tv Washington Journal CSPAN September 30, 2015 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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the change of gop leadership. and then congressman john fleming on federal spending and funding for planned parenthood. ♪washington journal" hiis n host: good morning. welcome to "the washington journal" on wednesday, august 30, 2015. the last day of the fiscal year. congress must pass a budget to keep the government funded until they can agree on a larger budget at the end of the year. tune into c-span2 for that debate. in the house, it is expected to follow suit on a so-called clean resolution, meaning no language defunding planned parenthood. watch the vote on c-span. we will talk to 2 lawmakers
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coming up on "the washington journal." yesterday the president of planned parenthood testified for five hours on capitol hill. she was peppered with questions on how the group spends money, while democrats defended the services they provide. we want to get your take on the debate. show to the planned parenthood? .emocrats, (202) 748-8000 republicans, (202) 748-8001. .ndependents, (202) 748-8002 send us a tweet, go to, or e-mail .s we'll get your thoughts in a minute. first, i want to show you 2 headlines. the washington times had this on the front page. the planned parenthood chief stumbles and tries to convince congress and need for funding. " their washington post
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headline was a vigorous defense of planned parenthood is their headline. on the hill, the group's leader denied illegal sale of tissue from abortions. take a listen to how the hearing started yesterday, with the chairman of the oversight government reform committee jason chafee's, the republican from utah. [video clip] a hearing. to have this is an organization that does not need federal subsidies. for the year ended on june 14. june of 2014. planned parenthood reported revenue over expenses. they had more in revenue than they had in expenses. 2013, a largend part under miss richards
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leadership, a 50 3% reduction in cancer screenings. cancerreduction in screening spirit of 42% canceron in breast scans. i do not understand why. i do not understand why. let me give you a sense of the numbers we are talking about. government dollars from taxpayers going to planned parenthood is roughly $528 million. $450 million comes from federal funds. $390 million comes in there is a medicaid, lot of bluster about shutting down the government over planned parenthood. the funding amount that we are talking about, under title 10, is $60 million. last year, last year they had
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more than $100 million in revenue. without expenses. we're talking about $60 million. 4.6% of their total revenue. planned parenthood is an organization with massive dollars. makeschards matrix new -- nearly 600 million dollars a year. the affiliate of north and south dakota makes roughly hundred $50,000 a year. i could list exorbitant salaries. this is an organization that seems to have exorbitant travel expenses. 2013, they spent more than $5 million in travel. first-class tickets, private chartered aircraft. roughly, they are spending $14,000 a day on travel.
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that is money that is not going to women's health care. of the show you a couple of democrats had to say on the panel as well, when the president of planned parenthood testified on capitol hill about their funding and how they spend their money. the president of planned parenthood, during the five hours of testimony, said that no federal funds go to her salary, the board decides how much she gets paid, and she does not travel first class. we want to get your thoughts. sandra in alabama, a republican. should the federal government fund planned parenthood? they should not. i agree with mr. lee. if they would do like you reread when he was running the senate, everything he wanted to get in, whether republicans like to do not, it was the nuclear option. all he had to have was 36 people to get it through. he didn't constantly, over and over. i watched him constantly. if the republicans would do
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that, maybe they would get something through. if the democrats got back in it would be again. that is all i want to say. host: matthew in philadelphia, a democrat. what are your thoughts? caller: good morning, greta. i was appalled. they treated this mormon like a criminal -- this woman like a criminal. that is being charitable. just because they disagree with planned parenthood. what i saw was a bunch of shriveled up, old, middle-aged white guys trying to tell women, especially women of color out to year, what they can and cannot do with their bodies. that is the issue. i do not care what anyone says. it is part of the war against women. what i would recommend democrats to do in 2016 four campaign commercials against republicans,
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run parts of these clips of ande planned parenthoods get women to mobilize and vote against these crazy white wing -- crazy right wing republicans. host: raymond in d.c., an independent. richards did a good job of defending planned parenthood. she is the governor's daughter. she is politically talented. the point that she made is that getned parenthood is not federal funding, per se. they are only reimbursed through medicaid for services they provide. the republicans on the committee did not let her answer questions. they just yelled at her, talked they nevernd said provided her time to answer the questions. she had answers to all of the questions. the argument that even if planned parenthood were using federal dollars for abortion
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services, the whole argument that if you morally object to that you should not have to pay for it, i'm morally object to drone strikes, which also kill children, but i do not have a choice. i do not fund that. buy any of the republicans arguments on the issue. ms. richards, i think, made them look stupid. host: front page of "usa today" land parenthood supported in the poll they did. 65%, say funding should continue for the group which provides contraception, cancer screenings, and more. 29% say it should be cut off. 91% of democrats support funding for planned parenthood. 59% of republicans say the funds should be shut off. by 73% to 19 percent, they say
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opponents should not force a government shutdown over the issue. this is what a democrat from new york, maloney, had to say during her opening statement. [video clip] >> last week the democratic chairman's sent a letter warning that the relentless campaigns by the conservative house freedom caucus to attack planned parenthood was part of a more broad power struggle to unseat led by anehner extreme wing of the republican party that is using this issue to force a government shutdown unless the speaker bows to their demands. our warnings proved press event on friday. speaker boehner announced he will resign at the end of next month, but not before creating a new select committee to investigate planned parenthood. , despite what we hear from the other side,
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republicans are doubling down on their war against women. i request unanimous consent to place on the record this letter from the republicans threatening to close down the government unless planned parenthood is defunded. this, there are certain things that jump out. all of the signatories are men, none of which will get pregnant or need a cervical screening for cancer, or mammograms, or a pap smear, or other life-saving services that are provided by planned parenthood. we will here today lots of arguments to justify the extreme actions of the center for medical progress. those who have created these videotapes. there is one simple reason we are at this point. republicans want to outlaw a woman's right to choose.
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republicans say that this is all about videos reporting to show violations of our laws. facts come out that contradict their narrative, and it comes to light, it never seems to matter. learnedple, when we that the videos had dozens of unexplained and it removing -- removinged edits phrases like "we do not profit from tissue donation." that did not matter. and we learned less than 1% of planned parenthood centers had any involvement whatsoever in needle tissue donations, that did not matter. some planneded parenthood centers took extra nocautions of accepting reimbursement for their costs, far beyond what is required by federal law, that did not matter.
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host: carolyn maloney from new york, a member of the oversight and government reform committee. they're laying out arguments from democrats and yesterday's hearing. what do you think? government beeral funding planned parenthood? an arizona republican. you are on the air. good morning. thank you. i have 2 questions. maybe it will come out in the next hearing. had an incident, i do not want to talk about it, insurance with my husband's work. they covered her abortion. fully covered it. insurance was canceled because my husband lost his job. this last year she went to planned parenthood and god birth control. smears,not get pap breast cancer, or all of those exams. she got held insurance with
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obamacare. when she got held insurance with obamacare, they did all of the stuff that planned parenthood does. million they get every year, and they say they use that for abortions, cancer, .ap smears -- that is true but, i agree with both sides. i do not understand. obamacare takes care of women that need pap smears, cancer, breast, everything. they do everything. i have obamacare. get needed an abortion i get an abortion with my insurance. before we let your point go, i want to show you and others the front page of "the denver post." they broke down services that planned parenthood provides. looking at to the year 2014, 10 .6 million people served at
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planned parenthood in 2014. 3%.tion procedures make up this is something cecile richards testified to yesterday, repeating the figure 3%. allowed to use federal funding for abortions except in limited situations. look at the other percentages. 35% of what do they do is sexually transmitted infections tests. 20% is reversible contraception. 14% is emergency contraception kits. 11%.ancy tests make up cancer screenings and prevention, 9%. all other services make up 1%. you can see the rest. this is from "the denver post" on the breakdown for 2014. a democrat, good morning. go ahead.
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good morning, thank you for taking my call. i wanted to agree with the guy that was on a couple of calls ago. they did beat up ms. richards really badly yesterday. there,e videos are out how come, if they have been on the news, how come they do not show it to us. they would beat it over the head with us if they existed. that is my phone call. host: an independent, joe, what are your thoughts? had thesince 1973, we roe versus wade supreme court. we are talking about it over and over again. the republicans and the tea party, they cannot let go. it is like democrats are vilified, money for other things. ,he point i'm trying to make is
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since a obama won with 68% of the american people support planned parenthood. in a way i hope that will never change. guarantee ms.will clinton or bernie sanders to be the president. they are worse than the nazis. i compare the tea party like isis in our country. these people, women cannot vote, women cannot drive, women have in a way, if they want to work they have to ask permission from their masters -- i mean their husbands. it is crazy. planned parenthood affects women and men. we have a lot of cancers. we have: cancer, breast cancer, you name it. it saves women.
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, they do not care about human lives or americans. to privatize everything. they want to privatize prisons. prisons for profits. host: let's hear from a republican. what do you think? caller: i think they should defund them. what about the war on killing babies? this guy compare the tea party to nazis. are killingists babies. remember the doctor in philadelphia? they caught him. they do have tapes on these people. the party of baby killers, the democrats, the people coming in. the war on women is garbage. just like people yelling racism. this is not about a war on women or racism, it is a war on killing babies, which is what democrats alike to do. everyone that is agreeing,
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saying they are not to use, the not too skilled people, the democrats are killing babies. in the paper, there is other information from the government. you got something from denver, which is highly liberal. it is nonsense. when the baby killers call in, pat them on the back and is a good job, you killed another couple of babies. host: is this worth shutting down the government? caller: they're not going to shut down the government over this, but they should defund the abortion part. planned parenthood, like the they that called in, if shut down the abortion part, they run films with the babies. inead the book from the guy roe versus wade. he died in couple of years ago. he said he committed 55 abortions. foraid the stuff got better seeing and hearing them.
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he said before that he could hear them laughing or crying, and then he had to chop body parts off to get them out. the tea party they are saying that they are communists -- but they are baby killers. host: we heard that point. we will get other thoughts. this is a reporter with "the hill" newspaper to talk with this debate over planned parenthood and how it ties into funding the federal government. today is september 30. the fiscal deadline for funding the government. what is the plan so far. let's begin with the senate. congress is on a tight deadline. they have less than 24 hours to go. the senate will vote on the final passage of the stopgap spending bill that will last through september 11 at 10:00 this morning. as soon as it is sent to the house, they will vote on it as soon as possible. the point is to get it to
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president obama's desk before the midnight deadline. host: what is going on behind the scenes? because the house freedom caucus is not on board with the idea moving forward on the continuing resolution without language of planned parenthood, is that correct? caller: it is. we are expecting the spending bill to pass in the house with help from democrats. there will be a lot of republican defections, probably as many as 50. leaders will also have the house vote on what is known as an enrollment correction. that is a separate vote putting the house on record. eventually the senate will reject that measure because senate democrats will block it. it will allow the house and opportunity as being on the record to defund planned parenthood.
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host: that will all happen today. how is it that the house is able rules the bill before the committee and get it to the floor on the same day? caller: under normal circumstances, the house has to wait a day before voting on a rulesroduced by the committee. yesterday, the house voted to which allowsl law, the house to vote on a rule on the same day as it is produced by the rules committee. the rules committee is expected to meet at 11:00 this morning. the house could vote as soon as a few hours later. the: what assurances does gop leadership have that democrats will support a clean continuing resolution to keep the government funded? caller: house democrats have said that they want to ensure there is not a government shutdown admit night. they want to start budget negotiations when the resolution is passed and they can avoid another shutdown in december.
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the: have the negotiations gun? are they working together on a larger deal? speaker john boehner and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell have started speaking with president obama, generally, about budget negotiations. there is no formal negotiations going on within congress right now. host: so, what happened whenrday on capitol hill house republicans gathered together behind closed doors for a conference meeting? what happened at the conference meeting. when lawmakers came out, what did they say about the path forward today? it was a pretty anti-climatic conference meeting for house republicans. they came out with no resolution on how to move forward, or even a date for the leadership election. lawmakers came out saying it was more of a therapy session, where
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they talked out their feelings, how they think they might want to move forward, and so, it was an opportunity for them to talk it out. everyone said it was a very civil discussion. there was no serious fighting among themselves. host: christina marcos with "the hill." we appreciate you breaking down the action on the house and senate floor. thank you. we will talk with 2 lawmakers coming up on "the washington journal" about the vote in the house. we will talk to hobby yea -- we javierlk to javier -- who is in the leadership. rejecting to the leadership of john boehner. as you know, he will be stepping down from the post. there wanting this language of defunding planned parenthood
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attached to continuing resolutions. c-span, continue watching as on "the washington journal." gavel to gavel coverage on c-span about how this will go down. how the voting will take place today. roseann, you are on the air. what do you think about planned parenthood? caller: thank you for taking my call. i'm calling to support funding for planned parenthood and say what they are doing makes no sense. i do want to agree with the people that have called in. the second caller, even the man who called the republicans nazis -- i think they were truly horrible to the witness. truly horrible. they obviously did not went to hear anything that she had to
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say. they only wanted to beat her up. they did it over and over. they kept her there for 5 hours. it was a terrible display of hate on the part of the republicans. who cares if they are called nazis. they are just dysfunctional, hateful people. host: can i ask you, you obviously watched. do you think the president of planned parenthood was able to sufficiently explain how the money is used? i showed at the beginning "the washington times" saying that she stumbled over trying to be accountable where the money goes. believei would not anything that comes out of "the willngton times," but i say that she tried very hard. for those that listened and wanted to hear, she did. republicans would not let her answer questions and misstated everything she said. he yelled at her.
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they acted like hysterical little babies. they did not allow her to answer the questions very well. i would like to say to the man who felt angry that some of us are calling in and calling the poor republicans names like nazis, he is calling us baby killers. i have never killed a baby. i don't think anyone that is called in has killed the baby. it is illegal to kill a baby. if you kill a baby you are going to jail. host: let's refrain from name-calling. had an iud that failed and i got pregnant in the 1970's . it was a torturous decision, but we did get an abortion. i now regret that, i do. still, i would never deny another woman the right to make up her mind. peopletrouble with these
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that are so closed minded that they cannot -- they do not even care what the other person has to go through. moret think that we need tolerance and forgiveness of other people, instead of all of the hate. that is what i think. host: texas, jeffrey is next. a republican. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call this day. i watched the whole debate with talking to the republicans and democrats. it reminded me of the seminar where democrats praised her and no one could get her to answer a question. she dropped the ball and just recited that she was getting permission at an earlier date. it was horrible. they did mention that they have 1300 facilities that have radiological facilities for
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women. defunding planned parenthood would increase spending for women's health by $20 million. i was trying to figure out why no one is jumping on this. texas, afrey in republican. many of you mentioned the exchanges between republican lawmakers and cecile richards, the president of planned parenthood. this is one that got attention. exchange between cecile richards and jim jordan, the president of the freedom caucus. [video clip] i was reflecting on that video, no particular statement, it did not reflect the compassionate care that we provide. raises an important question. is what you said in your video on true? you were not apologizing for statements made? >> i was apologizing for what
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was said in a nonclinical setting in a non-appropriate way. i do not believe -- way.u cannot have it both you cannot say you're apologizing for statements in one video, and then not tell us what the statements were. >> i do not believe that dr. -- i was really not apologizing for any statements. you can say that on the record, but it cannot be both positions. it has to be one. i want to know which one it is. in my judgment, it was inappropriate to have that conversation in a nonclinical setting in a nonconfidential area about clinical matters. i have told that to the doctor. i will also tell you -- you say that? this wasn't a reporter sticking a microphone in your face. this was a video that you produced to send out. why didn't you say that? >> we may have to agree to
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disagree. >> i think you are not answering my question. >> i think i've answered it repeatedly. hill sawse government that exchange their between representative jim jordan and cecile richards, the pleasant -- president of planned parenthood. the "washington times" noted -- congressman peter welch, democrat of vermont, here is what he had to say about these videos and about this fight over planned parenthood. [video clip] >> what is clear is the law says abortion is legal, and the law has limited authorization for
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fetal tissue research. that is the law. what planned parenthood is doing is completely consistent with the law. we are now having an argument about a video that has been redacted and doctored, there is no dispute about that. all of us would like to get the entire video. and in an investigatory process, we would get the evidence before we argued about the evidence we don't have. so that is a limitation on our ability to get, quote, the truth. second, i just going to speak for vermont. choosewomen voluntarily to get their primary health care from planned parenthood. these are individuals acting on the basis of what they believe is in the best interest of them getting the best health care they need. here thate proposal we could transfer the services
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that planned parenthood provides to our community health centers doesn't stand up in vermont. we have community health centers that we are very proud of. clientele is a significantly different population than women have made the choice to go to planned parenthood for their women's health care issues. so this proposed remedy here would have an incredibly choicee impact on the that vermont women make about getting their basic health care. by the way, that health care that is important to the woman who decides to go to planned parenthood is really appreciated by her family, their partners, and the community. so, what is congress doing here? we are having an argument that is never going to end about abortion. but we are proposing to proceed
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in a way where the effect of our, quote, investigation is going to have collateral consequences that compromises the ability of women to get access to basic health care needs. and it is also in the context where it is undisputed that the services that planned parenthood provides has helped reduce dramatically teen pregnancies and other pregnancies. host: lawmakers up i capitol hill yesterday in that house oversight and government reform committee for five hours debating this issue over whether or not the federal government should be funding planned parenthood. we go outside of washington to get all of your take on that. continuing with your phone calls this morning. in some other news, want to show you the front page of the "atlantic journal-constitution" with you. before 9:00 p.m., the
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u.s. supreme court upheld a decision by the 11th circuit court of appeals to let the state go ahead with the execution. and "newsweek" with this headline -- that happening yesterday. and speaking of the pope, by the way, -- kim davis, the county clerk who denied gay couples got a secret visit with pope francis when he was in washington last week. miss davis and her husband were sneaked into the vatican by car thursday afternoon, according to davis' lawyer.
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the lawyer said he expected to receive photos of the meeting from the vatican soon. he said it was the vatican oficials who had been aware ms. davis. so that in the "new york times" this morning. and an update for all of you on the transpacific partnership trade deal. post" reporting that the u.s. is hoping to conclude these trade deal talks this week. and they report that it is unlikely to trade legislation -- unlikely the trade legislation will reach the house and the senate floor for three months at the house can come together. they are meeting in atlanta to try and wrap this up. these are the three big issues tot continue to dog efforts seal the transpacific partnership: cars, japan and
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mexico are feuding over whether status because will require most of their vehicles' component to be made inside this new trade zealandn dairy: new can't stomach a deal that doesn't open up other countries to its milk products. but japan in canada are pushing back. wants upugs, the u.s. to 12 years of intellectual property protection for biological drugs, but other countries in the bloc want five years. post" onhe "washington those talks. by the way, the opinion page of "usa today," weighing in on donald trump and jeb bush's tax proposals that have put out. and they say they are -- more tax cut snake oil, is what "usa today" believes.
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writes the opposing view in the "washington post" this morning, jeb bush's plan is the one that achieves important goals and economic growth. that in the papers this morning. if you are interested in learning more about donald trump and jeb bush's tax plans. back to our calls, though, with all of you this morning. should federal dollars go to this group? commerce, a democrat. good morning. go ahead. caller: good morning, greta. how are you doing? host: doing fine. caller: the republicans, overall with their messages -- host: we are listening. caller: ok. with their social messaging, i mean, it is very confusing, ok? the same people that were richards wereile
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probably the same people who opted for the iraq war and afghanistan and who wanted to venture off into these other lands to go in kill babies. ok? and these are the same people who back guns everywhere, ok? but you know what is more disturbing is that where this is all coming from from them did it is a religious -- from them. it is a religious thing, all right? if they are sticking their religious -- you know -- propaganda down our throats, ok, bringing up this god, whoever he is, why don't they subpoena him into doing something for the american public jekyll host: craig -- public? host: craig in milwaukee. caller: i am calling because nobody talks about the reasons why women have an abortion. i have a daughter, 51, she is
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single. and she became very ill at 26. she is on such medication that she was warned when she was 26 that if she ever got pregnant, she would have to have an abortion because of all the medications he is on. to tell people that they willingly kill babies -- it is just ridiculous. who go-- there are women in this with really heavy hearts. i keep funding planned parenthood. do you want to go back to the days when the rich went to europe to get an abortion and the poor died in back rooms? this is all very ridiculous. the republicans are anti-women. i have seen it over and over and over again. and i used to be a republican and a longer am.
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host: "the hill" newspaper had this headline -- they report that increasing the government spending would result in more unplanned births as women leave their access to medicaid -- leave access to services such as contraceptives. medicaid would have to pay for some of those and some of the children with an end of medicaid andr other government programs.
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republican line was not answering and hanging up on me. anyhow -- interesting, the last caller, she talked about how she was a republican in the past and now she is not. i actually was a democrat for 20 years, and i even voted for obama the first time. and that is very important for what i'm about to say now. all the colors that are for -- all the callers that a for planned parenthood, the ignorance they display is amazing. i don't believe in socialism. i think progressives has this this wholeve socialist agenda, and part of it is to kill babies. you look back at the history of planned parenthood, it was started by a lady named margaret singer. and she was a racist. she thought that it was
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disrespectful to the child to grow up in a large family. so what would you do? you would kill them. so in order to have this happen, you have to convince people of the underlying desire to -- i have heard the war on women a hundred times. what about men? men contribute dna to this process, but we are not mentioned in this. host: where did you read this history of planned parenthood? caller: you can find the history of not planned parenthood because again you are going to find a lot of lies. find the history of the founder of planned parenthood and don't go to one website. there is countless books. something that is very interesting in europe, they have
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further the long the concept of abortion to earn they now openly discuss abortion and they want to do it up to three years old. i am going-- host: to leave it there. this is from "usa today" -- italy along the central mediterranean is the deadliest. 2621 migrants have drowned or gone missing there this year. that in the "usa today" on that. and on this migration crisis in europe, the world new section of the "wall street journal" this morning, this on germany. these asylum-seekers are trying to get to germany. a new rule being proposed in germany still needs parliamentary proposal, would cut benefits to asylum-seekers and speed up the review of
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asylum-seekers. -- also aim to that will likely benefit germany's 16 federal states, which have complained about the pressure of finances as they feed and house asylum-seekers. the controls have hardly made a dent. then there is also this from the front page of the "wall street journal," taliban offenses tests the united states. afghan troops struggle to recapture -- on against anld aggressive counteroffensive in
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which at least 17 -- at least 17 afghan troops and unknown number of civilians were killed. forces have mostly given up their gains and retreated to two locations, the airport at a strategic hill on the other side of the capital. surge is the first sector victory since 2001 and reinvigorated arguments by some u.s. senior military officials, lawmakers, and others that the administration should rethink the size of the coalition force left in afghanistan. let's go to irene in illinois, a democrat. good morning to you. go ahead with your thoughts. caller: yes, the federal government should fund planned parenthood. i am a retired registered nurse after 33 years. i never looked at planned parenthood. a large population of what we
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see, even planned parenthood sees is teenagers. from 15 to 18 years old. the teen pregnancy rate right now is at a 40 year low. tose teenagers can't go community health centers because, number one, they need an adult with them. and so then you are good have an increase in teen pregnancy rate. so, all these people who are against abortion, when you see those 15 and 16 year olds out there pregnant because they to't have any access contraceptives, what he going to do to help them with the babies? they criticize them when they have babies, not a are criticizing them when they take the responsibility to go to those clinics. we stress abstinence. we talk about their educational needs. we have a lot of success rates in those clinics. because talk about them
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they are going to need whatever else. so, come on, people. we need to help people and not discourage them from trying to do the right thing. host: jocelyn in pennsylvania, an independent. caller: are you talking to me? host: you are on the air. what are your thoughts on this? caller: i went to planned parenthood ignorantly. as the caller before said, margaret worked for planned parenthood, studied it, and she was a racist. i am someone who was adopted and who was raised and who is homeless. i would never go back to planned parenthood. they went from being better in the 1980's to being bad. the atmosphere is not good in planned parenthood. i don't approve of abortion.
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i am a republican, and i voted for obama. i never voted for bush or clinton. i go to the hospital because they have a more comprehensive caring attitude to the patient. when i go -- when i went into planned parenthood, i felt suspicion and it was a very negative place when i went there. i never knew better. if i hadn't have gone to planned parenthood, i probably would have gotten pregnant and i probably would have gotten married. i studied going to planned parenthood when i went to a catholic college, which was all women. i went to 4 catholic colleges and i saw the pope and i think we should protect this country from mass-producing murder. host: we will leave it there for now. coming up, we'll take a short break to we will continue the conversation -- short break. we will continue the conversation.
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in early october, the southern festival of books in nashville. the weekend after that, we are live from austin for the texas book festival. month,'re the end of the we will be covering to book festivals on the same weekend. it is the wisconsin book festival in madison. and back on the east coast, the boston book festival. at the start of november, we will be in portland, oregon. followed by the national book awards from new york city. and at the end of november, we are live for the 18th year in a row from florida for the miami book fair international. that is a few of the fairs and festivals this fall on c-span2's "booktv." announcer: "washington journal" continues. host: back at our table this morning. xavier becerra, democrat of california. the democratic caucus. thanks for being here. guest: great to be with you. host: let's begin with these continuing resolutions that will
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come to the floor today. how do you plan to vote? guest: i would like to know what it is going to be, and i am not interested in continuing this government by crisis one day after the other, you know, stopgap members -- measures are not budgets. i don't see why the largest economy in the world should begun june -- should be governed this way. i am also not interested in enabling republicans to shutdown our government. so my only choice may be to support this stopgap measure so we don't watch tomorrow, our government services stop. but i'm not interested in doing this. i will tell you that if -- if this happens again, we have seen this happen for four years, i am prepared to vote no against these republicans continuing resolutions, which are -- it is a triage because we triage the
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federal government's services, and then we are told we are going to solve it. then it happens again. and it is triage again. so the patient never gets to get well. never gets to go to if a hospital to get well. and that is not the way you run the largest economy in the world. host: a resolution that comes to the floor, if it is similar to the senate version, would be clean. that means it wouldn't include any language to defund planned parenthood. it would then take you until mid-december. will you be joined by enough democrats that this passes in the house? guest: my sense is that today democrats will discuss this further. we certainly want to see our services sent out to those social security recipients, those veterans. this:fficulty is republicans have had a year to come up with a budget, they have had a year to come to the we, as a and say
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majority, want to work with you. they never did. and now we are on the 364th day of the year to have a budget. so they are going to be a continuing resolution. a continuing resolution is not a budget. it is a stopgap measure. it is also hurtful to the economy because it doesn't fund services where they need to be funded. and so it is not a good thing to do these crs. i am not a fan of these things. host: reporting this morning that budget negotiations between democrats and republicans have already begun. the leader in the senate, mitch mcconnell, saying that he and speaker boehner have reached out to the administration, they are studying the budget talks so they can come to some set of two-year deal by mid-december that avoids all of these budget battles, avoids another government shutdown, and takes it off the plate during the 2016 election cycle. what do democrats need in order
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to agree to any sort of budget to deal? guest: for the discussions to be meaningful, for their but publicans -- for the republicans not to have any preconditions. mr. mcconnell and mr. banal -- mr. boehner telling the president that they will negotiate on a budget, but they won't -- don't want the democrats to be able to participate. the president doesn't have a vote on the budget. if republicans say they have to start off the negotiations by excluding all democrats, those aren't meaningful discussions. host: can't the president negotiate for you? guest: the president can certainly negotiate, but i don't think you should negotiate by himself. unless republicans believe that the president will carry each and every single democrat with him without a democrats in the congress ever having a say, i think that is unrealistic. itemswhat are some of the
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that democrats would like to see in any sort of budget deal? guest: funding where it must be, not where republicans wanted to be. funding for our veterans, funding for social security, funding for health care, funding for our troops. the evidence -- where the evidence says it should be. not some blind way of doing budgeting what you just do cuts across the board. even to those programs that we don't think are working as well, you shouldn't treat the good ones the way you would treat the bad ones. what we should be doing is being smart about how we budget. the family would say, well, we overspent at vegas last week, so we will have to cut the payments for kids' college education. you do what you need to do and if we could come together and talk about a budget that works for america, that keeps services moving ford, you will get votes. republicans agreed
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to raise domestic spending, would you agree to raise spending for the military? guest: yeah, i think we are ready to raise it where it should. we are ready to cut it where it should. but we are not willing to cut it simply because you don't like it. we find this whole mess over republicans' obsession with planned parenthood waco lead to the shutdown of services. simply because republicans are obsessed by planned parenthood is crazy. it is disgraceful. and so what we are hoping we will do is sit down and talk about meaningful budget programs , cuts, increases, whatever it takes. host: we will get to calls. francis has been waiting in fort lauderdale, a republican. caller: good morning, greta. good morning, congressman. guest: good morning. caller: i have a possible compromise. i'll listening to the hearings yesterday, and mrs. richards
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claimed that most of the federal money her organization gets goes for medicare services rendered by her group, but $60 million of that amount is discretionary funding. so if that $60 million could be cut out, which is discretionary, planned parenthood would still have a profit of $67 million because she said that her wasall income over expenses $127 million. and one other thing, too, i have -- i work as a sidewalk counselor, pro-life counselor at the abortion centers. i went to the one in st. louis, as a matter of fact. and tried to big to the women as they go in about the sacredness of all human life, and adoption is a beautiful option. then they wouldn't have that chance of getting breast cancer
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because several studies indicate a connection between abortion and breast cancer. and also have that guilt on their minds for the rest of their lives. host: i am going to jump in so we can get some more voices in. guest: thank you for a thoughtful way of trying to come up with a compromise. i don't believe that we would want to see planned parenthood lose the discretionary dollars they get from the federal government because those help pay for things like cancer screenings. some of the programs that don't get full reimbursement -- by the way, it is medicaid, not medicare. planned parenthood gets medicaid. i would still support the funding for the discretionary part of the budget where they get some of the money because it continues to provide the services to women. and to men, as well. so i think it is important. one other final point, planned parenthood doesn't make profit.
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it is a nonprofit organization. it'sst show its books, and money is used for the purposes of paying for the services it provides. host: when you're watching that hearing yesterday, planned parenthood provided the committee with its 990, as well as all of its affiliates' 990. there it is on your screen., go to "washington journal," you will find their link to the planned parenthood national office, their 990. and you can go through it, see how much the president makes, the president makes come and see how much they spend on travel. want to ask you about planned parenthood, about the videos. given that they are out there and people have seen them, a lot of debate about them. do you fully trust that planned parenthood is being transparent? guest: based on these videos, i don't make any judgment off of these videos because these
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videos have been tampered with. let me ask you this good anyone could take this program and they could splice also its of comments you have made over the years. and they could make it look like you said things that you never meant to say. i wouldn't trust that. and i do see where we were trust a video that has been put together in ways that deceive the american people. if we saw the entire vehicle, then maybe we could make some judgments. i think the way the members on the republican side of the committee yesterday conducted themselves was disgraceful. i think it is outrageous to be little and badger a witness who is trying to respond to questions on something that could be very serious. but these videos, i wouldn't make any judgment. if you were to try to go to a court of law, this video would never see the light of day the way it has because it is not the real video of what took place. host: we will hear from janet in florida, a democrat. caller: how are you this morning? host: morning.
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caller: yes, i'm calling concerning planned parenthood. i don't understand why a group of men could make that decision for the women because i have to have planned parenthood. i need planned parenthood i had a i have -- terrible pregnancy. so when i went to planned parenthood, i didn't know i had -- [indiscernible] -- they could not do anything for me, so they sent me straight to the hospital. so they are good for a lot of things. abortions, most people i know that had abortions, it had to come out of their pocket. the government don't pay for that procedure. , -- lso with that you
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[indiscernible] if you are going to have an abortion, you are not going to deliver a baby and then have an abortion. that is not called an abortion. [indiscernible] that is called a murderer. you cannot do that. host: congressman? guest: first of all, was it francis? host: i am not sure actually. sorry about that. guest: janet, i think it was. host: yes, there you go. guest: my wife is in high risk ob/gyn, so i understand what you're talking about. it is tough. and we need to have professionals provide your care. planned parenthood does something very important. they make sure you go to the right professional. ones who helped the women -- woman, mostly women,
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get access to the health care service they need. so they are indispensable. we need to fight like the dickens that planned parenthood continues because hundreds of thousands of people depend on their health as a result of planned parenthood. we should have a frontal attack on those who try to deceive us with these videos and try to give us the impression that it isn't real. give us the real facts and then let's have a discussion or debate. but a straight up debate. don't tolerate. if you feel so confident about your position, then give us the facts. don't try to deceive us later and don't tell us until we figure out that you are lying to us. and certainly, if you are a member of congress, don't take advantage of a witness simply because you are sitting there and you do want to let the witness answer your questions. i think it is important for us to have a full-blown debate. francis, you got services because you needed it, and that is why planned parenthood was there. host: cnn reporting that a court
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has ordered this group behind the videos to turn over all videos and all documents that they have. guest: as i said, a court would never except his tape the way it is, and good for the court that we have a system that tries to get to the bottom of this. host: liz in florida, a republican. caller: good morning. i would like to just take the whole of abortion and the emotional thing out of this and ask a very simple question. is giving an organization half-a-billionaire dollars, a half $1 billion, a nonprofit organization, and then that organization turns around and his views executive salaries , buys first class tickets, donate to political causes -- i wouldn't care what the organization wants. no organization that is getting public funding should be allowed to send money haphazardly -- spend money haphazardly.
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is my taxpayer money. i don't buy first class airline tickets. you know, i can't afford to go on vacation many years, so i spend my hard-earned taxpayer money to support any organization, whether it is the humane society of the united states, or the planned parenthood -- and is spending their money haphazardly. host: we will take your point. guest: liz, thank you. the beauty of c-span and the beauty of our democracy as we have an opportunity to speak our minds. i appreciate that and i respect your opportunity, you're right to speak their mind. fortunately -- unfortunately, i think you spoke a lot of missed through's -- mistruths. that isimply say disagree with the way you have characterized planned parenthood. planned parenthood's use of its
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money and its resources are out there for full review. he pointed out how the "denver post" pointed out how they use their money. i don't know where you are getting your information, but your sources are absolutely inaccurate. i would urge you, for the purpose of having a meaningful debate, that you get the right information so we can talk about the issues. and not have to worry about trying to reframe and correct the characterizations and the statements. host: one point that the president of planned parenthood made yesterday at the hearing is that the board for planned parenthood decides how much he gets paid, and she also decides -- says that she herself does not travel first class. this organization fundraisers, and takes money. can it not just do what it does without federal money? why does it need to have -- since there this -- is this
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objection, why can it provided services without federal money? guest: i think you may have pointed this out already, but the services it provides with regard to abortion it does without federal money. the other services it provides, whether it is the cancer screenings, the std testing, all those things that they do, they work they do for men and women, they don't get funding -- they don't get reimbursed from the federal government for all of these services. no one is obligated to give them money. when you make a contribution to planned parenthood, you do it voluntarily. so they raise money to provide the services they do to hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people throughout the country. they only get federal resources to get reimbursed for the services they provide that other health care providers would get reimbursed, too. doctor would
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receive reimbursement from medicaid or from the federal government for the services they are providing, like planned parenthood. host: what about the republicans' argument that money is fungible? guest: i can always spend a dollar that i would've spent on a cup of coffee on a meal. and i could always come back and say i not going to spend as much on that dinner because i want to drive there -- i want to buy the drink. but it is not fungible in the sense that if there woman walks through the door and says i have pregnancy,tubal planned parenthood could say, well, come back next week because right now we are providing services for cancer screening only. if they did that, they wouldn't be providing the services the way they like. so they do take people and. the only request reimbursement from the federal government when they provide a legitimate service.
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and when it comes to abortion, again, let's state the facts, planned parenthood doesn't get federal dollars for the purpose of doing any work related to an abortion. host: do they in limited circumstances, though? guest: in limited circumstances, but you're talking now about the life of the mother, we are talking about existence shall circumstances where the life or some sort of real emergence or come stance that requires this act. host: charlotte, north carolina, charles you are next. caller: good morning. i just had a -- i listened to the hearings, and from what i got from the hearings, the whole issue deals with lower income women, generally african-american women in poverty who have no other place to go for women's health issues or abortions, so they go to planned parenthood with a heavy heart to generally get
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assistance. with that the correct? guest: not really. planned parenthood has facilities that are available to all women. certainly a lot of women who have lower incomes who can afford to go to a doctor or hospital would use planned parenthood because the rates that they would have to pay are far better, but it is not just for only low income women, and certainly not only for african-american women. i guarantee you there are more women who are white receiving services from planned parenthood been are black. host: welcome to the conversation. caller: good morning. i would like to know if the republicans, democrats, or independents, whoever, is or,y for stopping abortions you know, going to shut all the government down for -- for the
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reason of planned parenthood. now, if we are serious about this problem, why are we sending our tax dollars to people overseas? an example, israel. they have abortions up to eight months. our tax money is going to these countries that have abortions that are legal, and if these christians, evangelicals -- host: can i jump in? i have heard this line of argument from several callers. where did you hear about money being sent to israel and israel allows abortions and that argument? where did you first hear it? caller: well, i hear it on the news. i listen to cable news every day. host: ok. congressman? guest: probably the most important thing in something
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like this discussion about planned parenthood is, check your sources. because it is tough to have a really deep dive into a debate when you're dealing with information that is not accurate. i will say something that i thought was great important. -- was very important. the fact that we are discussing planned parenthood and the possibility of shutting down the entire operations of government simply because republicans have this obsession with planned parenthood is up seen. we should be talking about how we help the private sector and the president grow jobs. we have not been able to and the last five years to do a funding bill for transportation. talk to the guys in the construction industry. there are a whole bunch of folks who could work if we went in -- went back into the business of repairing our roads.
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myopicer than do this dive into planned parenthood and deciding to shut down all operations of government, the last time we did this two years ago we lost $120,000 jobs -- 120,000 jobs. we should be talking about our economy, growing jobs. host: it looks like with democrats' help, a shutdown will be avoided today. tomorrow, october 1 is the new year for 2016. lawmakers have until midnight tonight to pass a continuing resolution. that means, in mid-december, this debate begins again. and hopefully over the next coming weeks, there is some sort of deal brokered. others say not. others say they want them to -- the leadership to stick to their principles.
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"wall street journal" editorial board this morning -- this congress, and specifically speak or banner, has shown the power of the purse. the gop has cut out lies as a share of gdp for three straight years. they write to this: a better explanation of these numbers -- guest: and most of these budgets that have passed over these years, were we have seen the reduction in the size of government, have received democratic votes. and so let's be clear. democrats are for making sure our government is lean, but not mean. and we are ready to vote to make cuts in some places, but also investments in others. but you cannot do that if you continue to do the stopgap measures because you are
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constraining what you can do. you have to essentially take the bad budgets of the previous four,and continue it for in this case, two or three months. so democrats are ready to engage in any discussion about making cuts and making investments, but you've got to get past this obsession with planned parenthood and you have to start thinking about the big picture, which is jobs. and so this is crazy. if democrats were in control of one house of congress, it probably would be easier for us to resolve this. but right now, republicans have total control of the congress. and here we go again. this is a rerun of a b rated movie to begin with. we have seen this movie before. we didn't like it the first time. why would we want to watch it again? host: eric, virginia, a republican. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call.
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congressman., and guest: thank you. caller: whether you are democrat or republican, it is a responsibility most don't understand. the thoughts i have on planned parenthood, i think that it is shameful that hundreds of thousands of people, who rely on the services of planned parenthood, the services that they wouldn't get anywhere else are at risk because -- who knows what really happened? these media outlets explain the arguments from different perspectives, and the videos spark all types of arguments. and we don't really know what happens. but i just don't think it is fair. i'm calling in on the republican line. we are talking about human beings. let's not punish, penalize hundreds of thousands of people with this issue that i don't think deserves all the attention that it is getting. host: all right.
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guest: eric, thanks first again for approaching this in a thoughtful matter. you point out, again, that if politicians had to do their work in a court of law, most of what they would do would get thrown out. this tape that is being used to condemn and noting the station that has done some phenomenal work whenever be accepted in a court of law. it has been doctored. those who presented the tape never tried to admit that it was doctored. now we know it is doctored. why should we rely on something where we were deceived? but the more important point that i think you make is you talk about service. i am never going to condemn our government. i mean i think sometimes our government works as well, but it is our government. if you go back to the founding document that established our government, our democracy, we, the people. since when should we be disassociated from what our ourrnment does is our -- if
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government is of and by the people and for the people? it is unfortunate the attacks we see on government, our government, all the time. and shutting down the government is one of the attacks on we the people. host: scholar in salt lake city, utah, a democrat. caller: hello, there. thank you for taking my call. i am just wondering how these large cable media's can get away with showing -- medias can get away with showing such information that is doctored or comes from unknown sources. guest: great question. most of it i think is because when it was first presented, it was presented as if it was a complete video not having been doctored. unless you have the technical capabilities and reason to believe -- to figure out if the tape was doctored, you will play it. fortunately, most of these news outlets are beginning to say
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that these videotapes that have been put out there by these groups have been doctored. great point. everyone, all of us -- and by the way, that is where i think c-span plays a very important role because you are 24/7, you give us an opportunity to put things out there. i wish fox news or somebody's other programs would do the same thing. host: by the way, cnn in an interview with the man behind the videos says he denies any editing of the videos. it is time for a light detector test for that guy. host: concord, new hampshire, matthew, an independent. caller: "good morning america -- good morning, america. thank you, c-span. the congress has a responsibility -- [indiscernible] my wife suffers from breast cancer. she has had four surgeries.
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when my wife first found breast cancer, new hampshire, she had a job at lowe's and didn't have health insurance. she went to the local clinic. for all these years, they have revisited, they have really looked, they have retested her. she now has health insurance with a high deductible, but think god for planned parenthood because when she was treated for her breast cancer, when she had surgeries, planned parenthood, through contributions, not through the government money, paid for her treatment. and they still pay for her checkups. my wife is alive because of planned parenthood. tortion is legal, according the constitution. let's accept that. let's not argue it any longer. we have been fighting it for over 40 years. if they want to change it, let's it a constitutional amendment. but abortion is way less
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damaging to the united states than citizens united. i respect c-span. i think you for letting me express my point of view. yout: i -- i will vote for if you ever decide to run for congress. one, i appreciate the way you said it. by the way, i would disagree on one point. i think we should continue to have discussions on abortion. i am not in favor of abortion. i have three daughters. my wife is in ob/gyn. but i do believe a woman should be the one to decide, not some politician sitting in the halls of congress. and so i think the discussion about abortion is absolutely appropriate in ways that are thoughtful. not in these ways we are having a virtual shutdown and government because of the issue of planned parenthood. i do believe we have a responsibility in congress to take these votes, to signal to
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the president and the american people on where we are, and authorization to use military force. host: can i ask you on that note of foreign policy -- counter , theks by afghans fail u.s. involved in trying to push back the telegram as they -- the taliban as they are beginning to surge in afghanistan. guest: we should always be prepared to reconsider. that is a different thing than saying we should reengage completely and fight their war for them. i think we made it very clear back in 2001 we were going to get rid of the taliban because of what they were associated with. darndestve tried our to help the afghan people. we are going to try to continue to help them get their because it is not that easy, but
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fighting someone else's war, whether in afghanistan or syria or iraq -- i am not interested in having an american troop spilled blood and have to tell an american mother or father that your son died, your daughter died because there is a civil war going on another country and we are fighting that civil war for them. don'tt mind helping, i mind trying to help sink in the pillars of democracy, but at some point though soldiers have to demonstrate that they really do want a democracy. host: in syria, what is the future of assad? guest: here is my problem with talking about syria in isolation or in the moment. syria was a creation after world war i, where the allies started to parcel up that region of the world that we call the middle east in ways that have nothing to do with history and cultures.
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and all of a sudden, you created this country called iraq, where the people there didn't call themselves iraqis. in syria is the same thing. i think you have to recognize that there are deep-seated, long-standing conflicts that precede this civil war in syria. so thinking we are going to solve it by kicking out side or or defeating prices, it is not that easy. let them prove what they want to do. host: it is not just syria, though. the headline on bbc's website, russia has noticed carried out its first syria airstrike. russia is involved. can the united states said this out if russia is involved? guest: we are not sitting on the sidelines. we are definitely involved, but we are being cautious. that to me points to how
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convoluted and confusing this can be. and we better be very careful when -- by the way, this think also clarifies was a vote on this nuclear agreement with iran was so important. why? because somehow, we were able to keep the coalition of france, great britain, germany, china, and russia together to force iran to not have nuclear weapons. right now, russia is causing us some headaches and syria, but somehow -- on syria, but somehow we were able to keep them together. it is a big deal because we never know when these partners are not going to be your partners. having russia and china sign off on something when they are very much competitors and sometimes adversaries is very important. host: the "new york times" this morning with this picture of
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john kerry meeting with vladimir putin and his prime minister, as mr. kerry tries to pursue some int of peaceful negotiation the situation in syria. if both sides, united states and russia, could agree to a political solution where mr. assad is no longer the head of that country and someone else that both sides agreed to could be put in his place, do you back this idea and push by the secretary of state? guest: i think anyone who has face of leadership right now in syria can't expect to hang out once we resolve this conflict could you need new blood, -- conflict. you need new blood, new leadership. the leaders today are tainted for tomorrow. if you expect the people that live in this country called syria to consider themselves
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syrians, it will be tough if they are watching people lead them that were killing them before. i think all these guys, i don't care if it is the syrian government or the opposition forces, they better be prepared to let new blood come in. host: with all of that on the table, we will go back to calls. lisa in springfield, ohio, a republican. caller: good morning, how are you? guest: good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. i think that -- i believe that is trying toative camouflage these videos by telling people that they have been doctored. maybe they have, but maybe they haven't. and i think that what is going on -- i believe that planned parenthood should be defunded because it is morally wrong.
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that -- that is coming about, we are seeing these little children being murdered, basically murdered. and nobody is standing up for them. i think that you as a representative, what would your boat the -- what would your vote the? would you defend them? guest: first, thanks for your opinion and giving your in a very thoughtful way. when people approach me and try to have a constructive conversation. one, children are not being murdered. no child was murdered, otherwise you would find criminal charges being pressed. , you make a very
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important point. you don't want to see abortion and you are against abortion. i've against to seeing abortion happen for no reason whatsoever. we can agree on that. we disagree on how our government should use its resources and the laws to force people, women, to do things. there is where we disagree. it is important to have that conversation, that debate on abortion. i think we can do that and try to come to some meaningful decisions. but on the issue of the tapes and whether they have been doctored, i think you are wrong. there is no doubt that these tapes have been doctored. doctored, wee been should not be saying we don't know if they have been doctored. they have been doctored. they are deceptive. watching the real videos, i'm
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doctored, with that change people's mind? possibly. but let's see the real videos. until then, let's admit that the tapes have been doctored and stop talking as if they are not. i am not interested in making decisions is on fake evidence. we go next to allen in georgia, independent. how are you doing? caller: hi. host: you are on the air. caller: i watched the hearings yesterday and i hear the representatives talking about the tapes being doctored. i watched the news last night and when they -- i watch cbs and abc and all the other major news networks, and when they show the hearings, they doctored their tapes. they do the same things you are talking about. they cut out the parts they do not think are important. what i would like to know is, i heard a lot of discussion about planned
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parenthood donating money to the democratic party. can you give me a dollar amount about, just being raised -- about how much is being contributed? aest: planned parenthood is nonprofit. they actually have a political arm. guest: i don't know the numbers. but let's go back to a point here. ,ou make a very good point alan about the tapes that we see in the news. it is not the entire hearing that we saw, only clips. you consider that a doctored tape of the hearing. i think that is taking the definition of doctored to a , certainly those are not complete tapes. i don't believe that the news programs where you saw them represented the tapes that they were showing as a full scope of the hearing itself and everything that was said, whereas the tapes on planned
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, the organization never said that this is only part of it. they represented it as being a conversation that was had. that was the doctoring. there is a big difference. certainly you want to see everything, and while the news can't show you five hours worth of a hearing in a 20 or 42nd segment, i would not call the doctoring. host: by the way, for our viewer, go to put in planned parenthood into search field and you can see planned parenthood, how much money they have given. and if our viewers want to follow along with this court case over the videos, this is from politico, the court ruled last week that this group must turn over documents and the entire video footage to the court. if you want to follow along with that you can go to
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was on behind that video cnn this morning saying that there was no editing. congressman, thank you for your time. we appreciate it. theng up next, we continued conversation with representative fromfleming, a republican louisiana. he is a member of the freedom caucus. we will get to that right after this break. >> when you look at the role that the supreme court is playing in our society now, our history theory has to have relevance. we thought about what can we do to have relevance? the court made all the sense in the world. >> it is an equal branch of
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government. it is the third branch of government. it has fundamental impact on americans lives. >> inside this elegant building is a courtroom where cases are heard and decisions are made that impacts all of our lives. there are so many incredibly interesting cases in the courts history. we have all heard about roe versus wade, we have heard about brown versus board of education. but for so many people they are just names in a textbook. we want to talk about not only the legal decisions but the people involved. they are human beings who felt so passionately that they were being robbed of their rights that they brought their cases to the court. >> i think what people of find most fascinating about these cases are the personal stories. one of my personal favorites is matt versus ohio. i think when people here this
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series, landmark cases, the book. it features the 12 cases we have selected for the series, with a brief introduction, highlights, written by veteran supreme court journalist tony mauro. published by c-span in cooperation with cq press. landmark cases is available for $8.95 plus shipping and handling. >> "washington journal" continues. host: we want to welcome congressman john fleming, member of the freedom caucus, here to talk about the new gop leadership. let's begin with the continuing resolution that will come in to the house floor today for all of you to vote on. it is supposedly going to be no languageis, defunding planned parenthood. how do you plan to vote? guest: i will vote against any spending bill that will fund
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planned parenthood. we may have the opportunity to vote for an amendment that would defund. we have voted already for a standard plan that would defund, and i voted for that. but it does carry funding for planned parenthood. i will vote against it. i think many republicans well. there will be sufficient democrats to vote for it to get it passed. host: what is this amendment that you might get to vote on? guest: it would be similar to the stand-alone bill that would defer funding -- actually research at the funding -- re-circuit the funding to other types of women's health care clinics, so it would be the same money, in fact a little bit more money spent for women's health. that instead of planned parenthood that does abortions it would go to community health clinics that do not perform
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abortions but do women's health services. host: is this bill florez's amendment? guest: i think it begins with congress on black -- congresswoman black. robertson florez may have one like it, i am not sure. host: and you say you might get to vote on it, why do you say that? guest: i have not been told yet the structure of the bill we are going to see. i am told that we would get some opportunity to vote for defendant but that the ultimate continuing resolution would be a so-called clean resolution, which means it would have funding for planned parenthood. host: this decision on how to move forward comes from the speaker's office. speaker john boehner has decided this way forward. toin mccarthy who is running replace its bigger banner -- speaker paneer -- speaker boehner, is part of this leadership. what does it say about his future leadership if he were to be voted for and win?
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guest: it will be telling to see how he votes on this. leadership, a so-called leadership table, people who are elected to be the majority leader, lake kevin mccarthy is, they come together behind closed doors. they decide the strategies that they want to choose. they come out as a single team. there may be disagreement among them, but they all try to stick to the plan. it does not always come out that way, but the vast majority of the times they do. so being part of the leadership course kevin mccarthy would have to go along with that in most cases. however he might choose to vote differently. i really have not spoken him about it. host: who are you supporting for speaker? guest: i have not made a decision. as you may have heard, the freedom caucus are 40 strong and we have other members who are like-minded. we plan to listen to and look at
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all of the candidates and really not make a commitment until we have had an opportunity to speak to everybody and hear everyone's case. for kevind you vote mccarthy? guest: i am not committing one way or the other. i don't know. i have not spoken with him. i wants to hear what he has to say. i want to see if there is something different that he is bringing to the discussion. i don't believe that we should just simply move the chairs on the deck. i don't think we should just simply elevate everybody one notch and say we are going to keep the status quo. i think there is a reason why we need to make some changes in our leadership, not just the personalities, but maybe some of the approaches that we have. host: it seems to be that there is more of a reach for the majority leader position, that kevin mccarthy, it does not look like anyone is going to challenge him. who would you like to see in the majority leader spot right now?
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price, a member of the budget committee, and who else? guest: first of all, there is a race for speaker. daniel webster from florida is running and has a good bit of support. host: would you vote for him? guest: again, i am just noncommittal at this point. as for the majority leader, there are at least two but there may be others running as well. and i am not even looking at that race. for me it is a concentration on the speaker. that is the important thing. if kevin mccarthy is not elected speaker then there will not be a majority leaders race. host: what is the way forward for the freedom caucus? guest: we are going to begin candidates, and we want to make sure that this is an elongated process. you have plenty of time, we have a month at least.
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we want to talk with them, we want to hear what they have to say. we want to hear about strategies and plans and make sure that they are going to be inclusive of all members and not just certain members of our conference. what they arer going to do creatively and innovatively. powersn taking back the that are guaranteed to the u.s. congress through the cost decision -- constitution. host: does it begin for today's vote on the continuing resolution? are you going to be looking at how kevin mccarthy votes? guest: absolutely. i want to know how they are going to vote. i think they are free at this point to vote their own conscience. the speaker and the speakers plan -- he is retiring. i want to know what they are -- they're vote is going to be like. i think that says a lot. host: let's get to calls. joni in rochester, minnesota, a democrat. caller: this is back to planned
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parenthood. , there arering solutions to unwanted pregnancies, lake best actor maze or to a litigation -- like affect maze -- best actor means -- vasectomies and tubal ligation. but the cost is prohibitive. i think that there are solutions. they are not looking in the right places. secondly, planned parenthood is a misnomer. the name should be changed to women's health organization or something. it makes it sound like the only thing the organization is interested in is preventing pregnancies, when it covers so .any enormous things for women
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health issues for women. some thingse are that are not being brought to that shouldt to -- be brought to the forefront to really help the women of this country instead of having a group of men and a few women deciding the futures of these people. they have no voice in it, and i think they should make some changes. thank you. well, the american people have a big voice in this, because they are the ones who elect us to represent them in washington. the caller is pivoting off of huge mess -- myths. our scheduled health can be purchased for as little as $12, and in many cases they are free. i myself for years, in my medical practice, i am a physician, have worked in free clinics or health unit in
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louisiana. in louisiana we have only to planned parenthood sites. we have hundreds of community health centers which provide the the if not more than -- same if not more health care. pregnancy prevention, breast exams, everything that would be involved in the health of women for the same cost rate it is basically tied it to what your income level is and in most cases it is free. if planned parenthood shut down today there would be plenty of opportunities for women of low income to have women's health care and even abortions. they are not the only abortion provider, but planned parenthood is the elephant in the room on that discussion. 40%ned parenthood provides of all abortions in the country, over 300,000 a year. prenatal careall
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provided by planned parenthood leads to abortion. make no mistake about it, that is their core business. then we did -- then we find out the side business, and that is the selling of baby parts. the left would go crazy if we were selling kitty or puppy parts. but somehow they on the left recessionoblem with fashioning abortion in such a re-fashioning- abortion in such a way that you avoid injuring certain organs. the law is very strict on that. it should be only for the good of the mother and not for the protection of, and the ultimate sale, of organs. host: planned parenthood president cecile richards testifying yesterday that there are very few the next -- planned parenthood clinics that do the type of procedure where they
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would then donate the fetal tissue. i think she said it was one clinic, or 1%. so then why try to -- when that is legal -- research involving fetal tissue is legal, and abortion legal, why then try to take away the federal funding? guest: that percentage would have to be proven. we will find out if that is true or not. that is not the point. the point is there are miscarriages, there are stillbirths. there are plenty of opportunities to sell organs that occur from natural death. once you put in a financial incentive to take innocent life i think we have to be very careful of what that can lead to. remember, these women coming to these clinics oftentimes unsure about what they ultimately will do. we are concerned that if the clinic itself is incentivized, or the personnel, financially
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incentivized to do and abortion, the woman who may otherwise be isecided, that means there more innocent life than would be legal. it is not allowed -- two can -- coerce a woman into an abortion. host: we go to houston texas, mike, a republican. caller: good morning. congressman, i have kept an eye on you a little bit, thank you for doing what you are doing. i think planned parenthood is a governmentin duplication. it provides $500 million a year to planned parenthood, but you also have obamacare. duplication, to be and the congressman just rattled off its efforts in clinics and stuff that are low-cost clinics. we have low-cost clinics, we
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have obamacare, we have planned parenthood. we have to supply birth control, but we have it on every street corner. i'm just curious, when does the audit happened? where is the audit? and in regards to the video of they haverenthood, edited everything they did over the past 50 years. of course there are edits. but the words that they heard -- but the words we heard came out of their mouths. host: congressman? guest: he makes a lot of great points. he is right, it is $5 million year. the ceo of the company -- excuse me, $500 million. the ceo makes $500,000 year, highly paid to do what she does. find out they we don't even spend all the money we give them. the american people, well we are sort of a mixed tag on
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abortions, 45% to 48% say it should be ok, the vast majority of americans do not feel that tack -- taxpayers should become worst to find them or to subsidize them. makes a great point about the fact that now we have duplication. one of the selling points of obamacare was that we would not need taxpayer money for places like pet -- like planned parenthood, that all of that would be universally available for women anyway. so what we have are thousands of community health centers that provide all of the women's services based on income, and they do not provide abortions of course. planned parenthood that continues to get the same funding it always has, in fact more, and they are doing more and more abortions. and then we have obamacare. the truth is that a woman who needs health care may not have
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income, or needs to plan her family. and basedl available on ability to pay, and we are just stacking it on one on another, at the cost of taxpayers. most taxpayers are not on board with that. guest: who would you -- host: who would you like to see from the house freedom caucus run for one of these leadership additions? i am a big fan of a number of my colleagues. jim gordon is our chairman. he is a very consistent conservative, a reasonable and lawful conservative. i would like to see him in a leadership position. , as haveen reluctant other members, to run. so it remains to be seen. but if there is an opportunity i would certainly get behind jim. host: reluctant to run also
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describes representative trey who said i am not going to do it, i want to stick with what i'm doing, leaving the special committee on benghazi. go back toants to south carolina, and god bless them for that. what a lot of people don't realize is that it is not a glamorous lifestyle most of us have up in washington. many members live in their offices because they cannot afford to households. it is expensive living appear. they have children and spouses back home. in my case my spouse is with me up. and i can afford it. but for many of my colleagues it is a pretty of the lifestyle. i admire them for what they do and i understand if they want to go back home. is that what congressman gaudi told you, that he plans to yes.:
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he wants to finish his work on the benghazi special committee but he loves south carolina, he loves his family, and he wants to go back and spend the rest of his life there. like i say, i respect him and he will be sorely missed. "the and a column today in washington post," entered the brock -- the brat pack. she writes, the opposition -- referring to the freedom caucus -- not because of severe -- superior skills or strategy but because john boehner is far more sophisticated than they are. he understands what they are incapable of seeing. kathleenll, i think
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has a completely wrong. this is what has happened. cameber that when i first to washington in 2009, that was the first two years of barack obama in complete control of congress. a series ofwith very bad bills and policies. we got obamacare, we got dodge frank -- dodd frank, we got the stimulus which was a waste of $1 trillion of taxpayer money. the list goes on and on. if you willvoters, put us back in control in the majority in the house, we will put a stop to this extreme left-wing agenda. the voters responded .verwhelmingly they put us in charge in 2011 and nothing changed. the excuse that was made by our leadership was that look, we don't have the numbers. we have to grow our majority in the house and we have to take the senate in order to really
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make a change. our voters responded. they gave us the biggest in the house, a new majority in the senate, and guess what, nothing changed. our voters, by 60%, republican said thatr base, republicans had betrayed them. they felt like we laid down. and look, the power of the purse is the only real power congress has. when you give the president everything he wants 100% of the time and you calculate that you are going to lose so you are not , i don't blame republicans and our base for being very disappointed and feeling betrayed. we in the freedom caucus came together and said, we believe that we can be more creative and inventive and we can do what the other side does and has done very effectively. like harry reid always
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fight for their principles and their values. i never hear them give up on anything. they will fight for 15 years to get what they want but they finally get it. we on the other hand make the calculation that we -- without having all of the nine justices that we want to have on the supreme court, and the president of the united states in complete control of both houses, we will never get any of our values and principles. i just have to tell you that our base is not buying it. we are going to arlington, texas. independent. caller: how are you both doing today? host: we are fine. go ahead. caller: i'm so happy to get through today. this issue of planned parenthood, i wanted to reply to the previous caller. the way he is speaking to people is as if they are not able to process information for themselves. since about 20 years ago, people who have been involved in low
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income areas have been researching about the history of planned parenthood. parent who was working in planned parenthood. most of the people that work in planned parenthood are from upper-middle-class areas, and have been put there for a reason -- to be working in these lower income areas. this friend of mine had researched about planned parenthood. she found out that margaret sanger, who was a racist, and was promoting an agenda in low income areas was the one that sounded planned parenthood. the reason why i am replying to this is because he is saying that we do not research what we are learning about these organizations. if anyone even opens the internet they can find out what is the history of planned parenthood. host: ok.
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that was congressman xavier becerra. guest: she is absolutely right about it. ofger was the founder planned parenthood. she was a believer in eugenics, which is also what the nazis believed as well. look, there are a disproportionate number of abortions among african-americans than there are in other races. one would have to say it is decimating the black population. there are many african-americans were outraged about that. i think that is something to take note of, and even today planned parenthood continues to celebrate margaret sanger, even though she is probably the most racist american in modern times. i did want to address something else that was mentioned, and that is this idea of doctoring the tapes. the tapes are edited to get every tape that is put on tv has to be edited, because these are
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hundreds of hours of tapes, but they have not been altered or doctored in any way. someone going to the bathroom is cut out of the tape is that is not beneficial. but these high officials in planned parenthood, unquestionably are saying these things on the videos. they can run away from it, they can call a doctor or altered or whatever, and we are going to have forensics involved. but there is absolutely no has been any there sort of misrepresentation of what was said. people were simply caught on video saying what they were saying. it was clear that they would not say these things in public and that is often the way it happens. it is this cavalier attitude about the value of human life that we see with planned parenthood. that is a form of depersonalization, which again is how racism and even slavery existed in this country for many years.
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this idea that we can look upon our fellow humans as being less us. honest -- less than it is the if they are not really human, if they are just a part of the mother, then somehow we can think of them as being really just a simple body part being removed. but that is scientifically -- and as a physician, i can tell you -- incorrect. host: we move on to john in virginia beach, a democrat. caller: good morning. host: good morning. caller: i just want to make sure i am clear on this, that right now there is a poor woman who was on -- who is on medicaid and ,ad symptoms similar to an std maybe she catches the std from her husband, just to make sure no one makes these moral judgments, she could go to planned parenthood today, get treatment, and medication for
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that. is planned parenthood is defunded -- this planned , shethood is defunded would have to pay for that out of her own pocket. let's just say she lives three blocks from planned parenthood, the nearest community health center is 25 miles away, she does not drive. defunding effect of planned parenthood, is that correct? actually twoare types of something the go to planned parenthood. there is appropriated funding, there is also the mandatory spending that come through medicaid. so no. if we were to defund planned parenthood it would only be the grants that go to planned parenthood, it would not be medicaid funding. if we didn't stop medicaid funding to planned parenthood -- if we did stop medicaid funding
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they would have the choice of treating them for free, which they supposedly do already, and also they could go to any local clinic. medicaid is accepted by doctors across the country, and certainly the community health centers which are far more in -- more numerous than planned parenthood. that does not even include the local health unit which are run by the state. she would have plenty of opportunities to have her std treated. and finally, even if none of those things existed, she could go to the emergency room. host: for those of you interested in this conversation that our viewers had about margaret sayer, other people have brought this up, and you are interested in how planned parenthood user, you can go to their website where they have a fact sheet that they have put together on their view of margaret sanger. cam in ohio, a republican. hi.
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caller: hi. my congressman is jim jordan, the also missed -- the awesomest dude. andnted to ask you encourage you to defund planned parenthood. i don't understand what is going on with the republican or democrat parties. you were agrowing up republican, you are a democrat. you did not really have to do a lot with denying god on one side and being the richest man on the other side. party,nce the democratic when they denied the existence , now i am looking at things a little differently. of -- are losing sight defund planned parenthood, but it is not the republicans who are defunding it. it will be the president by a not signing it and you have to run everybody and
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commercials. the president is the one shutting down the government, not us. host: ok. guest: what the caller is referring to is the fact that we disagree with the president on the funding bill. the government shuts down. that happened back in 2013. he is making the point that that is the resident to a shutting government down rather than a republican congress. look, when i told reporters all the time, no matter what gets wrong, -- no matter what goes wrong, republicans get the blame. well, thelicans say, shut down in 2013 her republicans. my question is, how to do her republicans? thetly thereafter we gained largest majority in 70 years. why? because our base size fighting for our principles. they know we can't always move, -- always win, to kill the one we don't have the white house, that at least they saw us
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fighting for our principles. we lost the last presidential election largely because our base to not show up. they said i don't know is our candidate is going to fight for us. i think that is how we get our base out, energized. newt gingrich shut the government down twice back in and he credits that as having brought forth the first balanced budget in many years, none since then. i think there is still some controversy over whether shutting the government down is a bad strategy. i will just say, we never came to do that. that is not a goal for anyone in washington. but to have a site overspending is our constitutional responsibility. host: we are talking to congressman john fleming from louisiana, serving his fourth term. also a member of the armed services committee and natural resources.
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let's talk about this upcoming leadership race. the numbers don't change in the senate. you still will need a 60 vote threshold. president obama still in office, the veto still exist. even if you get new leadership, maybe somebody from the freedom caucus, is the ranks of leadership, how is the outcome any different? guest: first of all, when you go into that debate and you have ,lready raised the white flag the other side does not have to negotiate. they don't have to compromise. we are told all the time should compromise with the other side. at how do you compromise when you already give up before the discussion happens. look, we could do this. and instead of waiting for the last minute and doing a continuing resolution, which you sayrepresentative xavier earlier that that is bad business. i agree with him. is continuewas --
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spending in the wrong accounts. that is why we have appropriations, so we can realign spending for whatever the current's needs are. why not instead start earlier in the year and pass the first of 12 appropriations bills and refused to pass any more until the president signs one into law ? proactivee much more and i think we could force our priorities, at least into a compromise with the president. the we refuse to do that. -- but we refuse to do that. we just simply say, there is no way we could win. the current majority leader wants to be speaker. have you heard from mr. mccarthy since the resignation by speaker john boehner? has he reached out to you personally? guest: he has. he has reached out to me. i have not spoken to him yet, we have not had a chance. what we are going to do is call in all the interested parties to meet with the freedom caucus and we are going to talk with him as
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a group and others. we want to hear what the other questions are. that is always a very healthy process. host: how much support does daniel webster have to challenge kevin mccarthy? guest: he has a lot of support. the reason is not that he is necessarily more conservative but because he has a track record as a speaker of the house in florida in which he had a very open, as usual process -- in which he had a very open constitutional process. rather than aup few people in a closed room telling everybody else they need to vote the way the speaker says. to be honest with you, democrats want that too, from our speakership. they want more opportunity to have a voice and amendments and other things. william in niagara falls, new york. democrat. caller: good morning, how are you? host: good. caller: with the new leadership
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coming in i am wondering if there will be a chance for the voting rights act finally come to the floor and be brought back into the strength that it should have? there are plenty of voting laws out there that the press devotes particularly of african-americans. we know this is a ploy by red .tates suppress the voting republicans never reach out to african-americans and address are issues, so now instead of trying to address are issues it is just easier to suppress our votes. host: a response from the congressman? guest: i'm not sure. i heard them talking about suppressing votes -- host: he was asking about certain legislation. did you catch that? guest: no. viewer,apologize to our
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as i did not catch it either. penney in north carolina, independent color. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for being a real republican, a real conservative. that is how come i am now unaffiliated, is because i feel like i am not being representative by -- represented by real conservatives with the moderates, the winos. i was calling it about abortion and planned parenthood, and a iuple of callers behind me, tried to talk to the democratic congressman. host: our time is running out here. can you get to your question or comment? caller: we don't need planned parenthood. we don't need money going there. that is why they crammed obamacare down our throats. we had to hear about women's
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rights, women's birth control. they got obamacare, why do we need anything else? host: we will take that. guest: it is interesting that the first thing she said, and that alludes to something i said earlier, i spent all of august theng our recess talking to people of louisiana throughout the state, not just in my district. i can tell you the anger out because manyists of the bad legislation and policies that were put in place 3 or 5 years or federalrything from permits in order to get something done to their yard, we have the fiduciary role -- rule which is saying that people who give investment advice can be personally liable for lawsuits. obamacare, which is really destroying from the inside out the delivery of health care and
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doctors are retiring. they are fed up. it is really hitting. republicans, as the only alternative. getting us to push back against these extreme left-wing agendas. and then when we come back and say, even though we are majorities in congress he are unwilling to fight and we are just going to lay down before the other side, they are infuriated. you it is not just the tea party. it is the mainline republicans throughout the country, they are very unhappy that we have not taken point on pushing back on really the most extreme, liberal, left wing, new social -- neo-socialist agenda that we have ever had. they really do want us to compromise, but they want us to compromise in the middle, not the extreme left which is destroying jobs, destroying companies, destroying families. you will -- your
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first will will be on the clean continuing resolution. is that the viewpoint of the house freedom caucus? have you all discussed that? guest: i think it is something more intuitive. , it isot a litmus test only the first step. but we'll be looking at how our members vote. we will be asking questions about it. host: what about the battle that happened earlier between congressman tom ride and representative steve gleason where congressman steve gleason went around the budget committee chairman, called members of the committee saying please agreed to raise the spending for an emergency spending pot of money in this last bill. and now they are challenging him for that position.
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your fellow louisiana in congressman -- louisiana and -- louisianan congressman. where you fall? guest: i am friends with both and i actually agree with steve scalise. oppose the budget control act of 2011 which led to the super committee which led to sequestration. not because i did not want to see cuts in spending, but all the cuts went to the appropriated discretionary spending. aat we wanted was to have reformation of the entitlement mandatory side, which is where two thirds of our budget is today. instead we got deep cuts to the military, which is hollowing out our military. our ability to respond to national emergencies, should one occur -- and you see of course putin what he is doing in china
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-- we are not going to be ready for that. we are going to lose a lot of lives if we do not begin to renew and restore our military. host: let me get your reaction to the breaking news this morning. the ap reporting that vladimir andn and a solid path -- assad's government in syria hold talks. that: i think it is clear the weakness of our foreign policy is now coming back to hot us. isis turning out that putin becoming the king maker in the middle east. we have completely left a void and a vacuum. we are going to pay a huge price for having done so. host: joe in annapolis, a republican. caller: good morning. a quick, and a question.
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greta, you are the most reasonable and fair host, but i really wish you had told the previous congressman -- or asked him what his evidence was for his assertion that the videos were doctors? it is a lie that the democrats have been repeated -- have been repeating. there is no basis for that. congressman, here is my question. press is reporting that speaker banner may attempt to reach some accommodation with president obama on many things. a debt ceiling, a new budget in december, the xm bank extension. i am wondering if you -- if you're caucus will be successful in preventing that, and your opinion as to whether the next speaker will be amenable to attempt to attach a writer -- a rider too much pat -- much needed legislation. i just read that the obama
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administrator -- administration is going to pull an aircraft character -- an aircraft carrier out of the persian gulf. in my day we used to have two there and i hope you are able to prevent president obama from eviscerating the navy. thank you. i was a navy medical officer and it was the highlight of my life. i think he points out something interesting about what democrats are saying about land parenthood. when you can't win a debate, their typical technique is to go after the people who are actually bringing the issue up. in this case they are trying to discredit the pro-life organizations by claiming that the tapes are doctored without any evidence whatsoever. it has been looked at, forensics are ongoing. nobody has come out and shown any evidence that that has happened. a typical political
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technique that happens appear in washington, especially among my democratic colleagues. bank, case of the xm kevin mccarthy has already been outspoken to say he is not supporting the reauthorization. the chairman of that committee is opposed to reauthorization. i am opposed to reauthorizing it . it has been non-reauthorized for several months now. i think with our new leadership it is likely that it will not be reauthorized. companies that have benefited from it have already come out and told their shareholders that their business is not going to be harmed by not having xm bank. host: congressman, we appreciate your time. thank you very much. we will be watching today when the house gavel in on the debate and vote on this continuing resolution. guest: thank you so much. will when we come back we continue this conversation about
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government funding deadlines, , today's theight cover 30th. the last day of this fiscal year for 2015. october 1 is the first day of 2016. what will happen? it looks like they will avoid a government shutdown. the senate will ask first, followed by the house. we will discuss all of that with you coming up after this break. >> student cam is c-span's annual competition for students in grades six through 12. it is an opportunity for students to think critically about issues of national importance by creating a documentary in which they can express those views. it is important for students to get involved because it gives them a platform to have their voices heard on issues that are important to them. they can express those views by creating a documentary.
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we do get a wide range of entries. the most important aspect for every documentary that we get is going to be content. we have had winners in the past created just using a cell phone, and we have had others created using more high-tech equipment. but once again it is related content that matters. the response from students in the past has been great. there have been many different issues that hate -- that they have created it should -- videos on. the economy, government, the environment. many positiveve impact to better serve the tulsa community. >> we've definitely come to the consensus that humans cannot run without food. >> prior to the individuals with disabilities education act, children without -- with
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disabilities were not given the opportunity of education. important the most issue you want candidates to discuss in the 2016 presidential campaign? it is full on into the campaign season. there are many different candidates discussing several issues. one of the key requirement in creating a documentary is to include some c-span footage. this footage should really complement and further their point of view, and not dominate the video. it is a great way for them to include more information that furthers their point. signe first bill i will today is the water resources reform and development act. >> we have all heard the jokes about school meals, bert fish sticks. >> there is a vital role that the federal government plays. it is especially vital for students with disabilities. >> students and teachers can go to our website, it is student
9:24 am they will find more information about the rules and regulations, more information about prizes, incorporating c-span video, and content. the deadline for this year's competition is january 20th, 2016, which is exactly one year away from the next presidential inauguration. "washington journal" continues. host: lawmakers up on capitol hill are preparing to put on the floor of the house and senate a clean continuing resolution. that would fund the government without any language to defund planned parenthood. the senate is supposed to act first this morning with a final vote on this so-called clean continuing resolution, and then the house will follow up. the house yesterday passing a rule that allows them to vote --
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that brings before the house rules committee legislation on and one -- the clean cr a minute or so that may deal with planned parenthood, and then quickly get into the floor today. that is because today is the last day of the fiscal year and they have until midnight to pass a resolution that allows the government to be funded until mid-december. both sides but then need to come together on some sort of larger budget deal our budget for the next few years. the papers today, "the new york times" reporting that the majority leader in the senate, mitch mcconnell, along with speaker john boehner who was going to be resigning, and the administration are in talks for a larger budget spending agreements that would set spending levels for the next two years, through the end of president obama's term. spending is just one of the issues up in the air along with a need to increase the federal debt limit, and expiring highway
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program, and the continuing push to renew the export import rank. we want to get your thoughts on this funding deadline tonight. what do you think? .emocrats, (202) 748-8000 republicans, (202) 748-8001. , (202) 748-8002. we will get your calls in just a minute. we are going to talk about this whole debate on the government shutdown. we are less than 15 hours away from a potential government shutdown. a little bit more information on how exactly that process would work from one of the producers at periodic capitol hill, noting that the senate is going to be voting this morning starting at 10:00 a.m. on that will to avoid the government shutdown. that bill would be done sent to the house. it needs just a simple majority. and then the house is expected to approve that bill and that
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bill will need democratic support in the house to move forward and then quickly sent over to the white house. of course contingency plans underway by all the agencies in the federal government in case something does happen, in case the shutdown does occur admit that tonight. here's an example of one of those contingency plans from the national parks service. they go through the process by which they shutdown. immediately visitors would be instructed to leave. passess using overnight would be notified to make alternative arrangements. closed andwould be contingencies would be made to secure facilities and grounds to protect property. although the parks would be among the 24,000 members of the park service, 21,359 would be furloughed.
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here's an example of how it happened at the epa, only 740 members of the environmental protection agency. of 14,000, only 740 would still be working. and at the department of 194,000 outurity, of 228,000 would remain working, that includes most of customs and border protection, 53,000 out of 59,000. and most of transportation 51,000y administration, out of approximately 59,000. a plan is underway in case they shutdown does occur at midnight tonight, although as senator mark warner, democrat from virginia notes, it is a. a it appears we will avoid october 1 shutdown, but hold the high fives. we'll be have 10 weeks before the next fiscal cliff. host: and democrats saying they will he going along with that
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continuing resolution. ofheard from xavier becerra california, saying he and others will vote to pass the clean continuing resolution. catherine in mobile, alabama, a democrat. we will start with you first. caller: i am really disappointed that our legislators obviously do not understand civics. they need to all go back to civics class. they are really trying to legislate the way oppressive governments around the world are, by bringing women into a .econd-class citizen position this is ridiculous. it is a misogynistic waste of taxpayer money. i viewed that entire thing yesterday on planned parenthood, for five hours. i watched this woman be badgered rudely, ando so bully. and we teach our children not to bully. and not to live.
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that thenk disinformation and the misinformation coming from the republican party is absolutely shocking. i'm over 60 years old.o get i plan to get out and to bring this issue out to all women that i come in contact with. they should vote these people out from the local state and federal offices, i am shaking. i have been so mad over this. because they are not doing policy. there is nothing wrong with having a different policy from a different party, but they want to get ideology involved. they do not understand that religion is separate from government. they need to understand how civics works. i thank you for your time. would have the democrats represented a little bit more than they do. it is very disturbing to me to see all of these republicans
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spin and spin, over and over again. host: were you watching earlier this morning? i don't know if you saw a earlier this morning, we talked a democrat from california. hi tom. caller: hello, c-span. one suggestion to the bigwigs who run c-span. i always see the opening bill of the senate of the house, i never see the backwards shot of how to reciteresent there the pledge of allegiance. show thatpan would three senators were present when the pledge of allegiance was recited. host: i have to jump in. you and other viewers need to know, we don't control the
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cameras in the house and the senate. istake the feeds that provided to us by the house and the senate. on our air, that is our mission, that is what we do, but we don't control those cameras. go ahead. caller: how many visitors would like to see that is done. 100,000, one million people who would like to see how many are present at the reciting of the pledge, if they don't city pledge, their vote should not count. host: feel free to contact your members of congress and tell them how you feel. valerie, good morning. caller: good morning. c-span, c-span, you try to protect the republican representatives. the black heard what
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man called in the last segment about the voting rights act. you heard everything the black man said when he said that lacks cannot -- blacks came out in record numbers for obama and the republican party don't like blacks. don't. no they don't. ofy are nothing but a bunch redneck racists. they will never get the black vote because i will make sure, even if c-span doesn't put it out, we have black news outlets. we will go to every black cam what. host: you are making and i position against an entire group of people. i apologize but i did not hear what that person said. doingmes when we are other things and we might get
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distracted during that moment and i apologize, i apologize that in that moment i was distracted and didn't have -- didn't hear what he had to say. host: michelle, a democrat. caller: good morning, i am calling about the potential government shutdown. i agree with the other caller about civics. i also had civics in school. we were always taught that you keep state and religion separate. why does our government feel that they have to push their religious beliefs on everyone else? planned parenthood, i would like to tell you, saved my life. severity ofy cancer, i did not have insurance, they took very good care of me. it had nothing to do with abortion, whatsoever. that wasn't even a thing that i had to have addressed.
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nevertheless, people should realize that those decisions are between a woman and their doctor. nobody else should be involved. i am so grateful to planned parenthood, if it wasn't for them, i would not be here. and my children would not have a would havemy husband to be trying to take care of them. our son has severe autism. with that situation, what options would my husband have had? that was michelle, a democrat. we are getting your thoughts on the government funding deadline. me your thoughts on what you think about this. it looks like lawmakers will come together and they will pass a continuing resolution. the senate will take it up first and the house will follow that.
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john mcardle was on the news desk this more -- this morning with more. john: republicans in the house are trying to figure out what is happening with their leadership in the wake of john boehner stepping down. he resigned last friday. -- looks like he has the inside track as of now, he is being challenged by daniel webster. since been in congress 2010. hen fleming says that supports daniel webster. an interesting story from the national journal, he is popular among republicans who are unhappy with the leadership, there is a catch. the chances of him getting reelected in 2016 is slim.
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he will be a significant underdog between the -- before the 2016 election. -- the democratic leaning district on his home turf was one of the most -- being considered. thef he does win leadership, he may only be speaker for one year. news, if kevin mccarthy were to move up to speaker, the majority leader post on house republican leadership roster would become vacant, currently steve sleeve is running for that. trey gowdy of course admitted that he would not be running. -- the only woman in republican leadership.
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there is a story out and politico today. -- the glass ceiling shows no sign of cracking. she has virtually ensure that the top three spots in the african house will be held by white men. the republican house will be held by white men. host: we will continue to follow this to see if we can find out any more how this leadership race will be shaped out. who will be supporting who? the wall street journal this morning, the rivalry heats up. they report that the number two official could hinge on a debate over military spending. -- support for not increasing military spending in the last
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did support, but -- increasing funding for the military in an emergency funding pot of money. you may remember that debate. so the wall street journal is reporting that the difference between them could be key. whether aon of long-term budget deal should boost military spending, that is in the wall street journal if you are interested in learning more. ron.ll go to philadelphia, what are your thoughts on the government funding deadline? caller: good morning. tired of hearing these howcrats complaining about democrats are never on c-span or anything like that because one,
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they don't have anything to say that obama hasn't already told them what to say. that is why they are not on. second all, the funding for shouldn'trenthood even be a governmental problem. it is a private organization that raises funds through the public and adult think that the government should support them in the least. ok.: stephen and connecticut. good morning. thank you for taking my call. on u.s.rnment shutdown military forces, especially after -- is like really putting a double down hurting on the fellows. our forces are so spread across
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the world. we had bin laden, why are we in afghanistan? why don't we turn it over to india? me. deeply concerns we should be consolidating our forces. if they're going to cut any more military, we will have to pull out of a lot of areas. host: joe in oklahoma city. caller: hi, how are you doing today? give me just a little bit of time. couple of important points. i want all of your reviewers to listen to. country or men , if theye world' carried the baby, you could get an abortion at a walmart in under three hours for $150. this would not even be a debate if men had the responsibility of taking on another mouth to feed
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and carrying the baby for nine months. i think it is important that everybody realize it is an attack of women. baby, none ofhe them would be appear saying this stuff. question point, the about voter fraud with republicans, the truth of the matter is that all of the scientific evidence on this says that there is no voter fraud in any kind of large way that would justify blocking millions of people from voting. they are not only doing it through the ids. they are stopping minorities from voting by taking away the days that they can get away from jobs to vote. democratic,very some of them have actually admitted it. this one critique i have, i will
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be off the air. i think you do a job. i think when some viewers call in and have some opinions about israel or jewish issues, i think that is the one time that you come out and show a little bit , because you kind of go after them. that is not your role on the show and you don't do it on other issues. host: that is not true. whoever sits in the chair, the one thing that they do is balance when language and tone start to go into a territory that could be viewed -- in that case, it could be anti-somatic -- anti-somatic. you have to draw the line and move on. or ask the viewer where they are learning this, or ask what news they have of it. so that you can decide if their source is credible.
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we are here to talk this morning about the government funding deadline. it is tonight. the house and the senate are moving to avoid a government shutdown. together on both sides of the aisle to fund the government through mid-december. the senate will be acting here shortly. they are about to tune in. tune into c-span2 for the view of that. we are getting your thoughts on that. i want to share some other news with you. on twitterden is now, he tweeted out, "can you hear me now? ." " you can see how many retweets that has, over 100,000. snowden is following one person, the nsa.
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caller: good morning, how are you doing? doing fine, what are your thoughts? caller: let's get a little history. let's deal with this iranian thing. do any of the republicans remember what this whole thing is about, between america and iran? i was in the army when it happened. you tie this to the government funding deadline? caller: it is all tied up in the same package. to shut down the government over planned parenthood. --me, that is absolutely because first off, planned parenthood, i watched whatever that was last night, it was not
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a hearing. it was nonsensical. are, giving that lady a problem about her salary. we already know, she doesn't get paid by government funds. how much do they make to sit in congress and do nothing? two, why are we being forced -- it is being forced down our throats, some radical, religious group. forced, theeing republicans are forced -- forcing us to follow someone's religion. be able to do whatever she wants. it is her body. isn't slavery dead and gone? that is basically what the republicans are doing. host: let's go back to john
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mcardle at the news desk. john: as you know, earlier this week senator ted cruz was blocked in his effort to try to link the funding of planned parenthood and the iran nuclear deal to this government funding beale -- funding bill. last night, he sent out a tweet, saying, they unveiled an to government funding bill, it reflects key conservative priorities. theinks the head of republican committee. underunclear whether they -- whether they intend to introduce that in the house today. or how that will play out, but
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senator ted cruz was pointing to the language last night. the house bill does look like a slimmed down version of the responsible spending and accountability act. it was from last week that included those two priorities, along with d funding obamacare and the immigration action. that was the alternative funding bill they try to pass. this languageif might be introduced today in a slimmed down version of that. we will continue to watch the house floor today. host: our guest earlier said that othererstands house freedom caucus members are pushing the idea of d funding planned parenthood, they will get some kind of vote today. beyond the clean continuing resolution. so when the house gathers in
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here, watch it on c-span. camille, you are next. we lost her. we go to ohio with charles. what do you think about the government funding? think it is remarkable -- first, good morning and thank you for taking my call. it seems like the democratic people who are talking on the show, right away, if you don't agree with them, they don't want to hear what you have to say. the lady who said about her civics lesson, the people that office, for and put in we voted them to represent us and the way we think. if we think abortion is wrong, we are allowed to have that opinion. are not going to stand up to stop people from selling are theys, then what
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going to stand up for? john boehner is gone. i can't take anymore blood, sweat and tears from him. i would like to see our representatives actually do their job. if that takes shutting down the government, i don't think that is that bad of an idea. we will go to drew in minnesota. what do you think? county i am serving as a commissioner here in minnesota. if we ran our local government like we see things being run in washington, d.c., i can guarantee you that we would be unelected in the next election. i would like to encourage everybody to watch, as much as they can, how our legislators are running washington. them and unelected the ones who are making it very difficult to get business done on capitol hill.
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there are very strong issues and feelings about things. is all of america politically driven, the ideals, it is wrong. a ripple effect. if they shut down the government, it goes way out into our local governments and costs billions of dollars. host: kathy is next, welcome to the conversation. morning, thank you for taking my call. my name is kathy, i am an american. not just a republican. every time i go to my checkbook, i have to check the balance. and i cannot continue to draw money when i don't have good credit. -- i hatet want seeing americans do this to each other. when the real reason that we are having this problem is because we don't have the money to pay for most of the things that the government has shoved down our
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throats. if we don't have the money to pay for it, we can't go get groceries. eventually that is what is going to happen in our country that i love so much. you won't be able to get health care, you won't be able to get groceries. you will be able to do anything that you need to do for your children. interested inbe this, in the wall street journal, the republican leadership and the president are in new talks about the budget. republican leaders are seeking to avoid a financial crisis, they have talked to president obama about a two-year bill. that the pulmonary talks are geared at finding a way to get around discretionary spending. struggles over the size of government have been one of the main tensions in the gop. they want to boost military spending and are willing to
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negotiate with democrats to do so. not the new speaker will continue to talk with the administration about a new budget deal is up in the air. helen in maryland, a democrat. yes, this is helen and i am calling in reference to the planned parenthood funding. i am hoping that it will stay in place. when the people talk about taxpayer money, realize it is on both sides. it is pro-life and pro-choice. therefore, the law is are ready in place and we should keep it that way. i understand pro-life, but i prefer pro-choice. if you want when you can get it, and if you don't want one, you don't have to have it. on a law. the judges
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my last point is this, men need to go to planned parenthood also so that so many women won't have to go and get an abortion. other ways that men can help out with this procedure, rather than judging people on whether or not they need one or not. we'll take that point. valerie, good morning. caller: good morning. i want to say that i think you guys at c-span, the hosts and who you have on, you are doing a great job. you do cover the spectrum. thank you for that. go ahead with your thoughts on the funding deadline. caller: it is just ridiculous. here we go again with the same issues, over and over. this time, they want to shut it down because of planned parenthood. it is just like the congressman
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said, don't type that to our budget. if you want to have a dialogue about it, have it separate. if you want to debate about it, do it separately. -- theseost things people, there must be something wrong with them. they are not even thinking logically. they make more trouble for themselves. that freedom caucus should be called the hate caucus. it is ridiculous. host: let's go back to john mcardle with more. you mentioned the house having a chance to vote on planned parenthood. i want to explain how that will work. this is according to the congressional quarterly. be able to add language to the resolution before going to the president. that resolution is intended to to fundhouse on record
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planned parenthood as part of the resolution. continuingthe resolution would be clean and would be signed by the president, thereby preventing a government shutdown. washington are clearly frustrated. this story from the washington post today, noting that yesterday, the director of national intelligence reviewed senators who were drilling him during a committee, he chided them about the irony of numbers -- for weaknesses in the nation's cyber defenses while they play fast and loose with the agency's funding. time than an attack when many of our expertise will be furloughed? calls on the your
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funding deadline. it looks like both the house and the senate will act and they will avoid a government shutdown. what do you think of all of this? caller: i think it is ridiculous. republicans have -- 17 days and they didn't do anything. they're continuing to put these people in office. i think a woman has the right to do what she wants to do. i think the women should speak up, because they are not doing their job. if they shut the government down, there are a lot of poor people out there who -- we don't. the republican party continue to put these people in office.
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this condition, it is brainwashing. [indiscernible] washington, and i think some people should come to washington, d.c. [indiscernible] jerrywe will move on to in new mexico. ok, i think they should put a cap on government hiring. they have loaded the government so much that they have had to find the money in different places out of the rented sector to pay for salaries. that is where all of the spending is going. so that is my comment. host: george in west virginia, what is your comment? morning, ima conservative democrat. i want everybody to hear what i have to say. god for c-span. i think the american people need to wise up. especially all of the christians
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out there, on abortions and everything, when the pope was should have excommunicated all of the people that voted for a bosch and -- for a bosch and -- for abortion and gay rights. also about the government, i think they should shut the government down and teach the american people. the government is too big. the next president should set the government down in half. on the first day. all right, you mentioned the pope. the new york times is reporting that kim davis, the kentucky county clerk who denied gay people marriage licenses, the pope met with her in washington last week. the vatican reached out to them and they had a private meeting. thatt to let you know trade walks on the partnership
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concluding, that is what the administration would like to see this week. all of the officials meeting in atlanta, we would like to see legislation on the floor. lots to work out for those negotiations. we are seeing the doors open on the house floor, they are about to dabble in. gavel in. we will go to live coverage here on c-span. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. the clerk: the speaker's room, washington, d.c., september 30, 2015. i hereby appoint the honorable david w. jolly to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, john a. boehner, speaker of the house of representatives.
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