tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN July 23, 2015 3:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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law enforcement mandates to the exclusion of the public safety of the people that i have the honor of representing. and for that reason i urge my colleagues to join me in voting against this proposal, a solution in search of a problem. with that, madam speake i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentlewoman reserves the balance of her time. the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. goodlatte: mr. speaker, i yield myself 15 seconds to say yet again nothing in this bill requires any officer to ask any question of any vtims of crime about their immigration status. . all it does is probit cities and counties to offer information stat bus their individus. at this time it's my pleasure to yield got minutes to the gentlewoman from tenssee, mrs. blackburn. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from tennessee is recoized for two minutes. mrs. blackburn: thank you, mr. speaker. and i thank the gentleman from virginia for hisork. so constently working on this
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issue of how we deal with the criminal illegal alien population, and also with the sanctuary cindies. ihank mr. hunter for the work that he has -- cities. i thank mr. hunter for the work he has done on this bill. i chuckled when congressman king , the gentleman from iowa, mentioned the second generation of hunters. because, yes, we do know that his father was very involved in this issue, and focusing on making certa that we keep our cities safe. you know, as we have this debate, and as we look at these sanctuary city policies that certain counties and cities and states have exercised, we've come to realize that through the years, every state's become a border state and every town a border town. because of the criminal, illegal alien population that will gravitate towa these sanctuary citie. l.a. los angeles was the first sact wear city in 1979. we hear people say oh, this is
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an issue that's been around for a long time. mr. speaker, that does not mean you do not address t issue. it means you solve the problem. you bring forward solutions. and that's what we are doing here today. the sentencing u.s. sentencing commission recently released some data that i think is instructive to this debate. illegal aliens accoted for almost 75% of federal sentences for drug possessions. and made up ore than 1/3 of all federal sentences in 2014. that is why we are dealing with this issue. our constituents are saying, you need to put this on the front burner and deal with this issue. that is what we are doing here. look at the state of texas. i just recently read these stats from them.
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texas department of public service released a report. another minute? mr. goodlatte: i'm pleased to yield an additional minute to the gentlewoman from tennessee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from tennessee is recognized for an additional minute. mrs. blackburn: in texas the department of public safety released a report that between 2008 and 2014 foreign aliens committed over 600000 crimes and almost 3,000 murders. in the state of texas. that is the reason that we come here to address this issue. you know mr. speaker, the crime rate from illegal aliens in this country should be zero. it should be zero. because it should not be tolerated. with that i thank the gentleman for yielding the extra time and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. the gentleman from virginia reserves. the gentlewoman from california
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is recognized. ms. lofgren: mr. speaker, i would be pleased now to recognize the gentleman from california, mr. becerra, for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california is recognized for two minutes. mr. becerra: i thank the gentlelady for yielding. the man who killed catherine steinly should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. more importantly, the officials who released the person who killed her, released this man from custody, they dropped the ball, they should be held accountable. but this bill punishes the police in my city of los angeles , the police in the city of knocksville, the police in manchester, new hampshire. it punishes police that had nothing to do with the crime that occurred in san francisco. it takes away money from the police department in los angeles and knocksville and manchester. when we need to put people and
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police on the street to protect all of us. but this would deprive our cities of moneys that we have earned because we paid our taxes. why? because the proponents of this bill say that our cities are violating the law. if we are violating the law name the law we are violating. we are not violating any law. you just don't like the policy. don't take the donald trump bait. don't punish others for the crime of someone else. in our country, you go after the person who is criminally liable. go after that individual. and lock them up forever. but don't tell the police in los angeles or in manchester or in knoxville tennessee, and all the other cities that are trying to have a working relationship between their police and their growing immigrant communities that they will be able to collaborate so we can go after the criminals. because that's what you're doing. you're taking money away from l.a., even though this crime did
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not happen in my city. and you're telling my police department and the men and women in uniform in l.a. that they will have fewer officers on either side because you're going to take money away, because you don't like that some guy committed a criminal act he killed someone, he should be punished for it, but we had nothing to do with it. go after the folks that are accountable. this is not the way we do justice in america. and it is wrong. it is wrong for you to tell all these communities that have established a working relationship between their police officers and their growing immigrant communities that they're going to now lose funds to hire more police officers. wrong way to do it. that's the donald trump bait. don't take it. let's vote this down. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. members are reminded that their remarks should be directed to the chair. the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. goodlatte: mr. speaker, i yield myself 30 seconds to respond to the gentleman from california, to tell him that the law that sanctuary cities are violating is title 8, section
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1373 of the united states code, communication between government agencies and the immigration and naturalization service. and the failure to do that has resulted in 8000 criminal aliens being released onto our streets just last year by sanctuary cities and those ,000 criminal aliens have since -- 8,000 criminal aliens have since then commit thed almost -- committed almost 1,900 additional crimes. my time's expired and i'm pleased to yield two minutes to -- three minutes to -- the speaker pro tempore: reserve. the gentleman will control. the gentleman from texas is recognized for three minutes. >> thank you mr. speaker. i rise today in support of the enforce our laws for sanctuary cities act, because we've got to stop the madness of not enforcing our laws. in the last weeks we've seen coverage of two terrible murders that occurred because our laws went unenforced. my thoughts, prayers and
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condolences go out to the families of the victims. sadly these tragedies are a representation of a larger, deeper and more troubling problem. while today i wish we were also considering legislation by mr. gowdy to address the administration's abysmal lack of respect for our immigration laws, or chairman mccaul's bill to secure the border, and chairman smith's bill to implement e-verify, to stop businesses from exploiting undocumented workers, this bill is a step in the right direction. mr. farenthold: it will stop the american people from subsidizing local law enforcement departments that refuse to do their jobs and enforce the law. but let's take the emotion out of this. let's take it out of the immigration issue and border security issue, which are emotionally charged. this is a fiscal responsibility bill. if we were spending money for a defense contractor to develop a new weapons system and they weren't developing that weapons system we'd take the money back. well, here we're giving money to law enforcement to work with
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i.c.e. to deal with criminal aliens, and they're not doing it. of course we've got to take the money back. it would be foolish to do anything else. mr. speaker, this horrible loss of life that we've seen is a result of the negligence and complete lack of respect for the rule of law that this administration and the mayers of sanctuary cities took an oath to uphold is appalling. today we're going to be able to deal with one part of that problem, and i'm going to encourage all of my colleagues to vote with me, to support h.r. 3009 and put our nation back on the path to sanity. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from virginia reserves. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lofgren: mr. speaker, may i inquire how much time remains? the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady has 9 3/4 minutes remaining. the gentleman from virginia has seven -- 7 1/2. ms. lofgren: i reserve at this point. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california reserves. the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. goodlatte: mr. speaker, we
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have only one additional speaker and we i think have the right to close. so we would ask the gentlewoman to proceed. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lofgren: mr. speaker, community trust policies result in more efficient policing. when state and local law enforcement agencies promote community trust policies, public safety's increased. the current new york police commissioner and former chief of police in los angeles said, when officers can speak freely with victims and witnesses it goes a long way towards making every american neighborhood much study. new haven connecticut. according to a 2010 report by the police executive research forum, new haven, connecticut, developed a community trust policy in which new haven police assured immigrant communities that the police department's goals were to address crime and
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to make the streets safer and they encouraged people to report crime and to cooperate regardless of their immigration status. the city law prohibited immigration status inquiries of crime victims, witnesses or others who approached police for assistance. i would note that the bill before us would prohibit this policy, this law that new haven adopted. the result of new haven's policy and their other community trust policies were stronger ties between law enforcement and the immigrant community. so over the next several years, new haven experienced a 46% decrease in murders and a 13% decrease in rape incidents. this policy, which this bill would prohibit, worked. now, this was a very important
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result and after learning of it the united states conference of mayors, a group that most of us trust pretty much, did a survey of cities around the united states who adopted the same trust policies. they include augusta, georgia, new brunswick, new jersey, and a whole host of others. they found that all of these cities also reported the same kind of reduction in crime after they adopted these policies. so adopting these policies is an important component of keeping communities safe. and this bill would prohibit that. it would prohibit it. now, i understand the outrage over mr. lopez sanchez. in fact, i share it. obviously he's been accused of murder and even when we have a
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situation like this, we have to have a trial. but i believe personally that he is guilty based on all the evidence. i believe he should not have been out on that street in san francisco. and if you look at his record, and i'll go through it a little bit it actually makes certain points. i've heard people say, well, we've got open borders and that's why he was here. in fact, that's not the case. this individual attempted to enter the united states repeatedly and he was caught by the border patrol, just as they're supposed to do their job, and what happened then? he was deported repeatedly in the 1990's, and then they started prosecuting him for felony re-entry after removal. he served 16 years in federal prison for the felony of re-entering after removal. so our laws went after him. he should not have been released
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in san francisco. but i think some of what we need to do, see what policies would have kept him off that street. i will deal with those in just one second. but first i would like to yield two minutes to mr. becerra for a point that he would like to make. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california is recognized for two minutes. mr. becerra: i thank the gentlelady for yielding. i took a look at the statute, the section that the chairman cited, as the authority that a law has been violated by san francisco or any other -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman will direct his remarks to the chair. mr. becerra: mr. chairman, i will direct my remarks to you. may i ask, mr. chairman, if any of my time has been consumed as a result of the chairman's interpretation of my remarks? -- interruption of my remarks? the speaker pro tempore: no, sir. mr. becerra: i thank the chairman. mr. chairman the chairman of the committee made a statement that the law that had been violated by san francisco and
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the law that would be violated by places like los angeles, that would cause this legislation to have my community of los angeles lose money for its police officers, was a particular section in the code. i've read the code. i'm looking at it right now. that section relates to information being provided about the immigration status of an individual. we're not talking about the immigration status of an individual. we all knew that this individual was not documented. we knew his status. the information that was not conveyed in this particular case is that the individual is going to be released from custody. . this will bill doesn't change that. there was no law violated by the city of san francisco. certainly my city of los angeles didn't violate any law. the city of knocksville, tennessee, didn't violate any law. the city of manchester, new
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hampshire, didn't violate any law. i could name you cities and towns who are trying to have working relationships with their immigrant community that didn't violate any law. but this law would punish cities and towns because this wishes to extract policies. there is no state or city law in america that supersedes federal law. federal law is the law of the land. the chairman knows that and we all know that. so to pretend that somehow cities are violating federal law is a farce. it is a tactic that donald trump is using right now as he goes out and campaigns for president. we should not deny our police departments funding. i thank the gentlelady for yielding. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lofgren: i just want to close by posing some of the
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questions that this bill does not deal and that i think should command our attention. in this case, we had an individual who had a criminal record. he had attempted to enter the united states. was apprehended, deported, was prosecuted and convicted for illegal entry after removal. after serving over four years for the last felony prosecution, he was ready to be deported. but they found, even though he had been deported many times before with an outstanding bench warrant from 1995 where the underlying offense was marijuana possession, all of a sudden, this year, he was sent to san francisco. i think one of the questions we need to ask is what is the
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process of outstanding warrants and interface with the bureau of prisons when someone should be deported. apparently there was no communication between the federal government and the prosecuting attorney in san francisco. he was sent to, apparently san francisco, but the district attorney did not see this matter until he was already in custody. now, i don't fault the district attorney for not prosecuting on a 20-year-old marijuana possession case. where would you find the witnesses? and in fact, california today marijuana possession is an infraction, not a misdemeanor, but the point is, he should have never been in san francisco to begin with. we need to look at the processes that we have to make sure that we don't have this kind of situation again. and clearly, he should not have been released when the district
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attorney declined to prosecute. at this point i would like to yield a minute to my colleague from california, mr. sam farr. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. mr. farr: thank you very much. i represent many small communities in california that have a lot of gang violence, hispanic young men against hispanic young men. they're not undocumented. they are second-generation gang. a lot of killings. labeled the murder capital in the united states. what the communities have been trying to do is work out community policing, where you really trust the cops. they ask them to be a sanctuary city because what the local cops didn't like, they would come in and do raids and round up innocent people. and there was lots of confusion.
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our office would get involved trying to chase people down and all these things. the cities are saying let's not turn over the names we stop on mr. allen: infraction. let them come down and do jail checks. they don't want to do jail checks. it's not fun and fancy. ms. lofgren: i would yield and additional 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for 30 seconds. mr. farr: this bill just busts all that. all the trust that has been built. the san francisco deal was a big screw-up between law enforcement but don't penalize these cities that are doing a lot of wonderful things to do community policing and believe confidence in their law enforcement. you are going to create more problems than you ever imagined, people not wanting to report crimes and not talk to cops.
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and you are using the heavy hand of government. let's air this out and address the problems that congresswoman lofgren talked about and not adopt this bill. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. goodlatte: i yield myself a minute to respond to both gentlemen from california. first go with regard to mr. becerra the fact of the matter is that title 8 of the united states code, section 1373 related to communication between government agencies and immigration and naturalization service is an important statute and sanctuary cities violate that statute when they pass ordinances that prohibit, prohibit their law enforcement officers from communicating with the immigration and naturalization service. this yields situations like what
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occurred in san francisco, because the sheriff there had a policy saying they could not communicate with the i.n.s. and one san francisco supervise -- supervisor has called upon the city to change the policy so they will communicate. this bill, which cuts off funds to cities that have provisions that contradict and violate the united states law does the same thing by a different route. and it will save many lives in the future if local law enforcement will communicate with the i.n.s. to the gentleman from california, mr. farr, i just want to repeat again what i said several times here. there's nothing in this bill -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. goodlatte: i yield myself 15 seconds. nothing in this bill that requires any officer to ask any question of any victim of crimes about their immigration status
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or to reveal that information to the i.n.s. so i would urge folks to look at what this bill very straightforward simple bill says federal law governance immigration policy and local government shouldn't have hundreds of different immigration policies. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. goodlatte: at this time, to close -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. ms. lofgren: do we have 15 seconds left? yes. ms. lofgren: we have been asked by law enforcement agencies, by domestic violence advocacy groups by the safe community not to adopt this bill. i know we can come together to make a safer community. this bill is not the answer. and i urge members to vote no. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. the gentleman from virginia. mr. goodlatte: how much time is
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remaining? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has 6 1/4 remaining. mr. goodlatte: i yield the balance of our time to the chairman of the immigration and border security subcommittee, mr. gowdy, to close our debate. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from south carolina is recognized to close. mr. gowdy: i want to thank chairman goodlatte for his leadership on this and so many issues of significance on the judiciary committee. his steady hand and brilliant legal mind. mr. speaker, i want to thank the family of kate steinle during this time of unspeakable grief. bearing a child, mr. speaker, is what each of us who has ever been called mom or dad, fears the most. after trayvon martin was killed,
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the president said that could have been my son, mr. speaker. and when i see a picture of a beautiful kate steinle smiling, that could have been any of our daughters. and it still can be because what happened to her, mr. speaker, can and will happen again if we do not get serious about enforcing the law. john francisco lopez-sanchez had a quarter century's worth of lawlessness. he committed local state and federal crimes in five separate states. and each time had so little regard for the law of this country that he re-entered that border that we are supposed to have functional control over. his procedural history mr. speaker, is ever -- every bit as disturbing in may of 2011. he was convicted and sentenced
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to 46 months in prison for illegal re-entry. he was released from the bureau of prisons to a city of sanctuary. san francisco did not prosecute the old drug case. they dismissed it which surprises exactly no one and then released this defendant. they did not return him to the bureau of prisons or federal probation. they did not honor the detainer that had been placed by i.c.e. they released him who was not supposed to be in the country in the first place with this horrific criminal history. they released him, so he would be free to walk around and shoot someone's daughter, which is exactly what he did. mr. speaker we are given a litany of excuses. i have heard them this morning, for policies like this. we are told that we need policies like the one in san
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francisco so people will cooperate with law enforcement. i want you, mr. speaker, to consider, just utterly illogical that comment is. we need to release known criminals back into society. so society will help us catch known criminals. how absurd is that? that we are going to release people that should be deported that are repeat felons so other people will help us catch those who should be deported. for almost five years mr. speaker, i have worked along side chairman goodlatte, and i have heard a litany of phrases with almost cat tonic frequency such as like, functional control over the border, but i have yet to hear how someone can re-enter five times if you have functional control over the
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border. i heard we need citizenship for 11 million, as if 11 million of any category can pass a background check. i heard arguments against empowering state and local law enforcement to assist in the enforcement of our immigration laws, mr. chairman. now stop and think, we trust them to do murder cases, sex assault cases kidnapping cases narcotics trafficking. you even trust them to provide security, mr. speaker, at their own functions back in the district. when it comes to immigration law, no, sir we don't trust you to enforce immigration law. everything else, including our own security, here and in washington and back in the district, but god forbid we trust local cops to help us with immigration law. the president says we need immigration reform so folks will, to use his words, come
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forward, get on the books, get right with the law. i want to ask yourself, what in mr. lopez-sanchez's background would come forward and why in the hell does he need to be on the books. he is in the bureau of prisons. and you had him and you let him go. which brings me to my favorite phrase mr. speaker sanctuary cities. it has almost a utopian sound to it doesn't it? well as the speaker knows, the definition of sanctuary is a place of refuge and safety. my folks in fran and my colleagues who support this policy, is a refuge for whom? a sanctuary for whom? a refuge for kate steinle?
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a sanctuary for kate steinle or a refuge for a convicted felon with a 25-year-long criminal history? so the phrase sounds benign. but it was no sanctuary for her. it may have been for him. but it sure as hell wasn't for her. mr. speaker, my message to san francisco would be simple, you won't honor our detainers, we won't honor your warrants. if detainers are too much for you to handle perhaps federal money will be too much to handle to. if you can't handle our detainers, you aren't going to get any more money. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. all time for debate has expired. pursuant to house rule 370, the previous question is ordered on the bill. the question is on engrossment and third reading of the bill. those in favor say aye.
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those opposed, no. the ayes have it, third reading. the clerk: a bill to amend 241-i of the immigration and nationality act to deny assistance to a state or political subdivision of a state that prohibits its official from taking certain actions with respect to immigration. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? >> i have a motion to recommit at the desk. the speaker pro tempore: is the gentleman opposed to the bill? >> i am opposed to it in its current form. mr. goodlatte: mr. speaker, i reserve a point of order. the speaker pro tempore: a point of order is reserved. the clerk will report. the clerk: mr. jeffries of new york moves to recommit the bill h.r. 3009, to the committee on the judiciary with instructions to report the same back to the house with the following amendment. add at the end the following, section protecting local communities from cuts to law enforcement. the attorney general may not reduce or eliminate under this
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act or the amendment made by this act any sums provided to a state or political subdivision of a state if the attorney general determines that such reduction or elimination would result in one, an increase in the overall crime rate in that state or political subdivision, including an increase in domestic violence sex trafficking or crimes against children or two, a decrease in the number of trained law enforcement officers in that state or political subdivision, including community police that are available to protect the public. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for five minutes. mr. jeffries: mr. chair this is the final amendment to the bill, which will not kill the bill or send it back to committee. if adopted, the bill will immediately proceed to final passage as amended. the murder of kate in san francisco was a national tragedy that certainly shocked the conscience of america.
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we must continue to mourn her passing, we must continue to stand behind her family. we must continue to make sure that her killer is prosecuted to the full extent of the law. but we should not respond with irresponsible public policy. our founders indicated that the house of representatives is supposed to reflect the passions of the people. but the passions should be properly channeled into an appropriate legislative vehicle. on december 14, 2012, 20 children were brutally gunned down in the sandy hook elementary school. more than 30,000 additional americans have died as a result of gun violence since that fateful day. 952 days have passed.
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this house has done nothing. on june 27 2013 the senate passed a bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform bill. 52 democrats, 14 republicans two independents. that bill would have secured our borders. that bill would have reduced the deficit by more than $850 billion over 20 years. that bill would have required undocumented immigrants to learn english, pay back taxes, pass a criminal background check and then get at the back of the line. 757 days have passed, this house has done nothing. instead we're here today considering a misguided
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legislative response to a terrible tragedy. that is why i offer this amendment, which will prevent the elimination or reduction of funds to state or local law enforcement organizations if the attorney general determines that the elimination of funding would result in an overall increase in the crime rate, particularly with respect to domestic violence, sex trafficking and crimes against children. or if it would result in a decrease in the number of trained law enforcement officers on american streets. the constant burn jag programs are essential to public safety and should not be used as a blunt force weapon to carry out a reckless and irresponsible anti-immigrant agency. that's why the national from a term order of police --
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fraternal order of police and the major county sheriff's association of america all oppose the underlying legislation. in a letter dated july 15 the national fraternal order of police expressed, quote, their strong opposition to any amendment or piece of legislation that would penalize law enforcement agencies by withholding federal funding or resources from law enforcement assistance programs in an effort to coerce a policy change in so-called sanctuary cities. in offering this amendment, i stand with law enforcement. in offering this amendment, i stand with the statue of liberty that sits in new york harbor. with the words, give me your tired, your poor, your huddled
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masses yearning to breathe free. in offering this amendment, i stand with the united states constitution and the 10th amendment limitation on the federal government's ability to commandeer state or local police authorities into the service of federal areas of enforcement. in offering this amendment, i stand with the scripture in matthew, the 25th chapter, 35th verse where it says i was hungry, and you gave me food. i was thirstity and you gave me -- thirsty and you gave me drink. i was a stranger and you welcomed me. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from -- for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition? mr. goodlatte: in opposition to the motion to recommit. the speaker pro tempore: does the gentleman withdraw his reservation? mr. goodlatte: i do withdraw my reservation. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for five
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minutes. mr. goodlatte: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, i urged my colleagues to oppose this motion to recommit -- i urge my colleagues to oppose the motion to recommit it. would give discretion to the attorney general of the -- recommit. it would give the discretion to the attorney general of the united states. this is the same attorney general of the united states who has already, new to the position, but already indicated her unwillingness to enforce title 8 section 1373 of the united states code. related to the requirement that cities of all and all other government agencies communicate with the immigration and naturalization service. the enforce -- they enforce the law -- the enforce the law for sanctuary cities act helps to address one of the main factors contributing to the collapse of immigration enforcement in the united states. hundreds of sanctuary cities are violating federal law by prohibiting their law enforcement officers from sharing information with federal immigration authorities to enable the removal of unlawful and criminal aliens.
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this bill will finally establish penalties to persuade these jurisdictions to comply with longstanding federal law. sanctuary cities present a clear and present danger to their citizens. in the first eight months of 2014, they released 8,145 aliens who the department of homeland security wanted to deport. very quickly, almost 1/4 of these aliens were arrested again for new criminal offenses. most recently san francisco's refusal to honor a d.h.s. detainer resulted in the tragic death of kate steinly. this is not an isolated incident. this is something that will continue again and again and again unless these cities start cooperating with law enforcement. and, yes, there are many other things that need to be done to protect american citizens from unlawful criminal aliens besides this bill. those should be brought to the floor as well. but this bill represents in making
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rowing jurisdictions comply -- rogue jurisdictions comply with federal law and safeguard their communities. we will take further steps in the months ahead to ensure enforcement of immigration laws but we have to start today. federal grants, and there are three categories of grants covered by this legislation are not indictments to the states. they are gratuities that congress has chosen to give to the states. the supreme court has held that congress can place restrictions or conditions on the receipt of federal funds to further policies that are aimed at protecting the general welfare. i support these law enforcement grants. but the solution to potential loss of these funds is simple. eliminate the policies that violate federal law. eliminate the policies that proprohibit information sharing with the immigration and customs enforcement -- prohibit information sharing with the immigration and customs enforcement agency and they will receive this funding. they will also receive safer
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communities. communities that are sanctuaries for law-abiding citizens, not sanctuaries for criminals. this legislation must be passed to protect american citizens and do right by them and do it in the honor of people like kate steinly who gave her life because of these bad policies. i urge my colleagues to oppose the motion to recommit, support this legislation, and yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. without objection, the previous question is ordered. the question is on the motion to recommit. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the noes have it. the motion is not adopted. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? mr. jeffries: mr. chairman, i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. all those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. pursuant to clause 8 and clause
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9 of rule 20, this 15-minute vote on the motion to recommit will be followed by five-minute votes on passage of the bill, if ordered, and the question on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal if ordered. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote, the yeas are 181 the nays are 239. the motion is not adopted. the question is on passage of the bill. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the bill is passed. without objection the motion to reconsider is laid -- for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition? ms. lofgren: i request a recorded vote. the speaker pro tempore: a recorded vote is requested. those favoring a recorded vote will rise. a sufficient number having risen a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes
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by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 241, and the nays are 179. the bill is passed. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20 the unfinished business is the question on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal, which the chair will put de novo. the question is on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. the journal stands approved.
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mr. hoyer: mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition? mr. hoyer: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to speak out of order for one minute for the purpose of inquiring of the majority leader the schedule for the week to come. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. hoyer: i thank the speaker, and i yield to my friend, the majority leader, mr. mccarthy of california. mr. mccarthy: i thank the gentleman for yielding. mr. speaker, on monday the house will meet at noon for morning hour and 2:00 p.m. for
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legislative business. votes will be postponed until 6:30 p.m. on tuesday and wednesday the house will meet at 10:00 a.m. for morning hour and noon for legislative business. on thursday the house will meet at 9:00 a.m. for legislative business. last votes of the week are expected no later than 3:00 p.m. on friday no votes are expected in the house. mr. speaker, the house will consider a number of suspensions next week, a complete list of which will be announced by close of business tomorrow. in addition, the house will consider h.r. 427 the regulations from the executive in need of scrutiny act of 2015, sponsored by representative todd young. last year, federal regulations burdened jobs creators with trillions of dollars in costs. this bill, commonly referred to the rains act, will ensure that congress will have a say in whether new rules will be
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imposed on the american people. the house will consider h.r. 1994, the v.a. accountability act, sponsored by chairman jeff miller. getting the best possible service to our nation's veterans starts with having the best possible personnel in charge of v.a. programs. this critical bill will give the administration additional tools to turn things around at the v.a. and ensure veterans have the kind of care they deserve. i thank the gentleman and yield back. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman for his information with reference to the two bills that will be considered next week. we are coming now to the end of the scheduled work period, and we will be going into the august break. we just passed a bill, mr. leader, which dealt with a tragedy or purportedly dealt with a tragedy that occurred in san francisco. every member of this house
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believes that, i think, that a mistake was made by the sheriff in san francisco in releasing this individual who had been convicted of numerous felonies. we also believe if we passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill, similar to the one the senate passed in the last congress, that this problem itself would not be solved because we believe that the sheriff should not have released this individual irrespective of the status of immigration reform. but we believe this would go a long way towards enhancing the ability of both law enforcement and of communities to deal with
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the immigration issue as well as giving confidence to people of their status. does the gentleman believe that there is any possibility of a comprehensive immigration bill being considered in the next work period? and i yield to my friend. mr. mccarthy: i thank the gentleman for yielding, and what happened in san francisco was not just a mistake. this individual had seven felonies. it's not miscommunication. kate lost her life. and should not have to have. sanctuary cities or individuals that believe they can make their own law and disregard the law of the federal government. i think today's bill was a good first start. i do look forward to continuing the conversations on both sides of the aisle on immigration reform, but i have nothing scheduled at this time and i yield back. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman. just to make it very clear, the mistake was the sheriff's. he should not have done what he
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did. it was a tragedy. we all agree on that. very frankly, we don't think that he was compelled to do so by the sanctuary law that san francisco had in effect. i will tell the majority leader, we have a difference of opinion in the previous bill the violence against women act, where you did not include protection for immigrants when they came forward and complained of domestic violence to law enforcement authorities. we had a disagreement on that. and the disagreement was that we thought they ought to be protected, which is why so many law enforcement officials opposed the bill that was brought forward. but i will tell you again, mr. leader we do not believe that the statute that was in san francisco compelled or led to the actions of the sheriff in releasing a felon who had committed numerous felonies and
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should not have been released. it was a tragedy. let me go on, mr. leader to the appropriations process. there are no appropriation bills listed on your schedule for next week. we have after next week some i think 16 days of legislative days left between now and the end of the fiscal year. can the gentleman tell me whether or not, again, for the next period that we're going to be back in light of the fact we know what's going to be -- and i'll have some questions on some things that may be on it but we know what's scheduled for next week, does the gentleman believe that our members ought to anticipate further consideration of appropriation bills prior to the end of the fiscal year? i yield to my friend.
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mr. mccarthy: i thank the gentleman for yielding. as i mentioned last week yes, it is our intention to get back to the appropriation process as soon as possible. as the gentleman knows, we are halfway done. we should finish our job, but i will make sure to keep the members updated on the appropriation bills as they are scheduled and continue to be considered. i yield back. mr. hoyer: i thank the majority leader. i'm pleased to hear that. i think the speaker observed and i think he's probably right, there will have to be a c.r. i would again, urge the majority leader in light of that, i would hope that the majority leader in league with the chairman of the appropriations committee, perhaps the chairman of the ways and means committee, the speaker, would initiate conversations now in preparations so that we would not have a crisis on september 30 but would have, in a logical hopefully cooperative way gotten to what action would be taken with respect to
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a c.r., and i would urge my friend to pursue those discussions. i'd be glad to participate with him in those discussions with others on our side who will be involved in that process as our ranking member on the appropriations committee ranking member on the ways and means committee, and ranking member on the budget committee. i'd yield to my friend if he wants to make a comment. mr. mccarthy: no. i yield back. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman. i would ask the gentleman, he and i had discussion about highways. we know that next week the highway authorization ends. we are planning on leaving here if the schedule is kept, on thursday of next week. can the gentleman tell me what he believes is the status of the highway bills? i know the senate is discussing a long -- a longer term highway bill. neither the majority leader or myself are very enthusiastic
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about that bill as i learned in my discussions with you. can you tell me what your plans are with respect to the highway bill so that we don't leave here without some sort of authorization having been passed? and i yield to my friend. mr. mccarthy: well, i thank mr. mccarthy: i thank the gentleman for yielding. just last week we passed a bipartisan bill to ensure critical infrastructure projects continue throughout the bill. the senate has their debate, our bill goes to the end of the year with a long-term solution. the senate is currently debating a bill that's not funded long term. i think the best bit of advice is to urge the senate to accept our bill. i yield back. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman. lastly as the gentleman knows i have been very much involved with the authorization of the export-import bank through the years. as the gentleman knows, mr. cantor and i worked together and
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came up with a bipartisan proposal in 2012 that passed this house overwhelmingly with approximately 140 republicans and about 185 or more democrats. so it passed overwhelmingly. does the gentleman -- can the gentleman tell me whether or not there's any possibility of ensuring that the majority of this house can work its will and the majority of the senate and i say that because mitch mcconnel is quoted as saying, leader of the senate, the export-import bank, the senate hopes to revive it. the senate majority leader said it look like they have the votes andy give them the chance to do it. mcconnel said he expects them to try to attach the
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re-authorization to a highway bill. assuming that we get a bill from the senate with the export-import bank attached to it does the majority leader think we'll have the opportunity -- and i think most members would vote in favor of it -- does the gentleman think we'd have a chance to vote on the export-import bank before we leave on thursday? mr. mccarthy: i thank my friend for his weekly question. i think you may have asked this question more times than we repeal odd ba macare but -- obamacare but my answer remains the same. mr. hoyer: i don't think i could stand on the floor long enough to do that. i keep asking that question, i keep getting the wrong answer. i will be faithful to asking that question. i say that with humor but the gentleman knows, i believe this
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is an extraordinarily serious issue. the gentleman knows i agree with the speaker of the house of representatives, mr. boehner that we are losing jobs right now as a result of our failure to extend the authorization of the export-import bank past june 30. the gentleman knows i believe that 165000 jobs are at risk. the indian director of their export-import bank is quoted as saying in the paper just the other day, that he believes they're going to pick up jobs and orders because of the failure of the export-import bank to be re-authorized. i think this is not something that is not real. it's a loss of jobs and a loss of competitive status for our country if we do not re-authorize this and do so as quickly as possible. so i'll keep asking the question because i feel it's so very important to our country.
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and to our competitiveness. but i appreciate the gentleman's faithfulness in his answer but i'm hopeful it will change. unless he wants to say something further, i yield back. mr. mccarthy: we'll keep repealing obamacare i yield back. mr. hoyer: i didn't notice obamacare had been repealed. i simply noticed it was a constitutional -- the supreme court said it was a constitutional piece of legislation. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? mr. mccarthy: i ask unanimous consent that when the house adjourns today it adjourn to meet on monday, july 27, 2015, when it shall convene at noon for morning hour debate and 2:00 p.m. for legislate i business. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the chair will now entertain requests for one-minute speeches.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker it is painful to hear the words and the re-- in the recently released video showing planned parenthood trafficing in body parts. at one point the doctor talks about a customer wanting, quote, lower extremity, that's legs in everyday language. quote, i don't know what they're going to do with it. these are legs with will never run to a mom or dad, never run to a brother or sister, never run to a spouse, never run to protect another child. mr. rothfus: it's been 42 years since the supreme court did what justice white called an exercise of raw judicial power. we have seen millions of abortions in this country but we're still shocked by what
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these videos show. there's a lot of pain implicit in these videos. pain for kids, pain for moms, pain for dads and families. perhaps these videos can become the moment our nation can begin to heal that pain. stopping taxpayer dollars going to organizations responsible for this horror is a good place to start the healing. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, i rise today to ask that this house honors sergeant scott lunger, 48 years old, murdered tragically yesterday as a heyward police officer while on routine patrol. his murder is a reminder that the work we call our police officers to do puts them and their lives in jeopardy every day every stop.
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mr. swalwell: not knowing if it's going to be their best if they're going to return home to see their families. sergeant lunger leaves behind a wife two daughters, a brother, family and friends. but he died doing what he loved. his second career, working as a police officer. for 15 years, he did so to help people in the community. served on the swat team and on the gang unit. he was described by his police chief as a warrior cup an ethical police officer. described by others as that ideal officer, that quo oh -- that go-to guy. a lieutenant said, he's the best cop and crime fighter i've ever seen. the east bay and heyward community mourns the loss of sergeant scott lunger. long live the memory of sergeant scott lunger. may god watch over his soul, our community, and his family.
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i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from indiana seek recognition? without objection the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to recognize former notre dame basketball player and army veteran danielle greene, recognized at last week's espys ceremony with the pat tillman award. it's named after former nfl player pat tillman who served the rangers after 9/11 and served several toufers combat before dying in 2004. it recognizes an individual with a strong connection to sports who has served others in a way that echoes pat's legacy. mrs. walorski: danielle green could not be more deserving. while serving her country she lost part of her left arm. she earned purple heart for injury suffered in combat.
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she works with returning veterans as a readjustment counselor. she sacrificed to protect our freedom and her contributions to indiana veterans se deserve -- deserves recognition. i thank danielle green and our service member and women for the sacrifices they make in the name of freedom. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from massachusetts seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, today my colleague, congressman introduced the lgbt equality act. mr. kennedy: recent gains in public opinion and the supreme court have undoubtedly accelerated our ongoing civil rights march but real justice will be served in this country when the lgbt community is
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guaranteed not just legal equality but lived equality. the ability to experience everyday life without fear of discrimination. something most of us take for granted. walking into a gas station without worrying about being denied service because of your gender identity. heading into a movie theater without fear of being turned away because of the hand you held when you walked in. that threat of judgment, rejackson and prejudice is injustice in its purest form. but today, through the equality act, we can help root out dangerous intolerance that continues to the de-fine too many american lives. i urge all my colleagues to join this fight co-sponsor this bill and get it done. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. poe: mr. speaker, it seems
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the iranians are not the only ones we can't trust. apparently there are some secret side deals with iran concerning inspections of their nukes. the administration conveniently withheld this from congress. susan rice said, quote these documents are not public but nonetheless we have been briefed on those documents. we know their contents, we're satisfied with them and we will share the contents of those briefings in full classified session with congress. so there's nothing in that regard we don't know that they won't know. so let me get this straight. we're supposed to trust the person who lied to the american people on national television about benghazi. mr. speaker, what else are they hiding? maybe the details of the side deal are stored on a server somewhere. we know we can't trust the iranians to follow the deal. now we can't trust the administration to let us know what's in the deal. let's hope this secret side deals are not as hard to get ahold of as the former secretary of state's emails. that's just the way it is.
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i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from new jersey seek recognition? without objection the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to recognize indian independence day and the 11th annual new jersey india day parade organized by the indian business association. on august 15, 1947, india won its freedom from the british empire, raising the indian national flag at the red fort in delhi. mrs. watson coleman: this year, new jersey's vieant indian american community will celebrate that milestone with one of the largest events in the world, drawing more than 35,000 attendees. oak tree road between edison and
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island will be filled with floats, marching bands musicians and dignitaries, concluding with a cultural program to offer everyone present the opportunity to see the beautiful traditions of india in addition to modern culture. new jersey is home to one of the largest indian populations in the united states behind california and new york in number but second to none as a percent of our overall population. they are a thriving group that contributes to our state's economic growth and strength and diversity. i wish everyone well as they prepare for the august festivals and send early greetings to those celebrating in my district. thank you, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from florida seek recognition? without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. ms. ros-lehtinen: thank you so much, mr. speaker.
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i rise today to talk about christina gomez and thank her for her kind generous, and caring spirit. it's been a little over a year since this promising young woman from south florida suffered a serious traumatic brain injury after she fell while jogging. before her tragic accident, christina was a senior at my alma mater, florida international university. she was studying to be a teacher and donated much of her free time to help others. christina's family has established the christina gomez traumatic brain injury foundation to help other families in similar circumstances and to carry on christina's legacy as she recovers. christina, the thoughts and prayers of our community are with you and your family. get well soon. florida international university misses you and wants you back. thank you, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields. for what purpose does the
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gentleman from illinois seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker i rise today to commend the efforts of the jordan michael filler foundation for their fight against an unseen killer, addiction. one person dies every three days in the chicago suburbs because of a heroin overdose. mr. dold: jordan filler was 23 when heroin took his life. his family started the organization in his honor to help others combat addiction. the foundation works tirelessly to provide vital education to children and their families on adiction. mr. speaker, mr. speaker, heroin is an epidemic in our community and unfortunately there is no silver bullet to end drug abuse. as part of the anti-heroin task
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force, i'm committed to working with local organizations like the jordan michael filler foundation to prevent drug overdose. there are no usey st. louises to the -- easy solutions to the drug epic but i'm working with many community partners. i offer my sincerest thanks to the jordan michael filler foundation and other community organizations for that i have life-saving work. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. davis: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to recognize mike zahn, a friend, public servant and leader in the springfield, illinois, community. for several years, mike's been involved as the man in charge of the international union of operating engineers, local 965
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in springfield. his father was an operating engineer and served as the branch's business manager. following in his father's footsteps, mike first joined local 965 in 1974 and spent nearly 30 years, eventually becoming the business manager himself. in addition to his time with local 965, mike also immersed himself in public service. he served as chairman of the illinois state council and was a member of the greater springfield chamber of commerce, diversity development council. mike has been a strong voice for improving our infrastructure as a frequent visitor to this great city, and after over four decades with local 965 mike announced he's going to retire. he and his wife, jackie, have two children, steve and jessica, and i'm proud to honor my friend, mike zahn for his work on behalf of the people of illinois, springfield and this great country. and i wish him the best in his retirement.
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i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the chair lays before the house the following personal request. the clerk: leave of absence requested for mr. clawson of florida for today. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the request is granted. under the speaker's announced policy of january 6, 2015 the gentleman from georgia, mr. collins, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. mr. collins: thank you mr. speaker. before i begin, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials on the topic of my special order. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. collins: thank you, mr. speaker. i would like to start by just looking at headlines. all you got to do is just read the headlines that are blaring at us, coming at us in print and over the internet and they
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say things like five children among 94 crucified flogged, caged by isis for eating during ramadan. hundreds killed in nigeria, anti-christian violence. isis plants land mines in christian civilian homes, ancient ruins across iraq and syria. if we have the stomach for it that particular day, we may read the article that folings -- we might say a prayer or silently wonder the face of brazen evil but we do not fear for our personal safety or that of our families because of systemic religious violence, yet, many of our brothers and sisters around the world do not have the luxury of walking away from real religious persecution. they don't read the news stories. they live with them day in and day out. they watched family members die. they had friends simply vanish into thin air never to be heard from again. their homes and businesses are seeds by the government. even as the place -- they fear
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for their future here on earth. today as my colleagues and i come to the house floor to tell their stories, we come back this body and this administration have a responsibility to use our positions to promote religious liberties around the world. millions of lives are literally depending on america's willingness to export our most precious commodity, religious freedom, and it's time to step up our efforts. as a pastor and currently a chaplain in the united states air force reserve defending religious liberty at home and abroad is near and dear to my heart. i had the honor of serving many folks of many faiths as well as those with no faith and i'm convinced that the foundational importance of religious liberty is not just in america but in every country. no nation is truly free unless its citizens can practice their religious beliefs without fear of losing their life or livelihood because of state sponsored opposition or unchecked persecution by their neighbors. yet, even in democratized societies we're witnessing a sharp increase in the violent
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religious persecution worldwide. if america is supposed to be a shining city upon a hill in the 21st century, we must redouble our commitment for fighting those around the world who do not enjoy the basic right to worship as they choose. i'm grateful that my colleagues who share my passion for religious liberties have joined me for this special order, and i'm especially grateful to my friend from california, representative -- we've traveled. but in this issue partylines are diminished. when we think of our own freedoms and liberties, he's a champion for that and i want to recognize him for remarks as we continue to discuss this issue. >> thank you very much. i would like to thank the gentleman from georgia, representative doug collins, for his opening remarks and especially for his courage to speak out for religious freedom around the world and also for his courage serving our nation in uniform. thank you. at this moment religious freedom around the world is in a state of emergency.
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the recently released international religious freedom annual report describes humanitarian crisis fueled by waves of terror intimidation, violence and the horrific loss of human life, freedom and dignity that accompanied that chaos. mr. vargas: from the brutality of isis to boko haram's mass murder at mosques and churches and the displacement of 14000 muslims and 100,000 christians in burma, the past year has seen unspeakable violations of the basic right to practice one's religion. additionally blasphemy laws the vast displacement of religious minorities and the persistent attacks on religious communities and places of worship should all be a cause for concern. today, i'd like to highlight the plight of religious minorities in isis-held territories a year after the fall of mosul.
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they have been inhabetted -- inhabited by christians for the past 2,000 years and first settled 6,000 b.c. in the bible the prophet jonah was ordered by god to arise, go onto niniva the great city, and preach onto it preaching that i bid thee. based in mosul with the tyingress river enriched in cultural diversity, before the fall of saddam hussein, the number of christians in iraq had been estimated to be between 800,000 and 1.4 million. this included armenian catholics caldean christians, protestants. in 2013 the christian population was estimated at 500,000. and shrinking significantly. last year, the world watched in horror as the transnational sunni insurgency initiated a political and religious
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insurrection in the name of establishing a caliphate across iraq and syria. after isil established its control over the northwestern iraq insurgents warned christians to either convert to islam, pay a cumbersome religious tax or be executed. these religious minorities included christians turkamin, all of which have a long and rich history in the region and have historically coexisted peacefully with muslims. since isil's declaration thousands of families have packed their belongings and fled to the neighboring communities in kurdistan, sear yarks lebanon and jordan -- syria, lebanon and jordan. many thousands have been murdered or abducted, and and -- an unknown number of women and girls have been abducted and forced into marriage.
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we all witnessed in 2014 thousands fleeing to another to stop the persecution from isil advanced in areas. i'd like to recount that horrible time from a uezeety. hours later, isis forces attacked them. them in the towns and villages in the south had some light weapons such as ak-47 rifles with a small amount of ammunitions. they fought against isis forces for four or five hours. while this minimal defense was proceeding, many fled to mount sinjar. finally the insurgents ran out of bullets and our positions were overrun. the lucky few who made it to the mountain stayed for several days without any food or water. hundreds then died from starvation and dehydration. especially infants and young children. sick people and elders. on august 6, while isis forced
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-- forces flushed them from their homes, isis also advanced toward mount sinjar. then they had no choice but to flee by foot, a journey that took days. on friday august 15, more than 200 -- 210 families south of the city received an isis order to convert to islam or be killed. in that village, the isis militia beheaded more than 70 young men. killed hundreds and took all women and girls and children to a prison near mosul. the women and children were sold as sex slaves by isis commanders. while american leadership assisted in providing humanitarian relief as events unraveled, little was done to alleviate isil's reign of terror.
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since then, over two million people have been displaced and thousands continue to face crimes against humanity. these include torture, enslavement, rape, forced prostitution, imprisonment and extermination. additionally, as a means to eradicate the history and heritage of these different groups, isis has led a campaign to destroy cultural and religious properties. the syrians and other christians have seen the destruction of the statue of the vrge virgin mary and the tomb of the prophet jonah and numerous churches have been destroyed, looted and burned down. in closing, i would like to echo the words of pope francis who eloquently stated, quote our brothers are being persecuted chased away. they are forced to leave their homes without being able to take anything with them. i assure these families that i am close to them and in
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constant prayer. i know how much you are suffering. i know you are being stripped of everything. end of quote. thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. mr. collins: i think what you stated shows, you know, what we're dealing with here. and what we're finding is the intolerance is something that is so different what we find here in america. i think the reason we're here today and is actually talking about this is to again raise that level and to understand that this is not something in the past, not something, you know, beyond. it is something that is going on right now. i think when you talk about this -- and it's not easy to hear, but you spoke about it as well. isil victims who reject forced conversion. you know, as we think about that in our religious freedom context, you know, just because they say i'm not going to convert to your faith, mr. speaker, this is what they're saying, they're crucified. they're beheaded. they're tortured, raped.
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countless other atrocities. sold into slavery. simply because they stand on their own faith and won't be forced into the faith of another. you know isil is -- frankly, they're just evil. they hide behind the cloak of religiousness and discussion. their problem is evil is just evil. you call evil what it is. and religious freedom has to be protected, and we have to be the per varies of that. when we look around, just in the iraqi community alone, there's -- just a few years ago 1.5 million christians in iraq. now the best estimate is 200,000. at best estimate. and it just continues to drive. when you have this, this is something that we're going to have to continue, i believe, to watch. there is a dear friend of mine here tonight who is a fighter for not only religious liberties, i have fought with him for the lives and the birthdays of newborns everywhere. he is a fighter for religious liberties.
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the gentleman from arizona speaks with authority on these issues because he's been there and he's been fighting on the front lines for a while. it's my privilege to yield to him as much time as he needs to continue this discussion on the need for religious liberties. mr. franks: i thank the gentleman, it is a privilege for me to be here on the floor of the house of representatives with congressman collins and congressman vargas and i consider them precious friends in this vital struggle for religious freedom which is the cornstone for all religious freedoms and which there could be no other kind of freedom that exists for any length of time. mr. speaker, there is nothing that i fear more for my colleagues and my fellow americans of growing evil and these
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