tv Washington Journal CSPAN September 15, 2015 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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getting access to adequate food due to a lack of money or resources. nine: 15, looking at the host: "the washington post"e, reports that john boehner is hosting a number of listening sessions to hear from members of his party on planned parenthood funding. hold two plans to votes related to funding from planned parenthood. the lead story from "the new york times" centers on the declared party. how their staff can court funding from independent super pacs. -- the pope and
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president obama will hold a meeting. journal"shington september 15. school will be canceled today in washington. educators are seeking almost a 10% pay raise over two years. the larger issue of teacher pay is our focus this morning. particularly, teachers in the school and your district. do they receive adequate pay? for parents, you can call (202) 748-8001. all others, (202) 748-8002. if you want to post on our social media site, it is on twitter. and facebook. here are the specifics of what is going on in seattle. here is what teachers are asking for. --ing, well sis basic
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specifics were not proposed -- disclosed, they announced on sunday. wo9.75% pay raise over t years. because neither raise applied to the full salary the effective increase is lower. the most recent counter offer was a 9.2% raise over three years. that is what is going on in seattle but the larger issue of teacher pay, if you think it is adequate, that is our focus. if you want to give our thoughts -- your thoughts it is (202) 748-8000. if you are a parent (202) 748-8001. .ll others, (202) 748-8002 if you want to help set up the context of what is going on, reports on these issues and is joining us on the
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phone. good morning. guest: good morning. host: could you give us a sense of what teacher pay is like in the united states? guest: the average teacher pay in seattle is around $60,000. nationally we are looking at $57,000. it ranges from $70,000 in places like massachusetts to below 40,000 and mississippi. host: there is a typical complaint that the rate of pay where the teacher lives isn't keeping up with the rate of living? guest: i think that is exactly right. if you look at washington probably, teacher pay is down about 8% and in seattle specifically they say we have not had a cost of living increase. we have seen a boom in the tech sector and the cost of living has increased rapidly. scale.comwebsite pay
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gives a look at the average salary. 47,000,chool teacher and so on. on average, when teachers ask , typically do they go about getting them or do they have to resort to what teachers in seattle are doing to get them? guest: often they do have to resort to striking. it is a complicated process. you have the district and the union at the table and it is a mix of state and local dollars. it's not like going to your boss and asking for a raise. who is involved directly? right now we're talking the districts and the teachers union. in seattle, teacher pay gets
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their big salary from the state. another set of their salary from local property taxes. so far they have not been able to bridge the gap. host: in the larger sense, i suppose those who pay have some voice. tot do they say and request races from teachers? guest: in seattle, we are seeing quite a bit of support from parents. we have seen community centers come out and say we will watch your kids while you are at work and there does seem to be broad support for the teachers. carefulrict has been about how they framed it. there does seem to be some support for the teachers. host: aside from the actual pay,
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what about the benefits and perks? you are looking at benefits, retirement benefits. they are pretty reasonable. seattle -- the district wanted to extend the school. teachers are saying you cannot make these other changes without compensating fairly. host: we are in the fourth day of a teacher strike, does that continue on? meeting up were until late last night and said they believe there has been some progress but so far they are still on strike and expect that to continue. the report on education for "national journal," you can find her writings on the
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national journal website. miss deruy, thank you for your time. we will continue on and here is if it is adequate. (202) 748-8000 for teachers. (202) 748-8001 for parents. all others, (202) 748-8002. huffington post has a poll taking a look at teacher pay issues. do you think public school teachers are paid too much? only 8% said that. 28% said they are pay the rent amount. said they are paid to a little and 11% said they are not sure. about, what do you think teacher pay where you live? caller: my husband is a teacher so i have some insight. i think it is adequate.
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we move from care -- kansas to maryland. something that was mind blowing was how many taxes are taken out. we think it is fantastic because the schools here are taken care of. they are falling apart and kansas and sam brownback is doing awful things there. but i would say that the pay is adequate because my husband works really hard and he is constantly working. period are spent for making copies. , he getsmery county paid very well but i still think teachers need to be paid better across the board. host: what does he teach? caller: english. host: at what level? caller: high school in germantown. host: let's hear from david in jackson, mississippi. that teachernk
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salaries are the meaningfully low. these days they have to pay for some of that material. my sister is a teacher and one of my best friends is a teacher voted merite both pay at one point but whoever funded the pate never came through with the funds. teacher pay is incredibly inadequate and that is all that i have to say. here is gabriel. caller: i just want to say that teachers are in fact so underpaid. do and thes they possibilities they have, especially in the early years, if you don't compensate them
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they will not move into these careers because those careers do not pass some kind of alternative that is sustainable for them. i want to say one thing that is a big proponent of that. i used to live in durham, north carolina. some of the worst in north carolina. dramatic 180hat a degree turn. things are so different and a lot of it has to do -- i think that the teachers are paid that are but it also has to do with the fact that parents are held accountable. you have to be involved in your kid's day-to-day. even if you work two jobs. i still find a way to get in here to make things happen.
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teachers must hold parents accountable and school cannot be seen as a day care. as far as property taxes, what are they like where you live now from where you used to live? caller: the property taxes actually are lower in the place that i live now. all the better things that come along with it. so it is the exact same. footabout 1900 square where as the house i lived in durham was only 1300 square pate $2300 which may not be that much. i would pay more money in taxes to make sure teachers got paid and said of getting all the money cut away from services.
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is some of that responses we have heard on teacher pay and if it is adequate. teacher, -- i'm are a parent (202) 748-8000. if you're a teacher, (202) 748-8001. if you are all others, (202) 748-8002. caller: there are so many things you can just take apart when you discuss the subject of education but the number one issue i am , theg as an educator is system is afraid to be accountable to the development of the child and the pursuit of excellence just because of litigation.
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you have to conform to a structured situation and use the example that every foot does not fit the same shoe. where education has gone there it -- gone. host: what do you think about this topic of teacher pay in florida? i don't teach in florida, i live in -- i teach in maryland. i live in florida but have roots in maryland. flaws.e the i have taught at the college level in florida. , but the pay was awful. host: the 10 states that pay the most.
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teachers earn an average of 50 1000, 4 $56. $51,456. $56, like indiana, teacher salaries are up to the discretion of the school district. for those of you just joining us, teachers at your school. do they receive adequate pay? (202) 748-8000 for parents, (202) 748-8001 for teachers and (202) 748-8002 for all others. next mike from ohio. caller: in might school district where i live the school has a
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$2.5 million surplus. i am a small business owner and i work by myself. companies are stealing half of my work through job stealing and the violation of the consent agree. only made $15,000 and i am paying $300 per month in property taxes. by the school every day and it is shut down all summer. take off every holiday you can dream of and i understand the teacher health insurance has a co-pay of $25. as far as the teachers go, i think they are doing pretty good. caller: we will hear from bob in eugene oregon. way to pay only fair teachers is to have a base pay like a babysitter, eight dollars an hour, then multiply that by
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the number of students in the class. i think that is a fair way to pay our teachers. caller: aside from that, how is it done in oregon? caller: i don't know. i don't think it is done that way anywhere. but that is a fair way to do it. taxes,s far as property how are they where you live and how much of that goes to education? caller: i don't know. i am 72 years old. know much about the way they pay teachers here. is toly fair way to pay have a base pay and multiply it by the number of students. host: michael is up next in fort lauderdale, florida. caller: thank you for taking my call. i have had the opportunity to go to public schools and private schools my entire life.
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improvement that public schools there are a lot of teachers very committed but they did not have the adequate resources they need. a lot of the teachers were simply frustrated. they did not have the motivation to succeed. in public school. and the governor proposed the law that would correlate with the student performance. they hold teachers accountable and it would make them want to inspire their students more. received a lot and unfortunately did not pass. personally speaking i could that because the
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teachers did not have adequate resources and the learning environment was not as , that something is required. at the same time i believed that there should be a level of measurement in accordance with performance. teachers are treated based on their performance and this is why private schools are doing much better. democrats plan to increase the role for super pac's. nicholas pointing out that the plan laid out by the top would pave thes way for the creation of a host of new super pac's. also suggests that democrats would allow them to
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use tactics pioneered by republican presidential candidates this cycle. officially declare their intent to run and most strikingly theawyers are asking the commission to clarify how many candidates their campaign staff and volunteers can help support donors for independent super pac's or whether a candidate will be a special guest at the fundraiser with two donors. democrats whoor like hillary have been reluctant to engage too closely with super pac fundraising. jennifer on the line for teachers. go ahead. my way to work today in the middle of the divorce and i make $56,000 is a special ed teacher. i cannot afford to keep the house in my zip code. i cannot afford to pay the property tax.
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if you are not going to pay the teachers here, then give us tax breaks or something. of that, in special ed we have the very wealthy suing the schools so their kids can go private. guy has ar the private plane and a fast bmw and his student is now going to a private school at the cost of taxpayers but i have seen it over and over. it is out there and teachers know about it and sometimes it is very difficult when we cannot a property taxes. host: when you hear about events in seattle where teachers are going on strike, what is your response and the people criticize that because kids are not going to school? caller: i loved it. my brother is in seattle from indiana and he complained on his facebook about something with teachers and i said, you know
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what? we have to stand up to the credit of doctors. our work is saving lives and nobody technologies us. everybody resizes us but don't resize doctors if a patient dies or other health care workers. they keep their jobs. we are at risk for losing our jobs of test scores don't go up and mind went up and nobody did anything. they didn't give me a raise. i got a kudos from the instructional coach. my colleagues did not even say good job. we areour colleagues, not even getting involved because we are jealous of each other, i guess. sense.ot making any host: how effective is your union? i joined and i heard the union is weak. i taught in florida and florida
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is a terrible state for education. the union, to my knowledge, is an effective. host: we will hear from a parent in mississippi. caller: i am calling as a former children.d parent of i went to school i don't know how i stayed in school because i was steady in trouble. my parents had very little to do with me in school. i grew up and had three boys that i sent to school. firmware we moved in the delta to where i am at now, my son was
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in the third grade and they were still coloring. here, they were already adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing and he had no idea how to do that. teachers are not paid near enough for what they go through. the abuse, the name-calling and the disruptive classes. teachers have to buy their own supplies. that they ought to increase that justifies what they go through. there are some bad teachers just like anywhere else. but for the most part, those
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teachers are there to help kids for when they grow up. here is barbara from oklahoma. how are you? caller: i am just fine. i am in florida on vacation but i am calling on behalf of a daughter who is an educator. i put her through school and paid for her schooling and she gets paid very minimal for what she does. she stays in teaching for the love of it and trying to help the kids. , right state of oklahoma now they can't even find enough teachers to teach their classes because they do not pay enough and they are taking people off the streets and certifying them. they take a test and get
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certified. collegeen't had any education at all to try to get teachers and school. there is a shortage of them because once the kids get out of , they get $10,000 more per year than what they would be paid. right don't think it is that a person should get a and not yetation paid a decent pay where they can live. up andthey would wake appreciate these wonderful teachers that they do have. that a dedicated and love teaching children. trying to help them. give them a good education. to just pay them better because they deserve it.
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thank you. host: we will hear next from freddie. >> good morning. how are you? >> i am well, go ahead. to commentould like on this teachers situation nationwide and statewide. people and indiana call themselves associations. commentlike to really and say that trainers train. political nonsense and if we want to balance a budget i would prefer nationally by 20% cut on all teachers and all others. thank you very much. host: we are asking about
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teacher pay in the school district where you live if you think they receive adequate pay. (202) 748-8000 is the number to call as a teacher. (202) 748-8001 if you are a parent. and all others, (202) 748-8002. you can also post on our facebook page or twitter page as well. in the new york times focuses on what might happen between carly fiorina and donald trump. writing and saying wednesday they will share the stage with mrs. fiorina for the first time. clinical strategists warn mail candidates to use caution but never before in american presidential politics has a candidate who has drawn accusations of sexism and bullying and forced to personally confront the female recipient of his insults on life television and with us is fiorina bragging that she is
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getting under his skin, the showdown is one of the most intriguing subplots of the debate. adterday took a look at an that started with the statements about carly fiorina. the washington post also reporting, look at that space thatdonald trump reporting he has no material effect on poll numbers and carly fiorina's super pac has turned the attacks into the best ad of the 2016 presidential cycle so far. ladies, look at this face. faces.k at all of your the face of leadership. and our of leadership party, the party of women suffrage. the face of leadership in your community, your businesses, your
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place of work and worship. not a special interest group. we are the majority of the nation. of the the face 61-year-old woman i am proud of every year and every wrinkle. [applause] houston chronicle this morning highlights donald trump appearing in texas. freddie is from kentucky, good morning. quintara, in maryland. caller: i am a parent as well as
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an administrator. however,e a hard task in my region, i think we are paid fairly. of course you always want more money and as a parent i see both sides of the spectrum, but i do feel including time off snow days and things of that nature that the pay is reasonable. we do need more resources. we need to be advocates for our children or things of that nature so there are areas that we need to improve but i cannot say that more money for teachers will necessarily improve the issues we have with education. host: are there meetings or forums there? what is the interest in the public at large? caller: i hear lots of concern
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about people wanting to raise pay. i am an administrator and education as well. for those specific situations that need to be addressed but i are thereover all, circumstances are issues that we need to address. they need more support in the classroom. i cannot say that increasing the would by 10,000 or 5000 improve the quality of education. we are in education because we love it and you have people who support their children because we understand the value. pouring more money, when we do , how to an action plan funnel through and -- how we're
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going to make effective change, that would be more important than just saying across the board. people are paid a lot of money and they don't do things efficiently well. if that leads to additional pay for teachers, that would be great but i cannot say that more money would solve these issues with education. twitter, teachers are -- the -- teacher pay is adequate but -- and green says in my area they earn low $30,000 and it takes years of service to earn the national averages cited. in the wall street journal he looks at education issues for the manhattan institute.
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the defines benefits at the retirement income with a percentage of average salary in the last few years of employment. calculations,y someone who started teaching in philadelphia at 25 and retired at 60 would have accumulated 400,000 dollars in retirement wealth that of her contributions that would yield a yearly payment during retirement of 70% of her final salary not including social security. you can find that on the wall street journal website of the manhattan institute. i don't the
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make enough money. they cannot make enough. they have circumstances in their lives and we have to be honest with ourselves. i don't know why they want to undermine the union. it doesn't make sense. host: corinne from florida, good morning. caller: i am a teacher in college and i teach education. when i see what they will be making, most of them are in early childhood. many will not get a raise. they finish their bachelors , and many they do not get a raise. we are not getting a raise. university of florida just got a race last year.
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they have said they want to help children but they do have to pay their own supplies. thate taught so many years i have taught how to go about fending for yourself and getting help from the pta and i try to teach that to my teachers. host: for the teachers you keep up with, how many are staying in the teaching profession and how many go to other careers? caller: so far, most of them are staying -- i don't know how far out my college has tracked the teachers. of it starts with early childhood but then they do get a license to teach in the public school. that is mainly because of the
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money. think those who are in early childhood are babysitters when these people have degrees. that is how all the colleges in florida became schools where they offered a bachelors in early childhood because of that. florida vp pick that up also. at least half of headstart teachers have a bachelors degree they arechildhood. required to have that also. students say they still think of when they havers
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a bachelors degree in education and early childhood. that on the college say that we ought to be paid what football players are paid because many of them cannot read. with what we earn. like several people said, we love our jobs so we hang in there. we would all like to see the increase. post: -- host: she is getting her comments. you can call in the numbers to comment. at washington times looks next week's visit.
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the decision at the white house will be about 90 minutes. shortly after he arrives on the front lawn, that will have military honors following a 21 gun salute. mr. obama will welcome the pope with remarks and will head inside the white house and reappear on the balcony. he and mr. obama will exchange gifts before the oval office meeting. catholics have the option of kissing the gold ring. vice president joe biden opted not to kiss the ring. the washington times adding that dark-colored clothing is recommended. francis should be addressed as miss -- your holiness.
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tyrone? let's hear from gabriel. from baltimore, maryland. caller: i was calling to point out that i believe teachers are vastly underpaid when you consider the amount of money that because of education cuts and school cuts we pay out of her own pocket. depending on your district, i live in teach in baltimore and my mother teaches in jersey and with the pension and possibility they are also underpaid and underrepresented. host: when you hear critics say things like you get a pension and summers off, what is your response? caller: we do get summers off
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and we often get the option to not it paid during the summer and have a larger paycheck during the year. not to do thatde you're going six to eight weeks without a paycheck. also teaching summer school just to make ends meet. we oftentimes talk get paid for afterschool activities. doing additional things like there is no compensation for that. people say it is wonderful to have a break but a lot of times we are not getting paid. we get results because we worked upwards of 60 hours a week. it definitely does not always reflect. host: are you a member of the union? caller: yes, sir.
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host: when they negotiate pay raises how effective are they? caller: in baltimore city there are a lot of challenges. -- ew jersey i believe they are a little bit better at negotiating but they have to deal with chris christie who is not the biggest friend or advocate from teachers. so it really depends on what region you are in. and if your government is in support of what you are doing. thank you for taking my call. back to school in her late 30's and graduated at the top of her class. and she became a teacher. , she isbrate right now
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five years into teaching and it is right at $38,500. we live in a rural area. theteaches at one of economically disadvantaged schools in our district. i have since changed my mind. because i on teachers see that the hours she puts in after work on the weekends and how much money comes out of our household to help support what she does in her school. of course i say i wish she would have been paid a little bit more because she is a professional. she went to college and she got a professional degree that my son who graduated tech school and is an electrician gets paid twice what she gets paid without
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an education. you were talking about money her household spends for the career, what do you spend it on? host: -- caller: this year i have taken about $2000 out of our household account to buy school supplies for some of the children. usesanipulatives that she inside her classroom for furniture in her classroom. talking about filing cabinets and things like that. host: richard from tennessee giving his perspective. where he lives to do the same thing. of china will visit next week. and light of that saying that the u.s. will not impose sanctions on companies ahead of that business. sanctionsing that the
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would mark the first use of an order signed by president obama in april. it also enables officials to spark transactions with entities and individuals. the administration has been developing a package of those -- to target those who benefit from themndividuals who conduct are also being considered according to officials. ande and virginia, go ahead talking about teachers. this is the virgin islands. >> good morning to you. calling in support of school teacher salaries being raised. time aboutr a short 10 years ago and then i went into a federal job.
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madeomparison but someone -- i left teaching because of the income there it it could not support me. where if you go in on the holiday sent weekends you get paid overtime. it doubled my income. teachers do lots of work after school. the reason you have shorter you're workingy six to seven hours and getting paid for eight. it's because they know you will put in hours of work afterward. but they never get paid for it. i went back to teaching recently and all the teachers are saying the same thing. we stayed every single day as a teacher after school.
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three hours after school. every day just to prepare plans and have group meetings. without pay. i think it is grossly unjust because when i taught, i thought my work was more meaningful and contributed more. it required more from me but when i get another job where i got paid more -- i did hardly anything. so it is really ridiculous. here is a viewer from massachusetts. kathleen. with the want to agree woman that -- the schoolteacher want a degree because my son went to private schools.
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if you live in a wealthy community, the upper they areass -- weetimes very involved and pay public teachers extremely well and i am in support of that. but the ones that can really afford it oftentimes will try to get the city to pay for private schools. i know that as a fact. her andt to agree with i want to disagree with steve forbes. i had called about a month ago. it all starts with having less affluent young people coming to affluent immunities to get education. that is based on a property tax. teachers get paid well.
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said no, we cannot have affordable health care in these affluent communities and that is where the breakdown is. and you did aral fair housing question and almost not wante people did those people in their communities and that is the last straw for us liberals. want asbe any color you long as you are wealthy. but if you are poor, that is the last prejudice that we have not been able to overcome. that's where it starts. host: that if kathleen in massachusetts. kimbrough? caller: i think that starting teachers ought to be given i alsosalaries, but
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think that because there is such a disparity on the different school district property tax money that they have to supplement the federal and state that one way we could help teachers is to give them an actual tax credit for the money they are spending out of their pocket for additional supplies. in high poverty schools. sometimes have to buy children -- they may even have to buy them certain clothing and are doing it out of their own pocket. think they ought to be given tax credits for that, not just , but actual credits for all the receipts they have shown. host: that is kimbrough in north carolina.
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you a sense of what is going on in the house and the senate, she is their chief congressional correspondent. can we start in the house? a lot of things planned run a topic of planned parenthood. what is expected? guest: i think that what we will see this week are some votes to register republican concerns over those recent videos that were coming out over the past few weeks involving planned parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal tissue. is a big response from republicans and conservatives in general that they would find some way to prevent taxpayer funding from going to the organization. be twoek there will votes that focus on the response to those videos. one vote would be to make it so
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there will be no taxpayer money spent on the organization which gets a considerable amount of federal funding every year. that is one vote that is happening and is likely to pass the house. i expect that to pass. the second bill we will see is one sponsored by congressman frank of arizona and it would essentially mandate that if there is an abortion and it results in a live birth that the baby is afforded the rights and protections of a regular birth. in other words, there were these reports of some resulting in life earth. and the baby was not cared for and died after.
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is aimed at preventing that from happening in abortion clinics. that will be another vote. think you'll see democrats voting for some of these bills because there are many democrats. i expect both measures to pass in the house this week. side of the senate debate about iran, where our way? -- where are we? guest: last week there was a vote to disapprove of the deal and democrats were able to block it with 41 votes. i expect that is all you will need because you need 60 for
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congressional votes to remove the bill. the senate process is different from the house where they put a bill on the floor and debate and vote up or down. they could not get that threshold last week and they will try again this week. i expect it again to be blocked by democrats and expect it to be mostly a vote to put democrats on the record. it is a deal that has been falling in the polls with republicans becoming more and more wary of it so republicans are trying to put democrats on the spot once again. i expect that it will be blocked but as you know we are approaching the september 15 review your throat deadline and i expect shortly that this will be over with. it will be that way pretty shortly. caller: as far as deadlines are
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concerned, keeping the government operating, where are we on that and what is the potential for shutdown? caller: i have read all the reports about a government shutdown but i tend to think that is not going to happen. i think the government funding runs out at the end of september and i think they will work on something that gives us at least a few more weeks. there is a lot of recess time coming up and they want to make sure they have something together. i have already heard the minority leader in the house and harry reid talking about a short-term deal so, i expect that to happen. anything longer than that is a big question. can they find some that
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satisfies democrats. that the president will actually sign. i believe the public will vote for that but they have to agree to part of it as well, so there will be some compromise and what that will be is the question everybody has. i know they want to avoid the government shutdown so because of that i think you will see them steer clear of what we saw in october 2013. never say never because you have conservatives who wanted to fund and parenthood but i believe it will involve democrats and most republicans and that will make the folks upset about the planned parenthood funding to cause that kind of spending gridlock. thank you for your time. here is what is coming up on the program. we will be joined by grover norquist. he will join us to discuss the various tax plans being put out there by the presidential
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candidates. no caps on were to discuss the recent report by the agricultural department on food insecurity in united states. "washington journal" continues after this. ♪ tv"a signature feature of " is our all-day coverage of festivals across the country with top nonfiction authors. near the end of september we are in new york for the brooklyn book festival celebrating its 10th year. early october it is the southern festival of books. the weekend after that we are live in austin for the texas
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book festival and near the end of the month we will cover two on the same weekend. book the wisconsin festival in medicine and on the east coast the boston book festival. at the start of november we will be in portland oregon for word stock followed by the national book awards and at the end of november we are live from florida for the miami book fair international. that is if you the fairs and festivals this fall on "book tv." >> "washington journal" continues. with planse start from the presidential candidates , as far as tax plans, what strikes you most? guest: what is most interesting is everybody is moving in the same direction. we realize that the rates are too high.
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is atrporate income tax 35% in the european averages 25. canada is half of hours. it is tough to compete internationally. everyone recognized that has to come down toward 25% some say 15. tax going to a territorial system. the united states is one of the few in the world who claim to tax worldwide income. france and other countries, if you earn money in france, they tax it. if you earn money in united states they don't tax it. but united states is if you earn money in unit since we tax it and if you go overseas and earn money in germany, the germans tax it and if you want to bring it back we tax it again.
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so we discourage both individuals and companies from repatriating and bringing money back united states. that is destructive and stupid. then, expanding efforts to make it easier for people to save for their retirement and health care tax free. all of those, and expensing it this is something that democrats supported in 1981 when reagan had his tax plan and obama has called for a bonus depreciation. if you buy equipment this year for $1 million to don't pay taxes on it you don't have it because you spent it. rather than have long depreciation schedules which are confusing and take hundreds of pages of tax code and then you have an argument. do you have some idea of how long an ipad or iphone will be
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worthwhile. these things become obsolete much faster than a bureaucrat will guess. what is interesting to me is you have gilmore, the former governor of virginia. you have chris christie. going out.a proposal a very good flat tax proposal from rand paul. a lot of these proposals out there, all moving in the same direction. fewer rates, lower rates, particularly on the business far, because they are so from the international competition. ,ost: some of the analysis specifically for jeb bush, he wants to go down to three rates. how does that benefit those low income or those who do not make
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a lot of money? how does it benefit those who make a lot of money? do those who make a lot of money benefit more than others? guest: what he does is a number of things. he also expands the deductions that people take. he reduces marginal tax rates. the most important thing for somebody who does not have a job is that we reform our tax code so that we can compete in the world. some people want to complain about china. i will complain about china when our government stops doing stupid things to kill jobs and the united states. then we can say, what is china doing? tax laws if we had that did not kill us on international trade. china has lower taxes on businesses than we do. then, we argue that they are cheating? our government is being annoying to american workers. start with that, and then you can look at the other stuff too. host: specifically for high
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income earners, do they benefit more than other earners? guest: not as a percentage, but obviously if you make twice as much money, and everyone is at then it is acode, larger dollar about. again, when someone goes from no income to a job because you reform taxes, that is the biggest gain you have. rich people already have jobs. grover norquist talking about the tax goals of republican candidates. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. .202) 745-8002 for independents talking about particularly the republican side, one of the headlines coming out is that a populist is emerging. you agree with that and what do you think that means as far as the specific proposals from candidates? guest: i think you should make it clear that tax reforms we are talking about benefit everybody. help the rich.
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the first thing that obama did trade taxes on cigarettes. he said he would never raise a single sex of any kind on anyone who earned less than 200 -- a on anyone on any kind who earned less than $250,000 per year. there are about eight taxes that hit the middle-class directly. we do realize that democrats, historically, play a game called trickle down taxation. they say that we will only tax the rich -- they have not finished the sentence. the alternative minimum tax, passed in 1969, nixon and kennedy together thought it was a good idea -- that should have
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been a hint that something was wrong with it. bush tax not made the cuts permanent, it would have hit 30 million people. it starts with the rich, and ends up with everybody. the 3% federal tax that people paid on their phones for 100 years, after the spanish-american war was a tax on the rich people because it was a tax on people who had mades, and who long-distance calls -- a small percentage of the population. fairly soon, everybody in the country had a phone and everybody made long-distance phone calls. this tax lasted 100 years. as the war will last forever and is only for rich people. was only on the top few percentage of americans,
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and now half of americans pay the federal income tax directly. people would like to increase taxes on the rich, but what they really want is to go to the middle-class because at the end of the day that is where the money is. i think if you put a progrowth tax policy together, it is very wise to be populist and say, the first beneficiaries of this are the unemployed americans who have jobs. if we had recovered during the hada recovery, we technically been in recovery for six months into the obama and administration. there would be more than 12 million americans at work today. 12 million americans don't have jobs because we have an economic policy of tax-and-spend, rather than what reagan did. 12 million. that's a lot of people who could have middle-class incomes and lifestyles, and be able to take re of their kids, and so on, but can't because our government made bad decisions that screwed up their lives.
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host: grover norquist joining us. line. up first, democrat caller: thank you, pedro. good morning. boy, i have been waiting for this. i've been wondering what questions to ask you. i will make it simple. let's go with -- why in god's name would you stop us from raising taxes? incometo take and raise on a family home every year because every vendor that comes to me needs more further gas, needs more for everything else. don't come back to me with "the government does this, does that the ago it is because people need raises so they can survive. let's put it simply. everybody should be taxed the same.
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everybody. don't say, this, or that, or back 20 years. nobody should get a relief from paying less than 35% tax. i.e. mitt romney pays 12.5%. the republicans let them go with that because you let them go with the waiver. what is this tax waiver? talking think you are about the taxpayer protection pledge. i don't know where you get "waiver" from. the taxpayer protection pledge is a commitment that american elected officials and candidates have the opportunity to sign. i put it together in 1986. president reagan campaigned that year and endorse candidates to sign a pledge.
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he talked about how important it was to not raise rates and keep taxes low. from 1986 on, we have been making available to everybody, anybody who wants to run for congress, president, state legislator, governor to sign a pledge to the american people. it's not to me. barack obama and harry reid, the former democratic leader in the senate, used to say it was a pledge to me personally, which, no. the elected official will commit, in writing, not to raise taxes. yes, tax reform. if there is some illegitimate tax credit, that have made some , and i thinkich
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the populist are quite right, let's get rid of those and cut taxes for everybody. 1994, that isk in the year that republicans capture the house and senate and 95% of the republicans signed the pledge. we have majorities in both houses that made a commitment to never raise taxes. from 1993, when bill clinton raised taxes for the democratic house and senate, until 2009, when obama started raising taxes for the democratic house and senate, during that 16 year period, there was no tax increase in the united states. the longest period in american history that did not see a tax increase. that was extremely helpful. we need to do it more. we obviously need to focus on spending as well. that is what the tea party is all about. today, there is a majority of members of the house of
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representatives that side a pledge to not raise taxes. .n the senate, 49 plus there are a couple of said is that signed at various points and we need to nail down if they are still with the program. at least 49 have signed the program to never raise taxes. that has kept obama from raising taxes after the republicans capture the house back in 2010, and now the senate in 2014. at the state level, a lot of governors have signed the pledge . a lot of state legislators have. california, a $29 billion of tax increase proposals was being pushed. the republicans held together, stop the increase. no tax increase in california, even though governor brown, who couple years ago raise taxes was back again at the throats of
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taxpayers. the republicans held. in alabama, of which we have a republican governor who campaigned twice against raising taxes, but he is also friends with the teachers unions, and they seem to have some control over what he does politically. the house and senate has said no, they have stopped him from raising taxes. it is said that the governor is not keeping his commitment. it is a big help to voters to know whether a politician who smiles at them, kisses babies, and whatnot, will you raise taxes or perform government to solve problems? every politician can do one of two things. raise taxes, do nothing, spend more. or, we have to decide what are priorities are and we need to reform government. whether it is prisons, government, entitlement so that
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they work better and cost taxpayers less. host: let's go to oregon, republican line. caller: good morning. grover, thank you for everything you do. i have a few questions. fans.e me, you have many i have two questions for you. number one, it is my opinion that the tax code is so big, so owners, it is hopeless. is there any way to just literally slap it and begin again. it is what, tens of thousands of pages? i wascond question is -- listening to donald trump speaking in texas, and he makes the point that a lot of people aren't aware of and that is that true horrible parts of obamacare have not even kicked in yet. int will that do when it is full effect on taxes? what will it really cost us?
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guest: you make to very good points. obamacare is actually a question of tax increases. it has nothing to do with health care. it has everything to do with expanding the government. they came in, interestingly, after obama got the safety of being reelected in 2012, and after the two of them 40 election, a bunch more. there are some coming up after the 2016 election. it will be interesting to see -- bernie sanders has made a series of suggestions on how much of your money he intends to spend. sumsington journal" today that up to $18 trillion over the next decade, which would double the national debt. the challenge we have now is these tax increases are coming
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in, and he hit some of them in the future. the way that politicians like to hide things is put them in the future. obama said he wanted everybody policy.a good insurance there is a 40% tax on them. a lot of companies will give up on them or pullback on how well organized they are. that is a big problem. it is coming. obama never talks about it. we should. hillary should have to. all of the cabins should as well -- candidates should as well. you talked about the tax code. it has articles -- barnacles on barnacles. it is jerryrigged, put together with wire and take. it is counterproductive. i don't know if you throw the whole thing out, who knows what they come back with. death tax,rid of the
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that is about 1000 pages. if you get rid of depreciation schedules and just go straight to expending, that is 1000 pages. you can get rid of whole chunks to simplify the tax code and reduce the tax burden. i'm not opposed to the idea of saying, chuck it, and start again, but there are ways to take huge chunks out at one time. host: of the republican candidates, who has not signed? guest: the taxpayer protection pledge? there are 17 people running. 11 people have signed the pledge. of those who haven't, scott walker assigned as governor and said he will sign it. john kasich cited as a governor, and i believe he will sign as well. lindsey graham side to as senator. george pataki was very good, as wa the governor of new york, in not raising taxes.
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right now, donald trump and jeb bush have not signed the pledge. what they have each done is verbally stated the pledge. trump, in an interview with "time," said, there is no reason to raise taxes. he says, the problem is too much spending, and he is exactly right. jeb bush went out and said he would not raise taxes as part of . budget deal jeb bush has said, i will not get tricked or raise taxes as part of a budget deal. i think trump and bush have stated the pledge. i hope and expect that they will sign it as well. we should have everybody. andust keep asking
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reminding them, whenever they want to do it, we want to highlight the fact that they have taken the pledge. host: have you talk directly to jeb bush or donald trump about this? guest: i have talk to guys in their campaigns. host: from reidsville, north carolina, dennis. caller: good morning. think your tax thing, everything sounds good from your perspective. rich people are not going to do anything to help poor people. you will redistribute the money, is what you are going to do. that's the thing. are you there? guest: i'm here. gets talked of all the time, what a god he was, but he could not get elected today. what reagan did was great for republicans. he was not necessarily great far country. alabama -- isn't it the poor state in the country? maybe they need some help. guest: taxing themselves to make
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them rich? caller: maybe it will make them rich, but will get them out of hole a bit. they are republican, they should be doi good. you talked about the political tax money for projects. total republicans know that everything they voted on was junk. what else? the death tax. more people than not collect the death tax in this country. foras a hoax, a smokescreen the rich people to redistribute money. guest: hillary clinton has organized her estate around not paying the death tax. you are expected to pay it, but her in the kennedy kids have hired lawyers. around it. ensure you can ensure your life insurance in order to not pay
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the death tax, or you can .rganize generation skipping there are lots of ways to get around it. it is better to get rid of it so andan save a lot of money stop taxing the same dollar three times. host: from florida, democrats line. guest: who was the last guy? republican? host: independent line. caller: good morning, gentlemen. it is nice to see you on tv again. this will probably be the third time that we speak. guest: on c-span? caller: on c-span. guest: i didn't recognize you. caller: the last time you did not answer my question. guest: make it a simple question unlike the last guy. caller: i don't mind that man asking you questions. you take a long time answering them. let's walk through this to see
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if i am correct or if you are correct. if i'm wrong, please tell me i'm totally wrong and i will never call to talk to you again. you set this up quite well. you said, back when you and ronald reagan were together back in 1997 -- guest: 1986. caller: i'm sorry. you're right. 1986. you decided corporate was paying way too much tax because it was 70% at that time. don't interrupt me. you do that well. please. guest: even when you are wrong? individual was 70%. corporate was 50%. caller: from 1913-1980, corporate paid all the taxes. sir, don't interrupt me. host: just go ahead with your question or comment please. 1913-1980,m corporate pay all the taxes
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through all that nightmare that we went through. the second world war, the depression, all that. norquist knows that to be true. guest: are you saying there was no individual income taxed? you are making stuff up your. -- here. host: caller, please go ahead. norquist, let him finish. caller, go ahead please. caller: please, c-span. this is the american public listening here. .elax for a second here what i am selling you is a fact, and it is all written. it is in history. from 1913-1980, sir, corporate paid all of the taxes and people were made millionaires. when you got in there with ronald reagan, you dropped from 70% in eight years to 28%.
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we now oh $18 trillion because corporate has yet to pay their 1987, as you set this thing up, to today. you don't want the american public to know the corporate used to pay for all of this. you have everybody sign this pledge. this is unbelievable what you are getting away with. each day, that debt clock keeps running up more on me, my wife, my kids, and my grandkids because you have allowed corporate to have a free ride. you are running this scam for 35 years, grover. 35 years. host: caller we will let our guest respond. watching,se of you who are as old as me and older may remember paying personal income tax prior to 1980. the caller is under the impression that before 1980
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there was no personal income tax in the states. the personal income tax started in 1913 with the federal income tax. in 1980.t invented he said the corporate income tax was cut from 70% to 28%. actually, the personal income tax was dropped from 70% to 28% 1981 and 1987. it is the corporate income tax, which he says disappeared, where the united states has a higher corporate income tax than other nations. we are not competitive. the corporate income tax rate is 35%. average in europe is 25%. but 35to public school, is a bigger number than 25. is higher taxed than europe, and people wonder why we
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have trouble manufacturing. our own manufacturers, damage our government, it damages our businesses, and then we wonder why people are losing jobs because taxes are too high and are destructive. these are all particularly important project lines, and reducing those taxes is part of getting us to broader economic growth. if i could, there was one thing s for tax reform broke as a new story this past week. that is -- look at hillary clinton's tax policy. taxesy wants to raise $350 billion for free education money. it is not free if you raise it in texas. she wants to have six different kinds of capital gains taxes, as a way to raise them.
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for a tax,me out guns.5% -- 25% tax on this is a congressional ontimony from 1983, it was c-span, that is where we found it. since then, crickets, never mentioned again. i think one of the things that will be very interesting is to get established media people asking hillary, this is your position. she said twice, this is my personal view. supported a 25% tax on guns cost $400 for a poor person would cost $500. this tax increase, and others
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will be rolling out. want to know all of hillary's tax increases over the year, you can find it on our website. virginia.rah, go ahead. caller: i have a couple of comments. please don't cut me off. can you hear me? guest: get to the point, no cutting off. the businessesd are paying more taxes. why are walmart coming around and paying no taxes? verizon does not pay taxes either. of course, they collect taxes from us. like, they get put into our districts because they get to keep their taxes. , anddecide to move here they are collecting our tax, but they're not paying it back. guest: sure.
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i think you're conflating a couple issues. you say companies don't pay taxes. to some except that is right. companies collect taxes. when you go to the grocery pays, the grocery store property taxes, sales taxes, income taxes on all their workers. they write those checks and send it to washington. does the grocery store pay those? when we go todo the grocery store. the grocery store has no money that they don't get from customers. tax and the business tax are just hitting taxes on you and me as consumers. taxticians say, i will not you, i will test walmart. the prices go up, and you and i pay it. i think people understand that when you tax a business, the price has to go out. they have to get the money from
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somewhere, they can't print it. the government can do that, a business can't. to some extent, they don't pay taxes, they collect them. that to, politicians do hide who gets stuck with the bill. i think we're tiny lots better deals. if you will move your factory any taxesill not have for five years. i tend to think that those are ways for the government to instead of cutting taxes on all the businesses, like the ones that have been there for a years and years, they cut taxes on the new kids on the block, to bring them in. i would much prefer for the state to cut taxes across the board. north carolina, for example, is phasing out its taxes.
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instead of cutting special deals, let's phase those taxes out so that states can become more competitive around the world. host: lucy, you are on. caller: i want to get your opinion. my father told me when i was a very young kid, years ago, that does not affect the economy in any way. he said it is just paper. anuntil it is spent, it does not do anything for the economy. know what you think about the fair tax. i would love to see a fair tax, limited to a certain percentage of the gdp so that people cannot spend on everything, with the exception of the military, war,
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and things that are very important. i think that would get rid of the irs completely, and so you would save a hold of money there, and get rid of a lot of people. then, if you had a role that ,hey can only have one subject so they could not sit there and , and throw and forth something in to ruin every bill that goes through. , and if it had its with that money did not go to the fed first, and then distributed to the states, the money should go directly to the state so the fed is not always threatening them. i'm wondering what you think of it were that way. only the am not sure of how it would work is how you would take i mean, the money --
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rich people are going to spend more than other people because they have more money. right now, they have that, and they're not paying taxes on it, the people who-- want to see the rich people get hit, they are going to have to pay for that money this time, when actually enjoy it. host: we will let our guest respond. guest: you raise a very interesting point with the fair tax which is a retail sales tax that many americans would like income tax, the corporate and individual, and replace it with the sales tax. a retail sales tax. there is a strong argument for that. the present mess is annoying, it is hard to see how you fix it easily. the people who have run the irs have been politically targeting people, looking at the tax
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returns, when there are supposed to, begin their tax returns -- leaking their tax returns, and then destroy the data. there have been some real problems. of a retail sales tax, a fair tax, is that it would be a single rate. i'm originally from massachusetts and in massachusetts, we have a single rate income tax, by constitution. illinois. these are two largely democratic states. illinois has a single rate income tax as well. states that have a single rate have significantly lower tax rates than states that allow graduated or progressive taxing. if you can divide the american people, or the guys in massachusetts, or california, into 12 different groups with 12 different tax rates, you can mug them one at a time.
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if you have one way, the governor of massachusetts have to look everybody and say, i am talking to all of you, i have a really good idea, and you are all going to be paying for, at which point, we say, we are all listening. rather than saying, i'm only going to bug these guys, you they comeand later, for all of us. this is a theory where you take people out of the room wanted time. i really like the idea of a single rate tax. you are saving the money and investing it in factories, all right. when you consume it, you will pay taxes. you want to buy something taxi, then you pay taxes. you could do that through the income tax by going to a single tax, orat rate income
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you could go to a retail sales tax. i think there are good arguments for either direction. the most it just thing to watch out for our people who create a value added tax in addition to our present income tax. has in what europe almost every nation. both an individual tax, and a corporate tax, and that. that is just a money machine and has made european governments fat and expensive. host: next from florida, democrats line. caller: i want to set the record straight. and glosses over a lot of things. first of all, let's get one thing straight. when ronald reagan took office, it was $900 billion. hetripled the debt before left. somebody had to pay that back, and it was citizens. in addition to that, he raised taxes over 12 times while he was in office.
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on top of that, grover, with his isdge -- the pledge violating the constitution. the bills deal with is raising taxes when necessary. for those people who signed and said they will not raise taxes, that is violating their office as part of the constitution because that is the way it was set up. we can go in the article and rita, "the government shall raise taxes to make the debt of the country." guest: two things. was increased because when reagan was president, he had a congress di that did not share his understanding. he was able to take marginal tax
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rates dramatically down. we had the strongest recovery, we grew at 4% per year. under obama, at best, we have grown at 2% per year. but, the democrats ran the house, and unfortunately non-reagan republicans randy the senate.n your comment about what the constitution calls for, it does not say that the government should raise taxes and go for whatever ideas that come up with. their goal should be to limit what they do to the things listed in the constitution. i'm glad you mentioned the constitution. a lot of the things the government does today are not mentioned in the constitution anywhere. some of the things they do offer been in in the constitution. the government has a small list of things that they are allowed to do and a much longer list of things that they are not allowed to do because our founding fathers and mothers quite correctly understood that the danger of government throughout history is that it goes to bay,
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to bible, too expensive, and to oppressive. stoponstitution was to that from happening. notcan run and say, i'm signing the pledge, if i see a problem, i will raise taxes. you can run that way. i think the american people have demonstrated that they prefer candidates and elected officials who say, if i see a problem, i will reform the government so works better at lower costs. i'm not going to make taxpayers pay for the mistakes of politicians, who did things that may or may have not made sense 50 years ago, but they are .ot working now elected officials and candidates can say to you, here is what i'm going to do, i'm going to reform government to make it cost less, taxes are off the table. others say, i would much rather
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reform government then raise taxes. i'm very happy that reagan turned the modern republican party into the reagan republican party. tomorrow, there will be a debate. i will be out at the republican library. we are having the debate out there. all the people running our reagan republicans fear they don't want to raise your taxes. they want to limit government spending. they want limited regulation. they want strong national defense so the united states rate remains safe and secure. that was reagan's vision. the republican party before reagan was a party of the north. it did not have a worldview, it was just, "we are the guys from the north." regional parties don't make sense and a constitutional government. i'm glad we went to a party based on principles and the view that individual should be protected and government power should be constrained.
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norquist of the americans for tax reform joining us. thank you for joining us. up the topic of hunger and the united states. a new report from the agricultural department talks about food and security. lucy melcher from the group "no kid hungry," will join us. later on, rachel bade of "politico" on hillary clinton and her e-mail use. i will be later on in the program. ♪ >> setting the stage for c-span's new upcoming series, "landmark cases: historic decisions," a live
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discussion on wednesday on the same cases that we have selected for the series. includeish panelists katyal, andeal senior federal judge michael aylson. posted by jeffrey rosen. that is life wednesday on c-span 3 -- live wednesday on c-span 3. >> a signature-- our livef booktv are coverage of fall book fairs and festivals. in september, the book the book festival. in early october, the southern festival of books in nashville. the week and after that, we're live from austin for the texas book festival. near the end of the month, we will cover to book festivals --
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two book festivals on the same weekend. the wisconsin book festival andy austen book festival. at the start of november, we will be in portland, oregon for wrodstock. at the end of november, we are live from florida for the miami book fair international. those are a few of the book fairs and festivals this fall on c-span two's booktv. >> "washington journal" continues. host: joining us now, lucy melcher of "no caps on be." "no kid hungry." the group make sure that every kid has access to healthy food every day. we do that by connecting to federal nutrition programs to
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overcome barriers and ensure that kids have reliable access and the families have the skills and resources to provide healthy food every day. host: how many of those kids are under a federal program of some type? guest: today, we have one in five kids that struggle with hunger. during the school year, we have a bunch way to million kids who receive free or reduced price lunch at school. host: the agricultural department just put out a report looking at food insecurity. some of the highlights show that about highest in 2011 -- 17 million households classified as food insecure in 2014, and almost 4 million homes with children did not have access to adequate food. how do you define food insecurity? guest: it is a socioeconomic measure. what it looks like is based on census bureau questions, a
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family's ability to afford adequate food for their family during the course of the year. food insecurity could be anything from a family with a cupboard and having no idea how they will fill that covered. it could be seniors having to make difficult choices between food, rent, or medicine. it could be parents skipping meals. host: are those families currently receiving some type of assistance from a food assistance program? guest: some may be. we know there are millions of americans that depend on programs, but there are far to me children across the country that could have access to those programs, but unfortunately there are barriers standing in their way for them to actually participate. we know that there are far to make kids and families and this country still struggling with
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hunger. host: our guest will be with us to talk about these issues, particularly children, and also programs that deal with these issues as well. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. (202) 745-8002 for independents. you can post thoughts on our twitter page and facebook page as well during this segment. lucy melcher, talk about the legislative aspect of these programs. bill deals with it, and as far as funding, way to be stand? guest: right now, congress is considering the reauthorization bill that looks at all the child nutrition plans -- everything from the school breakfast plan, the lunch plan, afterschool meals, the summer meal program, and wic. now, congress has this on
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its plate, very much at the forefront, but it will actually expire september 30. it is a five-year reauthorization. we are really working closely with congress and encouraging congress to take up this issue and make really important improvements to the program within this bill. one program that has gotten bipartisan support is looking at ways to feed kids during the summer months. this is a particularly challenging time for kids in low income families. there is strong bipartisan support for improving the ways we feed kids during the summer so that they come back ready to learn and ready to be successful. host: what happened september 30 nono decision is made -- if decision is made? guest: there are a lot of this couldays that
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go in congress, but what we need to focus on is that congress needs to take action. we have seen strong, encouraging progress from both the house and senate on this issue. we need to keep up the momentum and make sure congress takes this up before september 30. host: our first caller is dave in virginia. caller: lucy, i want to thank you for the work you are doing. it is a vital service. as an american, i appreciate that. are too many kids that are going without meals, and as you said, the summer months are especially hard. it does not have to be that way. my question for you is what is the breakdown as far as the people in these programs? are the u.s. citizens -- are they u.s. citizens? is that people moving into the country? what is the kind of breakdown please? guest: absolutely. thank you so much for your question.
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i think when we look at one program in particular, the snap program, what we know is that .0% of those our children for children that rely on the school breakfast, they come from a variety of circumstances across the spectrum. is that all of those families are struggling to feed their kids and they rely critically on those programs so that when their kids go to school, they are ready to learn, and when the kids go into the summer, they know their kids, no matter where they live, will have reliable access to a meal throughout the summer months. host: joe from north carolina. caller: good morning. i just have a couple of comments. it is unconscionable that this country can export its beef and
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commerce and then the government subsidizes them. we could feed the world. we will feed the hungry, the elderly, and the children. this is all nonsense. all we have to do is step up to the plate and do it. guest: i think you raise an important point about the importance of the public-private partnership in feeding children. there is a huge role for the private sector, nonprofits, food banks, food pantries, and the faith-based community to play in this. they do play a role. we see churches, synagogues, theiranks feeding communities and providing informational sessions about the importance of eating. that is really critical. however, that makes up only a small fraction of the need that is out there.
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we know that those organizations alone, there is no way they could really fill the gap. that is where the federal government comes in and has a role to play. remember, this is a partnership, a solvable problem, and apple rolls for both sides to play -- ample roles for both sides to play. host: here is matt from virginia, republican line. caller: i would like you to reconcile the fact that while you talk about kids going hungry in our country today, we also have an obesity epidemic. it seems to me that the issue is not so much getting the food to them, but get kids and parents to make the right choices. guest: thank you so much for raising that issue. i think what we see, and what i believe, hunger and obesity are two sides of the same coin. they go hand-in-hand together.
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making surehat families have the skills and resources to be able to provide healthy foods to their kids, that is exactly right. there is a program called "cookie matters," that teaches family skills, whether they are going into the grocery store, something as simple as learning how to read unit prices, or reading nutritional labels and looking for items that you may or may not want to be giving your children. something as simple as choosing between frozen produce or fresh produce, as well as teaching families how to prepare those foods. something as simple as learning to slice and onion could be a real game changer. this comes back to making sure the families have those skills, coupled with the benefits that they received through these
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programs to be able to make choices. host: do people who receive snap or wic have items that they can or cannot by? guest: there are requirements. the wic program, because it is targeted for pregnant women and babies, there are some mr. kids. the snap program also has some restrictions, but it is a much broader program. the important point with snap and the foods available, it gives families the opportunity to choose the right food for their families and kids. a recent op-ed in "the new york times" took a look at the snap program. they talk about some of the nutritional aspects of snap and say this, it is the only federal
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nutrition program to allow sodas, chips, and candy to be public funds. what do you make of that assessment, and are changes needed? guest: that is certainly a hot issue in something the media is taking a look at now. i think what this really comes back to is the importance of nutrition education and making sure the families happy skills and resources, as well as access to healthy foods in communities across the country to be able to make the right choices. i think by large parents want to make healthy choices for their kids. these families struggling to get by day the day, we need to be sure we are doing everything to empower them to make good choices. host: here is michael in california, independent line.
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caller: i'm wondering your foodhts, most likely the they are consuming is a gmo. what are your thoughts about monsanto and the frankenstein creation they call gmo's. thank you a much. guest: thank you so much for that question. i will say, i don't know too much about the issue of jeanne moos, said do not want to -- , but i think this comes down to whether a child is getting food, and where from, and that parents and families know the importance of healthy eating and the spectrum of decisions in front of them, and again, that they are empowered to make decisions based on good information that they have on food. again, taking a step back, what it comes down to is that every hungry kid in this country
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has a healthy meal. hungryucy melcher of " -- no. "no kid hungry" joining us. up next, from georgia. caller: i'm telling you right us how to cook, go out and get food. i want to know, when the children, cannot feed what about the faith-based people? the churches and all that. you can go and get free food or go to the food bank and get it. all you have to do is show how much income you have. to the people know about that? if they can't cut and onion,
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they have to know about how to go to one of these faith-based places and get food. they have places where i live that will give you a free meal, freeee meals a day -- two meals a day. i have done community service at them, and they're very good. they serve very good food. all of the food is donated to them. i don't think anybody can actually go hungry unless they really don't have any access to food, as far as being held back from it, such as they are starting the children to death. as the guy said, there is an obesity problem. therefore, what is the war on food or war on poverty, such as what lyndon johnson put out. i think that is all a war for nothing. people can go out and get food,
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and do it for themselves. it is just these parents take their food stamps, go out and sell them, and get drugs for them. your: thank you for question. i think you but a couple different issues there. the first one i want to go back to is the role that the food banks community and food pantries play and this. .- play in this we know that their only making up a fraction of the need, and we still have children, whether you look at the data that came out, that we are talking about before about food insecurity, whether parents can afford to buy food. 20% of children live in households that are food insecure. we know we have a childhood hunger crisis on our hand.
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the way to solve that is making sure the federal nutrition program, whether it is the snap program or the school-based programs continue to have strong support, but it will take both sides and both partners working together to solve this problem. the good news is we know this is a solvable problem and something we can do together. host: (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. for independents, (202) 745-8002 . emily is up next in virginia. i there.h lucy, i'm not really sure what your position is, what you are a reporter or part of a think tank . in hopes ofadia addressing this issue. one thing that has always come to mind is that before and during world war ii, where everybody had a victory garden
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-- and there are a lot of community gardens out there -- what i would really like to see is a coming together of all of these community-based organizations to take it upon themselves to take every space available at schools, parks, at churches, and community garden spaces to help provide food for the school kids. excess. be an that way, they would get fresh fruits and vegetables that would augment their diets. i have worked as a volunteer at a food bank, and i have to tell you, sometimes being there and seeing what is given to these families -- the food is sometimes expired, sometimes the bread is moldy.
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the quality is not that great. panera is very generous, and when they give goods to thed community, that is very generous. to get churches and community centers into production through volunteers, and people who want to, they are part of the programs that need into theelp get food communities. that way, there will not be these food deserts, especially .n poor communities there are empty spaces that could be utilized. i would like to hear thoughts on that. ofst: you bring up a lot great points there. the issue of community gardening and school gardens is certainly something we have seen a huge increase in in recent years. .here's a lot more space
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i live in bc, and there is a school across the street from where i live, and i see a areen outside, and the kids picking carrots and greens, and will be eating them during their meals throughout the school day. what is important to remember is that those work in partnership with the federal nutrition program. when they eight from their garden, that is really important and a great way to get volunteers involved in the issue and raise awareness around hunger, and get communities engaged and committed to the issue, but also, something that works only as you mentioned, these came around during the victory -- victory gardens around world war ii. at the same time, that is exactly what a lot of are federal intrusion -- when a lot of are federal nutrition
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programs were started and got up and running. the school lunch program was started because general military officials were coming to congress and st. kitts and our country are too hungry to fight in our no jury -- military. we need to continue that progress. continue the great work happening on the ground with community organizations, but major it is happening in partnerships with our strong federal nutrition program, as well. host: do they give money directly to food banks? guest: there are programs that help fund food banks. the emergency peace act, a program that provides assistance to food banks. they rely heavily on private donations as well. from individuals, from the business community. i have a simple question i want to ask. a simple statement. have you seen a hungry child in america? guest: i absolutely have.
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i have visited schools and community organizations across the country. we see kids come to school, whether it is after a weekend or at the end of summer months who tell the teachers they don't know if they can do well on a math test because they have not eaten since yesterday. they are hungry, frustrated. we work with a great principle in the community. just outside of d.c.. --y told us a story recently he was giving a test to students and the classroom. the student wrote on the paper, i am too hungry to think. when he went and talked to that student and found out, just like the child i had spoken to, he hadn't had anything to eat over the weekend. when he provided a child with soughtst, you merely kids doing better on tests. kids having less attendance issues, less behavioral issues. we know that these issues are intrinsically linked to education issues. it is a very real problem, and a very real crisis in our country today.
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host: bobby from kentucky, go ahead. caller: what i was watching was about the hunger children. it is a good thing they have these programs. there am saying, too, is are a lot of churches in place that do help giving out food. my concern is i think the federal government is giving away a lot of money. when you start giving millions , those people in kentucky, and i am sure and a lot of other places, their income is very low. they have to eat at home, too. if the government has billions of dollars to give to other that are actually an enemy to the united states, i think they can take part of that money, or at least a little bit
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of that and help the poor class of people that are low income people, at least help in a little bit. and the children would have to go hungry that way. questionat is a great and a great comment. i appreciate you calling in. what we are really talking about here is how we are funding our priorities and this country and making sure we and child ship hunger. three federal nutrition program and others that help address these issues. as our country is moving forward and we are thinking about addressing issues of health care, education, keeping our workforce strong, investing and child nutrition programs is an important beast to all of that. making sure the kids in this country are going hungry. that is a reinvestment back in our country. we get that whether it is children who eat school breakfast, having greater success in school, graduating with higher earnings potential.
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,ecoming stronger taxpayers reinvesting back into the same base that supported them as they were growing up. it is really important they continue to maintain a bipartisan support for these programs they have enjoyed. theontinue protecting investments that we have made, and the gains that we have made in recent years. virginia, from republican line, you're next. go ahead. calling wondering why we don't get out boxes of food like we used to instead of using foods that money. i have been in a parking lot of several different supermarkets. people come out with loads of shrimp, steak, good stuff. they sell it for half price. it because iuy knew it was bought with food stamps. that is what is happening. they are selling it and getting the money and doing whatever they want to with it.
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thank you. guest: this raises a couple of different issues about what used to be called the food stamp program. i think it is important to take a step back and her member who exactly is relying on this program. again, 50% of kids, or 50% of participants in this program our children. two thirds of participants in the program are children, elderly, and the disabled. we know this is a program that is feeding exactly those who it should be feeding and supporting the most vulnerable in our society. we also know across the board they have one of the lowest fraud rates of any program in the federal government. the current administration and previous ministrations have worked to make sure that a strong level of integrity is increased in this program, and that we are maintaining that those benefits are going to those who need them. what is really important, again, is to remember who is receiving benefits from the program, and
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why it is so important for multiple people in our society to have access to this important program that is working effectively and efficiently to feed those who are hungry. what qualifications are involved in applying for these programs? is based on income. good morning. i am calling about this food program. the majority of these children today, they all have cell phones. big expensive backpacks. these mothers are doing their thing. i think it should be taught, if you can't afford children, hold off until you can afford them. i raised nine children. believe me, we ate eggs like
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they were coming out of style. i learned to make soups. we ate deer meat. to cook. home economics was a big thing in our schools. that has been a limited. driver training has been illuminated. look how many kids are killing themselves, speeding, drugs, and things. i think the moral bid is number one in a family, and then put it all together and see that the government is not responsible for everything. the government can only do so much. now areor citizens are begging for hospitalization, pharmacy. i know it, i'm going through. i'm 81 years old. believe me, it is really difficult to pay your rent and be independent. that is what i was taught in a good christian family. that is all i have to say. thank you very much, have a
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great day. thank you for your question. i think you raise a couple of important points. when i step back and think about the problem of childhood anger -- childhood hunger in the role of government, schools, faith-based organizations. those things are all intrinsically linked. attack the problem together, we are able to be a lot more successful. what you are really talking about and thinking about is where our country is going and what our future looks like. that all comes back to how children are doing today. hungrydren are going today, we know we will have a problem down the line. if we solve the problem and make sure children have access to healthy meals, whether that is at home, school, somewhere else along the way, we know they will be more productive members of our society. that is exactly what we need. to make sure that our economy continues to grow and that our
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next generation is as strong as possible moving forward. host: can a person on a federal program receive food from the state level as well? guest: the state and federal level work together very well. we see partnership there. the school-based programs we haven't talking about, those are federal nutrition programs. different states have different programs. caller: good morning. caller: the number one cash crop in the world as marijuana. all of those people are migrating. they have no way to make an income. half of the united states, right here in the unite states. if you are in one side of the
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united states -- security and about food assistance programs. what questions you have to that? caller: if they want in prison, they would be able to feed their children. minnesota line, republican. caller: i am concerned about the anecdotal evidence that one child telling the teacher that he hadn't eaten all weekend. issue of childn neglect. these kids when they say things like they have not eaten all weekend? problem is with the families, with the mothers not cooking, whatever. i don't see how you could listen to a child say they hadn't eaten all weekend and leave it at that.
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thank you for raising that issue, and certainly, i can clarify. what this goes back to is the new numbers coming out this year. is affectinghunger families across the country. they didn't know where their next, how they would be able to go to the grocery store to buy food for the kids. large, parents want to do the right thing. they want to be able to feed their kids and make sure their kids are growing up healthy. we know these are families living in poverty that may be working two or three jobs just to try and scrape by. or that may be looking for jobs and maybe out of work. it is important that that is why we have the safety net programs. we have a child hunger crisis and our country and we need to make sure we are looking at solutions to the problem.
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carol from mexico, democrat line, hi. caller: from the woman who , it is not virginia neglect, it is lack of. what i want to address is food banks. new mexico has high poverty. our town has several food banks. here's the problem. my neighbors bring home food from the food bank and it is usually five or six cakes, four plethoraof donuts, a of canned beans and canned in shalott assesses -- enchilada sauces. the vegetables and fruits generally get to the stage with
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a have to be thrown away. i know that food banks can only give what they get. i am wondering if there might be some sort of government address as to what is allowed to be given to a food bank? guest: that is a great question. one of the great partnerships that we have seen happen, especially in recent years, food banks are doing more to provide nutrition education, wraparound services to the people who receive food from them. we know they are becoming really come -- important community places, not just for the food they are receiving, but for the additional resources they could be provided. whether it is help on applications, federal nutrition programs, nutrition education
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programs, we need to do more to make sure families have access to foods they want to feed their kids, whether that is coming from a food bank or school or anywhere else, that those things work together to make sure kids and families have access to these nutritious foods, no matter where they are coming from. are doing so much across the country to develop those partnerships. to make sure they are seen as real community providers across the board. host: we will take one more call, robbie and i will, independent line. iowa. caller: i want to tell you what is i yesterday. i was at the grocery store, and there was a young man ahead of me, probably in his early 20's. he was dressed a lot nicer than i was, $80 nikes and so forth. he had a little dab of food there. ahead of me. nothing i would ever buy for my
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children to feed if i was on food stamps. he paid for that, and then he went is money out to pay for his 18 can case of beer. this is very typical of your food stamp program. we had a lady who was ahead of us one time. she brought a whole bunch of hamburgers. i said, my goodness. what are you going to do with all that hamburger? she said we have a st. bernard and they will let me buy dog food, so we see the document. this is an example of government run's food stamp programs. guest: thank you for raising that issue. any governmento program, there are always going bade a few individual actors in any program across the country. i think we know that. what is really important to
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remember, specifically about the food stamp program, or the snap program as it is now known, are the people relying on it. two thirds of the people on this program are the elderly, children, disabled individuals. they rely on this program day in and day out to feed themselves and to their kids. the usda, the department of agriculture and others are making sure we protect the integrity of this program to improve the integrity, to keep the fraud rate at one of the lowest in the federal government . that is exactly where it is right now. to make sure these back -- bad actors don't become representative of the program as a whole. this is a program operating efficiently and effectively across the country to feed families, feed seniors, feed our veterans, and feed children. a couples with attrition education opportunities and other public-private partnerships across the country.
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that will always be one of our most powerful and most effective programs to end hunger in our country. director forociate advocacy joining us. in our final segment this bade discusses hillary clinton's e-mails and what that means for her campaign. that segment is next. ♪ >> all persons having business before the supreme court of the united states go up and give them their attention.
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>> row against wade. >> madison is probably the most important court case ever decided. slavery, itand with wasn't legally recognized. the brown decision into effect would take presidential orders. in the presence of federal troops and marshals, and the courage of children -- >> we wanted to picture a -- cases that change the direction and import of the court in society, and also changed society. >> she told him they would have to have a search. paper, read it, see
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what it was. he refused to do it, so she grabbed it out of his hands to look at it. thereafter, the police officer handcuffed her. >> i can't imagine a better way to bring the constitution to light than by telling the human stories behind great supreme court cases. they boldly opposed the forced retirement -- internment of japanese americans during world war ii. fillinging invited to to report their locations, mr. matsuo took his case all the way to the supreme court. >> often times, supreme court decisions were unpopular. >> if you had to pick one freedom that was the most essential to the functioning of a democracy, it has to be freedom of speech.
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>> let's go through a few cases visually what it means to live in a society of 310 million different people who helped stick together because they believe in a rule of law. >> landmark cases, and expiration of 122 historic supreme court cases. a new series on c-span, debuting monday, october 5, at 9:00 p.m. >> washington journal continues. joining us now his rachel .ade good morning. can you remind us where we are as far as the story is concerned? people on capitol hill looking for when it comes to hillary clinton's use of e-mail? basically, the big thing
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people are watching and wanted to learn more about is where the fbi is right now. the fbi a couple of months ago opened a probe into looking at how she handled classified information. probe. not a criminal it is to figure out was the classified information secure because she used this rare home e-mail server instead of a .gov account. senator grassley and senator johnson want to know if clinton turned over all of the e-mails to the state department, and wants to make sure the record is complete. they are looking into that. they are trying to find out -- he was the one, he and that she and her lawyers were the one who looked at the server and turned it over to state that got. there is no indication she was trying to hide something potentially embarrassing. -- turned it over to
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discuss the person who set up a server to find out why she used a home-based system. was anyone else concerned about this? since it was clearly not something that was regularly done and could be said to be breaking the rules. they tried to bring in brine he had taken the fifth and refuse to say something self incriminating. host: who is he? -- herfor i.t. director i.t. director. he followed her to the state department to work for her in the state department in the i.t. office, and since then he has been in the private sector. his lawyer has said he is not answering questions for the fbi. he is somebody everyone wants to hear from. he no doubt has a lot of
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information that could help lawmakers in their investigations is a very highly contentious issue. his lawyer probably does not want him to become the center of any sort of partisan fighting going on right now and so has taken him off of the table and messi gets and the unity from lawmakers. that is another issue we are looking at right now. immunityss he gets from lawmakers. host: back to the fbi. the topic of classified information -- what is technically defined as classified? information ms. clinton has shared back and forth meat thaet that qualification? guest: there are a lot of parts that conflict with each other. classified information is information important to national security. if it leaks, it could hurt the country. somebody with bad intentions towards the nation could use it
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against the country. that information hasn't come up on her service. she has said time and time again that she did not send or receive classified information. we found out that is not the case. there was classified information on that server. the question is was a classified when it was sent and created? that is where you see the dispute. the state department says that all of the information the intelligence community is investigating and protesting was on her service as she was sending are saying it was not classified at the time. it is classified now, but it was not classified at the time. she did not break any laws. of course, that is yet to be determined. a are still going through her e-mails. solid't know if there is proof that the state department classified it at the time and yet ended up on her server. they are still going through the e-mail. it was notng
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classified, the intelligence community is saying it should have been classified, and that is where the debate is. host: we are discussing hillary clinton's e-mails. democrats,0 four r02-748-8001 four of th repubplicans, 202-748-8002 four independent. guest: with benghazi, it is about making sure they have the documents. blumenthal, who people remember from the 1990's during president clinton's impeachment, he turned over all of the documents related to benghazi. it had come out that he was sending her all of these different intelligence memos about libya.
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the security problems they were having, weapons on the loose with people who could be harmful to the united states. they asked him to turn over all of his e-mails on this issue. he did, and they found 15 e-mails that were in exchange between him and clinton that clinton did not turn over to the state department. the benghazi investigators are saying you didn't turn over 15, who is to say there are not more she did not send over. these are specifically work-related. at this issueng because they want to make sure they have all of the documents. even if not -- democrats say this is going beyond the benghazi committee, this is obviously an issue that the entire nation is following. there are two committees and the senate who are looking at this beyond and ghazi. they want to make sure all of the records are there -- beyond benghazi. they want to continue to investigate the entire issue. host: the washington times on
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the front page makes light of the fact that there have been gaps as far as detail saying and twolary clinton dozen nine, the first message she turned over to the department was --can you paint that into the picture of what investigators are looking for? guest: that has come up in the benghazi committee as well. thee is a gap around attacks that investigators say are insufficient -- suspicious. not just clinton but also her top aides. you would think that on the night of the attack, there would be enough to everyone. what is going on, how can we help, that sort of back and forth. are actually a very limited number of e-mails. they have been looking at this as well. the clintons have said they were altogether that night so there was no need for e-mails.
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they were calling on the phone. why would you send an e-mail when you should use a phone for such a serious situation. these are things that lawmakers here. it is another piece of the story that hurts her image in the public eye. they have said that they have turned over all of the records and that they are not hiding anything. at this point, you have to go on somebody's word. host: on the political aspect, the washington post looks at polling data referring to clinton. 34% said they approved of the process, 55% disapprove. 55% approving., among republicans, 9% approving and 86% disapprove. there is a political aspect to all of this that has happened because of this issue to her political campaign. guest: think about it. just eight months ago, you could've asked anybody in washington, who do you think
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would be the next president? most people would have said she is definitely going to be in the white house and a couple of years. this has totally turned everything around. i was out in iowa watching her at the iowa state fair, interacting with iowans which is a key stay for her. she was ahead by 20 points in the beginning of august. a month later, bernie sanders has overtaken her in iowa, a huge state, and something she really wants to win. now she is really struggling. it has hurt her credibility. people feel like she is trying to hide something. it plays into the feel that the clintons are above the rules. about how other people are supposed to act. she has a special e-mail system. she was not supposed to do it like that, she did it anyway. it gives people this feeling that they don't trust her. that is obviously hurting her right now. , calls comingade
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in, democrat line, you're on with our guest, good morning. caller: good morning. i wanted to make a couple points. theink you are conflating security issue with the private server issues. if she sent or received classified information, that information would have been just as wrong to send on there is an entirely separate system for classified information. they may be lucky these are on their server because we know has been hacked. i am a lawyer, but it did not take the more than one minute on google to find the statute the state department is citing with respect to what is her right for government records delete the rest. it is not a statue, it is a narrow bulletin. i have never seen, in the six months, anybody in the press to even google that and look it up.
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i would just like to know why the reporting on this is so off. guest: to really great questions . the first when you asked about,, if she had been sending these classified documents or sending them over, it would also not been right. they have two different state -- systems. a regular e-mail and a classified system they send classified information on. you could say if she sent it on it would've also been run. i don't think that takes away from the issue. she was still using this on an unsecured e-mail server. do not dolations this. this is not supposed to be done. you should not use your personal e-mail. even if you do use a personal e-mail, there is a rule that says within 20 days you need to file those official records. she did not do that. the only reason she is even turning these over is because the benghazi committee demanded
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records, she didn't have anything, so they panicked and she turned over. she broke rules there. the other question is what is a government record -- i am having rt about your second question. i know it was a good one. i just remembered it. you were asking why the press is not mentioned that -- i just asked it -- lost it again. host: she was asking about major classified information specifically with the records she turned over. guest: fiber member i will come back to you. host: cynthia, republican line, five. i am so tired of the clintons. i think they ruined the presidency because they started interfering into everything. hillary has always lied about everything. when they came in, they lied. when they left, they lied. they took a bunch of stuff from the white house.
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i don't trust them. i do not trust them. i think they are a bunch of liars. host: thanks. guest: you are expressing a lot of feelings that a lot of people have. that is because there are a lot of questions that are unanswered. i want to go to the caller before, i remember your question. you said federal employees get to pick which records they turn over when they are using a account. they are the ones that go through their e-mails and say i want to file this as a public record. who choose. ones clinton is doing the same thing right now. why issue breaking rules on this issue? she is not breaking rose. i wrote about is a couple weeks ago. a former federal records attorney says that is technically correct. federal attorneys take their own records. clinton is taking her own right now. is she really breaking any rules there?
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now, iserence, i think that she is such a top ranking official. she was the secretary of state. she is running for office. she has been out of the department for a couple of years. documents that are very essential to investigations right now. people don't trust that she will be turning them over. there is a little bit of a difference there because of her high ranking position. you are actually right. i have mentioned that before. federal employees take which he knows a file. host: illinois, good one. morning. caller: i have tuesday mr. make. the first one is, if it was not confidential when she received it, it should not be a problem. -- i have two comments to make. is, if there are parts
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they cannot get into on the server, that is impossible. nothing is ever erased. it is always in the computer. somewhere in the computer that they could find it. what --hat is exacted to your first point that a was not confidential at the time then it is not a problem -- that is exactly what the clinton team is saying as their defense. there are questions right now about whether some of them really were not confidential. for instance, a number of the nose talk about the escape plans for the former ambassador chris stevens and how he would get away if his compound was overrun, the security situation. he was hiding on a boat off the coast. how would he get away? that is really sensitive information. that is somebody's life at stake potentially. you would think that was classified, at least that is the argument the intelligence community is making right now. your other issue -- host: there was a question about
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whether information is white or erased.d -- wiped or be either.ed could the question is if she went through and erased each e-mail. if it is something like that, investigators could easily find that on the server. servers where you take a and you degas it which clears the whole thing. investigators have a really hard time finding is in us. there was a story over the weekend the washington post reported that the person who kept the server after she left the state department is not aware it was ever wiped. that is new information. she said it was white and that the e-mails are gone -- it was wiped. if that is true, the fbi can easily get her hands on -- their hands on her records and
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determine that. host: there were other secretary of state who do not use government service? guest: a couple -- government service i am not so sure about. there were secretary of states who used personal e-mails from time to time. no one used it exclusively that we are aware of. right now, the state i.t. investigation looks not just at her practices but at the last five administrations and there is no, do they use personal host: rachel bade of politico joining us. republican line, you're next. caller: good morning. the problem i have with hillary is the numbers. for one second, i ask both of you and the viewers, how many e-mails every day on average do you receive and send, both business and pleasure?
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only sends about 60 a day. she was in office for 1440 days. for being snowballed, she does , 30,000 of which she deleted, it is probably 800,000. somebody wake up and look at the numbers, please. guest: of my own personal e-mails, i would say that 95% of them are work-related. 5% are personal. the e-mail that she has, there were about 60,000. she said half of them were personal. as a secretary of state, you would think your work would consume your entire life. whetherbasically asking half of her e-mails, as she says, are really personal. it is a good question. we don't have the answer because we don't have anyone who has independently verify that the e-mails she deleted were not work.
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it brings me to another point which is that federal record law states that if you have a personal message to say, your mom, where you are talking about a puppy you got or what you are making for dinner and you have a long, personal e-mail and then at the end you say something about work, something small, just one sentence, that is a federal record. you have to turn it over. if there is just one single mention in a long personal e-mail of a work related issue, that needs to be filed. once again, we cannot verify any thing. massachusetts,r, republican line. hi. is -- i wasuestion in the military for 12 years. i had secret clearance. i worked on the border before law came down.
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our instructions where anything we sent over the radio that we originated was classified. anything she sent over her e-mail account as secretary of state that she originated was automatically classified as secret. e-mail would have been a secret document. anything that she received from her office was secret. automatically -- those are automatically considered secret documents. she could say that she did not receive any secret documents? host: thanks. guest: the state department rules on classified doctrines are a little different from folks operating in the military. in the military, you get a tip
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you are anqi and official, it is automatically classified. with the state department, there is an argument going on right now about whether that should be the case. foreign services working in the field who get information and send it on, should that all be classified? the way they operate right now, that is not what they do. there was a specific example where a foreign service officer had gathered information about libya, the ambassador, and the security situation and actually forwarded it on through the unsecured in the system. right now, there is a debate about whether that should have been classified at the time. the state department does not operate like that, at least right now. i think we will see more of a debate on that going forward. just because they get a piece of information in the field, they don't automatically classify it. it is not how they operate. host: the washington examiner
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reports that she was included in some of the private e-mails of hillary clinton and says she was a career diplomat that was appointed last week. she is copied and a number of e-mails released by the state department. a little more about this and what it means for her a overall? guest: we are hearing a lot of republicans got at the transparency -- gawk at the transparency appointed. he obvious he rbc maxed out the confirmations and there is a confident interest. rules that appointees cannot give to candidates. it is not like she broke any rose because she gave money to clinton. people say why would you do that? if you want to give the image of transparency that you are really going to the records, why do you
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pick someone with this history? host: california, michelle, good morning, go ahead. i had arachel, question about the state department's e-mail system and cyber attacks. is the e-mail system still safe given it has been attacked? guest: government systems have been hacked before. a lot of intelligence folks are freaking out over this. if clinton had used a hacked, it been would have made this an entirely different story. there would be no story. honestly, there are issues with and government in hosting hacked because it has happened before -- and government e-mails being hacked. host: the front page of the washington post has a story of polls of democratic women saying
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that back in july, there were 71%. now that is down to 41%. that the period of this poll takes place during the fbi going on. what does this mean overall for the campaign policy concern over this? guest: this is definitely hurting her campaign, no doubt about it. women wear her biggest cheerleaders. the woman's vote is super important to her campaign. we are seeing it there, iowa, nationwide. this is taking a toll. whenever you have clinton in the same headline as an fbi investigation, or a special prosecutor. republicans are calling for a special counsel to take over this investigation. it hurts her image. i don't think that when this came to light in march it took
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aggressive reporting to pull out little bits of information that the server was kept at this place in denver, or that there was a classify e-mail here and now there are 60 classified e-mails. these little pieces of information have dragged the whole scandal out and hurt her continuously over the past humans. what she should have done -- over the past few months. what you should have done has had a press conference and told everything. she did not know the whole thing, then get her stuff up. she did not answer a lot of questions, and her campaign has not answered a lot of questions. as someone who has covered this, i know that i have called in a lot of times. getting little pieces of information, it is hard. you have to go somewhere else. then you take it and try to get a confirmed. if she would come out swinging on this, it could have been different. there is this trickle of
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information. i don't see that case moving at all. even if she said i am sorry, i don't think that that will help. host: expand on this special prosecutor thing you talk to. what is going on? guest: republicans, the number two republican in the senate, the majority whip, he is calling for a special counsel at the justice department. what that is is that the attorney general would appoint someone to take over the entire investigation on the classified issue, and also looking through the records to make sure she turned them all over. the reason he wants to do that, and i am sure we will hear more republicans call for this, is because the justice department is run by appointees by the obama administration. the fbi -- nobody is questioning whether they can do their jobs. they are nonpartisan. they are aggressive. they are looking at this right now. there is a question about whether once they find something, what does the justice department do and who makes that decision?
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what republicans want to do is take it out of the hands of any federal appointees fans put it in the hands of somebody with a reputation of being a straight shooter. should this become a criminal probe, where to go from there? they want to make sure they can trust the results. host: from florida, julie, independent line for rachel bade of politico. julie, good morning, good. go ahead. why are the media so concerned with hillary clinton's e-mails so much? guest: it is a simple question, but it is a good one. i asked islands if they cared about this. iowans.ed they said they did not. i think they have changed with the launch of the fbi probe.
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they think maybe she really did something wrong. there are a lot of democrats who think the whole story is a nonstory and there is nothing there. increasingly, democrats are realizing this is hurting her and it matters. she was head of the state department, and now she wants to be the person in the white house. if she did not follow rules, or , orrying to hide something mishandled classified information, people would want to know because she could be the next president of the united states. they will want to know before they make a decision before they vote for her. host: a super pac of the american crossroads put out an ad taking a look at the issue of hillary clinton's e-mails and the trip she took you i will. to iowa. notary clinton: i did receive or send any classified
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information. that is all i could say. i have no idea. that is why we turned it over. i have no idea. i don't know how it works. a take away, rachel bade? guest: makes a good sound bite for republicans. things, hearing her say she did not send or receive classified information. we heard that too much ago. now she says she did not send any marked classified e-mails. that is one thing the campaign has noted is that many of these e-mails about there being debate about them being classified, there were no markings, so how should they know the it was classified?
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you see the line change in the ad. somebody asked her about whether she wiped the computer and server. she said, with a cloth or something? playing fun either. that was mentioned -- playing funny there. that was mentioned in the post. the post noted that have not said yes or no if they had wiped it. they have not confirmed yet that they had done it. there is a question about whether they have actually erased every thing. host: do you think she was being funny when she said wiped or did she not know what that meant? guest: who is to know. she has made a couple jokes about it in iowa. she had joked that she had gotten a snapshot or whatever -- theseat or whatever and pictures delete themselves.
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that made the crowd roar. she got some political heat on the backend for joking about a serious matter. it is hard to tell. says -- hillary says the state department approved for use of the service. who in the state department approved that? ghazi two, when did the committee subpoena her e-mails and when did she turn them over? and what was the obama policy regarding e-mails and servers? thank you. guest: i am just jotting down these. who approved her server? that is a big question people are asking right now. people don't know. she has never said that anybody approved her server. her chief of staff in a testimony to the benghazi committee said that nobody approved it, that nobody thought
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it was an issue area nobody expressed reservations about it. that is a big question that republicans have right now. who is that person? did anyone expressed reservations about it, who is that person? why were those reservations ignored? you asked about the benghazi subpoena. clinton turned over her e-mails at the end of the year in december 2014. sometime around that time, she turned over the e-mails she wiped the rest of her enough. the benghazi subpoena did not come until 2015 in march. to berver was asked turned over to an independent person to verify it after she had deleted the e-mails, as far as we know. had beenazi panel asking for those e-mails six months prior to her turning them
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over and wiping the server. there is no doubt that they knew how the benghazi investigators wanted the enough. there is no doubt they knew this would be an issue. they knew those records were in high demand when they deleted them. the last question about the obama policy. left office, obama has said don't use a personal e-mail. it has become more clear that officials are not supposed to use official e-mails for work purposes. even when he was at the state department, -- when she was at the state department, they had a policy or they were not supposed to that. if they did, they were supposed to file within 20 days, and she did not do that. host: jeff from ohio, high. hi. caller: i want to make a statement about the difference between wiping and delete files. anybody knows that if you lead a file it goes into your trashcan and it just goes into a
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different folder which you can recover from. if you delete from the trash can, they are still on the hard drive. all you have told your file system -- all you have done is tell your file system to ignore that address. are our standards in government where it hard drives are recycled, a hard drive is all ones and zeros. when you wipe a drive, turn it all to zeros. go evennt whipes further than that by scrambling the data. even after that is done, there is a way to recover the data from these drives. some of them are very specific, they use clean rooms with optical readers similar to what they recoveren flight recorders.
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degaussing is able method of a racing hard drives using electromagnets. that is not a for sure way of leading all of the data. guest: i think you are getting at the point that even if she deleted the xenos, they are likely recoverable -- elite of the e-mails. saidinvestigators have they believe they can recover the e-mails. it is unclear whether they were deleted or wiped. i know that folks have said they believe they can get these e-mails. host: richard from missouri, democrats line, hi. caller: how are you this morning? , i don't haveold a computer, i don't even know what you're talking about, these e-mails.
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i don't know how she heard anybody. going through 80,000 e-mails is a big waste of time. a lot of problems for nothing. [indiscernible] i am a democrat goes -- when you have a house of republicans and d senate and the you have all of these committees trying to hurt hillary. i will get out. guest: your question seems to be why does this all matter? a couple of points. first of all, the fbi is looking into this. it is not just republicans on the hill.
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it raised red flags to them. they are looking into this. why it matters also goes into testified information, if it was put at risk, that is something people would want to know about their future president -- classified information. the other thing is about following rules and using a government account. if you are an official working at the state department or any other department. it gives people the feeling that she was above the law and was trying to hide something using this system. it might not seem like an issue to you personally, but it is an issue to a lot of people. why, whethero know classified information was breached, whether she turned over everything she was supposed to. there is serious significance here from multiple different angles. host: one more call, alain from washington, hello. caller: i have a question.
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saidry clinton at one time that the cia was protecting her personal server at all times. i think that's a lie. there was another issue with her purchasing her phone off of the market rather than being issued and encrypted phone by the state department. ifind of wanted to know those things were actually true. if you could comment, i will hang up. thank you. guest: the cia protecting the server, that would be news to me . i don't think that anyone has said that. anyone was protecting the server. if that was the case, i don't think the fbi would be looking into it right now. it is certainly a question that lawmakers wanted to ask her i.t. person who maintains the server
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who is now pleading the fifth about those special precautions. i can offer that. host: how do we know when these stories and? what results is all? resolves this all? guest: good question. i think this will go up to election day and even beyond if she were to win. if she does not win the nomination for the democrats, then it might fizzle out because she won't be the lead anymore. there would be less interest in the story. of course, it will continue. emnd insightn anytime soon. chel bade of politico. thank you for joining us. ♪
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