tv CPAC Reagan Dinner CSPAN February 27, 2015 7:15pm-8:01pm EST
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you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the chair will receive a message. the messenger: mr. speaker, a message from the senate. the secretary: madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: madam secretary. the secretary: i have been directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has passed with an amendment h.r. 240, making appropriations for the department of homeland security for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2015, and for other purposes, in which the concurrence of the house is requested. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: madam speaker, there it is. that's the bill the senate finally passed. it's been six weeks, i said three weeks earlier, i'm corrected it's six weeks the house passed a funding bill for the homeland security department. six weeks ago. sent it to the senate purposefully early to give them plenty of time to consider and bring forward a funding bill of
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their own. and i have to say the majority over there tried. the democrats in the senate stopped consideration of that spending bill four different times over six weeks. in the meantime, the house had to sit here waiting for the senate, and we have been waiting six weeks until just now. finally, this more the senate has passed a bill funding the department for the balance of the year. which differs from the house passed version of that bill so we got to go to conference. that's the way the framers set things up when the house does something, and the senate does something different on the same subject, you've got to bring them together into conference to work out the differences and come up with a bill for the president to sign. that's where we are. finally now we can go to conference.
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we could not have earlier because the senate had not passed the bill. now we can go to conference. and we'll be asking the speaker for that designation today. but in the meantime we can't let the department stop working. consequently we are putting before you a bill to temporarily finance them while we go to conference on the main year-end financing of the department. that's what this is all about. so now i'm glad that the clerk brought the senate bill and laid it on our desk. now it's finally up to us to give a chance for the department to survive and for us to stop the president's amnesty program. and by the way, madam speaker there is not one penny in the bill before us the temporary bill, the c.r., there's not a penny in there to fund obama's
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amnesty program. we are opposed to it, and there's no money in this bill for that purpose. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlelady from new york is recognized. mrs. lowey: madam speaker, i just want to state for the record as my good friend from kentucky is aware, on december 12 the senate and the house conference committees agreed on a bipartisan bicameral homeland security bill, in december. could have been implemented with all the other 11 bills. i'm very pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from texas. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas is recognized for one minute. ms. jackson lee: i thank the gentlelady very much. i thank her for her explanation commonsense explanation. might i say as a member of the authorizing committee on homeland security, i believe as we have just heard that the
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senate has passed a clean department of homeland security funding bill that came out of these appropriators who did excellent work in the name of the security of this nation. i ask the speaker to bring this bill to the floor of the house right now. i do so with headlines like three denver girls played hooky from school and tried to join isis. i do it in the name of the headlines of three arrested in brooklyn who had intentions to do the commander in chief harm and many others harm. i do it also in recognition as one of the members who was there, if you will in the aftermath of 9/11 who watched the forging of the department of homeland security put forward border patrol agents and t.s.a. agents and i.c.e. agents and working with the f.b.i. all of those individuals will be not funded. let me say to the hardworking men and women of the department of homeland security, we will not leave you abandoned, but we will vote for a full funding of the department of homeland
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security and we ask the republicans why they refuse to address the national security of this nation putting political security over national security. with that, i yield back madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentleman from kentucky virginia tech. mr. rogers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlelady from new york is recognized. mrs. lowey: madam speaker, i'm pleased to yield with you minute to the ranking member of the homeland security authorizing committee the gentleman from mississippi. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from mississippi is recognized for one minute. mr. thompson: thank you madam speaker. i thank the gentlelady from new york for the time. it's quite clear that a short-term c.r. is not in the best interest of the country. it's quite clear that the politics of homeland security puts us at risk as a nation. all of the things that have gone on over the last few weeks say that we have to have a fully funded department. our men and women in the coast guard customs, border
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protection transportation, security administration, all those entities on the frontline keeping us safe. three week c.r. kicks the can down the road, does not keep us safe, it only says it's politics as usual. what i'm saying in the interest of the over 200,000 men and women who work every day, do a wonderful job, they should not be played as pawns in this game of homeland security chess. let's fully fund the department like we funded every other department and get on with the business of securing america. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentlelady reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. reserves. the gentlelady from new york is recognized. mitts lowey: -- mrs. lowey: madam speaker, i'm pleased to yield one minute to our distinguished leader, ms. pelosi. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one mnt.
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-- minute. ms. pelosi: thank you, madam speaker. i thank the gentlewoman for yielding and congratulate her on her exceptional leadership as the ranking member of the appropriations committee. i also commend our colleague, congresswoman roybal-allard, as ranking member on the subcommittee on hurt for her great leadership to protect the american people. to keep american security strong and certain. i also thank the chairman of the committee, mr. rogers, for the important work that was done leading up to december to have bipartisan legislation, to have an omnibus bill that funded all of the departments of government, except, unfortunately, homeland security, for the full-time. that's really a disagreement because the first thing we do as members of congress is to take the oath of office to protect and defend the american people. that we would have this be the last bill that we would fund
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fully is really shameful. and the fact is is that the senate has acted in a strong bipartisan way. i always like to talk about time. it's about time, it's about the time that has been lost from december until march 19 should this -- in terms of what the intentions are of our republican colleagues heemplet it's about the time lost. the uncertainty placed on our security. it's so sad. at the same time, this morning, the senate in a very strong bipartisan way passed a clean department of homeland security funding bill. the papers are here. we could take it up immediately. send the bill to the president. the crisis would be over. long overdue, mind you, but nonetheless bipartisan and with great certainty. instead of that certainty, while the senate republicans have joined with senate democrats for
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sending this bill over here, the house republicans instead have continued to manufacture a crisis that does not exist but exacerbate the insecurity of our country by their inaction. the fact is this bill that the senate has sent over has the support of every democrat in the house. roybal-allard-lowey legislation is co-sponsored by every democrat in the house. full funding for the full term for the department of homeland security. all of our members, democratic and republican, will have a chance to vote on that as the previous question in terms of the previous question, in terms of the motion to recommit, in terms of motions to instruct conferees. what we are missing is the ability, the speaker to give us a vote on this senate bill. give us a vote, mr. speaker. give us a vote.
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instead drip, drip, drip, drip. the republican leadership is putting forth legislation, drip, drip, drip, drip for the resources. i want to read the words of the secretary of the department of homeland security who has been a great leader in the position he holds. he says in his remarks, he goes through all the reasons why a shutdown would be harmful, and to those who are -- want a shutdown, read his letter, please. but he goes on to say, as i have so noted many times, mere extension of a continuing resolution has many of the same negative impacts. a short-term continuing resolution exacerbates the uncertainty for my work force and puts us back in the same position on the brink of a shutdown just days from now.
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can our republican colleagues say that we won't be on the brink of another shutdown in the next few weeks in terms of the legislation they are putting forth? what is the purpose of it? if the purpose is to oppose the president's immigration policy, the court has given you a face-saving way out. if the purpose is to have a better idea about immigration, bring up a bill. but if the purpose is to inject uncertainty into the security of the american people, shame, shame, shame. because it undermines our responsibility to the american people. it undermines the oath that we all take. it's really a very sad day. i urge my colleagues as they weigh the equities, we all want to make sure that the work force of d.h.s. is fully engaged,
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employed, and paid. i would just like to ask my colleagues who have been advocating for a shutdown or take us to the brick of a shutdown -- brink of a shutdown over and over again, if they would like to live without being paid as members of congress. our work force makes much less than members of congress, most of them. they live paycheck to paycheck. why are we saying to them, come to work 160-some thousand of you. don't get paid. but get paid later. they don't have trust funds. that may come as a surprise to you. perhaps you do, and maybe that's why you don't think living -- not getting a paycheck is a big deal. then to the other say 30,000 just said stay home, don't come anywhere near here. and not get paid. some say, they'll get paid later. that's not the way it works. they have mortgages or rent.
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car payments all the rest. so what could you possibly be thinking? what equity could you weigh against security, respect for our work force, morale of the people who are on the frontlines to protect our homeland security? it was quite a lively debate a number years ago, and i was part of it as member of the leadership, to establish the department of homeland security and the committee of homeland security in the house and hence the subcommittee on appropriations. the words were chosen very carefully. homeland security. home, homeland security. and the american people should know what this means to their home. security. the list is a long one, but i'll just do a few things. without the full year funding bill, d.h.s. cannot award $2.5 billion in grant funding.
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that means if you're in a high urban security area, a place that would be targeted, maybe 40 you shalla areas in our country, $600 million in grants would be withheld. fema, $350 million in emergency management preparedness. $50 million in safer. safer is stack staffing for adequate fire and emergency responses. that's an acronym. safer. that means a lot in your neighborhood. . $120 million for food and shelter grants and millions in flood-related grants. all of this hit home and they hit home land security. so these numbers have an impact ramifications in the lives of the american people.
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beyond the workers. beyond the workers. but the people that they work for. so i'd urge my colleagues to think another time about this. we have the paper. the bill is here. it's passed in a strong bipartisan way in the snafment every house democrat has endorsed the bill. we'll vote it with other parliamentary options that are available to us. how much better as we come together as the senate republicans and democrats did come together to to support certainty in our security. otherwise, the question is, why , why not, why are you not taking advantage of this great opportunity? the courts saved you face.
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what happened in paris added to the urgency. the examples of people being picked up in our own country make matters worse. stop the drip drip drip of funds week to week. let's get the job done for the american people by doing it right, following the lead of the senate republicans and the nat democrats. i urge my colleagues to vote no on this legislation. i appreciate the concerns we all have about a shutdown of government. we can't let that happen. but this is not the way to go. with that, again, i commend congresswoman lowey, congresswoman roybal-allard, benny thompson, the authorizing committee for their great leadership on our side and the chairman of the committee mr. rogers know i have tremendous amount of respect for him. i feel sad for him that he's in this situation. i hope we can get out of it soon. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from new york reserves. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized.
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mr. rogers: madam speaker, i'm prepared to close. does the gentlelady have further speakers? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized. mrs. lowey: mr. speaker, i yield back the balance. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: madam speaker, i yield myself the balance of the time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. rogers: i'll be brief. there's no money in this bill to fund the president's amnesty program. there is money in this bill to keep the department of homeland security's doors open and in protection of the american people. this will give us time for the bill the senate has isn't over to us funding the department. this will give us time to reconcile the differences between the house version and the senate version. and we'll be prepared then to send the bill to that conference committee and hopefully then a bill to the president to sign. so madam s
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three-week continuing resolution. earlier today, the senate working on its own version of a clean funding bill that would have taken the department of homeland security through the end of the fiscal year september 30. we will be taking your phone calls. we will have a special line open for employees of the department of homeland security. the numbers are up on your screen. for republicans -- for democrats -- all others -- also, the line for dhs employees. we will take a look at some of the tweets that are coming through, especially now that reporters are on capitol hill trying to find out what may be going on, if anything. speaker john boehner in his office trying to rally his
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leaders and members. roll call says what is next on dhs funding? some members speculate they could have a one-week continuing resolution or want to just last through the weekend. the conservative caucus within the gop has made their offer -- a three-week continuing revolution -- resolution that expires in one week if the senate refuses the conference. jake sherman writing the senate has said they are not going to conference. it will be interesting to see if leadership takes this freedom caucus offer. julie pace -- obama administration circulating a 46 page shutdown plan for the department of homeland security ahead of the midnight deadline. let us know if you are with the department of homeland security, expecting to go to work over the weekend or onto monday and at this point, facing a few hours before your agency does not have any more funding. on the line from georgia.
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republican lines, go ahead. >> absolutely right. is this where i can voice my opinion? >> absolutely, you are on the air. >> republicans need to hold the line and make sure we don't allow funding to go through for the president's laws. to fund the immigration policy that he wants. the bottom line is, if our vote rs are o -- borders are open, what good is homeland security? >> thank you for the call. from remington, virginia, joe is on the line. you have the floor. sorry, joe. we got you now.
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>> hi, i'm joe. i'm calling from virginia. i work for customs and border protection. i'm going to be at work tomorrow. i would like to ask my congressman if he will be at work tomorrow because it is just ridiculous. i mean, it's frustrating, it is bad for morale. we should expect more from our elected officials. >> what do you do for customs? >> i work in anti-terrorism. >> ok. i will be there tomorrow morning 6:00 a.m. i won't be expecting a paycheck but i will be there. >> you are wondering if your congressman will be there as well. actually, what are some of the other employees saying that have
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to show up at work tomorrow? caller: they will be there as well. we like our jobs, but you know, this is the politics we try to stay away from. we are going to continue to do our job and we will expect the same from our elected officials. host: did you see this coming down the line? caller: we hoped it would not come to this but this is kind of the usual game, i guess here in our greater washington area. we wish that it did not have to come to this. i'm actually conservative and i usually vote conservative. but, some of the democrats today made a lot of sense. it is not about politics.
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we are there, we are going to do our jobs. we just expect the same from our elected officials. we go to the polling places like every other american, but tomorrow we will be going to work. we are not sure when we will get a paycheck. host: thank you for the call from customs and border protection. this is market eerie pennsylvania on the independence line. mark, go ahead. caller: thank you for having me. i listened to nancy pelosi and how she runs off all the things that will not be funded. it has nothing to do with those items. this is a very simple matter -- do not fund the immigration part of the bill and problem solved. it does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out. we collect funds for every other topic in the world for special
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occasions. you know what, if they shut down homeland security, let's start collecting money for the people who are on the borders protecting our country. let's start collecting money from the public from them -- for them. i guarantee you you will have millions of dollars by 12:00 monday if you did it. we don't need the government to take us through this farce, we should do it ourselves. they should do the jobs they are supposed to do and not have obama pass and try to force a million illegal immigrants into this country when this country is dying as it is. we are bankrupt. host: we want to move onto another caller and remind people of what happened today. the house unable to pass a three-week extension to fund the homeland security department and funding for the department runs out tonight at midnight. you can see the vote tally. close vote but still not enough to at least temporarily get a
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continuing resolution in place to prevent the shutdown of the homeland security department. we have an employee here with the tsa. ray is on the line from texas. ray, what is this going to mean for you? caller: basically, it means i will be furloughed. that comes with the job but this is the point -- when our leadership does not do their job, we get punished. when we do not do our job, we get punished. i don't think it is fair that they are going to go ahead and continue to collect their paychecks for a job they did not do. they were supposed to pass a budget. they have not done it. they have not come to a resolution. i am watching on tv where the representative from the senate walked in to announce what the senate's vote was earlier. 7:00 in washington. that is ridiculous.
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when we in the government and homeland security do not do our job, we get punished. when our lawmakers do not do their jobs, they do not get punished. host: you are with tsa. what do you do with the agency? caller: i am a finance specialist. host: not the people we might run into the airport but you are behind-the-scenes. caller: no. host: what does this mean for you and your family in terms of the furlough if it comes to that? caller: it means i will be sitting at home waiting to get called back to work. meanwhile, the work that i do will be piling up. it means that, you know, -- i'm 23 years with of the government. i know how to save my money and i am prepared for it, but a lot of my colleagues are not in the same position.
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again, this punishes them. this punishes them for our leadership doing their job elected official to not do their job. host: how are you finding out what the homeland of -- department of homeland security is going to do? caller: i will be notified electronically. host: thank you for the call. larry is on on the line from maryland. go ahead of. . caller: it is amazing to me that people don't realize -- how can they vote a party. they can pass anything they want to do. they cannot even pass their own legislation. it is a sad state of affairs for this country. you reap what you sow so if you
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sow to the wind, you reap. i think that is what the republican party is. they are a bunch of frauds. they're not tried to help the country, help the people, they are just trying to help themselves. i agree with a lot of the callers. i don't think these people should be punished that work and homeland security. they do a tremendous job. this could be resolved in the courts. they still hold the line, shut this department down. host: we have ruddy on the line. you are in garden grove california. what did you do with customs? caller: i am an officer. we are really upset about this whole situation. we also will be at work tomorrow. we are essential protein out -- personnel.
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this is a shame that these guys of in washington could not get together for us. we have such a big job to do. we don't have time to be thinking about when we will get paid, when we are not going to get paid. we went through this several years ago when we had the shutdown. it was hard for a lot of people. we went to work work several weeks without getting paid. it is a shame, but we also swore our oath and that was to protect the homeland. that is what my guys are doing everyday. it is a shame we have to go through this. host: what are you prepared to do if it comes to meeting -- meaning however long it takes the fund, what is your plan? caller: i have a spouse that has a very good job. we have been able to save, but i have young officers who have just come on board.
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there are other people that will be getting furloughed. technicians and people. they are not getting paid either and they are being sent home. they have mortgages and rent and car payments and whatnot. how can you prepare? you keep a little on the side but you never know when anything will happen. host: when it came to this point, were you and your guys expecting it or talking about it? caller: a lot of us were expecting it to happen. it is unfortunate, but that is the way it goes. host: thank you for the call. we will go to carlsbad, california. you are on the democrats line. go ahead. caller: this is the republican call, i think i called. host: go ahead of. . caller: this thing about
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shutting down the homeland security -- 90% of the people that are going to work will get paid. that is a fact. like in obama's own words elections have consequences. apparently, the democrats were not doing their job in the congress or the senate. this is what happens now. as one of your earlier callers said that the republican party is the party of no -- when the minority when the majority becomes a minority, now the party of no are the democrats. host: you are used to government contractor? caller: i am retired, but i got
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another job. what i am saying is they will get paid and that is it. you volunteer for a job, nobody begged you to work there. you got a job to do and you do it. host: we want to let you know that up on the dhs website there is a plan put out in order to cut a deal with a lack in appropriations. that is the publications lapsed funding. you can find it through the homeland security funding. it says bill department of homeland security may only continue exempt activities such as law enforcement and maritime protection. the department's contingency plan outlines procedures for the orderly shutdown of nonexempt functions during a lapse in funding or appropriations. an attachment to click on to get more details as well as we take your calls with our special lineup for those of you who are working with dhs.
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you can let us know how mike this could impact you. the number four dhs employees -- 202-748-8923. we will go on to rose in cincinnati ohio on the democrats line. are you there? caller: i am. host: go ahead. caller: i have never ever called any of these stations before. this is just the most ridiculous thing i have ever seen or heard in my life. it appalls me that our congressmemn spend days, years, months carrying on, beating their chests, raising the flag talking about security. then, this weekend, as soon as 12:00 a.m. comes around, they will go home spend their weekends doing it is whatever they want to do, expecting to be
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safe and secure in their homeland. yet, the same people have the nerve to talk about the fact that passing a bill for three weeks of funding should be adequate for something as important as security. it is unconscionable. host: ok, thank you for the call. just to remind you that the majority leader in the house congressman maccarthy, says there could be both over the weekend. we have been hearing from reporters on the scene of capitol hill that speaker john boehner is trying to put together some kind of plan after the three-week extension that the house tried to vote on earlier failed to pass in order to fund the department of homeland security. it looks like we have a person on the line from new york. caller: this is the first time i have called. i just want to express my views.
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i believe the whole thing has been going on with this situation has been caused by senator harry reid. he's the wingman for president obama. i believe it is the immigration plan -- it is failing because i believe the republicans have attached this to that because the funding for his plan -- as soon as it is passed and he is going to be able to start sending work permits, social security cards to illegal immigrants regardless of what the courts say. i believe it is already in progress because the word is out that he has opened up a center
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somewhere in washington to set up all of these people so they can get their work permits. what i really believe is they need to stick by and even if it means a shutdown for dhs funding, they need to stick by it. host: sorry to cut you off. i want to get on another caller. mike is on the line from indiana. the independent line. idaho, sorry. go ahead. caller: i was listening to the previous caller. i was watching the committee when they have the testimony of the immigrations professor. the guy that just called it -- that is not true what he said. that is coming from some other source. i just want to say i watched this last election and there were 36% turnout. most of that were elected were
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in the red states. republicans were over 55. the seniors put them back in office. this whole situation has put our security at risk because the president is making an attempt to get these people out of the shadows to bring them out. what is going on in the right-wing media in the state of iidaho, there is no opposing view at all. a lot of the things are lies. anyway, i called my senator and my representative, if you guys cannot do it, get up and get somebody that can do the job. this is wrong. this is absolutely wrong. host: thank you for the call. j.j. is on the line from new york. go ahead and share your thoughts. caller: how many terrorists have
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t.s.a. caught? host: sorry, do you have more for your comments? caller: how many terrorists has the t.s.a, caught? host: are you questioning whether they caught anybody, is that why you're asking? caller: i am just asking. how many have they caught? host: you think they have not got many? caller: i think they have not caught many. host: you think that funding for the dhs is unnecessary? caller: i think that the tsa is not caught any terrorist. host: let's take a look back at what has happened since the three-week extension to fund the department of homeland security failed to pass in the house. the senate passed its own measure, sent it back to the
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house. that is one possibility where we could see some action. still waiting to see what the house might do at this point. we will take a look back at some of what the house -- what happened on the house floor earlier today. yield myself what time i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. roybal-allard: madam speaker my motion would instruct the conferees to recede to the senate position which is the responsible position of providing a full-year funding for the homeland security department. secretary johnson has warned over and over again that the republican leadership's refusal to allow a vote on a clean, bipartisan funding bill such as the one sent to this house by the republican-led senate is threatening the national security of our country. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman will suspend.
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please take your conversations off the floor. the gentlewoman from california deserves to be heard. the gentlewoman will continue. ms. roybal-allard: without a full year of bills, the secretary tells us he is unable to move forward on key homeland security priorities, including new investments in border securities technology more aggressive i.c.e. investigations related to transnational criminal organizations that engage in drug and human smuggling and human trafficking enhanced preparedness for responding to surging -- surges in illegal migration such as the one experienced last summer acquisition of coast guard national security cutters and the construction of the national
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biodefense facility in kansas, both of which could be delay and lead to associated higher costs. also at risk are the badly needed security upgrades at the white house complex and the issuing of state and local terrorism prevention and response grants so critical to supporting our local first responders. these are just a few of the negative consequences of not fully funding our department of homeland security. madam speaker, nothing can be gained by another stopgap funding measure but much can be lost. we should not allow ourselves or the american people to be fooled into thinking that the house can continue to delay resolving this issue without undermining the national security of our nation. or that the department of homeland security has been doing just fine under the continuing resolution and can operate
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effectively under the uncertainty of a continuing resolution for even another day, much less three more weeks. the dire consequences of not funding the department of homeland security are not the made up warnings of democrats. they are the warnings of the secretary of homeland security and the head of his agency. >> madam speaker, the house is not in order.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. roybal-allard: let me again read a portion of a letter sent by secretary johnson to the bipartisan leadership of the house and senate regarding the dangers of either a funding lapse or another short-term continuing resolution. to quote the secretary a mere extension of a continuing resolution has many of the same negative impacts of a shutdown. it exacerbates the uncertainty for my work force and puts us back in the same position on the brink of a shutdown just days
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from now. the secretary ends his letter by saying that the american people are counting on us. again madam speaker, the american people are indeed counting on us and so far, the house republican leadership has let them down. this stopgap funding measure does not fully address our national security needs. it simply represents the complete and utter abdication of our responsibility as members of congress to protect the american people and our country. the senate has acted in the best interests of our nation and sends this house a bipartisan, bicameral agreement on funding for the department of homeland security. our enemies aren't waiting around while the republican leadership
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