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tv   Question Time  CSPAN  January 10, 2016 9:37pm-10:01pm EST

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donald trump from the united kingdom, following his comments on muslims. has more than 560,000 signatures and the on january 18, 11:30 on c-span. follow students as they produce videos. and they were excited to hear ben carson. another from maryland said that and eric holder got the c-span video project.
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i was interviewed by students for the c-span project and there is 100,000 in projects. >> next, hillary clinton at a campaign event in new hampshire. baron, they executive editor of the washington post and another chance to see the questions from the house of commons. campaign event in new hampshire, hillary clinton was endorsed by the planned parenthood action fund. this is the first endorsement by the organization. we begin with the endorsement announcement and this is just
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under an hour. can we hear it for kelly robinson? i was back there with clinton kelly, she was like, do not
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touch. she organized this for us. doctor,o thank the good one of the heroes of the movement. i want to thank her and all of the members of planned parenthood every day. we also have some planned parenthood ceos today. we have the ceo of the advocacy fund from massachusetts. and, our very own alligator is here in new hampshire and we thank you for being here. there are a lot of incredible elected officials. thank you.
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the congresswoman is here. thank you. and carol porter congresswoman niki tsongas is here. and former congresswoman carol shea-porter. thank you for being here today with us. also, it is a point of personal pride we have two awesome and brave new hampshire executives -- [cheering] cecile: give it up for them. they are amazing. and we have so many state reps and state senators from new hampshire, two many to mention. thank you all for being here today. i'm really excited. i have been on campaigns pretty much my whole life, but i have not been this excited since the day 26th years ago on the capitol lawn in austin, texas when my mother declared that she was running for governor of the state of texas, and richard -- ann richards.
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i am so excited to be in new hampshire. are you ready to make history today? thank you. let's set the stage. planned parenthood was started nearly 100 years ago. the whole idea was to give women access to health care and the rights they needed to build their future. since then, women have made an norm is progress, and let me tell you, we are just getting started, my friend. we are almost half the workforce in america, more than half the college students. we are on congress, we are on the supreme court, and with your help, we are going to be in the white house, right? and i think it's really important because of why we are here today, women have made these gains because we have the right to plan whether and when
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we have children. it's absolutely fundamental to everything we can do. we are here to say we are not going back now. so, as you heard a little bit before, planned parenthood health centers all across america see millions of patients every year, from every single state including here in new hampshire. there is no more american institution in this country then planned parenthood. so, from claremont to derry to exeter to keene, women wrote about how they depend on planned parenthood every day. a woman who depends on it so she can finish school and plan her career. or a mother who goes to her annual checkup to planned parenthood because she knows she will get excellent, high quality, affordable health care, and one young woman are in manchester with a family history of cancer who goes and gets her peace of mind by going to planned parenthood for her annual breast exam. they are why we are here today.
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planned parenthood patients and staff and supporters come from every walk of life. they come from every single political persuasion. right? am i right? yes. they walk through our doors not to make a political statement. they are coming because they need the best quality care from the best medical professionals that is high quality and affordable without judgment and without shame, my friends. that is what we are about. [applause] so, as one of our patients from keene said, planned parenthood provides screenings that keep our population healthy and able to live free. isn't that what new hampshire is all about? absolutely. the planned parenthood action fund was created because the decisions made by officials, by congress, by presidents affect the everyday lives of women and
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their families. we saw this last week when the house of representatives voted one more time to eliminate millions of people's ability to go to planned parenthood for preventative care. you know the reason that bill will not go into effect? because president barack obama vetoed it the moment it hit his desk. the moment. exactly. that is why we need a friend in the white house. and thank you, president barack obama. [applause] that helps us know why the stakes have never been higher for women and families. over the past few months, as you have heard at community forums, planned parenthood action fund supporters have talked with supporters about what they want from the next president, and here's what we heard. they won a president who realizes access to health care is not a luxury. it is a human right. they also want a president who realizes being pro-choice actually means being able to choose to have a child.
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right? and a president who will fight for prenatal care and headstart and health care for kids and an excellent public education, right? because as someone famously said, it takes a village to raise a child. and they want a president who will stand up to the gun lobby and demand safety for kids in schools and folks in church and women who are going to get health care, no matter why. -- no matter what. [cheers and applause] and they want a president who will demand that no one be paid less just because they are a woman.
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we demand 100 cents on the dollar. and folks demand a president who will protect access to safe and legal abortion and is tough enough to stand up to anyone who would deny women the ability to make theirwn health care decisions. right? the good news is, you probably heard this year we have that candidate. i could not be prouder to say that the planned parenthood action fund is proud to endorse hillary clinton to be the next president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause]
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as i think you all know, in this election, with the attacks on women's health and rights, more than ever before, we don't need just a friend, a solid vote, a supporting statement. we need a fighter. it was hillary clinton who first said to the world that women's rights are human rights and human rights are women's rights, once and for all. here is the tough thing. there are some folks who still don't believe in that. the real problem is several of them are running for president of the united states of america. personally, i hope i live to see the day when i woman right to health care is embraced by republicans and democrats and independents and understand it is an american value. it is an american value. but one lesson from the recent republican debates is we have a lot of work to do. every single leading republican candidate for president has committed to destroying the
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progress that women have made. they have all about to ban safe and legal abortion. they have pledged to repeal the affordable care act, ending insurance coverage for birth control for 55 million women in america. and they have pledged to lock planned parenthood access, including cancer treatments and wellness planning. they have painted their vision for america and it looks a lot like the 1950's, and my friends, we are not going backwards. i mean, yeah. "mad men" is great entertainment, but i do not want to live in that series. the clinton has been fighting for women her entire life. as a young attorney advocating for victims of abuse, as first lady, helping to create the children's health insurance
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program which provides 8 million children in america access to health care. [cheers and applause] and as u.s. senator, she entered eight bills to expand access to reproductive health care, and that is eight more than anyone else running for president of the united states. no candidate has done more for women and families, for our health, rights, and our economic security. she is the leader i trust in the white house to make sure women and families move forward. as secretary of state, she put women's health care and rights at the top of the global agenda and she stared down some of the toughest dictators around the globe. i have no doubt she can stare down the gun lobby, the tea party, and anyone who would take away women's rights, because she
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never wavers. she never wavers. [cheers and applause] these last eight years under president obama, women have made huge advances. so, again, thank you, president obama for being a champion for women every single day. [cheers and applause] but we know it's donald -- if donald trump or ted cruz have their way, we will be back in the stone age and we can't go back there. this election is a showdown between those who want to build on the incredible progress we have made and the promise of the future, and those who want to rip it all away. and we have worked really, really hard together to get where we are today. it is unthinkable our granddaughters and our daughters could be facing a future where they have fewer rights than we do. is that right? make no mistake. this election will determine whether roe versus wade
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continues to be the law of the land, whether women and families make their own childbearing decisions, not politicians, and whether women can continue to seek care from planned parenthood. our pledge, hillary's pledge, is that planned parenthood's doors will stay open. so, that is why we are here today. that is why we are here in new hampshire are. -- here in new hampshire. we are here to make history. ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the united states of america, secretary hillary clinton. ♪ [cheers and applause] secretary clinton: are you guys ready to win an election? well, i sure am.
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i'm ready with your help and i am so honored to accept this endorsement of the planned parenthood action fund, and -- and as cecile just said, i have stood with you throughout my life and certainly throughout my career, and i promise you this. as your president, i will always
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have your back. we will work and fight together. this has been a pretty energetic and even an emotional afternoon, because you have heard so many great advocates, so many people on the front lines, fighting to preserve women's rights. i want to thank some of them. i want to thank the great mc, i want to thank donna burket, i want to thank natasha from brooklyn for her story. she is a patient advocate who has been a patient. i want to thank the student advocate from las vegas. i want to thank crystal from new hampshire who is also a patient and a volunteer both for planned parenthood and my campaign, and i appreciate both. i also want to thank the members of congress who are here -- ann kuster, niki tsongas, carol shea-porter, former and future member of congress from right here in new hampshire. i want to thank everyone associated with planned parenthood, from the board to the staff, to the supporters one
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and all, and i particularly want to thank your fearless leader cecile richards. [cheers and applause] there's a lot about cecile i really admire, and among the long list, when republicans demanded that she testified before congress, a not know what they were getting themselves into -- they did not know what they were getting themselves into. [cheers and applause]
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i know a little bit about this. it's one of my experiences with cecile, because for five hours republicans believed and bluster. cecile never flinched. she just told them the facts, and you know, a lot of the republicans are fact adverse. [laughter] secretary clinton: they did not want to hear any of that. they do seem to live in an evidence free zone.
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just like the republican candidates for president, and when it was over, i saw an interview where someone asked cecile, how did you do it? how did you stay so poised in the face of such breathtaking contempt for women's health, women's rights, women's dignity? do you know what her answer was? she says, when you are standing up for what is right, you keep going. and that's what -- [cheers and applause] that is what planned parenthood has done for nearly 100 years. it is certainly what cecile richards has done. she comes by that grit and determination from her wonderful mother, who i was privileged to know, and i wish ann richards could be here with us for this election. with new love to hear her give -- [laughter] secretary clinton: donald trump and ted cruz and the others a piece of her mind? oh, boy, so what i. [laughter] secretary clinton: you know, every election is important, but this one poses such a stark choice, and mistakes are so high. in january of 2017, a new president will walk into the oval office.
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america cannot afford for it to be a republican who will rip away all of the progress we have made. you hear them, you hear what they are saying, as the cellist for position. the same top-down policies that failed and led to the great recession. they don't even seem to understand what is going on in the lives of americans. whether it is economic policy or
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health care policy or foreign policy, they are so out of touch and out of date. this year, they succeeded in passing a bill to repeal the affordable care act and to defund planned parenthood, and the only thing, as cecile said, stopping them from making that the law of the land was president obama's veto pen. [applause] and every one of them had promised to sign such a bill, and you know what that would mean. when planned parenthood is threatened, the health of women and a lot of men, too, all across our country is threatened, just like here in new hampshire when the executive council voted to defund planned parenthood. without the affordable care act 19 million americans would lose their health coverage. insurance companies would be back in charge. they would be free to discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions, free to go back to charging women more for our health care than men. so, clearly we cannot let that happen. and therefore we need a democratic nominee who will be
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able to beat the republicans and get the job done for americans. i shudder to think about what the republicans would do if given the chance. we know any republican president would accelerate the assault on access to safe and legal abortion. and think about this. the next president could easily appoint more than one justice to be supreme court's. already the court is getting ready to consider a texas law that imposes burdensome and medically unnecessary requirements on abortion providers.


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