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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  November 8, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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not to allow drilling for oil off the east coast. and in the chesapeake bay. i came out against drilling in the arctic. gov. o'malley: so this is what i believe. some of these things need to stay in the ground. >> a follow-up question. one of the biggest things that an executive can do, stop new leasing on public land. that is where a lot of are: reserves are. martin o'malley: i read that the other day. >> and i am wondering if you would and new leasing of fuel on public ground? martin o'malley: i probably would. we aren't going to get to the clean energy future with an all of the above strategy. we need to be intentional and move towards it. i was surprised to read how much
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of the coal comes from least federal land. overall, but we need to do, and broadbrush terms is stop , subsidizing fossil fuel extractions. and start subsidizing this movement to a clean energy future [applause] martin o'malley: yes sir, you have a sign? >> democracy over -- or liberty over a violent empire. you mentioned your father being in japan, over japan. that was the japanese empire. not -- the british empire was the empire that kept citizens as subjects. empire is the causal issue. this singular, central issue. my take on this, and i am saying this to you, they don't care -- i don't care about all other issues. they are defined by your
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position on empire and i don't care which candidate in which party takes it on, i just want to get empire addressed. because, it has not been addressed it is the dividing , point among people and it is , the source of the economic problem, and the source of our wars overseas, and our climate problem. we are not dealing seriously with the fact that america is acting like an empire which obama, to his unending disgrace, said while bombing libya -- we are not therefore empire. a me like empire is the central issue. what is your position on it? martin o'malley: my position is that there is a huge difference between an empire and a republic. i'm not partial to empires. i believe in the american republic and i believe when we exercise our substantial economic, military and political
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powers, it should be done consistent with the principles of a free people, of the people of this republic. when we exercise those powers, whether as a government or multinationals with our flag, and contrary to those principles, we harm the best interest of the united states. yes? [indiscernible] >> i am an alumni of the university of new hampshire, i graduated in 2012. i am a young mom, concerned about the future of our young people in new hampshire right now. the american census just came out and said that new hampshire has 32,000 children who are living in poverty. i was wondering if you can summarize what would be your plan to close the opportunity
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gap for children in new hampshire and across the united states -- what would you do to help them in sure that they can get into a college like i was able to do? martin o'malley: great question. about two months ago, i put out 15 strategic goals to rebuild the american dream, and some of those are the economic things that i probably spent the balance of my time earlier talking about, getting wages to go up and making investments that we need to make and our own country. but some of that speaks to the belief that we share in the dignity of all people. there is no such thing as a spare american. some of them are very much related to problems that are a road an attack that very foundation of who we are as a people. i'm talking about gun violence cutting gun violence in half. we had. americans11, many
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from gun violence. can you imagine if they were murdered by al qaeda? what we would be doing to stop this kind of carnage? one failed shoe bomb attempt and we'll take our shoes off at the airport. but 400,000 americans -- we have a scorch of gun violence in this country. 1/5 of our kids go to bed every night hungry. so i have declared the goal of eradicating childhood hunger in the united states of america. the difference between a goal and a dream is a deadline and in our own state, we pursue this. my friend, bill, started a foundation called share our strength. he has a beautiful phrase. "solving poverty is cockaded but -- is complicated but feeding a , child is simple." and there are already programs in place, if we can refrain from cutting them, but this school breakfast program, that will allow us to reach that goal.
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so, work and are concerned we , have to do a few things all at once. one is to eradicate childhood hunger. you can't expect kids to learn at the same level as other kids if they are thinking about their stomach for the first three hours of their learning day. the second thing is universal pre-k. the time has come for universal pre-k. when i was mayor of baltimore, we had universal kindergarten, we were a little late to that game. i scored above the national average in reading and math for the first time. and then we strive to make college debt-free. and a component of that is to make sure that -- i talked a little bit about this and there is the plan online for how we can achieve this, but another way we can include a lot more people in our economy and break cycles of generational poverty is by making more of the fourth year of high school. so that when we graduate -- when our kids graduate from high school, they have not only a
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high school diploma that means something, but also a year of college credit that can transfer, and a skill in a career -- technical skill that is in demand in today's economy. those are some ideas for you. yes? [indiscernible] >> in what ways do you think the threat of climate change will pose a threat to national security? martin o'malley: in many many ways. in fact, the leading thinkers of our department of defense and planners have been underscoring just what a huge threat unchecked climate change is, in terms of sea level rise, in terms of extended periods of drought. some of the republican candidates laughed at me when i said that climate change was the big contributing factors to the rise of isil. how could that be? what a joke.
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but then, the planners and the defense department said that that was true. prior to the civil war, there was a massive drought that came over the fertile crescent, made worse by climate change it drove , farmers into cities. the regime couldn't deal with the needs of its people, uprisings broke out and suppression followed and civil war followed. the nationstate nearly collapses and then to that vacuum rises , isis. there are many cascading effects to climate change. including exacerbating tensions and the arctic. the mass migrations, potentially continental migrations, that can come about as a result of climate change. they always ask what the first thing you will do in the first 48 hours, well, the first thing i will do is sign an executive order, declaring that this transition to an energy future -- clean energy future, is our
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highest security and economic goal. yes? >> i am here with the fossil fuel divestment campaign. in the past year, you did support us. thank you very much. to -- i was up wondering if you would be willing to urge him to divest unh is investments from fossil fuels. martin o'malley: sure, is he here? [applause] martin o'malley: this planet to needs healing of the deepest kind. i think the movement that is going on on the campus is a very positive thing. -- when should there be you look at the dollars that you have in the dollars that you have to invest, that encourages them to it invest in clean and green technologies, and get the
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return that way. yes? >> i have a question. it is a follow-up question to fossil feels. in the united states are on public land. martin o'malley: i advocated to -- i abdicated to the previous generally, we need to shift away from extraction and into clean energy. that is the movement that is , what we have to do. yes? >> would you cut military spending? martin o'malley: interesting question. would be cut military spending to keep us out of war with isis? [indiscernible] martin o'malley: let me respond to the gist of your question this way.
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there is -- just when we learned to protect ourselves in the domains of land, sea, air and domain rose up in your lifetime called the , internet. we actually have a need for mo -- for more robust defense when it comes to securing the global commons of the internet against cyber attacks and cyber theft. there was an interesting hearing in congress where the head of fbi and other military people all came and went down the line and said that one of the greatest threats we face as a nation is the potential for a pearl harbor-type of cyber attack. there are some things -- some areas of the defense budget, the whole of the defense budget requires greater openness and
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transparency and accountability to the public. we should listen to the military planners and advisers about this sort of capacities that are men and women need to respond to and reduce threats, instead of allowing the defense budget to be determined by the politicians. and the lobbyists. there are some things where the answers are not to do less, but to do more, and the cyber defense is one of those. every generation, we have to be mindful that we are not preparing ourselves to defend the last war. the threats are very much involved in this movement to special ops forces is one aspect of military reform drawing down the size of our , standing army is one way to compensate for that. there is still a need to reduce nuclear arms in the world. perhaps by modernizing our tried capabilities, there are dollars that could be saved there.
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overall, when it comes to cyber, we are probably going to have to do more rather than less. can i say one other thing? sometimes in these times of scarcity, we get drawn into believing that if we pay for one thing, we have to stop doing the other. but one of the big entitlements i believe we can no longer afford as a country, is the entitlement that the super wealthy among us feel, to pay such a lower, marginal income tax. [applause] yes? >> hello, it has been a long time since i've seen you and your band play at the farmers market. i miss those days. my name is lauren, and i'm a former schoolteacher from columbia, maryland. go lightning. i lived on maple avenue. i used to walk by your house on a regular basis. [laughter] >> i saw you the night before you officially declared and it
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is great to see you again. for me, there are two issues. i am married to a town manager and small-town government, i recognize how critically important that is. to all of you students, please don't wait until the last moment to register to vote. go register to vote. get all of your friends to go register to vote. [applause] one question is, how can we encourage more kids to focus on local government? it has such an impact on their daily lives. as well as the national elections, which they should be involved in. that i talkern about with my children is the really harsh divide between the parties and where people have lost their ability to talk respectfully, kindly, and openly with one another. they need to recognize that we all ultimately have the same goal. it is really about our different vision of how we achieve that goal, of world these and of loving our children and having
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much better lives, so what i'm curious about is some of the ways you can help towards that? martin o'malley: there is a lot in that. let me talk about local government first. how many of you are political science people? a few of you? good. i really enjoyed my time in municipal government and local government. and there is actually a revolution in effective government and in governing that is going on, that is bubbling up from our city and our towns led , by fundamentally entrepreneurial men and women who know that there is no democratic or republican way to fix a pothole or to deliver a city service. as i have traveled around the country before i decided to make this offering, i did a lot of speaking. one of the things that i took away is that most of us feel better about how our cities are
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governed and living in cities now than we did 15 years ago. this revolution that i have seen taking place is that mayors, never having the situational advantage of having information six months before everyone else, they weren't intimidated by new technologies, whether it was the internet or geographic information systems. that allowed them to bring forward the new way of governing that measures performance, not in terms of annual budget inputs, but in terms of weekly output. and to put it on a map in ways that are very democratic. everyone can see it. if you can log on, you can see that the mayor is filling potholes in my part of town. whereas if you live in a poor area, you can see that your response times when the police are the same in the wealthy areas of town. so to any of you thinking about doing things in government, i
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found it extremely rewarding. you could actually see that you are achieving something, and other people could see it. and you could bring people together around that one map and start running plays. so that is my pitch for local government. the second thing is, how do we talk to each other? there is an irish singer who does a song, and the opening line is "for all of our languages, we can't communicate." the song is called "natives." that is probably -- it is one of the bigger challenges that we face right now at this point in time. technology has allowed us to get our information from sources that are patterned to our likes. we are able to talk to people or even read editorials from only people that agree mostly with our opinions on things. we find that we are maybe losing what they tocqueville once said
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was the greatest strength of this republic, and that is the strength of our soft ties. that whatever our differences and different ideas as to how to get to a goal, the goals that we share are the same. and to the values use of all of the diversity of religions and faiths, or people who profess to have no faith those beliefs that , we share, the dignity of every person, and advancing the common good, and understanding that we are all in this together -- we have to strengthen those soft ties. this is how i did it as an executive. there are a lot of things that we got done that we would not have gotten done if it weren't for some republican votes. tohink, three times, i had try before we succeeded in repealing the death penalty and maryland, and i only got it done because of some republican votes. three times we tried before we succeeded in passing marriage equality. and then we had to defend it in
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-- defended at the ballot, but but that only passed because of some republican votes. and one of the things that you learn as an executive is to never ever declare that everyone was not of your party's affiliation is your enemy. [applause] martin o'malley: republicans aren't our enemies. they are our colleagues. they are our uncles and aunts. they are the men and women who, if you have to call 911 for a paramedic comes. and they're all citizens. i found as an executive i called , everyone in my legislature all the time, because i never knew what the combination would be for the next tough vote. and if i could help them with ideas that they had to help the common good, i was glad to go a little extra mile to do that. and we also used to do bipartisan pizza night at the governor's residence. many of our republican members,
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told me, you know what governor, i have been in that house more and your first year than i was when i was under a governor of my own party. that is why you have those nights. my staff who is in charge of counting votes said why do you , invite senator so-and-so? he always votes against your staff and never says anything nice about you, and now he is in your house eating pizza. , and i said hey, it's just pepperoni. what is it going to hurt? i don't know that there is a magic way through it, but we do need to talk through it again. here is one third thing. i'm talking too long. a very smart woman named betty sue flowers who has a phd in mythology and the value of stories. she helped me to the fact that the framework of solving problems is a very powerful american thing. when we ask people who we may
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think are opposite for their ideas, it has a way of stripping bare the ideology, digging in your feet and bringing you back to the table of democracy. >> thank you. i am the vp of college democrats on campus. as you probably know, over the past several years, there has been an increase in hate crimes against transgender, particularly transgender women of color. i was wondering what she would -- what you would do to increase protections for transgender people in our country. gov. o'malley: i just gave a talk about this in iowa, i wonder if it is online? in our state we passed , antidiscrimination bill against transgender individuals. we passed it first in the city.
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in the city, i became the first local jurisdiction to do that as mayor, and then we got it done in either the last or second to last session in our state legislature. there are things we can do in training of police. there are things we can do in other areas and other aspects, as well. ultimately, the arc of the history bends towards full respect of the freedom and dignity of individuals and i think there is a lot of barriers that we still have to work our way over and through when it comes to how we treat our neighbors who are transgender. ok. so that is it. let me say again, thank you. if i made you miss class, i hope it was a class you didn't want to attend. you're welcome. if it was a class you wanted to attend, i apologize. but, i really appreciate you coming today, and i need your help. let me point out two people here. sam?
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are you the organizer? he had a great assignment, he left baltimore and now he's in new hampshire. the weather is like this all year around, and never gets colder than this. where are the sign-up things? here's our field director. i would love to stay in touch with you, and i would love your help in this primary. do not believe that one person can't change the world. you have the ability to change the outcome of this race. i was at. years ago for a candidate who only had 1% name recognition. he was declared dead three times before rising up to make it a contest between the inevitable front runner and the voice of the new generation. our party always look to the future, and i need you guys. i don't have a kind of money, i can pay a salary, but i can give you commission no other campaign can offer. a rank of commission. signing up so we can
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stay in touch. we will knock on doors every weekend. we will be fun banking and one thing you don't know about sam, i can tell you this, he is a great guy but if he doesn't sign up 20 new people every day, he goes home and he cries. [laughter] he does, he is unable to go to sleep, i need you for the sake of your country and for the sake of sam's sleep, to please sign up. thank you guys for being here today. thanks a lot. [applause] road to themore white house coverage coming up this week, with several of the republican candidate attending these unsigned summit in orlando. it also includes state elected officials and grassroots organizers. we will have it live here on c-span beginning friday at 10:30 a.m. eastern, and also saturday at 11:00.
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>> c-span has your coverage of the road to the white house when he 16. you'll find the candidates, the speeches, debates, and most importantly, your questions. this year, we are taking our road to the white house coverage into classrooms across the country, with our student can contest, giving students the opportunity to discuss what issues they want to hear the most from the candidates. follow c-span student cam coverage and road to the white house 2016 at >> i have learned that you can do anything that you want to do. they used to ask me if the first lady should be paid. i have to do what first ladies are supposed to do. but you can do anything that you want to do. great soapbox.
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it is such a great opportunity. so, i would advise any first lady to do what you wanted to do. you also are going to be criticized no matter what you do. i could've stayed at the white house and port teeth, and i would've been criticized. i got a lot of criticism. you learn to live with it. as i said earlier. you live with it. do not let influence you. >> she was her husband's political partner from their first campaign. as first lady, she attended jimmy carter's meetings, and championed the men's rights and mental health in -- mental health issues, and testified before congress. carter, tonight, at 8:00 eastern, on c-span original
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series, "first ladies: influence and image, examining the public and private lives of women who filled the position of first lady, and their influence on the presidency, from martha washington to michelle obama. it is on c-span3. now, a look at a new report that shows the defense department pays nearly $9 million to sports teams who participate in patriotic event. from washington journal, this is half an hour. >> here's a report from senator john mccain and senator jeff flake. here's what it looks like. taking paid patriotism. $6.9 of contracts containing anthems and more. joining us here at the table is someone who is been writing about this for usa today.
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of's break down just some the numbers, according to the pentagon, when it comes to this issue of paid patriotism. it includes the nfl, mlb. let's focus on football teams, $800,000alcons getting . patriots, $700,000. received a lot of it is aom 2012 two 2015 phrase coined by the authors of the report. it basically describes instances where teams were paid to put on like -- if do things you look at the games, you see the flags being held by members of the national guard. reunione is a tearful involving a soldier coming back from overseas. some of those events, it turns out, were being funded by tax
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dollars. >> this is a report put together by senator mccain, and we will hear from them in just a moment. what stands out? >> it is the idea that the franchises that as the senators point out, are quite wealthy themselves, would, as part of these marketing agreements, be paid for things that the senators believe -- if they believed in, they should be doing for free. >> we have aligned set aside for you. 202-748-8003. it was cochaired by senator mccain. >> a couple of examples is that there are millions of dollars to the milwaukee brewers. they sponsor each sunday
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performance. paid $1500 to the l.a. galaxy to provide pregame recognition of five high-ranking officers of the air force and under general admission. paid $20,000 to the name of recognizing 122 new jersey army guard soldiers, as hometown heroes in each game. the air force paid the cincinnati bengals nearly $5,000 for 60 club level tickets. the national guard page indianapolis colts for the use of a luxury suite, the national guard paid the boston bruins for a luxury box for 18 people and an executive suite 425 people on military appreciation night. i want to point out that unfortunately, more than one
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third of the things that we uncovered were not provided by the department of defense. the dod dragged their feet every step of the way. >> that was john mccain this past wednesday. he talks about paid patriotism. when you look at the numbers, it is taxpayer dollars. why did they focus on this? a senator whoth has a reputation of trying to identify what he considers to be wastrels ending. he came across a contract that involved the jets in the spring of this year. that, so intrigued by they began a broader investigation, and a letter was written to the department of defense, asking for all of their and 2015.between 2012 he had difficulty in getting a lot of the information that they were requesting. the more they asked, the more
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they found, and the more intrigued they became. senator mccain became involved as well. >> we would love to hear from you. we do have a line if you are active or retired military. 202-748-8003. the senate will take up the bill this week. the house has its version of the legislation. the house is out this week. will this come up as part of the debate? >> absolutely. and the original legislation, that president obama veto, there is a provision and in the new bill that passed the house and is likely to pass the senate and is likely to get the president's signature, there is a provision that basically banned this sort of expenditure on the part of the dod. that is why at the press conference, the two senators
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had, senator mccain that there probably is not anything to do at this point, because they have included that in the defense authorization. these sorts of things back on anymore. >> one of our viewers says let the nfl shaming begin. did the nfl take money off of this, or do these expenditures simply cover the expenses? >> i'm not sure exactly how much the expenses would be versus how much they would make on this. i think the one thing that the senators have made a point of was that all of the professional franchises cited in here actually donate a lot of their time and players and resources to the military, so they were just kind of focus in on this narrow part of the picture that they found to be disturbing. the problem is i think for
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viewers is that if you're watching a game and you see an event and you think that is awfully nice that they are doing that for those veterans. there is no way to know, perhaps, which of those was paid and which of those is actually being done by the goodness of the team. >> you are following up with this tweet saying, what stands out for me is that the government has never offered to pay for my patriotism, it simply expects it. mccain obviously has a very strong passion on this issue, because of his own personal background. he was the one that was very much talking about how the teams should really be focused on trying to do things for veterans and for soldiers. and do it for the right reasons and in the right way. he was even calling the news teams that have received money for things that he considered to be not quite correct. they should donate an equal
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amount of money to charities and charities that would help veterans. here's the point, i do not think it is just the nfl, includes the nba, mlb, and nhl. it is all the major franchises. >> plus nascar receive some money. it covers all of the major sports franchises. maryland, am democrat. welcome. >> it is a pleasure to hear and see you on tv. i would like to ask, as long as we're talking about patriotism -- i knew a marine back in 1967 that guarded nuclear weapons. let's talk about sears patriotism. let's see about that. >> thank you, sir. response? >> i think there are plenty of people out there that need and deserve our appreciation and i think again, that is one of the
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things that is being done. perhaps, in the past it has not been done as much. i think that most people when i'm at events like this, they have willingly and eagerly participated because they appreciate the sacrifices that people have to make. >> diana from new jersey, good morning. >> good morning. i agree. i think it is totally disgraceful that they are -- that our taxpayer money have to pay for these rich organizations to get their patriotism. ofjust goes with the culture corporate america, that they do not even have any patriotism anymore. they are more global and more interested in profits. we see that with their tax avoiding strategies it and how they do not look overseas to hire people and all that. also, i think the pentagon should be audited. you cannot get answers to the
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questions on how this all works. it is also with the reconstruction in afghanistan. the special inspector has her bill that we paid over $500,000 for a gas station that should have cost $43,000. i believe that this whole corporate welfare and the pentagon system should be investigated. thank you. >> thank you for the call. >> one of the things that was practically frustrating to senators was the fact that they itd as though they were -- would be much or difficult than it should be to get the information that they were requesting. as a matter of fact, they mentioned the contracts that they received from the pentagon, they were only two thirds of the ones that they were able to discover on their own. they did some investigating on their own and found additional contract that were troubling.
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the senator said it was like trying to pull teeth. senator mccain also criticized the pentagon for what he considered to be dragging their feet in providing this information. >> we're talking about the pentagon pain four teams for patriotic events. senator mccain is calling it paid patriotism. we are joined by a democrat from michigan. >> good morning. i would like to know if the nfl is tax exempt to begin with? they'll pay taxes, right? myyou are way outside of areas of expertise. i do believe that some of the major sports franchises do have an exemption, but that is not something that i'm very familiar with. >> i do know the nfl has a tax-exempt and, although the employees pay taxes. let's go to john from michigan. good morning.
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serving, john?ly >> i'm retired now. i retired back in 1986. i was in the marine corps. if the government has all of this money to put into the hands owners,ich franchise why don't they instead take that money and put it into the paychecks of our servicemen? >> thank you, sir. >> that is an interesting point. one of the things that was brought up by the authors was the idea that it makes the argument by the pentagon that they need extra money or that they are short money, it makes the argument much were difficult when there is this kind of spending going on. on the other hand, i think that the senators would acknowledge -- what the pentagon would say and did say is that they do need
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to do promotion and advertising to try to attract people to the military. we do have an all volunteer force. i think everybody has seen the advertising. a lot of what is being done is not necessarily anything that they would find to be objectionable, so it is just a portion of the money that is spent. >> our next caller is from new jersey, tony, good morning. >> good morning. my question is, i look at all of the nfl teams and anything as a franchise or business, like anything else, i do not understand how taxpayer money could be given to these people to enhance their businesses when other people do not get these types of benefits. >> thank you, sir. >> in some cases, this spending is being given permission to .ave banners hung at venues
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to have announcements made during the sporting event. these expenses are considered to be legitimate advertising promotional expenses. it is just the ones where they were being paid to honor veterans that were objected to. >> you are saying, spending on infrastructure. they are begging for money. c-span wj.weet at according to this report, the top 10 nfl teams in the amount of money they received over the last three years, atlanta falcons, number one, just under $890,000. patriots,gland $700,000. buffalo bills, $650,000.
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minnesota wild, 570,000. baltimore ravens, 534,000. new orleans saints, 472,000. cingular charges, forge a $53,000. seattle seahawks, $453,000. alanna brave, hundred $50,000. >> i think one of the things that was a concern to the senators, and i've heard this before, is that in previous reporting that other members and colleagues of mine have done, there was concern that there is not a lot of hard evidence as to the value of the promotional activities that the pentagon does in recruiting. they want to see better metrics that show how well the recruiting has improved by spending any certain areas, because, it is a sizable amount of money, and it is not too much as part of the whole pentagon budget. when taxpayers see that, they
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are concerned. they want to know, is this getting a result? is it causing greater recruiting success in those areas where they are doing this kind of promotion? with your guide to all of that money, there is this week, in context to a $19 trillion debt, what does $7 million represent? >> very small. this is the challenge for policymakers in trying to deal with those large deficits. there are a lot of things that you can identify as questionable spending. often, they are fairly small in the big picture. as everyone knows, when you really try to deal with the big picture, you are dealing with entitlements, and those kind of things that become much more problematic. we saw the same kind of debate developed over earmark.
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it was a special designated spending by members of congress that were in the budget. it got a lot of attention, but when you looked at them -- at the total amount of spending, they really were not that much. it is those types of things, and it is understandable. it is what people can relate to and understand, themselves, when they see spending and they think it does not seem to be justified at all. channel sunday morning, 124 carries this program live. we are also heard on the radio. we are also streamed on the web at pentagonking about the paying sports teams for patriotic events. we are being joined by new orleans. >> good morning. -- i do not think it is proper for them to just be giving money like that.
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i do not think that they are that dumb. i think they are doing that kind of stuff to final some of that money into their own pockets, and they should be investigated, because that money could be used -- i looked at all of that money , that is a lot of money that could be invested in the v.a., and it can go back to security, and people who actually worked for that money. there are too many other things, that i said, infrastructure. we do not need to be spending down money. >> thank you. >> one of the things that came out of the days before the report was released, was that the nfl wrote to the two senators and said that they are going to be conducting an audit of all of their agreements with the military. there was a promise made that if they found things that were inappropriate, they would give the money back.
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so, i think we're going to see how that plays out, but there is at least an attempt to try to assess whether there was some kind of a not proper spending that took place. >> a call from maryland, joe? >> good morning. i find it fascinating that no one yet has talked about president obama's budget submissions or proposals for the pentagon. he has in many cases in the last six years or so, attempted to raise the premiums for retired members, increasing our health care, and as a submitted proposals to increase the rate of increase on the annual pay below the -- in many cases, the pentagon has overall 10. it is really the veterans and service minded members of
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congress like john mccain that would not let the pentagon, the sycophants i should say, go along with the presidents proposal. president obama, while choking the military, has other interests, which are obvious. so-calledounced the brothers keeper proposal. it is nowhere founded in statute. there is a law called the antideficiency act that prevents the payment of any funds, not a nickel not a dime, to anything that is not authorized by statute. >> thank you. let's get a response. >> i think this is what -- why these kinds of spending does get attention, because there are so many needs that i think people or either for additional pay as this gentleman mentioned, to try to offset increases in the cost of insurance, which everybody has faced in their lives. i think that is why any kind of
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spending like this might be questionable and gets a lot of attention and causes some for registration -- some frustration on taxpayers. >> here was a tweet. was a small pot of money, but their endless examples of this and it all adds up. he says, audit. >> i think that is something is always talked about, the desire to get a better handle on the amount of money that is ended how does end. that is difficult when it is such a gigantic organization, and that is one of the issues that congress has wrestled with, and oversight groups have wrestled with, is trying to figure out exactly where does all of this money go? and exactly how to spend, because it is a massive amount of money, and in many cases there is a lot of infrastructure that is in place to try to keep track of it.
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it is not always there, we have seen that repeatedly in recent history. >> mike from fayetteville, north carolina. >> thank you, sir. i have a comment about the whole situation here. what frustrates me -- i'm retired army -- what frustrates me is these wars had been going on for 14 years now, and the sports teams have held these military tributes for so long, and it is alarming to me that now, finally, what we call competent legislators have now just brought this to issue. that is really frustrating to me about someone like senator john mccain, is that it is almost by mistake that they find out about these things, and now it becomes a glaring issue. i think that military spending there should be more prudent care in double checking how the military spend on things like this, and that is just my comments.
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>> thank you. senatorsk that the would probably respond that in some cases may have felt like the material that they were provided was not clear on what kind of events this money was going to be spent on. it was spent on. it took a little bit of digging to try to figure out exactly how this money was spent. i think it is still an issue between the pentagon and some of the people who have looked at this. >> rachel from texas you are next. >> yes. people are so busy today. a lot of people find time to watch sports. pay more-- we should attention to our soldiers that sacrifice their lives for us. if that is one way of getting it out there, that is fine with me. because, we do need to honor our soldiers and also i want to say,
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this spending we have had -- they talk about the gas station -- how about the schools that we built in iraq and afghanistan that had no way of running electricity. millions of billions of dollars that we spend over there rebuilding, and nobody talks about that, and that was just the beginning of the war. pay believe that we should more to our soldiers instead of worrying about buying more guns or ammunition. how about giving some of that to the guys that sacrifice their lives for us? i don't mind voting for more guns and staff, and the people that we voted in their are the ones who vote and what we spend over there. we cannot point our fingers at anyone but the people that represent us. >> thank you for the call. >> i think the pentagon spending is always traditionally something that draws a lot of
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public attention. throughout recent history, there have been plenty of examples of things that people find to be perhaps, not proper. however, the amounts of money that are involved in some of the weapons systems and development of weapons systems and things difficult for so people to comprehend the amounts of money at their dealing with. >> let's take this tweet and follow-up. the next time i see the nfl recognize a brave soldier, i will not feel as patriotic, probably more suspicious. will anything change? >> i think some things have already changed. for instance, as we mentioned earlier, the authorization bill for the defense department spending will probably pass and be signed is in language that would ban this sort of activity. in addition, before that happens, the services issued a -- internal to
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guidance, that basically says that this sort of thing is happening and needs to stop and it should not happen anymore. you are already saying that kind of action taking place. one would think that the tension that has been given to this would make people more careful about how these contracts are drawn in the future. >> derek is next from florida. >> good morning. thank you for taking my call. i find it a little bit concerning and bother some how the politicians and the commerce members speak so against waste and against helping out the struggling in the communities, and against the college fund and education funds, but we have stories like this popout and the stories like the $400,000 gas station in iraq, we have hardly seen anyone step up and figure out those things. peopleays into why remove themselves in voting, because they feel like voting is almost useless and that the people that they vote for will get to office and change.
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that disheartening to see these types of things are exposed, but in reality, nothing really happens about it, because it continues and continues to happen. it is a travesty to see that our congress members do not have the american citizen interest and best interests at heart and looking for these things. i looked at the work calendar and they are working i think 112 days for the entire year and making $174,000. case,hink that in this senators were the ones that discovered this and the ones that preceded it. they were the was that brought it to light, and the changes that have taken place -- i imagine they will be doing some follow-up to make sure that there are not any additional examples of this. >> jim, you are a last call, from florida. >> i want to know where the money comes from for bonuses for
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the congressman staff and why there are bonuses? >> thank you, jim. >> any bonuses that members of congress give to their staff would come from the office budget that each one of them is given. years, at the end of the year, or the end of the two-year cycle, there are sometimes bonuses given to a particular member of congress as they are leaving. that is done within the confines of the budget that they are each given to manage. his work is available online at usa if you want to fall you on twitter, how can they do so? >> is just my name. >> thank you for being with us. >> on the next washington journal, washington examiner reporter has the latest on campaign 2016, and the key primary state of south carolina. another reporter talks about the
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pharmaceutical industry possibly action to political attacks over rising drug prices. and robert, from the u.s. government accountability office, looks at the estimated cost of conducting the 2020 census. as always, we will take your calls and you can join the conversation on faith look and twitter. washington journal live at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. monday, on the communicators, we will discuss cyber security threats facing the united states and other countries. james lewis from the center of strategic international studies is our guest and he talks about what the u.s. is doing to avoid attacks by china and russia. also, cyber security legislation is passed by the house and senate. on the program, he is joined by tim stark, a cyber security reporter. >> there is a very grand mission to defend the nation and cyberspace. they don't have the authority or
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the resources. that was a good thing to change. they need to think about critical infrastructure. 2012 what bill in have dealt with critical infrastructure, probably not in the right way, and you saw the obama administration put out an , thative order in 2013 imposed very light requirements on critical infrastructure to protect their networks. commerce is to go back and ask if that is enough. >> watched the communicators, monday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span two. all persons having business before the honorable, the supreme court of the united states. forced internment of japanese americans during world war ii. >> after being convicted for failing to report for relocation, mr. korematsu took his case all the way to the
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supreme court. >> this week on c-span's marquesas, we will discuss the historic supreme court case of korematsu versus the united states. after the attack on pearl harbor, fdr issued an evacuation order sending 120,000 people of japanese origin who lived close to military installations to internment camps that the u.s. >> this is a re-creation of one of the barracks. they were 20 feet wide and 120 feet long and were divided into six different rims. they did not have sheet rock and they did not have feelings. they do not have masonite on the floor. it would have been freezing even in the daytime. the only heated they would have had would have been a pot. this would not have been able to heat the entire room and a comfortable kind of way. >> challenging the evacuation order, fred korematsu to five that order and was arrested, and
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his case into the supreme court. find out how the court ruled in view of the war powers of congress. our guest is the author of "justice at war or co--- and karen korematsu, executive director of the fred korematsu institute. we will explore the mood of america and the u.s. government policies during world war ii. we will follow mr. korematsu's life before, during, and after the court's decision. it is coming up live monday, at 9:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span3, and c-span radio. for background, order your copy of the landmark cases companion at a tonight on c-span, q and with author and radio host erc
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metaxas. later, a look at the presidential race on the outcome >> this week on "q&a," author and radio host eric metaxas discusses his writing career and best-selling biography of dietrich bonhoeffer . he also talks about his more recent books and the use of religion in politics. brian: eric metaxas, how would you describe what you did? eric: i wouldn't not. would you suggest i try? brian: give it a try.


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