tv Washington Journal CSPAN July 13, 2015 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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scott walker becomes the 15th republican to enter the presidential race. that is our focus. what do you make of scott walker and his bid? here are the numbers to call. democrats, (202) 748-8000. republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. if you do not get in by phone, you can check in on social media, twitter @cspanwj. you can send us an e-mail, scott walker put out a tweet about his pending bid. he says, "i'm in." as you can imagine, the news is all over the papers as he becomes the 15th republican.
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walker campaign to target gop core. it launches and effort built around the belief that the best way for republican candidates to win is by better energizing their conservative base rather than moving towards the center. the announcement will walk the -- will mark the entry of another big name in a crowded gop field. he becomes the 15th declared major candidate, is widely considered to be in the top tier with marco rubio and jeb bush. your calls in a couple of minutes. we have craig gilbert on the line. good morning craig. craig, are you there?
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craig gilbert, are you there? we will try to get craig gilbert on once we can get him back. a little bit more from the piece here. the capstone to the opening campaign swing is a three-day, a love in-stop swing. -- an 11-stop swing. the 47 euros mr. walker has led every public poll. he speaks about spending seven years of his boyhood in plainfield iowa, and argues that republicans will win the white house by capturing states across the upper midwest, as well as pennsylvania. all have been carried by presidential democratic candidates for a generation.
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craig, thank you for being patient with us. mr. walker, he is launching his campaign at the same spot where he celebrated his recall victory a couple of years ago. what is the spot and what is the symbolism? guest: it is the waukesha county expo center. his recall victory is the foundation of his candidacy. impossible to imagine his running for president. it does set him apart from others in the field. only the third recall in the history that a governor has survived a recall. there are fighters and winners in the field.
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the other symbolism is waukesha county, i would argue the best-performing republican county in the country and what remarkable turnouts it provides good massive landslides there have generated more votes per capita. this ties into something earlier, the sense that they believe the path to victory has a lot to do with mobilizing republicans. that is something waukesha county is famous for. host: off until more than a dozen other candidates got in and as he lose anything by other candidates joining the race before him?
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guest: the timing had a lot to do with the fact that he is a governor that had to pass a budget. it was a struggle. he had some battles to go through in his party, controversial issues to work out. he signed the budget yesterday. it is finally done, after some drama. i think he has an opportunity to get a little bit of a bump out of this budget announcement. even though he has been a de facto candidate for six months, been somebody regarded as in the top tier of candidates, he is
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not well-known. he has room to grow. he will get a wave of media attention and is also doing things like sitting down and doing -- the family is doing interviews. the report that abc news does on him will expose him to more people than anything has done in the campaign to date. that is a chance for him to get a little bit of a polling bump and secure his place in the top tier of candidates. host: what can you tell us about the event. we are going to have that lies. any sense of you -- any sense of
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who will be there with him? guest: it will be indoors. not every candidate has done this but there should be about 3000 or 4000 people there. that speaks to his political signature of energizing and mobilizing grassroots republicans. that has been his calling card. it is going to be his calling card if he can succeed in this effort. he can excite conservative voters. we do not know what he is going to say in the speech. he is going to revisit the recall.
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he is still trying to tell the story to people who have not heard it before, or have heard it, but do not know the details. he will start to fill out his agenda little bit. what he stands for, what he would do. it is thin at this point. there will be an element of a sense of who he is personally and where he comes from. host: what aspects will his opponents seize on? how will they go after him? guest: they will go after his foreign-policy credentials which he lacks as a governor. they will accuse him of flip-flopping on issues. the campaign talks a lot about building on his authenticity.
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immigration being the most notable. there have been issues where there is perception he has changed his position and that cuts against that argument about authenticity. that is something his rivals will push at. there have been occasions where he has the klein to answer or duct -- where he has declined to answer or ducked questions. this is a challenge and a testing ground for all republican candidates. he has to grow into a presidential campaign. his ability to do that will go a long way to determining his
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fate. it is going to get rough at some point. host: we will see what happens later today. thank you for the time in the insight on governor walker. we will have the event, we think he will be speaking about 6:15 p.m. eastern time. look for the governor on c-span 3. we will take phone calls after that announcement happens. we will have the event a couple of times in the overnight schedule. looking forward to your calls and we. one of the other many articles this morning walker named as authentic, aims for smart. after listening to scott walker prepping for president --
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prepping his campaign for president, most described him as authentic, real, and approachable. voters do not use the words smart and sophisticated. scott is working on that says a senior advisor to mr. walker. smart is something voters look for in legislators who craft policy. the crucial question he must answer is whether he can cross the threshold of credibility. one of the many pieces this morning on governor walker.
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he is to join the crowded race. he hopes to set himself apart anchored by midwest values, who is a fighter and a winner. this announcement will happen in the same expo center he celebrated his victory in. governor walker has been at or near the top of recent polls along with jeb bush and marco rubio. he has led the field in iowa. after his announcement, he will head on a campaign blitz. he will cap off the trip with a road trip through iowa.
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looking for your phone calls. we will repeat the numbers again. this is about scott walker's announcement. he will be speaking today to make the announcement in front of a crowd. there might be several thousand people. the phone numbers are on the bottom of the screen for folks to call in. democrats, (202) 748-8000. republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. a reminder about twitter. cspanwj is the handle there. send us an e-mail at the first call comes in now. jeff, michigan.
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caller: if you are working at smart at this point in your political career, maybe you should not be running for president of the united states. host: tell us why. caller: to be president of the nation, to be concerned with foreign-policy, domestic policy, the economy, social issues. scott walker was known as the student who would always come in late, never have his homework done, always concerned with the election, although not with the issues on the election. i suspect that is the man we have running for office, someone
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is very -- someone who is very approachable and his admirers cannot describe as intelligent. sort of an empty suit. host: robert, iowa. caller: the whole republican party, they seem to be against the working american man. the man has come out and said he is against a living wage and that workers should the compelled to work seven days a week. bush said the working man and the americans who work more hours but if you work more hours, that is going to drive
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unemployment up. i cannot understand the approach. walker seems to be the worst of all. he does not want the unions. i cannot imagine -- 47% of the population but when you say this against the working people who are trying to make it, i cannot understand you thinking you have an opportunity or chance. host: we will get back to more of your calls about scott walker joining the presidential race. kim says she can get behind scott walker, anyone who will fight the unions, recall attempts, and death threats the way he has and emerged unscathed is my kind of guy. we have a republican caller from berkeley springs, west virginia.
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welcome to the program. caller: i cannot wait to hear the evening news. it will be scott walker decides to run for president. he is not very smart, but he is approachable, according to the new york times. let's go to donald trump because he is criticizing mexicans again. make decisions on what -- the way media makes decisions on what news to run, it amazes me sometimes. it is the absolute truth. you cannot deny it. it is there to see everybody. look at hillary clinton. she destroyed evidence on the benghazi situation, her first
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interview with cnn, she denied it. the post gave her three pinocchios. host: what are you looking for? are you still there? i think we lost him. let's hear from scott walker himself at the faith and freedom conference. he talked about unions and the budget. we will take more of your calls. [video clip] >> it was about taking on big government special interest and taking the power out of their hands and putting it in the hands of the taxpayers and the people they elect.
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we changed our economy and made it better. we have had four years in a row with a balanced budget and surpluses. we have a rainy day fund that is bigger than we took -- then when we took office. one thing a lot of people do not know, we made changes that did not just deal with collective bargaining. we can hire and fire based on merit. we can hire and fire based on merit, pay based on performance. we can put the best and brightest in our classrooms. host: a shot here of the governor stakes high, walker
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signs wisconsin budget. the plan for spending more than $72 billion over the next two years brought more of a fight among the fellow republicans. for mr. walker, it was an unwanted struggle in a year where nearly everyone was aware of the stakes, given his aspirations. mr. walker avoided raising sales and income taxes. he cut spending in the university of wisconsin system by 250 million dollars and continued a freeze on in-state tuition. the budget he signed permits an expansion of the state voucher program for students to go to
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private schools. back to the phones. caller: poverty is on the rise. our roads are falling apart. the budget is going up again. it is straight downhill. we lost more jobs in may than any other state. unemployment has arisen. good companies are leaving. our health insurance plan rates are higher than minnesota. they are doing just the opposite of walker. all walker does is destroy and tell people what they want to hear.
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walker will tell you any lie you want to hear. host: that was mark from wisconsin. larry, hernando, mississippi democratic caller. caller: anybody with any sense would not vote for that man. nor the governor of kansas or new jersey. most of those governors, look at what is going on in their states. they are killing their education. i would not vote for them for all of the tea in china. have a nice day. host: walker is one of the most conservative fiscal candidates rwrites ron. marie writes i am glad -- i am impressed there are so many good
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republicans who want to fix our problems. caller: the biggest concern scott walker calls out what use record has been. it is a great deal to the koch brothers. scott walker during his recall, when he was running to fight the recall he has to travel throughout the country to get the funding to fight the recall. the biggest issues are his
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ability to pit neighbor against neighbor. a teacher who is immune eyes dan compare a neighbor who is working 90 hours a week, making minimal money. he is pitting blue-collar against blue-collar. it is disastrous in my opinion. i will leave it at that. thank you for taking my call. host: a republican is next. caller: instead of another governor coming on and saying the government has to much power, i would rather give the power to someone who deserves it. a lot of people seem to be part of special interest and they do
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not care about the country and how much money they make. i would rather see a governor who was be willing to talk about that not power. host: james an independent, laverne, tennessee. caller: he has some things to say and they bothered me. he says the -- something like batman or superman. [indiscernible] genocide the native americans to the point where you sit [indiscernible] when you say they were superheroes, you want to be a superhero.
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i can see him thinking we are going to go back to those superhero days that he wants. donald trump talking about mexican rapists, white men should never talk about rate. -- never talk about rape. [indiscernible] host: robert, good morning. caller: i wanted to say there are so many similarities between our modern republican party and the not to party. i have a list of about 40 similar things, which are factual. let me read a couple of those. both parties believed in dismantling minority voting, social programs for underprivileged, environmental
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protections, gerrymandering and eliminating competition victimizing less than minimum wage people. i can go on and on about the similarities. host: what does that mean to you? caller: i am a vietnam veteran. we looking at the end on to try to get rid of that kind of ideology. these people will do to our
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country what the nazis did to germany. host: let's take a look at this. [video clip] people get confused. they think you grow the economy by growing washington. the rest of us, we understand you go to the economy, you get the government out of the way so we can start with a more folks -- so we can get things back together again. repeal obama care and put patients and families back in charge of their health care decisions. use the abundance of what we
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have here to feel the economy going forward. we should reform the tax code. host: walker to run on his conservative record. this is the front page. he is going to carve out his own place in the presidential field. his expected entrance today expands the parties field heightening the sense among party analysts that they will have to go there are several primaries within a primary before a winner can be crowned. it includes physical, social, and military conservatives.
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baby boomers are taking on generation xers. then, there is donald trump. mr. walker has been making overtures to the religious and social conservatives. caller: i spent eight years in the marine corps. thanks to the g.i. bill, i was able to go to college, got my bachelors and masters degree. if we put any republican in the white house to work alongside this republican-controlled congress especially the group running this congress, we will
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have attack after attack on programs like social security, medicare i would not be surprised if they went after the g.i. bill the family leave act. they will defund programs like the private pension guaranteed fun. it would be a nightmare for the middle class. i did my research. i looked up and could not find back in the 1930's, arguments placed on the house for -- the house floor or the senate floor, i could not find any republicans who rallied for programs like social security. they did not want them and they did not want medicare. i would ask most people where they would be without those programs. we will have one attack after another on these programs. host: that was rick, from philadelphia. we have chris from the walking
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on the line. caller: i agree with the last caller. i have to say, he rallies against big government. he has consolidated things in wisconsin under his power. he has taken local control and said they could not pass any ordinances. he has put his cronies in office. he put a kid in one of his donors who did not have any experience or education on a big salary. he has been terrible he has demoralized the teachers. he is a mess. host: steve says that walker is
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like chris christie and other establishment candidates. psalm of whom have gone to prison. we will taymor get calls in a couple of minutes. want to talk about congress for a couple of minutes. christina is a reporter for the help. i am seeing the peace at the hell. no child left behind in this and it. california drought in the house. you write the house schedule is interesting for what is not part of it. what is missing. guest: originally leaders had hoped to bring up one of seven of the 12 spending bills that would fund financial service. last week, they were afraid
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democrats and try to offer more amendments related to the confederate flag anti-republicans and not again. the annual process for funding the government is stalled because of the federal -- because of the confederate flag. they are going to have to turn to a sort -- a short term continuing resolution because of an issue over sequestration. host: would also were looking at? tell us were the senate is on the legislation. guest: this is the second week the senate and has been working on the house passed their version last week. a very narrow vote. senators are filing through
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amendments, but hope to finish by the end of the week. host: the california drought is coming up. what will the bill do? guest: it is endorsed by the entire republican delegation. it would increase the amount of water available to californians by requiring the government to come maximum amounts of water through the central valley. host: hillary clinton said to visit the hill tomorrow. who is she going to meet with and what is the agenda. guest: she will meet with house and senate democrats tomorrow. she will be speaking with them. she will meet with senate democrats at their weekly lunch and will be talking about
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general policies and how she will work with democrats going forward. it could be awkward because bernie sanders is a candidate for president and is a member of seven and he will be in the same room when she is addressing senate democrats. host: thank you. appreciate it. back to your calls on scott walker announcing this morning he will be joining the presidential race. dan, go ahead. caller: i was willing to give scott walker a friskirst lance and
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maybe his policies would be helpful, but they have been destructive for our state. i would encourage people to not vote for this man. his budget that he has signed is going to be an incredible anchor for wisconsin's economy, moving forward. he has dismantled the progressive policies that have made wisconsin one of the better states. the government -- governor dayton in minnesota, what they have done over the last several years compared to what has happened in wisconsin, it is a sharp contrast between the two.
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it is something scott walker has put political aspirations -- they have overshadowed the people of wisconsin to the degree in which you either leave the state and that's a mess, it will take years to unravel this. caller: good morning. i appreciate you taking my call. i listen to your program and i enjoy it. i appreciate what you do. in response to these people that called in against scott walker's policies and the republican policies, if you read between the lines almost everyone of them have been offended -- have benefited from federal programs.
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the man that was 70 years old said he benefited from having his education paid for by the federal government. it is a wonderful thing, but if we are going to be responsible we are going to have to give up some of these programs. some of these will have to be cut. where are these people coming from? we have to do something to decrease our deficit so we can go forward as the great country we are. host: hillary clinton making a speech today. we will have it live on c-span. the wall street journal touches on it. clinton tilts towards the left.
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she is rejecting ideas from gop contenders, but striking a contrast with her party's liberal wing. she will focus on her differences with republican rivals. rising incomes for all americans is the defining economic challenge of our time. the speech in new york city will draw implicit contrast with bernie sanders, who is mounting a strong challenge from the left. he is focusing on equality. he is calling on the taxes for the wealthy to aid the middle class. hillary clinton live at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. brian, west chester, pennsylvania. caller: i want to let you know i
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am excited about scott walker. it is disappointing to hear these folks that are against him. he has done great things in wisconsin, perhaps the most profound is his ability to have funded -- unfunded liabilities to appoint where no other state is in the position they are. i can outweigh to say president walker. host: other news regarding greece. they have reached a deal with creditors, avoiding a euro exit. the deal calls for greeks to cut
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back in exchange for more loans without which, in the financial system would collapse. it will be the country's third bailout in five years. chicago tribune the deal was eminent. iran new talks down to the last details. diplomats completed what may be the final negotiating session. a comprehensive deal will be announced today. it is something we will watch out for. bob corker was on meet the press. he was asked if he was feeling better today. here is a look.
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[video clip] >> i think we have been on a downward trend for some time. we crossed the rubicon when we went to dismantle the program to agreeing to and richmond. there are key issues that are rain. we have got to ensure this is verifiable. we know the scientists were building a bomb, we just want to know how far they got in previous efforts. we need to make sure it is enforceable. over time, it is like boiling and they -- the boiling an egg.
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i am glad they are taking their time. the deadline was working to enron's advantage. i am concerned about where we are going. it does not sound like a deal they come up with. you do not want to prejudge what is in there. it does not sound like you can support this deal. i do not see how this gets through the senate. >> part of all we do here is not try to stiffen the negotiators here and we try to point out the areas not agreed to and try to get them not to cross those lines. we have been effective. other groups have done this name. saying look, we have changed the way we have gone about this by moving to managed proliferation
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but these issues matter. what you will see is people in the house looking at how they manage these last issues. there is an iranian nuclear development program. it has an agreed to. host: down to our last couple of minutes on scott walker news. he has announced he is running for president. we will take his remarks later this evening. sean is calling from summerland key, florida. caller: we are going to be forced to be choosing between the lesser of the two evils, the bushes or the clintons. 47% of the voting population participates. they know that we have no say in
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what is going to happen. we need to change the ballot and add a line that says none of the above. that would bring the voting population back and give the population a chance to participate in the election and force the republicans and democrats and independents to offer it to people who speak to the needs of the population. not to some kind of the of economics at does not represent the nature or the people at all. host: and john, michigan. caller: it is always a stretch to call a politician off and take.
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when it comes to authenticity, the first thing i want to bring up, frances schmidt, the lead special prosecutor into scott walker's allegedly illegal activities. he is a republican who voted for scout in the 2012 recall collections. he took 1.5 million from john bernard -- from john minard. most of these people got something in return. john minard got 2 million back in tax credits. they reported zero dollars to the irs. six of his former aides were convicted of various things.
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this idea of calling him authentic when he has skirted campaign-finance laws left and right so he would win the recall, someone on twitter said he must be doing some thing right. they funneled something like $10 million into all of the ads and basically everything to do with that. when it comes to authenticity, is a load of trash. host: thank you to everyone who called in. want to remind you about scott walker's announcement. he will put it out in person today. 6:15 from waukesha, wisconsin. we will have a live on c-span 3. our plan is to take a few phone calls on c-span 3 after the beach is finished.
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you can click on schedules to find out when it will air. we are going to take a short break and come back in a couple of minutes with ken blackwell. we will talk about the push for religious freedom laws in the wake of the supreme court's decision to legalize same-sex marriage area a conversation on how progressives view the democratic presidential field. we will be right back. >> on the road to the white house, two major political events from iowa. we are dealing likely she can
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watch or listen to these events in their entirety. we will be in cedar rapids for the hall of fame dinner. all five democratic presidential candidates will share the stage. on c-span, c-span radio, and rhodes the white house 2016. we take you there. >> c-span gives you the best access to congress, live coverage of the house congressional hearings, bringing you events that shape public policy. c-span, created by america's cable companies and brought to you as a public service by your
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local cable or satellite provider. host: joining us from cincinnati, ohio, can black well, a senior fellow at the family research council. he is the former mayor of cincinnati. good morning. guest: good morning. good to be with you. host: wanted to get your take on the supreme court j.k. rowling cop -- the supreme court's ruling, legalizing same-sex marriage. guest: they turned on its head the institution that had been in place for thousands of years. the bodies of scientific knowledge showing when it comes
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to the rearing of children, that union is the preferred union and the most successful in creating responsible adults. i was taken by this attack on religious liberty, but more importantly, this judicial activism, where we found change affected by judicial see it -- judicial fiat we engage in this issue in a very democratic fashion. what happened was a halt to the democratic process by five justices on the supreme court. host: what is the long-term effect of that ruling?
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guest: it is going to play out in our lives in many ways. overnight, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, they have been converted to bigots. not only preachers, but churchgoers have their religious liberty put at risk. it is very instructive when you put at the -- when you look at the writings and opinions of the four justices that dissented. they raise a question as to whether or not the balance had been done to the free exercise provision within the first amendment. this religious liberty has not
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been a matter of the freedom to worship within the four walls of a church or the freedom to give mellowing -- to give mouthing to the acceptance of religious belief. we have believed as a country that individuals have a right to live out their religious convictions. this is all at risk. we will see it dealt with any number of ways. what is taught in our schools, how we interact in the marketplace, or what can be said and what can be conducted within our churches. host: ken blackwell is with the
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-- i want to put the phone numbers on the screen for you to comment about same-sex marriage religious freedom. democrats (202) 748-8000. republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. one quote says it seems like the oppressor is taking on the mentality of the press, that the court ruling left many conservative christians steamed. others urge resistance against the new legal reality. what would your response be?
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what will you do moving forward on this issue? host:guest: for several decades, we have been engaged in the context -- a contest that has stretched across the country. on one side are those who believe in growing government and on the other side, those of us who believe in protecting individual liberty. there are several ideas that have prevailed over the last 20 or 30 years. governments can manage our economy better than markets. the second is that governments can manage the affairs of our families better than our families themselves. the third is the old-fashioned work ethic has been turned on its head.
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we are now a culture where earning money does not entitle you to a, and the fourth wrongheaded idea is the added context to the struggle the advance of moral relativism. it is not just a constitutional contest. it has to be looked at in the cultural context. frc and others will be engaging in about four arenas. we will take direct action. we will protest this where we think it is appropriate to protest. we will show our disagreement with the judicial fiat exercise by justices.
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second, we willing gauge in the legislative process. whether it be in congress or state legislatures across the country. there will be plenty of work for lawyers to engage in across the country. folks will be challenged in their workplace, churches, and their schools. as a christian-based organization, we willing gauge folks in construct event positive dialogue. ultimately, to create a beloved community, you have to change the hearts of folks. you do that and not through judicial fiat or political hammering. you do it by dialogue. that is something frc, the
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watchman on the wall program the family policy council's a roster country, that is what we engage in. host: let's go to calls for 10 blackwell. jenny is from lakewood washington. caller: good morning. i'm calling to say that i think that religious groups should get their own people to abide by the things that you are worried about. you have the highest divorce rates, 70% of women who get abortions claim religious affiliation. you can't keep your people within your churches to do what you are professing that you are trying to lead the country in doing. you are trying to get the government to do it for you. you are trying to get everybody
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to do it for you. if you would stay within your own religious realm, and get 70% of your people under control and your divorce rate under control -- i have been married for 42 years, i'm a non-theist i do not need you in my life. guest: look, i think the caller might be surprised to find out that we at the family research council are concerned about divorce, about the accelerated divorce rate across the country. she is right in that it will take all of us engaged in protecting the institution of marriage, advancing our culture. it will take all of us to engage in making sure that the issues, or ideas, and ideals that we
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profess to believe in are in fact modeled in our individual and community behavior. let me take exception to her notion that it is we who want government to turn a definition of marriage on its head. this is a definition, as i said before, that has been in play and in place for thousands of years. our founders framed our constitution with the declaration of independence. in that decoration of independence in the second paragraph, one of the points that was established is our fundamental rights are not grants from government, they are gifts from god. the framers of our constitution believe in the laws of nature and nature's god. this notion that it is profamily
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organizations, pro-national marriage organizations are somehow try to use the force the government, that is totally untrue. what we are saying is let's go with the constitution, if in fact there is a change to be made in the cultural understanding of marriage, let it be a decision of the people, not the decision of five judges, where they have created a definition of marriage and consistent with 2500 years of definition. inconsistent of scholarly knowledge of what is in the vestiges of children and our communities across the country. host: that being said, let me
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get your response to what the governor of kansas said, recently issuing an executive order on religious liberty, in response to the same-sex marriage ruling. what do you think of that action? might we see more of this? guest: i think we will see more of it. people understand that while there are those who would like to concentrate power in the executive branch inside the beltway, or scede more power to the courts, at the end of the day, this is a union that is different because it is "we, the people," who are empowered to set the course of our cultural advancement. not an imperial president or five justices through judicial
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fiat. you will see folks understand that states need to speak up, local communities need to speak up, we need to make sure we amplify the voice of the people. if you take a look at how this was going when the people spoke, only a handful of states -- three or four states -- actually where the people spoke said that marriage was something other than a union between one man and one woman. it was through judicial fiat, or legislators, and i will grant you that legislators are the representatives of the people, but if you even couple those states with the states that didn't directly by a vote of the people, you're talking about 17 states. you have had over 30 states who
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have said it is the union between one man and one woman. with the courts, through the course of this debate, and with the stroke of a pen the courts have now said that the voice of those people in those states can be trampled upon and rendered them meaningless. that is something that people will not let stand, just as they did not let the dred scott decision by the supreme court stand, they will not let this stand without chamita's push back -- tremendous pushback. we are a government by the people for the people. we the people, have a voice, and we will not surrender our birthright as americans to wrongheaded decisions. host: we are moving on to don in ohio. caller: good morning. good morning, ken blackwell, i
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voted for you. a former dollars -- dallas cowboys. i thought i would call in for my former republicans. i'm for traditional marriage. jesus is listening and the holy spirit. i say, let's get ready for revival in america. what's more, give us a change of heart, and that lifestyle will disappear. god bless you and god speed. if you ever run for governor again, i will vote for you again because you played pro football. god bless you. host: already. guest: thank you, sir. let me say, i dig it is important -- i think it is important that we take us a step back. some of the questions as to why there would be resistance to a court decision can be answered,
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or at least looked at within the context. we have, for instance, laws around our borders. we have laws that direct are our immigration process, but we have cities that step on those laws ignore those laws, and create sanctuary cities. we had to decision by the supreme court that said that the obama administration should put a halt to some of its so-called global warming regulations, but we had the director of the epa say, the way i interpret this legislation, we have wiggle room and will continue to go forward. i do not want to put bible believing christians and jews, and folks of other faiths who
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believe in national marriage between one man and woman in this category of being resistant to the orders of the court. that sort of resistance, that difference of interpretation costs a whole host of issues that we should be concerned about. there are those of us that are struggling with this issue on marriage, but we are also struggling on other fronts to make sure we do not give up what has made us an exceptional nation. that is we have put a harness on our constitution, a harness on the reach and scope of government, because we know there is a direct correlation between limiting gover government's power and optimizing liberty.
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host: our guest is senior fellow at the family research council ken blackwell is in cincinnati. we will take a call now from florida, joseph. caller: good morning. i just wanted to echo the gentelman, i think he was from dallas. i would like to throw out there to folks who listen, we have a lot of folks in this country who are not followers of christ. i came to christ three or four years ago, actually four years ago in six months. it was an awesome expense for me. i want folks to know that just because i follow christ, because i read the bible, does not mean that i am challenge every day by the world. this lady talked about divorce. we are faced by this every day. we try to live up to something that we know we will not live up to. mr. blackwell, i also want to
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comment on some of this is these businesses. they are not churches. at the mom-and-pop photographers, or whoever, who do not want to participate in same-sex marriages. i think their rights need to be upheld. again, those who do not follow christ, should be saying, wait a minute, that person has the freedom to say no. if i wanted to go out there and say, i am only making things for gay weddings, i should have the right to do that. i would like your comments and to know what your organization is doing to help those businesses. guest: thank you sir. let me start with something in the news today. a municipal judge in toledo ohio basically was approached
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he was on the bench and asked to conduct a same-sex marriage. two lesbians wanted to marry. he conveyed to to them that he did not believe in same-sex marriage, that there were other folks who could conduct their wedding, and if in fact they were willing to wait a few minutes or a couple of hours they would be accommodated. the couple was married. now, there is a chamita's push -- there is a tremendous push to get him impeached from the bench. there is was again a free exercise provision in terms of religious liberty that is being challenged by folks who want to
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hammer folks into disbelief and disassociation from their religious beliefs. i believe that we are going to see this played out, not only in the courtrooms, and not only in bakeries and businesses photographers, but we will see it played out in the classroom where you will have public school teachers saying that they are not going to teach that johnny has two mothers or mary has two fathers. we are going to see a fight for control of curriculum at the local level. this will be played out -- frc has gone 24,000 petitions for
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judge mcconnell. we have been standing side-by-side with the clients. there are any number of public and just campaigns that specialize in religious liberty issues. i am on the becket fund for religious liberty board. we have the alliance defending freedom. these are public sector -- public interest law firms that specialize in religious liberty. they will have plenty of work to do because again americans and christian believers, and jewish believers, and muslim believers folks who believe as articles of faith that religion is the union between one man and one woman will not just abandon their religion. we know that the american
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experience, an american exceptionalism grew out of folks in search of religious liberty. it is our first human right. host: i was going to ask, will the family research council be endorsing in 2016, and really, which candidate do you think a next best with the social conservatives these days? guest: there are a number of candidates. our position is that this is a pretty good field. there are differences among the candidates in the field. i believe that giving them an opportunity to speak to the issues to showcase their experience, to give them an opportunity to go into the homes via tv and grassroots
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organizations to american families across the country is a healthy thing. it is way too early. we are excited that not only do we have the all-star game cincinnati on tuesday, in cleveland, ohio on august 6, we will have the first debate among the republicans -- the republican candidates. we are going to stand ready to advance the notion of religious liberty. fic, through its 501(c) four and its pac can engage. frc is a public policy organization that advances ideas and public policies. we are a leading inside the
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belly organization to events religious liberty with ties to organizations in all of our 50 states outside of the beltway. host: let's move on to matt in concord, new hampshire. caller: hello and good morning. it is great to be an american. in six days, i'm getting married . i live in new hampshire. i'm getting married in new york. i decided to get married on the side of the lake in a beautiful vineyard. when i was planning my wedding which took quite some time, i contacted 37 pastors, reverence priests, when everyone to call them. everything one of them told me no, i'm not a member of the church. i wanted to get married in a beautiful area. they all told me no. i took the answer. i'm going to get married by a
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judge. i contacted 45 photographers and none of them -- i am married a woman, by the way -- but none of them asked me if i was marrying a man. it did not even come up. the person making our cake, no questions. the photographers didn't question it, the judge did not question it. we are america. there many to religions, many different beliefs. i wish we could all let everybody do what they want. if somebody tells me to do what did take pictures at my wedding, i move on to the next one. it is so easy to settle this way. everyone has the right to believe. we are christians, we wanted to get married by a pastor, but they have the reasons. and the whole reason they said no was because i was not a member of their church. i live for it or 50 miles away
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it is obvious, i'm not a member of the church. i just wish -- why are we battling over this. i'm a contractor. i build houses. i never asked my customers if they're lesbians, or homosexuals, or heterosexuals. (202) 748-8000host: thanks for calling, let's hear from ken blackwell. guest: first, the reason we are going to engage in the battle is because frc, and many of americans and american organizations believe that religious liberties are the first among our human rights. it reflects the fact that we are not just mere economic or political animals, we in fact our folks of conscious. religious liberty reflects our
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right to live our lives in accordance with our believes. the gentelman is right to the extent that we were engaged in a democratic process where the people were in discussions and debates, full tour voting -- folks were voting up and down on same-sex marriage. it was going along just fine. that is why i was shocked that five justices circumvented the democratic process to create a new right. where is their right to redefine marriage in the constitution? it is just not there. justice kennedy has opened the
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door. if in fact he is saying that everybody has a right to be happy, then, he knows, and he knew full well that that would open the door to two men and one woman to say, we profess our love to one another no again tonight, therefore, we should be allowed to be married. before people say that is a stretch, and the united nations, i served as the u.s. investor to the human rights commission for three years. two years under bush 41, and most of the year under bill clinton. i was working on projects in bosnia. in the united nations, there are some 45 countries that allow for polygamy, and only a handful that allow -- now with the
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united states the number has increased -- but about one third of the country's that allow for polygamy, only about one third of them allow for same-sex marriage. what makes people think that we will not have to entertain this in our courts. what will be the fallback? we have basically said that not our interest of the nation, or states, or communities. not in the interest of the context in which we rear are kids. as a consequence, it will not be long before polygamy will be allowed, if we follow the courts and the logic of the five justices that created a right to
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redefine marriage. they have opened the door. people will think that we all have a right to redefine marriage and if we can profess love, we can move from the union between two people to a union between three people. it is plain as day, it is coming, and there are already folks lined up to go to court. host: more from justice kennedy on religious freedom. host: we have time for a few more calls for ken blackwell who is in cincinnati. he is senior fellow for family
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empowerment with the family research council. it is coming from chicago now. caller: first of all, let me get this on the record. marriage is between a man and a woman, not two women and two men. mr. k blackwell, you keep blaming the judges. i guess what? let's tell the truth about it. you say when you cannot go your way by votes, let's take it to the courts. this is something that you are asked for. be careful what you wish for. the judges did not come in and take these cases on their own. you took it to the judges. now that the judges did not act in your benefit, now the judges are the worst thing since president obama. the same thing with obamacare. you could not take no for an
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answer, see took it to the court. quit blaming the judges. blame your party for wanting to eat cake too. now they do not have cake, you will cause 50 states to be under this ungodly long. -- law. host: your response? guest: i would agree with the car that the courts have gotten out of hand, and the courts have gotten out of hand with justices that have been appointed by republicans, as well as democrats. our fingerprints are on that. that does not change the fact that the courts have gotten out of hand, and whether it is obamacare, the courts have gotten out of hand. in the obamacare case, we had the chief justice, justice
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roberts, legislating from the bench. he got out of his lane into the lane of the legislator, and turned the balance of power in the government on its head. i think we have a real problem with this extraconstitutional reach of various units of government. whether it is the executive branch with the theory, or the legislative -- with the epa or the legislative branch. i will give you an example. we have patent legislation, we are now under the guise of patent reform watching this congress creep into attacking individual entrepreneurs, and the entire innovation field.
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so much so that if you turn to "the washington post," or "the washington times," you will see an ad where they are challenging, saying enough is enough. no more. frank, no more obamacare, no more washington fixes. we are saying no to a point that i said earlier, and that is that government, in this case federal government can manage our economy better than free market. we are speaking out as republicans, is concerned americans, as defenders of the constitution, as believers in judeo christian efforts. we are speaking out. we are engaging them across, as well as republicans, who want to make sure that we do not just
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trash what has made us an exceptional nation. that is that we have empowered citizens. we are not subjects, we are citizens. we in fact have put a check on the judiciary, legislative, and executive. our call as the family research council is a party lines. that is why we are helping judge mcconnell, who is a democrat, in his fight for religious liberty. host: barry from houston, texas thank you for waiting. barry is an independent. caller: good morning, how are you sir? how are you doing this morning? host: we are doing great. guest: just fine. caller: the reason i called it is because i feel -- i first want to preface this by saying
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that i do believe marriage is between a man and woman, but that is my personal beliefs. i think this boils down to -- are we going to legislate morality or freedom? i think that is what the founding fathers put the cross in the constitution about the separation of church and state. we're doing this under the guise of religious liberty, but we have to ask ourselves, are we a democracy or are we a theocracy masquerading as a democracy? people wanted to vote on gay marriage in 2012, and i think the conservative party got a shock when they lost this in the supreme court. you said earlier, this is a government for the people and by the people. i may disagree with it, but in a true democracy, it is supposed to be majority rules. why was is not put on the ballot? people want to integrate this decision, by do i did not hear
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this great outcry when citizens united pastsed. as far as the free market goes and forest -- florists who do not want to cater to gay weddings, the free market will dictate. for every one business that does not want to favor same-sex couple, this is america. there will probably be 10 other businesses that will be more than willing host: thank you. ken blackwell. guest: good point. the color and i would agree that we should not destroy the free market context of our economy with the empowerment of a big federal government or a government at any level.
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we need to let the buyers and sellers in markets sort a lot of things out. not the courts or the legislatures. but let's be real about something. the democratic process was playing out. i'm not talking about polls. this gentleman stated that 50% of folks are for marriage. that is through a poll. the only polls that really count are the ones taken at the ballot box. as voters across this country in their jurisdictions voted on this, the overwhelming majority of voters said that marriage was a union between one man and one woman. so he should be on my side. the caller should be on my side saying, why did the courts short-circuit the democratic process? and that was because of folks who are supporters of same-sex
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marriage new that they would not win it state-by-state in the democratic process. they weren't winning it and they would not win it. so the caller and i could agree about the power of free markets and i asked him to join the coalition of the club for growth and american conservative union. and their push to stop this assault on innovation and innovators and entrepreneurs is being conducted under the guise of patent reform. but most importantly he needs to get on the bandwagon and defend religious liberty because once you destroy religious liberty, you infect destroy what has made us a unique and exceptional nation.
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host: we have one more call. barry n houston, texas. independent. good morning. -- barry in houston, texas. independent. good morning. caller: you came back to me by mistake. mr. blackwell, what you are saying about the free market. we see eye to eye there. the point you are missing is -- there's a lot of things in this country that are illegal. legal. gambling is legal in the form of lottery. in a democracy, you don't always get your way. i think conservatives have gotten so accustomed because they are so agenda driven to going their way that when the democratic process does not work out in their favor, then it seems like they throw tantrums like these.
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guest: that is a great point. but you are stepping on the facts. the fact is that i embrace the democratic process. state-by-state. let's take ohio for example. when this was voted on by the people it won with over 60% of the ballot. people can tell me that things are changing in terms of polls but the way you undo that is take it back to the ballot. you don't have judicial fiat. there is doublespeak with the caller. he says he is for the democratic process but now he is saying it's ok to trample the democratic process when it doesn't give you the result you want. this is the beauty of our country. and this is what i think the supreme court missed. through a bear majority, five
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judges short-circuited the democratic process. this was being played out neighbor to neighbor. within our 50 states. that is the beauty of we the people and the democratic process that was believed in and structured by the framers of our constitution. it empowered the people, not the courts and not the executive branch. and we are watching this played out in other arenas. sanctuary cities, and epa director who says she's going to just ignore the courts. it is a pleasure to be able to engage in the sort of dialogue that washington journal affords both lawmakers and ordinary citizens. host: our guest has been 10
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blackwell, former mayor of cincinnati, ohio. he is currently senior fellow for family empowerment at the family research council. thank you for your time this morning. guest: thank you. host: we are going to take a short break and then talk with katrina vanden heuvel, editor of the nation magazine. she will be her to talk about how progressives are viewing the democratic residential field. ♪ >> booktv is television for serious readers. join us this saturday starting at 11:00 a.m. eastern for our all-day live coverage of the harlem book fair. the nation's flagship african-american literary event.
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with author talks and panel discussions featuring historian nell irvin painter and journalist pamela newkirk. and author and code pink cofounder. we're live from our nations capital for the national book festival, celebrating its 15th year. followed on sunday with our live in-depth program with former second lady and senior fellow at the american enterprise institute lynne cheney. >> washington journal continues. paul orgel: joining us in new york city this morning is katrina vanden heuvel, editor and publisher of the nation magazine. thank you for joining us. katrina vanden heuvel: good morning. paul orgel: bernie sanders speaks. you did a little bit of a q&a with the candidate.
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they call it his most revealing interview. the socialist presidential candidate sets out his vision for america. here is a look at the piece. they write here that in the beginning there were plenty of doubters, but two months into the campaign, everything about the sanders candidacy, the crowds, the poll numbers, the buzz is bigger than expected. it says something about the prospects for progressive politics. what does it say? katrina vanden heuvel: this is a economic populist moment. the economic populist wing of the credit party is ascendant. someone was going to fill that space in 2016 and bernie sanders is filling it. it might have been elizabeth warren. but bernie sanders has staked out his ground. he is someone the nation has been covering since he entered congress in 1990. millions of people are meeting
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him for the first time. he announced only two months ago. the crowds just grow. part of it is the mainstream corporate media in this country has for a long time sort of police the parameters of the possible i would argue and led to a kind of downsize politics of excluded alternatives. the views bernie sanders holds about a more fair country and how to get there, tax increases on the very wealthy, the belief that this country belongs to its citizens and not to billionaires -- debt-free education safe and secure retirement, expanded social security. what does it mean to be a socialist? it is essentially being a social democrat. he would be centerleft in many european countries. it is a modern new deal. i think bernie sanders and his
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issues are very much in sync. according to many polls with many american views. the mainstream media has said that he is french or his views are french. -- he is fringe or his views are fringe. he was a guest on meet the press for his first time in his 24 years in congress. where is john mccain is the most frequent guest on meet the press. that does not make sense. there should be a full breath of dth of views. the nation is not endorsing anybody right now, but we want robust debate. and an airing of new ideas. that lift up at a moment when many people pay attention to a political system and other times they don't.
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in 2016, a lot more people will be paying attention than they might have. paul orgel: politico has a piece that says sanders's senate colleagues are stunned by his assent. -- ascent. is it the message or the messenger that is catching on? katrina vanden heuvel: very good question. you have a cohort in the senate. people like elizabeth warren, senator jeff merkley, tammy baldwin. these people share his views. but i think the media in this country too often does the horse race to the detriment of giving people the issues. bernie sanders is running a serious campaign with serious ideas and solutions for the problems he sees in this country at a very serious time. in fact a crisis moment for democracy and our economy. i think he has caught the wave. is he more surprised about how it is all catching on? perhaps. but he himself has been a very
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sharp critic of a media which hasn't permitted the full range of views. he says he goes on and talks with reporters. at the end of those interviews people say what do you think of hillary clinton, instead of pushing him on his issues. he is not there to criticize hillary clinton or raise millions of dollars to create warped opposition ads. he is there to have a serious debate. is our country ready for such a campaign? i think we are seeing elements of such readiness. but we haven't seen it. the other excitement, the day after he announced he raised $1.5 million. do i like to measure viability of candidates by their fundraising prowess? hell no. but he raised $1.5 million in 24 hours. he raised more than rand paul or ted cruz.
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i think there is an element of running as a small donor insurgent with real ideas campaign that people may be more ready for than many people have understood. paul orgel: phone numbers on the bottom of the screen for katrina vanden heuvel of the nation. the nation is celebrating its 150th anniversary. what does it mean to be 150 and what is new in store for readers these days? katrina vanden heuvel: i find it astonishing. i find it astonishing to survive. think of the longevity. we were there for the launch of the telegraph. we were there for the launch of twitter. we just launched an extraordinary new website. it is very nimble and innovative. we are here largely i think because, though we cover politics and believe in
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movements which make fundamental transformational change, we are here because we believe in the power of telling truth to people, of challenging the conventional wisdom, of pushing the consensus and raising issues which at one time might seem heretical that at another time seem common sense. we were at the forefront of opposition to the iraq war in 2003. many liberals were not. we were accused of being anti-american, which is always what happens when you oppose government in wartime. 10 years later, the opposition to the iraq war, the view that it was a catastrophe for this countriesy's security, the can common sense. martin luther king jr. was our civil rights correspondent for six years. james boldin wrote a report from occupied territory -- james baldwin wrote about policing abuses.
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toni morrison has an extraordinary essay in our special issue on the role of writers in the time of fear. we launched chris hayes who i hired at 28. he now has his own show. melissa harris perry, naomi klein, who was just speaking at the vatican. we have a slew of writers. we have tried to do investigative writing that makes change. we believe in journalism that rights wrongs. the nation, 150 years old, i don't think many other places are going to make it that long. we plan to survive. katrina vanden heuvel:paul orgel: we will talk more about hillary clinton, coming up. let's get some calls in.
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carol is calling from florida. independent. thank you for waiting. caller: good morning katrina. i understand bernie sanders was promising $50 million for jobs and i would like to know who will pay for the jobs. what his idea is for paying the deficit down. and the government doesn't create jobs. so what jobs is he talking about exactly? katrina vanden heuvel: i have not seen that exact framing. , good caller. i have seen that he has called for major infrastructure investment, which hillary clinton i believe today in her first major address on the economy will also second. i believe bernie sanders has put forward budgets. which i would argue are the most sensible common sense budgets floating around this country.
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because they call for beginning to pay down the debt but at the same time making investments in this country's future. there is a lot of money that sloshes around in terms of tax breaks for oil and gas companies, military companies, pharmaceuticals. these tax breaks aren't doing a lot except enriching companies which already are very rich. i think you can find ways to create a budget. by the way a budget is a moral statement, a values principle statement. you can find a way to do a budget that is very responsible and beginning to pay down the deficit and at the same time making investments if you reallocate the money. there is a very interesting idea out there. it is not new. bernie sanders is one of the proponents. called a robin hood tax or wall street tax. tax wall street to invest in main street. i think you can really take on some of the companies which have reaped huge, huge riches to find
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ways without stopping them, but to just reframe and restrain them and bring that money back to reinvest in the country. what is the ultimate security? a healthy, literate, secure, country. with a rising middle class. bernie sanders talks a lot about the disappearing, beleaguered middle class. i think that is where budgets should be focused on. rebuilding a middle-class and true security at home. paul orgel: to the hillary clinton speech today that you mention, we will have a live today at 10:00 on c-span. the wall street journal says that clinton will tilt toward the left in his economic plan. she will focus on her differences with republican rivals and accuse them of seeking growth without regard to whether the middle class thrives and say that raising incomes for all americans is the defining economic challenge of our time.
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the speech will also draw implicit contrasts with bernie sanders. he is focusing heavily on inequality. arguing that the economic pie should be divided more fairly and calling for taxes on the wealthy to pay for initiatives to aid the middle class. more on the battle here? katrina vanden heuvel: i hate to do this because i don't think bernie sanders's candidacy should be viewed as a foil to hillary clinton. you see that too often in the coverage. i think his campaign and issues should stand on their own terms. we will see moving hillary clinton to speak more urgently to the defining issue of our time, which is how do you rebuild the middle class? she will not be as straight -- what she is talking about, first of all, in my mind, is it left
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wing to argue that people who work 40 hours a week should not live in poverty? that to me is humane. that to me is a politics the pope could support. by the way, the pope traveling around latin america talking about unfettered capitalism makes bernie sanders look like a centrist. but that is a different issue. hillary clinton is going to talk about the bottom-up wage stagnation what can be done to rebuild the middle class. she is going to talk about empowering workers. she is not simply going to focus as so we democrats have for too long on the role of technology and globalization. she will make the point that we have this inequality, is not immaculate conceptions. politics and policy play a role to rebuild an economy that works for everyone. bernie sanders however gets more to the nub of the problem and it
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is a position poll that majorities of americans support which is increasing taxes on the very rich. i don't think you can really begin to address the defining crisis of our time which is inequality without taking that up. i know it is heretical, but the nation at 150 years old cover this years ago. president dwight eisenhower had a 90% marginal tax rate on the wealthiest in his presidency. no one is calling for that now because we have essentially moved into an era where we are trying to recalibrate after the erosion of the safety net over 40-60 years of largely republican assault. so i think hillary clinton's address will have interesting ideas, but i don't think she is going to talk as friendly as bernie sanders does about the importance of taking on banks too big to fail, ensuring they are responsible to the real economy, that they are not
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defrauding bilking and criminalizing the economy in which they have been so blessed to work in. paul orgel: we will go to michelle in wisconsin, a democrat. you are on with katrina vanden heuvel. caller: good morning. i was calling because i do like bernie sanders. he is straight and upfront. he wants to take on wall street and the big banks that tend to put failure in our economy. i believe that for our economy to get a boost and go in the right direction we need to tax the wealthiest people. they seem to get around on these tax breaks and everything. and yet the republicans will say, oh, that is just a tax break and the poor middle-class are getting handouts. well if the big corporations that are million dollar profits
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and billion dollar profits should be able to pay their taxes on those things, and i am thankful that bernie sanders is going to be straight and take on wall street because a lot of our failures in our economy is because of them controlling so much stuff. that we just -- the poor in the middle class just don't have a chance anymore. i don't understand it. paul orgel: thanks for calling. katrina vanden heuvel: i talked earlier about the ascendancy of a kind of populist wing and i mean that in the best sense of the term. because there is also a right-wing populism that roams the world. a kind of economic progressive populism -- that there is far more attention being paid now to the middle class low income workers. low income people. and we forget, our contributing
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editors of many years, the great essayist gorbye vidal, one of his favorite expressions was "the united states of amnesia." the hyper financial is a should of ourization of our economy -- these weapons of mass destruction blew up our economy. the reckless casino capitalism that is so much a part of wall street. these exotic instruments which bankers sometimes don't even know about. i think we need to rein that in so there is more connection between the real economy and this wall street economy. there are simple things that are just matters of raw fairness. why is it as warren buffett, a billionaire, says that he pays fewer taxes than his secretary? there are so many tax breaks because the very richest have something that i would call the income defense industry. they have the best lawyers the
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best accountants, the best investment advisors. there is no reason that private equity firms should have something called this carried interest tax break where they get off paying far lower taxes on investments capital gains tax -- let me put it simply. wealth should be taxed at a higher rate than work. and i think it is very unfair in this country that wealth is taxed often at lower rates than work. and so people get shafted. and in that shafting, people like bernie sanders find an anchor and a passionger and a passion among millions who want to write the right the wrongs. it is not revenge or vengeance. it is fairness. it is a fair deal that we are trying to get back. paul orgel: let's go to a
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republican in illinois. john, you are on with the editor and publisher of the nation. good morning. caller: good morning, sir. paul orgel: what would you like to say? caller: more people should read the federalist papers that was written in 1787. uhh. about energy, in politics. and uh. what is happening today. it is in the book. uh. exactly detail. articleed. article number nine is exactly about what happened with the recent lag flag issue. article number 11 is about commerce in the navy. and uh number 64 is about treaties.
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everything that is happening today is in the book. business should be taxed as commerce. the business should be taxed but not the wealthiest person. that is more like an income tax. and, uh katrina vanden heuvel: but good caller what's going on with the corporations is massive tax evasion. listen, i am not antibusiness. i think there is a role for business. honest, strong business which helps create jobs. that helpedtoo often these corporations are truly unpatriotic. they shut down factories in communities. they take their money out of the country. so that they don't get taxed. they don't contribute to the revenue base of this country. i think in that lack of patriotism, we need to say let's strike a new deal. and that term new deal i am not
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using lightly. we need a new deal. a new social contract. and that is something that is very much pro-democracy and very much it seems to me coming back to the federalist papers, at the heart of the best role in this country is a social contract that honors the rights of workers, the contributions of workers, communities, and gives business the right to do well. but this maximization of short-term profit, which will request is going to talk about the failure to invest long-term in communities the ripping off of profits in order to benefit a few shareholders or to take money and reinvested in profits. all of this is not part of what i think founding fathers really thought about when they thought about the role of commerce and business. in this good country. paul orgel: what do you make of this so-called trust gap
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concerning hillary clinton? is it real in your view? what has caused it in your view? what can be done about it? katrina vanden heuvel: on some level, i try to avoid the personality scrum coverage of campaigns. i want to see where she moves on the issues. but i do think that -- it is an extraordinary situation. i have never accepted that the clintons are a dynasty. the bushes are a dynasty. rand paul and ron paul are a dynasty. the clintons are a political marriage. hillary clinton has had an extraordinary career. i do think in her handling of the e-mails for example, i think it is not at all clear that any laws were violated. but there was athere was trimming here and there. and the danger, as she, in her
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first interview last week, she was reading lawyers notes, as opposed to speaking from the heart, it confirms the narrative that has floated around the clintons for a wild. they play by their own rules. it compounds that narrative. it is a problem. i think she has a companion -- a campaign. there hasn't even been a first debate. i think the debates should be moved up and there should be more of them. i think she has the ability to address that. i think policy, how people will lead a country, a staggering difference between the republicans and democrats on the economic issue. the republicans have tried to roll back health care, cut medicare, lower taxes for the richest.
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those are the fundamental issues. hillary clinton has a chance to speak to the issues more honestly. we hope to get an interview with hillary clinton. we would like to interview all of the candidates and post sharp questions. host: we move on to an independent collar. good morning. caller: good morning. katrina, you talk about these corporations like they are a democratic system. they're are not, they are owned by shareholders. you called it unpatriotic. they are not in a democracy. there is the dividing line. what is the progressive nature of our country, our national debt is $18 trillion. where does that end?
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where does any sort of trust happen for the average american citizen when it comes to -- we can't protect our borders, we don't have a country if we can't defend the borders. what are we supposed to say to our kids? we are going to be $25 trillion in debt. the biggest national security risk is our national debt. guest: i disagree with that. i think one takes the debt seriously, but there is a fetish about the debt. we have the ability to live within our means irresponsible pay down the debt, but do so in a way that is in sync with the values of our country. the fetish with the debt, we have the ability to control our own currency. to revisit policies and regulations that, by the way
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the corporations didn't see the short-term maximization of profits as part of the corporate charter, but that is what has happened. corporations have to operate in a national environment. they don't want to, they want to be free of all politics. but that would lead to anarchy. that would be a true -- world, if corporations just ran roughshod over sovereignty. they operate by their own rules because they have the money to lubricate systems. they can buy their representatives, to have seven lobbyists for every representative. you can't say that corporations are unto themselves. they are chartered by states. they have to abide by certain rules and regulations. in terms of the border?
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i don't think this discussion is totally off base. the wrong questions are being asked. why are people coming here? we need to examine the root causes in the country from which immigrants are coming. they can come into this country in many ways, they have contributed in many ways. i think donald trump is a bully and a big it. he is jumpstarting a conversation that the republican party is trying to avert its eyes from. in so many ways, he is threaded through what the republican party has become with its strategy, in light of the racist funders and policies and politics and people in the party. they have a lot of soul-searching to do. it is a suicidal politics for the republican party. it is an ugly, odious politics.
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talking about right-wing populist, you hear that donald trump in europe, he is similar to the neofascists running around france or eastern european countries. it is a danger sign. i am torn between people -- media giving him more coverage. coverage is often a disinfectant, one hopes. he will hopefully falls to -- if you want to talk debt, he has built his empire on a ponzi scheme. the time -- he became a folk hero. the folk heroes go down. host: david in florida, democratic caller. caller: good morning katrina how are you this morning? young lady, i respect your clarity and how you speak.
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i think america is quite intrigued with how you deal with things. i like to ask you a question and i would like you to give me an answer of whether i'm right or wrong in the way i thinking. the last segment was on lgbt community and what the supreme court did. as far as i'm concerned, underneath the constitution under life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we have a government that is charged with not only taken care of the majority, but also taking care of the minority. when i look at what the supreme court did with the decision for the lgbt, i don't see it in a religious way.
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religions are not losing any of their rights. i see it as the supreme court holding up the rights of the minority, which you are charged to do in the constitution of the united states. do you agree or disagree? guest: i agree. i don't see any religious liberties being infringed. i see an expansion of freedom. if i might add to what you said, so often, court decisions, after a long. of social movement, social transformation. the court ratifies what has already been going on in communities in various movements , in free association of people. talking about the constitution. i think court decisions do protect the rights of minorities, to expand freedom
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and in that, i agree with you. host: what do you make of the debate over the confederate flag? guest: i think it has been healthy for this country. i come back to the united states of amnesia. the nation, don't forget, it was founded by abolitionists committed to ending slavery in the aftermath of the civil war. the great historian of reconstruction, abraham lincoln on the unending battle to secure the rights which we are given. but that battle goes on. the confederate flag, i see racism and oppression. i think it is remarkable to see what happened in south carolina. it took a terrible tragedy, but
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that flag came down. and now we need to look hard at the structural racism in this country. reverend william barber, an extraordinary figure if your listeners haven't read about him, he is the head of the naacp in north carolina, he leads moral mondays, and yesterday, in north carolina they are launching a lawsuit to challenge the restrictions in the voting rights act. we are living at a time when the flag, the confederate flag and its racist, oppressive citizens and -- symbolism is coming down, and we are still waited with racism that is embedded in the structure of voting, online voting, hours to vote, a disproportionately affects african americans, the poor, the latino people, young people. host: next call from bill in
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putnam illinois. republican. caller: first, a brief comment. i was disappointed that you didn't broadcast anything on freedom -- it appears you are not going to do a broadcast on scott walker. host: actually, we are. scott walker we will have him live. caller: on c-span3, not broadcast television. host: that is because the senate will be in session and the house of representatives will be in session, so part of the reason we have a c-span3, and we will have it on in prime time. does that help? caller: no. guest: you are asking a lot
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considering if you look at basic cable and broadcast tv. what i said earlier, i would argue that you don't get a good grasp on the different views in this country. i don't agree on much with kim blackwell, but i think the mission of c-span is a valuable one. i said earlier that you are going to have lynne cheney, the cofounder of code pink, that range is vital. at the end of the day, i may represent a point of view of trans partisanship. i think it is vital, above all that there be a robust debate in this country of ideas debate and so in that sense, i think c-span -- they are doing hillary
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clinton, scott walker. host: all the candidates and the freedom fest. an independent color for our guest. caller: good morning. c-span/the cover of your current issue -- flashed the cover of your current issue. is that related to the bds movement? has bernie sanders taken your pledge? guest: he has not -- it is not related. it is a climate pledge. it is calling on all candidates running in the presidential campaign to neither except nor list con pain -- to neither accept or list campaign
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donations from oil companies. as we see in these last days, exxon has pumped money into climate denial groups. it is a crisis. that is the pledge that we have put forward. bernie sanders in our interview he took up the pledge. governor o'malley has taken up the pledge, jill stein has taken it up. we haven't heard from the clinton campaign, nor link tasty . none of the republicans were willing to consider it. host: speaking of republicans, i have one more question. which republican on the gop side
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would give hillary clinton assuming she wins the nomination , the best fight? guest: i have two thoughts. one is the money race. i think we are seeing different campaigns going on. you have the wealth primaries with the donors who are prominent. you have jeb bush raising unprecedented amounts of money. hillary clinton is aiming to do the same. scott walker announcing the same. i would say it is the race of big donors, working people's rights to negotiate living wage and etc.. my father, a great political figure who waged many battles he has a keen eye. he knew scott brown was going to win in massachusetts. he is very astute.
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he thinks marco rubio will give hillary clinton a run for the money, excuse the expression. i am not so sure. on the money front, jeb bush is poised. on the other hand, a do a radio show every few weeks with rich lowry. and he says that the lack of enthusiasm for jeb bush is quite astonishing. host: anthony from new york is on the line. thank you for waiting. caller: hi, thank you for the opportunity. in light of the two callers before. you folks do a remarkable job deciphering all this information. it is like niagara falls of information, 365 days a year you are up at 7:00 in the morning. the at the producer's,
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moderators, and i'm very grateful for that. and whenever people call in with comments that are stupid or inconsiderate, i think to myself that there are people out here who do recognize the hard job that you have at hand. we are grateful for having you. when you look at the media overall, it is frightening. c-span and nation magazine are some of the only places you can go to to get information that educates and enlightens rather than shapes opinions. more importantly, i would ask katrina vanden heuvel, during the bush administration, it was apparent that the bush and cheney rose to power through enron, they embezzled money. it was between wall street, the energy sector, and they put these people in power to bring
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the largest military industrial complex here to comply with what was requested of them. i wondered, there is no accountability. nobody has been brought to justice. guest: you raise a fundamental question. we should remember enron. it prefigured the blowing up of the financial system with banks and corporations. the lack of accountability for those who misled us, they let us into the war in iraq. we saw in the last year, in the desire to, instead of negotiating and finding a deal with iran, which would be the most sane outcome, there is no long-term solution to the problems in the middle east, other than a diplomatic one.
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i do tv with bill kristol often the architect of that debacle, we are back on tv talking about how we have to go to war here how can we extend troops here. it is a recipe for disaster. i'm not calling for them to not be allowed on tv. -- said that those who call for this disaster shouldn't be allowed on tv. for the wall street financial crisis, for the war in iraq, we need to think hard about what it says about a system that doesn't value of accountability. that, to me, is one of the central questions of our time. the other is the danger that our country when it commits to endless war, rather than finding political, democratic
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resolution. that should be at the forefront of our mind if we don't want to mortgage our future. host: one last call for our guest. mike from florida. an independent. caller: hi, i want to know why the people are calling in to say that our government does a great job. why doesn't the democrats call us -- call them out on this? guest: i do a weekly column for washington is this the model? is this what we want our country to be? people dying because they don't have access to medicaid? a governor who puts ideology over the concerns of his citizens? i don't want to get caught up in the size of government.
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but government should work on behalf of the improvement of people's lives. one of the theorists said he wanted to strangle government. any sane society has to have a government that is doing things on behalf of its citizens. government has been corrupted by money, lobbying, but we don't kill government. we don't say we don't need it. we try to make it work on behalf of people, of the people, by the people, poor the people -- for the people. we are looking good on court decisions, obamacare, lgbt writes, same-sex marriage. but at its core, it is a 1% core. it is they're working for the 1%.
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every day, there are decisions that benefit corporations and their rights. over the people's rights. i think we need to have some balancing, leveling, fairness. host: our guest has been katrina vanden heuvel, she is in new york. she is the publisher of the nation. it is celebrating the 150th anniversary this month. the, you can look at more. guest: thank you. host: we have 40 minutes left. what we will do in a couple of minutes is open up the phones. you can talk about anything political, including scott walker, or congress, what the president is doing. anything that you would like to address. the numbers will be on the
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screen. call (202) 748-8000 for democrats, (202) 748-8001 for republicans, and (202) 748-8002 for independents. we will remind you that governor scott walker is going to make his formal announcement for the presidency the 15th republican to get into the race. we will have that live on our companion network c-span3, this evening. earlier we talk to ted gilbert about governor walker's announcement. here is a look. >> i don't know that he loses anything. i think timing has a lot to do with it. he is passing a budget, a budget with a struggle. he had some battles that he had to go through with his own
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party, controversial issues to work out. finally it got done in the nick of time, and he signed the budget yesterday. he vetoed a number of provisions in the budget, but it is finally done after some drama. he has an opportunity to get a little bit of a bump out of this budget announcement. this is a campaign kickoff, he has been a candidate for six months, he has been someone regarded in the political community as in the top tier of candidates. but he is not that well-known. his name recognition is not in the field. he will get the attention over the announcement, but he is also doing things like, sitting down and doing the family interviews,
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i spent yesterday with him at abc news. just the reports that abc news does on him, he will be on world news tonight, and tonight he will be exposed more than anything he has done to date. i think that is a chance for him to get a little bit of a bump out of the race and secure his place for now in the top tier of candidates. host: what can you tell us about any details of the event itself? we will have it on c-span3 live. you have any sense of who will be there with him, the type of event it will be? guest: it will be indoors, but it will be a crowd event. there should be about 3000-4000 people there. which is speaking to his
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political signature of energizing and mobilizing grassroots investors. it is going to be his calling card if he can succeed in this effort for the republican nomination. he is going to feed off of that and create that kind of intensity among republicans mobilize and energize republicans, excite conservative voters. i don't know exactly what he will say in the speech, but he will revisit the recall, because he is trying to tell that story to people who haven't heard it. he is going to try to start to fill out his agenda a little bit. issues, ideas, what he stands for, what he would do. i think that is where he stands
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at this point. i think there will be an element of a sense of who he is personally, and where he comes from. host: what aspects will his opponents try to feed upon once the announcement happens? how will they go after him? guest: going forward, they will go after him for foreign-policy credentials. he lacks that as a governor. they're going to take use him of flip-flopping on issues. he is changed his position on immigration. the campaign talks a lot about building on him as a candidate. it recalls part of that theme. immigration being the most notable, but there have been some issues where there is a perception that he has shifted or changed his position.
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the argument of his about authenticity. that is something that his republican rivals will push at. there have been some occasions in the campaign where he has to client to answer or ducked questions on the campaign trail. his rivals will push at that. they wilson just he is not ready for prime time. this is a challenge for all republican candidates. he has to grow into a presidential campaign. the way he does that will determine his fate. it is going to get lost at some point. host: we will be listening to scott walker on c-span3, live. he will be live in worker shot
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wisconsin. our phones are open now, you can talk about scott walker, hillary clinton, any topic that you like. tom is first. what is on your mind? caller: good morning. i was curious to know that since president obama is such a young man, if hillary clinton is elected as the president, could she elect him as a supreme court justhost: do you think that would be a good idea? caller: i think we need to replace a couple of people on the court. it has been a conservative court for quite a while. host: very good. tommy in new york city. republican line. are you there? tommy, are you there? let's move onto timothy in north carolina.
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caller: thank you for taking my call. i think bernie sanders is a breath of fresh air. i hope the democrats look at the things the candidates are bringing to the table, instead of just looking at the name. we have too much going up because of the are -- of their name. i would take hillary over any of the republicans. i will try to be brief. the greatest threat to our country today is the threat within. the threat against government. these businesses are making more and more money. if you look at the koch brothers , they are worth more than $300 billion. their profits have doubled in
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three years. the rich is getting richer. they don't pay any taxes. if you look at it, it is not going to be that much left for the other people. i don't understand why the democrats haven't explained it in a simple way. handcarved -- they are turning around and having a lot of candidates to control the government. once they do, we are going to be enslaved to them. they planned the minds of a lot of americans who aren't educated. host: thank you for your points this morning. anne is calling from just outside washington, d.c.. caller: hello? i would like to see a petition
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started in reference to the wounded warriors. george w. bush took a $100,000 speaking fee from them in order to do his little thing. he is the one who started the war. host: all right, joan from tennessee. what is on your mind? caller: as a 70-year-old african-american female, i would like for some white people out there to answer this question for me. what in the world has african-americans ever done to whites to cause them to hate us and to fear us the way they do? host: what are you referencing? caller: african-americans have
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been caught up in a fight that is basically between the rich whites and the poor whites. we have nothing to do with this government, the creation of this government, and i just don't understand how -- i can, because it benefits the rich financially. it also benefits poor whites because they always have someone they can look down on, african-americans. but we did not create the institution of racism. we did not keep the race card in play. that is done by whites. in my opinion racism is a system of cheating, just as sexism is. anytime you give an individual
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or group of individuals or race of people an advantage over others, that his cheating. whites are superior, as they say they are, why would they need the advantages afforded them by racism? host: that his joan in nashville, tennessee. ellie is calling on the republican line. caller: hi. i have always been of the belief that the press was supposed to remain unbiased. and yesterday, i happen to have fox news on. dana milbank's was a guest on the panel. he referred to donald trump as a russian paik. i think you can disagree with somebody who has an opposing view. that i think when you are a member of the press and you go on national tv and you call somebody a russian pig,
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because you don't happen to agree with their politics, it is above and beyond. host: what do you think of donald trump? caller: i think he makes some points. i think people misinterpret what he said. anybody with half a brain can figure out what he meant. he misspoke, and to some people who want to believe that he is russian, they interpreted what he said to his own benefit. host: do you have a candidate so far? caller: i don't. i want to hear what everybody has to say and then i will form my opinion. i am open to hear what everybody has to say. host: thank you for calling.
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here is scott walker's tweet that he sent out at 6:30 this morning. "i am running for president of the united states to fight and win for the american people. " >> for too long, they have said we have to compromise our principles to win. scott walker shows that we can run on our principles. bold, he balanced budgets, cut taxes, beat special interests improved education, created jobs, and showed how to fight and win. >> america needs new, fresh leadership from outside washington to actually get things done. in wisconsin, we are emboldened reforms and gave it to the
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hard-working taxpayers. we fought and we won republicans feel that there are some more good fighters. there are others who have one elections. we have showed you can do both. i am running for president to fight and win for the american people. without sacrificing our principles. we have done it by leading, and now we need to do the same thing for america. we can make our country great again. join our cause, help us fight and win for america. host: the new york times writes that scott walker is viewed as "authentic." after listening to governor scott walker of was constant as he is traveled the country
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preparing for his campaign for president, admiring voters most often described as -- most often described him as authentic, real and approachable. two words that voters do not use about him? smart and sophisticated. scott is working on that, a veteran republican advisor says. becomes the 15th republican in the race, and the crucial question he must answer is whether he can cross the threshold of credibility so that someone entering a voting booth can imagine him as a president. he had a series of early gaps along the owners he has begun
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several months of policy tutorials. the collective hope is that he can avoid what other advisers described as sarah palin's problem. becoming a candidate who is initially popular among republicans, but loses luster because of missteps as the campaign wears on. that is in the new york times. we have to niece on the line from michigan. what is on your mind? caller: i would like to know everyone keeps talking about creating jobs. i live in michigan where there is a minimum wage hike. they want to take it back and create different minimum wages for different age groups of people. we are going down the hill just like wisconsin. governor walker can say how good it is, but i asked the people
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who live there. i want to know where all of these job creations are. it should be transparent and he should be accountable. it should be mandatory to vote. host: joseph from california, an independent. caller: hi, good morning. you should have an option to play classical music instead of listening to everyone else for what they're going to say. i forgot what i was going to say. i admire your coverage. your dedication. you are capturing a new audience, you are progressive, but you aren't going to fix anything because nobody cares to listen to anybody in this country. for 150 years you have been publishing, but what you have to
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show for it? nothing. anyways, i have to go. host: he was talking about the nation magazine. we just talked to the editor in the last segment. that is what william is referring to. -- what he was referring to. william is on the line. caller: good morning. i would like to give my opinion on donald trump. i have been a democrat my whole life, and i will work for donald trump. i love what he says. everybody needs to listen to what he is saying. host: do you agree with what he had to say about folks from mexico? caller: well, we had an officer
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killed by an illegal. they can do crimes and then run back across the border and we can't do anything about it. host: do you think that speaks for most of them, as he implied? caller: well, if they commit murders. we had one right across the road from me. we have ones with duis. they went back to mexico and we couldn't do nothing about it. host: we want to let you know about the house and senate. senator will be at 3:00 on c-span two. they will be working on the no child left behind law. the house is back in today at 2:00, they will pick up a number of suspension bills.
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later in the week it will focus on the california drought. what is not on the house agenda? the appropriations bill. it is normally a very busy time in the house for appropriations, but the confederate flag issue has held up the appropriations bills. there is concerned that these bills have amendments that might not be amenable to the other side regarding the confederate flag. so things are put on hold. we are waiting for the leadership to say what will happen. iran the talks there have hit a final stand. we might be hearing something during the show, it doesn't like -- it doesn't look like we will at this point. the associated press says that
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the iran talks have hit a final stage of the deal remains elusive. this is the latest in a series of deadlines for negotiations. they still need final agreement it is lifting the arms embargo. they are requiring that it be written in a way that stops requiring -- referring to iran's nuclear deal as illegal. congress will have 60 days to review it. we have pat, a republican on the line. caller: good morning. plato's philosophy kings the pharisees -- they all begin with
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p. the law of man, as interpreted by then, was the most important thing. peter appeared before the sanhedrin and made it clear that there was a choice between god's law and man's law, and he would choose god's law. i want some elected officials who are opposed to gay marriage to object to the court's decision by refusing to obey the law, and be prepared to take the same penalty that peter did. host: that was alabama, moving on to michigan barb. caller: hi. i was wondering, on the immigration law, if the senate
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and congress passed the law now on immigration the republicans don't have to worry about it. but the only thing i worry about is, you have people running for president in the senate that won't pass it, because they are running for president. i don't think they should have the right to be in the senate and run for president at the same time. host: how come? caller: pardon me? host: how come? caller: well, they won't let these bills go through congress. they will turn around, and i worry about donald trump
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because if they pass now, they don't have to worry about it. host: we showed scott walker's video earlier, we have a response from his announcement today. the congresswoman from florida says "with today's announcement scott walker has indicated that he intends to bring his wisconsin brand of politics to washington, that he has already brought the worse of washington to wisconsin. to promote adherence to his rigid partisan views and to please the special interests that have backed his campaigns he has put the people of wisconsin against each other in conscientious ideological fights. his policies have overwhelmingly benefited the rich. walker's wisconsin since at the
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bottom of the region. his job creation agency is mired in mismanagement. " perry has the waiting patiently from vermont. caller: thank you for c-span and the washington journal, i love you all. i appreciate the public forum. i wanted to throw out something about accountability, about our leaders and their involvement in foreign policy. reminders, looking back at history. the pact for our new american century, the people should be aware of it. the florida recount, the installment of the bush administration through that
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what has been reference to today as the cabal of the conservatives. alongside these things, the determination of justice after world war ii, the nuremberg trials, and i don't think we should be protecting war criminals in the united states. they should be let go our own laws to pay for justice. on an international stage. i am hopeful for bernie sanders, and hope he gets the nod for the democratic ticket. i want to figure out to buzzy crom guard is. host: all right. nic in the california, republican caller. caller: i would like to thank the woman who was on earlier, i
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agree with most of what she was saying. to me, the biggest mistake that was made they anybody in government is the supreme court openly falling under money. they said that the corporations are people and they can donate all the millions that they want under false pretenses, and be counted as people. they are made up of people, but they do not vote. they deal with money. nobody says anything about it. they have loopholes. the republicans are talking about entitlements. and they should reduce and get rid of all of their entitlements
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before they get down to the poor people that are living on medicare and social security. thank you. host: standby if you want some live coverage at 10:00, hillary clinton, presidential candidate will be making a major economic speech. she will be at the new school in new york city. that is coming up in 10 minutes. if you haven't heard already today, a deal has been reached on the grease debt crisis. they have announced a deal that will require further budgetary belt tightening. the prime minister could have trouble selling it back in athens. the new york times writes that the agreement does not guarantee that greece will receive its third bailout in five years part
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-- five years. but it allows the start of detailed negotiations on a new assistant package. craig is on the line in arizona. caller: good morning. i think it is interesting that scott walker got elected to fix wisconsin's economy but the economic performance is ranked in the bottom third in the united states. i think people need to look at the actual economy, as opposed to what the candidates say they will do to the economy. obviously, his idea of running the economy hasn't worked. thank you. host: randy from texas, you are on the line for democrats. caller: good morning. i want to make a comic about donald trump.
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i would like to know where he gets his facts. i would never vote for donald. i would suspect that a lot of what he says is true. years ago, a contact in the media asked about whenever there is a wreck that involves if a talent she, a dui, a rape, if it is a hispanic sounding name are they legal or illegal? and they said the law enforcement did not report that. if those facts aren't being compiled, where does donald trump get that information? host: ken in cincinnati. caller: i host a radio show here in cincinnati. one of the things that gets brought up is the confederate flag as a diversionary tactic.
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we are no longer talking about the massacre in the church. i have called it a hollow victory. we haven't won something great. the confederate flag is part of american history. we can't get to a point where we are destroying parts of our history that we don't like. when it comes to race relations i am for reparations through the tax code. i say that these slaves should receive reparations from 1787-1865, and from 1865 -- 1964. host: the miami herald says that the gop is courting hispanics as
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democrats target bush and rubio. the l.a. times says that mexico is mortified by the escape of the drug lord known as l chap. he has broken out from prison again. this time through a tunnel. the chicago tribune it talks about the iran nuclear talks. john kerry, they are. they talk about congress and the rewrite of no child left behind laws. it says that congress is moving to shrink said -- shrink federal role in schools.
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good morning. caller: i want to chime in quickly. based on one of the earlier guests that you had on, it seems weird to me, when it comes to gay rights i never hear anything concerning the biology involved in that. as we know, there is such a thing as hermaphrodites, may be more understanding by some people of -- i guess we should forget that in the past, when the irish and italians and catholics, a lot of us couldn't do what we weren't able to do, based on religion.
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society grows. if i pumped you up with some estrogen, or if i was pumped up my tendencies would change. the same thing with tess ostrow anything else. it is strange to me, all through the arguments and debates with the gay rights, a very seldom ever hear anything about biology. just that as a society, we are being socialized to adhere to what the status quo says to do. i have a hard time seeing it, at times. i got more socially adjusted to it. my question is, what happens to
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those who have those tendencies where there is biology what they see and feel internally? what happens to them? host: we are waiting for live coverage from hillary clinton. an economic speech to layout policies. she will be at the new school in new york city. we will take you there when it starts. the wall street journal has written about drones. they write that the u.s. is involved with north african countries, to create the suit most -- the most significant expansion of the camp -- of the
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campaign for drones. washington and its allies are seeking to contain the expansion of the islamic state. a military led campaign against the group is already underway. jacqueline is calling from california. what is on your mind? caller: i heard you say that you will cover hillary clinton's speech. the whole weekend, none of the channels seemed to cover donald trump's speech. how come no one covered his speech? did i miss it? host: we did see some folks. we have been busy with under -- with other candidates. what are you looking to hear from him? caller: just the whole speech.
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i was looking to c-span to do the whole thing. i thought that would happen. i was disappointed. host: the thing about it is that with 15 republicans and several democrats, it is hard to cover every speech from every candidate. we are trying to pick and choose the times to cover these folks. over time, we will see everybody, all of the names who are in the running. tom is from california, and independent. caller: good morning. america needs to wake up. donald trump, how many of his staff who clean his rooms -- he doesn't say anything about that. he will hire them. how many mexicans built his
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buildings? the constitution has been trampled on. we are segregated still to this day and they are paying people through families, the government, in courses. it is crazy. where do they come from? they came from a mom and a dad. they do not complain about the mormons being married to four or five people. the blacks had to fight their wayi in. the gangs are being more vocal. "this is my civil
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