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tv   Key Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  May 25, 2015 10:51am-11:01am EDT

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>> c-span's live on this memorial day at the amphitheater of arlington national cemetery. president obama will be taking part in the memorial day ceremonies here along with the chair of the joint team -- joint chief of staff and defense secretary. we will watch here for a few minutes and take you over to the tomb of the unknown soldier where president obama will take part in the annual wreath laying.
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>> heading over now to the tomb of the unknown soldier, getting ready for president obama's wreathlaying. a short distance away from the amphitheater.
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>> president obama has arrived and is being greeted by the host for today's observance. the honorable ashton carter, secretary of defense. general martin e dempsey chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, esther patrick k callahan, executive director arlington national cemetery. major general jeffrey s buchanan.
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