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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  September 29, 2015 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT

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very much. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> those remarks from house democrats and republicans as leaders of both parties met this morning discussing a way forward on a number of issues. house leadership changes related to last week's announcement by speaker boehner that he's stepping down at the end of next month. live picture of the floor of the house legislative business about to get under way. members will be working today on that planned parenthood bill, along with preliminary consideration on temporary government funding. that will be formly debated tomorrow. last day of the -- formally debated tomorrow. last day of the fiscal year. later today house expected to take up funding for the veterans administration. live coverage of the u.s. house here on c-span. members about to gavel in.
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the speaker: the house will be in order. prayer will be offered today by our guest chaplain, pastor kevin myers, from the 12 stone church, lawrenceville, georgia. the chaplain: let us pray. o god, you invite us to come to you as our heavenly father and we know if you kept a record of wrongs, none of us would stand a chance. but with you, there is forgiveness, so we are eternally grateful. beyond your gift of forgiveness, we need your wisdom under pressure. leadership pressure strains our marriage and family. give us grace to love our spouse, wisdom to make time for family and keep no record of wrongs. the stress of political leadership can tempt us to sweep
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aside our convictions, give us wisdom and grace to lead with courage. the problems in our nation and pressing decisions can divide us beyond reason. would you give us discernment beyond ourselveses for the sake of our country. may we act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with you, our god. in jesus name, amen. the speaker: the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approve the pledge of allegiance will be led by mr. jolly of florida. mr. jolly: i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the speaker: without objection, the gentleman from georgia, mr. woodall, is recognized for one minute. mr. woodall: thank you, mr.
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speaker. i tell my colleagues we had the great honor of being opened in prayer today by kevin myers, one of my constituents in the state of georgia. i don't want to tell you about everything he's done. i want to tell you about who he is because he represents those folks that i have the honor of serving. he and his new bride sold everything they owned and moved down to georgia to plant their first church. god called him to do that. he is obedient. faced with trying to build that church from scratch it was in an old movie theater just outside of where i call home, 69 people showed up on that very first day. that movie theater has now come and gone in our great state of georgia, but the church remains, but through those dark times he was faithful. they are now 17,000 men and women who call that church their faith home. 12 stone, it's called. and every single one of those godly families loves on our community because of the loving
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and faithfulness that kevin inspires. we are all honored to serve the men and women that elect us to this office. i want you know to i am honored to serve the godly folks of 12 stone church and with that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the chair will entertain up to 15 further requests for one minute speeches on each side of the aisle. for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, madam speaker. i rise today to recognize someone who has dedicated 26 years of his life to ensuring the health of our u.s. army reservists. a man who has devoted his life to helping others. u.s. army major general brian kelly. mr. jolly: who retired as commanding general of the army reserve medical command in florida on september 26. general kelly's military career
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began when he received a direct commission into the you u.s. army reserves after graduating magna cum laude from boston college where he learned a master of arts and doctorate in psychology. during his service he served in the 883 med company and 804. he's been deployed to iraq where he supported the hospital and since 2012 he's served as the commander of the army reserve medical command. mr. speaker, i urge my colleagues to join me in thanking major general brian kelly for his 26 years of service and positive impact he has had both on his community and the many men and women who serve in our military today. i also rise to recognize and thank his wife of 35 years, denise, and his two daughters, christina and michelle, for their support during his service. thank you, madam speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman from new york is recognized for one minute. mr. higgins: mr. speaker, the department of veterans affairs survey found that over 10% of
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our veterans had to cancel v.a. medical appointments due to lack of childcare. today the house will consider h.r. 3596, which will extend the v.a. childcare pilot program that is scheduled to expire this year. this initiative has been a tremendous suck -- success in western new york. last year 1300 children visited helping hundreds of veterans keep their appointments. the program has been except useful in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder, which requires regular counseling and recurring follow-up appointments. while i am grateful the kids corner will be extended for another year, congress should do more. i urge my colleagues to support legislation introduced by congresswoman julia brownley, to make the program permanent and allow v.a. hospitals across the country to establish similar programs for veterans that they serve. making childcare available to patients who need it is a cost-effective way to improve health outcomes for veterans to whom we owe so much.
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i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. mr. lamalfa: madam speaker, it's no secret iran has been one of the leading sponsor of terrorism in the world for decades. and i'm strongly opposed to the iran nuclear deefment hundreds of americans have been killed by terrorist attacks or sponsored or financed by iran. u.s. courts have ruled against iran in more than 80 cases holding them responsible for nearly $45 billion in damages. of first things before any agreement would ever happen we should make sure that iran out of that $150 billion of possible sanctions relief, we should demand american families who lost a loved one at the hands of iranian terrorism receive the damage they are owed. we cannot fail these american families. yet obama's administration is prepared town freeze up to $150 billion of these assets that will help finance iran continued
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terror attacks. i'm proud to co-sponsor the legislation by the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. meehan, h.r. 3457, the justice for victims of iranian terrorism act which keeps iran sanctions in place until iran has at least paid the damages most. madam speaker, this is the very least we could do on a bad deal. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from illinois is recognized for one minute. mr. quigley: thank you, madam speaker. madam speaker, the right to choice, the right for a woman to have control of her own body, is guaranteed by the constitution and has been for 40 years. defunding planned parenthood will not change that. instead, defunding planned parenthood would lead to a decrease in access to contraception and increase in unplanned pregnancies. with 40% of unplanned
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pregnancies ending in abortion, defunding planned parenthood would inevitably result in more abortions not fewer. if you really want to reduce the number of abortions, you should be lobbying to increase funding for planned parenthood and other organizations that provide safe and effective birth control. so let's fund planned parenthood, keep our government opened, move on to more pressing issues for the american people. thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from louisiana seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to voin with american rice farmers, families in celebrating the month of september as national rice month. it's been 25 years since september was first dedicated as national rice month. so on this silver anniversary i want to pay a special tribute to the hardworking men and women who produce rice on their family
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farms. i'd also like to recognize all those who meal and market rice, all the suppliers and buyers, of the urse all consumers who makes rice an seengs part of their diet. rice farming in america actually predates this nation's independence beginning almost 300 years ago. today america's rice industry creates 125,000 good-paying jobs and contributes an estimated $34 billion to our nation's economy. nine million tons of rice are grown each year by family farmers on more than 2.7 million acres of land, predominantly in louisiana, arkansas, miss mitts, -- mississippi, missouri, california, and texas. while these six states produce the lions chair of rice in america, they are also rice production in other states like illinois andtown tfpblet in fact, the rice industry reaches every state in the nation, especially those states with
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serial makers, breweries, and other food makers that use rice as a key ingredient. it is fitting that we honor the hardworking americans. i ask my colleagues to support me in recognizing september as national rice month. i yield back, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. kildee: thank you, mr. speaker. i'm here because i stand with americans who support planned parenthood and lifesaving preventive health care service that is they provide each year to millions of women, men, quems families across this country. a new poll shows that nearly seven in 10 americans, 69%, oppose shutting down the federal government as a means of defunding planned parenthood. shutting down the government we know puts the american economy
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at risk. it's no way to govern. there is only one legislative day left before another g.o.p. engineered shut down. republicans are so focused on defunding planned parenthood, in fact they are so focused on fighting one another, that they can't fight for hardworking americans who are simply looking for their government to address the problems and concerns and the priorities that the american people sent us here to address. they overwhelmingly want both parties to work together. to find solutions to the big problems we face in this country. i call on this congress to setaside these petty fights and get to the work that the american people sent us here to do. thank you, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend.
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the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. back home in georgia's 12th congressional district, i have had the opportunity to visit southern companies plant bowl in waynes borrow, many times. i am excited to see the progress of the nation's first new nuclear reactors in 30 years. i look forward to the clean energy and job opportunities they will provide for our state and the entire southeast. my district is proud to be the home of every nuclear reactor in the state, including two at plant vogel, two at plant hatch, and two in construction at plant vogel. mr. allen: nuclear energy plays an important role in georgia's energy portfolio and accounts for nearly a third of all power generated. nuclear energy facilities across georgia employ more than 4,000 highly skilled employees and play a vital role in our state and local economy.
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nuclear energy produces 91% of georgia's emission free electricity and the only clean air source that can produce large amounts of electricity around the clock. as the produce grandfather of -- proud grandfather of elsie, born at 10:45 a.m. this morning, i support clean nuclear energy and support the great work being done at plant vogel and plant hatch on behalf of our children and grandchildren and their future energy needs. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from california seek recognition? >> i ask permission to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlelady is recognized. ms. hahn: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to first thank speaker boehner for inviting pope granfrancies to be the first pope to ever address a joint session of congress. and his visit to the united states last week. i know that i was not the only member of congress who was deeply moved by pope francis' address. his message was simple and
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honest. it crossed religious and political divides. he challenged us to do better. and even invoked dr. martin luther king jr. and reminded us that this nation continues to be a land of dreams. pope francis has returned to the vatican and we must get back to work, but i hope that his message will stay with us a should nger, and we follow the golden rule. paraphrase, we should treat others like we would like to be treated. not only should that apply to how we treat each other in the halls of congress, but also how we address the bigger problems that this nation is facing. from each of us should place ourselves in the shoes of struggling families and work on the solution that is right for them and right nor country. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute.
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>> thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, as this is suicide prevention month -- as this suicide prevention month comes to a close, i believe it's crucial we remain committed to all suicide prevention efforts. we must continually ask ourselves, are we doing enough when it comes to addressing mental health and suicide in our nation? mr. bilirakis: i don't think so. as vice chairman of the veterans affairs committee, i know that this issue is especially important for our nation's heroes. recent data has shown that every day in this country, approximately 18 to 2 veterans take their own lives. this statistic answers the question i posed earlier. it is obvious more needs to be done. my cover act addresses suicide prevention for veterans by promoting act segs to better alternative, complementary mental health treatments.
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while traditional forms of therapies may work for some, tailoring therapies to the veteran and finding the balance between traditional and complementary alternative treatments could be the difference in saving lives. the cover act passed the house several weeks ago. i encourage my senate colleagues to do the same in the senate so we can get it to the president's desk for a signature. i yield back and thank you very much, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from rhode island seek recognition? mr. langevin: to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. langevin: i rise today to wish the national endowment for the arts and the national endowment for the humanities a happy anniversary as the n.e.a. and n.e.h. turn 50 years old today. as a rhode islander i share a special connection with these agencies because reflect the
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legacy of our late, longtime senior senator pell. important y were ecause he grew up around the vibrant art scene that rhode island is known for. whether it's the province international art festival which had a terrific inaugural year or fe cecerdos, a traditional cuban coffee cart that shares as a forum of sharing stories as part of latino americans' 500 years or the numerous other arts and cultural organizations that were given birth because of the endowments, they have been integral to our continued social and economic development. so to the n.e.a. and n.e.h., happy anniversary. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from north carolina seek recognition?
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ms. foxx: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. foxx: thank you, mr. speaker. today i rise to congratulate early college of forsyth which was recently named one of america's top high schools by "newsweek" magazine. it's a partnership between winston-salem forsyth county schools and forsyth technical community college. it provides a small community of students with an opportunity to earn both a high school diploma and associate degree. by considering their learning needs and providing support services, every student is given the tools to excel in both high school and college courses. early college of forsyth provides an advanced educational experience that promotes independence, responsibility for learning and community involvement. america needs more of this type of innovative learning that equips students for success in college, career, and life.
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i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from north carolina seek recognition? without objection the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> i rise today to honor the 50th anniversary of the national endowment for the humanities and national endowment for the arts. as a member of the congressional humanities caucus and the congressional arts caucus, i'm oud to recognize these organizations. mr. price: they promote arts, education and community access to the fine arts. the n.e.h. remains the single most important source of federal funding for research and scholarship in history, literature, foreign languages and other fields that provide us with invaluable ethical, cultural and historical perspectives. boston the n.e.a. and n.e.h. merit increased support. this investment is one of the
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most efficient we make in terms of leveraging private, nonprofit, and corporate dollars. these programs are critically important culturally and they're the foundation of an arts and humanities community that supports millions of jobs. so let's honor this 50th anniversary by renewing our national commitment to the arts and the humanities and the many ways they enrich our lives. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from north carolina seek recognition? >> i seek to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. mrs. adams spks i rise to address hunger. my district ranks first in the state for hunger. they are first in the nation nor food insecurity. in may i launched the adams hunger initiative to draw greater attention to this issue
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and foster bipartisan solutions. this week i'm introducing a resolution to highlight the severity of the hunger crisis across our nation, to recognize critical programs like snap and others at play in helping families put food on the table and to call on congress to strengthen these programs and streamline requirements for after school and summer meals programs. if the government shuts down on thursday they can snap program won't have enough to cover october benefits, impacting more than 65,000 people in my district an millions across the nation. during hunger action month a time when we should be elevating and addressing this cry sess, we're taking steps back. so i call on my colleagues to stand with our most vulnerable and keep our government running. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from florida seek recognition? without objection the gentlelady s recognized for one minute.
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>> as the eighth annual hunger action month comes to an end, i absolute the efforts of south florida to -- of feeding south florida for its efforts to end hunger in our communities. mrs. wilson: for the past eight years we have dug our way out of a deep recession that turned once middle class families into people who have less and already struggling families into have-nots. more than 200,000 children are food insecure and go to bed hungry. overall 23% of individuals are food insecure. feeding south florida is a lifeline ha runs food banks, a mobile food pantry that delivers fresh fruits and vegetables a summer food service so students can continue to receive healthy meals when school is out of session, and a program that brings food to senior housing sites. just last week in this very chamber, pope francis reminded us that the fight against poverty and hunger must be
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fought constantly and on many fronts. feeding south florida does that every day and deserves all the support we can muster. that is why i wear this orange adornment today to honor the entire organization, administration, and workers of feeding south florida. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair lays before the house a communication. the clerk: the honorable the speaker, house of representatives, sir, pursuant to the permission granted in clause 2h of rule 2 of the rules of the u.s. house of representatives, the clerk received the following message from the secretary of the senate on september 29, 2015, at 9:27 a.m., that the senate passed senate 599. with best wishes, i am, signed sincerely, karen l. haas. the speaker pro tempore: the chair lays before the house an enrolled bill. the clerk: h.r. 2051, an act to
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amend the agricultural marketing act of 2046 to extend the livestock mandatory reporting requirements and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from north carolina seek recognition? ms. foxx: thank you, mr. speaker. by direction of the committee on rules i call up house resolution 444 and ask for its immediate consideration. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the resolution. the clerk: house calendar number 60, house resolution 444, resolved that upon adoption of this resolution, it shall be in order to consider in the house the bill h.r. 3495 to amend title 19 of the social security act to allow for greater state flexibility with respect to excluding providers who are involved in abortions. all points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. the amendment printed in the report of the committee on rules accompanying this resolution shall be considered as adopted. the bill as amended shall be considered as read. all points of order against provisions in the bill as
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amended are waived. the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill as amended and on any further amendment thereto to final passage without intervening motion except, one, one hour of debate equally divided and control controlled by the chair or ranking member of the committee on commerce or their respective designees and two, one motion to recommit with or without instructions. section 2, the requirement of clause 6a of rule 15, for a 2/3 vote to consider a report from the committee on rules on the same day it's presented to the house is waived with respect to any resolution reported through the legislate i day of october 1, 2015. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from north carolina is recognized for one hour. ms. foxx: thank you, mr. speaker. during consideration of this resolution, all time yielded is for the purpose of debate only. i now yield the customary 30 minutes to the gentleman from florida, mr. hastings, pending which i yield myself such time
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as i may consume. mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. foxx: mr. speaker, house resolution 444 provides a closed rule for consideration of h.r. 3495, the women's public health and safety act. over the past few months, extremely disturbing information has come to light about the activities of abortion providers and their sale of unborn children's parts -- hearts and other organs for compensation. in light of those discoveries, we provide for consideration today of crucial legislation to ensure states are free to ensure their limited taxpayers' dollars do not provide sustaining funding to abortion providers whose activities are found repugnant. h.r. 3495, the women's public helicopter and safety act, allows states to make a decision
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identical to the one this house made earlier this month when we passed h.r. 3134, the defound -- the defund planned parenthood act which stopped the flow of taxpayer dollars to planned parenthood as investigations continue into its sale of unborn childrens' -- children's parts. as my colleagues noted during debate of h.r. 3134, arguments from the minority that this bill will prevent women from accessing health care rings hollow. we know that federally qualified health centers and rural health centers outnumber planned parenthood clinics at a rate of 20-1. of these over 13,000 federally qualified health centers and rural health centers women have access to any health care service provided by planned parenthood or other abortion providers with -- with one obvious exception. because they are federally funded, these true health
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centers do not perform abortions. clearly, despite opponents' best efforts to argue otherwise this bill does not deny health care services to women. it does allow states to decide whether their medicaid funds should support a provider whose atrocities have shocked our national conscience and devalued human life. it's not surprising, though, that we're hearing these hollow arguments about access to health care services as the political machinery of abortion providers has kicked into high gear with scare tactics to protect their business. abortion is, after all, a business, and planned parenthood is a -- is the single largest abortion business in the country. recently they performed over 325,000 abortions in one year. that's nearly 900 every day at a
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rate of over 35 an hour. they're able to continue that activity in part because planned parenthood has received over $1 billion in three years from medicaid alone. i spoke -- i've spoken previously on the floor about the absurdity of providing taxpayer funds to organizations that have had their willingness to accept compensation for the remains of unborn children exposed for all to see. several states, including louisiana, arkansas, alabama, and indiana have recognized that alarming truth and acted on their own to stop providing abortion providers with taxpayer dollars through medicaid. unfortunately, the obama administration has forced those states to continue providing taxpayer dollars to abortion providers. . thankfully when the framers of our constitution established our nation, they saw fit to give
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states a right to determine their own affairs and the disposition of their citizens' taxes. today we restore federalism to the medicaid program and enable states to make their own choices on which medicaid providers to accept, allowing them to stop the flow of taxpayer dollars to organizations that accept compensation for the sale of well developed, unborn children's hearts and bodies. mr. speaker, i commend this rule and underlying bill to my colleagues for their support. i reserve my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from north carolina reserves her time. for what purpose does the gentleman from florida rise? mr. hastings: mr. speaker, i am prepared to go forward with my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. hastings: i thank the gentlelady from north carolina for yielding the customary 30 minutes for debate.
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my friend, the gentlelady from north carolina, speaks that the in a way that is hollow. i'll tell you what's hollow. talk about regular order in this institution. the general public may not know that there is a methodology that allows for all proceedings to go forward. customarily a measure of this kind would have had a committee hearing and a committee markup. it did not and that is not regular order. mr. speaker, we are now less than 48 hours away from another government shut down. and instead of considering a continuing resolution, we are
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debating legislation that will limit a woman's access to health services and make it harder for medicaid patients to obtain care. a state like florida, state like texas that did not accept medicaid money under so-called obamacare, wonder about them having charge of medicare. and medicaid. like many of my colleagues, i'm frustrated that we are again wasting precious time considering a bill crafted by ideological extremists. which even in the unlikelyp event of senate passage would be -- unlikely event of senate passage would be vetoed by the president. to be sure, this frustration isn't limited to my friends on this side of the aisle. just this week the fight over defunding planned parenthood and similar scuffles facilitated by
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fringe elements of the republican party led to the resignation of the speaker of the house. and on a personal note, i'd like to thank the speaker for his service and his forthright commentary regarding his leaving the house. in mijudgment, he has done -- in my judgment, he has done a credible job for this institution and had people who would not let him do the things that were needed for all of us in this nation. the republicans have their so rence really divided fervently that we can again expect a real threat of a government shutdown in december. all we are doing today in the final analysis on that subject, whenever it comes up, it may come up today and tomorrow, is to kick the can down the road again. can ain't got no more space for
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kicking, but we continue to do that. this time until december. even if we are able to avoid the one currently looming over our heads. mr. speaker, current federal law already denies federal medicaid coverage of abortion except in limited circumstances. and federal insurance coverage of an abortion is restricted. instead of debating bills like the one before us today, we should be coming together to find a balanced and responsible way to fund the government, pass a budget that represents our constituents' priorities and invest in this great country. h.r. 3495 seeks to amend title 19 of the medicaid law to allow states to prevent qualified providers and institutions from participating in their medicaid programs.
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without a showing of cause or due process if they have any involvement, underscore that, any involvement in abortions. a standard which has been left undefined, certainly vague. aptly termed, the free, quote, free choice of provider, unquote, provision title 19 currently mandates that medicaid beneficiaries be permitted to obtain services from any qualified provider he or she chooses, and is implemented in the center for medicaid and medicaid services, quote, free choice of provider, unquote, regulation. this regulation also explicitly states that under no circumstances can the free choice of provider protection be compromised with respect to
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providers of family planning services. in short, current federal law was designated to guarantee that state medicaid programs provide beneficiaries with the same basic opportunity and rights to choose and receive covered health care services from any qualified provider in the same way as any member of the general population seeking health care services. the legislative language of this bill is so broad that if enacted it has the potential to have a devastating impact on patient access by giving states the ability to kick any provider out of medicaid, including entire hospital systems, if that provider has even an attenuated connection to an abortion service.
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for example, it is entirely possible that under this bill a hospital could be excluded from providing any and all services in medicaid if an obstetrician with admitting privileges at the same hospital provides or even provided in the past abortions as a separate part of his or her practice. the american congress of obstetricians and gynecologists, an organization composed of over 57,000 physicians and partners in women's health, have come out publicly against this legislation as if the american civil liberties union and the national association for the advancement of colored people, and i would like, mr. speaker, unanimous consent to include hose endorsements against this
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measure in the record. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. hastings: these people that came out, the obstetricians and gynecologists, stated the following. and i quote them. the bill falls far short of any standard federal health legislation policy. and insisting that it would serve only to scare providers away from providing comprehensive compassionate care to women and leave women without the care they need. moreover, the group main tans this bill would prevent ob-gyns from participating in the medicaid program. the reality is over 90% of the services of planned parenthood and similar organizations are preventive in nay -- preventive in nature, including cancer
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screenings, testing for sexually transmitted infections, and family planning services. medicaid beneficiaries already have limited access to doctors. and this bill will only restrict access for the poorest individuals in our society. i said last night in the rules committee that wealthy women in our society don't have these problems seeing the doctor of their choice. poor women under this particular measure will be further restricted from having the access to a physician of their choice. as a medicaid provider. knowing this the title of the bill, the women's public health -- is as act, is
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ironic as it is patronizing. h.r. 3495 will punish the most vulnerable americans and will prevent women from accessing the care that keeps them safe and healthy. mr. speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida reserves his time. the gentlelady from north carolina is recognized. ms. foxx: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. mr. speaker, i have heard the question, why haven't you done this before? unfortunately the full depth to which abortion providers have sunk was not previously public knowledge. the recent release of a number of hidden camera videos exposing the painful dismemberment of unborn children to facilitate the sale of their body parts by planned parenthood has provided clear evidence that truly repugnant activities are rampant in the abortion industry and that taxpayer support should never be provided to
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organizations that participate in the trade of human tissue. one key planned parenthood abortionist even said, quote, we have been very good at getting hard, lung, liver because we know that so i'm not going to crush that part. i'm going to basically crush below. i'm going to crush above. and i'm going to see if i can get it all intact. in these days of 3-d ultrasounds and high definition screens, it is impossible to hide the humanity of these child victims. they have fingers and toes, heartbeats and organs developed enough that tissue collectors will pay $60 a specimen for them. in light of the serious questions raised by these videos, the house committees on energy and commerce, judiciary, and oversight and government reform have each launched investigations. while planned parenthood does
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not receive direct federal funding for abortions, these investigations are warranted as a recent report from the government accountability office shows that the organization receives an average of $500 million taxpayer dollars each year for other lines of business. moneys fungible and the federal funds at planned parenthood receives ultimately subsidize their abortion services. mr. speaker, that's why today's legislation is so important. in light of the atrocities uncovered in abortion facilities across the country, it is vie at --vital that states be empowered to choose to withhold medicaid funds from flowing to abortion providers that deliberately dismember unborn children to receive compensation for their organs and other body parts. with that, mr. speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from north carolina reserves. the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. hastings: thank you, mr. speaker. i'm very pleased to yield 1 1/2
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minutes to my good friend, the gentlewoman from california, ms. matsui. ms. matsui: i thank the gentleman for yielding. mr. speaker, i rise in strong opposition to h.r. 3495. this bill is misleadingly named the women's public health and safety act when in fact it puts women's and men's health at risk. this bill would allow states to block planned parenthood or any other health provider from medicaid based on, quote, involvement in abortions. now, millions of american women and men depend on planned parenthood for essential health care. the majority seems determined to take our nation's health care system backwards. planned parenthood uses medicaid funding to provide services like cancer screening, access to contraception, and pre-conception counseling that helps women prepare for healthy pregnancies. members of congress should stop
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attacking women's ability to control their own health care. this bill disproportionately impacts low-income women and families and unfairly takes away one of their health care options. congress needs to get back to doing our job and stop this attack on women's health. thank you. i yield back. . the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the gentlelady from north carolina is recognized. ms. foxx: for those who complain that this bill isn't properly named let us not forget that at least half of the unborn children who are victims of abortion are female who would grow up to be women. far too many supporters of abortion on demand ignore that reality and the fact that many abortions are sex selection abortions. until they confront that, how can they parse bill titles, particularly those -- those that protect all existing funding for women's health while ensuring women and their children are not
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party to the sale of tiny hearts and organs for compensation? with that, i yield four minutes to my colleague from maryland. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for four minutes. mr. harris: thank you, and thank you for yielding the time this bill allows states to be partners in the medicaid program. the medicaid program is a partnership between the federal government and the states. except too often washington tells the states exactly what they have to do. this is one of those examples. because this is not theoretical. there are two states that have attempted to defund with their use of taxpayer dollars in their state, these are not federal tax dollars, they don't want their state's taxpayer dollars to fund planned parenthood. instead, they want to fund other women's health services. they should be allowed to do that.
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why should the secretary of health and human services demand that one particular institution get funds? let's talk about that institution. you know, the gentleman from florida says, oh, this is going to deny women health care. let me tell you who is denying women health care in my district. in rural lower eastern shore. we had a planned parenthood in salisbury they closed up in april. on their website they said, oh, the center in easton will be opened monday through friday. you can just get your care there, our planned parenthood center, which is about 45 minutes up the road. mr. speaker, just go on your tablet device and see what the hours at the easton planned parenthood are that's supposed to develop this wonderful, comprehensive health care to women in my district. now if you want to go today you're out of luck, they're closed. now if you went yesterday, they were open for seven hours from 10:00 to 5:00. i guess bankers hours, we just
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assume everyone is going to get their health care between 10:00 and 5:00. monday they're open from 10:00 to 5:00, tuesday they're closed. mr. speaker, if one of the women in my lower shore want to go on wednesday, they're out of luck. they're closed. if they want to go on thursday, they're in luck, they're open for 7 1/2 hours from 11:00 to 6:30. but if they want to go on friday, saturday, or sunday, they're out of luck because planned parenthood is closed. they're not delivering comprehensive services those days. in fact, mr. speaker, as we know, planned parenthood doesn't deliver comprehensive women's services. one of the most important services you can deliver to a woman of childbearing age is mammograms. not a single planned parenthood facility in this entire country has a mammography machine. how do you deliver a mammogram without a mammogram machine? mr. speaker, it's an untruth.
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planned parenthood doesn't do comprehensive cancer screening because one of the most important screening techniques is mammography and none of them can deliver it. let's contrast what the woman who is seeking comprehensive women's health care on the lower eastern shore what ore herr alternative is because the gentleman from florida mentions our medicaid patients won't be able to be seen if we pass this bill. the alternative is our federally qualified health center, called three lower counties. if you go to three lower counties today, you're in luck. they're open from 8:30 to 5:00 and they have a mammogram machine. as well as the entire range of comprehensive services with one exception. they don't do abortions. but then again the other planned parenthoods on eastern shore don't do it either. if a woman who is on medicaid really wants access to comprehensive health care, in my district, they've got to go past planned parenthood unless, well,
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that's not true. i guess monday or thursday they want their health care they can go to planned parenthood. tuesday, wednesday, friday, saturday, they can't. but they could go to one of those, my community health center. nationwide, there are only a little over 500 planned parenthood facilities. ere are 13,000 community health centers, each of which has to have -- ms. foxx: i yield the gentleman another minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. harris: each of those have to have radiology facilities, that's how you get federal money. if we want to let our states, by their choice, we're not saying a state can't fund planned paraphernaliahood. i come from the state of maryland, we'll probably choose to do it. but a state that chooses not to should be given the option to tell their women if you really want it, really want comprehensive care, go to one of the community health centers.
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that's all this bill does. this doesn't limit care. this expands care. because this tells women you don't have to go to the monday and thursday only clinic that can't give you a mammogram. you can actually go get comprehensive care somewhere else even if you're on medicaid. and my biggest objection and you know, the gentlelady from north carolina hit it on the head, is look at what else planned parenthood does. they actually, and as a physician i find this unbelievable, they'll change the abortion technique to better harvest the fetal issue that they can then sell. that should be so morally objectionable that we should allow states to limit that funding. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. hastings: thank you, mr. speaker. before yielding, i'd just like to indicate to my friend from maryland that while there are 13,000 community health centers, many of them are overcrowded to
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begin with and can't provide even the daytime that you mentioned in salisbury all of the services for various communities. but more important, you're correct. planned parenthood does not do mammograms. but they did in the last year 500,000 breast screenings and i could offer anecdotal information that allows, you can go downstairs right here to the house fay sigs and -- physician and the house physician doesn't provide all of the services but refers you out to g.w. or to walter reed bethesda. so referring out those women, if i were to pull up anecdotal information of the number of women that did ultimately learn that they have problems, those
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statistics justify the continuation of this organization that provides compassionate services for women. i'm pleased to yield two minutes to the distinguished gentlewoman, my friend from washington, ms. delbene. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for two minutes. ms. delbene: thank you, mr. speaker. here we go again. just 10 days ago, the house took a vote to attack women's health. at that time, i said it felt like deja vu. now i'm starting to wonder if this is the only issue my colleagues care about. have we take an vote to re-authorize the export-import bank? no. have we taken a vote to extend the land and water conservation fund? no. have we taken a single vote this year to fix our broken immigration system? no. yet somehow we found time to take vote after vote restricting women's access to care. it's reprehensible. the bill we're considering today is one of the worst yet.
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it's a dangerous and unprecedented assault on women and their health care providers. and it does nothing to address the real issues that americans are facing. mr. speaker, voters didn't send us here to intimidater that doctors and interfere in their private medical decisions. it's time for congress to stop wasting time and get to work. i urge my colleagues to oppose this rule and the underlying bill. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back her time. the gentleman from florida reserves his time. the gentlelady from north carolina. ms. foxx: mr. speaker, at this time i will reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from florida. mr. hastings: thank you, mr. speaker. if we defeat the previous question i'll offer an amendment to the rule to bring up h.r. 3611, a long-term re-authorization of the export-import bank. mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to insert the text of the amendment in the record along with extraneous material
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immediately prior to the vote on the previous question. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. so ordered. mr. hastings: to discuss our proposal i'm pleased to yield to my good friend from washington, three minutes, mr. heck. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from washington is recognized for three minutes. mr. heck: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank the gentleman from florida. i rise to oppose the demand for the previous question so we might in fact take up the issue of a long-term re-authorization of the export-import bank. something has changed. this is no longer an abstract philosophical conversation. this is a real, manifest, concrete conversation in which people are losing their livelihoods. i stood here last week and reported that not one, but two satellite sales likely lost, subsequent announcement by boeing to lay off workers in el
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segundo, california, it's not abstract. i referred to general electric announcing it was laying off 500 people as a result of the failure of this body to do what it has done every chance it had under every president for 81 years, almost always unanimously. this is no longer an abstraction. people are losing their livelihoods. and it will continue. it continued yesterday. general electric announced another 350 jobs lost. they're moving them from wisconsin to canada. this is not an abstraction. this is not some ideological tug of war. you're taking away people's jobs. and by the way, last week, when g.e. announced its first layoff of 500, the spokesman in the majority, for the majority party said, it was immaterial. they dismissed it. if you opened up that envelope
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and found a pink slip, you wouldn't think it was immaterial. last week, i revealed a dirty little secret. i shared with you that the boeing aircraft company, the chargest exporter in the united states of america, ethe heart of our manufacturing -- the heart of our manufacturing base, didn't make airplanes. they don't. they design and assemble them. they assemble them with parts made mostly in america. now here's today's dirty little secret. domestic content. the export-import bank requires anything it finances to be made out of 5% domestic content. made in america. 85%. now our largest exporter, in good times, finances about one in five of its sales through ex-im but it's countersick libbling call.
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n bad times -- counter cyclical, in bad times it's 40%. 70% of its sales are international. they make all their airplanes with a minimum of 85% domestic content. people, stop and think. if you do away with the ex-im, you do away with the 85% domestic content requirement. boeing wants to make airplanes in america. with 85% domestic content. i know this. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from washington is recognized for one minute. mr. heck: two years ago there was a coalition formed to lobby to reduce the nestic content. boeing left the coalition because they want to make airplanes in america. and if you do away with domestic -- if you do away with ex-im, you do away with the domestic content requirement. 6,000 to 8,000 of the 15,000
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businesses in boeing's supply chain are small businesses. they're small businesses. you are holding a gun to the head of america's number one exporter and forcing them, forcing them by virtue of competitive disadvantage to look at and consider outsourcing. more pink slips. more people losing their livelihoods. this is no longer an abstraction. you are taking away people's lyelyhoods. yes -- livelihoods. yes, it is unilateral disarmament. every other developed country on the face of the planet has an export credit authority. every other one. except us now. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. heck: in god's name defeat the previous question. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired, he will suspend. the gentleman from florida reserves.
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the gentlelady from north carolina. ms. foxx: thank you, mr. speaker. my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are talking about the ex-im bank because they know when they talk about protecting organizations that sell babies' hearts and lungs, they're losing. mr. speaker, mr. speaker, my colleagues in the minority also claim that women would no longer have access to health care services. it's important to remember that this bill merely stops the obama administration's current practice of using medicaid to force states into including abortionists in their provider network. each state can take its specific needs into consideration when determining what, if any, action to take under this bill. claims that 13,000 federally qualified and rural health
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centers aren't sufficient fail to reflect the fact that community health centers have grown significantly since 2010. according to hrsa data, health centers have grown so much that in the years since 2010 they have acquired 3.4 million more patients, 1.9 million of which are women. and as our colleague from maryland pointed out, they are often open more days and more hours than planned parenthood clinics are. they are providing better and more comprehensive services to women. with that, mr. speaker, i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from north carolina reserves her time. the gentleman from florida. mr. hastings: mr. speaker, i'm very pleased to yield five minutes to my very good friend, the distinguished gentlewoman from california, the ranking member of the committee on financial services and a real
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champion on both these issues that we are discussing here today. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from california is recognized for five minutes. ms. waters: thank you very much, mr. speaker and members. i rise today in strong opposition to the previous question so that this house may finally get on with the important work of supporting american jobs by re-authorization the charter of the ex-port import bank. my friends on -- export-import bank. my friends on the other side of the aisle claim they support business. they claim they support small business. they claim that this is something that's not paid enough attention to. yet, when we have the opportunity to support the ex-im bank, what do they do? they turn it into a political question because they want to use it to divide. let me tell you some facts about the ex-im bank. the ex-im bank supported $27.4 billion of u.s. exports at no cost to american taxpayers.
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164,000 american jobs were supported. nearly 90% of ex-im bank transactions directly supported small businesses. 675 million surplus generated for american taxpayers in funding year 2014 alone. ex-im bank's mission is american jobs. by financing the export of american goods and services, ex-im bank has supported 1.3 million private sector american jobs since 2009, supporting, again, 164,000 jobs in funding year 2014 alone. and so, mr. speaker and members, every day that this republican-led house refuses to act is another day that american workers suffer the consequences. it's been three months now since republicans shut down our
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nation's export credit agency, a vital financing tool that enables u.s. companies, both large and small, to compete for sales in the global marketplace and businesses and their workers are feeling the pain. the stories that we have received from across the nation make the unfortunate consequences of the house republicans' shutdown of the ex-im bank distressingly clear. in describing the impact of the ex-im shutdown, the chief financial officer of chief industries, incorporated, a nebraska company that sells grain bins and elevators said, and i quote, we've lost business, that's the easiest way to put it. we can't get that business back. in my home state of california, the president of combustion associates, incorporated, a power plant manufacturer, said that the shutdown of the ex-im bank has put her small woman and minority-owned company at
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a, quote, real disadvantage, saying that as a result of fierce competition from chinese and european firms, quote, if we don't get ex-im back soon, there's a very good chance we will lose three pending contracts to one of our competitors. in describing the devastating consequence of losing the support of the ex-im bank, the owner of u.s. international trading corporation based in nevada said that the ideologically charged debate surrounding the re-authorization, quote, is like being stabbed in the back by people who should be defending you. steve will burn, a longtime -- steve wilburn, a longtime republican and former marine that lost a major philippines green energy project due to the uncertainty over ex-im future's preently -- recently remarked that, and i quote, i never thought the day would come when the republican party would somehow view a small business
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like mine as crony capitalism. while these small businesses and many like them are unable to successfully compete internationally without the support of the ex-im bank, some of our nation's largest manufacturers are losing contractors as well -- contracts as well with negatively consequences of small businesses who are the suppliers that make up their vast u.s. supply chains. making matters worse, in recent weeks, large companies, including g.e. and boeing, have announced that the lax of export credit financing -- lack of export credit financing from the ex-im bank have forced to move these companies abroad. mr. speaker, we should be ashamed of this. we should be doing everything to grow jobs in this country and give the u.s. businesses the tools they need to succeed. i've said it before and will say it again, a majority of
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this house supports re-authorizing the export-import bank, and if we don't give members the opportunity to vote up or down on reopening the bank's doors today, the self-inflicted shutdown of the ex-im bank will continue to hurt workers and our economy. it's time to recognize the realities of the extremely competitive marketplace that businesses must compete in. i don't know whether they like shutting things down, you're going to shut down something in this country that's going to cause us to lose jobs. i yield back the balance of my ime. the speaker pro tempore: members are reminded to direct their remarks to the chair and not to other members of the house of representatives. the gentleman from florida reserves his time. the gentlelady from north carolina. ms. foxx: thank you, mr. speaker. i repeat, my colleagues on the other side of the aisle are talking about the ex-im bank because they know that when they talk about protecting
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organizations that sell babies' hearts and lungs, they are losing. mr. speaker, i yield two minutes to the gentleman from georgia, mr. carter. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia is recognized for two minutes. mr. carter: i thank the gentlelady and, mr. speaker, we've known for sometime that planned parenthood is the largest provider of abortions in this country. what we did not know until recently was just how vial and disgusting the nature of this organization truly is. i rise today in support of h.r. 3495 because i believe states have the right to refuse funding to an organization that profits from the sale of aborted children's organs. medicaid and c.m.s. should not be allowed states to force -- to force states to fund them. women's health should be a top priority to our community. however, we can achieve this
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goal without requiring states to provide access to institutions like planned parenthood. taxpayers' dollars should not be going to the killing of unborn babies. taxpayers' dollars should not impto organizations like planned parenthood that support the practice of abortion and trafficking of aborted fetal tissue. taxpayers' funds should go towards invest investigating and prosecuting individuals who are responsible for trafficking in the selling of fetal tissue. taxpayers' funds should go towards the advancement of women's health. i encourage my colleagues to support this bill, but we cannot stop here. in addition to cutting off funding, the perpetrators behind these heinous crimes should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. these disgusting acts are on par with those committed by the sickest of criminals behind bars and that's exactly where the people who did this belong. i urge my colleagues to support precious innocent lives of the
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unborn. thank you, mr. speaker, and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentlelady from north carolina reserves. the gentleman from florida. mr. hastings: mr. speaker, the gentlelady from north carolina says that we are discussing the export-import bank because we re losing, as she put it, on the subject that is the base bill here today. we are not losing. this bill will pass the house of representatives and it will go nowhere. what we -- why we are discussing the ex-im bank is because we need american businesses to win. mr. speaker, i'm very pleased to yield 2 1/2 minutes to the distinguished gentleman from texas, my classmate, a member of the committee on financial services, mr. hinojosa. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas is recognized for 2 1/2 minutes. mr. hinojosa: mr. speaker, i rise to strongly oppose this rule and support the motion to
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defeat the previous question. instead of bringing a bill to the floor that will go nowhere, we should instead be letting the house work its will and we should be voting to re-authorize the export-import bank. re-authorizing the export-import bank is an economic imperative. while some of my colleagues celebrate their misguided, ideologically driven agenda, hardworking americans are losing their jobs, and american businesses and exporters are being outgunned by larger export credit agencies which more than willing to provide financing to america's foreign competitors. the bank is an unbridled market-driven success story which has broad bipartisan support in both houses of this
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congress as well as support from the majority of americans. the bank supports hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs in this country. if we fail to act now, we are shutting off a lifetime for many of our small businesses and exporters. in my congressional district alone, the bank has supported thousands of small businesses and manufacturing jobs. these are good jobs in a very high-need area in texas that would not have been possible without the bank. these jobs are now in danger. mr. speaker, i urge my g.o.p. colleagues to let common sense regain a foot hold in this house. we have the votes. let congress work its will and allow a vote on the re-authorization of the export-import bank. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas yields back his time, and the
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gentleman from florida reserves. the gentlelady from north carolina. ms. foxx: thank you, mr. speaker. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: reserve. the gentleman from florida. mr. hastings: thank you very much, mr. speaker. i would advise the gentlelady -- i'd have you advise that i'm prepared to close. i have no further speakers if she's prepared to close. ms. foxx: mr. speaker, i would be more than happy to close as soon as the gentleman issues his remarks. the speaker pro tempore: everyone is prepared to close. mr. hastings: thank you very much, mr. speaker. i wrant to go back to how i began my remarks today and that is to say that -- i want to go back to how i began my remarks today and that is to say that the measure before us has not gone through regular order in the house of representatives. there were no hearings, no markup. it just showed up in the rules forest and somehow or another that seems to be a pattern that is developing around here where we are not legislating, we're
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rulemaking, and in the final analysis, many members and their constituents are being shut out. mr. speaker, the decision to have an abortion is obviously a very, very difficult decision for a woman. and one that must be made, in my judgment, my colleague, jared polis always says this, not the oversight committee or -- which is hearing right now we speak planned parenthood providers, not the energy and commerce committee for a woman's right to choose. the freedom of choice measure since 1960 has been a part of
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medicaid in this country, and now we would tear that fabric and divide this country with an issue that the only committee that should be in charge is the committee formed by a woman, her doctor and god. there is no place for ideological whims of politicians in that determination. i said last night, i know where this is headed. i've seen it now for 22 years. what the ultimate objective is not this legislation today or the legislation that we considered two weeks ago or legislation like this they have considered for it 22 years that i have been here, it's headed toward trying to reverse roe vs. wade. . like it or not, the supreme ourt's ruling in roe v. wade
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conferred upon women to do with their bodies as they think is best, up to the point of viability. it is unfathomable to me and many others that we continue to , tertain attacks on women's poor women's health, to extreme -- to satisfy the extreme agenda of a few members of congress. my colleagues on the other side of the aisle often articulate their support for measures such as the one we're considering today by insisting it is our duty to protect the most vulnerable in society. to those individuals, i ask, how does eliminating critical health services to our country's most poor and preventing those same individuals from being table see the doctors of their choice that they know and trust help them to accomplish this worthwhile goal?
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mr. speaker, i urge my colleagues to vote no and defeat the previous question and against this rule and the underlying bill and yield back the balance of my time but before doing so, i want to ask us to get back to regular order and let's get into legislating and no, my colleague from north carolina, we are not losing. we ask on the export-import measure to allow for american businesses to win and every here knows that this legislation, once it passes the house of representatives, is going to get lost in that nowhere forest and i said last night, i listened to my granddaughter saying, let it go. the words are different to this particular situation today. but the title of the song should be heard as a mantra by the
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republican party on the subject of the rights of women and their choice. they should just let it go. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentlelady from north carolina is recognized. ms. foxx: thank you, mr. speaker. my colleagues continue to hold up regular orders -- regular order as an excuse for their unwillingness to stop the flow of taxpayer dollars to organizations that dismember children. thankfully there are committee hearings being held on this issue even now that will continue to expose the wrongs of the abortion industry. here today, though, we take the simple step of stopping funding to organizations that sell children's body parts and my colleagues newfound affection for regular order is a poor objection to the passage of this legislation to protect women and
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children from being parties to trafficking in human tissue. it is not extreme to want to protect the most vulnerable, the unborn, from having their body parts being sold and the use of taxpayer dollars to aid such enterprises. mr. speaker, we've heard today about outrageous activities that are ongoing in the abortion industry as it takes apart tiny babies with beating hearts and cute little fingers and toes. it's truly saddening that the reaction in this chamber isn't unanimous agreement that the clinics where this has occurred be closed and those responsible sanctioned for their reprehensible actions. we haven't even been able to come to agreement with those on the other side that federal grants to these organizations from the department of health and human services stop immediately. now we try again to find common
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ground. today, the legislation before us would take the small but vital step of allowing those states that choose, and only those states, stop funding abortion providers through medicaid. this legislation wouldn't tell new york or massachusetts or california that they can't give their taxpayer dollars to an organization that sells body parts. it would, however, enable louisiana, alabama, arkansas, or indiana to do so. the principle of federalism that americans are free to come together with others in their community and establish the principles by which they will govern themselves is a bedrock for our nation. even if opponents of this legislation have become ka louse to the unheard cries of unborn children, dismembered for compensation, they should rally to the cause of federalism in order to allow their own communities to exercise the
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freedom it protects. what is sad day it is when we can no longer even unite around our founding principles, one of which was that life is the first inalienable right. when we ignore the need to protect that right for the smallest of our brothers and sisters, we should not be surprised by the erosion of our other rights, including the right to self-governance, protected by federalism. the exposure of the ongoing tragedy of crushed young lives must spur us to unite to stop this imposition of federal power on states and their citizens and restore to them the choice of protecting children from being sold as organ donors before even taking their first breath. this is what h.r. 3495, the women's public health and safety act, would accomplish. and i commend it and this rule
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providing for its considerations to my colleagues for their support. i yield back the balance of my time, i move the previous question on the resolution. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from north carolina yields back the remainder of the time. all time being yielded become, the question is on ordering the previous question on the resolution. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. mr. hastings: i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having risen, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, the chair will reduce to five minutes the minimum time for any electronic vote on the question of adoption of the resolution. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote, the yeas are 243, the nays are 182. the previous question is ordered. the question is on adoption of the resolution. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the gentleman from florida. mr. hastings: i ask for a
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recorded vote. the speaker pro tempore: a recorded vote has been requested. those favoring a recorded vote will rise. a sufficient number having risen a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote, the yeas are 242, the nays are 183. the resolution is adopted. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. members please take your
1:59 pm
conversations off the floor.
2:00 pm
for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. pitts, seek recognition? mr. pitts: madam speaker, pursuant to house resolution 444, i call up h.r. 3495 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 3495, a bill to amend title 19 of the social security act to allow for greater state flexibility with respect to excluding providers who are involved in abortions. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution 444, the amendment printed in house report 114-269 is adopted, and the bill, as mended, is considered as read. can we get some more order in the house, please? order.


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