tv Washington Journal CSPAN August 30, 2015 9:30am-10:01am EDT
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and that is exactly what scientist predict will happen which is an increase in severe rainstorms and flooding in the upper midwest. there is already evident that occurring in these places. hearing froze over for the first time in a number of years because of severe cold. yes, but severe cultic, remember, we are on track for the warmest year ever in recorded history on planet y. in fact, july was the warmest july on record. again, planet y. parts of the country or other parts of the world may be having record cold here or there, but by and large, we are sitting from a record highs than we are record lows. according to nasa host:. nasa. host: welcome back to. guest: he gets to answer the question and i can only answer out, -- host: go ahead, please.
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guest: -- guest: are you in favor of controlling that? guest: i have been. the other thing is that we have had -- every time there is something warmer, it is due to climate change and when it is called the, its variability or natural variability in the system. or every adverse weather affect is due to climate change and nice weather -- who knows? no one talks about that. we had this approach were every bad thing in the world is exacerbated by co2 emissions. a colorless, odorless, non-toxic gas. ok, it is simply not credible. that is all. host: mary, to arthur waiting from pennsylvania. good morning. caller: good one. i went to know whatever happened to competition. i am looking at an imf report. says 5.3he imf report
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trillion in energy subsidies, handil is national michael up, possibly as received 5.3 trillion dollars in global subsidies each year. now, what i want to know is why the fossil fuel industry is getting so much of our tax dollars and why they are fighting against competition? isst: yeah, ok, that misleading, first of all, worldwide and not in the u.s. the first thing that is misleading is that they are looking at places like iran that subsidized gasoline dramatically and the same thing in china and india. india went china and they have skyrocketed back in 2007, 2008 because the government sells the oil and gasoline there and they do not adjust the prices to the market, so when prices go up, it looks like they are subsidizing it. the other major component and it
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is not taxpayer paid for, it the major component is that, here, here is the value of this damage of the co2 emissions and they use something called the social cost of carbon. we have run the models that the epa used to estimate social cost of carbon and slight changes in reasonable changes in the input dramatically change that number and the epa has shaded every one of those variables to make it look like that number is bigger. in the u.s., the fossil to companies pay lots of taxes. there subsidies are exaggerated. subsidies per unit of power produced solar and wind or so for orders of magnitude higher, that is where the subsidies are. we have competition in the oil and gas industry, we have competition to come up with new technologies like hydraulic and
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drilling which has made us the world's leading natural gas producer and that has made us posted, if we have not surpassed in violation, the leading oil producer. we will go to brian in san diego. good morning. caller: good morning. my question and comment is for dan weiss. he said that scientists agree about climate change when the charts by david seemed to show different, so it seems like you have not done your homework. on the contrary, it seems that what your project -- that what you are sharing our cherry picked -- host: well, i think you got -- guest: well, i think you got beeped there, but there have been studies over the past 20 years. studies that were peer-reviewed, 97% concluded that climate change is real and caused by human beings. going back to the question of subsidies, in fact, the nuclear
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did a study from 1950 102010 and to 2010, and50 they found that 40% of our subsidies and tax breaks went to oil and gas production and about 20% went to coal and 20% went to nuclear and about 10% went to clean energy. that wethe subsidies have had in the u.s. have gone to fossil fuels. host: let me get one last call and we will give you both a chance to respond. in all scars, wisconsin, good morning to you frank. caller: good morning. veteran of world war ii and dime 88 years young, and i went to war when i was 17. all of my best friends had already been killed. guest: we honor your service. caller: i'm no hero, but i want to try to simple five the top from these two gentlemen and i am going to ask each of them the same question and i would like
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to ask them to reply in one simple word. englandyou think new ashes bloom in the northern tier states of the united states of america all the way from vermont to northern michigan, to northern minnesota, on the way out to washington -- just one word -- wet season of the year do they normally bloom? of your, take a choice poor seasons, gentlemen, go ahead. guest: pastor's? caller: lovely fall flowers. one word. do not mumble, one word. guest: fall. caller: beautiful. guest: i guess i will say -- fall. [laughter] guest: i have to respond. i did not get a chance to talk about subsidies. solar lives on subsidies. let thewhen congress
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tax credit lapse and it shut as hise supply chain -- me, for wind, the supply chain for wind, they had a tax credit that gives them ready percent of the cost and about half of the wholesale price of electricity is how it works out, and the first six months of 2013, it was one windmill installed in the united states. congress retroactively put that production tax credit back in, but what dan is talking about without viable solar and wind are, the are only five bolt to produce where you have subsidies . oil and gas derived with or without subsidies. we are against subsidizing anything with it through subsidy, so we are perfectly willing, but we do not want to talk about regular tax credits that all manufacturers that, including windmill producers taking that away only from one industry or another. host: we will give you the last word. guest: we are subsidizing oil, gas, particularly coal with our
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health. we know that their predation -- that air pollution and smog is more likely to a current, dave has admitted this that the temperature is warming, and we know as the temperature warms, that is one of the conditions for forming smog and they will be more asthma attacks and premature deaths. thesoot. just we are subsidizing it with our help. thankfully, the obama administration is leaving efforts to internalize the cost to make the use of those products cleanup, so they are paying the cost of pollution rather than us, our grandchildren, or the farmer down the street, not down the street, but suffering from drought or the wearable forest fires. that is what we are trying to do. host: you continue to shake your head. guest: yet, again, daniel is talking about warming being a bad thing and that it is causing asthma, drought -- guest: i did not say asthma. is a precursor to
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asthma attacks. those are different things. guest: whatever. co2 is non-toxic and odorless gas and necessary for gas and smog is not a particular matter. guest: if i put you in a room and only put co2, how long would you live? guest: we're not talking about that. that is 41 hundredths of one -- of 100%. we have the highest amount of co2, over 400 parts per million in eight housing years. guest: we are not going to have any trouble breathing. host: thank you for a very interesting conversation. dan weiss of the league of conservation voters and david kreutzer on the heritage foundation. thank you for being with us. we will take a short break and let me come back, a chance to weigh in on whatever is on your mind. your cause and comments for the remaining 20 minutes. for democrats.
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202-748-8001 for republicans. for independent. and it is heard nationwide next time. we are back in a moment. ♪ >> florence harding once said that she had only one hobby and that was warren harding. she was a significant force in her husband's presidency and handling the media. despite scandals and infidelities, his death in office, as well as her own poor health, she would help to find the world of the modern first lady. florence harding tonight on c-span's original series "first ladies influence an image, examining the public and private lots of the women who filled the division -- the position of first lady and their influence on the presidency." tonight at 8:00 eastern on
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american history tv on c-span3. tonight on "q&a," senior fellow at brookings institution talks about the u.s. counterinsurgency in state building efforts in afghanistan. >> the u.s. did achieve improvements in security, but nonetheless, said it depends on how it ends, and here's where i hesitate at work and increasingly interrogate myself. [indiscernible] that five possible years down the road, they will be back in a civil war in afghanistan. isis is slowly emerging in the country, terrifying prospect as that is, more worse than the taliban. five years down the road in a new civil war in havensstan and new safe
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for the taliban and isis, i would say [indiscernible] >> tonight at 8:00 eastern eastern and pacific on c-span's "q&a." "washington journal" continues. welcome back for this sunday morning, august the 30th. as he moved from august to september, congress has one more week before lawmakers return after labor day. the president departs tomorrow for a three-day trip to alaska. he will be the first sitting president to travel above the arctic circle and we will get calls on comments on whatever is on your mind for the next 20 minutes. frontpage of "washington post" focusing on a story in europe as tragedies shock europe. a bigger crisis looms and in a piece says that those reaching europe are present a small percentage of this 4 million syrians who have fled into lebanon, jordan, turkey and iraq
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, making syria the biggest single source of refugees in the and the worstcash humanitarian in more than four decades. host: in politics, a new survey out overnight from bloomberg news and the des moines register the joint hillary clinton, while maintaining her lead in iowa, has seen a considerable drop. 37% of likely democratic iowa caucus-goers say they will support hillary clinton, that is below the 50% mark she had a few months ago. bernie sanders moving ahead at 30% and vice president joe biden at 14%. kevin joins us from new york. the cut line. good morning.
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caller: good morning. host: what is on your mind? caller: well, to continue from the previous discussion and dealing with the arctic, the entire western north american continent this summer has been on fire from northern california canada,vancouver, into and into alaska. there is a simple reason for this. it is because the temperatures are warmer, on average about 2% in the region, which has prevented the accumulation of snow pack. without snow pack, the burn season is longer. people like to say the reason the fires were bad was because of the fact that we try to put fires out and there was speculation of rush, well, certainly that makes them worse, but the extended run season is due to a lack of snow packs is what is causing as many fires for as long as they are burning and this is critical.
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inis also denied cool water to the waters for salmon to sponsor. there have been major salmon runs that have been storied and 80% of sturgeon are threatened. it is a result and the increase of temperature and also having profound impact on the fires in is acute where soot bleeding and it absorbs the heat from the sun rather than allowing ice to reflect it and that is speeding snow melts, so the arctic, and this is quite appropriate with the president to be in arctic right now, it is like the world and air-conditioning unit and in this melting fast. the major thing you want to look or next year is the burn season because it is more than likely going to be very much worse. , theve had the worst highest temperatures of land and ocean in 2014, 2015 today is even worse than that. there are huge portions of the
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pacific which are super heating. the pacific oscillation will add heat to the atmosphere in a positive warming phase and el niño is expected to be one of the worst el niño in history, so we have the combination of almost perfect storm of the fence, so one of your previous people on their was talking about sucking the air out of the .ky, well, it is the ocean the oceans absorb something like 80% of all the co2 and excess heat, and they have been absorbing and absorbing and absorbing, and they will start putting it back out again because they can only take so much. host: i have to move on, but what is your background? caller: i am in sales. i read, i have been reading ah fores by nasa, by no five years. host: we appreciate it. fred page of "the boston globe"
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focuses on a younger donald trump when he attended the wharton school of business and quoted as saying, i'm going to be the king of new york real estate. the latest poll showing donald trump maintaining his lead among likely republican caucus-goers and 23% in the survey was released on friday and carson at 80%, senator ted cruz at 8%, followed by governor walker at 8% and marco rubio at 6%. us frommark joining milford, new hampshire. for public. good morning. hi, i just want to make a comment on the last two gentlemen you had on the show. something for people in general to think about is this past winter up in new england 2014-2015, there are various parts of the region that have like 100 to 111 inches of snow. it was quite cold with all of the blizzards we had. i am originally from california
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and this is the most snow we had this region since they kept records since the 1880's. not reallysummer has been hot. we have had a couple of weeks of 85 and 90 degree temps, but since i moved out from california, the new hampshire summers we have two months or three months more of incredible heat, humid weather and it has not been that hot this year. mark, thank you for the call. larry king is the subject of a story this week in the "new york times" sunday magazine called "off the air." he left cnn back in 2010. debbie is next from ohio. good morning. caller: good morning, steve. two are for taking my call. i wanted to address the gentleman with global warming and tell your viewers that they need to watch a program that c-span had on on august 13. it was an epa hearing about
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aircraft emissions and climate change. there were a lot of good points brought out in that hearing. there were two gentlemen on that panel that were talking about how no one addresses how co2 is what we all breathe out. it is a necessary gas because all of our plant life takes in processuses it for the of photosynthesis. we would have no life on earth if it was not for co2. talking about that gas like it is some sort of toxic chemical is so ridiculous. another thing about the melting of the icebergs, they better be melting because we need that. the oceans use that for minerals and things i come down from the glaciers, and talk about 1912 when the titanic it the iceberg, the amount was so bad that the icebergs were so far south that the titanic ran into them. there are other points, another
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point i want to make is the scam of wind and solar energy. wind and solar produces no real energy. they produce what are called energy units. all of our power plants purchased those units. power plants are run by coal. they turn around and they purchased those units to subsidize wind and solar with your tax dollars. wind and solar cannot produce real energy. another point i wanted to make was the biggest polluting violators on the planet, including china and india, we are blamed for every major weather problem on the planet but you do not see them going to china or india. they should be producing 10 times the weather problems then we are producing with their violations of all the climate. there is just a lot of different points people need to check out is c-span onr one
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august 13. please watch that. host: thank you for your point and promoting our video library. it really gives you access to all of the program we have had on the c-span network. just log on to front page of "the times," a look back at new orleans and remembering the darkest hours and toward a brighter future. we covered a commemorative ceremony that took this yesterday in new orleans and that is also posted on the website. from the "atlanta journal-constitution," home in atlanta -- a look at katrina victims who were relocated in other parts of the south including atlanta, georgia. "the l.a. times" is looking at los angeles and their own bid to try and post one of the summer games. ellen the bid versus la's financial risk as city officials must decide whether or not they want taxpayers on the hook for likely cost overruns.
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next is charles from los alamos, new mexico. good morning. democrat line. caller: good morning. i have been listening to the whole discussion. i am aground is scientist and i've been studying climate change for 30 years, teaching it, giving lectures, writing review articles, and talking to almost all of the major people who are studying it. which whole discussion you had, i could hear people getting very upset about whether or not the subsidies are working or this or that. they are being upset over what people are or what society is trying to do about the climate change. separate the to science of climate change from what society is going to do about it. because yes, we are bumbling along trying to do many things and most people make good points and both make that point in what we are trying to do with the and this and that, none of those things has anything to do with
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the science of whether climate change is happening or not. it is happening, there is no doubt about that. the cooling or whatever the lack of warming in the last little bit is showing us that we are pretty close to figuring out what is going on, but we need to do a little bit more work but it will still be a problem. we do not have any solutions for it is a problem. you. thank climate change in the arctic is the front. story of "the new york times" u.s. playing catch up as russia asserts it self as a warming earth opens opportunities in the north. it is available online at we will go to mike from ohio. independent line. good morning. caller: i have always thought from day one that the climate change, global warming has been a political all the way. i think your last caller and
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guests proved it went in response to the comment that denmark paid twice the amount for energy than we do and the liberal climate change proponents said, yeah, but they pay more taxes and they get free health care. i think that clearly demonstrates the mindset that is behind the whole climate change. it is a socialistic, i do not want to say communism, but it is a worldwide way of trying to reorient our economy. host: thank you. he went from philip to phyllis and a look at a look at the transgender issue from four decades ago. once ant page story -- transgender judge. -- once a pariah, not a transgender judge. the leader in the transgender movement and her story is front-page of "the new york times." thomas is next from texas.
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good morning. like to pointd out the problems with climate change as it was shown on the tv this morning with the two gentlemen. people are not following the money. when you follow the money, you are going to find it going right into the politicians hand and basically on the democratic side, so you get their way reduced in the form of a bill that they want like the greenpeace people, etc., but there is also another issue, too, that when you go back to december 8, 1994 hundred and president bill clinton, he put forth and laid all of congress exempt from having their pensions touched as far as percentage of whatever the treasury was on interest rate, and that caused the people who were not exempt, the average
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person, when they retire one-on-one, individually on the retirement date prior to the notice, they would end up losing money. there is a lot to be said about following the money on the big issues. this, by the way, on the wto, jobs all the way back from that day, starting from january 1, two thousand, our jobs leaving the united states went the united states became a full-fledged member of the wto. unless we get our industry back, we're not going to be able to make headway of way. i do not care who is running for office. host: thank you for the call. never is next for madison, wisconsin. good morning. is for madison, wisconsin. good morning. and listen tot in the gentleman before me talking about money, but many things that are being said about climate change and other
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al issues are increasing the cost of core services, that being water, energy, and sanitation. as we are fed this rhetoric that has not been proven yet about five different social issues all across the board, all of the costs of core services are skyrocketing and they are skyrocketing for these large utilities to charge customers more and funnel it into the coffers. there is nothing left in our coffers, it is all smoke and mirrors. this is the only place to get money if they scare us. to frighten us that the world is coming to an end, there is no more water, and then jack up prices through the roof. , whoe progressive side
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does it hurt? it hurts the poorest, the most vulnerable, it hurts the people that cannot pay when you affect your services. water and energy. thank you. last deborah, you get the word. thank you for all of you for your cause and comments. piece, looking at the obama post-presidency as the white house prepares for the obama library and museum in chicago on the south side of chicago, the specific location yet to be determined but the piece is called "the art of the presidential exit," saying that obama's model may be more like the clintons rather than the bush and pain to be to jimmy carter and what he brought to former presidents. that is in "the new york times." we will continue the conversation tomorrow morning at 7:00 eastern time. a new story by "associated press
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" looking at the economic recovery and what to expect. some say it looks like at the row before the economy. we will be checking with the reporter from the associated dress and later, from the roosevelt and cato institute, looking at the regulation of the stock market and wall street. that is tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern. check out "q&a" tonight at 8:00 eastern pacific and all of our programming available online at any time on i hope you enjoyed the rest of your sunday and have a great week ahead. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪ "nnouncer: up next, "newsmakers
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with emily's list. then, president obama speaking at a community center in the lower net toward to mark the 10th anniversary of hurricane katrina. after that, more from new orleans with president clinton, louisiana members of congress, and nancy pelosi. they will also discuss the 10 years since hurricane katrina. on newsmakers this week, we are joined by stephanie schriock, of emily's group. and joining us to help us question in studio, we are joined by matea gold of the "washington post," and alexis simendinger. you have the first question. >> welcome, it is great to chat with you
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