tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN June 9, 2015 11:00pm-1:01am EDT
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the chair: on this vote, the yeas are 212, the nays are 214. the amendment is not adopted. the unfinished business is the request for a recorded vote on the amendment offered by the gentleman from california, mr. peters, on which further proceedings were postponed and on which the ayes prevailed by voice vote. the clerk will redesignate the amendment. the chair: amendment -- the clerk: amendment offered by mr. peters of california.
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the chair: a recorded vote has been requested. those in support of the request for a recorded vote will rise and be counted. a sufficient number having risen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this will be a two-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the chair: on this vote the yeas are 241 the nays are 184678 one voting present. the amendment is adopted. the unfinished business is the request for a recorded vote on the amendment offered by the gentleman from california, mr. issa, and on which further proceedings were postponed, on which the noes prevailed by voice vote. the clerk will redesignate the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. issa of california. the chair: a recorded vote has been requested. those in support of the request for a recorded vote will rise and be counted. a sufficient number having risen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this will be a two-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the chair: on this vote, the yeas are 297. the nays are 129. the amendment adopted. -- is adopted. the clerk will read. the clerk: this act may be cited as the transportation, housing and urban development and related agencies appropriations act, 2016. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? >> i move that the committee do now rise and report the bill back to the house with sundry amendments and with the recommendation that the amendments be agreed to and that the bill as amended do pass. the chair: the question is on the motion that the committee rise. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the motion is adopted. accordingly the committee rises.
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the chair: madam speaker, the committee of the whole house on the state of the union, having had under consideration h.r. 2577, directs me to report the same back to the house with sundry amendments with the recommendation that the amendments be agreed to and that the bill as amended do pass. the speaker pro tempore: the chair of the committee of the whole house on the state of the union reports that the committee has had under consideration the bill h.r. 2577 and pursuant to house resolution 287 reports the bill back to the house with sundry amendments adopted in the committee of the whole. under the rule, the previous question is ordered. is a separate vote demanded on any amendment reported from the committee of the whole?
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if not, the chair will put them engross. the question is on the amendment -- on the adoption of the amendments. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the amendments are agreed. to the question is on engrossment and third reading of the bill. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. third reading. the clerk: a bill making appropriations for the departments of transportation and housing and urban development and related agenciers in fiscal year ending september 30, 2016, and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. for what purpose does the
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gentleman from maryland rise? >> i have a motion to recommit at the desk. the speaker pro tempore: is the gentleman opposed to the bill? >> i am opposed. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman qualifies. the clerk will report the motion. the clerk: mr. delaney of maryland moves to recommit the bill -- mr. delaney: i move to dispense with the reading. the speaker pro tempore: is there objection to the motion? objection, so ordered. the gentleman is recognized. mr. delaney: this bill will not send the bill back to committee. madam speaker, imagine if this congress was focused on how the forces of innovation and globalization were changing our economy and making it harder for our businesses to compete, large and small. madam speaker, imagine if this congress was focused on the fact that while we're creating jobs we're increasingly creating two types of jobs, high skilled jobs reserved for those with the best
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educations and low-skilled, low-paying jobs and increasingly, we're not creating middle skilled jobs, the kinds of jobs that supported people for decades. imagine if while the congress is -- if congress was focused on the fact that while the average income is going down, friction in their life is going up including that many of them have longer commutes commutes that are taking time away from their families and communities. if congress was focused on those three things it would quickly conclude that our top domestic priority should be increasing our investment in our infrastructure because this congress would understand that rebuilding america makes us more competitive. this congress would understand that a national infrastructure program is the best program to have because it creates good jobs and sound economics. and this congress would understand that better infrastructure improves the quality of life our constituents and because it's been so bipartisan for so many years, it
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could be something that unifies us and would understand that rebuilding america is not an expense but an investment and we would probably score it that way dynamically. but unfortunately, madam speaker that's not the congress we have here this evening. because we are doing precisely the opposite this evening and we are cutting our investment in infrastructure. . madam speaker, i'm optimistic. i'm optimistic that one day, hopefully soon, this congress can do something transformtific around infrastructure and rebuilding -- transformative around infrastructure and rebuild our country. i believe we can pay for it by breaking our broke -- by fixing our broken international tax system. but while we wait for that day to happen madam speaker we still should be doing smart and sensible things to improve our infrastructure. my amendment does that. my amendment increases funding for amtrak so they can better implement positive train
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control systems, which is technology that is proven to make commuter rail trains safer. the national transportation safety board has said that if this system was in place since 2004, we would have had 30 fewer accidents, including preventing that terrible tragedy that we all stood here and mourned about 30 days ago. in pennsylvania. so i ask my colleagues to support the amendment, to increase funding for amtrak so that they can better implement smart technology, the positive train control system. like most investments in infrastructure it's good for our constituents. in this case public safety. and it's also a good investment for our country. and i urge support of the democratic motion to recommit and i yield back, madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. please the chair asks that you
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take your conversations off the floor. for what purpose does the gentleman from florida rise? mr. diaz-balart: i rise in opposition to the motion to recommit. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. diaz-balart: madam speaker, this bill that is in front of us it funds programs that are the backbone of our economy. and the safety net of those who need it. these are issues that we must fund responsibly, adequately and on time. and this bill does precisely just that. it does so after a lengthy open process. it does so while looking at the individual issues one by one. i know some people like to criticize this congress. this is not the congress, this is not the congress, however, that made shovel-ready a joke phrase. this is the congress who wants to act responsibly.
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and this bill does just that. it makes the most of what we have. it makes the most of what we have in our coffers. it acknowledges that we just can't simply have everything that everybody wants at a time when we do have to pick priorities, where we have to spend responsibly. and wisely. this bill in front of us has no tax increases madam speaker. now, let's be very clear. fostering economic growth has always been a top priority in our appropriations bills. and this one is no different. you see, our businesses and communities rely on safe and efficient roads and rails and waterways and airways to facilitate the billions and billions of dollars of commerce that our economy depends on. so we choose to prioritize transportation and infrastructure projects that
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will help improve our nation as a whole, that will make traveling across the country easier and make no mistake, it will also make traveling across the country safer, a safer place to travel. madam speaker, from increasing funding for a critical -- for critical agencies like the f.a.a., the national traffic safety administration and the pipelines and hazardous materials administration, to providing the federal railroad administration with the resources it needs for its safety and research programs, this bill does not sacrifice safety in any way at all. in any shape or form. now madam speaker -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is correct. the house is not in order.
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the gentleman is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: thank you, madam speaker. madam speaker, you know the other primary responsibility of this bill is to provide for important housing programs. look -- it ensures that our vet veterans have access -- that our veterans have access to a program. it takes care of our most vulnerable citizens such as the elderly and people with disabilities. it does that. let me just briefly address the specifics of this motion. we have -- madam speaker we have -- the house is not in order, madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is correct. the house is -- will be in order.
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the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: madam speaker, thank you. as i was saying, let me just briefly address the specifics of this motion. you know we have already taken action on the floor to add $9 million to amtrak for inward facing cameras to improve the safety of amtrak's operation. but let me say something else. you know, we have spent literally hundreds of hours on this bill. we have done so in a bipartisan way. in an open way. we held six public hearings
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with agency and department heads, six public hearings. we considered amendments in committee and we have spent as all of you know, three days on the floor now and considered about 80 amendments on this bill. after three days. in an open transparent process. it has been an open and transparent process. we have taken amendments on this floor from both sides of the aisle. so, despite obviously budgetary constraints, this bill accomplishes all of what it should. we have worked hard at what we have to fund and we got it done in a smart purposeful responsible way. yes let me say something else
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that this congress is doing. we are making serious progress on our appropriations bills this year. we're moving ahead faster and through an open process faster than we have in many years. getting the necessary work done in a timely and open and responsible fashion. so now we have this motion to recommit. what does -- what is the purpose of this motion to recommit? why wasn't it done as an amendment during the three days when we were here? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. diaz-balart: i urge a in a vote and let's get this good -- i urge a no vote and let's get this bill passed on the floor. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the previous question is ordered. the question is on the motion to recommit. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it.
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>> i request a recorded vote, madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: a recorded vote is requested. all those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. a sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. pursuant to clause 8 and clause 9 of rule 20, this five-minute vote on the motion to recommit will be followed by five-minute votes on passage of the bill and agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal if ordered. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the chair: on this vote, the yeas are 181, the nays -- the speaker pro tempore: on this vote, the yeas are 181 the nays are 244. the motion is not adopted. the question is on passenger -- is on passage of the bill. under clause 10 of rule 20, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the unfinished business is the question on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal which the chair will put de novo. the question on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the journal stands approved. for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent that in the engrossed -- engrossment of h.r. 2577, the clerk be authorized to correct section numbers, punctuation and cross references and make such other technical and conforming changes as may be necessary to reflect the actions of the house in amending the bill including the changes now at the desk. the speaker pro tempore: the
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clerk will report the changes. the speaker pro tempore: in the amendment offered by mr. meehan of pennsylvania insert first before dollar, in the amendment by mr. burgess of texas, insert reduced by $4 million in the instruction reward -- regarding page 2 of line 13. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent that the clerk be authorized to make corrections in h.r. 22289 to make such technical ancon -- and conforming changes to accurately reflect the changes of the house including changing 13 to 14 in the ninth instruction of the amendment from mr. kohn naway of texas.
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the chair will now entertain requests for one-minute speeches. for what purpose does the gentleman from north dakota seek recognition? without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> big things are happening in matura, north dakota. the show known as the greatest show in the west is celebrating 50 years of entertaining and inspiring visitors while paying tribute to american values of family patriotism and faith in god and thoveg legacies of theodore roosevelt and harold schafer. madoro serveses a the gateway to theodore roosevelt national park who ranched the badlands of dakota territory before going back east refreshed and restored
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to accomplish big things. mr. cramer: tonight i'm grateful god gave us the badlands and theodore roosevelt and that he gave a dream to harry schafer and that the theodore roosevelt foundation keeps that dream alive today in beautiful north dakota. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the chair lays before the house the following personal requests. the clerk: leave of absence requested for mr. defazio of oregon for today. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the requests are granted. for what purpose does the gentleman from north dakota seek recognition? the question is on the motion to adjourn. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the motion is adopted. accordingly, the house stands adjourned until 10:00 a.m.
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suv and walked at the courthouse. he was very quiet, very subdued and in an efficient hearing. >> what was the demeanor? >> it was subdued is the best way to put it. he certainly did not look happy to be there by any stretch. he spoke quietly with attorneys. he was asked questions and answer them quietly. the whole thing to do but 20 minutes. he left the building without making any comment. >> a lot of questions as to whether or not this judge is in any way biased. what can you tell us about that? >> we knew going into this hearing that judge thomas jurgen
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had given a couple of relatively small political donations to the former speaker about a decade ago in 2002 and 2004. he addressed the matter at the hearing today. it was without prompting from either party. he left it up to the parties to decide if he was disqualified from serving as the judge in this proceeding. he said i don't believe i am conflicted, i believe i can rule impartially on this. but he understands there is a possible appearance of conflict and either party believes there is conflict, he is happy to step aside. he did not want the parties to make any decisions on that today. he said don't speak oin -- on
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this, just let me know by thursday. >> he did plead not guilty to those counts of fraud. mike the bonus -- debonis, what are the charges? >> one arcane financial charge, and one straightforward charge. the financial charge has to do with structuring of cash withdrawals to avoid bank reporting laws that put into place some years ago. when he was confronted about this by federal agents, according to the indictment, he lied and said he had made a comment suggesting he was taking
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the money for his own use because he no longer had fate in the banking system. the prosecutors allege that he was engaged in getting hot money to an unknown -- hush money to an unknown person. >> what kind of reaction did other reporters have? he was the longest-serving republican speaker at the height of power, and is now facing embarrassing stories? >> the reaction has been the will limit -- b wildermuth hash -- bewildermint. a pack of armadillos be involved in something so sordid, or unseemly. i think that continues to be the reaction, especially when the reporters who covered in
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washington. there was a queasiness factor that has not gone away. seeing him in person, and to see him in person and not get any kind of explanation, statement or narrative to explain the facts that were set out in the indictment. i think that has left the queasiness in. >> what do you expect the next? >> depending on how the paries handl -- parties handle this. either they decide there needs to be a new judge, in which kate a new one will be appointed. if the judges stays on, they will have a hearing and they will be required to appear and set pretrial motions and things like that. there is still for a much the possibility that there could be
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a plea deal at any point in the future. >> he was inside the federal courtroom in chicago. his reporting is available online. i give her much for being with us. >> thank you, steve, i appreciate it. >> president obama spoke in defense of his health care law. that is next. ben republican senator cassidy offers an alternative proposal to replace the affordable care act. the u.s. capitol received a bomb threat that caused the evacuation of an oversight committee. that hearing is later. on our next washington journal who will talk to cory gardner about what the senate is working on this week.
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then john garamendi to talk about the strategy to fight isis. washington journal live each morning at 7:00 a.m. you can join the conversation by phone, or facebook, or twitter. next, president obama talks about what he calls the successes of the affordable care act. he spoke to the catholic health association who supported the passage of the health care law. this is 25 minutes. [applause] president obama: thank you so much. everyone please have a seat. thank you so much. i don't know whether this is appropriate, on a big stage. it is true, i do.
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she is just wonderful. her dedication to doing god's work to serving the least of these. her strength, her steadfast voice, have been an inspiration to me. we would not have gotten affordable care act on if it were not for her. i want to thank the entire catholic health association for the incredible work you do. it is true, i am just saying. it is an honor to join you on your 100th anniversary of bringing hope, and healing to so many. i want to knowledge dignity health, and its ceo honored by the cap account association last night for his outstanding
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support to our efforts. yes then -- he has been a great friend. a great provider of care, and also recently raised its minimum wage. i want to thank secretary burwell, and the members of congress hit today because they have been -- here today because they have been doing extraordinary work. [applause] my first job in chicago -- i moved after college to work as a community organizer. my first job was funded by the campaign for human health. an anti-poverty initiative of the catholic church. my first office was at holy rosary church on the southside of chicago. you clap their, you should
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notice the holy rosary. the task was to work with faith and community leaders to bring the low income people together to stitch papers together -- neighborhoods together. the work was hard. there were times when it was dispiriting. we had plenty of setbacks, and times when i thought like wedding -- quitting, when i was wondering if the path that i chose was too hard. but i saw how kindness, and compassion, can change the ark of people's lives. a shared belief that every human being made in the image of god deserves to live in dignity. all children, no matter who they are, or where they come from, or how much money they are born
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into, ought to have the opportunity to achieve their god-given potential. we are all called to satisfy the demands of justice. at the time, when i had just moved to chicago he was an extraordinary man. he understood that part of that commitment to the dignity of every human being also meant that we had to care about the health of every human being. he articulated that, and the church articulated that as we moved at -- we moved at the state level.
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health care is not a privilege it is a right. that belief is that the heart of the mission. for decades, your member hospitals have been on the front lines, often serving the marginalized, and the vulnerable, and the sick. that belief is at the heart of why we came together. we came together to reform our health care system. to guarantee that every american has access to quality and affordable care. i am here today to say thank you for your tireless efforts to make reform a reality. without your commitment, without your moral force, we would not have succeeded. [applause] we would not have succeeded had it not been for you.
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and for the foundation you had laid. persimmon health care reform was not about making good on a campaign promise, it was in the wake of an economic crisis with a human toll. it was integral to restoring the basic promise of america. the notion that in this country if you work hard and take responsibility you can get ahead. you can make it if you try. everything we have done these past years to rebuild our economy on a new foundation, for rescuing our industry to be thinking the way we use energy. all of that has been in pursuit of the one goal. health care reform was a critical part of that effort. for decades a major barrier to
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economic justice was our health care system. it saddled our businesses with skyrocketing costs and made it hard to hire, or pay a good wage. it threatened our entire nations long-term prosperity. for hospitals like yours the fact that so many people did not have basic care meant you were scrambling every single day to try to figure out how to keep your doors open. leadership teddy roosevelt to ted kennedy wanted reform. for as long as that were americans who could afford decent health care, as long as there were people who had to choose between paying for medicine or paying for rent, as long as there were parents went
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to figure out what they could pay for a child's treatment, and beg for god's mercy as long as those things were happening america was not living up to our highest ideals. that is why providers, and faith leaders, called for expanding access to affordable care. every day, you saw the personal suffering of those who go without it. it seemd l -- seems like an inch amendable challenge. every time there was enough political will to alleviate the suffering whether under a democratic president, or a republican president, u.s. special interests keeping the status quo in place. each year the stakes got higher. by the time i took office,
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thousands of americans were losing their health insurance every single day. many people die each year because they do not have health care. many families who thought that coverage were driven into bankruptcy by out-of-pocket costs. tens of millions of our citizens had no coverage at all in this, the wealthiest nation on earth. despite being the only advanced economy without universal health care, our health care costs were the most expensive in the world with no slowing insight. that strained the budgets of families. we determined that we cannot keep kicking that can down the road and a longer. we cannot leave that problem for a lender -- another generation to solve. remember this was not easy. [laughter] there were those who thought health care reform is too messy
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and to politically risky. i had pollsters showing me 85% of folks have health care, so they were not incentivized to support it. you can skip hack -- scare the heck out of them, even if they were not satisfied with the system. all kinds of warning signs but how tough this was that politics. but for every politician who said we should wait, why rush, barely a day went by when i did not hear from hard-working americans who did not have a moment left to lose. these were men, and women from all backgrounds, all walks of life, all faiths. big cities, small towns, red states, blue states. people with coverage that turned out not to be there for them when they needed it. moms and dads desperately caring
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for a child with an illness. they were fearful that as a child that older what was their future going to be? they were not going to be able to get insurance. small business owners were forced to choose between ensuring their employees and keeping the open sign hanging in the window. every one of these tugged at me in a personal way. i remember my mother talking about how she would you with our finances when she was sick. i was reminded that the fear that michelle and i felt when our daughter was ill. we caught it only because we had a wonderful pediatrician, and regular care. we had never felt so scared in our lives. we were fortunate enough to have good insurance.
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i've -- i never looking around and wondering about the other parents in the room. they have no idea how to pay for this. what about those parents with kids with a chronic illness like asthma that to keep going back because they don't have a regular doctor. bills never stop coming. who will stand up for them? behind every single story with a single question, what kind of country do we want to be? are we a country defined by values that a access to health care is a commodity awarded to only the highest bidders? or by the valleys it's a health care is a fundamental right -- the values that say health care is a fundamental right. do we believe that in the greatest nation on earth everyone deserves to make what their lives but they want to be.
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the rugged individualism that defined america has always been bound by a shared set of values. an enduring sense that we are in this together, that america is not a place that we simply turn away from the sick, or turn our backs from the tired, or the poor, it is a place sustained by the idea that i am my brother's keeper. we have an obligation to put ourselves and our neighbors issues, and see our common -- neighbor's shoes and see our common humanity. after a year of sustained debate, we finally made health care reform a reality here in america. [applause]
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despite the constant predictions, the unending chicken little warnings, that somehow making health insurance easier to buy would lead to the end of freedom. it did not happen. none of the skin to pass. nearly one in three uninsured americans have already been covered. more than 60 million people. it drives health rates to its lowest level ever. [applause] on top of that, tented millions more enjoy protections.
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those 85% that have health insurance, they may not know that they have a better deal, but they do. americans can no longer be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions. from you having had cancer to you having had a baby. women cannot be charged more just for being a woman. [applause] that are no more annual caps on the care patients receive. medicare has been strengthened. we have added years to it's life. the financial difference for business owners trying to invest is real tube. health care prices have risen at the lowest rate in 50 years. employer premiums are rising at
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a rate tied for the lowest on record. the average family premium is $1800 lower today than it would have been. in the years to come countless americans who can now buy plans that are affordable will be free to chase that on ideas, on leash new enterprises knowing they will be able to buy health insurance. that security will not just be there for them, but for our kids. they can stay on our plans until they are 26, when it's on a family pregnancy will no longer count against them has a pre-existing condition. when a change jobs, or lose a job, or start a business, they will still be able to get good coverage.
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you will have that these of mine all the way until they retire. while we were told again and again that obamacare would be a job killer, amazingly enough, some critics still pedal this notion. america has experienced 63 straight months of private sector job growth. that started the month we passed the affordable care act. the longest streak on record. [applause] that adds up to 12.6 million jobs. the critics stubbornly ignore reality. in reality there is a self employed single mom of three who could not afford health insurance until reform passed. she was finally able to get a
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mammogram which to deck the early stages of breast cancer, and may have saved her life. that is the reality. not the mythology. in reality, there are parents whose autistic son cannot speak. they could buy an affordable secondary plan that chemotherapy now he can tell his parents that he loves them. that is the reality. [applause] in reality, there is a self-employed barber from tennessee who happens to be a republican. he cannot afford health insurance until our new marketplace opened up. once he bought a plan, he went to the doctor and was diagnosed with cancer. he would not have even known he was sick. he is now cancer free. so, five years in, what we are
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talking about is no longer just a law, or a theory. it is not just about the affordable care act, this is not about rumors, there is a reality that people on the ground are experiencing. their lives are better. this is now part of the fabric of how we care for one another. this is health care in america. what you get outside americans support this new reality. they like their reality.
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there were disrupted in the rollout. we can make it work even better. all the things we can do about the delivery system, reform, we have to protect the coverage that people have now. we need more governors to expand medicaid which was a central part of the plan. we have to continue to improve the quality, we know we can still bring down costs. none of this will be easy. nobody suggests that somehow our health care system is perfect will stop. it is serving so many more people so much better.
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we are not going to go backwards. there is something -- i have to say, deeply cynical about the ceaseless, and less, partisan attempts to roll back progress. i understood folsk being skeptic -- folks being skeptical before the law passed in the was no reality to examine. once you see millions of people having health care, once you see all the bad things that were predicted not happen, it will be time to move on. let us figure out how to make it better. it seems so cynical to want to take coverage away for millions of people. to take care away from people who needed the most. to punish millions, and unravel what is now been woven into the fabric of america. that cynicism flies in the face of our history.
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our history is one of each generation striving to do better than the last. as we will never go back to a time when seniors were allowed to languish in public -- poverty. there was a generation that did not have that guaranteed. we will not go back to a time when our citizens can be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition. when tens of millions of people cannot afford these and, that was not a better america. that is not freedom. the freedom to languish in illness, or to be bankrupt, that is not to we are. that is not what we are about. she suffers from osteoarthritis
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that was so severe it which are in a wheelchair. for years, she could not walk at all, and was in constant pain. through no fault of her own just life. without health insurance, it seemed that she might never live a life that was full. today, she is enrolled in affordable health coverage, and was able to replace her knee. she walks her dog, shops at the grocery store, gets to where doctors appointments. she could not be here today, but she recently wrote to me and said i walk and hold hands with my husband, and it is a whole new world for me. she could not do that for years. every day miracles happen in
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your hospitals. remaking her world did not require a miracle just that she had access to something that everyone has a right to expect -- which is health care costs. while there are outcomes we congratulate, the newly of -- number of newly insured families, those numbers all add up to success, but thrare -- there are outcomes that are harder to calculate. also, the security of a parent that can afford to take your kid to the doctor. or the dignity of a grandfather that get the preventative care that he needs. or the joy of a wife who thought she would never again hold her husband's hand.
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in the end, that is why you do what you do. isn't that what this is all about? is there any greater measure of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness than those simple pleasures that are afforded because you have good health? and you have some security? more than five years ago, i said that while i was not the first president to take up this cause, i was determined to be the last. now it is up to all of us the citizens in this room, and across the country, to continue to make the right to health care a right for all americans. if we keep working then, in the words of ted kennedy, that dream will be refilled -- fulfilled
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for generations to come. i could not a done it without you. god bless you all. [applause] thank you very much. >> freshman senator bill cassidy introduced in alternative gop health care plan in case they rule against the obama administration. this is 50 minutes. -- 15 minutes. senator bill cassidy: how are you? i'm good, thank you. clearly we are the cusp of a key decision. we will be introducing the patient freedom act. it is a republican response to a supreme court decision in favor of a plain reading of the law, which is that the subsidies that the obama administration has been giving to those on the
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exchanges should really only go to those who live in states in which there are state exchanges. i think it is wise to take a few minutes to review the current status of the law, then my reason and method by coming up with an alternative. i will discuss that alternative and take whatever questions you have. i saw the latest poll, the popularity of the law is down to 39%. it is important to ask why. i would argue that it is coercive. it is not an american value to be told what to do by the american government. or that you will be punished if you don't bent to their will. americans don't like that. we are about freedom, not being told what to do. second, there is the cost of the bill. the president likes to conflate health care cost, with premiums. there is a graph that shows before the health care law passed the rise of health care cost was decreasing.
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there is no connection between health care costs and premiums. premiums continue to rise while health care costs stay flat. that began in 2009. what we've seen is in the health care law has disconnected health care cost from premium cost, which is to say that now health insurance companies have a lot more expenses aside from the care of patients. that is a very bad side effect. i had some headlines which a thing i have now misplaced, but in there it speaks of -- it quotes you. it quotes you as to the latest set of premium increases that have been announced for this coming insurance year. in some places, it is as high as 60%, routinely over 10%. all commonly heard.
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this has resulted in those who are not receiving a subsidy to be unable to afford insurance. we should point out that the insurance that many people are buying have $6,000 deductibles. let me transition to the way i started my alternative. i had been working in hospitals for the last 25 years. i have a small private practice, but i still see patients. i had to step out of a policy lunch to take a phone call. it is something i have lived. you find women make most of the decisions regarding health care, number one. number two, they will tell you the values of the pocketbook are intertwined with what they wish to do with the health. women are upset. they have found, as one woman told me, three years ago i was
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paying $12,000 a year for a policy for my husband, myself and my two sons. now i am paying $22,000 year. it is now that my husband, and myself. they fact-checked us, and found that we were absolutely right. she went on to say that she is 57, her husband is 58. unless her name was sarah, and his was abraham, they did not need some services. what we've seen is at the cost of premiums have risen not for that which directly relates to the care of that particular patient, or even reflective of their will, rather something that a washington bureaucrat has told them they have to have. working in a hospital for the uninsured, i've found that liver pays the bill has the power. -- whoever pays the bill has the
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power. if the patient has the power the system aligns to serve her. if it is a bureaucrat, the system aligns to serve whatever the bureaucrat thinks the patient's needs. in our patient freedom act, we give power to the patient. let me go over what we are doing with this. we give power to the patient. we begin to do that by lowering cost. with lower cost by repealing the individual, and the employee mandates. and, we give credits to the states, which the patient will receive. this is patterned after indiana. they set up hsa's where they can
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purchase services. she can use it to purchase insurance, or contact a physician. if she does nothing, the state would have the option to arrange it so that the patient is enrolled unless the patient chooses not to be. we think by this you end up with about 95% enrollment. you do this without mandates and without penalties, consistent with american values, also consistent with the values i have is a physician. which is that everyone should access to care. we believe she will have access to care. we repeal the mandates, we turn jurisdiction over health insurance back to the states who had it all the way up to 2009. we allow those close to the patient to decide what the patient needs to have.
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it is a principle that he or she who governs best governs closer to those governed. lastly, we get the patient the power to change plans -- portability. lastly, we get for the power of price transparency. nirvana for me would be that if the doctor ordered a ct scan the mom can take her smartphone, scan a barcode, oh, it costs $250 here, or more over here and the quality is the same. i will go to the place were cost me $250. i chose those two numbers because the los angeles times had an article he couple years ago, a shout out to anybody who is from the times, which is the cost of a ct scan in the l.a. area varied between $250, and $2500.
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we want power to go to the patient. price transparency gives her that power. by the way, price transparency also lowers cost. i have children, my wife buys his jeans, she makes a calculation between quality, convenience, and price. we want the same when it comes to health care. that said, i will take any questions. >> will the alternative include birth-control coverage? senator bill cassidy: if they are enrolled in this plan, they will have a catastrophic policy, a health savings account, and a pharmacy plan. it will be up to the states to decide which of these comprises. but you will also have a health savings account.
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you can get birth-control pills through a public health unit for five dollars a month. she will have the option, even if it is not on our pharmacy plan, she has the power. she can purchase it elsewhere. >> under the affordable care act it is required that all forms of birth control are covered by the insurance company. senator bill cassidy: the states will have control over the insurance market. >> if the plan goes through? senator bill cassidy: the states have control over the insurance market. >> it is just a yes or no question. senator bill cassidy: i'm answering it, perhaps you don't understand. the states have control. if they want to have the coverage, they will get it. >> if they wish to purchase that? senator bill cassidy: if they wish to have it, they will get it.
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that will be between she who is governed and those who govern. we do not think it was a one-size-fits-all that comes out of washington, d.c. we think that the patients of the right to speak to her elected representatives on a state level to decide the benefit packages. >> do you think they should be required -- senator bill cassidy: it does not matter what i think. >> you are introducing a bill. senator bill cassidy: we do not have kings. we do not able to dictate for everyone. what we have is a pluralistic system which, on a federal basis, the people were governed have the right to advocate for the laws they wish to have. if you will, there will be a lot of things i'd like to have. i am not the autocrat. i and the person that returns the power. that power will go back to the state insurance commissioner.
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you cannot have it both ways. >> would people in different states be subject to different taxes? if a state chooses to opt out? senator bill cassidy: theoretically, there only a resident in one state right? it is focused on was a million people. states would of the option of either setting up for obamacare, which they are ready have the option for. they could do nothing, and every thing goes away. we believe in the 10th amendment that the states should have the right. lastly, to elect the patient freedom act in which you would do away with penalties. in that regard, yes. those who adopt the act would not be subject to the penalties and mandates. which, by the way, is something i think recommends adoption.
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>> but with those taxes be applied? would federal taxes be applied unevenly? senator bill cassidy: all i can say is that you could argue that already happened. under medicaid, there are some states that think other states do not have. it is not unprecedented. >> question about the politics. you describe this as a conservative plan. as far as i can see, there are no democratic cosponsors. if you play it out to the end, something like this is unlikely to be signed by the president. so can it be said that you are actually dealing with the practical problem of what happens. since this plan enjoys no democrat support?
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senator bill cassidy: i think it would be naive to expect them to make a commitment. number two, this contest the reconciliation. to suggest that it cannot pass is a wrong suggestion. lastly, i will also point out that it is not my responsibility, or any other senators, to guarantee the president signed a law. it is our responsibility to put forward good public policy. good public policy that protects those who the illegal implication of a law quite likely will harm, that replaces something that is intensely unpopular, and is driving up health care costs, with something that more reflects american values. it gives the american people a contrast. they are coercive, the obama administration wants to tell us
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what to do. this is something that gives me the power. at that point, i have to leave it up to the president to make his own decision. whether he prefers to work with the american people. >> what are the amounts? alito suggested they may put a stay upon the limitation of it. it will be included that there is a sense of senate that those currently receiving subsidies would be held harmless. senator bill cassidy: i am a doc, and i will first say that if that patient is in the middle of chemotherapy, she will be harmless. we do not know how it will come out from the supreme court. they may put a stay upon the
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implementation of the law and subsidies, and you have to adapt. but that is pretty easy to add on. we think we can do that. maybe one more? you will be the last. >> following up, if they do knocked out the subsidies, what is your plan. senator bill cassidy: we would hold those folks harmless who are currently unable to afford obamacare unless they can for subsidies. we will hold harmless. that is pretty easy to add on. >> what would you do? senator bill cassidy: you can add on some sort of legislation. this is about what we replace obamacare with. there are others, including leadership, who will address the issues of those losing
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subsidies. we can marry that legislation on with what we have. what we have is that which replaces that portion that would be repealed by the supreme court decision. >> you have an opinion? senator bill cassidy: they should be held harmless, absolutely. i think we are going over the same territory. thank you all very much, i appreciate it. >> sylvia burwell testify tomorrow about the supreme court case in health care law. we will have live coverage starting at 10:00 a.m. on c-span3. a senate panel holds a meeting on automated robo calls targeted
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at senior citizens. that starts in 2:30 eastern. the u.s. capitol received a bomb threat that caused the evacuation of an oversight hearing. that hearing is next. then the rules committee debate spending. >> like many of us, most families take vacation time. a good read can be the perfect companion for your summer journeys. what better book than one that tears inside the life of every first lady and american history. the lives of iconic american women, inspiring stories of fascinating women who survived the scrutiny of the light -- the
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white house. through your favorite bookstore, or online bookseller. >> a recent government investigation revealed that transportation security failed to find fake explosives during internal tests. tsa, and homeland security officials testify. this hearing was interrupted because of a bomb threat. >> good morning. we will come to order. we will welcome our witnesses. you are very thoughtful. we looking forward to your written testimony and/or oral testimony. this hearing is necessary. i think it is unfortunate that
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some information was leaked prior to our ability to come to the analyzer. we want to make sure that as we are asking questions that we do not reveal classified information. the fact of the matter is if it will solve any problems we have to recognize the reality. we have to describe it. the purpose of any hearing is that in the end, following the hearing, every member of the audience takes the first step towards solving any problems -- that includes admitting we have one. i have been thinking about the struggles of tsa since it was first established. understanding that it has two missions, and they are completely contradictory.
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on the one hand, we're looking for 100% security. that is in all public transportation. on the other hand, we are looking for complete efficiency. it is an indoor miss task -- enormous task. i have to commend you for your attendance and taking a hard look at this. investigations are appropriate. we are finding out that confident three-goal -- contradictory goal means we are not meeting those goals. i have >> i have had some pretty serious discussions and i have
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asked them to completely analyze the problem, start taking outside of the box. we need to look at more effective solutions and we have to start prioritizing what can we do that will improve security in the most effective way. the example i would use is, after 9/11, the simplest solution is to write us -- brightest security so that the doors will be lots to things like flying into the world trade center. a create some unintended consequences without solution print this is an enormously complex and difficult issue, we need to approach the solution soberly and honestly. i would like to asked -- asked unanimous consent to allow my
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opening statement to enter the record. i want to allow jason of -- jason harrington, he was unable to make it because of an illness. he worked at o'hare airport and i asked -- ask unanimous consent to enter his information as well. the tsa is comprised of 46,000 officers and 26% of that is veterans. tsa screens nearly 2 million people each day. to mailing -- 2 million people each day nearly 600 million a year. that is an enormous challenge grant they were checked bags. the tsa used more than the 700
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advanced image technology machines. they are responsible for the security of 25,000 domestic flights per day. 2500 outbound flights per day. it also secures 4 million miles of roadways, railroad tracks, bridges and tunnels, 350 maritime ports, and pipeline. it is an enormous challenge. we need to recognize that reality and take a look at this problem as one that is a significant challenge and talk about it as honestly as possible. with that i will turn it over to senator carper. senator carper: thank you for your attendance, preparation and your willingness to respond to our questions. whew -- federal agencies
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interact with the american people on a daily basis than does the tsa. men and women who work there have a difficult, but extremely important job. last month i spoke on the senate floor about two women who have dedicated their lives to keeping our aviation system and user secure by working for the tsa. one of these two women was shot in the line of duty. she showed up for work the very next day or it every day, these women and their colleagues thousands of them around the country work in a challenging environment to keep our systems safe and for those that use it safe and secure. we don't do enough to acknowledge that and to thank them for when they do their jobs well. that is almost all the time. i believe it is important for us to recognize exemplary performance when it is done.
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this committee also has an obligation to exercise our oversight responsibilities when performance falls short of that standard. thank you to our witnesses, we have been alerted to a number of instances where performance by tsa appears to have been disappointing and even troubling . yesterday for example, we learned from the end -- hs inspector general that 73 individuals had possible links to terrorism and have been given credentials to access secure areas of airports fred last week we learned of significant vulnerabilities at passenger screening checkpoints, uncovered by the specter general. reported failure to detecting prohibited items are more than troubling, they are unexceptional. i look forward to reviewing the departmental -- department of homeland security's full report later this month. that said, i am encouraged by the swift action taken by the
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secretary of homeland security to address the findings. since 2011, transit agency security administration has transferred from a one-size-fits-all screening philosophy to one more risk-based or it that approach is designed to allow tsa to deploy limited resources to the areas where we face the greatest threat. however as the inspector general has identified, such a swift transition may have created world abilities -- vulnerabilities for it. i think the chairman and staff for working so quickly and cooperating with my staff so that we can move the -- nomination to tomorrow. with that, we look forward to the testimony, think the witnesses were appearing and grateful to the current front-line employees that have joined us today.
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i will close with one last personal thought. my father used to drive my sister and i crazy growing up. he said the same things over and over again. one of these things he said is if a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well. he said that they be thousands of times. out of that i took this lesson, we should be focused on perfection. we'll never get there, that should be the goal. it isn't perfect, we need to make it better. clearly, some things are going on at the tsa that are far from perfection. our job is to help them get closer to that goal. thank you so much. >> thank you. i would only add to get perfection is through continuous improvement. it is the tradition of this committee to swear and witnesses. so if you all stand and raise your right hand.
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do you swear the testimony you will give will be the truth the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you god. thank you and be seated. our first witness is mr. rock. he is the inspector general for the department of homeland security. prior to serving as inspector general, he served in the office of criminal investigations of the food and drug administration. inspector general roth. general rock: -- general: thank you for inviting me here today to discuss tsa's programs. before discussing tsa's challenges, i would like to acknowledge the whistleblowers. we are grateful when employees are willing to step forward to identify problems within the agency.
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whistleblower disclosures have saved lives as well dollars. whistleblowers play a crucial role in keeping our department efficient and accountable. we review over 16,000 complaints per year, more than 300 per week, to better understand and respond to potential waste fraud, and abuse in the programs. with regard to tsa, we face a classic asymmetric threat in attempting to secure our transportation systems. tsa cannot afford to miss a single, genuine threat without potential catastrophic consequences. yet a terrorist only needs to get it right twice -- once. the thousands of officers conduct tedious tasks that require constant vigilance. complacency can be a huge detriment to the mission. ensuring consistency across dhs's largest workforce which challenge even the best organizations. unfortunately although nearly 14 years have passed since tsa's
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inception, we remain deeply concerned about its ability to execute its important mission. since 2004 we have published more than 115 audit about the operations. we have issued recommendations and attempts to improve effectiveness. we have conducted a series of covert penetration tests. essentially testing tsa to see if we could secure -- access secure areas. we identified vulnerabilities caused by human and technology-based failures trade i am aware of the media reports regarding our most recent testing. although the details of those tests are classified, and i will not be able to speak the specifics of them, i welcome the opportunity to brief numbers of this committee and staff in a and -- and close setting. we have also reported on the
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acquisitions. our audit results show that tsa faces significant challenges in contracting for goods and services are despite spending billions on aviation security technology artest have yielded no results of improvement. we have examined the approach to risk-based screening. while we at applaud the concept our inspections have can -- uncovered significant vulnerabilities. we have deep concerns regarding the manner in which tsa manages this risk. this includes managing collusion, and expedited screening to those who are not part of pre-check, and the administration of the pre-check program itself. we have also examined the performance of the workforce largely a function of who is hired, and how they are trained in managed print our audits have repeatedly found that human error, often a simple failure to follow protocol every time poses
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significant motor abilities. -- vulnerabilities. we have also looked at how tsa buys equipment and have found challenges. these weaknesses have a real and negative impact on transportation security as well. tsa has taken some steps to implement our recommendations and address security on our abilities. nevertheless, some problems continue to persist. many issues are well within its control. sound planning and strategies for efficiently acquiring using, and maintaining screening equipment for example, would go a long way. tsa needs to have a better understanding of the limitations of its technology, and develop strategies to counter those limitations. better training and better management of tso's would help mitigate the effects of human error, although it never eliminated, could be reduced. the tsa focus on management
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practices, and oversight of the workforce would help enhance security as well as customer service. mr. chairman, this concludes my prepared statement. i am happy to take questions you or other members of the committee may have. senator johnson: our next witness is rebecca wiring. during her 25 years of government service, this roaring has also served me federal aviation administration as a federal air marshal. mrs. roaring. >> thank you for inviting me here today to discuss important security concerns. the mission of tsa is to ensure the freedom of movement -- movement for people in commerce. it is also the mission to protect the traveling public against terrorist attacks read the ability of tsa to execute
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its mission has been called into question by many oversight group read my testimony today will focus on a number of the security concerns that result in vulnerabilities and morale issues across the workforce. tsa has hired into leadership positions, a number of former airline kit -- executives and others who place more emphasis on customer service then security. anyway time deemed by excessive requires reporting, analysis and action. conversely, the local monthly testing of officers to determine vulnerabilities of weapons is not the same. there is a basic remedial training before the office may return to duty. i tsa officer may never be subjected to a covert tests based on current volume of the test each month, when it
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resources, and the volume. this lack of ridge -- realistic testing on a regular basis leads to the. it is not until recently, the detection rates of iuds has become a topic of discussion. this is a result of covert testing at numerous airports, identifying detection rates. readership recognize that for detection rates are in part related to the poor more all that exist across the workforce spread the 2014 federal employee viewpoint survey resulted in them getting the lowest ratings in a government agency and tsa receiving more than their low share of marx. we survey demonstrated that while the front line employees felt strongly that there was important, they felt devalued. it is a challenging position. a culture of fear and distrust has been created, also impacting
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morale. this is clearly documented in the results of the survey. equally as troubling are the security gaps associated with the tsa pre-check program. while a risk-based approach is essential, tsa has expanded pre-check to large populations of passengers who have not enrolled in, or paid for the program. in the fall of 20 14, expressed my concerns to my leadership as well as the tsa office of inspections. i later reported this to be office of special counsel. my allegations were since -- substantiated by the inspector general and a report -- in a report entitled security enhancements. tsa is handing out pre-check status like halloween candy in an effort to expedite passengers as quickly as possible. the tsa pre-check enrollment
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program did not meet the expectations in terms of volume, therefore pre-check rules keep expanding is a matter of efficiency, even though the agency is well aware of the risks. as documented in recent reports insider threat continues to present a security concern for the nation's airport. although some screening is conducted on checked baggage is and passengers, there are other employees who have access to sterile areas of the airport who are subjected to only criminal history checks and security threat assessments. this group has unimpeded access to aircraft. it was discovered that some of these employees later traveled to syria to fight for isis. tsa has increased the use of playbook teams with the use -- focus on insider threat. many locations and in my experience, the director is reluctant to initiate enforcement action against
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carriers. a conflicts of interest exists when the fst relies on certain services, and on the other hand has responsibility for the regulatory program. additionally transportation security inspectors are being used by the fst to provide a warm -- wide range of duties not related to the core functions. such duties include moving bends and conducting audits of universal enrollment facilities to determine such items as whether it or not there is so open the restrooms or of the staff is friendly. these audits should be done by a contracting officer rather than regulatory inspectors. dhs should reconsider the reporting structure to eliminate any potential conflicts. tsa uses prohibit all practices to pressure employees to resign. when allegations of misconduct
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occur by employees in certain positions, the fst must river the -- or for the allegations to the office of inspection. if they do investigate, they send criminal investigators to conduct an investigation of even minor matters. it is a waste of taxpayer dollars to use criminal investigators to conduct routine administrative investigations. in conclusion, the culture that exist at tsa is one of fear and distrust. while they cannot control all the risks with aviation security, leadership of the agency is a -- is in a position to impact change. better training and management of the workforce would result an improvement in morale, and detection rates. if an employee feels valued, the metrics will reflect this. tsa should eliminate security gaps created by risk assessment rolls of pre-check and dhs should reconsider the reporting structure for inspectors.
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mr. chairman, this concludes my prepared statement. i welcome any questions from you or any other members. chairman: thank you. mr. mclean as our next witness. he is a irrational who blew the whistle about potential safety concerns regarding the tsa plan to alter schedules. he was fired by tsa for disclosing the sprint he was originally -- eventually reinstated. he is currently a federal air marceau -- air marshal based in los angeles. mr. mclean: thank you. it is a great honor to be here. due to my 12 year case that finished before the supreme court four years ago, and my role as a national whistleblower liaison, dozens of tsa federal air marshals come to me with their concerns about aviation security threats.
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this is a huge responsibility. the public wants to continue and join the great privilege and miracle of flying on jetliners. they are tired of complaints and what their tax money spent wisely. the 9/11 attacks should have proved how volatile it is inside a crowded, rasterized, then to traveling 500 miles an hour, 40,000 feet up in the sky. air marshals most common concern, improvised explosive devices, bonds -- bombs. if a group that slot into it, it is easy to sneak explosives in.
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cargo includes food drink condiments, cooking oil, cleaning products, and all of the packaging that goes with it. you also have all of the dense stacks of newspapers magazines and books, this mountain is nowhere near getting the screening of passengers are getting. a bomb smuggler will hide a needle in a hay wagon. one remedy, take more tso's off checkpoints. get exhausted air marshals get out of airline shares, and deploy them in the bowels of airports to do traditional foot patrol. when i flew missions, i desperately tried to find that terrorist. instead i disrupted three illegal alien smuggling operations purely because of my experience learning the mundane or teens of the traveling -- public, building rapport with the airport workers and authorities, knowing the area
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and reading faces area -- faces. tsa pre-check, with improvements should be expanded. it should be free of charge. more people in pre-check frees up resources to focus on attackers. i would like to see tso's roaming airports with mobile pre-check application kits and soliciting passengers during her delays. we need to have more faith in human intelligent -- intelligence gathering, and intuition of officers. in order to get them on the ground, you need to secure the cockpit. every flight deck should have a modified shotgun with emergency lock switches. shotgun pellets are ideal because the primary c concern -- primary concern is to stop an attacker. a shotgun pellet would not harm passengers or the aircraft.
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the group of pilots that use their own funds to travel to new mexico used once again, this is highly unlikely. but it's possible. armed pilots are not allowed to carry pistols on international flights due to restrictive handgun laws in foreign country, but a shotgun to stop one or two hijackers trying to break into the cockpit from one foot away it is an extreme hazard whenever a pilot opens the flight deck door to use the hraf tory or get food and drink. ot opens the door to get food or drink and an amped up could dive inside. secondary barriers ten horizontal cables attached to a pole that could be stretched across and locked in place. this
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