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tv   House Session  CSPAN  June 10, 2015 5:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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ranking member visclosky star-based inspires america's youth to discover technical career fields that's imperative during this time of economic recovery, we cannot lose this battle and concede our technical edge to the rest of the world. i urge my colleagues to support this amendment. . i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman rise? >> i reluctantly rise to oppose the amendment. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. frelinghuysen: unfortunately, once again, the president's fiscal year 2016 budget did not support the program. there was no funds requested. as a result, the committee provided an additional $5 million in fiscal year 2016 to restore funding for the program. however, i can't support an amendment that would cut the
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army's operations and maintenance accounts to pay for it. this account provides funding for critical train operations, maintenance and readiness programs. after other a decade of war, restoring readiness is one of the key objectives of our bill this year. we need to have soldiers who are ready and able to respond to contingency. it's a top priority in our bill for the army and for us. while i appreciate the gentleman's intent, i cannot support his amendment, reluctantly, and i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the sque on the amendment offered by the gentleman from california. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. the amendment is not agreed to. >> i request a recorded vote. the chair: pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, the proceedings will be postponed.
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clerk will read. loip page 8 ryan -- the clerk: page 8, line 3. operation and maintenance marine corps, $5,338,793,000. operation and maintenance, air force. $36,094, 484,000. operation and maintenance, defense-wide, including transfer of funds $30,182,187,000. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from arizona seek recognition? >> i have an amendment at the desk, 107. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. gosar of arizona. page 9, line , after the dollar amount, insert reduced by $3,200,000. page 12, line 17, after the
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dollar amount insert increased by $2,000,000. the chair: pursuant to the rule the gentleman from arizona and a a member opposed each will control five minutes. the gentleman is recognized. mr. gosar: i rise today to raise funds for a worthwhile program that secure ours state of -- our southern border. in arizona, we are under attack. it's a route for the black market. drug -- drugs money, guns and people are smuggled over the border. once the smugglers make it to interstate 10 in tucson, they can make it to los angeles and beyond. the guard the southwest border has bipartisan support, even president obama has supported this. since 2001, congress has
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authorized support. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman seek recognition? >> i rise to ask which of the three amendments i have before me is the one we are now considering in the house of representatives? the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. gosar of arizona. page 9, line , after the dollar amount, insert reduced by $3,200,000. page 12, line 17 theambing dollar amount, insert increased by $3 million. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. mr. gosar: since 1981, congress has authorized military support to civilian law enforcement agencies and those narrow authorizations are described in chapter 10 of the united states code. in some, they support law enforcement efforts but do not direct them. finally, i will remind my colleagues that a similar amendment was offered last year
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by the gentleman from colorado, mr. lamborn, and the amendment was accepted by voice vote. this amendment today seeks to achieve the same goal. the amendment is offset by a reduction to the defense-wide operations and maintenance account, a $30.2 billion account. arizona, california, new mexico and texas are all struggling. they are in desperate need of expertise and support at our southwestern border. if you support efforts to secure the border and interdict smuggling, you should support this amendment. i thank the chairman for his tireless efforts to prioritize resources in this bill and i reserve. the chair: the gentleman from arizona reserves. for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? >> i rise to support the bill and --
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mr. frelinghuysen: i understand the gentleman from arizona has firsthand nong of the value of the southwest border mission and i support his amendment. the chair: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from arizona. mr. gosar: i thank the chame for accepting and i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman yields back. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from arizona. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? >> i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. pascrell of new jersey, page 9, line 6 after the dollar amount insert reduced by $5500,000, increase by $5,500,000. the chair: pursuant to the rule the gentleman from new jersey and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the gentleman is recognized for five minutes.
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mr. pascrell: i thank chairman frelinghuysen and ranking member visclosky for providing $200 million for suicide prevpblgs outreach programs above the amount requested by the president. i'm offering this amendment with my colleagues pallone smith, lobiondo garrett, norcross and watson-coleman to continue support for the successful, confidential peer-to-peer vets for warriors program. a pentagon funded call center funded by rutgers university that provides troops struggling with depression and other psychological and emotional concerns to be supported by veterans. despite the troubling increase in active duty military suicides after 9/11, the defense department announced it would stop funding the vets for warriors program which has provided valuable assistance to reduce these incident. through vets for warriors, service members have been able to find confidential assistance from peers through shared lived
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experiences and quickly connect and listen in highly effective ways. since december, 2011, mr. speaker, the program has had over 130,000 contacts. the defense department's plan to integrate these services into the military one source without a public process, we know that many service members are reluctant to contact superiors for assistance with mental health situations. military one source is only available to veterans and their families within 180 days after leaving the service. the vets for warriors provides a deep place for veterans to seek help outside the defense department. we believe removing funding for this program is shortsighted and this move will result in the layoff of possibly 30 -- of approximately 30 well trained veterans who have been providing
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services around the clock. we want to fully fund the program to ensure our troops receive the best mental health resources available. thank you and i reserve. >> will the gentleman yield? mr. pascrell: i will. mr. frelinghuysen: i rise in support of the amendment, i'm particularly shocked that they would close this. it falls into the category of what were they thinking? we appreciate your standing on the floor and the gentleman in front me needs to claim time. the chair: does the gentleman claim time? the gentleman from new jersey yield to the gentleman from new jersey? the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. >> thank you, mr. pascrell, for your leadership on this issue.
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i thank chairman frelinghuysen and it's due to chairman frelinghuysen's leadership on this issue that we stand well-equipped to keep our nation safe and secure. mr. lance: the vets for warriors program has saved lives in new jersey. their peers offer support and a friendly ear at a time when it matters most. their voices of encouragement, friendship and support on the other end of the telephone remind our brave heroes of their great potential the love of a grateful nation and what they can accomplish in their lives. the program has been proven effective. thousands of veterans have received critical care and assistance. it works and should be maintained. the statistics on veterans' suicide are heartbreaking. the programs like vets for warriors are the types of efforts that we can implement to make a lasting difference. i thank lloyd dean of bridgewater new jersey, in the
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district i serve, for his support and leadership in this area and for fighting for this program and for being a great friend and resource to other veterans and i urge adoption of the amendment. thank you very much. the chair: does the gentleman yields back? mr. lance: i yield back to the -- to mr. pascrell. the chair: the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pascrell: thank you mr. speaker. i leaf it in your hands now. the chair: does the gentleman yields back? mr. pascrell: yes. the chair: the gentleman yields back. does any member rise in opposition to the amendment? the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from new jersey. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. for what purpose does the gentleman from arizona seek recognition? >> i have an amendment, number 104, at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by
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mr. gosar of arizona, page 9, line 6 after the dollar amount, insert reduced by $1,500,000. page 36, line 1 after the dollar amount insert increased by $1,500,000. page 36, line 2 after the dollar amount, insert increased by $1500,000. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman seek recognition? mr. frelinghuysen: i reserve a point of order on the amendment. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentleman from arizona and a member opposed each will control five minutes. mr. gosar: thank you mr. chairman. i too am offering an amendment to boost our veterans' suicide prevention programs. i rise to offer an amendment for support for suicide prevention for our veterans. post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries have been causing problems for
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veterans. with an average of 18 to 21 veterans' suicides per day, more resources are desperately needed. d.o.d. is already an expansive bureaucracy and i commend them for providing appropriate level that are lower than those in fiscal year 2015. my amendment takes a relatively small amount if that account, $1.5 million out out of a $30.2 billion budget. the nonpartisan congressional budget office says the amendment would have no impact on the budget authority or outlay. too many of our men and women in uniform are struggling with traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of serving in combat. if you support improved mental health for service members you should support this amendment. this will help prevent suicide amongst our troops and ensure they're getting the help they need. i ask my colleagues to support this amendment and thank the chairman and ranking member for their time. with that, i reserve. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey
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seek recognition? mr. frelinghuysen: i strongly admire the gentleman from arizona for his advocacy on behalf of suicide prevention, it's very needed, but i do insist on my point of order. the chairman of the amendment proposes to amend portions of the bill not yet read. the amendment may not be considered en bloc under clause 2-f of rule 21 because the amendment proposes to increase a level of outlays in the bill. i ask for a ruling from the chair. the chair: does any other member wish to be heard on the point of order? if not, the chair is prepared to rule. to be considered en bloc pursuant to clause 2-f of rule 21, an amendment must not propose to increase the levels of budget authority or outlays in the bill because the amendment offered by the gentleman from arizona proposes a net increase in the level of outlays in the bl, as argued by the chairman of the subcommittee on appropriations, it p not avail itself of clause 2-f to address portions
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of the bill not yet read. the point of order is sustained. the amendment is not in order. for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition? >> mr. chairman, i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. delaney of maryland. page 9, line 6 after the dollar amount -- insert the follow, redeuce by $7,463,000. page 4, line 16, insert the following, increase by $5 million. . the chair: the chair recognizes the gentleman from maryland. mr. delaney: thank you, mr. chairman. yumeds. the chair: the gentleman from maryland is recognized -- delaydelay thank you, mr. chairman. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the chair: the gentleman from maryland is recognized.
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mr. delaney: my program fisher house, reduces the operation andaintenance account by $5 million. mr. chairman, the fisher house is a very successful and very well regarded nonprofit with a singlemission which is to prove free housing and lodging to families of veterans and the facilities are located near veterans hospitals and military hospitals and v.a. facilities. and the purpose of this housing is to allow the families of veterans to be with their loved ones, the service man or woman who served our couny and are receiving medical karat one of our facilities. mr. -- medical care at one of our facilities. mr. chairman, we know how important it is for our veterans when they're receiving care incurred to the service of our great nation for them to have their families with them. the fisher house has been in
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business for 25 years and they've been a proven and exceptional sward of taxpayer money. they operate 65 facilities all around the country. again these facilities are near military hospitals or veterans facilities. theyperate to a very high standard. they have a deep pipeline of new facilities that they want to build. unfortunately, there's a great need for these facilities which is why we're proposing to increase their funding from $5 million to $10 million. i've introduced this amendment for the past three years. it has enjoyed bipartisan support. it has the support of the gentlelady from michigan who i'd like to recognize for two minutes. the chair: the gentlelady from michigan is recognized for two minutes. mrs. dingell: thank you, mr. delaney. i want to thank him for his support on this critical important issue. i rise in strong support of this amendment. for many years i've worked with hospitalized veterans and their families who've often had to travel far from home to get
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treatment and seen what the fisher houses have done. the fisher house foundation does wonders in being a home away from home during very difficult times for our veterans and their families. as congress continues to address veterans' issues, it's critical that their families have support systems in place and a safe place to stay while the veterans are receiving treatment. we should be building more fisher houses across the country. we're currently trying to put one in michigan, and as i explored that public-private partnership, discovered that there's more than a five-year wait for communities in that pipeline. this bill isn't a silver bullet but it would help reduce that time line. i want to thank my good friend, congressman delaney, for his leadership on this issue, and i urge all members to support this bipartisan amendment that helps veterans and their families. i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentlewoman from michigan yields back the balance of her time. the gentleman from maryland.
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mr. delaney: i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? mr. frelinghuysen: i rise time in opposition but in fact -- the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. frelinghuysen: to say i support the bill and the fisher foundation does incredible work and both of my predecessors, mr. murtha and mr. young, were strong supporters. just for the record our bill already includes an additional $5 million for the department to -- as a grant to fisher house -- to the fisher house foundation and allows each service to transfer up to $11 million for fisher house operations. so each of our services recognizes the incredible private contribution and also the u.s. taxpayer contribution. and i yield back the balance of my time, but i support the amendment. the chair: the gentleman from new jersey yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from maryland is recognized. mr. delaney: i want to thank the chairman for supporting
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once again thank him for his singular leadership and insight of the fisher house program and i urge my colleagues to support this amendment so that we can build, as the gentlelady from michigan said, more fisher house facilities to allow the family members of our veterans to be with them at this great time of need. so thank you, mr. chairman and i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from maryland. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. for what purpose does the gentleman from west virginia seek recognition? for what purpose does -- excuse me -- for what purpose does the gentleman from arizona seek recognition? the clerk will report the amendment. will the gentleman send his amendment to the desk? will the gentleman from arizona send his amendment to the desk?
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the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. franks of arizona. page 9, line 6 after the dollar amount insert the following -- reduce by $2, increase by $2 million. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentleman from arizona and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from arizona. mr. franks: well, thank you, mr. chairman. and thank you, mr. chairman, for allowing me to offer this amendment to this year's defense appropriations bill to establish and re-establish the commission to assess the threat to the united states from electromagnetic pulse attack which has been authorized in the house poifed f.y. 2006 ndaa
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-- house-passed f.y. 2016 ndaa. the united states faces many threats and challenges today perhaps more than ever before in her history. one of those threats is the reliance across all critical infrastructure sectors on an aging and highly vulnerable electric grid. as the g.a.o. reported, the department of defense relies upon that very same electric grid for 99% of its electricity needs within the continental united states without which it cannot effect its mission. the previous commission repeated said that large crashes of the electrical system will result in significant periods of power outage and loss of significant portions of that system. should the electrical power system be lost for any substantial period of time, the consequences are likely to be catastrophic to civilian society. they concluded that negative impacts on the electrical infrastructure are certain in
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any event unless practical steps are taken to provide protext for critical element -- protection for critical elements of the electrical system. the commission must be established for research into addressing these vulnerabilities continues. within the department of defense to enable practical steps to actually secure and harden the grid. the house armed services committee has already acted this year and authorized $2 million to re-establish the commission and i would urge my colleagues to support this amendment to ensure that these funds are appropriated as well. and i would thank the chairman, again. mr. frelinghuysen: if the gentleman will yield? mr. franks: i'd certainly yield. mr. frelinghuysen: e.m.p., electro magnetic pulse. we accept the amendment. mr. franks: and i thank the gentleman very much. and with that, mr. chairman, i yield back. the chair: the gentleman from arizona yields back the balance of his time. does any member wish to rise in
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opposition of the amendment? those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. for what purpose does the gentleman from minnesota seek recognition? >> mr. chairman, i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. nolan of minnesota. page 9, line 6, after the dollar amount insert reduced by $1 million. page 36, line 1 after the dollar amount insert increased by $1 million. page 36, line 9, after the dollar amount insert increased by $1 million. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentleman from minnesota and a member opposed each will crofle five -- control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from minnesota. mr. nolan: mr. chairman, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the chair: the gentleman from minnesota is recognized. mr. nolan: mr. chairman, members of the committee, my amendment would transfer $1 million from the secretary's
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some $30 billion general operation and maintenance fund to lung cancer research under the defense health program. i'd like to begin by thanking chairman frelinghuysen and ranking member visclosky for the additional funds that have already been placed into the legislation for cancer research . my amendment is presented out of the hope that we can still do better and get us back to a point where we were some years ago. i know $1 million won't make but a dent in the secretary's general operating fund, but it would make an enormous difference, an enormous difference in battling lung cancer, a disease that already affects many of our military men and women and kills over 159,000 americans every year. as many of you know my daughter, kathryn, young mother of four, ages 9 to 16, was
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diagnosed with nonsmoking lung cancer earlier this year. and i'd be remiss if i didn't thank my many colleagues for their prayers and their good will and all their expressions of hope and concern and thank the committee for the money that they have provided here for medical research because make no mistake about it, the combined prayers, good will and medical research have provided kathryn and her family and her friends and plane people throughout this country with hope for their recovery. we've come a long ways. we're getting very close to discovering a cure for this and many of the other cancers that so tragically take our lives of our loved ones -- take the lives of our loved ones. it's my hope with this amendment we can do a little bit better, get us a little bit closer to that cure and give people going forward the same
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hope that my daughter kathryn has been able to receive as a result of these prayers and this research. so i urge my colleagues to adopt this amendment and ask for the support. mr. speaker, i yield -- no. i don't yield back the balance of my time. i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from minnesota reserves the balance of his time. does any member rise in opposition to the gentleman's amendment? the gentleman from minnesota is recognized. mr. nolan: mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from minnesota yields back the balance of his time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from minnesota. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. for what purpose does the gentleman from west virginia seek recognition? >> mr. chairman, i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by
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mr. mckinley of west virginia. page 9, line 6 after the dollar amount insert reduced by $5 million, increase by $5 million. the chair: pursuant to house -- for what purpose does the gentleman from -- mr. visclosky: i'd like a copy of the gentleman's amendment and i'd appreciate the courtesy of having one. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303 -- copies will be distributed. pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentleman from west virginia and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from west virginia. mr. mckinley: thank you, mr. chairman. formed in 1993, the you challenge is a 17-month program run by state individuals national guards. the mission is to give troubled youth a second chance and addresses our nation's dropout rate by providing them the opportunity to obtain a high school diploma. youth challenge has transformed
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the lives of over 120,000 young people since 1993 and has expanded to 35 sites and 27 states including the district of columbia and puerto rico. young people like a 2011 puerto rico academy graduate, who with the help of youth challenge, overcame much adversity to gain admission to a university from which he graduated last month. society may have given up on these young people but youth challenge hasn't. along with my colleague, congresswoman napolitano, we have written letters and offered amendments in support of youth challenge and have been blessed by the successful intervention. the program seeks now to expand its help into california georgia, north carolina and texas. but that requires $25 million above the funding level.
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our amendment doesn't go to that level. instead we hope that we can ask for just a modest $5 million amount for youth challenge to carry out its modest expansion of this program to reach at-risk children. it has proven to be a cost-effective investment, and we thank chairman frelinghuysen and his staff for their efforts and their interest in this issue. mr. chairman, i urge all my colleagues to support this bipartisan amendment, and i yield two minutes of my time to my co-chair of the youth challenge caucus the gentlelady from california, grace napolitano. . the chair: the gentlewoman is recognized for two minutes. mrs. napolitano: thank you. my colleague who is my co-chair on the youth caucus, to help our throw-away kids, 16 to 18-year-olds who have fallen through the cracks. we work in a bipartisan manner
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to ensure some of these youngsters have a second chance. we thank the appropriations committee for the $5 million increase over president obama's 2016 request of $145 million. the 2016 defense appropriations will fund the national youth challenge program at 150 with a current funding of 135. this amendment increases, as my colleague was saying, by $5 million, to 155. reduces the operations by the same amount. helps programs in four states. each youth program is $4 million, the california program will cost more. it is critical for hundreds of youth who are dropouts to have the a second chance. the challenge grant was over 120 ,000 nationally. it's no cost to the child or his or her family. it's a 22 1/2 week boot camp
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like program that prepares them to re-enter society and be successful build employment potential and return to school. a 2012 rand study finds for every $1 spent it returns $2.66 to the taxpayer, rated as the best youth program in the nation. it addresses the dropout program it's beneficial to businesses, communities. we need more programs not less. we respectfully request, tell you that over 12,000 applicants are rejedget -- rejected due to no space. we request our colleagues to support this amendment and i yield back. the chair: the gentlewoman from california yields back the balance of her time. the gentleman from west virginia is recognized. plm --
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>> i reserve my time. the chair: does anyone rise in opposition? the gentleman is recognized. mr. mckinley: we know we'll reach other lives that society has given up on. i don't want to give up on them. this is a chance to do it. thank you very much and thank you to the committee for their support. i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from west virginia. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. for what purpose does the gentleman from indiana seek recognition? >> to strike the last word. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. >> i appreciate that very much i will not take the full five minutes. mr. visclosky: i would point out that we are on page 9 of 163-page bill. this bill deals with the national security of this country. it contains 57 -- it contains
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$578,658,000,000. we have already received two amendments that have been offered on the floor and were not made available to us. i would hope that this does not continue to be a practice during the coming debate the remainder of the bill, given the gravity of the bill, the subject matter and the amendments themselves. i would ask all my members to have the court stoy make sure the majority and the minority have their amendments in a timely fashion and certainly before we begin five minutes' debate on the floor of the house of representatives. so i would ask for civility on behalf of all the members and yield back my time. the chair: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from the northern mariana islands seek recognition? mr. sablan: i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk will designate the amendment. without objection. the clerk: amendment offered by
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mr. sablan of northern mariana islands. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303 the gentleman from the northern mariana islands and a member opposed will each control five minutes. the gentleman is recognized. mr. sablan: we all agree the department of defense has the responsibility to devensd our nation but it also has the responsibility to clean up after itself when it damages our environment. and we have the responsibility to give them the money it needs for cleanup. the amendment i offer adds $300 million. i plan to withdraw the amendment out of respect for chairman frelinghuysen and the subcommittee who added $25 million to the program above the president's budget request. but i want to make the point that we ought to keep funding at the same level we appropriated at fiscal 2015, $250 million that is what my amendment would do.
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because now is not the time for the military to back slide on its cleanup. there are 5,000 sites in every state and territory that we know are contaminated. and these sites are not in someone else's backyard. 87 formerly used defense sites are in frame frelinghuysen's state of new jersey. in my district, i represent the northern mariana islands, there are 24 contaminated areas, dating back to world war ii, constituent waiting to be cleaned up. for example, 17 rusted fuel tanks leaking oil into the ground since harry truman was president. every day, kids are walking by to school, fishermen in the lagoon feet away, families living with the smell of oil in their homes. this is not just an environmental issue. this damages our military's ability to defend our nation. let me explain. in the northern marianas today,
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we want to run pipelines and build more fuel taks doing the very things we know contaminate the environment and threaten public health. and the people i represent are saying no to this expanded military activity. now restoring funding will not change anyone's mind about the military in my district but at least the military will have more credibility when it promises it will clean up after itself. because if the people i represent see congress cutting funds for this, the promise has no credibility at all. this is not just about the islands, this is a national issue. we have 5,000 sites identified for cleanup and another 10,000 on the list of potentially contaminated sites. even if we appropriate $250 million, it's not enough. the army corps of engineers estimates costs of $14 billion so at $250 million a year, we will still be having this same discussion 50 years from now.
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again, i commend the chairman and his subcommittee for adding the $5 million to the formerly used defense sites program but ultimately we vall to do better. i thank you, mr. chairman and i ask unanimous consent to withdraw this amendment. i yield to the chairman. mr. frelinghuysen: i appreciate the gentleman's statement before the floor and -- mr. visclosky: i appreciate the gentleman's statement before the floor. a you point out, not only for the constituency you represent, but the chair, myself, in any of our districts, this is a national problem. it tends to be forgotten because it's not seen visually by the average constituent. but a very serious health and environmental program. do appreciate you raising it during this particular debate. i thank the gentleman for yielding. mr. sablan: yes, sir. thank you, again i ask unanimous consent to withdraw my amendment
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at this time. the chair: without objection the amendment is withdrawn. mr. sablan: thank you, mr. chairman. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? mr. grayson: i have an amendment at the desk, grayson number one. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. dwrayson of florida, page 9 line after the dollar am i want sert reduce by $10 million. page 10, line 1, after the dollar amount insert by increased by $10 million. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentleman from florida and a member opposed each will criminalical -- will control five minutes. mr. grayson: this amendment is identical to an amendment offered last year that passed this body by a voice vote.
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veterans suffer chronic headaches, widespread pain, gastro intestinal problems, rest prier to problems and other abnormalities that are not explained by traditional medicine or psychiatric diagnoses. reserge shows as veterans from the first gulf war age they are twice as likely to develop lou gerilling's disease. there also may be connections to multiple sclerosis and parkinson's. sadly, there are no known treatments for these the pain and affliction veterans must endure through this disease. for decades, the v.a. has down played any cause for the disease but research shows it's biological in nature. the time has come to right this wrong these service members have had to live with. in this bill, we authorize more
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money for breast cancer research than finding a cure for this i think if we're going to spend money on medical research in the department of defense, the department must adequately fund research on those diseases that origin gnat ht -- originate in war and wholly affect our service men and women. over a quarter million veterans display symptom ops of this disease and the time has come to find a cure for it. the offset comes from the maintenance and operations defense wide account. congress has the responsibility to ensure that gulf war veterans who put it all on the line and are paying for that with a lifetime of pain are not left behind. i urge my colleagues to support this amendment and help find a cure for gulf war illness. the chair: does anyone rise in opposition to the gentleman's amendment? the gentleman from florida is
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recognized. mr. grayson: i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from florida. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is a-- is agreed to. frurn does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? mr. grayson: i have an amendment at the desk, grayson number two. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. grayson of florida. page 9, line 6, after the dollar insert reduced by $10 million. page 10, insert the following, increase by $10 million. page 36, line 9, after the dollar amount insert increase by $10 million. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303 the gentleman from florida and a member opposed each will control five minutes. mr. grayson: thank you, mr. chairman. my amendment would increase funding for prostate cancer research under the health
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program by $10 million. prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in men and the second most common cause of men's deaths. in 2015, approximately 220,800 men in the united states will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and an estimated 27,540 will die from it. the prostate cancer research program is a unique research program in that it prioritizes research that will lead to elimination of death from prostate cancer while enhancing the well being of men experiencing the impact of that disease. today the prostate cancer research program has resulted in a total appropriation of $1.3 billion, including $80 million last year this unique partnership among the military, prostate cancer survivors, clinicians, and scientists has changed the landscape of biomedical studies, energizing the research community and conducting high-risk investigations that are more
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collaborative, innovative, and with greater impact on prostate cancer. this increase would result in a total funding level of $90 million, still $10 million below what the account was funded at in 2001. the offset for my amendment comes from the $30 billion operation and maintenance defense-wide account this amendment was passed by the house by voice vote last year and is part of an -- and as part of an en bloc agreement the year -- amendment the year before. i hope everyone will support my amendment. yes. mr. frelinghuysen: i thank the gentleman for his amendment and his previous amendment which i supported and this amendment which supports greater fund for prostate cancer research. as a matter of history, my predecessor died from prostate cancer. around this room and around this country we know too many men who haven't done what they should do
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to look after their health and therefore the welfare of their families. i want to commend you for your advocacy in this area and remind those who were on the hill that i think next week, the house will be sponsoring a screening for all men here. it's a good way not only to look after yourself but the people who love you and i want to commend the gentleman for his advocacy on an annual basis. thank you for yielding the time. we accept the amendment. mr. grayson: i recall my time and i thank the gentleman for his kind and inciteful words and i want to thank the chairman for his leadership and the health care needs of those who serve are met. i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from florida yields back the balance of his time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from florida. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to.
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for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition? ms. hahn: i have an amendment at the desk, mr. chairman. -- -- ms. speier: i have an amendment at the desk, mr. chairman. the clerk: insert reduced by $5 million. page 36 line 1, after the dollar amount insert increased by $5 million. page 36, line 9, after the dollar amount insert increased by $5 million. page 36, line 20, after the dollar amount insert increased by $5 million. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303 the gentlewoman from california and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california. ms. speier: i thank the chairman and i yield myself such time as i may consume. alzheimer's disease is a threat to our country not a direct threat, like isis or al qaeda, but it is an insidious persistent threat to the minds and bodies of our family members and to the fiscal health of our country.
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the alzheimer's association estimates that the cost of caring for people with alzheimer's right now through the medicare system is $226 billion. by the year 2050, it will be $1.1 trillion. this is a genuine budgetary threat. if it grows unchecked, the cost to medicare from a single disease will zap our ability to pay for national security. interestingly enough and timely enough, on the front page of "u.s.a. today -- "usa today" say that 1/2 accounts for our epidemic. and ptsd affects our veterans
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and it estimates the cost of $2.2 billion. t.b.i. is also closely linked to alzheimer's. for over two years we've known about the link of t.b.i. and the risk of developing alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. by researching the link between t.b.i. and alzheimer's we can help cure both. i applaud the chairman and ranking members of the defense appropriations subcommittee for increasing the funding for peer-reviewed alzheimer's research program from $12 million to its presequestration levels of $15 million. but the funding for alzheimer's research in the united states is still underresourced. today i'm offering this amendment to increase the funding for the peer-reviewed program by $5 million which would take it up to $20 million. this modest investment on the front end in research can eventually yield billions in savings in the future on the cost of care. that's why i urge my colleagues to support our silver members with t.b.i. and alzheimer's and vote yes on this amendment and
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i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentlewoman from california reserves the balance of her time. does any member rise in opposition to the gentlewoman's amendment? the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. speier: i thank the gentleman and i thank the members on both sides of the aisle and i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentlewoman from california yields back the balance of her time. the question son the -- is on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from california. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the jeist it. the -- the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. for what purpose does the gentleman from hawaii seek recognition? mr. takai: mr. speaker i have an amendment at the desk,. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. takai of hawaii. page 9, line 6, after the dollar amount insert the following, reduced by $25 million, increased by $25 million. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentleman from hawaii and a member opposed will each control five
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minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from hawaii. mr. takai: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. mr. takai: thank you. i'd first like to thank the chairman and the ranking member for this opportunity. mr. speaker, i offer this amendment with mr. jones of north carolina. our bipartisan amendment would increase d.o.d. supplemental impact aid to $25 million more appropriated in the bill currently. this would benefit schools in almost every school district that holds a military installation. schools that have 20% average daily attendance of military dependent students in the preceding year has counted on their federal impact aid application are eligible to receive funding on an annual basis. congress has recognized the needs faced by many school districts educating a large number of military children and has consistently provided increases in this need. yet, last year in f.y. 2015
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this was dropped from $45 million to $25 million. this is not enough. with the stress put on military kids throughout the past years, this aid should be increasing, not decreasing. this is a military readiness issue the men and women serving in the military today have to rely on local school districts to provide quality education and counseling programs for their students and children. earlier this year, a letter signed by many members of this congress and endorsed by multiple organizations asking for this critical program to be fully supported at $50 million for d.o.d. impact aid with $5 million for children and military families with severe disabilities was sent to the house appropriations committee. as we know we have to offset any funding increase for one program with another if we play by the rules and i have done so with this amendment. our amendment is fully offset by using funding from an office
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of the secretary of defense servicewide administration account defensewide. the children are our future and many that grow up in our military families today will be the military leaders of our future. i urge my colleagues to vote for this amendment and i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from hawaii reserves the balance of his time. does any member rise in opposition to the gentleman's amendment? the gentleman from hawaii is recognized. mr. takai: i yield back. the chair: the gentleman from hawaii yields back the balance of his time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from hawaii. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? mr. conyers: mr. chairman i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. conyers of michigan. page 9, line 6, after the dollar amount insert reduced by $15 million. page 74, line 8, after the dollar amount insert increased by $10 million.
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page 74, line 12, after the dollar amount insert increased by $10 million. the chair: pursuant ho house resolution 303, the gentleman from -- pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentleman from michigan and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from michigan. mr. conyers: thank you, mr. speaker. ladies and gentlemen of the house, this amendment is designed specifically to support the men and women of the united states armed forces and to dramatically improve their quality of life while they are deployed. on a daily basis, the united service organizations u.s.o. reaches united states military members in numerous ways. they provide calling cards at deployed locations for service members to call their families. they provide toiletries for
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deployed service members those in austere locations. they are the first persons to welcome back redeploying service members. they volunteer offering internet kecktift for deployed -- connectivity for deployed locations. connecting troops to their families through calling cards and the internet is just part of the u.s.o.'s 40-plus program repertoire. but it is incredibly important to our deployed men and women and to their spouses, parents siblings and children. in an area where our service members are fighting prolong wars connecting them to their families and friends back home is a service to our military that we cannot afford to underfund. in fact 93% of troops surveyed
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in 2012 agreed that the u.s.o. 's service morale eased separation from friends and family and convey a feeling of support to the service member. 93% of the troops surveyed. unfortunately however, our deployed service members too often go to the u.s.o. tent only to find that the u.s.o. provisions, including supplies and calling cards have run out. increasing funding to the u.s.o. will help alleviate this unacceptable problem. in the proposed f.y. 2016 defense appropriations bill, the u.s.o. is funded at just $20 million. this amendment will reduce the operations and maintenance
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defensewide account by less than 1/2,000th and while having an immeasurable impact on the quality of life of our service men and women. it's past time that we direct sufficient funds to the quality of life of the men and women that sacrifice everything to defend our nation. i urge the members on both sides of the aisle to support it. i'd be pleased to yield to the gentleman. mr. frelinghuysen: we would like to salute the dean of the house for his strong support of u.s.o. over 40 years ago, i was one of those soldiers and it made a real difference in my life. all of us want to thank you for your significant leadership here so many years and for choosing this an incredibly wonderful organization to plus up. thank you for yielding. mr. conyers: i thank the
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chairman, and i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. does any member rise in opposition to the gentleman's amendment? the gentleman from michigan is recognized. mr. conyers: mr. chairman, i support the amendment, urge its support and yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from michigan yields back the balance of his time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from michigan. those in favor say aye. those opposed say no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. the chair: for what purpose
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does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition? >> mr. chairman, i have an amendment at the desk 37. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. keating of massachusetts. page 9, line 6, after the dollar amount insert the following, reduce by $1 million. page 36, line 1, after the dollar amount insert the following increase by $1 million. page 36, line 9, after the dollar amount insert the following increase by $1 million. page 36, line 20, after the dollar amount insert the following, increase by $1 million. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? mr. frelinghuysen: to make a -- reserve a point of order.
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the chair: a point of order is reserved. mr. frelinghuysen: we'd like to see a copy of the amendment if that is possible. that's the reason -- the chair: the clerk will distribute copies of the amendment. pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentleman from massachusetts and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from massachusetts. mr. keating: thank you, mr. chairman. i rise today to offer an amendment to add an additional $1 million for research and development for duchesne muscular dystrophy. it affects american children today, it's progressive, neuromuscular disorder that affects one in every 3,500 boys or 200,000 babies born each year worldwide. over time patients experience speer loss of muscle strength and control. most lose their ability to walk before they become teenagers.
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there's no known cure for duchenne and life expectencies are significantly shortened. many do not live past their 21st birthday. lean many of my colleagues, i met well many duchenne patients and their families and seen the impacts of this disease and what it imparts on their daily lives. there have been very promising advancements in recent years including a drug that has success in clinical trials. i had one child in my district that was confined to a wheelchair and under this clinical trial is able to walk by themselves currently. however, much more work still needs to be done to find a cure for this disease and to better understand what causes duchenne in the first place. this amendment will directly benefit the thousands of duchenne patients throughout the united states as well as their countless loved ones who care for them every day by increasing for peer-reviewed research institutions across the country will have additional resources necessary
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to make progress on eliminating this devastating disease. we as a nation are on the cusp of historic progress in critical research. now is the time to recommit to a robust support of our country's biomedical research for this disease. in closing, i'd like to thank the countless physicians researchers scientists who worked tirelessly to find a cure for duchenne. he'd like to thank the national foundation and providing support for patients and their families. i urge my colleagues to support my amendment and i thank the chair and the ranking member for their consideration. . i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from massachusetts reserves. mr. frelinghuysen: i continue to reserve. we're doing a little homework on the amendment. certainly i'm supportive of it. we just want to do a little more homework on -- the chair: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. mr. frelinghuysen: i do reserve.
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mr. visclosky: will the chairman of the committee yield? mr. frelinghuysen: i'll be happy to claim time in opposition although i support the amendment. i yield to the gentleman. the chair: the gentleman from new jersey claims time in opposition. without objection he is recognized and yields to the gentleman from indiana. mr. visclosky: i understand the gentleman's concern is the lack of a copy of the amendment. mr. frelinghuysen: i think there's actually -- we want to make sure we have the figures that go with what it's set against. we want to make sure that, mr. chairman, we want to make sure that it purports the rule of the house. we're not against it, we just want to make sure it's in order. the chair: the gentleman from new jersey reserves.
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the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. mr. keating: thank you, mr. chairman much i apologize for -- thank you, mr. chairman. i apologize for -- we moved this to the defensewide authorization to pay for this. that probably explains this balance. but it's coming from that portion, for $1 million, i think it's in excess, if my memory's correct, over the $3.5 million that's already there. able to leverage this for a greater opportunity to move more quickly on this. that's the rationale, that's where it came from. and i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from massachusetts reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. frelinghuysen: we still continue to reserve while we check the figures to make sure that it's properly offset. the chair: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. the chair: the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. mr. keating: thank you, mr. chairman. i'd just like to ask the chairman if that information is currently being analyzed now.
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mr. frelinghuysen: if the gentleman will yield. there's some consultations going on at the desk and the conclusion of those consultations with the parliamentarian i'll have a better opportunity to respond hopefully in a more positive fashion. mr. keating: mr. chairman. the chair: the gentleman from massachusetts. mr. keating: thank you. i thank the effort that the chairman is going through in and considering he's give be -- through and consideration he's giving to. this many times we have the opportunity to talk to families and deal with issues. in this particular instance, we have an opportunity as i mentioned we're right on the cusp of a very significant research leveraging a small additional amount now could have a tremendous -- could have tremendous ramifications. i was just completely struck by the fact that i saw the fact that a person a young boy, in his teens, confined to a wheelchair, like so many of those afflicted with this terrible disease had suffered through and as a result of
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those clinical trials you see that person no longer in a wheelchair and up and ambulatory and walking and those are the type of dramatic improvements we are on the cusp of right now. that's why this amendment just seeks an incremental increase because i think it would be leveraged and have emore mouse significance as a result -- enormous significance as a result. i yield back the balance of my time -- i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from new jersey. mr. frelinghuysen: i continue to reserve. i want to compliment the gentleman on his amendment as we do further investigations on the offsets, medical research for diseases that affect our military members had and their families -- members and their families are a priority of our committee. you can be sure of that. that's why our bill includes $3.2 million, it gets again this year for the duchenne muscular dystrophy research program. the committee has provided, which i think it would be of interest to you, more than $43 million for this research area since fiscal year 2003.
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and positively you've alluded to it and stated it, research in this area will only help those suffering from this debilitating disease. but will also help research and other various muscular -- in other various muscular and motor pour that on diseases. i think the research -- motor neuron diseases. i think the research is critical and i withdraw my reservation and i thank the gentleman for his indulgent -- indulgence in yielding me this time. i'd be happy to withdraw my reservations and support the gentleman's amendment. the chair: the reservation is withdrawn. the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized. mr. keating: thank you mr. chairman. i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman from massachusetts yields back the balance of his time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from massachusetts. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair,
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the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. ms. jackson lee: i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will read.
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the clerk: page 10, line 16, operation and maintenance, army reserve, $2,644,274,000. operation and maintenance, navy reserve, $9,621,000. operation and maintenance marks are incorps reserve $276,761,000. operation and maintenance, air force reserve, $2,815,862,000. operation and maintenance, army national guard $6,731,119,000. operation and maintenance, air national guard $6,605,400,000. united states court of appeals for the armed forces
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$14,078,000. environmental restoration army, transfer of funds $234,820,000. ms. jackson lee: i have an amendment at the desk. number 176. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by ms. jackson lee of texas. page 13, line 18, after the dollar amount insert reduced by $1 million. page 36, line 1, after the dollar amount insert, increased by $1 million. page 36, line 9, after the dollar amount insert increased by $1 million. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentlewoman from texas and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from texas. ms. jackson lee: again, i want to begin by thanking the chairman of the subcommittee and the ranking member of the subcommittee and their staff,
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because i've worked on this in the past appropriations and had the privilege of receiving the support of both the chair and the ranking member on this question of posttraumatic stress disorder that i've worked on since. i heard the chairman mention, both chairman young and chairman measure that. i've had the privilege of working with them on this question of posttraumatic stress disorder. i just want to use a little anecdote, particularly as it relates to vietnam vets. many of us remember vietnam vets coming back and some long years later getting a better understanding of agent orange. i remember a vietnam vet tell me about it. but as he indicated, they mentioned it or they spoke about it or they tried to explain it when they came back directly from vietnam. it was a long time before the understanding came about agent orange and in years going foard, there was a great medical care needed medical cost needed because of those
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veterans that had been suffering for a long time. we now understand posttraumatic stress disorder. as i look over the landscape of the last years of war, operation iraqi freedom and enduring freedom, about 11 to 20 out of every 100 veterans or 11% to 20% who served have posttraumatic stress disorder in any given year. in the gulf war desert storm, about 12 out of every 100 gulf war veterans who still live have ptsd in any given year. in vietnam, about 15 out of every 100 vietnam vets are 15% or currently diagnosed with ptsd. the national vietnam veterans readjustment study stated that 30 out of every 100. other factors contribute to it. if you listen to individuals who have ptsd, they seek to be part of the normal life and to work and survive -- provide for their families. my amendment is simple. it adds an extra $1 million to increase the funding for ptsd and these funds will be used to
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reach out to -- to outreach activities to hard to reach veterans. especially those who are homeless and reside in underserved urban and rural areas who suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder. i had the privilege privilege of a -- i had the privilege a couple of years ago to provide an offsite ptsd site that was offsite of the veterans hospital, in a small community-based hospital. mr. chairman, the response from veterans was amazing, that they were able to come to an offsite location for counseling and ptsd. we know that the tragedies of war last with men and women for a very long time. i am hoping that my colleagues will support this amendment again, to ease the trauma of the thoughts that many of these men and women have, the nightmares when they sleep, because they really want to be as they are, contributing members of this society. again, i ask my colleagues to support the jackson lee amendment. with that i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentlewoman from texas reserves the balance of her time. does any member rise in
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opposition to the gentlewoman's amendment? the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. frelinghuysen: if the gentlewoman -- does the gentlewoman have time or? the chair: the gentlewoman has two minutes remaining. mr. frelinghuysen: would you yield to me? ms. jackson lee: i'd be happy to yield. mr. frelinghuysen: i commend you for your strong advocacy. our bill does provide $155 million, including a plus-up of $100 million above the request level of $55 million for traumatic brain injury and psychological health research. additionally, our bill includes $676 million in operation maintenance funding within the department of health program to care for service members affected by t.b.i. and psychological health injuries so we welcome the additional money accept your amendment and commend you for your efforts. thank you for yielding. ms. jackson lee: i thank and reclaim my time to applaud the compassion that the chairman and the ranking member has in
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the writing of this legislation, highlighting several very important points needed for our service men and wome and i'm grateful for his support of the additional resources continuing the advocacy for those. let me just, in closing again, that i want to thank this congress for the wounded warrior that i have in my office who is someone who suffers from ptsd and he has been an excellent staff person in reaching out to the veterans throughout my community and he's an example when treated, when having treatment, that you can be part of the contributing society, as they all want to be even with some of the challenges that they have. with that i ask for support of the amendment and i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentlewoman from texas yields back the balance of her time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from texas. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to.
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the clerk will read. the clerk: page 14, line 11, environmental restoration, navy, including transfer of funds $300 million. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from colorado seek recognition? mr. yarmuth: i have an amendment at the desk, number 35. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. lamborn of colorado. page 14, line 13, after the dollar amount insert the following, reduced by $10,290,000. page 33, line 3, after the dollar amount insert the following, increasesed by $10,290,000. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman -- mr. frelinghuysen: i reserve a point of order on the gentleman's amendment. the chair: a point of order is reserved. the gentleman from colorado and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from colorado. . mr. lamborn: i recognize myself for such time as i may consume.
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i will be offering and withdrawing this amendment because of a point of order on the timing of the budget outlays that we were not able to reconcile at this point in time. i want to thank the chairman of the subcommittee chairman frelinghuysen and ranking member visclosky for their leadership. now, this is an important amendment. my amendment would protect from possible cancellation an innovative program that promises to provide a break-through capability. iran and north korea launch a ballistic attack, we have no way of knowing whether our defensive missiles actually hit the target or not. that's why the missile defense agency is executing a ground-breaking space censor system. the u.s. desperately needs crensors in space to provide tracking and more.
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the censor network will ensure a strong miffed program. we might otherwise waste interceptors, costing the taxpayer more money and depleting our number of crenors. it cannot survive a 50% cut and it would waste tax pair dollars already invested and fail to meet congressional intent to have have a kill assessment capability by 2019. this experiment has had zero scheduling delays since it was conceived in fiscal year 2014. finally, this program is a great example of the cost savings and other benefits the government can leverage through satellite payloads. this program is critical to ensuring that the united states stays ahead of future ballistic missile threats.
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i would have hoped this amendment would have been adopted because it would take money from a lower priority fund and put it into ballistic missile defense against our homeland. mr. frelinghuysen: i thank the gentleman from colorado talking about the value of what he talks about here. and let me promise that i'm sure i will be working with mr. visclosky to see what we can do to elevate our investment and knowledge and support for this program. i do appreciate your willingness to withdraw the amendment and regret that the outlay issue has complicated indicate matters on the floor this evening. mr. lamborn: i appreciate the subcommittee chairman's words and i will certainly work with him on that effort and at this point, mr. chairman, i withdraw amendment number 35. the chair: without objection, the amendment of the the
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gentleman from colorado will be withdrawn. the clerk: page 15, line 6 air force including transfer funds, $163 million. environmental restoration defense wide including transfer of funds $8 million. environmental restoration formerly defense sites $228,717,000. overseas humanitarian disaster and civic aid $13 million to remain available until september 30, 2017. cooperative threat reduction account $358 million to remain available until september 0, 2018. department of defense acquisition work force development fund $84,140,000. title 3, procurement aircraft
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procurement army $5 billion to remain available for obligation until september 30 2018. missile procurement, army, $1 ,160,000000 to remain available for obligation until september 30 2018. procurement of combat vehicles, army $1 billion. to remain available for obligation until september 0, 2018. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from seek recognition? >> i have an amendment at the desk. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. heck of nevada, page 20, line 17, after the dollar amount insert reduced by $100 million. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentleman
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from nevada and a member opposed each will control five minutes. mr. heck: this is the moshization of the bradley fighting vehicles. the army maintains a program to modernize the fleet, the m-2 and these are the most advanced versions of the bradley fighting vehicles and and enforce protection. these upgrades have electronics to provide troops with awareness and enhanced communication hardware. almost all units within the active units are fielded with these digital configurations. unfortunately there are national guard units that have not received upgrades and fielded with nonstandard desert storm variance. maintaining these outdated vehicles will severely restrict
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our ability to maintain proficiency and the requirements to utilize the combat operation. this will result in combat effectiveness of these units and those who deploy with the older vearpt but fall in on the newer models in theater. service members within these units will face significant and unnecessary challenges in maintaining their specialty qualifications. the army has an existing program of manufacturing bradley vehicles to update outdated configurations and it is under procurement of bradley modifications. this year's budget request includes $225 million. unform, none of these funds were designated. in fact, the president eel budget does not provide funding. so it's unclear whether these
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operation desert storm will receive the upgrades necessary to make them necessary. i'm offering this amendment. my amendment would expense $100 million of the $108 billion to prioritize and upgrade the oldest bradley fighting vehicles in the fleet. this is zero.005%. the $100 million is less than what is necessary to upgrade the nondigital nonstandard variance but it is important that they maintain the combat effectiveness over the last decade. i urge my colleagues to support this amendment and reserve. the chair: the gentleman from nevada reserves. for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? mr. frelinghuysen: i rise in opposition to the amendment.
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i much regret that i rise in opposition to the amendment knowing what a strong supporter of our national defense, the gentleman from nevada is and what a strong supporter he is of the national guard across the naion but in his own state and i regret even more so since we have been talking about this for several weeks i feel badly i have to rise. the amendment, as the gentleman has stated, directs the secretary of army to repurpose approximately one half of the 225 million in the budget request that was requested and including for the bradley vehicle upgrade program. it would revise a schedule of the bradley upgrade program by accelerating the schedule by providing more bradley fighting vehicles to the first squadron of the 221 cavalry of the
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national guard which is most deserving because as he said they have the oldest of the oldest. having said that, the scheduled change would disrupt as i'm advised a plan for abrams take and bradley tank modernization would cause production breaks in both manufacturing lines. the production break would add significant startup costs to the bradley engineering change proposal 2. in other words, this amendment would throw out of balance the army-wide modernization plan and drive up costs in order of one squaddron of one state to receive more modern vehicles. as you can tell mr. chairman, my rather convoluted response, i'm prepared to work with the gentleman from nevada to assist him. but at this point, i need to oppose his amendment.
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and i would yield -- mr. visclosky: i would like to work with the gentleman as we proceed, but would associate myself with the chairman's concerns relative to the amendment that has been offered and particularly with the emphasis to the break in production, which i think is a serious issue and i associate myself with the chairman's concerns and his objections and his willingness to work with the gentleman in the future. mr. heck: i do recommend -- mr. frelinghuysen: i recommend a no vote but i offer to work with the gentleman because i know he will be working on me to make sure this occurs and i wt to be helpful to him. i thank the gentleman and i yield back. the chair: the gentleman from new jersey yields bac mr. heck: i thank you for your offer to work with me to rectify the situation where we have an
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important national guard unit that is dealing with and working with desert storm-era bdley vehicles and expected to work in theater should they ever be called. i appreciate you working with me and i ask unanimous consent to withdraw my amendment. the chair: without objection. the clerk will read. the clerk: page 20, line 19, procurement of ammunitione army 1 billion to remain available for obligati until september 30 2018. other procurement, army, $5,230 677,000 to remain available until september 30, 2018. aircraft, $16,871,000,000 to
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remain until available. weapons procurement navy $2,298,54,to remain available until september 30, 2018. procurement of ammunition, nav and marine corps $559,541,000 to remain forbligation until september 30 2018. ship builing and conversion navy including transfer of funds, carrier replacement program $1977,,. for outfitting conversions and 01,800. $16,852,569 to remain for
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obligion until september 302020. other procurement navy,6,696, 715,000 to remain available for obligation. procurement marine corps $973 million to rain available for obligation until ptember 30, 018. aircraft procurement, air force $14,224,47500 to remain available fo obligation until september 30, 2018. missile prorement, air force $2334,165,000 to remain available for obligation until september 30 2018. space procurement air force.
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$1,935 to remain available until septeer 30, 2018. ocurent of ammunition, air force $253,496,000 to remain avaable for obligation under september 30 2018. other procurement air force $15,098,950,000 to remain available unl september 30, 2018. >> i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment fered by mr. latta of oio. fter the dollar amount insert increased by $35 mllion. after the dollar amount insert reducedy $49 milln. mr. frelinghuysen: i hava point of order. the chair: pursuant thouse
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resolution 303 the gentleman from ohio and a member opposed each will control five minutes. . . mr. latta: the amendment i'm offering today is a simple commonsense amendment that fills a critical need for our air national guard who stand watcwhile we are forming the 24/7 aerospace control alert ission as diligently today as they d after the attacks on 9/11. this mission is cried out by several guard units across the country including the 180th fighter wing in fleethio, who i have the great honor to represent and by the d.c. air national guard who are less than 15 miles away from this capitol. these service men and women also serve in combat theater operations overseas when they are called upon and play a vital role in fighting foreign threats. his amendment would provide funding f an additional arc 210 or equivalent radio in th air national guard's f-16's.
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these raos have e capability for secure line of sight and beyond line of suit communication providing the ability to securely communicat with ground forces in command and control. however, one radio in the aircraft does not allow for the simultaneous contact with them. currently air national guard f-16's only have one arc 210 radio that works on an ultrahh frequency band and it's that this band that most air traff contro agencies use. in addition the second radio will allowir national guard f-16's to communicate with command a control agencies and troops on the ground in places like iraq and afghanistan and dense threat environments. members of the air national guar alonwith fulfilling heir duties of protecting our borders against those who wish to do us harm, also deploy with our acive duty military side by side on the front lines and overseas conflicts. in fact, the request to have
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these additional radios come fr the combat commanders in su theaters around thworld, not ly is this needed at home but also aoad. the air nationaluard designates the need to have this capability as critical. my offset for this amendment is the defense rapid innovation program, a program intended to take off the shelf technology and p it in the hands of war fighters as soon as possible. my amendment would do just that. it takew-cost existing technology and puts it to work for our war fighters today. as i saidi'm preped to withdraw the amendment but i want to say want to commend the gentleman from new jersey an his committestaff d all the members of the commtee for its hard work n this legislation and mr. chairman, i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balancef his time. dos the gentleman from n jersey seek recognition? mr. frelinghuysen:r. chairman, i rise in opposition but in reality the gentleman -- i rise in opposition to speak onhe gentleman's amendment. the chair: without objection
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the gentlen is recognized for five minutes. mr. frelinghuysen: but in ality thank the gentleman for his strong support of natiol defense his incredible dedicatioto the national guard an his great service to the state of ohio. his amendment, while it will be withdrawn, is as said intended to provide radio uipment for the air national guard f-16's, was ly recently brought to our committee's attention. should the air guard choose to purchase ther -- ar.c. 210 radios with degree of funding which the committee has provided quite lot of money for, the committee would pport their decision. we're sensitive to the need of the air guard, yet the committee needs too its due diligence. we look forward to working with you andour sta on this important issue, as we've already been doing. and appreciate yr indulgence and willingness twithdr the amendment.
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mr. latta: i thank the entleman and yieldack the balance of my time. the chair: does the gentleman seek to withdraw the amendment? mr. latta: iithdraw the amendment. the chair: without objection, the amendmenis withdrawn. are there a further amenents tohis -- for what purpose does the gentleman from oklahoma seek reck mission >> i have an amendment at the desk. the clerk: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. bridenstine of oklahoma. after the dlar amount insert, reduce by $25 million. page 33, line 3, after the dolr amount sert increased by $25 million. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman fr indiana seek recognition? mr. visclosky: i rise in opposition to the ntlemas amendment.
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the chair: the gentleman fro oklahoma d a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recogzes the gentleman om oklahoma. mr. bridenstine: thank you. mr. eaker i'd like to thank the distinguishedhairman of the subcommittee for bringing this bill to the flo. the idenstine-rogers-turner-pociu s amendment is aeflection of concern. the bridensti-rogerturner-pociu s amement would appropriate $25 million to fund military responses t russia's violion the 1987 intermedtial range clear forces treaty. this is the same amounthat the house armed servies committee autrized recely in aipartan and noncontroversial provision in h.r. 1735,hich passed the use armed services commitee on a0-2 vote. senior.o.d. officls fro the secretary of defense to
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lesser se-confirmed officials have testified that the united states is considering a nge of military options to respond to russis violation of the ism treaty. - i.m.f. treaty. what do these clude? numberon eending the range of the army'cuent ay tactical missile system, land-baing tomahawand otherwise modiing similar cabilities, and also other capabilities per classifi d.o.d. repting. the emphasis should be on modifying current sysmss opposed to developing brand new capabilities which wldake longer d st farore. this amendment is imperative to ensuring that another year isn't allowed to go by before russians-ussia'president, vladimir putin, is made to understand that he cannot profit by his violation of the i.n.f. treaty. as "the new york times" reported on june 5, following thsubmission of the most rece state department annua port on army control
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compliance, quote american officials have made no discernble headway in perading thessians to knowledge the compliance problem. let alone rolve it. in cember the pentagon told congress that it had deloped a range of mility options pressure russia to remedy he olation or ntralize any advantages it might gain if diplomatic efforts fail. brian mccann, a seor pentagon official, told congress thatf diplomatic -- if diplatic soluon was not f, quot this violation will go unanered. mr. chairman, urge the support of all members for the -- to suprt the bridenstine-rogers-turr-poe amendment a i reserve the balance of my time. mr. viscloy: i appreciate the gentlemas conrn relative t russ and hisesire make sure tat they ade by the
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esting treaty. certainly w anowled tha they haveaded t country of the ukraine control a quaer of that country's inst production, as the gentleman s indicated, very concerned about theirviolation of potentially, ofe treaty that exists. my concern is that gentleman's amendment is premature. he's absolutely correct that the authorizing committee in this body did pass legislation that you are trying to address with your amendment. the other body has not yet acted. additionally, i would point out, and again i think the gentleman was absolutely correct, that d.o.d. is considering a range of options. you have innumerated at least three of them, again i think very correctly. i think, again it's premature, given the fact that we're still as a country considering what options should be utilized to
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deal with this very serious question that the gentleman raises. given the fact that we don't have direct authorization and we're considering options, while i agree with the intent, would have to object to the timing of the gentleman's amendment. and would reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from oklahoma is recognized. mr. bridenstine: i would just argue that while it is true that the other body has not acted on this yet, it is also true that this body has already acted in the defense authorization bill, that it came through committee and certainly it was an overwhelming support in committee and overwhelming support on the floor of the house. i think that the will of this body ought to be done by all of my colleagues supporting this very important amendment and to make sure that russia understands that they cannot go unchecked when they violate a treaty of this magnitude. with that i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time.
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the gentleman from indiana. mr. visclosky: i again express sympathy for the aim of the gentleman, but pointing that to appropriate money we need authority, we do not yet have that given the absence of action by the senate and signature of the authorization into law by the president. and would ask my colleagues to oppose the gentleman's amendment and i would yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from oklahoma. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. the amendment is not agreed to. the clerk will read. the clerk: page 30, line 19 procurement defense-wide, $5,143,095,000 to remain available for obligation until september 30 2018. the chair: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek reckitionnition -- seek
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recognition? ms. jackson lee: i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by ms. jackson lee of texas. page 31, line 7, after the dollar amount insert, reduced by $10 million. page 36, line 1, after the dollar amount insert, increased by $10 million. page 36, line 9, after the dollar amount insert, increased by $10 million. the chair: pursuant to house rule 303 the gentlelady from texas and a member opposed each will control five minutes. ms. jackson lee: mr. chairman, thank you. i move to thank the staff first, for working with members and getting members in order, to be able to present their amendment. and then i want to thank the chairman and ranking member for understanding of this amendment and, again, making the point that this amendment that i intend to offer, and am offering at this time, i've been able to work with the appropriators over the years.
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i am a breast cancer survivor and as i myself was going through that period, i met women who were experiencing triple negative, which is a very deadly aspect of breast cancer. my amendment increases funding for defense health programs research and development by $10 million. and these funds will address the question of breast cancer in the united states military. just the fact, to take note of the point, that more than 800 women have been wounded in iraq and afghanistan, according to the army times. 874 military women were diagnosed with breast cancer just between 2000 and 2001. my amendment will add the additional research dealing with this question. and the good news is that when the military research component works on this, there is good possibility and great possibility of moving forward. breast cancer strikes
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relatively young military women at an alarming rate but male service members, veterans and their depenalties are at risk as well. military people in general and in some cases very specifically are at a significantly greater risk for contracting breast cancer according to dr. richard clap, a top cancer expert at boston university who works at the centers for disease control. just a moment, he notes, that life in the military can mean exposure to a witch's brew -- to a witch's -- to a witch's brew of risk factors. just a moment about the triple negative breast cancer. i saw firsthand in a very wonderful professional in my community, go very quickly, first at the diagnosis and then the short-term survival that she experienced. it is a term used to describe breast cancer whose cells do not have estrogen recenters and do not have an excess of the her-2 protein on their cell membrane of tumor cells. so what does that mean?
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it accounts for between 13% and 25% of all breast cancer in the united states. it's a higher grade onset at younger, more aggressive, and likely to metastasize. currently 70% of women with me taft sized triple negative breast cancer do not live more than five years after being diagnosed and it impacts various ethnicities and ethnic groups in a far different way. we find that african-american women are more likely to be diagnosed with large tumors, but it impacts women of all backgrounds, racial backgrounds, as well. . i ask my colleagues to consider my amendment. take note of the fact that the amendment would not change the overall budget authority and lower the level of outlays. i reserve my time. the chair: the gentlelady reserves.
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does any member seek time in opposition. the gentlelady from texas is recognized. ms. jackson lee: might i ask, mr. chairman, to add this article into the record, a new drug for triple negative breast cancer seems promising. the research that the united states military can do under the research development test and evaluation is powerful and there are many women in the military and men and many women throughout the nation and around the world that would benefit greatly from the additional focus on this very deadly form of breast cancer. i ask my colleagues to support the jackson lee amendmentment. i thank the staff and chairman and ranking member. with that, i yield back. the chair: the gentlelady yields back. the gentlelady's request will be
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covered under general leave. the question is on the amendment. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is adopted. the clerk will read. the clerk: page 31, line 9, defense production act purchases $76,680,000. title 4, research development, test and evaluation, research development and evaluation army, $7 billion to remain available for obligation until september 30 2017. research and development test and evaluation, navy. $17,237,727,000 to remain
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available until september 0 017. research and development test and evaluation air force $23 ,152,000,000 to remain under obligation for september 30, 2017. research and development defense wide including transfer of funds $18,207,171,000 to remain under obligation for september 30, 2017. the chair: for what purpose does gentlelady from new mexico seek recognition? ms. lujan grisham: i have an amendment at the desk. the clerk: page 33, line 3 after the dollar amount insert reduced by $3 million increase by $3 million.
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the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentlelady from new mexico and a member opposed will each control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlelady from new mexico. ms. lujan grisham: thank you, mr. speaker. at a time when the united states is facing constantly evolving global threats from a ride range of enemies we need to monitor and respond to these threats. our military doesn't have time to wait for the development and launch of surveillance or communication satellites. o.r.f. allows the u.s. to respond to the emerging and often unanticipated needs. they give the military tore
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launch satellites. these cost effective satellites provide advantages on the battlefield and provide surveillance and countercommunications, space protection and weather data from around the world to assist our military in combating our enemy. don't take my word for it. air force leadership has praised the program as an effective national security tool. o.r.f. is exactly what we need. innovation and greater efficiency with ongoing fiscal constraints. current chief of staff of the air force said we have to look at space as a war-fighting domain and requires us to look at different ways of building, maintaining and improving the assets we have in space and the capabilities they provide in new
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and different ways and the large program and large investment over long periods of time that have dominated the space architecture. it plays a critical role beyond the immediate response. the u.s. needs to have the ability to launch weather satellites that are countermeasures by other countries. china used a ground-based missile to launch a satellite. demonstrating their capacity to target our satellites and space defense systems. the you-china review commissions report to congress notes that china in 2014 continues to pursue a broad counterspace program to challenge u.s. information superiority in a conflict and disrupt satellites if necessary. china will be likely to hold at
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risk u.s. national security satellites in every regime in the next five to 10 years. russia is developing a space defense system capable of destroying satellites. as other countries satellites intensifies. i want to thank the chairman and ranking member for including funding in thisier's bill but i do not believe it is vital to fund this program. without sufficient funds they cannot produce the space systems. it is not in our best interest to focus on building satellites that take decades and cost billions of dollars. while i believe it is integral in maintaining our advantage in space, i understand the committee is not at this time able to reallocate additional funds to this very important program. i hope to continue to work with
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the committee as the appropriations process moves forward. and i do at this time ask unanimous consent to withdraw my amendment. and i yield back. the chair: the amendment is withdrawn. without objection. for what purpose does the gentleman from indiana seek recognition? mr. visclosky: this will be an amendment offered by the gentleman from new jersey, mr. pascrell, that was my mistake. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from seek recognition? mr. pascrell: i have an amendment at the desk. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. pascrell of new jersey. page 33, line 3, after the dollar amount insert reduced by $25 million. page 36 line 1 after the dollar amount insert increased by $25
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million. page 36, line 9, insert increased by $25 million. the chair: the gentleman from new jersey and a member opposed will each control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. mr. pascrell: i rise today to offer this amendment with congressman rooney who is my co-chair. traumatic brain injury continues to be the signature brain injury among our service members returning from iraq and afghanistan. more than 300,000 troops have been diagnosed with mild t.b.i. since 2000. this number continues to increase as identification and detection methods become more accurate. despite these staggerering figures there was a decrease from last year's funding level. my amendment would restore the same funding level to the t.b.i.
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program. it supports the d.o.d.'s center of excellence in its efforts to educate service members and their families to enhance clinical and management apreemps and facilitate to best serve our service members impacted by t.b.i. and psychological problems afterwards. the d.o.d. have improved both in theater and post-assessment and diagnosis but still needs to be done for service members to return to duty. we are not living up to our responsibility in caring for the service members that have been diagnosed by t.b.i. i urming my colleagues to support this bipartisan amendment and i reserve. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. does anyone -- any member seek
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time in opposition? mr. frelinghuysen: i seek to use that time in opposition to give complyments to my colleague from new jersey and he has been providing that leadership in support and certainly bipartisan. justford. our committee has been very active in supporting this type of work and research and fr the record our bill provides $155 million, which includes a plus-up of $100 million above the request level for traumatic brain injury. and our bill includes $670 million in operation and maintenance funding within the health defense program to care for service members. there has been an issue about the slow spenddown of some of
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the money and if we are here on the floor advocating as we should for such an important program, we need to make sure that the bureaucracy gets the money spent. i'm sure my colleague from new jersey would agree, if we put money on the table, let's make sure they spend it rapidly to address this ever-growing problem that are affects so many people. i commend the gentleman and support his amendment. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from new jersey. mr. pascrell: thank you, mr. speaker. the chair: the the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from new jersey. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. the clerk will read. the clerk: page 3 , line 22,
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operational test and evaluation, defense, $170,558,000 to remain available for obligation until september 30, 2017. title 5, revolving and management funds, defense working capital funds $1,634,568,000. national defense sea lift fund $474,164,000. title 6 other department of defense programs $defense health program $31,440,000,000 the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. aguilar of california. insert reduced by $1 million. page 36 line 9 after the dollar
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amount insert reduced by $1 million, increased by $1 million. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 30 the gentleman from california, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from california. mr. aguilar: this would set aside $1 million to study assisted suicides. they risk their lives every day. yet they don't get the care they deserve. while attention has been given to the subject in the past we have seen a need for research that deals with high suicide rates among our female service members and veterans. "the los angeles times" reported on a study that will female veterans commit suicides six times the rate of other women. this research released in the journal of psychiatric services
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reported that female veterans between 18-29 are 12 times to commit suicide. we need to do better by the women who risk their lives. we can't sit by while our veterans suffer in silence. my amendment would set aside $1 million to study the causes of this level of suicides. service level related factors, such as financial troublings and other ex term stressors must be investigated if we need to confront this travesty head on. the suicide gap between men and women is shrinking. men typically have higher suicide rates than women when military service is incorporated and the gap shrinks erp significantly. this is a serious problem. and until we understand why we
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are seeing this horrific trend, we cannot help the women who bravely served. when we are faced with rising generations where female veterans are 12 more times to commit suicide we need to take action. we will understand how we get here to move forward and take action to address this crisis and i reserve my time. . the chair: does any member wish to claim time in opposition? mr. ag la -- mr. aguilar: i yield back. the chair: the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from california. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the amendment is agreed to
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the chair: the clerk ll read. the cpage line emic agents and muniton defense. $7210. drug interdiction defense $87800. of th inspgenel, $316159,000. tit 7 related aencies cel intelligy rerement a disability system fund $514,000,0. intelligen comty managemen account $507,9 23,000. tl 8, general ovisio.
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ctn 8001. npart of anyropriation contd in thisctll be ed f puicity. section 82 probitinghe paymentf copensationo any person no aizen they have tissucitizen of the nitetates,halnot apply to aerson who is an employee of t departnt of dense. ion 8003shalot remn nect. seion 800 . more than 20%of the amount shall beate pasthe fiscal year. seion 8005, trasfer ofun. on termatio secretary that such actiois necesry n to ed 000,00 sectio 86. tharto the list of specific ograms contained the explaatio of projeclel
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. the amonts for programs which exceed e amount equire b carrie out ch manner proded byh tablf the tables re included in this a. secon 8007, departme shall submiteporto tablh the bane for applcation of repgrammin section 800 trsf fds. ashces and working capal funds of e department establishe pursuant totion 2208 of tit 1 unid es code may maintainedon suchas are necessary at any forash disbursents. ion 800 nds ppprd may no be used ate special acss programithout pri notifn to the ngressional defe committs. sectio 8010 none of the funds shall b avaible to initia a multiyear coct ttmpl econoc ord quantit procume inxcesof $20
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llion. section 8011. funds appiated fothe rati aaintence ereby appiatedursuant to sectn 4 ofe 10 united states code f manitarian and civ assistanc cts. ction the civianersonl of t departntot-- m ne maned on thasis of a end strenand thmana shalnot ubjecto any nstint or limitation. ctio80. none of th fshall be ud to infce cessional acn on anegislation or appropiaonmatter pending rehecongress. section 84. nof fnds shbe available r the basic any be of the arm rtatg as a fti student and receiing benits paid by the secreta of veteransaffrsrom the partent of dense educa benefits fds. sec 8015. rafer of fund title 3 o this act forhe
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department, pilot mentor pro programaye tnsfered tony otheappropriation fothe rpofmplemeing a mentoprotege progm. sen6. nonof thendy be avaible for pe the deartment ded spard ancr andooring le the ancnd mooring cin are macted in the uted stat. section no of he fundsay be used to demitarize or dissuppose of m-1 c bines section 8018. no more han500,0 shall usedaingle fial yearor any sin rel a orgazati. secton 8019. of t made availabl $15 milln sha be avb for incentements thorized by sti 504 of the ian fnancing act o1974. sect . fundopriated shall nobe used for any niona or international politicalor
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psychological actities. ction 802 the departme is azed to incur oblatiof exced $350 in ticipn reipt of contbutis only from the govnment of kuwt. section 802 the funds deilable not than $39,50000 sha be ailable for thvil patrorporaon. section 83. nonef theunre ailable to esblish a new department edunded rearch and dop ceerfr, as newntity byorganizati manang ather ffrdc. ctionnone of the fs shl used ocure car armor sel plte for use in any governmt-owd facity under ve the deptment ich were not mlted -- underthe contl of thpartnthich we melted in the united staof canada. section 8025, th term
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ssionefense commiees means the armeservices coittee of the house of resentatives, arme servs committeof the setehe subcommittee of dense on committeef apopriationsthe senate and theubcommt of defense on coittee of apprriationsfthe house. setion 8026. he deprt may are the modification depot intenance and repa of airc vehicles, and vsselshrough competiti betenepartmen offense depot mntenance tivits and private fms. section 8027. the sretaryetermine foren untry s vioted the rms oe agreemey discati agast cerin types prodtsuced in he uniteas, theecreta s r t sretars blnket waive of the buy american a ction028. amoun coned ithe departmentefenserss military faciy investm recove shal be aille ntil expdedor thements sfsf stion 8029.
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cretary of the airorce mac y no st to air force ndiatrs locatn e ates nevad idaho,o dako, nortkota monta orego msota a washgtonelatble military housingnitst d forir fce b section 8. appropriations which a available to thdepant f operatio and matenay be usd to pchase items of not man $0, ion 8031. no of tunds m be us to diablish a seor rserve ficer's trning corps prram. sectio 803 ring the curnt fiscal yea notheundsavailable to the dertment odefense working capitunshall be usedfor the pchase oan invement itor the purpe a nw innty iteme ifhte would note chargeable to darent odense busine operatis fund.
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section033. none ofhe funorgrams ofhe ntral inlligce en shall rain aila obligatioexcept funds ropriad forhee coingencies whichmain avlablntiptember 3 17. tion 8034. s mevaablfor the fense inlligcegency may be ufoth design and dement o tgene deense intelligence ram intelligence counicions. secti 8035, undhe heading opn nd maint fense-wide, not han $ llion shall be made available e mitigation of envimeal impacts. secti 8036. noneth funds y expended by anntity the department uss thentity coes with thy american sectio8037 nven t funds shall bevail stues
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unl dtment harge ofthe procurt that onl on soue isound fully qualifed toerform e prosed wor sectn 88, none of e fun may be u estish ald operating agency. secon 8039. none of funds sll be ail to convert to racr performancand actity or nction of the departme tis perforby dament'slion ployees less the c verlings is on the result of aublic-private comtiti that inclus a most cien st eecrganization plan. sect 8040. rescissions nds e rescindefrom accounts andrograms inhe specifd aun. sectio 80 none of the fun may be used toedehe authorized positio for taryechniciansfhearmy natnalua for pupose f applyin any admistvely
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sed civian perel ng. ctio 8042 nonof theun made avaible may be oigat toe democrat people' republic of korea. seio 8043, nds for operation andaintance of ility paments slbe avale feimburnt of pawhicld oerwise be incred against appropations the nationaguard res. section 8044, nonof te fds for anyiscalear for dru interdiction if my -- may b ansfered to any her department or agency pt as specificlly provided in appropriaonlaw. section 045 none o the funds may besed for the p ofba and rolr bearings other than thoseroduced a ticource. section 80 iadtion $44 ll aiated t the dertment. section04one t funds to chase any supemput inot maufactu in thenited
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states. section 88,all ness innotion rearch progm and e smal busess technology trer pgr set asides may eenrom other- takenroroa. sectn049. none of t funds shl obligated y aontract under a contra withe departmenor costs of any amou pd the contrtor t empyee he such stare r a bonus ct 8050, incdi of funds. no rehan30illion under the headingeration and maience defenswi may transferetoapprriations availae fothe of mitapersonne sectn 8051. the caseanropriatn acunfor which eerioof availabily for obligationas pired, and which has a ivnliquidatalnce, or adjustment ofn gation maye arged current appropriation acc fothe same purposethe
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exd or closed at if t obligatio wouldha bee proply chargeable. sec 8052. the chieff thnation guard bure mayermi usef equipment of theationagu ce lrning pject ban person oa spacevailab women ursable sis. seion053 t secretofheir forc may imement ct effect rements f reqired heating cization and fe rli of any. chair: for urse does the gentma from californ ekogni? >> have a amendment number ur pried in e cossiona rerd e cha: th clerk will designehe amendment. the clerk: amendnt nberour ined in the congressional recor offered m hufan of californ. the chair: uanto house relution3, thgentlem m califoiand a mber opse eh will conol five nues. e cirecizes te gentlem fom calornia. m huffman: ank u,mr. speer. i yield myself such timas i may e. h year-
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the ch the geneman i rognid. mr. hman: eacyear the departmt of denseshts coalroansylv about 3,0ileaw tir rce base inermanting taxpalions oflars re thaif wtreatethis base li ather baset d. o we dohis? becausince 1 2, each fense appopriatio act has included a earmark reing tht thentago p antace coal in pennlvania to heat this be in gerny this is wasteful spendg, p an sime. ipartis amement whi i'm wferi my colleague, to mcclintk, wldinal rove thbie erk andav taxpayers miions each year. at itseak this reqired tt e grnme pchas m thanillions of
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tacite eachr but y the deparofefense purchaesnl 5,000o tons annlly to et the n of tis spefic basit costaxllionsach time. ccrding to the l study w did s,backn 1989, e partnt of fee, thate department a the dt of commercint concluded th these mtesad ct.s taayers1.1 billn. that wa26 yearsgo t's a lot more sce the. fodedese pentagohas ed congresso reovehis wastul emak anallow t usper fueltoow or milita base many presint after preside has ur removof this earmark repu and democrats evy presiden sincejimm caanddi pre ronald reagan. todawe havethe opportuni to aievet
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goal thank mr. mcclintock and sse of i amentill roofositive th rens a docraan worktogeer tout wasteful spending. i urgecol to supo ament ad i yield mr. lintoctwo nutes ofhe time. the ch: the ntlemais recoized f two minutes. mr. mlintock:mr chaan don srtar ol thatsaged bsome o friendsn theeft bt i do po the r on w an support this ameme based on at fislimperative. fenawanded spding becaey said ourending bretched brng p i findit excuseable that seollars woul ckless sqerfund a corru earmarkrom a deased
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nnylvani conesan tt back more than 40 years. that earmark require one anonlyne amican air forc bas puhase000 ns of cl at th grossnflated ic of $20 llio. thais 80%orxpensive. and doinclud t tror ts co acrosshe atliccean half across t eopea contint e excuse is wellwod be pendt on. oer se irope is ed to this coal. the ptagocsive presides ha ptestedhis ste, buhese press e fa on deaf e in ngre we don'changee sing
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trajectoryof thi gvernment th congression dg offe s xt0 years,t payinthntes on e ti dwilll exceed our enti dens dget. that mesooing waste like this aatial defse imperati i y bac thave reliable ctiusource ofney
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dailyatio. 't thinkwe ougo s the notn tt germ udetack ria agessionndld aany me ut fuesuess they done to other cntries eastern eope eure aanre a ent lies on ruias suly of er rs use levera oan annualasis to quiet pontial opposioto tht agesonn ukrai and other parsf the regi th is sinde portantt is to ense that liry s areable dos srcof energ wherer in e worl thisay ben unusual circum i no reson o change it. urge a no votth endndyiback. e chair: tgentmayields acthe balance of tim
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. huffman:e have wl over other defense inallatis ny hdre of oth across thebe tmy knowledgand i hav me inqui on thisjecot a gle oerates th a ngssesally maated f ce like tne we talkinabout here. the rman facily is tly oe of kin it pres theentagon the flxibili tsuhaur instlations ntinueo ha reliable, cheaperndleer ergy urce e congressida w aed to defse apprriatioll ove 4 to ct tve $1 billion toheaxpa anpeakthissn't abo our nation sy. this ieapons syste ing to supportros. ist doing ythiorour national sypt wastingaxye' doarand
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mange al coy in pennvani ae bi rier. wh that, dck e chair: thentleman el back thealcehis me. the qion is on e amendment offered thlemafrom ca. thosevosaaye. ose oosed,o. inhe oni of th air, es ve i the endnt mr. han: request a rerded vote. the ch the gtl qsts rerdote. puuant tolause 6, rule8, rther proceedingone tffer t ntlanrocaial be std. the clerk wll read. the k:a8 li 9section 80 under the heading of menance andmillion shalupt for al reponsandecon05ne of the ndmabe used to procure its to liary fors
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r training. ction056, e secety ma waive with respecto a foreign untry on defserom foig forc if theould inlidate rams betwe t dent anthe foreig coun ction 805 non t funds m b ud r traing a foigecity secretary has crib mation that the u coitteoss olion man righ. section858, ne ofhefus madelae be liga or expendedor peorming repas oraitenae to militaryamily housi uts. secon 85059est and evaluation defense-widay lote 45 dafter a report has been ovedn wting. seti 8060,
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theecretary shrovide a quarr beinni 30 dafter entme of this acto th comttees. seio 806 rer w a mber of the national grd sein on fll-time national guar dutmay pem dues i su t gd-bed elemts of the natio ballistiissiefse system. secti062, ne theds may bed to transfer a nongovernmtanty, am ammion y t deptment. thchf of tatioal grd reay wai pntof 10nid stecon the casf a ase personal property r not in excess of neea sectn 84, no of theunds al usefo the ort o anpproia fds vity of theartment that ines maerages.
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80. $76,6,750. section066 none the funds y used to take any action to modif ariatio coutrre f the naonallige pgram budget sec 8067,addion, $ llio aiated to deptmen ction 806inclg tnsfer of funds under t headin emes a resarch dend dense de $48785,000h br the israeliooperave programs. sectn069 incdingtrsfer of funds navy,$38930,sall lel ber 30, stion07 fus appropated orade availae by the
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ansferndfor intelgee actes a emed specifal authori f section04f the al rict o 1947. seion071, nonun e avlableor obligaon expeniture a reprog f at cates pgram unlechrogram or acti mu bertakemmiy herenatna curi. secti 8 budt of t psiori year 27 allnclcu for sts of te unitedtatearmed forces participation in contngcyopor militar personnelccnt cti 8073, ne t funds may bused f rear or thimt of nuclear ad terceptor a yste section07 theotamount apopriate i rededy $1
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billion sectio807 ne of the funds shale us to duce the tionf t 53rdeather reck acequad r ift redus it he levelsunde ction07ne othe fds all bavailablor ntegn of forei inlligence ioatle inrmation h lfuyollted and presed. thee memrs of resve onents thearmed forc are cald, emberha no wrig oth expect section 8078, ne oth funds besed tnsfer re elment or otheprogram authyting t nn aerial vehs. up $li of ds untheeadi of operatn
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and mtinsavy seion 8080,no of e fs forgrams of offof thdirec of naal intlinc sha remain availae for thecurrent fiscalyer, w semain avlable until sepmb 3 20. section 80, 8nyubdisio aaonsnders act navyshl consider to for the sa purosas any suivsi under hd ship buig and convsin, navy. sectio 882 n later than 80 days tir shallsubm aeportohe intelligee mee sen 8083 nne of funds le may reali army timandnew jeey. seion0one of fnds adey be used to suppormilitary traini o
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onat includ child sol a dine the child soldis ptictf 200 section 8ludin t fundsthom anagemen $20 millio is madevaable sen 8086, ne of funds ovedorhe natiol intelgencprramhl be availab forobliga o pe through a reprgrming oransff funds at cs aewst efrt. con 87, theirrhall suit oness ch yea outhe mehat the ident's budget is submitted to coresa reear's lligenrogra rcting esimatedxpentu thrm intlligence committees ans permansect ommittees onth hse, the le commiee intellence on the snacommittee on defse the commite of apopriaton the house, the
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subcmitton defnse on the mmittee oappropns the sat seio089, thdepartment shalloin tolre incrmentalcoingenc operations costfor operat hereesol. sectn80 section 80, iding tr fnd none oe un ailable byan used t -- title 10ited stes code seon f appriat by tis actaye aille f tfers to th dense cun rk fce devepmenund. cton092, any agency cvidsll po o the lic websi of tha ageny a repo requed tbe ted by t congress thi oy r t. sec3. nonef the fundsadilable may bexpended
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for amou s o$1ilon less t contractor agrees not to enter into any agreement with any of its employees. section 8094, including transfer of funds up to $121 million shall be available for transfer to the joint department of defense department of veterans' affairs medical facility demonstration fund. section 8095. the office of the director of national intelligence shall not employ more senior executive employees than are specified in the classified annex. section 8096. appropriations may be used for the purchase of heavy and light armored vehicles for force protections purposes up to a limit of $450,000 per vehicle. section 8097. none of the funds appropriated may be used by the department in contravention of sections 1661,
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1662, or 1663 of the national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2016. section 8098. the secretary shall report quarterly the numbers of civilian personnel and strength for each and every appropriation account used to finance federal civilian personnel salaries. section 8099, including transfer of funds. $1 billion. section 801 -- section 8100, none of the funds may be used to transfer or release in the united states khalid sheikh mohammed of any other detainee who is not a citizen of the united states. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman seek recognition? >> i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. visclosky to have indiana strike section 8100. the chair: pursuant that house resolution 303.
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the gentleman from indiana and a member opposed will each control five minutes. the chair will recognize the gentleman from indiana. mr. visclosky: i thank the chair. the amendment i have offered deals with the detainees at guantanamo bay. it was sugg -- i would suggest to my colleagues that the continued operation of the facility at gahn dawn -- guantanamo bay reduce ours nation's credibility and weakens our national security by providing terrorist organizations with recruitment material. i do regret that the bill and other relevant appropriations acts continue to thwart any attempts to close quan gahn -- guantanamo by prohibiting viable alternatives. also as we are debating in an appropriation bill and this committee has to pay for things, i think it is appropriate to discuss the cost of the detention facility at guantanamo. we are now spending approximately $2.7 million
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annually per inmate which is about 35 times the cost per inmate in a supermax federal prison in the united states. the united states government has transfers of approximately 620 detainees from guantanamo since may of 2002. with 532 transfers occurring during president bush's administration and slightly in excess of 88 transfers occurring during the current administration. nearly 500 defendants charged with crimes related to international terrorism have been, and i would emphasize this to my colleagues, successfully convicted in the united states since 2001. this includes one former gitmo detainee tried in new york city. the times square bomber, richard
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reed the shoe bomber and others. all of them are incarcerated in our federal prisons throughout the united states and there has been no security incidents. further, there are six defense department facilities where guantanamo bay detainees could be held in the united states that are currently only at 48% capacity. so i would ask my colleagues to adopt this amendment so we can move forward and i would reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey rise? mr. frelinghuysen: i rise in opposition to the amendment and i yield to mr. wittman, a member of the house intelligence committee. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. wittman: thank you, mr. chairman. i rise in opposition to the amendment. these important provisions already included in the law have been included in the past
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several appropriations bills for several years running. there's a reason that they are there. they represent, this wording represents a strong and enduring consensus in congress that guantanamo should remain open and that detainees should not be transferred to the united states for any reason. this is debated back and forth in agreement on both sides of the aisle. striking these provisions would have unknown consequences for a number of u.s. communities and it's impossible for any of taos know how many detainees might be brought there, where they might be held, and the impacts on communities and facilities holing them. it's also impossible to know what the costs might be. so we're asking for this unknown to be pursued without knowing the risks or knowing the costs. keeping detainees in u.s. prisons as the administration originally proposed would be disruptive and disastrous.
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former f.b.i. director mueller said transferring detainees to u.s. jails could infect other inmates or have the capability of affecting events outside the prison system. the last thing we need today in the face of isis is to convert more folks to extremism they have idea of bricking detainees for trials in the united states quickly collapsed as local jurisdictions voiced their strong opposition and we heard that across the united states. as everyone here is aware, several detainees that have been released from guantanamo have gone back to the fighting and killed and wounded americans. the threat is real and guantanamo is already equipped to hand they will detention and military trial of these individuals as appropriate. any proposal that results in these detainees being sent to the united states for any reason is simply the wrong policy. we have tread this ground time and time and time again. i therefore oppose the amendment
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and urge my colleagues to vote against this amendment. mr. frelinghuysen: let me thank the gentleman for his comments and let me add to what he has said. the thought that people released from guantanamo have gone back to the fight and been involved in the killing of americans in the middle east is repugnant and makes all of us angry. and that's literally what's happened. we read about it in open sources, we can speculate because i think sometimes these things are not reported, that a lot of these people that have been released have gone back and actually headed up efforts to ambush our soldiers and kill our soldiers and seek vengeance and reality, i'm glad these people continue to be locked away. i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from indiana.
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mr. visclosky: i would simply say that the gentleman from virginia noted that there are supposition and unknown in the future and that is certainly correct. what is known is that we are a nation of law. and our military protects this country so that we can continue to be governed by those laws and i for one happen to think that the indefinite detention of any human being www.a trial is violative of those laws and that is a foundational principle of our nation and we ought to conduct ourselves accordingly and would ask my colleagues to support the amendment and i would yield back my time. the chair: the gentleman yields back. the question is on the amendment. offered by the gentleman from indiana. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no.
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in the opinion of the chair the noes have it. mr. visclosky: i ask for a recorded vote. the chair: the gentleman requests a recorded vote. pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceed option the amendment offered by the gentleman from indiana will be postponed.
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the chair: the clerk will read. the clerk: page 37, line 1, section 8101, none of the funds appropriated may be used to construct any facility in the united states to house any person under effective control of the department. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? >> i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the gentleman will be recognized for five minutes. the clerk will designate the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. glad lore of new york, strike section 8101. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303 the gentleman from new york and a member opposed will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new york.
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mr. nadler: i thank the chairman. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. mr. nadler: thank you, mr. chairman. i rise to offer an amendment which would strike the section of the bill restricting the use of funds for building or modifying facilities in the united states to house prisoners presently at guantanamo bay. the argument for why we should strike this is straightforward. the detainees at guantanamo bay must be brought to justice. those who are guilty of terrorism need to be tried and punished in a swift and judicious matter. -- manner. any detainee who is innocent should with equal speed and sincerity be released two. cases exemplify this argument. first is khalid sheikh mohammed. since 2006 he's been detained at guantanamo where he has yet to be tried, convicted, or properly punished for his heinous actions.
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justice for the victims for the families who lost loved ones in the world trade center, at the pentagon and in pennsylvania must be carried out system of far this has not happened. at the same time more than 400 terrorists, though they haven't managed to try and convict anyone at guantanamo more than 400 terrorists including the 9/11 con spir sor zach ryea moussawi have been tried an convicted in federal courts in the united states without incident and in a manner fitting with the american justice system. no prisoner has escaped from a u.s. prison nor has any facility been attacked because of the prisoners held within. the second case is one i read about. in november, 2001, mr. amir, was
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doing charity work in afghanistan when he was picked up by the northern alliance, sold to americans for a bounty and taken to bagram prison before being moved to guantanamo in february, 2002. he was cleared for release by president bush in 2007. and cleared again by president obama in 2010. six different u.s. agencies agreed, including the c.i.a., the federal bureau of investigation, the departments of state and defense, while prime minister david cameron and the house of commons called for his immediate release and transfer to britain system of far this has not happened. mr. amir has never been charged with anything, has twice been cleared for transfer and every american agency that looked that the said he has not been a terrorist and did not fight against the united states. there's no reason for him to remain in this custodial purgatory if he remains a detainee at the guantanamo bay facility. as long as this provision remains in the bill, people like mr. amir guilty of nothing, not
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terrorists, not fighters against the united states, will be unjustly imprisoned and people like khalid sheikh mohammed who are guilty, the we think, will not be tried. for too long the terrible people in guantanamo have avoided facing the consequences or answering to u.s. courts for their actions while innocent people have been denied recourse when there's no ed or rb for continuing their detention. we must not keep people in prison indefinitely for no reason. the opponents of this amendment must not share my faith in america's courts to deliver justice. for hundreds of years our legal system has kept america safe by imprisoning dangerous individuals while protecting those who were innocent of any charges. time and time again federal courts have successfully proven their ability to convict criminals and terrorists without violating the right to due process this amendment represents a return to our founding principles that no person may be deprived of
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liberty without due process of law. without this amendment we will continue to hold terrorists and innocents alike indefinitely and without charge. contrary to every tradition this country stands for. we must close this facility, try these people release the innocent and restore our national honor. i urge support of this amendment and reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves. . the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? mr. frelinghuysen: seek time in opposition and yield to the gentleman for any comments. mr. weber: i rise again in opposition to this amendment. we see today guantanamo guantanamo is equipped to hold these detainees. mr. whitfield: -- mr. wittman: they were captured under the rules of enemy
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combatants. another element, too, is locality has spoken to say no, we do not want these detainees here for a variety of reasons. not only is there a reason about security and their argument is well, the facilities in the united states can hold them. that's not the single issue. the communities' concerns about the outcome of these movement. we see radicalization from outside the united states by forces like isis. think about the opportunity as those detainees are moved here and the what they will attain and the press covering it and radicalize folks on the side of extremism. that is another issue that needs to be addressed. get mow is working and detaining these enemy combatants and it
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has been the determination of this body through extensive debate that we shouldn't build facilities here for this purpose, that gitmo is well suited to do the job. i urge my colleagues to vote in opposition to this amendment. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from new york will be recognized for any portion of his time. mr. nadler: these continued repetition of untruths does not make them true. not all these people are captured on the battlefield. one was picked up by doing charity work which sold him for a bounty to the united states. he was not a fighter and not on the battlefield but a victim of a kidnapping by a foreign faction. president bush president obama
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the f.b.i., c.i.a., everybody agrees on the facts with him. and yet we keep hearing people say everybody was a fighter. most probably were. and we are told that military tribunals will try these people. he has been in guantanamo guantanamo for nine years. muhammad has been in guantanamo guantanamo for 15 years. they can't get the act together. the military tribunals, every time they try to hold it is another legal objection. we have to do justice. keeping people in jail indefinitely because we repeat they were on the battlefield when some were not, it's not american. i yield back. the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. the question is on the amendment
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is offered by the gentleman from new york. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it, the amendment is not agreed to. mr. nadler: i ask for a recorded vote on the amendment. the chair: pursuant to clause 6 rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from new york will be postponed. the clerk will read. the clerk: section 1 -- page 107, line 22, section 8102, none of the funds may be used to transfer any individual detained at united states naval station, guantanamo guantanamo bay cuba to the country of origin. mr. nadler: i have an amendment at the desk.
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the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. nadler of new york. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentleman from new york and member opposed willville control for five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: i yield myself such time as i may consume. this is the third of the three amendments that have the same purpose. this one would strike the section of the bill that would make it more difficult to transfer detainees to other countries. i find it surreality stick and debated two amendments tonight and all we hear are repeated statements that everyone in guantanamo guantanamo is a terrorist, not true. that everyone in guantanamo guantanamo is picked up on a foreign battlefield fighting. not true. some of the people in guantanamo guantanamo are terrorists. some of the people in guantanamo
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guantanamo are picked up on the battlefield and some are not. one was picked up by a foreign faction in the northern a alliance and sold. people hole someone claimed was a terrorist. he wasn't a terrorist or combatant and yet he stays in guantanamo guantanamo. it costs us $3 million per prisoner per year. some communities -- there are communities in the united states which can handle these trials. i can think of no honest reason why we would not want the terrorists to be tried and the terrorist cannot be tried by a military tribunal. the fact is, they haven't been able to. they have been tried for 10 years now and haven't succeeded in one person. three plea bargains, no convictions, no trials in the
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last eight, nine years. the federal courts function. why not save money, try the people who -- try the people we think are guilty, get a guilty verdict and put them in a maximum security prison and not hold people without charge. that is un-american. someone referenced radicalizing people. what radicalizes people more and what gives more evidence of anti-islamic sentments than guantanamo guantanamo. it is a symbol worldwide and radicalizing influence. our own generals have said nothing has recruited more enemies. let's close it and take care of the people who are there one way or the other and do justice. i reserve. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? mr. frelinghuysen: i yield to the distinguished the gentleman from virginia. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. >> i thank the chairman for yielding and the gentleman from from new york raised a good question and said i can think of no honest reason why these terrorists have not been prosecuted. mr. forbes: have you been a r to guantanamo guantanamo bay? i have been there. if the jam met with the prosecutor, he assembled a team that worked for over two years trying and prosecuting these terrorists of the world trade center attack. and that prosecutor had gone through a stack of hearingings this tall and his life had been threatened and he told all of us, democrats and republicans who went down there that he
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would have guilty pleas. and to answer the gentleman as to why that didn't happen, when the administration came into office, they canceled that prosecution and took him off the case and disbanded that whole prosecution and to this day, they have not allowed that prosecution to go forward. so if you want to ask the real honest question of why we haven't prosecuted them, the gentleman from virginia said, the facilities are there. the will was there. the hearings were there. the reason is because this administration has refused to prosecute them. and i hope we will defeat those amendments. let the administration prosecute them and i yield back. mr. frelinghuysen: what is sewer real around here, we spend more time on these guantanamo guantanamo bay detainees than americans locked up in iranian
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prisons and jails and that is unconscionable and with americans detained in north korea. let's focus on those people. the iranians holding american prisoners. you have the right to focus on these detainees 99% of them are guilty as hell, but we are doing little in the public way to release americans that are held in prisons in various countries throughout the world. i yield back. the chair: the gentleman from new york. mr. nadler: we all obviously want to free americans unjustly held by north korea iran or anybody else. the reason i suspect we don't spend a lot of time on the floor, we all agree. we obviously want them free. i hope the government is doing to do it.
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but that has nothing to do with gaub guantanamo guantanamo. and the fact of the matter is, it isn't that the fact that administration hasn't voted to prosecute. every time they tried to prosecute and they have tried to prosecute, they have never worked it out. appeal after appeal has shut the process down. i should say judicial decision after judicial decision has shut the process down because they haven't found a procedure that gives enough constitutional rights to pass judicial muster, but is short of a federal article 3 court. and that's why 400 terrorists have been convicted in article 3 federal courts and no terrorists, let them be tried
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properly and let the innocent being freed. how do we know that every single one of them is guilty? and why what right do we hold? it is a bright on our america's face. and i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from new york. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. mr. nadler: mr. chairman. on that, i ask for a roll call. the chair: pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment are offered by the gentleman from new york and will be postponed.
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the clerk will read. the clerk: page 108 line 5, none of the funds made available may be used in contravention of the war powers resolution 508 u.s.c., section 81. none of the funds may be used for the department to purchase new light-duty vehicles. section 8105, none of the funds appropriated may be used by the secretary to enter into a contract or loan guarantee tore borrow or -- section 8106, none of the funds made available may be used for the purchase of a flag of the united states unless such flags are treated as covered items under section 2533 a-b. section 8107, none of the funds
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appropriated may be obligated for the benefit of the president of afghanistan. section 8108, none of the funds appropriated, the secretary may prescribe to local commanders to provide amounts for damage, that is incident to combat operations to armed forces in a foreign country. . none of the funds may be used to reduce the number of deployed and nondeployed strategic delivery vehicles and launchers below levels in the report submitted to the congress. section 8110, the secretary shall pose grant -- post grant awards on the public website. none of the funds made available, may be used to realign the forces in the air force base in portugal. section 8112, none of the funds made available may be used to fund the performance of a flight demonstration team at a local -- at a location outside
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of the united states. section 8113, none of the funds may be used by the national security agencies to conduct an acquisition pursuant to section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act of 1978. section 8114, including transfer of funds $400 million. section 8115 none of the funds made available may be obligated to implement the arms trade treaty. section 8116, none of the funds made available may be used to transfer ah-64 apache helicopters from the army national guard. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. rothfus of pennsylvania. page 115, line 2, strike, in fiscal year 2016, and insert,
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prior to june 30 2016. page 115 beginning line 7, strike the privaso. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentleman from pennsylvania and a member opposed will control five minutes. the gentleman is recognized. mr. rothfus: thank you mr. chairman. the chair: the gentleman will be recognized. the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. rothfus: mr. chairman, since its establishment the national guard has answered the call to defend our nation and respond in times of crises. they have fought bravely with the active component while continuing to achieve their mission here at home. at the height of the wars in iraq and afghanistan, nearly 50% of the army's total force was a mix of reservists and members of the national guard. the pennsylvania national guard alone contributed more than 42,000 individual deployments. unfortunately the army's aviation restructuring initiative or a.r.i. will have devastating impacts on all that the national guard has achieved.
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a.r.i. will result in the transfer of all natural guard apache helicopters to the active component. leaving the national guard less combat-ready. it will also deprive our nation of an operational reserve for these aircraft, which is essential to the retention of talented air crews. a.r.i. represents a fundamental shift in the nature and role of the national guard. last year congress wisely created the national commission on the future of the army to offer a deliberate approach to addressing structure issues such as a.r.i. yet as it stands now, many of these transfers will be long done before the commission has examined the proposal and reported its recommendations. mr. chairman, once these transfers begin, it will be all but impossible to reverse them. we need to allow the commission time to do its work before the army takes any harmful and irreversible actions. in the fiscal year 2016 national defense authorization act, the house adopted an amendment to delay some apache transfers until june 30 2016. this amendment extends that responsible limitation to all national guard apaches while
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also taking important steps to ensure continued readiness of the apache fleet. together these provisions strike a proper balance between safeguarding our national security and preventing any premature apache transfers. only this can truly ensure that the irreparable harm is not done to the national guard. i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from indiana will be recognized. mr. visclosky: thank you, mr. chairman. we have a number of colleagues who want to speak so i will be brief. but i would point out that this amendment, if adopted, will undo last year's compromised legislation that supported the army's critically important aviation restructuring initiative. part of that compromise was to establish a commission to study the force structure of the united states army. i believe we should await that report. the army has indicated that if they are restricted under the gentleman's amendment, they would have to inactivate, and i would repeat this, they would have to inactivate one or more of the battalions in states
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such as new york kansas and hawaii, as well as drastically reduce the work going on into the manufactured plant in 2016. each battalion inactivation will result in the unplanned transfer of approximately 500 soldiers and 1,000 family members, driven by the absence of the aircraft needed to train the unit. i would reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. rothfus: at this time i'd like to yield two minutes to my good friend from pennsylvania, representative perry who is also an apache pilot. the chair: the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for two minutes. mr. perry: thank you, mr. chairman. i thank mr. rothfus for the amendment. without this amendment, as he said, we will see the transfer of all national guard apache helicopters to the active component, while just last year this congress created the national commission on the future of the army to deliberate this change in force, this restructuring issue. you say, why should we care? i mean, isn't this a squabble between one big brother and a
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little brother? it kind of it is. but we should -- it kind of. is but we should care because the taxpayers have invested billions of dollars over years to create the infrastructure within the guard. more importantly, this imposes and weakens our national -- imposes on and weakens our national security. because the guard and the reserve component is the repository for experience in apache pilots. when you get tired of flying the apache on deployment over and over again on active duty, but want to continue to serve your country, what do you do? you join the reserve component. you come to the guard. and those pilots have the most experience. because they've flown on active duty and they've flown in the guard for years and years and years. so when they deploy, that's who you want to fly with. that's who units want to fly with. because they have the experience. the operational depth is in the guard. it's not the govern -- that governors need the apache, it's that the united states needs the apache. and should we transfer the apache because the army wants to pick on its little brother and can? that's exactly what's happening here. i've heard the argument, i
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listened to all the arguments, i spent 34 years in uniform. none of them make any sense and they can't justify any of them. they talk big around this place and all kinds of acronyms that most people don't understand. but none of it is justified. i don't understand why we would do this while we wouldn't wait until just february to get the report from a commission that responsered, that we authorized in this body, why wouldn't we wait until then? why would we transfer the aircraft and when the commission comes back and says, don't transfer the aircraft oh, well, sorry, we already did that. won't we look fool snish more importantly, isn't this -- foolish? more importantly isn't this important for national security to have the experience there, when called upon to go fight? as the gentleman said, make up 50% of the force in the fight. let's not do this for all the wrong reasons. mr. chairman, i yield back. mr. rothfus: i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. for the balance of his time? the gentleman from indiana.
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mr. visclosky: i yield two minutes to the gentlelady from new york. the chair: the gentlelady from new york is recognized. >> thank you mr. chairman. i rise in opposition to the amendment to prohibit funding for any transfer of apaches from the national guard to the active army. in committee chairman wilson and i worked very closely to authorize a congressional review, no less than 60 days following the commission's report releels. and on the house floor, as an amendment to the ndaa, we thoroughly examined and determined a fixed transfer date of apaches no later than june 30. mr. chairman, this amendment is being used as a backdoor scheme and a delay tactic. this ploy places devastating impacts and potential deactivation of the army's combat aviation brigades in states like new york, kansas, hawaii, arizona and overall blackhawk modernization in california. ed a a representative of fort drum -- as a representative of fort drum, any delay would cause this high operational tempo unit to be left without an aviation brigade. ms. stefanik: let me be
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abundantly clear. any apache delay will have grave consequences on our army's readiness, deployment schedule and our soldiers' dwell time. a delay would severely limit the army's ability to meet expected operational requirements and place an even greater burden on our nation's brave service members. so mr. chairman, where i think some may be confused, i want to clarify. in exchange for apaches the national guard sets -- is set to receive fully modernized blackhawks which are essential to lift and rescue operations and remains crit can to -- critical to a state's emergency response. limiting apache transfers would delfer halt this blackhawk -- would therefore halt this blackhawk modernization. this is a ploy to prevent our solders from receiving equipment they need to protect american lives overseas and it is unconscionable. i'm appalled that this is even being discussed and will continue to fight for an on-time transfer of the apaches from the national guard to the active army. and i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time.
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the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. rothfus: may i inquire how much time is remaining? the chair: the gentleman from pennsylvania has one minute. the gentleman from indiana has two. mr. rothfus: i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. mr. visclosky: mr. chairman, i only have one more speaker left and it is my understanding that as a member of the committee i have the right to close. the chair: the gentleman is correct. mr. visclosky: i would reserve the balance of my time. until the gentleman concludes his remarks. the chair: the gentleman from pennsylvania. the gentleman reserves. mr. rothfus: thank you mr. chairman. the chair: the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. rothfus: in conclusion, i would urge my colleagues to vote yes on this important amendment, to prevent the premature transfer of apaches out of the national guard. until the commission has had the opportunity to do its work. this congress created the national commission for the very purpose of studying the impact of transfers such as the apaches out of the guard and after spending billions of dollars, as my colleague from
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pennsylvania had said, this was an investment on the part of the taxpayers to build an operational reserve. we should not take this step until the commission has completed its work and i thank the chairman and i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from indiana. mr. visclosky: mr. chairman, it is my pleasure to yield my remaining time to close this debate to my colleague from the appropriations committee mrs. roby from the state of alabama. the chair: the gentlelady from alabama is recognized for two minutes. mrs. roby: i thank the gentleman. i too rise in opposition to this amendment and i would like to ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter from a general that i received, as well as others. the chair: the gentlewoman's request will be accepted under general rule. mrs. roby: thank you. it expressly allows for the transfer of apatchies with no restrictions on additional moves there after and it says, quote, if we were restricted
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from transferring any portion of the 72 apaches or aircraft inducted into the remanufacturing line as part of that 72, we'll have to inactivate one or more of the battalions in new york, kansas hawaii, as well as drastically reduce the work going into the remanufactured plant in 2016. look, friends and colleagues, we've heard from several members about the devastating impact that any delay in a.r.i. would have on our army. but let's take time to revisit why we're here in the first place. we're here because this congress put the army in the position to have to make these difficult decisions in the first place. we're here because of a thing called sequestration. if there's ever been a time for a stronger argument to revisit this, so that we can properly fund all of our military across all branches so that they're not put in this box, where the army has to make these tough decisions, now is the time. we have got to properly fund
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the united states' military. so here we have a letter from a highly respected chief of staff of the u.s. army to congress saying, if you do this, if you delay these helicopter transfers, will you create a domino effect that will result in the united states of america sending our soldiers to afghanistan and iraq, who are neither fully trained nor fully equipped. we have to do better. we have to do better. and this is the case. again, i apoe -- i oppose this amendment and i call on my colleagues to revisit fully funding our military and repealing the defense sequester. thank you, mr. chairman. i yield back. the chair: the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from pennsylvania. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. mr. rothfus: i request a recorded vote. the chair: pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from pennsylvania will be postponed.
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the clerk will read. the clerk: page 115, line 11, section 8117, none of the funds made available may be obligated for act activities authorized under section 1208 of the ronald w. reagan national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2005. an initiative support for or expand support to foreign forces unless the congressional committees are notified. section 8118, within 90 days of enactment of this act, the secretary shall submit a report to the congressional committees to access whether the justification and approval requirements have been inconsistent with the intent of congress, negatively impacted the ability of entities to be awarded sole source contracts. section 8119 none of the funds made available may be used with respect to iraq in contravention of the war powers resolution, 50 u.s.c. 1541. section 8120, none of the funds
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made available may be used to divest transfer or place in storage any a-10 aircraft. section 8121, not less than $2,800,000 shall be used to support the department's activities related to the implementation of the digital accountability and transparency act. section 8122, none of the funds may be transferred to the national sea base deterrent fund. . >> i have an amendment at the desk. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. forbes of virginia strike section 8122. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303 the gentleman from virginia and a member opposed will control five minutes. mr. forbes: i yield myself such time as i may consume.
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the chair: the gentleman is recognized. mr. forbes: it's rare to find an amendment to an appropriations bill that has been supported by 375 members of this house, yet this amendment has. 90% of the house. it's rare to find an amendment to an appropriation bill that has such bipartisan support yet this amendment has. this is an amendment not just put put in by me but mr. langevin, mr. rogers, ms. delauro, two ranking members. it is an amendment that is supported by the house armed services committee and ranking member of the house armed services committee. the navy league, united auto workers, afl-crmp io and the amendment has this support. it's because it is rare and once every other generation that we have to build like the ohio class submarine and falls upon
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this generation. in four years, we will begin the procurement and six years, build boats that will carry 70% of the nuclear deterrent $92 billion. the fund we formed last year helps us prepare for that. instead of waiting until the night before to come up with $92 billion. it transfers $1.4 billion into a fund and a rare thing for government to actually prepare in advance and still awaiting until the last minute to prepare. and it will help us purchase in bulk and save millions perhaps billions of dollars. there are those who say with all the threats we cannot find creative solutions and have to do things the way we have always done it. we disagree. if we are not creative, c.r.s.
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said we could lose 32 ships, eight destroyers, 16 combatant ships. they have set up four different funds very similar to that. we ask for your support for this amendment and i reserve the balance. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? mr. frelinghuysen: i claim time in opposition. our committee strongly supports the ohio-class submarine. we have done it for years. both mr. visclosky and i not only serve on the defense appropriations committee, we have also done in support of this program energy and water subcommittee. with respect to the gentleman from virginia's amendment prohibits the transfer of funds to the national seabased
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transfer fund. we recognize the submarine will be expensive. however the national seabased fund will not make the submarine any less expensive and will not increase resources to the department of defense. this congress has an important responsibility to provide resources to all of our military intelligence community. under the structure of this special fund the secretary of defense has the authority to divert dollars into this new fund from the army, marines air force, special forces, i.s.r. and other types of essential programs. this is the wrong approach. it removes congressional oversight from the secretary of defense. secondly, if the president determines the high-class replacement is a class fund, the
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navy should buy it. just as every submarine. establishing a special fund is an attempt to have other military service pay for what is a navy responsibility. i retain the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. forbes: how much time do i have left? the chair: 2 1/2 minutes. mr. forbes: i yield to the gentleman from connecticut mr. courtney. the chair: the gentleman from connecticut is recognized. mr. courtney: i do not doubt the sincerity of the chairman and ranking member for the support of the ohio replacement program but this chart that the navy produced that the 30-year ship building program if we fund it as well as a 30-ship navy
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demonstrates the problem. it shows the modern era of ship building at $15 billion and with the yellow portion of the chart, it shows for 13 years, congress is going to be asked to raise unprecedented amounts of money for the ship building account. this is an asset that is not just the navy's but the country's. it will be borne through the submarine program far greater than in the past. the air force and long range bombers and army, are not going to be bearing the same burden as a result of the ohio classes' plan burdenen. so we have the opportunity to do something sensible which is indicated in precedent. the sealift funding was funded
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on a separate account. these are national assets that provided national security. support this amendment, if you support a strong ship building account and protect the industrial base. and i yield back. commarmente the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. frelinghuysen: i reserve. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. . the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. forbes: how many speakers does he have left if he has reserved the balance of his time. one more speaker to close. mr. chairman i would like to yield 0 seconds to the chairman of the house armed services committee on readiness mr. whitman from virginia. mr. wittman: this amendment is critical to maintain our
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nation's nuclear deterrence and ensure a robust ship building budget. it makes sense to set funding for the ohio-class program. we are not forced to choose between building a blism submarine. the navy faces challenges if building enough war ships to face the terrorists. it is the best solution to maintain deterrence. i urge my colleagues to support this amendment and i yield back. the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. frelinghuysen: continue to reserve. mr. forbes: i yield 45 seconds to the gentleman from from rhode island mr. langevin who is the ranking member. the chair: the gentleman is
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recognized. mr. langevin: i thank the gentleman for yielding. the national fund is critical to the future of our national security. it provides the ship building fund for our national deterrence a bill that came due in the 1980's in the reagan's defense buildup. these boats are essential. this is just not a navy issue, this is a national priority. the deterrent fund allows us to treat it accordingly and avoid pressuring the navy. unless congress acts these boats will consume half of the funding for a decade, causing krim pling shortages. we and many of our colleagues having worked on a bipartisan basis to rise to this challenge. earlier this year -- the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. langevin: i urge my colleagues to reaffirm this
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position. the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. >> i yield one minute to the gentleman from oregon. mr. blumenauer: this is where reality comes into play. we talked about this earlier about having a fund that is set up that does not evade the responsibility of providing the long-term funding. all of these things in the department of defense are priorities. and our friends on the appropriations committee have the difficult job of trying to balance these priorities and have the big picture available to them. i think they have done exactly the right thing. i think this needs to be come in within the overall budget. and something that subverts the hard work that we ask the appropriations committee to do, i think is the wrong thing to do. it's not easy to take a stand up
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and make this argument. they have done it last year and it was appropriate. they have done it this year and it's appropriate. we have to be able to to deal with it in a comprehensive way. i appreciate what the chair and ranking member have done and i yield back. the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. frelinghuysen: i yield to mr. visclosky. mr. visclosky: i thank the chairman for yielding and join in opposition to the amendment in strongest possible terms. i respect the position of my colleagues on the other side of this argument but the c.b.o. estimates that this program is going to cost between $102 billion and $107 billion. you are absolutely correct, this is an sloutly expensive program. given the resources that will be
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required to replace the weapons over the next two decades it is imperative that congress make tough decisions now and not set up segregated funds. this fund is a means to avoid those tough decisions. the fund in no way solves the problem of where are we going to get the money. it is not going to make the next generation of next ballistic submarny cheaper. and paying for their construction from the department of navy to the entire department of defense. i categorically disagree with the amendment sponsor relative to this program and the suggestion in a it should exist outside the existing navy ship building account. the sponsors are correct that the funding for that ship building account has been relatively flat in recent years.
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if the ohio class replacement and 100 ship navy is priorities and we ought to pay for both any transparent manner by increasing the resources in the ship building account and not resort to setting up independent funds. further, the sponsors cailt that this is a national priority and i quo not argue that point. these play a very important role in our nuclear deterrence, so do our long-range bombers and the weapons they carrier. mr. chairman, i move to strike the last word. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. visclosky: long-range bombers also provide protection for the country as well as the weapons they carry. i think they qualify as national asset distinction. should we then set up funds for
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these programs. let's think about other priorities within the department . should we set up a fund for the 82nd airborne or the air force rescue officers? should we set up a fund for the special marine ground task force. they are very discerning. another concern that i have, it expands and transfers authority to the secretary of defense. and the last time i looked we have a constitutional responsibility to make decisions ourselves. the fact is we have a segregated fund that is called the overseas congress si fund. should we start picking between services as to which one should receive special treatment and pick programs within particular services? i think not. and i oppose the amendment and i
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would yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. forbes: i request how much time i have left? the chair: 15 seconds. mr. forbes: mr. blumenauer made the same argument. last gentleman said and it is whether we need to come with coming start now and this is a national priority and i hope we build these ships and i yield back. . . the chair: the motion is on -- the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from virginia. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. >> with that we request a recorded vote. the chair: pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the
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gentleman from virginia will be postponed. the clerk will read. the clerk: page 118, line 11, section 8123, none of the funds provided for the taox program shall be used to award a new contract unless those components are manufactured in the united states. including transfer of funds. section 8124, $700 million. section 8125, amounts appropriated in title 2 of this act are hereby reduced by $359 million to reflect excess cash balances and department of defense working capital funds. section 8126, to reflect savings due to lower anticipated fuel prices, the total amount appropriated in this act is hereby reduced by $814 million. section 8127, none of the munds made available -- funds made available may be reduce -- used
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to reduce the levels below the levels specified by the army national guard. section 8128, none of the funds made available may be used to enforce section 526 of the energy independence and security act of 2007. title 9, global war on terrorism, military personnel, military personnel army, $5,664,570,000. military personnel, navy $1,643,136,000. military personnel, marine corps, $555,998,000. military personnel air force $2,376095,000. reserve personnel, army $24,462,000. reserve personnel, navy $12,693,000. reserve personnel marks are incorps, $3,393,000.
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reserve personnel, air force $18,710,000. national guard personnel, army $166,015,000. national guard, personel, air force, $2,828,000. operation and maintenance, operation and maintenance, army, $18,910,604,000. the chair: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from minnesota seek recognition? >> i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by ms. mccollum of minnesota. page 123, line 7, after the dollar amount insert, reduced by $80 million. page 123, line 7 after the dollar amount insert, increased by $80 million. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentlewoman from minnesota and a member opposed each will control five
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minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from minnesota. ms. mccollum: thank you, mr. chairman. the amendment i'm offering with my colleague from kentucky, mr. barr, uses the global war on terrorism funds for the army operations and maintenance to provide $80 million in the same account for hard body armor for the soldier protective system vital protection equipment program. now, every war fighter deployed or scheduled to be deployed deserves to be provided with the most advanced and the lightest hard body armor. the amendment will ensure that the deployed soldiers are protected with this modern body armor they need. presently, this bill provides no funds for the army hard body armor. this amendment will also help to ensure that the industrial base producing the specialized powder fabricating plates and body armor can sustain
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production of the life-saving protection equipment. the body armor industry's in crisis and that puts our troops at risk. last year's house and senate appropriated $80 million to the army for industrial preparedness body armor. all four congressional defense committees explicitly directed the army to ensure that the industrial base is able to continue and develop and manufacture more of the advanced body armor. despite this clear and explicit direction, the army has completely ignored congress. the army's failure to sustain the body armor industrial base has put a vital industry and is causing layoffs among very specialized employees -- specialized employees and put the entire industry at risk, the entire industry at risk. there is no doubt that our troops deserve modern, lightweight body armor that requires strong, reliable and fully capable industrial base. mr. chairman, may i inquire as to how much time is remaining? the chair: three minutes.
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ms. mccollum: i would like to yield 2 1/2 minutes to my good friend, my colleague on this issue, mr. barr. mr. barr: i thank the gentlewoman -- the chair: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. barr br thank you, mr. speaker. i -- mr. barr: thank you, mr. speaker. i want to thank the gentlewoman from minnesota for her leadership on this issue and partnership in supporting this important and critical mission of our military to make sure that the united states war fighter in combat has the most advanced lightweight body armor available to protect that soldier in the field against the enemy and we must act now to make sure that the u.s. army does what is the intent of the congress, as the gentlewoman pointed out, despite the fact that congress has been clear on this matter, despite the fact that report language for both the f.y. 2015 and f.y. 2016 defense appropriation measures recognize the importance of lightweight body armor protecting soldiers in combat, that we encouraged the
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secretary of the army to ensure that the body armor industrial base was able to continue the development and manufacture of more advanced body armor by implementing the body armor modernization through a replenishment program, despite all of that, despite the articulation of the clear will of this body the army has not used and deployed the funds appropriated properly and the defense -- the department of defense was at odds because the army did not deploy the resources appropriated or expressed the intent of not deploying those resources until the end of the fiscal year. what this amendment will do is make sure that congressional intent is honored, to make sure that the armor industrial base is properly maintained and that most importantly and most critically when our men and women are called into combat to defend liberty and freedom, that we give them the tools that they need to keep them
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safe, to carry out their mission with victory and with honor and with that, mr. speaker, i yield back to the gentlewoman from minnesota. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized. ms. mccollum: thank you, mr. chairman. once again, this $ 0 million is to provide -- $80 million is to provide body armor for the soldier protection system equipment program. i ask for your support and with that i yield back. the chair: the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. mr. frelinghuysen: mr. chairman, i rise in opposition but in fact to use that time in opposition to support the amendment put forward by a member of our committee. the chair: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. frelinghuysen: the gentlelady, thank you for your amendment as well as the gentleman from kentucky, for your strong advocacy. supporting our war fighter as well as our military industrial base is a strong priority of mine and of our committees and we think this amendment's a good idea it. sends another message to the
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bureaucracy, that we mean what we say. and i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from minnesota. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. the clerk will read. the clerk: page 123, line 12, operation and maintenance navy, including transfer of funds, $6,747,313,000. operation and maintenance, marine corps $1,871,834,000. operation and maintenance air force, $10,799,220,000.
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operation and maintenance, defense-wide $7,559,131,000. the chair: the clerk will suspend. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? mr. poe: i have an amendment at the desk, amendment number 44. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: amendment offered by mr. poe of texas. page 124, line 16, after the dollar amount, insert, reduced by $430 million. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303, the gentleman from texas and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas. mr. poe: dough -- mr. poe: mr. chairman, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. mr. poe: mr. chairman, my amendment cuts aid to pakistan in half. pakistan is the benedict arnold nation in the list of countries that we call our allies.
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before saddam hussein met his maker -- osama bin laden met his maker in 2011, bin laden was living in plain sight in a bustling military town. to think that the most senior levels of the pakistani government did not know he was there requires, as secretary clinton said, the willing suspension of disbelief. this february the former head of pakistan's version of the c.i.a. called the i.s.i. said that pakistan most likely sheltered osama bin laden. and just last month, three u.s. intelligence sources told nbc news that pakistan knew where osama bin laden was hiding all the time. not only did pakistan not help us get osama bin laden, pakistan threw the doctor who did help us under the bus and put him in jail for 33 years for cooperating with america. pakistan did not help us because pakistan was working with osama bin laden.
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newly released documents retrieved from bin laden's compound show that pakistan's intelligence service was in contact with bin laden and worked with him to convince u.s. leaders to negotiate with al qaeda. there are some who say that we need pakistan to help us fight the war in afghanistan. but pakistan is on the wrong side. pakistan is helping the terrorists not us. pakistan's intelligence service gives safe haven, resources and training to terrorist groups like the network that has killed dozens of americans. on september 22, 2011 admiral mike mullin, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, testified before the senate armed services committee that, quote, with i.s.i. support, the operatives planned and conducted the truck bomb attack as well as the assault on our embassy. the truck bombing he mentioned , there were wounded more than
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seven u.s. and nato troops. admiral mullin went on to say, quote, the network acts as an arm of the pakistan's inner services intelligence agency. throughout 2011, pakistan tried to cheat the united states by filling out bogus reimbursement claims allegedly going after terrorists when they weren't even doing that. that's the same account this money funds. there were others who say, there are others who say that we need pakistan's southern supply route to help our troops but for seven months in 2012, pakistan closed off the supply route and we did just fine. what we really need is access to pakistan's tribal areas. terrorists that kill our troops in afghanistan run back and forth across the pakistani border and hide in these tribal areas. pakistan won't let our troops chase them there, so the terrorists kill americans and get away with it. pakistan did do some military
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operations in the tribal areas last year but they tipped off the network before they got there that they were coming. pakistan tipping off terrorists is nothing new. last fall leon panetta, secretary of defense, at the time of the bin laden raid, said of the pakistanis, we just can't trust them. i agree. we can't trust pakistan. so what my amendment does is cut money to help protect pack -- my amendment does not cut money to protect pakistan's nuclear weapons. the amendment does recognize the u.s.-pakistan relationship for what it is. we don't need to pay pakistan to be our enemy, they will do it for tree -- free. pakistan has already received over $30 billion of our money since 2002. after 13 years of giving pakistan more and more money, it's time to do something different. my amendment simply cuts the money we give pakistan in half. and i will reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? mr. frelinghuysen: mr. chairman, i rise in opposition to the gentleman's amendment and i certainly understand the gentleman's passion and at times i share some of the same concerns he stated in his remarks. but just to put a little perspective on it. if the coalition support fund allows the secretary of defense to reimburse any key cooperating nation for logistical and military support, including access, specialized training to personnel, procurement, provision of supplies and equipment provided by that nation in connection with the u.s. military operations in operation enduring, receipts from reimbursements submitted by cooperating nations and fully vetted by the pentagon and follow strict criteria to meet the standard for reimbursement, all payments are made in arears following notification to congress. so there is a notification to congress. .
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regarding pakistan, it is critical tool to deal with drawdowns. it is also a cost effective tool, some would say for the u.s. to remain engaged in the region. i know that our relationship with pakistan is an uncomfortable one. i feel it. but these funds are sent to reimburse pakistan for actions that protect our interests. these reimbursements were made to maintain some 186 pakistani forces along the border between afghanistan and pakistan to determine movement of counterterrorism and the tribal areas. the focus of this core level is
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against al qaeda and allied organization that conducts regional attacks. nearly 28,000 were killed or arrested. pakistan itself and it doesn't get much press has suffered casualties about 5,000, while attempting to secure this border. continued support of the deployment of the pakistani armed forces in the future is needed for the long-term stability of the area. and i must oppose the amendment. although, i understand the passion for which the gentleman has made his argument because i think it is in our long-term interests to have relationship. i'm happy to yield to my ranking member. mr. visclosky: i would yield the
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gentleman from text' legitimate concern. i would make one important addition and that is the chairman has been adamant that we be very, very careful about our relationship with pakistan and the bill recognizes the difficulties we face and draw your attention to 9015 that prohibits funds to pakistan if the government is engaged in activities that present a concern to the government of the united states. i appreciate that the chairman insisted on that language that is included in the bill and i thank him for yielding. mr. frelinghuysen: i yield back. the chair: the gentleman from new jersey -- the gentleman from texas is recognized. >> how much time do i have left? the chair: one minute. mr. poe: i thank the chairman. pakistan cannot be trusted. they lie about the
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reimbursement. they have not met the criteria that the ranking member has talked about the last four years and got the money any way. they are playing us, mr. chairman. and we pay them. and they use that money to hurt us, to hurt americans. this amendment says we are cutting the money in half because of your prior conduct that shows that you can't be trusted. and that's all this amendment does. and i would hope members of congress would send a message to pakistan that we aren't going to pay you to hate us and kill us. and i yield back the balance of my time and that's just the way it is. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from texas. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. mr. poe: i ask for a recorded vote. the chair: pursuant to clause 6
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rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from texas will be postponed. the clerk will read. the clerk: page 126 line 15, army reserve $124 million. operation and maintenance, navy reserve, $34 million. operation and maintenance marine corps reserve $3 million. operation and maintenance $209. operation and maintenance army national guard $160. operation and maintenance air national guard $225 million. counterterrorism partnership fund including transfer of funds rs $2 billion to remain available.
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afghanistan security forces fund $3 billion. to remain available until september 30, 2017. the chair: the clerk will suspend. for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? >> i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will report the amendment. the clerk: page 130 beginning line 2, strike provided and all that follows to line 17. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303 the gentleman from michigan and a member opposed will each control five minutes the the chair recognizes the gentleman from michigan. mr. walberg: i yield myself such time as i may consume. i offer a bipartisan amendment. works to ensure the appropriate
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use of american taxpayer dollars in afghanistan. this amendment is in keeping with clear position of the house as we have voted numerous times tom limit funds for the afghanistan infrastructure fund. a program which has been poorly run and is lacking in oversight. this amendment would specifically strike the language which allows 50 million in funds for the afghanistan security forces fund to be redirected toward the afghanistan infrastructure account. mr. chairman, we have spent billions of dollars towards rebuilding the infrastructure of afghanistan and congress has provided $1.3 billion to the afghanistan infrastructure fund since it was created in 2011. however, funds have been slow to
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be spent and as of march 31, 2015 more than 55% of a.i.f. funds remain to be expended. additionally, the special inspector general for afghanistan has repeatedly found that d.o.d. has found challenges and many projects under way are behind schedule and face serious cost overruns. the audits have found that we have inadequate sustainment plans that projects that lack an identifiable counterinsurgency benefit. and they have expressed reservations about the afghans' ability to operate and maintain these projects pob completion. it is my understanding that
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d.o.d. requested this repurposing of funds because the budget authority is about to expire. i know we all look to our commanders in the field for guidance on what they need to finish the job in afghanistan, but with over half of existing funds remaining to be ebb pended, i ask, mr. chairman, j should we take away from other programs and give to this one? i urge adoption of my amendment. and i reserve my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. mr. visclosky: i claim time in opposition to the gentleman's amendment. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. visclosky: i appreciate it. i share the gentleman's deep concern over the tax dollars that have been, if you would, wasted, is probably the most
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polite term i can think of in some of the infrastructure investment in afghanistan and would not in any way argue that point. the gentleman mentions the special inspector general for afghanistan. he and his office have been in mind. and there is no question that the gentleman makes a very, very important point about making sure that those funds we are spending despite the best of intentions be spent carefully. i would note to my colleagues that we do have within somewhat recent times the last year or so, since august, a new government in place in afghanistan. the administration has made a decision to maintain troop levels at their current position given that change of government. and if you would after all of the loss of life, the suffering
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and loss of treasury for the last 14 years to give that nation a one last good chance. and i rise in opposition essentially to do that for afghanistan and to give them that last good chance for these few remaining significant projects. with that, if the chairman -- i would be happy to yield to the chairman. the chair: the gentleman from new jersey is recognizeded. mr. frelinghuysen: let me echo some of the concerns and some of the reports that have been issued by the special inspector general for afghanistan. a hell of a lot of money has been wasted, but i do think there are some projects that need to be completed and one that comes to mind is the
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kandahar bridging solution, to bring electric power to kandahar and ends in three months and we need to continue this investment. this was a top counterinsurgency priority. most road projects are completed. the dam has less than a year's work remaining and supply electric power to the grid. these are limits fer -- elements of stability. and so i think we need to give continue to give a helping hand to the afghani people because if they don't have an economy, they're not going to have any national security. they need a stable economy. and some of these projects near completion need to be continued. i thank the gentleman for yielding. the chair: the chair recognizes
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the gentleman from indiana. mr. visclosky: i think their concern for ethics as well as care investment is worth taking that last good chance to give them a last good chance and i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields. the chair recognizes the gentleman from michigan. >> i appreciate the words and the sentments and the compassion of both my colleagues. mr. walberg: this is an issue we have addressed for quite some time and it's not new. i'm concerned about our administration of the funds our department of defense, encouragement of afghanis to use the funds and make sure that contractual rangements are in place. we have not seen that. and i think it's time that are
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reality strikes home. and so while i understand the need to encourage a new government sometimes the best way is tough love and a clear indication that comes through finances. i encourage my colleagues to adopt my amendment. and i yield. the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. . the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from michigan. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. the gentleman from michigan is recognized. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. frelinghuysen: request a recorded vote. the chair: pursuant to clause 6 rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from michigan will be postponed. the clerk will read.
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the clerk: iraq trained and equip fund $750 million to remain available until september 30 017. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from minnesota seek recognition? mr. nolan: i have an amendment at the desk. . the clerk: amendment offered by mr. nolan, after the dollar amount insert reduced to zero dollars. page 135, line two, insert increased by $715 million. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 303 the gentleman from minnesota and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from minnesota. mr. nolan: i yield myself such time as i may consume. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. mr. nolan: mr. chairman, i'd like to begin by taking a moment to thank chairman frelinghuysen


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