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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  April 5, 2015 1:46am-2:01am EDT

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up and waves. he says she had a pre-existing condition. she burned through her life savings and that of her husband, a former veteran, not with us anymore sadly. her pre-existing condition bankrupted her. due to this legislation we have passed, bernice is now able to visit her grandchildren and is expected to live a full life. bernice i just wanted to tell , you we are happy to have you here this evening. every person who watched that, me included, conservatives gladiator warrior, looked at that woman and said i don't want that woman to die. i don't. i don't want her to die. whatever, let's do it. but what we did not see was the millions of people would die because of health care that eventually gets rationed. we did not see the nightmares of the health care system in great britain. we did not see all the people being taken off of health care because of the ridiculous mandates.
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my personal coverage includes mammograms and birth control pills. it costs money, but i have it. thank you, mr. obama. and all the consequences of this are not discernible because they are not real. but that woman is. the person who understand that most fully is the most evil man who ever lived. he understood this without the slightest hesitation. joseph stalin said a single death is a tragedy. a million deaths is a statistic. right? it is a statistic. we argue statistics. they put a face on what they are trying to do. and most of us would say i don't want anything bad to happen to that woman and we lose our ability to think rationally because of our emotional response. so if we don't start , understanding the language of how this works and that we need to start showing peoples whose lives have been ruined by socialized health care and a person whose life was saved by
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private health care and here is why, we will lose to these weenies. and i'm tired of losing to these weenies. i don't know about you guys, but i am over losing to these losers. i have to get out of here. thank you so much for having me. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, >> remember, we have books for sale. and also james o'keefe's book, "breakthrough." back of the room. >> in a weekly address president obama talks about the
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iranian nuclear program. the republican talks about the threats to cyber security. president obama: this week together with our allies and partners, we reached an historic understanding with iran, which if fully implemented, will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon and make our country, our allies, and our world safer. this framework is the result of tough, principled diplomacy. it's a good deal -- a deal that meets our core objectives, including strict limitations on iran's program and cutting off every pathway that iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon. this deal denies iran the plutonium necessary to build a bomb. it shuts down iran's path to a bomb using enriched uranium. iran has agreed that it will not stockpile the materials needed to build a weapon. moreover, international inspectors will have unprecedented access to iran's nuclear program because iran will face more inspections than any other country in the world.
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if iran cheats, the world will know it. if we see something suspicious we will inspect it. so this deal is not based on trust, it's based on unprecedented verification. and this is a long-term deal with strict limits on iran's program for more than a decade and unprecedented transparency measures that will last for 20 years or more. and as a member of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, iran will never be permitted to develop a nuclear weapon. in return for iran's actions, the international community, including the united states, has agreed to provide iran with phased relief from certain sanctions. if iran violates the deal, sanctions can be snapped back into place. meanwhile, other american sanctions on iran for its support of terrorism, its human rights abuses, its ballistic missile program, all will continue to be enforced. as i said this week, many key details will need to be finalized over the next three
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months, and nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed. and if there is backsliding, there will be no deal. here in the united states, i expect a robust debate. we'll keep congress and the american people fully briefed on the substance of the deal. as we engage in this debate, let's remember -- we really only have three options for dealing with iran's nuclear program -- bombing iran's nuclear facilities -- which will only set its program back a few years -- while starting another war in the middle east -- abandoning negotiations and hoping for the best with sanctions -- even though that's always led to iran making more progress in its nuclear program -- or a robust and verifiable deal like this one that peacefully prevents iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. as president and commander in chief, i firmly believe that the diplomatic option -- a comprehensive, long-term deal like this -- is by far the best option. for the united states. for our allies. and for the world.
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our work -- this deal -- is not yet done. diplomacy is painstaking work. success is not guaranteed. but today we have an historic opportunity to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons in iran, and to do so peacefully, with the international community firmly behind us. and this will be our work in the days and months ahead in keeping with the best traditions of american leadership. senator burr: hello, i'm senator richard burr from the great state of north carolina and i'm honored to chair the senate select committee on intelligence. as i'm sure you've noticed over the last year, your personal data has come under increasing threat from a range of cyber attackers, from sophisticated hackers and organized criminals to agents of foreign powers. it could even be all three. in the last year, companies like target, sony, jp morgan and anthem blue cross blue shield have been hacked, leaving millions of customers' personal and financial information vulnerable.
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maybe even yours. this means that data about your life and your family could be out in the open. cyber attackers, often in other countries, are cracking into the vaults of our companies and our government. they're stealing your personal information as well as the intellectual property that makes our economy the most creative and vibrant in the world. when asked why he robbed banks willie sutton simply said "because that's where the money is." in the same way, cyber-criminals and our foreign adversaries are probing our computer systems and stealing our data. as a result, your social security number, addresses, date of birth, financial information, family history and more is available to hackers. many estimate the direct financial loss and theft of intellectual property costs our economy hundreds of billions of dollars every year. but it doesn't have to be this way. there are steps congress can take to help both government and
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the private sector understand these attacks better, and warn each other about them. that's just what my colleagues and i have worked to do on the intelligence committee. over the last several years, we have listened with increasing alarm to the testimony of senior intelligence officials and private sector experts about the growing cybersecurity threat to our nation. as criminals and other adversaries grow more capable, our nation becomes more vulnerable to cyber-attacks every day. our biggest cyber weakness is that our citizens and private entities don't have accurate or real-time insight into the damage that's caused by cyber-attacks. today, i want to propose a first step in addressing this growing problem. the bipartisan cybersecurity information sharing act of 2015 is sponsored with me by dianne feinstein and senator john mccain. it creates a cybersecurity information sharing environment
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that works much like a "neighborhood watch" program -- allowing all participants to get a better understanding of the current cybersecurity threats that may be used against them. and while we're ultimately trying to keep your information private, let's also talk about how this bill is going to ensure that's the case on the government's end as well. information sharing's covered by the bill and its 100-percent voluntary. no one is forced to share information in any way. the bill requires that a company removes private data before sharing anything with the government. no company is allowed to share data unless it is directly related to the cyber-attack itself. after hundreds of calls with the government, business community and civil liberties groups, i am confident that senator feinstein, senator mccain, and i have put together a balanced approach that will help your private information stay just
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that way -- private. i am pleased that the senate intelligence committee agreed, and approved the bill by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 14-1. this threat is real, and the increasing number of attacks has a tangible impact on our economy and our national security. today, we have a solution that can minimize the threats to your own personal information, keep the economy strong, and help secure the nation. thank you for listening and god bless. >> next, a forum on the impact of immigration policies on undocumented students. then the irs commissioner talks about problems with the agency. after that, the former secretary of the treasury discusses the economy.
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on the next "washington journal," eric trager talks about the newly created arab league joint military force regarding the crisis in yemen. looking at the $478 billion for transportation needs. and the executive director of the arms control, looks at what is being done to monitor them. as always, we will take your calls, and you can join the conversation on twitter. " washington journal," live on c-span. >> next week at 9 p.m. eastern conversations with new members of congress. >> i knew my mom was crying, and my dad was proud. he is 82 years old, he showed up with a cane, and he did not have
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his cane. he straightened several steffen says, i am in the capital -- i do not need a cane. i know they are super proud. >> the five newest members of congress talk about their careers and personal lives, and share insights on how things work on capitol hill. join us for all five conversations each night at 9 p.m. eastern. on tuesday, the center for american progress held a discussion on the impact of immigration policies on undocumented students. and a new report in higher education. this is about an hour and a half. >> ok, thank you and good
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morning everyone on this lovely and bright sunny morning. i know everybody is glad that winter is over. welcome to the center for american progress, i am a senior policy andnalyst. thanks so much for coming to talk about this important event. i had a really great pressure of introducing lisa today. she develops the president's policy on immigration. it tries to strengthen the current system towards the passage of meaningful and comprehensive legislation. lisa previously worked on other legislative teams working to work on a host of immigration issues. which are especially important given that it is cesar chavez day.
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he was a key member. i was in high school and remember the marches prayed prior to this, she was on the hearing committee. this includes latino groups. felicia started her career as a state policy analyst where she represented in clr for the texas state legislature. she testified for hate crime legislation. she is a native of tenant hunt -- san antonio, texas. she has a masters from harvard. please welcome


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