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tv   U.S. House  CSPAN  April 29, 2015 10:00am-10:46am EDT

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situation is no less than having diabetes or a heart issue. you are speaking out and getting the help you need. we love you. thank you. host: i'm going to try to get one last phone call. we have to make it quick. steve in ohio. can you go ahead? caller: my name is steve good i just have a comment -- my name is steve. i just have a comment. it is the stigma of the jails and felons and everything. life is about choices. he chose to go down that path. he chose that lifestyle or whatever. my childhood was rough. i knew exactly what i didn't want to be when i grew up, but those alive choices that i made -- our life choices that i made. host: we are out of time. i want to end with having them give us final thoughts as he and this conversation. guest: i understand what a huge
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issue this is. i particularly feel and my heart is at -- goes out to the vets who are back from an inconceivable experience. let's say of a mated -- a limited view of how they are received. i'm glad about the organizations that are trying to help. and the teenagers -- what we go through as teenagers which is hormonal is in the switchable from major mental illness. -- indistinguishable from major mental illness. i've thinking that we should intervene and with better helpful and positive and healthy. let us make plans to live in a plan to live for life. i think that is good advice. guest: help us reduce suicide by 20% by 2025. come see judy collins.
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she is going to be at the organization of american states and she will tell more about her stories and her battle. it will be an intimate evening with judy and we want your listeners to come join us. thanks for a much. host: the website is a thank you both for the conversation. guest: thank you for having us here and all the viewers who called. host: that does it for today's "washington journal." thank you all for washing. -- watching. we'll see you all again. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014]
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>> last night president obama and first lady michelle obama hosted japanese prime minister shinzo abe and his wife. the eighth such event the president held. a picture from "the washington post" today. they report they were just under 200 guests at the white house. both the president and japanese leader offered toasts. president obama: we are honored to welcome you to the white house. as we celebrate the great friendship between the united states and japan.
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prom: i give my tribute -- president obama: i give my trib by the to the two leaders. passionate about what they believe in. an inspiration to so many women and girls, including the students they met today. and the first lady is responsible for more responsible for a beautiful room tonight than i am. thank you, michelle.
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we give you the best sushi place. i have to confess we could not have the sushi if we did not have some excellent saki. tonight everything was traditional a little bit and sake from the professor.
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[inaudible] >> i met with japanese americans who are such important friends and parts of
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my community. one in particular, a man who calls himself freddie. we became great friends. [inaudible] president obama: he always remained with me as an example how japanese culture was woven into and spoke to the entire friendship.
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in 1957 shinzo's grandfather addressed our house of representatives. he hoped it would lead to a strong and enduring partnership to japanese american relations.
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tom, his grandson will continue to carry that partnership forward when he makes his first japanese prime minister address to a joint session of congress. in honor one of the
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outstanding leaders from our two countries, you represent the friendship and bonds and carry forward in this effort. in celebrating -- it [inaudible]
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president obama: i'm sure i'm the first president ever to say that. president obama: to the friendship between our two peoples and alliance that's meant so much not only for our two countries but around the world and endure for all seasons he and all times. cheers.
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prime minister abe: mr. president, president obama ladies and gentlemen. let me start by thanking you for arranging this wonderful dinner tonight.
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during my visit to washington d.c., last time t. have the revival of the alliance between japan and the united states. two years have past since then and japan is now regaining its resilience and will continue our path together with the united states.
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today barack and have a meeting in the morning. on the occasion, both of us reaffirmed how robust the alliance is and issued a joint statement for the past 70 years since the end of world war ii. this was an extremely meaningful achievement by working hand in hand with president obama, we, the two nations, will make contributions to global peace and prosperity.
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tomorrow i will address the joint session of u.s. congress for the first time as a japanese prime minister. taking that opportunity, i would like to send out a strong message that both japan and the united states, which once fought with each other now have a relation and will make contribution to challenges that man has. i have to come back the day before yesterday and yesterday seriously, i'm going to give a speech tomorrow. my wife told me that feet is getting tired. so last night we headed up in a
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different room. ladies and gentlemen the current japan-u.s. alliance shows extremely close ties. forming a foundation for growth and economic prosperity. for instance japan's built new
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metro railcar for washington d.c. boeing 787 is flying everywhere in the world. and guess what? more than a third of the parts were made in japan. barack you are an enthusiastic fan of sushi and i'm happy to say something about myself, too, i am one of the hard work fans of the american tv drama "house of cards." but i'd like to draw your attention to one that i am not going to show this house of card to my fellow minister deputy prime minister.
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in any case you won't find another bilateral relationship like ours. mr. president, president obama, ladies and gentlemen when the united states found out to fight against the world and when barack found the global challenges, you will not be alone. there is always japan. japan has been and will be always standing side by side with the united states in
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addressing global challenges. the relationship is simply unparalleled in the world. ain't no mountain high enough. i bet everyone here knows that famous song, "ain't no mountain high enough." ain't no valley low enough to keep me from you. the relationship of japan and the united states.
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i would like to propose a toast and also acknowledge first lady mrs. obama, for choosing theama gucci where i am -- the yamaguchi, where i am from. last year when barack visited japan, we ate at very, very pop pew loor sushi restaurant. because of the fact that the two beers enjoyed now they
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become more and more popular in japan. but there was one problem that evolved in the arrangement of sushi dinner together with barack. i actually prepared one from not my district. it was arranged by the minister of foreign affairs and probably because of the fact that the minister for foreign affairs is from hiroshima so he chose that. and because of that selection,
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i have so much pressure and criticism from people inama gucci -- yamaguchi and shared this wonderful story when he visited japan. so probably because of that selection last year president obama chose the yamaguchi just for this occasion. so with that, i would like to note the kind consideration of first lady, mrs. obama, and also i always receive from my
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wife, and i'd like to propose a toast to our friends to further jefment of the u.s.-japan relationship. >> prime minister abe will address a joint session of congress in about 35 minutes. first japanese leader to do so. live coverage of his remarks will get under way at 11:00 a.m. eastern here on c-span. the house is scheduled to take up its first appropriations bill today. the hill reporting the white house last evening slammed the 2016 republican defense budget
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plan that would stymie many of the administration's top national security priorities. from closing guantanamo bay to reaching a nuclear deal with iran. quote, the administration strongly objects to provisions of the plan directed by house armed services committee chair mack thorn berpry. the white house said in a statement. however, the white house stopped short of a veto threat. the statement also criticized the bill's failure to adopt force structure and weapon systems reforms called for by military leadership. that from "the hill" this morning. more now on the upcoming debate in congress over the budget deal as well as other financial issues facing lawmakers from today's "washington journal." you can go to our website to watch if you're joining us this morning we want to welcome back congressman sean duffy republican from wisconsin to talk about the 2016 budget debate. the house would like to keep that often get a conference deal. there seems to be a hold up.
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gop budget dodges fight over entitlement and a defense. forget about the medicare privatization plan, never mind offsetting defense spending increases. in almost every instance they describe the budget deal in which political practicality beats out ideology as republican leaders attacked for the party center. guest: it is impressive that we will get a deal this early if the cons. it has been decades since we have had this kind of bicameral negotiation. it is absolutely fantastic. listen. we understand the process. we look at ideology. we look at how much we can get done. this will resolve some of the challenges we face as a country. we have an $18 trillion debt.
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in the long run -- 240 billion dollars a year. -- it is half what we spend on the military. you cannot get everything you want. you see the struggle between those two happening right now. it can be messy. politics is. at the end you will get a deal that will work for the american people. host: the budget blueprint serves as a vision of the parties. republicans now control the house and the senate. it is not a binding document. doesn't concern me you that the vision of the republican party looks like not dealing with the drivers of the entitlement? guest: and the house we have dealt with the drivers of the debt which is entitlement. you see a lot of ads.
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we are not afraid to put out big ideas. i do think it is important that we continue to address the drivers. we have both chambers. we have certain problems in the senate. we do not have 60 votes. we will need a democrat buy-in. do not always get everything you want. in the senate you do not control everything. host: republicans were able to increase the money for the pentagon putting money in the so-called emergency fund for national security concerns. that is ok with you? host: there is a concern all of us have with the strength of the military.
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around the world there are raisinising threats. there are serious problems we face in the world. america has to have a strong military. i would prefer that we do have offsets. it becomes very challenging to find a pathway for whose program are we going to cut? i think it was news to goshen -- i think it was negotiation for spending at putting it on the american credit card. that is part of a problem we have seen for decades that puts his that $18 trillion debt. when we come back to a problem when he does with our military are building out infrastructure, one of the primary roles of our government. when you go through all of these entitlements, all of these programs, budgets get
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tight. incident putting money into the spaces we should as a government like monster in a first we start to have debate of where it is going to come from. we have to have a conversation as a country if we're going to be responsible -- where is reform going to come from? is it smart to get this from our military we live in the most dangerous world? we need to make sure we have a strong military. we have to look at the entitlement system. we want to make sure we get away from the system that can encourage a lifetime on these programs. and encouraged people to use them and get off the program. it hopefully saves the federal government a lot of money. that is the larger conversation. host: let us get jenny involved.
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go ahead. caller: good morning. i would just like to say that i accessed [indiscernible] the financial data excel file. i was looking at the revenue columns. are you there? can you hear? guest: ryan here. caller: from the mid-1970's. corporations used to represent 65% to 67% percent of our revenues annually. 5% would come from excise taxes. the remaining 30% would come from small businesses and individuals. that is directly from ombs's historical business. as we came yourforward, 12% to
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15%. the left from individuals and small businesses. my comment is that if you look at the actual numbers for revenue, entitlements were entitlement driven but we have done a flip flop. small businesses and individuals are more than paying their share. we can afford social security for ourselves. we can afford medicare. the book of the revenue is coming from individuals and small businesses. guest: i have not seen the data for years and why are we raising taxes? we have to recognize that we do not just as in america and
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compete with america. we are in the global competitive environment. we have all heard about that american companies look for a suture overseas. this is not what we want to have happen. we want to have a competitive tax code that encourages this is to stay in america. we have to be competitive. this does bring up a good point. when you have a tax code that is difficult to navigate, the interests have come to hear to carve out portions of the tax code. we do not know what corporations are paying. we need to streamline the codes and make it far simpler so we know what everyone is paying. we know what corporations are paying as well. host: houston senate democrats have said they have been left
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out of negotiating process of the 2016 budget. the house wants to vote on a deal thursday. does it include anything to do with what you are talking about tax reforms or corporate tax reform? guest: i am speculating here. i believe it will be done in a different package as opposed to being put in the budget process. i believe comes the paul ryan is working on that. host: we will go to pittsburgh, massachusetts. brain go ahead. caller: china builds military equipment 90% cheaper than us. that is one question. last year we let 10 million people in the country on visas and 40 million in the last five years. why are we letting sony people in this country? no wonder why so many people are
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working. guest: there is a tension in immigration. if you argue that you allow this to come in with or without documentation, you are competing on the autumn and of the wage bracket. that is why wages are not coming up. there is a great supply of low income workers supplied from a lot of immigration. that concerns a lot of us. in wisconsin we have a lot of dairy farms. there are a lot of jobs that we cannot find enough fo willing to do some of the toughest and dirtiest jobs out there that some americans will not do. some of these immigrants performing some of these tasks. to another point i used the trucking industry. we have a lot of haulers that have trucks and they do not have
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enough drivers. you can get commercial driver's licenses for 30 days and get behind the wheel and make anywhere from $40,000 a year. we have to look at what is happening in our culture where they're not getting connected with the people who have the jobs, better paying jobs. i think what the answer to that is, we are not quite sure yet. host: you're on the air with the congressman. caller: good morning. how are you all on this beautiful day? i have got two questions here. please allow me to answer. i believe that you carry problems is a republican phenomenon. back when bush took over, bush 43, he became president. we went into two wars and you all just cut taxes and we have been in a dive ever since.
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those rats that were in baltimore, can you explain the difference between the way police handled him and the way they handled the monday ranch situation. the light guide you guns on police and nobody got arrested and missed all millions of dollars. one last thing, america, you all look out for our military and god speed for all their endeavors. have a great day. guest: listen, going back to the wars referenced in the early 2000's, it was costly. still time to address these issues. the problems left to barack obama today in iran and with isis and in iraq and afghanistan. in regard to income, we have more money today than we ever have in our history. people say there are all these tax cuts drop in revenue in the
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federal government, that is not the case. we are hitting historic highs with the revenue. we do not really have a revenue problem. we have a spending problem. saying listen, the revenues are not their care we're not taxing enough fear that is not the case. that means, what is happening on the spending fund, we always talk about what we talked about earlier. on the medicare side, modern medicine means people live longer, it is a beautiful thing. health care costs keep going in. all of that together is putting a ton of pressure on medicare. unless we get our hands on how we keep our promises to seniors and also what reforms need to happen, this thing will implode. host: what are your thoughts on the situation in baltimore on what role congress can play
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dealing with economic and racial attention in the city. guest: they have every right to be outraged. i was a prosecutor. it is important for every prosecutor in the country and when they are not, we have to have internal reviews to make sure what happened and why it is happening. do you look at the response and instead of peaceful protest they change the culture of the community and you have -- i do not think it is the answer. you also see, people want to throw money at problems. it makes them feel good we now want to be done with this problem. we have done our part. well throwing money at problems is not how we resolve the
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problem. i look at baltimore and and i think from my perspective, i'm a wisconsin guy and i'm an outside -- observer, i think our education has failed these young kids and i think our families are failing. if you're going to have a strong society and a strong community you have to have a good education. i think we need to take a deeper look and say throwing more money at a school system is not the answer. let's look at changing a system to see if it works. throwing money is never the answer. it is an easy solution but will not fix the problem in baltimore. a deeper conversation is, what is happening in the community where there is a fundamental breakdown and families, where you do not have moms and dads raising kids. we saw continuing on new sloops the woman who was up and giving her young son, i think he was 15 years old, saying, get your but home. that was one mom, and she had six kids and was raising them by herself.
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that is tough. i have seven kids and i raise them with my wife and that is tough enough. there is great tension and great anger there. we have to look at the people and it will not be an easy solution. we can set up a system to help support them. we have to look at the fundamentals of education and we have seen people who dig it -- dig in their heels and do not want change to the education system, even if it does not work. i think democrats and republicans are likely to say listen, we have to address the problem within the system and reform it. it is not about union spirit is about young kids who need to get an education. host: thomas in fresno, california, a republican. you are on the air. caller: good morning, mr. sean duffy. how are you? i have got a question about the budget control act of 2011.
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it was inspired by the president and now he does not want to follow that anymore. we have to understand something here. when we, the people address the recourses we try to follow and are successful, and then have nothing but the same actions with ryan digging their hands into the money then you're trying to outspend a problem that will never go away. host: we talked about this earlier. democrats -- republicans want to lift the bug it -- budget caps and have done so and this budget deal will come to the floor this week in the house.
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guest: what thomas said, i used to do lumberjack sports and the best contest we had was in fresno. i am fond of fresno. yes, listen, we have a great concern on the military front. he see isis beheading folks and iran on a pathway to get a nuclear weapon, no matter what the president says. our growing military in china. you have russia in crimea. they are advancing their old cold war footing. a weaker america with less resources i think is begging for more global conflict. there are republicans that have that concern. the caps on the military side have been broken. they put more dollars into addressing that in the long run. by spending a little more money today and having a stronger american military, we will offset future cost, which will
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be far greater. caller: good morning, representative duffy. i respect your very evenhanded -- i like that. anyway, i will disagree with you . our seniors have put in a lifetime of work to fund these programs. they have basically said, well, sorry. i understand they will get more than they put in however, it is an insurance program and come on, we knew this from the 30's when it was put into place.
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they had medicare in the 60's. guest: the president would even disagree with you. and republicans have said the same thing. we will talk about addressing these small slivers, you can't fix the problem unless you get to spending. we're not talking about seniors in retirement or near retirement. we're talking about the next generation of retirees making modifications to make the program stable. it is a hard conversation. you have people in congress who want to tell americans what they want to hear instead of telling the truth. telling people the truth, a hard political conversation. but if we do not have the conversation, in the president'10 year budget window, we see interest on the debt alone approaching $1 trillion. there are a lot of roads and bridges you could build with $1 trillion on bridges alone that we paid out this massive debt.
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getting the hands around it and getting our hands around entitlement is imperative. if we do not, the debt will eat us up. host: we will go to baltimore time -- tom on our line for democrats. caller: i have a question about coulter of spending versus a culture of saving. i worked for the correctional department here in baltimore city as a contractor. it seemed like every year we got to the end of the budget year and we had extra money, and we decided to spend it on some pretty silly things. i do not know if this is rampant throughout the government, but it just seemed if we changed the culture and may be reward contractors or department to save money every year, maybe we could get a handle on this. guest: a good point, m


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