tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN December 11, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm EST
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imperfections. we've got to look at the fact president clinton was elected. he had his imperfections. obviously, then leader gephardt's point was, these were not impeachable offenses. that was not the judiciary concluded. it's not what the house conclu concluded. host: "seeking bipartisan" is name of the book. congressman from illinois. first call is henry in clyde, new york, democrat. go ahead. caller: thank you for taking my call. , everybodyed to say keep talking about obama is not strong president. strong president. the head of the
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said, he will make obama a one term president. a box andot obama in obama can't do nothing about coalition together to fight. won't vote him. him to go toon for war. those people over there like france, they don't want to help obama unless they know countries are behind him. host: henry in clyde, new york, thanks for calling in. a box.sident is in guest: well, if you look back at the nature of the presidency and you look back at other presidents, they face very difficult decisions. i agree with henry, i think strongnt obama is a president. i think his legacy will be what
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his firstabout during campaign. implementing national healthcare, getting us out of iraq, although obviously we're lesser extentto a than we were in 2009 when he presidency. i think there are a number of have things that he will as a strong legacy. what he did as president is what no other president was able to do. that's to pass national healthcare. he also brought a very lousy bad of a tailspin. we're in much better shape today in 2009.ere he helped the automobile industry. the american automobile industry. he put a lot -- he helped put a lot of people to work. he put a lot of emphasis in the suremic stimulus on making that our economy could come back and be strong.
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they deserves a lot of credit for that. host: however, you are critical give nancysion to levers to legislative work with the republicans. guest: during the first two was a democratic majority. though rahm emanuel really reached out to people on and really made the effort to say, we want to be bipartisan. think the president wanted to be. i think in the end, they made a get the that we got to economy going. we got to get this economic stimulus. this got to pass $870 billion bill. i think speaker pelosi said, we it.the votes to do let's go for it. theink that hurt president's. not to his own instincts, his own bipartisan instincts which i believe are really there.
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i say in the book, they're in dna. left up to him, he would have -- let's try to continue to get republican votes. sense ofd, there was a urgency about getting the economy going. speaker pelosi said we got the let's do it. on ourverett kentucky republican line, go ahead gary. caller: thank you very much for call. my i have a couple of questions. feel that before healthcare was enacted, wouldn't been a good feel that before hh care was enacted, wouldn't it to lift thegood try ban from state to state and open for up between states insurance company in california to sell insurance here in kentucky check of and the
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economy -- kentucky? any economy here in my state, we are a coal state. the second question. everyw everybody -- butsident tries to be -- president obama has done to more than any president in history. host: gary, thank you. he uses the executive orders when he can get congress to even go along with introducing legislation or having debates on rails. i think that has certainly been the case for president obama. when congress has been stubborn about their willingness to debate issues that the president thinks should be debated or to put the bills in the hopper and
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have a debate, i think he feels that his only other alternative is to sign these executive orders. other presidents have done it. so it is certainly not unprecedented. houseyear, the white tried to work with republicans. i know senator baucus, who was at the time the chair of the finance committee, tried to work very, very hard with republican senators on getting their views on national healthcare, on implementing national healthcare. in the end, they made a decision that they just couldn't come to a compromise. and so the congress ultimately passed it. could there have been a better way of doing it? could they have included issues that you raise about the commerce clause and states selling insurance? probably. but i think there was a sense of urgency that they needed to pass national healthcare.
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from florida, the independent line. caller: good morning. what is the host's name? guest: peter. caller: nice to talk to you. host: thank you, sir. caller: first time caller. i will give you a little bio of me. i was raised in a democratic family. raised by nuns. i tried when kennedy was killed everybody up to reagan camethen mr. along and i noticed, you know, the guy was tough. people were scared of him. personally, myself, i am
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laid up in a hospital bed in front of the television. and -- host: joe? joe, we are kind of losing your here, so if you could get to your question or your point for ray lahood. i'm sorry, we lost joe. let's take that opportunity, if we could, and go into present-day politics. he was recounting his transitions throughout the year. would you think about 2016 and the race that is going on currently? caller: i have been watching this kind of activity for 35 years. seen, certainly on the republican side, a process like we have now. i think the fact that we have
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such a celebrity like donald trump in the race who has never and isvolved in politics using the most unorthodox methods to get elected to get the nomination. are a wideertainly range of candidates on the republican side. it looks like hillary will probably get the nomination, and all these presidential campaigns, it will be very, very interesting. host: have you endorsed? guest: i like jeb bush. i do. i think he was a very strong governor in florida and i like his positions on many issues. and so i like jeb bush. host: going into a democratic administration as a republican, are you suspect of both sides of the aisle now? guest: i don't know about
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suspect. i think people have always viewed me as being bipartisan and i don't think anybody was surprised when president obama nominated me for secretary of transportation, which has always been, very bipartisan agency. and so i don't think people really look at ray lahood with a jaundiced eye or with suspect. i think they look at me as more someone who has worked on both sides of the aisle. but i have been a republican all my life and i will continue to be a republican. i couldn't have gotten the job with president obama had i not been a republican because he was looking for a republican. and our friendship, obviously, in doing since we left -- endured since we left the job. host: my worst day on the job.
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guest: that was the day of the air crash -- host: in buffalo. guest: in buffalo, new york 149 people boarded the plane with the idea that they would arrive in buffalo safely. andbecause of pilot error very bad conditions -- icing on those 49 people pierced as a result -- perished. as a result, we implemented new rules. both of these pilots had flown from the west coast to the east coast before they started flying the plane. so innate our flight. then they are expected to get in the plane and fly it. and they were poorly trained. they did the wrong thing when the plane i stop, and they -- iced up, and they crashed the plane. -- particularly
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those that are flying these regional jets, which a lot of communities are using now. host: amtrak funding. a new formula written into the bill. do you supported? guest: i'm glad congress passed a transportation bill. we need a vision. i like the idea they included a provision that if there is a profit on the northeast corridor, which is really where they make that money, that money gets plowed back into the northeast corridor rather than being used for other lines like in illinois or other corridors. i like that idea. i think it is a creative way to make sure the northeast corridor, which does make s at annd ridership ai all-time high, the money will be there for it. and then i noticed in today's paper that they included a
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provision in their to raise the to raise thehere limit, particularly for those who were injured or killed in philadelphia for the liability. i think amtrak is -- is doing well, and i think we are treated very fairly in the transportation bill. host: margin is in richfield, wisconsin. -- martin is and where it's healed, wisconsin -- is in richfield, wisconsin. caller: good morning, c-span. good morning, ray. thank you for your service to the country. guest: thank you. caller: with your obvious large depth of knowledge of american politics and having served their country, you mentioned the tea party, you mention some positive things and some not so positive things about barack obama. how do you think history is going to view barack obama? in my opinion, he is really the
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father of the tea party with his partisanship he exhibited with his administration. everything with what happened his first two years. i don't think we would have the tea party in the republican party right now if not for him. interested in your take. guest: i do not agree that he is the father of the tea party. i don't think he would agree with that, either. i think that the tea party came about because of -- and the leadership of the tea party came about from people who were antigovernment, who don't believe in government, and helped elect people to come here to washington and shut the governments down. they ran speaker boehner out of office. as i said, a year ago, they shut the government down. they vote no on everything. and that certainly has nothing to do with president obama's philosophy. and i don't think he would
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associate himself with the tea party or consider himself to be the father of it, and i don't, either. host: is john boehner a friend of yours? paul ryan? guest: very much so. i served with john. he will go down as is bigger who worked very, very hard to get things done and make things speaker- go down as a who worked very, very hard to get things done and make things happen. he had a group of people in the republican conference who came here to be obstructionist, who came -- obstructionists, who came here to do everything they could to stop things they didn't believe in. and they had some ability to do that. this is the tea party crowd. the crowd that basically shutdown the government, ran john out of office, but he did a good job. he was a good speaker. he is a good leader. paul ryan i have known since he
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came to congress. and i admire him very much. i particularly admire him for stepping up into this very important leadership vacuum and filling the vacuum. and doing it in a way that i think really distinguishes him and distinguishes the speaker's office. i think paul is going to be a very strong speaker. in my book, i talk about one of the real pillars of leadership is listening. and i think paul is and will be a good listener. he is already doing that. and part of listening event is carrying out what people have to say. and i think paul will do that. i'm very high on paul ryan is and he is the next -- paul ryan, and he is the next generation of leadership in the house of representatives. the house of representatives is very fortunate that someone like pauline is willing to step up -- someone like paul ryan is
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willing to step up and fill the leadership. sacrifices. great he and his family both make great sacrifices. in fromrbara is coming pearl, mississippi. republican. caller: yes, hi. how are you? theuld like to know from republican you have on today, how easy would it be for the president nominee donald trump to become -- if he becomes the next president to pass on the initiative he has been talking about with immigration? and what can be done to fix the health care laws pertaining to people who have insurance because i know prior to this law we always had great insurance. but after this law was passed, we wound up with very high
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deductibles. a $6,000 deductible. insurance through your jobs, your pay $100 a month for insurance plus you have an $8,000 deductible. it is very high. how can those issues be addressed? host: implementing policies by the president. guest: well, it is difficult because under our system of legislation passing, it has to come before congress, which is an equal branch of government separate from the administration, separate from the executive branch. and we have seen how difficult it is for president obama to enact some legislation that he has wanted to do. if you just take the issue of -- of whether, you know, there is global warning and clean air
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legislation and so forth, it has been very difficult. but i give the president credit. he did pass national healthcare. he did get us out of iraq. he is working very hard on a trade bill. he has supported the education reform, the transportation bill. done, but it has to be done in a bipartisan way. house of the 435 in the or 100 senators gets their own way. when congress salsa big problems, when the address issues, they are almost always sound in a bipartisan way -- always solved in a bipartisan way with compromise. that is the beauty of our system. to the issue of can trump get anything done, i don't think donald trump will be the nominee, and i certainly don't think that he will be elected president. but whoever is elected president will have to work with the men and women that come here from
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around the country elected by the people and -- and reach compromise and work in a bipartisan way. 435 of yourom the all, you would hear candidates a i am going to do x. would you all look at each other and say good luck to you? guest: i think what people would say is not only good luck, but, no. and talk to us about it -- but come on up and talk to us about it. host: does talking to congress really make it th -- make a big difference? guest: it makes a big difference. retreatsed a couple of , and our whole notion was if you know somebody, it is much more difficult to criticize them. if you know their spouse, much more difficult. our first bipartisan retreat, we had over 200 members of the
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house, 150 spouses, and what hundred kids. first time a congressional kid ever met another congressional kid. when you know somebody, then you develop friendships, then you develop the opportunity to talk to one another. and that kind of report and that kind of relationship building can go a long way to really people talking to one another. carroll's read robert book, he would invite people to the white house, he would have them over for drinks. and frankly, president reagan did the same thing. bob michael was leader then, and he would suggest if you democrats to invite down, and president reagan would do it. know, talk to one another, get to know one another, boom -- they would begin to work on issues. and that is -- that is very,
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very important. relationships are very important in trying to pass legislation and solve problems. host: want to ask you about two trends. maybe you don't think they are transparent automatic pilot -- they are trends. automatic pilot up in congress, lesson less significant of the president's cabinet. guest: the president's cabinet, i think, plays an important role with certain committees. you look at the homeland security committee now and you look at the director of the fbi or how wery johnson are dealing with these terrorists, so they play an important role. if you havenk that a strong president, then
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obviously congress is going to look to the president. and the cabinet perhaps plays a lesser role. but some of these issues, they play a dominant role. i think duncan played a big role in this legislation that was signed yesterday on refining no child left behind. i know secretary fox played a big role in the secretary -- in the transportation bill the president signed. i think our trade ambassador has played a big role in working with congress on the straight legislation. it depends on the issue, but i think evident members come in and out -- i think cabinet members come in and out as the issues bubble up to a certain extent. i don't know if i know enough about that to really comment. host: but you know the continuing -- with the cr -- guest: yeah. ryan wants to get back to regular order. he has come in late here on this
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particular budget, this particular cr, and this particular omnibus. i think next year he will tell the budget committee, give us a budget. then the appropriators hold their hearings, pass their bills paid been those bills come -- pass their bills. then those bills come to the house floor. i think that is really what paul ryan wants to do as a news bigger. that would be quite in the compost made because that hasn't been that around here in decades. host: mike is in pennsylvania. he is a republican. caller: yes. mr. lahood, thank you for taking my call. guest: good morning. caller: good morning. i disagree with your characterization of tea party people. they do believe in government, they just believe in limited government. and i think our federal government has gone far field of what the founding fathers ever intended.
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my question is -- you can comment if you like -- but my question is the davis act. restrictse fact priorities and it keeps from hiring policies in our construction projects. and also, i think it keeps artificially high the price of public service construction jobs. and how do you >> provides further evidence of
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strong member of the coalition since the beginning of the campaign in september 2014. making significant contributions to air operations, including isil targetsgainst in iraq. soldiers have provide robust support for the coalition workers on the ground. advising, assisting, and building the capacity of local forces who are taking the fight syria. in both iraq and pressure, --reased as we intensify airstrikes isil's financial structure, the world appreciates the uk's contribution to this necessary and critical mission. with strong allies like the united states and united kingdom, bringing every
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instrument of national power against this barbaric foe. willll defeat isil and we ensure that they stay defeated. of course, i will work stays far beyond the middle east. we must continue writing a new playbook for deterrence and defense. one that includes preparations to counter new challenges, like cyber and -- continue to adjust both our posture and our presence in response to russian aggression and support our allies. the u.k. released its strategic defense and security review. a blueprint for greater security priorities through 2020. the fds are establishes a strategic framework for the uk's -- including a reinvigorating focus on power projection, innovation, and deterrence.
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the review recommends a series of divisions that would allow the u.k. to continue to play a leading role in strengthening the rules-based international water and confronting security challenges across the world. at the department of defense, we wholeheartedly welcome the strategic depth and insight of this review. look forward to working with our british allies and making it a reality. i also want to commit the united kingdom for making sure these plans are properly resourced and particularly for the siding early to continue meeting the pledged nato allies made in wales to contribute to percent of ebp to defend. meeting these targets >> so does our commitment to investedthese sums are as strategically and deliberately as possible. militaries' renewed
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n.f.c. on improving the cooperation of our forces, we common defenser while ensuring our citizens get the most for every dollar and every pound spent. the united states values the enduring andment's global defense partnership. today, and in the days to come, continue to strengthen our strategic collaboration and our unique capabilities as strong,he world principled allies. michael? >> well, i'm delighted to be here again with secretary carter. thank him for his particularly generous welcome this afternoon. we've been reviewing the strategy to degrade and isil, daesh, and how to take forward our strategic and security review.
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the divisive vote in our voteament to -- decisive wastrike desea daesh at its het an important moment in this campaign. but that decision was to extend as secretary carter has said. we have already been playing the second biggest part against terrorists in iraq. we're providing some 60% of the coalition's entire tackle reconnaissance and up to a third precision strike capability. the vote last week means that we onenow treat this as theater and use our expertise isis-daesh in its heartland. we have brought more planes to more than doubled the number of missions that we fly by day and by night. there will be plots against both our countries as we take the fight to isil-daesh, just as
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there have been attacks like those in san bernardino. but we must not allow the idea totake hold that standing up this terrorism makes our homeland security any worse. that is a council of despair and simply wrong. we must defend our values as much as our streets and always that these people don't hate us because of what we do but because of who we are. the investments announced in our strategic defense review, along our decision to increase defense spending every year will deliver bigger, stronger defense so that the united kingdom can play a leading role in global defense and security. remains ourtates closest strategic partner and we work together to promote oural stability, to protect shared interests and to deliver prosperity for our people.
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such asfense projects f35 demonstrate our long-term the u.k.-u.s. defense relationship. witheview enhances that new priorities, not least the the doublingol and of our drone fleet. i have agreed with secretary that we will strengthen the way our bilateral relationship is governed and directed. on equipment, we now want to structured, program-based approach so that our governments and defense industries can deliver these capabilities against some timelines and can build on our existing strong industrial collaboration. the strength and the depth of are deeplyal resolve assigned our deeply national security defense strategies and our armed forces
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add up to a relationship unlike any other. with that, i'm happy to take some questions. >> mr. secretary, considering that camee criticism up at the hearing the other day, and the fact that president be here in the pentagon to discuss the fight on monday, should the american people take this as suggestion that there's a need to either invigorate or change, not the strategy, the implementation of the strategy isis in iraq and syria or at least make it more aggressive? mr. secretary, earlier russian president vladimir putin said again that he would like closer the west in with syria.
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that?o you think of do you think there should be withgreater coordination russia as more of these strikes continue? addressou wanted to that too. >> well, with respect to the part, we are taking a number of steps. a number of them earlier this week. more, totend to take strengthen the execution of our hasten the defeat of isil. herehe president will be in the pentagon on monday, and only from us here in the defense department, his senior commanders in the field, the military dimensions of isil, butgn to defeat also this is a national security council meeting. so the secretary of state and
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theesentatives of intelligence community, law enforcement, homeland security, all of the parts that we know are necessary to protect our people, and strike at our enemies, will be involved. i expect him both to hear tot we're doing and continue say what he's told me and general dunford certainly for the military campaign, which is that he wants us to continue to proposals forth ways that we can strengthen the with ourconsistent overall strategic approach. you.ank the united states has been leading the coalition since last against isil-daesh. and we are now fully part of our extending our operations to syria as well as iraq. carter has asked other countries, including the united kingdom, what more they can contribute to the campaign as we move to this new focus on
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the infrastructure that supports isil-daesh. to hiswill be responding letter in due course. so far as russia's involvement said from the beginning, if russia wants to help in syria, where it has influence, it ought to stop propping up the regime, help us bring this civil war to an end, bombing the opposition groups that have been opposed to and start to play a more constructive role in the process moreving syria to a pluralist future. give us more detail about the british air strikes in syria so far? going to see a ramping up of the intensity in the coming weeks? libya question, secretary carter, do you think thata realistic prospect
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ultimately the isis leadership might fall back to libya? me start with the first, and then hand it over to secretary carter on libya. concerned,trikes are we have doubled our strike force moving aircraft there immediately after the vote last wednesday. flew extra aircraft in on thursday. those aircraft were in action on friday evening. and we have begun a series of strikes,successful against infrastructure targets, thely in the eastern -- in oil fields, the field in eastern syria. we -- you should expect to see more of that, precision keykes, against infrastructure. the oil well heads, the depos, the logistics, the command and control, the supply routes between syria and as we intensify the focus
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the support that of --earrives from some derives from some of these revenue streams. >> with respect to libya, as destroyed in its iraq, tumor of syria and we're not going to let it fall back anywhere, libya or anywhere else, where it is metastasizing. going to combat isil everywhere it appears. it must be destroyed in its of the -- of syria and iraq. but it is metastasizing to other world.f the we'll combat it everywhere. of course, that includes in our homelands. and so it won't have any place to fall back on. >> hi. thank you.
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actually follow-ups and then a question. secretary carter, you said that the president has continued to withyou to come to him proposals for fighting isis in iraq and syria. but on the hill, you essentially had more options or ideas, you would offer them. what does that mean? does that mean that there's sort a stalemate, you're at a logjam here? >> no. it means that we constantly develop through new intelligence very importantly new techniques tactics for attacking isil. i'll give you a few recent examples. and others on the oil revenue streams of isil, our way thato do that in a totracts from isil's ability earn revenues while not affecting the life of ordinary ofple who are simply victims
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this evil moment, that kind of allowed use is what to take these strikes. we constantly develop new opportunities. new tools.elop i described earlier in this week thething we're calling expeditionary targeting force. that's a new way of being able in and strike leadership, targets, gather intelligence. and i expect in a week, two weeks, for us to be building more capability and having more and more impact every week. the whole idea. that's what president obama has asked us to do. ablehat's what we've been to do and will continue to do. >> mr. fallon, one quick follow-up on vladimir putin. he also said today that the supporting thew free syrian army. are you seeing any indication
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any kind are providing of air cover? he also mentioned ammunition and weapons. and secretary carter, my other question for you was about the special forces that are going into syria. john kirby over at the state department said this week there a small number in syria already. i know you don't want to get security, andal numbers where they are, but can you tell us, now that there's an they havement that gone in, are they moving in and out? what specifically -- i mean, these are american troops operating in a sovereign nation at this point. so what can you tell the about what they are doing there? to speaki'm not going specifically about the actions forces, especially while they're ongoing. minister fallon, and kingdom, has what i think is a very admirable policy
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of not commenting on the activities of the special forces. so we obviously have them. they're extremely capable. ashave acknowledged, indicated, that they operate in syria. indicated earlier in this week, we're prepared to do more. movements andic operations, we're not going to describe. >> so far as the russian move is concerned, they began by bombing free syrian army. they're now claiming to be syrian army.e free that is welcome. what they've got to do is stop regime, up the assad stop bombing opposition groups opposed to the assad unguidedtop dropping bombs on innocent groups and get behind the political process way of leadinger that country to a more pluralist
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withoutnt and a future assad. you.ank secretary fallon, in your against isis, under what scenario do you anticipate enforcements to iraq and syria? in the last week, the u.s. has expanded even more role to seek out isis in countries around north africa, the middle east. would you consider sending forces to assist in those counter-terrorism hubs? and for secretary carter, in the incremental additions that have made to the u.s. presence in iraq, at this point, if there are additional troops that would announced, would those be coming out of the white house -- decisions be coming out of the white house, or does the pentagon have the authority to add troops if you deem it necessary? >> on the first, we're not send combat troops back into iraq or into syria.
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minister abadi made it do not want to see british troops on the ground there and they don't want to see american troops there. they realize the security has to be achieved in areas that have from isil-daesh forces that can enjoy the support and confidence of the sunni areas. can't be done by western boots on the ground. so far as other countries are concerned, in countries in libya, yes, we've been working for a political settlement there. we can achieve a political settlement, which, as you know, is being negotiated at there's an and international mission to help provide training and support for be partourse we would of that. we're already providing training governmentnce to the of nigeria in its own campaign the isil-daesh franchise northeast nigeria.
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>> with respect to u.s. troops youraq, let me just remind that we have more than 3500 in doing aht now, spectacular job. by the way, they'll shortly be, celebrating their holidays there and not here. we all ought to keep that in our and take a moment to remember them over the holidays. obviously the president is the in so everyone deployed is subject to his approval. i write their deployment orders, i think very carefully, about every single one. with respect to overall numbers, has indicated and increaseillingness to that number. we'veecently, as indicated, in the last few weeks, as we develop make good useto of them. now, we obviously don't -- we
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deploy as few people as simply in recognition of the fact that they're away from their families. but we have to do what we have to protect our country and to defeat isil. and the troops know that. and typically, in this season, we bless them for taking it on. everybody.u, >> thank you. michael, thank you. much.nk you very >> the road to the white house runs through des moines, iowa later today when businessman and leading republican contender donald trump will host a rally, live at 7:30 p.m. eastern, right on c-span. the supreme court heard several cases this week dealing with redistricting. challenges how texas draws voting districts for state
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senate by using the total rather than only the number of eligible voters. caseral argument in the will be on c-span 2 tonight at 8:00 eastern. weekend, on c-span, eastern,night at 9:00 executives from pandora and spotify on how technology the entertainment district. >> are there certain parts of the day where music is actually only thing you want to listen to? so morning commute is one hypothesis we're testing right now, that when you're -- if you're on the subway, in your don'tt cetera, maybe you only want music. maybe you want some news, want toreports, you see, if you're on the subway -- not while you're driving -- like of jimmy fallon, something like that. there's some other content you thatto experience during period of time. and that is kind of the hypothesis we're test right now, interestedeople are in experiencing that. >> then, sunday evening at 6:30,
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g.o.p. presidential candidate ohio governor john kasich at the council on foreign relations, on rebuilding international alliances. >> thanks to my 18 years, 18 years on the house armed services committee, i knew many months ago that the only way to call this problem is to for an international coalition syria andisis in iraq. with nato allies to organize an international on theon to defeat isis ground and to deny them the territory that they need to survive. those with long experience know air campaign on its own is simply not enough. more schedule information, go to hours of.v. has 48 nonfiction books and authors every weekend on c-span 2.
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night at 10:00 p.m. eastern, on afterwards, nurse columnistrk times teresa brown discusses her book, "the shift." it gives readers a firsthand experience in patient care and safety. ms. brown is interviewed by the of theve director american nurses association. >> health care is only going to get more and more complex. >> right. >> and we're just going to need nurses to meeter all those complex needs. so thinking about how to keep us strong and healthy and huge.aging that is we sort of give lip service to don't really emphasize it. >> on sunday afternoon, at 1:30 eastern -- >> politics! which i have been part of all my so different from the world of petty criminals,
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robbers and racketeers, but it was disguised and therefore less obvious to see. fact, for 25 years, in my career, i've looked at america as an idea. i've defended american principles, the american dream, and i've looked at american politics as a debate. in republicans believe liberty. the democrats believe in equality. republicans want equality of rights. democrats want equality of outcomes. now, it is the point of view of the criminal underclass that looking at american politics is complete and total nonsense. >> we examine america and the new politics, in america, what my experience with criminal gangs taught me." at 7:30 p.m.ght, eastern, former democratic
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presidential candidate talks about his experience running for president and campaign finance, of his book,heme "republic lost." have are supposed to democracy where we as citizens are equal participants. a system you have where members of congress spend 30% to 70% of their time raising the tiniest fraction of the 1%, they can't help but focused and concerned with the interest of that tiny fraction of the 1%. system where this basic equality is denied. >> watch book t.v. all weekend, every weekend, on c-span 2. next, the white house briefing from today with press secretary ernest. the briefing starts with a affirmativeut action at universities.
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>> all right. good morning, everybody. >> good morning! morning! >> i'm going to savor it for all its worth. see you happy friday! before we get started, i did want to follow up on one aspect of the discussion that we had in yesterday's briefing. don't see alexis here, but at one point she did yesterday -- i believe it was alexis -- i was asked about what evidence we could point to indicate some movement in a positive direction from our the ongoing gun debate.
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i know earlier this week, we had a discussion about whether or the president's suggestion buylose the no fly, no loophole was a partisan one. there's no data out this just one data point but a relevant one in answering both of those questions. the poll conducted by boston.affiliate in these are a group, a sample of primary voters in new hampshire. so republican voters in new hampshire. of whom have a gun in their household. so a substantial number of gun owners, presumably, republicans in new hampshire. they were asked, would you or oppose a federal law that would prevent people on the list fromch purchasing guns? 85% said they support that notion. these voters were also asked whether or not they would oppose a federal law
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requiring universal background checks for anyone seeking to purchase a gun. kind of law.hat these are the kinds of commonsense steps that the been calling on congress to take. and the support that we're in -- is not just growing among democratic voters. it's actually growing among republican primary voters too. so this is the kind -- you know, again, this is one data point. i'm sure this is not going to be the overalle in debate. but it is, from our perspective, good news that there continues increasing intensity behind support for the kinds of commonsense gun safety measures that the president has long advocated. so... wbur, the npr affiliate in boston. [laughter] >> yeah. dial.s 90.9 on the [laughter]
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>> so... all right, josh. that, let's go to your questions. >> congress is preparing to send a short-term extension to keep the government up and running while they have more discussions on this deal. i know that you said, i think in chat, the president would sign that. >> that's right. >> but speaker ryan is saying that they may need even more time. he's not putting a hard deadline on it. short-termng if that extension -- is that a one-shot deal? thehere any chance president entertains another kick of the can down the road? as clear asd to be i could about this. the president was pretty clear about this, when he signed the last cr, back in late september, i believe that was. and what the president agreed to do was to sign the cr in september that would bring us through mid-december. that would give congress ample bipartisanotiate a budget agreement.
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and as i noted yesterday, congress has made a lot of that,ss on negotiating including coming to some agreement about the top-line numbers included in the budget that would include a substantial increase in funding for our security and economic priorities. that's what the president has been advocating for a long time. thatviously welcomed bipartisan announcement. so we've made substantial thisess i in completing objective. at this point, the president doesn't believe that -- well, say it in the affirmative. congress has had ample time to negotiate this agreement. earlier this week, i would -- do not envision a scenario, i still do not scenario, where the president would sign a continuing resolution that would give congress additional weeks and months to negotiate a bipartisan agreement. know, we're still -- i recognize that some in congress may bristle about the notion of
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a deadline. but i've been in -- i haven't in washington very long but i've been in washington long enough to know that without a deadline, congress doesn't do anything. so we've got to have a firm deadline. and the president is going to insist on one. also true is that sometimes the legislative mechanics in the congress take a days to execute and pass an agreement that's been reached. and so it certainly will i would the sense to shut down government just while congress is going through the mechanics. >> but with this extension -- i not a matter of everything is decided, half republicans, democrats, an we just gotta have the vote, get the bill signed 1600et it up to pennsylvania? >> that's true. but there are indications that we are making a lot of progress of we have made a lot progress in these negotiations. and, again, the president continues to be serious about we're not going to spend several more weeks or more months negotiating
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a bipartisan budget agreement. so much progress has already been made. josh, it's --is, it seems likely that i would todayly be in a position to talk about an agreement that had been reached, if republicans would abandon their continued including on ideological writers in the budget. that continues to be >> given that you have been reluctant to go down a list of specific things about the president would not accept. how would we know that that is plausible, or are you confident that any deal that the wouldatic leadership ultimately be something -- leadership signs off on, would ultimately be something that the
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president accepts? josh earnest: these are negotiations between democrats and republicans on capitol hill, it is the responsibly to reach the agreement. the white house has been kept in the loop on negotiations and we frankly have been in conversation, mostly with democrats, but there have been conversations with republicans as well. so everybody is aware of two things, both at the president will have to sign off on the agreement and they are aware of what our views are and some of the critical issues they are discussing. we felt confident that that is a mechanism that can succeed in producing a bipartisan edit session a budget agreement, hopefully something that the president can support. that anyt with warning you have a bipartisan negotiation like this
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