tv Washington Journal CSPAN September 11, 2015 7:00am-9:01am EDT
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anniversary of the september 11 attacks with senator jones at the rand corporation. he will talk about the thread still face in the united states from terrorist groups. when 289 people died flight 77 crashed into the pentagon on september 11, 2000 one. on your screen is alive picture of the pentagon where commemoration ceremonies will be held this morning. "the washington journal" will commemorate 9/11 by taking calls later in the program. on this 14th anniversary, the house of representatives will vote on the iran nuclear agreement, that is where we will begin today. if you support the iran nuclear agreement, --
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if you oppose -- you can also contact us on social media. is our twitter handle and is our e-mail. this is from "the national journal" looking at what the senate did. senate democrats delivered president obama the assurance that he needed on thursday to carry out the historic iran nuclear deal signed by the u.s. and five other global powers. while there will be other votes by potential lawsuits raised the gop, the vote on thursday blocked a resolution disapproving of the deal, showing there is enough congressional support for the if a mentation of the agreement, which significantly limits iran's nuclear programs for 10-15 years, in exchange for sanctions worth 115 million
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dollars without using a presidential -- approximately $100 billion without using a presidential veto. senate foreign relations chairman bob corker, who helped write the bill defining the congressional review process, said obama was figuratively overing legs and arms this. saying he was talking to colleagues who said they have never even seen the personal vitriol by the president and those around him. if passed by a vetoproof majority, in both chambers of congress, the resolution will have barred the administration from lifting congressional sanctions allowing iran to back out of the agreement and claim obama did not keep up to his and of the bar again. republican leaders may bring up the issue before the september 17 deadline, but there is little reason to believe the votes will change. that is from "the national
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journal" this morning. this is from "the hill" looking at what the house will be doing. the house accuses obama of withholding iran documents. provided has not all documents related to the deal, thereby violating the congressional review law. day after house gop leaders recalibrated their strategy to reject the deal following a conservative fruitful. it came -- a conservative revolt. is came the same day they blocked resolution disapprov ing the deal. the cochairman of the house republican israel caucus he laid a deal on the iran deal before the obama administration text and side deals between iran and the atomic energy agency.
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those bilateral agreements layout details about international inspections of iranian nuclear sites. the obama administration does not have these texts to share. withaea keeps agreements individual countries confidential. some republicans say the lack of information about the inspections agreed to between iran and the iaea leaves lawmakers in the dark. "no american citizen has read this agreement, yet we have members who say this is a great deal and i am excited to vote for it," says the republican from kansas. house and senate leaders have stated sense july that the 60 is septemberriod 17. lawmakers are demanding to see the arrangement between iran and the iaea argue that the review period has not started because
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they do not have all of the documents pertaining to the deal. that is from "the hill" newspaper this morning on the iran nuclear agreement. .his is from craig kaplan he is our congressional producer for c-span. this is the report that he sent to us last night, to clarify what is going to happen today. at 9:00 in for legislative business, one minute speeches, then the house will debate hr 3460 introduced roskam, from illinois, preventing obama from lifting, existingg, or reducing sanctions against iran until he is out of office on january 21, 2017. 2 hours of general debate, one for the republicans won control by the democrats. the house completed all three hours of debate on thursday on
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hr 3461 introduced by speaker boehner to approve the iran nuclear agreement. today, when house comes in at 9:00 a.m. after willal debate, the votes have four different votes on the iranian nuclear agreement and the different issues surrounding it. we want to hear from you. the house is voting on the iran nuclear agreement. if you support or oppose it, we will put the phone numbers up so you can see them. we'll begin with someone on the opposed line. go ahead, roberta. caller: i believe this is wrong. are already killing americans for no reason. chopping off their heads because they are americans. i think our country has fallen back. they started in the 1960's cutting back the army. the navy and the marines. closing bases, which made us a
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weaker country. now, there is no respect for americans. they are just going to turn the nuclear weapons back on us. they are killing innocent people now because they are american. what are they going to do with nuclear weapons? wipe us off the face of the earth. pigeonhat is roberta in falls, wisconsin. this is steve on the support line. go ahead, steve. caller: good morning, how are you? i would like to point out something. as a viewer of this show, i hear people come up with all kinds of ideas. ridiculous, some of
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them brilliant, etc.. however, there is one idea or point that when people bring every single moderator, including yourself, will cut them off. this has to be an order by brian lam for you to cut this person off every time there is a question concerning -- let's look at some facts and evidence pertaining to the inside george bush job of the 9/11 attacks against our country. remember we if you had the architects of 9/11 on ins program for a call segment. for an hour we have that person on. if we are talking about the iranian nuclear agreement of
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this program, we will talk about male levin later. andy barr is a republican from kentucky. talk about 9/11 later. andy barr is a republican from kentucky. [video clip] i spoke with prime minister netanyahu and learned close hand what our closest ally in the middle east thinks about the iranian nuclear agreement, known as the joint comprehensive plan of action. the consensus view from the israelis across the political spectrum, from the prime opposition --root the opposition leader, to the alltary leaders, they agree the deal negotiated by secretary kerry, championed by president obama, is a dangerous and historic mistake. haveconfirms what we
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learned in briefings and hearings in congress. this deal will not deliver the safety and security the american people deserve. it will transform iran from the world's leading state sponsor of terror with an illicit nuclear world's leading state sponsor of terror awash with billions of dollars in sanctions relief. host: why do you support the iranian nuclear agreement? -- the p5 plus one, it is not only a miracle that they agreed with the deal, they have france, germany, the eu, all of these other countries. that is important, because it is the best way to keep iran from getting a nuclear weapon.
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opposed to the woman from wisconsin, she was making the statement they were cutting heads away. ,sis is not part of the iran that is a different ball game. i think president obama has been a very good president, he really has. 2 terms. president for he told us when he debated hillary and other democrats in 2008 that he would sit down with our enemies, and he would make deals with them. we voted for him twice. he has been elected twice. president for 8 years. why are we shocked. the republicans, the only thing they are doing, is trying to keep this man for making history. about, howt it is can everybody, every republican, disagree. partyne in the republican is disagree. there's something wrong with that picture. host: this is like in daytona --
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this is mike in daytona florida. caller: they became fools. the united states of america has resisted god's grace for over 50 years. they kicked prayer and bible reading out of school. are you there or are you cutting me off? host: we are listening. caller: they took prayer and bible reading out of school when i was a child. they made abortion legal. the supreme court pulled that out of the air with no jurisdiction. marriage homosexual legal. this is the wrath of god. the people resist him they become stupid. host: this is john in levittown, pennsylvania. why are you supporting the iranian nuclear agreement? supporting it?i
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because there is no alternative. i have not seen a alternative that the republicans have produced. that is why i'm supporting it. host: from "the washington post" david cameron, francois hollande, and angela merkel have an op-ed -- why we support the iran deal. the leaders of great britain, france, and germany. we fully support this agreement, they write, because it achieves the goals we set ourselves. it deals with the iranian enrichment route, having them reduce their stockpile of enriched uranium, limit the uranium enrichment levels, and e for enrichment. it closes the plutonium route to the iraq reactor so that it does not produce weapons-grade
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plutonium. it ensures that the iaea toanced access, not only iran's enhanced nuclear facilities and fuel cycle, but also where needed to any undeclared sites. in return iran will get really from nuclear related sanctions, the only if it meets its own commitments in concrete ways of verified by the international atomic energy administration. agreed on provisions for the return of sanctions if iran were to substantially breached the agreement. the next call is from charles in illinois. charles is on the proposed line. why are you opposed? caller: i am opposed because, first of all, to be honest, it is out of my pay grade. i'm not into politics. it is a shame you listen to the theyand it says how want to kill the americans, this
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person, in these types of people . i don't understand where government is going with this. i was watching the news this morning to make sure i know what i'm talking about, but they are getting all kinds of deal and we are giving them money before they are made to keep their promises. i don't understand. does anyone have an answer? how come we are giving the money prior to them doing anything? what if they take everything that has been offered, and they tell us to go pound sand, excuse the expression. host: that is charles from illinois. from our facebook page, i support it despite what some have said. give enron a chance -- give it iran a chance to prove itself. and look up: powell, explaining why he thinks it's a pretty good deal, and how it makes it impossible for it iran to build
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a nuclear weapon. gutierrez, in selma, north carolina, what do you think? caller: what is the alternative? another war? iran has been reactionary to foreigners coming in. destabilizing countries. serbia,tan, pakistan, libya, somalia. they have been destabilized by people that are not even from that area. what is the alternative? another war? a large escalation? this is madness. , when you do
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something over and over and over and get the same results, that is the definition of insanity, you know what i am saying? of anotheralation war, creating another campaign in the region, is not the answer. it is not the answer. it is not the answer to continue to escalating more, and more, and more war. you aren't going to win. you have not won in afghanistan, africa.rth continents all you have done is created chaos and mass death. is that the legacy that you want to tell your children? that is what you did? you created more, and more, and more war, and did not win nothing. host: next is harold from one
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sport in sylvania -- from williamsport, pennsylvania. iwatch fox news all the time. fox news all the time. host: please turn down your tv. caller: i watch fox news and i hear the pros and cons constantly. i cannot agree to it. like the guy said before me, all the money they get before hand -- the fact that you cannot trust those countries to be inspected. the fact that they never read the whole bill, it is ridiculous. i cannot see any way to approve that. tweets, i don't care if we make a deal with the knuckleheads running iran, but i would never have agreed to it
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without walking out without our hostages. in chicago, go ahead. caller: thank you for taking my call. support the agreement, because listening to all of the conversations, debates, pros and cons across both sides of the -- and especially listening to our president and brilliant secretary of state, --n kerry, keeping it simple i do not think there is anything hard to understand. for thewe are compelled best interest of america to support this agreement. like everyone before me said, the alternative is war. vote this down, who will
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go to war for america? will the members of congress fight? i think not. well their children go and fight? i think not. they would want to vote for war and send my grandchildren, perhaps your grandchildren -- no, i think not. for those reasons, and for all of the outstanding arguments that the experts have explained to all of us to make us understand what is at stake, i war -- excusethe me, not the war, but the agreement. thank you for taking my call. host: democrats hand victory to obama on pact with iran. this is a quote. regardless of how one feels about the agreement, says ,emocrat chuck schuler
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fair-minded americans should acknowledge the president's strong achievements in combating and containing iran. acknowledging the tortured road he and other skeptical democrats travel, mr. schumer said he has a great deal of respect for the colorful the -- for the careful thought and the liberations my colleagues went through and i recognize they vote with conscience, just as it is for me. securing's triumph in you mean deal, without support of a single member of the party now in control of congress, is refashioning the definition of victory. no alltors voted legislature involving iran and 42 block a vote. terrible, she says. james is from akron, ohio on the
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support line. caller: some of these people to look atn needed more than one channel. i watch free speech tv, cnn, msnbc, the nightly news, and fox news. everybody is saying that they malicious to the united states, and are more dangerous to our well-being than anybody. the only people that i see for are -- against this deal people who listen to fox news and listen to the republican propaganda. here is the problem, all of these people that are for the war, the vast majority have never been in war or had anyone in their family in war. when you look at what it is beth, we do not need to against this, we need to make it
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work. we need to work with the iranians. prior to now, you remember when of this people that we put in place there, they were more like the united states then the people in the united states. the reason that we began to have problems with iran had nothing to do with the iranian people. it had to do with the united states, we broke our promise. iranians. people need to read history and look at these things, and say, ok, why do the iranian people say they hate us and israel? look at who broke promises in the past, ok? from san mateo, california. i am not a news watcher, some not talking about anything
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i saw on fox news. did his college work at stanford and is a nuclear engineer. he spent the last 55 years working on nuclear energy. he has read the agreement, it is available on the internet, and his position is that all of these details about being able to verify if iran is being able to enrich uranium is that it does not work and is not viable. all of the hype that you are getting on the liberal and conservative side is ignoring people like my brother, who actually work in this field. the second thing is that he was in the navy during the vietnam-europe. vietnam-era.he i was in korea. none of us want war, but all it
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takes is one side. and i think iran wants a war. host: if people wanted to read what your brother has written, where can they go? caller: i will have to check with him and see if he has posted it on a website. he has been faxing it to various members of congress. i do not know if it is available online. host: brian from michigan. why do you support the iran nuclear agreement. caller: i am confused. we know that both sides are not being completely true. i believe that the 1% -- rs aree percento leading this. it is all about the money, just like the wto. host: connect to the money to the iran nuclear agreement. billion being
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released so that they can spend it on weapons. who will sell it to them other than the u.s.? cal in new york, your turn. what do you think? caller: i have been watching c-span, watching the congress andsenate vote supporting against the agreement. it is amazing that they will not -- the democrats will not let it go for a vote in the senate. number two, what i've been hearing is that with this weeement going forward, now have to think about setting up another protective zone on the east coast from rockets to protect the u.s.
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additional armament and support, a shield to protect incoming from iran and whoever. if they did not have this being approved, why would you have to take that money to beef up the support along the east coast? but i think we are doing here is that we support iran and want to agreement, and a lot of the democrats have been forced to go along with the president. they put themselves in jeopardy. what do you do? you counterattack by putting up a missile defense or arms to those countries trying to save your own country. it is the stupidest thing that i've ever heard in my life. host: phil donnelly is a from indiana.ator he talked about the deal on the floor of the senate. [video clip]
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senator donnelly: it is not the deal i would have written, but the one that we have to make a decision on. the alternative is more dangerous to our country and israel. while reasonable people can disagree, we can all agree that armed iran poses a threat to national security. the iranian leadership should not, and could not be trusted. the question becomes how can we most effectively eliminate iran's nuclear threat. this rolls back nuclear capability, shrinks its program, and gives us unprecedented access, with the most intrusive inspections and verification regime ever put into place. iran must get rid of money percent of its stockpiled uranium, two thirds of its centrifuges, and the existing core of its plutonium reactor.
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these measures give us the opportunity to restrain iran's nuclear capabilities, and according to our military leadership, and prove effectiveness of our military dayons, should that one become necessary. without this agreement, we have the risk of the worst of both worlds. have formedn we against the iranian nuclear program would break apart. the agreement would dissolve, sanctions relief flows into iran from those countries that are no longer willing to hold the line, and iran is left with tens of thousands of centrifuges capable of producing highly enriched uranium, a heavy water react are capable of producing weapons grade plutonium, and a breakout time of 2-3 months. host: here's what john mccain tweeted -- it is unprecedented for a deal of this magnitude to
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move forward with a majority opposition in congress. reid tweeted that the senate has spoken with a clarion voice and declared the historic agreement to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon will stand. caller: good morning. that last clip from the congressman, that is everything i feel, 200. it is not the deal i would have written, but i feel having the deal in place is better than nothing. a lot of people have said that iran is developing nuclear weapons. without the deal we are to-three months away from them breaking out. i do not think the republicans would say that that is what they want. that is the deal we have now. that is what we have to go with. i am a republican and i do not agree with every aspect of the deal.
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i am concerned with how we are getting the samples. i heard that iran will be sending samples to us, and that we or the iaea will not be going there to get them. you employer would not ask to send your analysis in the mail, they would have someone supervising you. that is common sense to me. even if it is, not perfect, is better than no deal. the congresswoman yesterday made an excellent point that i had not considered. the question is not what if iran breaks the deal, but when. even obama has said you cannot trust iran. we have to plan accordingly when they break the deal, because they will. what will the administration to to enforce that they are not living up to it. sanctions might not be enough. will there be military action? it was this deal and
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more, and i believe her. host: that was a republican from arizona on yesterday. you can watch it online at the washington journal lead editorial, iran no-confidence vote. a strong editorial. the senate held its first showdown vote on the iranian nuclear deal with 58 senators declaring opposition, including 4 democrats and susan collins and rand paul. are opposed with a 21% disapproval. a 49% it said something about president obama's contempt for congress that he browbeat and threatened or t2 democrats to filibuster the vote so he can duck having to veto resolution of the disapproval. the president may think he can
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spend 42 senate votes into political vindication, and ensure he will get media support . american should read a tacticter as a democratic administration of no-confidence. the wall street journal writes that obama was proving his disdain for the rules of constitutional government. he is setting a dangerous precedent. george h.w. bush risked his president in 1991 by seeking support from a democratic congress from military action in the first gulf war. his son did likewise with the iraq war in 2000 two, and in both cases they got bipartisan backing. what will they say when a future president seeks to take america to war without the support of 41 senators? hello, gene.
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i oppose this deal, because in the long run, it all but guarantees war. we are giving iran time to continue building what we all know they are after. they are after the bomb. we turned our back on israel. as your previous caller said, they are going to cheat. everybody knows this. we cannot really catch them cheating. .e have hamstrung ourselves we have guaranteed that if this goes through in the long-run that we are going to have a major war with iran. i say to scrap the deal and start over. what is wrong with that? host: scott from jonesboro, georgia. i support the deal. one reason is because i do not think that there is another viable alternative.
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number two, i'd liken it to the deal that president reagan made with russia years ago. that turned out pretty good. there was opposition when president nexen went to china -- president nixon went to china. there were a number of senators and american people that were opposed to that, and i think that turned out pretty good. i think we should give peace a chance. with respect to the caller from california and her brother being a nuclear physicist, i understand his knowledge, but i believe there were a number of individuals just as smart and intelligent that reviewed the deal and supported it. a chance. i am a 26 year veteran, and we do not like war. int: that is scott
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jonesboro, georgia. this is "the new york times." a picture of benjamin netanyahu in london. he makes a quick give it from the loss on the tehran pact. prime minister netanyahu of israel has toned down his rhetoric on the issue and pivoted to others. he would not under the name of on monday,s nemesis nor at the induction of his new military secretary on tuesday. in a brief public statement before meeting with his british counterpart in london on thursday, benjamin netanyahu mentioned in iran, but not in xt, only as ate leader of militant shiites. that was ticked off between 2 other priorities, his readiness
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to restart negotiations with the palestinians, and he boasted of israeli innovation, especially in cyber security. observed, he is not particularly interested in playing up the fact that a deal he bitterly opposed is going through. he added, although he is not saying the cause is lost, he reminds everyone that it has been lost. tony from bethlehem, pennsylvania. why are you opposed to the iranian nuclear agreement? my selfon page 43 of i amshed memoirs entitled right i'm quoted as saying there are two things in life which cannot be retracted, a bullet going down the barrel of a gun, and the spoken word. in iran, the spoken word is death toamerica and
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israel. the bullet will be a nuclear weapon. over the weekend, russia announced they will go into syria to help the sharp -- to help bashaar. people are worried that the alternative will be war. host: what is the name of your memoir? tony is gone. the house of representatives is 435 members.gth, who will win the election to replace lawhead -- to replace shock -- to replace schock. yesterday.
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good morning. i'm not sure that i support or do not support it. i'm not sure. i think there is underlying things that we have no clue what is going on, really. they have things that they are disgusting. -- that they are discussing. we need some eyes to know what kind of movement is going on. , religious everyone or not religious, to open revelations. it has been fulfilled as we speak. i believe there will be a war, and there will be an armageddon. that is my comment. host: from whittier, north carolina. caller: good morning, peter. am very disturbed. i think this is outrageous.
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number one,erstand, why it was necessary to even have any kind of negotiations or agreements or deals made with iran at this point in time, number one. number two, i think that this is torageous that we are going pass a deal, and we do not even know exactly what all is in the deal, or even in the side deals for that matter. i guess that is like saying, nancy pelosi, you have to pass obamacare to know what is in it. and then we are going to release billion's of dollars -- billions of dollars to this country that is known to be a state sponsor
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of terrorism. though will move us of on the ladder. by us giving them billions of dollars for terrorism, that makes us know better because we are supporting them. that is my comment. host: rick from ohio. what do you think? are 5 states in this country that control the media. texas, georgia, florida, new york, and connecticut. if you look at the conservative movement invading the middle east, trying to control the , the through currency wars financial engineering that goes on in this country it is all done from these five states. wars come from the south. the oil is the south. the military is the south. isn you have israel, this
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where the media turns into a modern-day nazi propaganda. israel controls the media in new south controls it through the south through these 3 states -- texas, georgia -- why youn you explain picked to these 5 states? in florida,ey is clear channel is in texas. time warner is in georgia. msnbc, nbc, is in new york and connecticut. these five states literally control the world. the last five wars were started by texans. 1500 radio stations controlled by clear channel, that is 30 per state. rick inis is louisville, ohio. we will leave your comments there.
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a probe the doj past. hoping a criminal investigation 2013 over clinton in allegations of theft regarding overpayments and overtime she had wrongly billed. the justice department did not take up the issue that "politico" learned. the state watchdog of 2013 escalated a political inquiry regarding evidence of work compensation of a criminal probe the wash i gave the fbi which was obtained by politico. they say that sources close to chief of staffr and vice chairwoman of the campaign, says the news exonerates evidence because the integritypartment's unit did not pursue the matter. it is unclear exactly why
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but it was not taken up, is being handled as an administrative claim in which abedin is asked to pay back $10,000. the inspector general concluded she was overcompensated. russell in alabama. what is your view? caller: i am opposed. if we go to war with iran, and begin a war over there again, it is going to be -- it is going to be 4 more years of obama in every time ago in to war he gets to go into office again. -- theussell constitutional limit on the president is 2 of elections. ifler: but they take it off
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there is war when he is in office. host: you are fearful the president would remain in office past his constitutional limit of 8 years. caller: yes, sir. host: final caller. caller: i support the agreement. all you have to do is go to the gas station. he for the agreement gas was four dollars a gallon, it has dropped down. if you want to pay four dollars a gallon for gas, go to war. if we go to war, who benefits? the oil companies because the price of gas and oil goes up, and the defense contractors -- which is why dick cheney has been talking against it. halliburton made billions off the first war and would like to make billions again. "the financial times" looking ahead to a potential government shutdown at the end benefits,th --
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babies, and bowing seen as most likely triggers of the shutdown ng seen as the most likely triggers of the shutdown. will.s. shutdown risk bring into sharp relief the obstacles of budget deals. he goes on to talk about planned parenthood as well as the x in bank as potential triggers for shutting down the government at the end of the month when the fiscal year runs out. hill" newspaper is conservative lawmaker insists gop can win shutdown fight. a houseout jim jordan, republican. he said on thursday the gop can win the shutdown fight with the white house if party leaders adopt the right tactics. representative jim jordan i knowledged the gop was
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shutdown. the 2013 this is in an interview for "newsmakers" program and will tear at 10:00 and 6:00 on sunday. :00ill air at 10:00 and six on sunday. this is representative jordan talking about the benghazi andct committee and e-mails hillary clinton. after we show you this we will turn our attention to 9/11 and seth jones will be here from rand. [video clip] jordan: foure americans lost their lives. we would get the truth. taxpayer, and most importantly, the families of those 4 individuals or do we cannot change the fact that the person running for president was secretary of state when that
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happened. that is a fact. -- what i would like to have asked him, who set up the server? who paid you to setup the server? who used the server? you have todid information on the server? did you participate in wiping the server clean? those are important questions that we did not get to ask. the most important question is, what is the tech guy doing taking the fifth? he is the tech guy. the server.o set up what criminal exposure can he have is the is just the tech guy, but he exercised his fifth amendment privilege today. i think that is a fundamental question. unfortunately, we did not get to ask him. >> why not give the tech guy full immunity? jordan: thursday
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of that, but that is a call from someone with more experience. i'm not a lawyer. wolf, they are. i know senator johnson is talking about that. good minds are looking into it. we will see. announcer: washington journal continues. host: the 14th anniversary of 9/11. the is a live shot of pentagon where ceremonies will be held. we are turning our attention on "the washington journal" to 9/11. is joining us from the rand corporation. reading an op-ed in "the they writejournal" the terrorist attacks under the banner of jihad are increasing and diversifying. with so many attacks and thwarted attacks over the last
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thatears we must recognize they, those that want to destroy civilization, are continuing the war against us. the you agree? guest: i think the data speaks for itself. in 2014, the last full year of data on terrorism, attacks have jumped from the year before. if you have the 2013 data, there were 11,500 terrorist attacks across the world. in 2014, last year, 13,000 attacks with 31,000 deaths, more than we have seen in the entire modern era. be moreks like it will violent. in perspective, we are seeing more terrorist attacks and more deaths than we have seen in the modern era. in a testimony this year the director of national intelligence said the same thing in testimony. and attacks.
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in that sense, mayor giuliani is right. host: had you classify a terrorist attack? guest: an attack for a political objective. an attack against civilian or non-civilian targets. it is an attack with political objectives. that data comes from the university of maryland's database. they have a definition. if you're interested in how i am defining it, you can go to the database of the university of maryland. i think there are several threats facing the u.s. in terms of terrorism. probably the most significant threat remains a couple of groups. first, the islamic state. severale a threat in ways. 12 u.s. embassies and structures overseas.
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or inspiredct attacks in the united states. these tend to be arms, assault-style attacks, like we have seen in paris, canada, and australia. al qaeda has affiliates, , thating the one in yemen are plotting large-scale attacks against the united states. these inspired attacks do present a threat to the u.s. homeland. host: isis or al qaeda? what is the greatest threat? guest: that is tough. i consider both a threat. my concern, if you look at a trend line, al qaeda has been weakening. the core in pakistan has been weekend. there's barely anyone left. --somalia, auch evolved
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al-shabaab has been weekend. expandedic state has its reach into africa, south asia, and the middle east. based on its expansion i would say it presents a more because of itse threat to the homeland and expansion into multiple areas. host: how does the crisis in syria play into all of this? guest: the crisis in syria is a key issue. i will expand slightly. the borders between syria and iraq are nonexistent. .his is a syria-iraq war the biggest single problem we have seen is the foreign fighter caucusesm europe to and some small numbers from the u.s. to fight in syria. the concern for terrorism, more broadly, is for those people going in, it provides them
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expertise in weapons, explosives, propaganda, and the concern is that they may take that and moved to other battlefields or back to your or the united -- back to europe or the united states. that is what makes syria a problem. european strategies for dealing with syria are not long-term.y clear the solutions right now are more problematic. host: on this 9/11 anniversary our guest is seth jones, the director of the international security and defense policy sector at the rand corporation. 748-8000 in the eastern and central time zones. 748 8001 for those in the mountain and pacific time zones.
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you can also tweet questions and comments at how much have we spent sense 11, 2001 on security? do you have a guesstimate or a figure? the billions, probably, hundred of billions of dollars. there is an argument about overspending in some cases. i think the reality, and it is hard for americans to internalize this -- probably easier in places like the u.k. with a longer history of dealing with ira terrorism, it will not prevent everything. liveas to learn to with some area of risk. we have attacks on individuals in malls, movie theaters, and schools. we deal with them. it is obviously bad, but we have
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to learn to deal with some level of risk to terrorism without overspending our own resources. that is the dilemma over the last decade and a half, learning to deal with them in a way that minimizes the threat, but not that we are spending money in areas where we could be putting in other places. host: what you think we have spent effectively and where not? seals when the u.s. navy and the intelligence operatives ingeted osama bin laden 2011, when they took a chunk of the data from his compound, one of the things that was clear, i've looked at a chunk of it, was the al qaeda leadership was very concerned about how difficult it was to get into the united states. helpfulg that has been is efforts by homeland security, people, to monitor coming into the country by
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airplane in particular, but also by ground. people may have criticisms of what it hasist, but done is made it more difficult to conduct an attack against the united states and the homeland. that has been effective. where i think money could have been better spent is a lot of the resources, in my view, given to law enforcement agencies in the name of counterterrorism. i've seen various u.s. military andices buy platforms systems for maritime counterterrorism. it has more to do with the fact that if there is a pot of money out there that adds to terrorism, you justify your activities based on that. they're probably some savings to do there. host: the final question before we go to calls, the op-ed says
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that isis eclipse al qaeda and embodies modern date people. represents the embodiment of people in the modern world and must not be allowed to retain a foothold from which to plot attacks against the u.s. or sympathizerswolf to do so. unless the current approach shows results, america should prepare to take more aggressive actions. if there's one lesson from the 9/11 attacks, it is that the u.s. cannot afford to ignore a rapidly growing anti-american terrorist group that has established a haven in a faraway place. stephen kinzer writes an opposing view. does not threaten america' is vital interests. a campaign to destroy it would theeed temporarily, but so seeds of future conflict and attract terrorist retaliation.
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we best protect our national security by staying out of the war. where do you fall on the spectrum? host: i would argue, pretty strongly, that isil does present a threat. you have to balance it. one way is that isil is targeting americans, both overseas and at home. thenow for multiple plots, fbi has arrested multiple individuals and have ongoing counterterrorism cases in every state of the united states with individuals connected to isil. i would say that the expansion into north, east, and west africa, other areas in the middle east, and south asia is a problem. where we have to think carefully is what the u.s. does. pieces get into the most important details, what is the u.s. role?
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i think the u.s. has several , briefly. limited use of military force. we do noti do not think what wes large number of forces in any of these places. is a very important role of countering the ideology of these groups. second is building the capacity .f local governments there are things the u.s. can do, it does not put itself in a position of being the only organization. is your background? how did you get into this area of work? guest: i started going to -- i spent as the the u.s. department of defense, particularly u.s. special operations, looking at this issue. thisch at john hopkins on
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issue. host: john calling in from tampa. caller: i see three threats to the u.s. one is cyberattacks from a variety of sources. or other isil affiliated groups coming through our borders already, the southern porous border with mexico, what could stop that? these cells are waiting to commit terrorist acts, should the u.s. attack iran. the third, someone flying a learjet with an atomic bomb over a u.s. that he or in -- over a u.s. city, how do we prevent these nightmares from occurring? on the cyber issue, ciber does present a notable threat.
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it does pose a threat, particularly if state or nonstate actors can take down a grid or other -- the stock toket in the u.s., that has be watched carefully. there are countermeasures, sense of that can be done to target cyber cells operating overseas or in the u.s. on the hezbollah point and the point about mexico, there are -- it is not u.s. mexican, it is also the u.s. canadian border and airport areas. attacks injority of the u.s. homeland have not come from people getting across the border in mexico. there is information of networks that have considered using or have gotten people into the u.s. via the u.s.-mexican border.
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future indications, it is one of, but not the only and may not be the most significant way people are trying to get in the u.s. byy are trying to get in flying directly from european or other areas into the u.s. on the atomic bomb issue, this is something that has concerned people for a long time. havegroups we see generally preferred conventional attacks. is the use with isil of chemical attacks in syria and the use of sarin gas. to includepand it chemical and biological, there are groups that have programs. rudy giuliani testified homeland security -- at a
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homeland security about potential 9/11-style threats. [video clip] think of the fact that although new york is a major target, as is d.c., los nukees -- these terrorists might be thinking lots attack them in places of less resistance. >> like chattanooga. >> like chattanooga. that means a tremendous burden secretary of homeland security and the homeland security department to get a lot of departments that would not face a lot of emergencies up to speed. , think your encouragement sensible funding of that, working with jeh johnson, could be an important thing. it is something he understands
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and something he has time to do. guest: i think he is right. is right.ani the threat we see from these and reaches into rural and urban america outside of washington and new york in two ways. texas, and even tottanooga situation demonstrate, groups or individuals, or networks, will conduct attacks against things they view as a threat, or when they have an opportunity. u.s. military bases, recruiting stations. some of therget plots we have seen in the u.s. , a man putst decade
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together a major al qaeda plot against new york city. where did he build his bomb? colorado, suburban colorado, in aurora. the times square bomber build his bomb in connecticut and drove it in. and are connected to rural suburban america. ,hen it comes to some funding as rudy giuliani mentioned, and intelligent collection from the joint terrorism task force across the united states. this is not just washington, new york, los angeles, chicago threat. this has hit mainstream america. takes, point, all it now, is a computer, to be able to watch these videos, to read tweets coming from the islamic , to watchal-shabaab
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and read facebook pages. that has increased the probability of individuals in mainstream america, mexico, canada, across north america, to be inspired by that. host: how connected and coordinated are these movements? guest: there are two broad movements. al qaeda. by the other is led by the islamic state, isil, isis. coreyou move out of their areas and into europe, or the united states, these organizations are fragmented, .ractured individuals are inspired, they have no connections. to see, people would get inspired, go overseas
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to train, get indoctrinated, talk to these people and come back. here and bey stay inspired by listening to propaganda online. what it suggests is that the whole, both movements are decentralized. it makes it more difficult to counter. host: the next call comes from larry, georgia. caller: i have a question, brief comments. going to do with $150 billion? i received a phone call, wanting me to pay my back income tax of $4000 within the hour or the feds would be out here to arrest me.
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i go out by the driveway and call the authorities. they said the irs would contact me by mail. thank you. bye. ,uest: your question about isil isil has substantial amounts of money. it, not they get way al qaeda did, from external sources, but internally. you asked what are they doing with it. they are focusing on fighting wars in both iraq and syria. money toributed some cells operating in places like libya and afghanistan and pakistan. in see it in the graffiti
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neighborhoods in pakistan. that is the way they have started to distribute money. i have not seen large amounts distributed to networks in the united states. they focus on the battlefield in iraq and syria. city, liesw york pictures of some of the the ceremonyme of getting ready to get started at the world trade center. these are some live pictures there, andrk, down that ceremony will be on c-span as well as the pentagon ceremony and the president and the first lady at the white house a little bit later this morning. next call from seth jones comes from dan, georgetown, massachusetts. caller: good morning. thank you for having me on. , i think ie to say
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am a minority here. the biggest threat in our time,y, has been for some propaganda within our own country. believe aen led to story line that has held up by continuing to repeat the stains -- the same storyline over and over. is a fairytale. one does not have to spend much the events onnto that it was ae giant shock and all situate -- awe situation. now, an act was cut down. it protected american citizens
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on american soil from receiving from america. are you saying 9/11 was an inside job? is that where you are heading? going to am not whether it was an inside job or not. the story of multiple store -- multiple buildings falling in their own footprint holds no water. the only thing holding it mediaer is the continued barrage of telling the same story over again, which joseph pointed out before world war ii, that propaganda, you repeat the same thing over and over and tell a lie so big -- got the point. seth jones, the head of the
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architects of 9/11, the folks who think it was a planned attack, etc., we have let them have their say. "hen you hear "inside job, what is your reaction? i saw the plane hit the pentagon. i saw it hit. across the street from the pentagon. i saw it with my own eyes. i saw the explosion. in some sense, there is a disservice to those of us who were impacted directly or who lost family members because of it. the second issue i highlighted, i served last year on the 9/11 commission. there was a congressionally after look at the fbi
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9/11, between 9/11 and 2015, and the counterterrorism capabilities. full access to classified and unclassified information within the u.s. government from across all agencies. a range of people were involved in it. looking at that, we have an unclassified document that came out of that. this whole myth that the u.s. government was involved in this is absolutely ludicrous. there is no evidence. the evidence is significant in the other direction. osama bin laden took credit for it. he explained the operatives. is the falling -- the following after working in the government for a couple of years. probably worth having
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americans remember that washington cannot keep a secret. the idea that anyone in the u.s. government could keep a seat at along these lines is not true. we see it woodrow strikes, the release of -- we see it with drone strikes, the release of classified information. it is the reality we live in. we have seen it in the documents that have been released by multiple people, unfortunately, over the last several years. the evidence, and osama bin laden's comments along these indicativestrongly that al qaeda was involved and wants to do it again. you can argue about whether we spent too much money and whether we should be focusing on other things, but the idea that it did not happen is simply not true. host: this is a tweet from
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victor. this appetite for middle east conflict needs to be designated as insanity. someone who has looked at middle east conflicts for a long time, the reality is there has been conflict in the middle east for thousands of years. there will continue to be conflict for thousands of years. the u.s. is not going to stop that. what we can do -- we should not insert ourselves with large ground forces in the middle of it. we need to protect ourselves from attacks in the u.s. homeland emanating from this region and from threats to our embassies coming from this region as well. protecte is how can we the united states and our allies in places like europe from problems emanating out of the
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middle east and do it in a way that does not cause more problems if we become involved in minimalist ways. what it suggests is the effort the u.s. should focus on in the middle east should be political, helping adjudicate peace talks in places like syria or encourage the iraqi government to deal with the sunni grievances that are at the core of the problem in iraq right now. there is an information component. this is a struggle against extremist views of islam. the third is where the u.s. gets involved in the military side. it should largely be clandestine. you should not see u.s. involvement and it should be to strugglingies against these groups, whether it is the jordanians, the libyans,
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the iraqis, or others. the role of the u.s. should be minimal. host: nicole, you are on with seth jones. you kind of answered my question with the twitter comment. i find it hard to believe that we -- the american public is not crazy. we know the situation that is going on. isis was not bothering america. doing what they had to do in their country. sent our that we troops over there and we send they cane to die and handle this between themselves. we had civil war's, we have had revolutionary wars. we took care of it on our own. no one jumped in on the mix of
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it. we have too many problems here. i watched the news and wonder guys are correcting this. with syria, president obama .sked they did the same thing in england and we denied it. he was trying to do a pinpoint strike. everybody said no. we did not do it. passingwe continuously propaganda to people, to the american citizens, who are not dumb and we see what is going on. host: thank you. seth? this is a good point, one deals withryone who this issue has got to deal with directly. .sk how big a threat it is should the u.s. become involved
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in anyway? if so, how? over the last year, the concern is -- this is why i do not think it is in the u.s.'s interest to wait. we have seen attacks in every major european, north american, ,nd many eastern countries plots or attacks by isis, directly involved or inspired. sydni, ottawa, canada. a pretty serious attempt at .illing people the numbers were fairly low in ottawa last year. we have seen multiple attempts in europe, including, recently, efforts that were thwarted by american serviceman. multiple plots in the united states. wait untilink we can the next attack. has done in iraq and
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syria is try to expand its presence. they have done it in west africa, nigeria, north africa, libya. they have done it in east africa, south asia. they are expanding presence in areas. nicole is right, we have a lot of priorities we should focus on in the united states. the u.s. has been able to deal with these problems internally. when we look overseas, many countries cannot deal with these problems that are affecting u.s. soil by themselves. the iraqis have asked for help. libyans have asked for help. plotting coming from these areas to the united states homeland, we do have an incentive to provide limited assistance in these places. sometimes it is intelligence,
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sometimes it is training. infrequently, it may be direct action. we were not doing anything on 9/11 in afghanistan. we were still hit from afghanistan. was in a province at that time. where we see threats emanating and plots emanating, i do not think it is in our interest to wait until it happens. kevin, alexandria, virginia, go ahead. caller: i have a question and the upcoming agreement that will be approved. containmentny aftereffects of the cash influx from the sanctions relief after the agreement is final? i was in afghanistan the same time as you. i looked at the problems. everything you are saying is
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lucid, rational, and appropriate. thank you for taking my call. guest: thank you. is aquestion about iran good one. it is unclear how much additional cash iran would use for organizations like the revolutionary guard or the hezbollah proxy forces. regardless of the deal discussion, it is worth noting interests in providing assistance to substate actors in southern lebanon, that is has below. othern multiple locations, yemen, and in many of, so, these places, this will run contrary to u.s. and other western interests and goals. deal, the despite the
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u.s. will continue in multiple locations to compete against and from a security political perspective. none of this should assume what the trend lines indicate, which is quite intense security competition with the iranians. we see it in places like yemen. host: we appreciate you coming over and taking calls from our viewers. left in theutes program. the houses coming in to vote on the iranian nuclear agreement issues. we will be live with the house at 9:00 a.m. the pentagon has a ceremony this people and you can see starting to gather along the rebuilt area of the pentagon where the american airlines flight 77 crashed.
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in new york city, another ceremony will begin. at the white house, we will be live at the white house at 8:46 a.m. you can see the crowds gathering there. calls, to take your talking about the 14th anniversary of 9/11 and the issues surrounding it. you can see it on the screen. fourumbers, (202) 748-8000 eastern time zone. (202) 748-8001 if you live in the mountain and pacific time zones. septembern journal" 12, two thousand one, we went on air in our early, at -- we went on air and our early. -- an hour early. we want to play you one of the phone call's. [video clip] whenwas on rector street
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the first plane hit. it is two blocks south of the world trade center. i was meeting a deputy commissioner to get a job as an instructor. everybody was looking up. i did not see what it was. lookedd up and saw what like a huge hole in the world trade center. i was trained as a paramedic. up greenwichking street towards the world trade center and i saw arms and legs and pieces of bodies, a lot of really bad stuff. i put on my latex gloves and got to the front door and there was a guy from fema and i said listen, i am not licensed, but i
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am trained as a paramedic. he says it does not matter now, come in. we went in and went under the basement to the other side of the holding -- the other side of the building. coming down the stairs. the fire department was arriving and they were going up the stairs. a group of us, people were leaping out of the exits and getting killed by debris that was falling. corral people and groups of 50 or 100 and we would go out the doors ourselves and and we wouldis tell them to go and they would run out in groups and we did that 15 or 20 times when the second plane hit. at that point, i started cursing. ? said where is the air support are we supposed to be prepared for this?
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my first thought was they missed the first time, they are not going to miss the second time. they are going to bring it down. my thoughts were the planes were a distraction. during the low, the people coming out, i turned to an fbi agent that was there and i looked him in the eyes and said -- these things are going to come down. he said -- yeah, they are. none of the federal agents made an attempt to leave. they knew the building was going to come down. they stayed. that is a portion of a phone call the "washington a.m. l" received at 6:00 the full phone call is available on our website if you want to
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hear the rest of that. hear from you regarding the 14th anniversary of the 9/11 attack. if you live in eastern and central time zones. if you live in mountain and pacific time zones. we will show you pictures and video, live pictures from new , the white house, in the pentagon. let's hear from houston, texas. caller: i would like to comment about the 9/11 truth thursday or the people who think 9/11 was an inside job. for someone to believe that, you have to believe that the jets were piloted into the exact floors where demo charges were placed. any critical thinker can come to the conclusion that is not possible. videos and paye
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attention, the second tower hit by the jet that was hit off center, felt differently from the first tower. it did not collapse straight down. it fell off center towards the area where the jet hit. all the people that think there were charges placed in the building and this was an inside job, you have to tell yourself these harlots were able to actually crash into the exact floor where charges were placed. that is preposterous. only dirty cover-up going on for 9/11 was done by sandy berger and the clintons. thank you. host: front page of the washington post. shanksville, pennsylvania, a photograph of the new memorial afteras opened 14 years the fact. these walls are 40 feet high,
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one foot for every victim. of the a description memorial. is visitor center and museum set between two soaring concrete walls that rise 40 feet high. one foot for each of those who died. flight 93on the flight path, with a stone walkway indicating the path the plane followed. a boulder marks the point of impact, serving as a headstone in a place where very few human remains were recovered. the first display that visitors encounter features the morning's wall street journal, photos of local students entering an elementary school, a diagram planes their work 4500 in the air when flight 93 took golf from new york on its way to san francisco.
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on its off from new york way to san francisco. the next display features a video of katie couric telling viewers that a plane had struck the world trade center. display cases are felt with tiny fragments of the plane, bits of metal and wire and electronics. a charred seatbelt, a safety instruction card. the oracle employee identification card of todd beamer, a driver's license, a visa card that belonged to one of the hijackers. canne display, visitors listen to some of the 37 calls made from flight 93 that morning. passengers tooud
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say goodbye. beverly, bethel, vermont, please go ahead. my understanding was that all of the pilots and all of the ones who had taken over the planes came from saudi arabia. how come that is never mentioned? was -- i hadion received news that a note had been sent to the president that we were going to be attacked and when it was going to happen. i never hear about that. i wonder if you could comment on that. host: why don't you comments?
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why do you think it is significant? it is significant to me because i never hear about it. it seems it would eat something that would be mentioned in the news. it at all,ing about just a few comments once in a while from undercover sort of thing. i would like things to be more clear and accurate. i hear people talk about different stories, like why did we go to war with iraq? that is all. just muddled up questions i have. , alongim tweets 9/11 with jfk, challenger, i will always remember where, when i heard it. if you want to share your
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if yous, (202) 748-8000 live in the eastern and central time zones. (202) 748-8001 if you live in mountain and pacific time zones. melinda, sarasota, florida. caller: i wanted to say my thoughts and prayers are with the surviving people from that very tragic day of these countryt attacks on our and our innocent, hard-working american people, and all of the people of the other countries who live and grow here. it is a melting pot. there is always going to be good and bad in the world. bad day thatsuch a if we can work forward from that know and be aware of those
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types of people around us, we should take note and be vigilant -- they signs of them trained here in florida, to learn how to fly those stupid planes. a boy who lost his father who was a fireman. he did research on planes that thatake down buildings of magnitude. host: what do you remember about 9/11? caller: i was in disney world. a gentlemannd heard say they hit the pentagon. i went into shock. i ran inside and looked at the television. you can see the part of what is
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great about america on fire right for your eyes. these things have been in history and my thoughts and prayers go out to the families today. i hope for a better world. 200 89 people, 125 of those people worked in the pentagon. flight 77.american arnold, tennessee. caller: good morning. you want my thoughts on 9/11? host: you share. caller: i have written a book about it. a lot of books were written. most of them have disappeared over the years. think my book will be officially published. it might be. i self published it. it is online, you can read it for free.
8:38 am is godi host: yes, you have. the title is "divine 9/11 intervention: a true story." at subtitle is "epiphany , love, god is love. this is robert, san diego. i will give you my thoughts. i was on the west coast. one thing i can remember the most was confusion. we were united as a nation and we are not united now.
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we are divided. the democrats have given the n deal to give us the ira one day before 9/11. i will never vote for a democrat , with this muslim president we have in office. i remember muslims celebrating werehe street when we attacked. fellow truck drivers took their alcohol out of the establishment in the valley in central valley, california, when the muslims were celebrating in the streets. we are divided now. whether it was an inside job, whoever did it, the blame can go anywhere, but i do not know if i believe it was an inside job, but this attack brought confusion to the land. forere united as americans
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a little bit of time after that and now we are divided in the land and we have given lunatics a-bomb. that is very concerning, on 9/11, that we are thinking about ran has been given a nuclear weapon. host: live pictures in new york. that is rudy giuliani. bill de blasio walked in a little earlier. the night of 9/11 on the steps of the capitol that congress 2001, wethat night, want to show you this. this is from september 11, 2001. the leaders of the congress at that time. this was a spontaneous moment when the republicans and democrats did a moment of silence on the steps of the
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g "godl and then san bless america." margaret, wyoming. go ahead. i remember 9/11 clearly. i was watching tv when it happened. the first thing that came to my war.was this is an act of we are going to war. that did not happen. later, as the other caller was commenting, it is disturbing to me that the united states has not taken the initiative to control its borders and keep all middle eastern people out of the united states. just for homeland security, for
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keeping our country safe. we are letting more and more in. we are being infiltrated. that is my comments. margaret, laramie, wyoming. live pictures from the white house. you can see the crowds gathering. the president and mr. obama will come out. at 8:46 there will be a moment theilence to commemorate first of the two planes hitting towers. a couple of marines are waiting for the president and mrs. obama to come out. we will go live to it on "washington journal." mike, pittsburgh. on a west side ighland -- highway and remember how beautiful it was and sunny. i went into brooklyn battery
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tunnel and came out the other side and that is when it must have happened, because all of the emergency responders were going the other way. it took me eight hours to get out of the city because they shut down all the bridges and tunnels. me ising that sticks with that how nice everybody was. to get into a tunnel in the morning, going into the city was sometimes brutal. after 9/11, for about three months after that, people waving you win, being incredibly nice, everybody coming together. sad that we could not have carried that on for a bit longer. that is my comments. thank you. host: live pictures from the new york ceremony going on. we are waiting for the white house. .s you can see
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ernest, miami. about all comment is of the chaos i see going on around the world right now. including our own country. we have christians under attack, all of this happening under the obama administration. dealeason obama made this is because netanyahu did not want to sign the peace paying, the agreement -- the peace with hise agreement neighbor. they made this deal with iran to get back at them. we have a lot of childish leaders. host: we are going to leave it there as we watch the president and mrs. obama come out to the lawn for a moment of silence.
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house comes back into session. we want to hear from you. john, pennsylvania. you are on "washington journal." 14 anniversary of 9/11. it is heartbreaking. my sympathy goes out to the firemen, their families, police officials. i am very disappointed in the way our government is doing this. it is a sad day. john, pennsylvania. this is a new york times editorial on the issue. will we always remember? soon after the destruction, inper stickers abounded parallel with the nation's grief. the messaget,"
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being put to the test. moreawmakers have nothing than a moral obligation to renew health care and compensation programs for the 9/11 responders and volunteers. john, costa mesa, california. you are on "washington journal." pictures frome new york, the white house, and the pentagon. caller: good morning, c-span. i was in queens of the time. -- at the time. my wife, she was in the lower east side of manhattan. --y were a sect did by this they were affected by this. the closer you were to ground zero, the more real this is. becauseing the day off
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new york city was directly impacted by this. think this was an inside job. i think your guest previously used the word ludicrous to describe people that thought it was an inside job because he said the government could never keep a secret. yet, he had to go to a special meeting to have information declassified for him. it was a secret before he went there. people are allowed to ask questions. this is america. new york will never be the same. my wife was here with me today, we are taking the day off. jennifer -- do you have anything to say? i was in queens. my wife got a call from japan
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and said that buildings had been hit. i tuned in to and saw the buildings being hit. the city two days later and i try to help out, but they would not let you below houston street. of life was trying to help out. what i can do and they said we need cutters and welders. i got a couple of guys who were cutters and welders and they went downtown. they went to the front of the line. it did not make sense. worked on the construction, new construction near madison square garden. you can see from the elevator, the outside elevator that this
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thing burned for a month. there were firefighters wandering around from different cities. i got to see so much is that while i was living and it moves 11 comestime september around. it hits me in a way. i cannot imagine those people that lost loved ones. 3000 people, 300 firefighters. a big deal and it should be a national holiday. host: valerie, georgia, go ahead. i believe 9/11 was an inside job done by george w. bush. these republicans want to give him all of the credit because he is a white man, but he is a scumbag.wdown president obama, we have not had but one president. all of the rest have been white.
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as for the republican party, i would not vote for a republican if they were down on their knees dying. i despise them. they will find out this election season stops at niggerville and they will make sure they do not get any black folks though. host: that is valerie in georgia. say, god would like to bless all of the families that i want to remind everybody, that is fresh in your mind. think about how you feel about 9/11. that seems a little strange to me that the same thing happened in pearl harbor.
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after 60 or 70 years, it does not seem the same. it is the same thing. people need to reflect on that and realize that a lot of times, we are bombing other countries and don't you think they feel like we feel about 9/11? i do not want to get into everything about iraq and everything else, but you need to reflect on everything and about how you feel. it has happened before. we are doing it to other countries. thank you. att: the house is coming in 9:00 a.m. to work on the iranian nuclear agreement. -- the pentagon 9/11 ceremony begins at 9:30 a.m. eastern time. this will be live on c-span two or c-span3, depending on how
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short the c-span session is. -- depending on how short the senate session is. all of these events will replay. you will be able to catch them on all three of our networks at some point and online. cecilia, new brunswick, new jersey. caller: thank you for taking my call. i had a comment about your , discussing how to. was allocating the funds help with national security. the u.s. is not doing enough to address global poverty with our foreign policy. withe focusing too much our military approach instead of helping countries become
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democratic institutions. was somethingks that was foreshadowed because you could not let millions of young, hopeless people live in squalor in a nation in the middle east and not expect it to somehow in the future come back to you. afghanistan was taken over by taliban and al qaeda with safe havens to operate. the u.s. should be focusing on foreign aid, on helping decrease global poverty. host: how old are you in 2001? i was probably in first grade. my parents were in new york city. host: what do you remember about
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that day? caller: extreme terror and a lot of crying that day. because iets to me did not understand the concept of new york city, how it is split into lower and mid manhattan in the towns, all i thought was my parents are there, my parents are there. they were not responding to my calls. no one to get in or out. no one was receiving calls. i was terrified. my parents did not come home until really late at night. it was a lot of hours of extreme panic. host: did you spend time at school or did you go to a neighbors house? school was let out early, so i went to a babysitter's house. it was a lot of crying that day, especially seeing it on tv.
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it was a lot of panic. a live picture of the pentagon. the ceremony starts at 9:30 this morning. the plane that hit the pentagon was american flight 77 at 9:37 a.m. we were live at the white house and we were live at new york for that ceremony. the second plane hit at 9:02, the other twin tower. the house is coming into session. ofare going to the house representatives. no commemoration planned for the entire congress this year. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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the speaker: the house will be in order. the prayer will be offered today by our chaplain, father conroy. chaplain conroy: let us pray. dear lord, we give you thanks for giving us another day. on this anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, we ask your blessing of peace upon our nation and our world. may your healing presence continue to help those that were personally assaulted on that momentus day and ease the mourning of those who lost their loved ones. this is a month layden with important matters of policy
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