tv Key Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN January 7, 2016 6:40am-7:01am EST
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of the education and work force committee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. mr. bone mee -- ms. bonamici: i rise in opposition to this legislation that would put medical treatment beyond the reach of most americans. passing this legislation could result in roughly 22 million more americans living without health insurance. these are single parents, struggling to cover basic necessities. young adults trying to -- trying to launch their careers and start families. and hardworking couples for whom the cost of insurance won't fit in the monthly budget. without affordable health care these americans will be facing perpetual fear, fear that they need to cheese between paying for housing or food or getting treatment. fear that any ill nks could lead them to bankruptcy. to make it worse this bill defunds planned paraphernaliahood which would undermine access to reproductive services and health screenings for women. that's not only wrong it's
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counterproductive. it's wrong that at the start of a new year, we're debating a proposal that would make the lives of our friends and neighbors less secure. i hope my colleagues will acknowledge that this bill is irresponsible and join me in voting no. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the gentleman from maryland reserves. the gentleman from georgia. mr. price: i'm pleased to yield to the gentleman from georgia, mr. allen. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. allen: thank you, mr. chairman, thank you for your great work on this important legislation. i rise in support of h.r. 3762, the restoring americans' health care freedom reconciliation act of 2015. this legislation will dismantolba macare and defund planned parenthood. is bill guts obamacare's individual and employer mandates and repeals the costly cadillac and medical device taxes. it protects society's most innocent, the unborn and also
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provides additional funding for community health centers so women can continue to have access to the quality care they deserve. we need to expand patient choice. we need to give the american people choice. we need to make health care more affordable by offering patient centered and cost effective reforms and most of all, we need to give a voice to the voiceless. this is a heroic -- a historic moment. after passing the house today, the bill will go straight to the president's desk. and president obama will be forced to vote on repealing obamacare and defunding planned parenthood for the first time. he will have to choose between dismantling a costly and disastrous law and preventing disregard for human life or protecting his own political legacy. colleagues in the house, please join me and vote in favor of restoring the americans' health care freedom reconciliation act of 2015. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from georgia reserves. the gentleman from maryland. mr. van hollen: i'm pleased to yield one minute to the jet from
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oregon, mr. schrader. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. schrader: after drafting and passing a deficit busting debt and budget bill last month, my republican colleagues want to get some of that back on the backs of middle and low income americans. these are people struggling to recover from the great recession. they're having trouble staying afloat and now lose access to affordable health care. it's irresponsible. i don't get it. the affordable care act gives millions a hand up, not a hand ut, to afford health care. families are put in the driver's seat and are seeing good results. this is something we've done in oregon far long time. mr. speaker, i don't understand why we want to create greater uncertainty for small businesses trying to do the right thing by their employees by eliminating the small business tax credit like my republican colleagues want to do today. rather than waste time on distractions like this, we
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should be coming together and build certainty around the basic american right of a shared responds -- responsibility health care system. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from maryland reserves. the gentleman from georgia is recognized. mr. price: i'm pleased to yield one minute to a diligent and productive member of the budget committee, the gentlelady from missouri, mrs. hartzler. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. mrs. hartzler: obamacare is hurting people by reducing choices and making it harder for people to access quality, affordable health care. that's why i'm proud to stand here today to support a bill that dismantles key provisions of health care and paves the way for better health care solutions. the restoring american's freedom health care reconciliation act stops the government from forcing citizen buying expensive health plans they don't want. it saves americans money by eliminate manage of the obamacare taxes. additionally, it stops funding
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for abortion providers like planned paraphernaliahood. they receive over half a billion taxpayer dollars a year even though it's been voed in the harvesting and selling of baby body parts. it is time to stop all tax dollars flowing to abortionists and redirect it to health care providers who care for women without taking innocent life. congress is listening to the people's calls. now it will be up to the president to decide, does he support the people and women's health? or does he support washington mandates and tax dollars going to planned parenthood? i urge the president to do the right thing and sign this into law. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. the gentleman from georgia reserves. the gentleman from maryland. mr. van hollen: i'm pleased to yield one minute to the gentlelady from texas, ms. jackson lee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. jackson lee: i thank the gentleman from maryland for his leadership and i thank my good friends on the other side of the aisle. but mr. speaker, i now understand what the issue is.
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we're talking apples and oranges. my friends on the other side of the aisle don't care about the 2013 at in 2011, 18%, rather, 18% of unemployed americans were uninsured and in the state of texas 28%, california, 23%, georgia, 22%. now we're at a point where we've lowered that amount and now we lowered the uninsured rate in this clint to 11.9%. those are vulnerable americans, women and families of we also don't seem to understand when our constituents talk taos about premium, all we need to do is do the constituent a service and show them the direction into the marketplace. in shopping around you can lower your premiums. but the real issue is whether or not we care about making sure those with pre-existing conditions can actually get health insurance. that those in medkear can actually protect the medicare system and make it insolvent in 2030 instead of 2017. the other question is, does this
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bill even have a plan? is an alternative health care plan that the republicans have put in the budget reconciliation? no they have not. and then they want to take away planned parenthood. this is not about disliking planned parenthood. it's telling women they don't have a choice to choose their own doctors and that's what they're doing when they defund planned parenthood. mr. speaker, apples and oranges. they're audiocassette talking one thing, i'm talking about saving lives and helping americans keep their health insurance. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. the gentleman from georgia. mr. price p.c. i'm pleased to yield one -- mr. price: i'm pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman, mr. smith. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. smith: planned parenthood dismembered or chemically poisons a baby to death every two minutes. killing over seven million innocent children since 1973. planned parenthood is child abuse incorporated.
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now under cover -- now undercover videos have exposed in numbing candor several high level planned parenthood leaders gleefully talking about procuring children's internal rgans for a price, all while offering gruesome procedures to harvest intact hearts and lungs from baby. far too many, including our noble peace prize winning president and much of the media continue to ignore, trivialize and defend these gross human rights abuses. so know this. we will not be deterred in exposing planned parenthood's scandal, no matter how aggressive and misleading the coverup. end taxpayer funding to those who commit these cruel and inhumane acts. end the subsidy for planned parenthood. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back his time the gentleman from georgia reserves. the gentleman from massachusetts.
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>> the gentleman from tennessee is recognized for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. cohen: we ended the 2015 congress working together. a tax extender that gave relief to medical device folks and an omnibus bill. but we're back to there we go again. taking health care away from people and taking planned parenthood which gives people who are poor and live in areas where there's not other health care opportunities, taking away from them the opportunity for preventive health care. the last time it was tried in tennessee, it was a 1,400% cut in women getting preventive care. that's not right. we just came from hanukkah and christmas and we ought to think a little bit about what hanukkah and christmas were about and what moses and jesus would be about, they'd be about saving lives and giving everybody an opportunity to live, not patient-cent rick health care but people living and getting
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health care like every other civilized, industrialized country in the world provides for their people. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from maryland reserves. the gentleman from georgia is recognized. mr. price: i'm pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from arkansas, mr. westerman. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. westerman: thank you for your leadership. today's a good day for america because we will finally send this bill to the president's esk. mr. speaker, i have constituents who used to have health insurance but no longer do because their premiums are too high. now they have no insurance and the only thing to show for it is a fine from the i.r.s. medicaid expansion is a blueprint for single-payer government-run health care. as an engineer i can assure you if you start with a bad
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blueprint you get bad results. instead of expanding medicaid for able bodied working age adults, we should fix the broken medicaid who need it, the disabled, elderly and children. there were 32.8 nondisabled americans between the ages of 18 and 64 who were not working at all. more than they need medicaid expansion, they need pro-growth economic policies that will foster good jobs so they can simply work and provide for themselves and their families. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from georgia reserves. the gentleman from maryland is recognized. mr. van hollen: mr. speaker, i'm pleased to yield one minute to mr. neal of massachusetts of the ways and means committee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from massachusetts is recognized for one minute. mr. neal: so 62 times we have now voted to repeal the affordable care act. let me contrast what we're about to do in the next few minutes in a matter which democrats handled the
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prescription d part of medicare. we voted against it. we opposed it. we became the majority, and we improved it. that's the reality of legislating. we closed the doughnut hole. we took a very difficult piece of legislation, largely resisted on their side as well, became the majority and said, how can we singularly improve this legislation so that it has broad appeal for the american people, and today people take it for granted. they just accept the idea that the prescription drug bill works for all members of the american family. instead, 62 times to repeal this for the purpose of political messaging with no alternative ever provided once. so i hope the media members will use the contrast that i just outlined about the prescription legislation, part d of medicare, and what republicans are doing once
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again today with no hope other than trying to win political points in messaging. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from maryland reserves. the gentleman from georgia is recognized. mr. price: thank you, mr. speaker. may i inquire as to the time remaining on each side please? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia has two minutes remaining. the gentleman from maryland has three minutes remaining. mr. price: i'll reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia reserves. the gentleman from maryland is recognized. mr. van hollen: thank you. mr. speaker, may i inquire if you have any further speakers? mr. speaker, we finished the debate really where we began which is that on this first day back of 2016, we're really revisiting, as mr. neal and others have said, the battles of the past. we heard from the republican leader, mr. mccarthy, that they had worked hard for this day. we know from the congressional budget office the nonpartisan director of the congressional budget office that apparently
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what our republican colleagues worked so hard to do was to take affordable health care away from 22 million americans. at the same time, we heard all sorts of misinformation and distortion on this floor about planned parenthood, which is an organization that provides women, their families with health care, provides cancer screenings, provides family planning. even the republican chairman of the oversight and government reform committee, mr. chaffetz, investigated planned parenthood aid on national television when asked whether there was any evidence that planned parenthood is broken, "no, i'm not suggesting that they broke that law." in fact, that was the finding of other committees here. and yet our republican colleagues have now set up a witch-hunt special committee to go after planned parenthood. ironically, they claim to be
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doing an investigation but here on the floor they obviously already reached a conclusion and decided to defund an organization that helps american women and families. so rolled into one bill, you have something that would deny access to health care to 22 million americans and at the same time deny important health services to millions of american women and their families. so when our republican colleagues pose this question and say the president is going to be faced with a tough choice, i can assure them it's not a tough choice for the president because it's not a tough choice when it comes to whether or not we take health care, affordable care away from 22 million americans. that should be an easy choice for all of us. we're not going to do it, and it shouldn't be a tough choice as to whether or not we defund planned parenthood and the services they provide to american women and families. that's not going to be a tough choice for the president, and
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so the republican leader was absolutely right when he talked about the consequences of the 2016 elections, because we are fortunate that today we have a president who will not sign instead veto will that bill. and our colleagues are absolutely right, if you had a different president, including many -- all of them as far as i know on the republican side, they would be signing this bill. so this -- this is an important statement of what our republican colleagues think is the top priority on the first day of 2006, which is to get rid of affordable health care for 22 million americans. so let's talk about that to the american public because i neal that what mr. said, where we find problems and we need to make adjustments, we should do it, but we shouldn't turn back the clock and deny affordable care to millions of americans. thank you, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from georgia. mr. price: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, it seems whenever we have a serious issue to talk about on the floor, the distortions and utter false statements come out and that's a shame because the american people deserve better. obamacare is harming real people, not just from an economic standpoint across this great land but from a health care standpoint. and as a physician, i can tell you i hear about it daily from my colleagues. we hear from the other side, folks tout the numbers of increased folks who have gained insurance. the fact of the matter is folks that gained insurance and those that had insurance, many of them now have coverage but they don't have care. if you earn $30,000, $40,000, $50,000 and your deductible is now $5,000 or $10,000 or $12,000, you may have coverage but you don't have care. and in fact, individuals are denying themselves treatment right now because they can't afford the deductible because of this law. that's the real world out there. that's the harm that this law's doing.
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we heard over and over and over that we want to remove coverage, health care to 22 million people. that's utter nonsense, mr. speaker. absolutely not true. in fact, my friend from maryland quoted the c.b.o. report and he quoted it accurately but he skipped over, kind of glossed over the part that said that this would be relative to current law projections. that's right. we want to repeal this law and we want to replace it with positive, commonsense, patient-centered solutions that puts patients and families and doctors in charge of health care, not washington, d.c., that respects the principles of health care, accessibility for everybody, affordability for everybody, choices and higher quality care. the things that obamacare has destroyed. that's why the majority of the american people don't like this law, oppose this law, it's because it destroys the principles of health care that the american people hold dear. mr. speaker, this is the next step, the first step and the next step in the process to
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repeal obamacare and make certain that we move forward with positive, patient-centered solutions for patients and doctors that are making medical decisions and not the federal >> "washington journal" is next. they debate a bill on settlement agreements by government agencies. coverage on >> coming up, we talk to south thelina congressman about house votes to repeat the health care law which president obama says he will veto. congressman of arizona discusses standoff andlitia federal land management issues. later we get an update on between iran and saudi
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arabia over the execution of the saudi government. the middle east institute and npr joins us. join the conversation on facebook and twitter. >> good morning. it is "the washington journal." they have passed a bill parts of the affordable care act. a bill that will make to the president's desk which the veto.ent is expected to two republicans voted against one democrat supported it. we want to talk tow and show you place about the bill on the floor of the house. we want to talk to you not only vote that took place yesterday which will end up in a bill going to the president's desk for the first time on the also your thoughts on the efforts to repeal the affordable care act. here's how you can call us
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