Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN October 9, 2015 7:01pm-7:38pm EDT
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30-second0 for a 32nd ad -- a 4000% increase. he is really perking up now. that is your language, right? toy went from $4000 $200,000. i get there and i did not know this because all my people did not tell me. they said it was a three-hour debate. the room -- the reagan library, a nice place -- it was pretty hot. i did not care. we had a couple of people on stage that were melting. [laughter] mr. trump: it was good for them. they went home and lost 10 pounds. [laughter] mr. trump: they go out and i get there. i hear it is a three-hour
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debate. i don't stand for three hours. i'll have a problem. who wants to watch a three-hour debate, right? they did it just to make money. mine, thequestion was fourth question was to -- mr. trump said you are a horrible human being. is that true? [laughter] mr. trump: mr. trump does not like your face. what do you say? well, the world will watch. and then they say, she debated so brilliantly. give me a break. the entire thing, the entire thing was either question to me or a question to the other candidates having to do with me. i think they cannot specifically 48%. in the third hour, and got to be too obvious because i am a ratings machine. they got to be too obvious. for 28 minutes, they do not ask
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me a question. he did not do well in the final hour. they did not ask me any questions, ok? it is so dishonest. we have fun with this, but i have fun what i am doing. we are making an impact like a never thought possible. [applause] they have seen great dishonesty in other ways. always thought real estate guys are tough. ness. so i get a call from club for growth. i've never heard of it but my people said club for growth, what is that? they are growing the wallets in their pockets. club for growth supposedly
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conservative. a guy wants to see me so he comes to my office and we have a perfect nice talk and he's telling me about club for growth which is nice. he then sends me a letter and asked me if i would make a 1 million-dollar contribution. think of it. i said 1 million? i'm rich but i'm not stupid. a million dollars. so he wants a million dollars and a letter. he stupid enough to put it in a letter. how many in the broom would say he was in my office for a half an hour give him a million bucks. i can't do that. what happened was we say politely no and all of a sudden it comes out in the news conference. i'm not a conservative and i'm not as some i'm not that. i believe in eminent domain which i don't believe in. sometimes we have to use it. every once in a while you have to build a road.
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i don't love it but sometimes you need it. you wouldn't have any roads. sometimes you need it. the good news was that had no impact. the pictures were so beautiful. i was 20 years younger. i look so handsome. i never knew i was that good looking. i looked so good. so they spent a million dollars on advertising. that shows you how dishonest politicians are. people came in, club for growth does have a news conference. they absolutely invested in and they also said he raised taxes. i cannot with a tax bill lowering far more than anybody else. [applause] in fact, so much so "the wall street journal" which was bought
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for $5 billion and is now worth $500 million but they will criticize me. they did an editorial. now you tell me. you buy something for 5 million and it's now worth 500 million and maybe a couple of bucks more and then they write this nasty editorial. can you believe that? so i get criticized but one of the things i'm criticized for is my tax break is too big. what i'm doing is taking care of -- because frankly we have lost the middle class. then they give you that editorial and here's the good news. i have never heard one person say that was bad. i get these editorials and they say that's devastating but they
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criticize me also. it has to be a personal dislike but the amount of the tax reduction is massive and it's going to put people to working people are going to be energized. the middle west is going to come back. [applause] i put them in the same category because people have forgotten about the middle class in this country. middle him -- middle income people is with out the country. you know who they have forgotten about that time, maybe even worse? the veterans. they have forgotten the vet -- they have forgotten the veterans. they have totally forgotten the veterans. and i will tell you what, if i get elected, i'm running against against -- do you know what the
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power is? i have to knock on wood but so far when people attack me they get. they go down. it's true. so i get attacked by rick perry governor of texas. he attacks me viciously. he was a friend of mine. i got along with them great. i'm leaving practically from the time i got in. i think it's over three months. they said michele bachmann. she lived for a week and they said herman cain, he lived for a week. i've been here three months. that's a long time. stand up, stand up and say it. do we love this guy? >> love him. [applause]
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but if i win -- i like that t. again you know what? aoa city people how do you react? pressure is very interesting because i've seen people that are really smart and that don't make it. they put on forest pressure on themselves. am i right? i got a call from one of the biggest reporters who i have respect for but one of the biggest. i don't know him. from a major newspaper. his name art our day mentioned he said to me could i ask you one question? how does it field? he said you've done something that nobody else has ever done. i think i'm on 14 covers.
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i'm on more covers than any supermodel in history. can you believe that? by the way "people" magazine, i didn't love the picture. they did something with my nose. it's true. i love "people" magazine. they screwed around and i said just leave me alone. but milani looked good, ivanka looks good payday might take the picture i don't know. come here, come here. [applause]
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where you from? >> i am from columbia. >> is this a set that? did i ever meet you before? >> we vote for mr. trump. mr. trump, we love you. we love you. [applause] >> i swear to you, i think she is totally beautiful. i never met her before, i swear. this all started with the "people" magazine. a nice story, right? couldn't be nicer but i don't know what happened. so i'm looking and you tell me. i have a wart on the end of my nose.
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terrible. but that's okay. i've always wanted to look like kerry grant but anyway you are beautiful. [applause] [applause] >> you are beautiful. >> thank you mr. trump. [applause] that's so great. never met her before. she's amazing. she is amazing. thank you, appreciate it very that's my relationship.
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they did the polls in nevada and nobody believes it but that's my relationship. new york we have a hispanic station and the emcee of the station, i don't know him and he's talking about trump. how bad is trump? they love them, all hispanics they loved trump because they know i'm going to do the right thing. i love the hispanic people. they know i'm going to do what's right. [applause] a couple more things. i want just to talk about -- so we have the 2nd amendment and they want to take your guns away. [booing] we can't let it happen. the press wants me to put policies together because they say we agree he's leading in the polls but he can't go much longer because he doesn't put policy favors up.
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i guarantee mine is much higher than any of these people. [applause] by unical is one of the great professors. i put policy out on tax and i put policy on immigration and the 2nd amendment which is basic we you are allowed to protect yourself, okay wax. [applause] and they said don't you think it's important to start talking about policy. it's not important to the people because they know i'm going to do the right thing. they know my stand but now i'm keeping the press happy. in the end it's all that simple. i will say this. i love being here with you.
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i loved my trip to iowa and i was in new hampshire and south carolina. somebody said -- i'm doing a business but i'm giving it to my kids and my great executives. i can be doing this all the time i have to to because we want to win. we want to win. i don't want to focus on the deals. what's important to me and i just saved over the past couple weeks. one of the networks today said i could trademark the expression make america great.
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who would think of it? i had a couple of candidates. i had a couple of candidates. aye and go and they say make america great again so they started using it but the responses are the same. they don't believe in politicians. i was going to tell you before where these guys that came out were friends of mine but then they cannot viciously against me. walker was a friend of mine. i get a lot of flak. i use them to put pictures of my family n.. but he came up and he gave me a plaque and he thanked me very much and he was so nice. one of his guys came out and he
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said bad things about me. chop his dad. he's a bad guy. i said oh thank you. he was supposed to win. he was favored to win. i gave the real numbers. in one paragraph that said big deficits schools are in trouble and votes are in trouble. i didn't know this. i thought it was all good. so i'm standing in iowa and he got wiped out and then he left and when he left he said everybody has to leave. one person to take on trump, we have got to be trumpeted as want to do the right thing. [applause] no, think of it. then we have lindsey graham. [booing] he was always nice.
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he called me because he wanted a reference or something and then he wanted campaign contributions and it left me his number. he gave me his cell number and this was three years ago. it's true. i found it. i have a whole pile of junk. that's stuff that will never be used again. i had a news conference and i held up his number. they said read it out and i ratted out. he was a nice guy and he wanted contributions and that was fine. i had a previous life. mine nonpolitician and my politician. i gave him a hard time. i don't start these things. everyone says these mean.
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hit me with that beautiful red hair. look at that beautiful hair. i wish i had that hair. it looks good. [applause] said he hit me really hard. i'm in my 20s and 30s and the hits the hell out of me. he was a nice guy, what happened? he said i will never leave. why not? just leave, it's not working. then they have the polls in south carolina. i met 29 or 32 or something like that. he's at 20, so something is wrong. he's probably not going to run for office again. i think these guys have been mortally wounded. and then we have rand paul. [booing] he was expected to win and then he goes around for the last
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debate in these telling everybody i'm going to attack trump. he's not a true conservative. e what i like his ideas. [applause] i am a conservative guy. and these are vicious guys. just take it easy. he said news conferences telling everybody what a bad guy a.m.. he is another one that is expected to win. i have great respect for the people of kentucky. i love that state and i love the people but what are they second-class citizens? take your place. i think it's unfair for the people of kentucky. how do you do that? so he starts getting really vicious. every time i see him, i won't
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even say it. then he said i would get him in the debate. am i right? asus right? i'm going to get him in the debate. i'm going to go after him. he's not going to have a chance. i'm going to do numbers on them that are unbelievable. the first question i attack him. after that he was perfectly nice. he backed me up twice. so this is a crazy thing. jeb bush is doing great. he is a nice guy but he was doing great. when i think of the president i think you need somebody with tremendous drive and energy and up here. [applause] i didn't see the fire in jeb. stand up. what was the expression?
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low energy he said. sometimes she will say something about somebody. sometimes like i called rubio a lightweight. water, yeah water. remember the response on live television in the present state of the union speech? they said be careful because he's a young rising star and is talking in a sweating. i'm watching saying is he going to be okay? and he's sweating and to keep sweating and the waters pouring down all over. i said was that live television? but i called him a lightweight. he may be a nice guy. i really don't know him but he attacked me viciously and booked booked -- bush attacked me viciously.
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it wasn't all that vicious that vicious is a nice person. i said he's a low energy individual and somehow that one-stop. i don't know if lightweight is going to stick with rubio. then i attacked carly's record because her record running a business was a disaster. she was named to the ceo hall of fame as one of the worst in the country. but she's got that good patter patter like a machine gun. i said if you listen for 10 minutes you get a headache. [applause] you get a headache. the press loves her. i am at 29 and she says six and here's the headline. carly is surging. i mean honestly she is surging. then said something very nasty.
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i like him. he said something really nasty about my face. i'm a religious person. can you believe i'm protestant? i was all set to go after him and then he took it back. i can't do that. he took it back. i was all set. i was disappointed that he took it back. i didn't want them to take it back. i didn't wanted to take it back. and i couldn't do it because he stood up and he said no the press talked me into saying something that i didn't mean and i'm taking it back and i said that's really cool. [applause] why do you say something bad about me please? yesterday i stuck up for him because the press killed him. the press was saying he made a statement essentially there were some maniac over there shooting people.
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they said that's terrible and that's disrespectful to the people. i didn't see it that way and i said i think he was treated unfairly by the press. it became a big story. actually stuck up for him. it's the first time i've ever done that. i don't do that. [applause] so i just want to tell you we are going to bring jobs back to this country. [applause] we are going to have caro icon one of the greatest businesspeople of all times. we are going to have phil. we are going to have the smartest the best negotiators in the world and i know most of them and believe me i know people you have never heard of that are better than the ones you have heard of. i turned down millions, i feel so foolish.
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one guy wants to give $5 million. he wants to give a fortune. i don't want it. i feel like a jerk. i said no. and i go like this. i was in iowa and i asked a question. supposing, i'm so funding my campaign other than the tiny ones. we had a woman $7.59. how can you send that money back? first of all it cost you costs you more money to send it back. it's cute, it's beautiful. they feel invested in your campaign. if you wrote a letter saying i'm sorry i don't want your money, it's nasty. i don't want the big money. so i turned them down and it's so different from what i really am. i was in iowa and we had a packed house. they said i don't feel good
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about turning these people down. i said i feel like a schmuck. how many jewish people in this room? am i right? i feel like what am i doing? i'm turning down millions of dollars and i said okay look how about if i take the money but i swear to you i won't do anything and you know what they did? do you stood up and they went crazy. they hated it. i said i promise you and here's the thing, let me take millions of dollars from these people. i will not do them any favors. i will go out of my way not to do them favors and everyone stood up and said one thing, don't do it. if i lose i was stupid. i don't think i get enough credit for cell funding.
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i get so much publicity. i feel crazy but put in an advertisement. what do i need for? at "cnn" they say all trump all the time and then you put an ad in. they say i can't take it anymore. so it's zerocome and you will see than the filings. i don't know if i get credit because of cell funding. do people know that i'm self-funded? [applause] so we are going to bring back our jobs. this last trade deal is a disaster. by the way hillary came out saying the same thing i've been saying for five months. i took a commercial saying the trade deal with no good. it's no good. 11 countries that are ripping up united states and taking our jobs.
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china is going to come in the backdoor and make a great deal with us. they always make a great deal with us. we are led by very stupid people. so hillary came out against it. obama wanted it. hillary came out against the president. be careful hillary, you may be indicted. be careful. [applause] that's very dangerous for her to do. i give her credit but the reason she did if she thinks someday she's going to be debating me. i our day have the pipeline, which i love. whether it's good better and different it's not going to hurt anybody. it's not going to have an impact she changed her mind yesterday. you saw that. i'm telling you obama is angry at her. this could be the end of e-mail.
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this could finally be the end. she's going to end up like general petraeus, seriously. this could be the beginning of the end but i want to run against her. i really do. i want to run against her. i don't want to run against bernie. that's too easy, right? some people say communists and some people say socialist. i've always wanted to run against a socialist/communist. in this country i don't think it plays but we are going to take our jobs back. we are going to make our military so strong, so powerful that nobody is going to mess with us and we will not have to use it in my opinion. nobody is going to mess with us. [applause] but.
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[applause] [applause] as part of that we are going to make our vets the cherished people that they should be. there are very special, special people. or wounded warriors, our vets are going to be taken care of properly. we wouldn't be here for wasn't for them. [applause] we are going to come up with a health care program that's going to be unbelievable. if your premiums will not be racing 55% like you're doing now. we are going to terminate obamacare.
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we are going to come up with a plan that sub good that everybody is going to be taking care of but we are going to come up with a plan that works. [applause] so just remember the look in neighboring look at the people you are sitting next to because this is more than just a group of people listening to a speech. if you came here to listen to other candidates he would have 10 rouson front and you'd have an isil chat and everyone would say boys have warning. this is a movement. [applause] this is a movement. this is a movement to take our country back. this is a movement to take our country back. it's like this everywhere. i'd like to say you treated me so nicely but the truth is it's like this everywhere i go. there is a movement on in this country to take our country back. they used to use the term silent
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majority. it wasn't politically correct to use it because i think it had to do with nixon. nobody really knows but whatever. there is no more descriptive term and i'm bringing back the silent majority. before a type of silent majority have realized that i brought it back a couple months ago and i was in front of a group from south carolina that was going absolutely wild. i set the silent majority and i realize it doesn't work anymore. it's the loud noisy incredible majority. that's what it is. [applause] we are tired of being pushed around. we are tired of being led by stupid people. [applause] we are tired of having our negotiators give iran $150 billion. 24 day inspection periods, self
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inspection. we don't get our prisoners back. we are tired of having them approach us two days ago and saying we should have had our prisoners back. saying we want to give your three prisoners that we want 19 people from you and they want many other things and that should have been included in the deal. they are tired of it. we are tired of surgeon bergdahl who is a traitor. [applause] he's a traitor, a no good traitor. should have been executed. the. [applause] we get surgeon bergdahl and they get five of the biggest killers that they wanted more than any people, more than any people for years they been trying to get these five killers and they are back on the battlefield and we got bergdahl. yesterday i heard he probably won't serve any time. 30 years ago he would have been
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shot and people are tired of it. so just remember this day because things are happening. if at all happens, and i think it might very well, we are going to make this country great again , greater than ever before and it's going to be something special. thank you very much. thank you everybody. thank you. ♪ ♪ thank you everybody. ♪ ♪
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