tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN October 15, 2015 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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easier to trace the gun back to its original purchaser. president clinton used this exact tool. law tos would not pass a require trigger locks for firearms. president clinton said every gun purchased by the federal government must have a trigger lock. five or six months later, date major gun companies announced they were voluntaryily complying with that for all guns in the united states because they had to supply the trigger lock for so many guns from the federal government. it made sense for them to do that. and in congress eventually law.d the trigger lock it is a classic use of executive order to persuade congress and gopush then to action. interesting to see if he will use it in this area of gun
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safety. there is another executive order that is under consideration that would not take the form executive order by would change regulation on how many guns you have to sell a year to be a gun dealer. there is an exception in this loophole private sellers, obviou and others without going through a background check. the white house is looking at how they can change that isulation to ensure that it that anyone who is acting as a gun dealer is regulated as a gun dealer and must initiate a background check for purchase of guns. host: gregory korte of usa today. thank you for your time. we appreciate it. we're getting word the president will have an announcement on afghanistan around 11:00 eastern. all this week, we have been
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showing you some of the candidates on the campaign trail, beginning with our coverage monday in new hampshire. you can check it out anytime at that are read all --governor john kasich in new hampshire outlining his plan for the first hundred days. we will have coverage of a town hall meeting tomorrow with hillary clinton. she will be in new hampshire. that will be at 12:15 p.m. eastern time. last night, hillary clinton in las vegas. here is her speech from last night. thanks for being with us.
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♪ clinton: it is so good to be here with you. did we have a good debate last night? one of the reasons it was good is because we were actually talking about what a president should be doing to make sure you have the support you need to make the most out of your lives. i am thrilled that people finally got a chance to compare the democrats to the republicans . i think we came out of that pretty well. i am thrilled to see all of you here in this absolutely beautiful spots. it is such a great pleasure to you out and see so many of
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committed to making sure that you caucus in the nevada and then we will win nevada for the democrats to keep a democrat in the white house. important to just kind of get rid of some of the myths that you hear from the fact side, starting with a that our economy and our country does better when we have a democrat in the white house, and i think it's important just to put those facts in your head so when you're talking with some of your open-minded independent friends or you're talking to republicans, you can tell them that this is not just me saying it.
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there's a lot of evidence. when we have a democrat in the white house, unemployment is lower, income is higher, and even the stock market is higher, but when you have a republican in the white house, you are four times more likely to have a recession. i know that the republicans who are running for president say they want to go back and do what didn't work before. i think they want us all to forget about the great recession , which hit this state really hard. you know, in 2008, we were losing 800,000 jobs a month. we ended up losing nine million jobs. nine million people in this country lost their jobs. five million lost their homes.
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after that election, just about a week after it, i got a call from then president-elect obama and he asked me to come see him in chicago and i know why. -- i did not know why. turns out he wanted me to be secretary of state which i was very honored to be asked to do. but when i got there, he said, we could fall into a great depression. and we could have. i do not think president obama gets the credit he deserves for saving our economy from what could have been an even worse crisis, saving the auto industry, cracking down on wall street abuses which the bush administration had been ignoring, and passing the affordable care act which now provides health insurance to 18
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million americans! so you would think with a record like that, the republicans might have changed their approach, but not a bit. in fact, you hear only the same things that ended up in the ditch in the first place. cut taxes on the wealthy, get out of the way of corporations. that's basically all they say about the economy. that is not going to work, folks. i have a different approach. i'm pretty proud of the economic record my husband had at the end of eight years of his presidency. we had 23 million new jobs. and listen to this, incomes went up for everybody. not just for those at the top.
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people in the middle, working folks, poor people -- everybody benefited, because we had an economy that was working for everybody, and unfortunately that all changed when the republicans came back into the white house. and you know what happened. and so president obama had to dig us out of the ditch. we're out, we're standing but , but we're not yet running. i want to do what will work to put more people to work and to raise wages again because they have not budged. there is something really wrong when c.e.o. pay is 300 times what the typical worker makes. now, i don't think anybody believes that we're going to be able to get wages rising again unless we have a government with a president who actually cares
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about making sure hard-working people see the fruits of your labor. so here's what we're going to do. we're going to start by creating more jobs, by actually investing in putting people to work to build, maintain our roads, our bridges, our airports. we're going to repair our sewer lines, our water line, our gas lines. we're going to expand broad band so that we have the cheapest, fastest broadband in the world instead of ranking behind so many other countries. we're going to invest in science and research which will result in a lot of new businesses. i'll give you one example. you know, the republicans don't want to spend money on anything that actually helps people and they don't want to invest in the future. well, we invested $3.8 billion
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in something called the human genome project 20 years ago. i remember being in the white house the day that my husband announced it had been completed. now, what does that mean? it means we're going to be able to cure diseases and maybe stop conditions once we understand what causes them. but here's the economic point i want to make. out of that $3.8 billion investment of your tax money and mine, nearly $1 trillion has been generated -- new discoveries, new businesses, new kinds of jobs for the future. we're better at this than anybody in the world. we need to be making those smart investments that are going to make us richer and we've got to get the congress to get out of the way and begin to build a better economic future again! i tell you another way we're
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going to make a lot of difference in the economy, create millions of new jobs and businesses, and that is we take climate change seriously, don't we? we're not over with those on the republican side running for president who every time you ask them, well, what about climate change? they say something like, well, i don't know, i'm not a scientist. well, there's a very easy way to solve that. talk to a scientist, why don't you? there are some good ones here at the university. they could tell you what's going on. but it's important that we take this seriously. not only because it is going to affect the lives of everyone of us alive but most importantly our children and grandchildren. but because if we do this right, we can create millions of new jobs and businesses. you know, every year, senator harry reid has a big conference
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about clean energy here in nevada. i've spoken at it. my husband's spoken at it. why does he do that? because he wants people to understand the economic opportunities that are available. you know, it is possible, if we invest in wind and solar, advanced biofuels, geothermal, you name it, we could not only begin to reverse the effects of climate change, but we could begin to build our economy in a totally different way. you here in nevada are doing just that, you've got that big battery factory going in. you've been investing in more solar. in the hotel i stayed in before the debate, i was looking out the window and i saw those solar panels driving around today. going to different events, i saw a lot of places with solar panels. well, i'm setting some big goals for my presidency. by the end of my first term, i want us to have employed a half a billion more solar panels to
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be installed across america and . and by the end of my second, i want us to generate enough clean, renewable energy to power every home in america. that is the kind of economic program that will put people to work. when somebody tells you they're worried about jobs going overseas, well, if we do infrastructure at home, and we do clean energy at home, those jobs have to be done right here in the united states of america. now, i also believe we got to change the tax system. i'm sick and tired of corporations getting big tax breaks and loopholes and all the rest of it to ship jobs out of america. we need to take away the tax breaks from those corporations and use that money to rebuild our economy right here at home. we need to do whatever we can to raise wages starting by raising
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the minimum wage which has been too low for too long. i know there are people in this audience who work for the minimum wage here. right? i know that. the federal minimum wage, $7.25 an hour, is a disgrace. nobody who works full-time should be left in poverty at the end of their working week. so we are going to raise the minimum wage to the highest level it has ever been, back to where it was in 1968, because since then, we have been on a downward slope. and we're also going to do more to invest in apprenticeship programs, in job training programs. i was at the international union of painters and allied trades today looking at how they train their young apprentices.
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i was so impressed. i know we can train tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people to do the jobs that clean energy and infrastructure building require. now, i'll tell you, there's one other thing that will raise wages across the board in america and that is to make sure women get equal pay for equal work. you know, i have to tell you, it's a little embarrassing to be talking about doing this in 2015. but it hasn't been done yet. and a lot of people are losing money because of it. i met a young man last week in new hampshire who came up to me and he said, i want to tell you why i'm for you. i said, thank you, why? he said, i'll tell you. my first job, he was 17 years old, he told me, he got hired to
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be a cashier in a store near where he lived. he kind of got the job because his mom had been working there for four years and she was doing the same job as a cashier. he was really proud. you know, first real job, you go to work, and he came back, got his first paycheck, showed his mom. and she noticed something. her son was making a dollar more an hour after one week than she was making after four years. now, i tell you that story because this young man had no reason to make it up. he wanted to tell me why he was for me. he said, i never thought about it before. he said, it's wrong. my mom works really hard. she was raising me and she should be paid at the same level as any man, including her 17-year-old son. equal pay is an issue because it's not just a woman's issue. it's a family issue. it's an economic issue.
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there will be more money in the economy when women are paid fairly for themselves and for their families. and we also need to look at how hard it is to balance family and work. you know, a lot of young parents struggle with that, don't you? i think we should join the rest of the advanced world and have paid leave so that when you have a new baby, when you have a sick relative, you don't lose your job but you also don't lose your pay for a period of time, you're able to fulfill your family responsibilities. some people say, well, we can't afford that, but california's been doing this. connecticut just did paid sick days. other states are doing it. and it hasn't affected the way that the republicans say it will for employment. so we've got to take a hard look about what are families like
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today, not what they were like 50 years ago. what are they like today. and how do we help them do the most important job which is taking care of each other while they also do their job making a living? i think it's really important that the tax system be changed so that the wealthy pay more than they're paying right now. i don't think it's right that a millionaire can pay a lower tax rate than a teacher. i just don't think that's right. i agree with warren buffett. warren buffett said, every millionaire should have to pay at least 30% because right now, a lot of them are not paying 15, and a lot of companies aren't paying anything. so part of the job that i will take on as your president is to get the wealthy to pay more and give the middle class a tax cut.
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give the middle class that is working hard and doing the best you can in the face of the pressures you face more of a chance to be able to make ends meet. since your pay hasn't gone up , but the price of everything else has, i think that's exactly what we need to do. the republicans seem to forget that what makes america great and what makes our economy strong is the middle class. you know, it's the middle class who built this country. it's the middle class that does most of the work. it is the middle class that gets up in the morning. it is time for us to give you the tools you need to make the most out of your own lives, at home and at work. and i will tell you what else would really help us in the economy, and that is to get comprehensive immigration reform
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finally taken care of. i really don't like with what the republicans are saying about immigrants. we are a nation of immigrants. we were built by immigrants. every one of us, grandparents, great-grandparents, we have somebody who came to this country. and aren't we glad they did. and aren't we relieved that we have the benefit of their hard work. my grandfather came to this country as just a little boy. he was a factory worker. he worked really hard. he did not ask for much. he made a good living by those standards in those days, by his because of his hard work, but he wanted his kids to have a better
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chance. and all three of his sons went to college. and my dad became a member of the military in world war ii. and now i'm here asking you to vote for me for president. that is three generations, from my grandfather to my father to me. and if we have time tonight, we could go through this crowd and have a thousand stories like that. immigration is who we are. look around us. and i think the republicans are doing great damage to our nation by their insults and attacks on immigrants. so as your president, i will certainly work hard for comprehensive immigration reform, but i will also defend the executive orders that president obama issued on behalf of dreamers. and i know -- i know we have some dreamers here tonight.
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because i want you to work hard in america, and i want you to make a contribution to building our economy. and there are so many examples of people who have. it's also important, though, we give the best possible education to everybody in this country so that you are prepared to be competitive. i will do what i can, working with the teachers of america and respecting the teachers of america to do what will work in elementary and secondary education, to give more young people the best possible start in life. but i will tell you this -- if we do not do something with early childhood education, if we don't help kids, especially kids whose first language may not be english, if we do not get you prepared for school, you will
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not go as far as you could. so that is why i believe those first five years of life are really important. the families are the first school, the parents are the first teachers, and we need to do more to help you prepare your children to be successful in school. so i want to have universal prekindergarten that will give every child the opportunity to be prepared. and then on the other end, i want to make college affordable so if you do decide to go to college, you can actually go and graduate. how many of the people in this crowd have student loans? how many have ever had student loans? i had student loans. i had to pay them back. my husband had them. he had to pay them back. but it is not like it is today, where it cost so much and the
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interest rates are so high. we have 40 million americans with student loans. i want you to be able to refinance those loans to a lower interest rate and save thousands. if a corporation can refinance its debt, a young person ought to be able to refinance their your debt. and we need to make college affordable. i want to offer free community college and debt-free tuition at any public college or university. so that you can afford to go. because here is what happens -- if you are well off, even if your grades were not that great, you will have the resources to go to college and graduate. but if you are middle-class or working or poor, but just as ambitious, just as willing to do what it takes, you may not have
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the resources to start or you may not have the resources to finish. i'm going to do everything i can so that any young person in america can get the job training you want, and apprenticeship if you want, community college if you want it, for your college if -- four-year college if you want it at a price that you can pay, and that you will be able to pay at back as a percentage of the income that you earn. and if you do public service work like teaching or policing or firefighting, you will pay a lower rate to be about to go and get your education. i also want to say the republicans have tried 54 times to repeal the affordable care act. 54 times. if they get a republican president, they will succeed. that is up to you. i will do my part, but i'm going to need each and every one of you to make sure that happens.
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i will defend the affordable care act. 18 million people are now getting their health care through it. i do want to make some changes that will improve it. i want to cut costs of your out-of-pocket expenses. i want to cut the cost of prescription drugs that are skyrocketing beyond the affordability of americans. i want to make sure that people with mental health problems get taken care of, just like people with physical health problems. i want to make sure that if you are a caregiver for somebody with alzheimer's or autism or any other situation like the professional caregivers or family caregiver that you have some help.
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we have millions of people who are taking care of their loved ones, and we have millions more who are working barely for the minimum wage to take care of people. we cannot do that. we have to be smart about how we plan for caregiving as we all face the onslaught of alzheimer's. more what happens when young people with autism get older. we have to prepare for that. there is something else we need to treat right now, and that his is addiction. 23 million people in this country have substance abuse problems. alcohol or drugs. and they cannot get help even if they want it. only one in 10 can get it. we have to have more help and more support for families and for those who are dealing with the addicted. because right now they are ending up in jail or ending up on the streets, and that is not
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right, and we end up spending more money than we would. i will tell you, i spend a lot of time in iowa these days and iowa has good drug support. they have been doing good work helping folks. but they ran out of money, so they are shutting it down. it costs $3500 for somebody to go through drug court, be tested , try to get them off drugs, get treatment. if they go to prison, it costs $35,000. economically, it makes no sense. if we treat people, it will save us money and save lives and help them get better and overcome their problems. now, there is a lot that we have to fight for against the republicans, because they just have a different approach to so many of the issues that i think
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are important for america today. and i will. i will fight to defend a woman's right to choose, and i will fight against efforts to defund planned parenthood, which has provided health care to millions of americans. i will fight to enforce marriage equality, and then fight against discrimination against the lgbt community. i will fight to make sure when you turn 18 you can vote and you will not be stopped by laws trying to restrict the vote and in america. and i will do everything i can to overturn a decision called citizens united, which has corrupted our political system. i will also fight to make sure that our veterans get the health
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care they need and deserve, no matter where they live. i will fight to make sure black lives matter by reforming our criminal justice system. and i will try to find ways so that we as americans can start listening to each other again. remarks that there is or religion. i am tired of it. youn't take that as we are a you do have political differences but we should always be
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