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tv   Question Time  CSPAN  November 29, 2015 9:33pm-10:01pm EST

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will the prime minister join me in congratulating those local projects on their work and reassure the house that this government will protect the current level of national lottery funding earmarked for charities and community projects? pm cameron: i can certainly tell the hon. lady that we will protect the big lottery fund. it does an absolutely excellent job, but i am afraid i cannot resist making the point that one of the things that the united kingdom brings is a bigger national lotterya bigger potthat can support scottish charities. following what has happened to the oil price, if there were a scottish november autumn statement, it would be about cuts, cuts, cuts and taxes, taxes, taxes, with no relief from the national lottery.
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>> question time is live every wednesday. it rears a sunday nights at 9:00 on c-span. atch anytime online david cameron attends the climate conference in paris this week in. president obama left for the conference earlier today. it officially begins tomorrow withasts until december 11 the goal of producing an international agreement to reduce carbon emissions by 2020. [indiscernible]
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[inaudible] [inaudible] >> the international energy
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agency released a report on the global energy outlook earlier this month. with projections until the year 2040, the agency's executive director will be at the center for strategic and international studies tomorrow at 1:00 eastern time on c-span3. ♪ abigail fillmore was the first first lady to work outside the home. she taught at a private school. she successfully lobbied congress for funds to create the first white house library. pink was sold as a color. jacqueline kennedy was responsible for the creation of the white house historical association. nancy reagan, as a young interest -- actress, saw her name on the list of suspected, the sympathizers in 1940.
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she appealed to ronald reagan for help. the stories and more are featured in the book "first , presidential historians on the lives of 45 iconic american women." it gives you a look into the lives of fascinating women and how their legacies resonate today. it is based on original interviews from c-span's first ladies series, including numerous reviews. "c-span is a national treasure, and it's pathbreaking series on america's first ladies is another reason why." "c-span has performed another valuable service with its series on the first ladies. nowhere else can someone find a such a useful and insightful look on the lives and influence of these women who played such a
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crucial role in history of our country." first ladies is an invaluable collection of rare insight on our nations first ladies and the important role they played in shaping america during their husbands presidency." share the story of america's first ladies for the holidays. "first ladies" is available as a hardcover or e-book from your favorite bookstore or online bookseller. order your copy today. c-span takes you on the road to the white house. town hall meetings, speeches, rallies, we are taking your comments on twitter, facebook, and by phone. as always, every campaign event we cover is available on the democratic candidates
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spoke at a fund-raising dinner. it was hosted in manchester, new hampshire. ♪ [cheering] >> the senator for vermont, bernie sanders. [applause] bernie sanders: thank you. thank you. let me begin by thanking ray
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buckley and the new hampshire democratic party for all of the great work they are doing. and let me thank all of you who are here tonight for what you do. every person in this room, regardless of who they are supporting for the democratic nomination, is doing what is patriotic for a country. you are standing up and being involved in the political process. [cheering] bernie sanders: thank you all. in the last couple of months, i've had the privilege of traveling throughout our country and leading many, many thousands of americans. this is what i've learned. i've learned that, from coast, the american people are crying
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change.change, for real [applause] bernie sanders: they are tired of the same old, same old establishment politics. [applause] sanders: establishment economics and establishment foreign policy. they want this country to move in a new direction. [applause] when in the last election 63% of the american people didn't vote, when 80% of young people and low income people did not vote, when millions of people have given up on the political process, when there is a profound discussed across the spectrum with a
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thatign finance system allows millionaires and billionaires to buy elections. [applause] through their: super pac's, now is not the time for establishment politics. now is the time for a political revolution. [applause] bernie sanders: what most people in our country understand is that we are living in a rigged economy. most of the new wealth generated 1%.oing to the top corporate profits are soaring, at the same time as we have more
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living in poverty. now is not the time. now is not the time for status and politics--establishment politics. now is the time for political revolution. [applause] when foreigns: policy for the last two decades has failed the american people, iraq,ed to wars like which we never should have gotten into-- [applause] bernie sanders: now is not the establishment foreign policy. we began this campaign seven months ago. we had no organization, no money, very little national name
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recognition. we were at 3% in the polls. today, we have hundreds of thousands of volunteers in every state of the country. this includes 5600 here in new hampshire. today, without a super pac, we have more than 800,000 individual contributors. [applause] bernie sanders: today, with your one of then pull off great political upsets in our country. [applause] bernie sanders: we have come a long way in seven months. people of this country want real change. that's what this campaign is all
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about. [applause] running forrs: i'm president because we live in the wealthiest nation in the history of the world. that reality means very little to most americans. in a rigged economy, the rich get much richer, but almost everyone else gets poorer. the issue of wealth and income inequality is, in my view, the great moral issue of the time. it is the great economic issue of our time. it is the great political issue of our time. together, this is an issue we will resolve. [applause] i am running for president. i am running for president because the great middle class of this country wants the envy
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of the world-- once the envy of the world, has been disappearing for 40 years. husbands and wives and single moms and grandparents are working longer hours for lower wages. we have the highest rate of childhood poverty of almost any major country on earth. [booing] running forrs: i am president because we need an economy that works for working families, not just millionaires and billionaires. [applause] amnie sanders: i running for president because we need to raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour over the next few years. [applause] need paynders: we equity for women workers. [applause]
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we need to pass the paid family and medical leave act in congress. [applause] paying oneers: .38 a week more is a good investment for families who will receive 12 weeks of guaranteed medical leave. [applause] bernie sanders: i'm running for president because we need to rebuild our crumbling invest $1ture, trillion in our roads and bridges, and a rail systems, and million good paying jobs. [applause] i am running for
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president, because when youth unemployment and employment is at 51% for african-american kids, we need to unde-- we need to invest in our children, children,s--in our not incarceration. [applause] bernie sanders: we must not continue having more people in jail than any other country on earth. we need major reforms in a broken, criminal justice system. [applause] bernie sanders: we need to stop the killing of unarmed african americans by the police. [applause] bernie sanders: we need to rethink the so-called war on ke marijuana out of
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the federal controlled substance act. [applause] bernie sanders: we need to treat substance abuse as a health issue, not a criminal issue. [applause] we need toers: understand that in new hampshire and vermont, across this country, we have a major crisis in opiate addiction. need a revolution in mental health treatment so that all people, regardless of their background, can get the help they need. [applause] bernie sanders: i running for president because 11 million undocumented people cannot continue living in the shadows. we need comprehensive immigration reform and a path towards citizenship.
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[applause] i'm running for president because we must loudly and clearly tell the republicans know, we will not-- no, we will not cut social security. bywill expand the benefits lifting the cap on taxable it comes--incomes. [applause] and bysanders: developing a new formulation to determine the cost of living adjustments to social security. [applause] bernie sanders: i am running for president because it is time that wall street and corporate america and the billionaire class understand that they cannot have it all.
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they are going to start paying their fair share of taxes. [applause] crowd: bernie, bernie. bernie sanders: it makes no sense to me that we lose about $100 billion in tax revenue each hide moneye the rich in the cayman islands. it makes no sense that pfizer can leave this country to avoid paying a fair share of taxes while at the same time they charge us the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. [applause] i am running for
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president, because, in a highly competitive global economy, we need to make certain that all of our young people, who have the ability and the qualifications, are able to get a college degree, regardless of the income of their families. [applause] bernie sanders: and that is why we are going to make public colleges and universities tuition-free. [applause] and while wes: make these public colleges and universities tuition free, we will also substantially lower the interest rate on student debt. [applause] bernie sanders: and you know how we will pay for it? we will pay for it with attacks on wall street speculation. [applause]
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bernie sanders: i running for president because, as a result court disastrous supreme decision in the citizens united case, the american political system has become totally corrupted. the foundations of american democracy are being undermined. [applause] bernie sanders: in our great country, millionaires and billionaires should not be able to buy elections. will fight toi overturn citizens united and moved to public funding of elections. public funding of
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elections. [applause] bernie sanders: together, we are going to and at the voter suppression imposed by many republican governors all over this country. [applause] bernie sanders: in america, we should have one of the highest voter turnout rates of any country on earth. not one of the lowest. [applause] bernie sanders: i am running for of vitrioliccause republican rhetoric. we must protect a woman's right to choose. [applause] bernie sanders: and we must defend planned parenthood. [applause]
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bernie sanders: i know, i know that i speak for every person in this room when we send our condolences to the families of those killed in fighting's attack inn friday's colorado. we must also fight to make certain that ar-- that our gay brothers and sisters continue to have the right to marry. [applause] bernie sanders: i am running for useident, because we must this planet in a way that is children and our grandchildren. i have three grandchildren right here in new hampshire. [applause] whate sanders: despite
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many of our republican colleagues think, climate change is real. it's caused by human activity. it is causing devastating problems in our country, across this earth. united states must lead the world in combating climate change and transforming our energy system away from fossil fuels towards energy efficiency. [applause] republicans must start worrying about the planets they will leave to their kids aboutandchildren and less campaign contributions they may lose from the koch brothers and the fossil fuel industry. [applause]
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bernie sanders: climate change is the greatest environmental challenge of our time. pipelinethe keystone --opposed the keystone pipeline from day one. right here in new hampshire, i believe the northeast energy direct pipeline that would carry natural gas from 400 miles through 17 communities is a bad idea and should be opposed. [applause] bernie sanders: as everyone live in a difficult and dangerous world. there are people out there who want to do us harm. as president, i will defend this country, but i will do it
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responsibly. foreigngh eed need a smart foreign policy. [applause] againstanders: i voted the war in -- the war in iraq in 2002. [applause] bernie sanders: i will never forget that moment. when you're dealing with votes that send young men and women into harm's way, those are votes you do not forget. carefully tory what president bush and vice president cheney and the others in the administration were saying. i did not believe a word of it. [applause]
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bernie sanders: it gives me no joy, none whatsoever, to tell you that much of what i feared the happen in terms of destabilization of that region did happen. with awe are confronted barbaric organization called isis, which in my view, must be destroyed. learnedpe that we have some of the very painful lessons of the past. we cannot and should not attempt to do it alone. [applause] we cannot and should not be trapped in perpetual warfare in the middle east year after year
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after year. we need, in my view, to put together a broad coalition including a very strong artistic patient of the muslim countries in the region. [applause] other western and nations have the strength of our militaries, the fight against isis is the struggle for the soul of islam. countering violent extremism and destroying isis must be done primarily by muslim countries with the strong support of their global partners, the united states, the u.k., france, germany, russia, iran. [applause] now,


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