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tv   QA  CSPAN  October 25, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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" with the are times national political reporter amy chozick. that is followed by british prime minister david cameron taking questions from the house of commons. later, presidential candidate donald trump in miami. this week on "q&a," amy chozick. she talks about her career in journalism prior to joining "the times." brian: how would you describe your beat in "the new york times? " amy: i have the hillary beat. people think, you cover one person? but it is the entire universe from the foundation, to the
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donors, to the super pac's. it is a giant world. i just be a business reporters are think of it as covering a sprawling corporation. brian: when did you first get this beats? -- this beat? amy: summer of 2013. i am glad i started so early because i had time before the chaos of the presidential campaign to really think about my subject, to get to know the world outside breaking news -- outside the crush of breaking news. richardack in 2013, burke, who used to be at "the t moran, werearolyn talking about this beat. >> hillary clinton left the state department think she wants a normal life. there she was in chicago giving a policy speech, how normal is
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that? >> is not a normal life for a westchester grandmother to the. -- to be. bill loves to fawn over her publicly and tell the world what a wonderful president she would make. >> she is acting coy the whole time. brian: how does that work? amy: if you ever watch friday night lights, i think of caroline as coach taylor. i think i'm exhausted, can deliver another story, and she just knows exactly what to say to get it out of you. brian: who decides what you cover and when? amy: most of it is reporter driven. "thenk the editors at times" know we are the ones out in the field and that most of the ideas know that they --promised proposing stories
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they come proposing stories. of the storyost ideas are reporter generated, something great about "the times ." what is the best training you have so far to have this beat? amy: i was at the white house to cover hillary's campaign in 2008. i knew very little about american politics and saw her go from the front runner to losing. politics can turn on a dime, the country can change its mind, and that was eye-opening to me. brian: i've seen you quoted saying that you write for your mother instead of gawker. i really do think my mom in texas as sort of my focus group. she was a first grade teacher. we had a very middle-class,
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comfortable life in texas. she doesn't look at politico. consuming politics in -- way that we are in debt the way that we are and the way people in washington in new york do. she sees hillary on "the ellen show." i travel with the campaign often and i like to talk to people at her rallies, the housewife in ohio. i think it is important to week -- important that we keep in mind who is going to be influencing the selection. i want my stories to resonate with people who aren't just the ones behind the campaign, i just want to be like a good story that people relate to. --an: you mentioned to " you mentioned "the ellen show" and we have a clip from that. i want to describe what this
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means in reporting. ♪ brian: what would your mom react to there? i think that looks like a grandma trying to dance and i think a lot of people relate. that didn't play so well among african-americans on twitter. i think it is a mixed bag. on one hand, people have a cynical take on hillary clinton. she is trying to dance to relate, she never did that before. two others, it came across as kind of clumsy or to use another word, authentic. brian: how many followers do you have on twitter? amy: 20,300 or something like that? difference is the for somebody who is not on
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twitter like your mom and the younger generation who is there all the time? amy: in terms of what kind of news they are consuming? brian: the difference between what they know? . amy: it is addressing you play the ellen clip. on one hand, she has her audience of people at home during the day to watch television. either they are stay-at-home moms really have a traditional jobs. -- they have untraditional jobs. then she has this whole viral audience. that clip that you played when all over social media and reached people that don't watch "the ellen show" in the middle of the day. you get information in the course of reporting, how much do you put on twitter before it goes in the paper? amy: i think twitter is a tool to drive people to "the new york times" and our articles.
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as much as you can hold off on tweeting to put it in a story -- quote,n if it is just a it is necessary to have that link and ultimately drive people back to my employer. brian: over the last several years ago reporting politics, what dating remember where you are at your end of your rope, exhausted, and couldn't believe this was going to go on much longer? amy: there was a buildup. where we were waiting for her announcement to calm -- there was a buildup period where we were waiting for her announcement to,. there was a -- announcement to come. were getting any guidance on when this was happening and it was sort of an exhausting few days. do we have our story ready? do we not? we had encumbrances 2013. it was like -- we had been covering her since 2013. brian: what is a normal
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political daylight for you? amy: in this job, there is no normal day. i get hillary clinton's schedule a couple days in advance so i often don't know what my day will look like, whether i will go to iowa to hear a speech or run over to the clinton global initiative happening in new york right now. some bomb drop in the morning where you have to change what you are working on. on a normal day, i get in around 10:00, probably check e-mail and go through things before then, in and stay until 7:00 or 8:00. a lot of times, i am not in the office, working remotely or from whatever hillary is. brian: how do you go about gathering the information? you write notes, shorthand, on your computer? you do an interview, gather
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information on a story? amy: i think it depends on the person. if i am talking to voters at a rally, it makes them uncomfortable if i hold my voice recorder in their face. i tried to take notes in those cases or maybe just quietly hold -- hold as are recorder so it is not shoved in their face. if you're scribbling intently, they might get nervous. it depends on the person. if i am interviewing a washington insider or someone who is very well-versed in the press, i would record that. at the same time, sometimes you don't have time to transcribe. if i am doing interviews on the phone, i have my headset and i am incredibly fast typist. my husband says that if journalism doesn't work out i could be like a court stenographer. brian: what does it do to an interview? amy: i have been in interviews
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where i can hear the person typing it makes me uncomfortable. brian: there was a big interview about you and with you in "cosmopolitan." what impact that have on your professional life? brian: it was --amy: it was fun. i thought, interviews make me nervous but no one i know reads "cosmo." faceer can be a very mean -- a very mean place but i heard a lot from young women, young journalists thanking me for sharing how i got there. very positive feedback. brian: where did you go to school? amy: university of texas at austin. brian: what did you study? amy: english and latin american studies. brian: how did you get to new york city?
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amy: i always wanted to move to new york since i was 12 and came to new york on my middle school trip. texas was the best option to go to college but i always had an eye to move to new york. no job,to new york with just some clips from a newspaper. i came here three months before 9/11. brian: what were those early months like and what kind of a job as you have? amy: it was really hard. i don't know what was harder, trying to find an apartment or find a job? it was really difficult because no one wanted a roommate if you didn't have a job. i got a job at conde nast. you move me a rover, around from different magazines doing temporary work. then i got a job as an editorial
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assistant at "house and garden" magazine. ue" and allh "vog these fancy fashion magazines. i felt out of place. i had never paid more than $30 for a pair of jeans. now i got a job at "the wall street journal." brian: how? amy: a friend of mine at conde nast had been at "the wall out ofjournal" and was town and put me up for the job. brian: you are a reporter and you can write. amy: when i was at "the journal", i was technically an assistant. i was so bad at my assistant duties because i wanted to get bylines. it worked out because they made me a reporting assistant. i think it is all about clips. i had a day job, i worked six
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days a week, so i can write on my day off and get stories in the paper. i think it is one of those really great industries where it doesn't matter where you went to school or your fancy internship. if you have the clips, people will be impressed. brian: what is the difference and working at "the wall street journal" and the new york times"? amy: it is pretty different. journal" before and after rupert murdoch bought it. after, there was a perception that there was a conservative plant. certainly, the editorial page's more conservative but i think the news coverage is as unbiased as any. i think "the times" is more of a reporters paper, a writer's paper. abramson --nt bill when jill abramson was talking
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to me about the times and she said, think of it as a buff a. you can write a -- think of it as a buffet. a bigger paper and more sort of to do. brian: what was your reaction when jill abramson had to leave "the times"? women think a lot of my -- having a lot of women my age were surprised by it. i still reported to carolyn -- to carol and ryan, so my daily job was pretty much the same and i had tried to stay focused on what i had done before which was write the stories. brian: how about the public cost reaction -- the public's reaction? which paper has more power in the political discussion? amy: i think it depends on the topic. our number coloring -- server covering clinton and obama about financial topics. that was a period where the wall
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street journal was incredibly important. global financial crisis, you want to talk to the wall street journal. definitelye times does drive more of what cable news is talking about then at "the journal." brian: what are the difference in covering hillary clinton at the journal and at the new york times? interview, 2008. i think the difference is readers perceive me to be conservative when i worked at "the journal" and readers perceive me to be liberal when i work at "the times." brian: what does that say about readers? amy: i think there is a breakdown in consuming news based on your own biases. nuanced., it is more
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brian: do you feel any politics in the two different newsrooms? was there any influence to the conservative side at "the journal" to the liberal side at "the times." papers i have worked for, the news asides have been independent from the editorials. brian: what is your favorite story you have ever done? -- ever orn the beat on the beat? brian: ever -- the beat. amy: ms. clinton:. lary.anet hil brian: explain the david brock thing after we run a clip of .avid brock on msnbc
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>> i am a hillary clinton advocate and supporter but that doesn't mean that my facts are wrong. an institutional bias against the clintons by "the new york times." you have to start with benghazi, a failed investigation. colludedn operatives with "the new york times". to create this e-mail scandal -- to create this e-mail scandal. let me tell you why. it is brilliant, because this is a liberal paper, the gold standard, the paper of record. it is the perfect host body for the anti-clinton virus. explain david brock. amy: i don't think i can explain david brock. i certainly think he is an effective communicator, defender hillary clinton.
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i'm surprised he started with benghazi, i thought he would have started with whitewater. the clinton conspiracies about the new york times to start with whitewater. there were decade-long grievances between the two caps that date back to whitewater. the clintons taking this was sort of an infected scandal. all kinds of drama. i think there is a lot of history there that david brock and cindy blumenthal certainly believed to be the case. used to be raines the executive editor, man from the self, hasn't been there since you have been there. then there is the other side of this. monica crowley talking on fox news about "the new york times." is, how damaging could this be for her possible presidential run? i think the reason you saw this on "the new york times" is not
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because they want to hurt hillary clinton's chances but they want to help her. they want to get the negative stuff out early so that they can claim it has all been covered and it is old news. secondly, they can say, if there are dirty dealings going on at the clinton foundation, it was all going on before she joined. i can say, it was all going on before she was on board and she is there to help. brian: what is it like to listen to that? amy: i have forgotten about that theory. very interesting. this is an extreme form of media bias. i think one of the gifts of covering the clintons is that everyone has an opinion and it is exciting as a reporter to write something that everyone has an opinion about. the flipside is that there are going to be all kinds of .heories by all types of people
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i think that we know that scrutiny comes with the territory. i used to cover business. i covered rupert murdoch phone hacking in the u.k.. i felt this was a huge scandal in very few people cared about these tabloids in the u.k.. to cover something with such extreme opinions on both sides is sort of a blessing and a curse. brian: you heard david brock there, completely flipped, now runs fund-raising operations plus media matters. what impact does any of these things have on reporters at the times? amy: i think david brock is influential in the democratic party. he is a big fundraising power. he is also very close to the clinton apparatus.
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i think you do have to pay attention to him. you also pay attention to people .n the other side everyone has an agenda but it doesn't necessarily mean we don't have things in our cupboard we have to be careful about. brian: if you listen to the talk shows, they all talk about "the her oris a out to get out to get someone to feed on the other side. is there any truth to any of this and what would you advise the public when they listen to this kind of stuff? amy: i would say the only bias both places have is towards a good story. you've never heard a conversation inside "the wall street journal -- inside "the when they say," we have to set this up to get the bad stuff out now? never. if you talk to any number of
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politicians, they would take issue with our tough coverage of them. rubio, we wrote about his luxury became a big it conspiracy about how the times -- his wife speeding tickets, and it was that the times was trying to take down rubio. brian: what is the difference in the relationship that you have with hillary clinton's campaign now versus the way it was in 2008? amy: then, i was a lot younger. i was a traveling person, not any senior role. when you are traveling all the time, i felt like i got to know her pretty well because she would come back in the plane. whether that is a function of being at "the times compo or -- the times" or being in just a
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senior role. brian: how many are new to the campaign and how many of the old faces you saw back then? amy: to their credit, i think they sort of collective people and they have built up decades of loyalists who are around. group have her core had to get a lot of new people. she has brought a lot of obama people, a lot of younger people that i didn't know before. loyalists are old still helpful to talk to, not only because of contests -- because the context. -- planets hillary, published when? amy: january 2014. during the super bowl last
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night, some people were tweeting out the hillary clinton moon face that ran on the cover of the hillary clinton story. brian: that was the magazine? what was the purpose? questio ank the big lingering question was sort of what to do with this disparate group of people. i think it is almost unprecedented in american politics. big group of loyalists, and on one hand that is a huge advantage. on the other, in 2008, there was a lot of infighting and a lot of people thinking they knew what was best. i think a central question as i do think it016, politics. in american it was literally his kindergarten friends that were behind her. brian: where was her
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headquarters in 2008 and where was it now? amy: he was outside washington in 2008 in now it is in downtown brooklyn. lead in new york now. their personal offices in midtown. i think putting it near where they live. it is funny, because people said they put it in at brooklyn. hip brooklyn. it is in the least hip part. brian: i will rate back to you some of the things you said and get your take. people close to bill clinton have told me repeatedly -- amy: yeah. brian: how often did you hear it?
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amy: i hear it all the time, people who are close to bill clinton. it drives them crazy. you say, he was impeached. but to them, that was a drummed up scandal by his political rivals. i think there is a lot of thinking about president clinton's legacy that he doesn't get the reverence he deserves in the party. brian: he has a $2 billion foundation. is that reverence? amy: absolutely. but the way you have a republicans talk about ronald reagan, he is the gold standard. at hisd the debate library in front of his plane. i think that bill clinton people think, he came in after a failed administration, after carter, he had to assemble a completely new team. a lot -- in a lot of ways, when obama came in, he tapped into a lot of the clinton people.
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i think that bill clinton's people think they don't get enough credit for the statistics , the 24 million jobs created, the economy. there is a lot of, he came in during the tech boom. it sounds like a lot of these politicians never get it all, -- get it all. president, 2 billion -- president, $2 billion foundation, but they don't get more. amy: i'm sure that is the case. nobel prize, for instance? brian: you did cover barack obama in 2008. amy: i covered her into when it looked like she was losing. a lot of people say she was a better candidate than. planet hillary --
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really? amy: i mean, yes. you can't really hear people say she doesn't have his political gifts but he doesn't have her attention for the policy details but she loves to get in the weeds of policy. i think it is an interesting question. -- they areeresting a joint entity when it suits. hand, i think she had people who support her want her to stand on her own and that is what she has been trying to do in the campaign. you have not seen bill clinton around a lot. "ran: the reason i said
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eally" is because i member how had coverage you had 241 -- two for one. that is true. i think a lot of longtime clinton aides saw her as a kid. now she is effectively running the sprawling clinton foundation. she is a much more public profile. she just wrote her first book. certainly, some people think it is amazing, she is great. but there are people who grumble about that or feel threatened come at their place in the universe, who is closer to the clintons? brian: how close do you get to any of these people?
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we remember the scene of hillary clinton walking down the street with big gross around her so you cannot get close to her. brian: -- amy: she has been doing a lot ite press, so much so that does not may news anymore. she talks to the press on a regular basis. thinking back to 2008, by the time there was a campaign plane, and we were in the same quarters , it was easier to interact with the candidate. i think they have done away with the rope into that parade in new hampshire. we do not have a lot of interaction. hillary," younet wrote about the controversial fouresponsible from -- symbol eruptions. why did you write about her? amy: i tried to find her. i went to her house in little rock, left a note on the door, talked to her friends.
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i was fascinated by betsy because she was incredibly close to the clintons. there are a lot of our consent ansans who say she would be a lawyer in little rock if it -- wrot for betsy write she wasi one of the first people to dealght. talk about that period. she never came around the brian: people like this are not going to be available during the campaign, you don't think? amy: i think it depends. brian: how old were you in 1992 when bill clinton first ran? amy: i was in high school. brian: were you interested in politics than? in texas, where most people were republican. i did not grow up in a political family. remember having debates
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about politics around the table or anything. i was always very interested. i remember my mom taking me to annt and richards -- richards, the firebrand governor, and being excited by the whole thing. i certainly remember the clinton years. the clinton years are in my formative years. brian: your mom was a teacher? what kind of teacher? amy: first-grade teacher. brian: what about dad? amy: dad retired it he had his own law practice. brian: the new york times reporter covering the hillary clinton campaign is a dream job, but it sounds like you did not even intend to do that when you came out of school. ay: i think it absolutely is dream job. i do not think it was something i could envision myself having. i was getting completely ignored in the lobby of these places by security guards. i am really grateful, but it was not something i envisioned.
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i don't know. i always wanted to be a journalist. brian: how often would we have seen you dropping off your resume with security guards? amy: it was those first few months when i moved to new york. brian: how many times? rejected from a lot of jobs. i interviewed at women's magazines and places like that, where they did not want to hire me, which worked out the cars i do not think i would have been a great fit at those places anyway. clips at timemy and newsweek. brian: do you know many people who have gotten callbacks from dropping off resumes? amy: no. i do not know what i was thinking. you have to know somebody. the first few years, i really did feel like there was this conspiracy and the only way to succeed was to have rich parents or to have gone to harvard and have a network and people helping you.
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for a while, i got very discouraged about it. brian: if somebody came to you and you were the mentor who -- of somebody who wanted to do what you do, what would you tell them about being a political reporter that they would need to know before they get in trouble? amy: i would say have very thick skin, for one. you just get beat up over everything. i do not have the thickest of skin, but i am trying to develop that. brian: they yell at you. amy: of course, you get sources unhappy, but that comes with the territory. you get very nasty responses from e-mails, twitter. you can feel like the world is a very negative place. you just have to stop looking. vicious, criticism from all sides. brian: what else would you tell somebody? gathering information, what worked? how do you get new sources?
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how do you get confidential sources? amy: a colleague of mine calls it lunch-based reporting. just developing relationships. people do not like it when they constantly feel used or only get calls when you want some information. i would not go so far as to say make friends with sources, but there is a certain element of being -- you know, laying the groundwork for a long relationship, being responsive, or just calling to check in and catching up when you do not need something. that is really important. brian: what else would you say to somebody? amy: write. just write. a lot of people say, i got offering -- offered this job covering commodities or energy, but that is not what i'm want to do. i covered the japanese auto industry when i was based in tokyo, which is something i was interested in. i found really resonating stories, wrote for the front page a lot, got to travel across northeast asia. you cannot be picking. -- picky.
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you cannot say, i wanted every -- i want to cover hillary clinton's campaign, not energy. brian: when you were on the hollywood beat, what is the difference doing that compared to politics? amy: after 2008, i still wrote about the obama administration into 2009 and i did not want to move to washington as a tv beat. for the journalists, covering television was an industry. fascinating world to be ms, to sit in on writers' roo and think about what america exports, entertainment, television. it is a changing industry right now with everybody watching on netflix, what traditional tv means.
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it was really interesting. i would sometimes feel like he did not have the stakes that politics had and i miss that. certainly, some of my favorite stories i did, covering television. brian: who has thinner skin, people in television or politics? amy: good question. both of them. interesting, hollywood was a very myopic world. i like talking to my hollywood friends now about the campaign. iran into a well-known reality tv producer and i was asking him, just for kicks, what should hillary clinton do to be more authentic? their world is to make good television. they do not follow prescription drug policies the way we do. it is fun to get their reaction. especially with trump dominated -- dominating on the republican side. a lot of my hollywood source friends see this as television. ,rian: did you had that sense
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covering the 2008 election, which way this was going to go? amy: certainly not. i should not have any expectations at this point. hillary clinton is also trying not to seem entitled after what happened in 2008. i think there are a lot of variables. will joe biden get into the race? i think hillary clinton, in some ways -- i think the e-mail stuff is not going to do her, but -- doom her, but how does she get past that? wean: by the time this runs, may know whether joe biden is in the race or not. this is video of somebody i d and has admire noty that is like yours but from this part of the world. i want to ask you what impact he had on you and why he was so popular.
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office to the editorial in downtown minneapolis. they let me in and the guy who was sitting there, brian lambert , still someone i know, said that your newspaper has not had any real news on it. i have a story that will crack the police department wide open. i kept talking and talking and he just sat there and went like this. i need a story. give it to me. i just wanted to explain why the story was so important, how i had gotten it. he read it and said, i think it is good. it will probably be on our cover in a week or two. i just about the my pants -- peed my pants. i grew up on the newspaper, which unfortunately no longer exist. brian: the use to have a monday morning column.
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died of lung cancer, i believe, also wrote about a serious drug problem. why was he so successful and popular to the new york times? amy: he was such a great mentor to me and brian and tim and you could go through the list of young times people who he really championed. he was a special person. there was a perception that, by the time you are a fancy columnist -- i mean, the guide is famous. we were both covering the media business and we would go to parties, premieres, and the crowd would part when david carr came in. at the end of the day, he loves to be a reporter. -- held come downstairs sat upstairs and would come to my desk and the like, what do you know us to mark what is going on. whenever there was a big story, he wanted to dive in. the night he died, he was in the newsroom at 9:00 at night. will just write
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a column once a week and do the documentary. he loved the daily grind of reporting and it showed. he was also sort of a moral compass at the time. there were not that many people -- he was not afraid of any of that. brian: how often, when you write, do you see the process? it comes out the night before online and before you know it, the story goes right through the television networks and you sit there watchinging -- watching everyone talking about what you wrote about. amy: it is awesome. sometimes it will be two weeks later, on a sunday show and they will be talking about something that i wrote. sometimes it will be instantaneous on the morning shows. we are trying to see things and think about them differently in terms of putting stories online, even if they are not in the paper until the next day. brian: why would you do that? amy: there is this whole
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appetite on the web, driving the coverage. there is a different leadership -- readership for the paper that does not necessarily see throughout the day online. times can be bought all across the country now in print form and around the world on the web. where do you see the most impact? ay: our subscribers are different -- i think sunday readership is different than weekday readership. for instance, i wrote a story over the weekend about bill clinton's interview with cnn. he was defending hillary, saying the e-mail stuff was created by republicans and her political opponents. st about it.og po it got linked to drudge and it was the number one read story on the internet all we can.
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i think that is a completely different audience than the times subscribers who get their papers delivered to the doorstep. it is expensive to get a paper and it is a certain segment of the population likes to hold that printed paper. brian: what do you and your colleagues think about what happened to the printed version of the times? will it last? it will,0% think especially the sunday times. i have a particularly intimate relationship with the sunday times. spread it out over brunch. i think that will certainly last. brian: we talked about the older people versus younger people with twitter. find in people your theird younger about interest in politics now compared to when you were growing up? amy: it is a good question. being in new york, you are surrounded by people who lean liberal. sort of the opposite of the way
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i grew up, where everybody voted for bush and thought more in the republican camp. it is an interesting question to think about. in terms of interests, i think the interest in politics has certainly shifted. i think you see the big money in politics in recent years sort of change people's ideas about democracy and who is really driving democracy. sense you get on both sides of the political aisle. brian: how much have you covered the clinton foundation? amy: the conspiracy theory you played was one of the first stories i did about mismanagement at the foundation. i certainly have been covering the clinton global initiative. once the campaign existed, there was much more news, digging into just that. we do have investigative
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reporters who are still following things related to the foundation. brian: what impact have these stories had on her campaign? any.i do not think if anything, it is the e-mail stuff that has been more a distraction than the foundation. brian: what responsibility do you have to cover that? i have a responsibility to explain to readers what is happening. and also to explain to readers how the campaign is interpreting that. brian: in the 2008 campaign, you covered 20 debates. how did you do it? what was your way of covering a debate? amy: it was exhausting. even now, you have to rethink covering debates. why does anyone need to know that jams were thrown last night when you get it all instantly? we cover debates differently than what we did then.
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cover debatesers is you are in a big center watching on giant screens. you are not in a room. -- in the room. it is a funny dynamic. why am i watching on tv surrounded by a bunch of reporters? brian: what about the atmosphere where everyone is in the same room together? do you all think alike? amy: that is a good question. how does everybody not write the same story western mark in some sense, there is value to the news of the day and you have to get that out. you also have a look at not getting into the pack mentality. brian: who do you consider to be your chief competitors? amy: certainly, the washington post, the wall street journal, politico, the ap. there are so many new ones now. they are all sort of competing. brian: you have been at the new york times for how many years? amy: four years. brian: what is your goal?
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amy: my goal is to get through 2016 and then we will see. brian: in your own life, do you want to write books, do television? do you think you will be happy at the new york times for 25 years? amy: something that is great about the new york times, you look at someone like frank, the political reporter, then he was a restaurant critic and now he is a columnist. i do think people can spend their whole career at the times because they offer you that kind of opportunity. you look at andrew ross sorkin, who has his tv show on showtime that is coming out soon. he has written books and developed our whole conference series. the times has allowed reporters to be creative and do their own thing, which is a great blessing. brian: alexander pelosi, the daughter of nancy pelosi, has done documentaries. she talked about what it was like to be on the campaign trail in 2005. let's watch.
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>> as a journalist on the campaign trail, i felt that the relationship between the press and the candidate was very complicated and something that you never get to hear about when you are watching c-span. traveling with a presidential candidate is -- it is a very elite fraternity. a select few get this kind of access. it is a very expensive venture. hbo had to pay around $10,000 a week to keep me on the road. you understand it is a very close-knit community of working journalists. like any other complicated way,stem, it -- along the the rules of engagement, there are all sorts of -- just like a fraternity, there are hazing rituals and all sorts of experiences that you share that you do not get to read about
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when you are reading the paper. brian: do you agree? amy: i do think, yes, complicated traveling with the press. if i remember, she was sort of incapacity. there are different ways to travel. not to get in the pack mentality when you are constantly on the road. in 2006, i think it was 46 dates or something like that. what are the stories you can get out of that without telling the same story? brian: did you go through what she suggesting -- suggested was od in the early days when you are at the wall street journal? amy: i would not say people were mean, but i felt out of place. i had gone from being a tokyo correspondent who basically didn't want. not only a culture shock of just being back in america. i had to look up what a caucus , which aow it works
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clinton person joked with me, that is ok. we did not know what a caucus was either. i felt very intimidated by the other reporters. i felt like they knew everything about politics and i did not know anything. at the same time, my editor, who had put me in that position, thought a fresh perspective would be good. , for the same reason, the same editor put me in japan when i did not know much about japan. readers do not know the intricacies of politics or being on the road or being in campaigns. bringing a fresh perspective to coverage does help in some ways. brian: how expensive is it now? that was back in 2005. amy: it is already expensive and i am traveling on my own. once you are footing the bill for your portion on the plane, it is incredibly expensive. i think news organizations are having to rethink travel.
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it is not just the campaign much traveling on air force one with obama. sending a reporter to asia with obama was like $80,000. that is the salary of a junior reporter. you do have to really think, what is the benefit? what do we get out of this for our return on investment? brian: what is your normal day like when it comes to where you get your information? amy: that is a good question. i roll over and look at twitter, i have to admit. i look at playbook, politico. mostly, i use twitter as my aggregate. what are people i follow talking about? whether it is a link to something -- that is really where i get my news. brian: how do you follow that? do you follow other tweeters? who do you follow? amy: i follow all my colleagues, my competitors, influencers.
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the echo chamber of a campaign boss. there is an echo chamber of twitter when you are following each other. of.ways had the newswire to me, twitter is like my newswire and i can see what is happening and what people are talking about you brian: what has been the biggest change compared to when you started in the business when it comes to outside source. the way you get your information. that seems to be a huge difference. a lot of older people would not think of going to twitter first thing in the morning. print new york times delivered to my doorstep every day and i read the print paper every day. and i find things that i would never find elsewhere. i think of the front page of the new york times still as the ultimate aggregator. i just been what i need to know about putin and syria and the republicans and boehner and the
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reduced -- and the abuse of prisoners at rikers. old-fashioned as it may be, it is the ultimate aggregator. and you see that coverage across all platforms. it has certainly changed. when i worked at the old wall street journal, it was supposed to be a newspaper with no news. it was like a daily magazine with the little dot drawings. you would dive into one of those front-page stories and it had absolutely no news, but it was a really rich, deeply-reported feature. it has completely changed. brian: do you have people that you most admire that you read all the time? amy: yeah. you know, i read our columnists. i am trying to think. i tried to read things that have nothing to do with politics as often as i can, whether it is the new yorker, or i subscribe to texas monthly.
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iskeeps you sane to what going on in other worlds. brian: where did you meet your husband? amy: he is from ireland and i met him on -- at an irish pub on st. patrick's day. brian: how long ago? amy: october will be six years. brian: where do you live? amy: the lower east side. storye a real estate about the lower eastside because my ancestors came over from poland to the lower east side. they started peddling on the railroad and the railroad stopped in texas, the oil town. so he opened a general store and that is how part of my family got to texas. now we bought an old rabbi's place on the lower east side and renovated it. it was the full circle of moving back to the lower east side. brian: what kind of work does your husband do? amy: he is in finance. brian: what are you most looking forward to for the rest of the
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campaign and will you stay with the campaign until the end? amy: i think i will be covering hillary until whenever that may be. i am really looking forward to getting closer to when voters make their actual decision. there is always talk about the latest poll or the latest sentiment, trust numbers, all of these things. none of it matters until the rubber hits the road and the caucus or iowans go the people in new hampshire go to vote. when we get closer to those things, people will be more engaged and it will be interesting to talk to people across the country. right now, we are excited about it but people are not paying that much attention. they are busy, they are raising kids, they do not feel the intricacies of what we are writing. they will be tuned in next year and that will be exciting. brian: a lot of race to go on both sides. what do you recommend for people
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to look for in the debates that matter? amy: hillary clinton has some incredibly substantive and detailed policy ideas. thiss should look at, ok, sounds good. how are they going to pay for it? what does it mean for me? how practical is this? we have a lot of cover -- coverage issues. i always said we should have some fact check covering these issues, like, how likely are these to happen? that is a likely component. brian: so the next day, when you see the clips on the morning shows, do they matter? amy: do the morning shows matter? brian: in other words, these soundbites. is there a danger in being misled as to what the value is of these debates after coverage? you would write how many words after a debate? amy: the knight story is
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1000-1200 words. brian: in television, it might be 50. amy: yeah. i also think we need to -- we put a lot of emphasis on the debates because they are important, defining moments. i think back to 2008, when obama said to hillary, you are likable enough. there are definitely important moments. manye same time, this months out of an election, to put too much weight on a debate is not necessary. , reporter forzick the new york times. thank you for joining us. amy: thanks so much for having me. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪
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congress and the debt ceiling debate. simone wei -- at thecus looks long-term budget deal. as always, we take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. "washington journal," live at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. >> all persons having business before the honorable supreme court of the united states, give their attention. >> we have not seen a court overturn a law that was passed by congress on an economic issue like health care at least since lochner.
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>> the question in lochner is whether a majority rule, a state legislature, can take away your life and liberty without due process. the court rules no. i think it is a wonderful decision. >> this week, we look at lochner v new york. the new york legislature passed the bakeshop act, restricting the working hours of bakery employees to 10 hours a day or 60 hours per week. joseph lochner violated that law and was fined $50. refusing to pay, he took his case all the way to the supreme court. find out why lochner is known as one of the most controversial decisions in the pre-court history as we explore this case with our guest, randy barnett, professor of constitutional law at georgetown and author of the book "restoring the lost constitution," and paul kent, political science professor at texas state university. landmark cases, live


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