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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  August 22, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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i said it was 9:30 in the morning. she said, go to work. i'm not going to work today. she said, christopher, it is a workday. go to work. i said mom, what are you afraid of not getting your taxpayers money possible worth? stop. i decided to take the day off, i'm taking the day off. she said to me, christopher, go to work. it is where you belong and there is nothing left unsaid between us. other than the birth of our four children, it was the most powerful moment of my life, because my mother was giving me permission to let her go. what i thought at that moment, when i was sitting there, was that she was right. i hate to admit it, but she was right.
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the way she taught us to be our whole lives. there were no deathbed confessions. every grievance had been aired, every problem had been talked about. most importantly, i knew that she loved me, and she knew that i loved her. there was nothing else left to say. so i got up, i kissed her on the forehead and i said ok mom, i'm going to work. she said, good boy. and i left. that afternoon, she went into a coma, and three days later she died. it was literally last conversation i had with my mother. i had no regrets about it, not at all because she lived her life and taught me to live my life in a way that ended for her in the right way. in a place of peace. so, as one of the most psychoanalyzed politicians in america -- like when i said get the hell off the beach or sit down and shut up.
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people ask why does he say those things? you now know, it is her. [laughter] [applause] it's her. you know now. she taught me to be that way. and i know that if she were still alive today to see this, to see this circus that my life has become with the signs in the lights, and the cameras, i know she would have lots to say. the first thing she would say was, so, you're running for president of the united states, mr. big shot. [laughter] i changed your diapers, i know who you are. don't get too big for me. my mother would want me to keep my head on my shoulders. she would want me to be the person she raised me to be. the second and she would say to me is that if you are going to do this and ask people for their vote, this is the most precious they can give to anyone outside of their family.
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their vote for president of united states. if you are going to ask them for that, you had better tell them everything. you had better tell the what you think and what you feel, what you are going to do and not going to do. in a trusting relationship, that is what we do. we do not hold back. this campaign and the slogan is a tribute to her. if she were here that is what she would want me to be. and i have to make sure that i keep faith with that. that is who i am. and you need to know that. here are the four things i need to promise you. all of the rest of them are a ideas on a website. you will to help me with them. these are within my control. i promise i will do if i am president. first, you will never have to wonder what i am thinking. i will tell you.
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[laughter] [applause] second, you're never going to have to wonder what i'm feeling. i'm going to show you. third, you will never have to wonder what i am willing to fight for because i will fight for it. fourth, you will never have to wonder how hard i'm willing to fight for it because you will be able to see it with your own two eyes. beyond that, all i can tell you is i will try my best, the same way i tried my best as governor of new jersey, attorney in new jersey, as a husband and father. every day i will do my best. , those four things you can take to the bank because that is the person my mother made me. all of us have all kinds of things that influence our lives but in the end, we can't kid ourselves. the two most important people in our lives are mother and our father. they form more of us than anything else in the world. we have to get back to respecting that in america and acknowledging it and living that every day because the strength
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in the core of our country comes from god and our families. if we had a greater respect for god and our families first, i think a lot of these other problems will fix themselves. we are ready to go everybody. we're ready to win this election. thanks for coming tonight. make the country a better place. [applause] ♪ >> thank you for your question, too. gov. christie: thank you for coming. thank you for your question. thank you, sir. we can move it back to the other direction. where are you from?
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>> madison. governor christie: thank you. of course. where? that is the same size as our town. thank you for coming. great to meet you. thank you. of course you can, my pleasure.
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[indiscernible] >> they said that gravity is the
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center of the universe. governor christie: there you go. [laughter] >> i admire you. governor christie: thank you. so much. happy to be here. thank you. way to go. ma'am, how are you? thank you very much for coming. >> thank you. my compliments.
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he is a big fan. thank you, sir. governor christie: thank you. [indiscernible] >> thank you, again. >> i was in the back. it was awesome. [indiscernible] governor christie: thank you. thank you for coming.
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>> great job tonight. governor christie: we will keep at it. >> let's make it happen. >> i followed you a long time. governor christie: thank you.
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that would not be a bad thing. good luck to you. i hope to see you soon. we have to make sure we get one of those. thank you, very much. >> these are my children. tegan and fiona. we are showing them the political process. governor christie: thank you for coming in spending time tonight. >> they both watched the debate tonight. i was wondering if i can get a picture? absolutely.istie: go ahead. turn this way. can you say president? >> thank you very much. i liked what you said about your mother. i might use that with my kids. governor christie: thank you.
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that is not a bad thing. thank you for coming and spending the time tonight. >> this is my mother-in-law and my mother. governor christie: great to meet you both. i understand. you guys come back. >> you are so real. thank you. i want to see you in a debate with hillary. governor christie: me too. thank you. you will want to see me on the other side of the stage. >> i am working on it. governor christie: my dad is a giants fan. i understand that problem. work through it. [laughter] my father has been able to.
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enjoy tonight. >> thank you for coming. governor christie: how are you? >> we are caught in the middle, we pay all of this money, i am a social work student, so we sit in class and talk about social security and how it is great and everything. are we going to see it? governor christie: yes. >> thank you so much. >> shake your hand. governor christie: you bet i will. >> happy to have you. it has been good.
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gov. christie: feeling good. >> nice to meet you, governor, i am glad you came to our state. governor christie: thank you very much. 3 -- alright? >> i love what you said. about your mother. governor christie: i loved my mother. you got it. thanks for coming.
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>> the mets are 4.5 games ahead. governor christie: they are looking good. >> governor, welcome to new hampshire. governor christie: great. thank you for coming. >> it goes to the senate. sure, anytime. governor christie: thank you. i will be back up monday. any question you have, i am happy to answer. i am proud of my record. ok? >> appreciate the time. governor christie: thank you so much. >> you are more than welcome.
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i would love to have you in for dinner when you're up. by all means. absolutely. >> here we go. >> thank you for being here. absolutely. >> i have never voted for somebody for president that i haven't met. gov. christie: don't start now. good. [laughter] i have an inside track. accountability. you do not need to throw money at the problem. governor christie: absolutely. thank you so much.
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i look forward to achieving great things. >> thank you so much for coming. i am a registered democrat, but i love your message. governor christie: thank you very much. >> you are sincere, knowledgeable, you are very -- i liked how you addressed the question about congressional term limits. i think that the career politicians in washington make every issue about getting reelected instead of what the people really want. gov. christie: i am totally for it and i just don't understand why they think they are indispensable. i think they are not. none of us are.
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if we get rid of the president after eight years, there is no reason they should stay longer than 12. they should be able to get it done with that. >> i think eight years would be reasonable. gov. christie: so do i, by the way. i mean, the reason i picked 12 is that it is divisible by both sides. so i think that way everybody has the same rules. 12 years will be fine. i think it is important i think. it hurts our country. it was designed to be a citizen legislature where you serve for a period of time and go back home. that is how it should be. >> i agree. gov. christie: thanks for taking the time to listen and hang around afterwards. >> i am from connecticut. >> your mother was right, go to
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work. governor christie: she was rig ht. how are we doing, brother? either way, it will be fun. my father graduated from new boston when they had a high school, 14 people in the class. governor christie: what a great setting. >> i think i got a few bug bites. gov. christie: the long sleeves help. who is next? >> the primary is in september. >> keep working hard until then.
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and thank you for staying here. gov. christie: i remind him of that. yes i did. >> on the next washington journal, the director of the georgetown university on education in the workforce talks about the center report for good , high-paying jobs available. and the effect on recent and soon-to-be college graduates. and we have a member of the israel project discussing the nuclear deal with iran. and the author of a book on the untold story of women soldiers on the battlefield looks at the future role women may have in combat operations.
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as always, we take your calls. you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. washington journal live at 7 a.m. eastern on c-span. >> this sunday night, 20-year-old college student kirk dion has been visiting the graves of u.s. presidents and vice presidents since he was nine. he has documented them on his website. he talks about those visits and his interest in american history. >> the one great site that everybody has trouble eating to is the rockefeller gravesite. >> yes, nelson rockefeller. >> how do you do it? >> my father describes it as an act of god. my father walked around the perimeter and saw it again to three had fallen across the fence. he went in and saw nelson rockefeller's grave.
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he said he would have to give me quickly there after that. >> sunday night at eight eastern and pacific. in his weekly address, president obama discusses the 2016 budget process. senator john thune has the republican response. he highlights what the congress has accomplished over the past eight months. president barack obama: hi, everybody. seven years after the worst economic crisis in generations, our economy continues to grow and create jobs. in fact, our businesses have created 13 million new jobs over the past five and a half years. but if we want to keep this momentum going, to make sure that working families feel like their hard work is being rewarded with a basic sense of security, then we all need to do our part. that's why my administration has been partnering with states and cities to help grow the middle class. over the past few years, nearly 20 cities and counties have
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implemented paid sick days. six states have enacted paid sick days or paid family leave. 17 states, and more than two dozen cities and counties, have raised their minimum wage. all of this will help working families. and across the country, folks are proving that preparing all our kids for the future doesn't have to be a partisan issue. seattle, a city with a democratic mayor, just passed universal pre-k, while indianapolis, a city with a republican mayor, is starting citywide preschool scholarships. all told, 34 states have increased funding for preschool. and that's good for all of us. now, we need congress to do its part to boost the economy, as well. unfortunately, congress left town for five full weeks, and they left behind a stack of unfinished business. for the first time ever, congress failed to reauthorize the export-import bank. that left thousands of business owners and their employees at a serious disadvantage, compared
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to their competitors overseas. that's not good for jobs. it's not good for our economy. when it returns from recess, reauthorizing the bank ought to be a top agenda for members of congress. congress also hasn't passed a budget. and when they return from vacation, they'll only have a few weeks to do so, or shut down the government for the second time in two years. they've had all year to do this. months ago, i put forward a detailed plan to strengthen our economy and our national security in a fiscally responsible way. and for months, i've said i will veto any budget that locks in the sequester - those senseless cuts to domestic and national security priorities. remember, we can't cut our way to prosperity. we should be investing in things that help our economy grow today and tomorrow, like education or infrastructure or scientific research. democrats in congress have made it clear they're ready to sit down and work with republicans to find common ground on this.
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after all, americans expect congress to help keep our country strong and growing - not threaten to shut down our government. when congress gets back, they should prevent a shutdown, pass a responsible budget, and prove that this is a country that looks forward - a country that invests in our future, and keeps our economy growing for all americans. thanks, everybody and have a great weekend. senator johnson: i am from the great state of south dakota. when republicans were campaigning, we made a promise to the american people. if we were elected majority, we would get washington working again. that was on slogan, that was a commitment. we have been working hard to deliver on the promise ever sense. this has been some of the most productive weeks in recent memory. in the senate, we built a track record of success that delivered real results for the american people. one thing we were determined to do is pass a balanced budget.
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it is hard to believe, but the last time that the house and senate -- hi, i am senator john thune from the great state of south dakota. if we were elected to the majority, we would get washington working again. that was on a campaign slogan. that was a commitment. and we have been working hard to deliver on the promise ever since. the first eight months of 2015 have been the most productive in recent memory. in the senate, we built a track record of success with bill after bill to deliver real results for the american people. one thing we were determined to do was pass a balanced budget. it is hard to believe, but the last time the house and senate passed a resolution, facebook had not been created yet. that was something republicans were determined to change. every american family have to balance its budget. and americans have the right to respect the government will do the same. this spring, we passed the first resolution since 2001. and we did it without raising taxes. in addition to a balanced
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budget, another priority is expanding opportunities for american workers. hasobama administration sided over the worst economic recovery in 70 years. arehard-working families left with little access to better paying jobs. that is not the way to be america. in june, the house and senate passed a trade bill that would create more good paying jobs for american workers and help american farmers, ranchers, and small business owners sell around the globe. the transportation bill the senate passed last month when also help. supporting importing construction projects. the economy in my home state of south dakota, where i am today, strong heavily on a presentation system. and the bill we passed would give local governments the resources they need to improve our highways, roads, and bridges. another important bill was the every child achieves act.
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a major education reform bill that would help get bureaucrats out of the way about children's success. this would end federal mandates that have ended up teaching to the test. and restoring education to those who know students best -- students, teachers, school boards. is protectingty our nation' of seniors. we passed the first real entitlement form in a decade. the bill we passed extends medicare, protects access, and provides significant savings over the long term. we also took action this year to provide mental health resources to veterans. have sacrificed so much for our country. finally, we remain committed to the safety and security of our nation. earlier this year, the congress passed legislation to ensure that the american people would have a voice in any nuclear agreement with iran. the importance of this legislation became apparent last
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month, when the obama administration agreed to a flawed deal with iran. it would bolster their activity and terrorism. and increase access to weapons and missiles and a vast nuclear research. without the legislation, there would be no chance for the onrican people to weigh in one the most important national security issues facing our country. eight months into the republican-led congress, we are changing the way watching it operates. we have brought democrats and republicans together to solve challenges, and we have been able to put forward real solutions as result. in all, we passed more than 80 bills to grow our economy, protect the citizenry, and reform the government. and we are just getting started. we have a company a lot over the last eight months. but we know we have a lot more work to do. and we have a president who is fighting us every step of the way. 114th congress continues, we will keep fighting for
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priorities. working to give the american people the efficient, effective, and accountable government they deserve. the communicators is a next with marc tayer. then a look at how the debate over immigration is playing out in the 2016 presidential race. iowa state fair with presidential candidates chris christie and bobby jindal. host: it is the 25th anniversary of the concept of digital tv, and one of those who was in the trenches to develop it is marc tayer. he is the author of a new


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