tv Washington Journal CSPAN September 5, 2015 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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and carrie hunt with the national association of federal credit unions talks about the --. o credit union system u.s. federal credit union system and what it is doing to fight identity theft and fraud. ♪ are: aid organizations pressing the u.s. to take in more refugees from syria. the u.s. has taken in 1500 with an additional 300 expected in october. many has pledged to take in 35,000 -- germany has pledged to take in 35,000. yesterday, the house select committee on benghazi spent hillaryterviewing rodham clinton's former advisor. ads targeting presidential campaign donald trump. this is the "washington journal"
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for september 5. one --mployment figures, 5.1% across the united states, 173,000 jobs created for august. if the unemployment rate is dropping, we want to hear from you in our next 45 minutes on if you are seeing a change in the job picture where you live, perhaps with you and your family, your neighborhood. perhaps you don't see job creation at all. tell us about the unemployment picture where you live. if you noticed a change specifically, (202)748-8000 in the central time zone. in the mountain or pacific time zone. you can post on our twitter page, @cspanwj. us atn e-mail
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the statistics came out yesterday at about 8:30, taking a look at unemployment figures for august, 5.1%. 173,000 jobs added for august as well. if you break it down by category, which the labor is about thees, it same for adult men and women, 4.7%. for blacks, it is 9.5%, hispanics, 6.6%, asians, 3.5%. here to tell us about the figures and what they are mean -- what they mean is victoria stilwell. she is a reporter with bloomberg. thank you for joining us. guest: thank you for having me. ast: has economists look -- economists look at this figure, 173,000 jobs created, is this good, bad, indifferent?
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guest: it was really something. heading into the report yesterday, everyone was really hyping this up. everyone wanted the latest read on the labor market, especially to know what it means -- but i don't think this report helped much in that respect. it definitely was not a game changer. it just showed the labor market is steady as she goes, kind of as it has been. host: how is it that the percentage drops, yet we only saw a figure of 173,000, when we have seen figures of 200,000-plus over the last few months? guest: 173,000 is a pretty healthy number. our labor force is growing very slowly, and the labor force participation rate was flat this month. but we only need thomas some estimates put -- we only need, belowconomists put it,
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150,000, some say 100,000, to keep lowering the unemployment rate. we have fewer people coming into the workforce than we did decades ago. host: talk about the labor participation rate. it was 62.6%, what is it? what does that number mean as far as who is working and who is not working in the u.s.? guest: that percentage is basically a share of, you know, non-institutionalized, working-age people in the u.s. that are either employed or looking for a job. and that figure is pretty low right now. it's hovering at about the lowest level since the 1970's. that's a factor of a couple things. like i said before, our population is aging. 65.ave people turning
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we have about 10,000 people turning 65 every day. we are not having as many babies as we used to. we also are going to school for longer. slightly more people are on disability. it's a factor of a few things. host: couple of other categories as well. if you could explain what these mean when it comes to the actual snapshot -- 2.2 million people are classified as long-term unemployed. classified as involuntary part-time workers, 6.5 million. marginally attached workers, 1.8 million. who are the people who fall into these categories? guest: please are the people that i think -- these are the people that i think the federal reserve are most worried about, especially chair yellen, who is a labor market economist. these are people who, chances are, they got pretty hard hit by the recession.
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they haven't really been able to get back in the game. for example, long-term unemployed, these are going to be the people have been unemployed for several weeks, have not been able to find anything. they may have run out of their unemployment benefits at this point. most economis say, especially given the job market we have right now, which is returning to strength -- it really is. these people just may not have the skills that employers are looking for. there may be some sort of friction there. so, i think that helps paint a picture. of course that does not apply to everyone. some people just are unlucky. there may be no jobs around them. they may have special
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circumstances where they cannot move and go look for different work. you have a little mismatch there. but a lot of it often comes down to skills. host: that's victoria stilwell from bloomberg joining us to talk about the job figures. go, some people will take a look at these numbers, some even in this audience, the question the- that authenticity of these numbers. what would you say to those folks? are there other factors that might change how we should proceed these numbers? guest: -- should perceive these numbers? guest: there is certainly volunteer -- volatility month-to-month. august is a weird month. the good news is, historically, august payrolls in particular have come in low only to be by aed up, and revised up pretty large amount. economists are already looking for that to happen, maybe to
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even move the payrolls up to the 200,000 level we have seen. in terms of gathering the statistics, government workers crunching the data, these people really care about their jobs and do this work intensely. nothing to worry about on that front. host: victoria stilwell with bloomberg. thank you for your time this morning. guest: thank you so much. host: you heard her talk about the 5.1% unemployment rate. how is that translating to where you live? if you or others in your family has found work or your neighborhood is changing as far as job creation, maybe you aren't seeing anything happen at all, now's your chance to tell us. if you live in the eastern or central time zone, (202)748-8000 . if you live in the mountain or pacific time zone, (202)748-8001 . ric inl start with e
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seattle, washington. what would you say? caller: i would say for the illegals and the whites -- there are no black businesses where i am. the unemployment rate for black americans is almost double, almost 10%. it is always this way, on the democratic's -- democrats or republicans. -- we are int direct competition with the illegals. it has always happened. ronald reagan gave over 10 million illegals amnesty. all these problems are coming from the republican party. president obama is in office. problemsct these other -- other people to rectify these problems they caused. -- as long as the
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unemployment rate is lowest among whites -- the population and the unemployment rate is 4% or 5%. the illegals are working over here. the blacks stay behind. why do we continue to vote for these democrats, so-called who do nothing for us when they get in office? they go along with these republicans, but they've done nothing to help the african-americans. they cannot get in office unless they get our vote. int: let's hear from vince tulsa, oklahoma, about the job situation where you are. caller: i have noticed a change. i am on what's called a child benefit check and i get an ssi check. i do some under the table stuff.
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i have some stock. law libraryin a social security law and things like that. i budget my money pretty well. i like listening to this show. host: you say you notice a change. how, in tulsa, when it comes to jobs? caller: i'm seeing some of my friends that are on the same type of money i am. i have one friend who is trying to get an assistant managing job. me, myself, i have been on it too long, and it is now called benefit, after me. host: richard from arkansas, prairie grove. hi there. you're on. caller: i'm 60 years old, soon to be 61. i have been told in about three to four weeks i will be laid off.
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what chance do i possibly have of finding a job? those unemployment numbers don't go by age. nobody is going to hire a 60-year-old man. to 62, so to make it i can at least get my early retirement, but what hope do i have? i'm looking forward to losing everything i ever owned. i just don't know what to do. host: what kind of work do you do? caller: i am a forklift operator. truck, because i can't physically do the things i could do 10, 15 years ago. and our great governor, asa hutchinson, on october 1, is going to cut the unemployment benefits to whatever. i'm not sure what the cut is going to be. i've been down to the
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unemployment office, and they said, oh, you better get on it before october 1. that's probably not going to happen. i'm not even going to be able to get probably half of the benefits i was going to get. i mean, 20 years on the darned job and you are going to get, what, five months of unemployment? oh, whoo. host: what is causing the layoffs where you work? have you been told what's behind it? caller: they are downsizing. jobs to moving our another warehouse. nine of, if you can't find a job in the event across the street -- the plant across the street, which you can't, they are just out the door. host: that is richard in arkansas, telling us his story about the jobs situation where
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he lives. the unemployment rate is at 5.1%. have you noticed a change where you live? that's what we are asking folks this morning. (202)748-8000 for the eastern and central time zone. for the mountain and pacific time zones, (202)748-8001. a caller from philadelphia is next. caller: i have not seen a change area, unemployment in my throughout many of the counties in pennsylvania. and primarily, i think it is because we do not have the diversity here of positions, such as the industry and the creation of new tech training jobs, whereas people that are very educated and lost their 59 cannot go 58, into a new position that holds a
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degree. it makes it very difficult for them to go to mcdonald's for orysitting -- mcdonald's babysitting. unless we bring manufacturing back to america, this is what we are going to see. if the only industry that will offer jobs to people that can go in on the ground floor -- it's the only industry that will offer jobs to people that can go in on the ground floor. there has not been any new businesses created or new business support since obama has been president. we have to change this. a lot of the politicians that therunning for president, presidential position this time, will be holding this conversation for decades to come. america is losing on new business creation. women have been the ones to create more jobs in america for the longest time. that is a caller from
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philadelphia. she mentioned manufacturing. it's one of the spots with job losses. there were increases in health care, professional and business, food and drink services, but manufacturing suffered a loss -- of 17,000ing, a loss jobs. william from pittsburgh, pennsylvania. you are next. hi there. caller: good morning. i am listening and laughing. i work as a driver. i drive all over the city of pittsburgh and surrounding areas. "ll i see is "now hiring, "hiring" signs. when i talk to the people with those signs, they tell me they can't even get people to take the jobs.
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i have aon to that, friend in seattle, where they are raising the minimum wage, and people are saying "don't give me more hours." if you give me more hours, i lose my benefits. we have almost 96 million people out of work, and we only have a 5.1% unemployment rate? at what point do we say this is totally wrong? as far as creating jobs, we have lost -- more businesses have gone out of business -- host: you are breaking up a little bit. let me let you stop. robert from twitter says that the real unemployment rate is 10.3%. the inconceivable one, as he calls himself on twitter, how can the unemployment rate be going down and get are fewer people working than -- and yet
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there are fewer people working than seven years ago? go ahead. caller: i have been watching c-span for several years. host: thank you for that. caller: i'm talking about unemployment for blacks am a than the nation. i'm just going to talk about for blacks for a moment. -- blacks haves always had the low-end jobs, the jobs nobody else wanted to do. in the late 1970's, they started hiring blacks and illegal's. illegals can be black, white -- ronald reagan gave 1.11 million or more citizenship. the economy took it. that's a lot of people. that's what they are trying to do it again. i don't think it's going to pass. we buy everything at a higher
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price in america. we ought to know that. we've got a message system. we have a police system out of control, unemployment out of control. we get numbers thrown at us that we know are not consistent. like the guy said that is a driver, i agree with some of what he said, but not most. there are signs out there -- this is a real recession and the black -- in the black and poor whites immunities, rural black and poor white communities, our rural brothers. for the past eight years, the republicans have been playing games, and people know that. some people don't like obama's policies. some people don't like the color he is. but i think he's done a very good job. the unemployment rate in virginia is ridiculous. everything in virginia is for
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illegals. the state and counties hire them. --y don't hire any laborers they hire illegals under the table. they are responsible for our unemployment area -- in the poor areas. if someone could solve the illegal problem and connect it to the job problem, there is a connection. as soon as we get this landscape straight about who is going to stay, who is not going to stay -- we've got to come up with one rule. we are a country of laws. even i know that. i have an eighth-grade education. i know exactly what's going on. i know the bs from the republicans and democrats. host: let's hear from william in plaster ville -- in placerville, california. caller: good morning. i can't believe this is 5.1%. i have been in construction 35 years, 30 years in business for myself, until 2008, when
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everything dropped in the housing market. i see a little rebound out here in california, but not much. we don't have any water, so how in the hell do they think they are going to build more houses? we have some serious problems in our country and we need to address immigration. i'm sure there's a lot of kids out there who could benefit by trade schools instead of all college,t's go to everybody should get a college education." the trade schools are taking it badly because these kids are learning any trades -- these kids are not learning any trades. who will be the future plumbers, tile guys, granite guys? that's basically all i have to say. i don't believe it is 5.1%. host: baltimore, maryland. go ahead. caller: i have to agree with the last caller. i have been in construction for many years. in baltimore, we have seen a big drop in employment.
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i lost my job. i would say my neighborhood is probably about 30%. it's an all-black community. we've never really had jobs here. that's all. kansas, good, morning. caller: everybody messes up my name. in kansas where i live, near wichita, most of the jobs that i see typically seem to be lower wage jobs. i'm a college student. we have some colors talking -- some callers talking about going to trade school and things like that. it becomes difficult for people to get the skills they need to get a gainfully employed job when the job they have currently won't help them pay for community college or trade school. most of the jobs i've seen here towardsreally focused
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gainful employment. it is mostly powerful -- hourly jobs where people are paid a lower wage. you find that that doesn't really cover all of your expenses, and it creates problems. host: we have had -- you can go to the job market where you live, based off the rates that came out yesterday. the 5.1% unemployment rate, 173,000 jobs added. you may agree with the things you have her this morning. this morning.ard maybe you have another perspective you want to put in the mix. (202)748-8000 for those of you in the eastern and central time zones. (202)748-8001 for the mountain and pacific time zones. from "the wall street journal," you have probably been seeing
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stories related to refugees, especially syria. the united states is being pressed to take in more syrian refugees. 4 million people have fled syria since the crisis began. -- the u.n. is calling for 130,000 syrian refugees to be resettled by the end of 2016. germany has pledged to take 35,000 by then. u.s. has taken about 1500 and expects an additional 300 by october. the u.s. takes in 70,000 refugees year from all areas, based on region all caps established by the president. taking more syrians would mean raising this cap. refugees approved for admission to the u.s. are eligible for financial assistance through a state department program.
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officials have requested $2.5 billion for migration and refugee assistance in fiscal year 2016. michael, you are next from north carolina. caller: i am listening to the unemployment rate. i see that it is 5.1%. everything people call in about, they want to blame obama about it. if you look back over the past 6 1/2 years, the republican party hasn't done anything. for everyone complaining about jobs, what did the republicans do? i am not saying obama is the best in the world, but they have not helped him do anything. they are cutting their own throats. host: so, mike, we are asking folks about the job situation where they live. durham, north carolina -- how would you paint the job picture? caller: it has probably gotten
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better. that's what the governor is saying. but the point is, the republican party have not helped. the various people calling and complain are the ones going out and voting republican. host: from kansas city, kansas, hello? caller: yes. you know what the fish and wildlife commission is? host: yep. caller: and the fbi? the two of them went into the gibson guitar company in 2009 and shut down the place, or stopped operations. i would love to have somebody from the gibson guitar company come on your show and talk about the regulatory stuff that went since obama --s over the years since obama came in and all the epa problems here he goes to -- problems.
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he goes to alaska and he won't get alaska get their oil drilled. -- how come there is so much regulatory -- host: do you think regulations affect how job nation happens -- job creation happens? you see that happening there in wichita as well? caller: not so much in kansas, but across the whole country, on a general basis, there has been a problem. host: tony from new york. caller: good morning, pedro. i was going to mention in our area the spiral down for a long time. we used to have a lot of manufacturing here. it all started to fall apart. what i notice is that people got discouraged. over time, they just weren't able to find anything similar to that, so they just quit trying to do things. at the same time, i was in dallas, texas, last week. there is a different between a
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place like that and the rural new york area. they have nothing in common. we have a lot of unoccupied houses now and businesses, too. it's not the fault of the people. things that happen. and in places where people are doing well, it is the area and the system that provide for them that is really helping them out. host: have you or others considered moving to places like dallas workplaces you think -- dallas or places you think you might have a better chance of getting a job? caller: i'm about 60 now. relocating is difficult. you have to have a lot of friends or somebody to keep you going. even my parents live in dallas. but -- be nice, you have all the people you know. have to just ride it out.
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a lot of people left their area and went to florida and other places. but the people who remained behind, they are struggling. they are having a hard time. host: let's hear from larry in lowell, massachusetts. i live in isity lowell, massachusetts. it was the number one manufacturing city in the world at one time -- in the world. today, it is all gone. i find that one of the biggest problems, even in my business is illegal immigration -- my business, is illegal immigration. they take so much business from contractors. ,o insurance, no taxes paid nothing. this is something that the next president, whether he is republican or democrat, needs to focus on, 100%. we are suffering. these small businesses -- my company has been in business since 1895 and i'm ready to give
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situation, what you are talking about? >> in areas of manufacturing, welding, hr add min. i can't find technicians to work the large machinery. >> some people in the oil fields like a hundred grand, $140,000 a year. welders, they make good morning. it is not a clean, safe environment. >> caller: hi. i lost my job in '09, and i work
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part-time. so it is like, you know, i'm totally disgusted with the number, i have been out of work several months. so, you know, it is not -- the economy is not good for a large segment of folks, that includes working, anybody else who is poor is not going to get ahead in this economy. as far as the election goes and politics, i have been democratic all my life. i think i'm going to vote republican this time. i don't like donald trump, but i have to do something different.
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so my family, we're african-american, we're going to vote for trump. a lot of my friends are as well. so i hope he gets the nomination or whatever. host: thank you for calling in. we'll let you know what is going on our sister channels. they send vehicles across the united states to talk about the historical and literature importance. and so you can get a chance to see that on the weekend. again, on book-tv and american history tv, this weekend, grand junction, colorado is the focus, looking at the history and literary life. you will see an interview about the life and career of screenwriter dalton thomas.
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>> dalton thomas is an interesting, complex, contradictary and courageious. he was a hollywood screenwriter and won two academy awards, one for "the brave one" and one for "roman holiday." he is known as much for his politics and character and standing up to the house and american activities committee in 1947. >> i understand that the members of the press have been given a car belonging to me. is that true? >> that is not true. >> you are not asking the question. >> i was. >> the chief investigator is asking the question. are you or have you ever been a member of the communist party. >> i should like to see what you have. >> oh, well, you would?
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you will pretty soon. >> we are now in downtown grand junction, on main street, and right in front of the historic avalon theater, there is a bronze statue of dalton trumbo. the statue is based on a real photograph that was taken by his daughter, misty, back in the 1960s and shows dalton trumbo, riding in a bath tub as he was prone to do with his coffee and his pad in front of him. host: it is one of the things you will learn about the history and life of grand junction, colorado, on book-tv, c-span two, and american history tv. go to our website for more information. go to the website to find coverage on the national book festival. life coverage starts at 10:00 this morning on c-span 2. again, go to for more
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information. the job situation where you live and if it changed, mike from odessa, texas. caller: good morning, sir. host: you are on. caller: you're talking about the job situation, i live in odessa, texas. it is all oil town, three or four months ago, oil got really bad and whereas you never seen any houses for sale before, because there was too many people and everybody was buying up all the property, now you see for sale signs on everything. and about the illegal immigrants, if you go to walmart in this town and you ask somebody on the floor to help you, they don't speak english. if you try to apply for a job, it is very hard to get one if you are not bilingual. my wife took a phlebotomy course. out of 25 woman, she was third bestn the class. she could not get a job because they was not bilingual.
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immigration has really affected the jobs here. you can't hardly get a good job unless you are bilingual. and i guess i am going to try to vote for trump. if he needs volunteers to build the wall, i'll donate my time. thank you. host: william, from massachusetts. hi, there. caller: hi. i have two points i would like to make. i come from two different perspectives. i was in the meat business and in the food business, and all total, i had eight different businesses. and from the perspective, i used to have a two million dollar payroll. from the perspective of getting back into business, i had to sell it because i had some disabilities come on. and i tried to get back into it with my sons after i had sold it and taking care of my disability. and the way i had to deal with
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the government and the regulations, it made it cost prohibitive to go back into business. and so i went to find a job in my field, and originally, you know, as a meat cutter, i happen to be a master meat caughter, it is a trade, but there is no trade schools to teach it. it used to be that, you know, anywhere between 22 and $28 an hour, we made, starting out depending on your abilities. well, with the immigration, it affected that. there are a lot of people, because it is a low end job to start out, they come in, they work with a knife, and in their country they are used to working with a knife and they find the
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job at the supermarkets and they have gone from $22 or $23 to start down to $16 to $17, $18 an hour. now, you know, if you are in a place where you are living at a certain rate it is hard to go back and make the cuts to live at that much of a difference. host: i gotcha. let's hear from amy in midland, michigan. hi, amy. amy from michigan, good morning. let's take one more call. this will be bob from stevensville, texas. hi. guest: my name is vas. i'm sorry for my english. host: go ahead. you are on. guest: my english is basic english. i know you are talking about job creation, but the new jobs created, right, that is in
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technology and most of them are what they call chemical engineering and chemical research. but the old jobs we have, which was manual working, what is happening to them. the production of the foreign countries are all, what do you call it, they are buying most from the foreign countries, producing in our own country here, so it creates the manual workers jobs. thank you. host: and that is the last call we'll take on the topic. you have seen in the paper that several democrats and the senate gave their support to the iran nuclear deal. up next, two guests will talk about that and the other technical hurdles that the deal faces. trita parsi of the national council and matt mcinnis will join us next. we'll talk about the nations credit unions, carrey hunt of the national association of
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credit unions will be along, that's on "washington journal." coming up, we'll be back right after this. [ captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its captioning content and accuracy visit ] [ captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015~]
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>> a live three hour conversation on indepth. with former second lady and american enterprise institute senior fellow lynn cheney who will take phone calls and tweets, later at nine, kathryn eden talks about how families from chicago to the mississippi delta are surviving on no income. and on monday, authors share their thoughts on social and political issues. on american history tv on c-span
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3, tonight at 8:00, on lectures in history, lisa brady talks about how defoliation chemical agents created long-term damage to people and the environment, from the korea and vietnam wars. sunday afternoon at 4:00, crowded out, the national education association film addressing overcrowded schools following the post world war ii baby boom. on labor day monday, we talk to david reuben stein. get the complete schedule at >> "washington journal" continues. host: we are here with matt mcinnis and trita parsi of the national iranian counsel.
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thank you for tomming on. guest: thank you for having us. host: mr. parsi, let's start with you. what's the significance of senate democrats signing on for president obama's deal and the ability to keep it veto proof. what does that signify. guest: it signifies that the deal avoids two disasters. the disaster of a war with an iran and the disaster of an iranian nuclear bomb. moreover, the more votes they get, the stronger the durability of the deal. the credibility of this deal had been damaged by the fact that this fight in congress erupted and became partisan as it is. so by the president being able to secure the veto it means the united states is in line the world consensus. the entire world is behind this deal, with the exception of israel. guest: and what does this signify as far as the deal going
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forward? guest: we're in a situation of how much hesitation is in congress and the american people about this deal. it will be a challenge for perhaps the incoming president in 2017 to inherit a deal that has no majority of support in congress and frankly reflects a lot of the potential challenges and pitfalls with this deal. so for me it is something that is reflection. this is not a great deal. host: as far as the political aspects, there is an effort that will be made as far as attaching a resolution of disapproval to the deal. does that do anything long-term as far as the deal is concerned? guest: it doesn't do much now. but it sets -- this depends on what amendments or other things may be done to the deal, but it sets up the terms of how the deal is going to be overseen and policed from either this congress, probably not terribly effectively from the congress, but the next president may have something of a blueprint to be able to use if they want to
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insure that the remaining sanctions on the -- on iran for terrorism and human rights violations are not being enforced and how effectively the deal is being overseen by the international community. i think it will give congress power to do so. guest: and mr. parsi, what do you think about the attachment of the resolution of disapproval. does it downgrade the deal? guest: it all depends on what the language is in these bills. unfortunately, it is very clear. some people are just dead set against it not because of the details of the deal or they think it is a bad deal but because of the politics in washington. almost everything is partisan. as a result. you see a complete republican consensus against us because it is president obama's deal, because it is a deal with iran and some people in the city are addicted to the idea of continuing to have iran as an enemy, even at the expense of not resolving this nuclear issue. some of these languages being circulated on capitol hill are new sanctions that would be imposed after this deal.
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they seem to be made to deliberately try to insure that this deal is sabotaged in the implementation stage. they failed to stop the negotiations and failed to stop the deal. now the attempt is to make sure after the deal you have a chance to sabotage it. host: these are the thoughts of our guests. if you want to call in and give questions to the guests. there are two guests joining for this team. (202) 748-8000 for democrats, (202) 748-8001 for republicans, 202-748-8002 for independents. mr. parsi, at the end of the day, what do we get as far as specifics out of the deal. guest: as i mentioned this deal is good for a clear reason. it avoids two disasters by only giving up what the united states ostensibly put in place to trade away, which are the sanctions. it avoids the disaster of going
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to war with iran and avoids the disaster of iran having a nuclear weapon. there are various details in all this. i looked through it. this is the best possible deal the united states could have gotten. those who constantly want to see a better deal, everyone would like to see a better deal, but you have to be realistic. this is not a deal in which the united states can decide everything on its own. it is a negotiation. the other side and also the u.s.'s partners had to agree to things. that's the nature of negotiations. those that have been critical of the administration and say they could have gotten a better deal say this with a peculiar background. they never negotiated with iran. they said no to every opportunity to negotiate with iran. on what basis of experience can they say they could have gotten a better deal. they never engaged in negotiations. host: as far as avoiding a war and a weapon in the short and long-term, what are your thoughts and does this do that? guest: it actually kicks the can down the road a bit on the problem. i actually believe that within
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the first 10 years, maybe first 15 years of the deal, we will be able to restrain iran, iran's ability to pursue a nuclear well on. the problem is that it mortgages the issue to 2030. so whoever the president is at that point in time is going to be faced with a situation where iran is actually allowed to have, and will most likely build an industrial capacity for its nuclear program. if it wanted to pursue or have the capacity to pursue a nuclear arsenal, not just a couple bombs, it will have that capacity to do so. that's when the real challenges of the deal is. it doesn't solve the problem long-term. it contains the problem. it pushing the problem down the road. then you are in a situation of what is our leverage at that point to be able to manage iran. we will be back under the old regime that was violating in the first place. so that is something i think is really concerning in that it just -- it delays the problem, it doesn't solve the problem. host: how does that get in place
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if you have certain types of facilities shut down. if you limit the number of centrifuges and limit the inspections. how does that happen if you have those conditions in place? guest: i think there would be limitations on the number of centrifuges, the advanced nature of the centrifuges, research and development, but iran will be allowed to push forward onsetter key issues when it comes to centrifuge research and development and frankly, once those restrictions are relaxed in eight years, and then in ten years, then 13 years and 15 years, it will have the ability to pursue what it wants to. without, you know -- it still can't violate or should not violate the nonproliferation treaty. it doesn't mean they will automatically go for a bomb. it means it will have that type of capacity if it wants to. guest: once these conditions take place, then other things happen, what do you think about that idea? host: i think it solves it
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long-term for a simple reason. all the restrictions that are put in place through this deal, which would not come at all if this deal would have been rejected by congress, the most important aspect of it is the additional protocol, which gives the iaea the most intrusive inspections possible. that inspections regime is permanent. it is not something that goes away in year eight, year 10, year 13 or year 15. it never goes away. it gives them the ability to have cameras and other instruments inside of iran's nuclear program so if the iranians start to cheat, they will be able to notice this almost immediately because of the very high tech instruments they now have in place. that will always be there. so even in year 15, if the iranians expand the number of centrifuges and do things they are not allowed to, if they do fishy things, they will find out right away. in the absence of this deal we don't have that capacity. they don't have the super intrusive inspections.
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in deal insures we will have it permanently. that's the best possible deal that could be achieved. host: so let's go to calls. we'll start with jim in irwin, pennsylvania. democrat line. good morning. caller: good morning. in 1938. chamberlain made a deal with a adolr hitler and that turned out very well. we know that's the same kind of deal. host: do you want to start? guest: i don't think it is that disastrous. i think this is a challenge for us to be able to, you know, look back at periods of time when we thought we were achieving a certain degree of peace and in reality we were mortgaging the situation to later on. and it is a very bitter harvest
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at the end. so i think this is what the real challenge is with this deal, that we are going to have some capacity to be able to maintain, constrain iran for the first 10 or 15 years. in reality, once you are past the hurdles, iran, yes, the ability to breakthrough that regime, the inspections reseem is something that is going to be difficult for the international community to snap back all the sanctions, put back military pressure, because 15 years from now, this is a totally different world. host: mr. parsi. guest: these comparisons to munich is an example of the fear propaganda. there is absolutely no compare son between these situations. again, the inspections regime will be permanent. the ability of the international community to react, if the iranians start to cheat, is so quick, so that the iranians would have no chance of cheating and getting away with it,
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meaning that they would have enough time to build a bomb before the international community would find out. if they start to cheat within hours, they will know about it and would have enough time to react to such a scenario. most importantly, i think that the issue to keep in mind is that the incentives structure of the iranians will change as a result of the deal. if it brings in the type of benefits they are looking for, the lifting of sanctions and reintegration in the global economy, that will raise the costs from the iranian perspective to cheat. because that means that everything that you have gained, you are going to lose if you go down that route. and whereas that route may have been somewhat attractive under circumstances where they were completely excluded from the world economy and had nothing to loose, not part of security arrangements, not integrated in the political and economic structures of are the region or globally, that would be a different calculation when they are integrated because they will lose everything. that is an important component
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of the debate that's been forgotten. there is an assumption 15 years from now it will be the exact same iran, that everything is state particular, nothing changes. i don't think that is a fair assumption to be made. in fact many of those assumptions had they been true we would not be in a situation right now in which a deal would have been struck because the very same folks that had that type of analysis and made these assumptions believe that iran would never come to the table. iran would never negotiate or uphold an interim agreement or sign a deal. iran would never make any deal with the united statesment all of those assumptions made about iran have been proven to be false.
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connect with the international community and that is the best chance the international community has to see that iran is far more moderate than it has been the last 15, 20, 30 years. host: mr. mcinnis. what was- guest: motivating president obama to pursue this deal was what i believe is the doctrine that he sees in cuba and in iran, which is it is not about the details of the deal, but the ability to bring iran into the international community and iran
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will become more moderate. it is not about centrifuges, but about bringing iran into the rest of the world. it is an attractive idea. i understand that. there is a possibility that could happen. at the same time, this is a regime that is keenly aware that the challenge of integrating into the national -- international community is going to be. you see the supreme leader is very vocal about the fact that he believes president obama is pursuing the deal so he can infiltrate the country with western ideas, western political thought, western economic commitments and dependencies to eventually undermine the regime in tehran. this is a country that underwent the 2009 protests. they are very capable of keeping a very tight lid on the country after that experience -- the initial failure of not been able to do so in 2009.
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i believe you are in a situation where the regime knows exactly what mr. parsi is describing and they are prepared for it. you are in a situation, given the international community, when it comes to financial markets, you have to understand so much of that money is going to go into the system with all the various companies owned by the revolutionary guard corps, personalpreme leader's company, and so much of that is tied into the pillars of repression of that regime where you can have a situation where an enriched iran is able to maintain its current state, current regime, current key players. they would be more entrenched. that is what i worry about. that thesis, as opposed to the thesis the president has and mr. parsi has, that would be the more likely scenario. host: mike from munro, georgia. caller: hey, pedro. how are you all doing this
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morning? i have three questions. question number 1 -- if this is such a great deal that they negotiated, why are we trying to ur so much support from people in saudi arabia, missile defense support, and everything? they should not have to be worrying about anything. -- how farmber two will we let them g to we do something about it? and question number three, how does the average american know what is going on when they have the secret side deals? we are taking things at face value and i do not think that is fair for the american people to make a judgment on. i would appreciate if you would answer all three questions. , do you want to start? guest: the first question is
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interesting with the deal with the saudi's. the saudi king came out expressing his support for the deal and he is satisfied with it. in return, he wants more weapons, and that is a typical demand. almost every time something happens, the saudi's want further guarantees from the united states that the u.s. will guarantee the survival of the saudi regime. neither weapons? the iranians only -- do they need the weapons? the iranians only spent about $15 billion last year. i do not think they need weapons at all. it is a common demand that some of the saudi's and israel make when anything happens. in reality, the deal is making the region much more stable than making sure all paths for iran to seek a nuclear weapon have been closed off. as to the idea that the iranian have not paid for the violations
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of the sanctions, etc., is a fantasy. iran has faced some of the most crippling sanctions put on any state in modern time. they have paid a high price. the idea we have not been anything about it is incorrect. regard to the side deals, there are not any secret side deals. there are negotiations with the iaea and iran that have been going on for many years. clearly, iran did not want to strike a deal with iaea without having a deal with the p5 plus one. it is following the regular protocol. the most important thing to keep in mind, the only two states that have expressed some opposition to this deal is israel and saudi arabia, and saudi arabia has now changed their position and is in support.
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the idea that it would be a bad idea because congress is fighting about it, brings the question, why is it the republican-controlled congress has found problems, while the entire international community minus israel has not? host: this was one of the topics that came up yesterday at the white house. mr. mcinnis? guest: considering that question -- one of the prices you pay with a deal, it will potentially feel a potential arms race in the region in addition to driving some of the clandestine proxy wars occurring already. iran has a huge network of groups it works with through the region. is concerned not only about the military hardware, but the threat that iran poses to them and their allies throughout the region. they fear that iran is ultimately trying to undermine their own regime. this is something the u.s., or
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at least this president, does not fully appreciate, how threatened the key players feel toward iran's capabilities. this is one thing i fear is a real challenge for this president, for our country. we are in a situation where there is so much insecurity in the middle east and we are putting out the problem for a decade, maybe two, which can be a good thing, but in exchange we are getting a dicey situation that can explode in all sorts of other ways. now, when it comes to the issue of cheating, this is a very interesting question because you are in a situation where the international community is going to be very low that to come back in with immediate sections. frankly, the iranians themselves have said this. they do not believe the snap back to can and will work. they are proud and boasting that
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this will not be effectively implemented and i actually agree with the iranians on this issue. it will be challenging to bring cheats.ctions if iran it is a mostly nuclear option -- keep going on the current path or bring everything back. you will have some of the graduated ability to react. people will be hesitant to possible for lever and throw everything back on, so they will let iran cheat quite a bit, i think, until a certain point. this is partly how the international atomic energy agency works. you have is confidential agreements. it is part of the challenge to be able to bring all of that in light. as someone who used to work in the classified world, it is difficult to do that -- to have the public did you probably should on these issues. it also points to the concern a lot of people have -- a lot of americans have, a lot of people in congress have -- that there is not going to be accountability, or, at least, public accountability. what iran has been doing in the
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past on its nuclear weapons research program, and, frankly, having the confidence that iran is not pursuing those issues getting these site deals is a real challenge. guest: a quick response on two things -- first, the idea the threat that the saudis and arab allies see from iran, it is important to keep in mind what keep abilities are. the saudis spent $80 billion onpared to iran $15 billion weapons. they do not need more weapons. if there is an arms race it will be the result of the choice they make to buy more arms when they do not need it. there are factors that have very little to do with iran. the fact that the united states is becoming so independent of saudi oil and oil in general because of their own discoveries , etc., is a threat to
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the saudis. the fact that they have not manage that well to react to the demand of their own citizens -- we have what happened in the arab spring, etc. -- is a real internal threat. theyave spread money trying to get that out of their own kingdom, sending them outwards. it is also backfiring. you had a moment in which isis was quite popular on the saudi street until the declared they are putting together a caliphate and that was a challenge to saudi arabia. then the saudis started building walls against isis. those are the real challenges saudi arabia is faced with. challengevery minor in the larger picture. say the united states has to come in, and for that, -- idea of the iranian is threat is valuable, but that is not the case. host: mr. mcinnis, do you want to respond?
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guest: part of the problem with mr. parsi's argument is you cannot compare dollar-four-dollar in the region. the iranian have become very adept at doing more with less. with saudi arabia, they have a long way to go before using the military power they acquired, despite with it spent on it. the iranians have become sophisticated. he does it matter the most modern air force and navy, they have found other ways to be a significant threat to the u.s. navy, the u.s. air force, as well as the largest missile .apacity there, in the region they found ways, that despite all of their limitations, they actually have the capacity to really, you know, threat saudi arabia, the emirates, and other key states there, and, of course, israel, and this is what people underestimate by eating
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simply at the numbers. at the same time, mr. parsi is absolutely right that saudi arabia has a lot of problems, as does iran. they both have a lot of internal issues. they both are dealing with a situation in the region where there is a huge competition for who is going to lead the islamic world and whose narrative is going to be the dominant islamic narrative there. is it iran, saudi arabia, isis -- everyone is being challenged by not. he is actually right, we really should have bigger fish to fry here, but at the same time, given the history between iran and saudi arabia, and given the fact that iran is still a revolutionary state, still a state looking to export its revolution from 1979. certainly, the best geordie the pointsion, as mr. parsi out, is not that ideological, but the regime is. it is critical for their own security. they still feed the need to bring the revolution to the rest
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of the islamic world and the saudi arabians are absolutely right to be afraid of that. host: we're talking about the iranian nuclear deal with two guest. you just heard from matthew mcinnis and treated parsi --trita vet --parsi. go ahead with your comments for our guests. caller: i have several comments on why the iranian deal is very dangerous for the united states and a very, very bad one. first of all, you cannot negotiate with people, who at the same time they are negotiating, say they want to destroy your country and people. and they are destroying many areas of the middle east. the recent disasters in the result of iran a
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. the fact that negotiations did not link any agreement with iran 's general policy of disrupting and creating chaos in the middle east is ridiculous. ok. negotiators the have a non-verifiable agreement. we can't really verify what is going on. there is a 24-day delay in inspections, and that is after theu.n. decides whether inspections are justified. so, we have given up our power to see, to verify any location at any time. host: peter, thank you. i will pick up one point. this 24-day idea. mr. mcinnis, what you think
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about that? can something be done in 24 days to hide what is going on in iran ? guest: there is the potential. certain activities will be very --d to hide in 24 days certainly the ability to become radiological capability is something we in the international community, the intelligence community in our country, and in europe, are able to do most of that. but, it is a real challenge that certain activity does not have radiological signatures. other types of research that might be going on -- say, for example, how to actually detonate a nuclear weapon, those are things that are a little bit more challenging to be able to pick up. that is what i am worried about. on certain things, 24 days may be enough. of course, that is an issue -- 24 days, all sorts of delays can be thrown into the process through the political process. if the russians want to help
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delay the process, the chinese want to, the iranians have a certain say unit itself. that is what i would be concerned about. host: mr. parsi guest: not that concerned about that at all because there are a couple of things to keep in mind. the inspections are 24/7 on all iranian declared sites. that is important to point out. people think there is a 24-day delay on everything taking place. that is not the case. is present on all aspects and inspecting constantly. that say evidence emerges there is suspicion that the iranians are doing something secret at a different site. those countries that have the evidence have to protect -- present it to the iaea iaea, --iaea, and then there is 24
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days to assess whether the evidence is credible enough. what you do not want to do is have a short period that constantly has the iaea to seek inspections based on flimsy evidence because that undermines the authority of the iaea and puts the iranians in a strong position. once you have the credibility, the iranians cannot stop it. the way the vote structure has been put in place, the night state and the europeans will always win the vote, and within the 24 days, the iranians cannot hide anything that has nuclear keep abilities -- even when it comes to -- nuclear capabilities. even when it comes to detonators. radiation would be present. it is important to keep in mind, you have some criticism against this deal, but the entire international community, including some of the most hard-line states, such as
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france, germany, britain, are all in line with this agreement. you only have some opposition coming from the israelis and the republican i think controlled congress. that does not mean some criticism -- republican-controlled times. that is not mean some criticisms does not have validity. host: from louisiana. byron. hello. good morning. caller: thank you, pedro, for letting me talk. i would like to ask mr. mcinnis a few questions. number one, could he tell me how many people were killed off of ontradent reagan iran c deal. i am glad you brought up missiles. we sold missiles to iran so we can get -- could go get money to go fight the people in nicaragua. plus, could you tell me when was the last time the iaea inspected
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pakistan, india, china, for nuclear activity? can you tell me, he americans the communist chinese killed in north korea. four,tainly was more than like at benghazi. they killed thousands of our marines, but they tend to forget about this as long as it happens to their advantage. think you very much for letting me talk. caller: yeah -- thank you very much for letting me talk. caller: yeah, that is an interesting question. what i would say for the americans that have been killed due to the iran contra deal, it is hard to assess. with the fighting that happened, the additional weapons going to iran, obviously it helps to fuel -iraqran-a rock war --iran war during that period where
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thousands died. the question of what is being fueled in a situation where we will have some form of a conventional arms race. will pursueiranians just as much as the gulf states. when it comes to inspections, this is one of the key issues that all signatures are subject to certain restrictions and observation, and i think these are situations, when it comes to replace like pakistan, india, china, those are all problematic at some point in time. they were all violators at some point in time, it we have, kind of, come to learn to live with it, unfortunately. when it comes to the americans killed in situations like the korean war, obviously thousands of americans died in that situation. so, these are all some of the real concerns that all of us
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should have about preventing war. actually, this is something i am clear and firm against -- going to war against iran. it never turns out well when you game it out. it is something that, i think, we should be looking for ways to avoid conflict in these resolutions. it is something that, at the same time, i fear you are creating an environment with this deal that will fuel conventional and proxy wars for decades to come. host: go ahead. caller: if i could make some quick comments -- i think the caller is an important point about contra because that is a situation where the united states provided weapons to the iranians, done under a republican administration, which was completely illegal -- it was illegal under the laws of the united states at the time. it was also something that truly upset some of the arab allies of the united states, which some of the critics raise these days.
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be mindful, the u.s. was also post -- supporting saddam hussein at the time simultaneously. they felt that this meant they could not trust the united states because the united states had been encouraging an arms embargo against the iranians and secretly selling arms to the iranians. this deal prevents the iranians from getting weapons, not just missiles, but nuclear weapons. so, it was quite different in that sense. with not provide iranians weapons. it is important to keep in mind what was raised when going to war with iraq. you have two models of foreign policy. you have the bush model where they did not build consensus for going into iraq. they were pretty much going it alone. it was a war that was a disaster. i think mr. mcinnis is right, when you game it out -- it would
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have ended up dead if they gamed it out properly and it did. thousands of american soldiers killed, a complete depot station -- a complete destabilization of the middle east. that is one model. the other model is building an international consensus, which the obama administration has done by having the entire p5 plus one on board with this. that is important in light of the fact that while the u.s. was negotiating with iran, the u.s. and russia had some important problems, but they come -- compartmentalized the relationship so they could agree on iran. bombprevents the iranian and not a single american has died because of the iran deal. en.t: ow you are on with our guests. good morning. caller: thank you for taking my
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call. i have a few questions. i haveng the deal -- heard on this broadcast before, previous guest, that on this deal, americans would be sponsoring conventional arms for iran. my understanding, otherwise, is we are releasing 100 plus billion. secondly, if we're talking about a nuclear-free middle east, it should be the middle east in its entirety. so, my question is does israel have a nuclear program? the third question is regarding the art of war, and your guest addressed it, it seems the republican congress and israel is in contrast to the rest of the world.
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the countries would not accept a deal acceptable to the countries. i thought negotiations basically means you do not get everything that you need it. you give a little to get back something. host: ok. thanks, caller. mr. parsi, do you want to start? guest: ok, if i understand the first question, no, there are no conventional weapons going to iran from the nazis. now, they can bat -- from the united states. now, iran can buy weapons themselves. there is a nonproliferation treaty. you essentially pledge not to pursue nuclear weapons, but that does not mean you do not have the right to pursue other types of weapons, and iran certainly does have that. despite that, there will be an arms embargo for eight years,
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something the united states was lucky in getting, mindful that the missile component of the resolution was connected to potential weaponization in iran. when the weaponization has been canceled out, so should have the missile embargo, if you read it from the legal perspective. still, the united states managed, with the consensus of that theyp5 state have the arms embargo for another eight years. that is a major achievement that one should be surprised the u.s. could get in this area yes, the israelis -- this. yes, the israelis do have a nuclear program and they are believed to have 100 to 200 nuclear warheads. there are no inspections over there and that is a stark contrast here. we almost went to war with iran over a program that was not weaponize in and had not been sinceize in -- weaponized
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2003. ultimately, the goal should be to have a nuclear weapons-free middle east. beyond that, i think we should have much less weapons in the middle east period. i do not think we, in any way, shape, or form, should complain about an arms race in the middle east when we are the ones selling the weapons. host: mr. mcinnis? has a pointnk trita about the conventional weapons -- the ballistic missiles in -- the challenges -- they were written, sort of, softly, that the iranians can blow through those requirements. they brag about this frequent in the parliament and the press, that nothing will apply to them. they will still have some estrogens on technology, but they have been very effective at finding ways around that -- they still have some estrogens on technology, but they have been effective at finding ways around
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that. they have become very good at building things on their own, friendly, stealing stuff from technologies from the chinese, and others, and making it better. guest: there is there is no armo that would ever stop them from getting good on her own, that is the issue. you could have the strongest language in that section and it would not change anything because the iranian clear program is domestically built with domestic technology. if anything they have from north korea who doesn't care about these laws anyway. you could complain about this language but it would not dissolve the problem you are raising. guest: there is a still the issue of how much the international community is going to enforce these issues very at at the risk of crisis i think there is still a nervousness on the part of this administration to really go forward in pressing back on iran's support for terrorism, iran's pursuit of illegal technology.
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these are things i think we as a country have a vested interest in being very assertive. without necessarily -- i don't want to necessarily pursue war -- but it really puts us in a very difficult position long-term. i want you to mention israel's nuclear program because the caller asked. guest: most people understand that israel does have a nuclear program. it is something that is not subject to inspection. inis one of those conundrums international relations in the middle east. it is something that i am not quite sure will be resolved in this situation. but again, israel has a right to defend itself given how threatened it is. rsi?: mr. pa guest: on the issue of making sure there is more pressure on other issues whether it is activity in the region, terrorism, etc., i think it is a order to keep in mind it was the choice of the united states and the entire p5+1 to look at
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various challenges they have and focus on the worst ones first. if the entire spectrum of things -- of challenges iran poses -- would have been part of the agenda then you would not have had a consensus. etc.,e view as terrorism, russia and china does not necessarily agree on. certainly when it comes to human rights you are not going to have an ally in china and russia when it comes to pressuring iran. realizing that the power in iran was so that you could only resolve this if you had a complete consensus within the p5, there was no other way to pursue this to only focus on nuclear proliferation. that does not mean that the other issues are going to be ignored or that the united states cannot pursue its own 1.licy outside of the p5+ the u.s. has been pursuing those issues for the last 35 years. you cannot have the expectation that one single deal will turn the middle east into some sort of a paradise or that it will
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resolve all problems with iran. the issue was that this program -- the nuclear program in iran -- was reaching that level of danger as a result of pressure from israel. there was so much pressure to resolve the issue in order to avoid what would be -- and i think mr. mcinnis has agreed with that, a disaster. no one is going to turn a blind eye to these problems. we areern is that talking about destabilizing activities and iran in the region, with i think we should look at. we have to look at it from a much larger perspective. there are plenty of states in the middle east that are decent life in the region. saudi arabia, for instance, whose king is in the city right now, is not innocent in all of this. in fact much of the problems when it comes to the spread of radical islam is coming out of saudi arabia. to stabilizeant the middle east we have to address those issues as well and
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not single out one thing. of thehat is trita parsi national iranian american council. also joining us matthew mcinnis from the american enterprise institute. and a color from utah, good morning. caller: don't cut me off please i have been trying for six months to get this off. it all comes down to character. barack obama when he spoke in 2004 i thought hey, what a great guy. i voted for him -- i thought i would vote for him. then i started checking his background. his wife rand paul -- white grandpa was communist and he wanted a mentor for him who was black. giuliani thought this of his upbringing. all celebrating the fourth of july, our independence, and he is over studying the koran.
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host: bring around to the iran deal. up bringing. your look at cuba, the communist. that is where barack obama comes from. and then next from north carolina. go ahead. caller: i have one comment and one question. whoomment is for mr. parsi says that only the republicans are trying to block this deal. the fact is, 75% of the american people are against it. they voted these republicans into office. this is a democratic society and that is the way things go. my question is -- and it is a very big one -- how can the president of the united dates call this an agreement when it is actually a treaty, which is
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-- a treaty is described in webster's as an agreement between foreign nations. so it is a treaty and it should acquire two thirds of the senate's approval. host: and speaking of the senate, senator ben cardin of maryland said he would vote no. guest: yes. so you have three senators on the democratic side who have turned against it. one thathe only cardin,lly surprises -- and schumer, they were pretty much expected to be opposed to this. polls have shown that the support for the agreement actually was some are closer to 60%. it has dropped somewhat. more than $40 million have been spent on tv ads, budget them being completely false and distorting the issue. but i think the point that the caller raised that i do like to
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address more in detail is the idea that this is a treaty. this is not a treaty. this is an agreement. 90% of the various agreements of the united states lines with other countries are executive agreements and do not need a two thirds majority in the senate. certain treaties do. start treaty, etc., then you do have to have a two thirds majority in the senate. the reality is that this is an executive agreement, but even with that, congress passed a bill that mandated that there would be a 60 day review of this , with a bunch of hearings that have taken place. countless briefings, closed and open briefings on this issue. and then that afterwards there would be an up or down vote which is going to take place in the next couple of days here in washington as congress comes out of recess. that goes beyond what most executive agreement actually have. in that sense you actually have more involvement from congress on this issue than you would
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under normal circumstances. cinnis?r. m cardin's rejection -- rejection of the deal is very interesting. i think once you relieve the political pressure that the democrats have you may actually see some more in this situation because they would like to express their own concerns. cardin, menendez, those are individuals that have been deeply involved in the senate foreign relations committee. cardin is the current minority ranking member. they are the ones that are most involved in this issue. and i think it goes to show that just as you have seen some of the polls out for international security, government officials here in washington -- when you actually start pulling those people that are closest to the actual problem of watching iran's terrorism, watching iran's proliferation concerns, human rights violation, that is
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when those individuals recognize there are a lot of problems with this deal. i think for me cardin is conscious and i think many other democratic senators would do that if they did not have the political pressure of bucking the white house. guest: i find that very peculiar because after the 34 votes you haves reached, democratic senators continuing to come in line and only one coming against. you could also say those other three worlds of both of can't just -- conscience -- both of conscience because there are members of congress who know what a's body was on their resume that they voted for the iraq war. they do not want to repeat that. that is despite all the political pressure they are receiving. most of them are saying that they're getting nine out of 10 calls against the deal. in spite of all that they're coming out in favor of the deal when they don't have to any
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longer because the president only has a veto. i think that is the true vote of consciousness. host: debate in the senate starts as a temporary. you can watch it live on c-span two. supporting, 56 in opposition. six undecided. it must be voted by september 17. henry from oak ridge, tennessee. henry, good morning. you are on with our guest. good morning gentlemen. i have a couple questions. i first question is if we do go will-- to war with iran they show the bodies coming out with the american flags draped? don't hide them. host: we talk about military conflict. s, if you want to take a tangent to that echo -- a tangent to that? iran: eight conflict with
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is something that may ultimately be necessary. i think we need to retain the military option as part of our within ourplomacy international relations. we would never have gotten iran to the table in the situation is iran was not worried about either israel or the u.s.. we would never have these negotiations achieve what they did. host: what is fourth in your mind in this case? -- what is force? guest: you mean how would we use a? if we actually see iran breaking the agreement, it would have to be an option. if we don't have that we are in a very difficult position. so yes, snap back sanctions with iran, they don't care about sanctions. be only way it is going to able to stop them is a potential military strike. again, that should be a last
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resort, absolutely, that if it is not there we are going to be very hamstrung to be able to contain iran. si?t: mr. par i think you have to look -- guest: i think you have to look at the merits of the foreign policy options. i completely disagree that force got milk -- i ran to the table. option youit was an would have seen a much more extensive deal during the bush years when all options were on the table and that was constantly repeated. i think few people in this city doubted that there was a desire in the white house to go to war with iran. you did not see any of those negotiations. you didn't see that interest from iran in 2003 to do that? guest: in 2003 you had a complete comprehensive negotiation proposal to the united states that included full transparency in the nuclear against collaboration
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terrorist organizations, above all, al qaeda, collaboration between the united states and iraq in order to ensure there would not be an authoritarian government in baghdad after the war. iran had less than 600 centrifuges. the budget ministration did not even respond to the offer. 2008 what president obama came into office, those hundred 16 centrifuges -- 160 centrifuges have grown. by the time this deal was struck iran had 22,000 centrifuges. that is the cost of not negotiating. iranians sent the last negotiation offer to the europeans. the person who was in charge is iran's current foreign miller -- minister. that proposal suggested that the iranians with cap their enrichment program at 3000 centrifuges. as a result of this deal the iranians are now actually going
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to keep around 5000 visas. more than what they would have agreed to back in 2005. but the europeans did not even said the proposal onward to the united states because they knew that the position of the was administration -- of the bush administration was that we do not negotiate with iran and we don't accept any centerpieces. so yes, if we had negotiated much earlier we could have gotten much more because the iranians had much less. they did not have as many bargaining cards as they do today. the reason they have so many is because we refused negotiations for so long and thought the threat of military action would be effective, whereas in reality that threat only help them fuel their program. that is something to keep in mind. to realize that yes, we actually could have gotten a deal if we had dropped this idea that we don't talked about people, we don't negotiate with evil, and actually pursued negotiations much earlier. iran has been relying on
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military threats. nis?: mr.mcin guest: i think you're misunderstanding what i am arguing. guest: i have say what you are arguing is wrong. guest: military action has to be in the background or frankly -- getting iran to the table is the first factor -- but if it is not there it is very difficult to achieve anything if you do not have some coercive power behind it or it i totally agree with opportunity to perhaps get a better deal earlier on -- i think there were a lot of missteps for a number of years. but the challenge is you point changed,were really was the giving up on the idea that we can actually prevent .ran from enriching iran had this idea that they had a right under the nonproliferation treaty to be able to enrich on their own.
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this is something that we and all of the resolutions that imposed sanctions on them, all set this was something that had to stop. the shift that happened here in washington when the president said, yes, in the end i will let them in rich but -- and rich but we are going to contain them. can argue about whether that was good or bad, but we gave up a key nonproliferation tenant -- et.ant in order to -- ten guest: i agree with that. i think it's absolutely true. we gave up something that you call a nonproliferation tenet but the reality is we gave up something that was absolutely unattainable. aswe were obtaining that -- we were pursuing that objective we sought the military enrichment expand.
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it is important to understand that affected the -- effective diplomacy needs to have coercive measures, -- measures, but you cannot assume that the other side does not have coercive measures. you cannot assume the other side is just doing nothing. as the united states build up its case with the international also built iranians up their negotiating cards by expanding their nuclear program. by the time the two sides met at the table, finally when we gave up the unachievable objective of zero enrichment, i am not so the the united states and international community had more leverage comparative to the amount the iranians had. they got 5000 centrifuges whereas they would agree to only 3010 years ago. we lost time by pursuing unrealistic objectives. host: one more call. david from new jersey. you are on. caller: good morning.
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whatrst question is -- either of the gentleman if they were negotiating with the iranians and knowing that they were getting $100 billion, with they have given up the hostages? please don't say it has nothing to do with the negotiations. my second question is with most -- both gentlemen agreed there will never be any snap back because of russia and china have a completely different agenda. please tell me what is the icbm they want to build? host: because of time if we can please condense these thoughts. one hundred billion dollars is the number that has been thrown out. i'm not sure if that is the exact amount. the last number i saw was $56 billion. keep in mind this was the money that was frozen in international bank account as a result of the
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sanctions. no one is giving iran money for this deal. as is their money that has been frozen that will be unfrozen this is therd -- money that has been unfrozen. setbacks, russia and china cannot control it. aey are not going to have veto. it has to be a majority vote. as long as the eu and the u.s. will be on the same side -- which only is it congress approved this deal -- as long as the europeans and the u.s. are on the same side they will always be able to override russia and china objections. last one on the missile program in iraq. again, i would like to see it region -- a region that has far less weapons. but it is important to keep in mind what has motivated the iranian missile program. theng the iraq iran war iraqis had much more advanced weapons, similar to what you see in the region right now.
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missiles tod scud attack iranian cities. they had the iranian capital with ballistic missiles the iranians have to be deep inside of iraqi territory to be able to in their capital of baghdad retaliation because they simply did not have same capabilities. at the end of that war in 1988 both sides were convinced that would not-- peace last and that the other side would use weapons of mass destruction at their earliest convenience. been the driving force of the iranian missile program. would it be better if we lived in a world where they did not have one? absolutely. does this deal fuel their program? in the contrary, it keeps in place the embargo for an additional eight years. and on that last point i want to know this is something that has always concerned me. but the the arms race
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fact that they were pursuing missiles that were beyond 2000 kilometers, which is beyond the range for israel. the fact that there is really only one reason why you pursue something that is basically an intercontinental ballistic missile, which they don't have yet and which would be several years from now. the only reason you do that is because you are going to put a nuclear weapon on it or it you don't fill it with explosives. it doesn't make any sense. the fact that iran is still pursuing that capabilities worries me. the historic footnote is actually interesting to see. it was the israelis back in the 1970's were trying to convince the shah of iran that iran would never be a modern state if they did not have nuclear weapons. they actually provided them with the technology that the u.s.
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refused to provide. host: i have to stop you there. two gentlemen joining us to talk about it. of the national iranian american council and matthew mcinnis of the american enterprise institute. thank you for the conversation. 200 credit unions went out of business and this was occurring just as about one million people decided to join one. will be here to discuss the trend. we will have a conversation as washington journal continues. >> with the sudden death of president harding, vice president calvin coolidge takes office. great colors was an enormously
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popular first lady and influenced the taste of american women by becoming a style icon although she married a man known as silent cal. she used her office to bring attention to issues she cared about. coolidge, this sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span's original series, first ladies, it was an image. examining the public and private lives of the women who held the position of first lady and their influence on the presidency. from martha washington to michelle obama. at 8:00 p.m. eastern on american history tv on c-span3. >> this sunday night on q&a, stanford law school professor deborah brodie talks about her book "the trouble with lawyers," which takes a critical look at the legal profession in the united states, the high cost of law school, and the lack of diversity in the profession. >> i think we need a different that of legal education
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includes one year programs for people doing routine work. as an optionrams for people who want to do something specialized in the third year, and three full years for people who want the full general practice legal education that we now have. but you know, it is crazy to train in the same way somebody who is doing routine divorces in a small town in the midwest and somebody who is doing mergers and acquisitions on wall street. this one-size-fits-all model of legal education is extremely expensive. the average debt level for a law student is $100,000. that you can train everybody to do everything in the same way. i am licensed to practice in two states as i would not trust myself to do a routine divorce. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern and pacific on c-span's q&a.
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"washington journal" continues. host: joining us now is carrie hunt with the national association of credit unions. she also serves as their general counsel. good morning. guest: good morning. host: your organization put out a report looking at trends that are going on and credit unions. particularly what is going on with credit unions versus who is joining them. what are you finding? guest: we are seeing a lot of trends. just recently we had some new numbers and there are over 101 of creditmbers unions. we think that is fantastic. host: at the same time, one million people joining credit unions and yet at the same time you had a reduction in the number of unions. guest: we have seen the
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validation of credit unions for a number of the years now and unfortunately that trend is continuing. credit unions have a lot of ,ressure relative to regulation regular tray burdens, and it is becoming more and more difficult to operate credit unions. they do a fantastic job in providing financial services and they want to be able to continue to do that well. host: just before we go on, the difference between a credit union and a bank is? fort: credit unions are not profit and they are cooperative. when you join a credit union you are a member and you own it. everything with a it is working for you. example ifr washington does regulatory reform aimed at wall street does this affect the credit union as well? guest: it absolutely does. tendtunately credit unions
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to be sucked into a lot of those same regulations that were really designed to curb some of behaviors that cause the financial crisis. even though credit unions really protection onal the financial side, we have to operate in the same environment that banks do. host: give an example of regulation aimed at big tanks but affecting your regulation -- your industry and an unfair way? i think one quick example is a rule that came out of the dodd frank act relative to remittance transfers. there were limitations put on those and it became very very expensive to do them. host: and before we go on, remittance transfers are? guest: if you want to send money to a different country than you have to send it across the wires , and second be expensive to do. it is a service that credit unions have provided and now it
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is becoming difficult. host: to get into the conversation, those of you at home if you watched it was a call. in eastern and central time .ones it is (202) 748-8000 mountain and pacific time zones, (202) 748-8001. if you are a member of a credit union, federal credit union members (202) 748-8002. there are a lot of types of credit unions. guest: there are two different types of credit unions. there are federally chartered credit unions. just like takes we have a dual chartering system in this country. almost all credit unions are protected by the federal government and credit unions -- your money and a credit union is safe and secure because it is backed by the full faith and credit of the united states just like banks are. host: so is it under the office of the fdic?
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$100,000 and a credit union still sees the same protection? guest: it does receive the same protection. we are regulated by the national credit union association and those funds are insured under their purview. host: when you talk about regulation i assume that part of your job is to go to capitol hill and let them know about how regulation affect you. first of all, how active are you in that? what is the response when you talk to legislators about your situation and what is going on? we haveertainly at nasq been active and involved in lobbying our policymakers on capitol hill. nasq has a five-point plan for regulatory relief and a key component of that is trying to roll back some regulation that actively harms our members. members of congress i think i understand the regulatory crunch that credit unions are in now, and we certainly have seen some
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positive reception. host: so world back what types of regulation? guest: a lot of that is relative to dodd frank. i think that dodd frank was well toended to protect a -- protect consumers, but there are that of provisions actually have some unintended consequences. host: such as? guest: there are some rules relative to qualifying mortgages. now you have to follow strict rules to make sure that a consumer has the ability to repay mortgage, and credit unions have already been doing that. we certainly would not make a loan to one of our members if they cannot pay it back. but there are some elements relative to fees that you can charge cause additional regulation. there he hypertechnical issues which just adds to the cost of the loan. that is something that credit unions want to avoid.
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credit unions provide lower rates overall then banks do, and credit --provide anything that adds to that bottom line is something we want to avoid. host: dated it. frank specifically tell you you have to have a certain amount of capital in the bank? guest: it did not necessarily affected that way, but in general credit unions are held to very high standards. we are a very conservative industry overall. feel thes we will impact of a rule or regulation where others potential he will not. that is because a lot of credit thrive. our industry is very very small. host: our first call for you is
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jean from westminster, colorado. he is a member of a credit union. go ahead. caller: good morning to you and your guest, pedro. my main concern is with big finance and the federal reserve. the fact that you can get less than 1% interest rates on your credit union savings, i think that there is -- for lack of a better word -- a conspiracy among big finance to keep the interest rates low, which would then make it almost mandatory -- if you wanted to investor money -- to go to wall street. i would like to have your guest comment on that. thank you. guest: thank you for your question. i think the question of the rate environment that we're in right and whether rates are going to rise is certainly a very important one. i think if you look at all the advantagesconomic
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that is certainly a sense the fed is poised to begin to have rates increase. veryubt it has been a tight, difficult rate environment for credit unions and it has been difficult to finance. certainly allt signs are showing that our economy is continuing to improve and certainly -- given the response of the latest market was nothad -- there mass hysteria. we seem to be doing well. i certainly think that there -- that we will see trends continuing to be positive. we will see where we go. host: another credit union member, this is lou and connecticut. you are on. caller: thank you for taking my call. i have been a very happy credit
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union member for over 30 years. i also used to belong to the banking system in this country, which was at one time bank of america. i cut ties with them when they started to allow the illegals to open up lines of reddit and credit cards. when i would go to the bank they would always ask me -- they knew me as a member -- they would want to farms -- forms of identification to cash my paycheck. they would say we need a major credit card ana drivers license. that annoyed me to the point where i just shifted everything into the credit union and i belong to mutual security credit union. it is a fabulous organization. they treat you like a real number. i couldn't say anything bad about them. god bless credit unions throughout this country. they really help working-class people. thank you. thank you so much for
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that comment. i think the sentiments that you just uttered we hear from happy credit union consumers all the time. really customer service is the hallmark of what credit unions are all about. they really do go that extra mile to try to help individuals. and if you are on twitter asks, how many credit unions got into trouble during the financial crisis? guest: very few credit unions got into trouble. certainly when you look at the number of failures, credit unions were not immune to some of the larger economic impact, but in terms of the actual practices that caused the hughes collapse -- huge glass, credit unions weren't involved. and selling package of mortgage debts, credit unions weren't involved in that? guest: credit unions are very and -- are very limited in how
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they can secure loans. unionsly some credit fell to the larger impact felt to wall street and their investments. host: in cherry hill, new jersey, joe. joe, start over. go ahead please. caller: yes. leonard, son of a and myself who started a credit union back in the late 1930's. we are irish, irish catholics. we were not looked upon so happy at that time even though the rest of the people like the italians and so on came on to this country. we started in a little dining room in kensington, philadelphia. took it to the navy yard where tobuilt a chicken wire cage .uild up the membership
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to give them a right to go to a bank, save a little money, get their first loan to buy a garage. get a car. circulate when they got the money so that they could do things on vacation. of whatthe beginning the conditions were in philadelphia and throughout the united states. the banks controlled. we had to go to the building and loan, my father and mother, to save a little money. so joe is a credit union still in existence? guest: i think it became that or something like it. the naval credit union. we don't know the roots now because i'm 90. my children enjoy it i have to tell you. the banks have so much control today. they can't be allowed to grow as
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large as they are. we have got to stop the situation, so keep at it. host: ok. we will let our guest response. guest: thank you. that is fantastic to hear the story of how your credit union was started. that is similar to a lot of the stories that we hear. i found it interesting that you mentioned that the credit union was started in the early 30's, and in fact that is when we had the very first national law relative to credit unions. i think that the growth of large that is certainly an issue is an important one. we need to make sure that there is an environment where credit unions can exist to compete and compete effectively. one area that we look for ongoing and continued relief is relative to small business loans. credit unions have a cap as to how much they can lend to small businesses who are their
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members. we have been seeking legislation and change to increase that. credit unions do a fantastic job in reaching out into the community and giving those first loans not just to individuals but to small businesses. i think as we have seen, both small business-- has been key to having our economy on a positive path. todayand there's a story talking about efforts to expand the role of commercial lending practices. why have credit unions not been actively involved in it so far? think credit unions certainly have been active in member business lending. each credit union is very unique. if a credit union serve a community, that community needs credit, needs loans, and we will certainly go in and try to develop a commercial lending plan. certainly credit unions are andve and provide a need
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are serving businesses where banks may not make that loan. host: and john from pennsylvania. hello. caller: good morning. they do for taking my call. i have been in a credit union for a little over 23 years and i currently work on the senior management team of a very progressive credit union in pennsylvania. we are actually a member of nafcu.s organization, carrie, if you can tell the listeners what your goals are for all credit unions. i understand we have a congressional caucus in about a week down in washington and you folks play a major role in helping credit unions. can you give the people of good idea of the top three issues you are helping credit unions with. i think that would really be great. we are trying to keep the movement alive and thriving. guest: i would love to.
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thank you so much. we do have a congressional caucus in a couple of weeks. 's time when we had members of the credit union come to washington and talk to members of congress face-to-face. in terms of some of those issues that they will be talking about, i will run through a few. one is data security. we have seen a recent rash of informationaches of . it impacts credit unions and all financial institutions because the financial institution has to make sure that consumer is made whole. on how much itt can cause credit unions to provide service. we think we need to improve security scanners for data security all across the board. that is a big issue that we have not really talked about yet a lot.
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we talked about regulatory relief. that is a huge issue as well. we need to have an environment where credit unions can just get down to business and help people save money and give them loans when they need them. says a viewer from twitter can consolidation of credit unions make them too big to fail to echo -- too big to fail? guest: no. that is the short answer. the largest credit union is small compared to the banking industry. larger largest bank is than our complete industry overall. have toy credit unions become present of the safety and soundness. we are regulated just like the banks are by our regulator, but no. credit unions do not post that risk. cory from little rock, arkansas. go ahead. caller: hi guys. i'm glad to be on this morning.
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i am a credit union member and i think you guys provide a phenomenal service. but the caller who called in and said that his family had started a bank in the 1930's, because basically of racism. at the incomeook i'm sorry, i'm nervous -- disparity among minorities in the united states i think that the local banks, especially credit unions, if they really want to grow i think if they would get out of the smallmindedness and see that there is a vast number of people in their very own communities that they could help. if you really want to grow and if you really want to be great, take care of the people first. if you want to be successful help everyone else be happy and
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you will be happy to. host: thanks. guest: i think that is a great comment. aboutly it brings to mind the credit unions we have been trying to fix on the legislative side. credit unions have very defined field of membership. that can differ depending on where you are and you can certainly create different types of credit unions, but only one type of credit union is allowed to add underserved. -- underserved areas to their field of membership. that is where we want to see some expansion and improvement. when i talk to credit unions -- and i do everyday and have for the past 11 years -- credit unions certainly want to serve their communities. some of my favorite success stories have been from credit unions who have started new programs. gone into areas to try to reach their entire community and have
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been successful. that is why credit unions exist, and that is what everyone strives to do. viewer from twitter says that efforts to ease credit union rules will see no help from banks. thanks fight to limit their membership. would you agree with that? guest: i think that banks are suffering from regular a burden as well. i think credit unions feel it more, but certainly there are a lot of small banks of their who we hear from who has some of the same issues that we do. time there isny some level of competition of course there is going to be disagreements, but we actually do have a lot of synergies with small banks. host: from russellville, tennessee, tim is next. go ahead please. caller: hi. good morning. , i belong to a couple of credit unions but i also maintain an account in some larger banks.
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one of the things that stand out for me when i go into most of them is that they don't really higher a lot of people that look like me. i think you guys could do a much better job with your minority , and i thinkces that could also help you to grow credit unions. that is really the main reason that i don't go exclusively of credit unions is just because it seems like the hiring practices are not fair. guest: thank you. i had not heard that. it something to think about. , tennessee,us lawrence. you are on. caller: yes. book and ing this the book he was talking about -- he was talking about how credit democratically run institutions.
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he was saying that members of credit unions can go and vote for the board and put pressure on those boards to do more local and localture investment, and i was wondering if you could speak to that. guest: sure, i would be happy to. credit unions are a democratically run institution. so you have the core principle of how the credit union's work -- you have a group of people who get together and they elect an all volunteer board of directors to run the credit union. of course that board certainly hires a ceo and management team to do the day-to-day of the institution. but the board is elected by the membership. so when you go into a credit union if you want to join you have a membership share. it is one vote per member. against peopleed who have been there longer than others.
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you vote for that board. a credithoose, as union member, to run for that board of directors as well. if you are elected and serve, then you are giving your personal impact and direction to had a credit union is run. what type of loans to credit unions usually make? guest: credit unions make a whole host of loans. many make mortgage loans although don't >> not -- all do. and some just offer very small dollar loans. loans that the individual consumer may need to get them to the next paycheck, or an unexpected expense. some of those are loans that the banks don't have, or it is not worth it. host: what about the student loan market? most credit unions don't do student loans.
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it really depends on their field of membership. recently we have look at credit union data relative to student loans. it slightly decreased this past quarter, but overall increasing in recent years. host: from a landfill, kentucky, here is joseph. you are on with our guest. good morning. caller: good morning. i have a comment and a question. credit is the currency of slaves. said, i was wanting to get lady'sies opinion -- opinion on which he things are currency is going to crash because of the situation with present -- puking in china. putin in china. certainly credit unions have to be conscious of what is going on in the market and the
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world, but i certainly can't speak to that issue in particular. host: now we hear from larry. he is a charleston, s.c.. i have some concerns and some general questions. system that iking think is going to bankrupt the country. [indiscernible] i needed a mortgage to stay in my home, i am a retired army person. but the idea that we have credit unions -- [indiscernible] our credit unions well-regulated and managed to ensure that we
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don't have these kind of issues? during the time i was unable to a loan i went to the credit union and they denied me as well. do we have anything to ensure that these are great -- well-regulated systems? guest: sure. credit unions are very well-regulated. i think some of it unions argue they are too regulated. the national credit administration is a government and which is run by a board writes all of the rules and regulations for credit unions. credit unions are examined on a yearly basis. they are extremely safe and sound. -- allunions offer deposits are insured. there is a lot of oversight. regulated by are
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whole host of other regulators as well. that creditthink unions do a fantastic job, and as i have said earlier, are relatively conservative institutions. from johns creek in georgia, mass, good morning -- matt. caller: good morning. i belong to three to credit unions. i am a retired navy man. for over 30 years i have been with some of them. in the past we were able to get cd rates. older people, anybody actually. the best number of years have been so lousy that they are partially know. is responsible for keeping those rates so low, and can we see the releasor? guest: the short answer is the federal reserve. what the fed does relative to their rates has an impact on all rates across the board.
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i think that we are right on track to see rates start to increase. as i said, credit unions are not-for-profit financial cooperatives. when we are in tight rate environments across the board it is harder and harder for credit to provide those positive services and low rates. i think that given the economic environment credit unions have done a fantastic job. as we have seen, when we first started off the show, 101 million members. that is growing. reserve the federal does increase its interest rates later this year, practically, what happens as far as credit union's jacket how are you going to see that directly? guest: i think certainly there will be a direct impact on the rates that credit unions offer relative to mortgages. certainly credit unions will try
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to keep rates as low as possible for their members. but it also will have a potential impact on the market overall. we could see some more benefits. host: if you go to a big bank you will see services like an atm on every order and you are able to pay your bills online. our credit unions able to offer those kinds of programs as well? most credit unions do offer those services. it really depends on the credit union. you will find what credit unions do as they have a relationship with other credit unions. for instance, your credit union does not the surly have -- a credit union -- -- and atm on the corner, but maybe you go to another credit union atm and you don't have to pay a fee. credit unions are very active and involved with online services.
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so while not every credit union is the same, credit unions certainly thought -- try to stay competitive. really it is all about providing services that their members want and need. if members say they want online services we will do what we can to make that happen. host: sander from greenville, north carolina. that morning. -- good morning. echo myi just wanted to absolute love for the credit unions. i am a member here in north carolina. i cannot tell you how fabulous -- i love credit unions. there is no point that i would ever go back to bank. i don't even see how banks remain competitive. my credit union -- i can't tell you what they offer me. i'm in the market for a car. they told me come to them. they will walk me through the process. numberive them the vin on the car, they will tell me if price. good
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they do my taxes. i have an open line of credit. couldly wish everyone gain the benefits of being in a credit union. i have been with them since 1992 since i had my first job with the state of north . i went to the federal government and i did not learn -- lose that membership. they also allow your family to become members. i have a brother in baking and he always tries me to get to come to the bank. i say no way dude, the credit unions are the way to go. guest: thank you so much for your comment. that certainly warms my heart. i think many people have the same experience that you do. if you are not a credit union member and you are curious about ookup.comcan go to cul and see where there is a credit union you may be eligible or. -- eligible for. host: and a caller from fort
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worth texas. though ahead. caller: i would like to know if that -- if credit unions pay federal taxes. guest: we are tax exempt from most part. credit unions are not-for-profit cooperatives that provide benefits to this country and consumers. credit unions do pay some taxes relative to payroll and other issues, but in terms of federal taxes we are tax event. -- tax exempt. host: from pennsylvania, this is wrong. -- ron. is, years question ago when i got my first mortgage i sat in front of a local bank. i was curious now, what a is that money, from the federal reserve or is it actually coming from depositors jacket -- from
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depositors? guest: i think i understand your question. as a credit union all of the money in the credit union does come from the members. moneyultimately members's that is being loadout. -- being loadout. out.aned host: when it comes to regulatory issues what you would like to -- what would you like to see change on capitol hill? guest: there are two different categories. there are laws and rules that we think need to be rolled back so that credit unions can survive, and i think there is the where thingsreas need to be changed so credit unions can really thrive. , i already areas mentioned davis security. -- i artie mentioned security. not just with congress, but with
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the entire merchant and banking community to see improvement in that area. changes to. frank. really just -- changes to. frank -- dodd frank. , credit to other areas unions would love to be able to serve more people. i think that there can be there. their -- increasing the amount of money we can lend relative to commercial lending. host: and one more call, this is jean from wisconsin. go ahead. caller: yes. i want to thank you very much for the credit unions. they are so great. i finance my house through. i have done everything with them. they're just wonderful. i agree with some of the people that have called in and said
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that they would never go to a bank. i would never go to a bank again. the credit union that we have got here in wisconsin is just absolutely wonderful. thank you. guest: host: carry hot one of the national federation of credit unions, talking about the work of credit unions and regulatory issues involved. if you want to find out more information, where can they go to? guest: that is our website. credit unions, we think, are fantastic. host: thank you for your time. in our last half hour we want to talk about the impacts of social media, especially those of you who are very active on social media, and how you think social media is influencing or impacting the political process. when it comes to the use of
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social media, especially if you do use it, tell us a little bit about your use. we will take that up in just a moment. for those, 30 years and younger, (202) 748-8000. (202) 748-8001 for those of you in the 31-50 bracket. for those of you 51 years old and older, (202) 745-8002. how social media is changing politics. in our "newsmakers" program this week, we had a chance to interview joseph kurtz about the by the pope to the u.s., including the first ever speech to congress. here is part of that interview. [video clip] >> i understand john boehner bill on behalf of the house of representatives, and together with mitch mcconnell, they agreed to accept the invitation.
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it is my understanding that the first time the holy father has been invited to this joint session. it is a great privilege. we are, like it thanksgiving time, wanting to invite a special guest to our home. we are eager for him to come. >> i would love to hear a little bit about the overall things you think he will strike. one of the questions is how much of his address will be interpreted, we are already in the political season, this is happening as congress returns from a long summer break later this month. seenuch will politics be to play in his address? , first of all, good question. i think we have to make real so we can hear the message of our holy father. i don't have a text, or anything of what he will say, but on other visits he has had, where
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he has talked in the public square -- i think that is a good direction to begin with. i think his primary coming is for the world meeting of families which will be that saturday and sunday in philadelphia. joint meeting of congress, i suspect he will focus in on things of the common good. what it means to see the dignity of every human person. we gift of our home, which call the earth. i suspect he will also take up themes such as what he calls the throw away temptation. to be soation for us involved in consumerism that we miss the person outside of ourselves. >> "washington journal" continues. host: in our last half-hour, your thoughts on how social media is changing the political process. for those 30 and younger, (202)
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748-8000. for those aged 31-50, (202) 748-8001. for those, 51 years old and older, (202) 745-8002. this question, by the way, taken in part from a recent piece in , "how social media is ruining politics." some of the argument saying that the presidential campaign is becoming just another social media stream.
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host: again, you may agree or disagree with those thoughts. we want to see if you have thoughts on how it is changing politics, or if it is changing politics. we have divided the lines by ages this morning. if you are 30 years or younger, (202) 748-8000. if you are 31-50, (202) 748-8001 . if you are 51 years old or older, (202) 745-8002. we put this on our facebook page last night, here are some comments.
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host: again, those are just some of the responses on her facebook page. you can post on our page, or on our twitter page at @cspanwj. let's start with jada from illinois. what do you think? caller: i think it is a good thing that they post certain things on the media. the thing about it is if you can't grow from this, from what is going on in america today, and i don't know what to expect. my thing is, if we come together as one, all this other stuff can stop. chaos, harassment,
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injustice. we all come together as one all lovef hating, we one another. there is so much hatred going on, they don't know how to put , when to stop. they don't know how to let go, and put the pieces of the puzzle together. host: frank from gainesville, georgia. line for 30 years and younger. caller: i think that social media plays a great role, when it comes to bernie sanders having the ability to come up in the polls so much. i think a negative aspect of it is that people who don't really know what they are talking about start talking a lot, and it gives a false impression of different people. i think that is a negative side. i think there is a positive as well, and i'm excited about the
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positive. when it comes to seeing a candidate for 5% in the polls to beating in new hampshire and iowa. bernie sanders has definitely used social media to his advantage. host: when it comes to political information, do you turn to social media for that? ,aller: i turn more to reddit and i like the idea of a better because people will post more articles rather than their ideas. i can be their sources. when it comes to facebook, i leave the information on the wayside, because i do not know where they are getting the information from, and i think most people don't know what they're talking about, unless they have done research. host: for those who don't know, what is reddit? caller: it is a form where people can post articles and ideas. you can talk to people. if you have questions, people
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can answer questions for you. there are a bunch of different subcategories. there is actually a good subcategory called "sanders for president." .hat is where i get information host: got you. dan from iowa. caller: hello. right along the same bytes of the last caller, i think corporate media is not giving bernie sanders the time of day. when they give it to hillary clinton, it is all about her e-mails and stuff like that. ,anders, and people like that have to rely on social media to get the word across. in that respect, it is very very important.
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host: are u.s. social media user? caller: yes, i am. host: where'd you go to, especially for political information? caller: i go to berniesand host: you don't use twitter or facebook to pull information when it comes to politics? am in the 50 and up category, so i am just getting used to this stuff. host: @cspanwj is our twitter feed. a couple of respondents from .acebook, if you want, send us an e-mail as well. on the's advisor was spending seven hours about
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host: abbeville, south carolina, this is tony, 51 years old and older, talking about social media, if it is changing politics. caller: they don't report the news. they make the news. they have their own agenda. host: you turn to social media to get political news, or no? caller: they twisted to mean what they wanted to mean. "they"?o is the caller: the newspapers, the journalists. host: georgia, james. good morning. caller: good morning c-span. theynk the real problem is
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don't get a whole lot of background in school. i remember when i was in school, you were taught civics. camenderstood how a bill to become law. you understood how a lot of that stuff is made. now, you don't get all the information. you are left with tried to come up with what you think. atyou go back, and looked the social contract, what the government should do, and what the responsibility of a citizen in a true democracy, you would have a better idea. thet the media is doing -- media is out there to make money. if you don't do things to make yourself better understand, you will be left with social media. just like what you're earlier caller said, people don't know enough, but they want to talk. the problem is, we need to go
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teaching 23hers million people in the united states. there has to be a strong, authoritarian role. asking folks this morning about social media, if it is changing politics. will henry on twitter says that social media in politics sharpens the challenge for voters to review more information and discern truth from false. the media pundits get feedback instantaneously, speed of the cycle is not taking. -- breathtaking. , social media engages and energizes the young. this is wild and wonderful adding that social media has increased available political info exponentially, whether it is credible is another issue.
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bristol, tennessee, kenny is up next. good morning. caller: good morning at the giver taking my call. i am one of those people that fall in between the crocs. cks.ra i am too old to know how to use the computer, but too young to mye a paper delivered on doorstep every day. i think what is happening now is , tv ads, anding tv such, to slam the other people that they are running against. it is kind of like a money wins all. from what i understand, the computer is free. they don't pay money to go on the computer. they are not interesting enough in print.ten about in other words, they have to do some the outrageous in order for someone to get to a typewriter.
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yes, i still use the typewriter. i would like to see some time when there is something like "the daily show," which has gone off the air. that is where i got 90% of my news. host: it has a new host, actually. caller: if it is entertaining, i will watch it and observe it like a sponge. host: ok. let's hear from ron in new hampshire. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. think it has had a democratizing effect on politics. a lot of people who normally did not have a voice have a voice now. it helps educate the populace. you would never see anything
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like a crowd sourced constitutional amendment come to pass without social media. i forget has had a beneficial effect. in the interim, it is kind of disrupted because the established powers, the people in the beltway, like yourself, or the media push back a little bit against it. overall, i think it is beneficial. says off of twitter, jan social media is a good tool, but too often, people post before fax are available. and, it is harder and easier to be misinformed. if you want to post thoughts on twitter, we will be as many as we can in the 15 minutes or so we have left on this topic, social media, if it is changing
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motorcycle instead. i think people are innocent until proven guilty. they have this all in a twist. i think you have all of these people that somehow got voted into congress that were former they thinks -- everybody is guilty of something. factsnk, until the are laid out, they need to keep their mouth shut. host: johnny from maryland. 30 years and younger. you are on. caller: social media is pretty much the new frontier. the run for president is every four years. it is basically forcing the candidate that is up now to adjust to the newer climate. can'tey can adjust, --
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adjust, unlike trump, they can't keep up. that is why he is in the lead for the republican party. host: do you use social media to get political information? caller: i don't. i pretty much watch c-span and cnn everyday. use social media much. host: you will remember, in the last campaign cycle, it was mitt romney who said he would eventually use social media to announce his vice presidential pick. that is taking a back to the last campaign cycle, some of the ways that campaigns have used social media over the ages. we have asked you about the changing political process. let's hear from chastity in north carolina, 18 years old.
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what do you think about the use of social media? caller: i think one thing that is big about people my age and stuff, people will make jokes about politics. it is hard to take people seriously when you see all these jokes. you know, back when you didn't have social media, the only information you could get from people were the newspaper or the speeches. but, you see this stuff, and it is getting to people everywhere. i have had people message me on facebook and asked, what is the big deal about donald trump? host: do you use a lot of social media to get political information? on my news pops up feed a lot. it's not really like you to try as much. host: do you think you really end up learning about a candidate or what their positions are? caller: it is really hard.
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you never know what is credible or not. is politics,'s you never know who is lying or telling the truth. host: as far as political information, where do you go? caller: usually i read a lot on facebook. that's about it. probably twitter. host: got you. steve is up next from maryland. thanks for calling. go ahead. caller: anybody can get on social media and find something to argue their point. that's where i think a lot of it gets manipulated. you can find anything to back yourself up and totally ignore any of the other facts. , it's easy facebook to see people i see every day, which way they are trying to sway somebody's idea of how to vote. .t's an agenda thing
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they find anything to back themselves up, and it's all over the place. host: do you ever find yourself having your political opinions challenge or change because of things you see on social media? caller: i tried to stick to the facts. i have a few sources that i try to stick to. feel a lote times, i of things are manipulated. i try to read as much as i can make each thing, so i can a good decision, not partial one way or the other. host: for mark on twitter, he commented on the previous caller commenting about reddit. he says that it's politics reveals an appalling lack of criticism and apathy. you can give us a call.
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host: raleigh, north carolina, joe is up next. good morning. caller: good morning. i think social media affects politics in the short run, insomuch as it is going to enable, or promote, the nationalists and populists of each party. in the long run, i think the establishment parties, the democrats and republicans, are going to control the process more, and action make it less democratic in the long run because they don't want us to swing these huge swings right and left. , in theom twitter 1700s, we had templates years --
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ers spreading information, social media is now the same. michael, social media is just another avenue for politicians to get their message out and spend it. katie. caller: i just want to say that facebook is right up there with wikipedia. it is a great way to post your opinion, but it is not a really reliable place to get facts. host: how do you fact check things that you have seen on facebook? caller: honestly, just do research. c-spanlistening to because you have credible witnesses. on facebook, you don't know what you will get out of it. i just think, it is more opinionated than factual based. host: when you come to getting
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little information, is that social media? television? radio? it?do you go about getting i assume you don't read the newspaper. caller: not usually newspaper. i do love online articles from sources, like "the washington journal." i like reading articles, but most of the time i have my phone, i don't have a newspaper on me. perfect the way, the opportunity, if you have not done so, sign up for our feeds. you can like us on facebook, @cspanwj. -- on facebook, you can tweet at us at @cspanwj. we will keep you updated not only on what is going on in the political world, but what is on our networks as well. al from new york, you're
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next. caller: i don't think the national parties are helping the people at all. i think they're working more for their own party, and not the people, particularly the republicans. they have not helped obama won iota -- one iota. host: what do you think about social media and politics? ok. , if from twitter ys this one has media consumption habits anyway, they have the idea of which outlets or people tend to be reliable. tim from missouri, you are the last call. caller: i just wanted to tell you that i get about 75% of my .nformation from the internet i work a lot of hours, i come home, and i can't see the speeches when they are presented media,so i go on social
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facebook and others, find the speeches, watch them, and get informed on what the candidate'' positions are. that's how internet affects my politics. host: that's a laugh kobe will take on this topic. for tomorrow's program on "washington journal," we will continue our discussion on the iran nuclear deal. mohammed from reuters will join us. we will also hear from michael o'brien. we will talk about the u.s. military and political failures in iraq. and, nelson schwartz of "the new york times." we will talk about the august jobs report and the implications, especially as the federal reserve decides if and when they will raise the interest rate.
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we will see you then. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪ >> next, high school and college students discuss what issues are important to them, and what motivates them to vote. then, a senate hearing on the iran nuclear agreement. the birmingham civil rights institute hosted a panel of high school and college students to discuss their thoughts and experiences with voting and the democratic process. barry mcneilly is with the
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