tv Washington Journal CSPAN August 3, 2015 7:00am-7:46am EDT
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medicare spending will be impacted for outsiders research by 2050. -- how climbers -- alzheimer's research. washington journal is next. ♪ host: it is august 3, 2015. senators remain in town. up on the docket is a bill to cut funding to planned parenthood. it would strip them of billions of tax dollars in federal funding. give washington your take -- should congress defund planned parenthood? republicans [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015]
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you can send us a tweet at c-span or go to journal@ host: here is peter sullivan to discuss the first vote. when will it take place and how will it go? guest: it will take place later in the afternoon. it is a procedural vote to actually start a debate on the bill to defund planned parenthood, cut off at $500 million, as you mentioned. the vote is likely to fail because it needs a 60 vote threshold. hardly any democrats, if any will vote for it. there probably are not the vote. it will be a procedural vote to move forward.
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host: some republicans are saying their leadership should continue to fight on this. in the fall and september -- guest: in the fall and september, we will see how this comes back when congress returns. a have to figure out how to fund the government by august 1 -- september 1. many republicans say we should be defunding planned parenthood in the spending bill and they will not vote for anything that includes funding for planned parenthood. in theory, that could lead to a government shutdown if they can't agree on it. that is something that has been fired up by these controversial videos and could definitely come back in the fall. host: what is the republican leadership saying about the prospects of shutdown over the
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controversial videos and funding for planned parenthood? to they think it is worth shutting down the government? guest: they say they do not want to shut down the government. when mitch mcconnell, the majority leader, won the majority in november, he said a would not be shutting down the government. he has not changed from that. leadership does not want to shut down the government. they have also said they want to defund planned parenthood. we will see how strongly they push planned parenthood. the leadership has been more cautious. they have not held to any votes to defund planned parenthood yet , which has annoyed some of their rank and file members to some degree. it seems more rank and file driven, this heading towards the shutdown.
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i does not think leadership want to shut down. host: what is the white house saying? guest: they are defending planned parenthood. they say they will veto any spending bill that the funds -- the funds -- defunds planned parenthood. that raises the stakes. they will not back down. they want funding for planned parenthood. i am sure they will be there with her argument that republicans are yet again shutting down the government over cutting off access to women's health. they are getting their side ready for the fight. host: peter sullivan with "the hill." thank you for your time. let's turn to all of you this morning. what do you think? tell washington what you think on this. should they be defunding planned parenthood? rand paul is a cosponsor of the legislation which would take the money, the $.5 billion from
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planned parenthood, and direct it toward community centers. he had this to say on cnn's state of the union. >> i think people do want to defund this. what you find is we have 9000 community health centers that do everything that planned parenthood does, but they do not get into abortions. it would be less emotional for everyone if we just funded community health centers and not planned parenthood. >> you support funding for community health centers, even though it has doubled or tripled since obamacare? >> i support a role in government health centers. the specific bill including it in obamacare -- i cannot support that particular bill. supporting funding for community health centers i think is reasonable. there are people who need help. planned parenthood is a front for doing abortions. i say they do not use federal money. how can you take money from the group and say none of it is somehow benefiting the production and execution of abortions?
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really, i think if you look honestly and objectively, we have government funds going to -- a lot of government funds $5 billion, going to community health centers. if you look at it objectively, why would the government get involved with selling organs? i think the country should wake up and we get out of this funding. host: rand paul on the state of the union yesterday talking about a vote that will take place this evening at around 5:00 p.m. you can tune into c-span2. it is a procedural vote. they need 60 votes to defund planned parenthood. do you think washington should be doing this? take a look at what the minority leader in the senate set on twitter. he said republicans who are trying to defund planned parenthood, good luck with that. republicans plan to fair -- democrats plan to filibuster.
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senator murray says this -- then there is this from richard blumenthal another democrat who would not support this. and then senator rand paul tweeting out this -- he believes a handful of votes will decide the fate of my bill to defund planned parenthood. he also said on twitter that democrats will pay a political price for not defunding it. planned parenthood in a statement recently said federal funding for planned parenthood helps preventive medicine, birth control, sti testing and treatment women exams.
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lyle in plainfield illinois, republican caller. you are up first. what do you make of this? should they go forward with the funding the group? caller: i think if a republican organization was doing this, the president would be all over this inspecting the situation. here, he is not even talking about having the attorney general look into this. to me, morley, -- morally we should defund them. we do not have enough money now.
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this is one place where we could shave money off of the budget. host: you do not think they should move the money to community health centers? the cosponsor of the measure said this. it would move the money to entities such as community health centers, many of which serve low income patients, while planned parenthood run 700 centers nationwide. community health centers serve at 9100 locations, 13 times the number of planned parenthood. caller: you have to stop and think. we are borrowing $.40 on the dollar. if ever the interest rates start going up dramatically, we will have a huge interest rate will that will knock everything else out of our budget. somewhere, they have to start cutting back. host: thank you. shea in florida.
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democrat, what do you think? caller: we always look at what is bad. what about all of the good that planned parenthood does for these ladies? men just have to sit back and remember we are not having kids. we do not have those problems. planned parenthood does a lot of good. i do not believe in abortions women killing babies. i don't think anybody believes in anything like that. that is evil. [indiscernible] we don't pay for it. look at the good that it does. [indiscernible]
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you can't throw out the baby with the bathwater, you know? host: cecile richards wrote in the washington post that one in five women have relied on planned parenthood for health care in the lifetimes. more than half of planned parenthood centers are in rural and medically underserved areas. john in brooklyn, and independent. what do you think? caller: i hope you give me as much time as you did for the republicans. this is another issue where the republicans have been after this for many years. it is not a real issue. it doesn't affect most americans. people choose to have an abortion have an abortion. people who choose not to don't. every time election season comes around, they tried to pull the strings of americans with these
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emotional lies that they tell. selling baby parts to give this image like you are buying a heart or a loung, which is not true. it is in the way they manipulate the language. i want to ask the republicans. what have they gotten in response other than to stop obama? what have they done for the average american that works and hasn't had a raise in the last 20 years? host: i think we heard your point. michael in tucson, arizona. a democrat, you are next. caller: ever since 1979, they passed that hyde amendment. you notice this no abortion
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funding. we all know that abortions are not funded by the federal government. only in the cases of rape and incessant. the republicans are the lying est party this nation has ever had. every time you look up, they are whining, crying, and lying about everything they do. you look at all of these other situations. afghanistan they are lying about , always going after women's health. what men do you know they can have a baby? on the democratic side, you don't german -- people whining and crying about this. republicans are the biggest baby killers in this country. thank you. host: sherry in connecticut independent. what do you think? washington will be debating the senate, a bill to defund planned parenthood. should it take place? caller: is your take place
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temporarily. i say temporarily because i think it should be investigated. i was very upset that this was a possibility that they may be selling baby parts. i think it should be investigated. i think temporarily the money should go to community health clinics. community health clinics do also play a major role in women's health. it is not just plant had back in the 70's and 80's, it was very much so relevant where there weren't many community health connect. nowadays, there are more. we need to question ourselves whether or not it should be automatically funded. we should investigate. host: do you consider yourself pro-life, pro-choice? caller: i am kind of in between. if a women's health is at stake,
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she should have the right to make that decision. i don't believe in late-term abortion or abortion on demand. i am in the middle. host: james lankford, a republican from oklahoma who cosponsor this bill rights in the opinion pages of usa that is what he says. a green there with the caller. the usa editorial board says this. after fumbling its initial damage control efforts to have a national panel's sort through the issues related to tissue resource -- research.
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in the meantime, as long as abortion is legal let's go to jim in buffalo independent caller. buffalo, new york. caller: good morning. i think this whole abortion thing is getting so, what is the word i'm looking for? it is so barbaric the way they kill these kids. i am totally against it. i think they should defund planned parenthood and put the money towards community centers. host: south dakota, democrat, hi mark. caller: i was going to refer to the article that you have just read. all of these people are saying -- they are comparing it to not see as an -- comparing it to
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naziism. when your child is sick and they be -- and they are being taking care of medically, those procedures were done by some scientists somewhere with fetal tissue or whatever the case may be. it is funny to me how pro-life these people are until it is time to go to war. and they are the quickest to say we have to make america strong by going to war. the last thing i have to say is congress is quick to act on one small video, but it has taken them years to decide whether or not we should have a highway fund or a jobs bill. thank you. host: there is more than one video. the washington times says this. today, a federal judge in san francisco will weigh whether to oppose a long-term ban on the center's release of undercover
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footage from the national abortion federation's closed meetings. the bill that the senate will vote on will take place today c-span2 for coverage of that. they need 60 votes. as we have learned from peter sullivan earlier, they are unlikely to get that. democrats plan to filibuster this. today, a judge will weigh in on those ideals and whether or not more can be released. emily in wisconsin, an independent. caller: i want to thank you for allowing me to call. why i am calling is because when this earth was formed with all of the life i got put on it there was a clause in their that said we are not allowed -- we can have control over the whole land, all of the trees flowers whatever. we did not have the right to
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have control over another human being. when a baby is in the mother's womb, it is a baby, and they should not abort that baby. even though it is women's rights, it is still a baby. i am so much hoping that the government will defund this. i sat and cried all day when i saw that video of the babies. now i understand on the fourth one which they will not allowed to be shown that an entire baby was born. host: we had to senators on last time. here is what one of them had to say when he was asked about this vote today. >> the transition would be devastating to women's health. planned parenthood does a very good job. i would keep the money right where it is and make sure that they can continue doing the kind of very effective women's health
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measures. the one thing people ought to realize. a lot of what is driving this is the issue around abortion. when people need to realize -- birth control makes it so that you do not have to go into an abortion situation. host: senator from new mexico on her show last week talking about the upcoming vote today. we also had a republican from north dakota on the show. here is what he had to say. >> we are making sure that the roughly 500 million a year going to planned parenthood will instead go to community health centers and be available for women's health. we are making sure that that is covered, that this is not an issue about women's health. it is making sure that that are of not go to planned parenthood when they are providing abortions. the hyde amendment requires that
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federal funding not be used for abortion. that has been one of the big concerns with those of us who do not feel it there should be federal dollars going to planned parenthood. we are making sure that that doesn't happen that federal funding does not go to planned parenthood. we are addressing women's health and making sure it that $500 million a year goes to community health centers for women's health. host: he will give a yes vote today when the senate takes up the issue of whether or not to defund planned parenthood. dan, an independent from nashville, tennessee. caller: thank you for taking my call. planned parenthood should be defunded. criminal investigations need to ensue. the reason for that is in the first video, the doctor clearly explains in detail technical knowledge of how they are using ultrasound to see were the video is -- the baby is to crush the likes first -- the legs first
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so that they can maintain the viability of the baby. host: you think that is a crime right there? caller: it is a violation of federal law to change the way the abortion is done. we do not want to be torturing children. that is what they are doing. they are prolonging abortion. based on what they are saying, i am sure it is about 30 minutes. that is totally unexcelled will. host: michelle in new jersey. your thoughts on this? caller: do not defund planned parenthood. it is a valuable service for women. we do not have national healthcare. we already have women making less money. it is like republicans will do everything at all, mentioning some stupidity about money going to community health centers for women's health. planned parenthood has been doing valuable service for over 80 years. do not defunded. host: do you ever give money?
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do you ever donate money to planned parenthood? to support their efforts? caller: of course. i am totally pro-choice. it is a woman's right to choose. never mind what you think, it is a woman's right to choose. it is not your baby. as long as the pregnancy reside in a woman, it is her right to choose. never mind what you think about any of these videos that come out from god knows where, it is a woman's right to choose. how many times do i need to say at? . at? host: a republican, jerry, good morning. caller: what this last woman just said -- it is a woman's right to kill her baby. that is what it is. this is incredible. what these videos are doing is putting a light to the theory that this is a massive bunch of cells and the womb. this is a baby.
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if they cut the funding for planned parenthood and they cannot do abortions anymore what the result will be his tens of thousands of babies born every year. the woman isn't sick, she is having a baby. i just had my first great grandchild a little over a year ago. it wasn't a mass of cells and my granddaughter's womb, it was a baby. host: no federal funding, very strict as to how that money can be used that they get from the government. it cannot be used for abortions. this is the washington post on sunday. if you are among those who view abortion is tantamount to murder, i respect your view.
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what are your thoughts on this this morning? the senate will vote on this today. but washington know what you think. republicans, 202-748-8000 democrats, 202-748-8001 -- republicans, 202-748-8001 democrats, 202-748-8000, and independents 202-748-8002. this evening, a voter form will be taking place in new hampshire. the washington times says it will test 14 candidates, giving a voice to gop hopefuls. booted from the foxnews debate.
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more than a dozen contenders are set to converge monday. this does not include ronald tromp, my cutlery, -- mike huckabee, donald trump. as you know, c-span's televising this nationally. it is the only place to watch it. our coverage is 7:00 p.m. eastern time. you can tune in on tv or radio or at
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this was in the paper this morning. voters first presidential form. we will be re-airing 9:30 p.m. eastern time. that is taking place ahead tonight of that foxnews debate. some of you are saying donald trump is not there, that could help the other candidates hoping to break out and have a chance at tonight's forum. take a look at the latest polls. the money being sent in this campaign. this is from the new york times. see how many millions of dollars have been raised and spent so far. you can see jeb bush is in the lead witwhen hundred $20 million. the other candidates coming in there. hillary clinton, bernie sanders democrats on that list as well. the latest polls that are out going into tonight's forum and
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into the foxnews debate on thursday. take a look. this is from the wall street -- wall street journal nbc. tromp leading, walker, bush. the miami herald knows this. with the first presidential debate to be held thursday, a new poll finds that the majority of republicans and republican leading -- leaning independents favored jeb bush favorably. front page of the new york times this morning has a story about jeb bush's campaign. they see the outside of the trump surge in the republican field. that is because they know this.
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there is also this on the front page of the washington post this morning. a lengthy story about senator lindsey graham and his military service. they note that according to a freedom of information -- to a military record under the freedom of information they granted him the privilege of rank with few exceptions in return. according to congress, the air force promoted him twice for that you can see in the
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washington post this morning. also this headline in the washington post. senator rand paul after the debate -- he will seek out an edge as a dove in a sea of hawks. voting tonight in new hampshire -- this is the order of candidates. ping-pong balls will determine a. that is coming from c-span's producer with a tweet. that is tonight on c-span at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. act ii a discussion with all of you about the senate action today. they plan to move forward legislation or try to move forward with legislation that would cut funding to planned parenthood. democrats object. they don't have enough though. will they get 60 votes they need? should congress me moving on this? caller: i think that in light of the recent investigation on
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planned parenthood where they were found to have been selling the aborted fetuses to different people, that they should cut funding. if you are being funded and then you are making extra money outside doing other things, why would you take money from other sources that could use it? they are taking money and making money but youth -- you say you need help. evidently, you don't need help. host: ok. frank and utica, new york. what do you think? caller: i am a republican. thank you for taking my call. i am embarrassed to be calling in as a republican because they probably won't do anything about defunding planned parenthood. they won't really push this issue. i want to make two comments. one in response to a previous caller who remarked that we have
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to keep in mind the good that planned parenthood does. i would liken that to adolf hitler improving the roads getting the trains writing -- running on time and putting people back to work. that is enough of that. as far as the hyde amendment goes -- planned parenthood gets $.5 billion a year. they use that money to pay the lights, heat, and employees and say that they don't exactly pay for the equipment or the dr. who is doing the abortion. at the moment, we are still funding planned parenthood whose main business is abortion. they do referrals for other services by and large. i thank you for listening to my call. host: independent in valley springs, california. caller: high. my opinion is that the
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republican party is stuck in the 14th or 15th century. they have easter county enrolls and policies -- akoni and -- draconian rules and policies that keep coming up over and over again. when will they find the present situation with human beings? the only other place that treats their women the way we do, the republicans, is islam. go up, people. thank you, that is all i have to say. host: brad in pennsylvania, a democrat. you are on the air. caller: thank you for taking -- taking my call. it never ceases to amaze me to hear some of the comments made by the electorate. things make more sense to me when it comes to how things pan out. i will get right to it. i absolutely do not think it should be defined it. there is no reason to fund an
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organization like this and when they do they talk about the planned parenthood part of it. the community center can do that and help these young ladies out the needed. the money would not be going anywhere else. i think it is a no-brainer. i cannot believe some of the gentleman, especially who called an earlier to talk about the abortion and how the republicans want to report --protect the unborn but yet want to go to war. it is a stupid comment. we haven't all voluntary force. we fight isis versus having a defenseless baby destroyed and sold for profit. what kind of comparison is that? thank you for taking my call. i absolutely think it should be defined it. host: that is brad, a democrat.
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in politics, hillary clinton is out with her first ad. $1 million ads running in iowa and new hampshire. >> i think about why i am doing this. i think about my mother, dorothy. she was abandoned by her parents at the age of eight sent to chicago to l.a. to live with grand parents who did not want her. people showed her kindness and gave her a chance. like the teacher who saw my mother had no money for food and started bringing her extra from home whispering, you know, dorothy? i brought to much food today. she went to work at somebody else's home at age 14. it opened her eyes. for the first time, she saw parents who loved and cared for her children. that is the kind of loving family she provided for us. when she needed a champion, somebody was there. i think about all of the dorothy's all over america who fight for their families and
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never give up. that is why i am doing this. that is why i have always done this. for all of the dorothy's. i am hillary clinton, and i approve of this message. host: hillary clinton with her first ad. a million-dollar ad in iowa and picture. in other news this morning president obama set to announce his climate change agenda. run page of the wall street journal. powerpoint admission rules to be altered and challenged by industry.
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the white house but this video together. >> our climate is changing. it is changing in ways that affect the economy, security, and health. this is not an opinion. it is fact. active by decades of carefully collected data and overwhelming scientific consensus. it has serious consequences for the way we live. we can see it and feel it. hotter summers, rising sea levels, extreme weather events like stronger storms, longer droughts and wildfire seasons.
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disasters are becoming more frequent, more expensive, and more dangerous. our own families experience it to. over the past three decades, asthma rates have doubled. as temperatures keep warming and smog gets worse, those americans will be at even greater risk of landing in the hospital. climate change is not a problem for another generation -- not anymore. that is why on monday, my administration will release the final version of america's clean power plant. the biggest and most important step we have ever taken to combat climate change. powerpoint are the single biggest source of harmful pollution that contributes to climate change. until now, there has been no federal limit to the amount of pollution those plants can have into the air. think about that. we limit the amount of toxic chemicals like mercury and arsenic in our air and water and we are better off four. power plants can still don't unlimited amounts of harmful
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carbon pollution into the air we breathe. for the sake of our kids and he held and safety of all of americans, that is about to change. host: a video put out by the white house ahead of today's announcement of part of the climate change agenda that wants to cut climate omissions -- carbon emissions by 32% by 2030. critics say citizens get lenient treatment as opposed to how the palestinians are treated. a protest sunday interview some. here is a picture over an arson attack that killed a palestinian toddler. below that in the new york times this morning, this story about zimbabwe officials saying they want another american who illegally killed a lion in an authorized fund. this one taking place in april. some bubbly officials saying
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that he is considered a pioneer in the practice of bloodless surgery. he did not immediately return calls to his home. he is the medical center -- director of the medical center in the allegheny general hospital center. that in the new york times this money. back to our conversation with all of you. what do you think about this debate and washington? the senate will vote this evening around 5:30. coverage on c-span two. whether or not to defund planned parenthood? they have to get over a procedural hurdle first which require 60 votes to even go to this legislation. we have learned this morning they are unlikely to get those 60 votes. some republicans are saying they want to continue to fight on as part of spending bills that the house and senate will be taking up this fall.
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some say this could lead to a government shutdown over this issue. bonnie in new jersey, a democrat. caller: good morning. host: the morning. caller: first off, i would like to say that the $528 million going to planned parenthood is used for a central -- essential medical coverage for women. it covers pap tests, birth control, cancer screenings. not one cent of that money goes toward abortion. let's get on the topic of abortion. we are having in the wealthiest nation in the world. one out of five children in our country goes to sleep hungry. i don't know what the caller's attitude or philosophies on parenthood are, but i know what mine are. i know what my child's is
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because i instilled it into her. you don't bring a life into the world if you are not capable of caring for that life. if you cannot afford to have a child, you should not have a child. if you are not physically or emotionally capable of caring for the child, you do not have a child. i am sorry, but abortion, this whole conversation has always been a way for the republicans to degradation. a scam pulled with this idiot video. it comes from the same people who created the acorn film. the last one where the kid dressed up and walked into the planned parenthood. it is a set up and a scam and it is all lies. it is fallacy. just to be able to denigrate and put a woman in a place that is lower and diminish her possibilities and life. if you have a child and you are not prepared to take care of it, it will diminish your life and that child's as well.
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i think these very religious people who care so much about that baby should consider that fact. when it comes to food stamps or work assistance, they are against that. host: bonnie, if i can interject. you are talking about economically. economically diminish a woman's life if they have a child. not able to take care of it. caller: absolutely. it is also the shaming of a woman. men can have sex, they can take viagra, but women should not have birth control. it is a lopsided way of thinking. it is not civilized. host: frank and for laboratory, florida -- fort lauderdale, florida, a republican. caller: i would like to respond to marcuss's article in the washington post. she claims birth control events abortions. that is not accurate because some forms of birth control are
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aborted patients. they have the property like the iud. that always causes an abortion if the baby has been conceived because it releases the chemicals that we can the uterine wall and will not allow the baby to attach. the embryo dies. i used to live in northern virginia and subscribe to the washington post. i would send letters in frequently regarding this issue. they were not print it. regarding the funding which i am opposed to -- that money would go to community health organizations. planned parenthood does not do rest scanning -- breast scanning as it is my understanding. i would hope that many of the community health centers would do that. host: brian in pittsburgh,
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massachusetts. independent color. go ahead. caller: it is tough to even talk about stuff like this when the country is going broke. we have to worry about more -- we have to worry about china more than anything. they still $400 billion of technology every are. they tap into our biggest health care provider. 80 million people. you know why they talk about that? the republican jack a they don't care about that. host: you think the whole debate that will happen today, the debate that may continue to happen in the fall, you think it is politics and not what they should be focusing on? caller: no, i don't. i think they should talk about the unfair trade deals we have and the illegals and the people overstaying visas. they are causing rent to go up and destroying the country. in the bible, revelations
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