tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN August 27, 2015 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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underserved. turning to consumer protection. i know this is often an issue that is treated from the perspective of regulators only. i certainly believe that has the functionality to the people who have the regulators have a very but i would like to talk about something that they gsma is doing in this state. in november of last year, they launched the code of conduct. and it was endorsed by all the major mobile network operator groups that were providing mobile money services. so when you think about vodafone, orange, although of them have endorsed this initiative. -- all of them have endorsed this initiative. the code of conduct itself is a set of eight high-level principles of which several of them are specifically focused on protection of consumers. the first issue is in regards to safeguarding customer funds. the last three issues are all very consumer protection specific. focusing on disclosure,
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transparency with respect to fees, terms, and conditions, teaching people how to use financial services safely. i think that is one of the things that we are focusing on in the code of conduct. dispute resolution is another issue that we address and the code of conduct. and another issue is data privacy. how do we ensure the customers understand how their data is used and how do we ensure that mobile money providers get the consent of users before they use their data, their personal information? so this is an industry led effort that complements and doesn't substitute for initiatives in particular countries, but i think it is a very important initiative and it was a very promising sign that all the major money groups are -- have endorsed this. and have committed to improving their consumer protection practices. mr. donnan: loretta, do you want to jump in on this deco you are mentioning in your opening --
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this? you are mentioning in your opening remarks the fdic's interest in this. ms. michaels: absolutely. with the advent of new types of players, there needs to be a new look at how those players are operating and how their funds are protected, etc. the one i mentioned earlier was the issue of deposit insurance for digital payment providers. and that is one of many areas that regulators from basel on down are looking at these issues. and then as jerry said, there is the whole aspect of what is the service provider required for in terms of fee transparency, recourse, easier ability to reverse a transaction, and that sort of thing. and these are all areas that the gsma and others are looking at very closely.
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in this era of digital transactions that happened immediately, you need a pretty quick recourse. part of that involves customer education and how much of that is the responsibility of the service provider versus the individual and the schools etc.. it's a question that a lot of folks are leading the way of looking at. this is no clear-cut -- the new answer, and that's it. it's going to involve as technology evolves. mr. donnan: i promised i would colony later. >> thank you. my question -- i have two questions. i will begin with a comment. of thetlook reminds me micro financing my cologne that happened several years ago.
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very similar how looks. 11 people are very excited -- a lot of people are very excited. my first question is how our banks making money out of this? accounts that are dormant are still providing service. what is their own incentive is a private sector to expand into this pyramid of communities in developing countries and in emerging markets. the second one is, when you have such positive outlooks and a lot of profit to be made, usually you have offshoots. especially nowadays when you have the opportunity to be more of an entrepreneur, you have more technology to kind of create a banking payment and especially when you go into communities when people don't trust her and create all of this, they are going to start using your services. so the question with that is, what advice would you give to
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policy makers and regulators, keeping in mind this is not necessarily the capacity of implementation, but what advice would you give them concerning offshoots that could potentially harm communities instead of help them in emerging markets? thank you. mr. donnan: ok. right next door? >> thank you. i am a lawyer and consultant to the imf and will bank on policy and legal reform. starting with the 30,000 foot view, the biggest problem of development is governance. and probably one of the two biggest challenges in governance is corruption. and most of the resulting countries are pretty corrupt. are any of your organizations doing any work in the scope of digital payment for combating corruption? it seems when you have indelible records, you can trace payments. that could go a long ways. are any of your institutions focusing on this?
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thank you. >> -- financial inclusion -- [indiscernible] and all the way in the back, we had two questions are there. or was it just one? >> john nelson. i am also the chairman of the national disabilities institute. i want to talk about -- ask about people with disabilities included in the data. i don't see any references that all that people with disabilities are disproportionately not banked or under banked. and both the fdic and -- have recently released some data about the situation. i wondered if anybody could speak to it, and specifically loretta about domestic activities about people with disabilities being unbanked or under banked? mr. donnan: ok. was there another question back there? will come back to in the next round.
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let's quickly run through those -- should we start with corruption? loretta, you want to start with that? ms. michaels: [laughter] well, i mean, i suppose you will be a better responder for this, but absolutely, with their ability to be traced -- just completely changes the game for corruption. i mean, one of the early projects that i worked on was in afghanistan, helping to set up a mobile money payment system for the afghan national police. because they were getting, you know, shipped out in cash -- payments shipped out in cash. and of course, easily one third to one half of their salaries were ending up in the pockets of their commanders. so to suddenly be getting this full amount via their mobile money account was a complete
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shock to the soldiers. not to mention their commanders. that was a bit of a problem. so, without a doubt, you know, the services go a long ways in addressing issues of corruption. also in reducing ghost accounts. whether those be salary accounts or subsidy accounts. but, you know, like everything, i mean, yes, these new technologies go a long way in addressing these problems. fixing the problems, or at least providing a means to fix them. but all innovations, you know, make their own way. there are people, border guards in kenya, demanding their pay via -- [indiscernible] so people will rise to the level of innovation however they can at the moment. that is just the way it is.
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mr. wald: yes, i can concur that a lot of governments are interested in digitizing payments as a means to eliminate corruption. i think one of the most interesting benefits, not only sort of at the macro level for a government to see that they have been able to save $1 billion or $2 billion by digitizing payments is actually enhancing -- or improving the expense of individuals on a daily basis. if you are arrested or you are cited by a policeman and suddenly you don't have to pay them immediately on the spot but could actually than pay the -- your fine via digital means to the government directly, then that reduces the incentive for the policeman to ask you for the fine on the spot and put it in their pocket. the other issue is we have seen
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research done by the world bank and others is that as soon as you receive your payment directly to your account, you are not subject to request the bribe by the person managing your cash transfer. and so there is not a clerk would say, well i would give you your cash transfer if you give me a small percentage out of it because you get that directly into your account and you don't have to negotiate your way to get what you -- what you deserve. but also, the government doesn't see complaints anymore because the recipient did not receive the full amount they were due to. mr. donnan: leora, do you want to talk about inclusion and inclusion of people with disabilities? and also this micro-finance example. how do you make sure this helps communities rather than hurts them? ms. klapper: on the disabilities side, there is huge importance in the work and research we have been doing.
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it is of specific interest. unfortunately, at least with this data, the methodology is we add on the questions to the pre-existing surveys, which is relatively short and does not have robust enough questions on disability. we actually tried -- one sort of question, are you able to do physical activities of people your age should be able to do. but we simply don't have the data. but i certainly agree that that is important to explore. in terms of opportunities to make money, and also bring that question back to consumer protection questions, something that keeps coming up, often the first question is there is tremendous concern -- and some of my colleagues can talk about it -- mobile credit offerings. how people are going to make money off of this. this is certainly one way quick way where people get on their mobile phones, and all the have to do is click to get the credit and suddenly they are indebted.
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and people may not understand the terms and conditions. again, it goes back to just the general right of butter -- and also, i would even take your comment a step further. and encourage the authors to -- in the next round -- to explore in greater detail the consumer protection framework around particularly these new technologies and new products and just make sure, you know, we need both on the regulatory side understanding who is offering these products and how. and from the consumer side, to make sure there is transparency and disclosure and appropriate recourse in the case of trouble. mr. donnan: jerry or karen, do you want to jump in? ms. miller: i will jump in on the micro-finance and how we are
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starting to work with more and more types of players as we have discussed today. a perfect example of this is we started work a couple years ago with diamond bank in nigeria, i very large commercial bank. and they wanted -- they were interested in serving the 56 million unbanked nigerians, and they did have an interest in, oh, what does that mean for women clients? we never thought about women clients before. but in order for them to invest in that market, they required a two-year payback period so that whatever investment was made, they can make money in two years. standard procedure there. and they weren't sure this was going to happen with developing a savings product for an entirely new segment they hadn't worked in before.
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so, women's world banking brought in some philanthropic capital to invest in that upfront market research part and early product design, which then helped launch the savings product for diamond bank. and what has now happened is that now the product has been out for two years and it is a savings account that is opened up with a mobile phone, there is a field agent that goes into the open -- field agent by going to the open and markets, it takes a few minutes to open the account, and they have now seen through the behavior that this is a very viable market segment. so now diamond bank is investing millions of their own dollars and broadening the -- in broadening the value proposition for the unbanked segment in nigeria. commitment savings products, a youth savings value proposition, sometimes when we think about the ecosystem and the different players involved to make this
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work for all parties, we, you know, the donor community plays a critical role and the commercial bank plays that role. and in the end, the client is going to benefit. so i think it is a really exciting opportunity bringing all these different players together. mr. donnan: jerry, the last word? mr. grossman: just two quick comments. on combating corruption, one topic we have not discussed much today is small holder farmers. before i joined, i looked at this context and the topic of financial digital services in nigeria. and nigeria overhauled its fertilizer subsidy delivery program. and they digitized it and they found that they were able to get huge increases in the number of farmers who actually received fertilizer because they created a digital system that didn't eliminate corruption, but
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dramatically reduce the opportunities for corruption. so there are many different sectors beyond salary payments. there is a real opportunity there. quickly, on the issue of quick access to high-cost credit, i think that that is something we need to take a look at. it is an issue anywhere in the world. in the united states, access to payday loans is a very big issue. disclosurerency and over the entire year, if you roll it over over time. i think the transparency and disclosure are key. and i think these things need to be monitored so he makes of these benefits succeed the negative elements. mr. donnan: well, thank your very much. i think, unfortunately, we have run out of time. this is a huge and fascinating subject, we could spend the rest of the day discussing it. i'm sure the panelists will be
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here for a few minutes after the panel if you do have some questions. i'm sure they would be open to addressing them. but it is -- thank you very much for being with us. and you had some -- >> yes, i just want to thank sean. a great job of moderating the panel. and our speakers, we really appreciate all the insides you offered. -- insights you offered. we certainly appreciate that. anyone else who has suggestions in terms of our future reports, what we should be looking at, maybe things that we might have neglected in the first round, feel free to e-mail us. and we look forward to hearing your reaction. thank you very much for coming out. >> [applause] >> [indistinct chatter]
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>> florence harding once that that wasnly one hobby, warren harding. she was a significant force in her husband's presidency, and adept at handling the media, despite hardships, scandals, her husband's infidelity, his death in office, as well as her own poor health. she would help define the role of the modern first lady. florence harding, the sunday night 8:00 eastern on c-span's original series "first ladies, influence and image, examining the public and private lives of the women who fill the position of first lady, and their influence on the presidency. " 8:00 p.m. eastern on american history tv on c-span3.
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>> today, look at the economic applications of lifting sanctions against iran. panelists at the carnegie endowment for international peace consider a new world bank report on the subject. we have a life turning into a live starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern here on c-span. today, a former commerce department official on the u.s. role in the global economy. we are live from the heritage foundation 11:00 a.m. eastern here on c-span. the american bar association hosted the annual homeland conference today here in washington. immigration,e drones, preparedness, and balancing privacy with data security. see it lively: 30 8 a.m. eastern on c-span two.
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>> so thrilled and excited to be here, i want to thank c-span for covering this national book festival. how hugee camera shows the crowds were. i'm so excited. >> one thing to remember about exceptional presidents can't be said too often -- they are the exception. [laughter] coming, this is a wonderful event. it's been said that heaven is a library. if that is the case, we are in heaven at the national book festival. >> young people are not the leaders for tomorrow. some point, you will save yourself, i'm a youth leader for today. to show we have this red blue map. when you went and interviewed people, the divide was not a chasm. the divide was a little divide.
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political scientists were just in town. the idea that the country itself is as polarizes washington is just wrong. i don't know a single political scientists who believes that. >> i hope that all people will realize whatever they are done in life is something that ought to be recorded and passed on to the next generation. that's the way we learn. future byor the trying to understand the past. all of us have a past. >> you really only focused on taipan, even really talk about wallman. why did you do that? >> great question. he goes to the heart of all the questions we've been talking about to the point that we realized there was no way we could tell the whole story. we could be short of an encyclopedia over having a story read like the telephone book.
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of course, the telephone book is not a story. just a list. >> i think all opportunities are open for women now. i was in law school, i graduated in 1967. the 13 women in my class of 500. today, the law schools are 50-50. understanding is that he never liked people who put profit above the public good. his view were these parks and wilderness areas belong to the american people for generations unborn, they needed to be handed on as places to awaken the spirit. >> i made a career out of my love for books. to help spread the love, i helped to found the texas book festival, and then the national book festival. but while i love reading, i never thought i would write a book. certainly not want about myself. ways agoal is in some thee of urgency, to go to
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oldest people in our families and to find them and get the stories before it's too late. i've had a father and a daughter come up and who came together after hearing the talk and hearing about the book, the daughter said to the father, and taking you to the coffee shop now, you're going to tell me the story. 35 people looks back -- 35 million people related to their health care goals. as martin luther king said the universe bends slowly, but it bends toward justice. there are things wrong with the health care bill. they said that about the civil rights bill, which was also very flawed. the important thing is to pass it. once you pass it, it's easy to
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go back and fix it. i believe the narrative's true calling as to bring back the dead. i try to do that not only with the outside speakers you are familiar with, but also others who are less familiar, like generals ted roosevelt junior. >> at this stage in my life, don't think i can afford 10 years on millard fillmore or franklin pierce. there's no big person to go back to easily. so i'm bringing all my guys in the room of the same time. i'm going to write about leadership area is absolutely what i care about underneath it all. [applause] >> thank you. going to have questions called in from c-span, c-span1 now -- >> monday, the un security council held its first ever meeting on lgbt writes and attacks from isis.
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un'sambassador to the samantha power spoke to reporters briefly following the meeting, calling it a small but historic step. this is 15 minutes. ms. power: hello, everybody. , we juste to be here spoke to the first ever meeting of the security council on lgbt writes and issues. i would like to say a few words and then open it up for questions and feel free to direct your questions. it was a moving meeting. the attendance was excellent and cross regional. and -- the gentleman left people grouped and moved. gripped and moved. everyone has read about what isil and others are doing to
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lgbt people around the world. it's another thing entirely to hear personal testimony. while others spoke, including numbers of the security council and other member states, photos also were projected that doing towhat isil is lgbt persons, or those suspected of being lgbt. if ever anybody was tempted to drift away or have their attention elsewhere, the graphic gutwrenching photos of what is being done in the very real threat posed even as we sat in this meeting today in territory where isil is dominant. the last thing i would say is just that while some of the emphasis was on my soul particularly, given the testimony of the witnesses, there was widespread recognition among those who speak that this
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is not an issue by any means confined it to my soul. yes, it's true that isil has made it common practice, it seems, to target lgbt persons. but that is true also around the world, very far from where i so dominates. you have countries that have criminalized lgbt status. you have societies that are every bit as unwelcoming as they were 20, 30 years ago. communities in that regard. today's meeting is a sign that this issue is getting injected into the mainstream at the united nations area 70 years into the u.n.'s history, the last five years of scenes in very important milestones here at the united nations. of the stern, the head lgbt organization that briefed, is a member -- the leader of an
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organization that for very long time couldn't even get accredited to the united nations. other countries fought for that accreditation. had not not been achieved, she wouldn't have even been allowed into the meeting as an ngo. now, she is sharing systematic data and analysis of this phenomenon in this problem all around the world. we had never before five years ago had a resolution that evening knowledge to lgbt rights as human rights. the resolution was passed in 2011. there has been a second human rights council resolution. and a report that was just issued in june of this year documenting the fate of lgbt persons, the plight of lgbt persons around the world. we are getting this issue into the dna of the united nations. but until today, the security council had never broached this topic, and so today also represents a small but historic step.
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with that, i will open it up for questions. >> ambassador, how is the united states going to address this issue, especially in the middle east, in a more formative way within the united nation organization, especially within the security council? ms. power: today was an important step. it was an informal meeting. but in 70 years, no such meeting happened before. we heard most of the countries who spoke made a point of noting how important it was that this conversation continued. ngo's were present in the meeting, of course, would have also opened the meeting up to the press but for the issues of security related to one of our witnesses. taken the precaution was to keep television cameras and
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press out of the meeting. within the general assembly was in 2010, you may recall the general assembly passed a resolution in which sexual orientation was initially amended from the general assembly resolution banning extra judicial killings on a number of grounds. the general assembly voted to take out reference to sexual orientation, the united states mission and a number of other countries fought to get up and back in. as of now long ago. that was deemed one of the first successes of integrating this issue. i already mentioned the two resolutions that have been passed at the human rights council. we have to continue to create dedicated spaces and venues for conversations like the one we just had, raising awareness. lgbt people, those being persecuted, that the u.n. cares. the security council cares, the general assembly cares.
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at the member states of the united nations care. it's extremely important. but also, each of us is government has a responsibility to inject the treatment of lgbt persons into our bilateral relationships as well. i would note that i'm very proud to president obama back in 2011 issued a presidential memorandum giving direction to all agencies in the u.s. government to inject lgbt writes into our foreign policy. that means in terms of asylum and refugee adjudication, which we have an example of, is now being factored in in terms of who would gain asylum in this country. in terms of funding for human rights defenders, and those who might defend any individual who beingwhose status is criminalized in some way. rapid response so we can assist and provide material support again to those in need. and one of president obama's direction was inject this into
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our multilateral diplomacy, which is but we have been doing. we have to go, we know how long the road is. but i think if you look back as to where we were five or 10 years ago, already has been much more integrated, this lgbt core group that exists in new york expands in size every year. secretary and i both attended lgbt ministerial's of the u.n. general assembly last year and the year before, nothing like that he never happened before. making sure that the physical security but also the dignity of lgbt persons is very much a part of our agenda here. it's a big priority for the united states. >> on this issue of vietnam -- the islamic state attacks on lgbt, given that two members of the security council didn't show up today to this meeting, what more do you think the council can do on this particular issue? can you update us on the negotiations on the arms embargo
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draft? ms. power: on south sudan, i was a negotiations are ongoing. think,ore important, i to focus on the president and his government and ensuring that they sign on to an agreement that the entire world has rallied around. in terms of what else the security council can do, i think venues like this one are available to us. we have proven it can be done. we can secure widespread that witnesses are willing to come forward and tell their stories. we can look at venues like this one again. alsonk that publicizing the june report by the human rights council is extremely important. it's the first time the u.n. has really -- the second time the u.n. has documented the status for lgbtof the world
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persons. and so ensuring the security council members give that report and the welfare of those individuals lift and amplify that report is really important. when we're talking about a particular country, we often each of us talk about human or the crisis faced by women and girls in conflict. we to look and make sure our embassies in the united nations are looking to see how old you be to persons are being treated in particular conflict areas. isil is going to come up again in many, many security council meetings, rest assured. when it comes up, it's imperative that in addition to talking about the threat that i supposed to christians, to easy or anybodyhia, sunni that doesn't share the warped ideology to cultural artifacts of the kind that have been destroyed monstrously here in days, alongside
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that, it's essential that the fatal gb to persons also be raised and discussed. we will work with our counsel and partners and colleagues to ensure it isn't just the united states raising them. you can teach you lay -- you concede chili -- i think the turnout was quite strong in a statement or very strong from those who came. >> thank you. ofam ambassador, in terms actually getting isil to stop this, these horrible killings and attacks, it isn't the answer really to go after isil? what is actually being done to go after them, particularly in this area were we know what's happening in iraq. abouter if he could talk what was your reaction to your
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presentation? did you feel that you made a dense -- a dent? what was your message to these ambassadors? i'm glad you asked him a question, i think he is the most valuable person here to hear from on all these matters. on isil, of course, we are waging, along with 60 coalition , a sustained,ore multifaceted struggle to defeat this horrific organization. i don't think anybody thinks baghdadican convince to be less hateful and violence to lgbt persons or women or girls or religious minorities. they have to be defeated. that, of course, has a military component. i think it's very important that
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the arrangements that are being developed between the united states and the rest of the coalition in turkey are going to, i think, greatly enhance our effortsto blunt isil's and set them back. again, accelerate that process of degradation in northern syria. there are a lot of other components, many of which will be discussed at this coming general assembly. always, a great indication to check in on our progress to look at the gaps in the things we still need to make progress on. the other facets are every bit as important as the military. that's the foreign terrorist foreigng, the flows of terrorist fighters, and the need to ensure that the borders are sealed and the data is being shared across boundaries. we already have a session here in a long ago where secretary jeh johnson was in the chair for
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the united states, extremely important that interior ministries are speaking to one another, and again, enhancing ,heir efforts, public diplomacy isil's use of social media is having the many have commented on. people,ential that those who are stuck living under rifle or even those who were lured by the illusion that going to fight with isil would be a great romantic journey, that their stories are told about what life under captivity is like with isil. there are number of lines of effort, one of which is military. i think this general assembly, as the many of these lines of effort brought forward. something thatte is going to take time. but the degradation of something that we can accelerate every day and mobilizing the international community around it, this really is an issue for all of the divisions in the international system, that everyone can agree on at the state level.
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when you take advantage of that. >> thank you, ambassador. the message that i wanted to convey to the ambassadors there, in the chamber, is that lgbt represented inbe the u.n., and the government. we want to be integrated into the systems, and be part of the developments of the countries and its policies. i was hoping that my message will deliver that integration of not just to prove it lgbt is not just a terminology invented by an lgbt, but there is community in the middle east and africa. and they stand together, and they want their rights to. >> thank you. ms. power: thanks everybody.
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>> on today's washington journal, a look at volatility in world stock and commodities markets. our guest is marilyn g wax. of making mcintyre compassionate choices, and kelly buckland, of the national council on the independent living on physician-assisted suicide laws. jazeera's chair of al america's board of directors here to talk about the network's history, funding, and mission. live atton journal," is 7:00 eastern on c-span, you can join the conversation with your calls in your comments on facebook and twitter. >> today, former commerce department official on the u.s. role in the global economy. we are live from the heritage foundation 11:00 a.m. eastern here on c-span. >> thursday, book tv in primetime features interviews about books on economics.
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and eight at 5 p.m., coloring thebroke, deficit debt and crisis. grover norquist and his book. at 10:00 p.m., joseph stiglitz on the great divide. -- books about economics on book tv on c-span two. florence harding once said she only had one hobby, and that was warren harding. she was a significant force in her husband's presidency, and adept at handling the media, despite hardships, scandals, her husband's infidelity, his death in office, as well as her own poor health, she would help define the role of the modern first lady. florence harding the sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern. examining the public and private
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lives of the women who filled the position of first lady and their influence on the presidency. from martha washington to michelle obama. sundays at eight ago p.m. eastern on american history tv on c-span3. >> at a news conference in iowa, hillary clinton to questions about her personal e-mails, the possibility of vice president joe biden getting into the race, and the shooting death of two journalists in virginia. a,'s joined by a thom tillis who formally endorsed her candidacy. this is 15 minutes. >> i have been asked to open this up. i'm happy to do that. we appreciate hillary coming to iowa to this venue to underscore the importance of rural communities.
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what she outlined is a bold and comprehensive effort to revitalize and renew the economy important to this country. her strong support for the renewable fuel standard as well as the bio-based economy which has enormous potential for job creation is going to play well throughout the rural parts of the country. mrs. clinton: i want to reiterate my appreciation to tom for his endorsement and being here today, but for his leadership on many of the issues i spoke about. i remember coming here when you were governor and talking to you. you were talking to me about wind power and showing me the first windmills going up and how you had focused on the state government, and the businesses
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of iowa to see the economic opportunities as well as the clean renewable energy. leadership matters. leadership that produces results and that has a vision, and the follow to realize the vision. it is a great personal pleasure to be here with tom but it is a professional one because the leadership he provided on the issues i was talking about in my agenda. thank you very much. i think we are to take some questions. hello kathy. reporter: [inaudible] mrs. clinton: you are right. trade is essential for american
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agriculture. no place knows that better than iowa. in the overview that i gave, my proposal, i said that we need trade. we need trade that needs the three criteria i have laid out. protect american jobs, it grows the economy, and it advances our national security. that is why im focused on looking for how we make trade work for all aspects of our economy. i am well aware of how critical trade is for american agriculture. i will do everything i can to make sure regardless of what trade agreements we have, american farmers get a good shot at new markets and new opportunities. i think we will have some ways of doing that. in my longer description of
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these policies you can see more about what i mean. how are you joe? i have not seen you for a while. reporter: [inaudible] mrs. clinton: let me start by saying vice president biden is a friend of mine. we were colleagues in the senate. i worked with him as first lady. i worked with him in president obama's first term. i had a great deal of admiration and of action for him. i think he has to make what is a very difficult decision for himself and his family. he should have the space and the
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opportunity to decide what he wants to do. i'm going to be running for president regardless, and continuing to put forth my policies. i was proud to be a member of president obama's cabinet. i also have ideas where i want to go not just build on what was done but go beyond. i will be laying that out. i always thought this would be a competitive campaign. i don't think anybody should have not otherwise. i'm going to run as hard as i can to convince as many people as possible to support me and earn all the votes i can in the caucuses and primaries. i have seen no evidence of that but we would have to wait and see what happens if you decided to do it. i'm going to keep running my campaign and doing what i believe is necessary to make the case to the american people.
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reporter: [inaudible] mrs. clinton: i know people have raised questions about my e-mail use as secretary of state and understand why. i get it. here is what i want the american people to know. my use of personal e-mail was allowed by the state department. it clearly wasn't the best choice. i should have used to e-mails, one personal, one for work. i take responsibility for that decision. i want to be as transparent as possible, which is why i turned over 55,000 pages, why i turned over my server.
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why i have agreed to -- and been asking to -- to testify in october. i'm confident this process will prove i never sent nor received any e-mail that was marked classified area i'm going to keep talking about what the american people talk to me about. and to lay out my plans for what i would do as president to make the economy were, to make college affordable, to get the cost of drugs down, and get equal pay for women, and the issues that are at the core of the presidential campaign. reporter: have there been any communications between you -- filling you in at all? reporter: have there been any communications between you -- filling you in at all? mrs. clinton: i'm not going to
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answer that. i just want the vice president to decide to do what is right for him and his family. i don't think it is useful to be behind the scenes asking this or saying that. i just want him to reach whatever he thinks the right decision is. he has to do that. it has to be a really hard one. i was at his son's funeral. i cannot imagine the grief and the heartbreak. joe has had more terrible events than most people can even contemplate. losing his first wife, his first daughter. now losing his son.
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he has to do what he has to do. i'm going to continue with my campaign and do what i believe i should be doing. he will have to decide what he should be doing. reporter: [inaudible] because of your endorsement of secretary clinton, -- [inaudible] tom: i tried today to explain to my friends and my neighbors in iowa why i am here today and endorsing my friend, hillary clinton. it is a personal decision and it is one that i didn't hesitate to make in 2008 and don't hesitate to make today. i know what kind of person she is. i know what kind of leader she would be.
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she would be an incredible president. i love joe biden like we all do. he is a wonderful man. everything hillary clinton just said i would echo. this business is -- they call them campaigns for a reason. they are tough. they are hard. choices are difficult. but our friends and neighbors here need to know by think where i stand, where christie stands, and we stand behind hillary, and we will until the last dog dies. [laughter] [inaudible] tom: i did not time this endorsement. this is something secretary clinton and i talked about some time ago candidly. i was on vacation. hopefully you can see the proof
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of that. this is the opportunity. mrs. clinton: thank you. mrs. clinton: thank you. reporter: anything about the shooting? mrs. clinton: first of all. i was so stricken to think that these two young people doing the work that you guys do every day would be murdered on live television. and i will extend my condolences and sympathy to their families and sympathy to their families and coworkers, and pray for the woman who left -- last i checked was still in critical condition. we have to do something about gun violence in america.
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i will take it on. there are many people who face it and know it, but then turn away because it is hard. it is a political, difficult issue. i believe we are smart enough, compassionate enough to figure out how to balance the legitimate second amendment rights with preventive measures and control measures so that whatever motivated this murderer, who eventually took his own life, we will not see more death, needless, senseless death. i feel great heartache at what happened, and i want to reiterate how important it is we not let yet another terrible instance go by without trying to do something more to prevent
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this incredible killing that is stalking our country. we have so many instances of it but it happens every day, intentional, unintentional, murderers, suicides. it happens every day. if guns were not so readily available, if we had it universal background checks, if we could put some timeout between the person who is upset because he wears fire or the domestic of use, or whatever motivation may be working on someone who does this, maybe we could prevent this kind of
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carnage. i hope that in addition to expressing sympathy to those directly affected, maybe for the media, public, elected officials, what it hopefully will finally take for us to act. thanks. >> [indiscernible] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> florence harding had one hobby, warren harding. despite his death in office and her own poor health, she would define the role of the modern first lady. florence harding, this sunday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span's original series first ladies, influence and image, examining the public and private lives of the woman who filled the position of first lady. for more washington to michelle
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obama, sunday today to court p.m. eastern on american history tv on c-span3. >> american bar association hosted as annual homeland security conference today here in washington. topics include immigration, drones, preparedness, and balancing privacy with data security. see it live at 8:30 a.m. eastern on c-span two. >> thursday, book tv in primetime features afterwards interviews about books on economics. at 8:00 p.m., michael tanner on his book going for broke. at 9:00 p.m., americans for tax reform president grover norquist about his book, in the irs -- end of the irs before it ends us. at 10:00, joe for those of stiglitz interviewed on the great divide in equal societies and what we can do about them.
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book tv on c-span two. >> this sunday night on "q&a," brookings institute senior fellow talks about the u.s. is in counterinsurgency in state building efforts in afghanistan. >> the u.s. did achieve improvements in security, but nonetheless, how it's going to work depends on how it ends. ie reasons i hesitate and why increasingly interrogate myself in question myself, we don't know how this will end. things may collapse. it's also possible that three or five years down the road, we are back in a new civil war in afghanistan. isis is now slowly emerging in the country, terrifying prospect , much worse than the taliban. the taliban on is hardly defeated. we may end up five years down the roar -- five years down the
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road with new civil war and new safe havens for the taliban isis. i was a was not worth the price. at 8 p.m.night eastern and pacific on c-span's "q&a." "c-span,"day on "washington journal," is next. the invocations of lifting sanctions against iran. at 11:00, the heritage foundation with a discussion on the role of the u.s. in the global economy. at 5:00 p.m. eastern, president obama speaks from new orleans. coming up in 45 minutes, a look at volatility in world stock and commodities markets. our guest is marilyn g wax. with30, mickey mcintyre compassionate choices, and kelly bought one of the national council of independent living on
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physician-assisted suicide laws. later in 9:15 a.m., the chair of al jazeera's america board of directors here to talk about al jazeera's history, funding, and mission. during the attack that came on the same day that the colorado heatre shaot shooter was sentenced for his deadly attack and serves as a book end to a summer that began with the nine members of a bible study group in a charleston, south carolina church. morning on the "washington journal" we're opening up our thoughts on r your the violence. do you feel like it's getting wors
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