tv Washington Journal CSPAN September 20, 2015 7:20am-7:46am EDT
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comment just on your first to callers this morning, you know, when i was taught -- i'm a catholic -- i was taught that we should be humble servants of the lord and there's only one judge. we are not to be the judge. st. peter will be doing that when we reach our time. so-callednk is these evangelicals and religious people really need to get off the cross. you know what, the cold weather is coming, and the poor people need the wood. you go and stand in a church on sunday and wednesday night, it does not make you a christian any more than if i go and stand in my garage wednesday and sunday night. the only problem we have is that anymore.e not humble they want to be the judgment to once. they will have to pay the price
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when the time comes. thank you. host: thank you for the call from florida. the president of the u.s. conference of catholic bishops joined us earlier this month on the "newsmakers" program to preview the trip by pope francis. [video clip] in our own age, when we look for opportunities to communicate, pope francis, in less than 2.5 years that he has served as holy father, has not missed an opportunity to talk in the public square. he will also talk of the united nations on the following friday. i think these are, for him, opportunities to seek to contribute to the common good. i, right now, do not see downsides. i think probably the biggest hislem would not letting whole message come out, that some people, if they were to to interpret-opted or
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my hope isowly -- they will give full airing to his message. host: a portion of our conversation with the head of the u.s. conference of bishops. "the washington post" is writing about pope francis. this is a piece called "a blow for all seasons -- a pope for all seasons," a look at the issues that he will likely discuss during his visit. here is the full schedule.
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host: we will have live coverage here on c-span. the pope will also travel to philadelphia, before returning to rome. from connecticut, independent line. caller: thank you for c-span. bear with me. i'm 81 years old. as far as the pope is concerned, with the social issues, such as abortion, and so forth, he cannot change that. only teaches as the pope of
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the roman catholic church the morals of the church. when he talks about climate change, and so forth, he is being, not a human from the views of the catholic church. he cannot, as far as homosexuality -- you love the go withbut you don't the actions of the person. as far as marriage, and so forth, he cannot change that. he will not change that. he kind of throws the bait out , like whenhe people he was in the plane, he said, he cannot judge. of course he cannot judge. only god can judge people. he can just teach the roman catholic teachings of matters of faith, and morals.
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thank you very much. thank you for c-span. host: thank you for the call. jack has this tweet, he says the drieding, california is up and burning, the pope's message on global warming is well-timed and appropriate. pope, "atters" on the the worst reactions to pope francis' climate change and cyclical -- an encyclical." why isn't the pope out refugees to the vatican city, where sure they have enough money to take care and atthese people,
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the same time, convert them to christianity. host: i should point out that cbs news says that the pope has taken in one family, and more are expected to come into vatican city. caller: i appreciate the update. one family -- really knocking themselves out. the pope talks, but there's no substance bu behind what he says. the church still persecute homosexuals, which i'm not happy about. and giving the pope so much attention, what is next? a voodoo priest? views,onte has these thank you for what you have done, you're fairness, love, and compassion will live with us forever. next up is becky, independent
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line. what you think the pope's impact will be on american public policy? obviously, if someone is doubtful in what is going on as far as the humankind, that is a great thing. i do believe, however, global warming is obviously happening. we all know it. the corporations are treated as people, therefore they are able , giveson the water, air everybody cancer. it is just ridiculous. isn't it time that we took back the earth, basically? you cannot give the pollution to the chinese on the mexicans, and acts like that is not affecting the world. out of sight, out of mind is not working any longer. host: another tweet from the
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we know howjuly -- unsustainable is the behavior of those who constantly consume and destroyed. stella says that the visit is to enhance his own socialist agenda. good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. i wanted to say that i think the down a lot of catholics are being forced by this pope, who is really speaking from the heart, to decide between their own self-interest and spirituality. just quickly, the uproar that is actually happening as a result is a little ironic for the true believers. this is just a man. ultimately, god will decide all that these issues. this is ay should -- little bit overblown. that is my comment. host: thank you.
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chris has this point to a there are 60er, million catholics in this country, i think that warns a congressional speech. speaker john boehner and vice president biden are both catholic. they will be behind the pope when he speaks. inside "the new york times," you renovationsassive going on inside and outside of st. patrick's cathedral -- "a good reason to expedite repairs to a cathedral." work has been sped up in advance of the pope's visit. it was originally scheduled to be completed in december. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. the pope, he is coming to spew
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propaganda. he is a false bother. he is coming from babylon. host: let me stop you there. false prophet and babylon, explain that. caller: it is end times revelation. final prophecy. host: i'm asking why that is your point of view. caller: because everything he is saying is going against god's abortion, gay rights -- i'm all for free love -- he is the pope. there's only one way to get to heaven, through him to the father. hee pope is telling people --
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.s spewing false doctrine the sooner people open their eyes and years, the better off everyone will be. you very much for the call. john garvey is the president of the catholic university here in washington, d.c. and he participated in an event pope's at the teachings and impact. [video clip] >> when he chose the name francis, he did so in part because st. francis was the saint of poverty. from latinirst pope america, where the rates of poverty are much higher than the united states. the idea is that we, who have more, have a responsibility to what isho have less --
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called a preferential option for the poor is not a new idea for him. chrysostom,. john his homily on lazarus and the rich man. here is what he said. not our own goods that we hold, but there's. we have a duty to share our wealth and in turn derives from some very catholic ideas. the first that we have an inherent dignity because we are children of god, not just catholics, but the book of genesis says that everyone is created out of love. other notion is that we are made to live in community, and not just serve our individual goods, but the common good. host: john garvey at the cato
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institute, in advance of the visit. we're getting your calls and comments on his impact on american public policy and global issues as well. jean is joining us next from arizona. caller: good morning. 76-year-old mexican-american father to be. i have been a catholic since i was a kid. i'm proud to serve my lord. people don't want to hear, they don't want to be told anything, especially the right-wing americans. they don't want to be told anything. we are all children of god. i think he is doing a wonderful job. we have to respect everybody because we are all
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children of god. god bless america. have a nice day. the immigration policy in this country -- we need to do something. donald trump, he is nothing but an idiot. if i will haved american. am an i did not have to do it when i joined the military. thank you, and god bless. timothy cardinal dolan has written a piece, available this morning from "new york daily news." meanwhile, a congressman, who " why for,
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i am boycotting pope francis' address to congress." he says that initially he was very excited about the visit, but decided to boycott it based on his views on climate change. lawrence from illinois. good morning. independent line. caller: good morning. pope's visit, i think we should all wait to hear what he has to say. if i may, i would like to clear up some misconceptions. have veryme people mixed up opinions about biblical scripture. even have a person saying we were made in god's image. biblical scripture teaches that were made in our own image.
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only christ was made and god's image. people are calling in to say we should not judge one another. that is not what biblical scripture teaches. what it says is we are not supposed to judge one another as far as the outcome of each other's souls. only god gets to decide if we will have eternal life. we are supposed to judge one another in human form. in size, our entire judicial system is based on biblical scripture. host: thank you for the call. this is a list of the ds -- elizabeth diaz in "time" magazine. tweet saying, the
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pope does not preach to politics like past ones have, the pope preaches love, too much for some to handle. let's go to john in california. democrats line. caller: hello. the stuffg because you've got this morning is really funny th to me. the pope, you know, is a joke. he is not a child of god. his visit, he don't have nothing to do with the bible. blackble is a group of people, hispanics, and native americans. god was black. caller, i have to jump in. you are going way off base. explain where you're coming from. caller: truth. i'm telling you the truth. host: your source?
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caller: the pope, he took everything away from the israelites. host: i'm going to stop you there. we will move on to joe and south carolina. good morning. you're next. caller: hey, steve. i'm going to try to keep with the question about public policy. before i do, i want to go back to last week. a nice lady suggested that you should be speaker of the house. i want to second that notion. i think you have a way of pulling people together. you have the personality and skill to do that. host: i don't think i'm that fac patient, but thank you. caller: i'm conflicted. let me say, i am southern baptist. i don't hate the pope. i don't hate anybody. we have to know that we are all in this together. we have to make things happen. i am conflicted on the subject of abortion.
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of course, we know the traditional stand by the catholic church on abortion. i'm with them. you know, i'm a right to life prison. friends,veral catholic and most of them are very liberal. we don't let our political life interfere with our personal lives, and we remain friends. i cannot understand how most of them support politicians and public officials who agree with abortion. it is just, spiritually for me, conflicting. maybe you can help me understand. i don't know anything about your spiritual life. they cannot articulate to me how they justify it. i say this was love in my heart. maybe somebody can help me understand this. host: are you a faithful man? caller: yeah. i will go to church and 45 45 minutes.n
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i'm southern baptist. i don't hate the pope at all. i wish he would have an impact on some public policy areas, especially the abortion area. host: will you be watching his speech before congress? caller: oh, yeah. not only that, i'm looking forward to you having some independent guys -- your next segment will have a republican democrat, right? host: yet. thank you very much. herald,"the miami again, cuba, the first stop on his visit before coming to washington, d.c. on tuesday. next the stephen from virginia. caller: how are you doing? host: fine. caller: i guess my only real issue is the separation of church and state. i don't think you should be --
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he should not be in the senate and congress giving some speech there. if you wanted to use some other than you, that would not other me. host: you are republican, and he was invited by john boehner. caller: i am republican, but that does not mean that i believe john boehner is a republican. just like i don't believe mitch mcconnell is republican. i think they do what is good for them, and not what is good for the people who are republicans. issue, it does not really bother me either way, whichever way goes. i can answer the left caller's question, where he wanted to know why people keep voting these people in. i'm pro-life too. it is because they don't pay attention. i really think they just don't
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pay attention. a fifth of -- they see a familiar name on the ballot, and they check it. host: the front page of today's ," the syrian "perilous journey." the pope is expected to address that issue as well before august. from new hampshire, this new hampshire democratic party convention." good morning. problem with ano lot of comments -- the pope is the vatican is its own nation.
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popes coming to the united states is a tradition. i am a lapsed catholic, i think that is the most common term for what i am. i was raised catholic, my uncle is still a roman catholic priest. i was a big fan, and still am, ronald john paul ii, reagan, and margaret thatcher. they were conservatives, anti-marxist, an anti-communist. we have gone from a president who stood against communism around the world, against the redistribution of wealth, and marxism, and the pope that did the same thing, pope john paul the second. those men, although they were
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not responsible for the fall of the soviet union, they were instrumental in causing that. , a, we have a leftist pope marxist, coming out of south america. that is normal for them down there. that is their ideology. i don't think there will be much change in public policy by the pope. .n the united states the left will embrace what they find attractive -- climate change, higher taxes on the wealthy, bashing them. it is funny to watch his comments in line with president obama. the right will embrace the antiabortion. it will be the same old, same old. i'm not a big fan of his because i think he is a leftist. thanks. host: thank you. review," "family lives matter."
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atlantic" a look at the number of incarcerated black males and the impact on their families. kathy from new hampshire, to mclaughlin, good morning. caller: good morning. i am excited that the pope will be speaking to congress. i do not think he will -- i think his comments will be received well by everybody, universally. i hear all these callers saying they are pro-life and the pope is calling for people to help immigrants and the crisis. he is calling for people to be responsible to the poor and help the poor and the homeless. he is missing a prison when he goes to philadelphia. , and not about life just one part of it, but the whole picture. i'm
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