tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN April 2, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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who is going to verify the inspections in iran that they are basically abiding by their agreement? i'm very upset on this. host: you posed the question. who do you think should do that. -- do that? is it the united nations? caller: it is a role for the world, because our president has agreed to this agreement between iran and the u.s. in the world. my question is, hattie say -- how do you say, we are at a significant crossroad in the world today. we are starting nuclear proliferation in the middle east. world war iii is basically on the edge of starting. how are we going to verify these host: i appreciate your call.
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if we are just being joined, we're asking for your viewpoints on the tentative deal announced in switzerland a short while ago between iran and the so-called plus one countries, a deal that would see at least the goals for the iranian nuclear facilities and the lifting of all sanctions, that was the goal of the negotiations. how far along? we do not quite know yet. we will hear more from the president p or he will be speaking at 2:15 eastern. we will have that live for you here on c-span pair we will be taking your calls and comments. david in indiana, hi, david. caller: i welcome this agreement. as we find out more about it, we will be able to judge it at her. what we do know is this can accomplish what none of the other alternative accomplishments can accomplish
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great sanctions cannot do it. military action can at most setback iran's program by three years to five years while guaranteeing iran will eventually develop a bomb. a solution intrinsically verified is by far the best thing. it is the way young iranians can have a better life and will have the best chance of rain forward democratic change within iran itself. it is an enormous accomplishment for secretary kerry in the foreign minister who, in my opinion, deserve the nobel peace prize. i hope our members of congress will give diplomacy their strong support. in 2002, they opted for an unnecessary war. it cost hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of lives. they need to choose diplomacy this time. host: we are seeing video from
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just a short while ago from members of the negotiating teams, including the u.s. and john kerry there on the right and his counterpart just next to him. getting your reaction, your thoughts on the deal, here is comments on facebook. robert posted this thought. he says, -- back to calls in dearborn, michigan, democrats line. caller: just wanted to say i congratulate the foreign ministers and the secretary of state on the progress they have made. they are the experts and i do not know if anybody has a
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diplomatic solution, nuclear dispute, and president a few days ago at the inauguration, the late ted kennedy's senate institute, invoking president john f. kennedy when he talked about the need and emphasis to negotiate diplomatic solutions. this could be a new era where the united states is taking a goal with truly everybody in the region. it gives a new opportunity for us to continue to have the leadership of the united states has always intended to have all around the world. host: let's go to our republican line, jacob, north beach maryland. caller: i personally agree with what everyone has said so far
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about finding a diplomatic solution. however, i do understand why some of the main comments on the facebook page, just replace chamberlain. this starts the path for world wars. i understand, please, give the -- the civilians a better life and a program but we need to make sure we do not have to worry about their military getting a new nuclear arsenal. that is what i have to say. host: reaction on twitter. this is a reaction from members of congress. --
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sean is in california, others line. what you think of what you have been hearing so far from the negotiations? caller: why do we need this nuclear trap when everyone should be helping everyone out in the middle east and all this other stuff, humanitarian aid why we trying to pull everyone up? i do not understand that. i do not think any country needs nuclear. a lot of mayhem for everybody in the world.
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they are going to mess everything up and kill everybody. if you really think about it we're hurting ourselves in the long run. if you really look at the chaos in the world we are not doing any justice. that is all i have to say. thank you. host: alabama, democrats line. are you there? caller: yes, sir. i believe the civilians of iran have been punished for no reason and i agree with the framework about the sanctions should be lifted so they can have a better life. who are we to dictate their lives from across the ocean? i just do not believe in it and i hope they have a better life and i wish the best of luck to them. thank you. host: this is john. welcome.
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go ahead. caller: yes. this idiot, kerry, has just started world war iii. i do not believe in giving the enemies -- that part of the country is our enemy. christians -- we have got to get our hands on them. this is not iran. iran is a holy city and so is that part of the country. but they are our enemy. you do not underestimate anyone. do not give them something they can destroy themselves in the whole world in. host: i appreciate your comments as well. president obama is scheduled to speak about the reported break
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in negotiations, the reported deal. he will purportedly come out at 215 -- 2:15 pair there we go. a live look from the south lawn. he should be out shortly. he was scheduled to go to kentucky today. not sure if that is still on or not, but again comments from the president. until then we will take your comments. sylvia is next from washington. caller: hi. i cannot believe i got through this time. it sure seems funny that we can say, they cannot have a nuclear power or bombs or war and things, but everybody else we like can. my opinion is, get rid of them all. i've lived under the threat of nuclear war since i was a little girl and i'm sick of it just get rid of them all.
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why should we have them in israel and pakistan, you know, i just hope other people feel the same way i do. thank you. host: the primary negotiator we spoke to speaking mainly in farsi, he tweeted in -- and a couple of other comments, the secretary to the ambassador of nato, whatever content at press conference, everyone will claim their right all along, and a matter what their position. one of the white house reporters tweeting -- in about five minutes, we expect to hear from president obama to we will have his comments live
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here on c-span. we go to dominique on our republican line. caller: how are you doing? my issue is as far as the world posse's standpoint, we are looked at as like the world police. my issue is, while everybody else in the world actually agree toward one resolution for iran and iraq, also, when it comes to nuclear deals you have countries like north korea which have nuclear power. they have not used it yet and have not been provoked. i do not know if they have traded with china, but i feel like as a world, we should come up with one agreement. the sanctions do not affect iran. they fed everybody they trade with, they affect the allies we trade with. host: you said one agreement for
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the whole world. we saw how difficult the whole process has been for iran. how realistic is that if you wanted to get the one overall agreement? there is the nuclear nonproliferation agreement, but countries have to sign on. caller: yes, if they exclude from the u.n., they would not be a part, correct? host: i cannot answer that. i do not know. caller: we are looked at as the road police but the responsibility does not phone a lot of the other people, leaders of countries around the world. i think that responsibility should fall apart on everyone. there should be many more who feel the same, where we should not have to be the front runner to step up and say, no, we will not deal with it. host: thanks for your comments. president obama about 2:15.
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a short while ago, negotiators came out and we heard first from eu negotiator. i want to show you what she had to say as we wait for the president. >> i am now going to read the joint statement we have agreed on with the foreign minister zarif. we, and the foreign minister of the islamic republic of iran together with foreign ministers of the e3, china, france germany, russia, the united kingdom, and the united states, met from 26 march 2 second april, 2016, in switzerland.
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as agreed in november 2015, we gathered here to find solutions toward a solution that would ensure the exclusively fiscal nature of the iranian nuclear program, and the listing of all sanctions. today, we have taken a decisive step. we have reached solutions on key parameters of a joint conference of plan of action. the political -- political determination, goodwell, test goodwill, and determination made it possible. let us thank all delegations for their tireless dedication. it is a crucial decision, laying the agreed basis for the final text of the joint plan of action. we can now restart drafting the plan of action, guided by
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solutions developed in the base. as iran searches for a peaceful nuclear program, the enrichment level and stockpile will be limited for specific durations and there will be no other enrichment facility. iran passes research and development on centrifuges would be carried out on a scope and schedule that would be mutually agreed. photo would be converted from enrichment site to nuclear physics and technology center. international collaboration would be encouraged in areas of research. there would not be any material. an international joint venture would insist -- will assist iran in rebuilding and modernized
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reactor that will not produce weapons grade plutonium. it would be exported. measures have been agreed to monitor the provisions including implementation of the code and provisional application of the protocol. the energy agency would be permitted the use of technologies and would have non-access to agreed procedures for past and present issues. iran will take part in international polar for a share in the field of energy, which would apply powers -- another area would be in the field of nuclear safety. european union would terminate
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the implementation of all nuclear related economic and financial sanctions, and the united states would seize the application of all nuclear related economic and financial sanctions. simultaneously with the implementation by iran of its key nuclear commitment. the new un security council resolution will endorse terminate all nuclear related solutions and incorporate certain restrictive measures for an agreed. of time agreed period of time. in the coming weeks and months, at the political and expert level. we are committed to complete our efforts by june 30. we would like to thank the for it -- the swiss government for generous support in hosting
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these negotiations. on behalf of everybody also, thank you all, the media from around the world, for having followed our work and somehow worked with us over this difficult what intense and positive week. thank you. host: that opening announcement to the end of the negotiation in switzerland from about 20 to 25 minutes ago, reaction for the details what the iranian representative had to say. a tweet saying, syria's differences with the u.s. hopes mistrust can now be remedied. we will continue taking your calls. reaction to the news you're hearing out of switzerland, as we wait for president obama's speech here at the rose garden in the white house. let's go to fill, in new york paired democrats line. phil, go ahead. caller: i am calling because i would like to congratulate
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president obama, secretary kerry, and the iranian negotiators for their investment of world peace. i think this is great news, particularly, i was pleased to hear about the creation of an international atomic energy's study program in iran, which will be joined by other nations throughout the world. hopefully, it will advance our efforts toward a clean environment. thank you. host: the energy secretary was part of the u.s. negotiating team. two pennsylvania, sharon, others line. caller: thank you for taking my call and thank you to c-span that you allow us americans to voice our opinion and to let the world know that we are a peaceful country. i'm so grateful we have come to
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this agreement for iran in the world. congratulations, president obama, to secretary kerry. thank you to switzerland. we are excited. now i hope that congress wakes up and we get support from our congress, who has been in my opinion, against this. i would think that they would want peace. thank you again, c-span. host: elizabeth, new jersey, on our democrats line. caller: thanks for letting me speak quickly. i feel like a lot of the worries people are having on the deal is just unnecessarily fear mongering in essence and i was watching a panel earlier on c-span and i was watching and i feel like it was more of a battle between congress and them using ties with israel.
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i do feel overall, i want to congratulate secretary kerry. it is a great thing for the country overall. we have to continue on the peace path because it is important for us right now. but thanks overall. host: next up is barbara from seattle, washington. caller: i want to say we met the enemy and it is us here i belong to the religion of pogo. i say this because the united states overthrew the democratic elected president of iran, and now we are trying to tell them, and then we forced to take of nuclear energy -- nuclear energy. if people are really concerned about protecting us, were protecting our environment, they should read a book that tells from the perspective of people all over the world that nuclear
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energy is not the solution to anything and that we have got to stop spending all of our tax dollars on bonds. that came out in the last year. host: ok. thanks for your call. stop, christopher in tallahassee, florida. christopher. hello, go ahead. are you there? go ahead. caller: hopefully the president does not interrupt me, but either or. i guess i learned today we will be loosening our sanctions on iran, just as europe will be doing the same. the only thing i had to say was this. i think the only way we should be helping these people, iran, is if they start treating their people a little better. the women and the people who protests somewhat.
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they usually do not take two kinds of people who protest their government. if they treat their people better maybe we could help them with nuclear energy. they have not really been doing any of that with their public known really knows what is going on in the public. we have some people there, but not that many people get to stand up for the rights over there. it is one thing i think we should look at. have them change a little bit and then we can help them with creating free energy. but yes, that is it. host: maryland. caller: yes. thank you for taking my call. host: it looks like we are getting a two warning. go ahead. caller: i'm a conservative that does not believe in having more babies so we can have dead soldiers. conservatives are against abortion and that in general
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it seems like we have got rich men to each other, like obama will fight after school at recess, we have got to stop all of this. we really need to get in touch with what is going on with banking and once we have got that cleared out and taken care of, it will not be about jewett muslim, or black and white. we will run things the right way. that is the main thing everybody needs to know. host: we will take one more call here from utah talk. billy, go ahead. quick comment while we wait for the president. caller: i appreciate it. i have been watching since i was 15 years old. a big shout out to c-span. i think what they had going, it was most of the iran people that were losing out on their daily activities, their food. this is just a stepping stone
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for the united states to get back for the middle east people of what they lost in the past. host: thanks for your comments. all the calls per more we wait for the president to hear his comments on the news from switzerland. live coverage here on c-span. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015] president obama: good afternoon, everybody. today, the united states together with allies and partners, have reached a historic understanding with iran which, if fully implemented would prevented from obtaining a nuclear weapon. as president and commander in chief, i have no greater responsibility than the security
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of the american people. i'm convinced that if this framework leads to a final comprehensive deal, it will make our country, our allies, and our world, safer. this has been a long time coming. the islamic republic of iran has been advancing its nuclear program for decades. by the time i took office, iran was operating thousands of centrifuges, which can produce the material for a nuclear bomb. and iran was concealing a covert nuclear facility. i made clear we were prepared to resolve the issue diplomatically but only if iran came to the table in a serious way. when that did not happen, we rallied the world to impose the toughest sanctions in history. sanctions which had a profound impact on the iranian economy. sanctions alone could not stop iran's nuclear program, but they
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helped iran to bring to the negotiating table. because of our diplomatic efforts, the world sit with us and we were joined at the negotiating table by the world passes major powers, the united kingdom, france, germany russia, and china, as well as the european union. over a year ago, we took the first step toward today's framework with a deal to stop the progress of iran's nuclear program and enroll it -- roll it back into key areas. recall that at the time, skeptics argued iran would cheat, that we could not verify their compliance, that the interim agreement would fail. instead, it -- it succeeded exactly as intended. iran has met all of its obligations. it eliminated its stockpile of dangerous nuclear material. inspections of the iran program increased, and we continued
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negotiations to see if we could achieve a more comprehensive deal. today, after many months of tough principle diplomacy, we have achieved a framework for the deal and it is a good deal that meets our core objectives. the framework would cut off every pathway iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon. iran will face strict limitations on its program and it has also agreed to the most robust and intrusive inspections and transparency regime ever negotiated for any nuclear program in history. the deal is not based on trust. it is based on unprecedented verification. many key details will be finalized and nothing is agree to until everything is a great. but here are the basic outlines
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of the deal we are working to finalize. first, iran will not be able to pursue a bomb using plutonium, because it will not develop weapons grade plutonium. the core of it's -- its reactor will be dismantled and replace. fuel will be shipped out of iran. iran will not build a new heavywater reactor and it will not reprocessed fuel from existing reactors, ever. the deal shuts down iran's packed to iran using enriched uranium. it has agreed it will be reduced by two thirds spirit iran will no longer enrich uranium at its facility. it will not enriched uranium with its advanced centrifuges for at least the next 10 years. the vast majority of iran's's stockpile of enriched uranium
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will be neutralized. today, estimates indicate iran is only two or three months away from potentially acquiring raw materials that could be used for a singular -- single nuclear bomb. iran agrees it will not stockpile materials needed to build a nuclear weapon. even if it violated the deal for the next decade, iran would be a minimum of a year away from acquiring enough material for it -- for a bomb. limitations on iran's stockpile would last 15 years. third, this deal provides the best possible defense against iran's ability to produce a weapon covertly, that is, in secret. international inspectors will have unprecedented access not only to iranian nuclear facilities but to the entire supply chain that supports iran's nuclear program, from iranian mills that provide from materials, to the centrifuge
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production and storage facilities. if iran sheets, the world will know it. if we see something suspicious, we will inspect it. iran's past efforts to weapon this program will be addressed. with this deal, iran will face more inspections than any other country in the world. so this will be a long-term deal that addresses each path to a potential iranian nuclear bomb. there will be strict limits on iran's program for a decade additional restrictions on building new facilities were stockpiling materials will last for 15 years. the unprecedented transparency measures will last for 20 years or more. indeed, some will be permanent. as a member of the nuclear proliferation treaty iran will never be permitted to develop a nuclear weapon. in return for iran's actions,
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the international community has agreed to provide iran with relief for certain sanctions. international sanctions imposed by united nation's security council. this will be faced as iran takes steps. if iran violence the deal sanctions could be snapped into place. other american sanctions on iran, for its support of terrorism, it's human right abuses its ballistic missile program, will continue to be fully enforced. now let me reemphasize, our work is not yet done. between now and the end of june, negotiators will work through how the framework will be fully implemented and those details matter. if there is backsliding on the part of iranians, if the verification and inspection
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mecca -- mechanisms do not meet the specification of nuclear asked -- experts, there will be no deal. but if we can get this done, and iran follows through on the framework negotiators agreed to, we will be able to resolve one of the greatest threats to our security and to do so peacefully. given the importance of the issue, i have instructed my negotiators to fully brief congress and the american people on the substance of the deal. i welcome a robust debate on the weeks and months to come. i am confident we could show this deal is good for the security of united states, for allies, and for the world. the fact is we only have three options for addressing iran's nuclear program. first, we can reach a robust and verifiable deal like this one and peacefully prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. the second option is we could
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all my ran's nuclear facilities thereby starting another world in them -- another were in the middle east, and setting back iran's program by a few years, by a fraction of the time that this deal will set it back. meanwhile, we would ensure that iran would raise their hedges and try to build a bomb. third, we could pull out of negotiations, try to get other countries to go along and continue sanctions currently in place and ones that hope for the best. knowing every time we have done so, iran has not capitulated but has instead advanced its program. in very short order, the breakout timeline would eliminated. and a nuclear arms race in the region could be triggered because of that uncertainty. in other words, the third option leads us very quickly back to a decision of whether or not to take military action. as we have no idea -- what is
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going on. iran will not simply dismantles program because we demanded to do so. that is not how the world works and that is not what history shows us. iran has shown no willingness to eliminate those aspects of their programs that they maintain our for peaceful purposes, even in the face of unprecedented sanctions. should negotiations collapsed because we, the united states, rejected what the majority of the world considers a fair -- fair deal, what our scientists and nuclear experts suggest would give us confidence they are not developing nuclear weapons, it is doubtful we could even keep our current international sanctions in place. so when you hear inevitable critics of the deal sound off, ask them a simple question. do you really think this verifiable deal, if fully
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implemented, backed by the world causes major powers, is a worse option than the risk of another middle east? is it worse than doing what we have done for almost two decades with iran moving forward with it nuclear program and without robust inspections? i think the answer will be clear. remember, i've always insisted i will do what is necessary to prevent iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, and i will to that also know a diplomatic solution is the west way to get this done and it offers a more comprehensive and lasting solution. it is our best option by far. while it is always a possibility iran may try to cheat on the deal with future, this framework of inspections and transparency makes it far more likely that we will know about it they try to cheat.
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i or future presidents will have reserved all of the options currently available to do with it. to the iranian people, i want to reaffirm what i've said since the beginning of my presidency. we are willing to engage you on the basis of mutual interest and mutual respect. this deal offers the prospect of relief from sashes imposed because of iran's violation of international law. since iran's supreme leader has admitted a fatwa against the development of nuclear weapons this framework gives iran the opportunity to verify that is program is in fact peaceful. it demonstrates that if iran complies with its international obligations, it could fully rejoin the community of nations. thereby fulfilling the story married talent and aspirations of the ring and people. that would be good for iran and the world.
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this deal alone, even if fully implemented, will not and deep divisions and mistrust between our two countries. we have a difficult history between us. our concerns will remain with respect to iranian behavior so long as iran continues its authorship of terrorism, its support for proxies who destabilize the middle east, it's threats against america's friends and allies, like israel, so make no mistake, we will remain vigilant in countering those actions and standing with our allies. it is no secret the israeli prime minister and i do not agree about whether the united states should move over with a peaceful resolution to the iranian issue. if in fact by mr. netanyahu is looking for the most effective way to ensure iran does not get a new we weapon, this is the best option.
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i believe our nuclear experts can confirm that. more poorly, i will be speaking with the prime minister today to make clear there will be no daylight there is no daylight, when it comes to our support for israel's security, and our concerns about iran's destabilizing policies and threats towards israel. that is why i have directed my national security team to consult closely with the israeli government in the coming weeks and months about how we can further strengthen our long-term security operation with israel and make clear our unshakable commitment to israel's defense. today, i also spoke with the king of saudi arabia to reaffirm our commitment to the security of our partners in the gulf and i am inviting the leaders of the six countries who make up the gulf cooperation council, saudi arabia kuwait, -- to meet me this spring to discuss how we could further discuss our
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cooperation, while resolving multiple conflicts that have resolved in hardship -- involved hardships in operations. it is finally worth remembering that congress has, on a bipartisan basis, played a critical role in our current iranian policy, helping to shape the sanctions regime that apply so much pressure on iran and ultimately forced them to the table. in the coming days and weeks, my administration will engage congress once again about how we -- how it can play a constructive oversight role. i will begin the effort by speaking to leaders of the house and senate today. in those conversations, i will underscore the issues at stake here are eager than politics. these are matters of war and peace. they should be evaluated based on the facts and what is ultimately best for the american people and for our national security.
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this is not simply a deal between my administration and iran. it is a deal between iran, the united states of america, and major powers in the world, including some of our closest allies in -- allies. if congress -- without offering any reasonable alternative, then it is the united states that will be blamed for the failure of disposal -- diplomacy. international community will collapse in the past will widen. the american people understand this, which is why solid majorities support a diplomatic resolution to the iranian nuclear issue. they understand its sting to leave the words of president kennedy, who faced down a far greater threat of communism, and said, let us never negotiate out of of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate. the american people remember
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that at the height of the cold war, presidents like nixon and reagan struck historic arms control read -- agreements with the historic union, a far more dangerous adversary despite the fact that adversary not only threaten to destroy our country and way of life, but had the means to do so. those agreements were not perfect. they did not end all threats. but they made our world safer. a good deal with iran would do the same. today, i would like to express my thanks to our international partners for their stead fats -- steadfastness, cooperation, and i was able to speak early today with close allies, chancellor merkel, to reef -- reaffirm that we stand shoulder to shoulder in this effort and most of all, on
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behalf of our nation, i want to express my thanks to our tireless secretary of state, john kerry, and our did -- our entire negotiate and team. they worked so hard to make this progress. they represent the best tradition of american diplomacy. their work, our work, is not yet done. success is not guaranteed. but we have a historic opportunity to prevent the threat of nuclear opportunities in iran and do so peacefully. with the international community firmly behind us. we should seize that chance. thank you. god bless you, and god bless the united states of america. host: president it -- obama in the rose garden, a plan of
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action regarding the republic of iran's's nuclear program, initially announced in switzerland. the white house released that document. we will link to it shortly on our website at we want to open up phone lines once again to get your thoughts and comments on the reported deal. -- you can also post your comment that many comments already on facebook. we will take a look at some of those. some of your calls, this one here from daniel who says --
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host: some of the reaction online. let's hear what you have to say from virginia on our independence line. caller: thank you for c-span. listening to those comments, let's not forget israel has nuclear weapons also. we never address it. it is important for us to understand we do not need a nuclear war in any part of the world. negotiating a deal to calm the middle east will not only help to slow down what is going on
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the middle east. i think iran will probably be one of those that will help pick up and slow it down, but without iran and a nuclear deal, the world has bigger problems. host: i appreciate your comments. a statement from the chair of the foreign committee says a nuclear armed iran will lead to a less safe and less secure world. that is why the mistake -- the stakes are so high in pursuit of a strong agreement that is enforceable, verifiable, and is in our national security interest here let's hear from marshall in san diego. hello. caller: great to be on c-span. what it comes down to here, it is not just the issue of nuclear weapons with iran. one of the biggest issues we are facing is for years now, when we invaded iraq, they invaded iraq at the same time and killed
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numerous american serviceman. we are -- we have seen -- in afghanistan. in beirut. they continue to wage proxy war against the united states, against our allies. unless the deal would include the end of iranian imperialism in the region, i really do not see how this would be in the interest of the united states. the money would probably largely only an bulge in -- embolden aggression in the region. host: we appreciate your comments. capsule as in what president obama had to say, it declares a historic nuclear deal and would prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. if fully and committed, peter of the new times commenting on what the president had to a about invitation to arab leaders wary of an iran deal to talk about
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security peer the president mentioning as he was wrapping up that he this afternoon will because the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, in addition to leaders of key committees on capitol hill for sure. to columbus, georgia, mike is on our democrats line. what do you think? caller: if our president allows himself -- host: listen to the phone and not the radio or tv. caller: a do with iran, i think we are going straight to work. that is all i want to say. host: in out the bama -- in alabama, republican line. caller: i tell you what. you cannot trust obama.
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it is just a pathway for obama. look at obama's's history. everything he has lied about. name one thing he has done good for this country. when iraq was stabilized george bush said, he pull troops out, what would happen? isis come from syria. we pulled out, they come in. obama will be the worst president ever. that is what i have got to say. host: on twitter this one obama shut down the two options of sanction and were, diplomacy is the best route. and from austin -- president obama speaking at the rose garden before they head off to louisiana. we will be speaking at a cloud dated storage company.
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we expect to cover that and we will have it later for you as well. you see the president's conference again this evening. also coming up in a couple of minutes as well. california, james, go ahead. caller: yes. i am sure we can handle the iranians. i'm not so sure we can handle netanyahu. israel. the secretary of the united states. that is a problem. host: democrats line. how are you doing? caller: i have a comment and i also have a suggestion. i do not understand the full deal of what is going on the middle east.
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what i do understand is israel and iran are enemies. my question is, why would iran agree to give up all the nuclear powers, fighting powers, knowing their neighbor next door has all of his, and they can take over them whenever they want. down the line, think it will fall apart and is much as i want to happen, it doesn't make any sense to me. the second part is, president obama mention something earlier in his beach today about getting approval or what they have to do, and if they do not approve it that will happen anyway. republicans do not want him to succeed. it will not go far anyway in my opinion. host: asked a couple of good questions.
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probably best left to a number of guests we have coming in a few days on washington journal. one of them will be the former ambassador to iraq and the nuclear negotiations with north korea back in 2005 2 2008. christopher will be our guest coming up on monday on washington journal. thanks for the question and suggestion there. let's hear from larry in california. are you there? caller: yes. i think the deal will be bad the matter how obama tried to sell it. the former service person, i am are public and but i voted for obama the first time.
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a huge mistake. but if you think you can trust iran, that means bill clinton did not cheat on hillary. if you believe that. host: let's get another republican view, james. caller: obama is trying to do what he can. really, he is not in control. these people here are zealots. they are not really going to adhere to what is being done and what is said. i think it is a good band-aid. at a time like this, we must do something proactive and if we can do something proactive, i think we could at least get a heads up and understand the possibilities of being able to be in control. other nations, other allies are supporting this. it is not just about obama.
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it is about protecting our shores. it is about protecting the american people. we must do something proactive. if we could do something proactive, i think we would at least be in the position to control some of these zealots. host: thank you. a number of statements coming out. christopher murphy, the senator from connecticut, saying in his statement, i welcome the announcement that a framework has been reached to iran and its partners. we look forward to reviewing the details of the framework within the coming days. the house and senate will return on monday, april 13. they are out for their break here the president, among the things he said in this conference a plan of action, we are planning to post that at the president said, if iran cheats, the world will know it. he also said iran -- the plan
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will shut down iran's path to enrichment and it would limit the stockpile for at least 15 years. it would be what he called the international inspection routines that would follow the agreement as unprecedented. for the next five minutes or so on the deal announcement in switzerland, just a short while ago. next up is burlington, joe, what state are you in? caller: vermont. thank you for taking my call. my concern is really the way the country is heading. it seems like we are turning our backs on israel to make a deal with our enemy that is not our enemy, that they are considering to be our friend. i do not know where the logic is in all this. that is it and that is all i have to say.
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host: edward is in maryland democrats line. caller: my comment is no matter what kind of deal the u.s. and allies make a couple leaders in the world would not be happy. [indiscernible] i think this is a very good deal. i think they did and i want. thank you. host: you can look for a lot of comments from members on twitter. a look at our members of congress listed there, a statement from the minority leader, harry reid, just a moment ago. he said in his statement i spoke with president obama today and they informed me negotiations agreed upon the framework of the goal preventing
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iran from getting a nuclear weapon. i am cautiously optimistic about this framework. we must always remain vigilant about preventing iran from getting a nuclear weapon. there is no question a diplomatic solution is vastly preferable to alternatives. that is from the democratic leader of the senate, harry reid. justin, go ahead. caller: i do not believe the president is the worst president. i do not know if i agree with him on this decision. i think we should take out the facilities essen as possible. i believe obama has best interests. i would like to quiet haters. thank you very much. host: democrats line. go ahead. caller: i would also like to chime in and give my approval to the excellent work the obama administration is putting forth
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to give a balanced approach to the world's problems. israel is our close ally. however, the effort to dictate foreign policy, i'm glad he kept his eye on the ball. the idea is to stop nuclear polygrapher ration -- proliferation. i think we hearken back to the beginning of the iraq were. scott ritter, all of these. we have a long history of looking for weapons of mass destruction and so on. that was disregarded by the bush and ministration. they went ahead and got to war and did not find a weapons. however, all the knowledge of how to look for weapons i think this could work. i think it could be a good thing for iran and the united states. i am also glad to see more with cuba. host: we will sit -- see if we
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can get a caller two more. we will show the news conference again tonight at 8:00 eastern here on c-span. momentarily, we will take you live to london for the leaders debate here the election is coming up may 7 in the u.k.. we will see the debate between several different leadership party members, including david cameron. all of that is coming up momentarily paired a couple of last comments here on facebook and mike valentino posts -- host: again, more of your comments and calls coming up tomorrow morning on this issue.
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you could go online and read the joint agreement at it will be linked up there shortly more comments and calls tomorrow morning. we will take you live next to the u.k. for that debate on the upcoming election. capacity city proud of its heritage, at night the remarkable political debate and the closeness general election. seven party leaders go face to face live in the itv party debate. [applause]
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