tv Washington Journal CSPAN September 28, 2015 7:00am-7:46am EDT
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shutdown. a look at how much the u.n. benefits financially with barbara adams. host: a busy day for the president. he will address the general assembly. washington, the senate will take a procedural vote on a bill that will keep the government running past thursday . john boehner is expected to pass the legislation, should it pass the senate. several stories looking at the future of the republican party, highlighting the tug-of-war between establishment republican
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versus those who align with the tea party. we want to hear from republicans only. what do you think and who do you think leads the republican party? who do you think leads the current republican party and if there are changes needed. (202) 748-8000 four eastern and central time zones. for mountain and pacific time zones. if you want to make your thoughts known on social media, reach us onhow you twitter, and you can post on right sees power grow with the end of the boehner era.
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they expect the new speaker to to mcconnell, whom many house conservatives would like to see follow boehner. i am afraid it may make things worse. john boehner is good. i have known him since he has been in congress. he is trying to do his best. from usa today this morning, roger williams shares the house conservatives fund. this is what he writes. it is an opportunity for conservatives. speaker boehner jk decision to step down has been met with with surprise, worry, and relief. there are those who think he
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compromises too much for too little gain. resignation. i see this as an opportunity to advance a strong conservative agenda. that is roger williams, chairman house conservatives fund. our first 45 minutes, republicans only. your thoughts on who leads the republican party. if you want to give us a (202) 748-8000 eastern and central. (202) 748-8001 mountain and pacific. you can post on social media. our twitter address. the house speaker was on sunday's show. he was asked about the unrealistic expectations of some republican sign a the house. here is some of that interview from yesterday.
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[video clip] >> is the house and senate can agree, the president gets to decide. our file owners -- our founders did not want a parliamentary majority. they wanted this long, slow process. change comes slowly. they unrealistic about what can be done in government? >> absolutely. there are people out there noise about how much can get done. tos whole idea we are going shut down the government to get rid of obama care, this never had a chance. of september, a lot of my republican colleagues,
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they were getting all this pressure from home to do this. town whoroups here in .ith people into a frenzy, host: that is john boehner ,alking on several topics including the tug-of-war between his party and his house. your thoughts on who leads the republican party. four eastern and central. (202) 748-8001 for mountain and pacific. michael, what do you think? not think anyone is in charge, at least for the last seven years.
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they should have impeached obama. you have to make a president understand there are co-equal branches of the government and that this nation has no king. you know he would not have would not bere enough senators to carry it through as far as the trial. he would still have it on his record he was impeached. the house represents the people. a majority.ey have without telling him anything, they could impeach him, send him to the senate. you do not have majority in the senate. there are three co-equal branches of the government. what he is doing with immigration and everything else is disrespecting everybody i need this country. everyone needs to be on notice you cannot come in with
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executive orders, bypassing congress, we have representatives up there to interests.ur we sent them there for that purpose. you may not agree with what i said. they do not have to tell them nothing. they come back tomorrow, bring the matter to the floor, say ok he is going to be impeached. let's hear from out. morning.ood i want to echo the first caller, he is right. it started with this. had benghazi and the irs thing, boehner fell down. a specialld have been counsel. that is how you would have gotten to it. thing, thei congressman from california, he
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was terrible. this president is impeachable. he could have been impeached. the thing they should have done is had special councils. mcconnell has to go. the senate should approach him nuclearwe are going to option. it only takes 50 votes. why would mcconnell go to 60 votes? that is our problem. the problem has been boehner and mcconnell is even worse. host: as far as future leadership, who should replace him? host: louis is good. i do not like kevin mccarthy. they say the republicans are too extreme.
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you have a democratic party that is liberal. a republicane party that is extremely conservative. host: dave, pennsylvania. glad he is gone. he did nothing except -- somebody called a long time ago. i think he was mentally unstable. it is not normal to do that. they say he is so emotional. of the menf all crying. i am sick of the feminization of our society. , this wasthing creepy.
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and less. 24/7 catholic channel. back to who leads the republican party. who is currently in charge? caller: i do not know. i am done. i kind of like tromp, but i think he will implode, like ross perot. caller: i think the people that leave the republican party are the lobbyists. you will get the story that i almost never hear about. it seems like it is a secret. he handed out checks to big tobacco companies. he explains it in the video. usually we get the checks behind closed doors and corruption is
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handled in private. sanders, 2016. editorial, what the republican leaders of both houses did to bring anger and contempt down on themselves was to allow their tongues to write checks certain parts of their bodies could not cash. big talk led to many of the constituents to take the promises at face value. once in washington, the new members charged up and ready to fight were told to cool down. they felt betrayed. your thoughts on who leads the republican party, especially in light of the announcement of the
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resignation of the house speaker. i would like to see donald trump leave the republican party. you played that clip by boehner, saying we do not have the numbers. president obama controls one of the three branches. you have to give him credit. he has gotten everything he has wanted with no fight. we need to get rid of guys like that. mccarthy is another john boehner. what you make of that? caller: he doesn't want to fight. you can shut down the government. you send the budget up, send the legislation. if obama vetoes it, shut down
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the government. msnbc will never say that, but -- what itit is area is. who do you think leads the republican party? republicans only for the next half hour or so. richard, florida, good morning. caller: good morning. to me, it looks like we have one , insideny washington the beltway. the republicans and democrats are basically the same party against the people. grain did nothing you said he was going to do. he said he would cut the budget. wereast i heard, they
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arguing about a few million that they never did cut the budget at all. nothing got done. obamacare, they took all of these vote sign a congress. had 30 something to do away with obama care and it never happened. they never presented obama with the bill. boehner is ineffective. the caller is right. obama should be impeached for abuse of power. abuse of his position. host: is there a republican you would like to see as leader? trump is the only one. we need to get a non-politician, someone who knows how to create
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jobs. i am surprise we have not hit a depression. , 5% unemployment is crazy. probably closer to 25 to 30%. these people do not care what is going on. washington, have in the republicans and democrats are the same party. do you think leads the republican party? new orleans. mr. scully's.ort he will bring an olive branch on to the republican delegation. we need to slow our tone down. need to tone down, regroup, get back to the values they had. the concerned about the country
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moving together as a party. it is like they have lost the vision of what the country is about. party, but the most important thing, they felt they defended this country. everything they did was for the citizens of this country. it was all about american. we lost that. that is why we are -- overseas. we are not going to move forward. we are the laughing stock of the world. it is sad to see the republican party bickering and fighting. they have no leadership skills. but someone that will move the country. you will not win everything, but you can move the country forward.
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i support a lot of things. think president obama is doing good because he is doing what people want. he is doing what the country needs. he is answering the call of the country. people want to come out of poverty. the republicans have lost that site. host: that is wallace, new orleans, louisiana. yesterday,from steve, saying i am grateful for the leadership. there is no speaker in history who has done more to defend and tot human lives advance a governing vision for our country. and commitment to our values will be missed. chance to talk about the future of the republican party. for eastern and
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central time zones. mountain and1 for pacific. republicans only. vincent, fort myers, florida. believe both sides should start cooperating. the employment situation we have in the country. we are making other countries look at us because they are threatening to shut the government down again. i am against that as a taxpayer. two tweets. the republican national leadership are the ones who leave the republican party. ted becomesi hope the leader of the republican party. pennsylvania, good
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morning. go ahead. caller: good morning. thank you for c-span. you do and job. with the republicans, i like ted cruz. leadership, -- from iowa speaks well. at one time, i lived i and a ohio. knew john boehner. he was my congressman. king and ted cruz are pro-life, profamily. it is too bad john boehner could not stand on his convictions a little longer. got to take a stand as republicans and make the president veto things instead of cowering. you think the
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republicans you listed, do you think it will advance in light a new announcement of house speaker? will that have more influence on the actions of congress? caller: i hope so and pray so. timothy, california. you are next. go ahead. caller: i do not have anything very enlightened to say other publicly,ow you said -- hasn't lost a gig. this is a guy that goes after the truth. had then be nice if we people that went after the truth? host: what are your thoughts on kevin mccarthy? caller: i am suspect of anyone from here. scene are not hit to our -- hip to our scene -- it is
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crazy. even the republicans are left wing. i am not trusting anyone. host: we will continue on with our calls. who do you think leads the republican party? continue to call. (202) 748-8000 eastern and central time zones. mountain and1 pacific time zones. topics on the general assembly are listed. growth, issues of climate. joining us more as jeff, who covers the white house for reuters. that was the headline. what is his agenda at the u.n.? it is multifaceted. he will talk about climate change. a big summit i'm a paris at the
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end of this year, where they are trying to put together an agreement for the world to combat global warming. the president will touch on that, leadership, the need for countries to band together to fight isis and to find a political solution for the crisis i'm a syria. he may touch on other issues. you may hear a reference to russia. he has a meeting later today with vladimir putin. the overall focus will be on
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leadership and how far he wants to, and what else is needed. one of the topics -- will it be about what is going on nine a syria, not only what the government is doing, but what they want to you from the rest of the world? for sure. i know the president wants to talk about ukraine. the crisis i'm a syria and the fact that russia is there with troops and manpower and supporting the administration of a sod is a key reason why they are getting together. the president has come under being in a same room as vladimir putin. the white house says this is -- body
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it will be interesting to see how that meeting goes. do we get a sense of the president jk tone at this meeting? is this tone going to be a more -- a more firm tone than 98 years past? a more firm tone than in years past? one of the things he said was i have more gray hairs now and i am further on into my administration, so i do not hold my tongue as much. he criticized countries for poor governance and other issues. him use that same kind of tone, that same excuse to be direct about the problems
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he thinks the world faces. will the topic of iran come up? guest: in the context of an 'sample of president obama jk point of view. he will use that as an example. way for the world to work together and to show that countries who do not behave responsibly, will face consequences. mr. mason, thank you.
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you can watch the address at the u.n. generally -- the u.n. general assembly. you can go to our website for more information. thedo you think leads republican party? barbara, maryland. caller: there is an absence of leadership. it has not been what we call a leader for the republican party. as far as who should be next speaker of the house, we need someone who can work with both sides. there is not a super majority. there are not enough people there to not work with the other side. i agree with a lot of what he says. kevin mccarthy is going to be the best choice as far as someone that can bring the
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republicans together and work with democrats to get things done. host: renee, pennsylvania. i am for tom cruise as far as president. he would make a good president because he is for family. that is what we need. we need to rebuild again. that is senator ted cruz that you want to see. caller: yes. family-wise, we are falling short. host: is there anyone in the house that is a standout for you that could become the next house speaker? caller: not really. that is renee, pennsylvania. if you want to give us a call on who you think leads the republican party, (202) 748-8000 eastern and central time zones.
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(202) 748-8001 mountain and pacific time zones. you can post on twitter and our facebook page. you can make your thoughts known off of twitter and facebook. the show, shen on sentt explain e-mail before the 2000 and nine start. she said there was a transition period. she had previously said she did not begin using that e-mail address for state department business until march. she had exchanged e-mails on a late -- she had exchanged
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e-mails in late january. she said it was beyond her technical understanding. the pages of the washington post this morning, donald trump unveiling the plan, texas. about he wants to raise taxes on the very wealthy and reduce the number of unfair deductions. the middle class and corporation pay less than federal taxes. a wants to provide substantial reduction for middle income people because they are being decimated. he wants to reduce corporate income taxes. those in the lowest income bracket to play -- who pay little to no taxes would be exempt from paying taxes.
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that announcement today, you can watch live. that will be at 11:00. donald trump, his conference on tax policy. listen for it on c-span radio. find out more on rodney, good morning. doing, sir?are you good morning. thank you for the opportunity. i have to be honest, if you get me one minute -- k rodney gotk cut off. maxwell, you are on, go ahead. [indiscernible] news -- arty on fox
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host: ok. i can, if you want to give us a for the02) 748-8000 central and eastern time zones. (202) 748-8001 for the mountain and pacific time zones. in "the washington post" today, talking about the speakers announcement to resign, saying, he felt like he had little choice after the damaging shut down in 2013. he told jay leno, when i looked up, i saw my call the going this way, and you've learned that a leader without followers is simply a man taking a walk. boehner broke out in song, when he discussed his decision to leave to reporters on friday. his situation reminded me of a passage from john f. kennedy's
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inaugural address. to keep the job, he often had to appease the tiger. again, for the first 45 minutes this morning, your thoughts on who leads the republican party. if you want to make your thoughts known on the phone, that is (202) 748-8000 for the eastern and central time zones. for those of you in the mountain and pacific time zones, (202) 748-8001. you heard our previous phone guest talk about today's address at the u.n. and the influence that vladimir putin will have at those discussions. post" thisgton -- ing on vladimir putin "putin prods the u.s. on syria" is the headline. he said the syrian president
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commended the only legitimate army fighting islamic state militants in syria. in my view, providing military aid to a legitimate organizations contravenes the principles of international law, he said. jack from california, you are on the air. caller: on your question of who would be the leader after boehner, in my opinion -- just give me a second to mention where i am coming from -- it really does that matter, as long as obama is president. republicans, they are in a posture -- no matter who the me leader is, they will not let anything go through that obama is for anyway. that is the nature of their party to not let this president succeed at anything. it really does not matter who the speaker is.
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that is my comment. host: remember, republicans only. (202) 748-8000 for the eastern and central time zone. (202) 748-8001 for the mountain and pacific time zone. dan from texas, you are up next. hello. caller: yes. host: you are on. ?aller: can you hear me host: yes, go ahead. caller: as far as the leadership for our country, i think we have an one-party system. host: like you say that? -- why do you say that? caller: everything that is going on, republicans let democrats do it. either paid out the united states for one-party system because nothing is getting done. host: do you think anything will
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change with the change in house leadership? caller: i don't think it will. i think it will be worse. pelosi, the house minority leader, had a chance to talk about john boehner and what she thinks will happen to what goes on in the house. on "the state of the union." [video clip] i have heard you speak glowingly of him, and expressed disappointment as well. are you going to miss them? i have respect for my colleagues. i have respect for the people who send them here, the fact that their caucus elected them to a leadership position. john boehner is a very fine person. he had a glorious moment with the pope coming this week. he is a devout catholic. we can disagree without being negative about each other.
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will- i don't know if i miss him. friends -- some of our close friends are hostile, but depending on what comes next. ng timeor the remaini we have left, who do you think leads the republican party? mike from fo for mark, hello. caller: i think the folks who government employees. all manners take place from fromiduals' paychecks government. and manipulate the system by using tax dollars amongst the agencies. each of the agencies receives several tax dollars from everybody in america.
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they use those tax dollars to lobby the people who give their agencies what they are looking for. specifically, since we're talking about the republican party, who you think leads it currently? employeesbelieve that of the state, municipal, and federal government lead the government. host: ok. joseph from montgomery, alabama, go ahead. somebody like jack cap .as very instrumental with the modernist of the republican party, i think they continue to go down, which is not good. they need someone like him. host: did you say jack kemp?
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caller: the former republican congressman. he ran with someone as vice president. i think republicans need to find somebody like him. i know they said they would do something about it, in order to win this election. -- ink host: in "the wall street journal" this morning, there is a profile of jack kemp. "the jack kemp model for republicans" is the piece. they write that he shook things up. establishment
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resented the gall of a butting into tax policy. democrats hated tax cutting, even though he kept reminding firsthat the president proposed lowering the top rate. he propose reducing their tax breaks. he wants wrote reagan's deficit hawk budget director, demanding they wanted to raise taxes on working people. joe from south carolina. -- jill from south carolina. caller: i just wanted to congratulate you on how well you maintained when that woman told you that tom cruise was the guy that she wanted. you just did so great. i sat here and left for at least ghed for atau
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least 10 minutes. host: thank you for that. what do you think about the republican party as far as the leadership is concerned? caller: i think rush limbaugh, sean hannity, and glenn beck are in charge of the public a party. host: what lead you to say that? caller: because they call the shots. they are the unholy trinity. from southis jill carolina, giving her thoughts on who she thinks leads the republican party. on the front page of "usa today "thee headline says, foreign-born population is on pace to break a record." reachborn outside the usa 13.7% in 2014.
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14.8% was set in 1890, when waves of iris, polish, and other immigrants were coming to the u.s. richard from north carolina, you were up next. caller: good morning. the constitution does not say it has to be a senator or congressman running for what is a name in the hat for leader of the house. i would like to see allen west in there. host: why do you think that? caller: he is a true conservative. he is against all of the wistful spending. mightily he put his name in their? are: from virginia, you next up on this question. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. gentleman last
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opinion of allen west as begun, is a key would make a great one. as vice president goes, unfortunately he is not running, but i would love to see mark evine. i think he is fabulous. as far as decency and integrity, but carson is my man all the way. he is a brilliant, brilliant man , a man of honor, a decent man. i think he would do wonders for this country. host: if you go to the pages of " they talk about the possible future for the speaker, now that he is retiring. "house speaker could cash in as a lobbyist after congress." the son of a blue-collar all borrower will likely end up a very wealthy man. he will get seven figures on the
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street, said tom davis. he has a lot of friends and allies in congress, but is not -- ssarily go ahead. caller: i'm a military veteran, and have been watching this for almost all of my life. donald trump told us whole nation on the air. they are bought and paid for. that is how he has made his money, being able to buy politicians. it has gotten so bad that it is right in our faces. donald trump tells you it is wrong, but that is how the game is played. it needs to be stopped. he said it in the debate that half the people on the stage where bought and paid for. he told you. no one will take it to heart and understand.
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they are cycling every dime out of our economy, the corporations. we are not run by the people in washington. they are the middleman that let the big huge billionaires get what they want, which is not what the people need. how can we ever get ahead if the dictate where the money goes, actually the total opposite of what the public needs. it is impossible. our country looks disgusting. we are becoming like the third world. world,l all around the and from the outside, oh my god, it is amazing how bad free book. i'm a military veteran, and have been to many countries. they love me everywhere i have gone. these corporations do the same around the world. they go, like, take, and leave misery and destruction everywhere. look at our own country. host: the viewer mentioned
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donald trump. will forget that he deliver today his tax policy. you can see it on c-span 2 and follow it on this will be george from pennsylvania. caller: this is a great time for those of us to hate anyone who is not a white christian male. unfortunately, i think the ghost of adolf hitler is running the republican party. host: that will be the last call on the topic. topic, continue the joining us next for the conversation, paul singer. later on in the program, credit card companies are taking measures to make sure that customer information is protected from hacking. "washington journal" continues after this. ♪
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