tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN August 11, 2015 4:00am-6:01am EDT
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if our children only know dr. king, we are in trouble. we have to do something all year instituted in our local chapters of the urban league in the black church so that we don't just celebrate blackness in february, because in august we are still going to be black. what are we going to do to make that? roland martin: i will give you two things -- one of them i am a huge believer in and i don't care if you disagree. you have the depreciation of charter schools all across the country the reality is that black folks will be the originators of school choice. if you go to read the books, 1865-1930, we created school choice. you have publicly financed education in the south is because during reconstruction we took offices and put them in the state constitution. it's amazing how we run around saying we aren't down with charters when we can educate our own children, and we are fighting against our own
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advancement. that is the most ridiculous thing of ever heard. the last thing is freedom schools. they have been creating freedom schools through churches. sunday to be called school in some places. we have all these churches. who here is a pastor? stand up. [laughter] do you have a freedom school? you can start one beginning tomorrow. do you have a freedom school? do you have a freedom school? you had a freedom school for 20 years? stand back up -- i asked you to sit down. y'all see him? me. at him, don't look at go meet with him.
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you can start tomorrow. next question. [applause] told y'all, i i got a plane to catch. proud member of the urban league and metropolitan st. louis. equality and immigration in st. louis -- we are starting to have municipal court reform that addresses african-american community specifically. some other keyy issues, specific issues, that you can share with individuals in this room that will be direct action? i think the theme for -- karen freeman wilson: i would say earlier that reverend bryant talks about, law enforcement --
4:03 am a state it indiana it says they have to live in contiguous counties. when you get out of gary, it is rural. so you can imagine what they think. to specifically advocate at the state, local level for officers to be required to live in communities, or at least to allow it to be a part of the city charter. roland martin: that is one. we are out of time. we have to get to the next question. >> i am a candidate for governor of florida. the question is since the right to vote is the constitutional right -- roland martin: actually it is not. there is no affirmative right to vote in the united states constitution. allowedhe states are to deprive prisoners the right to vote. roland martin: there is no affirmative right to vote at all of the united states constitution.
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-- you cannot be discriminated against that there is no affirmative right to vote. is tryinglicia riche to get a voting rights bill that puts it in the state constitution is supposed to the federal, but go ahead. >> i was wondering about prisoners index prisoners not being allowed to vote, being deprived of that right. roland martin: here's the deal -- in florida, the governor has an executive order, but that is not law. some states are trying to make those changes. benjamin crump: president obama signed an executive order, and that is how he got florida. florida is always a tossup it simply your governor doing an executive order and that makes all the difference. roland martin: but here is the other piece that black folks have to do. when it comes to criminal justice reform, give the republican governors who are better on this issues with democrats, where do you stand on the issue?
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benjamin crump: absolutely right. charlie chris was a republican. question. >> good evening. can the national urban league as a nonpartisan organization support elected officials? roland martin: it can't. ys you1(c)(3) status sa can support positions, issues, not an actual candidate. >> soak in michael mcmillan clarify on how it is offset? we haven't achilles' heel, as i see it. micheal mcmillan: one of the things you can do is create a 501(c)(4). as an individual, you can volunteer, vote, and donate. karen freeman wilson: i would just say money is key.
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and i'm not just saying that because i'm elected. tired, and we get then we don't give anything else. but it is essential -- [laughter] havet is essential that we our voice served by writing a check. roland martin: when he was in dallas all the white folks got together and said we wanted run for mayor -- he said, i don't want to win like you one. question. howational council -- much training do police officers in your community receive, to assist those with mental health issues? karen freeman wilson: we actually have a great program where police officers received two days of training relative to mental health. there is also a mental health court. we have a new unit that allows
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police officers to take people who they believe have mental problems to that issue. one of the things we have en very, very strong on his de-escalation, -- is de-escalation, trying to get police officers to understand, u got the power it you don't have to use it. i have beenmp: going around encouraging police officers instead of being peacekeepers, they need to be peacemakers. that is what they have to think -- they don't think like that. they think i will make you do what i say -- no, let's talk about making a peaceful so we can go home. louis, mcmillan: in st. when you talk about mr. powell, that was a problem that we had. he had mental illness and was dead within 16 seconds. we obviously have a lot more work to do in terms of training our departments, large and
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small. ferguson is very small, and it has to be done across the nation. roland martin: final,? -- final comment? karen freeman wilson: there are blueprints out there but it has to be community driven. that is a role not just for the urban league but for all community-based organization. resist, jamal bryant: resist, resist, organize, organize, organize, pray, pray, pray. fol roland martin: if you have felt a sense of urgency, it's because i am sick and tired of us having gatherings where we talk and discuss, but then we don't talk about real action plans, so here's what happened. there were at least 15-20 different distinct things you can do leaving here. here is what i'm going to suggest.
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year, you should take all the ideas that came out of this discussion and e-mail them to every single one. do ishat you need to allow you to decide as a chapter whether you are going to focus on -- and when you come back next year, report on what you did. time toit is a waste of talk about what we need to work on and then don't come back with, we discussed it last year, we heard it, and then we implemented it, it has to be there. i will be happy to come back to have a discussion on what you accomplished, but i'm not coming back to have another discussion on what we need to do. freedom schools, stand up. come on out here. y'all can talk right now. i'm only about us getting stuff done. there is no time for talk.
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it is time for us to get the hell to work. thanks a lot. [applause] ♪ from the at national urban link conference. coming up, arne duncan about the federal role in the u.s. education system. this is one hour in 20 minutes. sharpton: this is the 2015 national urban league conference. it is my honor to be able to preside over the session. this is what i deem to be of great importance, to identify the core of the next generation of leaders. we always have to be prepared to pass the torch, but who in our , fortitude, ability
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intelligence, and commitment to move the platform and agendas most important to all of our communities to the next level? it is a conversation we are having? do you agree? we will start this discussion at today's opening, but it won't in today. leaders in the fight for justice, education and jobs, economic equality, political parity, they are not a dime a dozen. it takes a certain strength to lead. it takes integrity, and the ability to keep fighting. it requires that one's ego be in check. it requires you to have guts and determination, to not give up. when the odds look stacked against you, it takes courage and compassion, and it takes a love of people. is like the love that god has for all of us.
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it is not a role for the weak of heart, and the speakers and panelists in attendance today will each address some aspect of the subject, starting with our first speaker today, robert w. runsey. is the superintendent of the brown county public schools, and as a stupor intendant -- as a superintendent he is absolutely committed to educating today's students to succeed in tomorrow's world. ladies and gentlemen, urban leaguers, please welcome robert runsey. ♪ mr. runsery: good morning, everyone, how are you doing? thank you. i am proud to serve on the local league, and irban
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want to take a second to give a special shout out to our local leader and president, jermaine smith. she demonstrates the kind of tenacity and determination that we will need to save our cities, to save our country. we have all heard of the troubling and seemingly intractable statistics about the achievement gaps in our nation's education system. children,k and glam poor children, trail whites and others on standardized assessments, graduation rates, and college and career readiness. the gap becomes intensified in the school to prison pipeline , where black males are disproportionately represented, and more than 3 million student suspensions each year. that is one for almost every teacher and classroom in
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america. make no mistake, the achievement gap is linked to the opportunity gap. we see increasing numbers of students showing up to our classrooms each year, each day, struggling to overcome the challenges of poverty, violence, and homelessness. the future of our nation will be determined by how we treat our most vulnerable people. now is the time for this generation to do whatever it takes to break the cycle of poverty for the next generation. thatere today to tell you brown county public schools, the six largest school district in the country with over 265,000 students, we have the determination and tenacity to become the national leader in closing the achievement gap, and we will get this done. [applause] we will get this done by doing several things -- one, heaping our kids in our
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classrooms and not sending them to courtrooms. [applause] we have an intervention program to support kids with behavioral challenges and we have seen 63% reduction in suspensions at brown county over the last couple years. secondly, we will be redoubling our efforts on early learning and literacy to ensure that our students are successfully making the transition from learning to reading to learn at an advanced level by third grade. third, we will build it continue developing great relationships with community partners such as the urban league and many other agencies, who we must work with collaboratively to ensure the success of all children. finally, we must provide our children with hope. we must show them every day that
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we love them and believe in them. [applause] educating our kids is not a spectator sport. let's all get in the game. may god bless you all with the strength and courage and wisdom to give our kids a fighting chance to achieve the american dream, thank you. [applause] >> thank you, superintendent. all our efforts to save our city begin and end with education. i would like to now bring to the stage federal communications commission's young clyburn to give remarks. he serves on the federal communications commission's. it has a very important role. --y see many over emerging they oversee many emerging
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telecommunications companies, and mr. clyburn has been steadfast in pushing equity inns -- equity issues into these industries. we are very glad to have her and what an honor it is to present to you this clyburn -- you must clyburn. ♪ ms. clyburn: good morning. what an honor it is to take part in this year. sot a fitting theme that boldly encapsulates the events of the past year. but if you would, please allow me to speak about the progress we have actually made over the last 12 months, because too rarely we focus on the good. we need to do better by that. as a nation we are seeing
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improvement when it comes to education. the high school dropout rate is falling. we are witnessing gains on the jobs front, the national ismployment rate. i decreasing. we are making incremental steps to justice. we are witnessing a nationwide bipartisan conversation on criminal justice reform, and we are seeing more scrutiny, investigations, and charges levied on those who may have fallen short of the oath that they were sworn to abide by. [applause] ms. clyburn: and yet, most often the proof of this is bolstered by a video. thatt was not so long ago even this degree of proof would not have made a bit of difference. but as dr. king reminded us, human progress is neither automatic or inevitable. the goal ofoward justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle, in the tireless exertion and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
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you are those individuals. from the president to your local trustees to the leadership of your affiliates and the volunteers to the urban league. to the national and local staff of supporters. we are so grateful for your commitment to ensure that african-americans and underserved populations have access to the training and support needed to pursue equality and justice. without a doubt, the progress and optimism we have are too often clouded by heart ache and struggle. protesters, supporters, and emphasizes of black lives matter, they are heartsick, but are engaged in determined to bring about change. the 11 point 3% of african americans currently unemployed are heartsick, but they continued to struggle to support their family and search for opportunity. the nearly 500 counties in our nation classified as persistent poverty areas, communities that
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have been disproportionately and desperately poor for 30 years or more, they are heartsick, but many remain hopeful. they are longing and deserving of our support. like you, i hear them, and i refuse to let that heartache wear me down or stifle my resolve. each of us is here today because we realize that we are the architects and builders of that change and hope. it may sometimes it seemed that we are the only drafters and designers of those footprints and blueprints for success and opportunity, but we keep pushing, don't we? we keep moving, right? downfuse to keep our heads or our back spent. for me, urban league is, it is about providing opportunities through education. we have witnessed real improvement when we tackle some of the most chronic societal
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problems. our economy is growing and our lives are being made more convenient. whether it is applying for a job completing difficult homework assignments, buying a plane ticket, or seeking medical help, increasingly this is all made less difficulty when we are connected to the internet. entrepreneurs are assessing and accessing new platforms, solving new and long-standing problems. broadband is breaking down barriers to achievement for minorities, people with disabilities, and us all. when you are shopping online, you may never know that seller or purchaser. you may never know what he or she looks like. i have heard stories i people of color who say they are making much more money online then they ever did when they were pounding the pavement, knocking on those doors, and facing rejection and may have been due to long-standing prejudices and
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biases. even as an equalizer of opportunity, even with all the brings, toooadband many in our community simply cannot afford to be connected. way too many of our schools and libraries have inadequate broadband speed. our community schools are not offering advanced placement for advanced stem courses and this is putting our most bright and talented students at a competitive disadvantage. companies that pay the best wages will never hire those who are not digitally proficient, and without each of us challenging high-tech companies to recruit from hbcu and state-supported schools, and without being the bridge for those who do not have those corporate contacts, our young people would never have a chance. being employed by these high-tech companies or any other companies, leaving our most
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talented unable to fully develop and market those excellent business ideas that are waiting to be unleashed. our communities are being left behind, stuck on the wrong side of the opportunities divide, leaving them less likely to gain access to venture capital networks or wealth. we can change that. this is why i am passionate about connecting those dots between the promise of broadband and the actual results in everybody's lives. i am determined and will commit to work with you to modernize our country's low income telecommunication adoption program by making the existing support for lifeline to include support for broadband, not just voice service as it does today. relevance is that the reason many of our citizens do not have broadband connection at home, but as community
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leaders, you know firsthand that when you ask a proud senior citizen on fixed income whether she wants to sign up for broadband, her dignity will not allow her to admit to you that she cannot afford the service. but she will tell you is it's not relevant, or she does not need it. but we know that is not the truth. center just reported that african-americans have adopted broadband faster than any other group over the past 15 years, but with a also reported is that the majority of those without broadband have a household incomes lower than $30,000 per year. tot is why we are committed assuring that cost is no longer a barrier to broadband adoption. but this will only happen through partnerships of industries, governments, and all of you.. last week, we voted to approve a merger, but what you may not offers to is that our
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work with that company to design a program that will offer individuals and families eligible for snap the ability to purchase 10 megabits of broadband for $10 a month without any connection fees or hidden charges. for those who don't know what that means, at that speed, you could affordably download instructional videos, get wellness care through telemedicine, and maintain an online business. this could be the key for so many in our communities, and they will be able to do so affordably. ifalso recognize that even we create these large communications companies through mergers, we still have an obligation to look out for those small businesses and ensure that we promote independent and diverse television and radio programming. i promise you, i will never abandon those goals, and i have called for proceedings to identify more opportunities. fccll not quit until the
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finally and completely answers the call of thousands of petitioners who have been pleading for well over a decade for relief from those exorbitant telephone calling rates that are charged by companies and service prisons. we made a critical step, two did noto, but that solve all the problems for the majority of the 2.7 million children who are struggling with an incarcerated parent. friends, families, and legal aid lawyers are shelling out 400 dollars to $500 month to keep in touch with loved ones and i can't afford it. clients are not able to serve those individuals. what legal aid company can month to00-$500 a protect in stand up for a client?
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hundreds of thousands of inmates are unable to stay connected with their communities, and as a consequence of not being able to stay in touch, they go home as strangers. , ithis i am convinced plays a role in the fact that 70% of those who leave our back behind bars within five years. i may not be able to stop every inmate from reoffending, but i can and i will do my part when it comes to those phone rates in criminal justice reform. i can make a difference, you can make a difference, so that costs will not be the main barrier for family and runs in lawyers when it comes to maintaining contact with those who are incarcerated. the reason why this has gone on for so long is because these calls have not been answers. too many of us have remained silent. we will remain silent no more. the time is now for us to stop ignoring the problem.
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the time is now for you to push the sec to finish what it has started. the time is now for you to demand that those 40+ states who refused to address the issue of unfair inmate calling rates stop what is called a tax on -- for too many we are all the hope they have. each of us has the capacity and ability to push when needed, to pull if required, to prod when necessary, to protect when warranted, in to deliver when -- let us use these hours we have to share with each other doing these sessions to sharpen our tool, be enlightened by new concepts and strategies, and get energized so we have the stamina needed to carry the torch of hope and change. i thank you, urban leaguers. i am working with you. i'm yours.
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♪ [applause] mr. morial: ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back to the national urban league secretary of education, arne duncan. ♪ [applause] first of all, good morning. all, let's first of welcome secretary duncan back to the national urban league, and it is generally. -- ladies and gentlemen. he has been with us many times. you have really been in the trench, working hard for now six years. -- giving astart
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long view, as you look back on the six years, what has been the most important part of the last six years when it comes to improving outcomes, education? mr. duncan: let me cheat a little bit and say a couple. we have a long, long way to go, but i would start with early childhood education. that is the best investment we can make. have put more than $1 billion behind states that want to increase access. we are thrilled with that and we have still a long way to go but that has been fantastic. on the k-12 side we have high school graduation rates at all-time highs for the nation -- 81% -- dropout rates are down significantly, down 45%. hispanic dropout rates cut in half. that is equated to 1.1 million additional students going on to college and we are thrilled with that. on the higher ed aside, jim
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wecie was speaking earlier, were able to put $40 billion behind pell grants without asking taxpayers for a nickel. it went from 6 million recipients to about 9 million. we have a long, long way to go. there is a debate going on in congress right now. we all know it as a historic civil rights organization. 50 years ago, president johnson pulled the education ask on the books and it evolved over the years. now there is a debate about what that blueprints out to look like. as congress considers reauthorization or renewing the law. update us -- where effect discussion? what should we be looking at? we have been in the trench.
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i think people would like to hear where it is. some of it has been played out. mr. duncan: first off, the no child left behind thing has been broken for a long time. unfortunately, congress has been dysfunctional as well. what we have done is we stepped into the gap -- mr. morial: congress is dysfunctional? [laughter] mr. duncan: we have gotten away from some of the most onerous parts of no child left behind. more so in the senate and house, there is a very good faith effort -- we don't know if it will be successful -- but republicans and democrats for time are starting to work together. i want to thank you so much, the urban league, other civil rights organizations -- this is not an education law, it is a civil rights law. thatve to make sure whether kids get educated or not is not a state-by-state decision. this is in our nation's best interest. as is the right thing to do for
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the black community or hispanic community, this is the right thing to do for our country. for the first time ever, our nation's school minority is the majority. whether we will help every child be successful for the whole nation will struggle, and having you and others stand up and say we need to be held accountable, we need to make sure people are graduating, we need to make sure we are measuring progress, that voice from the civil rights community is extraordinarily important. other voices have walked away from accountability, saying you should hand out money and let safety what they want. we know the history of what happens when we give folks a pass. mr. morial: one word often misunderstood -- there's a debate about what accountability -- testing. [laughter] about what accountability really means, what type of accountability should we have.
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one of the things people tended to forget is that the elementary and secondary education act involved a big commitment by the taxpayers of the united states to elementary and secondary education. how should we think about this word? what does it really mean, in real terms? mr. duncan: you and i and everyone here, we are putting out billions of dollars each year -- let me be clear, it's not enough -- we are asking for another billion dollars -- but we need to make sure the fiscal standpoint that our investment is resulting in closing those insidious achievement gaps. but it's not just about the financial part. this is to give kids a chance in life. we know that if kids drop out of high school they are condemned to poverty and social failure. there are no good jobs for them, and a high school diploma isn't enough. they need some form of higher education.
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aboute talk accountability it's important to be clear -- we need a couple things. it means assessing kids every single year. we should step back when there is too much testing. i have talked ugly about that. we need to know each year if kids are making progress -- what are their strengths, their weaknesses? we need to have that data, that transparency, but it goes beyond. we have to have action. we have had too many schools across the nation of dropout factories, where huge percentage of kids dropout every two years. we challenge that pretty hard and it's part of the reason why graduation rates are going up. accountability is in just numbers, it's not just transparency. we can just admire or labeled the problem, we have to do something about it. that stepping in when children need something. we need to be held accountable. mr. morial: the issue of adequate and equitable funding is a big issue for the civil rights community, a big issue for the urban league.
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i had the opportunity to serve on the commission that looked at the issue. painted picture of where we are when it comes to the lack of equitable funding. what is it really mean? what is the picture? what do you see from where you set? -- you sit? mr. duncan: it is devastating, and we have so far to go as a nation. on the k-12 side, federal money is a percent-10%. usually half of it comes from states, and as you look across they gotn, in chicago, less than half the money each year than wealthier suburbs for five miles north, near michigan. you think of the cumulative impact over 13 years of education. poor, 90% minority, got less than half the resources and other places.
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we sued the state and unfortunately lost, that we have so far to go to give every kid equal opportunity. we need to focus on the achievement gap, but we have to close the opportunity gap. mr. morial: what does practically lack of equitable funding me? it gives local school districts more money to waste -- what does it really mean? for kids in aean classroom? mr. duncan: it is very, very simple. if i'm in chicago, $8,000 per pupil. in other suburbs, $18,000 per pupil. teachers in chicago made less money than wealthier suburbs. of my class size was much larger than we would have liked. our children have less access to early childhood programs. our kids have less access to
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extracurricular program. just go right down the line -- the kids in our nation who need it the most, whether it is intercity, or rural or on reservations, are kids who need .he most often get the least [laughter] [applause] mr. morial: how do you feel about the information on longer school days and years? mr. duncan: usually kids throw tomatoes at me, but if we are , it takesclose gaps more time. you have to work harder. are very successful, you didn't get to where you are by now working. with don't know anyone who is successful who doesn't work hard. if most kids are going to school
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six hours a day five days a week nine months out of the year, that works well for some kids. of the other kids might need eight or nine hours a day, might need saturday, might need summer. not to sit in the classroom, but to study ballet or music, or robotics or chess or coding. is a chance to develop your skills. if you were behind, it you had to work harder to catch up. because we don't do enough early childhood education, the average schalke from a disadvantaged community starts kindergarten a year to 16 months behind, and we don't always catch them on. we have to invest early. longer days, longer weeks, longer years are so important. i think our school should be community centered. we have 100,000 schools in our -- black neighborhoods have classrooms and gyms in
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they don't belong to me or to the principal or to the union, they belong to the community. where we shut down these great facilities at 2:00 3:00 doesn't make sense -- they should be open until seven in the morning. bring in social service agencies and let them run the programs. [applause] community: centers, not for every children but for their families as well. ged and esl and family counseling and food banks. when families are learning together, those kids are going to do fine. we have to think differently about our schools. mr. morial: we are going to cheer that because we believe that, absolutely. [applause] mr. morial: what message should urban leaguers have four governors and local school superintendents? should theysage
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demand from those that want to be president of the united states? mr. duncan: you have a few potential presidential candidates coming in friday, right? i wish i could stay. let me be very, very clear. i hope proud democrat, but i could care less -- education should be the ultimate bipartisan issue. [applause] what we don't have in this country is politicians on education who walk the walk. they all talk the talk. i have never met in the antieducation politician. i've never met a politician who didn't like to hug babies and kiss the babies. but here's what i would ask you to ask them -- what is your goal for access to early childhood education? don't say your floor -- what is your concrete goal, for what percent of kids should have access and how you are going to get there? what is your goal for the high school graduation rate, for black student graduation rates? what is your goal for dropout?
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you want to go from where to where? what is your strategy to get there? what is your strategy to increase not just college enrollment, but college completion rate? you have to get past talking points, past pro-education. you have to look at k-12, higher education. what are your goals and what a good strategies to get there? i think that would change the conversation. every politician who is coming here -- they don't want your vote. they need your support. they can't get elected without you. we have given them a pass and that is on us. everyone needs to be held accountable and folks need to vote. the last thing i will say is that the last president in 2012 -- i was sad. education was barely mentioned, barely a topic.
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may talks about what people vote on. i don't blame the folks who put together the presidential debate. it is on us as voters to demand that folks take this stuff seriously. i think you have an amazing opportunity to start to set the national conversation tomorrow. the more you can challenge people to be concrete, that, i think, is a huge deal. republican, democrat, doesn't matter. mr. morial: historical black colleges -- how many hbcu g rads in the audience? [applause] mr. morial: talk about the administration's progress, strategies, challenges in trying many arep our hsbcu -- struggling, many have challenges specific to hsbcu. what if you done? mr. duncan: we have done some, we need to do more. we need then not just to survive but to thrive going forward. one thing we haven't talked
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about -- we have a baby boomer generation moving toward retirement. we are going to need about one million new teachers. i want our teachers reflect the diversity of our nations students. there is a growing imbalance and educators look like. about half produced of our black teachers. for a whole host of reasons, we need that pipeline of talent. the increase in pell grants and other things we've done have provided some support, but there is a long way to go. the president has put out his plan to make community college is free, and we need to move as a nation to a k-12 system to a k-14 system. part of the bill that was introduced would bring about another billion dollars to hsbcu's. rather than incremental change, this would be a huge boost resources. this bill has been introduced in
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the house, senator baldwin in the senate. we need more of our republican friends to come on board but if that were to pass, not only would it make community college is free, it would be a massive investment in hsbcus. mr. morial: so you know, you play basketball with the president. can you sing like the president? [laughter] mr. duncan: everyone would leave. mr. morial: everyone, please thank the secretary of education. thank you for your insight and clarity. we appreciate your hard work in the commitment. mr. duncan: thank you so much for having me. [applause] ♪
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we are anmr. morial: ready for the new discussion -- please welcome the moderator for this panel, back at the urban chandeliermore time, . [laughter] lanier: are we awake out there? ?ow are you doing there will be a lot of jewels that will be dropped so i hope you were taking heat and paying attention. we want you to follow us on social media and get involved in continue after the conference is over. again, we would like to thank you for joining us.
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and i would like to take just a for allment of silence those innocent men and women of color who have lost their lives unnecessarily to the injustices we are facing in our communities. walter scott,sin of the freddie gray, mike brown, in the nine in south carolina -- the list goes on and on and on, and continues to grow. i know there are many issues facing our urban communities right now and it is hard to ignore one of the most glaring concerns. so let's start with one of the things the hashtag
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#blacklivesmatter. i am going to ask the first question. we will start with jenee -- we are still fighting some of the injustices that we fought during the civil rights movement, but do you think that it was easier to galvanize around one person or leader because it seemed like there were less people leaving that fight as opposed to now when there are many? and how do you think that new dynamic of so many people trying to get their hands on and help is affecting or hurting our cause. ms. ingram: i think that is a great question. morning, national urban league, i'm so excited to be here this morning. i think that is a great question in terms of leadership, that i would challenge that there were as many people leaving them as there are no. -- are now. in a lot of ways, we are in this moment where we look back and
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think -- there are probably three leaders. but there were just as many leaders then as there are no. -- are now. you had so many people leading different efforts and movements, and you have people who were necessarily leading an organization but who were doing the work on the ground. i think it is the same thing now. i don't really see a difference in that. i think now we are able to see it and live it in real time, so we see so many leaders and so many movements. we see organizations and people who aren't affiliated doing the work on the ground. it's the same thing. mr. lanier: you bring up a good point -- we are seeing it now. i think that is the difference between people saying -- this is happening but do you think this has been happening all along, we're just now able to capture it because of social media? ms. ingram: yes. [laughter] i've always said that it never ended. as having the same
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public accommodations, but that was the tip of the iceberg. when we stop looking at all of the issues that needed to be addressed in gaining equal rights and equity, we sort of lost our focus and lost sight of what was really important and what we were trying to do. when i say "we," i know there are a lot of people who stayed focus. national urban league is one of those organizations that has been there throughout and will continue to be there. we're the baby of the civil rights family. where only 25. we came in at a time when a lot of people weren't focusing on the issues of police brutality, and that is a big problem. that int to both echo say that the civil rights movement didn't start in the 50's. it started with the abolition of slavery. even when we talk about the civil rights movement it is too limited. we have actually been in a
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struggle for citizenship in this country since the 1600s. each phase of that change is not based on leadership, because the point is we have many, many kinds of leaders and we always have. notquestion is whether or it becomes explosive in the form of movement, which is a different kind of activity that happens. i think what we are seeing with black lives matter is an expression of the level of frustration that has grown over decades because the actual exclusion of black communities from all forms of opportunity, and most symbolized in the form of the death of innocent black people. what title of leadership we be looking to right now? what type of leadership would be looking for, what characteristics are they possess? of theing to some
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earlier questions, i think we have a very romanticized, hollywood type of version of what the civil rights movement was. a lot of that has to do with how it was oversimplified in k-12 education. you think it was on martin luther king and there was a cult of personality. the truth was as it was buried and there were many leaders. the same thing applies today. we shouldn't be looking for one singular leader or cult of personality that is going to take many different types of leaders, because there are as many different experiences of blackness as there are black people in the united states. differenthose perspectives have to be brought to the table into can't expect one organization to be the be-all and all of that. one of the things that people have critiques the civil rights is that it was a very middle-class base movement. one of the things about black is that social
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media has helped to democratize the movement, so you have younger people involved the same way in the 1960's, and a little bit more class diversity, because people have greater access to social media in ways they may not have previously existed. i think there is a tendency toward middle-class policy, that now there are ways to circumvent that that haven't existed before. the thing that's interesting is -- when i teach my unit on civil the 1950'sgo through -- why did it explode at that point? people were mad, but a much more compelling theory for me is this idea that you have the right social, political, economic conditions coming together at the same time. part of that is social media as a new form of communication, which would have been the equivalent of the phone tree in the 1950's. you have the political moment were people feel empowered because there is an african-american president. well he has had a lot of
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dislocation, there have also been places of opportunity where people can see that we can affect change. if people are really, really discouraged and downtrodden, they will usually keep quiet. but when they feel that there is an opening, half for breakthrough, able make a wider whole and tried to push through and makes a thing happen. mr. lanier: it does seem like the social media is the new march on washington -- what other ways would you see -- would you help encourage other people to get involved? mr. hook: i think the information, especially recognizing the truth of the civil rights movement, is something that we can borrow from today. you have to realize that during the height of the civil rights movement, over a four and-a-half your period, it was in 257 cities. led by youngas people who wanted to make a difference in their local community. in your local markets,
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recognizing that the change that we are experiencing in the change we seek will only happen if leaders and local areas decide to take the call and recognize. in all the civil rights era, there was never a messianic leader, even though dr. king is hailed as that individual. the truth of the matter is that there were young people like everyone in this audience who were taking up the mantle of leadership in the local community and effecting change. >> in historically we will look back and know who those people are. as we are in it, we are not paying attention to some of those names. some of those people prefer to be nameless because they aren't concerned about getting the credit. they are concerned about seeing something happen. thato want to point out the yonder reconstruction, we had lynchings in this country that impacted folks every four days -- a black person would die as a result of a lynching.
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now what we are seeing on television by a media, news, stories that have been buried where people have been dying but we didn't know it because we don't read all the newspapers, we are just watching "good morning america." but i think it is really important, seeing that, knowing that it exists, is what catalyzes people to move and to do something. now you see someone from your community dying every day, and we want that type of individual leadership. i think this generation is so over it. we are called the microwave generation and we say we are impatient. we are impatient because our generation is dealing with it, are monster and, our grandparents generation. ms. ingram: i know you do a lot of work -- mr. lanier: i know you do a lot of work, so what are they doing,
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what is going on in the communities? they think there is a leader they are following. >> their following themselves. they are following themselves because they have ideas about how they can impact the situation. a robust policy agenda and we can use information to push for advocacy but see adually when we protest on twitter, we just get up and go and walk around community. i met a young lady recently doing great work in baltimore and there is a packet of individuals being affected by the slayings of young black men and women in our communities don't even touch with the young professionals.
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we're the young professionals and then there's the folks in familymunity that are members and things so there's an opportunity for us, like this young lady, she goes back into and has porch conversations with people about how they can actual make change in their communities and that's what's going to be necessary in order to bring us together to make change. >> i think that's a great point. think of sandra bland, right? someone who was an activist but would any of us have known sandra brand's name had she not been arrested and ultimately died in a jail but in her ownactivist right using the avenues and the tools she had to speak out on most toes that matter this generation so much to it is's point, a lot of happening individually with people just using their voices can,atever way they whether it's through social media, whether it's going door door, or touching other young people, but i think a lot of ont's happening is happening an individual basis and we find
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inspiration in other leaders but it's not necessarily that we're following a leader. and a lot of people don't know that sandra bland was just one. alone, there are five women who is died in jail. to have to worry about having a son to face these problems but now i worry about well. my daughters, as in my mother's generation, they would run to the church as a place of refuge. reverend lee, how relevant is the black church and how are they getting involved in this movement? reverend lee: i think the black church is extremely relevant. is the the challenge black church is its worst p.r. firm. people don't know what the church is doing and people assume that what happens is that people right now because we're so tv-driven, when you look at tv, you look at the mega-churches on tv and you say that's what the church is doing you don't see a lot of social justice, you don't tv andks standing up on you say the church isn't doing
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what ourbut look at enemies are attacking, that young man decided to kill nine did he go?e to the church. when folks are burning up churches? they're burning the churches. when that young man did the killing ofrrific mother emanuel ame church, you the name of the pastor there. work, been doing amazing part of the state legislature, oft church had a history social justice, but no one would have known that, no one would have talked about that. unknown brother, unknown church doing great work but like you-all said about other folks, you have all these people doing the work but no one really knows about it because they're not huge major names and they don't have a huge major platform so i would say the church is still extremely relevant and you can it by what our enemies are attacking.
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arguen: some would reverend clemente was the target because of the work he was doing vocal.was being so i'm not sure a lot of people -- maybe i'm wrong -- are they willing to give their lives for this fight? >> i think the short answer is yes because i think we've seen people give their lives for this sitting here in the role of an appointed government official, i want to add one thread to connect this because else is different now and it started in 2008 and that's what we actually have progressive elected leadership that does actually create a different relationship i say thatity and because, you may not know this, is white.or don't tell anyone, it's a big secret. i say this because one of the things he has done is he said, he's done their critical things a game changer in new york but also organizing around nationally which is, one, that we have to have a different relationship with community so
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actually -- he created a clergy council. times thatry few there are issues that happen in new york city where he does not of us to ay last one church in order to interface with community so to the point the relevance of community, including when we're trying to figure out how to have a betweent relationship community and the police department. secondly, he is actually focused on how we create more use engagement. 67% people ofis color. and done several things to create opportunities for youth to tell government what youth need and create more services for youth and i think the third is being willing to talk about race. is a think that fundamentally different kind of leadership when you have elected willing tothat is talk about race and when you have someone who will stand up to give myhave had son the talk, and my daughter
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the talk. very different kind of public dialogue when you have elected leadership that does one thing we should not lose sight of is of eligiblelly 21% voters are between the ages of 18 and 29 in this country now. part of the equation for barack obama in 2008. of our equation. i said eligible, not participating. black.them are the second largest demographic of that pool. the majorknow, one of attacks that we're facing state by state is on the ability for to vote, once again, but in a different form so i think that's something that needs our attention if we're going to think about some of our equations for hope and success. are so: it seems there many issues that also need our immediate attention, injustices thehe education system and jail system and schools, careers. we be focusing on one issue at a time and theackeds energy orf our
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simultaneously hitting all the issues at the same time? operate on thean "we can walk and chew gum at the time" principle. this has come up before in many places. 1950's and 1960's, people focused on a couple of main issues -- access to public the franchise, jim crow, because in the south those are easy targets and low hanging fruit and that phase of of itsement was a victim own success because nationally people thought blacks got everything they want and we're still fighting that battle today because a lot of people refuse to see the racism in american gotety, they're, like, you the voting rights act, shelby notwithstanding and you got the civil rights act so people don't want to see the civil rights movement and even 1980's when talking about south africa, they were like you focused domestically.
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we can do many different things to havele are inclined certain causes they care about and will naturally focus more some things than others. what you care about most might i care about most and vice versa and i think we encourage people to take up their passionate cause and not turn up their noses when someone is doing something else because we can cover everything through specialization and so focus on having to be unified, we forget about all kinds of problems. issues,talk about the it is amazing when i look at the gary, indiana, agenda from the has notnd look what the been achieved on that agenda and it's most of it. finishing up race and representation in the obama administration and i read parts kvaerner commission report and when i looked at the descriptions in the kvaerner commission report from the i might as well be "new york times"
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today. there's a part in the report where kenneth clark, the person created the test that helps -- versus board of education. he said he was reading accounts of what happens happening in the 1960's in places like watts and saidk and detroit and he this sounds like stuff i used to read about in the 1920's. the struggleo know continues and the issues are still the same. we're still fighting in many some of the same battles so we have to figure out the right so to tackle these problems that 30 years from now something hasn't erupted again and people aren't like, wow, that sounds similar to what happened in 2014 and 2015. have to find a way to end that cycle and we have to be historically grounded and think context and what works and what didn't work so we don't repeat the same mistakes in the we also need to be broad based because a lot of this stuff tends to be
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multipronged in terms of the serious of the problem so you do it shannon: as we're looking for the new leadership, where should it start? homes, in the church, in the community? >> to the point of all issues used to tell i people you have to be focused everywhere because we're losing on all fronts so there's things doing but as you look at our history and from a historical perspective, we didn't don, that right. like, in the united states, we didn't really fix the problem of people looking at african so weans as the same and continue to have that problem and i don't care if it's i don't care if it's at your job, someone isn't giving you an opportunity, we're this problem with this concept of black people not beingas good as or not able to sit at the same table and until we deal with that, to have all these various phases.
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we may have a great mayor but we have a lot of elected officials the cabinet and people around them look exactly like them. what is that about? we really are going to have to tackle race so we can have the important conversations about else -- health disparities, wealth disparates, fact that the reason we don't have wealth has to do with since happened reconstruction and the fact when we wanted to buy houses, we in certainuy houses areas, we could not have the values of our homes appreciate rate as other people in this country and so before we tackle issues, someone needs to be able to look at me as a black woman and see me for who i am, not what they assume that i am and when that can deal withwe everything else. >> what strikes me as odd is slavery, years of
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after 79 years of jim and jane crow, after 40 years of building industrial complex, the the war on drugs, we're still same conversations about leadership. we're still having the same conversations about the needs and how we solve these problems. and one of the titles that i own as c.e.o. of las vegas urban is chief solutionist. i don't allow my team to have a about a problem unless it comes with a solution and the truth of the matter is that, 50 years from now, we'll still be having the same conversation unless we decide to solve theing problems for ourselves and what that means is we're going to focused ins that are lanes on different subject matters that are important to us but we'rehe problem going to stop looking outward to the solution. the solution is within us. each and every one of us can solve these problems and until we own that, we're going to have same discussion, and frankly, i get tired of them. the sameed of having
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discussion over and over again knowing that 50 years ago we for jobs and justice. we just did it again. we haven't said, because i think solutions is important frame, the one thing we haven't said is strategy. i agree there's not one front, multiple fronts and we but whatight them all we have also seen throughout the years -- because we shouldn't talk as if we haven't made any because that would also not be true. alignedt we have to be enough so that we come together on strategy at the right time. king was not the whole movement but he was a consummate strategist and he was not the only strategist. barack obama has been a strategist. one form of leadership that we should not forget is the leadership of strategy. >> but also in focusing on strategy, we also have to deal
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issues ofwn communication. especially some of the generational communication issues we're having right now, be what it means to talking -- i'm laughing because up on the new voices of youth panel but i'm 47 years old. i'm just like, well, y'all put me there, keep me from my life crisis. it.still young, i still got but there is the need for us to be able to have this kind of with acation process younger generation and let it go all the way down with the generation that feels like they don't have space, feels like they don't have voice at the right now like, we gonna do what the heck on our own and that's a wonderful thing and that fervor is wonderful but there's some stuff they can learn from the old school. places at the table they can get to from the old school. that old some lessons
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school learned that they don't have to learn if we would just thatsome conversations but has to deal with ego, that has issues of humility, that has to do with issues of platform and issues of i'm going to let some stuff go and let these young cats know there's i don't have and to see them as a threat to me and what i'm doing but we're all about the same kind of a thing so we're going to have to grapple with some of that stuff, as well, if we're truly going to be effective and not just the generational stuff but the class stuff, we'll have to deal with the class stuff honestly, we're with someave to deal of the colorism stuff. we're going to have to deal with shades of gray, 50 shades of brown. we're going to have to work through some of these conversational interpersonal issues so that we can actually be able to do the strategy and work to the solutions because
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we're not going to be able to do any of it if we're not talking each other. shannon: we definitely want to have an opportunity for you to end on solutions and strategies and resources but first we want to take two questions from the audience. right hereicrophone and in the first aisle, if you have questions from the audience. i know in your work with the study and emory, you lot of this thought of a post-racial society and you mentioned this conversation of have to overcome. is a post-racial society possible? >> in theory it's possible. shannon: will it ever happen on earth? >> i don't want to sound pessimistic to say it won't happen in my lifetime but i think we need to be prepared that we might be setting this up for future generations. first, i have books that have "post racial" in the title and marketing ploy. i don't believe there's post-racialism at least not
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now and certainly not in and 2008 when the term was certaintyhere's a cadra of black leadership who appear politically expedient. losehey willing to perhaps an election to take a stand for issues of concern for african americans and that's a huge tension within the african american political community, about whether some people are more self interested than community interested. i think we can have that debate going forward but when people of concernent issues to african americans in broad strokes and broad terms -- not difference between black lives matter versus all lives because the critique blacks arethere that trying to minimize that they are if youy targeted but want people to win os, office,
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will not run their campaign like they're running for naacp or urban league president so you that, you've got to take that into account and they just aseat at the table much as somebody from a local community very grounded in their grounded ind very black nationalism would also have their seat at the table so can have that dialogue. when we're thinking about the say-racial ideal, i always if i can as a social scientist whitet a black child, a child, a latino child and asian class andcontrol for predict those kids will have the exact same life chances when 75 years0 and 60 and old, then that's when i know that we're finally post-racial. if you look at the life expectancy, probability of from high school, probability of going to jail, probability of getting a college those vary based on race so even after we take class into account and regional into
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we take even when parental background into account, all of those things latino that black and and native american kids are far behind the eight ball in andarison to their white asian peers. that is because of race and racism so for that reason we're yet so justial because one black man got elected president doesn't mean happened because there's only two in the senate. you notice that we don't have a black governor right now. are lots of other places where we don't see that parity and representation and we're going to have to work for that and we're going to have to work for the time when black people are not disproportionately pulled over by the cops and killed and being and poorly fed and poorly getting healthcare treatment and other kinds of things. shannon: we still have a long way to go and we have a few questions. only a few minutes left so we'll do the final round, ask your question and one person on the panel can answer, then we'll next person. please. >> good morning, my name is
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johnson jones from broward county, florida. my question is very targeted and mainly because i do understand also lives matter but i'm asking is since we're in america, everyone is considered american. i happen to be in haiti. a lot of people that are caribbean, we all one brown, black folks, right? whatrying to find out assistance can be given or have you heard what's going to dominican republic in terms of the destructions on people descent, folks being reallocated, deported and about a million of them will be to haiti because to -- afterant exploding us and taking everything we got. done?an be shannon: you want to take that one? >> this is an incredibly important point because even what is blackness is, as the
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the country of change, it's you true, blackness is very complex because we come an african there is diaspra. i think this is incredibly a strategyrom perspective, how we understand our different experiences with shared problems and how we figure out the strategic whereby we are supporting multiple struggles of pera thatthe dias focuses on who we include in the united states and how we include we'veo one of the things done has been we have been vocal thatublic about the fact we think there is too much racism happening in the way are treated both in the dominican republic and what it ands for national policy immigration policy and how we create policy that is demonstrate we will be a welcoming place like creating municipal i.d. cards that you
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haveet whether you citizenship or not so you can get the benefit of services and from government without making yourself vulnerable to immigration so those are the things that i think are critical. >> and i think the other thing that's really important is for struggleember that the for racial justice has always been a global struggle so i think probably in an american context, we're used to thinking domestically and our educational emphasizesn't always things such as pan-africannism so that we understand that there as globalthing blackness and ethnicity matters, within the study of african as it was for other groups. for people who do latino studies studies,-american sub're used to looking at ethnicities and that variation but in african american studies, we haven't done that the way we should and it helps us to isember that blackness extremely diverse. shannon: one more question. >> i'm representing buffalo, the
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professionals, and there are tensions between the black church and different variations of blackness presently. this is because we're not seeing in our local of blackes a lot church leaders standings up on these issues and sometimes it from a very -- it seems to one-sided space in terms of gender and class and sexuality and spirituality and all that. how can we as young professionals engage our local black churches and share with them our concerns in a way that's not only respectful but ways that can help us to work together in the terms of so that we can still as young people see as on the ground and fighting this fight. lee?on: reverend reverend lee: i think there are a couple of issues you're having to deal with in that.
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the greater challenges even in the black church but you see it not just in the black church, mainstream church, captions, et cetera, is the challenge of what baby boomers done for us and so because the great influx of baby a logs, there's actually jam. usually there's this kind of cyclical kind of handing over of leadership. it then puts a younger crew in leadership or position for leadership so they're able to withbetter conversations younger generations and that's not necessarily has happened as smoothly because there's so many boomers, because folks -- because the economy, what the heck, and folks can't even pieces,those kinds of what i believe needs to happen is a couple of pieces. there are some respectful can happenns that and there are some conversations that can be respectful but with happenat need to because -- no, that's the truth. conversations,
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because it's your church, too. i'm in the church, you know, universal, church global, it's your church, as well. so therefore there's a need for to step upeneration and say, no, this is mine, too. so there's a need for this be relevant to all of our needs. there's a need for this church to be relevant to the needs -- way in the world that folks can be getting killed in our communities and you're not saying anything about it and all you're doing is shouting on ondays but you can't shout sundays and be getting shot monday through stds. bet's just not going to acceptable, that we're going to need you to be able to deal with the issues that we're dealing with in this community and so i think that is -- there's a pressure that needs to happen. think you're seeing it not just in the church. even if you look at black lives matter. black lives matter has put a pressure on everybody up the
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chain. these young folks have put a pressure on more traditional civil rights organization. they've put a pressure on everybody, on elected officials, say, no, you're going to deal with some of this stuff because stuff we're of the dealing with so the same thing churcho happen in the but it can happen not in a way that's saying we can't stand you saying this that's is our church, too. and because it's our church, too, it needs to deal with and represent us and deal with the issues that we're going through. just add --d >> no, you can't. we're out of time. shannon: you each have 20 seconds because they're rushing us to give any solutions, strategies or resources you like to offer our audience. please try to keep it concise time.e we got to move for >> so you start with me? think that some of the solutions that were neednted here, we do
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healing. i think that's something we haven't talked about, healing a community.s because there are so many been passed onve and on and on through the generations that we haven't completely healed from. that's not all i wanted to say on time. short thank you. brandi: i think it's important that we do have conversationsnal if they're candid and they're real and that we stop relying on the fact that we have made progress and we start talking about the fact that although we have made progress, there are serious ills we need to address every day because sometimes we're a little too complacent in but it's better. sol, folks still dying please join the movement. we have young professionals all over this event and they're embrace you and to help you do advocacy work as it
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relates to the national urban league agenda and our move forward. shannon: thank you, kevin? you know,ould say, the real solution is to get up and do something, get involved. just completed a program called the presidential leadership scholars program and put on bygram president clinton and president bush to identify the next helpation of leaders to solve the problems that we're facing. i would encourage each and every to a program apply like that. presidential leadership scholars dot org or any leadership program and get involved but don't just focus only on things that are familiar and comfortable to you. make yourself a little bit uncomfortable and walk into areas where you're not because it'sng going to take all of us whether you look like me and you or not to solve these problems. shannon: reverend lee? reverend lee: we have to make the table, stays on not just protests. i work with black youth vote,
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of black civic participation and we held a and boys day on the hill in which we were training, took close to 200 brothers, but of usualthe kind suspects we see as these pieces but regular brothers, some brothers that didn't have degrees, the range of brothers, but we trained them about what it meant. we trained them on issues, we trained them on policy and what andeant to visit the hill took them to sit with senators and congress people to deal with their issues that we have to -- even as we're protesting and pushing that end, we have to be young brothers and sisters on how to engage with the other area of the game, area of the strategy, which is policy. shannon: thank you. dr.? andra: we needed to have freedom schools. these are important because there's a lot of history people been know and hasn't transmitted across generations
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so now's the time for us to do that because people will be teaching people how to be consumers of news to make sure you are a regular consumer of news. part of that history understanding their church question. people werentimes convincing their pastors as needed to take a stand on issue. apple trading the art -- infiltrating the organizations and making the leaders accountable. once the dialogue starts and people are aware and a common sort of framework talk about racism and structural racism and what inequality looks like, it will help clarify which issues need to be targeted first and inspire people about how to generate ideas to create the solutions. shinzo abe thank you. -- shannon: thank you.
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>> ditto, ditto. voting, voting, voting. those are my three solutions. shannon: and try to follow all of them and their organizations on social media. shannonlanier. you have all of the statistics behind the state of black america report their urban link put out. all resources to use. what you should edition i do if you are stopped by police. give that's next on c-span.
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we will talk to the new york times about the modification of program appeared >> the epa administrator will talk about a proposal to reduce carbon emissions from power plants. 12:15 eastern on c-span. on c-span two, there is an october 1 deadline to replace u.s. letter cards with new ones embedded with security chip's. -- witha k security chips. presidential candidate hillary clinton laid down a plan to address u.s. student loan debt. she spoke to reporters about the proposal and the 2016
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race. hillary clinton: welcome to exeter. i want to say my thoughts are once again with the people of ferguson as they mark this painful anniversary. and in light of the continuing violence that we saw last night, violence has no place in our streets. and we should all be working for peace and justice as their and everywhere in our country. i would like to make two quick points and take your questions. first, in announcing my plan to put college within reach for everyone, the new college compact, i am emphasizing the 2 parts. no family and no student should have to borrow to pay tuition at a public college or university and everyone who has student debt should be able to refinance it at lower rates, costs not a barrier, and that will not hold you back under my plan.
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i wanted to make this announcement in new hampshire because students carry one of the highest debt burdens, nearly $33,000 for average graduates all four-year colleges but much -- of four-year colleges but much more as we heard from the last young man i called on. the cost of community college here is nearly twice what is paid next door in maine. the house and senate is working to reverse the dramatic decline in state investment in higher education that they shifted the cost of students at families but is only the beginning of what needs to be done and the federal government has to be a partner in moving this compact forward. i am looking forward to discussing this further tomorrow and next week in iowa. second, i want to add my voice to those who've expressed outrage and disappointment about the decision last week by the executive council to cut off funding for planned parenthood in new hampshire.
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it is appalling that three men sitting in the chambers of the council would deny women across the state the health care they need and deserve. it shows yet again why we need more leaders like governor hassan and senator shaheen who will stand up for women. and just how out of touch and out of date republican leaders are. this is what we saw at the debate on thursday. none of the candidates offer solutions for how to make college affordable or raise incomes for hard-working families. they do not talk about the real pressures facing american families. while what donald trump said about megyn kelly is outrageous, what the rest of the republicans are saying about all women is also outrageous. they brag about slashing women's health care funding and say they would force women who have been raped to carry their rapists'
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child and we do not hear any of them talking about raising the minimum wage, access to quality child care, equal pay for women, or anything else that will help to give women a chance to get ahead. megyn kelly is a strong woman and more than capable of defending herself against donald trump. i am worried about the republican policies would do to the rest of america women and i will speak out about that today and through the rest of this campaign and in the white house. with that -- >> [indiscernible] >> i am good. how are you? >> [indiscernible]
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hillary clinton: i am looking forward to debating first of my friends and colleagues on the democratic side and then finally have a chance to debate the republicans about what ever their nominee has to say. i will show up for the debates as they are scheduled and i look forward to having a robust, good opportunity to exchange views with my fellow candidates. >> [indiscernible] hillary clinton: and -- i am not going to get into scheduling. i will just show up. when i am told, i will show up and looking forward to it. >> [indiscernible]
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hillary clinton: i will leave my comments where they are. i thought what he said was offensive and i certainly think that it deserves the kind of reaction it is getting from so many others. if we focus on that, we are making a mistake. what a lot of the men on that stage and debate said was offensive. i want people to understand if you just focus on maybe the biggest showman on the stage, you lose the thread here. the thread is the republicans are putting forth some very radical and offensive positions when it comes to women's lives, women's reproductive health, women's employment, women's opportunity. we will let the republicans go back and forth with each other. i want to point out there is not that much difference in the policies they are having for
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american women. >> [indiscernible] hillary clinton: i consider him a friend. we were colleagues in the senate. i have the highest regard and affection for him. i spoke to him at his son's funeral. we should all just let the vice president the west has family -- let the vice president be with his family and make whatever decision he believes is right for him. and i will respect whatever it is. >> [indiscernible] how did it differ from any of the other candidates? in either party?
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[indiscernible] well, theinton: republicans get to choose their nominee and they get to make that decision. when one of their major candidates, a much younger man, the senator from florida said there should be no exception for rape and incest, that is as troubling as you can hear from a major candidate running for the presidency. the language may be more colorful and offensive but the thinking and the attitude toward women is very much the same. it is delivered in a different package. i do not want people to be confused here about outrageous comments by one and say we're focused on this and going to let rape and incest go on a
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mentioned. i am not going to let that happen. >> [indiscernible] hillary clinton: i said it was offensive and outrageous, and i stand by it. more people should say the same. more people should go after him. the republican party will have to deal with him. i want to remind us that what they say about women, not a one woman was perfectly capable and incredibly impressive able to take care of herself, but all of these women that i have fought for and worked for instead of for and advocated for and want
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to be a president for who may not have the opportunity to defend themselves. who may lose the right to exercise a personal choice. it is certain if the republicans were to be successful. i do not want that forgotten. yes, it makes a great tv. the guy went way overboard. but what marco rubio said has as much of an impact in terms of where the republican party is today as anybody else on that stage. it is deeply troubling and should be to the press and not just to those of us who have been doing the work for so long. >> [indiscernible] hillary clinton: [laughter] it is entertainment. it is all entertainment. i think he is having the time of
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his life being off on the state stage,g up on that saying whatever he wants and getting people excited for and against him. >> [indiscernible] hillary clinton: i do not know him that well. i knew him. i happen to be planning to be in florida at it would be fun to go to his wedding because it is always entertaining. now that he is running for president, it is more troubling. >> i think one more -- >> [indiscernible] hillary clinton: not at all. i was proud to be endorsed by the american federation of teachers. i have been proud to work with her nurses for many, many years on health care and better treatment for nurses. i am a strong advocate for nurses and i look forward to working with them when i am president.
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>> [indiscernible] hillary clinton: nick is the man. i have to let nick does what he -- do what he does. that is his job. ok, guys. [laughter] oh, really? what does donald trump have to say about college affordability? >> [indiscernible] hillary clinton: yes, yes. right. >> [indiscernible] hillary clinton: first of all, that is why you have a campaign. it will be at the center of my campaign. i hope people running for congress will latch on to it. i want to get more democrats
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elected and that would be a big help. i also want to make it clear that what i am advocating as what president obama advocated goes back to what president reagan. the status under president reagan. i wanted them to have to answer to the american people why they do not want to make college more affordable. this has to be a choice. what we're doing is setting up our side of the choice and a proposal i am making and i am going to be looking to see what their responses and let's have an election. an election about real choices that will affect people's lives. that is what i am interested in. and once i get to the white house, i will do what i have always done and i work across the aisle with senators and republicans. i will work very, very hard to put together the votes needed to get this past. -- this passed.
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i think it will be huge constituency for it. what? >> [indiscernible] hillary clinton: we are in the middle of the election. i do not know if we will hear it yet. some of what republicans are trying to do is very connected to my plan. if you look at what senator alexander has been advocating, i've been looking for ideas for republicans as well as democrats. that is what i get thoughts -- that is where i get thoughts about risksharing. if you pretend to educate people and they're not employable, you have to pay a price for it. senator alexander, i think he and i would have a great conversation about it. he has to do what he has to between now and the election. there will be an opportunity to work together. thank you all. [indiscernible]
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[applause] >> hillary clinton on the plan to address student loan debt which includes refinancing options. she spoke at exeter high school in new hampshire. [laughter] [applause] rep. simpson: hello. good afternoon. this is very exciting for all of us. i hate to slow your applause. hello. it is good to have all of you here. thank you for coming out to exeter high school. my name is alexis simpson and i'm a state representative from here in exeter. [applause]
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rep. simpson: it's my pleasure to welcome all of you to our home exeter and i will ask you, if you are able to rise and we will say the pledge of allegiance together. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. rep. simpson: please be seated. before we continue with today's townhall -- i already said of that. we are particularly glad to welcome secretary clinton back to our community today. to discuss her college compact.
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college affordability is an issue that impacts new hampshire and its families in profound ways. new hampshire has one of the highest levels of student debt in the country. our stews graduate with on average $33,000 and student loan debt. as i said earlier i am a state representative but i am also a mom to 2 the young boys here in exeter. as a legislator, i've been examining this issue and working with the problem. as a parent it is frightening to me. i just finished paying off my own student loans. [applause] rep. simpson: that is worth a little clap. when that time comes for my boys to go to college, they go face
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the prospect of thousands of dollars of debt before they receive their diploma. hillary understands this is a problem that requires true leadership. that is why she and her top policy advisers have made college affordability, and solving the student debt crisis a priority. , she is here today to talk to you, families of the granite state, fulfill this particular -- who feel this particular economic issue acutely. she has a plan to topple the cost of higher education. and help reduce the burden of debt on our students. hillary clinton wants to be the champion that families like mine , and many of yours, need in order to get ahead and stay ahead. [applause] rep. simpson: before we hear from secretary clinton herself, dan torrey in the midst of the
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struggle to pay down his student loans will speak. let us welcome dan to the platform. [applause] dan: hey, everybody. i hope you are excited. i am excited to be here. my name is dan and i'm a student at the university of new hampshire and i will be a senior. i studied political science there. i come from a humble background. my dad owns a small business owner and has been successful. my mom is in an accountant. she worked her way up from entering to the head of her department. they are hard-working and intelligent people. we have a problem. our problem is that me and my sister, it will be a struggle to pay for education. i am working three jobs my summer to pay debt and help my family because we work as a team for the problems we have in our house. we can barely afford it now and
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it will be a struggle when my sister has to go to school. we are really excited that a lot of the candidates this time around, hillary seems like she will do the most for us and -- in trying to fight student loan costs. and one of the things i've been doing this summer that it does not -- does not come easy i think is dedicating a lot of my time, any spare time, to volunteering for the campaign. [applause] dan: fighting for every day to help solve issues for my family , because i am not content with the status quo we have now and i will prices to go down. not just for my family, but for everyone. please help me in welcoming the , next president of the united states, hillary clinton. [applause] hillary clinton: oh, wow. thank you, all so much. [applause]
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hillary clinton: thank you. thank you so much. i thought dan did a great job. [applause] hillary clinton: thank you for speaking for so many other young people like yourselves more hard-working and dedicated and deserve to go as far as the that ambition and effort of yours will take you. we will do everything we can to make it easier for you, your family, your sister, and the other young people here in new hampshire. let me thank representative alexis simpson for her introductory remarks. [applause] hillary clinton: i loved it when she said i am a state representative, a mom with 2 boys, and i just paid off my student loan. i know that is true for so many young couples and families. and we want people to be able to fulfill their responsibilities but we do not want it to be so
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hard that the debt they carry interferes with them able to start a small business or buy a home or get married which , unfortunately, is the case today. i wanted to recognize state rep patty lovejoy. will you stand up? thank you for being here. [applause] hillary clinton: and executive counselor collin ostern. where is collin? he works on behalf of the issues. great to be back in exeter and to be at this extraordinary high school. i have been traveling all over new hampshire from dover to nashua to window and people -- two glen to windham, and people everywhere ask great questions. i think it is partly because you live and the first primary state. and one of the questions they
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ask me all the time is about affording college and being able to pay back the loans they take out in order to go to college. now, this election is about the choices we make as a country. and those choices will shape our future for our children and our grandchildren. i have always believed in america, if you work hard and do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. that is the basic bargain that is always set our country apart. -- that has always set our country apart. i want to make sure we strengthen that bargain and it holds true for the next generation and the next and the next. thanks to the hard work of people across america, our country has come back from the worst recession of our lifetimes. we are standing again but we are , not running the way we should. corporate pockets are near death -- corporate profits are near
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but most paychecks have barely budged. costs for basically everything have also gone up. as they are rising faster than wages. no wonder then many americans feel the deck is stacked in favor of those at the top. we have got to do better and we have to get income rises again so more hard-working families can afford a middle-class life. that is the central economic challenge of our time and it will be my mission every day that i serve as president. we need strong growth. [applause] hillary clinton: we need strong growth, fair growth, long-term growth and we want a new era of prosperity that is shared by all.
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that works for everyone. today, i want to talk about one of the most important ways we can ease the burden on families. and one of the single biggest ways we can actually raise income. by making college affordable and available to every american. [applause] hillary clinton: for millions of americans, a college degree has been the ticket to a better life. my grandfather worked his entire life and the lace mills. -- in the lace mills. he started as a teenager and he retired at 65. he always believed by working that hard, all of those hours , that life would be better for his children. and my dad made it to college, made it to penn state. made it to the football team back in the 1930's.
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and then when he got out, he was able to start his own small business. he worked really hard. he scrimped and saved and it made a huge difference in our lives. then my parents saved for years for college. they knew that would be one of the ways they could set to me on a path to a better future. college still holds that promise. a lot has changed in this country but that hasn't. parents who never had the chance to go to college themselves like my mother dream of seeing their children get that degree literally from the moment they are born. that is what they are hoping for. that is why they emphasize the importance of education. high schoolers, even middle schoolers, are taking college
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prep course and some are studying for the sat. full-time workers are taking courses online, even if that means heading straight from an eight-hour shift to a pile of homework. if that's what it takes to get a better job to give their kids better than they had, then they will do it. but here's the problem. states are slashing education budgets. and colleges keep raising prices. in-state tuition and fees for public colleges increased by 42% between 2004 and 2014. who's incomes were raised by 42%? so families are left facing a painful choice. either you say, "we just can't afford it," and pass up on all the opportunities that a degree offers, or you do whatever it
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takes to pay for it, even if that means going deeply into debt. now, for most people, the return on investment of a college degree is still worth it. i want to emphasize that. on average, people with four-year degrees earn over half a million dollars more over their careers than people with high school degrees. but student debt is increasingly holds people back. 40 million americans have student loans. together, they owe $1.2 trillion. new hampshire students carry one of the highest debt loads in the country. millions of americans are delinquent or in default. even if they do everything they can, they just can't keep up. i was talking to some young people before i came out and one was saying, it is a real
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stretch. i hope i never get sick. i hope i do not get a laid off. i hope there is not a family emergency. yes, people are doing everything possible to pay those loans but sometimes life and fate intervene. the cost of this debt is real and not just on balance sheets, but in people's lives and futures. when i talk to young people, they say they put off buying a house or changing jobs, or starting a business. thet one young woman in back who has a great job in massachusetts, but she cannot afford to live there, so she commutes 2 hours and lives with her parents. she cannot make it work to have the job, started off her career and paying back her dad. i've met parents and grandparents who've co-signed loans and end up draining their savings or ruining their credit
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, because they tried to help the next generation. there are students who take out loans to pay for an expensive degree from a for-profit institution, only to find little support once they actually enroll, or they graduate and when it comes to getting the job they were promised, their degree is not worth what they thought. then there are the students that start college but never finish. they are left with debt and no degree to show for it. the worst of both worlds. over 40% of college students still haven't graduated after six years and many never do. it's time to show some tough love to colleges and universities that let significant numbers of students fall behind and drop out, year after year. here's the bottom line --
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