tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN September 23, 2015 5:45pm-7:01pm EDT
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pope francis: by the power of the working of the holy spirit, you give life to all things and make them holy. you never cease to gather the people to yourself, so that from the rising of the sun to its setting, your sacrifice might be offered to your name. therefore, o lord, we humbly implore you, by the same spirit graciously make holy these gifts we brought to you for consecration. that they may become the body and wlood of your son. -- blod of your son, our lord, jesus christ. and whose command we celebrate these mysteries.
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for on the night he was etrayed, he himself took bread and, giving you thanks, he said the blessing, broke the bread and gave it to his disciples saying, take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my body, which will be given up for you. in similar way, when supper was ended, he took the challis, in
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giving you thanks, he said the blessing and gave the challis to the disciples saying, take this, all of you, and drink from it, for this is the challis of my blood, the blood of the new and eternal covenant , which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of since. do this in memory of me.
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heaven, and as we look forward to his second coming, we offer you in thanksgiving his holy nd living sacrifice. we look and pray for your church and, recognizing the sacrificial victims by whose death you willed to reconcile us to yourself, grant that we, who are nourished by the body and the blood of your son and filled with his holy spirit, may become one body, one spirit in christ. may he make of us an eternal offering to you so that we may obtain an inheritance with your elect, especially with the most blessed virgin, mary, mother of god, his blessed joseph, for spouse, with your blessed apostles and glorjouse martyrs, with junipero serra and all
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saints whose constant interception in your presence we rely for unfailing help. may the sacrifice of a reconciliation we pray, o lord, advance the peace and salvation of all the world. be pleased and confirmed in faith and a charity your pilgrim church on earth, with your servant, francis, our pope, my brother, donald, the bishop of this church, and me, your unworthy servant, the order of bishops, all the lergy, and the entire people ou have gained for your own. listen graciously to the prayers of this family whom you have summoned before you.
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in your compassion, o merciful father, gather to yourself all your children scattered hroughout the world. toward departed brothers and sisters and to all who were pleasing to you as they're passing from this life gets coined admittance to your kingdom. there we hope to enjoy forever the fullness of your glory, through christ our lord, through whom you bestow on the orld all that is good. through him and with him and in him, o god, almighty father, in the unity of the holy spirit, l glory and honor is yours
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trespasses as we for give those who trespass against us. and lead us not into temptation ut deliver us from evil. deliver us, lord, we pray from every evil. graciously grant peace in our days. hat by the help of your mercy, may we always be free from sin and safe from all distress as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior, jesus christ. for the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever. lord jesus christ, said to your apostles, peace i leave you, my peace i give you. ok not on our sins, but on the face of your church.
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faithful from around this archdiocese and across the country, i greet you in the love and peace of our lord jesus christ. your pastoral visit to the church in the united states as our beloved chief shepherd is a blessing for all of us. [applause] the church that welcomes your holiness embraces people from every continent and numerous ethnic and cultural backgrounds. togather in worship and seek reflect your call to be missionary desipeles. you can see that this church shows the faith reflective of
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africa, central and south america, mexico, india, asia, europe, as well as our own native american. ot far from here, in 1634, the first catholics arrived in what is now the united states and began the eadvantage hiization we he evangelization effort see realized today at this great of -- basilica of the shrine the conception and the university of america.
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united in faith, we seek always to grow in the joy of the gospel. today, your holiness has just celebrated the canonization of saint junipero serra who offers us an example of the tireless effort to share the gospel. as we seek today to enrich our human culture with the great law of love of god and love of neighbor. we also try to care for our common home, the good earth. [applause] all of us at this mass profess our faith and strive to live it in service and love. to ke seriously your call
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face the challenges of our day and to do so with respect for the dignity of eachperson -- of each person, concern for one another, especially the marginalized and poor, and care or the good earth. god's gift to us. now and for generations yet to come. and we look to you, holy father, for renewed inspiration so that evangelizers. be most holy father, welcome and thank you. [applause]
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>> pope francis celebrating his first mass in the united states today at the basilica of the national shrine of the immaculate conception here in washington, d.c. a full day in the nation's capital, on this the first full day in the u.s. for pope francis. he also canonized a saint for the first time that ceremony held in north america. the pope beginning the day with a white house ceremony, also a
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parade. he spoke to u.s. bishops and then the papal mass at the basilica today. the pope will begin his day tomorrow here again in washington, d.c. he will address a joint meeting of congress at 10:00 a.m. and we'll have live coverage of that event here on c-span. the pope travels to new york city on friday, he'll speak to the united nations general assembly at 10:00 a.m. eastern time and will participate in a multireligious service at the 9/11 memorial at 11:00 a.m. on friday. those events in new york city we'll have for you live on c-span3. and throughout the evening and overnight tonight here on c-span, we'll continue to air a number of the activities and sights and sounds from today as pope francis began his visit to the u.s., his first full day in the united states here in
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washington, d.c. as i mentioned, earlier today, a white house ceremony with the president welcoming pope francis to the white house. we'll show you a cupful -- a couple of clips from the pope's remarks at this time. one on immigration, the other on climate change. show those to you now. >> mr. president, i am deeply grateful for your welcome in the name of all americans. as the son of an immigrant family i am happy to be a guest in this country, which was argely built by such families. you it encouraging that
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sustainable environment, for we know that things can change. [applause] uch change demands all our serious responsibility and recognition not only of the kind of world we may be leaving to our children but also to the millions of people living on arth which are overlooked. i've been part of this, which carries to heaven and today
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powerfully strikes our homes, our citizens, our societies. to use a phrase of the reverend martin luther king, we can say the promissory note and now is the time to honor it. [applause] >> pope francis at the white house ceremony welcoming him to the u.s. this morning. here in washington, d.c. we'll reair, by the way, the entire welcoming ceremony, including the pope's full speech tonight, shortly after 8:00 eastern time here on c-span. at an event this afternoon, the pope spoke to u.s. bishops at the cathedral of st. matthew the apostle. we'll show you 50 minutes of that event now.
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>> for the power of the gospel which has allowed this remarkable growth of christ's church in these lands. the church in the past and in the present to the american society and the world. i thank you most heartly and really appreciate your generous solidarity with the apostolic see and the support you give to the spread of the gospel in many areas of the world where there
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is suffering. i appreciate the unfailing commitment of the church in america to the cause of life and the family. the primary reason for this visit of mine. i follow closely the immense effort you have made to welcome and integrate immigrants who continue to look to america like so many others before them in the hope of enjoying its blessing of freedom and rosperity. i also admire the effort with which you are making -- which you are making to fulfill the
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church's mission of education in schools at every level and the charitable services that you offer in your numerous institutions. these works are often carried out without appreciation or and rt of their real value ften with heroic sacrifice maintained with the alms of the poor. because these initiatives grow out of obedience to a divine mandate which we may not disobey. i am conscious of the courage ith which you have faced recent t moments in the history of the ecclesiastical
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past without fear of self-criticism and that the cost of mortification and great sacrifice. without giving in to the fear of giving up everything that is perfluous as long as you can regain the authority and trust that is demanded of christ's ministers. as the soul of your people demands. i know how much the wounds of these last few years have weighed on your spirits and i yours ined my efforts to in the efforts of securing those ictims and when we bring -- of
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succoring those victims. when we bring succor, the victims are heal and we have to hope such crimes never repeat themselves. [applause] i speak to you as the bishop of rome. already in old age but called by god and coming from a land which is also american to watch over the unity of the universal choice and to encourage in charity the journey of all the particular churches so that they may grow in knowledge, faith, nd love of christ.
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owing the extent of your church and conscious of the devotion with which you have always shown for the successor of peter, i must tell you that i do not feel a stranger among you. i come from a land which is also ranges, a eat open nd which like your own received itinerant missionaries. i know how all it is to sell the gospel among people from ifferent worlds. whose hearts are often hardened by the trials of a lengthy
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journey. i am not unaware of the effort made over the years to build up the church amid prairies, .ountains, cities and suburbs easy answers to not always work. and the key that opens the door means you have to combine the epic struggle of the pioneers and the homely wisdom and endurance. who defend the land they reached. as one of your poets has put it, strong and tireless ways
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combined with the whistle of one who knows the mountains. i do not speak to you with my in e alone but rather continuity with the work of my predecessors. from the very birth of this following the american revolution, the first diocese was founded in baltimore. you have never lacked a sponsor, assistance, and encouragement. , recent decades, three popes three of my venerable
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predecessors have visited you. leaving behind a remarkable legacy of teaching that is still very valued. and you have treasured their work to help inspire the left arm goals with which you have set forth the church. this beloved church in this country. it is not my intention to offer design for you a strategy. orave not come to judge you, to lecture you. the one who teaches all things. allow me only in the freedom of
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love to speak to you as a rother amongst brothers. i do not wish to tell you what to believe because we all know what it is that the lord asks for us. i would much rather turn once again to that demanding task, seekingnew, of out the path we need to take and the spirit with which we need to work. and the feeling we might keep, we must keep alive. i would laiming -- share with you some thoughts.
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with i -- which i consider helpful for our mission. we are the bishops of the by h, separate, appointed god to lead his flock. we are to be shepherds, shepherds with undivided hearts and selfless devotion. andeed to preserve this joy never let others rob us of it. the evil one roars like a lion trying to devour us, wearing us down in our resolve to be all that we are called to be.
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not for ourselves but to be in service to the shepherd of our souls. the heart of our identity is to be in constant prayer. and in preaching and in shepherding the flock. ours must not just be any kind union. r but a familiar we sense that he's asking us a question, who is my mother? who are my brothers? here is your mother, here are your brothers, i hand them over to you.
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they are the ones you entrusted to me. that's thrust -- that trusting union with christ is what nourishes the life of a pastor. nd a shepherd. it is not about preaching complicated doctrine but proclaiming christ, who rose for our sake. the style of our mission should ke our hearers feel that the message we preach is meant for s. the word of god to add meaning and fullness to tever aspect of our lives. may they be nourished with that food they cannot produce for themselves.
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may it make them long once again for the father's embrace. be vigilant to the flock may always encounter in their heart and in the hearts of others that taste of eternity which they vainly seek in the things of this world. may nay -- may they always hear from you a word of appreciation or their efforts to confirm in liberty and justice the prosperity in which this land abounds. at the same time, you should never lack the serene courage to proclaim that we must work not which perishes, but for
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the food which endures for eternal life. shepherds who do not pastor themselves but are able to step back and down, away from the nter, to feed god's family with christ. keeping constant watch, standing on the heights with god's eyes on the flock. hat belongs only to him. ascending to the height of the oss of god's son, the only platform which opens for the shepherd the heart of his flock. our rds who do not lower
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but gazeself-reference constantly to the horizons which god opens before us and surpasses all that we ourselves can foresee or plan. watching also over ourselves to flee the temptation of narcissism which blinds the eyes of the shepherd. making his voice unrecognizable and his actions fruitless. the countless paths which lie open to your pastoral concerns, keep focused on the
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core which unifies everything. ou did it unto me. it certainly helps for a bishop the desiceiness of a leader and also be an administrator but we fall into hopelessness when we confuse the power of strength with the of which god has redeemed us. a bishop needs to be lucidly aware of the battle between light and darkness being fought n the world. woe to us, however, if we make of the cross the banner of
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paralyzed by fear. know full well that you face many challenges and that's often -- and that often you work in an and that there e many temptations to be closed in the gates of fear and licking your wounds and thinking back to bygone times and devise harsh responses to fierce opposition. the et we are promoters of culture of encounter. the e living sacraments of embrace between god's divine richness and our poverty.
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we are witnesses of the abasement and con desession of our ho anticipates in love very response. to as a true strategy but the one who never wearies of going out to people. even at the 11th hour to promote his offer of love. the work ahead is a dialogue. dialogue among yourselves. alogue in your church, dialogue with laypersons and
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families. dialogue with society. i shall never tire of encouraging this dialogue seriously. he richer the heritage you are called to share, the more should be the humility with which you should offer it. to start the id necessary dialogue. otherwise, it will not be possible to understand the thinking of others or realize deep down that the brother or sister we troish reach and redeem with the power and closeness of love counts more than their position.
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distance has been made from what e hold to be true. harsh and divisive language does ot fit the tong of a shepherd. -- the tongue of a shepherd. it has no place in his heart. be ugh momentarily it may only o win the day, goodness and love remain truly onvincing. we need to let the lord's word echo constantly in our mind. take my yolk upon you and learn
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from -- my yoke upon you and learn from me. be meek and humble of heart and you will find refreshment for your soul. gee sess' yoke is a yoke of love and -- jesus' yoke is a yoke of love and thus a pledge of refreshment. at times in our work, we can feel burdened down by a sense of loneliness and feel the heavyness of the yoke, so much so that we forget that we received it from the lord. at times, it seems to be ours it like can we drag weary oxen working a dry field, troubled by the thought that we are laboring in vain. we can forget the profound refreshment which is linked to
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the one who has made us the promise. we need to learn from jesus. humble, tosus, meek, enter his meekness and his humility by contemplating his our acting, believe hurches and our people not burdened by the stress of everyday life, to the ease of the lord's yoke. and to remember that the identity of jesus' church is kept whole, not by consuming
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ire from heaven but by the hear of the spirit to what is wounded, bend what -- to heal what is wounded, bend what is rigid, straighten what is crooked. the great mission which the lord gives us is one which we carry ut in communion. the world is already so torn up , it is to be found everywhere nowadays and therefore the church, this e-- she the seamless garment of the lord can not allow itself to be rent or broken. our mission first and foremost to find unity.
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unify as defined by the word of od and the word of heaven. each of the churches entrusted to us remains catholic because in communion with all the particular churches and the church of rome which presides, it is thus imperative to watch over that unity, safeguard it and bear witness to it and to find an instrument which beyond every barrier unites nations, races, classes, and generations. may the forthcoming holy year of mercy by drawing us into the bottomless depths of god's heart be hich no division dwells,
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the moment for strengthening mmunion, perfecting unity, reconciling differences, forgiving one another, and healing every rift that your light may shine forth like a ity built on a hill. this service to unity is rticularly important in your who -- imposes significant moral responsibilities in a world
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seeking new usedly balances of peace, prosperity and integration. it is there are an -- it is therefore an essential part of your mission to offer the united states of america a humble yet powerful level of communion. ay all mankind know that the presence in its midst of the sacrament is a guarantee that ts faith is not decayed. this kind of witness is a beacon hose light can never go out. and can reassure men and women sailing through the dark clouds of life because they need to be
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guided by this light to be sure that a haven awaits them. be sure that they will not crash or be overwhelm by the waves. and therefore my brothers, i encourage you to face the hallenging issues of our time. within each of these challenges is life as a gift and responsibility, the future of freedom and dignity of our society depends on how we will .ace these challenges the innocent victims of abortion, the children who die of hunger, the immigrants who drown in search for a better tomorrow, the elderly or the
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sick who are considered a burden, the victims of terrorism and war and violence and drug trafficking. the environment devastated by man's predatory relationship with nature. faith in all of this is always a gift of god of which we are stewards, not masters. it is wrong then to look the other way or remain silence. no less important is the gospel of the family. which in the world meeting of families in philadelphia that i am about to embark on, i will emphatically proclaim together th you and the entire church
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these essential aspects of the church's mission belong to the core of what we have received from the lord. it is therefore our duty to preserve and communicate them en when the the nor of the times resists and becomes hostile to that message. i urge you to offer this witness with the means and creativity born of love and with the humanity of truth. this witness needs to be preached and proclaimed to those without but it also needs to find room in people's hearts and n the conscience of society.
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it is very important that the church in the united states be heart attracting men and women with the renewal of its life and the warmth of its love. as shepherds we know how much darkness and cold is still out there in the world. we know we note lopeliness and neglect known by many, even amongst great resources of communication and material wealth. we also know the fear in the face of life, the despair and he many forms of escapism. therefore, only a church, which
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