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tv   British House of Commons  CSPAN  June 28, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT

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the supreme court ruling on the affordable care act and what this means for the health care law going forward. watching to post about an article on diversity in the 2016 republican field helping republican voters. you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. washington journal is live on c-span. >> next week, congress is out for the holiday break and american history is prime time, featuring a different topic. monday, the manhattan project. the production of the first nuclear weapon. tuesday, the debate between james baldwin and william buckley about the american dream. wednesday, the highlight of the city's tour.
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thursday, the examination of the text of the declaration of independence. friday, we cover the welcoming ceremony of the french ship that brought a general to america in 1780. watch on monday. tune in and we will tell america's story on c-span 3. >> david cameron takes questions from the house of commons. then, interviews with rand paul and bernie sanders. and then, a chance to see q&a. >> on wednesday, david cameron answered questions from the house of commons on border
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security, renewable energy, and expanding broadband. this is 35 minutes. >> order. questions for the prime minister? martin dickens. >> mr. speaker, i'm sure the whole house will wish to join in celebrating armed forces week. >> here, here. >> our armed forces are the best in the world and this week is an important opportunity to pause and reflect on their dedication and their sacrifice in keeping the country safe. mr. speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, and in addition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such meetings later today. >> i, too, welcome the prime minister's comments about armed forces we can -- weekend. there is a major event to mark the occasion. i thank the right, my right honorable friend for granted me with the of the honorable lady following the announcement yesterday of significant job
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losses by young seafood and dairy. they are the largest employer. it particularly this one after a run of good news, much investment has been effective with the help of the ritual growth fund. could my right honorable friend assured me that perhaps additional help and support may be given to the area, and it's important to retain youth presence in the air. >> first of all unhappy to meet with my honorable friend. the recent reports of mounting youngs are concerned and i know this'll be a difficult time for employers and their families. the company will be talking to employers and the government stands ready to assist in any way that it can. is right the broader pictures more positive. we have the energy for great after 4000 jobs and also of course the siemens investment nearby, a major investment for the region. we will continue to provide support for the regional growth fund, 49 awards have been made in yorkshire. to keep up with it and keep up with a long-term economic plan.
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>> harriet harman. >> i joined the prime minister in paying tribute to our armed services including the reserves. we all know those who are serving today. we remember the sacrifice of we remember the sacrifice of those who served in the past. and let's never forget them when we think of the freed up and democracy that we have today. i would also like to attribute to the families -- the family federation, the army, navy, and the air force family federation. the great work they do supporting service families contribute so much to the strength of our services. mr. speaker, we've all seen the chaotic scenes were british travelers and drivers are facing intimidation as 3000 migrants trying to get illegally into the uk. the french should be assessing to miss him so they get their decide whether their genuine refugees are whether their migrant workers who should be removed. how confident is the prime minister the french are going to
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start taking effective action? what is he doing to put pressure on them and will be racing it to the eu council this week in? >> this saturday, it is a moment to talk to the families and thank them for what they are due oing. she asks about tally, totally totally unacceptable seems we've all been witnessing for the last day. of course, there was a key role played in this by the strike that took place in france. she asked about what should be done. of course, we want to see migrants better document and fingerprint but, frankly, a lot of that is to happen in italy where they land rather than in france. the three things we must act on his first of all better security, working with the french. we've invested 12 million pounds. i'm happy to do more if that is necessary. we've got to work with european
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partners to stop this problem at source, to break the link between getting the vote and getting settlement in europe. thirdly, we've got to do more to make sure that britain is a list easy place for illegal migrants to come to an work in and that's what our immigration bill is all about. >> is right that this problem is the responsibility of the italian authorities and the french authorities, but as he acknowledged it's also an issue about the security of our border at calais. could he say more about what steps he's taken to strengthen security at the uk border in transporting? >> the honorable lady as right. the juxtaposed order controls on the front side are a good thing for our country and we should be prepared to invest in them. that's what the 12 million pounds has been about. i've talked with the home secretary and we are looking at whether we can put more personnel and, indeed, sniffer dog teams on that side of the channel to make a difference.
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there's also more work being done in terms of installing fencing not just around the port at calais but also around the euro store and euro tunnel entrance to all these things can make a difference and we should work with the french very closely. there's no point i decide time to point the finger of blame at each other. this is a strong partnership that we have in place and we should keep it that way. >> i think the prime minister for that answer and effort on all sides will need to be stepped up. turn into another issue. the prime minister said in his issue. the prime minister said in his speech on monday is nothing progressive about robbing from our children. but isn't it inevitable that the cut in tax credits for working families and less employers a way to the races in italy means children will be worse off the? >> first of all what i said my speech about robbing from our children was the importance of getting our deficit down and not
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asking them to pay debt that we were not prepared to do with ourselves. what we need to do is make sure we go on with the plan that has seen 2.2 million more people were. crucial to children to 390,000 fewer children in households where no one works. my program for tackling poverty is to get more people in work get them better paid and cancer taxes. [shouting] >> well, i'm asking about robbing from children who are in families who are facing tax credit cuts. the isf have said that cutting 5 billion pounds in tax credits would mean working families losing on average 1400 pounds a year. now i know he doesn't have to budget, but many families do. [shouting] it's the truth.
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[shouting] think about -- if honorable members which is for a moment think about a lone parent working part time to compensate her for that loss of 1400 pounds a year the minimum wage would have to go up overnight by 25%. that's not going to happen is it? >> the problem with what the honorable lady says is the last government didn't budget for the country. [shouting] she asks -- [shouting] when -- >> order order. i'm getting worried about health of the honorable member. she must calm herself. we are in the early stage of the proceedings. a period of calm must descend upon the house. prime minister. >> because the last government didn't budget for the country, as a result the whole country
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was plunged into poverty which is what we have been dealing with. now let me explain what we're going to be. for those who are out of work we want to give him a job at a well-paid job. that's the best route out of poverty. for those in work we want to see higher rates of pay lower taxes. our program is simple. let's have an economy with higher pay lower taxes and lower welfare. what she seems to want is the current failure of low pay high taxes and high welfare. that's what we need to move on from. [shouting] >> harriet harman. >> trying to do to get higher pay by cutting tax credits. he seems to be saying that low income families will not lose out because somehow on the day that he cut tax credits every employer in the country will rush to immediately put up a. to compensate for the loss of tax credits that would mean employers putting up a overnight
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by twice was the over your has said they're going to do over a full year. that's not going to happen is it a? >> we are seeing rates up in our economy go up because we've got a strong and successful economy because of the decision that we took. what the honorable lady doesn't seem to understand is if you don't get people back to work to reduce welfare you will have to make deep cuts in the nhs which when don't want to you how to put tax credits which we don't want to see. look, if the labour party wants to spend this five years arguing any change in welfare system i say let them. you end up with the same results results. >> what he doesn't seem to understand is that these are people who are in work were going out to work are fighting for themselves and their children. the truth is the prime minister is going to cut tax credits. is not going to make up for that
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loss by putting up the minimum wage overnight. employers are not going to make up for that loss either. the millions of families with children are going to be worse off. he says he is tackling low pay. is not. is attacking the low paid so much that the party of working people. >> the party of working people is the party that's got 2 million more people in -- almost 400,000 children in households where people are working. that is why you can see a party that believes in work against a party which according to what of leadership contenders is now the anti-worker partner that is what they honorable member said. i would say to the honorable lady, in the week when greece teeters on the brink come we should learn the lessons of what happened when debt spiral into his control of your economy. labour is stuck with the same answer, more borrowing, more welfare, more debt.
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it's the same old labour and it will lead to the same old failure. [shouting] >> mr. speaker, thank you. would be prime minister agree that one of the best ways of tackling the cycle of child poverty is, in fact, to ensure that we deal with assistance educational underachievement? children get the best start in life, particularly schools universities and just as importantly in vocational education. >> my honorable friend is right if we really want to tackle the deep and entrenched poverty we have in our country we need to go after the causes of poverty. the causes are high unemployment unemployment, debt addiction and family breakdown. those are the things that can make a difference.
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i was at the school this week on the outskirts with 65% free school meals and yet that schools able to achieve almost two-thirds -- that's a better record frankly the many schools in well off constituencies. so it can be done so let's go after the causes of poverty and then we could really lift people out of that entrenched poverty. >> angus robertson. >> -- attending events across the uk. mr. speaker the prime minister and other uk party leaders made a promise. they made about that more powers will be delivered to the scottish parliament. the people were promised home rule. they were promised and i quote as close to federalism as possible. why does the prime minister's
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scotland bill not even deliver the limited smith commissioner proposal? >> first of all the bill that we put in front of his house does deliver the smith commission. it will fill the bow that -- but, of course, what it doesn't fulfill his of all fiscal autonomy that his party would like that would like scottish taxpayers with a bill of thousands and thousands of pounds. if that this policy can when he gets up he should say so. >> thank you very much mr. speaker. the house of commons library says that important part of the smith commission proposals are not in the scotland bill that the prime minister proposed. the shortcomings in the bill had been identified by an all party committee in the scottish parliament on which the scottish conservative party state. are all of these people wrong? will the prime minister now commit to deliver the smith
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commission proposals in full and all of the powers that were voted for by the people of scotland in the general election? >> we address precisely the point made by the committee in the scottish parliament that he refers to. mr. speaker, this go to a larger truth, which is the scottish national party only want to talk about process. they don't dare talk about which powers that be are being given they would like to do you do if you don't like the way things are fixed, why don't you put up taxes and spend more money? isn't it time you started talking about the policies you want to put in place the outcomes? because the truth is that this comp full fiscal autonomy has now become a tough test full fiscal shambles. [shouting] >> would be prime minister investigate why some labour control councils including leads
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-- schools wishing to become academy's? >> i'm delighted would kirk academy have applied to set up a multi-academy trust the it often really works if you have secondary schools worked with primary schools to improve the results in those primary schools. i am convinced when you look at the figures, the academies are performed better than the local authority made schools. that's why the change is a necessary. i would say to the labour party don't stand in the way of this change, help bring these academies about. [inaudible]
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>> i can tell them and we are committed to elected by the great western main line. we are also contributing 125 million pounds to the cost of the wider valley line electrification. it's a vital this work goes it. we need to make sure network rail gets its costs under control and strong leadership in place and we will make sure those things happen. >> thank you, mr. speaker. full employment is down 61% in -- [inaudible] this a government policy to make -- i also do hard work and investment of his of people in my constituency. what further support will the prime minister offer to help with much-needed investment broadband, mobile phone coverage, all of which would
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help job creation in my area? >> first of all let me welcome my honorable friend to this place in the work i know he will do on behalf of his constituencies he's right come in rural areas like the one he represents, better transport better broadband and fill again the lockbox on the mobile phone network are vital. the mobile infrastructure project is providing more homes and businesses with mobile coverage but we do need to make sure we build -- i'm pleased to say it is part of our 3 billion-pound investment in roads in the northeast and yorkshire. as to broadband i think with 130,000 homes and businesses getting access in north yorkshire that there is more to be done. [inaudible] -- a drug prescribed for epilepsy. although gps are now more aware of the risk the national archives show the risks are well known i drug companies and
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government as far back as 1973. yet to mothers were kept in the dark. will the prime minister urge health secretaries to meet with me and a delegation of others who are affected by this issue to discuss -- >> for talk and i think the honorable lady for raising this case. i'm not a with a specific drug she mentioned that apple look at it closely as someone who had a son with very severe epilepsy. i will certainly fix the meeting between her and health the health secretaries so that make progress on this issue. >> does my right honorable friend agree that the northern powerhouse requires proper transport infrastructure? can the prime minister update me on my camping ticket the bypass to reduce congestion and continued growth in my constituency? >> my honorable friend is actually write which is why we are increasing transport levels
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in the northwest, investing 4.3 billion on the strategic road network. the relief road as he knows is going ahead and am pleased to confirm we provided authority with 350000 pounds to fund a feasibility study for the next stage of the bypass route that my honorable friend refers to the i i do understand that if this could commit it will make a lot of difference in terms of relieving congestion. >> with the death of yet another cyclist, and a young woman commuter beneath the wheels of a semi truck, while the prime minister meet with a small delegation cycle group to discuss what more can be done to protect vulnerable road users including the call by the acting leader of the labour party for a bit of these killer whores in our towns and cities at peak times of? >> i'm very happy to the meeting it does seem to me that although a lot has been done and wanted to try to make cycling safer and
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cycling save safer and cycling save on our roads with a cycling strategy, money is being invested. cycle lanes are being introduced at the number of fatalities is still very high and extremely depressing to generalize being snuffed out in this way from happy to that meeting and press also keep in contact with america about this important issue. >> thank you, mr. speaker as the prime minister to mention ask is all the broadband is essential in today's digital become. can my honorable friend tell us about his plans to get broadband to my roll constituents and those in rural areas across the country? >> first of all let me welcome my honorable friend to display. is got the job of following in footsteps of william hague which a number of those the very difficult in all sorts of different ways but i'm sure he would do it very well. the figures on coverage encouraging. we went from 45% in 2010 to over 80% but there's a real challenge getting to the remaining bits of
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the country including the most rural areas so that we've got this 8 million-pound investment fund that we're piloting a number of solution. one is run by airwave and to set a new technology number honorable friend's constituency. he's on the cutting edge of this digital technology and if it works we can boost it faster. >> last week discovered sent out a message to the world of scotland was closer business would constitute investment in in the renewable energy sector. today, today exports estimate discovered is that two methods on darfur exports up to 300 billion pounds. could be prime minister confirm when he's going to stand up for the best interest of the scottish economy? >> well, first of all its comment wasn't part of united kingdom it wouldn't access to uk energy market but i suppose --
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[shouting] passionately that the ones i. what i would say is first of all we've got a huge increase in rebuild what energy right across the united kingdom. we have removed some of the subsidy from onshore wind because we going to reach 10% of our electricity generation from onshore wind and so now it's right it should be for local communities to make that decision. interestingly a position that before they got into government the snp agreed with. >> very grateful, mr. speaker. last year to 759-pound -- by scottish power and going to thousands by constituents was raised. aregulator very little has happened with scottish power dodging the responsibility. in light of the most recent evidence can can my right honorable friend arch ministers and himself, ministers and the department of -- to look again at this issue to get people back
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the money that they are owed? >> my friend is right to raise this issue and understand the liquidation of the company is involved in the scheme that is still under way so as a result the creditors have not yet received the reports from the liquidators to see if there's money that can be extracted. i will before the party opposite get too excited, most of his happened between 1997-2001. [shouting] i will come as the business secretary to meet with my honorable friend to discuss his concerns directly. >> the great englishman john donne said no man is an island. he is a part of the continent a piece of the main. with reference to vulnerable child refugees, does the prime minister a great? >> yes, i do and that's why britain fulfills its obligations in terms of taking asylum seekers from all over the world and having a system that many
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other countries see as robust and. it is also why we are playing our role in the mediterranean first with bulwer, now with hms enterprise rescuing people are desperately need. it's also why uniquely amongst the larger rich countries we kept our promise about funding overseas aid and are investing in the north african country from which these people are coming. i'm quite convinced we are doing what we should to fulfill our moral obligations as a nation. >> at the last comprehensive spending review, the clever ways of transferring expenditure on the bbc world service to the bbc from the foreign office budget helped prevent a calamity to our foreign policy capacity. five years on foreign policy making and analysis has got considerably more challenging. will be in short that a silent savings requirement is not applied to our capacity to direct the overseas elements of
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our national security strategy our ability to represent the country a broad? >> first of all connect and graduate my honorable friend on his election as chairman of this vitally important committee in this house. i know he will speak out without fear or favor entities vigorously independent. he's right to say that the soft power we have as a country, whether the british council, the bbc, the foreign office, overseas aid budget of just talking about all those things are important not just to fulfill our moral obligations but also to project power and influence in british pounds in the world and what to make sure those things continue. he talked about the bbc funding being a we've. on a shot of code that they're acting as part of the bbc making sure that it found deficiencies as a part of the public sector work too. >> mr. speaker yesterday we heard that early referral can't detect can save 10,000 lives a year to a 21 year old mother of
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a three year old son suffered in agony for six months. three times she was refused referral. she was told she was too young. now she is battling cancer, cervical cancer and will never have another child. will the prime minister ask the secretary of state to investigate what happened and to meet with me? and with the prime minister acted to ensure that in future we early referral so the never again to get people denied treatment which can be be difference between life-and-death? >> first of all i quite understand why he raises his individual case and assure my right honorable friend the health secretary will look specifically at the case. he is actually write that early referral is the key to improving cancer outcomes. what on not standing at the dispatch to say that rob has been solved, redwood city we are now making sure something like
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650,000 more patients are actually being referred in terms of cancer. and those sort of diagnostic tests that can often find out whether you have the golden council -- after conversing many more of those tepco something like 40,000 40,000 of those tests being carried out. i think the key is to make sure that gps get the training and information necessary to early identify the cancer so they can rapidly onward refer >> thank you, mr. speaker. the prime minister made two promises especially important to the people of wales. he has fulfilled one of them by scrapping onshore wind farms. will you fulfill the other by visiting them perhaps he will call in on them, and see a wonderful landscape that will not be desecrated? >> let me say to my honorable
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friend, it was a privilege to keep my promise to the people of wales in terms of wind farms. i will keep my second promise of coming with him to the royal well for show. >> thank you, mr. speaker. this morning's radio program was partly recorded in my constituency. the issue that brompton and other employers of one -- good quality start producing good quality goods for export, this is an award-winning company. their concern isn't that the apprenticeship scheme in this country is not fit for purpose. what plans does the prime minister have to meet with these employers and to develop an effective, quality apprenticeship scheme rather than the cheap and cheerful version?
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>> first of all, i welcomed the honorable lady to this house. i visited brompton, an excellent firm. i recorded a political broadcast while i was there. there are equal political opportunities at the employer, which is good. but it is important we make sure we have great apprenticeship schemes. we must focus on the quality as well as the quantity, and we're committed to working with employers and making sure those employers work with local colleges to make sure the standards of the qualifications are very good. >> thank you, mr. speaker. [shouting] last week my constituents were very pleased to hear the news that part of the measures the prime minister is taking to boost mobile coverage in rural areas, to -- three of our very words, not spot, does the prime minister agree with me about a mobile coverage as an important role to
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play in improving rural growth? will he continue to do all he can to make sure we spread of -- spread the benefits of the technology far and wide? >> a warm welcome to my honorable friend in winning his constituency. he is right, if we want to have a productivity revolution, we have to improve broadband coverage in our country. the mobile infrastructure project can make a difference. great potential sites in south suffolk, the honorable member should calm down a little bit. they identified three potential sites in south suffolk and will make a difference. while there are often strong campaigns against this, we have to see these built if we want to combat the problem. >> the prime minister has said
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he wants to create a new era of transparency in government. given his desire why the secretary of state refusing to release statistics related to the death of [inaudible] and get the dwp secretary to comply with the requests and be instructions? >> this data will be published and is being prepared for publication as we speak. it is important we publish data, and this government has published more data about public spending than any previous government. >> thank you, mr. speaker. over the last few years we have seen some horrendous examples of children being sexually exploited. as a mother i would ask my right honorable friend, what's he
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going to do to tackle the exploitation of children? >> first of all let me welcome my honorable friend. she's right to raise this. what we saw happen was and in my own city of oxford, was absolutely horrific. i think steps are being taken by police and social services to deal with this much better in the future. there've been important prosecutions in oxford but i am not satisfied with the progress. i have asked the education secretary to chair a new task force to draft fundamental reforms to improve the protection of our local children. i want us to bring the big and emphasis on quality that were done in education to the area of social work. >> this month the report shows how unequal the uk has come with 15% of all income in uk going to just 1% of the top earners while over 5 million people are earning less than a livingwage.
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given the evidence showing that increasing the income of the poorest 20% will lead to an increase in growth, why is the prime minister concentrating tax credits to people on low pay? >> first of all what i would say is the statistics show that inequality in britain has gone down and not up. one of the reasons for that is , we have 2.2 million new people in work. as i said to my right honorable friend, what we want to see in britain is an economy where we create well-paid jobs, cut taxes and keep welfare done. -- keep welfare down. the alternative which is a low pay, high tax, high welfare economy and that's a we had under labour added had not ended extreme poverty. >> thank you, mr. speaker. every week 15 babies die or are stillborn, which is devastating for the families who suffer this
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loss. in half the cases, no cause of death is established. will my right honorable friend facilitate a meeting between the secretary of state for health and charities so we can try to reduce these figures? >> first of all, i will welcome my honorable friend. i know she will serve her constituents with great dedication and ability. she proves that by raising such a difficult and hard raking case. the death of every child is a tragedy. words can't do justice to the loss felt by parents in these cases. we have made steps forward with more midwives and more health visitors they can make a lot of difference in the run up to the final days before birth but i can tell the nhs england is going to fund the project to develop a national child death review information system to try and drive more information. the health sector will be -- the health secretary will be keeping people informed and i'm sure he will want to discuss this issue with her giving her knowledge in this area.
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>> can the prime minister tell us why he has promised local people the final sale onshore wind farms but is denying local people in blackpool and lancashire the final set at a local application? -- a local fracking op legation. why double standards between renewable energy and frolicking? -- renewable energy and fracking? >> what we have done is taken away the unnecessary subsidy for onshore wind, given that it is now mature technology, and we have a planning system so unconventional gas can go ahead under strict environmental conditions. i tell you what i want for blackpool, i want black the center of expertise of excellence for this industry. i want the jobs in the training, rather than starting like he wants to in blackpool. >> order.
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>> you have been watching "prime minister's questions congo from the british house of commons. watch anytime at where you can find video of past prime minister's questions, and other british public affairs programs. monday night on "the communicators congo -- the communicators, we will talk with fred humphries corporate vice president of research, and research engineering manager. >> i am hopeful that at some point, congress will take on immigration. it is still important.
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lately, i don't know the exact numbers, but when we have some of the innovators here, the researchers, we have them from all over the world the make contributions at microsoft. there is still a need. from a job perspective. >> the application is actually to collect mosquitoes that have bitten people, and determine what kind of viruses might be around, what kind of diseases might be around, through taking the blood samples of the mosquitoes and figuring out the genetic code of some of the constituents of their blood. >> this project was around what
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we were able to do with data available in the environment today. one of the things we noticed is that there are a lot of aircraft flying around in the united states that could be considered sensors. they are providing information. it is freely available, provided by the faa. there are companies like flight aware, who use the information to provide info to the community . we decided to take the information and see if we could use it to help us predict a more accurate wind forecast. winds aloft. what went is doing at various altitudes. >> a visit to microsoft's office, monday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span two. >> next, the presidential candidate interviews with rand
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paul and bernie sanders. at 11:00 q&a with evan thomas. on tuesday, we sat down with presidential candidate and republican senator rand paul of kentucky. he discussed his decision to become a doctor, his time in the senate, and why he wants to be present -- president. it is part of a series with potential and declared 20 16 candidates as part of our road to the white house coverage. we spoke with senator paul in his office on capitol hill. this interview is almost 25 minutes. >> senator rand paul, presidential candidate. i want to begin with your book, "taking a stand.'you city we need to -- you said we need to reduce areas of government beyond the scope of what was
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intended by the constitution. what needs to be cut? sen. paul: the shorter list is what doesn't need to be cut. in the 10th amendment, it says those powers delegated to the federal government, though is that are not are left to the people. you have article one, section eight, and it lists 17-19 functions. that is with the federal government should be doing, and little else. now, they do everything from , cradle to grave. the government should do what the private marketplace can't do. if the private marketplace is already doing it, the national government should stay out of it. national defense is one area that you can't have the private marketplace do. there are internal improvements the government can do, roads bridges, things like that. but even things like education that we think government has a role in, many old-fashioned conservatives like myself think it should be done by the state and local governments and not by the federal government. there is some argument that since we have more federal government involvement, our
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scores have not improved. in fact, america has continued to dwindle as far as international rankings the more federal government is gotten involved. >> one of your role models ronald reagan, talked about decreasing the size of government. it grew during his term. sen. paul: you can say what you are for, then you can deal with the reaction. for example, when he won, he didn't control congress. he controlled the senate, but he had to work with tip o'neill. tip o'neill was not going to get rid of the department of education. there was a little bit of a trade-off. one thing they got through was tax cuts. tax cuts did stimulate and help get out of recession and create jobs. domestic spending never went down under reagan and defense , spending went up significantly. there were more deficits under reagan. there were deficits under george
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bush as well, but now there is a tripling and quadrupling of the rate of accumulation of debt under obama. there is an argument to be made that neither party is good at controlling the deficit. >> you have said you want to blow up the tax code. you are proposing a flat tax. how do you get it done? sen. paul: the consensus would be the american people are tired of our tax code. the american people are made to understand or allowed to understand, but we are losing jobs overseas and we are losing companies overseas because we have the highest business tax in the world. corporate taxes 35%. canada is at 15%. i am embarrassed i have to complement canada for having a better tax code than america. burger king left america and went to canada. companies talk about re-incorporating overseas because the taxes are better and regulation is better overseas
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e-reader have to win a national election, get rid of the tax code and have what rate, 14.5% for a business tax. the interesting thing is, we could get road -- rid of the payroll tax. if you have $40,000 in income and you have a spouse and two kids, you have savings under my plan because of payroll tax reduction. >> the deficit is now $18 trillion, expected to get higher. how do you cut the debt and reduce taxes? sen. paul: you have to reduce spent -- spending. i have put forth 35 year budgets with significant tax cut's by cutting spending. i would cut the federal government in a dramatic fashion. i would eliminate the department of energy, department of
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commerce hud, department of interior. i would send those two states to take care of. i want the federal government a lot smaller. the trade off is, and this is a debate we have to have, why baltimore has 37% unemployment young black men between 20-25, 37% unemployment. worse than the great depression. our big cities are crumbling rife with crime, poverty, and drugs, and we've been trying the government solution for 50 years and it hasn't worked. i want to try solution where we don't take the money from detroit or baltimore. we leave it in the inner city with businesses and in the hands of those who earn it and see we can create jobs in the inner city. it doesn't work to send it to washington. they send it back to baltimore after it comes up here. by the time you switch it around in the bureaucracy, it's eaten up by the bureaucracy. >> you talk about republicans and democrats and say many americans are looking for a combination of the two. is that what you are basing your
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candidacy on? the premise that the american people are ideologically changing? sen. paul: and away. also, a plurality of americans one third, our republican and democrat, they don't fit neatly in one box or the other. sometimes i am that way. i am fiscally very conservative, and side with republicans on economic liberty. but i am also more libertarian or a civil libertarian on privacy issues and having a less interventionist foreign policy. i have allies, ron wyden, a progressive democrat on privacy. i have alleys such as -- allies such as cory booker on criminal justice. allies such as kiersten gillibrand on trying to in sexual assault in the military. i think it is interesting that there is a different way that is not entirely partisan. i'm pretty conservative on fiscal policy, but there are many other issues where i side with the progressives.
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>> you said you have a vision for america beyond partisan politics and petty differences. with all due respect clinton , bush, barack obama, they also campaigned on the same things. sen. paul: i think president noda -- president obama i don't think he is gotten beyond the politics. i don't think he is,. now. he hasn't met with congress enough. i don't think he has tried to work the legislative process. many things could get done that we agree on. i have only been here for a few years. most of my career was as a physician. i have discovered that the bills are too big. let's say for example, immigration, it cannot pass as it was passed in the senate. it cannot pass in the house. however, if there are 10 items encumbrance of immigration i think three items could pass tomorrow. the question is, do we box ourselves in and make ourselves so beholden to an agreement on every issue that we can't find
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the two out of 10 that we agree on and pass them? that is the problem with gridlock. we insist on remaining in our camps. there is petty partisanship. we won't accept half of what we want sometimes. it doesn't mean we split the difference. it means you find things you agree with. senator wyden and i, but on privacy we happen to agree on issues. we don't split the difference. our bipartisanship is not in the middle it's actually that we , both strongly believe in privacy. but we don't feel beholden to our parties so much, that we can't represent an idea or thought we think is good for america. >> 2008, your party was critical of barack obama, saying he did not have enough experience. you are a one term senator. do you have enough experience? sen. paul: what you want when somebody runs for president is not necessarily the office,
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whether it is government or senator. what you want is wisdom someone , who is going to be commander-in-chief, someone who is going to be in charge of the nuclear weapons who is not rash or reckless. there are a lot of things you want. but i think, exactly what their background is, i think it is more of the wisdom we are looking for them the exact job they have held. >> let me read a quote for you. we are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion where the government , is free to do anything it pleases while the citizens may act only with permission. sen. paul: it could apply to today's time. we have a big brother government . everywhere you look, the government is involved in our activities. whether it is economic or personal affairs, your phone numbers, your text messages. what is worse is they are not forthright or honest about
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whether they are doing it or not. that is one of the most disturbing developments that they are looking at our phone records. the head of the intelligence agency said that they weren't doing this, the government was not electing phone records in -- collecting phone records in bulk. it wasn't out and out lie. he still works and is still head of the intelligence agency although he told us a lie. he perjured himself and he is still in charge. that scares me. there are executive orders that have been issued that i believe and i don't know this for effect, but believe have to deal with tax messages as well as e-mails. -- text messages as well as e-mails. they said the not reading e-mail content, but after six months, the content of your e-mails is not protected either. any e-mail that is over six months old is not protected even by content. they also don't consider the subject heading to be content. there is a lot that could be in your subject heading. they also don't consider the
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website that you search in google to be content. think about it. if you google aids, civil rights, something like that come -- that could be a personal thing. it indicates an issue you are interested in. i think that is something that are to be protected by privacy and your right to privacy. >> if you could write the first sentence of what the obama presidency has meant for this country, what would you write? sen. paul: i would say that the obama presidency, the worst thing that has happened for my point of view is the collapse of the separation of powers. but i wouldn't blame it just on the president. i would blame it on the 100 year history of congress acquiescing and giving up power. this president has been frustrated by not getting his way with congress. after we took over in 2010 after obamacare was passed after dodd frank, he basically gave up on working with congress at all as he figured he would not get what he wanted so he went around congress to use the
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executive branch. but it's not him alone. it has been republican and democratic presidents who have consumed more and more power. to me i would say that it would , be marked by this aggressive accumulation of power in the executive branch. >> let's talk about you. you grew up in a political family. what was the best advice your dad ever gave you? sen. paul: people always ask me what he said when i ran for office. i jokingly say, he said, don't. i think that one thing he advised was to have a career before you get involved in politics. i practiced medicine for 20 years and still do. i think it's important for people to have other life experiences. if you're only life experience is as a legislator, you are not truly connected with the people very well. i think it will be difficult to run a campaign for hillary clinton, she has not driven
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herself in 17 years. she has been driven around by a chauffeur. they make $200,000 an hour giving speeches. it will be hard for her to relate to the middle class. but i think a lot of politicians suffer from that on both sides of the aisle. it is why i am a believer in term limits. i think we ought to have more turnover in office. i laughingly say this, but i am serious, too. i think there is no monopoly of knowledge here. i met a lot of people, and a lot of them are well-meaning, well read and bright, but i don't think they are especially uniquely qualified above and beyond what other people could do if we had others in office. i would like to see more turnover. i would like for congress to be -- meet half as long and pay them half as much. if someone needs to go back home have a job at home, go to the grocery store, interacting, then you can see the frustration of those who are trying to run a profitable business. >> why did you decide to be an
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ophthalmologist? sen. paul: my grandmother was a big influence on that. she was losing her vision during my childhood. i used to help her sort through coins. i got to the point where i was the one searching for the marks she couldn't see. she had trouble with glaucoma, and then corneal swelling, and she also got macular degeneration. she became legally blind throughout her life. i went with her to an ophthalmologist a lot. my dad is an obe. i wanted to be a doctor, but over time i decided to gravitate to the surgical side. my grandmother went through surgeries, and i went with her to her ophthalmologist. >> when you travel to haiti or guatemala what is your take , away? sen. paul: one of the things i tried to do is separate politics from what i'm doing. i tell people, the team down
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there, they know who i am and i know who they are. it's not my politics, i don't ask it -- about the other doctors politics. we tend to focus on what we have to do. they do a lot of cataract surgeries. they are very good at it. and it was different than politics. we have a goal. it's a goal where we get to see the result immediately. you take a cataract out from someone who is functionally blind, walking around feeling their way, and some of them can see to read almost immediately. you take their patch off, and it's an amazing thing. we had a guy last year in guatemala, and we took his patch off and he was weeping and , crying and thanking god. he had lost his wife, family he was being kept in the shelter at a church. he completely lost everything, his job. he had been a truck driver. he was so hopeful to try to get
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some of that back. >> how did you meet your wife, kelly? we see her on the campaign trail a lot. sen. paul: we met at an oyster roast at a friend's party and we kind of both wound up there and just started talking. i found that she was interested in books. i am interested in books. she had been in english major at rhodes college. i was more of a science major, but i did a lot of english and was interested in the american short story. things like that. we got to talking and dating, and we got married as i was starting my residency. i went back to duke from atlanta for my residency. >> you went from randall to randy? sen. paul: my wife said your name ought to be rand, and it was. i listened to my wife. when i did, and it's hard to believe it is true, i never thought about ayn rand. i read
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her novels, but the thought never crossed my mind. i was involved in politics, a couple years later i was talking -- starting a taxpayer group and the first question out of the reporter posner mouth was were you named after ayn rand? it was just a shortening of my first name, never intended to have a coincidence. >> the story goes that you cut your hair before your wedding. sen. paul: my wife will complain that there is a problem with my hair, of course, so there is a running battle. it's not that i'm cheap, although i am frugal. it's just time. >> have you cut her own hair? -- how do you cut your own hair? sen. paul: it is organized chaos. >> three children, what are they think of your candidacy? sen. paul: they are all involved in their own lives.
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they come to things, and the like going to the big speeches. one of my favorite memories is when i won the general election, we had a huge sign behind the stage, and when i came on stage, my two younger ones were playing ac/dc tnt. they had a sound right behind them. they played guitar and they had electric guitars. that was a good memory. i think they enjoy it. it didn't bother me too much growing up. although you seem to be under the spotlight it's not always , easy being related to someone famous. >> why do you want to be president? sen. paul: because no one is really serious about the debt on either side. you have democrats that are going to spend until the end of time on domestic spending. you have republicans who see no restraint on military spending. it has to be restraint across the board. what you are finding now is everybody is trying to explore , the sequester.
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they already got rid of the meat of the sequester last year. republicans and democrats came together. republicans said they want more for the military, democrat said we will give you that if you give us more for defense spending. the same argument is going on in the senate right now. my prediction is republicans will give the democrats what they want, more domestic spending if they can get the defense spending. the problem is that it is not good for the country, $18 trillion debt. we borrow a million dollars a minute. it will take someone who will hold the line on all fronts. if you were to cut 1% across the board from everything, one penny out of every dollar, the budget balances in five years. every american family has to do that sometime in the life. almost anybody meet will say, there was a year when i had to take a job with less pay, and we had to cut back. in washington, we do the opposite. when there is a recession,


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