tv Washington Journal CSPAN January 6, 2016 1:41am-2:31am EST
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i see america as my prayer mary -- as my primary home. i am proud to work for the government. i think there is a limit to how many times we can repeat that. articles was,rite i am a muslim but not an and cyclopedia on islam. every muslim having to defend this religion is unrealistic. it is exhausting having to repeat it and prove it every time. builta country that was on innocent until proven guilty here, and we consistently have caveats to that. line forhave a special muslim americans. we have a call on that line from new york, new york. caller: good morning. host: go ahead. you are on with manal omar. , i have oneomar question for you. that muslims are the victim of -- since 1000 years
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, you go and take over palestine. you tell me that 200 years, these crusaders destroying muslim middle east. tell me one muslim country from afghanistan to yemen which has not been victim of aggression by the europeans. then the americans came onstage. we thought it would be a new chapter in the history of will defendamerica the religious rights of the muslims. now in this country, think about that muslims are the most thisted entity since tragedy.
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how many muslims have to die? my main question to you is, why have muslims become apologizers? tell theey not americans, do not destroy the muslim word? you have killed the babies in the arms of their mothers leaving their country. thing, it was said that the germans are winning. we should help the russians. and russians are winning, we should help the germans. each otherhould help so there is not a single drop of blood left there. so as a community leader, do not become and apologizer. do not tell what the muslims should do. also tell what the americans
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should do. do not destroy the muslim word. thank you. i think that is a really important point. first of all, i do not represent the muslim community. i am a conflict resolution prison, and mediator. i am part of the muslim community, but i am not a leader. an impact and other muslim organizations, and i do not want to take their place. my specialty is conflict resolution and middle eastern africa. but as a member of the muslim community, i think every individual has a voice. i shared the agreement and terms of we are not apologists. that said, i have his eyes word of no excuses. part of it is taking responsibility. killed aspeople being of this islamic extremism, by the islamic state and boko haram and others. we have to react because we are
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the primary targets, the primary victims. just as i hear you in terms of not being an apologist, i would like to invite you about thinking about not being a victim. muslims are not victims it we have had occupation and colonization. i do not know of any country that has not. i do not like the term victim are the term victims of aggression. i think muslims are providers and active citizens of the communities they live. there is a history. i would not classify us as a victims. we have a voice and a stand and always find a way to step up it we have to stay true to our religion. we are born and raised in the thisl fact -- fabric of country. host: mainstream islam, who are the leaders of that, and how have they responded to isis, boko haram, who say they represent the true form of
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islam? some of the organizations were listed on the council of -- some of the organizations i listed, including care, have the largest gatherings globally for muslims in the world. institutions are trying to step forward and counter the voices. have across the country denounced isis and violent extremism. i will travel in two weeks to morocco for a conference on how to protect minorities in muslim majority countries. so you are seeing those who what i would consider to be muslim leaders and people representing the community very eloquently and very proactively talking against violent extremism within the community. i think that is their role. as an individual, i am part of the american muslim community, but my primary role is within conflict resolution. years, more the past 20
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doing development and peace building. i am always hesitant to say that i represent the whole community. i was not elected or appointed and i never applied for a job to represent the muslim community. i am just part of it. host: we have a call on our line for republicans. caller: i have a question. first, i want to say, wow, she is really well-schools. she has an answer for everything. but i have never seen so many muslims in this country. are they here legally? how did they get here? paying their way? who is building these mosques? where is all this money coming from? i did not know they were such wealthy people. another thing, a statement i want to make, she viciously attacked donald trump. donald trump is the only candidate that i have heard say
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that he loves america. muslims not hear the say they love america. they just want to live here, and they want to tell us how to live. this is our country. we are americans. we have a voice also. host: manal omar? guest: i mean, i do not think he is the only person to say he loves america. i think the actions of all the candidates say they love america. i am coming off as viciously attacking tromp. i am simply stating the effect he has on the community. i stand by that. i think his speeches are hateful. he has mobilized for violence. i say everywhere in the world that they go to that i do not think there is ever an excuse for hateful speech and incitement of violence. no circumstances should allow that to happen. i not an expert in terms of the history of how many numbers and
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how we came and what the per capita of the muslim community is, but i will say that it is known that most muslims in america are highly educated and high professionals. my father came from a small village where most of them work illiterate. he learned how to read right in the village he came from and palestine. he did software in the 1970's and was offered a phd scholarship to the u.s. that is how we came here. that was through hard work. to me, that is the american dream. someone from a small village who started playing with computers before they were even being developed and was able to be a value added to the u.s. was brought to this country, so he gave a lot. maurice is waiting in south carolina on our line for independents. caller: good morning. ,es, i wanted to ask manal omar , you have a lot of hate
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being directed towards muslims these days. she is a representative pretty much for the u.s. how many people do you represent within the organization, and are there enough of you guys to really be proactive and kind of tackle the balance of some of this hate and rhetoric that has been put out here around the united states and the world? the second question, going back to donald trump and the rhetoric he has been putting out across america, what are you guys doing about that in terms of channeling a lot of moves that he is making? this is his political base right now, and i do not see anything coming to a close with him using that rhetoric to push himself into the white house. guest: thank you. i think it is a really good opportunity to emphasize that the u.s. institute of peace, all
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our work is overseas. we do not do domestic worker it we are not part of any elections, and we do not side with any candidates. in terms of what is happening in the u.s., there is a tie with what is happening in the middle east. we are realizing that there are oldorders or states in the sense of them. there is this ideology spreading in terms of violent extremism. it is not limited to islam. we see it with the emergence of christian militias. in burma, there is conflict with the buddhists. violent extremists are emerging globally. in terms of my own personal activities, i am consistently looking for coalitions. i am a huge believer in what the american muslims are facing and what we are looking at with the upcoming election, it will be our chance to really address the structural violence of that is built into our institutions. muslims, particularly immigrant
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muslims, are the latest victims of that structural violence. again, i do not believe in victims spirit i believe in survivors. so they are taking this opportunity to build coalitions with lack lives matter and with communities across the board. that is my dream, that we're able to address that so it is andlast of the old system we are able to introduce new systems. i do not believe people are bad. i do not believe individuals are born to hate. i believe it goes into the way we run our institutions, which is pitting individuals against policeher, pitting against communities, pitting muslims against christianity. those systems are arcadia -- archaic. we have to be more united and peaceful. i think this is the beginning of that movement. gone tont middle has marginalized communities, and there is a recognition that they need to step forward, just like moderate muslims need to step
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forward. the more moderate and united people need to step forward. i think it has to get this bad for this to happen. host: on our special line for muslim americans, from omaha, nebraska. caller: what i see a lot in america is they get the word muslim and arab mixed up. arabs, andlims are not all arabs or muslims. my family are sicilians, but they are arab sicilians. that being said, when america has asked hears the word muslim, they think of arab mediterranean's, arab north africans, arab middle eastern spirit they do not put into their mind that there are plenty of white muslims are cries -- across america. there are plenty of muslims in the oriental countries, malaysia, india. i want to remind people, the
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last time we went to the extreme on race when we were talking like this, we ended up throwing all the japanese into internment camps during world war ii. but when america hears the word muslim, i do not find them putting an association with -- there are white muslims across the world. i am finished. host: manal omar? guest: thank you. that is a good point and one i tried to emphasize when i talked about the broad links in terms of muslims in america. i emphasize that it is really important that when we are making that description, there is not an attempt to say, by having white muslims, do not be afraid of us, because we are feeding the racial divide in america, that somehow white makes everyone else ok. and we have a problem of white privilege. we have a problem tilt into our institution. so many people he telling me to take off the scarf, and that
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saddens me. i pass for white. what is it that makes me safe by taking off the scarf? i think that is a little bit of a fearful statement. not that he was saying that. host: when did you hear that statement? .uest: recently even from my own family, they have said to take off the scarf because we are worried for you. i will not lie, when i travel, i will wear a hat and try to blend in. but it is a scary statement that simply by taking it off, ipass and am no longer in danger. host: florida, line for democrats. .aller: good morning i was calling because you're speech,about trump's which is inflammatory. and you can do this. you can come on u.s. tv, and you
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can criticize donald trump, and there will be no repercussions. you cannot do this in arabia, ',ere they have the madras where they teach little children to hate america, where you have little children strapping bombs on them and blowing people up. you cannot talk about this in yemen or in kuwait. where is your speech for them? you know, we will deal with donald trump. i agree with you about coalitions, but the problem does not come from here. the problem comes from the middle east, and the middle east people come here -- i have personally sat in on some palestinians that were raising money for warfare. and the people that i was with were muslim.
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they were translating, and they stopped translating at a certain point. after we left, they told me what was said. this hate comes from the middle east, not from americans. very -- ians, this is don't want people to come here and tell us not to have open speech. guest: absolutely. i am with you on the open speech part. you packed a lot of things into that statement it one thing, i am american. as american, i am not saudi, kuwaiti, syrian. it is difficult for me too, as a citizen, criticize another nation. as a conflict resolution specialist, a specialist in the middle east, you can see my writing, and i'm very critical. i'm also very proud.
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i often say that as an american muslim woman, i would not want to live in any other country than america. i was raised in south carolina, and i stand by that statement. until this very moment -- if donald trump is elected, i do not know what i will be saying, but until this very moment, i cannot imagine being anywhere else. i love the constitution, even though it took a long time to implement some of the ideals in it, it is there. freedom of speech, freedom of religion. a generalist asked me why i do not take off the scarf, and i said it is not about religion, but it is to protect american values of freedom of religion. i put my life in danger every day for this country. that is who i am representing, the u.s. government. that is who i hold accountable. it is important we hold our political leaders accountable. that said, i have been in terms of meetings in jerusalem, kabul, baghdad, and benghazi that have
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been 100% useful, and there was frustration on the international community only inviting armed people to the table and not inviting the peaceful activist for negotiations. the international community -- liggett syria and libya. who are we inviting to the table? it is militia arms people. we are not talking to the peace activists in the israeli civil society, and there are many. we're talking to extremists and separatists. i will choose to talk about where i am, which is emphasizing global coalition for her about muslims and arabs, and there is a false look at the middle east. we have all the religious spirit we have ancient religion spirit we have the his cds. we haven't such diverse religions and diverse ethnic groups -- we have the hazidis.
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armenians. such diversity that arab and muslim is just one small part of the rich list of the middle east and north africa. host: back to the line for muslim americans. john has been waiting from abilene, texas. onler: yes, i want to touch basically white supremacy. you know, that donald trump can speak all this hate and cause all this confusion and all that and get all this media attention and run for the presidency. an honorable minister trying to uplift people that have been oppressed and still being open rest to this day. from welle it back browned to mike brown, and he is banned from the media. do you have anything on that? do not.nfortunately, i
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i do not know enough about that movement, so it is very hard for me to touch on that. on terms of what we are seeing, people with access to wealth, they are louder and are dominating the news stories. it is sad to see that within the debates, we are not having enough of real issues being discussed. we have real issues we need to be tackling within the u.s., and it is much more sensational. those who have wealth and axes are dominating the conversations and dominating the national narrative. in terms of the next question, i do not know enough to give more on that. host: if you want to know more about the u.s. institute of peace, it is >> on the next washington journal, we'll discuss the p's actions on gunns and representative bradley bi recross examination ne of
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television for serious readers. c-span takes you on the road to the white house. this year our student cam documentary contest asks students to tell us what issues they want to hear are the presidential candidates. follow c-span's road to the white house coverage and get all the details about our student cam contest on the rules committee debated rules to remove federal funding for planned parenthood. they heard from witnesses from support and opposition of the bill. pete sessions chairs the rules committee. this is just under two hours. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy.visit] [captioning made possible by -- is channel]
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two hours. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] >> i swam 18 beautiful miles. took up swimming. and i survived. today's rules committee will consider the senate amendment to h.l.-3062 restoring america's health carefree dom reconciliation act of 2015. h.r.-712, the sunshine for regulatory decrees and
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h.r.-1155 the scrub act of 2015 . as we know, we have been debating something called obamacare now for years and years, and it is the most significant intrusion into the physician-patient relationship that our nation has ever experienced. it is the number one reason why jobs are being diminished all across this country. health care costs are increasing , and plans have been canceled despite promises from the very beginning and even today of lower costs. has lived up to the bill of sale. reconciliation bill today. we are point to talk about another opportunity for congress to halt the increasing premiums and economic stranglehold that this piece of legislation have on our country and that has
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placed on our economy, and we are paving the way for a patient-centered, market-driven proposal. this will save taxpayers as a estimate, $317.5 billion of the government funding of planned parenthood. i recognize what we are doing here today, not everybody agrees with. the committee will also consider addressing outdated and burdensome regulations, hr 712, foruding measures transparency and accountability within the federal regulatory process. closing a loophole that has both regulatory plaintiffs and agencies to use litigation as an excuse to enact word in some and costly regulations that are opposed by the public and place undue burdens on business and economic
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development and economic growth. the growing address burden of regulations by creating a blue-ribbon commission to identify existing regulations that really need to be repealed. i want to thank chairman price for being here today. congressmane have yarmuth with us. there have been a lot of hearings on all of these issues, and there has been lots of time for people to take a look and see what we are doing. you are hered before we divert to our two solid witnesses. i would like to talk to the ranking member as he so chooses. representative: thank you, mr. chairman, and i wish you a happy
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new year. i was happy to be back until i saw what was on the agenda today, and the idea that we're going toward the 62nd time to repeal or otherwise undermine the affordable care act does not seem like a good way to bring in the new year, but i understand election season, and i think my republican friends are looking for some red meat. serious effort, as we all know. this is not going anywhere. the president will be to this, but nonetheless, because it is important for you to get the president to veto it, we are going through this exercise. a serious effort, you would have at least offered an alternative, but under this will, you mandate yourself to come up with an alternative, but you do not have one in this rail, and for good measure, you throw in land parenthood defund the, which seems kind of strange
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because you just past and appropriations arm of this bill that republicans voted for that continued funding for planned parenthood, and now we are coming back and have another effort to defund planned parenthood, another political boy, but we have to get through this as quickly as possible and , notaste taxpayer money prolong this unnecessarily, so with that, i will yield back my time, and we will move forward here. the gentleman yields
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back his time, and i am pleased to see tom here, and our stenographer, we will see if she speaks kentucky. the young chairman of the budget committee is recognized. mr. price: thank you for allowing me to present from the budget committee. i also want to wish everyone a happy new year and look forward to a productive 2016. piece of significant legislation and an important piece of legislation, and it will be the first time we can pass some legislation that can do the wishes and accomplish the goal of the american people, and that is the repeal of obamacare and put that on the president's desk, the first time that has happened since the passage of this legislation, so i think this is an exciting opportunity that we have to truly represent our constituents across this land. this represents months of work in several committees and the thousands represents
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of families, doctors, health care providers who are experiencing firsthand the harm being cost five obamacare. it is harming the accessibility of care and the quality of care and the affordability of care and, as you mentioned, the great economy of this nation. under obamacare, families are facing higher premiums and higher deductibles, and we have constituents call us almost daily. they are paying more for health insurance that provides fewer choices and less access to the positions they want to see and the treatments they want. employers are finding more difficult to provide coverage for their workers, and millions of americans have been added to a medicaid program that in many cases leaves beneficiary struggling to find the doctors and the treatments they require and that burdens states with a one-size-fits-all from washington. the status quo in the american health care system right now, a status quo that is doing real harm to real people.
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why we arecisely here, to provide relief to the american people from the more coercive parts of obamacare while paving the way for patient centered solutions to the challenges in our system. repeals nearly one trillion dollars in obamacare taxes, including the medical device tax, which is a direct threat to the qualities and improvements we need. lemonade's the employer mandate penalties as well as the bill rolls back the medicaid expansion, which has really only added millions of americans to a system ill-equipped to support those already in the program. it repeals the subsidies and tax credits, which has failed to control and has exacerbated an increase in coverage costs across the country, making that coverage less affordable and accessible to millions of americans. both of these components would be on a timeline to allow for a new set
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of reforms that will make the purchase of health insurance financially feasible and do so in a way that gives individuals and families and employers the power to choose the type of coverage they want for themselves, not that washington forces them to buy. hr 3762 would also halt funding for abortion providers while increasing, mr. chairman, increasing funding for community health centers so as to provide increased access to care for women across this land. this legislation represents a good-faith effort to repeal as much of obamacare as possible under the constraints inherent in the reconciliation process. not be heree would today discussing how to conclude the reconciliation process had congress not successfully adopted a bunch of resolution agreements for fiscal year 26. >> without a budget, there would be no reconciliation process. a successful budget process is address to allow us to the most difficult challenges to this country, and obamacare and
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the damage it is doing to the american people's health care as well as the american economy is certainly one of those tremendous challenges that we race. while this bill would lift the burden of obamacare, it is only the first step, the first step to achieving a better outcome for the american people. repealing obamacare would end the harm it is causing, but it will not fix what has failed our health care system for years, and to that end, we must and will look for an approach that will put patients and families and doctors in charge of health care decisions and not the there are many positive solutions out there, and many have been introduced in this congress, and i look for to the house bringing a packet of solutions forward this year, so why we're here today to discuss legislation to repeal obamacare, we must not lose sight of the ultimate goal, which is to improve the system so that all americans have the financial wherewithal to purchase the kind of coverage that they want for themselves and for their
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families so that those with a bad diagnosis, a pre-existing illness, or injury will have access to polity, affordable care, so that other positions and health care providers across our land and the innovators across our land will have the freedom to provide for their patience and provide better for thets, so thank you opportunity to address this committee, and i look forward to this bill going forward. chairman: chairman price, thank you. the gentleman is now recognized. chairman, ranking member, and members of the committee, and also, happy new years to all of you. it is a pleasure to be here and an honor to be here to speak about hr 3760 two and a legislation to dismantle the affordable care act and to defund planned parenthood. as you all know, this will be the first new session of congress, and i hope it is not a precursor of what we can expect in the weeks ahead. this legislation does not take on federal programs that are reform,nd badly needing
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like our immigration system, our campaign finance system, or our judicial system, for example. instead, it seeks to dismantle programs that are working and programs that are helping american will get the health care they need. the affordable care act has helped expand health coverage to millions who needed it, lowered it,s for those who receive as close to affordable care being considered a right and not a privilege only enjoyed by a select few. no places is working better than in my home state of kentucky, where our previous governor embraced the many benefits of the affordable care act, including medicare expansion, and it has been considered among the most successful in the nation. we have seen rates statewide cut by more than half, and in my district alone, the uninsured rate has dropped by 81%. pretty astounding. than 20,000wer uninsured people in my congressional district of 725,000.
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let's compare those a few numbers to what the cbs says about this legislation. according to the congressional budget office, enacting hr 3762 would increase the number of people without health insurance coverage relative to current protections by about 22 million people in most years after 2017. the office goes onto say that such an effort will result in a less healthy population in the nongroup market, correspondingly theer average premiums, and cbo as when you look past the 10-year score, the effect of the legislation on deficits becomes time.singly negative over so this legislation would increase the number of uninsured by 22 million, result in an all-around less healthy public, and produced higher premiums for those still lucky enough to have increasing the deficit, the federal deficit, over the long-term. other than that, it's like a
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great idea, but that is not all. this bill also defund planned parenthood. i am a former member, a of plannedhere, parenthood, and i have seen how important planned parenthood is at the people those organizations serve, and they served a lot of people. which inization on served as a board member, that organization of planned parenthood did not provide abortions. solid,y did was provide basic health care, gynecological, of static health care, family planning and basic onlth care, and we helped average of 5000 of them every year. nationally, more than 5 million onen and young people rely planned parenthood for health care services. one of five american women have received care at a planned parenthood facility. that isn 90% of preventative, including ob/gyn services, life saving cancer
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screenings, testing for diseases and infections, and other important health exams, and anyone who suggests that are already overburdened community health centers can simply absorb millions of patients should planned parenthood be defunded doesn't understand how our health care system works. even the director of the health care association called that proposal ludicrous. just thatt stop with proposal. this whole bill is ludicrous. it is not a serious approach to working with the affordable care act, and like the other 61 attempts to dismantle the aca, it has no chance of becoming law. i know groundhog day is a month away, but this is like being in ." movie "groundhog day with that, i yield back. chairman: thank you. chairman price, you have for years and years devoted your be patience that you have served. you were a position, and your service to the united states
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congress and the people now as a member of congress and as the chairman of the budget committee. way thatlieve in any there is a great way to serve people at a lesser cost and give people what they want, or do you think we are just going to throw people out on the street? that,ice: i appreciate mr. chairman. there are many options we have that would respect the principles of health care that most people hold dear regardless of their ideological stripe. coverage that is affordable and that is of the highest quality. the reason we oppose obamacare is not due to the people who proposed it or if friends on the other side of the aisle past it. we oppose it is it is doing great harm, and i look
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forward to a robust debate as we move forward over the next couple of years to come fort with the replacement bill for obamacare, which is why this bill, this proposal we have today would not enact many of the changes we have until those solutions are put in place, so we have got so many opportunities to address the issues where patients and families and doctors are making these decisions and not washington, d c we do not need washington making decisions for patients, and that is a core principle that the american people hold dear. chairman: mr. price, dr. price, there are apparently some financial problems associated across the country with, if i can call it, co-op, if that is have reachedm that their zenith or apex in being able to charge before losing. what is that status? mr. price: these are the exchanges that were put in place, and the states are trying to pull people together and provide coverage for folks, many
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of who before had coverage through their employer, and their employer pulled out of that coverage because of the distance active in obamacare, and many of those exchanges -- isfact, the one in kentucky having challenges, and my friend from kentucky, what he fails to say is that the insurance premium rates increased under a obamacare by 25%. his own state. premiums are up. deductibles are up. i get calls from my former position calling's almost weekly, telling me that patients in their office are now electing because theyre cannot meet their deductible. if you are a man or a woman out there, a single mom, a single dad out there, and you make $30,000, $40,000, 50 thousand dollars, and your deductible is $10,000, which is routine now on -- under a obamacare, you might have coverage, but you do not have care because you cannot
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afford to make the deductible. this is not the thing to do for the american people, and, again, i look for the debate for patient centered solutions that we will bring forward this year. and the last point is we continue to discuss with this issue, and you have to guess about how much you are going to make, and if you guess wrong, he oh more money. that will create a problem. the employer and the participant, the family and lastly, boy, if anybody has got a disabled child, get ready. get ready. it is -- it would not be a chosen plan. price: mr. chairman, you know about that better. chairman: yes, i do. >> i would like to respond about kentucky because our co-op had
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problems. our exchange has not had problems. year $60n his first million, and at that point, congress cut the subsidy that was put in place to help support these co-op, because they were getting -- they knew they were going to get adverse populations. they will they were going to get the sickest population, and congress cut that subsidy. in the second year of the co-op, they were actually on pace to break even. they were losing $4 million, and they are on pace to make money. and because of the lost subsidy, they had to go out of business. our exchange is alive and well. our exchange has seven offering coverage
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. >> thank you very much. we do need all the facts. and it is fair to point them up, not just from your perspective but from the perspective that made me, if you like it and it works for you, great. but we should not require people to go to it. >> well, mr. chairman, that's exactly what my former governor recognized, that we had the opportunity to customize kentucky's system to help kentucky's people. >> well, get ready, there will be a package near us soon, and dr. price is well aware of it and knows we're fighting one battle at a time. thank you. i am delighted that both of you
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have taken the time to come back. dr. fox? >> thank you, mr. chairman, i appreciate the time and our colleagues being here. i wasn't going to say anything but something mr. yarmuth just said -- well, it made my ears work up. you said the kentucky co-op was on the verge of making money, but congress cut the subsidy. not making that is money. that is taking advantage of hard-working taxpayer dollars given to something that is failing. and, then washington bails it out. makingr definition of
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money and my definition of making money are two entirely different things as long as the federal government will give you a subsidy, you are making money? removedjust how far from average life in this country some people in washington are. know, mr. yarmuth, i don't think you realize the termsdiction in those two . >> would you give me an opportunity to respond? >> ok. go ahead. let's see if you can dig out of this hole. >> all right. there was a program put in place for the aca recognizing that certain insurance companies because it was a new program will going to have very little experience in setting rates.
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therefore, some were going to spend their product too low. they did not know who was going to enroll in the program. particularly the programs that were nonprofit set up and a couple states. in kentucky, the nonprofit co-op said prices too low. they ended up getting an adverse selection of patients. the program set up in the aca was designed to accommodate that because it was recognized in the first three years there would be these situations and in order to get the insurance companies to participate, the government would help make up that disparity. that program was cut i 90% and many of the co-ops that existed around the country who had been in the same situation, getting the sickest patients, the most heavy-cost patient, needed that subsidy to stay alive. they were adjusting rates. raised case, the co-op
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their rates 20%. subsidy,t an ongoing it was basically over these first three years to try to soften the blow for some of them who were getting adverse selection. you might argue with the whole concept of setting that up, but a was not because there was duplicitous statement. the co-op was actually on its way to becoming a viable provider of insurance. >> with federal government money. >> not going forward, they dug a hole to do. they were supposed to get money but it did not appear and they felt they had to shut her doorstep. beyond that, we have a very competitive situation, kentucky with seven more insurers. no compensation be given to them and they are surviving quite well. >> dr. price, i want to let you speak in just a second. but, you know, mr. yarmuth, you act like dealing with adverse
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