tv Washington This Week CSPAN September 13, 2015 3:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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just in case we were not paying attention, bin laden declared war on us. we were not paying attention. to september 11? did that lead to a sense of arrogance? did that lead to an america that was weak? an america that was unresponsive? an america that could be taken advantage of? and then we had september 11. , personalerous close friends, as did many of the people who are sitting here. it is extraordinarily difficult for me to return here. i have been to this museum only three times and the last time i came was a group of rangers who were going off on a mission and their general wanted them to see
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where the war started that they are now having to continue. it didn't start here. it started way before. the attack on the munich olympics was in 1972, on the israeli team. the killing of leon klinghoffer was in the 1980's. we were not listening, we were not watching, we were not paying attention and we were taking peace dividends while people were declaring war on us. i could trace the history, the aftermath of world war i and world war ii and show you the same thing. only fools repeat the mistakes of history. we are getting all of the warnings again. yes, we have isis. causes. many part of it is the withdrawal of our troops from iraq, part of it our unwillingness to engage in
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the president it drawing 12 redlines, saying if a assad used chemical weapons, he would act and the red lines disappeared, which made america a hollow vessel. a nation one could assume you could take advantage job. you do not draw red lines in the race them and expect that implacable foes are not going to take advantage of that. so, we have isis, doing things that take you back to the sixth century and the seventh century. and some of of ali the followers of mohammed. the beheading of people, mass graves. so far response to isis
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has been, at best, to play defense. at worst, to be rather ineffective. one of the great things that president bush did for us, for which i said at the time will give him a place in history that after theenied, attacks took place you meagerly put this country on offense. attacks took place, he immediately put this country on offense. there is no one, absolutely no one who on the day of september 11, fbi or anyone else who briefed me did not warn me that my city was going to be attacked numerous times in the future. and beginning with commissioner kelly, andssioner now commissioner bratton.
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we expected to be attacked much, but we weren't, because of the bravery of our men and women in the military who engage them in afghanistan and iraq and kept them so busy they could not plan attacks. that presence of our military also brought us incalculable amounts of evidence and intelligence, warning us about attacks. diminishedw that has when those troops are there. troops in a100,000 country, they are in villages, they are in towns. they talk to people. they gather intelligence. that intelligence gets to the cia, gets to the fbi, the joint terrorism task force, gets right down your to the streets of the city. that is now gone. we do not have the benefit of that intelligence. a could be part of the reason we mr.isis or i sold -- isil,
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chafee, because we were not getting the intelligence we were getting in the past. it is part of the reason we miscalculated and let them catch up real fast and now we are playing catch-up, not ofd fense. but isis is not the biggest threat to us. i determined, strong strategy of engaging our special forces to do a good job of eliminating isis. are major threat, and let's not take our eye off it as we watch isis, is iran. the arabian empire that began with the overthrow of the shot in the first ayatollah -- the and thew of the shah first ayatollah, and now the second. we are talking mass murderers.
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rouhaniollah and mr. having gauged in mass murder. this mr. rouhani was the one who ordered the execution of jewish people in argentina. there are more people being under in iran today than a minute shot -- for a good reason. they do not want them to drink the kool-aid that there is reform going on in iran. they are trying to get us to drink that kool-aid. iran,not take our eye off and let's remember we are negotiating with an ayatollah, who has pronounced the destruction of the state as ,srael, the death of americans
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and has on his hands the blood of very, very many young americans who were killed during the war interact. and we are negotiating with him. at the same time, we are negotiating with him, and he is calling for our death and distraction. we're not calling for a regime in iran. -- whatwe so i can't we have a two-part strategy? if the ayatollah can negotiate with us and call for our death and destruction, then why can't we negotiate with him and call for regime change in iran? regime changed and we supported it and overthrew mubarak, a friend of
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the united states and israel, if insupport regime change libya -- remove qadhafi, who had been investigated after terrible man. i investigated him. as i did arafat, by the way. for theresponsible death of leon klinghoffer. if we could remove qadhafi, who -- useless as a threat terrible to his own people, but useless as a threat -- if we can remove these people, why are we not for a regime change in iran? iran has taken hostages. iran has killed millions of americans. .ran supports hezbollah we gave iraq to iran when we withdrew. and iran controls syria through
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assad. do you see what is developing? shiitean empire, a empire? and to the south, saudi arabia, jordan, the emirates, israel, egypt. we have got a very dangerous situation developing in the is an agreement that recognizes something we have been fighting for four decades, which is a nuclear iran, which will make it an even bigger empire. saying if conclude by uss museum exists to remind
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we should not forget, and we should not repeat the letakes of history, let's it do that. and let's realize we are at war. if we don't want to call it that, they call it that, and we have to respond with a way in ,hich we are strong intelligent. this city has done everything it can to protect itself. the work of commissioner kelly continues with the work of commissioner bratton, has been at a live. it is absolutely necessary, as you pointed out during your opening statement that we are verseealing with many di and smaller tax and requires the fbi and federal authorities to think of our police as their eyes and ears.
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there are approximately 12,000 or 13,000 fbi agents. there are 30,000 new york city police officers. the new york city police lawrtment is a much bigger enforcement agency than the fbi. and that's only one police department. i could tell you attacks, when i was mayor, before september 11, that were thwarted by intelligence, new york city police officers, who were trained to look for what commissioner bratton, i believe, termed as the precursor of terror. .e will need more of that it's hard to get agencies to work together. we all know that. this committee under you, mr. chairman, and you, mr. king, has really been excellent in bringing those law enforcement agencies together and i hope you continue to do that. although the threat may not be
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as large as it was with al anda, it is more diverse harder to find, and the threat of iran is greater than both. thank you. >> thank you, mayor, for those profound remarks. you are clearly the expert on this in the room. nypdo want to commend the and the fbi and homeland officials who have worked well together. it didn't always used to be that way, as you know -- to stop these threats. i have never seen these organizations working as well as they do today, which is evidenced by the number of made, over 60 in the past year, to stop that. but they only have to be right once. people ask, what is it that
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keeps the up at night? the case we do not know about. you talked about 1979. it transformed the middle east. we had signs before that. the world trade center, original targets -- 12 jewish synagogues. 12 airliners. plotting with collegiate mohammed, the master manned -- the mastermind of 9/11 who came back to this target and unfortunately brought the twin towers down. the job of this committee is to make sure this never happens again, but we have to see the warning signs along the way. i look at the uniform of the navy seal team six. the man who killed bin laden, the seal team six that brought him down. but the threat did not die that
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day with bin laden. and i think many have tried to it is over. that the war on terror is over. i agree with you, sir. i was a federal prosecutor like yourself. these are not criminal cases. this is a war. it has to be clearly defined who the enemy is and that is radical islamist extremists. only then can you defeat the enemy. that was a great day when bin laden was killed, but it did not end the threat. now the threat is evolving. the threat is different. the challenge is different. this policy of containment against isis is not going to win the day, but as long as they can fester over spring,ter the erroarab we have seen it filled with terrorists from northern africa so, too,iddle east --
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the threat to the homeland. because they have greater territory to launch external operations, including operations over the internet that we have seen recently. so, i guess my question to you, sir is -- there are many facets to this. militarily, politically, from an ideological struggle. what more needs to be done to defeat this enemy? mayor giuliani: i think i out lined some of it, which is there should be considerably more engagement in parts of the world where people are plotting to kill us. it is always seemed to me it made sense to have american that weren the places of most danger to us, which is the reason why we kept our military in germany for so long, and south korea for so long. i think the withdrawal of our troops from iraq and afghanistan has proven to be
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a horrible mistake. is the failure to properly assess isis. having theot military where people are denies ofo kill us intelligence, because the military can get that intelligence for us. there has to be acknowledgment on the part of the administration that whether a war on not,l it it is a war and the military should be engaged. i also believe there should be more support for local policing, because this has come down to so-called to find the
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lone wolf. the reference so many lone wolves it is a pack of wolves, not just a lone wolf. as they are hard to find. they require training police officers and looking for, as i said before, the precursors of terror. it's a different kind of training. very specialized. and it could use considerably more federal support and help at the local level. no longer rely just on the fbi, the cia, the nsa, and even military, because not all threats are coming from abroad. some are. some of those threats are coming from someone's home, and we need police officers who can observe suspicious activities, and we should not allow political sensibless to override
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precautions for what needs to be done. we should not lose a single american life to political correctness. i think the intelligence combined with the street intelligence from our local police working together is the best way to protect to the homeland from these threats. my final question to you, sir, from your testimony you appear to be opposed to the iran negotiation, the iran deal. why do you oppose -- mayor giuliani: i oppose that because i do not believe it makes sense to reach an agreement on the controlling of nuclear weapons with a mass murderer. i think history has proven that negotiations with mass murderers only lead to substantially more problems later. i am extremely upset about the
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fact that the goals of that negotiation have changed. you might remember the goals of for iran toion was be nonnuclear. it now becomes how nuclear should iran be? they should not have their hands on nuclear weapons. iran does not need the peaceful use of nuclear power. it's not an energy starved country. it is absurd to believe that use ofans the peaceful nuclear power. if we would accept that, i would hisine the ayatollah and
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wise men are laughing at us, that we accept the idea that they need the peaceful use of nuclear power. they are developing nuclear power for one reason and one reason alone, because they want to create an empire, which we are letting them do. they control iraq, we do not. they control syria. we do not. his wise men are laughing atand ther with saudi arabia and yemen through the hutis. aggressiveenormously foe. i learned a lesson from the cold war. the honor of working for president ronald reagan. president reagan had a nightmare. the coldhy he ended war. but he ended the cold war by pointing missiles at the soviet union and telling them he would be willing to use those missiles. he ended the cold war by beginning to develop a nuclear shield that was laughed at and it is the nuclear shield that worked in israel.
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that we have to putting the we are nuclear button in the hands of madmen. if the ayatollah and the regime insane, it does a great pretense to being insane. , to callhe holocaust for the destruction of one of our strongest allies, the state of israel, to call for the death of americans, to be responsible for american hostages for 444 days, and for killing thousands of americans, i would have to say this is an insane regime. ronald reagan's nightmare was mutually assured destruction. a moral way to keep the
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peace because of a man man -- of thegot in control button in either place, the soviet union or the united states, the world could come to an end. nuclear arms, nuclear capacity should not be put in the hands of madmen. you, sir.l: thank the chair recognizes the ranking member. >> thank you, mr. chairman. thank you, mr. mayor, for being before us. there are things that we agree on. certainly you and i have been on the same side with respect to iran and it's really terrible does,f violence that it in particular in the middle east and to some people, so on that, we definitely agree they are a terrible player. know, i have been 19
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years in the congress, 19 years on the military committee, number two for the democrats on the military committee now. haven't seen of those 19 years. -- 17 of those 19 years being on the subcommittee that does the nuclear war cards, etc., doing special forces, chairwoman for forces committee, etc., and i know your area, your piece is not in the military. i really want to get to the area where i do believe you have extreme expertise. and i want to elicit from you some information that we can use. mayor giuliani: sure. argueanchez: i will not with you about what is going on with the military. i definitely have different viewpoints. but i want to talk about the funding that the federal government and the system in which we tried to buttress what
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our local law enforcement are doing. i mentioned in my opening statement that i am very -- howeverhen i see it is we are packaging from our federal enforcement into our local law enforcement and the fact that they are significantly decreasing over time, and more importantly, the lap of the lack ofty, -- predictability for what those funds will flow, how they will flow. have you seen this in the city, in particular in terms of preparedness for your first responders? what that does to you? aat would be more useful from funding perspective from the federal government? mayor giuliani: when i was the mayor, i supported the crime bill.
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the crime bill was a great bargain between conservatives and liberals. thatcluded social programs conservatives disagreed with and included the death penalty and funding, tremendous funding from underpolice, and somehow president clinton for leadership, he put together a group, bipartisan group of mayors that included me and ed rendell, the democratic mayor of philadelphia, the republican mayor of los angeles, the democratic mayor of st. paul, and from that we received money for me to hire considerably more police. bratton and i received a great deal of funding. we were able to increase the size of our police department
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from -- oh, i'm going to say .4,000, 35,000 aside from dealing with september 11, it helped us, certainly in the massive reduction in crime, which by the 65% reduction.s but on september 11, it left us with a large enough least department, although we did need help from other cities, that we were able to handle it and deal with it. but every year, the funding was in doubt. every year we had to make cutbacks and restore. we tried to manage our way through it. i think we did. but you're are absolutely correct. the funding, we should know what it is. we should plan on it for a five or 10-year period.
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strategies, and more particularly terrorism strategies -- as the chairman said, this is a war on war -- this requires 10 years of planning, 20 years of planning, so whatever funding congress is going to provide, it should be consistent. and as a mayor, which i no longer am, but if i was, or let's say a police commissioner or fire commissioner or head of emergency services, you should have a sense of what the funding is going to be four and five years from now. the mayor of new york city is required to reduce a budget for four years. i think that is very smart. that's one of the great things that came out of the fiscal crisis of new york city. it removes a lot of one-shot centrex. anduse i -- one shots tricks. because if i have to show what is going to happen for years from now and i increase that, we cannot factor the federal
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government in your it and i will make one final broker-deal point on behalf of mice to the. contributes considerably more to the federal government than the federal government contributes to the city. we are a donor city and a donor state. meaning we give you much more money in tax revenues than we get back in benefits, and i'm including all of the benefits from medicaid, medicare, and the war. and senator moynihan used to publish that report every year and he and i would hold a press conference to show that new york aty was being shortchanged by $7 billion or $8 billion, the state by about $12 billion. so, we don't come here as supplicants. we come here as contributors. we are giving you more money than you give us back, so at least give it back to us in a consistent way. rep. sanchez: mr. mayor, thank you for that.
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i happen to represent orange county, california and we are also a donor county -- mayor giuliani: i know you are. maybe even more because you have become larger and my numbers are 13, 14 years old. rep. sanchez: i understand my people understand in particular that we are community givers in a sense because we do pay more in taxes than we will ever receive back in that area. if you will, one more question, mr. chairman. this question is about -- after the boston marathon bombings, the harvard kennedy school released a plan action report where they identify the need for guidance regarding the role of political leaders and emergency managers during disaster response, and how those sought to coordinate. going back to your mayorship, -- i ask you not because
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that was a very specific time when you really had the largest ever known disaster on our homeland. but i know since then you have been working with mayors and other cities to ensure they are ready and that things are going well in case they should -- there should happen to be an attack we do not stop in the planning stages. youuestion to you, can describe your role in the incident command structure when you are here in new york? especially on that 9/11 day. and what advice you would give other mayors and to us with respect to emergency managers and first responders during a disaster of that type. what lesson can we bring away from that, given your experience ? mayor giuliani: first of all, new york city is very fortunate in that it really isn't a city.
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it's a confederation of counties. we are five counties in the .tate of new york , for example in miami or los angeles, the city is an entity within a much larger county, or let's take boston. so, when i had to deal with september 11 or the 30 or 40 other crises i had to deal with of a lesser scale, but because we have so many crises, our police or fire are emergency people are used to crisis. .e have one entity in boston, the report that you are dealing with, having to coordinate 7, 8, 9, 10 12 different police departments, as
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fire departments, some of which are volunteer fire departments, maybe an emergency services unit, maybe not. coordination is new york isbecause so big and it is one entity. that does not mean we did not have tremendous problems of coordination. youyou can imagine, if multiply those by 10 or 20, governor pataki and i made a decision shortly after the attack. say 40 minutes -- i was trapped in the building for 20
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minutes. when i got out, we made a .ecision on bp the police academy or because the police academy turned out to be too small. we made all of our decisions together. we had our staff meeting together. and we did that for two and half months. and we did that because we , first of all, a lot of bickering goes on between staffs that does not go on between rinse bowls. second, there is a tremendous bickering that goes on. if there was a problem, we could resolve it right there move forward. my recommendation is you've got
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to do exercises. i am a big lever and relentless preparation. numerous exercises in new york. exerciseint, we did an with the federal government, pretending there was a sarin gas attack right here at the world trade center. we brought the people together to see if they can work together and we found out we knew very little about sarin gas and anthrax. then we learned a lot about it. then we did a mock plane crash on the border of new york city hownassau county to see they would work together and to make sure they knew how to work together if in case there was a plane crash at the kennedy airport, which borders right on
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the beginning of nassau county. we did tabletop exercises like a possible sarin gas attack. how would you evacuate? so, one of the things among many that i urge them probably the most important news, a tremendous amount of preparation. go through the incident before-and-after -- before it happens, so when it happens, you are not going through it for the first time. that is how i distinguish, let's say, the response to september 11, where the city, the state, and the federal government, which included fema by the way, by that afternoon was sitting at the same table, and then the mistakes that were made in katrina where the governor stayed in the capital and the andr stayed in the city fema state, well somewhere.
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the sheriff: and stayed on the bridge. thank you very much, mayor. anm really glad to represent area where we have mutual assistance. mayor giuliani: but they have to work at that. rep. sanchez: and our share of falls under the -- our sheriff falls under the l.a. sheriff. and you're right. one of the things that we can look at is funding more of these exercises. it helpedwhen boston tremendously. the chair recognizes the german from new york, mr. king. king: rudy, it is great to see you here. i wanted knowledge my good friend and neighbor from the fire department. as far as the homeland security funding, we can always use more. i would say the last several
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i actually commend secretary johnson for taking those cities off the list, because the money should go to the cities that are targets. it makes no sense to be spreading homeland security funding across the country. secretary.ocratic i want to thank them for making the tough decisions. i have to say that new york's funding for three years has been consistent. when president obama came and he did try to cut the program, but we worked with them and that has been stabilized. while we have had problems and we could always use more funding, the fact is over the last several years, new york has -- i think we have had the fair ends. i do think that the department of homeland security has run a much better job on that. as far as the nypd, no one has done more to stop domestic terrorism in this country than the nypd. i know "the new york times" is quoted as saying the nypd spies.
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i do not count on "the new york times" for anything. john brennan said that the somewhat pd -- the nypd was the model combating islamic terrorism. if you're talking about profiling, whatever you want to term it -- rudy, you are italian-american. i am irish american. if you are investigating the mafia, you go to italian-american families. we had to find the westies. we knew where to find them. that was the irish neighborhoods. if we gave in to "the new york want" and these people who to wring their hands, the fact is under mayor bloomberg and commissioner kelly, 16 plots against new york city stopped. commissioner bratton, less than two years, 12 plots stopped.
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what happened, the fourth of july, what bill bratton did, as per a stopping the threats against new york, again, we would have a different climate. we came very close to being attacked on the fourth of july by isis. we need to start talking on the record and not just metaphorically. rudy, you and i went to many funerals after 9/11. too many. we saw the cops that were killed, the firefighters killed. people are still dying. cops and firefighters are still as a result of the injuries they occurred. they lost a hundred 11 firefighters who have died since illnesses.ated so, i would ask you again, as a former mayor who did a can never job and we thank you enough for what you
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did on september 11 in the weeks afterward, the importance, if you could speak, of extending the act. the funding in's next year. and there is thousands and thousands -- from all over the country -- firefighters, cops, who came to new york to volunteer. 49 congressional districts have those people. the importance of that being extended and the suffering that those people are going through. mayor giuliani: first of all, it's critically important. it should not even be a question. it is a matter of ute we owed to these people. i can tell you as mayor at the time, going through the shock of september 11, to have people come from all over the country to help us was enormously important. for two reasons. first of all, even though new york city has the largest leased apartment, the largest fire department, the largest ,mergency services components
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significant presence of fbi and everything else, this attack was beyond our capacity. when i talked to governor pataki on the phone, shortly after getting out of the building of a strapped in, the governor thought i had died. .e said, thank god we thought you were lost. and he said, mayor, i know you don't like this, but i have pre-position the national guard, randomave put them on filing. what he said that, i always inisted the national guard new york city for any kind of civil disturbance. number one, i was quite confident my police department could handle it. likevirtue, i don't putting the national guard in a law enforcement situation because there are differences they are not trained for and i
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do not want to see them get in trouble doing something you know a cup cannot -- doing something that a cop knows you cannot do. for gettingk you the national guard and if you can get 10 more of them, i need them. was way beyond new york city. so, i needed all of the help i could get. sent meley from chicago police officers and firefighters. governor bush from florida sent me state police officers. i got help from maryland. i got help from indiana. i got help him every part of the country. number one, we needed the help. needed thetwo, we emotional support even more than the help. we needed the feeling we were not alone. that we were being supported by the rest of the country. loss of at as the
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loved one. your first feeling is your all alone and you have to wait for the gathering and people come and hug and squeeze you and you realize you are not all alone in your trial. the presence of all of those people who came here was a normal sleep important. many of them sacrificed their health to do that. moment that that started this would be an enormously important situation -- dangerous situation. people would die. if firefighter -- a firefighter almost had his head decapitated by a crane that swung around and he was tackled by another firefighter who saved his life. fact is, it has never happened to us before. so, at the time it was happening , and to this day, we are doing the best we can to try to figure
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is,what the damage physical and psychological. i know people that are suffering from ptsd as a result of september 11. it is horrible to see, but they are. and that's not going to stop tomorrow. that's going to go on and year and the year after and the year after. so, i think it should be continued if we really mean that we are not going to forget. rep. king:z: -- thank you, rudy. thank you for your service. rep. mccaul: the chair recognizes ms. jackson-lane. jackson-lee: i am grateful,
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and i certainly was not you, but as a member of congress, ia sought to come to this sacred place as soon as i could. arrived, it, when i became the early version of the homeland security committee. i thank you for your service. i had my office just print out for me the names of firefighters, police officers, fire marshal, the chaplain you mentioned, just to reinforce for that these souls gave their life for this nation. i could not help but read -- shall not erase
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you from the memory of time. i know we will be debating something important this week. i shall not choose to discuss the iranian nuclear agreement, but what i will say to the american people and those listening, this will be a very vigorous debate with members of congress seriously considering the security of this nation. some of us will vote yes because we have deliberated and believe it is the right decision, but i want to give you comfort that it will be a very vigorous, thoughtful discussion on behalf of the american people. proceed to talk about losteople whose lives were and whose names will never be erased. i wanted knowledge congressman king and kathleen rice and john
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katko, new yorkers who have given outstanding service. i am a champion of the reauthorization of this legislation dealing with those who were impacted. i just want to be somewhat notndant and ask is it imperative that we as quickly as possible reauthorize the legislation, primarily because of what you said, but there is an urgency there because, as i understand it, there are individuals who sicknesses are the length ofed, sicknesses, people losing their lives, isn't it imperative we move quickly on this? the simpleani: answer is yes. i underline that. it is important that we do move on it. the bipartisan
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nature of this committee, how it has always worked to do the very best it could to try to improve homeland security, and i must tell you, just as someone who works in the field of security, i greatly appreciate what you do on both sides of the aisle and try very very hard to reconcile differences, because we realized that in protecting ourselves against terrorism, we are not democrats and republicans. we are americans. i want -- rep. youson-lee: i wanted to ask
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a question. you know to the importance of having a budget you planned. citynot leave out my home of houston. i want to bring greetings from the former mayor of houston who was a commissioner here in new york who many of you know and serve very ably, to note that houston was one of these cities rumored on that day, primarily because of the energy resources that were there. but the consistency of funding, how important is that? mayor giuliani: it's very important. like in business, most people will tell you what we need to know is what we are going to get or not get in them we can make since the budget in new york city is an anonymously $70lex process, it's now billion, i believe eight ilion -- $78budget, almost billion budget, you have to know
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what you have so you know how to make up the difference summer else. rep. jackson-lee: i would like to submit into the record, mr. chairman, and combine in a question to the mayor, this is a bill i have introduced called the friend bank, which is to assess the impact on first responders of concerns regarding .heir families they spend long days and hours away. is the responsibility of the homeland security department to look into the resources for families while they are engaging in fighting the war on terror or the impact of the world terror. i would like to submit this to the record -- rep. mccaul: without objection, so ordered. rep. jackson-lee: let me follow up on that. the idea ofals with not leaving these first responders burdened with "what
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is happening to my family?" that we should have some response plan for families left behind. governor, i want to ask you if that is valuable thinking we should be engaged in? i indicated that this place, veryhallowed ground was moving to me as i walked in. thent to take a moment to thousands of victims on this hallowed ground in those ancient so, pennsylvania and the pentagon, which we members of congress were there, mr. mayor and saw as the plane came down on the pentagon. it's a very real vision in our minds and our psyche, and to acknowledge those military personnel as well who moved forward into battle after this time. particular hearing title, it does throw us into the arms of fear somewhat, and i want to in on celebrating -- i
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d on celebrating the bravery of the sacrifice of those who lost their lives. you say, any moment we are subject to the possibility of a terrorist attack anywhere in the united states, where bad guys think they can make a statement to the world about our democracy and our peace. i would like you tost to comment on the value the families of first responders, and second, what i think you are proud of, that new york is a hallmark of resiliency and how it rebuilt itself from devastation, and in that, i guess i am wrapping three questions -- how we should be concerned about homegrown terrorism with the attitude that we stigmatize no race, no group, but we are conscious of that potential? so, the friends act, which is about the families, resiliency, and the homegrown terrorists?
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mayor giuliani: the friends act makes a great deal of sense, congresswoman. the fact is the family sometimes suffer more than the responders. i have found, not just in september 11, but with the loss of almost 50 firefighters and police officers before september the men and women who are engaged in the activity have the adrenaline and the sort of satisfaction of doing what it is they believe they can do best. it's the families that are left behind to suffer, and i come from a family with four uncles who were police officers and one who was a firefighter, and he had been seriously injured twice. i know how devastating that was on my family. when you get a big incident like this, this is something where
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there should be support for the families. mentioned theyou word resiliency because -- i am enormously proud of the following fact. there are twice as many people who live in this area of new york today than before september 11 area -- before september 11. . on september 11, and in the days after, we were not sure anyone would return here. the people who lived here had to be moved out. the businesses had to be moved out. thank goodness for two companies -- merrill lynch and american express -- who made clear immediately they would return. other companies, i would have to spend enormous amounts of time on the telephone and in person, begging them, pleading with them
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to come back. this went on for some time. i don't think we ever. we would be able to get it back even to where it was. demonstrate the resiliency of new yorkers and americans, there were twice as many people living here today as there were before september 11. they fully recognize this as a target. but they also realize you have to have life go on. you can't let these terrorists terrorize us. rep. jackson-lee: absolutely. mayor giuliani: a defense to terrorism is resiliency. rep. jackson-lee: absolutely. mayor giuliani: it's a more subtle defense, but a very, very important one. and the resiliency of new yorkers has been, i think, a real model, for which the people who live here should get great, great credit. in this is a very vital community.
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it has little leagues. it has soccer leagues. this has become a community. purely, ago, this was --you know, office area offices. this has become a mixed-use community. started toly it has get too darn expensive for a lot of people, but that's what happens. the second thing is, thank you for mentioning the bravery of firefighters and police officers. the september 11 commission, when they concluded their recommendations and conclusions, made some very helpful observations. some laudatory, some critical, all very helpful. but one of the things they pointed out was the new york city fire department saved 98%
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of the people they were capable of saving. i would like this committee to know that the first estimate i was given of the number of losses was 12,000. that was the first number. by the end of that day, when i was asked to the question, how many casualties do you think that iu had, the number had from all of our sources was 6000. and that's why i said i did not mention the number and i said, it's just too much for us to bear, to talk about that right now. to be less than 3000. that's a terrible number and is the worst the mastic attack in our history. but the reason it was not 12,000 or 6000 is because the firefighters and the police officers stood their ground. even when they were given an evacuation order.
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an evacuation order to a new irk city firefighter means leave when all of the civilians are gone. which means they were the last ones to leave, which is why so many of them died. but i can't tell you how many people come up to me, including outside the united states, who were in this building that day and thanked me. and you know what they say to me? thank you for your firefighters, because if they had not remained calm, we could have lost more people in the evacuation than in the attack. i'm not sure that is true, but they believe that. we know many evacuations that .re chaotic this was not a chaotic evacuation. this was an orderly, very well handled evacuation. becausenly was that these men and women gave up their lives.
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and that is a source of, i think , tremendous strength for america. the nextf the headline day was as was the worst attack in our history? it was characterized by firefighters and police officers who ran away? can you imagine how that would united states?he incrediblestories of bravery about the fire department, the port authority, the police department, and also single individuals, like from morgan stanley and others, who played the same role. rep. jackson-lee: thank you very much. we are not allowing terrorists to terrorize us. mayor giuliani: absolutely. rep. mccaul: we have eight
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members left for questions. we have a segment -- with the second panel. i'm going to have to strictly enforce the five-minute role. i recognize representative miller. rep. miller: thank you. mayor, and i say that with the highest degree of respect. sitting here today, in the sacred place, having an opportunity to be here last night and having the two are of this facility, and american thinking about where they were when we think about -- i think you, not just being the mayor of new york city, you were america's mayor at that time. looked to yould for your news conference is so we can figure out what was happening. there was rooting to tell us what was going on.
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there in this place and listening to you and your and remembrances are a certain bit overwhelming and over -- and emotional. utah, about the 9/11 commission at some of the recommendations they made. it did not start on 9/11, but i think mr. that many people realized we were facing a different enemy that our country has ever faced before. are not the same battlefield, where everyone wears the same uniform. they are cockroaches cowered. it is the first responders that are responding all over the country. various things that have happened here. one of the key representations
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that came out of the 9/11 commission was that they said there were so many of the wererent agencies that hampered by their inability to communicate. you have talked about this account you have had and the inability to communicate properly. the 9/11 commission said we need to go need to know to the need to share. the need to share information from various agencies. then we learned some of the lessons in the boston marathon bombings, where we had a hearing on this you have 13,000 fbi agents across country, 35 police officers in the new york city alone. street talk, and the validity to outlaw or spread gather the information, and share the
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information, and for our best intelligence to make sure it gets to the foods on the ground and having interoperability. i would like to have you expand a little vet on how attended his , the interoperability to communicate donald: the most simple things in human behavior of communication at home port it is for the federal government's role in making sure that we get the resources out to the first responders. people can talk to one another about what is coming, what is happening. that forbid, if there was another attempt to to attack or what have you. veryiuliani: i will be brief because i think commissioner bratton can give you more details on this move here and in los angeles. he was in the forefront of developing criteria that you use to try to identify terrorists. it is all well and good to have that criteria but the near lodi
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-- city police department utilizes it, but i'm not sure that is done all over the country. as we have now found out, although new york is a big target in the main target, i think we are now turning into a situation or there are many target. wolves or smaller groups, we are going to see smaller towns and more isolated raises attack. in a way that produces its own kind of fear. you're not the anywhere. this committee could play a very in helping the department of homeland security. one of its main missions is to make sure that every police department, every effort service department of the united states has a basic ability to deal with spotting terrorists, identifying
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terrorists, and then how to react if it happens. i very much of it she ate your description of that is cockroaches, because that is a grave example of the difference. these people are emerging from the ground. that the police officers patrol the streets that have the most knowledge of the ground. sometimes it is the police officers who can interpret the intelligence better. there was one incident during september 11 when it took me four hours to give me the information from the federal for myent that i needed police commissioner edward davis they hadt to interpret increased the threat on new york, but they would not give us the words that we used. i was finally able to impress upon -- i will not say who would
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, think i said something like i white -- might cancel the world series. i wanted the words. why did i want the words? i wanted the words because if i give them a hint to my police officers that was a bridge, a building, a tunnel that was going to be hit, they may understand something in the language. they know the city. the analysts in washington does not know the city. our caps on the city knows the city. one of the excuses i was given was we do not share information like this with local law enforcement because local law enforcement lee.
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to switch from even though it was a shortly amount after september 11, i just left in that you are talking to somebody who was a federal prosecutor for 17 years. don't tell me the fbi does not leak. [laughter] my department does not leak any more than the fbi. we are not quaintly to link this information because we know how critical it is. we do not have time to worry about leaks because if you give it to me now it can be actionable information. going to read about it for days later in the new york times anyway. you might as well give it to me. your committee can perform a very useful function in breaking down the barrier. protection against these cockroaches are our local police raid but they need to get information in order to know what to look for. not just give information. they to get information.
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horseorgia terrorism task is quite an effective way to do that, and i would really consider expanding. rep. miller: thank you mr. mayor. thank you mr. chairman. and the world series went forward? mr. giuliani: as challenged by derek cheater. [laughter] you for holding this hearing in these solemn grounds. as we go back to washington it is important to go back there with the perspective of knowing that what happened here was such that we all are to our country to honor those that tell and who lost their lives. thank you for your compelling testimony, mayor, and thank you
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for reminding us on this area has flourished 9/11. on 911i was under a deposition in new york city about a week later. to much further away than i do, because i was from brazeau, texas. the opposing counsel and i had to make a decision because there were not too many flights going out. we decided to drive. it took us three days. i remember when i got here that it was not the new york city that i was used to visiting. i remember how quiet it was. i remember the test. -- dust. i remember how gray it was. several years later i stayed at the very hotel across the street that we stadium last night and i remember thinking to myself i will never stay here again because by that time the
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jackhammers had come back. the were starting to rebuild. last year at the invitation of congressman crowley, my friend from queens, i had the pleasure of touring the new freedom tower. i was on the 64th floor and the port authority give us a twou r. i remember thinking to myself what a grade treatment it was to the people of this city to be rebuilding. and then here we are today. at the end of the day, the most important thing about this is that we, the american of the people of new york a grade deal of gratitude for rebuilding and for honoring the people who died here that day. i'm going to limit my questions. i have two questions, and i'm
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going to limit them to this. we talked about the diversity of the threat that we face today because it is not just in new york, it is all over this country. i'm curious about what your assessment is. ofknow how prepared the city new york through federal, state, and local cooperation is to deal and prevent these threats over the last several years. what is your assessment of how other places around the country are prepared to prevent those threats? mr. giuliani: first of all, may i say that september 11 brought us together much closer than a country has ever been for about two or three months. no democrats, republicans, noted liberals, no conservatives, just americans working together. i can tell you, in new york, opposing counsel would never be cardto drive in the same
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to brussels, texas, without beating the heck out of each other. [laughter] rep. vela: we did drive separately. mr. giuliani: now i got it. [laughter] may interrupt for one second to suggest to you that one of the funding things you should consider is funding this as a national museum? there is a bill pending to do that. nationally should be a museum. it affected the whole nation. i would just like you to know how important i believe that is. that this be funded as a national museum. we will take that back to our committees of interest. mr. giuliani: the rest of the question? rep. vela: what's your assessment is of how other
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communities -- mr. giuliani: it is very mixed, to be honest. andy ability to get around talk to the police and i travel across a greek deal -- a deal, some cities and counties are tremendously well-prepared. some are not well prepared. have always thought that the mission of the department of homeland security is to get every place in america ready. standard that every community should reach. everyone should understand anthrax and biochemical or biological agents and how to do sex them.
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but as a function of the department of homeland security .hould monitor the present head of the homeland security, who i have greater specs for and i think he is doing a grate job of trying to do that, any assistance you can give him enough that regard i think would be enormously and or tent. i think we have to think of the fact that although new york is a major target, as is seen or los angeles, these new terrorists scope let's call him that. might be thinking let's attack them in places of less resistance. rep. vela: chattanooga? mr. giuliani: like chattanooga. what that means is a tremendous version on the secretary of homeland security and the homeland security department to get a load of departments that
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would not necessarily face a lot of her emergence he is up to speed. i think your encouragement and sensible funding of that, working with jeh johnson could be a very important thing because it is something he understands and it is something he is trying to do. rep. vela: thank you. >> thank you mr. chairman. iran were standing in the u.s. attorneys office and watching events unfold. it left an indelible impression on me. was your leadership that day, and your leadership in the days that follow that had an impact on me as well. you had a positive impact on our country and i think for that. time, i've watched you gain more experience and more knowledge on the whole .errorist threat and globally
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as i see it, the threat matrix has changed. back in 9/11 people came to this country to attack us. and now we have a phenomenon with isis where people within this country of ours, american employed toe being take up arms against the country, they will blow up something to negotiate something. it is a very different threat matrix now. i would very much like to have your impression on what you think is the best way to attack it. you touched on it with respect to the violent extremism and how it is renting out to different areas. thing that i'm concerned about now is how do you counter that violent extremism in the communities? one thing i think we need to focus on is in those communities nationwide you see those people
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who might become radicalized. what do you do? heidi go about fighting it? how do you enter seabees for someone who is drifting in the wrong directions does something terrible? all, theani: first of idea that there would be lone tax that werer self generated two or three people who were natives of the way,ry doing this, in a our government, starting about a year ago, was asking -- acting as if this was a big surprise. in laden wrote about this 1997. surrogates encouraged this in 1980 and 1999.
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it happened in london in 2005. those were homegrown terrorists. why we are so far behind all the time. rep. katko: we're not heeding the warnings. i was one block away from the first bomb that went off in the liverpool station, with exactly the same police officer who was with the economy out of the building that i was trapped in. that is a heck of a coincidence, and it stopped getting me invited everywhere for about five years. [laughter] mr. giuliani: if i recall correctly, all four those bombers were citizens of the u.k. and two of them were born there. i don't know. i would have think we would have started than saying to ourselves this is a threat. and finally the last year we
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recognize it. it does require a different law enforcement strategy. and requires a different military strategy. requires, as i said, the use of the police in a much more energetic way and a much more informed way as our eyes and ears. it also requires something that is controversial, but it is true. it requires understanding as an organizing principle. these are not singular acts of like the shooting that took place in brooklyn the other ,ight at the west indian parade or a shooting that might take place in chicago or a shooting that might take place here or whatever. there is an organizing principle just like the mafia is an organizing principle. in mafia murder in new york was
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different than a murder in new york. the mafia murder in new york had an organizing principle behind it. and these attacks have an organizing principle behind it, it is call their interpretation of how mohammed taught jihad. which, islamic scholars can have greek debates. jihad ispretation of to remove or subjugate the infidel. this comes out of islamic literature. many reformed muslims reject it. but some muslims accept it. there is an organizing principle here. if we act in a state of denial out of political correctness, that this is the organizing principle, and we are going to miss a lot of the situations.
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that helps to give us some of the criteria that we are looking for. some people think should be ignored. is we need to train our police, we need to realize that the organizing principle here is jihad and their interpretation of it. placesans we look in the where that is going to be taught, and exploited. social media, unfortunately, mosques. morein groups that are extremist than others. and that we somehow say the words as long extremist terrorist, and not be condemned as bigots for saying it. congressman king made a reference to the mafia.
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when i indicted the first group of mafia members in new york and refer to them as the mafia i had a demonstration in front of my office by the italian-american civil rights league. the italian-american civil rights league was founded by a colombo with was the head of the colombo crime family. i also found out something i did not know. in the justice department manual, it was improper to refer to a group as the mafia. i could have been penalized. you know they love to penalize in the justice system. rep. katko: i was there for 20 years i understand that. mr. giuliani: i violated a rule by using the word mafia. i said, well, punishment. hase is a mafia, and this an organizing principle. you know that principle is? being italian.
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when there are a bunch of car thefts in southern brooklyn, i did not go look for hispanics or asians or blacks, i went in looked for italian kids because they were doing all the car thefts. that was profiling. but if i had not profiled, i would not have caught them. there are two kinds of profiling. profiling based on hard fact that the jew to the criminal or criminal group or criminal enterprise, here, jihadist. just for the purpose of harming some particular group that is doing nothing wrong. so i think we have to define and i thinkrefully that political correctness has cost us lives. i do not think the attack at
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fort hood would have occurred if we had not been applying political correctness, and i think those brave people would be alive today. i think they died because of political correctness, because no one was paying attention to what was being written by the captain. it which he was predicting what he was doing. he was promoted, even though his colleagues were saying that he had become a very extreme, erratic and big exponent of the hot. -- of jihad. penalized, and promoted, because the people of military were afraid that they would be accused of picking on people of a certain group. rep. katko: thank you. >> thank you, mr. chairman.
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service of mayor, and profession since then, how prepared you think new york and this country are are to handle a large-scale cyber attack, one of the more inevitable attacks with you -- to look forward to? mr. giuliani: not as well prepared as we are for the more traditional attacks. and againity is, commissioner bratton i would --er to, he can explain it from a long time ago new york city has constantly increased under different commissioners. his response to terrorism. the new york state police department department is doing a lot of work, as is the vin cyber security -- fbi in cyber security. but as a nation, we are waiting
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behind in cyber security. way behind. it cannot be solved by the government alone. american businesses have to spend a lot more money protecting themselves than they do. if you are the ceo of a large ,ompany that is publicly traded your expenditures for cyber security, out of your profit and loss. $1 million, $10 million, $100 million, and you show less profit in that quarter. countervailing benefit that you get for it. it is not like hiring people and they are productive and you can put something on the other side of the column. american businesses, number one, have not spent enough time or money on developing cyber
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security. the methods and in manyes that we use cases are contradictory. not everyone works with each other. people do not want to share intellectual property. there are many problems in the area that you're talking about. they have not received the same attention, that the other things we talked about, the physical anurity, and that could be area where this committee could play a big role in encouraging not only our government as we saw the vulnerability of the internal revenue service, my goodness, that is frightening. it is frightening that somebody can come in and get documents from the internal revenue service. i would say that is an area where this committee should put
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some greater emphasis. one of the date mistakes we make is we are prepared for the next attack as if it is going to be the same as the last attack. what they are trying to do is try to figure out some kind of think we haveht i been forewarned about this type of security. it is something that should be given attention in the private sector. rep. rice: thank you. thank you mr. chairman and ranking member for thinking -- for holding this. thank you for your leadership in a difficult time. i am from texas and we have a reactions.on we have we are proud of our heritage, we
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are not -- we are proud of our country. the first time i try to come to this facility there were so many people it was hard to get in. it warms my heart that there are many people who will not forget what happened on those days of september 11. this is special to me because i spent nine years in the undercover office of the cia. i left san antonio texas to start training in the cia was the day that the coal explosion happened. we do not take seriously what our enemies were saying then. you alluded that in your opening remarks. we are not taking seriously what was being said in the late 80's either. i have is that we will not take seriously some of the concerns that we are hearing all over the world from our current enemies. qaeda all overl the world, india, pakistan,
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afghanistan. they are a real threat. isis's ability to leverage social media is shocking. but one of the things that we have to do is we have to stop it where they live. since you have been out of elected office, you have been a later in emergency preparedness and public safety. as have been described taking an ungovernable city into andgovernance effective management and you have done deals all over the world. i am going to refer to you as a dealmaker. i have two questions. one on isis. one in iran. what should we be doing in these places like syria, to help them stop this surge -- scourge in their tracks? dealmaker, usually when you
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do a deal people benefit on both sides of the deal and i'm still having a difficult time figuring out how the united dates benefits from this iranian -- the united states benefits from this a rainy and deal --iranian deal. mayor giuliani: on the second part, i would refer you to donald trump. "the art of the deal." he would probably give you a much more entertaining answer that would get you better coverage for this committee. -- i think we were completely out negotiated. if you go back and look at what the premise of this negotiation is supposed to be, we have lost on all those points read this all began 10 years ago with you when resolutions that iran would be nonnuclear. it would not have any nuclear
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power, for the reason that i stated. you would have to be an idiot to think they need nuclear facilities in a country that is oil-rich and natural gas rich. they'll don't need the peaceful use of nuclear power. premise of the original resolution was a nonnuclear iran . we gave that away with the .reliminary agreement what do we get back for that? thatrelease of prisoners , and a going to give up rant that is going to give up being devoted to the destruction of israel? funding that will stop
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hezbollah, hamas, the houthis, about 12 other groups that do not have names yet? we did not get anything back for that. then we were going to have ronald reagan "trust, but verify." we are just trusting. first of all, we are consigning it to the iaea. the iaea was fooled twice by iran before, in 2003 and 2005. one facility -- i have forgotten the names of the others -- actually three facilities that aea missed. i'm sorry, i would not trust them. i'm a baseball fan. three strikes and you're out.
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trust, but verify to ronald .eagan meant we verify we. the u.s.. that in and we make sure they are not hiding nuclear material, like they did before. readybody took the time to rouhani's memoirs, the reformed prime minister of iran, rouhani bragged in his memoirs that he fooled us twice before. he brags about it. [laughter] me that we,ing to that we are trusting him and then we are giving them 24 days, which, by the way, as a lawyer, having read the agreement, i could probably ended to -- extend it to six months, because
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you can appeal. it's not us that raises the objection. aea, got full twice -- actually three times before. i'm joined to figure out what we're getting out of this. of this theng out promise they are not point to become nuclear for 10 or 15 ,ears. if you believe that there is a bridge right near here i am willing to sell you. so, as a dealmaker teaching dealmaking 101, i would give us an f. no different from our reset of our relationship of russia won we gave up the nuclear defense of the czech and poland. and what did we get in return? how about nothing?
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i would not sell my house for nothing. i would get something in return. we had stuck to the nuclear defense of the check andblic -- czech republic poland, crimea may never have happened. ,o, i see a one-sided deal completely in favor of iran, and icy, worse than that, in -- and i see, worse than that, an iranian empire developing. rep. hurd: thank you. mccaulk you, chairman for holding this meeting on this hallowed ground where america did look into the face of evil, evil that took from us thousands of lives in the most senseless
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and cowardly act of terrorism the world has ever known, the islamicradical extremism. it'se, personally, compelled me to become an anti-terrorism prosecutor. what they remain capable of today. they will not stop, they will not give up in their quest to destroy the american way of life. recognitiontoday in of the fact that we must therefore remain ever vigilant of the threats of radical islamic extremism. but here in this place that will always serve as a somber reminder of the lives lost and just how fragile our freedoms are, so, too, must displace always be a reminder of the
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heroic efforts of so many. our police, our fire volunteers, our personnel, and citizens who stood up in this historic time for this nation, and i include you in that group, mayor giuliani. your leadership in the aftermath of 9/11 was something that not just the city, but the entire country needed to rebuild and persevere. it has been said and written by many that we all became new yorkers at that time, and in that respect, you became the mayor to all of us. and i know i join everyone here and everyone around the country you that welling will forever remain grateful for your leadership. i came here as the chairman of this committee's subcommittee on cyber security to ask your opinions on that review have and answeredmments
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most of the important questions i came near to ask. out of respect for the second panel and your time, i will just say thank you and yield back the balance of my time. mayor giuliani: thank you very much. let me say two things very briefly. first, thank you for the comment i wouldadership, but point out i rested on the shoulders of giants. that whatever credit i get for leadership, there were hundreds and hundreds of people that were equally as heroic and more so than i was, it was from them that i derived my ability to move forward and do whatever i could. the credit does not belong to me. it belongs to all of them. at and thank you for your interest in cyber security, because i do believe that as congresswoman out, this is a
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great threat we face in the future and it's one we are not paying as much attention to as we should. donovan.ul: mr. donovan: thank you, mr. mayor. when you are the most junior member of the committee, by the time you get to the witness, you ask what their favorite pizzeria is, and i already know what yours is. you were my mayor. of new yorkdent city and i very much appreciate what you have done for this city, what you continue to do. since that time, you have traveled through the country the last 14 years and i remember calling it and of mine from a different art of our country after the tragedy that happened right here and told him, wasn't an amazing feeling to see these
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cars with american flag flying on them, and he said to me, what flags? from were no flag flying the cars where he lived. and some people at that time -- although we talked about the heroics of people from other cities coming to help us -- a as of people look at this an attack on new york, not america. this coming friday, you and i will be going too many, many in our city, to continue our pledge that we will never forget. i'm wondering through your travels throughout the country, have people forgotten? mayor giuliani: yes, some people have forgotten. dan, it is the nature of the human being that as you move further and further away from an event, like the death of a loved one, you don't
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forget. the impact is not as great. you are to an event, whether you are a new yorker or you have friends in new york -- so, i think it is the job of this committee to remind people of that. by i want to conclude commending this committee from the day of its inception until today. mr. king, mr. mccaul, all the democratic members, all of the republican members, i think you have been one of the most effective committees in congress and the things you have done. the mostou have been effective in terms of being able to forge bipartisan solutions where you could. and i ask you, in closing, to please consider once again the legislation to make this a national memorial, because this will serve to remind all
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americans when we forget. because i think that unfortunately, this is going to be a war we are going to be in for a long time. so, we have to keep reminding of what is happening, because it is so subtle, and sometimes it is hard to see. those of you who have been and it in some capacity or another know, but it's the job of this committee and the job of this museum to make sure that the american people remain vigilant. it does happen again, it doesn't happen because we were not paying attention. thank you. mr. clawson is recognized. clawson: that time for one more? thank you for your service and your bravery.
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,ccording to my understanding the u.s. economy is about $16 trillion. are the engine of everyone else's economic growth. i think you would agree. $50 billion of trade deficit, roughly, every single month. i think that if china or the european community, just as two examples, had to choose between doing business with iran and selling product at walmart or target, where do you think they would decide? when i hear that this was a bipolar decision between this deal and war, i wonder what happens to our economy? it is the growth engine for the whole world. then, mr. mayor, i will take have a step and say, we financial system.
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you may know better than me. how many billions of dollars just an arbitrage and hedges take place? corruptway the foreign practices law works, somebody does something wrong, and they put their money in our financial system, they get nabbed quick, correct? mayor giuliani: correct. >> and yet to my knowledge in the iranian deal, we have not used this awesome power of being at the center of the global forncial system as leverage the deal. i am astounded these facts are never really talked about and we are making a deal that is aced on verification without using the global economic leverage that seems so obvious. i must be missing something here. i am not trying to run anybody down in particular, but i think this idea that the sanctions would fall apart is only because
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we do not want to use our financial system or our global economic power. am i missing something or would you agree on this different take on the ukrainian outcome -- on the iranian outcome? mayor giuliani: i have not just reservations about the agreement. to me, the agreement is frightening. because we get so little in return, if anything, and we are creating an empire. we are making available to a country that is set on the destruction of our greatest ally, a country that is dedicated to killing americans and continues to say that as .hey negotiate with us we are making billions of dollars available to them. everyone on this panel and everyone of any political party would agree that it ran --iran
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is the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. there's no disagreement about that. why in god's name would you give them billions of dollars? what does it mean to be a state sponsor of terrorism. it means you take money and you give it to terrorists. it means you take weapons and you give it to terrorists. it means, if you are a nuclear power, you take nuclear capacity and give it to terrorists. one of the main reasons that the resolutions began was not just the fear that it ran would attack israel with missiles. it was the fear that it ran had hadear capacity -- if iran nuclear capacity, it would hand wasff to the terrorists it presently sponsoring and we can yorka dirty bomb in new
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chicago or london or paris. somehow we have forgotten that. you run should have --iran should have no nuclear capacity. they cannot be trusted with nuclear capacity. we have the data should we have should we have used our economic power to stop it? absolutely. and when you say the only alternative is war, you make it clear you will not go to war, which maybe would've been the greatest leverage of all, if the military option had not only been kept on the table, that maybe the military option or .omething they were afraid of to win a negotiation, you need leverage. we gave away our leverage when we backed off of that red line 12 times, because the ayatollah
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took the measure of his opponent and he took the measure of his opponent as i don't have to worry about a military response. >> mayor, let me close by saying that there were many heroes that day, that fateful, tragic day, and you, sir, were the leader. on behalf of a grateful nation, we want to say, thank you so much for your service. mayor giuliani: thank you for coming here and reminding everyone of what happened in your continued work or our country, which i think is just about the best in the united states congress. thank you. [applause] rep. mccaul: in the interest of time, we will move to the second town. -- second panel.
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introduce the next now. first we have commissioner william bratton. he previously served as the commissioner of the boston police department and the los angeles police department. next, we have commissioner daniel nigro, currently serves as the commissioner of the new york fire department. saw the uniform drink during -- rank during his career with the fire department. mr. ielipi. rescueed organize
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operations at ground zero and returned to assist in the rescue operations. he continued his work for nine months to ensure all who were lost were accounted for, including his son jonathan who re squad to 38. and finally we have the senior firefighters, where he is a principal liaison to the police department. full written statement is in the record. the chernow recognizes commissioner bratton. commissioner bratton: good morning, distinct as rumors this committee. bratton.s william j. on behalf of mayor bill de to new i welcome you york city. the location of these proceedings could not be more appropriate.
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the site was hallowed by the lives we lost and was those whod by sacrificed here. it has been dedicated to a promise. we will never yield in our another eventt from happening here. we will see the 14th anniversary of these september 11th attacks. in this 14 years the police department has changed dramatically. -- that are constantly expanding. in many respects we face a greater likelihood of attack than we have seen in years.
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with regard to crime, new york city -- with regard to the current terrorism environment, we now face multiple hazards. qaeda. particularly al qaeda in the hich of an insula, w grace princely out of human. they are believed to be the primary driver in paris of the "charlieattack on google go hebdo." in establishing a pseudo-state, has fundamentally destabilize the middle east in many parts of the world. fortunately its impact is not yet been felt here, but the important words are direct impact and yet.
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isil has been far more successful than al qaeda in indirect impacts. they have embraced a diffuse, lone wolf model which mass markets a global call for violence in the name of the so-called islamic state. the names of those who carry out this carnage will be remembered as holy fighters as part of larger struggle. for those wholed fall into the margins of society. isil is focused on attacks that capability,mal low-tech, low-cost, high impact. it turns the car, the gun, or the simple ied into something most people unfortunately can
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do. counterterrorism has been remarkably busy lately. in june alone, several men were arrested in new york for taking part in isil driven plots over social media platforms. these plots were uncovered by the fbi and the new york joint -- taskask orders force. they ranged to plots involving for the cooker bombs july 4 celebration. we found to those in the process ied's.arching among the potential targets, a police funeral. more than apent year on this case and was a
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linchpin in the investigation. not of these plots have they gone forward would've had the scope here. respect, they do not at its widest. it has grown to be worldwide. new york city certainly proved its resilience. but any terrorist attack against this city would have a profound effect. here, across the country, and around the world. we continue to invest our own resources in this fight. and in the "charlie hebdo" attacks in paris, we sought police driven back, even coldly executed. the nypd was fully briefed on
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all of the lessons learned there. another unit of officers went to sydney, australia after an isil acolyte took ostriches in downtown sydney. -- hostages in downtown sydney. the collective lessons learned from these attacks formed our plans that have recently formed a strategic spots group by sage. -- response group by sig. unit an 800-person specifically equipped and trained to deal with terrorist involvement and also active shooter situations. by kellyut in place sharp after 9/11. traineddes 15 highly officers, also specially equipped and trained to deal with the ongoing threats i referenced.
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citywide significant units with the additional 1200 units that will be part of our growing threat. also in the past year, we have added 250 detectives to a new initiative that involves significantly improving our ability to deal with cyber the traditional world as well as the counterterrorism world. we have assigned a squad of detectives to the fbi to work with them on an expanding cyber security initiative they have recently created and the next several weeks, i will be assigning other squad of detectives to the district office as he significantly expands in the financial capital of the world his efforts to deal with ever security threats to our financial institutions. remains in the crosshairs of global terrorism. since september 11, 2001 there have been over 20 plots against
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new york city. so far they have been thwarted i the efforts of the nypd and our local and federal partners. that partnership is stronger than ever. and theoner john miller army investigative reporter who was one of the first to interview osama bin laden, the fbi, the lapd's counterterrorism now my and counterterrorism threat intelligence director, we have a wide variety of agencies with which we work every day. together we keep the city safe. we have done so well of holding the constitutional rights of those who live, work, and visit new york city. it is our freedom that makes us a target for those who hate us. more detailed version of this testimony has been submitted. i would like to thank you for inviting me to testify. i would be happy
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