldsson: because it is important to regulate this in a good way and to be able to facilitate innovation for other industries. as 5g is different from 4g and the earlier generation of mobile networks which were more built for the operator community. already in 4g we see many other industries are starting to want to use these networks. in other words, they want to use mobility. over the last year, the name of the street really is to build and mobility in many devices, many applications and so forth. and that in itself is going to accelerate and become even more important in 5g. host: is that where 5g differentiates itself from fourth-generation? mobility? ewaldsson: partl
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