tv QA CSPAN December 27, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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over the last several months in the british parliament. later, reform on race relations and criminal justice, hosted by the atlantic. >> this week on q&a. he talks about the second volume of pearson's diaries. from 1960 to 1969. brian: tyler abell, who was drew pearson in your life? tyler: he was my stepfather. my mother made him.
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but i was four. he played a big role in my life. he died when i was 37. very sad. but he was an amazing, remarkable man. he did everything. just everything. brian: someone who has never heard of him, what did he do? tyler: he was a remarkable journalist. he invented the washington dc which is now occupied by i don't know how many people. unlike mene a column today or women today seven days a week, every day of the year. he wrote a column. mostly about washington, but all comes of things. he flew around the world. he started out as a young man interviewing europe's 12 greatest men that is how he
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actually started and made a name brian: for himself. where was he from originally -- made a name for himself. brian: where was he from originally? tyler: he was from evanston illinois -- evanston, illinois. his father was an was professor. he had a job at swarthmore college in pennsylvania. east in a wagon drawn by two horses. changed ground has been in his lifetime. brian: he lived what years? tyler: he was born in 1997 and died in 1969. brian: he was about 73 or 74? tyler: he was almost 72. he lacked a few weeks of being 72 the day he died.
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he died september 1, 1969. brian: we asked you here because you have been responsible for the diaries of drew pearson, the second set just being published. but before we get into that, those watching who have never heard of him or who might forget what he looks like, we would like them to see a small excerpt from a mike wallace interview from 1957. [video clip] >> you say that your predictions are 80% accurate. how do you weigh the dangers of a third world war? >> at the moment, i don't think there is too great a danger because i think, for the russia's and we both realized that a war would be catastrophic and that no side would win. furthermore, i think the russia's figure they can get what they want without a war by the cold war, by psychological
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warfare, but economic warfare. brian: mike wallace interviewing him in 1957. how big a deal was he in those years? tyler: he was a pretty big deal. he had a video broadcast, a weekly radio broadcast where he made a reference to predictions. he was a very good predictor. part of his video broadcast was about five or six minutes of predictions. he wasn't always right. do wet, he predicted that would win in 1948. would win in 1948. but he was right about world war iii. he talked about that in the the drew pearson diaries: ."l. ii
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he talks about the war and how the russia's don't really want war. the biggest rush eraleader of that area -- several times. khrushchev. khrushchev works into his thoughts and dealings with the russia's frequently. brian: i want to lay down some of the things he did and tell me if any of this is right or wrong. first report of general patton slapping the soldier. tyler: 1948. brian: general douglas macarthur threatened to sue him for publishing letters from his mistress. tyler: yes. and macarthur backed off. and fact, those letters are still around. i got a call about them several years ago from a guy who just
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research of them because -- researched them because he was a lawyer when he died and left all his papers to the university of texas. so those letters popped up when morris ornish -- morris ernst died. brian: senator mccarthy, what was his relationship to him? tyler: in the very, very beginning, he regarded mccarthy as a very interesting source. soon, he got very crosswise with mccarthy because mccarthy was promoting anti-communism with such an he regarded almost everybody, including george marshall, as a handmaiden of communism. george marshall was the secretary of state, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and one of eisenhower's best friends. everybody got mad at eisenhower
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for not doing a better job defending mccarthy. , attacking mccarthy for doing that. in one famous occasion was when mccarthy attacked drew in the clerk of -- the cloakroom of the celebrate club. later, drew sued mccarthy, but that suit didn't go very far. brian: i read these diaries and you are in them throughout as being around to drew pearson. what personal moment do you remember the most of being his stepson? question that i have had to think about. he and i were so close that it was, you know -- he was a remarkable person and he really
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loved his family. he was very, very helpful to me in so many different ways. and he was really very much a father. i can't think of one instance. there were just too many. brian: your mother married him when you were howled? .yler: four years old brian: there is one part in the diary where he is recommending you as part of a kitchen cabinet for lyndon johnson. what were the circumstances? tyler: just one of the examples was.w amazing drew i mean, here he was writing a column seven days a week, giving lectures, doing a radio broadcast once a week, and running a farm. but he thought johnson should
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have some extra help running his campaign. at the end of the campaign, he , [indiscernible] but he recommended johnson take several people to work the high and the scenes and do things that would help the campaign. i was one. leonard marx was one. ourselves -- we call the 5:00 club because we met at the white house, upstairs in the back office, at 5:00 every afternoon. we thought of how we could do something that would shake up be a plus for the campaign. brian: have many newspapers published his column? tyler: he took credit for 650.
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and i'm not sure. there might have been more. i remember once, this is when i was a little boy, the farmworkers think you are not spending enough money on the farm because you are in 600 papers. it says on your radio broadcast that you are published in 600 papers. and if you just got a dollar a paper a day, you would be rich! and he said, well, but some of those papers are weeklies and they only pay less than that. maybe only a dollar a week. it was an interesting conversation. i have never forgotten it. the number of papers went back and forth and up and down. brian: one of the things i underlined a lot in the book and a lot of the quotes -- these are out of context, but i am sure you can put them in perspective. here is one talking about jaclyn
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kennedy. it is early in the book. -- yourwhat he says stepfather writes, "this is a cold gal who deep down doesn't have much sympathy for the aims of her husband and wouldn't know a social reform when she saw one." that qi remember uote. digg is back-and-forth about jackie as he does about a lot of people. i remember once he was saying that his wife thinks that jackie is just lazy and that's why the white house dinner wasn't a better dinner, because jackie was lazy. he ascribes that to my mother, his wife. few cold things to say about jackie from time to time.
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i don't know the exact context of that quote. brian: what were his politics? tyler: he was quite demonstrably a progressive. which i guess today you would say he was far left. in those days, a progressive would be -- a progressive of that era would not be considered that far to the left, i don't believe. i have been wondering how he would regard the current political situation with the division between the parties. i don't think he would have in for bernie sanders. i'm not sure how he would have felt about hillary. got so much money that i think that would have turned him off. but i don't know who he would have been for.
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brian: the one thing that surprised me is how often he was involved in trying to get legislation passed. tyler: yes. brian: what was his -- this is from monday, january 20 -- it would have been argue -- it would have been inauguration day for richard nixon in 1968. tyler: 1969. brian: as a journalist, what was he doing getting involved in trying to get somebody seated for the cabinet? tyler: he did it all the time.
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he absolutely did it all the time. journalist,- as a he didn't think that those rules applied to him. it, but hedvertise worked behind-the-scenes or what he thought was behind the scenes, trying to promote different senators to make speeches and he would write the speech for them about all sorts of different things. fascinating. how did he have time to write the column and trouble to south dakota to give a speech? brian: i've got an old column here, back in 1970 -- 1974. you published the first round. it was between 1974 and today that the two different diaries have been published. tyler: yes. i should have done all three --
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i should have done three volumes and i should have done them right away. but i got backed up and short of time. one thing or another. so i kept postponing. i am a terrible for crest senator, unlike my stepfather to immediately did everything. he got up at 4:00 in the morning and wrote the calm before breakfast. out how toure postpone it until the day after tomorrow. it was just remarkable, all the things that he did. sometimes he would criticize himself in the diary. he must have come across different places where he said his column was too strong. i shouldn't have said it quite that way. portland and is going to get mad at me for the way i wrote that column. mad aton is going to get
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me for the way i wrote that column. but he needed to hear it and i'm glad i wrote it. brian: who publish the first volume? tyler: winston. brian: how much instant -- how much interest was there that? tyler: not as much as i thought there would be. think that is one of the reasons why i postponed the second volume. brian: how many years did he keep a diary? tyler: a started in january, 1949. and he opens up and says, david carr has told me i have to keep a diary. and i am starting right now. and he kept on with the diary. skippedt few years, he many more days than he did later on. it is interesting that the 1960's he wrote almost every day.
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you could hardly pick up the published volume as it is. it is so heavy. it could easily have been twice as big. that is how much had to be left out. brian: and you had a republican to edit this. tyler: yes. a very good friend of mine. peter hannaford, who was a big reagan man. peter and i were in the army together. we maintained a friendship cents. brian: and he -- he just died. very said. he finished the editing and went out on a saturday and signed books at the local bookstore where he lived in eureka, california. and came back, thought things were really good, had been a good day. so they bunch of books and never woke up. how much of what was in
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the diary did you edit out for sensitivity reasons? tyler: zero. brian: put it all in there. tyler: yes. i mean, some of it might have gotten out, but there wasn't anything about who slept with who or anything like that that got left out because of -- you know, because we were bashful. brian: there is an enormous amount of who slept with who witness. why was he interested in that? tyler: isn't that the way our culture is? it's amazing. at one point, the rations say tell him i think the rush and ambassador says why is america so into sex? that's all anybody talks about around here. comrade thata makes one page. he says i've got enough stuff to write a whole book about love
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being made in the white house. if i ever get around to it, it will be quite a book. in the middle of the johnson administration, lenny, meaning jack lenny, told me an interesting story about bobby kennedy. brian: has that ever been published before? tyler: i never read it before. brian: she is still alive. tyler: yeah, and so before. brian: -- yeah, and so
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beautiful. brian: did you read his diary before he died? tyler: yeah. no, and sorry, i didn't. i miss spoke. he obviously thought that it should be published because it is real. should beler abell the editor of my diaries. so i went around looking for the diaries and there is a lot, just a lot to where i finally put them all into three-ring notebooks. were 24 notebooks. a very small part of it was but it was there.
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brian: one of the things i noticed is that he was dinner or lunch all the time was somebody that is a well-known name. i will just one of them now and ask you about her. agnes meyer. who was she and why did they have so many lunches and dinners and trips on the outs together? tyler: agnes meyer was a wonderful person. and a very good friend of drew's. i knew this a little bit because drew saw her rarely but enough to say hello. i called her mrs. meyer. she was kay graham's mother. agnes his month -- agnes's husband was eugene meyer. brought "the who
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post" out of bankruptcy and made .t a going concern he was a very good businessman. he died -- i never met him. i can't remember exactly when he died. of adopted drew and my mother, who was a charming lady. and they were good friends. hows interesting to read frequently they were together. she took them on boat trips. but she took everybody on the boat. you would have loved to have been on that boat. justice of the united states, drew pearson come a couple of other interesting people. you would have loved it. andrew enjoyed it. of whenhere is a story
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agnes meyer and drew pearson went to seek for sheriff. tyler: drew had been angling to get another interview with khrushchev. he was going back and forth with sarious rush and in between to get another interview with khrushchev. and finally, just as a surprise, they were on the yacht in the came thatand the word you, drew, have to come immediately to see mr. khrushchev. he is waiting for you. was just a very fast auto trip to khrushchev's
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face. spent a couple of hours and then came back. the first interview drew had with khrushchev, they spent three days together. through -- drew and my mother slept there together. they talked all the time. they had their meals together. went swimming together. had a wonderful time together. brian: 25 times in this diary, he is having lunch or dinner with anatoly dominion, the ambassador from russia to united states. why was he so interested in russia and why did they talk to him so much? tyler: that is a question that i would love to answer myself. it is amazing how much of drew's time was spent with the rations.
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the fbi was covering the rush and numbers say. so they knew when drew went in and out of the rush and embassy. at one point, he was accused by the president of the united states as spending all of his time -- and you are in there at 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning. was back in talks with his wife and said when did we ever go to the rush and embassy at 2:00 or three at can the morning? they musther said have the date wrong or the time wrong. i bet the fbi said it was 2:00 p.m.. and when it got transcribed a couple of times, a came out as 2:00 a.m. andrew is not sure about that. but he did spend an awful lot of with the rations. russians.e with the rations
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had there been a war, it would have been terrible. was a certain danger of a war. one misstep and it might have happened. brian: you made the connection earlier with agnes meyer and " the washington post" and kay graham and all that. his column was published in "the post." but it was in an unusual place that they put that column. where was it and wife? tyler: it was on the comic page. was always proud that it was on the comic page. some people made fun of it and said it should be in the editorial page. peace and no, i am published every day and everybody reads said, no, i- drew
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am published every day and everybody reads the comics. 20-seconde is another excerpt. [video clip] >> i've predicted that mr. nixon will become president of the united states within approximately a year. mr. nixon will make a better president than mr. eisenhower. the reason i say that is that mr. nixon has trained for this job. brian: it did not work so well for the prediction. tyler: no. two presidential elections he has been wrong on. dari,is one later in the i think it is early 1968, and he predicts that, if nixon is nominated, he will lose.
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but he just predicts that in the diary. as far as i know, it did not appear in the column or on the radio. brian: he did say this -- i have already come to the conclusion that ike has no guts. why didn't you like eisenhower? tyler: i have no idea. in 1951, we were in europe together. and he sought out ike. we talked for a while. that was the only time i think i ever personally met eisenhower. i was a freshman in college. so it was a personal relationship. but as a president, he didn't do what drew would have liked to have done.
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i don't think there was one specific thing. maybe mccarthy. it is a lot of people criticized ike for not taking after mccarthy. think, had the i opinion that, the more he went after mccarthy, it just picked him up. the best thing to do with mccarthy was to ignore him. is an olday, this story. it has been written many times. interview, it57 is about john f. kennedy. we will run it. it is only 30 seconds. at the time, he doesn't even remember the name of the fellow that he is accusing of writing profiles. [video clip] >> i don't think he should have a public relations told up any job of that kind. jack kennedy is a fine young
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fellow, a personable fellow, but he is not as good as that public relations campaign makes them out to be. he is the only man in history i know who won a pulitzer prize on a book that was ghostwritten for him, which indicates the kind of public relations build a p has had. >> who wrote the book for him? the book was written for kennedy by some meals? tyler: i do. -- >> i do. the diary separate and distinct from what hero:? tyler: the dari was separate and distinct. but let me comment about the clip you just showed. don't you find it interesting that, fairly recently, the news has carried a lot about who "rote "profiles in courage.
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ted sorensen is the one who clearly wrote a lot of it. but since the pulitzer prize winning author and ted sorensen are gone, i don't know that we will learn very much. brian: drew pearson is writing this. [laughter] he writes a lot about joe kennedy and women. and that his sons followed his example. recalls thather
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she set next to joe kennedy at dinner one night. i can't remember where the dinner was. and the next morning, she got a very fancy bouquet of flowers from joe kennedy. tyler: what was your mother like an brian: -- what was your mother like and what was her name? was you leave -- libby moore. she got the message from joe kennedy that, had she wanted to respond to those flowers, it would have been easy. entry, friday, october 23.
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about his columns? tyler: sure. in fact, i worked with him for a while. brian: what didgeridoo? -- what did you do? tyler: i was elevated and he quickly. if i wrote something that he liked, he published it. it was quite an experience. brian: when did you feel his power? when did you notice it? tyler: he was so different in person. if you didn't know him, you couldn't believe how different he was. there is a note in that book you are holding in your lap when he goes in to see george bundy. is telling him about vietnam and things like that. and drew is very critical of bundy.
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as he talks with bundy for some time, he realizes he has been there long enough and he gets up to leave. and he quotes bundy is saying, " well, don't be in such a hurry to leave. your so much more personable and person that you are in print." [laughter] you knew the man, you would think that he was just a demon. things he wrote about were pretty bad. and he would tear people up. but when you talked to him, he was the nicest guy in the world. brian: what was his relationship with arthur goldberg? tyler: very close. brian: who was arthur goldberg? will tyler: that is a very good question. i think of him as a most and uncle. resorted life in -- almost uncle. he started life in the labor
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world.he was the chief negotiator for the steelworkers. steelworkers? i think the steelworkers. one of the major unions. and kennedy made him secretary of labor. and then later made him associate justice of the supreme court. he was kennedy's second appointment to the supreme court. johnson talked goldberg into leaving the supreme court to become ambassador to the u.n. goldberg whennown he worked -- i think he was general counsel of the steelworkers. and that is when drew first met him. but then they just became very
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close, very, very close. it seems like the day is incomplete unless he has goldberg to breakfast, lunch, dinner or all three. it's amazing. brian: in 1965, he was working with jack anderson. what was jack anderson's relationship to your stepfather? tyler: jack had started working late 1945,d probably .arly 1946, as a leg man thathad several people helped him gather news and jack was one of those. jack had worked his way up and became the top guide of the leg man group. he is the one who inherited the column when drew died. brian: this is from 1965, 1 of
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conversations with lyndon johnson andrew pearson about -- and drew pearson about a piece that jack anderson wrote. they were writing at the same time. tyler: sometimes it drew would give jack credit and let him right under his own byline. drew was rather protective of that. most of the time, it was drew's byline. "washington merry-go-round" was the book that he published that got him fired. since he was fired, he started writing the column. the column was always "washington merry-go-round." drew would publish
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a piece that was almost all written by jack. he used the column and it was drew's name, but he would tell somebody like lyndon johnson i don't remember that column as well as i should because jack wrote it. brian: let's listen to this conversation with president johnson and drew pearson. [video clip] >> say, i've got a problem. did you see jack anderson yesterday? i never heard of that, just never heard of him. someonepart of it -- must've planned that. they quoted how the white house felt and how i felt. never heard i have a word of it. just out of the clear blue and i felt that was awfully
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irresponsible. >> i thought it was kind of a funny story, too. i talked to jack about it. i cautioned him a little bit about it. in fact, i say a little bit, i cautioned him very definitely. but i will tell you what i will do. i will talk to him again. i was out of town part of last week. i had to go out to california. right, even if jack doesn't like it, i will write some thing to the contrary. brian: how close were those two men? lbj and -- tyler: they were very close. they were very close. as a matter of fact, i didn't realize how close they were, even though i worked for both of time or i worked for lyndon johnson and i also worked for my stepfather.
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diaries, itng the came to light how many times they got together that i didn't know about. i asked my wife, who was the social secretary at the white house, if she could remember how many times drew had come to a social function at the white house. and a shows up a lot in the diary. and she said she didn't recall exactly how many. i said, well, do you think it was a lot? she said i didn't think it was a lot. but when you're the diary, i hope everybody listening to this program will read the dari, and you will see it comes up time and time again. he andrew and my mother go off to the white house for dinner or lunch. he is always saying something jack or about lyndon in the book, in the diary.
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he rarely calls and lyndon. he calls them johnson. sometimes president. frequently, he says lyndon is doing a wonderful job. i wish i could help the more. but i had to write that column about him because he has gone too far off on the vietnam thing. and he really needs to get away from that. brian: we have another tape. before we run it, drew pearson helped write some of the state of the union message that lyndon johnson gave back near the end of his term? well -- brian: it was in the middle of his term, 1964. he had just gotten reelected. was -- aware that he
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tyler: i was not. that would have been the type of thing that drew would have made shoe did not get out. he knew that that diary was going to get out until after he died. there is a little innuendo here. [video clip] drew?oup? -- there didn't you hear? >> i am on the plane. i am in north dakota. >> you disappoint me. >> i heard you got a tremendous amount of applause. rs.i got 81 applause applause, after the
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introduction and the ovation was "we intend to bury no one and we do not intend to be buried." >> good. >> did you ever hear anything like that? >> i think that's wonderful. >> now don't go home and go right into your grandson. [laughter] >> i won't. to keepow was he able the friendship going and yet write negative things from time to time about lyndon johnson and obviously some very positive things? suffer theable to slings and arrows about all the people he wrote about? tyler: that is a very good question. theare asking about personality of a man that is one of the most complicated that has ever lived, lyndon johnson.
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johnson, first of all, the friendship goes back to the very earliest days when johnson first ran for congress. and it extended all this time. and drew comments in another little excerpt that is interesting, when he realizes that now johnson's president, he says, this is the first time i have ever really known a president as know is i will johnson. stop'm going to have to calling him linden and start calling him mr. president. somethingould write that he knew johnson wouldn't like. johnson was very thin-skinned. but then johnson also realized
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that drew was doing a lot of favors. a lot of people would tell johnson that. there are excerpts where leonard marks, a good friend of both of them, would call and tell drew that the president is really down on you about the thing that you wrote the day before yesterday. and i told him that you are doing much more for him than he and thatr appreciate he should appreciate the good things you do and not the bad things. and arthur goldberg would call and say the same thing. johnson is pretty smart. he knows he can't have everything his way. i think occasionally, he would say that to drew. brian: what would you said to there is a reason to buy this book, what is the advantage? what do you get out of it?
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tyler: you get a history lesson that is fascinating, that is done by a man who was so remarkable, who would remember everything and could put little pieces in context and remember something that he did way before that relates to something that is happening today. and that makes a context that i this history of the 1960's is a fascinating history. look at all the things that were going on. civil rights and the war in vietnam and the great society that johnson was trying to get war was up and down. all of those things are happening. and drew put it in a context
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that makes it so interesting and very readable. drew.u talk to true you talk to all the key players. you can open that book up to almost any page and find something interesting. brian: i am going to do that right now. this is 1969, winston churchill has died, earl warren is being sent as an official representative in the johnson administration -- i think it is the next and administration by that time. chief justice earl warren says the following -- this, wasn you read at the first time you knew that
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earl warren felt that way about eisenhower? tyler: yes. it was absolutely the first time that warrenk of felt that way about eisenhower. i had heard that eisenhower told people that the biggest mistake he ever made was appointing warren. maybe war and heard that. guy.n was quite a brian: your father and mother spent a lot of time with earl warren and his wife. tyler: they were very closetyler:. brian: he would go to the court and meet with him, seek his advice. tyler: he would be out to the farm a lot. drew's best -- one of the things he liked to do was go out to the farm and get away from
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the city. and he would take good friends out there. brian: the farm is where? tyler: it is in montgomery county maryland, not too far from washington. it is quite close. it is on the potomac. it overlooks the potomac river. it is about 16 miles up the potomac from the white house. brian: and you mentioned that you were working in the johnson administration. what were your jobs? tyler: i was very lucky. i was the first presidential he made me -- assistant postmaster general, a job that i had for several years. and then there was an instance drew goes inwhere theee the president and president is talking about this and that and the other.he
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is in his pajamas and the lincoln bedroom watching television when drew comes in. he is talking about lawyers and that he switches from moyers, be head ofgning, to "newsday," and he said, "your stepson tyler is leaving. i got a nice letter from him. that is smart. he should go and practice law." brian: did you do it? tyler: yeah. i came back and became chief of protocol for him at the very end of his term. then i went back to practicing law after that. brian: but you were chief of protocol when your wife was the social secretary to lyndon johnson. tyler: that's correct. on eisenhower, the following --
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brian: if you just these together and hear those kinds of comments about people, you would think that everybody that is in politics is playing to a different -- [laughter] i'm glad that he didn't endorse that. halle would say that is interesting. brian: but you didn't edit anything out of the diary. i left that as you
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pointed out, there was an awful lot of that in there. some got lost out, not because it was the wrong thing to say. brian: how did you go about getting this volume published, which is 41 years after the first volume? how hard was it? tyler: it was very hard. i had a lot of trouble finding a publisher. i was thankful that the university of nebraska agreed to publish it. they used their potomac imprint rather than the university of nebraska. but it is the university of nebraska that is publishing the book. brian: and why did they do it? did they tell you in the end? tyler: no. i wasn't asking any questions. i said, let's go. i didn't think there would be any problem finding a publisher. but that goes to show you how little i know about the
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publishing business, which has changed dramatically since the first volume was published. brian: you have marked up a lot of quotes in your book. is there anything that you want to put out of there, that you particularly want to get into this discussion? tyler: i think you are doing great. i wouldn't interrupt you for anything. brian: there is a whole exchange -- tyler: if you did all those, you would have to give me a couple more hours. brian: what is it as you are going through with this that interested you the most? tyler: i would ask myself that exact same question. i never got an answer because you can open to any page and there is something interesting there. and even though it was 48 years it -- you know, you read it and you say, gosh, that's fascinating. brian: james forestall was secretary of defense and was
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asked to resign and was a sick man and was put in bethesda hospital and then committed e, jumping off the 16th floor. pearson or dodrew you think that he played in james forestall's life? tyler: that's a great question. yoush that i could give some real insight into it. but drew was very despond and about that. -- despondit about ent about that. he was accused of making forestall of committing suicide. i don't think that was the case at all. you can write a column about
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anybody and say anything and have them commit suicide. forestall was a strange fellow. strangert stranger and . finally began quite literally having hallucinations. so he was put in bethesda hospital. bethesda naval hospital it was called then. he went off the deep end completely. i think what should have happened is that the military should have taken better care of him. they knew he was sick. brian: his one last quote. this is on page 690. 1969, march 9.
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brian: how would you sum up the way drew pearson felt about the kennedy's overall? drew was -- the people that drew was really close to had real affection for, you could tell. i don't think he was close to or had real affection for the kennedys. and it probably goes back to joe , who didjack's father
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some things that drew disapproved of. he admired jack kennedy. but as he told jack kennedy himself, he said, you know, you would never have gotten elected on thevenson put you ticket in 1966. you would have been just another defeated vice presidential candidate and you would never have been able to be covered -- to recover and become president. i'm not sure that he was right about that. interesting that he would say it. brian: where do they keep the archives of all the columns written by drew pearson? anywhere? tyler: i'm glad you asked that. that is very interesting. anybody that wants to can get
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them at american university. american university has them all can go online and pull up a column. the first column was november 1932. and the last column that he probably july, june or july 1969. but then jack was writing them and jack continued. brian: and he died on what date again? tyler: september 1, 1969. brian: our guest has been tyler abell, stepson of drew pearson. the book is called "the drew pearson diaries: vol. ii." ,ublished by potomac books which is a function of the university of nebraska press. in the introduction is by richard norton smith. tyler: there are also very good
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quotes from different people who admired the book, including bob schaffer and cokie roberts and tom ritchie. brian: thank you very much. tyler: thank you for having me. i enjoyed it. ♪ [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> for free trade, word or to give us your comments about this program, visit us at broadcasts are also available as c-span podcasts. if you like this interview, here are some other programs you might enjoy. hume on his career. jack
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