tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN September 21, 2015 10:00pm-12:01am EDT
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character and vision for the future, i think that will eventually sift through to the voters and get momentum in those states. of thehat d make possibility of joe biden entering? mr. chafee: i think he's going to get in. dynamics are changing with the front runner and different issues occurring but we will see. i welcome everyone to the race. i heard from new hampshire voters and people were saying i'm glad you're running, we want choices. so it's another choice. host: let me ask about our political history. how did you morph from becoming republican to democrat? mr. chafee: i never change on the issues. i've been pro-choice my entire career, antiwar, for the environment, for social programs. that hasn't changed but my party
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changed. inre was less and less room the republican party for moderates like me and into doesn't six, they had a primary because republicans didn't think they wanted a liberal moderate republican and i won the primary but issues were changing and pro-choice. the priorities change in the republican party. the issues.ought up climate change come economy, foreign policy. what do you think is the most important issue and challenge that will face the next president? mr. chafee: i think these endless wars overseas. when made a huge mistake of taking down saddam hussein and getting into iraq. my feeling was we just finished
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the nominal of those veteran issues and the evidence was not there to do it. now, we have to fix it and that's the biggest challenge. we just have to end this for future generations. that's my view. the refugees fleeing these war-torn countries are potentially stabilizing for europe. that's when you say what are the big priorities? of course, the economy and building the middle class and health care and education. right now, ending these conflicts overseas is really what we need to focus on and make a priority. host: one thing i want to ask what were the break, see with the surge of the bernie sanders and donald trump and
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different dynamic people, what do you make of all of this? mr. chafee: it's early. i think when we get to december and january before the first votes are taken, people start to focus. and this is a big decision. everyone knows it. host: do you think there's an appetite for something different , something that hasn't been tried before? mr. chafee: the economy is coming back and traditionally one economy has some growth, people are less angry. i was elected governor in 2010 and people were angry. they couldn't find work, getting laid off. i think that now come it will be a little different with the economy chugging away. it's a little volatile but certainly better than in 2010. so we will see what happens with some of these candidates playing off some fear and anger. host: it is the home stretch but
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there's still time. mr. chafee: it counts in january. that's when people really make up their minds in new hampshire and iowa. host: we'll be right back. stay with us. >> now, "conversation with the candidate" continues. host: welcome back. tonight's guest, lincoln chafee. time to bring in questions from the audience. let's get right to it. the first question coming from mckinsey. >> in new hampshire, someone who earns minimum wage is less than three dollars a week. what policies would you enough to ensure the strength of working families, businesses, and the economy and would it increase in minimum wage be one of those? mr. chafee: i voted to raise minimum wage every time it came.
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as governor, we raised it three times. i have a good record of addressing that issue. all through my career, i cared about the social programs that help build the middle class, particularly on education, telegrams, head start -- pell grants, head start. i have a record of supporting them so it's not only the minimum wage, it's all these other beneficial social programs. i'm a big supporter of the affordable care act. we had one of the best rollouts in rhode island of any states. we worked at it and had a good rollout. i am an advocate of social programs that help build the middle class. that's the big issue between republicans and democrats. no governmentying
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cannot be a force for good in people's lives. americans are made great by a strong middle class and these government programs helped our country stay great, particularly in education, infrastructure, health care. host: what's a reasonable minimum wage? mr. chafee: i think it depends on the community. obviously, the cost of living is is going to be higher. i advocate for a good ceiling of the federal minimum wage. adjusted for inflation and let the communities reflect what their cost of living is. they're going to be different around the country. i'm not an advocate of a federal fits all minimum wage. host: thank you. next one from dan. >> senator, welcome. this past april was the two-year
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anniversary of the defeat of the gun proposal, the bipartisan, which called for criminal and mental background checks strictly for gun shows and online sales. it's interesting, the time, federal independent polls reported nine out of 10 people supported the commonsense legislation. my question for you is what could or what would a lincoln chafee administration do differently to pass this type of gun legislation. mr. chafee: the fact it didn't , this shows the difficulty second amendment advocates and particularly the nra as a political force. i have a record on voting for commonsense gun safety measures.
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going forward, the political realities, even in colorado gunr some common sense safety laws were passed, legislators voted for those. the political reality is we have to get the nra on board, sit down with them and say we have to work together. we're fighting each other on these commonsense initiatives and were not going to get anywhere. the reality is the an hour right of -- the nra has a lot power politically. we need to build on the. -- on that. that's the way i would approach it instead of making them are at the siri -- making them our adversary.
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there is the gun show loophole for the assault weapon ban. find some common ground. where can we start and agree on the premise of acceptance were not going to take your guns away. that's what the advocates say -- you are coming to get our guns eventually. let's build on where we have common sense laws. and see if we can build on the. host: thank you. let's go to social media. as you do facebook or twitter? it.chafee: i'm working on host: the next one is coming from facebook. morgan is asking what is your plan to bring isis to a halt? you touched on this earlier. mr. chafee: mr. chafee: unfortunately, isis was born out of our breaking out of a rock --
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iraq. own have now formed their adversarial group. , i was one we made of the 23 that foresaw the trouble of going in there and voted against the war in iraq. my view is what president obama is doing with the iran nuclear deal. we crafted that with china, with russia, with the brits, french, germans. if we're going to deal with all the other challenges in the middle east, it's got to be with that same dynamic of working with the chinese, russians, europeans, people in the neighborhood. if not going to be easy but that's how i would approach it. host: does isis have a voice in negotiations? mr. chafee: ultimately, you have to find some area but we can
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start putting down the guns and stopping the bombs and however we can do that, that's how i pursue it. host: next question back to our audience from two -- from caitlin. >> reading programs get a lot of attention on we talk about early childhood education. but as america falls behind in math and science, i think it's also important we invest in stem programs at younger ages. you covered a lot there. of consistentne advocacy, especially for head start and early childhood education programs. i'm a believer that at the local level, state level, a government's role in have a good education. is a program some criticize that we can always
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make it better. the wealthy are going to go to that preschool and go there. todstart is a perfect way balance between those that are less fortunate and the wealthy are going to do it anyway. resources forward the into these education programs. i'm a firm believer in the public education system. that's why we're the greatest country in the world and let's keep at it and expanding what we do. host: you have a couple college-age daughters. one i think going to brown and the other looking at dartmouth. that's a pretty heavy bill. college affordability is a big issue with families as is the debt by the students themselves. freee the president saying
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committee college. how would you approach affordability? mr. chafee: i'm very proud of my record. not many people have the record i have, having been a mayor, governor, senator. it's important that i can say this. as governor, i put the resources in very difficult times into our higher education. had two years of no tuition increase because i put the resources in and that's the state responsibility. the governor -- government should be doing that. that's what made the country great. and's up to the governors for the pell grants, we haven't kept up with our commitment at the federal level. i would. it makes so much sense to have a
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strong, well educated country. host: next question from the audience. >> i'm very concerned about the money in politics. what's your opinion on the citizens united decision by the supreme court and would you support an amendment to override it? mr. chafee: yes, i voted as a senator for the bill to have campaign-finance reform. the supreme court has struck down some of that based on first amendment rights for the wealthy to spend their money. and finally, citizens united. i'd go for a constitutional amendment but i certainly would have justice and supreme court and take a view that there are limits on speech as far as confident -- as
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campaign-finance goes. in this area, i think the money justg into these campaigns is so enormous that it's hard for candidates. at.m testing th i'm testing running for president without the huge money. let's see how it works out. host: thank you. fundraising is an issue. it's the reality of politics. you are up against a lot of well-financed candidates. how do you balance it? mr. chafee: i run for office 12 times, starting local. all of them competitive so i know you need the resources but in this case, money is so enormous. i'm not going to be able to raise that kind of money so i'm just sending what i have. i drive to iowa.
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i drove out, drove back. not going to get in debt. i'm just going to test with someone who has a record, someone honest and courageous with a vision of peace in the world and someone who has a chance without hundreds of millions of dollars. host: another facebook question from justin. mr. chafee: justin, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. i don't think you can prioritize those. are they done in alphabetical order? inspiration is part of this thing. what do you tell people to get them excited about the possibility of a lincoln chafee presidency? mr. chafee: it's an important
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decision we're going to make. if a huge decision and especially being a democrat, the republicans that are so belligerent and want these wars to go on forever in the programs they support that the middle class and the denial of climate importantis is a very election and so you want someone who has a record, someone who be character, the courage to honest and has high ethical standards in a vision of where you are going and articulate that vision. also peace in those other countries so they can lucas on their education -- so they can focus on their economy.
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that's very important. host: laura has the next question. >> hello. housing starts to play a big role in the improvement of employment. do you have any plans that would improve the ability for builders and the like to improve the housing situation? housing reflects the economy and we certainly seen whenever the economy goes bad, housing is one of the first casualties. the main thing is keeping the economy chugging. economy wase, the good. we were just getting into a surplus. then president bush came in with
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a $1.6 trillion tax cut that i voted against. i said let's do this incrementally. trunk --have one huge chunk. and all of those good people working in the housing industry and that's how i got my start on a construction doing basement and driveways. enough to keep the economy chugging along. housing will reflect that. and environmental laws. the housing industry is concerned about adhering to the zoning and environment. host: we only have about 90 seconds left.
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why are you the guy? well, i've done it all stop i -- i've done it. i've flagged the snow and picked up the garbage and took property taxes down and was reelected three times and i wouldn't have if i wasn't providing those services. then i became a senator and president bush came in and i have the courage to vote against the tax cuts, the war, and do the right things. i think that character is what people want in the next president and was most important is the vision, where we are going as a country. i a peacemaker, i always have
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been. so in the world stage, even shared the middle east subcommittee. the western hemisphere subcommittee. host: check the record. mr. chafee: i'm a peacemaker. i don't want to spend these resources on bonds and bullets and conflict. education, health care, economy. host: we're out of time. off, we are sending will continue online and talk much more about these topics. there, he will find another 30 minutes of questions. thank you for watching. have a great night.
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>> up next to him archbishop cardinal wuerl/ . at pope look at back paul the sixth speech at the u.n. now here's a look at c-span's coverage of the pope this week. the pope's visit to the u.s. c-span has live coverage from washington, d.c., the pope's first stop on the tour. we are alive with the president and mrs. obama to greet the pontiff upon his arrival wednesday morning. the welcoming ceremony for the pope at the obama's. at 8:45erage begins
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eastern and later that afternoon, the mass and thursday morning at 8:30. what coverage begins from capitol hill as a friend just makes history becoming the first pot to address a joint meeting of congress. and friday morning, live coverage from new york as the popes weeks to the u.n. and later, the pontiff for holding multireligious service at the 9/11 memorial museum world trade center. follow c-span's coverage of the ve on tv orli online. >> former cia director general david the testifies about u.s. policy in the middle east and the strategic strategies battling isis.
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here on c-span, a son and a looks at the consolidation of the health insurance industry. we are from the president of the american hospitals association. live at 10:00 a.m. eastern. washingtonbishop of is changingancis the way people view the catholic church. at aoke to reporters christian science monitor breakfast earlier this month. >> ok, here we go. thank you for coming. is thest today archbishop of washington.
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this is his first visit with our group and this is only the second time in the monitors nearly 50 year history of hosting these events that our guest has been a religious leader. the last session was a breakfast 20 years ago with the dalai lama, which our friend attended. welcome. he was born in pittsburgh and received graduate degrees from the catholic university of america
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please no live blogging or tweeting. there is no embargo when the session ends. lee's dor attendees, the traditional thing and send me a subtle signal. we will start off by offering our guests the opportunity to mix and opening comments and move to questions around the table. the cardinal will do 10 minutes of remarks and then we go to questions. we are honored to have you here. onlyank you very much not
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for this very gracious introduction but for the welcome and for the invitation to be here. i am truly, truly complemented by the invitation. i will but to say a few words about pope francis. some of the remarks i am going to make come out of questions i get asked all the time with regularity from people both lorrie part of the -- both your a part of the catholic church are others as well. one of the questions that i isnk is very significant what is the pope really like? what is he like? is he the way he appears? thei have to say that person you see going around the
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orare and the person you see the person in the window on sundays is the exact same person you see when you sit across a coffee table from him. when he receives you in his quarters, he's not sitting behind a desk, he's not sitting -- he's sitting across the coffee table were usually has some interesting things he wants to comment on. smiling,und that this caring person we see on papers is thethe very person you encounter when you actually meet with him.
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there's also the question about his popularity. one of the reasons i believe he is so immensely popular is because he offers in a very, the messageng way of his office. he offers all of us to consider seriously a relationship with god. he does that in such an inviting way. memany people have said to that what they find so endearing is the way in which he takes the great challenge, the great human challenge of having a living, working relationship with god, a human-divine relationship. he takes that and makes it something that we can feel comfortable with, that we feel
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invited. not all that long ago, i was waiting at the carousel for my bag to come up at the airport. area andame across the said to me, we were on that same flight. chataid, you mind if we what we are waiting for our bags? i think you will describe me as a fallen away catholic and i want you to know i started going back to church. francis, made me feel like i was welcome. this is the part i remember and why i tell this story.
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him iid, when i listen to realize that it is not all my fault. only one not the having problems. i thought, and and i said to her, you know, what you are they told you, that there is a struggle going on between what we would like to be and what we are and doing. this contrast is something that we have to continually work at. this holyhe found in father such an inviting personality who understood that we are not all perfect, but we have a place at the table. , the next time you
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introduce yourself, why don't you say that you are an ex- lapsed catholic. she smiled, i smiled, and then she went and retrieved her back. -- her bag. there is another thing that peaks to his immense personality. he is able to touch people across all religious lines. he is not just focused on the members of the catholic faith. i find this reflected in conversations with people all the time. went to while ago, i visit the hospital. i went and visited one of my priests who was in the hospital. as i was going in through the revolving door, there was a
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woman coming out. she stopped and waited. when i went through the door, she said, cardinal, i'm -- and then she identified the protestant church of which she was a member. she said to me, you know, i just love the pope. i think he is doing such a great job. so we chatted for a few minutes and she went her way and i came mine, but when i came back out after visiting the priest, the security man at the hospital -- i hadsaid to me taken my cell phone out to call my priest and secretary, and he said i'm glad we have a chance to talk while you are waiting for your car. you need to know -- and then he identified the church which he belonged to, which was not catholic.
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he said, this pope, our pope, is doing a great job. i find it is not unusual to hear this kind of response from people. christian, jewish -- i have a very, very dear jewish rabbi friend who reminded me one day that i need to be very careful that i am taking good care of our pope. he has this ability to reach across all kinds of lines and touch people on fundamental, absolutely basic, and that is our humanity and our desire to live together in harmony, in 'se, respecting one another faith convictions, respecting one another's identity.
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his impact i find particularly strong among young adults. that is a demographic that is usually identified as drifted away from or not particularly interested in faith issues, and yet i am finding the largest number of people who are showing an interest once again in the life of the church is precisely that demographic of the young adult and i will give you a couple of examples. when i visit our campus of programs of campuses around the washington metropolitan area, the number of young people at those meetings has increased dramatically. and they have very good questions. one of the things i find so
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particularly encouraging about all of this is this is a generation that really is speaking. they are looking. they are searching. they don't come with baggage. they don't come with a lot of negativity. they come simply looking. they are saying to me, do you know, this pope is for real. i think that is their way of saying what you and i would call the highlight of authenticity. they are seeing in him, they are finding in him something extremely authentic, real. they would say that he walks the walk. i think we would say that he simply reflects in a credible message thatfe the he announces in his words, and
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that is a beautiful thing to say. some of our young people -- we opened a seminary four years ago . this month is the beginning of its fifth year. at seminary is filled with college age and postcollege age young men. when i asked them about their impression of this holy father, it is very much along the same lines. ,ne of the young men said to me he sounds like -- and he looks like -- meaning the way he acts jesus way i imagine sounding and acting. and somehow that is his ability to cut across all types of stereotypes and all types of lenses and all types of
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and actually reach people in a seen and critical and authentic. be, with great trepidation, we have done about 10 minutes of open. if you can summarize at the end, because i have a lot of folks that -- cardinal wuerl: ready to do that. i would conclude that, because we do have to leave this open as part of the reason why we are here, i think we do have to what -- what we think he hopes to achieve. i'm not going to try to answer that now because that may be one of the questions that comes up. what is the expectation of the visit he is about to make.
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having said that, following the wise and sage direction of the conclude anding to throw this open to questions. >> i'm going to do the ceremonial soft all question and then we will look at my colleagues. olivia knox, paul bedard, john meeting --john to john dimitri. i will introduce them again they come up. as journalists, our lives sometimes dramatically when our journal gets a new top editor. i am wondering how the new pope changes the lies of a cardinal. cardinal wuerl: well, in this case it has changed somewhat dramatically because one of the things that pope francis is trying to do is engage what we would call residential bishops,
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bishops that have diocese. the work ofem in the roman curio. the only way you can do that is go and be present. i find that is one of the very real impacts he has had on my the presenceeasing at meetings in rome where the holy father is trying to hear the voice of the church around the world and not just the voice of the curio. there is another element. i think he has made life a little easier. the one who seems to be engaging the world. when we are invited in
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discussion, there is already a disposition, a friendly disposition to the message because already, so many people find francis credible, inviting, so our work is a little easier. we have to talk to someone who is already disposed to hear that message. those would be two areas that i would say at impacted me very greatly. >> mark shields. church university has had a main position on immigration. given the refugee crisis in the world right now, the failure of the united states to welcome or accept any refugees, especially given the united states role in the unrest in the middle east, do you look for the church to provide some leadership and calling on the united states to
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meet its responsibility well germany as some of the northern european countries have opened their hearts and doors to their poor, beleaguered souls? cardinal wuerl: thank you for raising that issue. as you know, the voice of the church in the united states is usually articulated on matters that touch public policy through our conference of bishops. the united states conference of catholic bishops has a voice to addresslize public policy issues. for years, we have been addressing the need from some more equitable and humane way to deal with the issue of migrants, immigrants. now, displaced people in huge numbers, because of the violence, because of what we are experiencing, most of these
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people are coming from one particular part of the world. they are coming from the middle east, where the violence, particularly directed towards minority in the christian community, is horrendous. -- i find it shocking that there is so much silence about that, that we are seeing the slaughter of people and there isn't that type of outcry that people expect from parliaments, congresses, talk shows, editorials, and social media. that's one element, and i believe that silence is a factor in atrocities. you have atrocities because there are people who will commit them and then there are those who remain silent as they are going on. there has been a history recently of this level of
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atrocities that has caused waves of people, people that are drowning in the mediterranean that are fleeing a situation that threatens their life. on a greek are now island, people that are trying to make their way through train stations to get out of. that is the result of what is happening in the land where they are. there doesn't seem to be yet that worldwide commitment to do something about that. and if it means all of us finding a much more absorbent absorbentmuch more north america to receive people .ho are fleeing for their lives
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part of the issue is i believe he church has spoken out over and over again for decades on the humane treatment of people, particularly those who come to our country, because we all started that way. we all came here from somewhere else. we are the only country in the world that really was founded by victims, not the victors. toshould be aware and alert the needs of people struggling to share in all the promise that makes us a great country. i'm interested in what wounds clash from the vatican's with american nuns and what that fight reveals about the church
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as a whole. cardinal wuerl: i am not sure there are residual, to use your word, wounds. -- what was getening was trying to different perspectives on the bye issue addressed everybody around the table. one of the things that has emerged from all of this, and i think it is because pope francis has been strongly supportive of the idea that there is much more to be gained by all of the parties involved listening to each other and trying to see where there might be differences in perspective. my understanding is that sisters made it very clear they had no doctrinal difficulties and the congregation, i understand, at
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the conclusion of it studies said that the issues today are essentially resolved. it is a question of listening and hearing. >> we're going to go to emily wilkins from "roll call." emily: the big news from the vatican the pope's announcement that priests will begin to forgive abortions. one of the big stories in congress is discussion about planned parenthood and the videos that have come out where it appeared that top officials have omitted to selling fetal tissue -- admitted to selling fetal tissue. is this a priority for the vatican to address? is this an issue that the pope wants to address and does he have a position on it? cardinal wuerl: the long-standing position of the catholic church, going all the
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way back to the second century, is that destruction of innocent life in the womb is wrong. it is wrong. it is innocent human life. it is even more heinous when use is made of the remains of a child that has been destroyed in the womb. the church's position is very clear and it is a position that will not change. human life is the great gift of god. we have all received so many gifts, but the fundamental gift is the gift of life itself. we are stewards of it. we really don't have to determine who lives and who dies when we are giving with innocent human life? the church has been underlying recently that even in the case
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of someone who isn't innocent, for example, the death penalty, the bias should be in favor of life because it is the fundamental gift. i think holy father speaks to that. one of the things i found so encyclicalbout the is that she says at the very creation is the human person. we have to start realizing the value and the dignity of the person. he said that we also have to realize that human person has a home. the common home is this earth and we need to care for this earth. then he goes on to say development, whatever development is going to take at thehas to take place awareness that it is the human being who needs to be the center of that development.
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development has to be sustainable and it has to be done in a way that the next generation and generation after that would be able to enjoy the fruit. >> olivia knox from yahoo! news. how hard is the church going to work to get catholics to washington dc for the pope's visit? the nationalake parks service break out in cold sweat, tell them that you are bringing buses and buses of people. said this is the first pope to come visit him. why has the pope traditionally shunned the legislative branch? cardinal wuerl: let me start with the beginning of that multifaceted question. what are we doing by way of inviting people and preparing to receive people?
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you have to remember, as you so well know, the holy father is coming to the united states. he is going to visit three cities. philadelphia is the place where he is going to be engaging the huge crowd. we were told in preparation for the visit that the idea of doing huge mall-type masses is not really what the holy father was looking for when he visited washington or new york. that is going to take place in philadelphia because they have been preparing for years for this world meeting of family. that has not stopped people from asking. this is part of the challenge we are facing.i don't have to encourage anybody and to comehis city to the papal events. i found i have more dear friends that i ever realized i had.
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and for every seat we have, remember that we only have 25,000 at that mass. for every seat we have, i would say we have had 10 requests. the balancing act is how do you get an equitable distribution of those seats so that representation of everybody is there? that is the first challenge. you are right. those that have the responsibility of security, traffic, crowd control, safety, and parks. i think are working wonderfully realitytry to face the that when this pope comes, there will be people everywhere who want to see him.
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our problem is simply the limitation of space. .hat's a good problem to have >> and then the legislative branch? cardinal wuerl: i don't know the history of other requests. i do know that this holy father takingo be comfortable any forum, any podium, any platform. bydoesn't seem to be molded the audience. he takes his message and presents it in the hope that that audience will hear his message. i think when he speaks to congress, he is going to be bringing a spiritual message. feels thatd that he comfortable speaking to any group, not just a religious
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forum. >> that we do a quick follow-up. as you know, in new york they have announced plans to have the pope drive through central park and allow people to come and see him on either side. is there any such planning underway in washington? cardinal wuerl: well, we hope that he is out at the basilica, the national shrine at catholic university, for the canonization mass. that there will be some kind of a group there where people would actually be able to see him. we are also hoping that there he ise some time when coming or going from the white house, that there will be in opportunity for people to see him. has not been altogether finalized yet. part of it is the concerns of security that you don't announce too far in advance. one thing about central park,
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the area they're talking about, is going to be closed long in advance, much to the joy of people who jog in central park. issue we don't have quite in that format. an issue that has become quite a hot topic on capitol hill and in the churches the same-sex marriage issue. the government might ask all religious institutions to conform to the law. if that happens, what with the diocese have to give up and how would you address it? cardinal wuerl: the issue of religious liberty, as you know, predates that particular issue and goes back basically to the mandate where our objection primarily was the
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decision of the government to decide for us what constitutes religious faith and what constitutes religious worth that are not -- works that are not part of our faith and practice. we went into court precisely because we feel -- the gospel as ates are as much religious mandate as you shall not kill, you shall not bear false with us. -- false witness. the argument right now is that we don't feel be government should tell us how to practice our faith. historically in our country, the practice of faith has been a public thing . care,ink about the health public service, charity. when you think about all these areas of the country, these are religious institutions
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that established the first hospitals, the first charities. is as validg that today for us as it was all those centuries ago when we were just getting started. i think part of the concern is going to be why the bishops of our country have done that. religious freedom should not be determined for us any more than people in the media would want freedom of speech determined by someone else. object tolegitimately those who would say, these are the things you can address and these of the things you can't address because they are out of the realm. it is the same constitutional guarantee for religious liberty. we are saying, don't say to us you can't be religious in this area. you can only be religious in
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your sanctuary. ,hat is part of the challenge but that is something we have worked on and work through from the beginning in our country. finding a balance between group on the left, the law of the land, and how we live with it. >> mike dorney from bloomberg. mike: we all write primarily about public policy. i am interested in news that the pope will come to washington while here in the united states. a little louder for the ancient among us. mike: the pope will address issues of public policy. he certainly has not shied away from it before. how much has been communicated, signal, or your expertise have you picked up on what he will say regarding public policy,
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public policy matters in the united states? one area in particular in which a public person like me might expect them to say something would be on climate change given pay. will be inin june december. you have any issues about climate change or migrants in the u.s.? cardinal wuerl: thank you for that question, because it allows for a response that includes a very, very important distinction. i am very much aware that public policy is a big part on the interest of everybody around this table. i think what the holy father will be doing is addressing issues.
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public policy is one way of responding to issues. but another way to address issues is to put them in a spiritual and pastoral dimension , to remind us that these andreal, valid interests that they require a response and there has to be a deal with issues of environment with issues of human freedom, with issues of human life and the flourishing of human life. it is all to the government to come up with policies. it falls to the government to come up with ways of addressing that, particularly in society where the voices of all can be heard. it falls to the church and falls to the pope to keep reminding
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heart of our appreciation of human live and development. believe, i saying, i don't know what he'll say because i haven't seen the text, but i think he'll also call us very real -- i think pontative history. this country is made up of so many groups and so many institutions and so many expressions of community,
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religious, whether it's community service, whether whether it nities, is unions, whether it is made up who workrings of people together to solve a problem in their local community. that's one of the strengths of multi-l ry, we are multi-layered. monlific.t we are not one gray state in which decisions are made and system of by a government. our responses to human problems complexity and plurality of our country. i think it's something that the holy father should be speaking out of aware of, this history of ours, of being free to take on challenge of human problems. > we're hoping to go back to
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abortion.t of could you explain what the norm archdiocese of washington in cases of abortion? this comingt change advent and then can you talk the that in sort of context of where he seems to be presenting a more open, forgiving church in church, abortion, same-sex marriage while dauth ning catholic -- doctrines cardinal wuerl: he does the gospel. at the same time, he proclaims gospel.ness of the there's no change in catholic
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value and worth sacredness of life. father is ur holy saying, all that said, how do we who has with someone had an abortion? response a he compassion, love, care? e keeps reminding us that we all need the embrace of god's mercy. who can say, i -- i don't -- i'm perfect? maybe mother theresa could have, but there are a few others who could say that. was askedhen the pope early on to identify himself, he i'm a sinner. i'm a sinner who has been mbraced by the love of god and
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i think that's what he's trying to say. mercy is a time when all of us should be looking another with compassion and forgiveness, mindful of mercy, but that mercy is also shared through us. frogiven as we forgive. comes to abortion, it has been the practice of the the particularen violence of this action, this live, they are equired to remind us of all serious that is. they were required special permission. is saying every priest across the world, during his time of mercery, should
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faculty. facul -- the past, it has had to come to you? are granted l: we that faculty, that power, that priest, to a bishop, to do that. because the idea is the mercy should be readily available as possible. but the holy father is just many diocese , this,why don't we make this? anything in ahange technical matter? faculty to rl: the o this is a part of what our priest are able to do. -- that piece is
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nly as important as is the bigger message. being merciful and be generous mercy.he >> john, who has provided me to set up ragement this breakfast now gets to ask a question. >> thank you. the current re of ongoing litigation of the little of the poor. when the case came up, the green hobby lobby wns says if the court ruled against close their uld company down rather than comply providing abortion-inducing drugs under the health care plan for their employees. sisterst know how little of the poor will come out. against s, indeed, go
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charity, catholic ould the can church urge them follow what the green's said and close? cardinal wuerl: the answer to that question is going to depends on what the supreme eventually rules. and, a lot of that with -- we just have to wait to see what rule urt will finally because there are indications coming out of the court that distinction a between those that are -- those that are for profit and closely institutions and those that are religious and not accommodation the that's been made in the case of the hat wasn't made in other. i think we're just going to have the supreme ee how
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court threads its way through all of those questions and then we'll know what it is we're answering. >> we go to michael from the news.s [indiscernible] i think was the conference of bishops and the tone was so different than what had been used before, particularly on gay marriage and other questions, like gay marriage. wondering if, as a bishop, you felt church - in the way the follow-up eir -- to on dave's question, a change in
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business?u do your cardinal wuerl: i actually felt two things. greatly affirmed by this encouraged.elt the affirmation was, again, he keeps saying to us, the gospel essage is what we need to keep proclaiming and that's what you've been doing and keep doing it. but the positive affect and ncouraging effect that i also felt was, let us emphasize the compassion of the god. t's a question of pastoral mphasis rather than doctrineal expression and i found very encouraged by this holy father. affirmed because when you've been at this a long this january, i'll be 30 ears as bishop, you've had an
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opportunity to do a lot of teaching and a lot of writing instruction. and i didn't find anything that to change in what i found that it's to be ery encouraging told, keep focusing on the mercy. keep focusing on the compassion aspect as well. >> there was a significant change in emphasis, that's why -- >> turn on your mic, please. >> if you accept the idea there significant change in pa pastori pastorial, do you think it was misplaced? a dinal wuerl: i think it's matter of shading. think there was compassion in the teaching. this time, the holy father is
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his actions it in in a way that people are hearing more clearly. the -- the fact that none of the teaching has changed means the only area where there can be a shading of emphasis is on the pastoral application of the teaching. i think we're seeing, in him -- that's why this sense of seeing in people are strong, there is a strong focus and maybe -- maybe of us, bishop, and layperson church, are saying, let's see how well we're doing that. going to go next to -- name? try on your dmitri. financial side.
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the pope'sextent has views on climate change, the alism alienated catholic flock? also, i know he's trying to reach out to a prison, to a he's not harlem, but iowa. to is there a chance he's not seeing the whole america? cardinal wuerl: let me start with the last part of that. i just watched, early this father's he holy conversation with three different parts of the country. we have a pope that's trying to without being physically present.
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t's very, very taxing to have to fly all over the world to try that is h a flock spread throughout the world. first time i've seen an effort to use electronic nt parts be in differe of our country. states, o the united clearly, at least this was my to tion, clearly you have stop in washington. it's the capital. if you visit ing the capital, in a sense, you're visiting representationly, the entire country. course, he's going to new york because of the un and philadelphia because of the world gathering of families. talked d simply be -- we about this -- it would be him tolly impossible for get to all the other places that
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for his presence in a country this huge. had one of the -- one of the members here, not all ago, who marveled that to fly from hours new york to los angeles. united welcome to the states. and, the pastoral challenge of that is what i think the holy father is facing. you're -- your question, i occasion vides us an to reflect on how do you, today, do that? i think it can be done electronly -- electronly, as well as physically. pope's s told that the mass is going to be in spanish? is that right? cardinal wuerl: yes, the mass and ing to be in spanish
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the -- well, i think the significance of that is, first of all, it's one of the holy times, i think he grew italianboth spanish and so he's most comfortable in spanish. also, it's a recognition of how large the spanish population in he united states in and what a significant part of the church of are here, in so much - archdiocese and he fromming as the first pope language, ld and the language, in nt
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this hemisphere, is spanish. it will not be soley spanish. he's going to have some things english. e do intend to have the jumbo trons for translation. pope hope to he chieve, specifically, in washington? cardinal wuerl: thank you for that question. know, so i'm just projecting because i want to make that very clear. seen any of his talks, so i don't know what he's going to say. he did say to me, some time ago, that he had -- that he was working on his talk for the congress, but or he didn't say, do you have any pointers? [laughter] i would think among the things
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e hopes to achieve is a recognition by all of us in this can, if hat we really we work together, make a difference. to work s possible ogether and that working together, we need to care for have needs. we also need to be able to less fortunate and o revere all human life and i think -- i think he's going to evoke from all of us the nderstanding that we do have a responsibility for each other home, so for our common this planet. hat format that will take, i don't know. i don't think it's going to be proposing public policy. but i think it will be by
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calling us to understand that a h one of us has responsibility to one another and to our common home and that we have to find ways to work an ther to make that achievable reality. three minutesbout left. we're not going to get to all. jonathan, from the new jersey advanced media. jonathan: thanks for coming. when the pope talks to the talk about --they try to find common ground or does the pope basically say, i agree with your position on abortion and same-sex marriage? do they try to find things they agree on and talk about how to achieve those goals together? cardinal wuerl: this is another reason why those meetings are always in private.
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>> and then, there are the press releases afterwards, the statements, this is what we talked about. do -- i t -- as you have to rely on what comes out those meetings by way of statements. l. in the back, from politica >> two things, one of them was, the pope is going to be meeting this he president and president has a lot of affection for this pope. messaging, how -- go in can the president the lack of a better word, capitalizing on the pope's visit without it seeming like it's going too far? how would the church president went too far in praising the pope?
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i'm asking about decorum -- > just because we're short on you., let's do one with >> i was wondering how to say bipartisanship? [laughter] cardinal wuerl: i don't think i'd ever been offended by anyone, including the president, for praising your father. that going n is, is to be used? -- i k that's a fact of think that's just a fact of life. pope says isng the oing to be interpreted by somebody. whatever the president says or says something the speaker in way of thanking the pope is oing to be interpreted by people in different ways.
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maybe that's one of the things that this holy father is asking a little bit beyond is find some common ground without having to start interpreting it from the advantage part of my position. >> do you have a 30-second question? in ill the address by panish and will he consult the catholic bishop at all about the content? cardinal wuerl: my speak anding is he will in english at congress. english?aks cardinal wuerl: he will be reading a text. text, but i'm a old he'll be speaking in english at that event. and the second part of your
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question? >> you said he's not talked to you about the content, will they consult the bishops? ardinal wuerl: he has asked for reflections on the part of bishops.erence of i'm just saying, he didn't ask me when he was working on the text, he didn't ask me personally what i thought. solicited from the conference of bishops thoughts, whatever that means. >> i want to thank you for coming. we'll actually let you eat the breakfast now. cardinal wuerl: thank all of .ou so very, very much. >> the pope's visit to the u.s.,
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c-span has live coverage from washington, d.c. we're live with obama.esident and mrs. theesday morning on c-span, welcoming ceremony for the pope welcome him.s coverage begins at 8:45. the mass, at the basilica of the emaculate session, coverage capital hill as pope makes history. live coverage from new york as the spoke speaks on c-span. 11:30, there will be a multi-religious service. follow c-span's coverage of the u.s. at ip to the
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>> up next, a conversation on ope francis's u.s. visit and he ongoing debate over federal unding for planned parenthood. joins us now to help preview the pope's visit to the united states. she's a fellow at the catholic forum.s for those unfamiliar, what is the forum? >> it's designed to be a resource to the -- the church. i want to get the views out there, expressed correctly. >> the pope has called for widespread female presence in the catholic church. practice?that mean in >> here's the thing, up until
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the past decade, it has focused on should women be priests? the church has closed the door to that. air in ucked up all the the room with that conversation. ope francis is saying, there's more here. e need women's perspectives in everything we're doing. he's bringing women into councils, advisory positions. he wants to hear what women have to say. >> how are women being included n contraception, abortion, marriage? does the pope have advisors in the vatican? >> yeah, it's certainly got advisors. pope francis is not going to be changing the teaching of the church. about bringing women in, it's about how are we
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going to help people live the teachings more faith -- faithfully? that's where he wants woman and hear the gh in and to ideas and to contribute but not terms of changing the church's teachings. >> what do you think we'll hear? >> this is the pope of connection. he likes to connect to people. is humanpope, the idea beings are more important than are more uman beings important than property so the person is the human key. that's what he's doing, he's as a , as a culture, world, we tend to throw away not peopleings, but we throw away and so he's really going to e challenging people here in
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the u.s. >> he is the front page. in cuba.was gently critiques castro. what sort of preview can we get from this cuba visit of how the pope is going to talk to some of figures that cal he's encountering on this visit? question, i mean, this pope is very direct. he's very spontaneous. so it's difficult to predict exactly what he's going to say. he weighs two issues, religious liberty. he says there has to be room for the church. to make room, e space, freedom, giving the church the means to reach out. he also raised the issue of abortion, which cuba has very liberal abortion laws so he's around here.
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he's willing to call leaders on the carpet. >> we are talking to mary, she's a fellow at the catholic women's forum. we're talking about some of the s he'll be sue touching on. give us a call. s folks are calling in, i want to touch one of those issues? isn't changing church teaching. he said a famous quote about lesbians, who am i to judge? -- hat has been used on really what that quote, was the context atement in where he was asked about a
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priest who was dealing with his own same-sex attractions and he's saying this person is trying to lead a live so he's about to us catholics our attitudes. he's not changing the church's teaching. he's saying the church is full of sinners. asked who is this? he said, i'm a sinner. to get all of us to realize we're all equal. isn't rch's teaching going to change. he's saying, let's come in and talk about it and grow. the church has a particular view how you achieve that. >> do you think american catholics are onboard with the about. we're talking it was noted earlier this year, american catholic said it was
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ot sinful to engage in homosexual behavior. 61% said it wasn't sinful to get divorced. 3% think it's not sinful to have an abortion. homosexuality, it's what a sin. about sex urch talks belongs in the context of and age and between a man woman. the church is talking about behavior. so, there is divergence in terms f what the average catholic believes and what the church teaches. is about come on in and talk about. alienated people and we have not made our case and tried what we mean when we're talking about sexuality. > is it come on in and talk about it to change your view or
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middle?the >> it's not a compromise thing, this sense. he church believes this is the guardian of the church. say, we don't l have that latitude, that's not our job but let's talk about how you live that and how you understand that. asic marketing, you have to know what people's objections are if you are going to overcome see, this is them a good thing for me. >> let's get to the phones, will's up calling from albany, oregon. you're on with mary. >> good morning, thank you for taking my call. i'm sure that pope francis is a he seems like a good fellow. his recent climate change is
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its etely wrong in mechanism. his definition of climate is poor.pretty who's been not a guy ighly educated in math and science. sn't there somebody in the church that can help him? od is not telling him what the science is. the real problem is, with all change, ems of climate is the overpopulation of human planet and when the pope stands against even taking a not eutral position, that's the position on earth.
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onception begins with two living things. >> let mary respond. think the first thing, he we don't ear that problems by getting rid of people. so, this whole idea, he specifically takes on that idea somehow going to solve our problems with climate poverty by getting rid of people. that's not the problem and the solution. he's adimate about that. he is saying, some of these things could change. the operative n consensus. that's not the heart of his message. his message is, we have a god, a reator who built a natural order into things, the way the world works and we have to respect that. it has to do with how we treat
11:35 pm and other he's the pope of connection and so he's going to connect ideas and so he says, specifically, it doesn't work to about 're concerned nature and the earth and to not e concerned about the destruction of an unborn child, to throw away a human life. challenge all of us, on all sides, to bring us to person.the human >> how hard of a job do you think he has making those a very ons to have divided community? >> that's going to be a challenge. in the u.s., we look at things conservative, liberal, republican, democrat and he doesn't do that. truth is we are
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human beings and god has an rder to things and we need to respect that and that means respecting human life and thoses and t for bringing in those from the suffer.who really brenda.hassee, florida, >> good morning. if the catholics want the pope before congress, as a christian, i would like to see franklin graham appear before congress. the pope is too liberal for me goes to franklin graham and billy graham and men that. >> brenda, where is the pope too liberal for you? >> climate change. used to hange, they they call it what they call it
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now. ou know, i just think, what dappened to they're not suppose to mix church with state? >> the pope isn't legislating. all the pope is doing, he's through what think are the consequences of our actions? hen he's trying to elevate climate change, it's not because about the concerned human person. he fact that, as a world, just the capitalistic mentality, it poor e that a lot of people suffer because of the pollution but his concern, people and i the think that's something that speaks to everyone across the aisle and that's what i would hope from our representatives, that they listen and hear the pope's message. >> chicago heights, illinois, line for democrats. >> hi, good morning.
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i just -- i believe in a lot of pope has to say. i was watching c-span and i saw visiting cubing. pope coming nk the here should be mostly, unfortunately, with this world, there's a lot of hatred and i think that should be brought out and discussed. you're hearing candidates in the talking about muslims and the hatred for the president of the united states. i think if someone can come to united states of america and talk about how hatred should not think that , i should be the biggest focus and, you know, that's one of the biggest problems, all this hatred and injustice. i know people have the right to think what they want to think want to feel they
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destroying is what's the world. climate change is real. fix this ople to help world and that is the fundamental issue so if the pope can just discuss these issues that's tearing us down. know there is hope if ou're muslim, gay, italian, mexicans. we're tired of these politicians hating people of different races. >> i think the pope would agree you're part of that is because this is a pope of love, a pope of mercy speaking oing to be that message. s of not in the busines condemning. he's certainly not going to be singling out people or parties. he is going to challenge. he is going to challenge every politician and every person
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listen. what i encourage people to do is ot to look at the headlines in terms of what the media says the say, s saying but rather what did the pope actually say? there's a message there for each of us and it's important that we look and listen and examine our because that's where hatred and intolerance begins, us.ide each of >> to hear what the pope has to c-span, we will be covering all of the pope's statements. the pope will be speaking in at the joint address of congress. the joint address is on thursday at 10 am. c-span webpage for further schedules about the we'll various events and continue to show you images of preparations around
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washington, d.c., for the pope's isit, some of the security and logistics under way and around the callers are bringing up muslims and statements by candidates. what is the pope's message to muslims? >> it's one of love. it's one of mercy. it's one of acceptance. we are brother and sisters and common god. a so the pope is very much about in hing out to everyone and speaking s going to be at an interfaith gathering. e is addressing the un, he is speaking to everyone. addressed mental was to the wur8d. this -- world. he is saying, we have equal
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dignity and we've got to reach across and solve these things and make these connections out concern of human dignity. heart, to take that to whether it's in one faith tradition or another. hear allenge is, can we what he is saying to us. ohio is waiting. >> back in the 70's, i ran across a wonderful lady who happened to be catholic and she movement called the charismatic catholics. hey had bible study and i went to several of the bible studies the e really got into gospel and it was an environment of love and hope. is that still going on? not sure, is what going on? >> the catholic -- there was a group of woman who had bible
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understand elp us the gospel. >> sure, sure, there are a lot within ts going on movements within the church. a lot of things that together. that's a good thing, right? we're all trying to work ogether so that is the pope's message, let's come together and solve some of these problems in the world. even as we're talking about bringing people together, i look it's important to honestly as president obama's the with o greet symbols of division, the people be part of his welcoming committee, i think it's problematic. >> explain that. that the de it known elcoming committee is going to
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a gay a transgender, vatican's the objection to this what not how people.treat the it's that this is a manipulation of this event and trying to turn it into a photo op. pope francis talks about this and doesn't like. service has t how to take priority out of ideology. we're seeing ideology. we're going to shove in your ace the things that we don't -- that's rather disrespectful. at the very least, it's bad manners. >> has the pope encountered
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these before? been here hasn't before. >> in other countries? >> not in this way. one of theplays into pope's major themes where he -- calls it ideological colonization. he doesn't like when the west to impose its moral values upon cultures and religions and example of prime president obama doing exactly that, where he's saying, we particular thing and e're just going to not be respe respectful of you. he could have had immigrants, poor, all of the things he's got ommon ground with this hope on but he elevates it. that's offensive. >> charles is in richmond, virginia. >> how are you doing? good morning to you.
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'm really happy for this pope, which i'm not that religious protestant i'm a christian. and -- backout this when we think about depression, religious oppression in europe and he came even in the -- i think lady named roosevelt, didn't catholics. i got a gripe with him because i would like to know, the catholic had this thing against oman teaching christianity and before you say anything, jesus our t is what we base religion on and he had women
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with him. entourage. those were the women that preached his gospel. when n were so scared jesus was crucified, they ran. stayed and men spoke. hy is it -- why is it that we got to deal with this thing here women shouldn't have a place? please answer my question. good-bye. >> she is the director of the catholic women's forum. ahead. >> so, he's the thing, it's not about excluding women. biblical.
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was a revolutionary, he ould have chosen women to be apostles. of the hefore bearers priesthood. however, just as the lord women and they were women have done a tremendous job. hospitals and schools and what pope francis is doing is saying, that's wonderful but we want to bring omen into other areas and places where we need women's judgment and experience to address some of these very practical problems. so it really isn't the case that not atholic church is in jesus's foot >> if you want to check out
11:49 pm, it's you can check them out online or call for the next 20 minutes or so. margaret called in. >> good morning, i'm so glad i got to get through. you're a wonderful happy to tive and i'm hear you. i wanted to go back to the poll, the research poll, i'm a 53-year-old roman catholic. i was raised and taught well. i think the problem the poll reflects -- the problem, i think, in the catholic church, is catholics aren't learning what our religion is. i have a lot of contemporarys what n't understand -- i nes, the difference
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know catholics who think the something and he represents dogma. there's a lot of education that parents, your parents got. the other thing i would like to on ess, because you hit it the head, is as soon as i heard the list that president obama had gothered, i think he's going sorely surprised at how handles he somehow thinks he's going to he doesn't pope when understand that our religion ce, love, butceptan we don't change because thing didn't come to our religion on a whim. we are a church handed down through jesus christ so we don't pupils isions based on and culture. so many people now, oh, this pope's so great, he loves people
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and wants to help people. no one understands anything our last two popes represented. i wanted to hear your comments and i appreciate your good work. well, thank you. tend to take any word or something on the catholic teaching. have an is free to opinion about the washington nationals or his favorite soccer of public tters policy, things like that, that re not going to be new ronouncements of church teachings. truth doesn't change. opening people's hear things people differently. so many people over the last didn't get a sense
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.f what the church teaches many people rejected it out of hand. so, that is what you're seeing. you're seeing this lack of about why it is that the church teaches the way it teaches. francis can get people to come back and listen and in a dialogue, we'll be ahead. >> you say church teaching isn't changing. here's the lead about that hole about.e been talking his evolving views, a host of surprised ve observers. two of the things that they go is his in that story issuing calling the summer of he church to embrace divorce and remarry catholics and issue of n on the
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theyion and whether or not canforegive that as not a sin. >> what the pope is doing is highlighting something that most people don't know and that's, you're divorced and remarried, you're not excommunicated, you're not out of the church. you cannot receive communion because -- there are spiritual things you have to do to be communion.receive there are all sorts of us who because eive communion we're not spiritually prepared. about ying something that. he's saying, let's make sure people know that. other tholics know catholics who have been divorced and eel no longer welcome that is wrong. that is not a change, but what it is, is the pope breaking through all of the noise, all of preconceptions that
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people have gotten, perhaps through media, mischaracterization and he's saying, let's get this right. of course you're welcome, come back in. we're all sinners and let's talk spiritually.grow the issue with abortion is the church -- the pope is not saying abortion is good. in fact, he has been reiterating horrible injustice to the unborn child and it wounds the mother, too. the bishops allow the priest to give that absolution to bring the woman back in the church. it's a grace that's available realize that's't there for them. the church is saying, come on in. be notedsays it should
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that he talked about that. tweet, interested dj the pope m proud that is going to be visiting congress. ohn has a question for you, john go ahead. for llo, i have a question you. first all, i would like you to define what you call sin. you to explain sin, omosexuality is not a when they say it is. you please to have explain how, on your list at the show, you said homosexuality was a sin but the defines it as a sin. for that sin is an offense against god
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lawsse god is truth so the that god has set down, the ways he's given us to make us happy, those are truth. those don't change. what i was saying was, a person who experiences same-sex that statementot of being -- that state of being is not a sin. what the church does condemn is people who are acting on that engaging in homosexual behavior. something off there, that's an offense against god bodies, ed us and our male and female, to be intimate with male and female to love and and homosexuality is a
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offense against god. experiences an attraction to some one of the sin, ex, that's not a that's a fact. that's just something about them all have sinful tendencys or things within us that can be maybe you are attached to material things. us,se are things that are in but we're not condemned because the question is, how do we act? nextnsacola, florida is up where rich is waiting. rick: i think you made a good presentation. raised ed stant presbyterian. quoted ly the hope was on being critical of western
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capalism. they're mostly socialistic. pope, i to meet the would hand him reagan's diaries have e he clearly doesn't an understanding of what apalism really is and the free market. dispute, that capitalism has raised more poverty.rom if not, then has fascism? has communism? has socialism? ms. hasson that europe and japan regelated regelatedsulted in the strongest community. i'll let her correct me. >> i think you pick up on important, the
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pope's views of capitalism are ery much formed by his experience. pope doesn't have that actual experience. so i think that's one of the tongs that the pope is going take away from his visit here. i think at the same time, those conservative, those of us who are strongly promarket need to acknowledge, too, that within each of us, we toward greedndency
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and selfishness. so one of the challenges here is hat even within our -- take tic, how doo for us to ke it easy be indifferent to the suffering of others so i think that's his challenge and i think he's going to learn things and i think if it pen our hearts and ears, doesn't mean all of a sudden, caller: in this country we are a ticket or leavre
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